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tessa-liam · 8 months ago
Marabelle Series   
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 - Chapter 13 - If You Love Her 
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement) 
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Marabelle Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist 
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor 
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson 
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo. 
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement 
Words: 3739
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If You Love Her -13-
Chapter Summary – Liam is anointed as the crown prince of Cordonia. As this news is announced throughout the kingdom, Sophie is anticipating her meeting with Liam; the first meeting with him as the future king. 
Music & Title Inspiration: If You Love Her, Forest Blakk (feat, Meghan Trainor) 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events. 
A/N3: Heartfelt thanks to @Selina012 for joining me in writing ideas for this chapter. 
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Following the announcement of Leo's abdication, the atmosphere within the palace had fallen into a somber mood. Madeleine, devastated by the news, had retired to her quarters immediately. Her thoughts reeling from the shock. Not wanting to be seen by anyone, she isolated herself from everyone; not accepting calls or visitors. 
As Liam returned to his suite, his thoughts were also consumed by the events of the past few days, as well as today. He sank into the plush armchair by the window as he gazed out at the sun-drenched gardens. A sense of calm settled over him. He had made a decision; and he was ready to act on it. 
Picking up his phone Liam tapped a familiar contact. As the phone rang, he felt his pulse quicken. 
"Sophie, hey, hi. I was wondering ...if we could meet later today?" 
"Yes, absolutely," Sophie responded, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. "It's so great to hear your voice! I look forward to it."
"Great. How does 8 o'clock sound?"  
"Perfect," Sophie replied. "I'll see you then." 
Liam smiled, a feeling of anticipation blooming in his chest. "I'll see you soon, love," he promised. 
As he ended the call and placed it down on a side table, his thoughts turned to the future and the possibilities it held. 
‘Take it 
If she gives you her heart 
Don’t you break it 
Let your arms be a place 
She feels safe in 
She’s the best thing that you’ll ever have’ 
In the midafternoon, Drake decided to give himself some much-needed relaxation time. He drove his truck out of the capital and headed for the country, the open road stretching out before him. 
The sun was high in the sky, casting its rays across the landscape. Drake rolled down his window, the warm breeze caressing his face. He felt a sense of peace and freedom as he drove, the cares and worries of yesterday evening left behind. He left, back at his cabin, his frustrations with Melanie. The past night was restless for him, trying to understand what triggered Melanie's mood after the polo match that caused him to regret his actions.  
He was not sure where their relationship was heading, and he was not sure if he was ready to commit to something so serious. Drake was not the type of man who was into romantic and grand gestures. Drake was the kind of man who preferred to take things slow, and Melanie's impulsive and demanding nature had put a strain on their relationship. 
Drake knew that he needed some space and time to sort out his feelings and try to understand why she was so jealous of Taylor. Drake pulled up at a gas station, filling his tank and then bought a cup of coffee to go. 
As he climbed into his truck and drove on, his thoughts wandered. He found himself wondering how Liam was handling the recent events in his world. He knew that his friend had a lot on his plate, and he hoped that he was taking the time to process everything. Yesterday, he knew Liam felt comfortable with his lifestyle. But today? He was Cordonia's crown prince. Tomorrow, he will be the King. 
Drake shook his head, pushing those thoughts away. He did not want to think about the drama surrounding the Cordonian royal family right now. Instead, he switched to remember Maxwell's words about Taylor. 
Drake sighed, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Maxwell told him that she was crying after the polo match. Drake felt a pang of guilt at his earlier remarks to her at the game. He did not want to admit it, but he could see why Liam had fallen for her. Taylor was not the usual social-climbing woman Drake was used to encountering in Cordonia. She was genuine, caring, and always seemed to be thinking of others. 
He was quite sure that Liam did not have time to tell her about Leo's abdication yet, so that wasn't it. Shit. How was she going to handle that? 
The news was bound to be a shock to Taylor, and Drake felt a strange desire to be there for her, to help her through the inevitable waves of emotions that would follow. But was that it? He felt that Maxwell was holding something back from him. 
He could not place his finger on it, but there was something about Maxwell's behavior that was making him concerned. Was she really all right? Was she hiding something from them? He knew that Taylor could handle herself, but he could not help the feeling of protectiveness that was growing inside him. 
House Beaumont, Ramsford
It was just after nine am when Daniel knocked on Sophie's door. Dressed in her PJ's, Sophie smiled at her best friend as the door opened. 
"Daniel, come in." She looked like she had a good night's sleep, her eyes shining brightly and her cheeks rosy, he thought to himself.
"Hey Squirrel, how are you feeling?" Sophie understood where his concern was coming from and why he was asking. It was written all over his face. He was worried. 
"I'm good, really. I had a nice sleep, and I'm looking forward to going to class this afternoon." She smiled. "You need to stop worrying, everything is fine.” 
Daniel wrapped his arms around her shoulders, hugging her tight to his chest as he placed his chin on top of her head. "Okay, I'm sorry, Squirrel. I can't help it. You know me. I worry. I just wish this whole thing with that noble didn't happen." 
"I'm not sure what that was about, but I'm okay. It's been two days, and it's over. If anything, it just made me more curious," Sophie answered with a sigh. 
"More curious about what? What is there to be curious about? You have seen a side of them you never wanted to see, and you should not have seen. And if it makes you feel better, I don't want to see them either." 
Sophie gasped as she turned her head, quickly moving her hand to her neck, feeling a twinge of neck pain. A very real memory of her fall after the polo match. "It's just that when he looked at me, there was something about his expression."  
"What do you mean, Soph?” Daniel questioned. “There's nothing to look for, he is a douche bag. He purposely hurt you. Look at you! ...your neck! You need to tell Liam." 
"No, I'm not doing that. He doesn't need to know; it'll only add fuel to the fire." 
"You don't get it, he needs to know," said Daniel. 
"Why does he need to know?" 
"So, he can take care of it," replied Daniel, slightly exasperated. 
"Take care of it how? By doing what?" 
"By kicking his ass." 
"And that will make things better how?" 
"I don't know, it's just... well, you know Liam, he's protective. He will not let it slide. If someone messes with you, they mess with him. It's the way it is." 
Sophie was silent for a moment. Daniel had a point, and she knew it. If anyone messed with her, Liam would have no problem taking them down a notch. The truth was, Sophie was trying to figure out how to bring it up to Liam. 
"You're right, and I do plan on telling him, I just don't know how to bring it up. I am well aware that he's going to go after him." 
"That's the least of your worries," said Daniel. "This guy's dangerous. You could have been seriously injured. Hell, you still might have injuries we don't even know about. I'm glad he didn't break anything." 
"He didn't, and I'm not. I'll be fine." Sophie was beginning to feel annoyed. It was an accident, and she had to make Daniel understand. She could take care of herself.
Sophie checked the time on her phone. She had one more class this afternoon to end the week and then she could get back home to get ready to meet with Liam. "I need to get ready to go. Maxwell will be ready to go soon." 
University of Cordonia, Capital
Sliding frantically into her seat beside Sophie, Candace plopped down out of breath. Candace, or Candy for short, was a fellow sophomore in the second year Poli Sci class.
"Oh my gosh, did I miss anything?" 
"No, you are just in time," Sophie whispered, glancing down at her notes. 
"Sorry, I had a late date with my boyfriend last night." Candace whispered back, trying not to draw attention to herself. 
"How's it going with you and Tom?" Sophie murmured, curiosity getting the better of her. 
"Oh, it's more than great, I think we're getting serious." Candace said, a dreamy expression on her face. 
"That's good to hear." Sophie smiled, shaking her head.
At the end of the class, the professor cleared his throat, "All right everyone, have a great weekend." As the students began to leave the lecture hall, Candace turned to Sophie. "Hey, want to grab a bite to eat? I'm starving." 
"Sure, let's go." Sophie smiled. "I have a few minutes before I meet with Max for the drive home." 
"Great. There's a new pizza place that opened near the quad, want to check it out?" 
"That's sounds good." 
The girls made their way through the hallway to the front entrance of the building, dodging students that were hurrying to their next class. 
Just ss they were walking past the library, Sophie could have sworn she heard Liam's voice. 
"Excuse me for a minute, I have to check something out." Sophie paused peering into the crowded entryway.
Sophie walked toward the library, hoping she would find Liam inside. She entered the large foyer and looked around, but he was nowhere in sight.  That is, until she looked up at the video screen mounted on the wall behind the front desk. A live image of the palace throne room was being broadcast, and on top of the dais was Liam, Queen Regina and King Constantine, all dressed in their royal regalia. 
She walked closer and stopped. Liam looked so handsome, the camera lens picking up every detail, down to the glint in his blue eyes and the slight grin on his lips. 
Sophie watched with fascination as the king spoke. 
"We are gathered here today to announce the ascension of my son to crown prince Liam Rys of Cordonia.” 
"Liam has demonstrated his commitment to the Crown, and his ability to lead the kingdom. Today, we honor him and name him heir to the throne. My son, may you carry out your duties with pride and compassion and to ensure the continued success of Cordonia." 
Regina beamed at Liam. "You have been chosen as the heir, and I'm confident that you will serve the kingdom well." 
King Constantine placed a hand on Liam's shoulder. "Cordonia is honored to have you, Liam. As your father, I could not be prouder." 
"I'm honored by your faith in me, sir," Liam spoke. "I'll do my best to live up to your expectations, and to those of our people." 
Sophie was so caught up in the ceremony, she did not notice Candace approach. 
"Whoa, is that the prince? That's Liam, right? He is gorgeous. Wow, you are so lucky to have danced with him at the masquerade ball!" 
Sophie blushed, realizing that her friend was standing beside her, staring at the screen with her. "Yeah, that's him." 
"Oh. My. God! You're going to be queen!"  Candace was the only person, outside of nobility, that knew about her connection with the royal family.
"Shhhh! Keep your voice down!" Sophie put a finger to her lips, motioning for her friend to lower her voice. "It's not official. Besides, he hasn't proposed to me yet." 
"Not yet, but soon." Candace grinned, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "And when he does, I'll be the first to congratulate you. I can't wait to see the wedding dress." 
Sophie chuckled, shaking her head, and remained silent.
