#daniel mirsky
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Coming up this week on Hit Play:
Episode 15: Between You and Me
Spitting Distance by Laura Killeen with Michaela Farrell and Julia Melfi
Almost-Socialist by Anooj Bhandari
Rob Neill Versus Instagram by Lee LeBreton, with Rob Neill
7 Clever Uses for Discord by Marta Rainer
Episode 16: Breaking (it) Down
This is it by Yael Haskal
exploration into current angers #7 by Rob Neill
Podcast-Flash-Dance-Interlude by Anooj Bhandari
Regressing to a childlike state, featuring the voice of my nephew Ben, who’s at home in Texas, as the child ego. by Daniel Mirsky, with Ben Mirsky
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#hit play#nynf#new york neo futurists#the infinite wrench#laura killeen#michaela farrell#julia melfi#anooj bhandari#lee lebreton#rob neill#marta rainer#yael haskal#daniel mirsky
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Saturday: Flame Con followed by hot chicken followed by The Infinite Wrench followed by sleep. A+ imo
#flamecon#flame con#the infinite wrench#new york neo-futurists#cecil baldwin#fyodor pavlov#lulu black#m.h. mcferren#rob neill#daniel mirsky#ashley brockington
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Thomas Bernard, discours lors de la remise du prix de littérature de la ville hanséatique libre de Brême :
«Mesdames et messieurs, je ne saurais m'en tenir aux contes évoquant les musiciens de votre ville, je ne veux rien raconter, je ne veux pas chanter, je ne veux pas prêcher, mais, une chose est vraie : le temps des contes est terminé.
Les contes des villes et les contes des états, et tous les contes scientifiques, celui des contes philosophiques aussi. Il n'y a plus de monde des esprits, l'univers lui-même n'est plus un conte. L'Europe, la plus belle Europe est morte, voilà la vérité et la réalité. La réalité, tout comme la vérité, n'est pas un conte et la vérité n'a jamais été un conte.
Il y a cinquante ans, l'Europe toute entière était encore un conte, le monde entier était un monde de contes. Aujourd'hui, il y en a beaucoup qui vivent dans ce monde de contes mais ils vivent dans un monde mort et d'ailleurs, il s'agit de morts. Celui qui n'est pas mort est en vie et il ne vit pas dans les contes, il n'est pas un conte. Moi-même, je ne suis pas un conte et je n'appartiens à aucun monde de contes. J'ai dû vivre durant une longue guerre et j'ai vu des centaines de milliers de gens mourir, et d'autres, enjambant leur cadavre, continuer à vivre. Tout a continué dans la réalité.
Tout a changé, en vérité. En cinq décennies au cours desquelles tout s'est révolté et tout a changé ; au cours desquelles un conte millénaire s'est transformé en LA réalité et en LA vérité. Je sens que j'ai de plus en plus froid, alors qu'un monde ancien s'est transformé en un monde nouveau, une nature ancienne en une nature nouvelle.
Il est plus difficile de vivre sans contes, c'est pour cela qu'il est si difficile de vivre au vingtième siècle : nous ne faisons plus qu'exister. Nous ne vivons pas, plus personne ne vit plus mais il est beau d'exister au vingtième siècle, d'avancer. Mais d'avancer vers quoi ?
Je ne suis, je le sais, sorti d'aucun conte et je n'entrerai dans aucun conte, c'est déjà un progrès et c'est déjà une différence entre le temps d'avant et le temps d'aujourd'hui. Nous nous trouvons sur le territoire le plus abominable de toute l'Histoire.
Nous sommes effrayés, effrayés en tant que substance profondément troublante dont est fait l'homme nouveau et dont est fait notre nouveau concept de nature, et de renouvellement de la nature. Tous, autant que nous sommes, nous n'avons été, au cours du demi-siècle écoulé, qu'une seule et grande douleur. Cette douleur, aujourd'hui, c'est nous. Cette douleur est aujourd'hui, notre état d'esprit.
