#danny: fucks something up for lorenzo
210mph · 11 months
even though he was raised in his family's crime organization, danny isn't too familiar with its politics and 100% just does what he wants more often than not. it might get him reprimanded sometimes for complicating things for lorenzo, but it's never anything significant enough to make him care and start learning the ins and outs better than he has. in danny's mind, he loves his family and is loyal to his family—and he'll do what he can to help—but his grandfather's business is his grandfather's business, you know? it isn't danny's. the only thing that truly matters to him is graham mechanics—and driving really fast. lorenzo is aware of this, though, and he almost expects complications on danny's behalf now, but he's his only grandson and although it may be in different ways now that he's grown man, he's still just as spoiled as he was when he was a child.
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formula1bby · 1 year
Dating Charles Leclerc Headcanons
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Just some soft bf!Charles headcanons
charles leclerc x gn!reader
Warnings: none that come to mind, just fluff
req?: yes/no
A/N: Hallo, it’s been a minute! I’m working on two fics rn (one Danny Ric x femaleequestrian!oc and one Carlos Sainz Jr. x femaledriver!oc) and I’m not sure when they’ll be out/start to be posted since I am v busy right now. I will post a teaser for the Danny Ric one later this week so keep an eye out for that ;) and I’ll post a teaser for the Carlos one sometime after that. In the meantime, I’ll try to post some hcs and smaller fics while waiting for those so if you have any requests, hop into my asks and let me know! Enjoy the hcs!
Everything about this man screams childhood friends to lovers to me!!! Like, you’re next door neighbors or desk neighbors in school or something and you just click instantly as kids
It was never a question of if, but when you and Charles got together and your families all had a running bet of when you two would stop being so blind to each other’s feelings (Lorenzo ends up winning the bet)
I feel like Charles would eventually accidentally let it slip how he feels for you while you guys are on a drive together with no destination in mind
Like, he would just look over at you without you noticing and just say under his breath “god, I’m so in love with you” without even realizing that he’s said it or that you heard him
But you heard him alright. You immediately look over at him and are like “what did you just say?????” Like, hello?? That’s your best friend and he just confessed his love for you?????????????
Charles is like a deer in headlights and is like “oh fuck I said that out loud” and spirals thinking that he’s just ruined your friendship
You just laugh and tell him “don’t worry, I’m so in love with you too” and he just lets out a sigh of relief
As soon as you tell him you feel the same about him, he grabs your hand with his free one and holds it for the rest of the drive (his palms are so sweaty but please don’t mention it, he’s nervous :( )
Once you two are dating, you decide to keep it private from the F1 community for the first few months
It was hard for fans to tell that you two were dating, although there was definitely lots of speculation, because you had always gone to every race weekend possible and given him a lil kiss on his cheek for good luck. Charles refused to race if you were there and didn’t give him his good luck kiss
You wanted to soft launch your relationship to the public (the team, your friends/family, and all of the drivers already knew about the relationship) and spent a long time explaining to Charles what soft launching was and how to do it
It was in one ear and out the other with him
He tried (not really) to soft launch but he just posted one of his favorite pictures of you and him and tagged you in the post
You definitely chew him out in the comments like “so much for soft launching this”
Fans love you though, they always had
You, like before, are always there for Charles whether he has a good race or a bad race
When he has a good race and/or wins, you are right there in the crowd, cheering as loud as you possibly can. To celebrate, the two of you go out and have a blast with your friends and order way too much food when you get back to the hotel
When he has a bad race, you’re there to console him immediately, reassuring him that he is every bit deserving of his place in the sport. You make sure you tell him when something isn’t his fault, but you never lie to him about how he drove. You’re brutally honest with him but still encouraging and always make sure he knows you will always be his biggest supporter, no matter what. The two of you order comfort foods and just sit and quietly eat and chat after bad races so that he can cool down. He will always talk to you about what he’s going through after he’s cooled off though, knowing that you just want to help
I’m realizing now that I haven’t talked about PDA with Charles, but I feel like he would keep most affections private, only kissing you after races and holding your hand when walking next to each other, but mostly it’s soft touches and words when you’re in smaller groups of friends and family
Overall, Charles is your best friend before and after dating and he is so willing to be emotionally vulnerable with you because of it
10/10 would recommend dating Charles Leclerc
There it is! hope you all enjoyed! Pls reblog and comment <3 See you all later!
