#daniele marinelli dt socialize
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Come utilizzare al meglio la blockchain?
Sul blog di Daniele Marinelli, fondatore e presidente del gruppo Fintech DTSocialize Holding, leggiamo questo interessante approfondimento sugli utilizzi didattici della blockchain.
Istruzione e progressi tecnologici
Stiamo vivendo in un'era dove i continui progressi tecnologici stanno avendo un notevole impatto sull'aspetto quotidiano della nostra vita ed ormai siamo in procinto di cambiamenti radicali in ogni settore. In via generale, possiamo dire che anche noi con il passare degli anni siamo più avvezzi al cambiamento ed alla comprensione della tecnologia, fino a toccare alcuni settori che fino a poco tempo fa sembravano impossibili da cambiare, come ad esempio quello dell'istruzione.
Come utilizzare la blockchain nel mondo dell'istruzione
La blockchain è una nuova tecnologia che può essere definita sia trasparente che resiliente, in quanto i dati non possono essere in alcun modo modificati, ed ai quali può essere riconosciuta chiaramente la data certa di generazione degli stessi. Sono diversi i vantaggi che ha portato l'utilizzo di questa tecnologia e si possono riconoscere a livello sociale, politico, umanitario e scientifico, in quanto hanno dato il via a nuove forme organizzative ed istituzionali di governance economica. Oggi, infatti, possiamo dire che la tecnologia rappresenta un punto di svolta in tanti settori, tra cui le banche, le assicurazioni, ma anche passando alla gestione energetica o all'istruzione. È proprio su quest'ultimo punto che è arrivato il momento, per gli operatori del settore, di sfruttare ed utilizzare la tecnologia blockchain in tutti i modi possibili e nei metodi più congeniali al loro settore. Ad esempio, con la tecnologia blockchain è possibile gestire tutte le anagrafiche degli studenti, sviluppare nuovi ed innovativi modelli pedagogici e di apprendimento o monitorare ed affrontare le spese degli studenti.
L'ascesa dell'Intelligenza Artificiale nell'istruzione
Anche l'intelligenza artificiale può supportare ed aiutare sia gli insegnanti che gli istituti stessi ad evolversi da un metodo tradizionale ad uno ben più personalizzato. Esistono, ad esempio, strumenti come algoritmi e programmi automatici di apprendimento grazie ai quali è possibile raccogliere modelli di dati, fornendo suggerimenti volti ad aiutare gli insegnanti a trovare eventuali lacune nei programmi. L'avvento dell'intelligenza artificiale nell'istruzione è molto importante anche per cambiare l'insegnamento e farlo passare da una conoscenza generale alla padronanza dell'apprendimento. Piuttosto che utilizzare libri di testo, studenti ed insegnanti dovrebbero sfruttare l'IA per passare a contenuti più personalizzati ed in linea con le proprie specifiche esigenze. Sono già in uso queste tecnologie Deep learning e grazie ad esse è possibile, agli educatori ed alle Istituzioni, trasferire tutti i contenuti del programma all'interno delle piattaforme blockchain e IA, in modo tale che vengano elaborati e sviluppati per offrire un'esperienza personalizzata di apprendimento ad ogni studente.
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Puoi investire in cripto oggi?
Il metaverso viene definito come un luogo interconnesso di mondi digitali che, solitamente, sfrutta la tecnologia blockchain per offrire un mezzo utile ad interagire con contenuti e soggetti. Ogni metaverso varia in base alla portata e alla funzione, anche se quasi tutti hanno dei token digitali che servono per alimentare l'economia interna e per implementare le varie funzionalità. Quelle che vengono definite le "migliori criptovalute" basate sul metaverso hanno dei rendimenti stratosferici per gli investitori e la nuova generazione di token è attualmente in fase di sviluppo. Vediamo quindi dove investire in cripto nel 2023.
Dove investire in cripto oggi
Di seguito quelle che sono state definite dagli esperti come le migliori criptovalute del 2023.
AiDoge (Ai)
AiDoge unisce il mondo del meme con le criptovalute basate sull'intelligenza artificiale, e lo fa attraverso una piattaforma rivoluzionaria. Queste mosse l'hanno portata ad essere una criptovaluta all'avanguardia ed in continua crescita. L'aumento di monete come Pepe Coin, The Graph, Singularity e Conflux ha anche rafforzato la proposta di questa innovativa criptovaluta ed attualmente i token vengono venduti ad un tasso di prevendita di soli $ 0,000026 USDT, anche se si tratta di un tasso destinato ad aumentare. Come possiamo leggere anche sul whitepaper di AiDoge, tramite questa piattaforma viene sfruttata l'intelligenza artificiale per generare meme di tendenza.
Launchpad xyz (LPX)
Launchpad xyz è un progetto cripto molto interessante, nato per semplificare l’accesso al mondo del Web3. Il suo ecosistema offre diversi strumenti, tutti basati su Web3, come NFT, giochi e token. Il token principale di questo ecosistema si chiama LPX e viene utilizzato per i pagamenti, ma anche per riscuotere ricompense. Ad oggi si possono acquistare token LPX, grazie al presale, a prezzi molto scontati. Questa prevendita è suddivisa in 10 fasi, e ad ognuna di queste fasi il costo del token subirà un leggero aumento. Per questo motivo, acquistare i token nelle prime fasi potrebbe rivelarsi una mossa estremamente conveniente per gli investitori.
Un altro progetto molto interessante e dove vale la pena investire oggi in ambito crypto è EcoTerra, che si inserisce perfettamente nei servizi di riciclo delle materie prime. EcoTerra, infatti, vuole essere la piattaforma di assistenza al riciclo e che consente anche di guadagnare. Il suo utilizzo è semplice, bisogna scaricare l'app e scansionare le etichette dei contenitori da riciclare, come le lattine di alluminio o le bottigliette di plastica. A questo punto entrerà in funzione il database di EcoTerra, che andrà a rilevare il materiale scansionato e indicherà all'utente il punto di riciclo più vicino. Una volta riciclato il materiale verrà rilasciata una ricevuta che andrà caricata sulla piattaforma per ottenere gli ECOTERRA token.
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About Daniele Marinelli’s crypto blog and DT network
The current structure of the Holding is as below, according to Daniele Marinelli that explains: We are a new generation Fintech company providing a wide range of financial services (custodian services, payment solutions, online banking services, asset management solutions). These services will become more and more accessible to everybody through our social apps: the messaging app, Uup, and our metaverse, Umetaworld. We integrate crypto assets in our range of financial services to provide their owners a friendly user experience whilst exchanging, buying or keeping them.
