#danny middleton fluff
Scope It Out (D.M.)
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(lol sorry for the photo quality)
Another request for the darling @thestarsaregivenonceonly​ that I took over to lighten her work load a bit 💛 I decided on Danny Middleton as I love the aesthetic of Hot Summer Nights and really couldn’t resist. I hope you enjoy, anon!
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(cursing, slow burn, friends to lovers, fluff to rot ur teeth)
You strolled up the driveway, quickly spotting Danny polishing the headlights of his car. Smirking, you hopped up onto the hood to get his attention.
“Dannyyyyyy,” you sang, posing for him. “Do I look like a good fake girlfriend?”
“Y/N, Jesus, you scared the shit out of me,” he gasped, jumping up to his feet. He wiped his hands with the rag he’d been holding, his eyes scanning over you with a smirk. “You look great.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, much to your chagrin. You wore a high waisted, denim skirt with a striped sweater tucked in and yellow socks bunched above your red, hightop converse. You felt good.
“It will definitely get McKayla’s attention having you on my arm.”
You turned away a bit, trying to hide the way your face fell. You cleared your throat, quickly slapping on a smile. “Thanks! I thought so.” You slipped off of the car, hopping into the passenger side while he grabbed his coat and wallet and climbed in next to you. You briefly wondered how anyone could possibly not see him as attractive as you watched him fix his hair in the rear view mirror.
“What?” he asked, feeling your eyes on him.
You turned away, rolling your eyes. “Nothing. Just if you keep playing with your hair you’re gonna look like Travolta.”
“Shut up.” He started the car and sped out of the driveway, making you laugh loudly. You turned up the radio and sang along obnoxiously, your hair whipping in the wind. Danny joined in and you really didn’t think anything got much better than that moment.
When you arrived at the fairgrounds, the sky was just beginning to change colors with the sunset. He’d wanted to get there early to “scope it out,” in his words. You’d told him he was ridiculous, but decided you didn’t mind if it meant you got to go on more rides. He parked the car and turned it off, exhaling a heavy breath. “Show time,” he grinned, slipping out of the car and grabbing his stuff from the backseat. He circled around the car and helped you out. “Oh, hey. You should wear this,” he said, holding his bomber jacket up for you to slip into. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you did as he asked. He then offered you his hand, wiggling his eyebrows. “M’lady?” You laughed softly, intertwining your fingers with his. You couldn’t help but think how well they fit together. It was quickly dawning on you that all of this was going to be more difficult than you’d originally thought.
Leading the way through the gates, Danny bought you both thick stacks of tickets for games and rides. He’d insisted on paying for everything since you were doing him this favor. Some favor. You walked hand-in-hand through the groups of little kids and teenagers getting their fill of carnival food and squealing with glee. You smiled, feeling the summertime spirit fill you up. You could almost let yourself forget why you were there.
“Now, I don’t think she’ll be here till later, so do you want to get something to eat first?”
“Sure,” you responded, allowing him to lead you over to all the vendor stands. You guys made small talk while splurging on all the greasy food your stomachs could handle. Talking to Danny had always been easy. However, you were grateful to see him drifting further away from the mopey kid he had been when he first moved to Cape Cod. Despite his baggage, he was finding his place here, and you were grateful to have been one of the first people he’d had to help him make the transition.
“Ready to go do some rides?” you asked, biting your lip excitedly.
He groaned loudly, holding his stomach. “Now that you conned me into eating all that shit? Are you serious?” he laughed. “Let’s do some games first.”
You pouted, but agreed. You got up to throw away the garbage and he followed after you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you against his side. “You look good in my jacket, girlfriend,” he teased. You punched him in the shoulder, making him laugh. You laughed too, shaking your head at him.
The sun had almost set and the sky was stunning, especially with all the carnival lights twinkling against it. You suddenly felt Danny’s arm tighten around you. “Shit, there she is.”
