#danny plays heaven's feel
nelkcats · 1 year
And they were roommates
After years of living on his own in the Infinite Realms, something strange began to happen to the retired hero. Every time Danny closed his eyes to sleep, a life that was not his own played in his head. And he began to see memories of someone who had passed away, from his birth to his death. That would be fine if he didn't remember the dreams in such detail.
Unfortunately when the first dream kept repeating itself continuously, and Danny investigated, he discovered that it was not a normal nightmare and was the life of someone real. Someone who wanted a closure.
Every time he woke up, he found himself feeling the same as in the dream. Which led him to do a couple of things: yell at Nocturne (who strangely had nothing to do with it), annoy Clockwork (who was definitely involved), and solve crimes that had been deemed "impossible", and bring them to an appropriate end.
The police were extremely confused when a note from "Sleepy King" was next to the evidence of a cold case. The truth is that Danny wanted to sleep, and the souls were extremely insistent about their 'unfinished business' that came to haunt him in his sleep.
Every time he cracked a case he earned a few hours of uninterrupted sleep or downright disturbing memories, but that wasn't enough. Unfortunately, it seemed that solving the cases was only attracting more souls, and he was starting to regret wanting to help. He had ended his life as a hero for a reason.
Usually his notes to the police would say something along the lines of "I'm doing this for me, not for you, good night" or some similar nonsense. The halfa was tired, very very tired, dreaming with memories wasn't fun or pretty, it was exhausting, the deaths made his skin crawl and his insomnia worse. He didn't want to relive the deaths of anyone else, but he had no way to scare away the souls.
When Martha Wayne showed up in his dreams showing him about a "court of owls" Danny made up his mind. This had to stop. He had been a hero but he retired. And it wasn't that he hated the souls, he just wanted to sleep, the mental exhaustion was too much.
So he did the stupidest thing possible: he hired Constantine (pretending to be a fairly normal human client, getting his attention after offering a lot of alcohol and some useless books from the Realms as payment) to make him a dream catcher or some wizard thing. All he wanted was something to help him sleep.
Constantine couldn't do that of course. The hellbazer was disturbed by the man with more than three hundred avenging spirits swarming. That was fucked up. So he offered him the only solution he could think of: inviting him to sleep at his house. A place where spirits could not pass without permission. It wasn't a permanent fix, but it would work for a while.
John had no idea why he was doing so much for a client (inviting him to his house? bold move), but the man looked so desperate, and he was fucking cute. If he could get an adventure or two out of it he wouldn't complain.
Constantine's guest bed felt like heaven to the halfa, despite being almost destroyed. Danny repeatedly thanked, and before they both knew it: they were roomies, lived in the same place, took turns cooking or cleaning, etc. They grew comfortable with each other to the point that Danny answered Justice League Dark's calls on a few occasions.
And well, if Constantine stopped rushing to find a long-term solution that was his business, and his alone, okay? Zatanna's comment asking when he got married was fucking out of place.
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fukcnoplease · 6 months
Things always go wrong Pt2 :0
Pt1 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5
Dani roused from her sleep to see forests rushing passed and the sun beginning to dip behind them. The world was bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun and she basked in its beauty. This was why she loved traveling. The beauty, the freedom, the fun.
She turned to Danny to see none of those things. He was gaunt and rigid. Eyes pinned to the road in tense silence as they drove way too many miles over the speed limit. 
“Did you die die?” Dani asked, poking his cheek. He felt clammy. That probably wasn't good. Dani didn't feel great either. Tired and saggy, like all her muscles had deflated.
Danny just grunted in response. That was VERY not good. No Danny banter meant Danny really HAD died.
“So is this a drive to heaven or to hell?” She asked. Danny snorted. That was a good sign.
“Gotham.” He grumbled. It sounded forced, like it hurt to say. Dani frowned.
“So hell it is. Why are we going there?” Danny remained silent and his face fell into a scowl. “You’re doing a pretty good Batman impression but that doesnt tell me why we are going to meet him.”
“We are not meeting batman. We are going to Jazz” Danny said.
“Ooh, better than batman!” Dani playfully punched her arms in the air and Danny winced. Dani noticed but didn’t comment as she went to grab his phone. It was cracked slightly and was full of messages and calls from Sam and Tucker. Notably, it didn't have any directions pulled up.
“Do you know where you’re going?” Danni asked. Danny moved for the first time, shifting uncomfortably.
“...No.” He muttered as he kept his eyes on the road. Dani rolled her eyes at him and started looking through his phone, she had learned his password ages ago and as much as he threatened to change it on her, he never did. Though that might have been more forgetfulness than endearment but Dani would interpret it as she wished.
“You are so bad at road trips.” She said as she connected his phone to the aux cord and pulled up directions to Gotham. They still had almost nine hours to drive and the sun was only getting lower. “There is a rest stop about an hour from here. We can rest there for the night.”
Danny didn't look too pleased at the idea but he knew they didn't have any money for a motel and he couldn't drive the entire night. He didn't want to stop driving so soon though. Moving helped dull the pain.
“Are there any further rest stops?”
“Hmm… Theres one about three hours from us?and then another at the six hour mark. We could stop there for lunch tomorrow.” Dani said. Danny grumbled but nodded. He didn't want to stop at all tomorrow. Stopping for the night felt like too much, let alone pausing midway through the drive tomorrow.
The rest of the drive was Dani playing music and chatting away. Chipping away at Danny’s panicked and suffering walls until he finally relaxed into their usual banter. She played eye-spy and when she got bored of that she played twenty questions. When Danny chose a water bear as his animal she gave up on that too. They devolved into silly arguments about how water bears shouldn't be allowed or how it wasn't fair that Dani kept picking things Danny couldn't see in eye-spy. 
As the sky darkened and the car’s headlights came on they fell into an easy silence. Danny still hurt but it was better and Dani’s core was humming comfort at him which helped.
Dani was half asleep when they pulled into the rest stop. The lights still on but the cafes and restaurants, closed or closing. She woke up fully when Danny moved to look through the back seat. Shuffling through whatever he had thrown back there and forgotten about. 
Gloves, a box of tissues, an empty tote bag and an old backpack he used before he bought a new one. It had a gum packet in it and a pen but nothing else. Groaning, he went and opened the trunk, a black scorch mark from where it had been hit earlier that day. He had camping gear for when he went stargazing. A tent, blankets, portable stove and a lighter, gas for the stove, a pocket knife, a mess kit. He was rummaging through when Dani popped up beside him.
“You got twenty dollars in your phone case.” She said and Danny jerked up hitting his head on the trunk door. He rubbed his head and whacked Dani’s shoulder while she laughed, he was smiling but he wouldn't admit it.
He grabbed his phone from the car and Dani closed the trunk, whistling at the damage.
“Who did that?” She asked, eyeing the marks on the car.
“Some fruitloops after a kidnapped ghost.” Danny said.
“Kidnapped? Me? How awful.” She said, putting her hand up and pretending to swoon.
“You’re right. The poor kidnappers.” Danny laughed and Dani rolled her eyes. She punched him in the side playfully and he hissed in pain. 
They both paused and Dani poked his side and he winced.
“Are you ok?” She asked. He hasn't seemed that injured when he was driving.
“Yeah, just a bit tender.” Danny joked. Dani stared at him, waiting for a better answer than that and Danny sighed. “Leaving Amity was harder than I thought it would be.” Dani still didn't really understand but Danny looked like he would rather be sick than answer her and she really didn't want him to be sick in front of her. 
“Do you want to get food?” she asked and Danny gave her a thankful smile before nodding. 
They grabbed a snack each, bbq chips and oreos,  and a bottle of water to share. Dani nicked a portable charger and some jerky while Danny was in the bathroom and then they headed back out to the door. When they were back in the car Dani pulled out the portable charger and plugged in Danny’s phone.
“Where did you get that?” He asked, eyeing it incredulously. It definitely didn't look under twelve dollars and thats all they had left after the snacks.
“Same place we got the rest of this stuff.” She said dropping the rest of the snacks and jerky between them. Danny noted the extra snack but just rolled his eyes. They ate but Danny kept the jerky for the next day and then he pulled out the blankets from his trunk. 
Snuggled up, with their cores harmonizing, they fell asleep. 
The car shook and a bang followed by the crunching and scraping of metal woke them up. Danny shot up, the sky just starting to lighten, face meeting with the barrel of an anti-ecto gun. He lunged to the side. The headrest of his seat was evaporated and Dani sent out her own ecto blast. The attacker was forced back into the white van that was ramming them and they could hear some colourful words through their panic. Danny jammed the key into the ignition and turned it, the engine roaring to life. Shrieking metal filled their ears as the forced the vehicles apart and booked it out of the parking lot. The road bumps sending pieces of glass flying as Danny realized his window had been smashed during the attack. The back seat window seemed cracked but still intact and the windscreen had a spider web fracture but was holding up. His core shuddered at the damage but the pain was overridden by the need to protect Dani. 
He glanced over and saw a very shellshocked young ghost shaking in the passenger seat. She probably used too much ectoplasm in that blast. Neither of them were recovered enough and even with harmonizing he wasn't sure they would be able to recover enough to take another attack. He shook his head and focused on driving.
It took some maneuvers and some, maybe a lot, of speeding to lose the GIW but they managed. Dani pulled up directions and turned on whatever music she could find.
They spent the next few hours staring out their respective windows. Dani didn't like it. She didn't like the silence or the stress or the way her body shook in fear and exhaustion. Road Trips were supposed to be fun.
Danny didn't speak. His core was barely humming, barely responding to her, as they drove. It wasn't until the low gas symbol popped up on the dash that he said anything and of course it was just another curse. Dani was getting fed up with Danny’s shrinking vocabulary. 
She didn't say anything as she added a new stop to the directions, the closest gas station. Maybe a part of her was hoping her grumpiness would get Danny to snap out of whatever grump he was experiencing. Probably not a reasonable or healthy way to handle the situation, if you asked someone like Jazz, but Dani didn't ask Jazz. 
Danny didn't seem to notice though. He pulled into the gas station and turned off the car. His core buzzing with panic as he set up the gas pump and slumped against the car with a groan of pain. Dani frowned and poked her head out of the car. He looked pale, too pale. They were in their human forms, he shouldn't be that pale. At least she didn't think so. Though maybe she wasn't an expert on normal human medicine.
The gas pump beeped and Danny dragged himself up to remove the pump and go into the gas station. Dani suddenly worried about how they would pay, they had filled the tank up to full and that couldn't be cheap. 
Danny stumbled and fell into someone by the gas station entrance, a big guy with tattoos in a tank top, jeans and were those cowboy boots? Danny apologized and the guy shoved him, making him stumble again. Dani almost flew out of the car at him before she noticed a flash of dark leather in Danny’s hand.
No way.
The big tough guy waved him off and went back to smoking as Danny went inside and paid with a wallet he had most definitely not had five minutes ago. Danni stared at her basically brother, slacked jawed, as he casually dropped the wallet back into the guys pocket with some intangibility and then hurriedly slipped back into the car. His face was hard and he glared forward as he started the car.
“Did you just-?” Dani started, her excitement at her brother's newfound skills making her bounce in her seat. 
“No. Dont. Talk about it.” He cut her off, jaw set. She stilled in her seat and went back to pouting. When she vibrated her core at him he didn't even respond. She felt her core freeze at the lack of reaction and she tried again. There was a thump of something and Danny grunted but that was it. That was all that she got. Dread curled in her stomach as she stared at the road in front of her. 
They drove on and Dani didn't even mention the second rest stop they were supposed to stop at and Danny didn't either. There wasn't even music and the silence was only occasionally broken by a pained breath from Danny or an attempted hum from Dani’s core. It was a painful drive and Dani tried to sleep to help time passed. It worked partially, she slept fitfully for about twenty minutes each rest but it helped her heal. By the time they had found themselves in the midmorning traffic into Gotham she was feeling much more herself.
Danny looked worse and his arm trembled from being kept in a tense position for so long. A thin sheen of sweat covered him and Dani opened to her mouth to say something only to slam it shut at the waves of panic suddenly rolling off Danny. 
The car had rolled to a stop as the traffic came to a standstill. Thankfully they were in the slowest lane and there was a hard shoulder on their right but it did little to comfort Danny’s mounting panic. He didn't want to stay still, he couldn't, they were in danger and needed to keep moving. 
“Hey, are you-” Dani was interrupted by an explosion. They both spun to see billows of smoke about twenty cars back and a familiar white van barreling down the hard shoulder. Danny sucked in a breath of air and hit the gas as he swerved into the hard shoulder himself. He pressed on the gas as they went, coming up on a motorcycle attempting to skip traffic. Dani reached over Danny’s shaking arms and slammed on the horn as they gained on the man in red. He glanced back and barely managed to crash out of the way before they ran him down. As they zoomed passed the poor guy Dani looked out her window to give him an apologetic wave. His helmet was weirder when she saw it close up, less like a motorcycle helmet and more like a mask but for his whole head. She gave him a wave and he stared after them. The white van careening after them and obstructing her view. 
Danny followed the hard shoulder until it turned to grass and he kept going. The grass turned into a ditch and he grit his teeth as he maneuvered his beloved car to keep going. Thankfully the car, even turned at an almost forty five degree angle still kept going, if only slower than he would have liked. The white van on the other hand, hit the ditch and flipped, crashing to a halt behind them. Dani watched people crawl out of the van and try to chase after them but even going slowly their car was still faster. Though a lucky shot shattered the back window.
They pulled the car back into traffic, receiving honks and rude gestures before they went deeper into the murky city. It was only another few minutes of driving before Danny found an empty, unkempt parking lot to stop in. He shot out of the car and ripped the back seat door off its hinges trying to get the backpack he had back there. Dani grabbed his phone, the leftover cash, portable charger, and jerky before joining him behind the car as he stuffed his knife, lighter and a blanket into his bag. She offered her stuff and he opened the bag for her. As soon as everything was in he zipped it shut and went to pick Dani up.
“Woah! No! You’re not carrying me. I can walk just fine.” She said, glaring at Danny as he looked back at her. His eyes didn't seem totally focused and she grabbed his hand instead. “If you need to hold on to me so bad you can hold this. Now lets go.” And she was off, dragging a clearly not ok Danny behind her. 
Did she know where she was going? No, but she would figure it out. Unlike Danny, she was used to finding places to sleep in unfriendly and unfamiliar cities. She could recognize safe places to stay. At least she was pretty sure she could.
Gonna try and figure out how to do the Pt1 Pt2 links I actually have like four chapters(?) written cause i got sucked in last night
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aerithisms · 3 months
what's insane is that there's literally quotes from Moffat not even hard to find out there where he directly talks about Clara being the same as the Doctor and how fun that was to write. It's ok to admit maybe he just did a good job on this one folks
literally if you google 'steven moffat interview clara oswald' the first result has this quote (emphasis mine):
“The thing about Clara is she thinks the show is called Clara. She really does. She has no idea she’s number two in the credits, which is why we did that joke in Death in Heaven. She’s got a high opinion of herself, not in a conceited way, but in a correct way. She knows she’s extremely clever and capable, and she doesn’t feel like she particularly fits in the world that she lives in.
She’s a bit more like the Doctor in the first place. She’s not really very good at living a normal life. The other companions, like most people, like you and me, can be quite good at living normal lives. I’m very happy living my normal life, I’m sure you are too. Going to the shops seems fine for an adventure, but Clara’s not like that.
When I first wrote Clara, I thought, ‘Oh, this is fun. If the Doctor were a young woman living in contemporary Britain, it’d be a bit like her.’ Clever and presentable and funny but also thinking when is something interesting going to happen? The interesting thing between the Doctor and Clara is she can sort of play the same game he does. She can absolutely do that, she’s terribly clever, she’s got a wayward ego.
Her botched love affair with Danny is heartbreakingly proof of that. He’s a lovely man with a traumatic secret, and she just screws it up because she doesn’t really give it enough attention. It’s just a little bit less exciting than running off in the blue box. You have to be a bit of a loony to think that way. I think for the first time, the Doctor’s traveling with someone who’s a bit of a loony like him, and that’s quite fun.”
the idea that moffat/the narrative does not absolutely support clara in her quest to be like the doctor is very silly. he said "not in a conceited way but in a correct way"!!
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 months
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7 minutes of Heaven
Danielle Van de Donk x Reader
Word count: 2,388
Summery: some of the girls get together and decide to play 7 minutes of heaven. Except it has a twist, A person has to draw two names from a red solo cup. Once the 2 names are drawn, those 2 people do 7 minutes of heaven and it has to be sexual.
Warning: smut, Masterbation, cumshot, blowjob, facial, dirty talk, handjob
*Y/n's pov*
We just finished up a game against Brazil. We just got back to the hotel everyone goes to their rooms to get cleaned up. Me and Danielle go up to our room, the group decided to do game night tonight in mine and Dans room.
"I'm gonna shower." Danielle says.
I nod, I take off my shoes and plop down onto my bed. I then on the tv and watch a random show. I grab my phone and start messing around on my phone as the tv plays in the background.
I was scrolling through Reddit. I find a picture of Danielle on Reddit it was of her in her bikini and her bending over to grab something.
I bite my lip, Danielle had a really fat ass. I grab my crotch and adjust my shorts as I get hard. I was getting rock hard from looking at the picture.
I hear the shower turn off. After 10 minutes the door to the bathroom opens and Danielle comes out.
"Showers all yours." Danielle says.
I nod, I grab new clothes and go to the bathroom quickly hoping Dan doesn't see my boner.
I go into the bathroom and close the door and lock it. Danielle probably saw my boner. I blush darkly in embarrassment, I get undressed and start the shower.
I look down and notice that I'm still hard. I turn off the shower I grab my phone and bring it into the shower, I find the picture I found of Danielle and pull it up.
I wrap my hand around my dick and slowly stroke my dick. I moan quietly and stroke my dick a bit faster, I close my eyes and I can see Danielle in front of me.
Danielle was bending over in front of me. She was grabbing a tennis ball that she randomly found while walking on the beach.
I smirk and walk over to her. I start touching and squeezing her ass. Danielle laughs a bit and moans.
"Mmmm." Danielle moans.
I pull the bottoms of her bikini down. I kneel down and kiss her ass Dan bites her lips, she grabs her ass cheeks and spreads them giving me full access to her pussy and ass.
I get back up. I grab her hand and lead her off to a private wood section on the beach with trees and bushes.
I make her lean up against the tree. I pull my swim trunks down, my massive 12 inch boner springs out and at attention.
I rub my dick through her soaking folds. Dan gaps and moans as I do this.
"Y-You have a d-dick?" She asks.
"Mhm I do. You like that?" I reply.
"Mm I love it. You're really deep in there." Dan moans.
"Good." I smirk.
I grab her hips and slowly thrust in and out of her. Dan moans and grabs onto the tree as I fuck her tight wet pussy from behind.
"Mmm faster." Dan moans.
I grip her hips a bit tighter as I thrust into her pussy faster and harder. We both moan in pleasure my balls slapping against her skin.
"Fuck... Fuck...Fuck." Dan squeaks out with each thrust.
I moan in pleasure as I keep going. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
"Dan baby I'm close." I moan loudly in pleasure.
"Me too daddy." Dan moans.
She squirts I feel her juices all over my thighs and abs. I moan, I dig my nails into her ass.
I thrust into her ass faster and harder. Dan boobs bounce up and down as I continue to fuck her brains out.
I moan loudly in pleasure as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"Dan baby I'm gonna I'm gonna." I'm unable to warn her in time. Danny cums all over my dick, this sends me over the edge and makes me cum deep inside her, I moan as I unload my massive load deep inside her pussy.
Dan and I both moan as I pump her full with my seed.
I moan quietly as I cum. Thick ropes of sticky cum shoot onto the shower wall and onto the floor, cum oozes out of my dick and oozes down my fingers.
"Mmm fuck." I moan quietly as I stroke my dick coming down from my high. Once I come down from my high I set my phone on the counter top outside and start the shower.
I get washed up. I clean my hair and body and rinse my hair and body. I turn the shower off. I get dried off and get dressed. I grab my phone and come back into the room.
I join Danielle on her bed. I sigh and look at my phone. Dan giggles.
"What's wrong Y/n?" Dan asks.
"Do we have to do game night tonight? I'm really tired from the game and just wanna sleep." I say quietly.
I lay my head on the pillow and look at Dan. Dan also has her head on a pillow and is looking back at me. We lay there in silence quietly looking at each other.
We smile and look at each others lips. I look at Dan, I move a bit closer. Danielle also moves closer. I lean in and so does Danielle, I kiss her deeply. Dan is shocked at first but then melts into the kiss and makes out with me.
I scoot close not breaking the kiss. Dan pulls me on top of her as we continue to make out with each other.
We are interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Oi! Let's go love birds, dinner time." Jordan Nobbs says.
We break from the kiss and sigh. "Of course always gotta cock block someone." I groan in annoyance.
Dan giggles and peck my lips. "Come on Love let's go eat dinner."
Dan stops talking and looks down at my bulge. I look down and blush darkly as I notice my boner.
"I-is that a b-boner?" Dan asks shocked.
I rub the neck of my neck. "Y-Yes." I answer nervously.
Dan bites her lip. "No need to be embarrassed it happens to the best of us. Hehe might wanna run one out before dinner time." Dan teases.
