#danny could be a retired astronaut who had to retire because he was about to reach the space radiation exposure limit
tachvintlogic · 11 months
Tim uses Danny as a doppelganger prompt
Lucius Fox, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, broke his back during a failed assassination attempt. He'll be unable (not allowed) to perform his duties as CEO for a few months while his back heals, so Tim offers to take over as CEO in his stead. Lucius humors the guy and agrees, figuring his assistants will stop Tim from doing any major damage to the company.
A week in, Tim realizes he can't balance a full time job on top of his social life, nighttime hero work, online classes, and investigating the failed assassination attempt. He needs someone who can show up to the CEO's office and pretend to be him. Someone who can't be killed if whoever tried to kill Lucius decides to go after the new acting CEO.
Danny thinks this is a very dubious job offer, but he does look like Tim Drake, he cannot be killed by bullets, and this could lead to a job working in space.
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aph-mable · 1 year
My Uncle is a Nut.
 Chapter 2
Lex stares down at his computer screen as he looks over the latest news about DALV Co.
Afterall, it's not that often that one of the guests at a Gala takes it upon themselves to save the day before any heroes show up.
Luthor was now interested in the very same young man that achieved this. Daniel Fenton, Vlad's Godson and the second youngest Co CEO next to Tim Drake-Wayne.
Even with a basic internet search on the boy there was plenty of information to find, both about his family and what connections they had.
Daniel's parents; Madeline and Jack Fenton. Doctors in both biology and engineering, working with the government, as well as the most well known pioneers in Ecto science, a very unique study.
They own a weapons workshop together and quite frankly put some of Gothams own mad scientists to shame with their inventions.
There is only one other child besides Daniel, who is quite a bright young lady named Jasmine Fenton, who’s currently working towards getting her degree in psychology.
Meanwhile Daniel Fenton has his own achievements that were not to be ignored. 
He was on the fast track to becoming an astronaut in his early teens, only to have that dream crushed after an accident that left him wheelchair bound and his grades to temporarily suffer, yet he continued to push forward.
There was news articles about how Daniel risked his life to save an endangered species of gorilla, he had been seen at many protests fighting for the rights of metas and the meta adjacent, and with him now as Co CEO of DALV co he was incharge over and currently the main inventor of the technology being made and sold. 
That last part is what caught Lex’s attention the most, especially since he was now a business partner with Vlad Master’s (much to his distaste), yet the man made very high quality technology that has proven him an asset for now.
So to find out it was the man’s Godson who was the one making the inventions provided something he desperately desired, a different person to make a deal with. 
Because in all honesty, Vlad Masters, both as a business partner and a villain in arms, was just horrible to deal with.
Vlad at the best of the times was attention seeking or grumbling about not getting his way, maybe bragging about his achievements as mayor. But at his worst? 
Luthar has seen that pompous dragon get very, very petty. somehow stealing others wealth, companies, even passion projects, just because he wanted to. And somehow, he always got away with it.
Yet at the last gala Lex got a glimpse into how much worse Masters could be. The entire night the man had been strangely territorial over his charge, much to the boy’s annoyance. Lex could have sworn he’d seen Vlad’s eyes go red when he was being held back from reaching his godson later into the night. His protectiveness was not like that of a parent’s, but rather a beast whose treasure was being messed with.
That in itself is worrisome, especially since it will affect Lex’s plans to become business partners with Daniel instead of his godfather. Add in the fact that Vlad is obviously a controlling narcissist… well, lex has always enjoyed a good challenge now and then. For now, all he has to do is schedule a meeting with the young Co CEO at a time Masters will be busy, and go from there.
Reaching for his phone Luthor dialed his secretary’s number as he smugly leaned back in his chair.
“Eve, can you get me Vlad Master’s schedule? I Have a meeting in mind.” 
Danny was busy tinkering away at his work desk, music playing from a small speaker as he hyper focused on his latest invention. 
It was supposed to be an updated version of the phantom thermos, making it not just easier to capture ghosts, but allowing it much more space and durability as well as the ability to catch more than just ghosts.
He had long since retired the fenton thermos back to being a normal thermos for holding liquid, and maybe an emergency projectile if needed. He wanted a much more successful capture device and is slowly trying to move away from using Fenton works weapons all together.
