#daniel x Cassandra
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raindear-a · 2 years ago
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I ship them
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alaister-merrygold · 11 months ago
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"Alright Alaister... You worked hard for this moment. After practicing what to say to the mirror for, like, 2 hours, and growing this plant, you got what you need for the moment of your life... You can do this, you can do this... You can do this... You can—!"
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"... No... No... No no..."
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- He ran away as soon as he could, unnoticed by the eyes of the boy he loved, avoiding any contact with people around the castle. The plant he managed to grow to confess his love crashed against the ground and the soil spilled on the cold stone floor... -
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- For some hours, 1 or 2, students rumoured to each other that Myrtle went to the man's bathroom to cry, not doubting the information at all. "Maybe it's just her, looking for pity of the boys of Fifth Year", they said... -
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- Avoiding the place, the only thing they noticed was the crying of a devasted person from the outside... -
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- But it wasn't just the crying of a ghost, but the cry of a young, broken heart, tortured by a twisted turn of events... -
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zrenxa · 2 years ago
Winter Ball
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Cassandra: Among all the people I can fall in love with, I have to fall in love with the one who isn't romantic at all
What can I say, I ship them and needed their content xD
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caffeinatedvigilantewriter · 3 months ago
So Danny is older, and lives in Gotham as a mechanic (he could be a We mechanic, a JLA mechanic, whatever) and eventually, he starts dating Bruce Wayne.
Now, Danny knows the Wayne at the bats, it’s kinda hard to hide your vigilantism from a former vigilante. But Danny doesn’t mention it, he knows the dangerous of telling your loved ones.
Jazz is alive and a therapist is Coast City (Jazz x Hal? Could that work? Idk too much about the green lanterns). Dan is undercover to investigate pools of corrupted ectoplasm that’s guarded by an assassin cult, and Dani is still traveling the world, not for pleasure, but for the Realms.
Dani doesn’t age. It’s a side effect of being a clone. She destabilized one to many times and now her ghost half won’t let her age so she won’t die.
Dani can’t exactly settle down in a city likes the others. She looks 12. And while her siblings would take care of her in a heartbeat, she needs to fill her obsession of history and adventure.
So, she starts hunting for old artifacts, especially the magic ones. It’s a great way to learn about history and get a sense of adventure.
She’s been doing this for a couple years, building a name for herself and she gotten very good. (Keep in mind she only looks 12, but she’s actually like 33 mentally and intellectually)
Eventually, she crosses paths with a bat while searching for an artifact. (Even better if its Duke. We need more Duke. Probably won’t work with Cass, we’ll use Duke for the prompt, but can be switched out)
Obviously, Duke is kinda confused as to why a 12 yo is going after a dangerous magic artifact in the middle of but-fuck nowhere and offers to take her to Gotham and drops her off there after taking the artifact.
Dani knows better, she was going to refuse, but the realized she could take this as a free ride. So she agrees.
The reach Gotham and go their separate ways, and Duke goes home immediately, didn’t even take the time to tell anyone about the girl. but when Duke is at home hanging with their civilian stepdad, Danny gets a call and says he’s inviting his younger sister over
Bruce: Jazz? Jazz is older that you
Danny: nope! I have another sister!
Everyone: ???
Bruce: how comes we never meet her?
Danny: you have! She was at the wedding! But you’ll see her again don’t worry! She doesn’t visit often so I’m excited!
They arrives, the bat opens the door and Dani walks in.
Danny: Dani!!
Dani: Danny!!
So people are confused, Duke is like omg my aunt is an artifact hunter?? while everyone else is like omg my aunt is younger than me??
Eventually, Danny opens her backpack and goes:
Dani: so I was in *insert random place in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere* and found this! *pulls out artifact* I thought you would like so I brought it for you!
Danny: aww, thanks Dani, you shouldn’t have
Duke, who put that artifact in the cave for study: 👁️👄👁️
And Dani gives them a wink.
Duke isn’t going to take that lying down and attempts to find out Dani’s secrets while shes thwarting him at every turn.
Dani stays at the manor for a while, but nobody believe Duke when he tries warning them of Dani, because Duke didn’t tell anyone about the artifact
Things become even more alarming when Danny also start thwarting him, despite not know the family secret. (Danny thinks that Duke is onto the family secret.)