"Well, you better start planning. It's not every day a girl becomes royalty. And with a king for a husband, no less." 
Sophie looked up at the screen. She knew it was possibility. She had thought about it often. Being queen would mean leaving her life behind and living a vastly different one, but it would be with the man she loved. She could not ask for anything more. 
House Beaumont, Ramsford
Aunt Bethany appeared in the foyer to personally greet Liam, dressed in a beautiful silk dress. 
"Your Highness, it's an honor to have you as a guest in our home." Bethany bowed her head with a curtsy as the newly named crown prince kissed her cheek and gave her a warm smile. "Thank you, Duchess Bethany. It's always a pleasure to visit your duchy." 
"May I take you to the terrace, your highness?" Aunt Bethany asked, "Sophie has been waiting for you." 
"You may and thank you." Liam replied graciously, as he followed her out to the terrace. 
Liam spotted Sophie sitting in the wicker swing, looking breathtakingly beautiful in a white and blue summer dress. 
She stood and walked towards Liam, her eyes sparkling with excitement. He was dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a white polo shirt, his hair perfectly tousled and his eyes twinkling with excitement. 
"Sophie," he said, his voice sending shivers down her spine. 
"I'm glad you made it." She smiled warmly. 
"Of course, I'd never miss a chance to see you." he said as he took her hand and brought it up to his lips. 
"Liam," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. 
His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close as he gazed into her eyes. "You look amazing," he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear. 
"Thank you," she breathed, her cheeks flushing. 
"Walk with me?" he asked, gazing intently into her eyes. 
"I'd love to." 
Sophie's Aunt Bethany excused herself, leaving them alone. She turned back into estate, and joined her husband, Barthelemy.
They walked into the vineyard, hand in hand, as Liam began speaking. 
"Sophie, I wanted to tell you this in person. After my father abdicates the throne, I will officially be named king of Cordonia. It's an incredible honor, and a huge responsibility." 
Sophie nodded. "I saw you on the news this afternoon." 
"Good. I am relieved you had the opportunity to hear the news from my father. With Leo removing himself from succession, the rumours were swirling and my father made the decision to name me as his heir. This is a very important step for Cordonia, and for me. I've never been more ready." 
Liam paused, gazing into her eyes. 
"How has your father been feeling?" Sophie asked looking up, wanting to know all the details. 
"He's well. His doctor told him that he should retire soon though. My father was hesitant to accept that at first, but he finally agreed to pass the crown to me. But even now, he still works long hours and takes meetings." 
"And how are you feeling?" 
"Honestly, I'm a little nervous, but I am incredibly honored to become Cordonia's leader," Liam admitted. "I am looking forward to taking the crown. I am ready." 
"...and Leo? How does he feel?"
"I can't say I'm surprised with Leo. It turns out that he had been planning to abdicate for a while." Liam shrugged. "He was never happy with the idea of being king. He was always more interested in exploring and having adventures. And then add Madeleine to the mix." 
Sophie frowned. "Did he abdicate because of her?" 
"I don't think it was solely because of her, but it certainly wasn't helping." 
"How did she take the news?" 
"Not well, which isn't surprising. She had been so excited about being queen, and now it's all gone." 
Sophie's eyes widened. "So, she's not..." 
"No, no, she's not. She'll never be queen." Liam finished. 
Sophie bit her lip, processing this information. "I'm sorry to hear that for her." 
"Me too. But, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. Sophie, I have a request of you." 
"What is it? Does this change things for us?" She asked hesitantly, her eyes searching his for an answer.  
"Not for me," Liam replied firmly, his hand reaching up to stroke her cheek. "My feelings for you are stronger than ever."  
"Even though you're going to be king, and I'm just a regular university student?" Sophie asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 
"Yes. You're not just a regular university student, Sophie. To me you are everything. You are the woman I love, and I would do anything for you." 
"Really? Even marry me?" Sophie's cheeks flushed red, embarrassed by her own boldness. 
Liam laughed heartily. "Yes, even marry you. My cheeky little monkey!" 
"You make me feel so special." Sophie's smile grew wider. 
"You are special." Liam replied, his voice sincere. 
"I love you." Sophie whispered, gazing up at him. 
"I love you too." He smiled. 
They sat down on a bench sharing a comfortable silence, holding hands. After a few minutes, Liam turned to her, a thoughtful look on his face. 
"Sophie, can I ask you something else?" 
"Sure, what is it?" 
"I've been thinking about the future lately, and there's something I'd like to do. It's a bit unconventional, and I'm not sure if you'll agree." 
"Oh, what is it?" Sophie asked curiously. 
"I'd like to take you to Italy." 
Sophie looked at him in surprise. "Italy? What are you talking about?" 
"There's a small, out of the way place there that has the most beautiful sunsets. I would love for you to see them with me." 
"As soon as we can. I'd like to go tonight, actually." 
"Tonight? That's so soon. I promised Maxwell that I would attend his graduation ceremony and party this weekend. He would be so disappointed if I wasn't there." 
"Of course, we shouldn't disappoint Maxwell and I do have to meet with Francesco in regard to tax reforms very soon. Let's plan for the first weekend in July." 
"That sounds perfect." Sophie smiled. 
As they turned to return to the estate, Sophie's nerves calmed, and she relaxed into his embrace, pulling him close, his presence grounding her. 
They stopped at the terrace, and Liam turned to her, a serious expression on his face. 
"Sophie, I need to ask you about something," he began, his eyes locking with hers. 
"What is it?" she asked, her heart racing as she tried to predict what he was about to say. 
"But I have to be honest with you," he continued, his expression somber. "Being the crown prince comes with a lot of responsibility, and it won't be easy." 
"What does that mean for us?" 
"It means that I want you by my side, Sophie," Liam said earnestly, his eyes burning with intensity. "I want you to be my partner, my confidant, and the woman I love." 
Sophie felt as if her heart were about to burst from happiness, her lips curving into a wide smile. 
"I want that too, Liam," she replied, her voice quivering with emotion. 
"There's something else," Liam added, his tone hesitant. "Cordonia has a law that states the crown prince must be engaged before the coronation." 
Sophie's stomach flipped, the realization dawning on her. "Does this mean that... we can't be together? Or ..." she hesitated, her voice filled with anxiety and uncertainty. 
"Not exactly," Liam said, taking her hands in his. "We can still be together and there will be no social season to search for a suitable match, but only if you agree to marry me." 
Sophie's heart soared at his words, her breath catching in her throat. 
"Liam," she said softly, her eyes filling with tears. "Are you... are you asking me to marry you?" 
"Yes," Liam replied, his eyes searching hers. "Sophie, will you marry me?" 
She hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding as she thought about the decision before her. 
"Yes," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Yes, I will marry you, Liam." 
Liam's face broke into a wide grin, his arms wrapping around her and pulled her close as he placed his hand on her cheek to kiss her deeply. 
As they walked into the estate, the world seemed to fade away, and it was only them, two souls bound together by their love. 
'Take it
If she gives you her heart
Dont you breeak it
Let your arms be a place
She feels safe in
Shes the best thing that you'll ever have
She'll love you
If you love her'
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Thanks for reading; please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from this series.
📌Perma tags: @bascmve01 @busywoman @kristinamae093 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kingliam2019 @ao719 @alj4890 @emkay512 @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @malblk21 @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys @emersyn-in-cordonia @dutifullynuttywitch @charlotteg234 @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @imjusthereforliam
📌 @selina012 @choicesficwriterscreations @irisk12 @walkerdrakewalker @delmissesryanandcassi @mom2000aggie @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @cadybear420 @thosehallowedhalls @moravel @prettyboisteveharrington @imashybish @jared2612
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katedrakeohd · 3 months ago
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Drake doesn't always wear a denim shirt.
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umccall71 · 2 years ago
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I have two words to say…thank you
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playchoicesconfessions · 2 years ago
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Sent by anonymous
‘It's pointless to ask for anything in era of GOC single LI books, but I want more mean/villain female love interests. People say they're overdone and I'm like???where??? Xante (ACOR)? Olivia (TRR)? Sofia (TNA)? Danielle? (Class Act)? Aurora (OH)? None of them are LIs 😞��
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choicesmc · 2 months ago
wip wednesday
@spadesofgrass, @cadybear420, @aces-and-angels | thanks for tagging me!!
tagging: anyone who wants to <3
this is a rewrite I was working on my trr mc jacqueline. the plan was to rewrite the entirety of book 1 (at least) but that ended up being far too lofty a goal for me (<- I never got past chapter 1)
however, it is some writing that I’m incredibly proud of so I do want to share it even though the fic has taken a /very/ back burner in my mind. There’s still some placeholder text and stuff strewn about but, yeah. Hope y’all like it :D
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New York was the same as ever. Sirens wailed, piercing the ear with their ever present shrieks; thousands of words, all tinged with different accents, different tilts, different voices, floated through the air; the soft hum of thrumming electricity kept the city alight, buzzing as it filled every vein with bright, captivating light. 
Underneath a flickering vein, Jacqueline leaned against the wall, fingers twirling a cigarette with ease. Shimmying a lighter from her back pocket, she lit up an end, rolling it between her fingers. Her eyes darted to the entrance of the diner just beyond the other side of the dumpster. Making certain the coast was clear, she inhaled her first puff, sagging into the wall behind her. 
It didn’t take long before she was attempting small smoke tricks. O’s tumbled out of her mouth with quickly timed snaps turning them into little hearts before misting away. Smoke poured out of her mouth like something out of the Exorcist. 
The door creaked open and Daniel struggled forward, valiantly hauling a heavy black trash bag behind him. A wry smile crinkled the wrinkles around her mouth as she propped the door open for him, “Another glamorous day hauling trash into the dumpster, isn’t it?” 
Daniel sighed. Despite the few weeks he’d spent here, he’d already cultivated the rich tones of resignation and reluctant optimism. Heaving the trash into the dumpster, he replied, “It could be worse, right? There could be rats!” 
As if called, a mischief of rats peaked from the black mass of the dumpster, squirreling into the new bag of garbage. One paused and stared at Daniel in something almost like thanks. 
Daniel sighed again, “Of course there’s rats. It’s NYC, why wouldn’t there be rats.” 