Cazza out (^▽^)
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
i love you i stg :D thank you so much for indulging me
okay so this is gonna be long so under the cut and also imma just check the f1 ones bcs reasons xD
redredred has 9 (!!!) sunshines and they are:
He smiles, and laughs, and talks to everyone who comes to talk to him. His voice is hoarse, and he is tired, and he is happy, and he wishes it was daylight so he could see the sunshine for a moment. Not now, he thinks. The phone in his pocket vibrates, and vibrates, and vibrates. He doesn’t bother checking it; there is nothing he wants to see there.
Kimi’s laughter through the phone is the best sound Seb has heard in a long while. It makes his eyes water and his heart soar with affection, and for the first time maybe ever, there is nothing that Sebastian would change about their relationship, nothing more he wishes for. Sunshine peeks through the curtains of his window, and he smiles at it.
He is almost late for the post-race press conference. Silvia isn’t happy with him, but he can’t be bothered to care. He keeps smiling under his mask, grateful for the covid rules still in place, otherwise he’d just look like a fool. And if he drifts off in his mind a bit, thinking about the sunshine bound to wait for him in Australia, well. He’s charming enough to get away with it.
He exits the airport into the Melbourne sunshine, squinting behind his sunglasses for a taxi, when a yell of “Horatio! Horatio Harridan! Over here!” Sebastian is so surprised, he almost drops his luggage. He takes off his glasses and squints at the loud man waving very conspicuously, dressed in a gray hoodie and a black baseball cap, leaning against the door of a pick up truck, smiling widely, white teeth on display.
“Let’s get this show on the road,” Danny says as he moves away, and Seb can’t help but grin back fully, feeling just a little more optimistic about life. Then again, Danny was so full of it, it was difficult not to be infected with that sunshine disposition and devil-may-care attitude. Maybe I need some more of that in my life, he thinks as he settles into the passenger seat and starts bickering with Danny about the music. Maybe I just need a little more sunshine.
“It’s a good point to bring up in the meeting, maybe we need those black visors,” Carlos says, and Silvia acquiesces thoughtfully as she enters the rooms. Before they separate to go to their designated places into the meeting, Carlos leans in and whispers “You think about sunshine, huh,” with a knowing smile.  “Fuck off,” Charles whispers and goes to find his seat to the sound of Carlos’ booming laughter.
He wins the race. When he climbs the podium and raises the wheel trophy, the sun's reflection in it blinds him. He smiles at the sky and remembers. He wins the race, and when he wins the race, he feels that the sunshine is just for him, and him only.
princess diaries f1 version has four sunshines. so far :D im including paragraphs for context
Sebastian smells like sweat and something alcoholic, probably champagne, and that undercurrent of fuel and concrete and metal, dangerous and familiar, like Jules does, like the racetrack does, and he holds Charles close and whispers “Merci, Charles,” and Charles knows he’s blushing again, but he just says “Avec plaisir, Seb,” and then they separate and Sebastian is hugging Lorenzo and Jules too, and they’re talking about something but all Charles can think of is how this is the best birthday he’s ever had and the best day of his life and how he can’t wait to tell Pierre all about it. 
“Bye, Charles,” Sebastian says, turning to leave.
“Bye, Seb,” Charles waves, and closes his eyes, and smiles at the little ray of sunshine that manages to pierce the clouds and caress his face.
“No, I don’t think so. Most of them are older than me, and none of them are into racing. I do want to invite Pierre.” Lorenzo snorts.
“I think that’s a given,” he says, but it’s not mean. He looks - relieved. 
“Yes, well. Pierre, and maybe Este and Anthoine, because I haven’t seen them in a long time.” He turns to Arthur. “And if you want to invite some of your friends from karting, you can.”
Arthur’s smile is as bright as sunshine, and it makes Charles’ heart warm.
“What about Jules and I? Are we not good enough to go karting with you?”
Charles rolls his eyes at Lorenzo.
“I think that’s a given,” he says in an accurate imitation of Lorenzo’s words from before, and everyone laughs.
"Some things are bigger than us, Enzo, bigger than our plans and our hopes. Some stars burn brighter than others, and Charles, he burns as bright as the sun, no matter what he does. Even those who don't understand it feel it, and want to be near him. And when he finds another sun to collide with, it's going to be magnificent, and painful, and just about the most wonderful thing you'll ever witness in your life." 
"Just you wait, sunshine." He mumbles to himself.
"What?" Arthur asks, snatching Lorenzo from his reminiscing. 
