#danny ramirez imagines
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TITLE: Curls PAIRING: Fanboy/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: One-shot SUMMARY: Some of the squad are back in San Diego for another special mission.
[A/N - My parents and I went to eat at Olive Garden today and there was a father and his daughter there that made me think of Danny Ramirez and his curls.]
Maia entered the Hard Deck.
Top Gun had come calling again. It seemed like whenever they (the Navy) had a difficult mission, the Dagger Squad was called in.
She made her way to the back where she knew her squadron would be. Her brows furrowed when she saw someone standing with Payback and Bob.
His head was covered in a mop of curls and he didn’t look like the other Naval aviators.
“Hey, who’s…?”
The man turned.
It was Fanboy!
Maia’s mouth dropped open.
He’d changed in the couple months they’d been on different assignments.
“Mickey?” she asked.
He gave her the crooked smile she loved so much. “Hey Lady.”
“They letting riff raff fly nowadays?” Maia gestured to the stubble on Mickey’s cheeks.
Mickey laughed. “Nah, I’m on leave right now.”
Maia frowned. “What are you doing here then?”
Mickey smiled. “So you haven’t missed me?”
Maia playfully scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Like a hole in the head.”
Mickey wrapped his arms around her. “I’ve missed you, Maia.”
“I’ve missed you too, Mickey.”
“Wait…if you’re not on duty, who’s Payback’s backseater?”
Bob held his hand up. “Phoenix is in an active warzone so they couldn’t afford to lose her.”
Maia was quickly learning that this mission wouldn’t like the last one. “It won’t be like old times…”
Mickey put an arm around Maia’s shoulders and drew her into him, kissing her forehead. “You’ll be great as always.”
Maia looked up at Mickey. “How long are you on leave for?”
“Don’t worry, Mimi. I’m gonna be here for a while.”
Things definitely weren’t like old times, especially considering that Rooster was now one of their instructors.
“Look at you! Bradshaw, as I live and breathe!” Maia exclaimed.
Rooster laughed and hugged her. “It’s so good to see you, Lady. I hope you know that just because we’re friends doesn’t mean I’m gonna go easy on you.”
“I’d expect nothing less, Captain Bradshaw.”
When Maia wasn’t training, she was spending time with Mickey.
Even though the Uranium mission had been over 6 months ago, it was like a day hadn’t passed between them. They were still able to banter back and forth about shows and movies they’d seen.
They were hanging out on the beach when a little girl ran past them.
She wasn’t looking where she was going, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground.
“Woah!” Mickey said. He rushed over to her and helped her up.
As Maia watched Mickey interact with the little girl, she couldn’t help but imagine what Mickey would be with his own child. That child would be raised by the sweetest man she knew. Showered in love.
The mother of the little girl eventually came over and thanked Mickey for comforting her daughter.
They said goodbye and Mickey sat back down next to her. He looked over at her, but couldn’t place the look on her face. “What?” he asked her.
“You look good with a kid.”
Mickey blushed and laughed. “I’m serious, Mickey! She’d have your olive skin, my eyes, and your curls.”
Maia reached up and tugged on one of Mickey’s curls, not noticing that the pilot in front of her froze. “Mickey?”
“Your eyes and my curls?”
Maia’s eyes went wide, realizing what she said. “Oh my god. Mickey, I’m so s…”
One of Mickey’s hands grabbed her chin and brought her lips to his. “Don’t apologize. God, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the Uranium mission. I should have said something, but we only had two weeks…”
Maia shook her head. “It’s okay, Mickey. I understand. You’re here now.”
“About that…”
Maia’s face fell. “But…but you said…”
Mickey sighed. “I lied. I’m not on leave. The last mission I was on…something went terribly wrong and I got shot out of the sky.”
Maia gasped.
“I was in physical therapy for three months and then I turned in my wings.”
“But…you loved flying…”
“I love you more.”
The breath left Maia’s lungs.
“I needed to tell you how I felt, so when I heard some of the Squad were being called back I knew I needed to come to San Diego.”
“I…I love you too Mickey.”
Mickey smiled and kissed her.
Three years the two would be married with a beautiful little girl with Maia’s eyes and Mickey’s curls.
[A/N - Fun Fact: Maia’s callsign is “Lady” because she’s always super polite to the point where the boys started to tease her that she acted like a highborn lady.]
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Hello!! I love your work so much ❤🥰. I wanted to know if I could request something with Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia? Something fluffy, loving with him?
Thank you so much ❤🥰
Dr Cupid.
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Synopsis - Mickey Garcia passes out in hospitals. Luckily, this time there's a pretty nurse there to catch him.
Pairing - Mickey Garcia x Nurse!Reader
Warnings - a little cursing, a lot of tooth rotting fluff. mentions of blood and hospitals. brief abuse mention.
Age Rating - 16+
Word Count - 1.5k
Author's Note - thank you for this request!! i love mickey so much. i've been a HUGE danny ramirez fan for years, so i was so excited when he was cast in top gun, and mickey did not disappoint. an angel <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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You pull back the crinkly blue curtain with a bit too much force, startling the man sat on the edge of the bed.
"Sorry!" you apologise, closing it behind you. "These things are always lighter than I think they're going to be."
"It's alright, ma'am. No worries."
He's handsome. Really handsome. Big blue eyes, golden blonde hair, an air about him that exudes intelligence and compassion. You smile at him gently before retrieving his chart, giving it a once over quickly.
"Lieutenant Robert Floyd. United States Navy."
He introduces himself, shaking your hand formally. You tell him your name, and he repeats it carefully.
"Pretty name."
"Thank you, Lieutenant."
"Please, call me Bob."
"Thank you, Bob."
He smiles at you bashfully, nodding his head.
"So, Bob, what seems to be the problem today?"
"Training exercise gone wrong. I'm clumsy. You can probably tell by my medical history."
You look over the chart, and laugh softly.
"So you are. What happened this time?"
"It's just a little cut, on my shoulder. I fell onto it, onto the tarmac. I told everyone I didn't need to see a doctor, but they insisted."
"Well luckily for you, I'm a nurse," you wink, chuckling when he blushes. "Let's get this shirt off you so I can take a look. You mind if I cut it?"
"Go ahead."
You cut a line clean down the middle of his t shirt, an old, grey thing. It falls off of him, allowing you to see his shoulder wound.
Just as you're about to explain your next steps, the curtain flies open, a man in a flight suit rushing in.
"Sir, can I help you?"
"He's with me. He's in my squad," Bob reassures you. "Fanboy, you don't have to be here."
"I want to be."
"Fanboy?" you ask, confused about the unusual name.
"It's my call sign. We're pilots. US Navy."
"Why didn't I know they had pilots in the navy? I thought that was the air force."
Fanboy grins at you, all gleaming white teeth, before holding his hand out for you to shake.
"Lieutenant Mickey Garcia. Weapons Systems Officer."
You tell him your name, followed by 'nurse', which makes them both laugh.
"Well, Mickey, if you take a seat, I'll patch up Bob here and you can both get back to flying your jet planes."
Mickey steps around you, eyes darting over Bob as he goes. He catches sight of his bleeding shoulder, and all the colour drains from him.
You've seen this before.
He goes pale, and then wobbles on his feet. You stride over and wrap your arms around him, catching him as he passes out.
"Shit," Bob swears. "I'd help, ma'am, but I'm a little out of commission right now."
"It's alright," you chuckle. "This happens a lot. I'm stronger than I look."
You manage to walk Mickey backwards, sitting him in the chair that you originally sent him towards. You cradle his face in your hands, holding up his head. His eyes flutter open, straight onto you.
