simptasia · 9 months
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LOST + text posts part 160
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rockstarvampirelestat · 2 months
Y’all. I have an idea: Loustat Howl’s Moving Castle AU (mostly with elements from the movie, but also the book). Hear me out.
Louis is Sophie: hardworking, loving sibling (but not the favored sibling), takes no bullshit, conceals his emotions with sass. Has an unexpected magical side.
Lestat is Howl: wild outfits and even wilder personality, magical, charming but practically drowning in his feels. French instead of Welsh, in this case.
Claudia is Markl: the little kid with lots of attitude, love for his chosen family, and creative magic.
Armand is the Witch of the Waste: Dramatic, overly attached to people, prone to getting revenge, but might just achieve a redemption arc. Also, I think he would rock this role.
Daniel is Turnip Head: the guy with a heart of gold, a reliable friend, and a good listener (sometimes).
Akasha is Calcifer: The original source of magic, who wants what she wants when she wants it. We’ll give her some good qualities, too, like Calcifer’s kindness.
Throw in some coven vampires as the bad guys, and we’re set! “A heart’s a heavy burden,” y’all.💗
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f1-giuki · 7 months
Ahhhh!! You got me so excited!!! 💕💕
You are so right about Max being sophie coded!!! And in the books Howl is much more dramatic and it’s so charles!!!! Like i read it years ago and I remember thinking Howl’s so dramatic I want to love someone like him and fast forward some years i love one Charles Leclerc who is very much like Howl!!!
Now the question is who is playing Calcifer??? And the turnip guy!!!
Ahhhh soooo exciting!! Can’t wait to read it!!!💕💕
I've never read the book, but I'll probably get it now👀, to see how the characterisation is done there, research research👀💖
The past always comes back to us!!!!
oh for Calcifer I have a great doubt, whether to cast Carlos or Lando dkdbeodbdkrjr because Lando is a bit Calcifer coded, powerful, orange, a bit whiny <3, but Carlos can be like that too and the strange charlos dynamic would be very funny to explore and to confront to that of Calcifer and Howl!!!! so I'm having the great doubts rn😭
Turnip head is definitely Daniel! Helpful, sweet, not taken seriously, dressed in light colors, somewhat in love with Max👀
Markl could be either Oscar, if I make Lando Calcifer, or Ollie Bearman if I keep it Ferrari-coded, because I love those two, they'd be very interesting characters to explore, young and wise and adult like in interactions but with such young hearts!!!
The witch of the waste is Binotto. That man knows not pity in my heart and my aus, the best he can get is being an old once cruel lady. He wanted Charles' heart, fucked up everything and destroyed the castle...
Andrea is going to be Suliman's dog because I love that man and the doggo!!!!!!!!
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Trick or Treat: Armand
Happy Halloween!
I have so many Armand Halloween headcanons, especially thinking about the first couple of Halloweens with Daniel. I can imagine him filling an entire flat with carved pumpkins, as well as a selection of other mutilated produce in order to investigate why humans chose this vegetable over others, especially after Daniel tells him that his parents and grandparents used to carve turnips in Ireland, not pumpkins.
I also imagine him spying on Daniel during the chase years and watching him hand out some hastily located snacks (breath mints and granola bars aren't the best halloween candy, but it's all he had) to kids trick or treating around the hotel he's staying at. And then years later, he's waiting by the door of their current house himself with a big bucket of candy while Daniel moans at him to come sit down and wait for them to ring the bell.
Armand quizzes everyone about their costume, even little kids. What are you? Why did you pick it? How did you make it? Is this what you find scary?
He and Daniel take long, meandering walks around different neighbourhoods to see all the decorated houses (they do this at Christmas as well)
I like that Daniel was turned on Halloween because I think they probably had a lot of good Halloweens together. I bet Night Island was crazy on Halloween as well
Thank you for trick-or-treating!
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georgefairbrother · 1 year
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Remembering British film director and writer Sir Alan Parker CBE, who passed away July 31st, 2020, aged 76.
Born to a working class family in Islington, North London he made his early reputation as a pioneer of creativity in television advertising. He formed a creative partnership with David Puttnam and went on to become one of his generation’s most accomplished film directors.