Lorenzo smiles.
“I don’t only tell Jules things,” Charles says indignantly. Lorenzo snorts, then giggles, and Charles giggles with him, because yeah, that’s fair. 
“Well, he is my best friend, and I am your older brother, which honestly, may be a point for or against you telling me whatever is bothering you, but if I can, I would very much like to help,” Enzo says calmly. He’s licked a perfect shape of his ice-cream, and there isn’t a speck of dirt anywhere on him. Charles knows half of his ice-cream is going to end up either in the water, or somewhere on him.
The sea is stormy today, due to the rain from before, but there is some sunshine peeking out from the clouds. Charles hopes it stays, against all odds.
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OG GIRLS: where they’re at & where they’re going...
zara extential crisis calloway 
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when we get back to og...
she won’t be with danny because meg took him away for her. jk. they split when he went to get more help for his mental health and I feel like she definitely would have been supportive but you know it HURT her. since then, she’s gone back to letting just anybody use her in hopes that one of them might want to keep her around. obviously they rarely do but what else can she do about it? she’s still not talking to her dad, even though he’s probably smug as fuck about her not being with danny anymore.
just a HEAP of people who’re around to see her slip back into old zara ways; whether that’s friends who notice she’s out more, guys who take advantage of the situation and start sleeping with her etc. i feel like if this is going to be a low point, I might as well go all out with it.
sienna raddison 
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when we get back to og...
I'm going to hit reset on her, i think! she’s still an exchange student from diamond bridge but her main objective is to use the popular people in st judes to get her name out there more. she’s still going to have a few genuine connections but coming from her rough background where she didn’t have access to much, she almost always has her eyes on the prize and doesn't really care about who she steps on to reach it. 
public flings, short-term dates and friendships who will get her name out there. first, I think she’ll come off as a social butterfly but it’ll soon become very clear that she hops around and uses people for relevance where she sees fit.
soraya castillo-sparks
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when we get back to og...
I'm honestly going to say she took a LONG break from st judes and didn't go to any events and wasn't seen around town. i feel like everything she does constantly being compared to holly killed her passion for music/my muse for her. so, I'm going to say she just left and only kept contact with like julian, poppy, christelle, athena and hensley (and her family). her coming back will be her ‘don’t go yet’ era and i just want her back with a lot of energy and like OG soraya because she’s been down for the LONGEST time.
I'd REALLY love musicians she helps with song-writing. i feel like while she’s working on her own music, writing would definitely be something she’s passionate about too. on top of that, I'm just going to branch her out and get her healthier friendships to help me gain back the original Soraya energy she had when she first got here. 
ruby rosini
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when we get back to og...
ruby was in a pretty good place where i left off. unless fae says otherwise, the rumours about her potentially re-dating dallas will be flying around and obviously she’s come out of her relationship with rosalie. the one thing I will say is she’s probably in a place where she’s more positive towards ros and not as sad or down about it. i think she’d just be trying to move back into a good place and a productive lifestyle. when we get back, the positions era will be just starting because i didn’t do it enough justice...r.e.m beauty too! 
nothing major honestly? maybe some first and second years in music that she’s mentoring, not necessarily writing for but just helping them out where they need it. i’d also love some actors and musicians to be cast in the up and coming wicked movie with her even though it probably won't be until 2023? 
lacey i’m alive but i’m dead calloway
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when we get back to og...
she’s still going to be an absolute mess tbh and relying on lorenzo, parker and zara to make sure she doesn’t actually die for real this time. she’s still involved with marcus (ambers ex who she slept with when they were dating hjkf) not in a sexual way but he still provides drugs for her and she likes that he isn't invested in her enough to actually care. this is all under the surface though because she actually has a very good acting and stage career blossoming if you don’t look at her personal life too in depth. 
i feel like there are two sides to her life - the glittery, glamorous side which would be like coworkers and costars who have the pleasure of bubbly, hiding her real feelings lacey and then the dark, messy side. it might be people who realise she’s got an addiction or who just see her generally behaving in ways she shouldn't and maybe even tip-off the insider or hold it against her in some way, shape or form. 
janey powell
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when we get back to og...
no real dramatic shifts which sometimes makes me think she’s boring but i think because she has the trafficking story and her background is SO intense, it makes sense for her to crave familiarity and not be heading anywhere fast development wise. she’s still very dependent on wesley, harvey and annabel for support and keeps her close circle VERY small. she has just launched the first two books of Harry Potter and will keep doing so.