"Did I die? Is this heaven?" he whispers.
Both you and Bob try not to laugh as you check him over.
"I'm afraid not, Lieutenant. You're in the hospital, visiting Bob. He's hurt his shoulder. Remember?"
"Yeah, I remember," he murmurs, embarrassed.
You grab him a cup of water, placing it into his hand carefully.
"You okay?"
His big brown eyes are locked on you, not leaving for a minute. He's beautiful, you realise suddenly. Yes, Bob is handsome, but Mickey is beautiful.
"I get a little weird around blood."
"You're telling me."
The smile he gives you is enough to move mountains.
"Okay, Garcia, listen up. You're gonna sit here and drink your water. Take big, slow, deep breaths. And do not, under any circumstances, look at Bob, okay? Keep your eyes on me, no matter what."
"Yes ma'am."
You leave him in his chair, returning your attention to the blonde. You take a good look at the wound, and decide it'll need a couple of stitches.
"I'm gonna clean this up for you, and sew it shut. I'm sure you'll heal fast, being a healthy pilot and all."
You glance over at Mickey, and see that he's still watching you. Gazing at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
"Bob, I won't lie to you. This is going to hurt. Feel free to hold onto me if you need to."
You numb his shoulder, before getting to work stitching it up. You flick your eyes to Mickey intermittently, smiling gently when his stare meets yours.
"Garcia, did you bring any spare clothes? I had to cut Bob's shirt off. I doubt he wants to walk out of here shirtless."
"Yeah, Phoenix has a bag in the waiting room. I'll go and grab it."
You watch him carefully as he stands, making sure he doesn't pass out again. He leaves, and Bob grins at you.
"He likes you."
"Everyone likes me, Bob. I'm a good nurse."
"No, he likes you. That's the quietest I've ever heard him sit. And he took your orders. He doesn't do that for anyone."
You shake your head, smiling as you do it.
"Are you single?"
"Very forward, Lieutenant."
"For him, not for me! You're beautiful," he justifies, "but I'm sort of dating my copilot."
"Sort of?"
"It's complicated."
"Then make it uncomplicated, Bob."
He thinks for a moment, before nodding.
"You're right. I'm going to talk to her."
Mickey comes barging back in with a t shirt in hand.
"Phoenix packed you an overnight bag, just in case. She says this is your shirt anyway."
You look at Bob and wink, chuckling when he blushes.
"Anything else, ma'am?"
"That's all. You've been a perfect patient Bob," you say, squeezing his other shoulder. "If you go to the desk, they'll give you some spare dressings for when you need to change it. Besides that, just take care of yourself, okay?"
"Okay. Understood. Thank you, for everything. I appreciate it."
The two of them leave in a flurry of thanks, Mickey casting a longing glance back at you. You can hear them bickering on the other side of the curtain.
"Fine!" you hear Mickey say, before he reappears.
"Uh... hi."
"You forget something?" you ask, looking around the bed.
"Yeah. To ask you out."
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise, corners of your lips twitching.
"And to apologise. For before. Passing out, and all. I, uh-"
He scratches the back of his neck nervously before perching on the edge of the bed. You move to sit next to him, leg pressing into his.
"I practically grew up in a hospital. My Dad wasn't a nice guy, so my Mom was here all the time."
You lace your fingers with his, resting them on your thigh.
"I used to try and clean up her injuries at home the best I could, but sometimes it wasn't enough. He finally left when I was thirteen, and I didn't have to play doctor anymore."
He takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly.
"Now, as an adult, I have this crazy reaction to blood. Even just a papercut is enough to have me hyperventilating. I guess I saw so much of it when I was a kid, that I can't handle it now?"
He looks at you expectantly, unsure of what you'll say.
"It's way more common than you think, you know. I have people pass out on me all the time. You're not alone, I promise."
He smiles at you softly, and you're convinced you've never met someone more beautiful.
"I have a friend who works on the fourth floor. She's a psychiatrist - which I know people roll their eyes at, especially men - but, she's really great to talk to. About anything. She can help with phobias. I've seen her do it."
He nods almost imperceptibly.
"I mean... it can't hurt to talk to her, right? Just once?"
"Exactly. I can give you her number, you can give her a call whenever suits you."
He nudges your shoulder with his, your hands still linked.
"Thank you. Bob doesn't love hospitals either, but you really set his mind at ease today."
"Just doing my job."
"Trust me, you're doing a hell of a lot more."
You feel the heat rise up your chest, praying he can't hear how fast your heart is beating.
"I know you probably work crazy shifts here, but... would you like to go for dinner sometime? I'd love to get to know you in a less... uh... clinical setting."
You grin at him, squeezing his hand tightly.
"I'd love to. As long as you promise not to pass out," you wink.
"That is a promise I cannot make."
You laugh with him, shaking your head.
"I should get back to work. God knows this place needs me."
"Of course. Do your thing, SuperNurse."
You lean over and press a kiss to his cheek, handing him a card with your number on.
"Call me."
"What time do you get off?"
"I'll call you at 7:01."
"Deal," you laugh, pulling the curtains back.
You watch as he leaves to join Bob and a woman you assume is Phoenix in the waiting area. You wave at Mickey as you go, the other two pilots looking between you with knowing grins on their faces.
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ramirezmindset · 18 days
ғᴀɴʙᴏʏ ʜᴀs ᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛ?!
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ᴍɪᴄᴋᴇʏ ɢᴀʀᴄɪᴀ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
→ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: you've been married to mickey for nearly three years now, but things can only stay secret for so long, especially when a certain Jake discovers you two on a coffee date...
→ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: adult language, but mainly fluff and a few sexual innuendos (no smut) :P definite naval inaccuracies, mickey and y/n are both around twenty-eight years old during this. ↳ wc: 3050
→ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: first post on this blog also first time writing in maybe 4 (??) years eeeek!!! hope it lives up to the hype, feelin funky fresh - requests are open!
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seven years ago
You were a fresh spring chicken. A graduate, an adult, a taxpayer, looking on towards the horizon at your fresh and gleaming new life, the excitement was palpable. You and your best girlfriend, Cara, had moved into your new San Diego apartment a mere seven months ago, both of you having job offers out the door. Maybe being grown up wasn't so bad.
There was one thing missing from your life, you thought, as you looked out the window of the café you and Cara settled on for coffee. You didn't have anyone.
"Hey, what am I? Chopped liver?" Cara exclaimed, a slight smirk on her face. You didn't realise you said that out loud. She knew exactly what you meant by 'anyone', she just loved to tease you. You rolled your eyes at her and chuckled.
"C, you know exactly what I mean. You have Sophie, who, by the way, might as well start paying rent considering she's at our apartment every. Single. Night." Now it was Cara's turn to roll her eyes.
You had always been the shy guy out of your friends, much preferring comics and solo nights in to crazy nights on the trot. It's not that you were against an alcohol fuelled 'gals about the town' evening with all your best friends, but nothing beat the comfort of laying on the couch doing absolutely nothing all by yourself.
And you complain you don't have anyone. The hypocrisy is almost laughable as you take a sip of your coffee. You were just never the type to attract anyone, it's not that you were bad looking, or lacked the social skills to keep someone engaged in conversation, it's just that you never liked the people who approached you. They were always too this, or too that, and despite all of your friends telling you that "his favourite spiderman suit will not affect the sex", you just couldn't do it.
"Yeah, about that" Cara trailed off, running the tip of her finger over the rim of her mug. "Sophie and I have been together for a while now..."