Patting her coworker on his back, Jacqueline comforted him, “In my day, the rats at least had the decency to keep to the shadows. These newer ones are much more bold than the ones I grew up with –they’re a little like us, changing to survive. Don’t blame them, alright?” 
“Daniel! Jacqueline! The hell are you doing back there? I’m not paying you to slack off!” 
“Were managers any nicer in your day by any chance?” Daniel muttered, making Jacqueline break out a harsh laugh. 
“You aren’t paying us to slack off,” Jacqueline retorted, already snuffing out her cigarette, “you’re paying us to take out the trash you told us to take out!” 
“And now, I’m telling you to wait on the bachelor party that just rolled in!” The manager didn’t wait for an answer, slamming the back door presumably to head back to their office while grumbling of incompetent waiters. 
“It’s literally ten minutes till closing time. There’s no way I’ll be out of here on time,” Daniel groaned, dragging a hand down his face, “I had a date today –I can’t believe I’ll have to cancel.” 
Jacqueline waved him off, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle the party.”
Peeking between his fingers, Daniel asked, “Really?” 
Jacqueline merely raised an eyebrow, letting her silence speak for her. Only a beat later, Daniel gave her a tight squeeze, “Jacqueline, thank you, thank you, thank you!” 
“If I didn’t you’d be dejected for the rest of the evening,” Jacqueline grumbled, though she couldn’t help the smile that snuck into her words, “Make sure you enjoy yourself, alright?” 
Daniel gave her a thumbs up already loosening his bowtie as he hurried down the alleyway and vanished out of sight. 
The bachelor party was an odd party of three men. One wore a suit so wrinkle-free, Jacqueline could almost see the dry cleaning bill; the second was dressed for a semi-formal mixer, a black dress shirt with the top three buttons left open with matching black pants; and the third wore a plain jean jacket over a white shirt –a combination Jacqueline was pretty sure she could find in her own closet.
Approaching the chattering table, she plastered a smile across her face, “ Welcome to the Starry-Eyed Kitchen! My name is Jacqueline and I’ll be your waitress. What can I get you?” 
“Waitress,” the shortest one announced, wide grin lighting up his face, “Steaks for the whole table!” 
As she clicked her pen, another man spoke up without even addressing her, “No, change that. How about some filet mignon, medium rare and prepared with a bearnaise sauce?” 
Barely glancing up, Jacqueline responded, “Closest thing we’ve got are our deluxe burgers. Take it or leave it I’m afraid.” 
He withered into himself, voice almost trembling, “Dare I ask for the wine list?” 
Almost bracing herself for devastation, Jacqueline said, “We have an excellent house red…” 
“House red?”
“It also comes in white…” 
Ignoring his horrified mumblings, Jacqueline clicked her pen again, pulling out a notepad, “Your final orders?” 
“Just a bottle of whiskey and four deluxe burgers! We’ll be fine with that,” said the plainest dressed man. 
“Four?” Jacqueline repeated, pausing in the midst of her writing. 
The man simply nodded behind her, directing her gaze to their final companion. 
It would be an understatement to say he was handsome. It would be an understatement to call him gorgeous even. [yadda yadda pretty boy stuff desc. Here] 
“Madam?” He asked, voice deep and concerned, “Are you alright?” 
“Of course!” Jacqueline replied, guiding him to his table, “The pleasure’s all wine!” 
“Apologies, I’m not quite sure–” 
“It’s our tagline,” Jacqueline quickly responded, training her eyes on her notepad as she lied, “The pleasure’s all wine, our tagline.” 
“Ah,” was the stranger’s, “It’s certainly a unique tagline.” 
“I’m sure our manager will be pleased to hear that,” tucking the notepad into her apron, Jacqueline gave the group a slight nod, “Your food will be ready shortly.”
[conversation between the cook and jacqueline –mostly teasing her for getting flustered up. + includes giving them the food <3]
“Thank you for dining with us,” Jacqueline said, escorting them to the door, her eyes lingering on the handsome stranger, “We hope to see you again soon.” 
Though, she knew that was a sinking wish. These men weren’t from around the area, hell, they weren’t even from her side of the tax bracket if their manners were anything to go by. She was lucky to catch sight of them once, much less a second or third time. 
The handsome man lingered by the door as his companions continued forward. He shifted from foot to foot, hands twiddling with the wooden paneling. Straightening himself as Jacqueline reemerged from the kitchen, he strode over to her and extended his right hand, “I wanted to extend my thanks, Miss…?”
Gripping his hand in a firm shake, Jacqueline responded, “Griffin.” 
“Ms Griffin,” he repeated, metal blue eyes catching the light just right, “I wanted to thank you for hosting us. I know my companions can be…” 
“A pain in the ass?” Jacqueline suggested, grinning as the stranger’s lips curved in replication.
“That bad?” He asked, “May I make it up to you?”
“How so?” 
“With a drink?” 
“And if I don’t drink?” 
“Then I hope my excellent company will suffice?” 
“Where will we be?”
“Ah,” he paused, momentarily embarrassed, “my friends and I were on our way to a club, if that’s alright with you?” 
“Oh?” Jacqueline said, an eyebrow raised, “Which one?” 
“I’m actually not sure,” he admitted, holding his hands together, “I was hoping you could show us somewhere nice?” 
Jacqueline sighed, resting her cheek on her palm, “It’s no club but it is nice…”
The man grinned, “Then our night is in your hands. Please, lead the way.” 
Gesturing to her uniform, Jacqueline said, “Give me a second to change, won’t you?” 
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fadingreveries · 1 year ago
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch1: Once Upon a Time (Pt. 1)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: I couldn't tag everyone because it wouldn't let me, but turn off "exclude from Tumblr search" for your account in settings and comment if you’d like to be tagged! @kingliam2019 @princess-geek (thanks for showing interest! Thought I would tag to say thank you!)
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia as Riley competes for the Crown Prince! Will she accept his proposal, or will someone else win her heart?
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
Word Count: 1.6k
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Those who found love with the right person, in the right place, at the right time, and the right life destined for them were rare. With how unpredictable life may be, not everyone was lucky to be destined with all of the key factors that would culminate for the biggest blessing from life itself.
One night’s chance encounter changed the lives of people who would become a close-knit group of friends in more ways than one.
Once upon a time, Riley Brooks was a young lady who resided in New York City. She was a fair-skinned, beautiful lady with dark ebony tresses and Dutch-braided bangs. With soft doe-like eyes and peach-coloured lips, Riley had met her fair share of suitors but none with whom she felt a longing connection to. 
After working as a part-time waitress to put herself through school, she had finally graduated with an undergraduate degree and a Master of Arts degree in history from the prestigious New York University. At last, she was ready to explore the world beyond lecture halls, late night study sessions, and thesis dissertations. 
“Just another glamorous New York Saturday night of hauling trash to the dumpster.” Riley sighed, heaving a stuffed black bag up where it would join the other garbage that had been piling up that night. 
At the current moment, however, she was stuck on a late-night shift at the restaurant and bar where she had worked for the last six years. With all her might, she hoisted the humongous black garbage bag which landed on the others with a soft thump. She dusted off her hands, looking warily over her shoulder with the barely lit back area of the brick building. 
There was something about the back alley of the building where she threw out the garbage every night that made her uneasy, partly due to the fact that drunk party goers tended to loiter there in the dark when veering off course from the streets and sidewalks. Luckily for her, she had her favourite coworker, Daniel, by her side to help. 
“It could be worse. There could be—” Daniel, her co-worker had started before letting out a frightened yelp and darting away from the dumpster, “Rats! Riley, help!”
Riley glanced down at the sight before her, taking note of two adult mice and two baby mice. As they scurried away, she laughed. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of this adorable mouse family. They’re trying to get by, just like us.”
“Hey!” A booming voice yelled out, making the two co-workers turn around. “Riley, Daniel, quit slacking off over there!”
If there was one thing Riley was ready to embrace, it was the fact that she had finally given her two-week notice to her boss. After six years, she would finally be out of his clutches and no longer have to hear constant nagging from him about every minuscule detail she had made the mistake of carrying out in front of him. 
“You told us to take out the garbage,” Riley reminded him, a scowl deepening as she remembered how insufferable her boss was. 
“And now I’m telling you to wait on the bachelor party that just rolled in. Chop chop!” The manager barked out, clapping his hands for emphasis before storming back inside the bar. 
Meanwhile, it was the night of Liam Rys’ bachelor party. Two of his friends plus one acquaintance had organized a clandestine night out in New York City before they returned to Cordonia for the social season.
Earlier that evening, Maxwell whooped out, “Awesome! We finally lost Bastien! I can’t believe we pulled that off, but I’m not going to question it.”
It was around eight o’clock on one Friday night when Liam, Maxwell, and Drake had escaped Liam’s bodyguard, Bastien. There was an outdoor music festival held all day at a nearby park and with all the large crowds, Maxwell and Drake had planned to help Liam escape from his royal duties for at least one night. Which meant losing his bodyguard as soon as possible and blending in with the New York nightlife. 
“Knowing Bastien, I’m sure he’s got an eye on us somehow. At least we have the illusion of independence,” Drake commented, knowing that it was better than nothing. He knew if anything that this illusion could give Liam a slight sense of what he truly longed for.
“I’ll take it! Time to whip out the… ultimate Bachelor Party Bucket List!” Maxwell excitedly cried out, as he drew a worryingly long physical paper shaped like a bucket out of his pocket. 
Blinking in confusion at the paper contraption his friend summoned out of nowhere, Drake remarked, “There were so many parts of what you said that I’d hoped weren’t literal.” 
“Okay, here’s what I got…” Maxwell cleared his throat, reading from his paper bucket list. “Give each other crazy nicknames, get tattoos, eat at the best place in New York, have a spontaneous, crazy adventure, get into a fight, and get tattoos!”
“You said ‘get tattoos’ twice,” Drake plainly stated, not impressed by Maxwell’s idea of a bachelor party. 
Maxwell rolled his eyes, giving Drake a look that indicated he should have known that the meaning was implied. “That’s how important it is!”