to shake things up a little, maybe a fan who has good intentions/genuinely loves her but the intensity might freak her out? i feel like that’d make her go in on herself/cancel appearances and signings etc. which could leave a lot of people very pissed off with her, especially people who don't know the full story.
ivy winters-brown
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when we get back to og...
kind of already pre-plotted with fae tbh and it’s mainly jude’s plot but I guess kind of effects her? :’) despite dating, ivy and jude have always come from different places on the social hierarchy with ivy being the school’s golden girl and jude being a wallflower. since they started dating, jude has been hanging out with ivy and her friends a lot (see stanley, nate, alani etc.) but things between him x stanley aren't great. of course ivy’s always and forever on jude’s sit but it does mean re-discovering where she fits into st judes socially. other than that, she’s continuing taking her dance career VERY seriously and is still competing. 
more people linked to her through dance and also friends who are like “lmao what?” about her relationship because ivy’s always dated jock types. I really do feel like jude x ivy are a cute couple but definitely don't make a lot of sense to their friends - especially because everyones young and therefore more judgy about stuff like that. anyone with potential friction there. more friends! exes! anything tbh.
imogen hamilton
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when we get back to og...
on an official ‘off again’ with nate. when we switch back, she’ll be prepping for her life support tour and really focused on music; the tour is 1000% funded and promoted by her dad’s label lmao. i feel like that isn't used enough in the role-play. when we left off, she was hooking up with harvey every now and again and will happily continue unless meg changes anything, it’s up to her! 
imogen’s current exes are nate and sawyer but I feel like she definitely has more than just two and they’re almost all messy so I'd love to develop that?maybe someone her dad decided to place on her tour as an opening act but they don’t instantly hit it off? they just have to pretend to be fans of one another for the cameras but there’s more to it? we can discuss...
florence hamilton
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when we go back to og...
meg correct me if I'm wrong but she’s STILL married to dom and nothing ever separated them. i feel like her eating disorder and trying to better herself and her personal health goals will always be a big thing for florence; obviously i'll never involve anyone who’s uncomfortable with that, but her anorexia is definitely going to be there. on top of that, feeling the pressure from family to live up to her potential and work her ass off with dance, that’ll still be going ahead and i definitely thinks fans and her friends will be able to see things aren't right. 
she doesn't really need new ones but I'm happy to offer her up! 
disney carmichael (hamilton, sorry.) 
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when we go back to og....
she had baby 3 in the beginning of december, just two months after the twins turned 1 years old. however, both she and brody are going back to the spotlight officially. the girls will be spending a lot of time with their parents and nannies while they start acting again and for disney, i think it’s MUCH needed to be honest. it’ll probably earn criticism for what kind of parent she is but if you know her, she won’t give a shit. in terms of madison dying, that’ll just be something you never, ever hear of her speak publicly tbh.
it’ll mainly be costars AND people working in her store. i’m going to have her be the director of tick, tick...boom! which will give me a chance to get her casting people i guess? everything’s going to be career based for her basically until further notice! 
bella sleeping with her teacher carmichael
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when we return back to og...
she’s still got MASSIVE daddy issues from everything that’s been happening with james. now that she knows joel likes her too, this girl is going to be out of control with how much she’s around him and i feel like it’s going to become increasingly obvious too. at the same time, her parents arranged for her to date lawson AGES ago and she’s still doing that to keep them happy but at the moment, they very much have a love/hate relationship.
a small group of friends who know about her and Joel as well as just people in general she’s friends with/her exes etc. etc.
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faemorningstar · 3 years
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#every time someone gets famous on here they either get ripped to shreds by their fans or they fall from grace as a result of their own hubri
My Top Posts in 2021
what's a comfort character
okay so @frxstguardian tagged me in a post about a week ago to list my top 5 comfort characters, and even after I asked, I still have no idea what a comfort character is. normally, my first reaction to seeing my favourite characters is to squeal in fangirlish glee, so the concept of a character that makes me feel "safe" is kind of... lost on me. is it a character that makes me feel safe just by their presence alone? is it a character that makes me return to the media they appear in to make myself feel safer during stressful times? or is it a character that simply thinking about makes me feel safe?
if I use all of these guidelines, I can come up with... a few.
these characters are listed in the order of how much they make me feel safe, then I'll go over the criteria.