Nous avons des systèmes tout nouveaux, une conception du monde toute neuve et même une conception toute neuve et absolument magnifique de ce qui entoure le monde. Nous avons une morale toute neuve et nous avons des sciences et des arts tout neufs. Nous avons le vertige et nous avons froid. Nous avons cru qu'étant des hommes, nous allions perdre l'équilibre mais nous n'avons pas perdu l'équilibre et nous avons fait ce que nous pouvions pour ne pas mourir de froid.
Tout a changé parce que NOUS l'avons changé. La géographie extérieure a changé au même titre que la géographie intérieure. Nous nous montrons désormais de plus en plus exigeants. Nous ne pouvons nous montrer assez exigeants. Aucune époque ne s'est montrée aussi exigeante que la nôtre. Notre existence même est empreinte de mégalomanie mais comme nous savons que nous ne pouvons pas tomber ni mourir de froid, nous nous risquons à faire ce que nous faisons.
La vie n'est plus que science, science issue des sciences. Nous nous sommes soudainement résorbés dans la nature. Les éléments nous sont désormais familiers. Nous avons mis la réalité à l'épreuve. La réalité nous a mis à l'épreuve. Nous connaissons désormais les lois de la nature, les lois de la nature éternelle et souveraine et nous pouvons les étudier dans la réalité et dans leur vérité. Nous n'avons plus besoin de nous en remettre à des suppositions.
Lorsque nous examinons la nature, nous n'y voyons plus des fantômes. Nous avons écrit le chapitre le plus téméraire du grand livre de l'Histoire du monde et nous l'avons tous écrit chacun pour soi, dans l'effroi et dans la peur de la mort ; jamais de notre plein gré, ni à notre goût mais en fonction des lois de la nature. Nous avons écrit ce chapitre dans le dos de nos pairs aveugles et de nos professeurs stupides, dans nos propres dos, après tant de chapitres interminables et fades, le plus court et le plus crucial.
Cette clarté dans laquelle nous apparait soudainement notre monde, notre monde de science, nous effraie. Nous avons froid dans cette clarté mais nous avons voulu cette clarté, nous l'avons provoquée. Nous n'avons donc pas le droit de nous plaindre du froid qui règne désormais. Le froid augmente avec la clarté. Ce sont cette clarté et ce froid qui règneront désormais. La science de la nature sera pour nous une clarté supérieure et un froid beaucoup plus sévère encore que ce que nous pouvons nous imaginer.
Tout sera clair, d'une clarté de plus en plus haute et de plus en plus profonde et tout sera froid, d'un froid de plus en plus effroyable. Nous aurons, à l'avenir, la sensation d'un jour toujours plus clair et toujours plus froid.
Je vous remercie de votre attention. Je vous remercie de l'honneur que vous m'avez fait aujourd'hui»
Extrait de «Mes prix littéraires» de Thomas Bernhard, traduit de l'allemand (Autriche) par Daniel Mirsky et publié chez Gallimard. A écouter lu par Laurent Poitrenaux —> https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/avignon-fictions/mes-prix-litteraires-de-thomas-bernhard
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A Weapon to Defy the Gods: How Dumfries Defied Nature
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
“The Merchants, like most people in early days, were afraid of fire. There was not much chance of saving a house once the fire had a start,” reminisced Mrs. Annie Keys Cline Shumate when she reflected on the “old house” that caught her attention. Like many residents in the late 1800s to early 1900s, the Merchant family added a lightning rod to the top of their home both popular for safety and decorative purposes. While there are many myths regarding lightning rods, the Merchant copper forked tip and rod of twisted design with glass base certainly added a heightened element to the house on the corner.