Dan grabs her things and leaves the room and goes down to the cafeteria. I groan in annoyance and quickly rub one out.
I grab my things and join the girls at dinner. I grab food and join Danelle, Lucy, Kiera, Leah, Rachel and Jordan at a table.
The girls smile and greet me. I smile and greet them back. "So what is the plan for game night tonight?" Dan asks.
The girls all look at each other and smirk. "7 Minutes of Heaven." Leah replies.
Me and Dan groan in annoyance. The girls laugh at our reaction.
"Everyone will be playing." Lucy says.
I nod, Dan stays quiet and continues to eat her food. We finish eating dinner and go back up to mine and Dan's room.
Jessie and Steph decide to join us. The rest of the girls go back to their rooms.
"Let's get started, we're gonna spice things up a bit. Someone will draw two names from this red solo cup and the two people who gets their names drawn go into the bathroom and do 7 minutes of Heaven." Leah says explaining the game.
I nod. "I'll get us Started." I reach into the cup and draw two names. "Leah and Lucy." I say reading the two names.
They both get up and go into the bathroom. They close the door behind them and lock the door.
I grab my phone and start the timer for 7 minutes. We can hear movement and the we hear moans coming from the bathroom.
I raise my eye brows, I smirk and look at Danielle. She smiles and shakes her head blushing darkly. The timer goes off, i turn off the timer and get up and knock on the door.
"Times up." I say.
The door unlocks and opens. Both Lucy and Leah come out, Lucy was blushing darkly and had a hicky on her neck she was putting her shirt back on. Leah was blushing darkly, she had a wet stain on her panties and was putting her shorts back on she also had hickys on her neck.
I smirk at them. They look away and blush darkly in embarrassment. Lucy reaches into the cup and pulls out two names.
"Rachel and Jordan." Lucy smirks reading the two names.
Rachel and Jordan get up and go into the bathroom. They close the door and lock it, I start the timer again.
I look over at Dan, She had a good looking ass. Her boobs were good looking too. I bite my lip as I stare at her thighs and legs.
She's pretty built too, I grab my crotch and adjust my shorts as I feel myself getting hard. I get up and sit on my bed away from everyone else. I fiddle around on my phone.
I check the timer, I get up and start walking towards the door. As I get closer to the door I hear moaning.
"F-Fuck Jordan, right there I'm close." Rachel moans loudly.
I laugh and so do the girls. The timer goes off, I turn it off and knock on the door.
"Times up." I say.
The door unlocks and opens. Jordan wipes Rachel's juices and cum off her face with her hand. Rachel blushes darkly and puts her shorts back on.
Rachel and Jordan go sit back down. Jordan reaches into the cup and pulls out two names. She looks at me and smirks.
"Y/n and Dan." Jordan says.
Me and Dan get up and go into the bathroom. We close the door and lock it, Dan looks down and smirks.
I get confused and look down and notice my boner. I blush darkly in embarrassment.
"Need help with that?" Dan asks seductively.
I blush darkly and nod. Dan takes off her shirt and bra and gets on her knees. I get the hint, I take off my shorts and boxers. Once my boxers are off my boner springs out and at attention.
Dan slowly strokes my dick. Once I'm hard Dan takes my dick in her mouth. Dan slowly bobs her head, I moan and run my fingers through her hair.
"Mmm fuck." I moan.
I moan and close my eyes. Dan hums against my dick and bobs her head faster.
Dan strokes the base of my dick and continues to bob her head faster.
I moan in pleasure as Dan strokes my dick a bit faster and continues to give me head. Dan keeps going, after 3 more minutes of an amazing blow job I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"Dan.... baby I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
Dan hums against my dick and strokes my dick faster, she takes my dick out of her mouth.
Dan continues to stroke my dick. "Cum baby, bust your load all over my tits and face." Dan says seductively as she gives me sloppy hand job.
Fuck that may have been the hottest thing I've heard.
Dan strokes my dick faster and faster, I can't take it anymore. I cum and shoot ropes of thick sticky cum all over Dans boobs, face, chin, forehead, nose and cheeks, some of it goes on her eyes.
"Mmmm hehe so much cum. Let's see if you got anymore." Dan says seductively.
Dan takes my dick back in her mouth and bobs her head at a slow and steady pace. I moan in pleasure, I grab her head.
"Mmm faster baby faster." I moan.
I grab her head and help her bob her head faster. Dan chokes and gags as she deep throats my dick. Spit and cum drips from her mouth and onto her boobs. Dan wraps her arms around the back of my legs and bobs her head faster.
"Mmm fuck, right there Dan." I moan loudly in pleasure.
I moan and help her bob her head faster and faster. Dan continues to suck the soul out of my dick. Dan reaches down and plays with my balls as I continue to throat fuck her.
"Guck Guck Guck." Dan continues to choke and gag on my dick. I moan and help her bob her head faster, I moan as I feel myself getting close to cumming.
"Gah so good I'm gonna cum again." I moan in pleasure.
Spit and slobber continues to drop from her mouth and drips down her tits. I moan and make her bob her head faster. I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
I quickly take my dick out of her mouth. Dan chokes and gags trying to catch her breath. I moan and stroke my dick fast.
Facial #2:
I stroke my dick faster and faster. Dan catches her breathe and smirks and watches me stroke my dick.
"Give it to me baby. Cum on my tits, bust your load all over my tits and face." Dan says seductively.
Her dirty talk sends me over the edge. I moan and cum, I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum all over her tits and all over her face, forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and some coats her eyes.
Dan giggles. "'Mm so much cum."
I moan as I come down from my high. Shooting the last of my cum all over her tits and face.
"Mmm fuck that was amazing." I moan.
I grab my shirt, I wipe my cum off her face and help Dan get cleaned up, we get dressed there's a knock on the door.
"Times up love birds." Leah says.
Me and Dan both giggle. Dan kisses me deeply, I'm shocked at first but melt into the kiss. Dan breaks the kiss's she wraps her arms around my neck.
"Wanna have some fun after the girls leave?" Dan asks me.
I smile and nod. "Mmm yes please." I smile, we kiss again.
We open the door and join the girls again and continue plating the game.
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1-800-cr33py · 1 year
Ghostface x AFAB!Reader
Content Warning: Dub-Con, p in v, outside sex, Ghostface, heavy-ish nsfw, Ghostie is a prick he gets double warnings.
Autumn, one of the most bearable seasons within the accursed Entity’s realm, or realms in all actuality. The crisp air, colorful leaves, hazy skies. It would be picturesque if not given everyone’s..circumstances. Especially your’s. Poor little thing.
“ Smile songbird! C’mon won’t you give the camera that award winning smile?” Danny all but cackled, his arm raised with that goddamn camera flashing with every still he took; he returned his attention to you, a squirming mess of wetness and need posed prettily in his lap, legs spread as he almost brought you to the edge once again. This sick cycle was maddening, torturous and fuck did you love it. You loved aching for him, needing him to bring you the simplest of things you could’ve easily brought yourself had he not spoiled you rotten.
“ I said fucking smile. “ Danny deadpanned, his tone flat, low.
A whine erupted from your throat as he retracted his fingers from your sopping cunt to force your chin upward, your wetness staining your cheeks as you gave the weakest smile one could muster, your lover shaking your head as he continued his degrading ramblings into the camera. You were far too dazed to care, simply nodding along with the occasional whine as his hand returned to its spot between your thighs. Your hips jerked as he lay a heavy handed spank onto your clit, Danny cackled, shoving his face into the nape of your neck, your were sure his stubble would leave some kind of mark by the end of this. Danny would leave you like this if he so wished, hell, maybe he’d fuck your throat until you couldn’t talk for the next few trials, or maybe he’d just rub one out, leaving his cum staining your face and an order to not clean it up. You’d do it, anything to keep him appeased, entertained. He brought you to heaven so many time despite being a creature from the deepest depths below Hell itself. A hand chosen by the Entity, graced and cursed alike with her favor and now here you were, a simple toy for him to play with in his downtime.
“ Get out of the pretty head songbird, I ain’t done with that pretty ass yet. “ Danny mused, his fingers a torturous pace by now, your orgasm ebbing away. A guttural whine of need left your mouth, this game had been going on for how long now? Hours? Days? Weeks? Time was such a fickle thing and he seemed to have enough of it to continue this. You could feel his hardness through the rough material of his pants, feel his sharp thrusts against your back every time you moaned his name.
He wanted you just as much if not more.
Danny smiled against your neck, the flush skin littered with hickies and bites alike, though his hand didn’t return to your cunt, instead he lay the cold tips of his fingers against your clit, soft circles leaving your already trembling legs twitching. He cooed sweet nothings, how this was the only way you’d be cumming tonight, his sweet, obedient little girl.
His songbird
The circles turned into slaps, ever the sadist Danny was.
“ Oh dove don’t tell you you thought I was fucking bluffing? “ that earned an especially hard slap, lurking forward as you cried. Fat tears slipping down your face. Oh you sweet thing, always so plaint and ready for anything he throws your way.
So needy, so sweet. It’s a shame really it is. Such a sweet dove doesn’t deserve to be treated this way, but you wanted this. Wanted him. Now here you were, going through this endless cycle of need as the leaves and twigs dug into the back of your thighs. The cool air leaving your already sensitive and bitten nipples pebbled. Your wetness dripping down your thighs and onto the ground below. The scent of sex, Danny, so heavy and thick in the air one could cut it with a dull knife. Yes. Yes this is what you wanted, The excitement, the depravement, oh gods above this is what you’ve dreamed about. Your dull life now filled with as much excitement as one could need. Now all you need to do is hold it. Hold it and he won’t spank your ass purple. Don’t be disobedient now dove, you’ve come so far haven’t you? You want to be good for Danny right? Want to be his good girl, his best girl? Then hold it. Don’t even think about cumming until he give you permission, and even them
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heartbreakgrill · 1 year
stiles stilinski: breakable heaven; pt. 7, “i’m drunk in the back of the car and i cried like a baby coming home from the bar. said, ‘I'm fine,’ but it wasn't true.”
a/n: sad, but gets hopeful! one more part after this, i think :)
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“i’m glad i never ended up having a party at my house.”
danny fell into step beside y/n, their shoes scuffing against the sidewalk. they had to park all the way down the street from jack’s house because there were so many other people here. because it was so late at night, the air in beacon hills was cool. y/n hugged her arms around herself, wishing she hadn’t worn a tank top beneath her jacket. her breath came out like a fog as she spoke.
danny made a face at the thought, “too much work. imagine the clean up.”
“yeah, no thanks,” she shivered.
the music coming from the house ahead of them got louder as they neared it. some popular radio song reverberated in their ears. y/n felt her heart beat in her throat, thumping along to the bass. danny lit up once they reached the door, excited to drink, dance.
he always was the party type. he had so much fun moving to the music, losing himself in the crowd.
on the other hand, there was y/n, who didn’t normally drink at parties. she was a go-to for being the designated driver, choosing to watch out for her friends and play with whatever animal the owner of the house had sniffing around.
tonight, however, she wanted to let loose. needed to, more so.there was nothing better after a heartbreak than getting messy-drunk at a high school party.
it had been a week. a whole week since her and stiles’ fall out. a week since she’d seen his face. sure, she saw his figure in the hallways sometimes, but she would run the other way. he’d start to chase her down, but danny was usually close by and he’d shoot stiles a glaring look. it turned him away. he’d texted her nonstop, called her about a million times. but, after the fourth day, when he realized she just wouldn’t be responding, he stopped. all lines of communication fell out. any hope of fixing what was broken was squashed out.
when y/n thought about it too much, she felt sick. nausea tumbled through her stomach. her head became fuzzy. stupid, naive girl, she’d think to herself. it’s all your fault. so, every single time her mind started to wander, she’d shove her nose into her homework, pick up a shift at work, get so high out of her mind that reality felt like a television show.
tonight, her choice of thought erasure was getting wasted at a high school party.
y/n squeezed her hand around danny’s bicep once they walked in. in response, he kept her close to his side as they wormed through jack’s house, in search of their friend group. eventually, they found leo, megan, jack, and a few others. they were in the kitchen, standing around the island counter. glasses were scattered around the house already, though the party had just started barely an hour or so ago. the group cheered when y/n and danny came through the door, holding up some of the red solo cups.
megan came to y/n’s side, her tipsy stature morphing her usually quiet attitude into something more sentimental. she clutched onto y/n’s arm. she touched y/n’s cheek and gushed over the curls swinging over her shoulders. “i loooove the hair, girl. you look so pretty with it like that. you’re always pretty, though. oh, my god, you know we haven’t hung out in forever and it makes me so sad. please, please say we’ll hang out soon.”
y/n giggled at megan’s state, wrapping a securely protective arm around megan’s waist. “i promise, okay?”
y/n was the first to admit that she’d been so caught up with boys over the last few months. she hadn’t exactly pushed away her friends, but she hadn’t prioritized them, either. she was in her head with her own issues, and didn’t make the time others. it made her feel a little guilty. but, before that feeling could snowball into the depressive heartbreak she’d been plagued with, megan continued.
“what’s new with you? what have you been up to? i hope you’re not still sad about sam. you should know you’re so much fucking better than him. you deserve so much fucking better than him. he’s such a whore. fuck him.”
“no, i’m over that,” y/n said, confidently waving megan off through a giggle. and she was telling the truth. “i’ve just been…hanging out. ya know. working.” her gaze became distant, words slow as stiles’ face flashes through her memories. y/n didn’t say what she had been really doing. it was embarrassing to admit that she’d gotten herself into another shitty situation with a guy.
though, megan squinted her eyes, analyzing her friend’s words. she knew, “oh, no. oh, no, no, no. fucking stilinksi. i fucking knew once danny told us- okay. listen- you don’t even have to say anything, kay? tonight, we’re just gonna have fun. here, jack, pour us some shots!”
y/n couldn’t help but grin in response. there wasn’t time to imagine stiles- to envision his lips ghosting the curve of her skin, to try to remember what it felt like when he’d draw out movement from her body. because, next thing she knew, megan was shoving two to three red solo shot cups into y/n’s hand- all in a row. and y/n didn’t let herself hesitate. she swallowed them easily, ignoring the burn in her throat, her heart, her chest, and head.
jack cracked a smirnoff open for her. danny caught y/n’s eyes as she took a sip and gave her a thumbs up. when she waved him off, he winked, then wandered his way into the living room, where people were dancing. he’d mentioned something about ethan being there. y/n looped her arm through megan’s, pointed in that direction. megan nodded excitedly and pulled them to the makeshift dance floor.
they danced for what felt like hours but, really, was only maybe forty five minutes. jack and leo, avid partiers, continued shoving shots into their friend’s hands, traveling between the bar in the kitchen and the dance floor. y/n losing track of time turned into her losing track of how much she was drinking. one smirnoff turned into numerous empty glasses that she’d abandon on the coffee table beside her.
she had to take her jacket off after a while, sweating too much in the jean material. y/n tossed it, absentmindedly, on the couch. she probably wouldn’t remember it there later. she’d probably have jack in a frenzy, texting everyone tomorrow about random articles of clothing in his living room. she’d probably lose the 20 stuffed into the pocket to some wandering hands. but it didn’t matter.
nothing really mattered. not when her favorite song played, not when megan spun her around, when danny would yell lyrics into her face and ruffle her hair. y/n just kept throwing her head back, giggling like a mad woman.
it didn’t matter. it did not matter to her. the entire, fucked up situation with stiles. it didn’t matter that he had used her, that he had been seeing lydia the whole time. it did not matter that he had kept so many secrets from her. it did not matter that she broke her own rules, that she let him get beneath her skin, that she fell in love with hi
it did not really matter if she loved him.
y/n turned on her heel, dancing around in circles with megan, both girls holding each other’s hands like they were schoolgirls. her hair whipped over her shoulders, in waves behind her back. her eyes couldn’t focus on the blurred, bright lights passing her vision as they spun. the bodies surrounding them turned into smudges against her vision. she couldn’t tell who was who.
but she thought she saw stiles standing in the doorway to the kitchen, clear as day.
y/n stalled in her tracks. she nearly fell over from how quickly she stopped. megan bumped into her shoulder, grabbed y/n’s arm to steady herself.
y/n couldn’t breathe. she squinted her eyes, rubbed at them, smudging her mascara.
her sight cleared and there was nobody there.
megan laughed loudly in y/n’s ear, tugging on her arm, “why’d you stop?! keep going! spin, spin!”
y/n took a deep, shuddering breath, staring at the spot where she had pictured stiles. “i need air,” she mumbled.
megan yelled, “what are you saying?”
y/n pulled her arm out of megan’s, “i’m going outside,” she barely looked at her friend. this is why she didn’t like to drink.
y/n stumbled through the house, being shoved left and right by the sweaty, dancing teenagers suffocating her. she didn’t know when she’d started crying, but her face was slick was tears. she wiped her hands across her cheeks, smearing more mascara and eyeliner, blackening her palms. she couldn’t focus her thoughts, nor did she feel like herself. this is why she didn’t like to drink. because she wasn’t logical, she was out of control.
y/n found the side door, the one that led to jack’s garage, and slammed it shut behind her. once she reached the garage floor, she slowly lowered herself to the bottom step, hugged her knees to her chest. she didn’t know if she was having a panic attack or a full mental breakdown. but she couldn’t breathe. and she just wanted to be sober so she could figure out her shit.
y/n pressed a hand to her chest, hoping the pressure would do something: ground her, snap her back to reality. all she could do was sob, rock back and forth like a baby. as she did so, her phone fell out of her back pocket. somehow, her camera roll was open on the screen. staring up at her. a picture of stiles and winnie was there, taunting her.
y/n didn’t have any inhibitions, too far gone to know what crossed the line of boundaries she’d made when she was sober. so, she picked up her phone, her hands shaking.
and she hit the little telephone next to his contact. she stared at the picture as it rung.
she needed him. she needed him to hold her, bare-naked under his bedsheets, warm against his chest. needed him to rake his fingers through her hair and to kiss her forehead, call her baby again. even just say her name. she’d even pretend, like she did a dozen times, just for him, that she didn’t notice his lips linger there. she’d pretend it never happened.
anything for him. if he wanted her and lydia- that was fine. he could have her. she was his, completely, fully. all of his. every inch of her skin that he had laid eyes, that he had touched his with fingertips, every inch of skin that he had nipped at with his teeth- it was his.
he picked up immediately.
“y/n? oh, my god, i’m so fucking- i’m so sorry. i don’t know what i did-“
“stiles,” she cut him off, voice barely above a whisper.
his tone instantly softened. a soothing one replaced his usually hectic vocal demeanor, “oh, baby.” he knew, from just the smallest whimper barely uttered between her lips, he knew that she didn’t want to fight. she didn’t call to argue. she didn’t call to make up, either. she just called to hear him, to talk to him. she needed him.
she’d never know how much he needed her, too.
his voice, breathy in her ear, sent a shiver down her spine. y/n sniffled, knuckles white on the hand which held her phone. her head lolled down, chin hiding into her chest.
“what’s wrong?” he asked.
y/n chewed on her lip for a moment, willing it to stop wobbling, “i mis-“ she stopped herself, jamming a different word onto what she was saying to cover it up, “i mistake. i-um, didn’t mean to call you.
it took him a second to reply, “oh. ok.” he knew it wasn’t true, but he didn’t know what else to say. he didn’t want to press her into a conversation she didn’t want to have. but he didn’t want to end the call. he wanted to be whatever she needed in this moment.
they sat there in silence for a good two minutes, not even the sound of their own ragged, anticipatory breaths making any noise in the other’s ear. y/n’s hand was shaking. she loosened her tight grip on her knees and stretched her legs out in front of her. the shift in position helped her breath a little bit better.
she sniffled again, tilted her head back. as she stared at the ceiling, she suddenly laughed. “i didn’t make a fucking mistake, stiles. god, i meant to call you.”
“oh, good,” his tone remained still and flat. he was focused on reading her words. there was meaning between the lines that he couldn’t read. and she was acting strange. he was decoding everything.
“i mean to call you because every single second that i’m not with you, i feel like i’m going to die!” she exclaimed, tossing her other hand in the air.
stiles rubbed his lips together, brows furrowed, “i’m glad that you called.” he, also, felt like he was going to die without her. but, he didn’t know if he should tell.
if only stiles knew that if he would have just told her, honestly, how he felt, as soon as he felt it, months ago, this entire situation could have been avoided. alas, it was a lesson he was still learning.