1. My OC Connor: Nobody said that OC's don't count, plus if I didn't add him, I wouldn't even get up to three. I created him back in 2017, and he's one of the first whose character I explored in depth. His arc is about found family and finding his place in the world. He falls under the category of "simply thinking about this character makes me feel safer", because I've put so much my heart and soul into this character. he's been with me for so many years, he is my son and I love him so much.
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2. Lorenzo from Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race: let's get the cringe out of the way. I joined the TD fandom after a breakup, so I needed something to latch onto so I wouldn't fall into a deep depression. the year was 2015, and the Ridonculous Race was airing. I don't know why I chose Lorenzo of all the fantastic characters to fall head over heels for, but I love this boy for reasons I can't quite explain. he falls under the category of "a character that makes me return to the media they appear in to make myself feel safer during stressful times", and now that RR is on Netflix, I can watch my favourite boy whenever I want! he's stupid, funny and full of untapped potential; everything i like in a man. (also I made the sweetheart locket gif with him in it... I'm cringe and have no regrets.)
See the full post
8 notes • Posted 2021-08-18 06:49:13 GMT
i was watching the ridonculous race again because it's finally on netflix, i get to the Lord of the Ring Toss episode and
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16 notes • Posted 2021-06-27 10:19:03 GMT
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was watching the King Tuck episode of Danny Phantom, and uh...
I think someone at FreshTV may have been a fan of this show
but now I just headcanon that Izzy attends Casper High
19 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 08:48:44 GMT
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i’m going to fucking cry look at my son he’s so precious
58 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 05:27:05 GMT
Studying for my drivers test has made me understand why Danny went evil over the CATs
58 notes • Posted 2021-08-12 06:18:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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calliecat93 · 7 years
RvB Season 15: Top 3 Worst Things
With Season 16 only weeks away, I’ve been going back over Season 15 a lot the past few days. I’m very late to the party on giving critique because at first, I had zero issues with the season. And overall, I think it’s still a very good one. But... it’s not flawless. There’s definitely a few issues that could bring the season down for some and now that I ave a clearer mind, I can’t ignore it. But I also think that there’s plenty to praise about the season as well, so... I’m going to make two Top 3 Lists, starting with the Worst. Note, this post exists for critical reasons. This is not an attack on Joe, Miles, Burnie, or anyone at Rooster Teeth. There is no reason for it. I want to see Joe improve, not bring him down. SO if you want that, kindly fuck off. For now, lets get into the list!
...that got incredibly long so look under the cut!
Top Three Worst Things ABout RvB15
3. The Film Refrences Are Overly Used
Joe Nicolosi has admitted to being a movie buff, and I always feel like you should use what you like/what you’re good at when making anything. Jax’s character existed to use film humor, and at first it was pretty good. Things like him the Citizen Kane reference and Force Awakens reference in Episode 4, Jax forgetting to record in Episode 5, and his jokes in Episode 7 were legitimately funny. The problem is... they never stopped. It’s perfectly fine to use a running gag, and Hell RvB HAS used pop culture humor multiple times. It’s a show based on Halo after all. But Nicolosi used in in every episode and it stopped being funny. Jax became annoying and while he was helpful in getting footage of Temple’s plans and distracting Lorenzo, he got grating because he wouldn’t shut up. And if you are like me and don’t understand all the references, it’s going to feel like Joe is cramming them down your throat. Fortunately, hes said that he’s going to hold back some in the upcoming season, which is good. He listened, and that's important. I don’t mind this kind of humor at all, just... space it out a little and don’t wear it out. Otherwise, ti just becomes annoying and unbearable and for a show like RvB, that’s something you just can’t afford to do.
2, The Blues and Reds
The idea of using evil versions of characters is always a fun plot. Its a good way to show how the heroic character has grown or even trigger them into growing. For example, in Danny Phantom he’s faced with an evil future version of himself and it is horrifying. It leads to Danny not only maturing a little to not make the mistakes, but he’a chance to fix the damage and does so. It’s a great example of a hero being faced with the worst of himself and choosing to become something better. This idea for RvB was a legit good idea and leads to a lot of possibilities. So the problem? There’s a few...
First, the copies are just exaggerations of the Reds and Blues. They don’t feel like characters aside form Temple, Loco, and Biff and I’ll explain why in a bit. The others feel incredibly shallow. I mean Hell, Simmons’ copy is voiced by Gus still even though everyone else got a different voice actor. I mean it leads to the amazing moment in Episode 20.. but at the same time he still feels less like a character and more like a plot device. The Blues and Reds, aside form the ones I listed, just feel like they’re there because the plot demanded that everyone have some kind of copy. It’same issue I felt Miles had with The CHorus Trilogy, he added a lot of characters but couldn’t do a lot with the majority of them due to time. 