(Merchant Family’s Lightning Rod, Discovered & Removed from the Top of the Historic House)
Although lightning rods do not attract lightning, they do help dissipate electrical energy safely to the ground, if installed properly with the grounding wire causing the current to bypass the structure to the ground. Lightning rods have a strangely functional, political, and fashionable history. While Benjamin Franklin comes to mind first with his famous experiments, another scientist also played with electricity in 1752. After reading Franklin’s books, French scientist Thomas-Francois Dalibard successfully drew sparks by setting up a tall iron rod insulated from the ground with wine bottles. A month later, Franklin conducted his famous kite experiment using a silk ribbon, key, and kite composed of silk and cedar. Franklin furthered his testing with iron rods attached to his house, publishing and sharing his critical research and results. While Franklin advocated a sharp pointed rod, the English preferred a blunt tipped instrument thinking it was less likely to be struck, and this became a visual political symbol for structures. King George III purportedly changed the sharpened rods at Buckingham Palace as a sign of displeasure for his previous rebellious subjects. In France, lightning rod safety extended to haute couture when men styled lightning umbrellas, para-pluie paratonnerre, and women wore lightning rod hats, chapeau paratonnerre, designed with a ribbon of metal on the hat with a chain extending to the ground.
The Merchant’s probably purchased their rod during the late 1800s – early 1900s as the rods became popular in homes along with certain decorative elements. Appearing during this time, the glass globe either served a decorative or functional purpose…or both! People thought a cracked glass globe indicated lightning strikes and oral histories state lightning rod salesmen would pay for people to shoot them. Ours appears to be intact so perhaps our house has escaped the Norse God Thor’s notice.
Note: April & May bring f2f and virtual programs! Contact us, [email protected], or visit our website to register for our free e-newsletter! Mailed on a monthly basis, our newsletters will keep you informed and alert to all programs and extra bits of local history.
(Sources: HDVI Collections; Daniel, Kevin. The Lightning Rod: A Not-So-Shocking Invention. Pennsylvania Center for the Book, https://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/literary-cultural-heritage-map-pa/feature-articles/lightning-rod-not-so-shocking-invention; Nicklasch, Tanis. Historical Treasure: Lightning Rods Trace History to Franklin. Tribune Star, 2019, https://www.tribstar.com/community/historical-treasure-lightning-rods-trace-history-to-franklin/article_47d78378-f27e-56bd-b53a-1d3358c2d3b8.html; Mirsky, Steve. Franklin’s Lightning Rod Served Political Ends. Scientific America Podcast: Space & Physics, 60 Second Science, https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/franklins-lightning-rod-served-political-ends/; Harvard University: Harvard Museums of Science & Culture: Thunder House, 1789. Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments: A Museum Perspective, https://hmsc.harvard.edu/thunder-house)
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CU researchers: Fast MRIs offer alternative to CT scans for pediatric head injuries
AURORA, Colo. (Sept. 18, 2019) – Scientists from the University of Colorado School of Medication have actually launched a research study that reveals that a brand-new imaging approach “fast MRI” works in recognizing terrible brain injuries in kids, and can prevent direct exposure to ionizing radiation and anesthesia.
The outcomes of the research study, which are released in the journal Pediatrics, develop a brand-new, low-risk method to test for brain injuries. The research study was developed to identify the expediency and precision of “fast MRI,” or magnetic resonance imaging, when compared to calculated tomography (CT) scanning.
“We found that fast MRI is a reasonable alternative to CT,” stated Daniel Lindberg, MD, associate teacher of emergency situation medication at the CU School of Medication and lead author of the post. “Nearly all – 99 percent – of fast MRIs were completed successfully, with accuracy that was similar to CT, while avoiding the harms of radiation exposure.”
Each year as lots of as 1.6 million kids go to U.S. emergency situation departments with an issue for terrible brain injury. As lots of as 70 percent go through CT scanning, which exposes the kids to ionizing radiation and increased threat of cancer.
Standard MRI can determine injuries without radiation direct exposure, however needs the kid to stay still for numerous minutes. Standard MRI needs anesthesia, which is not useful in lots of hurt kids and might expose them to moderate cognitive injury. Fast MRI prevents the requirement for sedation by utilizing much faster, and more motion-tolerant imaging strategies.
In Between June 2015 and June 2018, the CU scientists hired individuals to their research study. Kid less than 6 years of ages who had actually currently gone through CT scans throughout their emergency situation care were qualified to take part and those registered got fast MRI as quickly as possible, normally within 24 hours of the CT scan.