“good,” y/n huffed. hearing him calmed her down. knowing he was there coaxed her off the edge of anxiety. now, her drunken self took back over her body. and drunk y/n wanted to dance, “okay. i’m going back to the party-“
“party?” stiles interrupted her, his concerned tone back. she was annoyed that he cared where she was at. he didn’t have any right to that feeling- though, also, it made her feel good, that jealousy, that toxicity.
drunk y/n was feeling a lot.
she nodded, though he couldn’t see her, stating matter of factly, “party. i’m at a party, stiles. i’m drunk, and i’m having a blast. well, i was having a blast until you popped into my mind. god, do you know how badly i want to punch you in the face? i just wanna give you, like, a knuckle sandwich, ya know? maybe being hit will make you figure your shit out. okay, whatever. like i was saying before you so rudely interrupted me, i’m going back to the party. i’m going to go dance with my friends-“
stiles had just left the animal clinic, where he, lydia, allison, and scott had met to discuss plans to combat the killer still in beacon hills. chills were lingering on his skin, thinking about all of the photographs stolen from the station, picturing dead students cut at the throat. every time they’d pull another out of the beige manila folder, y/n’s face would appear in his head, attached to a battered, beaten corpse. he’d been worried sick about her the last week, especially since the murderous rampages had slowly spread, closer to home. and, they were more vicious as every day passed. he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t stay outside her house every night, parked in his jeep down the road, barely able to sleep.
her, drunk at a party, was the last situation stiles needed her to be in. it was dangerous. he didn’t want to show up to a crime scene with her corpse lying within a body bag. he couldn’t lose her.
of course, she didn’t know that that was a possible ending to her night. everyone knew about the serial killer, but average citizens of beacon hills didn’t really seem concern themselves with something that seemed so out of reach. teenagers, especially, were naive and vulnerable to things like that.
“who’s with you?” he interceded her words, again. y/n groaned in response and went to complain about how he always did shit like that. but, he spoke again, more firmly this time, “y/n, who’s with you?”
“my friends, just danny, megan, jack, leo. a bunch of other people i don’t know,” she listed off, staring into space. “why do you care?”
“where is it?” stiles demanded. sure, he didn’t have claws, fangs, or anything that would stop a literal supernatural serial killer besides a beat-up baseball ball and his annoying attitude which would eventually drive the creature even more insane. but, he needed to be there. heather had died at a party. the ending scene of a slasher film always happened at a party. parties were breeding grounds for death, as if they were the tenth circle of dante’s inferno or something.
y/n, danny, leo, megan- they were all sitting ducks. targets for something really bad yet to happen.
so, he needed to be there. convince her to leave, if he could. if she wouldn’t leave, he’d stay. he’d stay for her.
anything for her.
y/n hung up on the phone once he said he was on the way. she’d scoffed and said, “yeah, fucking right. danny will beat the shit out of you.”
the beeping tone of a hung up line hit stiles like a truck. he still didn’t quite understand what he had done. if he did, he’d had fixed it by now. he was always good at fixing things. maybe he didn’t have glowing red eyes, or the ability to predict death, but he always was able to fix the jeep. he pulled his dad out of his alcoholic pit after his mom’s death. he was a problem solver. he was good at it.
but, he didn’t what was broken.
tonight, he intended to find out. he didn’t care if danny beat the shit out of him, or if y/n wouldn’t listen. he’d wait for her to open her ears to his incessant bickering, holding an ice pack to whatever bruises danny had left. he knew she’d break eventually.
if she really was done with him, if she really didn’t want to hear him out, why else had she called him?
stiles broke about a billion traffic laws. but he managed to get there, quickly, in one piece.
he couldn’t locate y/n anywhere inside the house, but did find all of her friends dancing in the living room. had they been there the whole time? did they even know y/n was on her own? probably not. you’d think, with a serial killer on the loose, they’d care more about each other’s safety.
his jaw dropped at the sight of them, carelessly floating through the crowd while one of their friends was drunk and alone, in some dark corner of this house. it pissed him off, as did all of the people pushing against him, alcohol sloshing over the rims of their cups and onto his shoes, the smell of sweat, and the sight of teenagers making out against walls, doors, other couples.
he had always hated people, but parties reminded him just how much of that hatred existed within his chest.
stiles checked the upstairs bedrooms, bathrooms, called her name out, down the basement steps, peeked into the empty garage, and even looked inside a pantry in case she’d stuffed herself somewhere like that.
stiles was grateful to, eventually, find her, outside, on the edge of the pool. her sneakers and socks were flung into the yard behind her. she swung her bare feet in the chlorinated water, completely soaking the bottoms of her jeans. y/n’s palms were planted on the concrete beside her thighs, her head thrown back, eyes closed as she swayed to the music. she didn’t seem to have a care in the world.
stiles huffed when he saw her, the deep, worried breath rattling in his chest. “y/n,” he said, hoping to garner her attention. his hands flung about him, as they normally did when he spoke.
she didn’t seem to care that he was there, but she definitely heard him. he knew she had because he watched y/n’s shoulders flinch, ever so slightly, at the sound of her own name.
stiles squatted down beside her, curling a soft hand around her bicep, “y/n, hey-“
she pulled her arm away, as if his hand was made of lava. “go away, stiles.” his hand stilled in the air where she’d pushed it, fingers flexing at the rejection.
stiles then pressed the hand to his forehead, squeezing his eyes shut with frustration, impatience. “y/n, please-“
she looked up at him, jaw slack from her drunken state. her eyes looked darkened, the deadly stare enhanced by her ruined makeup. “what the fuck do you want?”
stiles met her eyes. his face softened, concern overwhelmingly her features. just seeing her face, though it was a wreck- it sent goosebumps across his skin. she was so fucking pretty, even though she’d been crying. why had she been crying?
“i want to talk to you-“
“go away,” she waved him off. y/n then pulled her legs from the pool, dripping water all over the concrete. stiles’ eyes moved down her body, ensuring she was in one piece. he noticed the goosebumps all over her bare arms. she was freezing cold.
he stood with her, following her quick feet. “where’s your jacket?” stiles began to pull off his zip up jacket while she grabbed her shoes. he reached out for her arm again. his fingertips on her shoulder felt like a zap of electricity.
y/n flinched away again. she whipped her head back towards him, a deep frown enlisted on her features, “fuck off, stiles! don’t even try pretend like you care about that shit right now! seriously, go the fuck home! i told you not to come!”
stiles took a step away from her. he wished he knew what he had done so fucking badly. he wanted to kiss her eyelids. he wanted to clean off her makeup, wrap her up in his bedsheets, rub circles into her back until she fell asleep, soundly in his hood.
but, all of that couldn’t really be at the forefront of his mind right now. it couldn’t matter. he was here to protect, whether she wanted him there or not. and, she very obviously did not want him at this party. well, too damn bad. he pushed the thoughts aside.
“i’m not going anywhere,” stiles threw his hands up, as if to challenge her. if she wanted him gone, she’d have to drag him out of there. he continued to follow her. she found a chair and sat down in order to put her shoes on. he continued, “look, i don’t know what i did, but you don’t even understand what’s happening in this town. i have to protect-“
“bro, get the fuck away from her!”
stiles felt a pressure against his chest as someone’s abnormally strong had pushed him away from y/n’s presence. she looked up from her shoe laces that she was struggling to tie, brows furrowing at the sound of stiles’ grunt. she watched as stiles stumbled over his feet. he straightened up, quick, and met the eye of his assailant.
“oh, fuck off, dude,” stiles tilted his head to the side, slowly shaking it in annoyance. his jaw clenched, fists flexed at his sides. he took an intimidating step forward.
y/n glanced between stiles and sam owens, taking a deep, shuddering breath. sam puffed out his chest, towering over stiles by a couple of inches. although he was buffer, taller, a couple years older, he didn’t seem nearly as threatening as stiles did. the devilish qualities to his features seemed to heighten themselves in defiance to sam’s presence.
the black haired boy glared his eyes at sam, pupils blown out out with a stormy darkness. she knew it was wrong, but seeing him so angry at sam- y/n couldn’t help but admit that it made her stomach twirl.
they’d never really had the sam talk, at least she hadn’t told him every single thing. she’d mentioned sam, once, when she and stiles were talking about something else. it was offhanded, when she brought him up. danny, however, had spilled his guts to stiles about the short situationship y/n and that “douchebag” had been in all summer.
and stiles was pissed the fuck off. he knew about sam’s girlfriend at college. he knew sam had used y/n for sex over the summer. he knew that sam had told her he loved her right before breaking up with her.
oh, was stiles angry.
that was, after all, his girl now. and nobody was gonna fuck with stiles’ girl. nobody was gonna fuck with stiles.
he stepped forward, now nearly chest to chest with sam, who replied, “who the fuck are you? y/n told you to leave! want me to show you the door, kid?”
“who the fuck am i? watch your mouth, dickhead. you have no fucking business here-“
y/n quickly stood, wary hands before herself, “stiles, it’s not worth it, i promise.” she stalled his words, but stiles wouldn’t even look over at her. his dark eyes bore a hole through sam, and she knew he was probably going to hit him.
y/n, who was now feeling quite sobered up, glanced to the house. she knew that if they started fighting, stiles would get his ass handed to him. sam was a wrestler in college, the best in his weight class. he was a fucking state champion.
so, she needed to get to danny, who was definitely stronger than stiles, at least. he’d probably be able to keep them apart long enough for her to calm stiles down.
but, she didn’t have any time, because sam was mouthing stiles off again. and stiles really was the best at banter. so, he was getting himself into a lot of trouble.
“you put your fucking hands on her, and she told you to stop. makes it my goddamn business-“
“oh, my god, shut the fuck up!” stiles rolled his eyes at sam. he opened his mouth to shoot off some other sarcastic remark when sam reared back a fist and clipped the side of stiles’ face. stiles nearly fall back on the concrete alongside the pool, but he caught himself. having a werewolf as a best friend had taught him a thing or two. so, he was ready to fight.
stiles hit sam in return, most likely breaking his hand- definitely breaking his hand, he knew it. but the punch tossed sam onto the lounge chair behind him. it surprised both stiles and y/n, who had to jump out of the way. she nearly getting taken out by sam’s thrown body.
stiles met her eye and the sight of her, standing there, scared, softened him. he reached for her, closing the distance between then within two long strides. he set his hands on her biceps, ignoring the throbbing pain in his left one. blood dripped from his cracked knuckles, bleeding onto her skin. she clutched onto his elbows in response, any anger for him washed away by fear and worry.
“shit, are you okay? i’m so-“
before he could continue, y/n was shoved to the ground. she scraped her palms, cut her elbow open, and busted her tailbone, hard, on the concrete. she thought she hit her chin, too, but she couldn’t really tell, because y/n’s vision blurred from the fall.
sam tackled stiles to the ground with another punch. they landed in the grass, and went at each other. it took y/n a second to clear her pained head, but she managed to push herself up on her feet. some of their classmates continued partying around them, most just ignoring the fight. but a small crowd gathered to watch it, like it was something exciting, something fun to do. the bystanders made y/n feel sick. nobody was doing anything.
she didn’t even take a second to look at stiles, knowing that seeing him like that would stall her in her tracks. instead, she turned towards jack’s house, danny’s name screeching out of her throat.
she ran inside, feeling like she was pushing through thick, slow jello. she continued to yell out his name. luckily, she found him, on the dance floor still. ethan was there, too. good- he could help.
ethan was already meeting her, setting a kind hand on her arm. “what’s wrong?” his eyes glazed over, and he looked to the side, as though he could hear the fight. he ran outside.
danny shoved through the crowd, towards her. he caught her chin in his hand examining her wounds, “what the fuck happened? what’s going on?”
y/n, breathing heavily, sobbing again, stumbled out, “sam and stiles!”
danny pushed aside as he fell into a run. y/n followed, though the burning of her cuts and scrapes became more intense on her nerves. she seethed a breath between her teeth, stumbling over her feet, but pushed on.
ethan had shoved sam to the grass, though he was getting back up, again. danny immediately lunged in between them before sam could get to stiles. danny sent a harsh punch to sam’s gut, forcing him backwards again. danny then grabbed stiles by the shirt, helped him become balanced on his feet, before danny pushed him away, too. ethan came back in, grabbing stiles around the chest to hold him back, though stiles fought against the tight hold. sam somehow got up, again, clutching his stomach, and jumped towards stiles. danny punched him again and shook out his fist after. the look on his face was annoyed, but also, somehow, vengeful. he had been waiting all summer, all of fall, to punch this motherfucker.
“fuck you guys!” sam spat at danny and stiles from his knees, more blood trailing down his already slick chin.
stiles grunted, fighting against ethan’s hold. “you’re a piece of fucking shit! pussy ass bitch-“
“shut the fuck up-“ sam cut him off, then added, “i don’t even give a fuck about that bitch!“
danny shook his head at the words spitting from sam’s mouth. stiles looked angrier, if at all possible. ethan’s hold loosened on him, shocked by the insults sam threw at y/n. ethan did care for her, too, even if he barely knew her. she was everything to danny.
all three boys were seething with anger. sam had called her a bitch, and they did not like that.
sam simply smirked up at them, his words and expression challenging them. he went to wipe his mouth with his sleeve, but he didn’t get a chance to even take another breath because danny had lunged after him again.
ethan let go of stiles, purposefully, and the boy followed suit. ethan, a little more controlled- even though the situation pissed him off, too- grabbed danny, but not before allowing him to get a few punches in.
y/n ran forward and tried to grab stiles’ arm. she failed, and instead tripped over his shoe. she tumbled into the grass. she quickly pulled herself up, again. when she looked for stiles, she saw him being restricted again, this time by scott’s arm. she didn’t know when he had arrived, but she was glad for the extra help.
it made her heart swell that all of these men cared about her so much to fight sam like they were, but it really needed to end already. it shouldn’t have even gotten out of hand in the first place. she was nauseous, hurting in all of the places she’d been wounded, and extremely tired from the alcohol still coursing through her system.
y/n stood up. scott was rushing out words to his friend, “hey! stiles! stiles, cmon, dude! calm down! stiles!”
“stiles!” y/n called. she crouched down in front of him, reaching for his face.
stiles finally met her eyes and a steady rhythm graciously caught his breath. she cupped his jaw in her delicate fingers. his blood smeared across his face, all over her hands.
a few tears ran down his face, falling into her palms. she didn’t know why he was crying, if it was because of his injuries or his anger. but she wiped them away with her thumbs.
“it’s okay, baby,” she whispered, for only him to hear. “i’m okay, it’s okay. please, just calm down.”
scott, who had let go of stiles, turned to sam, who was standing up from the ground. scott was charismatic, and could usually easily demand people. he put out a cautious hand towards sam, “leave it, buddy. just leave it, trust me,” scott warned him.
stiles slumped forward, on his knees. y/n squatted, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. she used all of her strength to stand them up, brushing the sweaty, bloody hair from his face. sam watched her tenderness as she cared for stiles, feeling a surge of jealousy. sam knew he didn’t want her. he knew he had willingly given her up. but, that didn’t mean he wanted anybody else to get to have her.
so, just when it seemed like it was over, sam scoffed, “yeah, you’re right. i’ll leave it. she’s not worth it. she’s just an easy fuck and a cheap ass date-“
now, scott was angry. he roared, and y/n thought she saw his eyes flash a bright red. he went after sam, just to shut his stupid fucking mouth. he swept past y/n and stiles, who clutched onto her waistline protectively. he tried to duck them out of the way, but his foot skidded over the concrete, and they tripped towards the water.
she yelped, clutching onto his neck, as they fell into the pool. the water enveloped them, but tore them from one another. y/n kicked her feet sporadically, shocked by the cold, by the alarming fall they’d taken. she grabbed for stiles’ shirt and gratefully felt his hands fluttering for her hips.
she blew out a lot of bubbles, struggling to hold her breath from all of the shock. stiles tugged her tightly against him, again, and swam them to the surface. y/n wrapped her legs around his waist and clutched onto his shoulders. she was shaking, with fear, with pain, from the cold water nipping at her skin. it was all so much all at once that she just laughed.
stiles stared at her as she tossed her head back, giggling like a maniac. he furrowed hit brows, jutted his chin out, “what are you laughing about?”
y/n barely met his eye, continuing to laugh at the fucked up situation. “this is just so stupid!”
he remembered she was drunk and tapped her hip, “okay, let’s get you out of here-“
“it’s stupid, stiles!” she slapped a hand down onto his shoulder. “you’re stupid! that fight was fucking stupid! sam’s stupid! this night is stupid! i’m stupid!”
“why am i- why are you stupid?” he didn’t want to make it all about him. she was clearly grappling with something, something she needed to talk out.
she couldn’t continue to push everything away, including him. “i’m stupid! i let you and that stupid boy fuck up everything! i let it happen not once, but twice! what is it- fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me? i’m a fool! you and sam are, like- oh, my god, im just stupid. and that was so fucking stupid- you and sam fighting over me! you guys fought over me, but both of you are the reason im so fucked up in the first place! it’s your guys’ fault and you just had some stupid pissing contest-!”
“me and sam?” stiles sounded out his words carefully, working through her rambles in his fuzzy head.
the night she’d ran out of his house, in a craze, a mess because of his phone blowing up- what had triggered that?
who had called stiles that night? who had been blowing up his phone? was it-
it was lydia.
lydia, the girl everyone at beacon hills high knew he’d had a major crush on for, like basically, ever.
y/n must have looked at his phone. she must have put together, based off of the texts he’d been sent, based off all of the context clues laying right in front of him, that he and lydia were together.
meanwhile, am had had a girlfriend the entire time he and y/n had gone out. every day, he’d see his girlfriend. then, usually on the weekends, when it was dark, he’d bring y/n out like a toy.
y/n thought stiles was just like sam. y/n thought stiles was using her.
she had no clue that she was everything and the sun to him. she had no clue that he needed her like water, that he craved her like wine. she didn’t know that he spent every night rereading their texts, analyzing their conversations, going over their interactions, decoding everything to find a way for her to love him despite her hurt, despite what they agreed on.
she was used to being broken by people who claimed to love her, and stiles was just another part of that system.
so, he needed to tell. right now.
stiles gripped onto her hips, shaking her body just once so she’d meet his eyes. “listen-“
“no, just- get me out-“
“y/n, you beautiful, gorgeous, sweet woman- just listen to me! okay? just listen!” stiles demanded, “i’m not with lydia, alright? i’ve never been with her. i don’t want her- i’m in-“
“stiles!” scott called his name from above, standing at the edge of the pool. his eyes still glowed red, his face was still morphed into that of a wolf. scott’s chest puffed out, in, heavily, with deep, ragged breaths.
stiles knew something was wrong based off of his friend’s demeanor.
“we have to get to the school. lydia’s in trouble.”
stiles looked to y/n, who’s face had lit up from the possibility of stiles’ words. her expression morphed into confusion. he wanted to say something, to say sorry. but, he couldn’t. he couldn’t focus.
so, y/n took her turn to speak, graciously replying with, “stiles, i know there’s so much that you’re still hiding from me-“ she glanced up at scott, who tilted his head with shame, “so, i’m coming with you. if you want me to trust you, i have to come with you. i have to know.”
stiles knew she was right.
so he drug her, head first, into the world of the supernatural.
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For my late night readers 🫶
Pairings: Sam Kiszka X Danny Wagner *slash with a capital SH
Warnings and tags: 18+ only you know me by now, friends to lovers, angst, miscommunication, kissing, drinking
Word count: 1k!
Sam stood in the tiny coat closet, leaning against the small collection of winter jackets his family had accumulated over the years, and waited for the person he’d be paired up with to join him. It was Josh’s idea to play this game after hours of drinking and partying, though somehow Sam had ended up being the one shoved inside.
Danny followed Jake up the stairs of the Kiszka house, confused about why he was being taken away from the raging party on the first floor but going along with it nonetheless. Once they reached the top Danny saw a few people, including Josh, had gathered in the hallway and were giggling. Something was up. His cup full of whatever liquid death concoction had been poured for him was plucked out of his hand and before he knew it he was being pushed through a closet door.
“What the fuck!” Danny hollered as the door was slammed shut behind him.
“Daniel?” Sam asked, his eyes having adjusted to the dark minutes ago, but still not able to really see who it was for sure.
“Sam? Why are you in a closet? Why are we in a closet?”
“It’s a game” Sam replied, feeling around blindly for the string attached to the overhead light and tugging when his fingers caught it. He squinted his eyes when the light came on, a hazy yellow glow filling the tight space from the bulb he was sure hadn’t been changed since at least the 90s.
“Game?” Danny questioned again, his brain to muddled with alcohol to understand what it was he’d been forced into playing.
“Seven Minutes in Heaven. Or well, maybe just five now” Sam replied, crossing his arms across his chest now that the light had revealed just how close they really were both crammed in here together.
Danny took a moment to remember what that game was knowing he’d heard about it before, though he didn’t recall ever being crammed in a closet except for when he was like eight years old and playing hide and seek. “Wait, the game where you try to see how far you get with someone in seven minutes?”
“That’s the one” Sam shifted onto his other knee next, tired of standing in this awkward position but in exchange he accidentally bumped into Danny with his elbow. “Shit sorry”.
“Why did they put us in here together?” Danny thought about the mischievous look Jake had on his face when he found him in the kitchen. Now it made sense. “Like we’re best friends, do they really expect us to be making out in a closet right now?”
Sam was unphased by Danny’s declaration of their friendship status, they’d been inseparable for years now, he was Danny’s best friend and Danny was his no doubts about that. On the other hand, he was a little hurt Danny had offhandedly sounded a little disgusted with the idea of kissing him and it made Sam’s cheeks burn red.
“I mean, I’ve kissed everyone else who’s come in here with me. I think it’d be more suspicious if we didn't, right?”
How long has he been in this closet? Danny thought to himself, ignoring the fact that he was subconsciously upset that Sam was up here smacking with randoms while he was out at the party they’d invited him to. “I mean just a kiss? I’m not groping you or anything”.
“Don’t make it weird, it's just a kiss. Friends kiss each other all the time” Sam assured him, standing up straight so that they were more matched in height.