"Six months, three weeks, and five days" You replied, closing your eyes in disbelief at the fact you even know that let alone said it out loud.
"Yes, however long that is" Cara waved her hand at you. "Anyway, Sophie mentioned that her and I get our own place together." She squinted her eyes at you, trying to gage how you were feeling, but you stayed silent, lips pursed.
"Ok" You sighed. "I don't blame you. Do it!"
"Really? You're not mad?"
"Why would I be mad?" You giggled before reaching across the table to hold her hand. "You're my best friend, and I'm so glad that you and Sophie found each other, and I want you to go and be happy and live life and have sex and not have to worry about waking me up 'cos the walls in our apartment are so thin!"
Cara chuckled and shook her head. "Yeah, that is a perk, actually. But now, you'll have an empty apartment, go rent the spare room out to a hot guy or bring someone home and fuck them as loud as you want and-" Her jaw falls slack. "Don't look now, but look now, is that not the most delicious man you've ever seen!"
You turn your head to look in the same direction as her, and sure enough, the most attractive man you've ever seen in your life is approaching the barista just a mere few metres away from you.
"Holy shit" slips off your tongue before you can even think, and you can't stop yourself from staring at him.
He was standing there, looking around nervously, his hands thrust into the pockets of his loose-fitting jeans. A mop of inky curls sat upon his head, just leaving his chocolate brown eyes in your view as they darted around the room. His T-Shirt hugged his biceps almost too well, as if it was made for him, and you could feel your mouth practically watering at the sight of him.
"Cara, kill me right now. Just fucking kill me immediately" You pulled your eyes away from him to see Cara sinking into her chair, her hand covering her mouth as she was nearly crying from laughter. "What is so funny?"
"Nothing, I've just- I've never seen you like this before" She takes a deep breath and rubs her eyes. "Go talk to him! If you don't fuck him, I will, and I'm gay!"
"No! Cara, no, I can barely talk to ugly guys, and he is-" You close your eyes and swallow. "And he is actually raw sex appeal"
Before you know it, Cara is kicking your shins underneath the table, using her feet to twist your knees to the side and practically force you to stand up.
"At least go order another drink whilst he's there! Just smell him, I know you want to!" She laughs as you nervously approach the space at the register next to him.
He makes eye contact with you as you walk past, whipping his head to follow your body as you make your way to the counter. You're internally cursing yourself for wearing a stupid Spiderman sweater for coffee, I look like such a freak, you think.
"1984, Secret Wars" someone says from beside you. You whip your head towards him, eyes wide and confused. "Your sweater. The first black Spiderman suit, 1984, Secret Wars" He smiles awkwardly.
"How did you-" You shake your head. "Yeah, yeah it is" You glance over his shoulder at Cara, who is sat there with her mouth agape at your absolutely horrendous attempt at chat. "Um, it's nice to meet someone who knows this stuff. I felt like a total dork in this sweater five seconds ago"
"You shouldn't" He grins at you, a big, gleaming, shit-eating grin. "I love Spiderman, and I think you're cute as fuck" His hand instinctively comes up to nervously scratch at the back of his neck as a blush rises up your face.
"Thank you" You say, grabbing the coffee you forgot you even ordered because you were too busy tripping over your thoughts when you walked over. "I'm Y/N, by the way"
"Mickey" He replies. "I'm Mickey, and I'd love to take you out"
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present day
It had been seven years to the day since you first met Mickey in the café in San Diego, and here you were, in the exact same spot, with the exact same man, ordering the exact same coffee's, except this time with rings adorning your fingers.
The last seven years had been a whirlwind, Cara did end up finding her own place with Sophie, the two of which were still together, and you did end up bringing a hot guy home and fucking him as loud as you wanted to, just as she said on that fateful day, and instead of renting out Cara's old room, you invited Mickey into yours, turning the now empty second bedroom into your comic shrine just two months after your first meeting.
It turns out, yourself and Mickey had more in common than you could've ever imagined, and for the first time in your life, you didn't feel like a total misfit. When you learnt he was a naval aviator, it was a surprise, but something you were willing to work with, there was no way in hell you were going to let a guy this perfect slip from your grasp. Plus, you knew it would all work itself out in the end, evident in the fact he's now working in the city you both live.
You look down at the wedding bands sitting delicately on your finger, thinking about the life you've shared with Mickey, the love, the laughter.
"Cara, I don't think I'm ready for this" Your maid of honour fanned your face with her hand, her eyebrows furrowed together as you paced around the bridal suite of the beautiful wedding venue.
"Pull yourself together, for Christ's sake!" She replied through gritted teeth, grabbing your shoulder's and twisting you round to look at her. "It is your wedding day! I'm the one that's meant to be stressed out, I practically planned this whole thing. You're walking down that aisle, I will drag you down it by your hair if I have to!"
You closed your eyes, Cara's grip on your shoulders feeling like a tonne. Slowly, you sink to sit down on the floor, probably crumpling the skirt of your perfectly steamed white gown.
"I just-" you sigh "What if he runs? What if he realises I'm not what he wants?"
"Are you crazy?" Cara joins you on the floor, holding your clammy hand in hers. "He's probably just as nervous as you are, and I know that sounds bad considering what just came out your mouth, but that man loves you. He practically kisses the ground you walk on!" You let out a small chuckle at this, you know she's right.
"I'm serious!" Your friend continues. "For the last three years, that man has been hellbent on making you smile. He's like a man possessed, he has been ever since he saw you wearing that horrible Spiderman sweater in the café!"
That part was true. Almost immediately after Cara overheard Mickey say he'd loved to take you out, she stalked over, blurting out a quick "she's free tonight!" before grabbing the coffee out your hand and scuttling out the door.
"That works perfect" Mickey blushed shyly. "If you'll let me?" You remember blushing, and bashfully nodding. You were all jelly legs and a puddle of nerves when your doorbell rang at seven on the dot, looking up to see Mickey's vague silhouette through the fogged window of your front door. Since that day, he's never left your side. You've never opened a car door for yourself, never refilled your own water bottle at night, never spent a dime on a pair of shoes, because, no matter what, he's always two steps ahead, reading you like a book.
"Now come on" Cara said, heaving you up and smoothing out the tulle of your dress. "Let's go get you a husband!"
You were enjoying the peace and quiet of the café, hearing the nearby waves crash and fall through the open windows, and the delicious smell of pastries and espresso wafting around the room, the feeling of your husbands protective arm around your shoulder. He looked at you as if he had the stars and the moon in the palm of his hand, the universe glimmering in his eyes as he opened his mouth to say, what you already knew was, 'I love you'. That was, until, the bell above the door behind you rang and, quite frankly, the loudest gasp you've ever heard rings across the place, louder than the gasp Cara gave you when you showed her the huge rock on your finger when Mickey proposed.
"Fanboy?!" Mickey's eyes go wide next to you, and you can practically see the cogs turning in his head. There was no specific reason Mickey kept his marriage a secret from his pilot friends, though he prefers the word 'private'. Not only did it spare him a whole lot of hassle at work, but it kept you free from the pressure of having to actually have to talk to new people. He knew your distaste for meeting new people, the whole 'What's your name? What's your favourite colour? What do you do for a living?" causing actual bile to rise in your throat at the thought of such boring conversation. So when you nervously requested that he not tell his co-workers about your marriage because, in your own words, "I'll have to meet them and then I wont be able to go out and do what I want", a weight was lifted off his shoulders.