Cue crack, angst, fluff, whatever your heart desires.
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demonic0angel · 3 months ago
Animal AU (click for clarity)
CW: blood and creepy stuff in the description
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If I have to color Dani one more time, I’m going to riot 😭
Notes below: (very long and detailed)
+ Jazz is a melanistic gray wolf, Danny is an albino mule deer, Dan is a king cobra, Dani is a peregrine falcon. Some of these ideas are taken from my dp royal court ideas.
I associate Jazz with wolves and canines. She is very loyal and protective, which I think would be best associated with canines. I usually give her the largest animals possible (because of her height), and gray wolves are the largest of all wolves. She is melanistic due to the fact that I like her color palette of black and turquoise. It also gives her a special connection to Danny that I do on purpose where they are black and white.
Dan is associated with cold blooded animals in my mind, cold in demeanor, vicious, and slippery. He is a king cobra because king cobras are the largest of all venomous snakes. They are also not true cobras, which adds a nice connection to Dan as being the most different out of all of the halfas. Surprisingly, king cobras are rather friendly to humans, which might be because of how smart they are.
I associate Dani with fast and speedy animals, so I often give her the fastest animals I can find lmao. Peregrine falcons are the fastest birds in the world, due to their diving speeds. I like how Dani is considered a bird because she is very free-spirited and flighty in my mind. I love it because I think she’d be really independent and would love the sky. Peregrine falcons also mostly eat birds, just like how king cobras eat other snakes, so that’s pretty cool too.
Danny is both kingly and creepy, which describes deer very well. Mule deer are very common in the US, and you might recognize them due to the fact that the Great Prince of the Forest (in Bambi) is inspired by a mule deer. Deer are fascinating creatures because there have been many, many folklores and myths about them, but none can compare to the real facts. Deer are very heavily affected by diseases such as chronic wasting disease, which can cause very strange behaviors. They get up after death, they walk off after being shot at or run over, they kill themselves repeatedly, they eat other animals, and they walk on their hind legs. All in all, while deer are very majestic and beautiful, they are also very, very freaky. There is a sense of poetry in how they’re hunted, which also applies to Danny. I think deer describes him very well :)
+ Meanwhile, the Batkids are a wild assortment of animals. Dick is a white throated needletail, Jason is an argali sheep, Cass is a black footed cat, Tim is a red fox, Stephanie is a dingo, Duke is an African lion, and Damian is a domestic cat (specifically a tuxedo cat).
Dick was always meant to be a bird. However, I wanted him to be fast, but not a bird of prey (which are usually the top 5 fastest birds). So I chose a white throated needletail for him, who are believed to be the fastest (while flying straight). They’re very elusive and photos are rare :( they are, however, very round and cute, and they even have a patch of shiny blue feathers on their wings, as well as v-shaped white spots, similar to his Nightwing suit!
Jason is an argali sheep because I associate him with lambs and rams. Mostly because sheep and lambs are associated with God and religious sacrifices (*cough cough* Jason dying), as well as innocence, docility, and obedience. Jason, as Red Hood, defies the meaning and memories of his past life as Robin, so I like the idea of him being a “black sheep” and defying those expectations of him as well. Argali sheep are known to have beautiful horns, are a species of wild sheep that live in mountains, and are also the largest of wild sheep.
Cass is a black footed cat because I feel like she’s very feline in demeanor, and black footed cats are one of the best hunters in the animal kingdom, with an over 60% chance of having a successful kill. (I think African wild dogs are the highest with 75-85%. It’s hard in the animal kingdom.) I also think it’s very cute of her to be so small but so deadly.
Tim is a red fox because of his cleverness and smarts. Red foxes are common in America and are usually hunted because people thought that foxes killed their livestock and dug up corpses. Tim is either really loved or really hated, so I feel like a red fox both symbolizes his irl status and his intelligence in the comics.
Stephanie is a dingo for no particular reason. However, they are social creatures and loved due to the fact that they have a history with humans. They’re golden colored and Stephanie gave off the vibes of an Australian, I literally cannot explain myself.