You looked up, quickly looking away when you spotted the blonde already looking right at you. Danny sped up a bit, walking you up to a ring toss game. “Laugh at something I just told you,” he whispered in your ear. You played along, letting your head fall back as you giggled. You quickly realized that McKayla and her friends had gotten in line a few people behind you and Danny, making your heart rate speed up. You’d never spoken to her, but her reputation well preceded her. Danny grabbed a ring, turning to flex for you. You resisted the urge to mock him, letting out more girlish giggles.
“Just throw it, babe,” you laughed, the pet name feeling foreign on your tongue. He smiled and tossed it, making it the first try.
You threw yours too, but missed by a long shot. You both got three turns, all filled with unnecessary touching and flirting that made your cheeks glow. He’d won a teddy bear that he promptly placed in your arms, planting a sweet kiss to your cheek. You couldn’t help the soft gasp that escaped you. He tugged you away from the front of the line, though you felt more like you were floating along behind him.
“That was perfect! I don't think she looked away once!” he enthused once you were both out of earshot.
You felt a sick feeling settle in your stomach, but quickly nodded and smiled. “She looked pretty mad,” you said, though you hadn’t really looked.
“Seriously? Oh my god,” he chuckled. “I haven’t felt this excited about someone in so long, Y/N. She drives me crazy.”
You cleared your throat, looking away a bit. “Gross,” you replied flatly, giving in a bit of a look.
He just laughed, nudging you with his elbow. “Let’s go see if we can find some more lines to stand in near her.”
Your chest ached. You wanted to yell and scream at him and tell him how stupid he was being. You didn’t know McKayla, but you knew no one could feel the way that you did about Danny. Even so, you forced a smile and allowed him to pull you around the carnival by your hand.
After searching for about 15 minutes, you spotted one of your favorite rides. “Danny, pleeaassee. I love the Gravitron; it’s been my favorite since I was little! Can we go, please, please, please?” you pleaded, sticking your bottom lip out at him.
He looked around for a moment before replying. “Yeah, I guess we can real quick.”
“Yesssss!” It was your turn to pull him through the crowd to the line climbing into the UFO-shaped ride. It was hot inside the enclosed ride and music was playing loudly, just like it was every year. You and Danny found two spots next to each other and leaned back, waiting for the ride to start.
“If I puke on your shoes, it’s your own fault,” he warned, turning his head to look at you. The dim lighting accentuated his freckled cheeks and warm eyes in a way that made your breath catch. Before you could respond, the doors were closed and the ride began to spin. You couldn’t stop grinning as dizziness turned into the delightful press of centrifugal force pushing you up the wall. You squealed as Danny grabbed your arm in panic as his own seat hit the top. With a bit of effort, you were able to turn your head to look at him and catch the expression on his face before you burst into laughter. His cheek was smushed against the seat and his eyes were squeezed closed as he fought to keep his dinner down.
“Watch this!” you called over the music. He squinted his eyes open just barely to watch as you flipped yourself sideways, your legs draped over his center.
“You’re fucking crazy!” he laughed, seeming to be getting slowly used to the feeling. You flipped yourself back upright, feeling your head spin from the movement.
“You try!” You watched as he tried to outstretch his arm, but was quickly overcome by the force, his arm falling across your chest with his open palm cupping your boob. His eyes turned to saucers and he quickly pulled away. Laughter bubbled up from your stomach as you began to belly laugh at his awkwardness.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he laughed nervously, squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment. You could see his blushed cheeks even through your watering eyes.
“It’s okay,” you giggled. “Guess it’s a good thing I’m your girlfriend tonight.”
You both stumbled out of the ride, Danny looking a bit green around the gills. It was dark now and the light show of carnie lights was in full effect, the ferris wheel acting as its feature. You couldn’t help but stop and take it all in. However, your thoughts were quickly interrupted.