In relation to this... why are they committing to this plan? I know what you’re, “Well Biff was horribly killed and they realized they were pawns”. No. That is Temple’s motivation. He is angry that his best friend was murdered in cold blood and that it was ultimately for no reason. Loco’s motivation is to be Temple’s best friend, but unlike everyone else he has regrets about it and uses his final moments to make it up to Caboose. It gives him a character even if he is more or less a Caboose copy, but it’s something. Biff is dead, but they did take the time to explain why he ended up int he military, why he wanted out, and he was an overall nice guy who isn’t like Grif aside form wanting out of the military, wears orange, and the Sarge copy hating him. Similar want, completely different motivation and character.
Why do Surge, Gene, Lorenzo, Cronut, and Bucky want revenge? Why are they committing to Temple’s insane plan? Why si no one questioning this Did they before? How did Temple convince the Reds into it? Maybe if we saw their reactions when they found the Freelancer Base and the truth, liek we did with our guys, that would be answered. But we don’t know. We don’t knwo why any of them would go along with this, or at least not ask if this is the right thing to do. We know that Temple cared about Biff, but what about Biff’s actual team? Likely he and Gene weren't as close as Grif and Simmons are, but did they have a friendship at all? We saw briefly that Surge may feel bad about Biff’s death, but he doesn't express it and it’s more based on his need to obey orders than anything. We don’t know Biff’s relationship with his team, so you question why they’re going along with it and... do you see what I’m getting at?
The Blues and Reds feel shallow and one-note. A lot of people don’t like Temple because he’s an asshole...a nd he is. But at least they fleshed out his motivation and character so even though you hate him, at least you see why he’s doing what he’s doing. Loco overall i also fine since he differed and did have a conscious. The others though Wasted. They just to because this plot demanded it and nothing is done to make them distinctive. We just want to see them die... okay maybe that was the intent, but still it made them weak villains and I’m not going to be missing them. But hey, we got the moment in Episode 20 due to it so... it’s not all bad.
1. It Was One Season
This is by far the biggest issue with the season. The were a lot of ideas for this season, and you can tell. It was a legit good idea and could have carried two seasons worth of stories... but for some reason they decided to make it a standalone. IDK if it was Joe who decided this or Burnie and Matt did, but it meant that things had to be rushed. You now what I said above? About the villains falling flat? If they had more time, chances are they could have fixed that. But because it was condensed into one season of 21 episodes, they couldn’t.
Now if it had been two seasons, they could have worked on some more things. Like what I said above about the villains and maybe extending the flashback so we could see them discovering the truth. We could have had some mroe solid characterization and understood what was motivating everyone into such drastic actions. Outside that, we could have seen how Red Team was dealing with Grif quitting more and explored things like Donut feeling left out or watching Sarge’s descent into siding with the Blues and Reds. Heck, we could have had Simmons maybe play up siding with the Blues and Reds for an episode, then actually trigger an escape plan that fails, but it would show us that he's what his kissassing ways. Especially if they emphasize on how much worst Gene is at lot and have it be like old Simmons is talking to current Simmons, provoking him further into becoming more independent. That would also justify Gus (who did a great job in the season BTW) being the voice actor for both which let sit feel less like it’s for just a joke and make it even more impactful since it’s current Simmons talking to himself essentially. Which would make the moment in Episode 20 even mroe satisfying. It took me about five minutes to come up with this and in a larger story could have been an effective and if played right funny character arc... but in a one season story, it would have taken up too much time so it wouldn’t be able to be included. But do you see how Simmons would get character development base don both his feelings about losing Grif and for his own benefit? And how it would make Gene a much stronger evil reflection, becoming something for Simmons to overcome and be better than by the end?