Duke is a lion for the same reasons: none in particular. However, lions are noble and considered very powerful. In my drawing of him, he is still a young adult, so his mane isn’t fully grown yet :3 he is 100% a normal lion tho!
Damian is a domestic cat for a few reasons. He is meant to be cute while the others are considerably scarier. There would also be a sense of irony bc I imagine that Talia is a big cat like a tiger or panther. However, cats are known as good hunters for a reason, and they have good instincts and can be just as loyal as dogs. As such, I think that he would be a regular kitty :3 other choices included him being a leopard cub, but it would be more funny if he was so small while everyone else is so big.
+ Something something, the two people who have had their deaths impact them the most and are often considered their parents’ greatest failures are prey animals that are usually hunted for sport….
+ Other small relationships between animal forms: the assassins are small cat forms. Dan being an animal not from the Americas, which also symbolizes him being out of place in the timeline. The Phantom family are purposefully made very different but also connected, examples being: a predator, a prey, a flying animal, and a cold blooded animal, etc. The Batfam being more random/less connected than the Phantom family due to their different backgrounds/lack of blood relation.
+ Their animal forms are also hint at the couples that I like, which is most obvious with Jason and Jazz lmaoooo. However, it is also a little noticeable in Tim and Dani (bird and fox), and definitely a little more obvious in Dan and Dick (snake and bird; please refer to my first piece of work with them tee hee). Danny’s is vague because I’m a multi-shipper with him, so he’s prey while most of everyone else are predator animals 💀
+ There are a few ideas in this (not counting the Pet AU): 1) Danny, Jazz, Dan, and Dani become companions and helpers to the Batfam, able to transform when necessary but also like spending time in their animal forms. In exchange, the Batfam help them with whatever problems they have and also give them sanctuary, 2) A regular animal-characteristics AU where everyone (or most of everyone, if humans exist) are some sort of animal hybrid creatures in the regular modern world, 3) The same as idea 2 but more Warrior Cats-esque where they’re way more animalistic, form packs, and live in less urban settings.
+ Yes, in his more humanoid form, Dan would have his legs replaced with a snake’s tail. I can’t decide between Dick and Dani having wings attached to their backs, or them having wings that connect to their arms.
+ Extras: Sam is a thoroughbred horse, Tucker is an American alligator, Valerie is a wolverine, and Wes is a swan. Bruce is a giant golden crowned flying fox, Alfred is an emperor penguin, and Barbara is a pony (but tbh, I’m open to suggestions).
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goddessofbees · 3 months ago
YAY! OK, so, do the batsblings get to babysit ever? If yes, what is the order in which they are asked if they aren't banned from babysitting(and yes, this can include the grandparent(bruce) or great-grandparent(alfred))
(Also, I can do multiple questions in one ask so your inbox isn't flooded if you want!)
Yeah when they find out, which depending on the bat sibling was sometime before the twins were born and a little bit after. Cass is the #1 babysitter and after that it depends on how annoying they were to Jason, cause most times Dan will let Clockwork babysit. Bruce gets regularly banned from babysitting and then Alfred ends up babysitting, Jason is kinda still bitter about the stalking incident...
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Dick ends up crying when he babysits, Tim's an okay babysitter but he's busy most days, Cass and Steph love babysitting and take them out to shop often. Damian doesn't babysit, mostly cause he doesn't understand how to treat them so he would need someone else to be with him to help.
(also thank you! That's really helpful!)
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pinklotushere · 5 months ago
Ok so dpxdc al ghul twins au
So I've always seen the al ghul twins with danny coming back to gotham to live with his dad and family, but what if it's not danny that comes?
It's dani
So imagine danny being so busy with king duties that he can't honestly be bothered but the bats already know so he can't just continue to ignore it
Imagine dani saying she'll go instead
Imagine the batfam expecting a damian 2.0 and instead getting this girl who frankly looks like his clone (ha!)
Imagine dani gaslighting damian into thinking she's always been a girl
Imagine the batfam trying to bond with this chaotic little girl who can and has pulled some frankly deadly pranks
Imagine dani and steph, no more explanation needed
Imagine dani steph babs and cass having girls nights
Imagine Bruce trying to bond with dani, and dani suggesting more and more outrageous bonding ideas just to fuck with him
Imagine duke seeing the aura around her and going "not my circus, not my monkeys"
Imagine tim and dani and bullying damian (affectionately-most of the time-)
Imagine dick and dani and the uncontrollable urges to octopus hug
Imagine dani and jason and the joker
It would be glorious
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mazamba · 2 years ago
"You need what?"