“Hey, you feeling okay?” Danny asked softly, his hand resting on your shoulder. You smiled, nodding. “Okay, cool. I was thinking we could hop on the ferris wheel next so I can try and see where she went.”
How many times would you forget that that was the only reason he was here with you? You weren’t sure how much more you could take. “Yeah, lets go.”
His head was on a swivel the whole way, making you feel terribly alone despite his cold fingers tangled with yours.
Once you made it through the line, you climbed in across from each other in the small car, your knees bumping. You made your ascent slowly as they loaded the other passengers. For the first time that night, the silence between you felt heavy. You pulled his jacket a bit tighter around yourself, looking at him even though you knew he was looking everywhere but at you.
“God, I can’t see her anywhere now. Can you?” he asked, his brow furrow as he squinted at the ground.
“Danny, what the hell are you even looking for?” You even were a bit surprised at your sudden snap. But the words were already out of your mouth, hanging in the air between you.
He looked up at you, confusion written on his face. “Y/N, what do you mean? You know who I’m looking for.”
“I said what. Like, you’re at the top of the Ferris wheel with the most beautiful view of Cape Cod that you only get once a year, and you are busy looking at the ground for some blonde.”
“Some blonde? Where is all this coming from? Did you not come here to help me get her attention?”
Frustration ran through you as your voice rose. “For god’s sake! Can you really not see what’s right in front of you? Are you that unaware?” you cried incredulously.
“Yes, I see the fair. The lights are beautiful but-“
You cut him off, fisting his shirt and smashing your lips against his. He tensed initially, shocked by your brash action. However, suddenly all your words clicked into place in his head. His hand found the side of your face, kissing you back tenderly.
It was more than you had ever imagined. His chapped lips gently pulled away from yours, his eyes fretting over your face.”Y-you meant you. Didn’t you?” he stuttered.
You let out a breathless laugh, leaning into his hand that was still pressed against your cheek. “Yes, you idiot.”
He leaned in slowly, awkward now in a way that made your heart flutter. You met him in the middle, kissing him again as you sat at the top of the ferris wheel; it felt too perfect to be real. Your hands let go of his shirt and slipped behind his neck to toy with the curls on his nape as you kissed him for all you were worth.
When you finally pulled apart, he was smiling like a fool, his cheeks pinker than you’d ever seen. “When d-did you..? How-“
“Not right away, but somewhere in the middle. Well before McKayla, but definitely confirmed once you started talking about her all the time.” It felt good to finally tell him all these things after so long.
“You were jealous,” he smirked, that signature smirk.
You pushed your palm to his face, pushing him away playfully. “Danny Middleton, so help me god-“
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” You stopped what you were doing, meeting his gaze. He was looking at you with a look you hadn’t seen before. He looked down, suddenly shy. “I-I mean will you- will you be my girlfriend?”
“I’ll think about it.”
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July 13, 2018
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I am reposting old fic rec lists.  Unfortunately some of the blogs/stories have been removed, but I am still going to list them for historical reference.
Feel free to tag me in ANY fics you post, and see previous weeks’ fic recs HERE
Octo-Dean by @crispychrissy   After being cursed by a wayward Roman deity, Dean is presented with a unique opportunity thanks to your quick thinking.
The Most Unbelievable Blue Eyes by @impala-dreamer   This one time, at con… you met the most amazing guy…
In With the Tide by @jhoomwrites   Castiel and James have served as lighthouse keepers for going on five years now. They don’t mind how lonely it is, being miles outside of town. If anything, that’s one of the advantages; no prying eyes to wonder about how close the Novak brothers truly are… Things get turned upside down when a strange man washes ashore one morning. A man with stunning green eyes, beautiful plush lips, and a secret that threatens to bring unwanted attention to the twins.
Lazy Day at the Bunker by @lover-awakened   Dean is doing chores when Castiel finds him.
Sharing is Caring by n_nami (on AO3)   Dean feels the sexual tension between Sam and Cas and decides that if there’s one person in the world he would share his boyfriend with, it would only be his brother.