“Wait,” Danny stopped him before Sam could lean over and follow through, “turn the light back out”.
“You do it”.
Danny rolled his eyes and reached over, just barely having pulled the string when he felt Sam’s lips on his. It came as a surprise, but perhaps even more surprising was how soft they were and how perfectly they fit together. Just one kiss he reminded himself as he closed his eyes even in the pitch black and allowed himself to kiss him back.
Sam pulled away prematurely having not expected Danny to reciprocate, but before they could decide if their seven minutes were up he lurched forward again.
Instinctively Danny’s hand came up to cup Sam’s face, tilting his head so their noses weren’t smushed together. In return Sam’s hand slid up his chest and grabbed hold onto the collar of his shirt, balling the cotton up into his fist.
They lost track of how long they had been in there together, but it definitely felt longer than they were supposed to. Sam broke the kiss first again, Danny feeling him lick his lips before he backed away and let him go.
Sam wanted to say something, wanted to ask him if he’d felt the same thing he did. Sure it was supposed to be all fun and games in here, but with Danny Sam felt like it meant more than it did with anyone else. Even if they were supposed to be just friends. Before he could find the right words Danny was busting out of the closet and pushing through the crowd that had gathered at the door waiting to hear what happened.
“Dan! Wait!” Sam called out after him as he scrambled out of the closet as well, but Danny had already taken off down the stairs.
“What’s the matter Sammy?” Josh asked with a teasing tone, “cats got his tongue?”
“Shut the fuck up Josh” Sam hissed at him, realizing now that it was the twins’ idea to get them in there together. Always meddling in his business.
Sam left them upstairs to keep playing their dumb game and went to look for Danny, but after combing through every room of the house he’d come up empty handed.
Fuck, what did I do? he cursed at himself in his head, worried out of his mind that Danny hated him now. How many years of friendship did they have? And in just seven minutes Sam was afraid it was all over.
[A/N: I wanted to do a quick read miniseries with lots of unnecessary angst so here we are! Enjoy!]
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Sweet Baby
Anon: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were taking any. What about a sweet Yandere Danny Phantom one?
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Danny is adorable, but nowhere near as adorable as you
Anybody that looks at him for even a second, you'd know he's inlove with you
He always looks for you when he enters a room
He always tries to impress you
Especially in his ghost form
Your cute little laugh does him no favors
His face will always erupt in a bright pink blush
If you touch him, his whole body shakes
He'll stumble over his words and you think he's adorable
But don't tell him that or he will start malfunctioning
"I uh- Uh....."
^Thankfully Either Sam or Tucker spot him and drag him away, so he doesn't embarrass himself further
He feel like his teeth rot when near you, you are just so sweet
You make him goodies [And leave some out for his ghost form] and god it makes his heart swell
God, you were like Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls [And sometimes Blossom, but mostly Bubbles]
You're so pretty and so sweet and so incredible and genuinely to good for him
But he can't help but want you
He's so lucky that you like him too
He thought he died when you told him, because only in heaven would you like him back
But you're to kind to play such a cruel joke
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readyforthegarden · 8 months
Breakable Heaven - Part Six
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x Female Reader
Synopsis: Being the maid of honor in your best friends wedding is already stressful enough without the best man being the ex-boyfriend who tore your heart to shreds. Stumbling across a dating app with dates for hire, you take a chance, inviting a perfect stranger to pretend to be your boyfriend for the weeklong celebrations. But how long can the charade last when the champagne starts pouring and feelings start growing?
Warnings: drinking, swearing, smut (oral f!receiving, fingering, penatrative sex, 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
WC: 7696
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“Mm, a little lower,” your muffled moan barely made it out from the bed. Large hands worked their way down your spine, a sigh releasing from your body. “Right there, that’s the spot.”
“Wasn’t this the best idea?” Olivia groaned from her own massage table, making you hum in response. “Mike made fun of me for having this after camping but I bet he’s jealous.”
“I know Danny is,” you sighed again when the masseuse began working on your left hip. “I could tell his back was sore after last night.” Olivia lifted her head, a sleepy smirk playing on her face.
“Oh? And why is that?” waggling her eyebrows, she rested her chin in her hand and waited for the answer.
“I almost died of hypothermia, that’s why.” rolling your eyes, you also propped your body up. “If I could’ve melded together with him, I would have.”
“I mean, there were ways to keep warm.” Olivia shrugged. “I know I worked up quite a sweat last night.”
“I’m so happy for you, Liv.” you deadpanned. “I didn’t really feel like getting nasty in a tent near my ex.” Olivia scoffed. 
“They were fighting all night, Mike and I had to hook up to drown it out.” she laid back down. “Naomi was maaaaad.”
“I have nothing to say,” you tried to hide the satisfied smirk on your face, and failed. 
“You’re allowed to be petty,” Olivia said. “Your boyfriend knocked your ex-boyfriend on his ass for tripping you in a dumb flag football game. And he looked hot as fuck when he was angry.” Olivia was correct in that, upon your reflection of the previous day. Danny’s usual cheery and kind demeanor turning dark and moody had started something in you. You couldn’t help but remember how his jaw had clenched as he glared at Gavin after setting you in the camping chair. 
He had checked on you at least twice since you’d gotten out of the shower, once through the door, offering to get extra towels so you didn’t slip on the steamy tile floors. And a second time as you slipped on some sneakers, as a small wince graced your features. You assured him you were fine, but he made sure to remind you to tell the masseuse it was tender. While his outward demeanor was sweet and tender, you could still see the lingering anger at what and who caused your mild injury. 
“He was something, alright.” you mused. 
“I hope you gave him a good thank you when you got back to the room this morning.” Olivia sighed, laying down as her masseuse began working on her shoulders. 
“He was thanked incredibly well,” you assured Olivia. She continued to prattle and dig details out of you, and you supplied little fibs, playing coy to spare the spa workers in the room any embarrassment. 
A few miles away, Danny was looking down into a jewelry case, looking at various necklaces and rings, glittering with different colors and cuts of stones. He wondered for a moment, how that pear cut sapphire pendant would compliment your complexion. Danny imagined presenting it to you, and seeing your face light up, turning quickly so he could put it on you. Lifting up your hair as he brought the delicate chain around your neck, letting the pendant rest against your decolletage as he fastened the clasp. The way you would let your hair fall as soon as it was fastened, turning around to show him how it looked before springing up and kissing him in thanks.
“You ready?” Mike tore him from his thoughts, walking over with a large bag. “I think the guys will really love these watches, thanks for coming with me.”
“No problem, it’s nice to have something to do while the girls are all together.”
“Oh yeah.” Mike agreed, looking down at where Danny’s vision was occupied. “Ah, thinking of getting a gift for someone special?” Danny chuckled under his breath, realizing that his imagination really did have him considering the necklace. “She does love sapphires, Olivia got her some earrings a few years ago for her birthday, you would’ve thought it was a check for a million dollars.”
“I don’t know…it might be too early.” Danny bit his bottom lip as he thought, while Mike just shrugged.
“Never too early to spoil the one you love.” he replied back. “Besides, six months is a big deal, especially with how she swore off actual relationships.”
“I didn’t know that,” Danny furrowed his brows slightly, glancing over to Mike, who sighed. 
“Listen, I try to stay out of the gossip between the girls, but I do end up hearing some things.” he waved over the jeweler to the counter, and continued as the older woman finished putting things away from another sale. “She was really hurt by Gavin. She told Olivia she would never get into a serious relationship again, strictly hook-ups and one night stands, and Olivia said she was deadly serious.”
“I get it,” Danny shrugged, “She didn’t want to risk her heart breaking again.” Mike nodded, greeting the sales woman and gesturing to the sapphire necklace.
“Danny, I’ve seen the way you two look at each other,” Mike said softly. “It’s the way I look at Olivia. And if she kept you a secret for six months, she must really have feelings for you, and she’s scared that something like that is going to happen again.”
“I would never.” Danny’s eyes flashed, shaking his head before turning to the jeweler who was holding out the pendant to him. The stone sparkled under the bright lights, and Danny felt more and more certain that something that beautiful was supposed to belong to you. Mike watched Danny’s face carefully. 
“I believe you,” Mike finally said. “Olivia is still sizing you up, but I believe you.” Danny glanced back at the man. “I think you should get it for her.”
“This is a gorgeous necklace, and it is on sale right now!” the woman holding it against her palm smiled. “Is this for a special occasion? I can gift wrap it!”
“It's just because,” Danny smiled. “But yeah, I’ll take it. Go ahead and gift wrap it.” Mike grinned as Danny paid for the jewelry, taking the small gift bag in his large hand and following Mike out of the store. 
“Do you mind if we just walk around a little? I’m not ready to go back to the winery.” Mike asked Danny. “I know the next two days I’m gonna be cooped up while Olivia runs around and gets ready.”
“Yeah, we can bum around a little.” Danny smiled. The more time he took to get back, the more of a chance you’d be in the room when he did. The necklace was already burning a hole in his pocket, he wanted to run back on his own two legs and find you, thrust it into your hands and watch you light up. The two men popped in and out of a few stores, looking at local trinkets, sweatshirts with the name of the city they were in and a few other handmade goods. Mike tried his hand at haggling over an ornate hand carved clock at a trading post themed store, while Danny continued to look away. 
A wall was lined with old whiskey barrels, and as Danny peered into them, he found different candies in them. As he gazed over the gummy fish, chocolate coins, and various old fashioned candies, his eyes caught something. In the second to last barrel, there were the exact suckers you had told Danny his eyes looked like. Without thinking, he shoved his hand in the barrel, grabbing a handful and bringing them up to the counter.
They decided to head back after Mike’s failed bargaining, the clock remaining in the store. Danny didn’t want to stir the pot, he shouldn’t, because he was only temporary, but he felt the question cloying in his throat, and had to ask.
“If everyone is upset with Gavin, why is he in the wedding?” Danny turned to Mike. “You don’t seem to be happy about it either.”
“It’s…complicated.” Mike grimaced as kept his eyes on the road. “My parents are really good friends with his parents, and it was going to cause far more trouble to not have him than it would to have him.” Danny nodded. He understood that choosing battles was something everyone had to do. “Honestly, Gavin had us all fooled. Everyone thought I knew about Naomi, but I didn’t. It was just as much as a shock to me. And Gavin was like my brother, I just…I haven’t been able to fully forgive him.”
“It seems like he betrayed a lot of people.” Mike nodded. 
“Yeah. I’m hoping after the wedding, I can finally make a clean break, use that as an excuse for why we’re not around as much, or going out.” Mike sighed, glancing over to Danny. “I’m happy you’re here. You’ve kept him in his place, even if you didn’t know it.”
“Yeah?” Danny couldn’t help the smile that pulled at the corner of his lips. “I probably shouldn’t have gotten so rough in flag football…”
“Honestly? Most of us were happy you did.” Mike laughed. “It’s been a long time since Gavin has been cut down to size.”
“My honey wasn’t too happy that I resorted to it.” Danny chuckled, making Mike laugh. 
“Well, your honey is a liar, because she was grinning the entire time it happened,” he responded. “And anyway, I’m happy you’re here because of her. She became like a little sister to me in college and I was worried about this week. You’ve brought her back to who she was, but better.”
“Yeah,” Mike said, grinning over to Danny. “You’ve definitely brought her spark back, Danny.” Danny didn’t say anything, pressing his lips together to try and stop himself from smiling like an idiot. 
Danny said goodbye to Mike in the lobby and raced up the stairs to your room, eager to see if you were there or not. There was no trace of you in the living room, but as he stepped into the bedroom, he saw a trail of clothes leading to the bathroom, the door shut and light coming from beneath the door. The sound of the shower running greeted him, and he realized he had some time. 
Nervous, Danny paced around the room, hiding away the candy in his bedside drawer, but leaving out the box with the necklace. The gift wrapping was beautiful, but Danny suddenly felt it was too much, and ripped it away, tossing the torn paper into the trash bin in the living room. The simple, black velvet box looked much better to him, making him feel better. 
He watched the minutes tick by, going back and forth on if he was really going to give you the necklace. Was it too late to take a car and return it? Act like it never happened? How were you going to respond to a gift like this? As he worried himself, he missed you leaving the bathroom, being startled by you calling his name. 
“Hey, you’re back.” you smiled. Danny turned, keeping his arms behind his back. He took in your appearance, wrapped up in a plush robe. Your hair was clipped up on top of your head keeping it dry. Your cheeks were rosy and your eyes almost sleepy.
“Yeah,” he smiled back. “You look relaxed.”
“Mm, the spa was amaaazing,” you sighed. “I got the massage, got my hair retouched, my eyebrows and nails done.” you lifted your hands up in front of him, wiggling your fingers. Your nails had been shaped into soft, rounded points, a sheer, sparkling pink. 
“They look very nice.” he smiled, moving one hand and holding your wrist delicately in it to get a better view. Your smile widened at his compliment, before you realized he was keeping something from you.
“What are you up to?” one of your eyebrows raised curiously as you tried to peek around his broad shoulders to see what he had behind him. Danny shifted his body to try and hide the box, nervous again now that the moment was here. “Danny,” you said with a laugh. “What do you have?”
You tried reaching around him but he dodged your hands, turning and walking backwards. 
“Okay, promise you won’t freak out,” Danny started, laughing as you followed him.
“What’s behind your back, Danny?”
“When I was out with Mike, I found something.” Danny started, pausing, causing you to stop in your brief chase. “It’s a little….much.”
“Danny, come on!” you laughed impatiently. Danny took in a deep breath, and brought the case from behind his back. He watched your smile fall a bit, as your face studied the item confusedly. “Danny, what is that?”
“Mike convinced me to get it for you,” he said softly, opening up the velvet box. The small gasp that left your mouth was enough to make Danny grin as he watched your eyes light up, just like in his fantasy. “It’s never too early to spoil the one you love, and all that.”
“Danny, I-” you shook your head. “You absolutely didn’t have to buy me jewelry at all. I can’t accept that!”
“Well, I did,” Danny took the necklace from the box, tucking the box under his arm and unclasping the delicate silver chain. You gave him a half-hearted disapproving look before turning and allowing him to place the necklace around your neck, fastening it with his nimble fingers. You glanced down, watching the pendant glimmer in the muted sunlight that poured in from the gauzy curtains in the living room. Your hand came up to touch it, gently grazing over the facets. Once it rested against your skin, you turned again, looking up at Danny. 
Danny swallowed roughly, glancing down at where the pendant laid, just above your cleavage, almost hidden by the collar of your robe.
“Danny, this is beautiful,” you sighed, near tears from how overwhelming the gift was. “I’ll take good care of it, and we can return it after the wedding, I promise. You didn’t need to spend money like this on me.” 
“Hey, it’s yours.” Danny reached out, taking your hand away from the pendant. “Consider it a gift, since I’ve had such a good time with you.”
“You’re keeping it.” Danny chuckled, letting go of your hand. Nodding, you crossed your arms over your chest, instinctually reaching up with one hand and toying with the pendant. “It looks beautiful on you.”
“Thank you,” you accepted the compliment softly. “I should go get dressed…”
“Yeah,” Danny nodded, feeling the awkward tension between you as he watched you leave to the bedroom, shutting the doors. Setting the necklace box on the coffee table, Danny ran his hands over his face, his gut twisting that he’d ruined everything. That the next two days were going to be an agony of awkwardness because he got you that stupid necklace. After pacing the room again, he sat on the couch, taking his phone from his pocket, he opened up his messages. He debated sending one to Sam, asking him for advice or how badly he fucked up, but before he could, the double doors opened, and you came out. 
“You can go and change, I was going to do my makeup out here so you didn’t have to rush.” Danny looked up, watching you walk out in a light blue, silk dress. As you walked by, he noticed the back of your dress was unzipped. 
“Do you want me to-?” Danny stood up, gesturing to your dress. Nodding silently, you turned, allowing him to zip you in, much like your first night. 
“Listen, I’m not mad,” you murmured. “I’m flattered, really, but I’m not used to gifts like this. Especially from someone that…” what you wanted to say was someone that you had feelings for, that was only pretending to have them for you. Someone you found yourself head over heels for that was just a really good actor. 
“I wanted to do it.” Danny assured you, ignoring that the end of your unfinished sentence was more than likely ‘I only see as a friend.’. “I saw it and thought you would like it, and if it makes you feel better, it was on sale.”
“It…does make me feel better.” you pursed your lips as Danny brought his finger under your chin, lifting it up slightly. 
“And after this weekend, you’ll have it as a way to remember me when I’m away on tour and can’t hang out.” That thought made you smile, and you couldn’t help it. “I’ll be right back.” Danny left you in the living room as he got ready for dinner, and you settled at the table, starting your makeup. You chose a simple look, and were done by the time Danny re-emerged from the suite, dressed in nice black pants, a  half-buttoned white button down shirt, and black blazer. 
“You look handsome,” you complimented as he slid on his shoes. Danny smiled, watching you struggle with the ankle clasp of your heels. 
“Here, let me,” before you could protest, he was kneeling in front of you, your foot propped up on his knee as his large fingers deftly fastened one, then the other. You tried to fight the butterflies in your stomach as his large hand wrapped around your calf, gently placing it to the floor before picking up your other one. His palms were warm and you hope that he didn’t feel the goosebumps forming on your flesh from the contact. “There, how do those feel?” He helped you stand up from the chair, having you step a bit to make sure they weren’t too loose.
“They’re great, thank you.” the two of you headed down to dinner quietly, taking your seats and settling in. Dinner had already been served when Olivia called your name, directing your attention to her, where she complimented your new necklace. Mike and Danny exchanged glances across the table, a thumbs up from Mike that Danny nodded gratefully to. 
“It goes great with her dress tonight, doesn’t it?” Danny reached over, gently grazing the pendent with his fingers proudly. 
“Looks cheap,” a comment came from down the table, everyone shooting looks at Naomi. She rolled her eyes as she pushed her mixed greens salad around her plate. 
“Price doesn’t matter to me,” you responded coolly, looking directly at her for the first time in months. “It’s the thought behind it, and I think it’s gorgeous.” 
I do too,” Olivia shot a challenging look, making Naomi purse her lips and focus on her plate. 
“What did you do to have to buy a gift like that?” Gavin dug further, taking a sip of his whiskey as he stared Danny down. Danny cleared his throat, putting his arm around the back of your chair. 
“Unlike you, I treat my partners with respect. I got her the necklace because I love her and wanted to do something special for her.” Danny informed the other man, glaring at him, but with a smile on his face. “She deserves the world, and I plan on giving it to her.” 
“Gonna be hard when you’re gone all the time,” Gavin shot back. “You don’t think that’ll throw a wrench in those plans?”
“She’ll come with me on tour,” Danny shrugged as your hands twisted your napkin in your lap anxiously. “We communicate and make it work. It’s something important to us.” Danny took your hand under the table, squeezing it in his. 
“She doesn’t leave her couch, I’m surprised you’d get her onto a tour bus.” Gavin snorted. “But I guess the idea of being a groupie and tossed around by your band is too tantalizing to pass up, huh?” Before Danny could reply, Gavin was sputtering as red wine dripped down his face. Your hand had left Danny’, and was now holding your empty wine glass as you stood, glaring at Gavin. Without saying another word, you stormed out of the dining room, leaving a wake of perfume and merlot behind you as voices mixed together in shouts. 
“Honey, wait,” Danny was hot on your heels, and you turned when you were far enough away from the dining room. “Honey, please,”
“I’m not going back.” you shook your head, sniffling. “I’m not apologizing and I’m not going back.” Danny placed his hands on your upper arms. 
“I wouldn’t ask you to.” Danny soothed you. “He deserved it.” Tears welled up in your eyes at his soft tone, and you moved out of his grasp to hide them. 
“I ruined dinner, I shouldn’t have let him get to me.” your sudden tears had Danny standing back, waiting for a signal he was needed. “And you, you weren’t even phased by him.” 
“I deal with assholes all the time with my job, I’ve learned how to handle them.” Danny told you. 
“Everyone probably thinks I fuck your whole band now that he put that out there.” Danny shook his head, opening his mouth to speak, but was cut off. “No! They’re always going to wonder if it’s true!”
“Honey, no one thinks that.” Danny assured you, taking your arms again. When you didn’t pull away, he pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around your body as you sniffled into his blazer. “I can promise you they think Gavin and Naomi are absolutely horrible people. Gavin is so bitter you’ve moved on and he lost the best thing that could ever happen to him, and Naomi is stuck with a man who wishes she were you. They’re pathetic.”
You couldn’t help but allow yourself to melt into the warmth of Danny’s body as he soothed you. You could feel the anger and anxiety leaving your body as his hands ran up and down your back. But your face grew hot with embarrassment and you pushed away, turning and covering your face, wiping any stray tears away from your red face. Danny moved away, giving you space while you straightened yourself out. Stationing himself, he leaned against the cool, stone wall, ready to take you in his arms again should the resolve you were building crumble.  
Turning back, you gave him a sad smile, your eyes still watery and red. You’d managed to find the few specks of mascara that had made their way to your cheeks, and Danny still thought, red and slightly splotchy, you were still breathtaking.
“I’m sorry, I’m just..I'm starving, all I’ve had today was cucumber water, and I’m so, so upset, I don’t want to go back in there.” Danny pursed his lips, leaning against the wall until his face brightened up.