"I know it's a lot to ask," cut in Danny before Batman could go from confused to angry, "Just let me explain. I swear it's for a good reason."
Batman eyed his teammate skeptically. King Phantom was one of the League's newest and youngest members. Despite his unorthodox introduction to the team, he and his sister, Stray, had proven to be valuable additions to the Justice League and to the Teen Titans respectively. He was tall and imposing, despite his relatively slender frame. His visage was made the more menacing by the Crown of Fire that hovered above his head in a tiny version of the Aurora Borealis instead of his predecessor's green flames, the royal armor over his jumpsuit, and the fur-trimmed coat made of a rippling window into space.
"Ok, so you know how Bruce Wayne adopted Cassandra Cain, but she's David Cain's biological daughter, right?"
"...right! So, at some point, David sold human eggs on the black market," he continued, "you have no idea how hard it was to get the information on Vlad's supplier, but we did figure out that he bought the eggs from Cain for his experiments and then completely messed up the cloning process."
"We have no idea! But my clone, my sister, has my ghost DNA, but part of mine and someone else's human DNA."
"What makes you think it's Cassandra's?"
He pulled out his phone, a two-year-old model with a cracked screen, and showed him the face of his sixteen-year-old sister in her human form next to a picture of Bruce's own eighteen-year-old daughter from a tabloid.
"She looks a lot like me," he admitted, "but she also looks a lot like Cassandra Cain, so we think Vlad got a sample mixed up or forgot to take out a nucleus or something and made-."
"A daughter instead of a clone."
It was a good thing Phantom wasn't particularly good at reading body language, or his tightening fist might've alerted him that something was wrong.
"I mean... sort of? It's different with clones. She's technically my daughter but I turned nineteen, like, a month ago, so I don't thi- I'm getting off track! The point is, Dani's destabilizing again and I need a clean DNA sample to help her. I tried to get into Wayne manor, but the place is warded to hell and back. You know Bruce Wayne, right? Can you help me talk with Cassandra?"
Batman sighed and turned his head to Phantom's right.
"Motherfu-! How long has she been standing there!?"
She didn't respond to his yelp/question and instead turned to Batman.
"Take a tube to Gotham and ask Cassandra Wayne for a DNA sample."
Orphan nodded and walked off to the tubes.
"... Is it just me or was she a little quieter than usual?"
Bruce sighed, not looking forward to whatever his week was about to become.
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satoshy12 · 11 months ago
Teacher Cass
Cass looked at the young men who were in her office. He gave her a smile and told her he wanted her as a teacher for his daughter. She knew she worked as a private teacher, and like most others who he took for her, she somehow got them to quit after a day or a week at best. Payment doesn't matter. He can pay it.  That was how Cass became the teacher of Ellie.  And she liked that cute young girl and quickly noticed why she did it. If she didn't behave, Danny would stay longer with her. And after a long talk with Ellie and a few weeks, it worked out.  Danny was super happy about it! Finally, Ellie could have more friends, and maybe her other teacher can teach her now too!!
Ellie now has a new plan! She liked Cass, and she liked Danny; both should marry. 
Winning over the new grandpa was easy. He loved being called Grandpa Bruce!
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year ago
David Cain had a backup plan
(I know I literally just made a "Villains backup plan" Post yesterday with Trigon, but I also thought of this)
So! David Cain needed insurance, his Weapon was perfect so far but it didn't hurt to have a backup plan.
He took some of his Weapons DNA and stored it for later Use. When the Weapon escaped, and it became clear that he would not be able to capture it again, he turned to his Backup Plan.
He took the DNA and struck a Deal with a relatively new Villain going by Plasmius. Plasmius would get the DNA to test his Cloning Technology, and in return David would get the Clone once the tests were done.
The Deal was set, and Plasmius asked for 1 Year to complete the Cloning Process and Deliver.
But it seems that Plasmius had other plans.