Of the 225 kids registered, fast MRI was finished in 223. The average imaging time in fast MRI was 6 minutes, 5 seconds. Fast MRI results matched those of CT in higher than 90 percent of cases. CT revealed much better precision for recognizing fractures or breaks to the skull, while fast MRI did a much better task of imaging the brain and the space in between the brain and skull.
One constraint of the research study is that it might not use to other settings without gain access to to advanced MRI scanners or knowledgeable pediatric radiologists. “We were fortunate to be using newer scanning equipment and highly experienced technicians and pediatric radiologists,” Lindberg stated. “While we believe our findings reveal a feasible alternative to CTs in pediatric specialty centers, further study is necessary to test the results in other settings.”
In addition to Lindberg, 9 other CU School of Medication professor are co-authors of the research study: Nicholas V. Stence, MD, Joseph A. Grubenhoff, MD, MSCS, Terri Lewis, PhD, David M. Mirsky, MD, Angie L. Miller, MD, Brent R. O’Neill, MD, Kathleen Grice, Peter Mourani, MD, and Desmond K. Runyan, MD, DrPH.
About the University of Colorado School of Medication
Professors at the University of Colorado School of Medication work to advance science and enhance care. These professor consist of doctors, teachers and researchers at UCHealth University of Colorado Medical facility, Kid’s Medical facility Colorado, Denver Health, National Jewish Health, and the Veterans Affairs Eastern Colorado Healthcare System. The school lies on the Anschutz Medical School, among 4 schools in the University of Colorado system.
Disclaimer: We can make errors too. Have a good day.
New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2019/09/18/cu-researchers-fast-mris-offer-alternative-to-ct-scans-for-pediatric-head-injuries/
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The Early Reactions For Gritty Are In
The Flyers introduced their new mascot, Gritty, this morning in front of children at the Please Touch Museum. God bless those souls. I heard from someone who works for the team that it was going to be really ugly. It appears so. No idea what’s going on here.
Twitter reactions are after the jump.
Really?????????? https://t.co/fuwMSRRSf8
— Howard Eskin (@howardeskin) September 24, 2018
this looks like Animal did too much coke pic.twitter.com/3Yh0mN4Cdg
— keithlaw (@keithlaw) September 24, 2018
Was having a nice day until I saw the new Flyers mascot.
— Marisa Ingemi (@Marisa_Ingemi) September 24, 2018
— David Shapiro (@BlueSeatBlogs) September 24, 2018
INBOX: Congratulations to our new Deputy Attorney General! pic.twitter.com/ECQTGMkOWe
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) September 24, 2018
— CogginToboggan (@CogginToboggan) September 24, 2018
Cowardly Lion been smashing Grimace pic.twitter.com/5iqCcSHa3V
— Cory Brown (@CoryBrown3) September 24, 2018
Live look at the kids when they walk into the WFC and see the new mascot pic.twitter.com/LbM1N529LU
— Christopher Deibler (@mrcrockpot) September 24, 2018
Apparently good mascot ideas are as elusive as the 2nd Round of the playoffs or quality goaltending
— Franzke & LA (@FranzkeLA) September 24, 2018
— ᴶᴬᴷ³ (@jmchvgh) September 24, 2018
#HeyYouGuys #Sloth #Goonies @NHLFlyers pic.twitter.com/nEwUBsAYyW
— Chris Lamers (@24bigslim) September 24, 2018
the orange they have for the 4t shirts is pic.twitter.com/72TL0gNUHz
— Babs the Ghost Shark (@HockeyBabbler) September 24, 2018
— Chris Devine (@cdevine95) September 24, 2018
Looks like the phanatic and cookie monster had an orange child.