I’m saying is’the standalone format caused things to be rushed and ideas to be wasted. As I said, there as enough for two seasons worth. The first season could have the content of... the first fourteen episodes. If you do it as a typical 19 or 20 episode season, you get 5-6 more episodes to play with more ideas. Int he second half, we can start with showing Grif again and bringing Locus back in. Maybe have them go on a little roadtrip where they gather more people like Sister or something, letting her be a regular again and not in just two episodes. You have more room to experiment like show how far Locus has come, have Grif Sibs humor, let Sister have more character and show that she can be clever and resourceful, show more of how Grif’s isolation really affected him and how he needs the others. You can still make all of that both funny and emotional like have Grif and Sister talking about their various shenanigains and Grif is at first complaining about all the shit he goes through. Then he slowly starts talking more slowly about the dumb things and how he hates everyone.. but he also misses them all, feels horrible for walking out like he did, and show how negatively he thinks about himself. Sister, in her own way, makes him feel better. You get comedy, character development, and fun interactions that way. See where I’m going?
There great ideas and opportunities with this season. Hell, the possibility of meeting more Freelancers is pretty cool. But because we only had one season, they had to finish the plot in limited time. They couldn’t explore the opportunity gift-wrapped for them. Int he end they still made a good product, but you still are left feeling like there was so much more that could have been done. Like if I were paid to rewrite Season 15 and was able to make it a two parter, I already have a general idea of what I would do. It is doable.  But if I had only one season... yeah, I’d have to cutback a LOT of it. Like I said, IDK whose idea it was, but it was in hindsight one that hurt the season. Because of this, ti is the worst thing about Season 15.
And there you have it! 'l best another day, typing this took me an hour. And regardless, I really enjoyed the season. It could have bee so much more, but I will gladly take what I got. Joe’s already stated on how he’s read the critiques and will try to improve, and that is important for any content creator. So I wish him the best of luck,a nd now I can feel better now that this is out of my system.
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Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie review
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Satisfying people is pretty damn hard. We all know you can never satisfy everyone; it’s just not possible, realistically. You can only hope to satisfy the largest number of people possible. And satisfying people with a grand finale to a beloved cartoon is even harder, because you need to wrap up all the loose threads, answer the outstanding questions, and bring the character arcs to a close. Shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender, Ed, Edd n Eddy, and Gravity Falls were able to do this really well, while shows like Danny Phantom, The Legend of Korra, and Teen Titans gave mixed to downright awful (that’s only in “Phantom Planet’s” case, don’t get your panties in a twist) finales. It’s fucking hard to do! And I can only imagine it is exponentially harder when you’re doing it for a show that ended without a conclusion fifteen years ago. But that’s what they finally did for Hey Arnold, the beloved Nickelodeon classic about a young boy in an urban setting getting into all manner of adventures with his colorful cast of friends. This story was over a decade in the making, set to wrap up the plot point of what actually happened to Arnold’s parents, a mystery that has haunted fans for years. And then finally, in 2015, we got word production was moving forward, after years of lost hope and acceptance that we’d never get the story. In 2017, it debuted on TV… was it as satisfying as a finale should be? Did this really live up to what it should be?
Oh fuck yes it did.
Look, I’m not gonna try and hide this, this was my most anticipated movie of the year, and while it isn’t the perfect film or the be-all-end-all of cinematic brilliance, it delivers a true Hey Arnold experience and gives us satisfaction and closure while still leaving room for more adventures. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves; you know what’s coming first! THE PLOT!
Set a year after the original series ended (try wrapping your head around THAT one), Arnold is having nightmares about never finding his parents. He has just about given up hope, until the day good ol’ Mr. Simmons announces there’s a contest that will give the winner the chance to go to San Lorenzo, the place where Arnold’s parents disappeared years ago. Arnold of course desperately wants to go, and with help from his best pal Gerald, his secret admirer Helga, and all the folks he’s helped over the series, he wins! But his grandparents tell him he’s only there for a class trip and not to go off looking for his parents… which Arnold sadly complies to, though he does try and look up his parents’ old friend Eduardo. All is not well, though; as Arnold soon discovers from Eduardo, there is a vicious South American pirate named Lasombra out to nab Arnold, believing that Arnold can lead him to a valuable treasure. Things get hairier from there as Arnold and the gang get held hostage by the pirates; can Arnold save his friends and find his parents, or is Arnold Shortman going to get cut down to size?
God it is so good to hear most of the original voice cast again! Yeah, Arnold and Gerald have new VAs since their old ones grew up (they do cameo in the film, though) and some had to be replaced due to their VAs dying since the show ended, but other than that… everyone is back! Maurice LaMarche is back as Big Bob, and just as much of a bullheaded jerk with a heart of gold as he ever was; Dan Castellanetta is still Grandpa Phil, and he’s still sharp as a knife after all these years (and now that I know who Castellanetta is, I can hear a great deal of Homer-esque delivery in Phil’s voice!); Tress MacNeille has returned as Grandma Gertie, and is as insanely entertaining as she ever was; Dan Butler brings the camp as Mr. Simmons, who is finally, in a brief but telling scene, confirmed to be gay; Nika Futterman and Kath Soucie return as Olga and Miriam Pataki, and most importantly, Francesca Marie Smith returns as Helga, voicing her without missing a beat, slipping into the role like a glove even after all these years!