Instead he took the DNA and incorporated it into the Structure of his own Weapon. An Unstable Clone known as Danielle that he planned to use against his Nemesis, Phantom. Unfortunately for him, his Plans failed and the Clone turned against him, escaping into the world.
Which left Vlad in a bit of a pickle, when 6 months later the Assasin he had made a deal with returned looking for his Weapon. The news did not go over well...
Now, David Cain is on the search for his Second Weapon, and while it may take a while to find it, he knows he will not fail this time.
Ellie is having the time of her life! She had escaped from under Vlad's thumb over 2 years ago, and was still exploring the world! Fulfilling her Obsession of Exploration while also reveling in her own Freedom.
She hadn't aged, and probably wouldn't for another 10 years if Frostbite's estimates were right, but she was making it work well enough.
Unfortunately she had recently noticed some shady guys tracking her whenever she stopped in a City, so she couldn't stay for as long anymore, but that was fine.
It was probably just more Fruitloops set on her by Vlad, she had taken care of enough of those guys. It would be easy!
6 Months later and she was not fine.
The Fruitloops following her had turned out to he working for an entirely different Fruitloop, who was actually a serious threat. He had gotten his hands on Ecto Weaponry, and was using it to try to capture her.
She wanted to go find Danny, but it turns out he had moved in with Jazz in a different city the moment he turned 17. He just never got the chance to inform her because she had lost her phone back when this whole thing started. He had left a message with Sam and Tucker though.
She thinks they mentioned it being called Gotham, so maybe she can find them there?
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goingtoast · 11 months ago
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Rahhh misc doodles/wips from discord, fighting for my life this semester taking 5 classes + working/volunteering part time so its been hard to draw 😭 but hopefully ill have some time soon to finish up some wips i have 😔🤞
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loutalks2much · 1 year ago
— HPMA socmed AU! bcs I'm bored (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
a/n: a bit of characters x MC in some parts huegegdhs + constant Fischer slander but I love him I swear. also yes hi I know it’s been an eternity. sorry. no I’m not returning to writing yet. okbye 🫡
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(bonus: last part in reblog since it couldn't fit)
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nocrayonstoday · 3 months ago
"he also has a secret crush on cassandra, which is going to be an issue later in the story when cass and daniel…oops, i've said too much!" -from a q&a about colby
does this mean daniel and cass might get together in year 5+ , because imo daniel x mc and cass x mc is more reasonable ( since it's what most of the fandom likes ) , but even so i personally feel that cass x fisher/colby > daniel x cass . opinions?
i fear smth interesting id like to see is mc gets with colby therefore daniel and cass gets jealous forming this crazy romance issue - would be fun to see.
im just wondering what tumblrs opinions are
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khamoise · 1 year ago
Secret Santa for @hailzerox !!!
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This is her HPMA oc Halara Harper with a veeery very shy Daniel~ 🩵
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caffeinatedvigilantewriter · 6 months ago
Dick Grayson used to be Dani Fenton
You can see it in the way he flips in the air, almost flying. You can see it in the way he switches between languages. Accents aren’t a problem. It’s almost like he’s lived there for longer than 2 weeks like he claims. You can see it in the way he celebrates with the locals, as if he’s living, laughing and dancing like he’s been there before. You can spot it in the way he handles spicy food, and isn’t scared to try new things. He can handle the weird, unique, and cultural. You can see it in the way he fights for justice and protection, because someone she used to know had the same mission. You can see it in the way he cares for his siblings; Dani’s family did the same for her. You can spot it with the way she forgives, after all, once upon a time, Danny forgave her too. You can see it in the way he fought a for freedom, she had to do that once.
Bruce Wayne used to be Danny Fenton
You can see it in the way he puts on the cowl, hands shaking, but his crusade isn’t over yet. You can see it in the way he cares for his family, even if he doesn’t show it the way he should. You can see it in the way he can handle the cold gotham nights without a shiver. You can hear it in the way his voice commands, as if his words could knock down a building with a scream. You can(‘t) see it in the way he blends in with the shadows seamlessly. You can see it in the way he relaxes on the watchtower, overlooking the void of space. You can see it in the way he gets up, because if he doesn’t keep fighting, who will?