Dancing Into Your Heartby @pherryt (on AO3)   Dean likes watching strippers as much as the next guy - excuse me, Exotic Dancers - but even he’s surprised when he’s totally taken by the twins that he gets to see performing on his birthday. He can’t stop going back night after night, despite knowing he’s got no chance with them. He’ll just suffer and admire in silence. No harm, no foul. And if the twins happen to be outside his normal comfort zone of what he’s attracted to - well, it’s not like he’s ever going to get the chance to act on it, right?
Know it While You Have it by riyku (on AO3)   Jared can’t wait for his stepbrother to get home from college, and it’s not for any of the right reasons.
Boner by @dancingalone21   The reader moves into a new town and finds out something surprising about her gorgeous neighbor.
The Biker and The Virgin by @yourewelcomeforbeingmyfriend   Dean learns it might be easier to catch a dragon than he originally thought.  
A Shadow of What Should Be by @wetsammywinchester   Sam wakes up in a strange bed, a strange apartment, and living in domestic bliss with Dean and a dog named Mothra. Obviously, either he’s lost his mind or all of this is a dream.
One and One Make Three by @braezenkitty (on AO3)   Dean’s crushing hardcore on his friend, Cas. He doesn’t know him all that well since they only met at the start of the semester a few weeks earlier, but seeing Cas in classes four days a week was bound to affect him. He’s smart, goofy and charismatic, but somehow also serious and socially clueless; he’s athletic with the body to prove it; and he’s fucking gorgeous with the bluest eyes Dean has ever seen. In other words, he’s a total catch and way too good for Dean. Dean is resolved to suffer his crush in silence until it goes away. Only it doesn’t, of course, because when is Dean Winchester’s life ever easy or simple? That’s when he finds out the person he thought was Cas is actually two people—identical twins. When the twins realize Dean’s blunder, they decide to have a little fun. They refuse to reveal the other twin’s name until Dean earns the right to know it. Which means Dean’s stuck doing their bidding until they decide to have mercy on him. Dean is fucked. And the worst part? Some sick part of him is enjoying the hell out of the whole situation.
Claret by firesign10 (on AO3)   Jensen is a vampire who hasn’t been hungry in a very long time. Danni brings a very special treat to tempt him.
Love at First Sight by @fpwoper (on AO3)   Dean Winchester is the owner of his own car restoration store slash garage, aptly named “Winchester Cars”. His brother, Sam, and best friends have all moved away from the medium-sized city he lives in, and Dean is lonely. He’s not coping very well - J.N., a porn actor slash lingerie model, is profiting a lot from his lonely nights - and the only person keeping him happy is Charlie, his best friend. Their Skype conversations don’t always help, though. One night, after being pressured by Charlie to finally go out, Dean strikes out again. He decides to just give up and wanders around the city until he finds a bar he likes, and enters. He decides to go in and hope for the best - maybe he’ll find someone there…
Memories of Me by Gillian Middleton   While investigating a routine curse in a small California town Dean loses his memory. With only his brother to lean on feelings begin to develop that aren’t exactly brotherly. How’s Sam going to cope with that?
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iwillsendapostcard · 7 years
The BSA shortlist is out on 9th May (according to their twitter) and @smittenwithsugden have been talking all morning about what we think the ED nominations will be. Here’s my take on it... 
"Best Newcomer"           Don’t shoot me but I think Emily has a fairly good shot at this. Bex has been involved in, and impacted on, several storylines so I think this would be a fair nomination. Other than that the only other person I can see being nominated here is Sally for her role as Faith.