He directed Jack Rosenthal’s television play, The Evacuees, for the BBC (BAFTA and International Emmy), and his first international cinema success was Bugsy Malone (1976), a musical gangster pastiche featuring a cast of children, including Jodie Foster, Scott Baio, Andrew Paul (The Bill), Bonnie Langford and an uncredited Phil Daniels. He said that he wrote Bugsy Malone out of frustration, as his work was constantly being rejected on the grounds of being 'too parochial'.
He went on to create a commercially successful, diverse and at times controversial body of work, including Midnight Express (written by Oliver Stone: they didn’t get on), Fame, Pink Floyd-The Wall, Mississippi Burning, The Commitments, Evita and Angela's Ashes. His final feature film was The Life of David Gale in 2003.
According to his official website;
"...In all, his films have won nineteen BAFTA awards, ten Golden Globes and ten Oscars...In January 1998, Parker took up his post as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the British Film Institute and in August, 1999 he was appointed first Chairman of the UK Film Council; a position he held for five years...In November, 1995, Parker was awarded with a CBE by Queen Elizabeth II for services to the British film industry and he received a knighthood in 2002. He is also an Officier des Arts et des Lettres, awarded by the French Government..."
He was also fascinating to listen to on the subject of the film industry generally, and gave a number of entertainingly grumpy interviews over the years. In the mid 1980s, his Thames TV documentary, A Turnip Head’s Guide to the British Film Industry, which according to his own website ‘lambasted the British film establishment and film critics’, seemed to upset just about everyone but won the British Press Guild award for the year’s best documentary.
He was interviewed by Warner Brothers executives as a potential director for the first Harry Potter, however during a teleconference (from his kitchen table at home) didn’t seem to express enough interest or gratitude at being asked. When a Warner exec told him that lots of directors would just love to do it, Parker said, 'Well go and ask them, then', and that was the end of that.
In conversation with David Puttnam for a BFI function, Alan Parker explained why he gave up making films, and talked a little about his art and drawing.
"…I’m out of it, I’ve had enough, I think it’s time for someone else to do it. I get more pleasure out of doing my art…I’ve been directing since I was 24, and every day was a battle, every day it was difficult, whether you’re fighting the producer who has opinions that you don’t agree with, the studios or whoever it is, because film, unlike art, pure art, film is hugely expensive, and the moment it gets expensive, you have people you have to serve…I’ve been punching out, all my life…to fight for the work…for our right to make our movie, the way we want to do it, and that’s hugely difficult, because it seems that you’re forever punching out. There comes a time, when you think, I don’t want to do that…I showed (a friend) one of my art works, and he said, who’s your audience here? Because that’s what film people think. I said the audience is me, and that’s all I care about, if someone likes my art, fine, if they don’t, fine…If they don’t like my movies, I want to kill ‘em…"
He was Michael Parkinson's first guest on Desert Island Discs in 1986, (a great interview) and featured once again 14 years later talking to Sue Lawley.
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evstostuff · 2 years
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to do a little welcome to my f1 obsessed, full of sexual fantasies head.
I'm a Ferrari girl
Below is just a few things about requests and this blog then it gets to the goods, the Masterlist.
Blog Guidelines
‣ Double check the master list before submitting a request just to make sure I haven’t wrote anything similar.
‣ Please do not publish my work on other platforms.
‣ I do have a full time job so please be patient when requesting and waiting for new chapters. I will always try my best to get stuff out to you all as quickly as I can.
‣ Please send them via my requests rather than through a private message as I am a bit of turnip and will get confused as to what I have done and haven’t done.
‣ Obviously, there are certain subjects/things I will not write about so if you request something and it isn’t written about then presume I am not comfortable writing it.
‣ I get a lot of my inspiration from music and photos of the drivers so if you want to put them into your requests then go for it!!
‣ Requests for all the drivers are welcome but I will be mainly posting for Pierre Gasly, Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz, Daniel Ricciardo and Lando Norris
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Most of my work will contain smut so be warned.
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Consequence To Your Actions
Forbidden Fruit (Request)
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A Rose Between Several Thorns (Request)
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Princess ft Carlos Sainz
Corrupt (Request)
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One Shots
Princess ft Pierre Gasly
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One Shots
At Least I Don't Have To Do Cardio
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thenightling · 6 months
I don't really think we should take it as canon that anything is older than The Dreaming without Neil Gaiman confirming it first. Remember, he doesn't consider anything Sandman related to be canon except if he wrote it, himself.