— Alex Unrue (@alex_unrue) September 24, 2018
Children when Gritty shows up to their school. pic.twitter.com/0vYmUdYqeV
— DylanCallaghanCroley (@DylanCCSports) September 24, 2018
— Nikki (@80sretro215) September 24, 2018
— Arnold (@Arnold921) September 24, 2018
I'm all in on the ZZ Top rebrand https://t.co/LflwYEeBp8
— Jay Busbee (@jaybusbee) September 24, 2018
every picture i see it gets worse
— evnted (@evnted) September 24, 2018
Gritty is the Phanatic’s cousin from Delco
— Zoo With Roy (@zoowithroy) September 24, 2018
Don't make the Phanatic interact with that evil demon
— Zach (@Zach_Brach) September 24, 2018
You vs the guy she told you not to worry about. @BarstoolJordie @KingOfTheNHL pic.twitter.com/vif54Lw5LD
— Mike Smith (@Real_MikeySmith) September 24, 2018
@dpim13 I feel like I've seen this thing somewhere before. Oh right… pic.twitter.com/0P4ysDr1X7
— Dan Mirsky (@DanMirsky) September 24, 2018
Hopefully a short-lived mistake
— Daniel Brobst (@dbrobst92) September 24, 2018
What in the fuckin heck? https://t.co/VLSLmKBC2G
— Pardon My Take (@PardonMyTake) September 24, 2018
— #1 Nik Antropov Fan (@hockeylake72) September 24, 2018
New Flyers mascot out here looking like a drunk Irish uncle who passed out on the grill and burned his nose off. pic.twitter.com/yVGFULr3fL
— McKeever (@JohnnyMcKeever) September 24, 2018
— Herbs (@JonHerbert1412) September 24, 2018
"Has anyone seen Phil E. Moose?" pic.twitter.com/9LaZuH2cPF
— Zoo With Roy (@zoowithroy) September 24, 2018
Grit E. Moose
— Elton Jawn (@FanSince09) September 24, 2018
Shout out to whoever designed the new flyers mascot for really nailing that "jerks-off-while-holding-binoculars" look pic.twitter.com/LJRpGGzBHp
— McKeever (@JohnnyMcKeever) September 24, 2018
Guys, I’m being sincere, this just doesn’t work. Gritty has hidden bodies under floor boards
— Geoff (@geoffmang) September 24, 2018
— Quiet Wolf (@_PositiveBob) September 24, 2018
#Gritty pic.twitter.com/PISZ22cziM
— BuzzFeedPhillySports (@buzzfeedphl) September 24, 2018
"HERE’S GRITTY!" pic.twitter.com/DFIIn1Qlli
— Matt Mullin (@matt_mullin) September 24, 2018
Maybe we’re overreacting to Gritty, this is fine. pic.twitter.com/Q4PuNIqhoS
— John Barchard (@JohnBarchard) September 24, 2018
— Brian Spasm (@xpenis_cakesx) September 24, 2018
— ♚ Brendan Page ♚ (@BrendanDrPepper) September 24, 2018
— MLB Insider Dinger (@atf13atf) September 24, 2018
If this thing tries to touch me, I’m launching a beer at its head
— TJ Schirmer (@tjschirmer15) September 24, 2018
looks like Jake on LSD
— b h (@beerman86) September 24, 2018
— Marc Farzetta (@MarcFarzetta) September 24, 2018
Just showed Oskar Lindblom. “We’ll see how gritty he is.” https://t.co/T4us9aFDCL
— Dave Isaac (@davegisaac) September 24, 2018
I mean, the orange beard on the new mascot is indeed ridiculously on-brand for this particular Flyers team.
— Charlie O'Connor (@charlieo_conn) September 24, 2018
@Hartsy43 Scott hartnell really let himself go
— Backwodz (@EWodz2) September 24, 2018
Gritty is the lovechild of Jake Voracek and Scott Hartnell.
— Kyle McNulty (@mcnultyk9) September 24, 2018
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” pic.twitter.com/fEaAsMsHrv
— Actually Jason Kelce (@moviesontherox) September 24, 2018
— Danny (@Dannydelphia) September 24, 2018
@NHLFlyers: Join us in welcoming the newest member of the #Flyers Family, @GrittyNHL!! Fans: pic.twitter.com/wWBRPUtDrX
— Tommy P (@RealTommyPro) September 24, 2018
Great to see Jayson Werth involved in the Philly sports scene once again
— James Stumper Jr. (@JamesStumper) September 24, 2018
lmao noooooooo what is this?! what have you done???? https://t.co/Sk3elelLGt
— Pete Blackburn (@PeteBlackburn) September 24, 2018
Bad call in the playoffs and Gritty's head ends up on the ice.