1. The FinTech Group
▪ DTSCB: DTS Circle Bank & Statutory Trust, USA/UK company with 100% ownership operating with custodianship agreement with European Digital Trust in Sweden.
▪ Dovre Forvaltning, Lithuanian company with 100% ownership operating with an Asset Management UCITS license in Lithuania (Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) to invest globally in equity, commodities, Inflation-Linked Bonds, Nominal Bonds, Emerging Market Credits, of both corporate and governmental issuers, with no prescribed limits. The company will implement required notification procedures into different jurisdictions (Italy, UK) in order to be able to provide the services in those countries.
▪ Azure Psystems Limited, UK company with 80% ownership and FCA authorization as an electronic money institution focused on e-commerce services to issue electronic money, place, and withdraw cash to and from a payment account, execute payment transactions on a payment account with and without a credit line. It company works with IBAN provider ClearJunction, UK.
▪ Cospay Limited, UK company with 35% ownership and FCA authorization for e-commerce and banking solutions for corporate and individual clients. The company is the principal member of Visa, MasterCard and Union Pay that allows it to offer acquiring and issuing solutions to another financial institutions on the market and issue financial products like payment cards, POS terminals and e-commerce solutions.
▪ Teido, USA company with 100% ownership focused on development of innovative payments solutions (for example, using the individual’s hand as a private key in payment devices).
2. The Social Communications Group
▪ DTSocialize, Estonia company with 100% ownership responsible for Technology Development Hub for DTSH in blockchain space. The company also markets blockchain-based smart phones and home-based cloud box for remote backing of personal data from phones.
▪ Uup Social LLC, USA company with 100% ownership developing messaging and social network systems for DTSH using Bitcoin (decentralized) technology for encryption and account management using public and private keys to socialize among the users in encrypted manner. Uup Social LLC is the owner of Uup Messaging App and Umetaworld - social network in augmented reality.
▪ DT Shop Ltd, UK company with 100% ownership dedicated to managing shopping and ecommerce in our social network applications that has accumulated 1,000 merchants and 10,000 customers in a short period of time transacting in DTCoin.
▪ Henlow Ltd, UK company with 100% ownership managing the best performing (speed and reliability) platforms and software for VPN (www.novavpn.com) supported by special protocols of encryption the web navigation, offering great complementarity Bigdata effort as incubator.
▪ DT Finance Ltd, UK company with 100% ownership waiting for financial accounting data license by UK FCA to complement the Bigdata capacity.
3. Digital Money and Payment Solutions Group
▪ DT Circle, Ltd, UK company with 100% ownership awaiting the license for crypto wallet management from UK FCA.
▪ Deroka ltd, Lithuanian company with 100% ownership authorized by Lithuanian Central Bank’s to perform crypto-wallet, exchange, token and cryptographic services under brand-name UpMarkets. UpMarkets product of DTSH is a crypto-wallet solution with unique and powerful data collection and commercialization capabilities.
▪ ABC, Latvian company with 55% ownership offering cryptocurrency, exchange management platform, banking services (IBAN, Wires, Card Management). and “API router hub” for banks to connect with crypto services.
▪ DTCoin is the original token issued by DTSH group of companies that is used as an instrument for customer loyalty and discount programs with merchants who would like to transact with the DT Global Community members. These tokens are earned by participating in various social-media activities within the DTSH Group of Companies.
▪ UupCoin will offer tokenized medium for all transactions taking place inside the Umetaworld and will be earned by participating in the Umetaworld life as regulated by the proprietary tokenomics approach developed by the DTSH.
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DT Coin 2019 Web Archive Technology Advisor
The DT Coin, despite its "young" age (it was launched in February 2017) is already climbing the special rankings dedicated to the best cryptocurrencies in the world. All credit must be given to Daniele Marinelli, an Italian entrepreneur who knows the potential of blockchain and cryptocurrency and has been able to give life to a fascinating and certainly valuable project.
The DT Coin is indeed a cryptocurrency but it is increasingly common opinion to "equate" it almost to a traditional currency thanks to its usability and the possibility of use in the same way as common currencies.
The usability of the DT Coin
Introducing the subject of usability, we have unintentionally already responded to one of the most classic objections to cryptocurrencies: "What am I doing?" The DT Coin exceeds this demand with practice, in fact those who own DT Coin can use them to make purchases online and in physical stores and can also exchange them directly with traditional currencies, such as the euro.In the future of the DT Coin, precisely in line with the development of marketability, there is also the creation of Visa and Mastercard credit cards. Consult with which stores you can make purchases is very simple, the team of Daniele Marinelli in fact recently launched the DT Pay application, an app for Android and iOS through which to manage their own coins and make their purchases.
The stability of the DT Coin price
In addition to expendability, another important added value of the DT Coin is undoubtedly price stability.In fact, in addition to the supply-demand leverage, money is based on the traffic of data generated by its users, thus drawing on the infinite market of Big Data. The statistics prove, a closure of $ 42 billion of capital generated this year is expected.
Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data and, Daniele Marinelli Big Data DT Socialize and now for: Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data Reviews Opinions, may be also a Daniele Marinelli DTCOIN cryptocurrency big data dt socialize holding press release if you have any questions.
The DT Coin is essentially the only cryptocurrency able to never lose value because it draws from a market that does not suffer peaks or slumps and that above all is not subject to speculation, another limit of cryptocurrencies. The stability of the DT Coin price is also ensured by the presence of the Forced Market Cap, a powerful algorithm that drives the forced capitalization currency. Reading the many reviews on the DT Coins, the FMC turns out to be definitely the extra gear of the cryptocurrency, guaranteeing a small and constant increase in the price at each sales cycle.
The value of the DT Coin
How can you check the value of the DT Coin? The cryptocurrency is present on Coincapital so it is very simple to be able to verify in real time the value of the DT Coin at any time.
Currently the value of the coin is around € 27 and through the platform it is also possible to consult charts, historical data and chronologies.
Taking a look at this link http://coincapital.live/index.php/coin/DTCO the constant growth of the value of the cryptocurrency is evident, a sign that we are really facing a guaranteed and revolutionary asset.