That being said, try to remember Simon Spurrier also wrote the 2018 version of The Dreaming which depicted Daniel drowning a bachelor party for cat calling his incest-girlfriend (Rose Walker's daughter).
He also made Merv into a Republican conservitive stereotype and gave him a weird origin as "Sir Mervyn of Root" ignoring that The Tempest issue establishes that Merv had a previous form with a turnip head. It's just the collective / popular idea of what Jack-o-lanterns look like changed.
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lizajane2 · 8 months
Avatar the Last Airbender Live Action episode 3
Daniel as Ozai was the best decision ever made, but what the fuck? Don't make me bend my morals here, I didn't give two shits about the guy in the animated series because of who he is and abused his children and killed thousands and now I'm like:
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Wow they introduced Azula early.
How long have they been standing in that line to enter Omashu?
Wait... is that jet?
"Sorry it's either that or the turnip sack. I'm sure you can make that look good too."
Oh yeah, that's definitely Jet.
Hey! The cabbage guy! Never thought i'd be so happy to see a secondary character.
I know some people are a little upset about a few storylines being fused in this episode but... I do love some of the changes the writers have made. It's not at all confusing or hard to follow. They made it blend well.
Mai and Ty Lee?!?! Not at all what I pictured either. On the fence about them. Mai didn't care too much about what Azula said, and she was a bit colder. But I do love the actress who plays Azula.
It's weird to see Zuko and Zhao working together to find the Avatar when Zhao was constantly trying to take away any hope of Zuko returning home. It's what caused the Agni Kai to begin with. I wish they had kept that.
Iroh is me, I'm always eating. LOL.
"Where are you going?"
"To prove you're a jerk."
"Oh yeah? Well, I don't need proof of that." He's Sokka coded.
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"MY CABBAGES!" Iconic.
Iroh: "Go! Save yourself!"
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scotianostra · 2 years
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13th December 1721 saw the death off the coast of West Africa of Alexander Selkirk, the Scot whose experiences inspired Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.
Alexander Selcraig was born in Lower Largo,Fife.. The seventh son of a shoemaker and a tanner, young Alexander is often described as a hothead, a “rambunctious boy”, in short, a bairn who gets into trouble. He got into all sorts of trouble, such as the time he behaved "indecently in church" or when he fought with his brothers.
In 1695, aged about 19, Selkirk was summoned before the kirk-session (a church-related court) to have his behaviour punished. He didn't even show up; he had already left Scotland for an expedition to South America on a privateer ship. He changed his name during this period from Selcraig to Selkirk.
Selkirk,  was serving as a Master Navigator when they, arrived at the island in October of 1704 aboard a barely sea-worthy vessel, the Cinque Ports, that had been damaged in previous battles with the Spanish and was infested with worms that were eating away at the hull.  The captain had decided to stop at the island to re-stock their supply of fresh water and food stores.  Due to the failing state of their ship, Selkirk refused to get back aboard and tried to convince the others that they should stay and wait for another ship to come along.  Everyone else refused to stay and Selkirk found himself on the island alone.
This may sound like a foolish thing to do, but better stranded on a well stocked island with plenty of fresh water and food sources than on a ship that may sink at any moment in the middle of the ocean.  In fact, this is exactly what happened to the vessel, with most of the remaining 41 members of the crew (they originally had 90 when they first set sail) aboard dying when the Cinque Ports sunk of the coast of Peru shortly thereafter.  Only eight of the crew survived, including the captain.  They managed to swim to a nearby island from where the ship sank, but were subsequently taken captive by Spaniards and were imprisoned where “the Spaniards put them in a close dungeon and used them very barbarously.”  Only the captain made it away from there alive, eventually managing to return to Britain.
Initially, Selkirk thought a ship would pass fairly quickly that he could hitch a ride on.  This obviously didn’t happen.  The supplies he had on hand included a musket, gunpowder, a knife, a Bible, bedding, a few tools, and tobacco.  Lucky for him though, the island provided his necessities, with plenty of fresh water, goats, seals, shellfish, wild turnips, cabbage, etc.  However, the island was also infested with rats.  This became a problem for him when he’d try to sleep, with the rats gnawing at his clothing, bedding, and feet.  He soon found a solution to this problem, as the island also had a large population of cats.  He domesticated many of the cats, providing them regular supplies of food, and the cats took to hanging out around his campsite and sleeping near him, which kept the rats at bay while he slept.