— Adam Gretz (@AGretz) September 24, 2018
And is blazed out of his gourd
— $20 funds a month of tutoring (@Briligerent) September 24, 2018
— Ihavetweets (@JohnSharples850) September 24, 2018
— Yves-Martin Henley (@HenleyYves) September 24, 2018
— bw (@BesWilthon) September 24, 2018
Faces of Meth pic.twitter.com/YNanOtAJ0Y
— Pete Blackburn (@PeteBlackburn) September 24, 2018
*focus group meeting*
“So what are you looking for in a new mascot?”
“What if we took the red monster from that Bugs Bunny episode of Looney Tunes and dipped his face in a vat of acid?”
“Say no more fam” https://t.co/DB8f1H5YLE
— Kyle Neubeck (@KyleNeubeck) September 24, 2018
Gritty is the Phanatic’s cousin from Delco
— Zoo With Roy (@zoowithroy) September 24, 2018
Definitely brews his own beer.
— Rob Wesley (@eastwes) September 24, 2018
— John (@buddyspitz) September 24, 2018
Most adults were gonna hate this mascot regardless of what it was, so I honestly sorta respect that the Flyers just decided to go full nightmare-inducing with the thing.
— Charlie O'Connor (@charlieo_conn) September 24, 2018
Nah dog that’s orange Grimace with a Port Richmond beard https://t.co/RKGbNSx6Z1
— max (@MaxOnTwitter) September 24, 2018
What grit really looks like @iceburghNHL @penguins @NHLFlyers pic.twitter.com/B47xl62G4n
— Brian Mazurowski (@BMaz1) September 24, 2018
Mark Madden in muppet form https://t.co/OpEdJhhumK
— Ra's al Ghul Douglas (@Southern_Philly) September 24, 2018
@grittynhl are you related to Pepe the King Prawn? pic.twitter.com/fg8RHYWF6S
— eerie kwun (@ericsketch) September 24, 2018
gritty has definitely sent at least 50 unsolicited dick pics with the caption "it me" underneath each single pic. i, for one, am ready to die. https://t.co/VGbVFMujRH
— little lumpia (@emilyexploded) September 24, 2018
you vs. the cursed hellbeast she told you not to worry about pic.twitter.com/mOxu4KdpxQ
— Jesse Spector (@jessespector) September 24, 2018
THE FUCKING EYES https://t.co/8KpjKdVFHG
— Julian (@Jules_R18) September 24, 2018
i am here for this dirtbag mascot https://t.co/NN75blJ105
— Justin Sink (@justinsink) September 24, 2018
Meet the Philadelphia Flyers’ new mascot, "Flaming Hot Cheetos Soaked In Acid" https://t.co/T1rHAE4OVd pic.twitter.com/jItlnIMyxt
— Pete Blackburn (@PeteBlackburn) September 24, 2018
This guy's brother maybe? pic.twitter.com/UOuLip8zBZ
— Flynnie (@PhlFlynnie) September 24, 2018
I will not trust Gritty around my kids
— Geoff (@geoffmang) September 24, 2018
When the edibles kick in pic.twitter.com/YJ93WWCBni
— Actually Jason Kelce (@moviesontherox) September 24, 2018
Jesus…#NHL #Flyers #Mascot #Mascots #Gritty #Hockey @NHL @GrittyNHL @NHLFlyers @NJDevil00 pic.twitter.com/yKTLIfQivC
— King (@KingOfSkunkDuck) September 24, 2018
Gritty is going to be such a bad influence on the Phanatic.