Drake shook his head, looking Maxwell straight in the eye. Never in a million years was he going to agree to tattoos, especially not for Maxwell’s pure amusement. “I’m not getting a tattoo.”
“Friendship tattoos!” Maxwell exclaimed, trying desperately to convince him otherwise. Tattoos were a long-lasting symbol of friendship in itself, right?
Clearly, Maxwell had different ideas on what qualified as fun things to do with your friends in an unfamiliar city. Drake scoffed, “There’s not enough whiskey in Manhattan.”
“We’ll circle back to that,” Maxwell responded, turning his back against Drake and not taking no for an answer. He elbowed Liam’s side with a cheeky smile. “Remember, it’s this guy’s night.”
Liam sheepishly chuckled. How lucky was he to have such thoughtful friends? “It is my night.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t let it go to your head,” Drake warned him, although he had a small smile. 
The prince was touched by his best friends’ warm gesture. Not everyone would go out of their way to make his one night of controlled freedom as enjoyable as possible, at least not as much as these two would. It was something he had never been allowed the luxury of, given that he was the Crown Prince of Cordonia and the heir to the throne after his older brother, Leo, had abdicated years earlier. 
With a sad frown, Liam confessed, “Actually… It really means a lot to share this moment with both of you. After this summer, everything will change. I’ll be married… I’ll be preparing to start a family and carry on the royal line. It means everything to me to have one last moment with the two of you.”
“I don’t know that you’ve ever had a carefree moment in your life, but we’ll do our best,” Drake softly murmured. He meant this more than Liam would ever know. Drake had seen first-hand the struggles his best friend had gone through growing up with the burden of being royalty, but he wasn’t about to let his last night of freedom before the social season go to waste. 
Maxwell nodded, a mischievous smile on his face. “Damn right we will. First up, nicknames.”
“What is this again?” Drake groaned in exasperation. Just when he thought they had made it past his bachelor party antics. 
Once again, Maxwell looked at Drake as if the answer was obvious. He declared, “We think of awesome nicknames to give ourselves as a group!”
Drake’s deadpan answer was quick, his blank expression unwavering. “Cool. Mine’s Drake.”
Maxwell pouted, his bottom lip protruding out in protest. “Man, come on. You could pick anything! Alpha Bravo? Dark and Stormy? Toasted Marshmallow?”
“Pass,” Drake answered, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Unacceptable! All our nicknames are gonna be in theme! Right, Liam?” Maxwell questioned him, his eyebrows scrunched together in determination. Once Maxwell had an idea, he didn’t plan on giving up. It just wasn’t the Beaumont way. 
Liam chuckled, amused at Maxwell’s enthusiasm to make his bachelor party much more lively. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well, we could theme it after cards like King of Hearts or Jack of Spades… or our favourite foods… or… or… like a fairytale!” Maxwell excitedly suggested, his eyes lighting up even brighter with each suggestion. 
“Fairytale?” Liam asked, looking for clarification.
Drake guffawed, turning to Liam. “You could be Prince Charming.” It wasn’t far from the plain truth, anyway. 
“There you go! Now you’re getting into it!” Maxwell grinned, pleased that Drake was now participating with the same level of gusto as he was. 
Drake immediately frowned, not wanting to give off that impression and play into Maxwell’s fantasy of having the perfect bachelor party by his wild standards. “No… I just… ugh, Liam, pick one.”
“We should go with the theme…” Liam pondered with a smile to himself, before answering, “Fairytale. I kind of like Prince Charming.”
“Of course. I'm the Fairy Godmother because whatever you want tonight, I’ll make it happen!” Maxwell stated, his body giddy almost as if you could see the energy bouncing off of him. 
Liam gestured to Drake, trying to think of a nickname for him. “What about Drake?”
Maxwell stepped closer to Drake, who rolled his eyes, before he snapped his fingers and announced, “He’s got ‘Dragon’ written all over him.”
“I’m good with that,” Drake agreed, shrugging his shoulders. It wasn’t the worst nickname he could be given. 
“Yes! Let’s roll!” Maxwell cheered, happy with how things had worked out. One thing down, five more to go on the ultimate Bachelor Party Bucket List! “Next stop is dinner!”
~ ~ ~
Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: Turn off "exclude from Tumblr search" for your account in settings and comment if you’d like to be tagged! @kingliam2019 @princess-geek
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cadybear420 · 1 year ago
If HSS (both trilogies) were made by 2022-2024 Choices.
I've seen a couple of posts on the Reddit such as "If ILITW/TRR/ES/etc. were made today", and it got me wondering the same for HSS. So I've decided to do my own for both HSS trilogies.
Feel free to share your own speculations!
There would probably be only 1 or 2 LIs, both forced upon the MC, and both made race (and possibly gender) customizable. Michael would definitely be a LI, him and Caleb for duo GOC LI because I know PB would not be able to resist the "golden boy jock/bad boy rebel" LI duo. Though I can maybe see them having Michael and Maria. Emma I could see being a third (possibly race-customizable) token canon female LI. Aiden would certainly not be eligible as a LI because modern Choices (with the exception of maybe MAH) seems to hate LIs that are shy, awkward, or softies, especially if they're male or male-coded.
The book would probably still be GOC, thankfully. Then again, I wouldn't put it past modern Choices to want a genderlocked high school book where they default the MC into being a cheerleader. Speaking of which...
There's no WAY modern PB would have the activity choice system, quite simply because the multiple routes and dialogue accommodations would require putting in actual effort. Modern PB would definitely try to do a genderlocked default-cheerleader MC, but I also feel like they could default MC to being a jock since Book 1 was a bit jock centric. Or heck, they likely wouldn't even give MC an activity at all because god forbid we have proactive MCs.
Honestly, I feel like just about all of the different options and possible outcomes- the spirit stick heist, tryouts, junior captain, hoco/prom crowns- we have for the MC would be nerfed, because they would require putting in actual effort. So rather than having a MC where we can actively decide who they are and how they behave, they'd probably give the MC like one random set thing they're into and have all their dialogue choice options be lacking in variation and story impact.
Assuming Caleb is a (or the) LI, they'd make Zoe a full on straw loser villain woman who exists solely to have petty catfights with MC over Caleb and thus make MC seem like the better match for Caleb. They'd probably have her not be caught cheating until later on into Book 1, nerf her Book 3 redemption arc entirely, and instead have her be unable to move on from Caleb by then and hold resentment against MC for "ruining their relationship".
They might age everyone up to 18+ (with our MC being an incoming senior), but probably wouldn't include smut scenes considering the MTFL fiasco. I mean, ID had zero smut scenes despite its confirmed 18+ cast. If this was 2018-2020 Choices, they probably would have a couple of smut scenes, but 2022-2024 Choices would definitely not. Probably a hell of a lot more lap sitting though. But only MC sitting in LI's lap, except for Emma where it's reversed, because having a male LI sitting in female MC's lap might lose them those precious pennies from straight women.
Considering Prime getting sunset in August 2022 and PB having deleted the Twitter account for it, I'm seriously doubting how much modern PB cares about that game. This version probably would not have HSS Prime characters in it at all. Heck, they'd probably just not even make it "HSS".
It would be single LI, Rory being that LI. Ajay and Skye become merely recurring side characters.
I feel like maybe PB would be more likely to genderlock this one. Or maybe not, IDK.
Danielle would be a lot more outwards and over-the-top of an antagonist. As in, we see all her behaviors up-front. She'd be a full-on straw-loser villain woman for MC to compete with over Rory.
The same thing about sex scenes for OG would apply here too. Instead of MC being freshly-graduated from middle school, they'd probably make them a incoming senior transfer student from a private school.
Assuming this continues from the Choicesified version of OG HSS and not from the one we actually have, the OG gang will have graduated by the time CA starts (given that they'd have all been made seniors in this version). In other words, we now have an actually valid reason for CA to throw out the OG gang instead of keeping them around for superficial nostalgia bait. That's one positive I guess.
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openheartfanfics · 2 years ago
OH MC Other Fics
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
A Bit Dark - @jerzwriter 🦚🏳‍🌈 Jess has noticed a bit of a change in Casey, and offers her support when she learns the reason why.
A Quick Study - @jerzwriter ☁🏳‍🌈 Casey's a little hangry during their late-night study session, but Jess isn't letting her off the hook. Feat. F!MC x F!OC
Any Other Day - @jerzwriter 🦚💘 Jessica's not a fan of Valentine's Day, and she's made that pretty clear, but now that the day's up on them, Casey realizes there's more to it than meets the eye.
Anti Valentine - @liaromancewriter 📱💘 Cassie and Max commiserate each other on their most hated day. Feat. Ethan x F!MC
Beach Clean-up - @liaromancewriter 📷☁ Cassie is not happy about what she finds. Feat. OH Gang.
Before the Beginning - @trappedinfanfiction  ☁ 📱 Celia can’t sleep, and with nothing else to do, she contacts her brother.
Crossed Wires - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie finds out Max kept a secret from her.
Green-Eyed Girl - @liaromancewriter 📱 Random convo between Cassie and Max about family traits.
Finding a Path - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie is frustrated by the system and needs to vent. [1.8]
Freshly Squeezed - @jerzwriter ☁🏳‍🌈 Jordyn & Casey are upset that they're staying at a distant Air B&B, while attendings were put up in a posh hotel by the hospital.
Happy Birthday to the Valentine Twins - @liaromancewriter 📷 It's Cassie and Max's birthday and their mom shares a moment.
High - @liaromancewriter 📸 Cassie takes great pleasure in trolling Max after he and Sienna become official.
High Score - @jerzwriter 🦚🏳‍🌈 Casey and her girlfriend Jessica are eagerly looking forward to sharing lunch at "their" diner. One idiot nearly derails their plans, but the women won't let him win. TW: Mentions of homophobia including a slur
I've Got You - @jerzwriter ☁ Casey & Jess are taking a little break until there is a turn of events - then it's Jess to the rescue.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science - @storyofmychoices ☁ Celebrating three of the loveliest ladies: Olivia Hadley, Merida Rhys (@lilyoffandoms), and Casey MacTavish (@jerzwriter).
It Is Time - @snoopdogcone ☁ It's her first day at Edenbrook.