"Best Comedy Performance"     I think the erotic fiction storyline was wonderful and I’d quite like to see Mathew nominated for it. This would alleviate my guilt for thinking that he has no chance at the best actor award…
"Best On-Screen Partnership"   This one is a toss-up between Laurel and Ashley and robron. Obviously, Laurel and Ashley’s relationship has been crucial for the last few month and has been all kinds of heartbreaking and beautiful. My gut instinct is to say that they should get the nomination. However, I still think robron have a decent chance of being nominated here. Their relationship has had huge ups and downs since this time last year and I don’t think we should discount their scenes in ssw or the wedding (or the breakup.) I think it will come down to whether they want to nominate a partnership that has ended or whether they want to nominate one that will be continuing on, and also on the rest of the nominations; if the dementia storyline has the largest number of nominations then robron should be nominated here if only so that Emmerdale can show some diversity.
"Best Male Dramatic Performance"         This is so hard. For me is a toss-up between John and Danny. John has done such incredible work this year and has been so consistent in his portrayal of Ashley’s illness. On the other hand, Danny’s prison work was astonishing and so difficult to watch. The decision here then is between a few stand-out moments (Danny) or a consistent year-long performance (John).
"Best Female Dramatic Performance"   This one is also exceptionally hard! Charlotte’s work has been extraordinary over the whole course of the year. When Holly’s death aired I was convinced that Natalie had it in the bag! Now, of course, Rhona’s storyline has hit its climax giving Zoe the chance to really show what she can do. For me, this one is too close to call.
"Best Young Performance"         Isobel is great but hasn’t had much in the way of solo storyline. I’d like to see Rosie nominated but I think this will go to Amelia again after her recent scenes with Carly.
"Villain of the Year"       Peirce. No question AT ALL about this.
"Scene of the Year"         This one is, I think, hard to pick without knowing what the nomination for best single episode is, because each of my ideas for ‘single episode’ has award winning single scenes. The underwater scene from Thursday of SSW could be nominated for sheer technical brilliance as well as Danny and Ryan’s acting, or they could have a nomination for the garage wedding vows. Or the big crash from SSW week could be nominated, although this would be on a purely technical side as there wasn’t much acting involved. Ashely’s dementia storyline has loads of scenes to pick from here but my gut instinct is to say that his goodbye to Laurel could be nominated. The scene from Holly’s death where Moria realised what had happened definitely deserves a nomination for Natalie’s acting and the sheer emotional impact. Rhona’s rape also has a chance of being nominated for the same reason. This one and ‘best single episode’ are, I think, the hardest categories.
"Best Storyline"                 Ashely’s dementia pretty much has it in the bag as far as I am concerned. Rhona’s abuse might have an outside chance…
"Best Single Episode"     This one is a tough choice for me between Thursday of SSW or Ashely’s dementia episode. It would depend if they wanted something technical and ensemble or acting and writing focused. Hopefully, the rest of the nominations here will be balanced (i.e. if they pick Ashely’s goodbye for scene of the year then they should nominate SSW here.) Holly’s death also has an outlying chance for sheer shock factor, and I think the robron wedding is also on the cards for pure fluff goodness. Yup, this one is hard.
"Outstanding Achievement" Gotta be John Middleton. Hands down.
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okok hi so basically I’ve been working on this lil blurb but idk I think maybe you might be much much better than me for it , ur writing slapssss, but basically it’s a Daniel Middleton piece based off the song Lost by frank ocean where the reader is part of their dealing ring and is in love w danny and gets too wrapped up in the business but danny is too busy with his crush on mckayla to notice ? Idk I know it’s super specific but just a thought I had
I took a LOT of liberties with this request, but I did it for a reason. PLEASE WRITE THIS FIC. I guarantee that no one else could write it better than you, okay? Also, I’m SO sorry this took me ages to finish and apologies to all my other requests as well. I’m really going to try and get more work out to you guys in the next few weeks.
Alright, without further ado, I hope you enjoy this raunchy ass fic lmao
Third Wheel (D.M.)
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(smut, angst, blood, violence, cheating, cursing)
The Bonnie and Clyde of Cape Cod.