Throughout his time on the island, he lived fairly comfortably.  Initially, he hunted goats using his gun, but when gunpowder ran out, he took to chasing the goats.  All total, he estimated he’d killed about five hundred goats during his time there to use for food and other purposes.  He also began systematically partially maiming young goats so that when they grew older, they wouldn’t be able to run as fast.  Skills learned from his father  helped him out significantly as he knew how to make clothing, footwear, and the like from the goat skins, which was useful once his own clothing wore out.
While on the island, his life was only threatened twice.  The first time was when he was chasing a goat and subsequently fell off of a cliff.  While he was injured, his injuries may have been even worse except that he managed to land on the goat, who was probably killed on impact. Selkirk himself was knocked unconscious by the fall and did not wake for almost an entire day and according to his account was near senseless for another two days. The second time his life was in danger was when Spanish ships arrived.  He initially thought he might be rescued, but upon realising the people aboard were Spanish, he fled as they shot at him.  The Spanish chased him throughout the island, but eventually gave up the hunt.  During this time, he hid himself near the top of a very thickly leaved tree for two days.  At one point, he reported a couple of the Spanish sailors, not knowing he was there, peed at the base of the tree.
Finally, on February 1st, 1709, two ships, which included famed explorer William Dampier and was led by Woodes Rogers, anchored near the island and Selkirk revealed himself to the crews via a signal fire.  Several of the crew were suffering from scurvy and Selkirk set about supplying them with needed food.  He got so good in the graces of the captain that he was made first mate before they set off, and was given one of the two ships to captain during the remainder of the voyage.
A book was subsequently written by Captain Woodes Rogers’, which included the tale of Selkirk: Rogers’ A Cruising Voyage Round the World: First to the South-Sea, thence to the East-Indies, and Homewards by the Cape of Good Hope. Selkirk himself was also interviewed several times about his adventure and gained a certain amount of notoriety for it throughout England.
When Selkirk finally returned to Scotland, he brought with him his earnings as a privateer which amounted to £800, which was a very large sum at the time (around 10-15 years worth of wages by the average earnings of a typical low-class worker like his father, a tanner).  He eventually went back to a life at sea and died in the Royal Navy of a fever off the coast of Africa.
It’s widely thought that The book by  Daniel Defoe,  now known as Robinson Crusoe but the title is actually: The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner:
If you’re ever in the are drop into the Crusoe Hotel, as you’d expect  the Robinson Crusoe theme is echoed throughout the rooms which include information boards about  Selkirk.
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tgammsideblog · 2 years
My list of Tgamm Season 1 episode analyses
1) The Curse / First Day Frights 2) Howlin Harriet / The (Un)Natural 3) Getting the Band (Shell) Back Together / The Greatest Concert Ever 4) Mama’s Gotta Hustle / Horray for Mollywood! 5) Not So Honest Abe / The Best of Nintentions 6) Mazel Tov, Libby! / No Good Deed 7) The Turnip Twist / All Systems No 8) Monumental Disaster / Talent Show 9) Scratch The Surface / Friend-off 10) Festival of Lights / Saving Christmas 11) Ice Princess / Ready, Set, Snow! 12) Game Night / The Don’t Gooder 13) Innocent Until Proven Ghostly / Twin Trouble 14) Goat Your Own Way / A Very Hungry Ghost 15) Scare Tactics / The Bad Boy Bobby Daniels 16) Citizen Mcgee /  The Internship 17) The Lucky Penny / Lock, Stock and Peril 18) Out of House and Home / Home Is Where The Haunt Is 19) Scaring is Caring / All Night Plight 20) The Jig is Up / Molly vs The Ghost World
More will be added to the list as a make them
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dominusfero · 2 years
Camp Camp Not-So Secret Santa part 4.
Merry Chrysanthemum and Happy New Year, @dimitrippy !!
My gift to you: a little story based on your own AU!
Winter itself is cruel and fickle. Without heavenly sunshine to warm the earth and melt away the crystal sheets and thick blankets, the world grew cold, bleak, and colorless. White painted the landscapes in shades of grey and hues of black. No color peeked through as all remnants of life lay dormant under the swath of pure brilliance. Winter let no color shine other than bleached perfection, where ice shone radiantly like diamonds over barren, frostbitten trees. But with the rising of the new spring sun came the undoing of the icy world.