“Come on, I have an idea.” he pushed himself from the wall and held out his hand to you. Slipping your palm into his, you let him lead you back inside, down a back hallway. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, your heels clicking softly as you tried to keep up with his long strides. 
“To get you real food.” your brow creased until Danny pushed open a door, leading you into the winery’s kitchen. It was completely empty now that dinner was over, pristine stainless steel shining when Danny found the lightswitch.
“We’re going to get in trouble,” you worried your bottom lip between your teeth as Danny looked around.. 
“Only if we get caught,” Danny smirked back before finding the fridge. He opened the double doors, taking his time and looking at everything it had to offer. You, on the other hand, kept glancing towards the door, waiting for an angry chef to barge in at any moment. “Aha!” you watched Danny reach into the fridge and tuck some ingredients in his arms, shutting the doors a bit louder than you would’ve liked. He came around a large table, laying out all the ingredients in front of him. He searched around a little more, finding a plate and knife, before turning the flat-top on and setting to work.
“A grilled cheese?” you asked softly, making Danny turn to you with a grin.
“The best grilled cheese you’ve ever had,” he defended. “Just you wait.” you leaned against the prep table, watching him slather two slices of sourdough bread with butter before plopping them onto the flat-top, butter-side down. The sizzle made your stomach rumble, and you licked your lips as Danny scurried around, slicing the block of cheese as quickly as possible and tossing a few slices on each piece of bread. He buttered two more slices of bread and placed them on top of the cheese.
“They already smell so good,” you sighed, watching Danny as he found a spatula and checked the bottom slices for doneness.  Your eyes never left him, watching him work over a simple sandwich. 
“The key is grilling it low and slow,” Danny informed you over his shoulder. “You want that cheese nice and gooey, but the bread is just perfectly browned.” Danny flipped the first sandwich, and you watched the savory golden brown bread shine under the lights in the kitchen. You held yourself back from tapping your foot anxiously, reminding yourself Danny was being gracious enough to cook something for you. 
Once Danny was satisfied with his cooking, he grabbed the plate, placing the sandwiches on them before joining you at the prep table again. The knife he used to spread the butter crunched through the bread making your mouth water. Danny held up a sandwich, splitting it apart and watching the cheese pull like it was a commercial.
“Danny, that looks amazing,” you smiled. “But if you don’t give me that sandwich I am going to turn into a horrible monster.” chuckling, Danny handed you half, watching as you bit into it. Your eyes were closed, a moan rumbling in your throat as you chewed. “Oh my god, it’s so good.”
“I told you so,” Danny smiled around his own bite of his half. The two of you shared your sandwiches quietly before cleaning up, making sure no one would notice anything out of place. Instead of going back to your room, you and Danny walked around the winery.
“It’s kind of sad this is our first chance to really explore this place, and everything is closed for the night.” you mumbled. “It really is beautiful.”
“It is.” Danny agreed, stopping before a set of double doors, looking at the sign and pointing at it with his phone. “Wanna check out the reception set-up?”
“I don’t think they’ll have much set up, the rehearsal isn’t until tomorrow.” you shrugged. “Besides, it’s probably locked to-” Danny tried the doors, tugging one open and grinning back at you. “Security is not tight around here.”
“More fun for us!” Danny ushered you in, letting the door close behind him. The stage was already halfway furnished for the live band Olivia had booked for the party, a baby grand sitting off to the side. The room was lit only by a few canned lights above the stage, illuminating the instruments in a soft glow. A few tables were covered with white tablecloths, sage green accents adorning them.
Danny sat down at the baby grand piano on the small stage, his long fingers setting up shop upon the keys before glancing up.
“Any requests?” he smiled softly over to you. Thinking for a moment as you climbed the steps to the stage, you shrugged.
“The place is set up for a wedding, know anything romantic?” Danny grinned, tucking his head down and letting his fingers begin to dance along the keys. He gave a small flourish to the beginning of the song, and it took you a moment to understand what he was singing.
“Hold me close and hold me fast, the magic spell you cast, this is ‘la vie en rose’,” Danny’s voice was barely above a whisper, but it made something stir in your heart. His voice was soft and sweet and low, as if he was shy to sing in front of you, but still wanted to do it. “When you kiss me, heaven sighs, and though I close my eyes, I see la vie en rose’.”
“I love this song,” you rested your hands on the lid of the piano. “My grandpa would play it for my grandma every Saturday night, and she would dance next to the piano.”
“It’s a beautiful song.” Danny smiled up at you, his fingers never breaking from the melody. “How would she dance?” he asked curiously. Blushing, you cleared your throat.
“Well, since grandpa was playing, he couldn’t very well waltz with her,” you stepped away from the piano, holding your arms up and out in front of you. It looked like you were dancing with an invisible partner, holding their shoulder in one hand, and their invisible hand in the other. You began the box step your grandmother would do next to the piano, pressing down the feeling of looking incredibly silly. If Danny could sing in front of you, you could be as vulnerable too. “She would dance like this.” 
You proceeded to spin into the little waltz, giggling as you remembered your grandmother humming along to your grandpa’s playing. After a few years, her humming would be his guide, as grandpa’s fingers weren’t as nimble as they once were. You were so deep in the memories of your childhood, that you hadn’t noticed Danny no longer playing the song. You felt a hand at your waist and suddenly yours were filled, a shoulder under your left one and his own left hand clasped in your right. He was humming the song now, the hand on your waist pulling you in close. 
“My mom taught me to never let a woman dance by herself.” he murmured before continuing his humming. The two of you moved together, Danny near-expertly waltzing with you, and shocking you a bit as he gently spun you out and pulled you back into his arms. Instead of keeping your hands that were clasped together outside your bodies, Danny brought them in between your bodies, resting them against his chest. You weren’t sure what was coming over you, but when he rested his forehead against yours you felt a strange sense of peace, letting your eyes flutter shut.
His breath was warm across your face as he let out a sigh, and you felt yourself tilting your chin up, hoping his lips were close. You were practically vibrating with nervous energy as his grip on your hand tightened, tucking you closer into his chest. You swore you could feel the softest graze of his lips against yours before a loud thunk, jolting the two of you apart.
“Hey, you can’t be in here!” an employee called out from the doors, making you and Danny scramble off the stage, apologizing profusely. The two of you were laughing the whole way as you scurried out, only to laugh harder when you tripped a little in your heels, Danny near picking you up to get you out of the room. Your hand was clasped tightly in his as he led you back down the hallway and through the lobby.
“I told you we’d get in trouble!” you called out to him as you followed him up the stairs.
“We didn’t! We got out of there!” Danny laughed back, pulling the keycard from his pants pocket and swiping it at your door. The lock clicked and you rushed inside as if the employee had been chasing you both, shutting the door quickly.
Both you and Danny were panting as you walked into the room, and you took the moment to lean against the arm of the couch, undoing your shoes and tossing them to the side. 
“Danny, do you mind?” you asked, pulling your hair around front, reaching behind you for your zipper. Danny nodded, coming over and grasping the pull in his hand. As he dragged the zipper down, you felt his knuckles graze down your spine, following the path. When the zipper was all the way down, his touch didn’t stop. His knuckles trailed up and down your back softly, causing you to shiver almost imperceptibly. 
Turning around, you looked up at Danny, his eyes dark as they regarded you carefully. Taking in a deep breath, you licked your lips before speaking again.
“Danny, in the reception hall earlier,” you started, pausing as he stepped closer.
“Were you going to kiss me?”
“But…no one was around.” you whispered. 
“What if I was going to kiss you,” he brought a hand up, pushing your hair back from your face. “Just because I wanted to?”
“That-That would be fine.” you nodded as he got even closer.
“And what if I wanted to do more than just kiss you?” he asked, trailing his hand down to your mouth, letting his thumb gently tug at your bottom lip.
“What about your rule?” your voice cracked softly, your nerves and excitement getting the best of you as you pressed your body closer to his, the tension becoming so thick between you two.
Danny gazed down at you, his lips parted slightly and one arm grasped your waist, holding you flush against his own body. The other of his large hands slid up the back of your neck, cradling your head as his fingers threaded in your hair, tilting your head back. 
“Fuck it, we’re breaking the rule.” he breathed out, pressing his lips hotly against yours. You let your body melt against his, grasping at his shirt to keep yourself from toppling both of you over. Every other thought dissipated from your mind, the only one remaining was Danny’s large, warm hands and how badly you needed them on you, everywhere, all at once.
Neither of you could get close enough to the other, grinding your bodies together until Danny’s hands left your waist and head, only to grab at the backs of your thighs, tugging them towards him until you jumped, wrapping your legs around his hips as he turned and pressed your back to the wall. 
Cupping his face, you smashed your lips against his, eager to taste him again as he ground himself against you. The feeling of his erection through his pants against your clothed core was enough to send jolt through your entire body. Moving your hips with his, you began to work yourself up, panting between tastes of his lips and tongue.
“Danny,” you sighed against his lips. “I need to feel you, please,” a groan rumbled from Danny’s chest at your breathy pleading, and he readjusted his grip before moving you away from the wall, lips sealed to yours still. 
Your bottom came into contact with the soft bed, and you realized Danny’s hands had traveled during his movements, pushing the skirt of your dress up over your hips. He continued to move them further, pulling away and watching as you wordlessly moved your arms up in the air, letting him pull the garment off and toss it away. Expecting him to return to you, you took a breath, lips quivering with anticipation, anxious for his kiss, but instead Danny stepped back.
His eyes were dark as they locked with yours, and you watched his hands come to his front, beginning to work on the buttons of his shirt slowly. Your eyes were laser focused on his nimble fingers, but you allowed yourself to glance up to his eyes, catching them flicker from your face down to your chest, which was heaving with anticipation. Danny’s mouth was also taking in deep breaths, open as he worked his shirt open. 
It was slow motion, as the shirt opened fully, and he reached up, pushing it off his shoulders and letting it fall down his arms. Your eyes followed the trail of exposed skin, tracing the tattoo on his bicep quickly, itching to call to him and bring him closer so your fingers could do the same. His pants moved quicker, and soon he was gently ushering you back on the bed, his hands on the waistband of your paintes, letting your movements as you shuffled ease them down your legs.
After he tossed those aside, he watched as you spread your legs in front of him, welcoming his body in as he kneeled in front of you, naked as well. The sight of you in nothing but the necklace he gave you made his stomach tighten. The tension was growing thick between the both of you, your skin growing hot from his eyes drinking you in. Your cheeks flushed as he studied your body, and you felt a whine building up in your chest.
“Danny, touch me, please?” it broke through your lips, desperate and your body arched under his gaze, urging him into what you wanted. Danny’s lips tugged into a smile, the tip of his tongue between his teeth. He slowly leaned forward until the tip of his nose grazed just under your belly button. You gasped as his warm lips pressed against the cool skin of your stomach, beginning a trail down your pelvis. Another gasp left you as his tongue slowly glided over your clit, letting the tip flick it once before he kissed it. 
“Is this what you wanted, honey?” Danny murmured softly, adjusting his body to lay between your legs. He snaked an arm under your thigh, bringing his hand around rubbing slow circles around the swollen bud. Leaning in again, Danny gave your pussy another long stroke of his tongue, humming to himself. “You said my eyes looked like candy, but I think you’re the one made of sugar.”
“I’ll be whatever you want, just please don’t stop.” you sighed, looking down your body at him. Danny grinned wolfishly, snaking his other arm under your other thigh and tugging your thighs even further apart, delving his head between them. Your head fell back with a moan, the tingling pressure already building up in your abdomen as Danny’s mouth worked you over. His left hand gripped your thigh tightly, fingertips digging into the flesh, as if he was using the grip to try and reach his tongue further into you before it came back and looped around your clit. “F-feels so good,”
You could feel Danny smile against your core, causing you to roll your hips against his face. He relished the movements, letting you take control for a minute or two before raising his right hand from your thigh, splaying it onto your pelvis and pressing down, holding your hips in place for him. Danny began alternating between kitten licks and sucking your clit as he let his left hand untangle itself from your leg and brought his index and middle fingers to tease your slit. 
Wiggling your hips the best that you could, you heard Danny’s laugh, felt the vibrations of it on his lips as you tried to coax his fingers into you further. You were learning quickly that Danny was not one to leave you wanting, as he coated his fingers in your slick before pressing into you. The pressure that was building up in your pelvis was causing your back to arch as Danny’s fingers pumped in and out of you, moans spilling from your mouth between gasps of breath. 
“Don’t stop Danny, I’m so close!” you cried. Your words seemed to send him into overdrive, his fingers curling as the thrust in and tongue speeding up, whimpers escaping your throat, forming around his name as tingles shot through your body, the pressure finally breaking. Danny worked you through your orgasm, slowing his pace before withdrawing his fingers, and finally, after a few more strokes that made your body twitch, withdrew his mouth and tongue from you. 
You watched as he popped his fingers into his mouth, cleaning them off with his eyes closed, savoring the taste of you before taking them out with a soft pop. He opened his eyes, staring directly at you before leaning down, crawling up your recovering body. Danny’s lips captured yours in a searing kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself. Moaning into his mouth, you felt him settle his body against yours, his hard cock warm on your inner thigh. 
Pulling away, Danny supported himself on one arm, looking down at your flushed face. Before he could make another move, you reached up, taking your hand and letting the tips of your nails trail through his chest hair and down abdomen gently, causing the large man to shiver above you. Smirking, you let your nails gently scratch along the trail of dark, coarse hair until you reached the base of his cock.  Looking up into his eyes, you wrapped your hand around his length, pumping him letting your thumb brush over the head. Danny let out a shuddering breath, dipping his head into the crook of your neck as your hand ran up and down his shaft. 
Lifting himself up again, he let the hand not supporting him wrap around your wrist, halting your movements. Instead, you shifted your hips, letting Danny move again and you guided him to you, moaning softly as you ran the head of his cock up and down your soaked pussy. Your hips twitched as you ran him over your overstimulated clit, and Danny smirked, taking a hold of his cock and moving your hand away. 
Danny was slow, he worked his length inside you in small, paced thrusts, letting your walls adjust to him. The feeling of him inside you was incredible, your eyes nearly rolling back just from him finally bottoming out. Danny rested his forehead against yours, gazing into your eyes, staying still for a few moments. 
“Fuckin’ incredible,” he panted softly. Swallowing roughly, you nodded in agreement as he pulled his hips back. The pull of his cock was delicious, you eagerly raised your hips to meet his thrusts as he began moving. Sweat was building on both of your bodies, but neither of you cared. Both of you were back into the frenzy of earlier, not being close enough, even with the barriers of clothes gone. 
Your arms wrapped around him, fingernails digging into his back as his thrusts became rougher, dragging down and eliciting a sharp hiss sucked through his teeth in your ear. 
“More,” you cried, “I need more,” Danny grunted softly, moving his body as he slid his arms beneath you, grasping your shoulders and using your own body as leverage to thrust harder and faster. Your body arched again, into Danny’s as his breathing began to get ragged. 
Dragging the tip of his nose across your face, he found your lips again, kissing you sloppily. Moaning into his mouth, you could feel the tension building up again, this time quicker and more exhilarating than before. You began to whimper and writhe beneath him, and Danny dragged his lips back to your ear.
“Are you gonna come again for me, honey?” His voice was low and gruff between shallow sighs and pants. You nodded, squeezing your eyes shut as you focused on the pleasure that was shooting through your veins, still waiting for the band to snap again. “I can feel you’re getting so close. Gonna come on my cock like a good girl?” 
“Mhm, Danny,” you nearly sobbed, teetering right on the brink. Tears began to prick your eyes as the tension almost became too much, Danny’s thrusts now bordering on the edge of pain and pleasure. The sound of his skin smacking against yours filled the room, mixing with his low voice reciting filth in your ear, coaxing you to unravel around him with a loud cry. 
“Fuck, fuck, ah!” Danny was breathing through his clenched teeth. “Honey I’m about to-where do you want it?”
“Inside, it’s okay,” you panted, holding Danny’s body tightly to yours to emphasize your words. One of his hands let go of the shoulder it was grasping, and instead he laid his palm flat over the sapphire pendant that rested against your throat now, feeling it dig into his palm as he closed his hand around your neck while he rutted into you. A few moments later, Danny was thrusting erratically, the slapping of his skin beginning to sting before he let out a low, growling sigh, stilling his hips as he spilled himself inside you. Sharp exhales filled your ear, a soft, whimpery moan floating from Danny’s mouth. 
Leaning up, you pressed soft, slow kisses to Danny’s shoulders, letting him take his time to catch his breath as you evened your own out. When he was ready, he slowly pulled back, the feeling of his skin leaving yours almost depressing, though he stayed hovering over you, hands holding himself up on either side of your head. 
“You were right,” you whispered softly. Danny’s brow furrowed curiously as he looked down at you. “You are amazing,” Danny continued to look at you for a few moments before laughing, recalling his tipsy admittance earlier in the week. 
“I don’t lie,” he shook his head, bending down and capturing your lips in a kiss. The movement was soft, slow and sweet, a stark difference to how frenzied they clashed with yours earlier. This softer side suddenly brought your body back from the tiredness you’d been feeling, and you squeezed your legs on Danny’s sides, using the strength you had left to roll both of you over so you were on top of him. 
“Mm, could’ve been a fluke,” you murmured against his lips. “We’ll have to do it again and see if it’s still as good.”
“I’m up for the challenge.” you grinned at his response, feeling him grow hard again while inside you, hands gripping your hips. “Think you can go again?”
“I can go as many times as I please,” you replied smoothly, slowly rocking your body on top of him. “Try and keep up.”
“Oh, I’ll keep up, Honey.”
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a-blind-bat · 6 months
GhostLights Event: Blind Date With a Prompt - @dcxdp-ghostlights
and With the Stars as Our Witness
Edit: I forgot the prompts…
Prompts: Fanasty AU | Gala
Danny wasn’t a fan of these galas. He felt suffocated being in a room with so many people. Royals, legends, and the wealthy all gathered in one place for a celebration. The bustling of conversation along with the low buzz of music coming from a band in the corner mixed together to create one sound that bangs at Danny’s ears.
Sam had dragged him and Tucker along with her. She was forced to attend on account of her parent’s wishes and she would be damned if she had to suffer through it alone. Only seventeen minutes into the party, though, Sam got trapped in a conversation with some earl and Tucker was showing off some of his inventions to potential patrons, leaving Danny to try and entertain himself. Irony is a funny little thing. So here he is, awkwardly standing in a corner and trying to drown out his boredom with extremely expensive wine.
He should’ve made up an excuse, acted like there was a life-threatening emergency to attend to. He would rather be fighting a dragon over experiencing this party for a second longer. Even if it was a Wayne Gala, which was always praised to the high heavens, he found the party to not live up to the legend. The head of the house, Bruce Wayne, was easy to spot. He was always crowded around various wealthy participants, all laughing and chatting their heads off. He did not envy Ser Bruce, seeing as he had to interact with so many people. Even watching the crowd made him tired. The longing warmth of his bed filled his mind as he absentmindedly swirled the red wine around in the glass.
A sharp sound of metal repeatedly hitting glass pierces his ears, and he looks up from the pool of red to see an old man dressed in a black suit befitting those in wealthy circles. He was standing on the stairs and tapping a spoon against a wine glass. The crowd quiets down to a murmur as the old man clears his throat.
“I welcome everyone to our humble estate, we are gathered here to celebrate our newest addition to the Wayne linage. "
Right, the whole reason anyone was even here in the first place. The Wayne family had gained another child. Not through birth, but through adoption. Bruce Wayne was famous for picking unfortunate children off the streets of Gotham and adopting them into his luxurious life. This was his fifth…sixth kid? Danny had lost count. The rich really could afford everything.
“Chosen by Ser Bruce Himself, we welcome Duke Thomas,”
A roar of applause filled the ballroom as a person Danny presumed was Duke came walking down the stairs. Danny didn’t know what the new kid looked like. He was expecting another black-haired, blue-eyed, perfect prince archetype, seeing as the rest of the ones that were adopted were similar. But Duke was different.
The whole crowd was quiet except for the band, who played music to accompany Duke’s descent down to the ground floor. His smile was bright and blinding, and Danny could swear there was this light surrounding him, emitting off of him and surrounding him like the wings of an angel. He was dressed in yellow, gold, and black, his outfit befitting one of a prince. Halfway down, Duke’s gaze met Danny’s. The other boy's eyes turned from brown to golden and Danny had this urge to run towards Duke, to hold him and get to know him. It wasn’t a feeling he had ever felt before; it was terrifying.
Duke looked away as he finally reached the ballroom floor. The surrounding guests rushed to greet him and present their own gifts. No doubt a way to buy themselves into the good graces of Duke and Bruce. The old man coughed to gain the attention of the guests once again.
“I know you're all excited to get to know him, and what better way to get to know someone than with a dance!”
The party erupts into a roar as the band starts to play a sweet and romantic melody. Duke is immediately swept into the chaos as the dance floor becomes filled with waltzing couples. Before Danny could think, his feet were carrying him to the dance floor, his eyes fixated on Duke Thomas, who was currently enrolled in a dance with a nice young lady in a peach-pink dress.