"Fanboy, that is you!" The voice repeated. "And...a girl, oooh!" Mickey turned around to see, who you had learned prior to be 'Hangman', Jake Seresin.
"He's nice" Mickey would say. "But he tries to fuck anything that is female, human, and has a pulse, so he's not going anywhere near you!"
"Hi, Hangman!" Mickey forces out, through gritted teeth. "What are you doing here?" His arm falls off your shoulders as he disappears a few steps behind you to greet his friend.
"Getting coffee and a sweet treat, what else?" He laughs, and you can feel his eyes burning into your back. "And who is this?"
You were hoping he had forgotten you were there as you slowly shuffled further and further down the counter, pretending to peruse the pastries as to avoid any social interaction. Mickey and Jake appear next to you, a look in your husband's eyes that can only be interpretated as 'I'm sorry.'
"Uh- Jake, this is Y/N" Mickey says, holding his arm out in an almost jazz-hand manor, presenting you as if you were a finger painting a child was showing their mom.
Jake makes eye contact with the gold band on Mickey's finger before he makes eye contact with you, his eyebrows furrowing. He grabs your left hand, faster than light, inspecting the matching wedding band, the gold glimmering in the afternoon sun that beat through the window. He grabs Mickey's left wrist, holding your hands up next to each other as his eyes flick between them. Suddenly he drops them both as his eyes go wide and another yelp leaves his lips.
"Garcia, you're married?!" He looks like a proud dad.
"Hangman, please-" Mickey's practically starts begging, his hand instinctively reaching for yours, but is cut off by a boyish slap on the shoulder.
"I cannot believe this!" Jake laughs, throwing his head back, his free hand clutching his stomach. "How did I not realise this? What the actual fuck, have I died? Have I died and gone to hell? A world where Fanboy, of all people, has a girlfr- no, not girlfriend, a wife?!?"
Mickey chuckles with him, shaking his head and blushing. He pulls you into him. "Hangman, we keep this private for a reason, so please can we just keep this between us? As in, my wife and I go about as normal and you keep quiet?"
"Keep quiet? About this? No way, I can't, I've never kept a secret in my life!" Jake is practically squealing, who knew a grown man would be this thrilled over someone else's marriage. "I'm sorry, I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Hangman, my friends call me Jake, or daddy, depending on which friend's you're talkin' to, if ya catch my drift"
You shook his hand politely, a nervous smile on your face. "I'm Y/N, uh, nice to meet you"
"So this is why you didn't want anyone to know" Jake looks at Mickey knowingly, crossing his arms and squinting. Mickey raises an eyebrow and cocks his head in confusion. "What, dude, your wife's hot. Better keep her away from Rooster, don't worry, bud, your secrets safe with me."
And with that, Jake retreats out the café, not even ordering his coffee, or sweet treat.
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Your secret was not safe with him.
Later that evening, you were sat at The Hard Deck bar, where you and your husband were frequent flyers, no pun intended. Cara and yourself sat in the corner, nursing a drink each, catching up on the past few weeks, mainly talking about her upcoming wedding. Mickey was on the other side of the bar, pool cue in hand as he made eye contact with you, stealing a sly wink before turning back to his aviator friends.
"Earth to Y/N!" Cara says, waving a hand in front of your face. "God, I wander what would've happened if I never pointed him out to you at that café!"
You were interrupted by a thundering yell by the front door. "Guys!" Oh Christ. "Guys, Fanboy has a wife!"
"That wouldn't have happened, I can tell you that for certain" You rested your head in your hands, avoiding Jake's gaze like the plague before he inevitably would pull you over to the group. You sank further and further into your seat, practically merging with the chair as to avoid being spotted. As per usual, Cara was sat there with a hand slapped over her mouth, muffled laughter escaping through her palm.
"Fanboy has a what?!" The group yell back, almost in sync, as you make eye contact with Mickey who has his head down chuckling. He squeezed his eyes shut, nervously clamping his bottom lip with his teeth, desperately trying to drown out the thousands of questions being hurled his way.
"Since when?"
"Who is she?"
"Do we know her?"
"Is she here?"
"Guys, I think we should all give Mick his privacy, I mean, there's obviously a reason he hasn't said anything-"
"Shut it, Bob!"
"Tell us everything!"
With a nod of his head, you're rolling your eyes and dragging Cara along with you towards him. Your hand is clamped to Cara's, who's still regurgitating laughter behind you. Micky extends an arm as you get closer, putting the pool cue down to reach under his shirt and pull out his dog tags, a gold ring sitting on the chain.
"Jake!" You call out, playfully furrowing your brows at him. "That was supposed to be our little secret" Mickey's arm finds it's way behind your waist as he places a kiss to your temple, you're more than aware that his friends are looking at you, shock plastered across their faces.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Y/N" Jake said, theatrically wiping sweat off of his forehead, giving you a quick side hug as a greeting, despite only meeting him a mere four hours ago. "I just couldn't keep it in. Our little Fanboy has a wife!"
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
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eternalsams · 8 months
Sometimes I go back to my own posts and I'm like "DAMN! I'm a good writer"
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ryebecca · 5 months
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a dagger tale as old as time: "Hey, clear the way in the old bazaar. Hey, you! Let us through, it's a bright new star. Oh, come be the first on your block to meet his eye! Make way, here he comes, ring bells, bang the drums! Oh, you're gonna love this guy!" - Aladdin 🪔 ✨
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seresinhangmanjake · 9 months
Top Gun Mystery Solvers (tgm/scooby-doo)
The Leader - Jake Seresin
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The Former Damsel in Distress - Natasha Trace
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The Genius - Mickey Garcia
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The Jokester/Occasional Live Bait - Robert Floyd
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The Mystery Solvers - The Daggers
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(More below the cut)
The Unmasked:
The Ghost Captain - Bradley Bradshaw
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The Phantom of Vasquez Castle - Javy Machado
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The Knight - Reuben Fitch
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 month
the three of them
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x f. reader, Joaquin Torres x f. reader, Sam Wilson x f. reader
This fic contains: angst, multiple situationships, implied poly!reader, long distance, implied infidelity, poetry format
Notes: This is my submission for this week's @flashfictionfridayofficial theme: Great Expectations. The dating life is currently all over the place and I just wanted to dump all my feelings towards the relationships I have in a poetic way.
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“What do you want?” They ask.
Isn’t it obvious?
You want Bucky.
But you also want Joaquin. 
And then there’s also Sam.
In a perfect world, you would have all three of them. 
Maybe even more if you wanted to.
Your heart is big enough to love them all the same.
Bucky feels a strong connection with you, yet he has Natasha.
It’s so confusing to both you and Bucky.
But Bucky makes you feel oh so good.
More than any other man has in your life.
Joaquin also wants you, but the distance between you both is greater than the yearning you have for one another.
Joaquin admires your artistic abilities and your passions.
He sees himself in you, hence why he loves you the way he does.
Someone said they see why you and Joaquin click.
Because you and Joaquin don’t take life so seriously.
You both know how to have fun and be silly.
You met Sam amongst the storm that is Bucky and Joaquin.
He is a safe haven for you. 
But this safe haven will be shipped off to the other side of the world before you know it. 
You have all this love in your heart that you’re ready to give.
But is now the right time?
Perhaps, there is another man, maybe woman, that is Bucky, Joaquin, and Sam combined.
They could be out there in this world.
It’s up to you if you want to explore that possibility.
But you’re not ready to let go of Bucky, Joaquin or Sam yet. 
You suppose that’s okay.
Until those dreams manifest into nightmares.
What do you want?
Who will you choose?