You and Hunter Strawberry had been together for as long as anyone could remember. Even in elementary school, you two had reigned over your peers with an iron fist; no one fucked with either of you in fear of pissing off the other. As you both got older, your relationship progressed from a platonic partnership to a romantic one. This often entailed hot and heavy sightings at the drive-in, and mangled noses on faces of guys who decided to look at you just a little bit too long.
You had been happy. He was your constant. You both had an undying loyalty to each other as business partners and lovers.
But then came Danny Middleton.
Danny was a scrawny boy from nowhere who didn’t belong anywhere. Perhaps it was fate that he would meet Hunter that hideously hot day in 1991 in that little convenience store. People didn’t notice Danny until he started running around with Hunter.
You were hesitant, bitter even that Hunter let someone else on the team without talking to you first. You were more of a distributor than a seller, but you had thought you were more involved than to be excluded. The more you heard about Danny, the less Hunter asked you to make drop-offs. You felt you were getting wedged out.
The first time you met Danny was a whirlwind. He’d claimed a cousin of his had a hookup across town, but the rendezvous went south quickly. You vividly remember stepping in between the two, your fist meeting the side of the guy’s jaw with a sickening crack. He didn’t do much to fight back as he was pretty doped up, but you weren’t about to take any risks when he pulled a gun from his belt. Danny sat cornered and slack-jawed as he watched you wail on the man he’d been threatened by just moments before. Once you got him onto the ground, you knocked the pistol from his hand and straddled his middle, slamming the butt across his face. Adrenaline blurred your vision as blood splattered, your relentless attack not stopping until he quit moving. You lifted yourself up, meeting Danny’s terrified gaze for a brief moment before walking out of the house, him tailing behind you.
Hunter was furious when you both got back into the car. “What the fuck happened?” You were both visibly bloodied.
“I took care of it. Let’s go,” you replied calmly, handing him the piece. Hunter looked up at you and then at Danny in the back seat, handing him the gun wordlessly before speeding back to the garage.
When you got back, you sat up on the counter, your head back against the cupboards. Hunter dabbed at your swollen knuckles with a soapy cloth. “You okay, doll?” he asked quietly, looking up at you through his blonde lashes.
“Mhm,” you nodded, watching as he bandaged you up. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before helping you down and walking with you to the seating area where Danny was sat, his head in his hands still lost in thought. Hunter sat down on the sofa and you laid down with your head in his lap.
“You will never pull anything like that again. You hear me?” Hunter’s voice was calm and chilling. “Do you understand me?”
Danny nodded, standing up. “We’ll find another way.”
“Are you even fucking listening to me? I just said no-“
“No, look, you’re upset, I get it. But we’ll find a way to work this out if you just let me-“
“Drop it, Middleton. Go home.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, willing the pounding in your skull to ease. You listen as Danny walked out of the shop, the bell chiming above the door as he left.
“He’s reckless,” you mumbled, opening your eyes to look up at Hunter.
He just nodded, his fingers brushing over your collarbone as he stared into space in thought.
You didn’t like it. Nothing would change your mind. The business was for you and Hunter, and that was it. Danny was only trouble. And Hunter probably would have agreed with you if the next few days had played out differently.
In the course of a week, the group was making quadruple what you were before. Contacts were made, deliveries were driven, and money was counted in a circle every night, going three ways. It was the kind of summer we watched in movies, and now you were living the dream. The three of you spent evenings together getting high surrounded by cash; it was unreal. You all grew quite close through inebriated conversations about life and the world. You felt you could rely on either of them for anything you needed at any time.
It was because of this you didn’t speak up despite your growing insecurity in this situation. You’d felt Hunter rarely had time for you anymore, as though you were becoming a third wheel to him and Danny despite your relationship. But who were you to allow your insecurities to get in the way of the biggest break he’d had in his life? So you stayed quiet. Perhaps that was why the resentment building in you grew so poisonous.