The briskness of the sharp, cold air nipped at his exposed cheeks. The prickles of fresh blood rushing to his face burned beneath the surface. Daniel dropped his chin against his neck, trying to subtly rebury his snout underneath his scarf. To him, winter was bothersome, bleak, and miserable. The sun rarely shined as it was almost always shrouded in the greyness of looming clouds. Whenever the sun failed to peek through the stratosphere, it felt as though daytime never came. Still, he would press on. The temperature was hovering over the single digits, barely gracing 10°. The slight wind chill was doing him no favors, making the world feel like the stark opposite of Hell. Instead of brimstone and fire, it was starch whiteness and freezing ice. God, being a reptile sucked sometimes.
Almost there. Almost there. These stupid turnips better be worth scouring the entire damn island for that tiny boar-girl. Why was it she could never stay in one place? And why did she charge so damn much? Fucking 120 bells per bunch, what a goddamn scam. This new recipe Kevin was given by the Island Representative better be worth the trouble. Daniel trudged on through the frigid weather, grumbling under his breath. He hate, hate, hated winter with a burning passion. Unfortunately, his blistering hatred was never enough to warm him. When the wind began to pick up, Daniel practically sprinted the final ten feet to his front door. Finally, sanctuary.
Once he was safely inside his home, the gecko shed his own winter coat, scarf, and hat. He shuddered, trembling from the cold. He could feel the ice on his scales quite literally melt away. Glancing over his shoulder, he can see Kevin laying on the couch and eating cheesy corn puffs while completely entranced by his videogame. Ooh, he was wearing his favorite red hoodie. The one with the special soft fabric on the inside. Maybe…maybe he could have it?
“Kevin, cou-could I borrow your hoodie? Pl-please?” Daniel stutters, his teeth chattering. He could wear a thousand layers yet still never be warm. Maybe he should write the Island Rep or Tom Nook to ask about building a sauna. Or he should try and convince Kevin to invest in a space heater. “Ke-Kevin?” Looking up from his game, the raccoon can see that his boyfriend is visibly shaking from his toes to his tail.
“Amor seguro. Dame un segundo.” Kevin paused his game and wiped his cheesy paws off on his thighs. Sitting up, Kevin quickly slips his paws through the sleeves of his hoodie and yanks it over his head. He offers up his sweatshirt to the trembling gecko. Still quivering, Daniel snatches the hoodie from Kevin’s outstretched paw. He hurriedly slips it on over his head, rubbing his sleeved hands together furiously. He feels quite a bit warmer but the chills of winter still plague him. It is times like these that make Daniel truly hate himself. Goddamn, these godforsaken cold-blooded genes.
“Kevin?” Daniel asks, rubbing his hands roughly against his forearms. “C-Can you grab my b-blanket, pl-please?”
“Still cold?” The reptile fervently nods. While the raccoon’s hoodie had done wonders to warm him, Daniel was still quaking terribly. “Aight, doll. Hold on—” Kevin drops his bag of snacks onto the floor and pushes himself into a sitting position. He yawns and then scratches himself before popping onto his feet. Scanning the room in a haste, Kevin bumbles about as he tries to remember where he last stowed Daniel’s blanket.  Aight, where the fuck did I pu—ah, there it is!! Heading around to the right side of their couch, Kevin pulls out a wicker basket stuffed with various blankets. On top sits a tightly rolled tan one with a white cord wrapped around it. Daniel’s blanket.
Kevin unties the cord from around the blanket, letting it fall to the floor. Clutching the blanket in his paws, he gives it a good shake. It unfurls with a plush thwap! The plastic remote clatters against the hardwood flooring, dancing on edge as it twirls around suspended by its cord. Not bothering to pick it up, Kevin drags the cord around behind him as he walks back around to the front of the couch. Plugging the blanket into the outlet above the lamp, he turns the dial up to the second highest level. Arms beneath the blanket, Kevin raises his paws to invite Daniel into his company. Almost immediately, the tension melts from Daniel’s bones. The trembling chills ceased as Daniel’s body relaxed.