Like it's 1989… - @jerzwriter 📱 It's another Taylor Swift release, and that means it's time for Tobias and Jensen to suffer come up with a plan of survival. Feat. F!MC, M!MC
Lost and Found - @liaromancewriter 🦚 Cassie and Max celebrate their birthday under the Northern Lights and have a heart to heart about what’s happening in their lives.
Not a Valentine - @jerzwriter ☁ It's lunchtime for Casey & Jensen... and some annoying interns, too. Feat. F!MC, M!MC
Positive Reaction - @jerzwriter ☁🏳‍🌈 When the couple step out to celebrate Jessica's achievement, Casey gives her a gift that money could never buy. Feat. F!OC
Rocky - @jerzwriter ☁ Casey attempts to help Jensen after a rough day. Feat. Jensen (M!MC), Casey (F!MC), Bryce Lahela
Secret’s Out - @liaromancewriter ☁ When everyone at Edenbrook finds out Cassie’s identity, she realizes who her true friends her. Feat. Jackie Varma, Sienna Trinh.
Six Times - @jerzwriter 📚🏳‍🌈 [series] Casey knew what it felt like to have her heart broken, and so did Jessica. Love and all its notions had no place in their life right now... and then they met. F!MC x F!OC
Snuggling In - @jerzwriter ☁ Merida, Olivia, and Casey's weekend adventure is off to a rainy start, but they always manage to find their own sunshine.
Sweet Stuff - @jerzwriter ☁ Merida, Casey & Olivia spend the day at an amusement park, and one of them is quite amusing.
The Doctor Is Almost In - @liaromancewriter 📷 It's the week before intern year and Cassie explores her new home.
The Galentine’s Day Queens: A TRR / Open Heart Crossover - @bebepac ☁💘 Daniel takes Riley and their friends on a special night on the town as Galentines. Feat. F!MC
The Meeting [Open Heart/Bloodbound Crossover] - @ezekielbhandarivalleros and @aesthetic-aag 🛸
Jake and Ade have been online friends for a while now. Ade plans on day to come visit Jake in Toronto.
Trepidation - @jerzwriter 🦚 Casey and Jessica have both been in love before, and both have had their hearts broken. That's why they promised each other to take it slow. Feat. F!MC x F!OC
Twin Shenanigans: Java Edition - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie and Max get silly with each other on text, as per usual.
Twin Shenanigans: Pandas Edition - @liaromancewriter 📱 Max teases Cassie with her spirit animal. Bonus: Ethan teases her too! Feat. Ethan Ramsey
Twinsies - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie and Max celebrate National Twin Day.
Who’s The Cutest? - @potionsprefect 📱 The Clarke siblings have a disagreement.
Zodiac Fun - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie is all about love that's written in the stars.
Friends with Rollerskates (Open Heart/Bloodbound Crossover) - @ezekielbhandarivalleros ☁ When nobody wants to play with Jake, Ade choses to Roller Skate with him when she herself has nobody to play with.
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solarishashernoseinabook · 2 years ago
😎 and 👻 for the ask game?
Thank you!!
👻 What is your wildest headcanon? That Will was born after Daniel went off to war, so he never got to meet him before his death
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original? Y'know, I'm gonna be honest, I'm not sure what exactly this question is going for. My reading preferences? My writing preferences? I'm gonna answer both.
What do I prefer reading? No preference! I care far more about writing style than story type in the fics I read. Writing? Well...I think it depends on the length of story I'm going for. One shots, I tend to keep them more canon compliant (or only minor AUs) because I don't have to establish as much. I have one fairly canon-compliant multi-chap (The Treewalkers), but both The Ward Ghost and The Royal Ranger are quite a bit longer (TRR is more than ten times as long as The Treewalkers), and they're very canon divergent. Then again, I have more time to play with those AUs, and worldbuilding is a special interest of mine, so if you give me enough of a wordcount you'll end up with something quite removed from canon 😅
Link to the ask game if you want to play!
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tessa-liam · 10 months ago
Marabelle Series
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Long Live the King - Chapter 12- 
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement) 
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Marabelle Series Masterlist
My Complete Masterlist 
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor 
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson 
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo. 
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement 
Words: 3480
Long Live the King – Chapter 12 
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Chapter Summary – Leo confides his reasons why he has decided to abdicate the throne to Liam, as Madeleine is notified by King Constantine that she is no longer the queen-in-waiting. 
Music Inspiration: I Get to Love You, Ruelle 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events. 
A/N3: Thank you to @peonierose for your ask/quote prompt, “He looks at her like he just realized what love is.” 
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Inside the dimly lit speakeasy nestled in the small island country of Monterisso, the atmosphere was both vibrant and clandestine. The air was filled with the tang of citrus from freshly squeezed lemons, mingling with the rich aroma of aged wines and the faint scent of tobacco from elegantly smoked cigars. Soft jazz music played in the background, creating a sultry ambiance that enveloped the patrons in an air of secrecy and luxury. 
Amidst the plush velvet couches and ornate decor, Leo sat with his brother in a secluded corner of the speakeasy. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across their faces as Leo took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. 
Liam was already quite sure and prepared for what his brother was going to announce that evening. In talking with their father shortly after the charity polo match had ended, he learned about his brother’s contemplations and desire to abdicate the throne. The surprise being, for Liam, that his father confessed to him that he was relieved about Leo’s decision. 
"Liam," Leo began slowly, his voice low and filled with gravity. "There's something I need to tell you." He paused, sitting back in his chair as the buxom server deposited a bottle of top shelf scotch complete with Glencairn crystal tumblers on the table in front of them. 
Liam looked up at the woman, and cordially thanked her before returning his attention back to his brother. 
They sat in silence for a moment, each enjoying their scotch. The only sounds were coming from the smooth and mellow tones of a saxophone from across the room. 
Letting out his breath slowly, his eyes were fixed on the flickering candle at the center of the table. 
"I've made a decision," Leo started, his words measured. "I have decided that ... that I am abdicating the throne." He looked warily at Liam, not knowing what his reaction would be. Considering the news will profoundly affect his brother’s future trajectory, it could possibly go sideways. 
Liam looked down, nodding his head. His features reflected a mix of concern and disbelief upon hearing the words coming out of his brother’s mouth, even though his announcement was expected and forewarned by their father. 
 "Abdicate? Leo, why? You've always been committed to your duties as the crown prince." Turning to him, Liam questioned further, in a hushed tone, “why now ... what has changed?” 
Leo leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper now, mindful of the ears that may be listening in the secretive ambiance of the speakeasy. "I know it's abrupt, Li, for you. I have been thinking about this for a while now. I cannot ignore my heart any longer. I want a life of my own choosing, not one dictated solely by duty and tradition." 
Liam took a moment to process his brother's words, the weight of the decision settling between them the unspoken truth that both men already knew. "I understand, Leo," he finally responds after a moment, his voice filled with compassion. "Your happiness matters more than anything else to you. I know that you want your freedom.” 
As the jazz music continued to weave its melodies around them, Leo and Liam sat in quiet contemplation, they were united in their bond as brothers, even as their individual paths ahead were destined to diverge into uncharted territory. 
“But Liam.” Leo began, moving in closer and watching his brother’s reaction and facial cues. “I already knew and accepted the fact that you were the one destined to take the crown many years ago. Not me.” 
Liam raised his eyebrows in confusion but remained silent to allow Leo to continue. 
“Remember that time in Athens, Liam? I was 21 and you had just turned legal? I was showing you around town?”  
Liam sighed, chuckling, “Ah, yes ... that was the royal visit when you picked up that woman! Father was so pissed when Bastien found you at that hotel after the diplomatic summit!”   
The broad smile on Leo’s face, with his booming laugh rattled throughout the room. “Yes, yes ... it was quite the eventful trip.” Leo smirked, shaking his head. 
“But seriously, Li, it was on that trip when I realized you would make the better king.” 
“Oh, come on, Leo. You had your doubts, but you were always the natural born leader.” 
“No, Liam. It’s so much more than that. That incident with Bradshaw and Isabella Achillies at the party on the Auvernal yacht. You handled it with such grace and diplomacy.” 
‘...The deck was filled with diplomats mingling and drinking. Leo and Liam each grabbed a glass of ouzo from a passing waiter. When the sun started to set, Leo and Liam rose to leave the yacht to return to the summit being held at an uptown venue. 
“Prince Leo, are you ashamed?” Bradshaw taunted as he also rose, noticing the Rys brothers leaving his yacht. 
Leo stopped and turned around to glare at Bradshaw for that comment. All eyes were now focused on the king’s raised voice. 
“Your schoolboy brother is afraid of being tardy.”  Bradshaw ridiculed.
“Insult my brother again, and you're going over that railing, Bradshaw.” 
“Come on, Leo.” Isabella chided. “Stay and have another drink.”  
“I guess Cordonia is too weak a nation to do as it pleases.” Bradshaw turned, to grandstand in front of everyone on the yacht. "As evidenced by Prince Leo and his tedious little brother.” 
 Leo swiftly stepped up to approach him, as Bradshaw quickly retreated. 
 “You can call me a coward all you want ... but don't you dare” ... Leo seethed and stopped mid-sentence with clenched fists when Liam placed a hand on his shoulder. Knowing that Leo was losing his head and was about to blow up in front of everyone, Liam came forward, as cool headed as ever.  
“King Bradshaw, our kingdom honors and respects its neighbors, even those who do not deserve it.  
Cordonia’s strength is in our integrity.” 
Liam paused and moved forward to stand directly in front of Queen Isabella. 
“To answer the summit's call is not about being or acting like a coward. It is about acting like a king.”  
Bradshaw stayed silent with a reddened face. 
 Isabella was also silent, clearly embarrassed as their guests stopped their conversations to witness the altercation.
“Please enjoy the rest of the party while Cordonia helps to shape international policy.”’ 
...Pausing, Leo threw back his scotch; quickly refilling his tumbler as well as Liam’s...
‘Bradshaw and Isabella's jaws were on the floor. It actually embarrassed them enough that everyone else felt uncomfortable and left, abruptly ending the party.  
As Leo and Liam strolled back to the summit, Leo stopped.  
“Hey, can I just say that it was an impressive move back there. It takes tact and cunning to lie in a bed of snakes and avoid a bite.” 