Opinions DT Coin
After reading these lines about Daniele Marinelli's DT Coin, it should be easy enough to get an idea about the potential of the currency that from now until 2020 will experience new development phases guaranteeing ever greater stability and usability.
Currently the DT Coin is traded in its 1.0 version, it is therefore in its initial phase and is centrally managed. Mining works on proof-of-work technology (POW) while on June 30th 2020 the technology will be switched to decentralized and distributed management.
The DT Coin 2.0 news can be summarized as follows:
- wallets verified with KYC
- decentralized and distributed ecosystem;
- decentralized data management;
- decentralized blockchain;
- central issue of coins and subsequently distributed;
- no one can transfer, confiscate or seize the currency;
- privacy with transparency (and without anonymity) in the way transactions are made
- full compliance with the regulations (compliance with the main jurisdictions and development of industrial standards
- fast transactions under 60 seconds;
- limited number of coins;
- smart contract.
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Rassegna stampa: DTCoin su La Stampa
Nella nostra rassegna stampa abbiamo recuperato questo articolo de La Stampa contenente l’intervista a Daniele Marinelli, oggi imprenditore a capo dell’azienda fintech DT Socialize ed ideatore dell’utility token DT Coin.
Cos’è il DT Coin?
Il DTCoin è un utility token che può agire come una moneta virtuale e che consente agli utenti di guadagnare attraverso le proprie esperienze online e dai dati che vengono a sua volta generati. L'ecosistema DTCircle è nato grazie all'idea di Daniele Marinelli, un imprenditore romano, che lo ha fondato basandosi su una consapevolezza ben precisa: quando un utente utilizza internet o un social network rilascia dei dati personali che saranno poi venduti da chi li gestisce come Big Data, per scopi di marketing in modo tale da influenzare le scelte dell'utente stesso.
L'idea vincente di Marinelli
Daniele Marinelli è un imprenditore di origine romana che ha dedicato gran parte della sua vita alla preparazione e formazione di noti gruppi aziendali, prima come tributarista e, successivamente, in veste di consulente. Da sempre appassionato di tecnologia ed economia, nel corso degli anni è riuscito a trasformare la sua passione in una nuova professione. Infatti, Marinelli è stato tra i primi a fiutare le enormi potenzialità delle criptovalute, investendo fin da subito nei Bitcoin. La svolta però è arrivata nel 2017, dopo una prima fase di studio delle criptovalute e dei sistemi sulle quali si basano, l'imprenditore è riuscito ad avviare l'ecosistema DTCircle.
La nascita del DTCoin e del sistema DTCircle
Marinelli, dopo aver riconosciuto l'enorme valore dei dati personali degli utenti e l'importanza di offrire una possibilità di guadagno a chi decide di rilasciarli, ha intrapreso un costante lavoro con analisti e sviluppatori, volto a creare varie piattaforme di software. La prima è stata un'app di messaggistica, chiamata Uup, che oltre a garantire la privacy ai suoi utilizzatori, offre varie possibilità di scelta. Utilizzandola, infatti, l'utente ha la certezza che i suoi dati personali non saranno visibili in quanto verranno utilizzati degli appositi protocolli di crittografia (gli stessi utilizzati nelle criptovalute). Inoltre, l'utente potrà decidere o meno di condividerli nel mondo di DTCircle e di poter guadagnare una criptovaluta in caso di condivisione: il DTCoin. Ad oggi sono già numerosi o negozi convenzionati che permettono l'utilizzo del DTCoin che, a differenza del Bitcoin che ha una maggiore volatilità ed è visto come una forma di investimento speculativo, nasce proprio con l'idea di essere una moneta digitale da utilizzare per l'uso quotidiano. Grazie alle numerose partnership con i negozi convenzionati, l'utente ha la possibilità di ottenere degli sconti ed è per questo che il DTCoin porta dei vantaggi sia all'utente ma, al tempo stesso, anche al negoziante in quanto può vantare di una numerosa community che può tramutare coloro che sono parte di DTCircle in clienti fidelizzati.
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Blog Ushare: opinioni utility token DT Coin
Cos'è un'utility token? Ne abbiamo parlato con i ragazzi del team di Ushare, già autori di una serie di approfondimenti con opinioni e recensioni di DT Coin sul nostro blog.
Le criptovalute normalmente vengono suddivise in due diversi gruppi: coin (nate da una blockchain) e token (basate su standard di terzi). Tuttavia, a prescindere dal mercato, il valore del token varia in base alla tecnologia su cui si basa ed anche dal tipo di utilizzo che ne viene fatto. Se le criptovalute coin hanno una funzione definita transazionale, i token hanno diversi scopi: security, utility, equity, ecc.
Cos'è un utility token?
Viene definito un utility token quello che viene progettato per disciplinare le funzionalità DeFi e che apre all'utilizzo delle soluzioni blockchain. Un utility token è un mezzo per accedere ai vari servizi in un ecosistema. Gli utility token possono avere 3 scopi diversi, tra cui:
● Exchange token: trovano varie applicazioni in una piattaforma di compravendita o, più in generale, nell’ecosistema che la circonda. Ad esempio, vengono utilizzati per pagare le commissioni di transazione.
● Governance token: nati con lo scopo di democratizzare il voto degli holder nello sviluppo di un progetto.
● Social token: consentono di distribuire la proprietà del valore creato da una community, oltre a fidelizzare i vari partecipanti ad un brand.
Nonostante gli scopi ben definiti tra loro, è oggetto di discussione la differenza che c'è tra utility e security token. I security token devono saper rispondere ai vari obblighi normativi esistenti, che richiedono necessariamente dei processi burocratici piuttosto lunghi e la cui violazione è oggetto di sanzioni molto pesanti. Gli utility token, invece, non hanno alcun bisogno di particolari procedure.
Come distinguere un utility token da un security token
Vediamo più nel dettaglio come distinguere un utility token da un security token. Un'impresa potrebbe aver bisogno di emettere un token per distribuire, tra i vari compratori, i privilegi legati ad applicazioni della tecnologia blockchain. Ma, se una ICO fosse accompagnata da promesse di profitto legate agli sviluppi del progetto, un’utility si trasformerebbe in security, almeno in base a quanto stabilito dalle autorità. Questo perché, la SEC ha definito in questo modo la security: “un investimento di denaro in un’impresa comune con una ragionevole aspettativa di profitti derivanti dagli sforzi di altri”. Questo è, infatti, quanto descritto dall’Howey test che, chiamato a chiarire il concetto di. security, ha permesso di distinguere i token di utilità: "l’obiettivo del loro acquisto è l’accesso all’ecosistema che il token stesso regola, non il profitto". C'è però da considerare un altro fattore, ovvero che l'aumento della richiesta e lo sviluppo di nuove funzionalità potrebbero, di conseguenza, far aumentare il valore degli utility token, soprattutto nel caso in cui siano accompagnati da una tokenomics deflazionaria.