As soon as Danny stepped into the dancing crowd, he got pulled into the arms of a young woman in a beautiful red gown. They twirl around a bit and he loses his Duke in the crowd. He looks across the ballroom floor for him as he dances around, eyes darting from one person to the next. He finally spots Duke with a different lady. This one is wearing a glimmering dark green gown, her smile big as they dance around. Duke looks around above the head of the woman and his eyes soften once they meet Danny’s. Duke twirls the lady around with one hand and lets her go, twirling her right into the arms of another lady as he bows to her. Danny lets go of the woman in his arms and bows to her, walking off towards Duke. Duke gets swept up into another dance with a nice gentleman in a fancy blue outfit adorned with jewels. They twirl and twirl before the gentleman spins Duke around with one hand. Once the spin ends, they both bow, leaving Danny an opportunity to finally dance with Duke. Danny felt various tingles shoot up through his arms as his hands interlocked with Duke’s. It was exhilarating. He had never felt this way with anyone before. It was even more strange as he had never seen Duke Thomas before.
Now that Danny is closer, he can get a good look at Duke. Duke’s a little shorter than he expected, maybe an inch or two below Danny. Beauty marks sparsely cover his face and a small scar across his left brow. His brown eyes were no longer brightly golden, but Danny could see tiny gold specks floating around in his dark brown eyes. He was beautiful, and Danny could feel his heart race. His cheeks felt hot and yet he felt as if he was completely at peace.
“Do you ever not stare?” Duke asks, a smile accompanying his question.
Danny laughs. “Don’t act like you weren’t looking for me as well.”
“It’s quite hard to look away from someone who’s glowing green. "
Danny steps back a bit too far and steps on someone’s foot. He quickly apologizes and leans in close to Duke.
“I glow?”
“Do you not know? Your eyes, they shimmer this toxic green sometimes. I was inclined to think you were magic. "
Everyone knows magic users don't receive warm welcomes in the kingdom of Gotham. So being accused of being magic was a big deal. While magic users may not get burned at the stake, there’s still prejudice and if they find out Danny can do magic-.
“I can feel your panic. No need to worry.” Duke’s eyes turn into a shiny golden. “I’m magic as well,”
“Is that why I was so drawn to you?”
“Perhaps, seems like magic souls seek each other out. "
“I just realized you don't know my name. They call me Danny.”
“‘Danny’? I like it, I think it fits you, I’m Duke, you already know that but I still like to introduce myself. "
“It's nice to meet you, Duke. "
They waltz together for what seems like forever. Until Duke speaks up again.
“Do you like stars, Danny?”
“I like the stars, yes,”
“Then I have something to show you if you’ll be so kind as to let me”
Danny nods and Duke slips them both away from the party. He leads the other boy to a balcony, out of immediate sight of the rest of the partygoers. The yellow light of the ballroom pours out onto the balcony, clashing with the dark of the night. The night sky is littered with shimmering stars, the light cast from the bright stars shining down on Duke makes him look like he’s in a romantic painting.
“I rarely like these big parties. When I get overwhelmed, I tend to sneak out here. I thought maybe you would like it. The stars always looked lovely up here. "
Danny loved it, the stars dancing around in the sky. Glowing so bright, so far, yet so close. He looked back at Duke, the stars twinkling in his eyes alongside the golden specks. Duke was lovely.
“You glow as well,”
Duke’s attention switched back to Danny, one eyebrow raised and a worried expression on his face. He looked down at himself, trying to find this glow Danny was talking about.
“I don’t think anyone else can see it. "
“We see in each other what others can not, sounds like a poem to me. "
“You like poems?”
Silence filled the air again, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was nice. Danny acknowledged how strange his feelings towards Duke were. They had only just met, not even spending an hour together, and yet he was so drawn to him, like a moth to a flame. It was intoxicating and so free to be in the presence of someone he had never seen before tonight.
“Do you feel it too?”
Duke doesn’t even have to explain. Danny knows what he means. The magnetic pull drew him closer and closer. The glow in Duke’s eyes shows a part of him that no one else knows. The comfort and peace he feels just being near each other. He had never felt anything like this before. It scared him and he wanted to dive headfirst into this feeling. To know more about the magic boy next to him.
"Was afraid you didn't,"
Duke smiled at his answer, and Danny was no longer in a hurry to get home. His bed could wait. And if they shared a kiss that night, the stars would not tell.
Come find me on AO3!
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hotpocketpena · 1 year
Pop Princess
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Pedro Pascal x Fem Reader
Summary - you’re a superstar. Having performed on some of the most famous and largest stages in the world, you are in your peak.
You’re a huge Star Wars fan and when you get invited to The Mandalorian Season 1 premier by an old fried, you meet an unexpected man, who you never thought would catch your eye…
Warnings - Swearing & mention of kissing.
Notes- I’ve been throwing this idea around in my head for so long, I just never knew how I’d want it to play out. Well finally I think I made it go in an ok directionnnnn, anyways enjoy😬
Also I apologise for past and future posts for BUTCHERING the beautiful Spanish language😢
A euphoric high, combined from nerves, excitement and thrill. That is how it felt for you every time you picked up the microphone & sang to hundreds, if not thousands of people.
The bass from your music blasting through the huge stadium speakers sends vibrations up and down your body as you dance to the ending of your final song of the night.
“Thank you so much Miami! You have been amazing! Goodnight!” You cheer into the bejewelled black microphone & jump down the disappearing part of the stage.
Your fans still screaming for more as you use the crawl space under the stairs and head to your dressing room to wind down.
“Amazing job tonight killer Queen!”
“Best show of the tour so far!”
“You never fail to amaze us!”
The crew shout as you walk past them. You smile at everyone as you walk into your dressing room, your manager following closely behind.
“Uh, Ben. Can I have just ten minutes to myself before we talk?” You ask, throwing yourself on one of the couches in your dressing room.
Ben, your tour manager of four years sits on the armchair across from you. “I’ll just be brief.” He says.
But it’s never brief.
You roll your eyes and rest your head on the top of the couch, ready to heard whatever Ben has to say about the show. He always has some input on how you can be more energetic or more enthusiastic on stage. And you always tell him the same thing.
“Now that show was brilliant, don’t get me wrong.” His thick British accent makes it really hard to be annoyed with what he says. “But I think you could just be-“
“More energetic sweetheart. You are amazing already but the show needs more sparkle!” you mock him, with a terrible attempt at his accent.
He opens his mouth to speak but closes is quickly. “I do not sound like that.” He whines.
“Well no. But, you do say that to me after every show. And I always give my all when I’m out there.” You say.
He sits in the back of his chair and crosses his arms. “Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like the fans need more. Maybe more fireworks or more dancers or-“
“Ben.” You sternly say his name, knowing where this is going.
“I love you, but you need to get out of my dressing room.” You say as sweetly as possible.
“Fine! If you don’t want to hear about my amazing ideas, then I’ll go and tell them to someone how appreciated them!” He taunts, standing from the chair and swaying his hips to the door.
“I hear Danny from sound looooves your ideas! Go tell him!” You shout, silently thanking the heavens that he’s leaving.
Ben leaves you at peace, and you settle back into the couch, kicking your feet up on the coffee table.
Just as you’re about to sigh, there’s a knock at the door.
“God damn it! Can’t a girl just have five minutes of peace after doing a very long two hour work out while also singing!” You groan, hoping the person behind the door can hear you and will take it as a hint to leave.
“I guess I’ll just leave you to it then princesa del pop.” A beautiful, husky voice shouts from the other side of the door.
It’s a voice you’ve been waiting to hear for 10 days. And you’ve been itching to see the beautiful face behind it.
You jump from the couch, using the last bit of your energy and make a b-line for the door.
“Pedro!” You scream, jumping into his arms. You wrap your legs around his hips and he grips onto the bottom of your thighs.
“Hello baby. Have you missed me?” He chuckles speaking into your hair.
You give him a big squeeze and jump down from his embrace. Your lips crash against his in a hungry but loving kiss.
Your lips move together in sync, releasing all the built up tension of not being able to kiss his sweet lips for so long.
When you break from the kiss, he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and takes your chin between his thumb and index finger.
“I only managed to catch the last forty minutes but you were amazing tonight my little superstar.” He says sweetly, his voice like honey.
“I didn’t think you’d be able to make it!”
“Well I had to sneak away from set and get one of the assistants to lie for me to make it, but I’m here.” Pedro plants a quick kiss to your lips.
He takes your hand into his and you both walk into your dressing room. You notice he’s not in his usual casual attire. He has makeup still on from filming and his hair is all messily done.
“Did you-did you literally take of from the Mando set and rush here for me?” You ask with a serious tone.
“I would have been here sooner, but the fuckers make me take the suit off the second the cameras are off and we’re done filming. Normally I head over to wardrobe to take off all the under garments that go under the suit, but I escaped before they could catch me.” He chuckles, dressed in an all black mesh outfit.
You gasp at him. “Yeah because last time you came to one of my shows in the whole fucking suit. And got so drunk that you drank beer out of the helmet. And then threw up in it once you drank all of the beer.” You laughed, sitting next to him on the couch. He pats his knee for you to put your legs up and you do with gratitude.
“And you know that it’s against the Creed that you should never take your helmet off in front of a living being.” You smirk, knowing he hates how much you love the show.
He tuts and rolls his eyes. “My god you need to get a life.”
You chuckled. “The way of the Mandalorian is my life.”
Pedro pondered for a second. “Hang on, we started dating after the premier of the first season of the show right?” He asked, his brows raised while he ran his hand up and down your leg.
“Yeah, why’d you ask?”
“And we’d never met before the premier?”
You had a feeling you knew where this was going.
“Uhhh,” you stuttered. “Yeah I think so.”
“Now correct me if I’m wrong, but before the premiere of the show, I’m pretty sure you didn’t know who I was. And I obviously knew who you were. I’m sure I went to say hi to you, but you just smiled awkwardly and walked away. But right after the showing, I swear you were all over me like a fly on shit.” Pedro’s voice was inquisitive.
He was right.
You got invited to the premier as John knew how much you love Star Wars, and Boba Fett was your favourite character. So when the opportunity to go to The Mandalorian premier, you squealed and cried.
The day of the premiere you were so excited. Taking inspiration from the Mando armour, your designer created the most beautiful 2 piece suit in the colour of the armour.
You knew of Pedro before the premier, having seen a few of his movies, but you’d never met him. On the red carpet, you two did have an awkward encounter. Pedro was the star of the show before you showed up.
As soon as you walked on the carpet, all the cameras and eyes were on you. You’d said that you didn’t want all eyes on you or to take shine away from the amazing people who had worked on the show, so you took a few photos and headed inside where you could mingle with a few people.
Just before the showing, Pedro walked over to you, a clear attraction from his side, having watched you perform at events for many years, he took a serious liking to you.
You thought he was cute, but because you didn’t know him, you just thought of him as a cute guy. He walked over and said hi to you. You gave him a sweet but awkward smile and excused yourself to head to the bathroom.
The show had started and boy was it amazing. As soon as it ended, John and Pedro stood from their seats, giving small nods while looking around at everyone cheering them on.
Pedro looked over to you and gave you a wink. You felt your heart stop and your palms began to sweat.
Is this what love at second sight looks like? You thought taking him all in.
Once everyone had disappeared from the theatre and headed into the bar area, you were on the hunt for him. Wanting to continue the ‘what could have been’ conversation. If only you had taken a few seconds to speak with him before, this would be a lot less awkward.
You take a deep breath in and begin your strut towards him. Luckily, he’s with John, so if things go awkward, you can lean on him to get you out of a sticky situation.
“Hey! Look who it is! We were just talking about you!” John cheers, holding his glass of brown liquid towards you to join him.
Pedro quickly spins to face you and his face turns a blush red. He clears his throat and wipes his sweaty palms on the back of his pants, hoping that it’s not too obvious that he’s nervous.
“Who knew you had such talent in that big ol’ head of yours!” You joke, pulling John in for a hug. He hugs you back, squeezing you just a little too tight.
You let out a joking ouch and break from the hug. You turn your attention to Pedro and butterflies erupt in your stomach. He’s beautiful.
You both look into each others eyes and not a word is spoken. It’s like everyone in the room has just disappeared and only you two remain. You could stay looking into his beautiful chocolate eyes forever.
“Now I want you to meet the star of the show.” John snaps you out of your trance. He moves around the small circle table and throws his arm over Pedro’s shoulder.
“This is Pedro, our very own Din Djarin. The man behind the mask.” John beams, being very proud of Pedro.
“And this lovely lady is-“
Before John could finish, Pedro interrupts.
“We’ve met before.”
You let out a shy laugh averting your eyes from him. He doesn’t take his eyes off you and a smile beams across his face at your laugh.
“I’ve been to a few of her shows actually, she’s brilliant.” He says with adoration.
He’d been to more than a few. At first, Sarah invited him to go, as she also really enjoys your music. He didn’t think anything of it first, but once you got on stage, he was hooked.
Pedro had been to about 20 of your shows over the years, sometimes even going alone just because he wanted to enjoy the shows you put on and admire you from afar. When he found out you were coming tonight, he wanted to shoot his shot.
Usually when celebrities come to your shows, you invite them backstage and hang out with them for a few drinks, discussing the show and other things. Pedro never made himself known, he’d been too nervous to go backstage.
You blushed at his comment. He’d been to a few of your shows? He’s never been backstage? You thought, wondering why he never took the invite, but you brush the thought off.
John rambles on about how the promotion for the show has been going and gets called away by someone, leaving you and Pedro alone at the table.
“So, how did you find the first episode?” He asks, shuffling on his feet.
“It was truly a masterpiece. You were amazing!” You express, trying to keep it cool.
He blushes, taking a step closer to you. “Thank you. It means a lot coming from you. The way you perform on stage is a work of art.”
Wow, your heart flutters
You engage with him in some casual conversation and head to the bar together to grab another drink. You both hit it off.
“So, uh, what are you doing in three days time?” Pedro ask taking a sip from his glass of whiskey.
“I’m performing at the Oscar’s.” You say. “Why’d you ask?”
“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink after? I’ve been invited to the Vanity Fair after party, but I can ditch that if you’re free?” He says, the whiskey giving him the courage he needs to ask you out.
“I was going to head to the Vogue after party but, I’d like to have a drink with you.” You blush, your wine helping you in this situation massively.
“Now that I’m actually thinking about it…Did you only come over to me and John because you liked me as Din?!” Pedro gasps, pinching your legs.
You yelp and laugh. “Nooooo, of course not!” You lie. You never wanted to admit to him, but it was true. There was just something about him being the man behind the Baskar that turned you on.
“Oh my god it’s true!” He laughs, quickly standing from the couch.
He stands in front of you with a shocked face and hands on his hips.
“If I never took the job, you never would have gone for that drink with me would you? And you’d be shacked up with someone else who’d be playing Mano!” Pedro tuts, but his tone is jokey, wanting to get a rise out of you.
“Baby, come on. Please don’t make me say it.” You groan, throwing your head back on the couch.
“Say it.” He demands, kneeling down in front of you, placing his hands on your knees to balance himself.
“Fine! I felt more attracted to you as Mando. There!” You admit to defeat, wanting this conversation to be over and done with.
“But! The more I got to know you, the more I loved the man behind the mask. And I do! I love you more and more everyday, so it shouldn’t matter how I became attracted to you in the first place.”
Pedro laughs, patting your knees and playing a kiss on your forehead.
“And I love you princesa del pop. Even if you are a Star Wars loving freak.” He chuckles
“Your Star Wars loving freak.” You say, rolling your eyes at him.”
“Yes, yes you are.” He smiles at you lovingly.
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truefant4sy · 9 months
Danny cooper x black reader headcannons
Sfw and nsfw⬇️⬇️⬇️
"mama" but in the most beast boy way possible
•For starters. He is just such a kitten like litterally he will lay on top of you and just nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck while slightly purring
And he’s such a sleepy boy so this is a constant thing and the minute you try to move he will get so upset :( “danny I have to pee please let me get up” “one more minute please”
•He’s also really good at cleaning. Surprisingly. He actually finds it very calming so if you come home to the house smelling like bleach and more he probably was very anxious
•he also really enjoys playing with your hair (braids,locs,weaves, etc) he enjoys the texture and how nice it feels and of course you love how it feels to feel his cold finger tips on your scalp and when he first asked it went a lot like “Y/n ?” “Yes Danny?” “Can I play with your hair…please?”
•always makes sure to tie/strap your heels or shoes for you because he thinks as long as you guys are together (forever) you should never have to do anything
•and when your gone at work or on a trip he will spray your perfume on his pillow and cuddle it because he misses your scent and your body so much. And might cry a bit too because he’s such a sensitive boy but when you come back he’s like a happy little puppy and he’s just all over you kissing and licking at you
•he also CANNOT get enough cuddles like he will try to keep you in bed with him all day if he can and if you get out of bed to get ready for work he will whine and beg for you to come back “baby just call off today please?” Or “just stay with me love”.
•he whines during sex so fucking much especially when he’s on top because not only is he deeper inside you this way but he gets to see all of the pretty faces you make as you get spilt open on his hard big cock
•I also feel like his cock is about 5 inches soft 7 hard two prominent veins a few on the top and it’s just so pink. And he’s very nicely shaven. (And he's very proud of it)
•will beg for you to ride him. Like if your sitting on the couch doing some work he will get on his hands and knees and just beg for you to ride him because he’s horny “mama please…” “no Danny you see that I’m working” “but you can take a break for me baby” “no I cant.” And he will continue to beg until you decide to ride him to the heavens
•he has also stolen your used underwear more than once. He had taken pictures of them, smelt them, masturbated using them, and more and yet he still can’t get enough of your scent.
Doms every now and then but he really doesn't prefer it but if you just happen to do something that just makes him REALLY want to punish you then you might as well just pray now because he WILL not stop until you say that safe word (which you never do)
and will eat you out till you cry just because he was bored.
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gayratguy · 2 years
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My friend Jake never minded I was gay. Even though he came from a pretty conservative background he was always very accepting and would usually invite me on trips and stuff as one his +1 friends. This time around we were at a lakehouse his family had rented and some of his family friends had rented a lakehouse across the way. I was excited to join him on one of these trips bow that we’re both 21 and able to actually join the party with the rest of the adults. After a day of water skiing and intertubbing with him and his family I was ready to head back but Jake and his family were still wanting to keep going. That’s when Rob, one of Jake’s dad’s fire fighting buddies offered to take me back on his boat with more of their ex-fire fighting buds. I jumped at the chance a little bit to emphatically and quickly tried to recover as to not let on how attracted I was to these men. There were four of them on the boat all about mid 30s and all of them had a decent bit of muscle that was covered with a layer of fat from all the beer. The biggest one of them was clearly Rob who was a huge bear of a man. I climbed into their boat as they handed me a towel to dry off. They started talking to me about school and I asked them about their time as fire fighters. After a while we had reached their place and they asked if I wanted to come up with them to drink a few beers before Jakes family finished up. I walked up with them at the back trying to hide my boner with my towel when Rob turned around right in front of me and saw it. “I knew you were a fag” he said smirking at me, “hey Danny you owe me 5 bucks” “Fuck!” i heard up front. I honestly had expected them to beat me up if they ever heard but what I heard next shocked me. “Alright so is that boner for all of us? Cause we could use a cumdump if you’d be willing.” He said it so casually as if this was a normal occurrence for them. i said yes meekly and Rob chuckled and put his beefy arm around me and pulled me into his chest. “Hell yeah man you’re doing us a big favor.” His hand moved down and groped my ass as we walked up to the lake house. The rest of the night was a blur, Rob called Jakes parents and told them they had gotten me too drunk so I was sleeping it off. In reality I was in heaven, I let them fuck me in the hot tub, by the fire, I sucked them off under the table while they played poker and smoked cigars. They took turns giving me water and cooking for me while I bounced on another ones cock. It was hitting about dusk when I was resting on a couch outside to get some air chatting with one of the men when Rob came outside looking to ask me something. “Hey man listen we’ve really has a great time tonight and you’ve seemed to too. We’ve never had a guy so enthusiastic after three hours of fucking so I thought I would offer you something.” He held out a pill, “I was thinking maybe we could continue this for a little while longer. if you take that pill I can merge you with my dick for the rest of the trip and you can feel every little stroke and thrust of my dick in your whole body, I’m told it feels awesome. Then after the trip I can unmerge you and you can continue being our cumdump at our house. We’ll take care of all of your expenses and it would only be as long as you’d want but you could even merge with one our dicks during the days then take loads during the night while we cook for you! What do ya say?” I nodded my head so fast. “Alrighty then why don’t you show that pretty ass to me and you’ll be swinging between my legs pretty soon just thinking about cumming and pissing for me.” “Thank you sir” is all I said before I felt the first shot of cum escape my lips. Best trip ever
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q-gorgeous · 5 months
She's Almost You
word count: 861
warning: major character death
"The same kind of music / haunts her bedroom / I'm almost me again / she's almost you" - Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier. Whatever this line evokes. @jessaverant
“Danny!” Jazz shouted. He was falling from the air. He’d been shot with a weapon by their parents. It shorted out his powers. He couldn’t get his transformation rings to appear. He couldn’t fly. He was too high in the air. What could they do? 
The sound when he hit the ground would forever haunt her. 