By now all of team phantom made their own weapons and devices, both being much more ecto friendly as well as complementing their fighting style.
Danny still mostly used his powers and hand to hand combat to take down ghosts, but it’s still useful to have gadgets just in case he couldn't use his abilities.
Danny's mind starts to race with new ideas and possible upgrades to various inventions, including some exciting upgrades to his chair when a notification caught his eye, someone had entered the lab.
With a groan he puts his thermos away and dramatically flops further back into his chair just as whoever was planning to bother him approached….
Only to see a bald man in a suit raise an eyebrow as he kept a respectable distance.
Danny pulls his goggles up as he scans the man, he could have sworn he’d seen him before… oh right, the Gala Vlad dragged him to.
Turning his chair, Danny crosses his arms as he got a better view of the man, now remembering his name; Lex Luthor, one of Vlad’s newest business partners that was supposed to hash out plans with his Godfather. 
Mr. Luthor relaxed as Danny gave him his full attention, he even gave out a small chuckle under his breath as he read the boy's shirt that said ‘I’m not a mourning person’.
Not so subtly he switched his chuckle to a fake clearing of his throat as he offered out his hand.   
“You must be Daniel Fenton, I have to say you definitely made a name for yourself, especially after the previous Gala.” he kept a smug smile that he tried to hide as a genuine one. 
Danny took the guy's hand and shook it firmly as he was trying to figure out what, exactly, he wanted. 
“Yup that's me, though I prefer to be called Danny. Soo, who are you and what are you doing in my lab?”
“Straight to the point, I like it.” Mr. Luthor glanced over at Dann’s work bench before taking a much more relaxed slouched, “My name is Lex Luthor, and I’m here to offer a business partnership with you.” 
This made Danny freeze up in surprise, because who the hell is crazy enough to make a business deal with a teenager? Lex Luthor, Apparently! 
His face scrunched a bit as he leaned back in his chair, not fully believing that's what the man wanted, or at the very least it’s not as cut and dry as he’s making it sound. There has to be a catch here. 
“Why? Aren't you already Vlad’s business partner? You're already working with us.” 
Luthor nods as he walks around and explains his reasoning, “It’s true that i'm a partner of DALV co, but the details have yet to be fully hashed out, meaning I’m not quite a business partner with Mr. Master’s himself yet. And I’ll be honest here with you, I really don’t want to deal with him.” 
Once more Danny was surprised, yet he started to relax when he heard Lex wasn’t as friendly with Vlad as he first thought. 
“Really? That must be why he was trying suck up to you all night at the gala, I just assumed that was Vlad trying to flirt.” 
Danny couldn’t help but burst out laughing as he saw Lex’s face scrunch up in disgust after hearing that.
“Noted, and I really hope it’s not the case. I’m already thinking less of him as is, only to have that bar lowered to a tripwire is the reason why I’d rather not deal with him.  Hence why I wanted to come in and make a deal with you instead, since you're less of a.. What's the proper word here?”
“Narcissistic parasite?”
Lex snapped his fingers and grinned, “yes that! At the very least it’s obvious who here actually runs the show when it comes to the technological department. So what do you say, ready to make your first legit big deal in the business world?” once more he offers out a hand.
Danny rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow and staring at the looming man. 
“Flattery will get you into many places, but I want to make a few things very clear; I don’t take deals unless I have control over the conditions. I’m not dumb enough to just say yes to someone who managed to get into my lab without Vlad trailing behind. So my rules or nothing.” 
“Very well, tell me your conditions, I’ll get my lawyer to write up a contract once we both agree.” Luthor mimics Danny’s cross-armed possession as the teen brainstormed.
Danny looked down at his lap in thought as his fingers tapped on his arm rests before he quickly shot back his answer. 
"If we are working together I want lab safety to be a top priority, meaning if I'm calling out something as unsafe you take it seriously. Next is schedules and restrictions.
 I'm still in online school and want to hang out with my friends and family, so no last minute meetings unless I can join in online or barring guests from seeing me, obviously you can look into them to be sure they aren't a security risk but beyond that they are welcomed. 