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Web Archive HostGator 2019 Dt Coin Crypto reviews, opinions
Looking for opinions and reviews on cryptocurrencies (value, price, information for the Italian market) is not easy. There are those who say that cryptocurrencies are the currency of the future and that, one day, they will replace the currencies that are legal tender in the States. Until that day, those wishing to buy bitcoins will have to be very careful in applying the envisaged discipline - of purely jurisprudential matrix - at national or European level, in tax and social security matters and, above all, in avoiding incurring the numerous scams that circulate in the field. Starting from the first aspect, in the absence of a system of laws that fully regulate the matter, we must look at the orientations formulated by the national tax authorities (so as to understand to what tax regime the cryptocurrencies are subjected) and to the rulings of the jurisdictional bodies, called to identify the real nature of these currencies (if, for example, they are to be classified as intangible assets or if they are similar to money). Among the world powers, Italy has been one of the last to intervene for the regulation of Bitcoins, thus for a long time removing investors in the sector who, frightened by the absence of a regime - above all - fiscal, which was clear and precise, have preferred to direct their investments in countries already endowed with an ad hoc discipline (first of all, UK and Finland).
At European level, the first intervention took place in 2015, when the Court of Justice of the EU, called to decide on the applicability of the I.V.A. to cryptocurrencies, he correctly believed that he had to first elaborate a definition; in particular, with a judgment of 22 October 2015 (case C-264/14) the European judges considered that “a virtual currency can be defined as a type of digital currency, not regulated, issued and controlled by its developers and used and accepted between the members of a specific virtual community.
The "bitcoin" virtual currency is part of the "two-way flow" virtual currencies, which users can buy and sell based on exchange rates. These virtual currencies are similar to any other convertible currency in terms of their use in the real world. They allow the purchase of both real and virtual goods and services. Virtual currencies are different from electronic money ".
Thanks to this first definition, it is therefore possible to state that cryptocurrencies are a virtual currency, completely similar to money (not being intangible assets), which despite not having legal tender - like the currencies recognized ex lege - allows the purchase of goods and services, real and / or virtual.
In 2017 also the Italian Legislator has finally decided to intervene on the subject and to adopt, albeit in a generic way, a first discipline concerning Bitcoin (the capital letter is normally referable to the general system, while the lower case refers to the currency itself), defining it as a virtual currency, or “the digital representation of value, not issued by a central bank or a public authority, not necessarily connected to a currency having legal tender, used as a means of exchange for the purchase of goods and services and electronically transferred, stored and negotiated "(Article 1, paragraph II, letter qq), Legislative Decree 25.05.2017 n. 90).
Once the nature of the cryptocurrencies has been identified (to be interpreted and deepened in the light of the continuous corrective interventions of the jurisprudence and national legislators), it is necessary to understand what cautions to adopt to avoid incurring frauds or scams.
First of all, the experts in the sector all agree that the appearance of the site containing the bitcoin offer is fundamental: if it does not have the HTTPS security certificate (the green padlock, to be clear), or the indication of the company's registered office is missing or, in any case, it appears to lack the elements necessary for a complete evaluation of the company, it is better to leave that site web in favor of another safer.
In the digital world, reliability and professionalism play a fundamental role, in the absence of direct contact, in relations between investors and suppliers. For this reason it must be given more space to the most credible and serious realities, among which a new cryptocurrency recently launched on the market and already on the way to success stands out: the Dt Coin. Born from an idea by Daniele Marinelli, entrepreneur and chartered accountant with over 20 years of experience in financial consultancy, DT Coin is a virtual legal currency, based on new concepts of exchangeability and trading, whose intent is to cancel the volatility speculation and aim at the stability needed to be fully usable as a complementary currency.
Although a couple of years ago it was labeled as a "scam" or "Ponzi scheme" (we invite you to ignore this obsolete and inaccurate information, and to read the updated DT Coin reviews), today DT Coin is enjoying great success in the economy sector.�� digital also thanks to its stable organization in Europe and the acceptance of money as a method of payment in the first commercial activities in Italy.
The new market concept that the DT Coin project wants to launch is in fact based on a system of forced capitalization, with a logic of purchase cycles in which the starting price of each cycle represents a sort of parachute under which it will not be more possible to return. It is not difficult to imagine how this is the dream of every cryptocurrency: to be used for its complementarity, and not as a speculative tool to get more money.
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Dt Socialize Holding Daniele Marinelli London Stock Exchange
The world of cryptocurrencies is an uncontrolled world and still without precise legislation, moreover it has also sometimes been used for illicit exchanges of values and this conflicts with all anti-money laundering regulations. For its characteristic, moreover, the compliance activities that banks are obliged to carry out to verify the origin of the funds and their use are difficult to execute, since banking institutions have not yet equipped with competent structures and professionals on the subject; therefore, banks, in doubt, prefer not to risk or assume responsibility regarding cryptocurrencies.
700 thousand users support DTSocialize Holding from all over the world and those people will be able to get access to a next generation of financial services alongside apps based on blockchain cryptography and hardware and software to support connectivity.
[...] Let's talk about Daniele Marinelli, esteemed businessman who decided to launch DT COIN a few years ago. In a very short time this token, based on the concept of “big data”, has spread so much that Daniele Marinelli had to create a spendabilty system in the Internet browsing environments to allow users to spend DTCoin directly to make everyday purchases.
The token created by the Italian businessman Daniele Marinelli successfully overcomes a long battle against the haters who attacked it on Google and Facebook. In this article, we deepen the provision of the authority for the protection of Personal Data, interesting above all from the point of view of the fight against fake news and hate speech.
Today, moreover, the reverse operation is also becoming more and more complex: withdrawing sums from your bank to then buy Bitcoin or Ethereum or other cryptocurrencies. So why is it still so complicated to move money in and out of the world of crypto currencies?