Danny’s funeral. A little girl standing at the back of the crowd. Jazz didn’t know who she was but she bore a striking resemblance to the boy they were burying that day. 
Sam and Tucker introducing them to Danielle. Dani. She was a clone. A clone of her brother. She was the same as him in nearly every way. 
She came to say goodbye to him. Her only real family she’d ever had. She flew all the way here just for him. Where did she come from? Where would she go?
They couldn’t let her go off on her own. Not when she was staring up at them with his sky blue eyes. 
His favorite song. 
It played behind what used to be his bedroom door. 
Jazz knew that they couldn’t have sent her away. Not a 14 year old child who had only really been alive for 2 years. But she didn’t realize how much her brother would haunt them with her here. They were so similar. From the type of music they listened to and their aspirations to the dark speck of blue in their left iris. 
Jazz would see her walking the halls at home or at school. She’d see her flying around town and all she could see was her brother. She’d see Danielle out of the corner of her eye and she thought maybe her brother wasn’t really dead. Maybe he didn’t really move on. Maybe he was still here. 
Maybe it had all been a dream. 
It felt like Jazz was living in a nightmare. 
Jazz was starting to feel like herself again. She finally put in her college applications after waiting a year. She was ready to continue her studies. She shouldn’t put it off any longer. She’d had her time to grieve.
But she knew she really hadn’t grieved. Not with Danielle here. She thought maybe going away would give her some real time to grieve. If she was somewhere where she didn’t see his face all the time.
She shook that thought off. Her sister was happy she was going to school. Danielle wanted to get to know Jazz. But Jazz hadn’t been herself for a while. She wanted to try though. She wanted to be a sister again. A good sister. Danielle looked at her like she put the stars in the sky and she wanted to do just that for her. 
Jazz just had to find her own stars again. 
She’s almost you.
Jazz watched as Danielle fought the ghost king. Jazz had heard the story about him from Danny. That he had been locked back up in his sarcophagus. That he’d been defeated. But it took nearly every bit of strength he had. He almost died. And he needed help to do it. And now Danielle was up there doing it on her own. No ghost friends. No allies. No suit.
Just her. 
She was holding strong but Jazz could see she was getting tired. Their parents were trying to put together something, anything that could help her. But they didn’t have the time. They would run out of time. 
She was too much like Danny. She jumped into danger and ghost fights just like he did. She took on too much responsibility like he did. This wasn’t something she had to do but she did it anyway. 
Then, the ghost king struck Danielle out of the air. She hurtled towards the ground and all Jazz could do was thank the heavens or whatever god existed that Danielle was still transformed. That she still still had her powers. That she would be able to take the hit when she skidded across the pavement and smashed into a building. 
But Danielle didn’t get back up. She lay there. Unmoving. 
Jazz started to run. She couldn’t lose her too. Not after losing him. She couldn’t lose him twice. 
But then Danielle raised an arm and pushed herself up off the pavement. Jazz skidded to a stop. The look she wore was one Jazz had seen Danny wear countless times while fighting dangerous ghosts. 
Danielle glared up at the ghost king and shot back up into the air. 
She flew circles around him and beat him until he was somehow weak enough to pull into a thermos. Jazz stared at her in awe. Marveled at finally seeing Danielle be different from Danny. Defeating a foe without the aid of anything. A foe that Danny almost died defeating even with the help he got. 
Danielle floated down and touched onto the ground. She stumbled her way towards Jazz, hardly being able to keep one foot in front of the other. 
She collapsed into her and Jazz shook as she held her sister. Her parents' shouts echoed from down the street. 
She was okay. Danielle would be okay.
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Comfort Breakfast
Summary - Part 22 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends)
Warnings - none
Series Masterlist | Masterlist 
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Once you’re all packed up and checked out Dean drives you both to a local diner. He orders you both coffees, a straight black and a mocha for you, and a tall stack of pancakes with a side of bacon and maple syrup to share. While you wait for your order to arrive you decide to open up about your shower thoughts.
“So, uh, I was thinking…”
“I hope you didn’t hurt yourself,” Dean quips.
“I’m trying to be serious here, asshole.”
“You would’ve said the same thing to me. In fact, you have on multiple occasions.” You shoot him an unimpressed look and he holds his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, Sweetheart, continue. What were you thinking about?”
“I don’t know if I want to tell you now,” you tease.
He reaches over and takes your hand in his, running his thumb over your knuckles. “Please, Baby, I’m sorry. Tell me.”
“You’re lucky I love you…”
“I know. Now tell me what you were thinking about.”
“Maybe, our wedding doesn’t have to wait until we’re out.”
“What are you saying? You still want to marry me?”
Just as you’re about to elaborate, your phone rings. “It’s Andre,” you say, Dean rolls his eyes and you shake your head at him smiling as you answer. “Hi Bestie, you’d better be calling to tell me you and Danny finally set a wedding date.”
“Not quite. Look, I know you said you’re not hunting anymore after everything you’ve been through recently. But we’ve been doing some venue hunting in Vegas and something feels off. I promised Danny I wouldn’t hunt it but I refuse to let some vengeful spirit ruin our prospects or anyone else’s special day.”
“You have impeccable timing, actually. This is just what I need right now. If you can try to find out everything you can about it we can be there in a day or so. I can’t wait to see you and Danny!”
“See you soon, Bestie! I’ll text you the deets.”
As the line goes silent your food and coffee arrive. Once the waitress leaves Dean takes a sip of his coffee staring at you expectantly.
“How do you feel about Vegas?”
“Gambling, drinking and sex. Sounds like heaven.”
“Good, because Andre caught a case there. But uh, you’re a pledge remember.”
“Biggest regret ever. Can we still go to the casino?” he asks with a mouth full of bacon.
“After we gank whatever it is, sure. I could use a night of gambling and booze.”
You both dig into your breakfast in relative silence. Once you’re full you push the plate towards Dean and lean back in the booth before breaking the silence again. “I don’t wanna get married in Vegas. I want something more classy.”
“Trust me, you deserve way more than a rushed Vegas wedding and I’m going to make sure you get it.”
“I’m not much of a traditionalist, and I don’t need much, but if we’re gonna do it, I want it to be special.”
“It will be, I promise. You ready for an extra long road trip, my sweet?”
“Bring it on.” 
Dean places a few bills on the table under the plate and stands up before holding his hand out to you. You slide to the end of the booth before taking his hand and letting him lead the way back to the car. He opens the passenger door for you and closes it once you’re situated inside, then moves around to the driver’s side to get in himself. You listen to the engine roar to life as he speeds down the highway, then shuffle through his box of cassettes. 
“What do you wanna listen to driver?”
He glances at you and the box quickly before putting his eyes back on the road. He sighs and then says, “You pick.”
“I thought the driver picked the music?” you say shocked.
“Don’t make me change my mind, and don’t tell Sam.”
You flick through your choices again before deciding on one of his favourites: Led Zeppelin II. Once the classic rock fills the car he shoots you a quick, surprised look. “You get a chance to play whatever you want and you pick one of my favourite albums? I really don’t deserve you.”
His free hand finds your thigh and squeezes softly. You put your hand on top of his and then above the music say, “What made you agree to the chastity pledge?”
He nods his chin towards the radio, so you turn it down, and then once it’s quieter he replies, “The prospect of a second chance. Being able to just hit refresh … after everything that’s happened. I really did want that baby, you know … I could picture it so clearly. Waking up to an empty bed in the middle of the night only to find you sitting in a rocking chair in the nursery feeding and singing to our beautiful little girl. I imagined the perfect little princess with your cute nose and sparkling eyes.” 
You look over at him and see the tears running down his cheeks. You slide across the bench seat and wipe them away with your thumbs, trying your best not to hinder his view of the road, then rest your head on his shoulder. “I promise one day we’ll make that dream come true. Well, I can’t promise you a little girl, that’s up to your sperm, but the rest … I want that more than anything. Just not yet, okay?”
He quickly kisses the top of your head before you feel him nod.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
It’s just past eight at night by the time Dean finally pulls into a diner just off the highway. You’d been complaining about needing a bathroom for about half an hour so the second the wheels stop moving you jump out. You can hear Dean laughing from behind you but you ignore him as you bolt inside. When you come back out he’s sat in a booth with two glasses of Cola and two burgers with fries in front of him. You quickly join him and take a big bite of the burger, and then say with your mouth half-full, “You have no idea how much I love you!”
Dean swallows his mouthful and then says, “I love you too, sweetheart.”
After washing it down with some Cola you reply, “Huh? I was talking to the burger.” When he shoots you an offended look you add, “But I guess I love you too, you dork.”
After you both finish eating Dean gets up to use the bathroom himself, so you pull out your phone and impulsively start looking up wedding dresses. You know you don’t want anything too fancy or outrageous. You scroll past ballroom styles dresses and mermaid ones that you just know you wouldn’t be able to walk in. Then your fingers stop on a simple, white wrap-up cami dress with a split in the front and simple yet elegant lace look fabric. You could imagine yourself in that dress, standing in a field with a simple bouquet walking towards your handsome hunter. You hear Dean’s breath hitch from behind you; you turn around and see him staring in shock at your screen while carrying a plate of cherry pie. You turn your phone off and take the plate and place it on the table before he drops it.
“So, your serious about doing this soon?” He asks, slipping into the booth opposite you.
“We have to go to Vegas first. But despite everything … or because of everything I don’t want to wait. Our lives are in danger every day, I have faith we can get out, but what if we don’t and we never get a chance? After the baby and the djinn … time is precious and our lives can change in an instant.”
“Then let’s gank this ghost and then I’m gonna marry myself a wife.” He takes a bite of the pie and then adds, “I never thought I’d get to say that.”
“I still can’t believe I’m going to marry the warrior, Dean Winchester.”
“You would look incredible in that dress by the way. You don’t get a chance to dress up much in our lives, but when you do … Even that tight little black FBI dress you wore that time … I swear you’re going to be the death of me, Sweetheart.”
“Just eat your pie, Winchester.”
He takes a scoop and leans over the table, holding the fork in front of your lips until you open them and let him feed it to you. Sitting here like this, planning your wedding and joking together, it’s hard to believe that just a few days ago you were barely talking. Or that you’d suffered such a great loss just a couple of months ago. Once the plate is clean you both get up and head outside. Just before you reach the car you pull him in for a kiss, and then reach into his pocket and steal the keys. As soon as he feels your hand he pulls away and tries to grab you, but he’s too slow. You bolt around the car to the driver’s side and slip in starting the engine. He defeatedly gets in the passenger side. 
“You drove all day, it’s my turn. Get some sleep.”
“I’d argue but it’s so sexy when my girl drives my Baby.”
“Shut up and get some sleep.” You put your foot down and take off into the darkness. Unsurprisingly, he refuses to sleep, opting to watch you and do his best to help you stay focused and awake. 
It’s around three in the morning when you can barely keep your eyes open, so you pull over among some trees and shut off the engine. 
“Come here,” Dean says as he turns to you opening his arms. 
You cuddle for a while, but you know neither of you will get decent sleep like this so eventually you sit up.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, barely awake.
“Go to sleep. I love you.” You lean down and place a soft kiss on his lips before climbing over the bench and laying down on the back seat. 
Little do you know, Dean listens and waits until you stop stirring before finally drifting off himself. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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oliverreedmasterass · 2 months
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Starcatchers 1x4 - Fate of the Faithful
Synopsis: It's media day for the GVF guys! What could go wrong? (everything) Danny struggles to hold back the truth, Jake takes advice from a higher up, and Sam and Josh can't stop saying the wrong thing. Their manager has never been more stressed.
Words: 5.8k
Warnings: mentions of physical harm (brief), caffeine addiction, Keith Richards
Notes: Thank you, as always, to @feelslikejakey for the original concept, and @jmkho for literally writing the ending for me because my writer's block was so unbelievably bad AND making the incredible title/gif!! 🫶🫶🫶
Jake, Josh, and Sam are in an old-fashioned diner, eating breakfast and sipping on tall mugs of black coffee. Sam sets down his fork with a clatter and leans closer to his brothers so he can conspire. 
SAM: Something’s different with Daniel. 
JAKE: (raising an eyebrow, mouth full of bacon) How so? 
SAM: It’s like he’s more gullible or something. Usually he’s the most headstrong one in the band, but I’ve been messing with him a lot more recently, and he’s falling for it. 
JOSH: You might be onto something, I convinced him that Genovia is a real country yesterday and he didn’t even Google it to double check. 
JAKE: I can’t see that happening. I bet he’s the one screwing with you both. 
SAM: No, trust me, watch this. 
Danny comes back to the table from the bathroom, wiping his wet hands on his jeans. 
DANNY: Some guy was styling his hair with the hand dryer. Can you believe that? 
SAM: (ignoring Danny’s interesting story) Daniel, did you know that it gets so hot in the summer because the sun doubles in size between June and September?
DANNY: I guess that kind of makes sense. 
Jake and Josh exchange amused looks. This is gonna be fun. 
JOSH: Well, I read yesterday that pisces can read people’s minds. 
DANNY: Really? That’s kind of spooky. 
JAKE: The pyramids were built from the top down. 
DANNY: I knew it. (beat) You guys are throwing a lot of information at me. It’s kinda making my head spin a bit. Not gonna lie, I’ve been all over the place since I stopped drinking caffeine. Like, I really can’t think straight. 
SAM: (obviously not feeling bad at all) Oh no, that’s horrible! 
Sam, Jake, and Josh share malicious grins. Danny is entirely oblivious. 
SAM: (to the camera) I can tell this fool whatever I want. 
Starcatchers Theme/Opening Titles
[acoustic theme song with a harmonica] 
From the fires we emerged anew, 
Singing, playing rock and roll, 
Reviving a genre just for you. 
Across the globe we traveled far
Recruiting an army of peace, 
Enchanting crowds with our guitar. 
A battle ensued at the Gardens Gate
And we preserved the gift of nature, 
Standing up against a culture of hate.  
We are the Starcatchers, reaching for the sky, 
Discovering words of wisdom to live by. 
We deliver a message from the heavens above:
Live your legend through the intelligence of love. 
[end theme] 
Jake, Josh, Sam, and Danny sit in their manager’s office. Danny is balancing a pen on his forehead while Sam times him with a watch that looks like it came from a Happy Meal. Jake and Josh try to focus on their manager, but it’s pretty hard with all the commotion Sam and Danny are making. 
SAM: Twenty seconds away from the world record! 
DANNY: Wooooo! 
MANAGER: (trying to talk over Sam and Danny’s shouts) Today is a big press day. We’ve got a calendar full of interviews for you to get through. I know it’s going to be exhausting work, but we really need to start spreading the word about your upcoming single, ‘Meeting the Master.’ 
JOSH: We’re more than happy to talk with some kind journalists, right guys? 
Danny sneezes and sends the pen flying across the room so it hits their manager square in the face. 
SAM: Shoot! You were two seconds away! 
Danny struggles to find a kleenex to wipe his nose, so he opts for a piece of paper sitting on the manager’s desk instead. 
DANNY: Ugh, this tissue feels awful. 
Danny crumples the snot-covered printer paper and discards it out the window. 
MANAGER: (nodding towards Danny) What’s up with him? He’s usually the sane one. 
JAKE: Caffeine withdrawals. 
MANAGER: Say no more. (shudders) Been there. 
JOSH: So, who do we get to chat with today? Rolling Stone? The New York Times Art and Culture columnist? Kelly Clarkson? 
MANAGER: 98 Rock outside of Clearwater, Florida. 
JAKE: Oh, come on. 
MANAGER: And a few others. Sam and Josh, you’ll pair off and take this schedule. (hands Josh a sheet of paper) Danny, since you just blew your nose on your schedule and chucked it out the window, you and Jake are gonna have to figure things out. I don’t feel like printing another one. 
Manager then slams a gavel down on his desk, making the guys jump. 
MANAGER: Let’s get marketing! 
The manager rushes out of the room, whooping and jumping around like he’s about to take the field for the Super Bowl. Jake, Josh, Sam, and Danny slowly follow behind him, unenthusiastically. 
SAM: (falling in line with Danny) I need to tell you something. 
DANNY: What’s up? 
SAM: (obviously lying) I put truth serum in your water this morning at breakfast. 
DANNY: Now why’d you do that? 
Sam shrugs. 
SAM: A guy sold it to me on the street. I wanted to see if it was the real deal or not. 
Danny nods like he understands where Sam is coming from. Then he stops. 
DANNY: I think you might have been scammed, Sam. It’s not like I’ve been spilling a bunch of secrets left and right. 
Sam pretends to look disappointed. 
SAM: There’s five bucks I’ll never get back. 
Danny stops in his tracks. Sam stops with him. Danny turns to face Sam and puts his hands on his shoulders, looking deep into his eyes. 
DANNY: I was the one who spread the rumor in third grade that you wore a wig. 
Sam gapes at Danny. 
Danny looks horrified that he shared this information with Sam. His mouth hangs open in shock and, after taking in Sam’s progressively angrier face, he snaps back to life to do some major damage control. 
DANNY: I don’t know why I said that, I’m so sorry, Sam. I was young then, I thought it was a funny joke, I didn’t mean for it to get out of hand. 
SAM: Kids called me Mr. Clean for years, Daniel. Years. I had to grow my hair long to prove a point, but they just kept telling me that I had a nice weave. 
Danny doesn’t know what to say. In a silent panic, he runs away from Sam. Sam watches him flail down the hallway and then shakes his head. As he does this, Josh retreats back to Sam’s side and places a hand on his shoulder, not noticing Danny running away. 
JOSH: I was instructed to relay the message that we need to be on our best behavior today in front of the press. Management threatened to subtract twenty bucks from our upcoming paycheck every time we make ourselves look bad. 
SAM: (focusing on Josh) How can they fairly keep track of that? It’s an entirely subjective thing. 
JOSH: I don’t think this is something we can negotiate. 
Sam shakes his head with discontent. 
SAM: I can’t help that I enjoy riffing. 
JOSH: I’m right there with you, bro, but it’s a challenge we’re gonna have to overcome. 
Josh guides Sam past Jake, who is waiting outside a door labeled “105.4 KSCR: The Singles” where he and Danny are expected to take their first interview. Jake is pacing back and forth in front of the door, practicing his lines. 
JAKE: Hi, I’m Jake Kiszka from Greta Van Fleet and I’m here to promote our new single, Meeting the Master. No, not quite it. Hey guys! This is Jake from Greta Van Fleet, spreading the word about our new single! Gross. What’s crackalackin my bros? I’m excited about my new single! 
A deep and booming voice reminiscent of Samuel Pack Elliott appears from seemingly nowhere. 
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: Become one with the essence of your being.
Jake suddenly stops in his tracks and spins in a tight circle, searching for the source of the mysterious voice. 
JAKE: Huh? Dad? 
MYSTERIOUS OVERHEAD VOICE: Soar above the constraints of possibility. 
JAKE: Is this a prank? Because we already covered that in the pilot episode. 
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: Your destiny lies in standing apart from the rest.
Jake’s face scrunches as he finally begins to consider what the voice is telling him. He looks back at the sign on the door. The words “The Singles” especially stand out to him, and he’s staring at the words while whispering “single” under his breath. Danny approaches Jake, looking turned around, and Jake stops whispering to himself, straightening up when he sees his bandmate. 
JAKE: Daniel, I wanna fly solo with the interviews today. Why don’t you go somewhere else? 
DANNY: I mean, I guess I can do that? 
Danny turns back on his heel and wanders away back down the hallway, accidentally bumping into stuff left and right. He finds a door and slips into the room, leaving Jake back on his own. Jake sighs a breath of relief, like he’s off to a fresh start, and lets himself into the KSCR room. 
The perspective of Jake entering the room swaps to a shot of Danny entering into a room of his own, which is entirely dark except for a single light. Danny gazes around and finally spots the interviewer, who is a woman around his age, giving him an eerie smile from the shadows. As he moves closer to her, it becomes clear that she’s using a screenshot of the Pixar lamp on her phone with the brightness turned all the way up as a substitute for an interrogation lamp. 
INTERVIEWER: You’re early. 
DANNY: My bandmate ditched me and told me to take some interviews on my own. I don’t like talking to people I don’t know, especially when there’s a camera around, but I am getting paid for this, so I might as well get it over with. 
INTERVIEWER: Your honesty is refreshing. 
DANNY: I’m so sorry, that was rude to say. I have no filter. 
INTERVIEWER: Like a geriatric patient. Excellent. 
DANNY: What’s with the dark room? I feel like I’m on the set of Hot Ones. 
INTERVIEWER: I like my interview space free of distractions, so I can focus on only you, and you can only focus on me. 
Danny points to the photo of the Pixar lamp that she’s still holding up. 
DANNY: That’s pretty distracting. 
INTERVIEWER: (adamant) The lamp stays. 
DANNY: You’re making my spine tingle. That’s what happens when I’m around people who intimidate me. 
INTERVIEWER: That’s exactly what I was going for. Now, shall we get started? 
DANNY: (still evidently uncomfortable) I feel like I have to. (beat) I really hope I don’t talk about how I stole Dave Grohl’s drum sticks that one time we played at the same festival or how I used them afterwards to build a piece of IKEA furniture because I lost my hammer. 
INTERVIEWER: Hold on, say that again after I start the camera. 
Danny’s face pales with worry. 