And that’s not all, obviously, tons of the other kids and side characters have their voice actors return for this, and man is that just a big plus! And even if it’s only for brief cameos that have little bearing on the overall plot, god, it is so good to see characters like Pigeon Man and Stoop Kid again after all this time! This movie really delivers the fanservice, but not in a manipulative or cheap way; it truly feels like a culmination of the series rather than just going “Hey remember this?! Wasn’t that COOL?!”
As for new voices, the ones they got to replace do a fine job at replicating the voice actors they’re replacing while still giving their own flair. Mason Vale Cotton, the new  Arnold here, is especially great, giving Arnold the perfect young boy voice and even delivering some surprisingly emotional moments. If they do bring the show back for another season, they’d better keep him on as Arnold, because they really got something special here.
I’d also be foolish to not mention the big name in the cast: Alfred Molina. He is playing the villain Lasombra, and god, you can just tell he is having the time of his life. Lasombra is one of the most magnificent bastards you will ever see in any Nickelodeon production, and he’s an actual, legitimate threat. Chillingly, he manages to rack up a body count over the course of the movie, using his own men as bait for traps. And while there’s no blood, you see people actually, legitimately die onscreen in this Hey Arnold movie. What the actual FUCK.
The plot is just as good as you’d expect, though the pace of it moves a bit quick at some points, and there are some pretty corny moments, especially during the ending portion where Arnold is required to do something very obvious but is freaking out about not knowing what to do. It’s rather dopey, especially since Arnold is probably the smartest kid in his neighborhood. And then there’s some gratuitous CGI usage... Still, I can’t say that there’s anything that particularly ruins the movie outside of nitpicks. Let me put it this way; there are elements of Big Picture Show, The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie and its sequel, and Channel Chasers that I don’t think work particularly well, but they certainly don’t keep any of them from being fantastic films in their own right. The problems with this movie are small, few, and don’t hold it back too much, or even much at all.
This movie is ever so satisfying. It’s everything a fan could have wanted out of a finale of the show, everything we could have hoped for. It has a great villain, as much of the original cast as possible, a good story, solid pacing, funny jokes, and an actual conclusion to the series that puts everyone where they deserve to be! I definitely recommend this, especially if you’re a fan of the original show. As my most anticipated film of the year, I was not let down at all. It may not be my most favorite, but damn if it isn’t the most satisfying!
More TV shows need to take note: this right here? THIS is how you end your show… though, with any luck, we may get another season out of this. If we do, I think it’s safe to say Nickelodeon is about to hit a new Renaissance era, what with this and Rocko’s Modern Life and Invader Zim getting TV movies (and possibly resurrections as shows). The timeline we’re living in is weird as Hell, but goddamn is all this making it worth it.
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grumpysweetheart · 7 years
Just watched Episode 3 of Good Game!
This episode was better. I love Sam a lot more and Lorenzo too! Kamal is better but still least favorite.
Arin’s and Danny’s acting was fantastic! (Also Danny being mean/yelling and feeling bad about it aww)
Also omfg that threw me for a loop seeing Danny smoke a bong multiple times, hearing him tell stories about it in the past (that he used to do that when he was younger) and actually seeing it, whoa
Although I laughed really hard when Ryland came in like “he out-highroaded me! I can’t believe this!” and went off, and then Alex just looked up at him all dreamy like “Hey man!”
I get that it’s part of the character, but I kinda don’t like that Alex is so obviously smoking and drinking all the time, I don’t want that to be a defining characteristic (like I hope they tone it down as it goes on, maybe he quits because things get better or something?) at least it seems like he’s a functional alcoholic/stoner
I felt really bad at Sam’s post-it notes :( and her whole struggle of accepting that she’s not fit for the Olympics anymore, that had to be hard. I hope she’ll be okay~
I’m not liking the drama with Steamin. He needs to fuck off and leave Ryland alone :/
But yeah good Episode 3! We saw a clip of the next episode from the livestream the other night, I’m looking forward to the episode :D
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