 Liam responded, “you would have done the same if I hadn't interrupted.”  
“Huh. Yeah. No. No, I wouldn't have, honestly. You made Cordonia look good back there. You were born for this world. Cordonia is lucky to have you.”’ 
“That was the moment when I realized that you were so much more suitable to wear the crown, rather than me. The things that got me excited for those summits was the chance to meet people, to meet new women, outside of Cordonia. For you, it was negotiations, networking and diplomacy.” 
“Ah, that.” Liam shook his head. “It wasn't my finest moment, but I had to step in.” 
“You diffused the situation brilliantly. Liam. Your words about Cordonia's integrity and strength... that is what a true king embodies.” 
“I was just trying to keep the peace and uphold our principles.” 
“You did more than that, Liam. You showed me and everyone else on that yacht what it means to lead with honor and wisdom. It told me that she was in your heart. Cordonia needs someone like you to wear the crown after father.”  
Leo put his hand on Liam's shoulder. “It hit me, at that moment ... that you would make a way better king. Much better than I ever could be. It said that you have faith in this country before anyone or anything else. Liam, you are the king Cordonia needs and deserves.” 
Liam breathed out slowly; a myriad of thoughts swirling in his head. 
Leo refilled their glasses with amber liquid. 
“And I trust you to lead Cordonia into a bright future, Liam.” Leo raised his glass to propose a toast. “And you know what? Cordonia is lucky to have you as its future king.” 
“To Liam Rys. Long live the King.” 
The Beaumont Estate 
Sophie stepped into her bedroom, her mind reeling from the events of the day. The charity polo match had been a success, but the victory was bittersweet. The encounter with Neville had left her feeling shaken, confused and vulnerable.  
As she changed out of her clothes to slip into her pajamas, her thoughts returned to the moment when Neville had pushed her. The look of hatred and disdain on his face was burned into her memory. What had she ever done to deserve his cruel treatment? 
She sank onto the edge of the bed, tears stinging her eyes. Her shoulder was throbbing from the fall and her knee ached from hitting the hard ground. The day had been an emotional roller coaster, and she was mentally and physically exhausted. 
Sophie picked up her phone, hesitating. She knew Liam was busy with his brother, and she did not want to disturb him. But she wanted him; she needed to see him; to feel the warmth of his embrace and to hear his reassuring words. She placed her phone back on her nightstand and laid her head down on the pillow. 
As the night wore on, Sophie found herself drifting in and out of sleep, her thoughts consumed by the day's events. 
Sitting around the firepit on the grounds outside the estate, Maxwell and Daniel shared a bottle of wine, the night sky a blanket of darkness overhead. They laughed and chatted, the warmth of the fire keeping them comfortable in the cool evening air.
"It's nights like this that I love," Daniel said, his eyes shining as he looked up at the stars. 
When Maxwell didn’t respond, Daniel looked over at his partner.
“Maxwell?  Earth to Maxwell... you seem like you are a thousand miles away." 
"Oh, sorry, I'm just a bit tired," Maxwell apologized. 
"Is everything okay? You've seemed distracted tonight?" Daniel asked, a look of concern on his face. 
"Yeah, it's just..." Maxwell trailed off, his expression uncertain. "It's Sophie. She's been through a lot lately, and I'm worried about her." 
"Oh, the polo match?" 
Maxwell went silent as Drake plopped down in a lounger beside them. “Sorry, I’m late.” Drake took a long pull from his bottle of beer. 
“Hey Drake, glad you could make it tonight. But hey, where did Melanie go? I thought she was coming?” 
Drake scoffed, “yeah, she decided to go home.” Maxwell raised an eyebrow. 
“She was in a mood, so I asked her ‘what’s up’, and she tore a strip off me. Drawing another pull, Drake, clearly annoyed with his girlfriend, “I am in no mood for aggro tonight, so I drove her home.” 
"Hey, where's Taylor? I know she is not with Liam tonight." Drake looked around the grounds. 
"She is in her room. She wasn't feeling well, Daniel answered.
"So, Maxwell," Drake looked quizzically at him ... you were telling me that you were worried about Taylor? What's up?" 
“I have met someone." Leo took a moment, the flickering candlelight reflecting in his eyes as he gathered his thoughts. "Katie," he begins, "she's not Madeleine. Meeting her on that cruise was like stumbling upon a new adventure, a chance to explore life beyond the confines of royalty." 
Liam listened intently, a flicker of curiosity dancing in his eyes. "Tell me more about her," he prompted, sensing the significance of this encounter for Leo. 
"She's... different," Leo mused, a soft smile tugged at his lips. "Katie is spirited, full of life and has a thirst for adventure. With her, I feel like I can be myself, and not be the crown prince, burdened by expectations." 
"I realize that you already knew about my decision before tonight," Leo said after a while, breaking the quietude. "I wanted to apologize for not telling you sooner, for not confiding in you." 
Liam shook his head, a reassuring smile on his face. "There's no need to apologize, Leo. I understand why you made this choice, and I support you wholeheartedly." Liam never held back with his opinions for Leo’s betrothed. 
Leo let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, a weight clearly lifted from his shoulders. "Thank you, Li. Your support means everything to me.  
Liam nods, his understanding dawned in his expression. "It sounds like Katie has brought a breath of fresh air into your world." 
"She has," Leo confirmed, gratitude coloring his tone. "Being with her these past three weeks has made me realize that there's more to life than the crown, more to discover beyond the palace walls." 
Liam reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Leo's shoulder. "I'm glad you found this, Leo. Everyone deserves to find their own happiness, even if it means taking a different path that was originally planned for them." 
Leo nodded in agreement, a sense of resolve settling within him. "Thank you, Liam. Your support means everything to me." 
As they sat in the intimate corner of the speakeasy, surrounded by the whispers of jazz and the allure of hidden conversations, Leo and Liam watched as a jazz singer took to the stage and began to sing.  
"You know, Liam," Leo started, his voice carrying a note of contemplation, "with Sophie by your side, you could start thinking about the future. About heirs to the throne and building a family." 
Liam's expression softened at the mention of Sophie, his eyes reflecting a mix of love and longing. "I've thought about it," he admits, his voice filled with quiet determination. "Sophie and I have talked about our dreams, about the possibility of a future together." 
Leo nodded in agreement, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "She would make an incredible queen, Li. Her grace, her kindness, and her love for you are evident to everyone." 
"I agree," Liam responds, a warm smile of affection coloring his features. "And I couldn't imagine a better partner to share the responsibilities of ruling Cordonia and raising our children." 
"You know, Liam," Leo began, his voice carrying a note of contemplation, "with your betrothal to Sophie there would be no need for a social season.” 
Liam was taken aback by the suggestion. "Leo, you sound like father." 
"Well, Father has a point. If you are going to rule, you need to secure the throne for the next generation. The need for a queen is paramount." 
“That was before you abdicated, now, everything has changed. And, well, we are not engaged; not yet." 
"Well, maybe it's time you fixed that,” Leo looked meaningly at Liam. ‘Sophie is a perfect fit for you." 
"I appreciate your support, Leo. But it's not that simple." 
"Why not? From what I can see, you two are clearly in love. She comes from a noble house and has been accepted at court. Father and Regina think very highly of her." 
“Marrying me now comes with a lot of baggage. There's the political side of things, the court politics, and the pressure to produce an heir." 
"But that's all manageable, isn't it? Liam?” 
"Maybe. But Sophie is still new to all of this. I do not want to overwhelm her. We've had a whirlwind romance, and I don't want her to feel rushed or pressured." 
"I understand. But Liam, the longer you wait, the more you risk losing her." 
Liam understood too; all too well. According to Cordonian law at the time of a coronation, he must be betrothed. 
Cordonian Royal Palace
The following day, Madeleine sat in the opulent sitting room of the royal palace. Her fingers nervously traced the intricate patterns of the embroidered cushion beneath her. She had been summoned by King Constantine, and the weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air. 
As the throne room doors opened, King Constantine entered the sitting room, his expression somber yet composed. Beside him Liam also entered, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. 
"Madeleine," King Constantine acknowledged, his voice carrying the weight of the impending revelation. "There's something we need to discuss." 
Madeleine's heart skipped a beat, a sense of foreboding settling over her like a dark cloud. "Of course, Your Majesty," she replied, her voice steady despite the rising unease within her. 
Taking a seat opposite her, King Constantine fixed his gaze on Madeleine. "It concerns Leo," he continued, his tone measured. "He has made a decision regarding the throne." 
The mention of Leo's name caused a flurry of emotions to surge within Madeleine—hope, fear, and uncertainty mingling in her thoughts. "What decision?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 
Liam stepped forward; his expression filled with empathy. "Leo has chosen to abdicate the throne," he revealed, his expression stoic.
Madeleine's heart seemed to stop as the reality of the words sank in. Abdication meant that her dreams of becoming queen, of standing by Leo's side as his consort, were shattered. 
"I... I do not understand, why," Madeleine stammered, her mind racing to grasp the enormity of the news. "Why would he abdicate? What about our plans?" 
King Constantine sighed, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sympathy and regret. "Leo has found his own path, Madeleine," he explained stoically. "He believes it's time for a new chapter in his life, one that doesn't include the responsibilities of the crown." 
Tears welled up in Madeleine's eyes, her dreams crumbling around her like a fragile illusion. "But... but I thought..." Her voice trailed off, unable to articulate the turmoil raging within her. 
Liam reached out, offering a handkerchief as her tears began.
"I know this is difficult, Madeleine," he said softly. "But Leo's decision is his own, and we must respect it." 
As the reality of Leo's abdication sank in, Madeleine felt a mix of sadness and resignation wash over her. The future she had envisioned, the life she had planned, seemed to slip through her fingers like grains of sand. 
"I understand," Madeleine replied, her voice steadier now, masking the pain that threatened to consume her. "I will accept Leo's decision and wish him well in his new path." 
King Constantine nodded, a sense of finality settling over the conversation. "Thank you, Madeleine. Your grace and understanding in this matter are appreciated." 
As Madeleine composed herself and prepared to leave the sitting room, the sense of loss weighed heavily on her heart. The dream of being queen was no more, replaced by a stark reality she had not expected. 