The answer, according to Daniele Marinelli, entrepreneur and founder of DTSocialize Holding Ltd – that recently announced its goal to go direct listing at London Stock Exchange – depends on different factors.
Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data and, Daniele Marinelli Big Data DT Socialize and now for: Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data Reviews Opinions, may be also a Daniele Marinelli DTCOIN cryptocurrency big data dt socialize holding press release if you have any questions.
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DTSCB presents Custody PRO Exchange
Last week, DT Socialize Holding (CEO and founder Daniele Marinelli) confirmed the MIO PAYMENTS INC. acquisition. Thanks to this acquisition, the “Custody PRO Exchange”, the new service of DTSCB, FinTech company that offers a wide range of financial services, is now available. The Custody PRO Exchange enables the instant crypto to fiat / fiat to crypto exchanging in addition to the exchange of fiat currencies. Furthermore users can choose DTSCB to get dedicated Iban, dedicated cards, trust custody account, and crypto payments (for crypto spending with cards). “This new service is the best plus for all the customers who want to exchange cryptocurrencies easily and safely”, Daniele Marinelli said, highlighting how this new entry simply testifies the company goal to meet all the customers’ financial needs staying compliant with the current regulation. “Today we made an additional step toward satisfying our community’s needs”, he concludes.
By checking out the https://www.dtscb.com/ website you can open your account and get access to the Custody PRO Exchange.
Stay tuned to hear more about the company’s news and advices on the financial market!
#dtcoin#daniele marinelli#daniele marinelli crypto#daniele marinelli dt socialize#daniele marinelli dt coin#dt socialize holding#daniele marinelli big data
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DTCOIN Daniele Marinelli business reviews trends and opinions
Let's talk about Daniele Marinelli, esteemed businessman who decided to launch DT COIN a few years ago. In a very short time this token, based on the concept of “big data”, has spread so much that Daniele Marinelli had to create a spendabilty system in the Internet browsing environments to allow users to spend DTCoin directly to make everyday purchases
[...] In addition, last April the Bundestag passed a law ("Fondsstandortgesetz "(FSG)) intended to strengthen Germany as a venue for the establishment of investment funds and this could result in huge investments in cryptocurrencies. The FSG will allow a special category of investment funds (reserved for institutional investors only) to invest up to 20% of their assets in cryptocurrencies and this could result in trillions of investments in cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrencies are one of the topics that have been discussed the most in recent years. When it comes to these currencies everyone knows the subject but few know how they really work (best category: Daniele Marinelli crypto)
Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency that was launched on the market, during 2009 and, after its launch, it continued to increase its popularity and its value until reaching a considerable amount of investors in 2022.
Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data and, Daniele Marinelli Big Data DT Socialize and now for: Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data Reviews Opinions, may be also a Daniele Marinelli DTCOIN cryptocurrency big data dt socialize holding press release if you have any questions.
DTCOIN, is the token of the DTCircle ecosystem, an ecosystem created by the businessman Daniele Marinelli. The goal of DTCOIN is to distinguish itself from the other token and digital currencies and receive an acknowledgment to be able to protect its value. The value of real money has always been based on the gold standard thus defining the monetary system as a system defined by a fixed value. DTCOIN wants to use a similar concept by linking its value to something that is constantly evolving in the market, like limited resources such as oil and minerals. The base chosen for DTCOIN is data standard, something that will support DTCOIN from outside the cryptocurrency field granting the DTCOIN the possibility of becoming a stable and complementary currency, a great advantage if you think that the value of cryptocurrencies is highly volatile and it can change constantly and unexpectedly.
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Daniele Marinelli, Big Data and Bitcoin in some online topics
Finally, there has been a lot of talk about some topics that many experts believe will be fundamental for the future of the economy and could even replace the monetary system we know well. Bitcoin is one of the main protagonists for this topic, the first crypto currency that kicked off the crypto currency market as we know it today. In addition to Bitcoin, it is also essential to talk about Big Data, that is, large flows of data that can be used for different purposes. Check out the Daniele Marinelli’s best topics from his blog.
Bitcoin and Big Data seem to be the most important digital assets of the near future, and gradually for companies that usually deal with the online world they could reach an importance equal to that of fossil fuels, especially for those companies and companies that have already approached this line of thinking for some time, Daniele Marinelli writes.
Bitcoin and online gaming
Bitcoins, they have passed a first phase in which they were not taken seriously and for the most part of it they were thought to be a phenomenon that would last little, but they are still out there and they have suffered a dizzying climb and then alternate sudden fluctuations on their value. Digital currencies such as Bitcoin in fact undergo abrupt changes in value, because they do not have solid roots like fiat currencies linked and “guaranteed” by national governments or banks. However their notoriety seems to grow day by day and more and more people decide to invest a part of their savings to buy crypto currencies. Another area where Bitcoin and other digital currencies are having a lot of success is that of online gaming. Gaming and virtual currency are a perfect combination, and more and more platforms are allowing their users to pay with digital currencies. Experts argue that bitcoins could be an effective tool that can influence online gaming in the coming years.
Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data and, Daniele Marinelli Big Data DT Socialize and now for: Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data Reviews Opinions, may be also a Daniele Marinelli DTCOIN cryptocurrency big data dt socialize holding press release if you have any questions, dear sir!
Big Data and marketing
Big Data are a fundamental pillar within the commercial and financial world in the foreseeable future. Many innovations in the world of online finance are in fact related to this type of data. Big Data are nothing more than huge digital archives of data that from the point of view of finance can be considered real gold mines since today's economy is based for a good part on the study of the consumer and their online behavior.
It seems that Big Data are the protagonists of a market with a very high income value and unlike bitcoin, Big Data are already widespread in the Italian online gaming sector: thanks to these Big Data it is in fact possible to identify which are the most used online gaming sites. Big Data can also help tracking how many clicks users of these sites make on a daily basis - credits: Daniele Marinelli.
Nonetheless Marinelli thinks about an ethical use of people data, just aggregating them anonymously and preserving people’s right to privacy.