“Mm…you’re so nice and warm~” Daniel sighs, nuzzling Kevin’s chest with his snout. He closes his eyes in pure bliss, swathed in the comforting embrace of his love. Beneath the blanket, Kevin could feel Daniel’s tail swaying lazily to and fro across his legs. It made him smile.
“Comfy, babe?” Daniel nods, drawing his fingers in and sinking his claws into Kevin’s fur. Kevin smiles, his own fluffy tail flicking up and down on the couch. He slipped his paws over Daniel’s claws to warm them.
“Thank you.” The little gecko whispers, his voice so soft that it can barely be heard.
“Of course, amor.” Kevin chuckles, reaching up from under the blanket to run his fingers across the scales on Daniel’s head. Anything for his little corazón, the love of his life.
Smiling, Daniel lifted his head up from off of Kevin’s chest. He brings his hands up to tenderly cup either side of Kevin’s face. The whole of his yearning was encapsulated in this very moment. Though his hands were icy, his heart was not. It burned so fiercely for Kevin, ablaze with the intensity of his love. Kevin’s own heart was afire with a desire for Daniel and Daniel only. And right now, he wanted to bury him in the heat of his affections.
Bathed in the fair glow of the still television, Kevin began to assert his passion with a plentiful number of kisses along Daniel’s jawline. Tactfully he moved to the side of the gecko’s head, adding a carnal nip for pleasure. Daniel mumbled incoherently under his breath, back arching in euphoria. He sinks his claws deeper into Kevin’s fur. Kevin then places a quick peck on Daniel’s cheek, which he then followed with a trail of gentle kisses down the neck. The tip of his little black nose brushes the collar of the hoodie. Then he slowly begins to pull back. Breaking the strain of kisses, Kevin lovingly nuzzles Daniel and then brushes his smooth nose against Daniel’s scaly snout.
“I love layin’ like this.”
“Mm…I do, too.” Daniel mumbles in agreement, his lips ghosting Kevin’s. He grinned cunningly, reaching up to tenderly caress both sides of Kevin’s face. He found himself gazingly longingly into his vivid chartreuse eyes. Then, he pushed himself upwards to steal Kevin away with a tentative kiss.
Melting into the sweet embrace, Kevin slipped his paw over Daniel’s claw before easing it away from his face. Tasting that sparkling citric zap of zest, Daniel moaned in pleasure. The two then separated only a lips’ distance apart with Kevin on his back with Daniel atop him, happy to bask in the warmth and to revel in the splendor that was Daniel. He sighed in pure bliss, his tail thumping lightly against the couch.
What a wonderful way to end a frosty evening.
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18thfoot · 2 years
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19th October 1914 The 2nd Battalion suffered a disaster at Le Pilly near the village of Herlies in France. In the afternoon, led by Lieutenant Colonel Edward Daniell, they advanced across a field of turnips, driving the Germans back out of the hamlet of Le Pilly. On the battalion’s right, a French attack on Fournes failed and the Royal Irish found themselves isolated. They dug in and requested reinforcements. Overnight the Germans surrounded the battalion position, the reinforcements could not get through the German barrage and the majority of the members of the battalion were either killed or captured. On the 21st October the battalion reserve of 136 men were all that was left to stand to arms. The wounded of the 19th; 165 men, had been evacuated. 302 men were taken prisoner on the 20th, of whom 100 were wounded, and 162 men had been killed in action. The photo is of the memorial to the men who died at Le Pilly in Herlies. #18thfoot #royalirishregiment #redcoat #britisharmy #britishempire #greatwar #worldwar1 #ww1 #lepilly #herlies https://www.instagram.com/p/CkAuBpqDBm6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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foodsenses · 2 years
Turnip Nutrition (Carbs, Calories & Health Benefits)
See on Scoop.it - foodSenses
Registered Dietitian, Danielle Omar, covers turnip calories, carbohydrates and glycemic load for diabetics as well as why turnips taste bitter and more in this guide to turnip nutrition.