With a heavy heart, Madeleine left the royal palace, her thoughts and mood now turning into anger. Consumed by thoughts of what could have been and her uncertain future that lay ahead. 
House Beaumont 
In the morning, Sophie woke to a text from Liam. 
'Sorry I missed you last night. I'll be over later today.' 
Sophie's heart pounded, her fingers trembling as she replied, 'I'll be here.' 
It was a simple message, but it spoke volumes. She had missed him, and she couldn't wait for him to return. 
She had never felt this way about anyone before, and it scared her. She knew that being with Liam was worth the risk. thinking to herself that she would do whatever it took to make their relationship work, no matter what obstacles stood in their way. 
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Thanks for reading; please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from this series.
📌@bascmve01 @busywoman @kristinamae093 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kingliam2019 @ao719 @alj4890 @emkay512 @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @malblk21 @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys @txemrn @emersyn-in-cordonia @dutifullynuttywitch @charlotteg234 @lovingchoices14
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katedrakeohd · 1 year ago
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Happy Birthday to my Drake Walker.
Daniel di Tomasso 🎁💝 🎉
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bebepac · 2 years ago
I decided on using my Riley MC (shocker) but first I decided to use her best friends I used for her in a fic called
The Galentine's Day Queens
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Which is a TRR x Open Heart crossover.
Riley's beasties in this universe are
1. Daniel Stephenson
2. Mia Jones (my mc from Mia's 🌎 World)
3. Casey Valentine
I picked this universe because they were all friends at the same time, I feel like in my other series, she doesn't get to enjoy this best friends' forever vibe with her tribe the way she is able to do in this one shot. They are young and having the time of their lives in NYC. If any of that makes sense.
Top 3 Thursday - Week 4
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Welcome to Top Three Thursday! 💙
FIRST, a few quick rules!
Please reblog your answer - don't create a new post. The point is to keep us all together in one place and to get to know each other.
You can answer any way you like - basic answer, headcanons, fics, moodboards, edits, artwork - be as creative (or not!) as you like.
Pixelberry Choices-related content only.
PLEASE BE KIND! People will have different options, thoughts, headcanons, and likes - and that’s a good thing. Be respectful of one another.
For Week 4 - Alternating back to our MCs
Are they canon characters or OCs you've created? Was this an easy question for your MC to answer - or did they struggle with it?
If you’d like to be added to the tag list, let me know, but anyone can participate! Tags below break. 💙💙💙
@aces-and-angels @alj4890 @aallotarenunelma @angelasscribbles @bebepac @cariantha @coffeeheartaddict2 @cooltuna69 @crazy-loca-blog @headoverheelsforramsey @hopelessromantic1352 @icecoffee90 @karahalloway @korgbelmont @kyra75 @lovealexhunt @missameliep @peonyblossom @peonierose @potionsprefect @princess-geek @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @secretaryunpaid @takeharryandgo @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @tveitertotwrites @twinkleallnight @surrenderronnie1 @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks
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choicesmc · 4 months ago
hihi o/ this is excerpt is from a rewrite I was trying out for my trr mc, jacqueline!! im still at chapter one
It didn’t take long before she was attempting small smoke tricks. O’s tumbled out of her mouth with quickly timed snaps turning them into little hearts before misting away. Smoke poured out of her mouth like something out of the Exorcist.  The door creaked open and Daniel struggled forward, valiantly hauling a heavy black trash bag behind him. A wry smile crinkled the wrinkles around her mouth as she propped the door open for him, “Another glamorous day hauling trash into the dumpster, isn’t it?”
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fadingreveries · 1 year ago
Novel-style story for The Royal Romance?
For any Choices fans and The Royal Romance fans out there, would anyone be interested in the idea of a novel-style retelling of TRR?
One that would be told in third person and involve more commentary, comprehensive backstories, and bonus scenes including Riley (MC), Liam, Drake, Hana, and Maxwell? It would also include descriptions of diamond scenes and premium outfits for those who haven't purchased them in the app.
I'm totally dreading finishing the series because it was the first story I ever read on Choices, so I'm trying to cope by writing fan fiction... LOL.
But then I thought, would anyone be interested too?
It would go along the lines of something like this...
“Hey!” A booming voice yelled out, making the two co-workers turn around. “Riley, Daniel, quit slacking off over there!” If there was one thing Riley was ready to embrace, it was the fact that she had finally given her two-week notice to her boss. After six years, she would finally be out of his clutches and no longer have to hear constant nagging from him about every minuscule detail she had made the mistake of carrying out in front of him.  “You told us to take out the garbage,” Riley reminded him, a scowl deepening as she remembered how insufferable her boss was.  “And now I’m telling you to wait on the bachelor party that just rolled in. Chop chop!” The manager barked out, clapping his hands for emphasis before storming back inside the bar. 
Please tell me I'm not the only one who's wanted to read more from the original TRR series...
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twinkleallnight · 2 years ago
"PB birthed Liam Rys, but us content creators raise him. "
This line says so much... It says it all.
When i played TRR it was Whiam ( i will still play same cause Asiam doesn't match anywhere with Kim Seon-ho, my Korean fav) But i must say, i started appreciating and imagining Asiam only after your fics and then some mood boards with Daniel Henney. (I would love to see him more like Alex Landi with Gong yoo's dentition. Landi's teeth are too crooked for my dentist mind) .
N don't remind me of Remix .. I have been pushing you for that one since two years now (with chapter 6 of TCW posted now, i have some hope!) Remix definitely kindles with 3 different perceptions of the same guy that we carry. N i love that part.
Coming to different Rileys, I love what Riley B says n i adore those qualities about him. He is the best version i have seen in all your AUs.
Even if others may have not liked it much.. i liked the tall dark MC with Asiam. I imagined the impressive tall couple and enjoyed it. May again cause I am tall and can relate to it.
Taking the L
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I am participating in #KingLiamAppreciaationWeek (#KLAW), hosted by the ever-lovely @lizzybeth1986​ and @sazanes​. This is my offering for Day 1: Throwback/Character Appreciation. I will be providing at least one more story for the event; if I do it correctly, the fic will cover the additional themes/days.
So, this is basically me giving my opinion and head canons about Liam while linking throwback fics into the dialogue; while I have all the love and appreciation in the world for my first, true LI, it may be best to have some of my Rileys express what they treasure and cherish most about the Liam they are paired with. After all, they are the ones with the man day in and day out.
Thank you to all who will read this brain dump; I can only hope it makes sense and comes across in a coherent manner. Everything is below the cut.
PB birthed Liam Rys, but us content creators raise him.
Song Inspiration: Fanfiction on the Internet, Jake Timothy
Word Count: 1,207
Keep reading
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msjr0119 · 5 years ago
The Unexpected Roommate
Part 1
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What happens when your roommate of many years falls in love and moves out unexpectedly? Drake Walker was in this situation, until his friends fiancée suggested that her friend moved in to replace her fiancé. The new roommate is causing tension already. Will they be able to survive living together? What’s the worse that could happen?
Drake x Riley
Leo x Olivia
Warnings: Swearing, tension, mention of smut.
Tags- using combined tag list for this, as always if you want to be removed please do let me know. I won’t be offended.
@pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @drxkewalker @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @nz1091 @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @desireepow-1986 @twinkle-320 @queenjilian @forthebrokenheartedthings-blog @princessleac1 @scarletreesex @bebepac
“So why is your roomie such an arse... what’s up with you, Riley? With every other roomie you’ve used that charm. He can’t be that bad?” Riley rolled her eyes back, knowing that no one would fully understand the extent of Drake’s awful attitude. Most people would assume that she was over exaggerating- wishing deep down that she was. Ordering another tray of shots for herself and her friend Daniel- she believed that this would numb all the negativity at home, even if it was only going to last for a few hours. I hate him. Or do I? Hate is a strong word. I think I’d have a closer friendship with a serial killer. Yes, I hate him. He doesn’t deserve me to be nice to him. He hates me too, so the feelings are mutual.
“He’s just... so frustrating. He’s horrendous towards me. He hasn’t even given me a chance- you know to get to know me.”
“It’s still early days, moving in with a stranger is going to be tough at first especially as you don’t know each other. Maybe when you are both off work, sit down and talk. Find out what each other like, what you both dislike.” Daniel had his own thoughts regarding his friends new roommate but wouldn’t dare expose this. Not needing to give her an excuse to pour alcohol down his new Armani shirt. In his mind, he believed that the man possibly actually liked Riley rather than hate her. Using the ‘hate’ as an excuse to not confess his true feelings- Daniel believed this way the reason why. Daniel himself had been in the same situation with a previous relationship.
“He wouldn’t even give me the light of day, so he’s definitely not going to talk to me like that. Fuck him. Is there any overtime at work? The less time I spend at home, the better.”
“I’ll text Carlos and find out. But for now, let’s drown our sorrows. Let’s drink!”
Fumbling through her bag for her key, she soon regretted having far too many shots with Daniel. Squinting her eyes, she was staring through the keyhole rather than inserting the key. Not knowing how long she had been stood up attempting to complete the ‘difficult’ task of opening a door- she believed that there was a god, saving her from any embarrassment if anyone was to walk by. As Drake opened the door, he caught her before allowing her to face plant the floor. For fuck sake, muttering to himself- he helped Riley stand up. As soon as she regained her balance after a few wobbles- he soon let go of her.
“Heh. Thanks, roooomieee.” Giggling like a naughty school girl, she was grateful that he was still awake in a way. That was until she saw his body tense, and the anger that surrounded his face.
“Past your curfew! It’s a good job that I’m still awake. Get inside now!” Shrugging her shoulders, she wasn’t his child, but she damn felt like it. Deciding to act like a teenager, to suit the ‘role’ allocated to her- she decided to become cocky and back chat him.
“Technically, I could stay outside for another minute. It’s 2.59am. So I’m back before my curfew. Arsehole.” Checking his phone, she was in fact correct- much to his annoyance.