In the end, you must choose yourself, no matter what or who you want.
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Navigation | Fanfic Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist | Joaquin Torres Masterlist | Sam Wilson Masterlist
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sebsxphia · 2 years
the cure for a bad day.
mickey ‘fanboy’ garcia x reader.
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→ description: mickey comes home wound tighter than ever and he’s looking for a sweet release.
→ word count: 900.
→ c/w: oral (m!receiving), blowjobs, deep throating, face fucking, praise, kissing and swearing.
→ a/n: a while back i asked a question, “who would laugh out of pure joy after they got a really good blowjob?” and mickey was the common consensus, so this is the result! this is part of my 3.5K celly here! my main masterlist can be found here! 💌
The warmth of Mickey’s dark amber eyes were on you as you ran your hand up and over his shaft, giving it a couple of strokes with your own spit. You watched intently as his own gaze faltered with his eyelashes fluttering open and close. Mickey wanted to hold your gaze because your piercing eyes were drawing him under, but the sight and feel of your plush lips wrapping around his head and sinking further down his shaft, made him throw his head back completely in defeat.
He let out a long and strained groan. It came from deep within his torso, with the stress of today’s training leaving his body with every run of your lips over his cock. He let his body sink deeper into the blissful sensation before picking his head back up and looking down at you. Your eyes flicked back up to him and Mickey let out another grunt, followed by his praise. “Fucking hell, my angel.” He nestled his hands into your hair and gripped onto it tightly to tug on the roots. From the hold he had on you, he was able to guide your mouth rhythmically up and down his cock.
His day was shit, for lack of better word and when you offered to make it better for him, Mickey’s cock twitched beaten his flight suit, too exhausted to change on base. He was already feeling tightly wound and he knew it wasn’t going to take much movement from your slick mouth to bring him close to the edge.
Your hand came up to gently cradle at his balls. You gave them a gentle squeeze and rolled them in the palm of your hand. A gasp, followed by another guttural groan left Mickey’s throat. It always made your cunt clench around nothing at how low and deep Mickey’s moans became in the throws of pleasure.
His hips stuttered at the feeling of your nimble hand and he jerked his hips closer, pushing his painfully hard cock further down your throat. His tip hit the back of your throat and you let out a crude sounding gag in response. “Shit, baby!” Mickey’s head was thrown back again. The feeling was all consuming and he was putty in your hands. Although Mickey’s own hands were still tightly buried in your hair, you were now close enough to his pelvis that you could control your own strokes.
You pushed to the last inch of Mickey’s cock and your nose finally met his dark curls. You spluttered on the size of him and your jaw twinged with the first signs of aching. Through all the throat training you’d gone through, you still hadn’t grown accustomed to his size. However, you remembered to breathe steady through your nose, which was the most important thing Mickey had taught you.
You pushed your mouth over the last remaining inches of his length and he praised you for doing so. “That’s it, good girl.” You let your jaw relax and swallow responsively around him. The collection of saliva in your mouth started to drool out the corners and drip down onto your thighs as you knelt on your living room floor.
“Jesus, my sweet angel. I’m not gon’ hold on much longer, you feel so fuckin’ good.”
The sweet encouragement from Mickey was all you needed to push through a couple of lasting sucks. The head of his cock was hitting the back of your throat and that’s when you felt him twitch in your warm mouth.
“Shit, shit, shit. Baby angel, I’m gon’ come.” Mickey’s chest was rising and falling rapidly with heavy pants. Strangled groans left his mouth repeatedly, followed by your name as you pushed him over the precipice. His hips chased after his own orgasm and he thrusted down your throat further than before.
Mickey was using your mouth to let out his own frustration however he wanted and it made you dizzy. Your cunt clenched around nothing again and you moaned desperately around him. It was muffled, but the vibrations went straight through to Mickey and you could finally taste his salty cum spilling down your throat.
“That’s it, angel. Take it, take my cum. Good girl.” Mickey choked out as he caught up with his own high. You swallowed a handful more times to get his warm spend down you, before pulling off his shaft inch by inch. You came off with a satisfying, ‘pop’ and a trail of spit mixed with his cum connecting from your bottom lip to the head of his softening cock.
His hands un-tangled from your hair and they rested behind his head. He leaned back onto the sofa. Normally, Mickey would follow with a string of praises and ask to pleasure you next, but on this occasion all that met your eyes and ears was Mickey letting out a huff of laughter. His hands came back to cover his face and he followed with another string of belly aching laughter. His release was clearly well needed and you had a prideful smile on your face, all due to the fact that you could reduce your sweet boy to a puddle of pleasure induced laughter.
The giggles subsided and Mickey leant down to cup your warm cheeks in his hands, ducking down to place a soft kiss to your lips. “That felt so good, you have no idea, my sweet angel. Thank you.”
taglist: @beachbabey @tallrock35 @luckyladycreator2 @unmistakablyunknown
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fanboyswhore9 · 7 months
All of Me~ Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
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Moodboard by: @mshistorylover
Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia x Fem!Reader (as a part of @ohtobeleah Galentine’s Day Celebration), based on the song, All of Me by John Legend.
The Top Gun Academy buzzed with excitement as Valentine’s Day approached, but for Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia & Y/N, the day held a special significance. Their love had blossomed amidst the roar of jet engines and the thrill of aerial maneuvers, forging a bond that was as strong as steel and as deep as the ocean.
As the sun dipped below the horizon on Valentine’s Day, casting a warm glow over the Academy, Mickey found himself standing with Y/N on a secluded overlook, their hands entwined as they gazed out at the breathtaking vista spread out before them. The air was filled with the soft strains of romantic music, a testament to the love that surrounded them.
With a gentle smile, Mickey reached into his pocket and pulled out a bouquet of roses, each bloom a vibrant symbol of his love for her. “Feliz Día de San Valentín, mi amor (Happy Valentine’s Day, my love),” he whispered, his voice filled with warmth as he offered her the flowers. “Estos son para ti, porque mereces nada más que lo mejor.” (These are for you, because you deserve nothing but the best)
Her eyes sparkled with delight as she accepted the roses, her heart overflowing with love for the man standing before her. “Gracias, Mickey,” she murmured, her voice tinged with emotion, before kissing his cheek. “Son absolutamente hermosas, al igual que tú.” (Thank you, Mickey. They're absolutely beautiful, just like you.)
Their fingers brushed against each other as Mickey and Y/N stood side by side, the warmth of their closeness enveloping them like a cocoon. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the magic of their love, time seemed to stand still as they basked in each other’s presence.
As the stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, Mickey took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving her radiant face. “Hay algo que necesito decirte, Y/N,” he said softly, his voice filled with tenderness. “Algo que ha estado pesando en mi corazón por demasiado tiempo.” (There's something I need to tell you, Y/N. Something that has been weighing on my heart for too long)
She turned to face Mickey, her eyes searching his for any hint of what he was about to say. “¿Qué pasa, Mickey?” she asked, her voice a gentle caress against his soul. “Puedes decirme cualquier cosa.” (What's going on, Mickey? You can tell me anything)
With a trembling hand, Mickey reached out and cupped Y/N’s cheek, his thumb brushing lightly against her soft skin. “Te amo, Y/N,” he confessed, his voice barely more than a whisper. “Eres mi principio y mi fin. Incluso cuando pierdo, estoy ganando.” (I love you, [Y/N]. You're my beginning and my end. Even when I lose, I'm winning)
Tears welled up in her eyes as she listened to Mickey’s heartfelt declaration, her heart swelling with love for the man who stood before her. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the Academy and the warmth of Mickey’s love, she knew that she felt the same way.