Lastly, as long as it's not in the lab I can eat whenever and wherever I want, I'm of course putting it on Vlad's tab if it's anything expensive.
Sound like a fair deal?" 
Lex humed for a moment as he tapped his chin before agreeing with a small nod.
"I'll agree to those terms if you agree to mine.
I'll go along with the lab safety protocol as long as you don't question what purpose we are collaborating on, well as long as it doesn't violate the rule of course.
Second is we have to work together at my labs in Matroplas, and I'm okay with meeting online if there is a time crunch or it's trivial, guests will need to be checked by security to be sure they aren't smuggling anything in or out.
Lastly for the budget, whenever we are collaborating it's a 50/50 split unless we agree on otherwise.
So what do you say, we got a deal?"
Lex holds out his hand for Danny to shake, which he does with no hesitation.
"Excellent! Now, how about we get some lunch while we work out travel plans" Luther claps his hands as he leads the way.
"Sure, as long as it's on yours or Vlad's dime I don't care." Danny follows after, placing the security protocol on as they leave.
As they ride the elevator down Danny thinks, Lex may be a nutty billionaire, but he’s not as bad as the fruitloop…
He’s a cheerio.
End of chapter 2 for now.
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dyinggirldied · 2 years
Danny decided to retire from hero business in his early 20s. He had never wanted it, he had simply taken up the responsibility due to the fact he accidentally activated the portal, letting all ghosts came into Amity.
His dream of being astronaut bursted, he was in a slump for quite some months before taking up those ASMR videos with pop-up book roleplay.
Most of his videos were about story tellings, with some tales came ghosts he knew, like Pandora or Frostbite or even his own story (not the whole, obviously but some parts of it).
His channel wasn't the most popular but it did get some attention. Until either Constantine (who understood the reference of the story that linked towards other magical being) or Diana (because Clockwork could be considered a god rather than a ghost in some realms)
This of course eventually reached the ears of Batman. His whole family groaned when they saw that Danny was a dark-haired, blue-eyed, slightly depressed young man.
If I could write this, i would give this story a more fairy tale-esque feel, with each chapter a story. I don't want the batfam or JL to ever truly know about what happened to Danny (being a halfa superhero). I like a sense of mystery; something that we knew but the characters would never know.
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Phanniemay Day 3: Grave
Word count: 1290
TW: discussion of death/bereavement 
(part 2, part 3)
“Hey, Sam,” Danny said softly, bending down to add the small stone in his hand to the pile on the ground. He noted, not for the first time, that his was the only stone that had been added since his last visit. It made him feel guilty for staying away so long.
“Uh, it’s been a while, I know. I’m sorry.” He laughed. “I make it sound like I’m going to confession. Which would be weird for an atheist talking to his Jewish wife. I don’t imagine you know how many Hail Mary’s I’m supposed to do for … whatever it is you do Hail Mary’s for.
“I guess you want to know what I’ve been so busy with. I’ve been … traveling, I guess you could say. I’ve, well, I’ve been in space a lot, actually. I’m kind of an astronaut now.” He laughed again.
“Don’t get too excited, though. It’s not as prestigious as it used to be. Anyone who wants to can pretty much go to space now. Well, not anyone, but it’s a lot easier. It’s practically a regular 9-to-5, just with more post-graduate requirements.  
“I’m still doing physics, but it’s a lot more applied. We’re building - ‘we’ is the government - an O'Neill cylinder, basically. It’s a variant design, but the same idea. It’ll be operational in less than two years, barring unforeseen disaster. Soon it literally will be that anyone who wants to can go to space. And in a couple of generations, who knows? Maybe living on Earth will be the weird thing.”
Danny looked around, noting the ever-present haze. He had to remind himself sometimes that it hadn’t always been like this, that he used to be able to see for miles and miles on a sunny day. That was the world that Sam would remember. He felt suddenly tired, and he took a seat next to the grave.
“You were so right about everything, Sam. We ruined the planet. ‘We’ is corporations, mostly, and the governments that didn’t stop them. I did what I could, Sam, I swear. I kept going to protests and giving speeches. I really tried. But things didn’t change fast enough.