You and Danny often jabbed at each other, usually scuffling over little bullshit that didn’t really matter. Hunter acted as a mediator when things got too heated, much to your irritation. He rarely defended you, sometimes even siding with Danny when he was feeling ballsy. You could feel the problems piling up. The rift between you and your boyfriend growing wider, and you couldn’t help but to notice that everything had been fine between you until little Middleton had shown up.
It was an especially hot August day when everything went to shit. It seemed everyone in town was a bit more irritable when the sun was beating down incessantly, an unbeatable oppressor. You could feel sweat against the small of your back, even as the wind whipped through your hair as Hunter drove across town with the top down. Danny was sprawled out in the backseat, his feet hanging over the rear passenger door. It irritated you to see him take up so much space like he owned the place. Granted, pretty much everything he did irritated you.
You arrived back at the shop, this week’s product in hand. You placed the duffle down on the coffee table, Hunter unzipping it and reaching in to retrieve an order he had to run. “I’ll be back in an hour. Try not to kill each other,” he called, hiding the weed in his bag and heading back out to the car. This wasn’t unusual, but Danny usually left right away, either running his own deliveries or just getting away from you. But today he lingered.
“Y/N, can I talk to you about something?” He sat on the arm of the couch while you fixed a pot of coffee, your back to him.
“Uh, sure?” you replied, not turning to face him. Despite knowing practically everything about each other, he rarely made conversation with you.
Danny looked down at his hands, fumbling with his fingers for a beat before speaking. “Well, you see, I just- I have this thing for this girl. And- well, not just any girl. She’s kinda just-“
“Spit it out, Middleton,” you sang, quickly losing patience with his childish ramblings. Was he seriously coming to you for girl advice of all things?
“Fuck,” he sighed frustratedly. “It McKayla. I’ve been.. talking to her, more or less, for awhile now and-“
He’s interrupted by your laugher. You finally turned around, hands behind you against the counter as you shook your head at him. “McKayla? As in McKayla Strawberry? Are you kidding?”
He gives you a look of offense, his brow drawing together. “Yes, that McKayla. Why else would I be talking to YOU about this?”
You shook your head, pinching your brow. “You’ve done a lot of stupid shit, but this really takes the cake.”
“Listen, I just-“
“After all Hunter has done for you? You’re really going to throw that all away for some girl?”
“She’s not ‘some girl,’ okay? I really like her!” Danny insisted, standing up off of the couch defensively.
“You’re right; she’s your so-called best friend’s sister! I know for a fact he’s told you to stay away from her. But you can’t keep in your pants can you?” You were angry. After all the time you’d spent being loyal to Hunter, he was ignoring you for this kid who wouldn’t even respect him enough to stay away from his little sister.
“This isn’t even about McKayla is it?” Danny jabbed, stepping closer as he threw his hands up. “You’re just jealous I’m into someone and not following you around like a puppy like everyone else, huh? Is that why you’re so shitty to me all the time? Are you into me?”
You snapped, your white-hot temper taking control. Without hesitation, you stepped up into his face, your hands clenched right at your sides. His eyes widened, reflexively stepping back, but you follow. “Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you’re doing,” you growled, poking him in the chest.
“Just admit you want my attention, Y/N.”
The resonance of your hand colliding with his cheek travelled through the room before you even could think. His back was against the wall, his eyes round, jaw hanging slack, and his hand on his cheek. You both stood and stared at each other for a moment, the sound of the slap still resonating in your ears along with your pumping blood as you waited for him to move. He knew this and unabashedly glanced down at your lips.
You reached out, wrapping your fingers around his throat. You’re not sure why you do it, but you were unable to resist; you needed to put Danny Middleton back in his place. What you didn’t expect was the full-fledge moan that left his parted lips. It startled you for a moment before going right to your head, power-lust settling into your veins as thick as syrup. You smirked, pressing a bit harder to watch the way the scrawny boy’s eyes fluttered and his jaw clenched. He opened his mouth to speak, but you weren’t having any of it.