“Oh, Miguel,” Y/N breathed, her voice filled with emotion. “Yo también te amo, con todo mi ser. Me das todo de ti, y yo te doy todo de mí.” (I love you too, with all my being. You give me all of you, and I give you all of me)
With those three simple words, Mickey and Y/N sealed their love for each other, their hearts beating as one in perfect harmony. As they leaned in to share a tender kiss beneath the starlit sky, they knew that this Valentine’s Day would be one they would cherish forever.
Their love story continued to unfold, each day bringing them closer together and strengthening the bond that bound them heart to heart. Together, they faced the challenges of life with courage and grace, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything that came their way.
And as they danced beneath the moonlight, lost in the magic of their love, they knew that they had found their forever in each other’s arms.
As the night wore on, Mickey and Y/N remained on the overlook, their laughter mingling with the soft rustle of the evening breeze. They shared stories of their past, dreams for their future, and whispered sweet nothings into each other’s ears, their love growing stronger with each passing moment.
Eventually, they made their way back to their shared apartment, their hearts still aglow with the warmth of their love. They held hands as they walked through the corridors, stealing kisses in the shadows and reveling in the joy of being together.
As they reached, Mickey pulled her close, his arms wrapping around her in a warm embrace. “Te amo, Y/N,” he whispered, his voice filled with love. “Now and forever, all of me loves all of you.”
She smiled up at Mickey, her heart overflowing with happiness. “And I love you, Mickey,” she replied, her voice soft but filled with conviction. “With all of me, now and always.”
And as they shared one final kiss beneath the moonlit sky, they knew that their love would stand the test of time, growing stronger with each passing day.
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
For your summer sleepover 🩵 neighbour!Joaquin + saying goodbye at the door
pairing: neighbor!joaquin torres x female reader
words: ~500
a/n: thank you bb for this ask! <;3 I decided to go with the fluffy/funny route with this
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You linger a little watching your new neighbor carrying your big pot from your car to your door. His muscular arms peeking under his black t-shirt, a glimpse of a golden chain shining at the back of his neck and the way he just seemed to want to help, it all made you incredibly attracted to you.
"Is this spot alright?" He asks as he turns around with a big smile on his face. God you could get lost inside it, it felt like he could power through the whole world with the warm energy he emitted.
"Yes." You stammer a little, you have no idea where you want your pot anyway, it's not like you can remember.
"I can place it anywhere you like." You chuckle as you come close to him.
"I think my mom wants it next to the door, she'll move it when she comes back from work."
"I can come by later, we'll be at the house shaping it, it's no problem for me." God, his friendly nature made you want to jump right into his arms.
"Oh, we wouldn't want to impose ourselves too much, honestly if I dragged it a little, I'd make it."
Joaquin smiled and pointed at the big heavy pot. "Well, no reason for you to break your back when I'm around."
You tried very hard to control yourself and not say something completely unhinged. Joaquin shrugged at your silence and awkwardly gestured to leave.
"Wait." You shook your head." You gotta let me make it up to you, somehow."
"Hmm." Joaquin mused and pointed at the lemon tree right next to your porch. "If you got any homemade lemonade that's my favourite."
You widened your eyes and looked between him and the tree and almost panicked because you can't remember if you got any.
"You know what." You smiled, "What about I collect some and I make you some freshly squeezed this afternoon?"
Joaquin nodded his head and beamed. Thank God your brain worked only momentarily.
"Tonight then."
"Tonight." You nodded and looked at him. You both spent a few moments looking at each other not really wanting to leave even though you had already made plans for tonight. You both stayed there smiling at each other until a honk was heard pulling you back to reality.
"Oh, shit, I gotta get to work." Your friend frantically waved from the driver's window. Joaquin chuckled bid you goodbye and headed down the street.
"New piece huh." Your friend giggled as you got inside the car. "Oh, shut up." You turned the volume up and pulled your phone up googling how to make lemonade.
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mothdruid · 10 months
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horus || mickey 'fanboy' garcia
"In the sky there are always answers and explanations for everything: every pain, every suffering, joy and confusion."
god of kingship, healing, protection, the sky, and the sun
symbol: eye of horus
the egyptian deities
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calif0rnia-lovers · 2 months
heartbeats - prologue.
series masterlist
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pairing: joaquin torres x mutant!reader
sum: When a highly sought-after mutant's safe house is compromised, Sam Wilson entrusts her protection to the unassuming Lieutenant Joaquin Torres. Tasked with transporting her to a rendezvous point, Joaquin is unaware of the full extent of her importance. Convincing her he's the man for the job proves to be a difficult task.
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“You’re not getting her.”
“Do you realize the kind of shit your friend got you into?” Kane taunted. "Huh? I bet he didn't even tell you what she can do."
Kane’s dark chuckle echoed ominously through the town square, an unsettling contrast to the distant sounds of the festival you and Joaquin had escaped.
A memory flashed in Joaquin’s mind, a brief but intense exchange with Sam Wilson merely a week and half ago.
Sam studied Joaquin's face. For the first time, in the time he'd known him, Joaquin was silent. His focus, not spent on studying your file but, on your picture.
“So…she's a mutant. Like Wolverine?” Joaquin had asked, his voice edged with concern.
“It's complicated," Sam had replied, shaking his head. “She’s—there’s no one like her.”
“What’s that mean?” Joaquin pressed, seeking clarity. Trying to find answers in the pair of innocent eyes looking back at him. In your hastily taken photo you appeared normal.
Sam had sighed deeply, his gaze serious. “Can’t say.”
“Come on, man. You can trust me,” Joaquin had urged. "I'm not gonna tell anyone--"
“I know, kid. And I do. That’s why you’re the only one I’ve asked to do this. But the less you know, about her abilities, the better.”
The memory dissolved as Joaquin refocused, his gun shifting with precision to point directly at Kane’s heart. The muzzle gleamed ominously in the dim light.
“I know she's important, and you can't take her," Joaquin challenged. "Just like I know if you take one more step in her direction, a bullet's coming. I'll empty the entire clip if I have to."
Kane studied Joaquin with a dismissive tilt of his head, a sneer playing at his lips. To anyone who glanced quickly, Joaquin might have seemed inexperienced, but his eyes burned with a fierce determination that belied his appearance.
"You're willing to stake your life on the words of Sam Wilson?" Kane scoffed, motioning around tbe quickly emptying time square. "A man who isn't even here to help you protect her?"
“For her,” Joaquin said, his voice cold and unwavering, “I’ll stake my life, and lay you down, for good.”
The man’s grin widened, and he whistled sharply. The sound sliced through the tension like a sinister signal, prompting more figures to emerge from the shadows. Their faces were obscured, wearing masks similar to Kane's, but their intentions were clear.
Joaquin stepped back once, his movements precise, and you followed, your hand pressing firmly against his back. He shifted a second time, and then a third. Until cold stone met your shoulders. He had you positioned against the wall, giving him a clear vantage point to monitor every angle and anticipate any surprise.
"Stay behind me, no matter what happens," Joaquin ordered, his voice low. "Understand?"
He didn't leave room for a response. For once, in the time you've been together, there was not a protest.
Joaquin’s grip on his gun tightened, his entire stance radiating unyielding resolve. The square seemed to constrict around you, but amid the chaos, you felt a strange calm, knowing Joaquin was resolute in his defense.
“Last chance,” Kane chuckled, eyes drifting to his soldiers waiting to pounce. "You don't know who you're dealing with, kid."