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Press Release DT Socialize Holding CEO and founder Daniele Marinelli
Last week, DT Socialize Holding (CEO and founder Daniele Marinelli) confirmed the MIO PAYMENTS INC. acquisition. Thanks to this acquisition, the “Custody PRO Exchange”, the new service of DTSCB, FinTech company that offers a wide range of financial services, is now available. The Custody PRO Exchange enables the instant crypto to fiat / fiat to crypto exchanging in addition to the exchange of fiat currencies. Furthermore users can choose DTSCB to get dedicated Iban, dedicated cards, trust custody account, and crypto payments (for crypto spending with cards). “This new service is the best plus for all the customers who want to exchange cryptocurrencies easily and safely”, Daniele Marinelli said, highlighting how this new entry simply testifies the company goal to meet all the customers’ financial needs staying compliant with the current regulation. “Today we made an additional step toward satisfying our community’s needs”, he concludes.
By checking out the https://www.dtscb.com/ website you can open your account and get access to the Custody PRO Exchange.
Stay tuned to hear more about the company’s news and advices on the financial market!
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Web Archive 2019 Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data now
One of the greatest limitations of cryptocurrencies is undoubtedly that relating to their real usability. Since the birth of Bitcoin in 2009, 1,500 virtual coins have been placed on the market and very few of them can boast full use within the traditional market. Among these there is undoubtedly the DT Coin by Daniele Marinelli, an innovative cryptocurrency which in its growth foresees the possibility of being exchanged also with traditional currencies as well as being used for the purchase of goods and services.
Another limit of the virtual coins that the DT Coin promises to overcome is that of the fluctuating value inherent in the nature of the crypto. Since it is an economic system not controlled by a central body and basing value on the simple lever of demand and supply, Bitcoins and sisters are subject to continuous speculation and to price peaks that make them inevitably unstable. The DT Coin, on the contrary, does not lend itself to the unpredictable behavior of users, in fact based on a stable and potentially infinite market, that of Big Data.
Daniele Marinelli, a Roman entrepreneur with an important past as an economist, has sensed the importance of data within a world that is now increasingly revolutionized by the Internet and the Internet. They are in fact the new gold of modern democracies: those who own the data, have control and this is especially true especially in the economic and banking sphere. By knowing people's behaviors, tastes and preferences, it is possible to foresee what will happen in the future and, as is known, anticipating the times is often synonymous with power. Within increasingly interconnected societies, these data flow freely and uncontrollably. Each of us daily in the most trivial actions, loses portions of data in exchange for goods or services, for example, posting a photo on Facebook what happens? We leave our data to obtain consent. The question that Daniele Marinelli asked himself is how much we get in exchange for our data is really comparable to this loss: said in a nutshell, what I get by leaving my data is really enough? Does it repay me for my "loss"? Hence the history of the DT Coin, where "DT" stands for DATA.
Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data and, Daniele Marinelli Big Data DT Socialize and now for: Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data Reviews Opinions, may be also a Daniele Marinelli DTCOIN cryptocurrency big data dt socialize holding press release if you have any questions.
The DT Coin, a virtual currency that grows with our data
As we anticipated, the DT Coin is a virtual currency that bases its value on data collection:the more data is collected, the more DT Coin value grows. But what data are we talking about? Answering this question, we enter into the heart of the great revolution promised by Daniele Marinelli. The DT Coin in fact does not represent an entity in itself, it is rather a cog in a much more ambitious economic system: the DT Circle.
DT Circle is the platform through which useful data is collected to the growth of cryptocurrency. Users who join DT Circle can access a range of services, can participate in training courses, buy or sell products, interact with other users and share experiences. Obviously each of these actions produces a quantity of data that enriches the value of the DT Coin. In exchange for these data the user, in addition to using the services, is paid financially in DT Coin and it is for this reason that we talk about data that can finally be monetized.
The DT Circle, what is it possible to do inside?
Let's see what are the services offered by the DT Circle platform through which you can earn. The DT Circle's first gear is the DT Live. The DT Live represents the most social space of the economic system designed by Daniele Marinelli, in fact it is neither more nor less than a social network where users can exchange opinions and interact with each other. For each interaction and sharing an economic value is assigned in DT Coin.
The second gear consists instead of the DT Merchant, a real place where sellers and buyers meet. Here you can buy products or put them on sale.
Another section that users can use is the DT Academy, within which it is possible to find many continuously updated training courses.
All these services will be joined in the coming months by additional pieces, such as the DT Card and DT Bank, two entities that will make the DT Coin even closer to traditional currencies.
DT Coin Review: it’s great!
Let's finish this presentation by talking about the more technical features of the DT Coin. The DT Coin is a currency in continuous evolution, in the initial phase it is managed centrally and this means that the management of the blockchain will be private. The mining of this cryptocurrency works on proof-of-work technology (POW) at least until 2020, the date on which the DT Coin will perform a swap on a decentralized and distributed technology. Finally, we are talking about a forced capitalization currency, in fact it adopts the technology of the Forced Market Cap as an exchange. This means that the DT Coin can never suffer price reductions, increasing its value at every sales cycle in a forced way.
And more: Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data and, Daniele Marinelli Big Data DT Socialize and now for: Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data Reviews Opinions, may be also a Daniele Marinelli DTCOIN cryptocurrency big data dt socialize holding press release if you have any questions.
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Web Archive 2019 DT Coin Future Big Data Daniele Marinelli
The world of cryptocurrencies has a new protagonist, the DT Coin, a digital currency that can be converted into traditional currencies and used for online and offline purchases designed by Daniele Marinelli. Let's get to know it together!
The DT COIN is a cryptocurrency, whose value is based on the request and on the supply and traffic of data generated and collected. Within this sentence there is a large part of the essence of a unique currency that is decidedly avant-garde with respect to the cryptocurrency panorama on the market. Designed by Daniele Marinelli and a pool of leading companies in the main tech sectors, this currency is climbing positions in the ranking of the best virtual currencies currently in circulation. In the following lines we will try to understand the whys, analyzing every aspect of money and of the whole ecosystem that is linked to it. Before getting to know more about the features, secrets and strengths of this digital currency, let's take a small step backwards.
Cryptocurrencies: from their birth to the present
Cryptocurrency refers to an "equal, decentralized and digital currency, whose implementation is based on the principles of cryptography to validate transactions and the generation of money itself" (source Wikipedia). La convalida (e dunque la validità) delle monete è assicurata dall’utilizzo della blockchain, una specie di registro mastro ove avvengono tutte le transazioni protette appunto dalla crittografia. La blockchain è costituita da veri e propri “blocchi” i cui dati non sono modificabili o alterabili retroattivamente senza la modifica di tutti i blocchi successivi, modifica che richiede l’intervento di tutta la rete. Therefore we can define the blockchain an extremely safe and protected distributed computing system, which is why the fields of application of the same are very many (from online voting to control of the food chain).