Cassandra Cain used to be Jazz Fenton
You can spot it in the way she reads people, a lifetime of psychology helps. You can see it in the way she’s always there, because once she wasn’t and her brother died. You can see it in the way she fights with a purpose, because she finally has the skills and courage to help. You can see it in the way she’s always ready to listen and bear your stress, because no one did that when she was struggling. You can see it in the way she protects, because she was once protected, and she is now returning the favor. You can see it in her determination as she faces the rouges of Gotham without fear of death, because death is not the end.
Tim Drake used to be Tucker Foley
You can see it in his hands that fly across a keyboard like he was born to type. You can see it in the way he keeps his gadgets on hand, he never knows when he might need them. You can see it in the way he helps, because that was all he could do. You can see it in his stubbornness, after all, someone had to convince Danny to let him help. You can see it in the way he solves cases, because he was the only one who could. You can(‘t) spot it in the way he hides, after all, he can’t exactly fly. You can see it in the way he downs coffee like he needs it to live, spending the night fighting ghost and rouges doesn’t exactly give you a good nights sleep. You can see it in the way he can assess for danger, after all, the last time he didn’t he watched his best friend die.
Damian Wayne Al Ghul used to be Dan Phantom
You can see it in the way he hesitated before killing. You can see it in the way he was desperate to be loved. You can see ut in the way he’s determined to keep everyone alive, because he didn’t do that right the first time. You can see it in the way he patrols with Jon, because he finally has someone to fight rouges with again. You can see it in the way he cares for animals. Animals don’t deserve the cruel fate life has given them. You can see it in the way he fights, desperate to prove his family’s trust, love and forgiveness was worth it. You can see it in the way he cares for Titus, who reminds him of a certain green dog. You can see it in the way he never cuts corners, last time he did he watched everyone he loved die. He will not make the same mistake again.
They might not remember who they were, but they will soon.
Lazarus Water has a habit of bringing back old lives…
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demonic0angel · 4 months ago
Dani gets deaged for a day and left in Danny's care. The Waynes think he and Cass managed to hide an entire pregnancy via magic or Fenton logic. The next day, Future Danny drops by and has Present Danny babysit his actual future kid with Cass
(This escalated into Dick becoming a mother-in-law, don't ask me how.)
“Wait— so who’s kid is this?!” Dick said, pointing at Dani.
She didn't even look up from her phone as she rolled her eyes. “I told you, I’m Danny’s sister, but I had an accidental spell cast on me.”
Dick then gestured to the pair of twins on Cass’ lap. “And to clarify, these are my nieces?!”
Cass nodded slowly. “From the future. We’re babysitting.”
Bruce was still unconscious from the first initial shock from finding out he had grandchildren. Twice. Nobody helped him, except for Tim and Damian, who had moved him to a couch.
Dick pointed an aggressive finger at Danny, who looked abashed. Dick was growing dizzy as he said loudly, “You impregnated my sister?!”
“Uhm. Yes?” Danny blushed and both he and Cass shared an affectionate look. Dick threw a fork at him, making him duck and break eye contact with a yelp.
“This is outrageous!” Dick said loudly. "How dare you lay a hand on my little sister!"
"Oh my god. You sound like Damian," Tim said, sounding appalled.
"Even I am shocked by your hostility, Richard," Damian said, eyebrow raised.
"I love my nieces, but this isn't right," Dick said, despite only knowing his nieces for less than 10 minutes. He practically whined, nearly bursting into tears, "Where's the wedding?! The romance?! Why is my sister now a mother??!"
"Dude, are you seriously going to protest now? The kids are already here. Face it, you're now an uncle," Stephanie snorted.
Cass reached over to pat him on the knee. "It's okay. I'll invite you to my wedding in spring."
Danny blushed, while Dick just sniffed tearily. Then he said, "I want to be a maid of honor."
Stephanie gasped, affronted. "Excuse you?! I'm maid of honor!"
The two started squabbling with Damian and Tim quickly joining in. Bruce still laid unconscious. Danny had taken Dick's distraction as a moment to sneak over and cuddle Cass. Their two daughters were turning their heads like a tennis match to watch the ongoing chaos.
Dani finally looked up from her screen and muttered to Cass, "This would be an awkward time to tell them that you also promised to make Jazz a maid of honor too, huh?"
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