“It’s not really getting worse now, at least, so I guess I’m grateful for that. But I just can’t help but think of the space habitats I’m helping to build as some kind of futuristic tent camp for refugees from a dying planet.” Danny could hear the venom in his voice, and he took a deep breath, trying to push away the bitterness. “It’s exciting, it is. I’m excited to get to see and be a part of humanity’s foray into space. But it sucks that it’s out of necessity instead of, I don’t know, scientific curiosity or something.” Danny was quiet for a moment, lost in thought.
“Welp,” he said suddenly, clapping his hands together, “that’s enough being depressing. I think I told you last time that my friend Emilia had a little daughter, Ivy. Well, Ivy is all grown up now. Emilia’s doing great, by the way. We keep telling her to retire, but she says that no one else can run the restaurant. She’s right, too.
“And Ivy is a dancer. She played football for a while, but it wasn’t really her scene, I think. She loves being the centre of attention. She’s crazy good, won a ton of awards. And she’s friends with Ember. Ember’s back in the music scene in a big way. It’s incredible how quickly humans have warmed to the idea of living side-by-side with ghosts. Especially after … no, I’m not being depressing right now.
“I was talking about Ivy and Ember. Ivy is in, like, all of her music videos, and I think they went on tour together, too. It seems like they’re always together. Honestly, I think they might be more than friends, but I’m not going to say anything. You taught me to stay in my lane.”
Danny smiled, remembering a time when he had embarrassed himself - and several other people - at a party by saying something that was really not his business to say. Sam had chewed him out pretty thoroughly, and he was a lot more careful with his words after that.
He owed a lot of himself to her. All her life, she was always making him a better person. He liked to think that he had had a similar effect on her, but, in all honesty, he could hardly remember anything bad about her. It was probably just rose-tinted glasses, but, as far as he could tell, his wife had simply been perfect.
“You know,” Danny said thoughtfully, gazing into the overcast sky, “I always used to think of you when I went into space. I remembered stargazing with you. Do you remember? I would tell you about new discoveries in astronomy, and you would make up new stories about the constellations because the old ones were ‘too patriarchal.’” Danny chuckled, but he realized that his eyes were wet. “Why did we ever stop doing that? I loved your stories.” Tears started to roll down Danny’s cheeks. He considered brushing them away, but his hands stayed in his lap.
“Anyway, I used to think about that all the time, but now I practically live among the stars. It’s just my everyday. So, now, I think of you the most when I’m on Earth, looking at the daytime sky. It’s a different colour now, but still familiar. I think about hiking with you, and going to protests, and that period when you decided to learn how to paint landscapes.” Danny shook his head. “You told me not to, but I kept all of those early paintings. I think I’ve already told you that. I still own our house, and I turned one of the sitting rooms into a gallery for your art.” He thought for a moment. “Yeah, I definitely already told you that. Sorry.” That kept happening. Even though he hadn’t been here in twenty years, he was still repeating himself. Did he really not have anything new to say?
“Uhm, what else …? Vlad is doing pretty well, I think. He’s still doing engineering. Actually, we’re kind of in the same field. He’s working on a zero-g irrigation system or something like that. So, space habitation stuff, too. But I haven’t been seeing him as often as I used to. He’s  … different. Not bad, just … I don’t know. He only ever spends time with ghosts, and the way he talks about humans … it’s like they don’t matter to him. Not individually, at least. He thinks I’m making a mistake by spending so much time with humans. And I get it, I get that he’s protecting himself, and trying to protect me. I have to watch the people I care about die, and it never gets easier. But I can’t let that stop me from making human friends.” Danny placed a hand on the ground, about where Sam’s heart might have been if her body hadn’t long since decomposed.
“I mean, where would I be if I hadn’t married you? Losing you hurt, a lot, and it still hurts.” Danny took a slightly unsteady breath. He was crying again, and, again, he made no attempt to wipe the tears away. He watched a few teardrops soak into the ground. “But I wouldn’t trade our life together for anything. It was so, so worth it. I love you. I’ll always love you.” Danny’s voice cracked, but it didn’t matter. He didn’t need to speak. He just sat there and cried, and then he stopped crying, and then he just sat there, and he didn’t get up for a long time.
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