You crashed your lips into his. Despite knowing there was no turning back from this, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. ‘Take that, Strawberry.’ Danny’s hands flew up to grip your hips, your kiss all tongue and teeth. It was ravenous, angry, and made you ache between your legs in a way Hunter never had, in a way that came from you knowing you were in control.
“Y/N.. what about.. Hunter?” Danny managed between kisses. He was sweating bullets, but the tent in his jeans told you he had no intention of making you stop.
You pull back half an inch, your grip returning around his throat. “I don’t want to hear anything out of that fucking mouth other than ‘yes’ and ‘no’, am I understood.
He listened to you with doe eyes, pupils blown out. “Yes, Miss.”
You smirked, leaning in and catching his bottom lip between your teeth and gave it a tug. “Good boy,” you praised.
He practically went limp at your words, another whimper escaping him. You both moved in a blur back to the couch, stripping clothes off with each stumbling step. You felt drunk without a drop of liquor in your system. Tomorrow would bring hell, and you knew it, but you didn’t care. All that mattered was then and there and making a statement.
You fell heavily into his lap, both of you clad in just your undergarments. Danny’s length prodded insistently at your thigh, and you remember recognizing that he was a lot bigger than you had anticipated. His hands gripped your waist while you ground your hips against his, kissing him ferociously. You listen intently as soft moans are pulled from his throat.
“What is it, Danny Boy? Never touched a girl before?” Your words were snide, full of contempt despite the ache that was building in you for more. His eyes fluttered, rolling back into his head in response.
You just smirked, shifting down to yank his boxers down. “Well, well, well. Looks like this is where you get all your nerve, huh?” His erection stood rigid and leaking against his navel, visibly aching to be touched. Danny bit down on his tongue, his hands tugging at his hair as he fought to keep quiet. It was bad. It was so so bad, but he knew there was no stopping you; not that he had the willpower to make you stop anyway.
“I asked you a question.”
“Y-Yes, Miss.”
You made quick work of your bra and panties, feeling his eyes on you the whole time. When you finally looked back, you were greeted by this desperate, open-mouthed, horny expression taking over his face. Feeling a surge of power run through you, you placed yourself in his lap. Danny let out a soft cry and his hands flew to your hips as you rocked your hips, sliding his length between your slick folds. It was then you came back to yourself, realizing what exactly you were about to do. It took weeks for you to realize it, but you knew your life had slipped out of your hands. Never again.
Raising your hips, you slid him inside of you. You cursed softly as the very welcome stretch made you see stars. “Fuck, good boy,” you praised.
Danny was a fucking wreck. He was gasping for air, hands gripping your hips in fear of moving anywhere else, but needing to touch you. Your praises turned him on in a way he didn’t know about before. He was reduced to a trembling mess, and you loved every second of it. If someone had held a gun to his head asked him about Hunter right then, he wouldn’t have even recognized his name.
You closed your eyes and began to rock your body, focusing on the feeling of him inside of you. He was forbidden fruit: a new sensation you’d thought you’d never experience. Little did you know how much was out there for you outside of Hunter. Your palms laid splayed out against his chest as you found your rhythm, both of you cursing like sailors.
Eventually, Danny built the courage to shift his hips, beginning to meet your thrusts with his own. You cried out, feeling him brush against your most sensitive places. “Danny, fuck, that feels so good,” you whined, hair falling around your face and swaying in time with your shared movements.
“Y/N..” Danny groaned, an edge of warning to his voice. His hands now roamed over your middle, thumbs brushing against the undersides of your breasts.
“Are you gonna cum? You gonna cum in your partner’s girl?” you taunted him cruelly.
Danny gasped, letting out a higher moan. “F-fuck, yes. I’m gonna cum,” he warned.
You reached between your bodies, rubbing quick circles against your clit. Whimpers of your own increased, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the small room.
That was when Hunter walked back through the door.
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