The first ever cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency created in 2009 by an anonymous inventor known by the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. The advent of this completely virtual and volatile currency has had the merit of forever transforming the world of finance, so much so that today the virtual currencies begin to interest the governments of the entire planet and their own banking institutions. To date, digital currencies have exceeded 1,500, although they are only a few of them, including the DT Coin.
In the special classification of the most well-known and used cryptocurrencies we mention:
Bitcoin: 2009 birth year, based on proof-of-work protocol
Ethereum: year of birth 2015, allows smart contracts via peer-to-peer network
Ripple: birth year 2012, high exchange rate, it is a centralized crypto created as an anti-spam token
Litecoin: year of birth 2013, works with proof-of-work protocol and reduces the execution time of a transaction to 2.5 minutes (compared to 10 minutes of Bitcoin)
Monero: year of birth 2014, does not own a public blockchain
Waves: year of birth 2016, uses the fastest decentralized blockchain at present, in fact manages about 1000 transactions per second against 7 of Bitcoin
IOTA: year of birth 2015, is in the top 10 of cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. This is a new generation cryptographic token widely used in the IoT
The DT Coin: what it is and how it works
As anticipated, the DT Coin is a cryptocurrency whose value is based on the request and on the supply and traffic of data generated and collected. Let's start right here to start understanding what we're talking about.
All the main cryptocurrencies on the market base their price on what is called "the lever of demand and supply", as happens in the economic processes known to most people. However, this "strategy" hides some dangerous pitfalls such as price instability, responsible for continuous fluctuations within the market. Putting the value of something on the simple leverage demand-offer in fact, forces us to depend solely on the behavior of the user, of an unpredictable nature and never constant. To give a basic general example (which therefore does not exclusively concern crypts), when there is more supply than demand, the "x" product tends to inevitably increase in price; on the contrary, it will tend to decrease. This obviously determines a continuous fluctuation that puts investors and savers at risk.
Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data and, Daniele Marinelli Big Data DT Socialize and now for: Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data Reviews Opinions, may be also a Daniele Marinelli DTCOIN cryptocurrency big data dt socialize holding press release if you have any questions, or press release.
The DT Coin, and this is where the first big news takes root, is instead based on a very different logic: the value of money is not based only on the leverage of demand and supply, but also on the infinite market of Big Data. In short words: it is the data traffic that determines the price of the DT Coin and if we think of the billions of data that circulate daily on the net, the conclusion comes by itself. Based on growth in recent years and the numbers of the first half of 2018, a $ 42 billion closing of capital this year is expected. The currently available version of the currency is the DT Coin 1.0, a centrally managed cryptocurrency whose blockchain is entirely private. Coin mining is managed by DT Coin UK, one of the companies belonging to the DT Coin pool. The mines work on proof-of-work technology (POW): through the resolution of mathematical calculations by high computing power servers, new coins are available on the market. On 30 June 2020, an update will be issued in favor of a decentralized and distributed technology. The DT COIN (both version 1.0 and version 2.0) has 8 million pre-issued coins, that is already available for purchase, for a total offer of 42 million coins. Today DT COIN generates hundreds of daily exchanges of products and services and can be converted directly into euros on the exchange www.forcedmarketcap.tech
The DT Circle: data that are valid
With the advent of the DT Coin 2.0 the DT Circle ecosystem will be activated, a real "platform" created to obtain the maximum value from its data. And we come to the second great innovation produced by the team of Daniele Marinelli. So far we have talked about data and their importance for the sustainable growth of the DT Coin currency but we have not yet mentioned how these data can be evaluated. To do this, let's take a small step back. Think of all the times you post a photo on Facebook, or at all times when you make a bank transaction, an ATM withdrawal and other small and common daily actions: in each of these moments, what you are doing is "sharing" data in exchange for which, normally, you will receive a benefit. In the case of Facebook, your benefit is having like from your followers, in the case of the withdrawal it is your money and so on. Well, have you ever wondered if that benefit you are actually receiving, do you repay in all and for all the loss of data that you are giving to the big players of the world economy? The data that you "share" will in fact be useful to the institutions to profile you, to know your behavior, your tastes, the most popular places etc, all situations that can be used a posteriori to make offers or track you. What do you get in return is really enough?
The DT Circle responds precisely to this question: by becoming part of the ecosystem in fact, whatever action you are going to do, it will correspond to a real economic reward in DT Coin. Through DT Circle it is possible to share experiences, participate in advanced training courses (via DT Academy), join beneficial projects, interact and make purchases. Thanks to the sharing of these individual actions, the user contributes to the growth of the value of the DT Coin (by entering data) and at the same time earns new coins which can be used by DT Coin's commercial partners or converted into traditional currencies.
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Web Archive 2019 Press Release Daniele Marinelli DTCOIN
DT Life is an innovative social network platform belonging to the DT Coin ecosystem, a cryptocurrency launched in 2017 by economist and consultant Daniele Marinelli. Within DT Life it is possible to do all the things we do every day in the most common and well-known social networks, therefore sharing, commenting, interacting, adding photos and videos and above all "connecting" ourselves to many new people. What makes DT Life differ from all the other social networks is a peculiarity that makes the platform unique today: every action performed inside it corresponds to a real gain, which can be spent immediately. That's right, being part of DT Life means receiving a financial return for every interaction obtained or carried out on the contents distributed on the social network. And it is here that the DT Coin comes into play, a virtual currency launched in 2017 and currently one of the most stable in the world thanks to the reference market through which it feeds: the data market. The DT Coin is closely linked to DT Life precisely because the actions carried out within it are paid with this currency which, unlike others, can be immediately used to make purchases or can even be exchanged for other virtual and traditional currencies.
Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data and, Daniele Marinelli Big Data DT Socialize and now for: Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data Reviews Opinions, may be also a Daniele Marinelli DTCOIN cryptocurrency big data dt socialize holding press release if you have any questions isn't it?