Joaquin’s finger tightened on the trigger, his eyes locked on the man with piercing intensity. “Neither do you.”
Kane motioned for his men to advance, a cold smile curving his lips. Joaquin’s gaze remained locked on Kane, despite the figures rushing your way, his resolve unshakable.
Kane’s eyes narrowed as he took a deliberate step forward, Joaquin’s gun fired with a sharp, decisive crack.
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
i don’t see what anyone can see in anyone else, but you
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summary: midnight conversations with your boyfriend mickey
pairing: mickey garcia x girlfriend!reader
word count: 0.5k
warnings: mentions of alcohol, general nonsense hehe
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“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” you question, eyes intently locked on his.
“Yes. Next question.” Mickey answers simply.
“No, let’s circle back. I want an explanation.”
Mickey stares in your eyes for a moment. He’s conjuring up the correct answer.
You’re both lying on the grass in your garden, beer bottles lying to the side of you. You were hosting a small get together with your friends at your house, everyone had left now. Leaving you and Mickey basking in the warm breeze brought by summers in San Diego, even at just gone midnight.
“I have a question.” Mickey finally decides.
“Shoot, my love.” You hum.
“Are we still able to communicate?”
“Hmmmmm. Considering you’re a human and I’m a worm; probably not. However, I think our love transcends those barriers so maybe.”
Mickey nods, taking in what you’ve said. “What if I found a way to become a worm as well, then we could both be worms and we could build a little worm life together.”
You squeeze his hand that is intertwined with yours, “that sounds nice.”
“I know right. Can I ask a question now?” He continues.
“Of course.” You lean up only to take a sip from your beer then lay your head back down amongst the grass.
“Would you rather we be a couple of worms or a couple of butterflies?”
“That’s a tough one.” You declare, “okay give me the facts.”
“We stay together no matter which one we become. But, in one we are worms and the other we are butterflies.” He answers, reaching a hand forward to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
He leaves his hand on your face, stroking at your cheek absentmindedly.
“Upon first inspection, I would say butterflies because they’re cuter obviously, but now i’m thinking about us living in a cute little vegetable patch as worms. Ooh could it be Bob’s veg patch?” You rant.
“The vegetable patch is wherever you want, baby.” He coos.
You nod in acknowledgment, “okay so we’re in Bob’s bountiful vegetable patch and we’re creating fertile soil so his vegetable’s can flourish as well as just having fun being a worm power couple.”
“Bet the other worms are so jealous,” Mickey chuckles.
“Totally. We’re like the Beyoncé and Jay-Z of worm couples.” You giggle.
Mickey rolls over and cages his arms above your head. He leans down and smushes his lips into yours. It’s kind of sloppy from both ends, and when you pull back breathless there is a string of spit connecting the two of you.
“Should we go inside, wormy?” He asks, rolling back down and pulling you into his chest.
You rest your head on his pec and look up to the moon.
“Five more minutes, wormy?” You tease.
“Fine.” He smiles.
“Why do we end up worms in all of these scenarios?” You ponder.
“I think it’s just testament to the idea that we’ll always find each other.” Mickey affirms.
You hum. “Sounds about right.”
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a/n: sorry if this is crazy 😭😭 i just thought the worm question needed to be asked and obviously mickey would be the only to answer correctly
i hope u enjoy this weird little piece,, pls comment or reblog and tell me what you thought hehe
jake fic will be posted soon!
ty for reading!!
- honey <333
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AverageWriter-InTheDark’s Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
Link to my other Masterlists
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Key: 🤍 - Personal favs, ♥️ - popular works, 📝 - series in progress, 💌 - series completed, ⏳- coming soon, 🧸 - OC not y/n, 📨 - requested works (currently open) rules for requests
Lt. Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
Living Up To The ‘Legacy’ 🧸🤍♥️💌
The Parent Trap 🤍♥️
Lover 📨♥️
My Heart Will Go On | Titanic AU 🤍♥️
Rooster’s Ballerina ♥️
Social Media au (goes with series/imagines):⏳
Her Lover
Lt. Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
She’s Still Preoccupied With 1985 🤍♥️
Got Ink? 📨♥️
SFW Alphabet
In The Name Of Love
Social Media au (goes with series/imagines):
Queen of the Uneven Bars (FHOTB)
The 1985s
Lt. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
I Want My MTV 📨♥️
Barbie Girl 📨🤍♥️
Time of Our Lives | Dirty Dancing AU 📨🤍
Now That We Don’t Talk
SFW Alphabet
Social media au:
The High Note Princess (IWMM)
Y/n Likes The Snow
Lt. Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Love Rises From The Ashes 📨
Fluffy headcanons
Social Media AUs:
Resident Bad Boy ⏳
Lt. Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
His Reason to Fanboy 📨
On The Floor
Lt. Javy “Coyote” Machado
Hollywood’s Angel 📨
Fluff headcanons
Social Media AUs
Surf n Turf
Lt. Ruben ‘Payback’ Fitch
Different Type of Runway | Model!reader
Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell
Living Up To The ‘Legacy’ (daughter!OC)🧸🤍♥️💌
Planes, Love, & Rock 'n Roll -- Y/n & The Romantics AUverse 🤍
Strut Like You Mean It 📨
The Doc is In 📨
Social Media au
Multiple Characters
Bigger Than The Whole Sky 🤍♥️
Parabellum | John Wick AU 🤍
When It’s Cold, I’d Like To Die
Before He Cheats 📨
They Did The Monster Mash
Athlete!reader inserts:
For The Gold | Track & Field | Hangman pairing 🤍♥️
Flying High…On The Bars P.2 | Gymnastics | Bob pairing🤍♥️
Winging It | Soccer | Fanboy pairing ⏳
You’re My Grand Slam | Tennis | Phoenix pairing ⏳
Spike It Baby | Beach Volleyball | Coyote Pairing
Queen Of The Halfpipe | Snowboarder | Hangman pairing 📨♥️
Formula To My Heart | F1 Diver | Maverick pairing 📨
Ridin’ The Waves | Surfing | Coyote Pairing 📨
Dribbling for Love | Basketball | Payback Pairing ⏳
You Got It Bad | Badminton | Bob Pairing
Butterfly Fly Away | Swimming | Phoenix pairing 📨
The Dagger Squad Takes Universal Studios 🤍
Dagger Baby ♥️
The Dagger Squad as the Great Houses of Westeros
It’s Snuggle Time 📨
Last updated: 22 September 24
Tag list: @avaleineandafryingpan, @caitsymichelle13, @poppyalice2001, @cutelittlepotatofry, @luckyladycreator2, @americaarse, @elenavampire21, @back-tooo-black, @wildellaa, @artemissunn, @pinkpantheris, @kmc1989
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eternalsams · 1 year
Southern Nights ⇴ M.Garcia
pairing: Mickey Garcia x fem!reader
warning/content: protective big bro energy, recomposed family, smitten Fanboy as we love him
summary: your boyfriend is finally meeting your family but it doesn't go as he planned it.
word count: 1.7k
a/n: English isn't my mother tongue, please take that into consideration.