“Just get inside before you vomit everywhere. I’m going to bed.” Following his commands, she walked into the kitchen- turning the kettle on she knew that she needed to sober up. Mainly to be able to provide Drake with any insults back- insults that would actually make sense, rather than them being garbage. Removing her dress, once it had reached her ankles- she kicked it through to the living room. Landing in the bin, she spun her body around in circles- even her drunk mind was contemplating doing a back flip to celebrate. “Goalllllll....” She cheered, before becoming silent hearing that all familiar stomp echo around his room.
Impatiently waiting for the kettle to boil in her matching lacy underwear, she was wondering if she had actually turned it on- knowing full well that didn’t trust herself when intoxicated.
I will wait, I will wait for youuuu 🎵.... to boil. I’ll wait for the boil to kettle. Maybe I should become a songwriter? I’ll send the updated lyrics to Mumford and Sons. She laughed to herself.
And I'll kneel down 🎵 ... oh fuck how am I getting back up?
Wait for now 🎵.... did I even turn it on? I need to stand up!
Struggling to stand back up, she pulled the drawer handle off, rather than stand up. I’m a dead woman, he’s going to kill me. Get up Ri! Eventually after a few attempts she stood up, and held on to the side for the dear life. Finding some gum in her purse, she hoped that it would hold the drawer handle in place- for now at least. Continuing to sing, random songs to herself-the noise of the door swinging open with full force, muted her- she was prepared and ready for Drake to comment with some sarcasm or a insult. One, two, thr...
“Will you shut the fuck up! You sound like a strangled cat! Put some fucking clothes on too! Jesus Christ, Riley! I don’t want to see all your flab.” That’s a lie. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. Just be nice to her. Remember the letter. Shit. Where did I put it?
Flab? Who the fuck does he think he is? What an insensitive comment to make.
“Yeah, because I’m a fucking obese whale aren’t I? I don��t really want to see your face or smell your whiskey scent breathing down my neck, insulting me every fucking goddamn opportunity that you get!”
“At least I can handle my drink. Stick to one drink next time and you won’t stumble around...” Actually stumbling as if on cue, she regained her balance yet again- losing count of how many times she had been in this situation. Making sure that the coffee was black she picked up the mug and began making her way to her room.
“What the fuck do you want from me Drake? I stuck to the curfew; I cleaned up whilst you was at work, I replaced all of your food. Just get a pen and paper, write down your likes/dislikes- anymore rules and I’ll fucking abide to them. Goodnight!”
“Oh, I will do. Another rule. Don’t leave your clothes scattered on the floor, or in bins. I dislike you and your attitude.”
“Ditto!” Unable to prevent her bottom lip from trembling, Drake soon realised that he had upset her. Did he care? He wasn’t too sure.
“Riley... I’m sorry. I’m tired, you keep disturbing me. I’ve got work in a few hours. You are being pretty damn selfish.”
“Don’t. I didn’t ask for you to fucking be a parent to me- I didn’t ask for you to be my babysitter. Good fucking night.”
“I need to be a fucking babysitter, you’re a loose canon! You couldn’t even insert the key into the keyhole. Good fucking morning, you idiot!” Slamming the door like some stroppy teenager, Drake slightly jumped realising that he had once again become the bad guy. Picking her dress up from inside the bin, he lift it up to his face as he inhaled the sweet perfume that was on it. Throwing it into the washing machine, he shook his head not knowing why he insisted on wanting to be close to her by smelling it.
Has he gone to sleep?
Yeah, I think. Come up now. I’ll sneak you in. He’s a wanker.
Ten minutes later Daniel text her, informing her that he was waiting outside. Since she had her spat with Drake, she had sobered up a bit- seeing her friend at the door, she soon realised that the hangover was due back on the agenda for the next day.
“I’ve brought alcohol! Alcohol is fun. Nice place.” He whispered, as he tip toed inside.
“You are the best! It would be nicer if he wasn’t here.” Quietly they snuck off into her room, Riley reiterated what had happened when she had returned. Also explaining about Drake’s silly rules- one that made Daniel laugh was ‘no visitors without permission’.
“Well you’ve broken a rule. He’s going to go apeshit.”
“So?” They both provided each other with a mischievous grin.
Drake stirred in his bed, many thoughts were roaming through his mind. One, where the fuck did he put the letter that he had wrote after supping a full bottle of Jack Daniels. Two, his obnoxious attitude towards Riley- again, making him feel slightly guilt ridden. Three, why the fuck had he woken up at four in the morning? Knowing that he must have only shut his eyes for a slight moment- they were heavy and he wished that he could just fall asleep instantly. Forcing his eyes closed, the banging and the noises suddenly awoken him.
“Oh. My. God. Yes!! Right there... harder Daniel!”
“You like that baby? You like my big hard cock inside of you...”
“Yes.... give me more! Please!”
What the fuck? Shooting out of bed, the noises increased- attempting to block it he couldn’t. Riley was getting fucked, she wasn’t his but he couldn’t help but feel disheartened. Why do I wish it was me instead? I hate the girl. Hearing her continue to moan, gave him a slight stiffy. Get down, Walker. We hate her. She’s an annoying bitch. Talking to his cock didn’t help the situation, no matter what he did- it was still growing thinking about Riley.
“Riley! Shut the fuck up!”
“Do you want to join in Drake?”
“Do I fuck! You’ve broken a fucking rule! Some of us have work in a few hours! Shut the fuck up!”
“I’m... I’m so close... oh.... Drake? I’ll be quiet soon.... I promise....go and get some beauty sleep babe!” Punching the door, he stormed back to his room- practically suffocating himself with the pillow, he was thinking about how he was going to get revenge on her.
Riley bit her lip as she listened to Drake stomp off to his room. Daniel was sat on the edge of the bed practically hyperventilating due to the reaction of Drake. They were the best of friends, colleagues - most people believed that their friendship was odd. On many occasions when they had been drinking they often masturbated in front of each other not giving two fucks. It turned neither of them on. Tonight she was debating whether or not to use a dildo for that extra effect, to make their prank seem sincere and real.
“Imagine his face if he finds out that I’m gay and that I actually would never fuck you. Fishy fannies. No, thank you. Big hard swollen cocks- yes! They are welcoming. What are we doing with these condoms then?”
“I have just the plan. But first, more shots!”
Drake had never been able to sleep in late, unless he was on a bender. Usually he would have an early night and be an early riser. Despite the annoying disturbance only a few hours ago, he was fully awake- deciding to work at home rather than go into the office, he was grateful that he had the option to do this. Sneaking quietly out of his room, through to the living area- his eyes widened. Firstly noticing the mess that Riley and her one night stand - as he assumed - had caused. Then he saw her half naked on the couch, his previous anger had deteriorated- instead he was admiring her. Placing her into a more comfortable position than she originally was in- he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her. Caressing her cheek, his hand lingered there for a moment. Kissing her on the forehead, he was unsure as to why she was like a magnet pulling him closer to her. Fluttering her eyelashes open, shock was written all over her face. Why is he so close? Has he found the condoms? Oh god, he’s going to kill me.
“Drake! What the actual fuck? You pervert! Have you just kissed me?” Using all of the energy she had in her, she pushed him away- forgetting how she ended up in the living room, she quickly scrutinised the room for clues. Empty bottles on the floor, my bra is on the floor- when did Daniel leave? Fuck, my head hurts.
“Have I fuck? Why the fuck would I kiss you? I hate you! I was just checking your pulse. I don’t really want to have to hide your corpse down the laundry chute!” Feeling slightly embarrassed that she called him out for something that he would always deny doing- he opened the curtains and decided to do something productive- work.
“Soz to disappoint ya but I’m very much alive! Get me some pain killers please.” The constant ache surrounding her head felt as if someone was hammering at her brain. Wrapping the blanket around her, she didn’t really want to move from the couch- however her dry chapped lips and the dehydration couldn’t be ignored for much longer.
“Enjoy your hangover, darling. I have work to do. And thanks to your antics, I need a lot of caffeine- get off of your arse and get your own pain killers.” Rolling his eyes back, he just wished that she would leave him in peace- at least until she was sober. Remembering that he wasn’t her ‘babysitter’ he didn’t owe her anything as far as he was aware. Standing up, the room was spinning and her body was swaying- Daniel you mother fucker- why is he such a bad influence? Drake typed away on his laptop- every so often he looked over towards her, quietly laughing as she was struggling to cope he had no empathy for her.
“Hey, Drake?” She turned to face him, as she swallowed the pain killers and water- not really knowing what she wanted to tell him. In the back of her mind, she felt slightly guilty for her drunk antics as she noticed that he was knackered. Feeling like she had to apologise, she decided against it- he deserved it in a way.
“For god sake what?” Slamming the cup of coffee on the table as he shouted, she flinched. No he definitely doesn’t deserve an apology.
“If you want to kiss me, all you have to do is ask.” Smirking at him, he returned the smirk followed by the middle finger gesture. “Oh so you prefer fingering a girl, I see.”
“No, that was my polite way in saying fuck off.”
“I am. Don’t worry. I’m tired. Sorry, by the way.” Pausing, she noticed his perplexed expression. Sorry, that’s a start- he thought to himself.
“I used all of your stash of condoms. I also gave my lover your ‘Tom Ford’ aftershave too, to thank him for the passionate night that we shared together. I’m sure you won’t mind, it’s not like you need it. It’s only aftershave. You’re a boring bastard so don’t need it to pull. No girl in their right mind would go on a date with you.” Waving to him, she left the room- looking smug with herself. Drake assumed that she was lying about the aftershave, after a while he walked into the bathroom- it was indeed missing. There was however a lingering smell of it, as if it had been sprayed.
“Fucking bitch!” Condoms were scattered around the bathroom, each filled with different things such as; shampoo, shaving foam, toothpaste and Drake’s aftershave. Cleaning the mess up, he wasn’t sure as to why he was doing this- she made it, so she should do it. But he didn’t have time to argue, he needed to complete some work today. When he believed that he had finished, his eyes filled with anger as he looked into the mirror. Riley had left him a message on it with what he assumed was lipstick as well as a ‘kiss mark’ - his teeth grit together as he read the message.
Don’t fuck with me Drake, this is only the start! Be nice, and I’ll be the most sweetest roomie. Ri 💋
“Enjoy your hangover and work Riley, because when you return home later- I’m going to get payback.”
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