What is the DT Coin, the legal virtual currency that grows with data
In this precise historical phase there is a new protagonist that interests governments, institutions and the big players of the economy and it is the Data. In fact, owning data today means being able to foresee behaviors, anticipate times, know how the citizen / consumer acts or could act and there is really nothing that could have more value than this. Imagine being at the head of a bank, for example, how important would it be for you to know the habits of your current account holder? Know for example how much and how you spend, how often you take money and where, what cash flow has. All this information could be useful to know, to say one, in which exact moment to propose a mortgage, a loan, a product. Here then is that the data in your possession have automatically turned into an opportunity for you. And of examples like this we could make dozens of them! Every day our data flows and is used for the most disparate reasons without being "rewarded". Most of the time we decide to "leave" data to get something in return, for example we fill out a contact form to receive information, we buy a product online to feel more comfortable and so on. But, are we really sure that that data loss is really matched by what we get in return? Is our reward really adequate? It is from this reflection that the DT Coin is born and it is on this basis that the foundations of the DT Life social network are laid.
The DT Coin, as mentioned, draws on the Big Data market, so it also uses our data to grow. The novelty, however, lies precisely in what we get in exchange for those data and that is the substantial growth of our portfolio: if we decide to enter the DT Coin world, the more the value of the currency grows (thanks to our data), the more the value of our wallet grows. It is therefore a real "Do ut des" where reciprocity is the key word. The DT Coin can also be used both for online purchases and for purchases at physical stores belonging to the partner network; it can finally be exchanged with traditional currencies or other digital currencies.
DT Life: monetize your experience!
As mentioned, DT Life is also based on the concept of reciprocity. The more we "populate" the social network with content, the more we share those of others, the more we get DT Coins (which can also be converted into Euros!). Therefore, by participating in the DT Life experience, we can monetize any data granted to the platform. DT Life: if you want more information on the DT Life world, they have found a very interesting blog online that analyzes week by week all the available features.
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Best Cryptocurrency exchanges in 2022
Let's analyse the situation on the Daniele Marinelli crypto blog. Probably many of the people you know have already begun to invest in cryptocurrencies. When talking about the topic they have certainly underlined that, in order to be facilitated in their investments, they have decided to rely on cryptocurrency exchanges.
Blockchain in healthcare
Some companies are already working to make full use of Blockchain technology within the health care sector or in other ones. But we must ask ourselves: why are more and more companies deciding to implement Blockchain technologies when it comes to health care?
These technologies, writes Daniele Marinelli, can also be used in the field of health care to trace diseases and bacteria that contaminate food or water. In this way, not only these technologies could trace back the origin of harmful diseases, but they would also help to identify contaminating agents, safeguarding the health of the people they may infect. In fact, when we talk about preserving health and saving lives the main weapon that we have at our disposal is to know in advance who may be in danger and what they are currently risking. That is, prevention.
Daniele Marinelli is a 50-year-old Roman businessman who now lives in Umbria. For 23 years he has dedicated his preparation and training to several businesses, first as a tax attorney and then as a consultant.
Marinelli has managed to transform his greatest passions into a new profession, thus investing in the digital future. Marinelli, in fact, was one of the very first Italian businessmen to invest in Bitcoin, understanding the great potential of this parallel economy and the technology on which it is based: the Blockchain.
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Daniele Marinelli’s press release: Digital assets and FinTech
The use of Blockchain technology, based on a sequential block system to ensure a higher level of security, has increased a lot in recent years. Blockchain technology achieves decentralized security and trust in several ways. To begin with, new blocks are always stored linearly and chronologically. That is, they are always added to the “end” of the blockchain. After a block has been added to the end of the blockchain, it is extremely difficult to go back and alter the contents of the block unless a majority of the network has reached a consensus to do so. That’s because each block contains its own hash, along with the hash of the block before it, as well as the previously mentioned time stamp. Hash codes are created by a mathematical function that turns digital information into a string of numbers and letters. If that information is edited in any way, then the hash code changes as well.
However, a digital native asset is needed to ensure a gain to the maintainers of the blockchain, otherwise the chain would lose its decentralized paradigm due to the election of its maintainers going among other things to lose its main meaning. So native digital assets are very important to blockchains and this underscores the fact that this emerging economy needs financial services specifically created for the digital world. In this regard when we talk about blockchain and digital assets we couldn’t not help talkink about crypto currencies, something that will be the main topic of many conversations during the upcoming years.
Continue reading in the Daniele Marinelli press release:
However, the definition from a legal point of view and the regulation of such cryptocurrencies is proving to be really difficult to create for many countries. There are of course different points of view, for example, European countries are focusing on creating a technical definition of cryptocurrency and of the linked activities to ensure a solid policy against money laundering and other illegal activities as their main goal. Other countries, such as China, are planning to dive into the world of cryptocurrencies by creating their own digital currency linked to the central government and this strategy is beginning to spread interest among the other countries. A cryptocurrency linked to a government or a central bank is something that will really shake the world of cryptocurrencies as we know it and will surely grant cryptocurrencies to be even more similar to regular money and be used for everyday purchases. However, this kind of development will take a large amount of effort and time and it's unlikely that most countries will develop digital currencies so soon despite recent reports that show the growing interests in cryptocurrency expressed by many.
Monetary System Crisis
Many experts asked themselves and their co-workers if we are on the verge of a global change in the monetary system. The situation seems really complex to analyse and we certainly can limit ourselves to a single question regarding this matter.
A shifting tide was already perceived since the great financial crisis happened in 2008 and during the G20 many expressed concerns about the current monetary system and its longevity. The next year there was the creation of the digital financial systems foundations thanks to the Bitcoin protocol, something that made a lot of people rethink the traditional monetary system leading the way for the development of new Fintech solutions.
Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data and, Daniele Marinelli Big Data DT Socialize and now for: Daniele Marinelli DT Coin Crypto Big Data Reviews Opinions, may be also a Daniele Marinelli DTCOIN cryptocurrency big data dt socialize holding press release if you have any questions ok Google?!
So this possible crisis is not like the others and if there will be a crisis it will probably be caused by the latest developments according to the experts and it will be completely different from the other ones. This difference is linked to the development of new technology that will lead to the collapse of the traditional monetary system. This is also caused by the fact that many companies are trying to make digital currency more and more similar to traditional ones, a path that could lead to a complete replacement, creating digital currencies that are really complementary to fiat and that will have none of the volatility we see in the crypto world. However, the world crisis must not always have a bad connotation because some of the changes can actually lead to whole new benefits for the economic system and the trials attended during a crisis usually leads to new improvements and developments. The actual perfection scenario would be the perfect integration and cooperation of the new and the old financial systems, using the best of both without abandoning either system.
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