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"What about you, Fanboy? Doing anything special for the holidays?" Rooster asked the younger man as he took a sip from his beer. Mickey couldn't contain the smile that appeared on his lips and raised his chin, a proud look in his eyes. "I do, actually. Meeting my girl's family for the first time." All his friends howled and cheered him on, making him slightly blush. "This is getting serious, Garcia. Make sure to compliment the mama and stay away from the pop's shotguns." Hangman clapped his hand on Mickey's shoulder with a sneer. "Not everyone keeps shotguns to terrorize their daughter's boyfriend, Bagman." Phoenix slapped the blonde's hand from Fanboy's shoulder before turning to the WSO. "Don't worry, I'm sure they're gonna love you. If your girl's as wonderful as you say, her parents must be amazing people too." She reassured him. "You seem pretty in love, where did you hide the ring?" Payback teased his WSO. "In my gym bag." He admitted, not ashamed of how smitten he is for his girl. "What did you say her name was again?" Hangman's voice teased again. Mickey turned to him with a fake-smile. "Not your business, Bagman."
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You were practically jumping at the sight of your childhood house. It's been so long. Your hand holding his, you were pulling him toward the big house. You both walked up the few steps on the porch and before you could knock at the door, Mickey dropped the bags he had in other hand and pulled up against him before kissing you deeply. You were surprised but didn't complain. You pulled away, your cheeks flushed and looked at him. "What was that for, Mister Garcia?" You ran your fingers on his shoulders, inspecting his button-up shirt. "I don't think your parents will allow me to kiss you that way for the next week." He then pecked your lips and smiled down at you when you giggled. "You're a dork..." He bent down to grab the two bags and you went to knock on the front door. An elder woman was quick to open it and you threw yourself in her arms, wrapping your arms around her. Mickey smiled softly and locked eyes with the woman holding you close. Your mom quickly released you from the hug and she looked at you surprised. "Oh My! He's even more handsome than on the pictures you sent me!" Mickey smiled wildly at the compliment and wrap an arm around the woman who hugged him. You watched them with a loving smile and waited for them to separate to go into the house.
Mickey was met by an incredible smell and he already felt like home. "It smells amazing, Mrs Y/L/N." Mickey held onto the bags, not really sure where to put them. "Oh, you can call me Kate, sweetie. And I hope you're hungry!" She reached for your jacket to put it in the closet. "She cooked enough to feed the whole town!" A masculine voice joined the discussion. A wide grin took place on your face and you went to hug an elder man, your father, Mickey guessed. Your dad pulled away from you and straightened up to make himself taller to face Fanboy. Kind as he was, Mickey smiled at the man and extended his hand with genuine interest. "It's very nice to meet you, Sir. Y/N can't stop talking about you, both of you actually." He quickly glanced at your mom who slightly blushed and waved it off. Your father turned towards you as he shook Mickey's hand. "Did you tell him to say that?" You simply shrug and smile at him. "Maybe." Your father laughed a bit and turned back to Mickey. "It's okay, at ease, Lieutenant. And you can call me Jacob." He tapped Mickey's shoulder before taking the bags from his hand and leaving for the rooms to drop them in your room for the holidays. "Did you bring anything else with you, darling?" Your mom asked you. "Yeah, the rest is in the car." You smiled at her and she took Mickey's hand to lead him in the kitchen so he could help her setting the table. Mickey looked back at you and you waved your fingers at him with a soft smile. Your dad came back and walked to the french doors leading to the backyard. "Hey, Junior! Come help me with your sister's bags!" He called loudly to be heard over the children's screams.
"Aunt Y/N is here?" You could hear a little boy's voice ask before you were tackled by your sister's 5 year old son, and your godson. "Hey there..." You crouched down to scoop him in your arms. "I missed you. How is California?" He held you close, tightening his little arms around your shoulders. "It's amazing. It's hot, you'd love the beach. And I brought home someone I'd like for you to meet." You stroked his back and scratched the back of his head to draw his attention. He pulled back from your neck and looked at you with a frown. You said nothing and simply smiled, walking to the kitchen where your mom and Mickey were chatting. When you passed the doors, your boyfriend looked over at you and an excited grin took place on his face when he saw the child in your arms. "Noah... This is Mickey, he's my boyfriend. Mickey, this is my first love, Noah." You kissed your godson's cheek, making him giggle. Mickey walked up to you and shook Noah's hand. "It's really nice to meet you Noah, I've heard a lot about you. Wow, you really got a firm grip!" He exclaimed as he pretended to painfully rub his hand, earning a giggle from the boy. From the corner of your eye, you could see your dad and your brother walk up to your car and get everything out. Noah got shy as Mickey kept softly smiling at him and he buried his nose in your neck. "Are you in love?" He whispered in your ear, but loud enough because you could see Mickey smile even more. "We are." You answered as you rubbed his back. "Are you gonna get married and have kids?" He then asked in your ear. You smiled even more and turned your head so you could whisper back in his ear. "I hope so. I'm just waiting for him to be ready and pop the question down on one knee." The little boy laughed and squirmed in your arms. You crouched down and let him go back outside to play with his sister. The front door opened again and you could see Mickey frown when he heard your dad and your brother talk. He walked out of the kitchen and froze.
"Bagman?!" The latter froze in turn and looked at your boyfriend then looked at you. "You gotta be kidding me..." He sighed before dropping the bags he was holding. Mickey turned to you with a shocked expression and pointed at your brother. "You didn't tell me your brother was Hangman! Why isn't your name Seresin then!" The annoyed expression on Jake's face changed to a protective one when he heard your boyfriend raising his voice while talking to you. You simply chuckled and shrugged. "Because I'm not a Seresin, Jake's dad met my mom after I was born, we don't have the same dad. They got married when I was six and I got used to calling him dad." Mickey turned back to Jake who was looking between you and your boyfriend. "Everything good, Y/N?" The blonde asked. "Everything's good, Jake. Don't worry, I should've told you guys, I knew you worked together for a while and I thought it would be fun to keep this for me until your met. And it was fun." You chuckled and took your boyfriend's hand before leading him to the backyard to greet your niece and your sister and her husband. You heard Jake groaning behind you and turned back to throw him a glare, asking him silently to behave and not cause a scene. You wanted these vacations to be perfect for everyone. Jake sighed and rolled his eyes before grabbing your bags and following his dad to your room. He dropped the bags on your bed and stopped in his track and he saw Fanboy's gym bag. The ring. He quickly checked if anyone was coming in the hallway but he only heard chatting in the backyard. He opened the bag and searched for a little satin bag, a black velvety box, anything. He stopped his research when his hand touched something that had no reason to be in a gym bag. An envelop. He took it out of the bag and read your name in Fanboy's handwriting. He felt the envelop between his fingers and recognized the shape of a ring with a stone one one side. A big one, that is. He decided he knew enough and put the envelop where it was and put everything back how it was before closing the gym bag and leaving the room.
Jake joined everyone outside in the backyard, still deep in his thoughts, and was surprised when his niece threw herself in his arms, screaming and laughing, oh so happy to have her entire family reunited for the holidays. He looked up and saw you perched on Mickey's lap, laughing at something his dad said. He locked eyes with the WSO and walked up to them, dropping off the little girl so she could go play with her brother. "I saw you brought your gym bag." He said directly to Fanboy who froze and widened his eyes. All colors left his face and he realized Jake knew about the ring and that he planned to propose. To Jake's sister. You turned to your boyfriend and furrowed your frows, feeling there was a silent discussion between the two men. "I know a good place for a good run, I'll show you tomorrow morning if you want." The blonde pilot tapped Mickey's shoulder who seemed to breathe for the first time since his colleague opened his mouth. His grip on your hips loosened and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you closer and resting his chin on your shoulder. "Thanks, man." He only said before turning his attention back to the two children trying to show him what they learned in gym class.
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ryebecca · 11 months
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daggers in a galaxy far, far away: "Permission to hop in an X-Wing and blow something up?" - Poe Dameron, The Last Jedi ⭐️
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