The interview room transitions into the room where Josh and Sam are currently on a Zoom call with a couple of cheesy DJs wearing Led Zeppelin band tees. 
DJ 1: So I have written here in front of me that your band name has an interesting story behind it.  
JOSH: Oh yeah, we actually came up with the name as an homage to our 3 main inspirations. 
SAM: Greta Thunberg. 
JOSH: Vanderpump Rules. 
SAM: And Adele! 
Josh flashes Sam a disappointed look. 
DJ 2: How fascinating. I could have sworn I read somewhere that the name came from a town elder in your hometown of Frankenmuth. 
SAM: If you knew that, then why did you ask the question? 
Josh’s phone pings, he looks down at it, and immediately frowns. 
JOSH: (to Sam) That’s a $20 deduction for both of us. 
SAM, DANNY: Darn it! 
Back in the darkened room with the interviewer, Danny is heard yelling the same thing as Sam, holding his head in his hands. The interviewer is flipping through her notes. 
INTERVIEWER: So, in the past five minutes, you’ve shared your social security number, list of allergies, all of your phobias, your home address, how you’re oddly attracted to the pink Stitch, that you think you’re better at guitar than Jake, and, just now, your iCloud username and password. Can I include all of that in my article? 
DANNY: (still into his hands) Please don’t. 
INTERVIEWER: My interrogation - uh, I mean - my interviewing skills have really improved since I did my blood oath - I mean - my Masterclass course on journalism. I didn’t even prompt you to tell me any of that stuff. You offered it all on your own.
DANNY: (groaning) That stupid truth serum. I’m gonna kill Sam. 
The interviewer is intrigued by this. She leans closer to Danny. 
INTERVIEWER: Truth serum, huh? I didn’t know that stuff worked. 
DANNY: Well, here’s all the evidence you need. Sam bought it off some guy on the street for, like, five bucks. It seems kinda cheap for something like that, though. I wonder if he had a coupon. 
The interviewer is on her feet now, looking energized. 
INTERVIEWER: Where’s Sam now? This could be my shot to finally get one of those big Hollywood hotshots to fess up to the existence of the Illuminati. It’s my time to expose those lizard people. 
DANNY: I thought the lizard people and Illuminati were two separate groups? 
It’s no matter, because the interviewer is already gone. Danny sighs and starts to play with the microphone that the interviewer left in front of him. Across the hallway Jake is sitting with the KSCR interviewer, a kind woman who looks like she’s got years of experience under her belt. 
KSCR INTERVIEWER: It said on the call sheet that your drummer, Danny, was going to be joining us today. 
JAKE: I’m flying solo today, hun. You see, Greta Van Fleet has been around for quite some time now. We’re veterans in the field, you could say, which means it’s time for us to explore new avenues. One of those avenues, as you can see, is that I get to take some interviews by myself. You know, test the waters a bit to feel what it’s like to be on my own, running the show. 
KSCR INTERVIEWER: Are you implying that you’re going to leave the band? 
JAKE: I’d be lying if I said the idea didn’t pique my interest. I keep seeing signs, like a higher power is pointing me in the right direction. Have you ever felt like you’ve been trapped in a cage your entire life? Don’t answer that; it’s a rhetorical question. What I crave is so much bigger than the confines of this little rock group. I want to move mountains with my song, to travel the world as a nomad, to become my own master. (without missing a beat) Speaking of which, our newest single, ‘Meeting the Master,’ will be available to stream on April 7th. 
KSCR INTERVIEWER: This is frankly shocking to hear from you, Jake. A lot of people would argue that Greta Van Fleet is in their prime now. You’ve found your sound, gained your following, and are dominating the rock world. Why would you want to walk away from that?
JAKE: The loner’s path calls me. 
Jake pulls a steel guitar out of nowhere and starts to play a tune that sounds similar to The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly theme. The KSCR interviewer gives Jake a blank stare. That blank stare is shared by Josh and Sam, who are sitting in a room with their manager, who looks like he’s on the brink of exploding. 
MANAGER: You know how much money we’re deducting from your paychecks? 
SAM: I dunno, like 17 bucks? We’ve been on our very best behavior today.  
MANAGER: $10,680! Each! 
Sam and JOSH both wince at his words. 
MANAGER: (continued) You’ve only done three interviews. It’s like you’re trying to make yourselves look bad or something. 
JOSH: It’s just our personalities, I promise. We aren’t being deliberate about this. 
MANAGER: It seemed pretty deliberate when Sam screamed that he was going to strangle the next artist that used a drum machine. 
SAM: That came from the heart. I thought you told us to be authentic and likable. 
MANAGER: What’s likable about that? 
JOSH: Sam’s statement resonated very deeply with me, personally. He has my vote. I mean, he’s the kinda guy I could sit down and drink a beer with. 
Sam and Josh fist bump. Manager stares between the brothers, his eye twitching, obviously contemplating if he should rip out all of his hair in a blind rage and run through a wall. By some miracle, he swallows his strong emotions and the storm in his face disperses. 
MANAGER: GQ’s up next to shoot your 10 Things I Can’t Live Without interview. Please, I beg of you, don’t blow this. 
JOSH: I can’t live without Cheez-Its. 
MANAGER: Perfect, be sure to say that in front of the camera. 
Manager leaves the room and slams the door shut. In a match cut, Danny closes the door behind him as he enters the Buzzfeed media room. 
BUZZFEED INTERVIEWER: Danny! How’s it going?
DANNY: I can’t believe I have to chat with the stinking Millennial Disney Adult Top 10 List Toxic Work Environment Buzzfeed.  
BUZZFEED INTERVIEWER: Thank you? Uh, why don’t you take a seat right there, yeah, cool. 
DANNY: Please, for the love of all things holy, tell me you aren’t gonna make me take one of your pointless quizzes. 
Buzzfeed interviewer gives an apologetic smile as he hands over a Buzzfeed laptop. 
BUZZFEED INTERVIEWER: It’s ten questions, it should go by fast. Just make sure to share commentary and, if you can, include some good sound bytes that we can use for social media. 
DANNY: The only commentary I’ll have is how much your stupid quiz sucks. 
Danny sighs and turns his attention to the laptop to complete the quiz, Which Greta Van Fleet Member Are You? The first question, of course, is the classic: What’s your favorite color? Danny studies the options, shuts the laptop, and gives the interviewer an exhausted look. 
DANNY: I’m Daniel Wagner. I don’t have to take a quiz to tell you that. Plus anyways, there’s no way a set of ten questions could possibly define who I am as a person, and how I distinguish myself from my bandmates. I’m an excruciatingly complex man with a deep history like you’ve never seen before. You’d need 6 seasons and a movie to even nip at the tip of my iceberg, sir. (beat) I think what I’m trying to say is my favorite color is mauve, which wasn’t an option. 
BUZZFEED INTERVIEWER: Now that’s what I call a sound byte! 
A commotion can be heard through the wall. The camera pans over to investigate, and we learn that Jake is in the next room at a table, leaning in close to the camera with a look so intense, it’s a miracle the lens hasn’t combusted. 
JAKE: (on the brink of hysterics) Do you know how many songs I wrote for our last album? Enough to make Sir Paul McCartney poop his pants! And what did my bandmates do? They looked over my songs and were like, “wow, Jake, these are really good, but I don’t see where a song called ‘Walk the Plank Me Hearties’ would fit in our album’s tracklist.” Can you believe that? Turning down a banger like ‘Walk the Plank Me Hearties’? And it had a 38 minute long guitar solo too, perfect for radio. It’s like they’re digging their own grave in real time. What a joke. What an absolute joke. See how hard I’m laughing, guys? See the tears streaming down my face, pals? 
AMELIA DIMOLDENBERG: I just asked if you liked ketchup with your tendies. 
Camera zooms out to show that Jake is on a Chicken Shop Date with Amanda Dimoldenberg. Jake’s face is red from his rant, and he takes a break to shove a chicken tender in his mouth. 
JAKE: (somehow managing to chew really loudly on chicken tenders) Now, if you were in my shoes, you would leave the band, right? 
JAKE: I don’t think this is going to work out. 
Jake takes three more chicken tenders and crams them all in his mouth before standing from the table and powering towards the door. Before he leaves, he turns back to face Amelia. 
JAKE: This chicken is delicious, by the way. 
AMELIA: Thanks, I didn’t make it. 
Jake leaves the room and hustles down the hallway, past a door where Sam and Josh are sitting with some people from NPR. 
PETER SAGAL: Welcome to Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! This is Peter Sagal, live here with a couple of members from the rock group, Greta Van Fleet. 
JOSH: Hiya, Peter. 
SAM: What’s hangin’, DJ Swaggin? 
PETER SAGAL: As you may know, this is a show that covers current events. Now, usually when we have guest stars, we take the majority of our time to discuss your career and craft. However, a story recently broke in the news that I would love to discuss with you. 
SAM: By all means. Is this about the soaring gas prices? 
JOSH: War? 
PETER SAGAL: Your brother, Jake. 
SAM: Oh god, what did he do this time? 
PETER SAGAL: Take a listen, guys. 
JOSH: I’ll bet you anything he turned into Oliver Reed and started threatening the people at Apple Music again for putting that U2 album on his phone. 
PETER SAGAL plays an audio clip that Jake recorded recently. 
JAKE: You know what? From here on out, Greta Van Fleet is a trio for all I care. I’m breaking free, baby, just like Troy and Gabriella. I don’t need them, I’m as single as a Pringle. (beat) By the way, our new single, ‘Meeting the Master,’ is available to stream on April 7th. 
Sam and Josh are having trouble hiding their shock. Sam looks to Josh for a cue, trying to figure out how he should react to this news in a way that won’t cost them more money from their paycheck. Josh clears his throat and stands from his seat. 
JOSH: It’s been a pleasure speaking with you, but I need to attend a very important meeting. About, uh, drum machines. 
SAM: (attempting to follow Josh’s lead) Yeah, we like to strangle people who use them. 
Josh and Sam both rush out of the room. Just as quickly as they leave the NPR room, they enter the room where Jake is currently sitting with a reporter from MSNBC, for some reason. 
JAKE: (to the reporter, oblivious to Sam and Josh’s recent entrance) All the greats go solo. Art Garfunkel, Michelle Williams, Liam Payne. 
JOSH: Jake! 
Jake turns around and stands to face his brothers. While he at first looks shocked and afraid to see them, he quickly masks his emotions with a smug smile. 
JAKE: Come to negotiate keeping me in your shackles? 
SAM: Dude, what’s gotten into you? You’re seriously killing the vibe. 
JAKE: I got a whiff of the sweet smell of independence, boys. I’m afraid I’ve gotten hooked. 
JOSH: The only thing I smell in here is your BO. And french fries. Hey wait - did you get Mickey D’s without me? 
JAKE: That’s the perk of going solo. 
Sam looks like he’s starting to consider leaving the band as well. 
JOSH: This is insane, Jake. You can’t leave Greta Van Fleet. 
The mysterious deep voice returns again. It’s apparent that only Jake can hear it. 
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: Challenge the non-believers. 
JAKE: I’ll show you insane. God just told me to challenge Josh to a duel. 
SAM: (shock) Oh my god! (confusion)Oh my god? (realization) Oh my god??
JOSH: (cutting Sam off) You’ve got yourself a deal, pal. 
SAM: No! 
JAKE: High noon, bud. 
SAM: It’s 3:07. 
JOSH: It’s high noon somewhere. 
SAM: I don’t think it is? 
JAKE: Parking lot. 
JOSH: Right. 
The twins exit the room in a silent rage, leaving Sam behind with the MSNBC reporter. 
SAM: So, how about that economy, huh? What are stocks and why am I so afraid of them? 
The scene shifts to the parking lot, at not-really high noon. An instrumental version of ‘Fate of the Faithful’ plays in the background. Jake and Josh step into frame. Jake looks like Woody from Toy Story while Josh wears a cowboy suit with inflatable horse legs. Sam stands in the middle, dressed like a NASCAR flagman in a checkered suit, holding the starting flag up. 
SAM: Please don’t make me do this! 
JAKE: Wave the stinkin flag, Samuel! It’s a direct order from God!
JOSH: I bet he’ll smite you if you don’t. All that’ll be left is the memory of how annoying you were. 
Sam squeezes his eyes shut in fear as he holds the flag up, and Jake and Josh curl and unfurl their fists, preparing to grab for their weapons (plastic cups filled with boba). Sam slowly starts to move the flag downwards as the instrumental music crescendos. The camera zooms into Jake and Josh’s eyes to show just how serious they are about this whole boba shootout. Sam lowers the flag in full, his eyes still shut. As the twins stick their straws in their mouths and prepare to fire the boba at one another, Danny suddenly wanders past Sam, blocking Jake and Josh from each other. Danny appears dazed and confused, and gazes around with a sleepy look on his face. 
DANNY: Which interview is this? Why didn’t I get a fun costume? 
JAKE: Oy! Checker boy! Move your curly friend out of the way so I can pelt my brother with these tapioca pearls! 
SAM: (to Danny) Now’s really not a good time to be here, buddy. Why don’t you lay down and drink an ice water? You look awful. 
DANNY: (speaking to no one in particular) I said so many things on our no-no list. But I couldn’t stop myself. The words melted from my mouth like butter fresh out of the microwave. 
Jake and Josh are now standing upright, dumbfounded and trying to decipher what the heck Danny is talking about. 
DANNY: (continued) They know that I used a night light until I was 16. And that Josh has an irrational fear of George Costanza. And that Jake stole one of Chicago Music Exchange’s most expensive guitars back in 2019 and blamed it on Keith Richards. 
JAKE: Bollocks! 
DANNY: And I can’t speak a lick of Spanish. And Sam lied about being vegetarian during the pandemic. 
SAM: Oh no, my brand! 
DANNY: And Josh has a crush on Dev Patel…
JOSH: I’m actually okay with that one. Maybe he’ll hit me up? 
DANNY: (continued) …and a young Rasputin. 
JOSH: How do you know about that!?
JAKE: Okay, change in plans. I don’t need to duel Josh anymore. Let’s circle the traitor! 
JOSH: Yar! 
DANNY: (continuing) That truth serum Sam gave me is seriously strong. Like, it’s kinda freaking me out how powerful the stuff is. I told a poor reporter with Spin that I haven’t had a bowel movement in 4 days and he referred me to a fiber specialist. 
Jake and Josh turn to look at each other. It’s mutually understood that Danny is not the cause of this mess; Sam is. Sam has already caught onto this, as made apparent by the fact that he is already halfway across the parking lot, booking it as fast as he can from harm’s way. 
A steel guitar theme plays in the background as old-timey title cards flash across the screen, reading: Samuel Francis Kiszka was forced to go through robust media training as penance for his tomfoolery and despicable interview responses. Daniel Robert Wagner was given a doppio espresso with 20 shots of espresso and 10 pumps of white mocha to cure his caffeine withdrawals. He was back to normal within seconds. As for the twins, Jacob and Joshua…
Camera shows Jake and Josh. They are sitting across from each other in the room where Josh and Sam did their GQ 10 Things I Can’t Live Without interview. A box of Cheez-Its, toe nail clippers, a trucker cap that reads I’M NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS I’M WORSE, a ping pong paddle, and The Communist Manifesto are sprawled across the table. It can be assumed that all of Sam’s submissions were non-tangible. 
JOSH: I can’t believe Sam has to go through the same media training program that Disney Channel child actors do. 
JAKE: You and I both know it’s what the kid deserves. 
Josh looks like he’s mulling over whether he should mention something or not. He starts to play with the toenail clippers, but then stops himself. 
JOSH: You know how you were talking about leaving the band? 
Jake seems uncomfortable that Josh is bringing this up. 
JAKE: Hmm? Oh yeah, that. (beat) Between you and me, I think Sam must have slipped me some “Tendency to Learn Towards Breaking Up” serum earlier today. Man, that stuff got me good. 
Now Jake is the one nervously playing with The Communist Manifesto, trying to read it upside down. 
JOSH: Is any of that serum still in your system? 
Jake mulls Josh’s question over. 
JAKE: I think it must have cleared out. I mean, I haven’t heard from God in a hot minute. 
JOSH: I am curious, what does God sound like? 
JAKE: Like the most darn tootin’ cowboy you’ve ever heard in your life. 
JOSH: Huh. 
JAKE: It is a little strange though, I swear I’ve heard his voice before. Maybe he regularly checks in on me. 
Jake shifts around a bit in his seat. 
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: Our duty is to build trucks.  
Jake jumps out of his seat with a shout. 
JOSH: What?! 
JAKE: He just came back to me! He said it’s our duty to build trucks?  
JOSH: Are you sure he didn’t say ‘trust’? 
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: It takes the new 2025 Ram 1500 to move Heaven and Earth. 
JAKE: Huh? 
JOSH: What is it, brother?
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: Guts. Glory. Ram. 
JAKE: I think God just recited a Ram Truck commercial to me. 
JOSH: You said he sounds like a cowboy? 
JAKE: Mmm hmm. 
Josh looks at Jake closer. Although his hair is covering his ears, Josh spots something. He reaches forward, brushes Jake’s hair out of the way, grabs something, and holds an AirPod out to Jake to see. 
JOSH: Do you think this was maybe where the “Voice of God” was coming from? 
JAKE: Did you pull that out of my ear? I didn’t realize you knew how to do magic tricks. 
Josh inserts the AirPod into his own ear and takes a pause to listen. 
JOSH: Your “God” is telling me about Dairy Queen’s 2 for $5 deal right now. 
JAKE: Sellout. 
JOSH: You’re playing ads on your phone, dude. 
Jake pulls out his phone and studies it. 
JAKE: So I am. Perhaps I’m not important enough for divine intervention. 
JOSH: (cautiously) You know, sometimes we apply meaning to things based on our subconscious without even realizing it. 
Jake doesn’t seem to be following what Josh is hinting at. With a sigh, Josh continues. 
JOSH: (continued) All of today you believed you were following the word of God. But, in actuality, I think you were doing what you wanted. 
JAKE: I was doing what Ram Trucks wanted. 
JOSH: Jake, I want to know if we’re okay. You know, as a band. 
JAKE: Oh yeah. Saying we’re A-okay isn’t even accurate. We’re more like A+ okay. 
Jake lets out a small cough, rubs his nose on the bottom of his dress shirt, hocks a loogie into Josh’s box of Cheez-Its, and stands. 
JAKE: I’m gonna grab some more chicken tenders from that British lady. Those made my stomach happy. 
Jake leaves the room, whistling the “Cha Cha Slide” to himself. 
JOSH: (to himself) I wish I had some of Sam’s truth serum to crack into that chestnut of a brain. 
The episode ends with a flashing series of national headlines that were produced as a result of the media day, like Greta Van Fleeing: Jake Kiszka on the Move? and 192 Secrets Daniel Wagner Probably Should Have Kept to Himself. The camera shifts to show that the members of Greta Van Fleet are doing more media, chatting with a couple of DJs over a Zoom call.  
DJ 1: You boys really took the world by storm last week with your, let’s call it, buzzworthy press. We’re glad to have you here with us today to shed some light on what happened, and why you’re currently at the top of the news cycle for every major outlet. 
DANNY: A word to the wise, don’t go off the bean. 
DJ 2: Noted. 
SAM: We’re so thrilled to be speaking with you both today. To answer your question, I went into the Disney Channel building and I sat down with the president of Disney Channel, and I said, ‘I wanna make history,’ and that’s what this is. 
DJ 2: Not the answer we were expecting, but very informative, Samuel. 
JOSH: You should congratulate him, he’s been taking his media training very seriously. 
Danny takes a break from chugging his venti coffee to chime in. 
DANNY: We’re a band who obviously doesn’t take ourselves too seriously. What happened last week was unprofessional, I will admit that, but it was a way to capture your attention so we can spread the word far and wide about the first single off our upcoming album, Starcatcher. 
SAM: Create a playlist with ‘Meeting the Master’ on repeat and stream it. Don’t mute it! Play it at a low volume and let it play while you sleep. 
DJ 1: Should we even be anticipating a new album from you guys if Jake’s so dead-set on quitting the band? 
SAM: I am not contractually allowed to speak on that matter. No comment. 
JAKE: That was an accident. False alarm. I was taking advice from Ram Trucks. 
DJ 2: How does that happen? 
JAKE: You forget to watch your back. 
DJ 2: I want to steer the conversation back to Danny about a certain someone that he expressed romantic feelings for last week. 
Everyone stares at Danny with concern. Danny looks mortified. 
DJ 2: Anything to say about Pink Stitch? 
JAKE: Oh, I bet he does. 
JOSH: (to Jake) You know who has something to say about you? 
Josh retrieves his phone from his pocket and opens a voice note. 
VOICE OF KEITH RICHARDS: Ello, this is Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. I have a message for a kid named Jake who screwed me over at the Chicago Music Exchange. Now, IF I SEE DAT BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP I’M GONNA BLEEP BLEEP THE GODDAMN BASEBALL BAT BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP ZEBRA CROSSING BLEEP BLEEP ICE CREAM BLEEP BLEEP FRENCH WINDOWS BLEEP - 
JAKE: (trying to call over the continued voice note of Keith Richards cussing him out to no end) MEETING THE MASTER. STREAM IT NOW, STREAM IT FOREVER. 
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