Read the full article at: www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com
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dukeofmercury · 2 years
My 2022 Media
MUSIC Top 10 Bands/Artists I:Scintilla VNV Nation Auger Seeming Ashbury Heights Biomekkanik J:dead Blutengel Neurotech blackbook Eisfabrik ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOKS 22 Things A Woman With Asperger's Wants Her Partner To Know - Rudy Simone The Forgotten Girl - Rio Youers Hold On Until Your Fingers Break - Luke Smitherd The Fossil - Joshua T. Calvert Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia Before Mars - Emma Newman Atlas Alone - Emma Newman The Flight Of The Silvers - Daniel Price The Song Of The Orphans - Daniel Price The War Of The Givens - Daniel Price Hell Cats - Carina Rodney Nothing You Don't Already Know - Alexander Den Heijer The Stone Giant - Luke Smitherd The Man With All The Answers - Luke Smitherd When The Stars Sang - Caren J. Werlinger Face The Wind - Caren J. Werlinger Stop Reading The News - Rolf Dobelli Ark - Veronica Roth Randomize - Andy Weir You Have Arrived At Your Destination - Amor Towles The New Shore - Caren J. Werlinger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FILMS The Matrix Resurrections Donnie Darko The Lego Batman Movie The Adam Project Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind The Crow Into The Wild The Social Dilemma Childhood 2.0 Pitch Black The Chronicles Of Riddick Everything Everywhere All At Once The Batman Hocus Pocus 2 The Electrical Life Of Louis Wain Reminiscence Locked Down Single All The Way The Lost City ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TV SHOWS Ongoing Love, Death & Robots Undone The Good Place Up-To-Date/Completed The Expanse Raised By Wolves Russian Doll Tales From The Loop Derry Girls Gentleman Jack Picard Outer Range A League Of Their Own Foundation For All Mankind Love, Death & Robots Abandoned Superstore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GAMES Ongoing A Plague Tale: Requiem Hitman Trilogy Powerwash Simulator Sea Of Thieves As Dusk Falls No Man's Sky Sea Of Thieves Microsoft Flight Simulator 100% Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Firewatch The Forgotten City Cyberpunk 2077 A Way Out Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Townscaper Assassin's Creed Liberation Assassin's Creed III Remastered Unpacking Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection Twelve Minutes Completed Main Story Final Fantasy XII
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boxboxlewis · 2 years
prompt idea: max is a driver and daniel is an f1 reporter
Max hates press conferences, obviously. Be personable but not too open, be polite but don't sound like a robot, don't roll your eyes or check your phone or yawn. And for what? If anything interesting ever happens at a press conference it is by definition a PR disaster; when a press conference goes well it's boring.
There's a new guy on the press floor this year, an Australian, and unlike all the other journalists he sometimes asks questions that aren't painfully inane. He's cute, too, huge smile and curly hair, and he has a way of looking at Max that suggests he likes hearing him talk and finds him interesting, not just as an F1 driver but as a person. It's stupid, it's so stupid, but sometimes when Max looks out at the sea of reporters and sees Daniel there his fucking heart lifts. As if they're actually friends, as if Daniel actually likes him.
"Right, let's open this up to the floor," the moderator says. Daniel's got the first question, and there it is, Max is smiling despite himself, even before Daniel says "Daniel Ricciardo, Turnip Weekly. Question for Max--" He actually writes for some edgy US news site, Vulture or Viper or Vice, something like that, but he gives a different stupid joke answer each Grand Prix. "Two-parter this time," Daniel continues cheerfully. "What are you doing for dinner tonight, and, if you don't have plans, would you like to go out with me?"
The rooms erupts into sound, conversation buzzing. Max can't think properly and he's got the voice of his PR manager in his head barking "The number one rule of dealing with the press is don't say anything interesting," but. Daniel is smiling at him, Daniel Ricciardo, all warm and unbothered, like there's nothing he wants in life except to hear Max's answer. Like he trusts Max to trust him.
Next to Max in the row of drivers, Seb raises his eyebrows and leans over. "He is cute," he says quietly. "If you want to go with him, you should go. We have your back, yes?"
Max doesn't, as a rule, do anything impulsive. His diet and exercise and sleep are all carefully regimented and he has a five year plan for his career, a plan that's working as it's supposed to precisely because he follows it diligently. There's no place in his life for stupid sudden decisions. On the other hand. On the other hand, Daniel is smiling at him, and Max knows all of a sudden what he's going to say.
Max clears his throat and lift his microphone to his mouth, and the room goes silent. "Thank you for your question," he says. He can feel a smile starting to bloom, right at the back of his throat. "I am going to be having dinner tonight with a very cute journalist, actually."
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twinmoles · 7 years
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