— Enrico (@The700Level) September 24, 2018
Fold the franchise https://t.co/T0H7MbAFA1
— Brian Coulter (@PhilaBCoulter) September 24, 2018
— Becca (@BeccaH_JR) September 24, 2018
Worst ideas in recent Philly sports history:
1. Pushing out Sam Hinkie 2. Giving Chip Kelly full power 3. Gritty
— Joe Giglio (@JoeGiglioSports) September 24, 2018
— Seth (@SaxNStrikeouts) September 24, 2018
Quick n dirty pic.twitter.com/zD6GzhjD8S
— Chris Covers (@ChrisCoverSongs) September 24, 2018
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There's vomit on his sweater already, mascot Gritty
— Down Goes Brown (@DownGoesBrown) September 24, 2018
Whoever came up with this idea should be fired. Whoever approved this idea should be shamed. Mascots don’t belong in hockey. https://t.co/JCjIcuxJi3
— Brendan Tierney (@tierneyb5) September 24, 2018
They said the Eagles winning the Super Bowl would be the greatest day in the history of Philadelphia sports.
THEY WERE WRONG. https://t.co/9cX5GLZBe2
— Greg Wyshynski (@wyshynski) September 24, 2018
lol ok https://t.co/3sSJcbLSfF
— Pittsburgh Penguins (@penguins) September 24, 2018
Sleep with one eye open tonight, bird. pic.twitter.com/wLmGBa0Oyh
— Gritty (@GrittyNHL) September 24, 2018
The city is now officially on a cold streak on introducing new mascots.
Whoever is cursing Philadelphia with these new mascots please stop we don’t deserve this pic.twitter.com/iWamin1PuI
— (@alyssakeiko) September 24, 2018
[interior, Philly Mascot HQ. The Phanatic sits behind his desk]
PHANATIC: You’re my No. 2, Swoop. And, Franklin, you’ve proven your loyalty in such a short time. You all know what to do.
(Swoop & Franklin nod silently)
PHANATIC: We strike tonight. Both of them.
SWOOP: Both? pic.twitter.com/Q1b2cX80zd
— Matt Mullin (@matt_mullin) September 24, 2018
The post The Early Reactions For Gritty Are In appeared first on Crossing Broad.
The Early Reactions For Gritty Are In published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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Level Up Your Storytelling Metaphor, Spectacle, and Discovery
Dates: October 6, 13, & 20, 11am-3pm Instructors: Mirsky and Rob
This Neo-Futurist workshop, based in storytelling, is designed to strengthen confidence and communication, while bringing creativity to center stage. It focuses on developing a heightened awareness, delving into metaphor, experimenting with technical, audio, and visual variations, and mining personal experiences in order to discover a greater meaning in everyday life. Participants will quickly generate and perform new work that engages the self, the immediate surroundings, and this world at present. The aim is to analyze storytelling–embracing the personal, the technological, even the abstract, building to a point of bringing more individual creativity into participants’ writing and performance.
By the end of this workshop, participants will have written, performed and workshopped both individual and collectively-written short plays which will be showcased in an invited performance on the last day of the workshop!
#nynf#new york neo futurists#workshops#theatre workshop#rob neill#daniel mirsky#experimental theatre#performance art
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A band of tiny adventurers, four wind-up creatures–a monkey, a robot, a dinosaur, and a unicorn—are on a fantastic journey. Although they move in short and unpredictable bursts, when they stop they trigger the performers into various rituals, stories, songs, and dances. Along the way they discover how to persevere, explore community, and celebrate random interactions. Wind-Up Variations, is a multimedia retro punk meditation, an experiment in Neo-Futurism, a theatrical spectacle of the real and tangible shared everyday moments finding poetry in the routine and the chaos. Wind-Up Variations is a Neo-Futurist play based on ideas originally incubated in Monkeyland at Avant Garde Arama, Apocalypse Neo,Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind, and The Infinite Wrench. The show is being written & directed by founding New York Neo-Futurist Rob Neill and features current, past, and original New York Neo-Futurists: Ayun Halliday, Eevin Hartsough, Daniel Mirsky, and T Thompson. It runs 12 performances only April 19th – May 12th. Performance Schedule: Thursday, April 19 – 8pm Friday, April 20 – 8pm Saturday, April 21 – 8pm Thursday, April 26 – 8pm Friday, April 27 – 8pm Saturday, April 28 – 8pm Monday, April 30 – 8pm Friday, May 4 – 8pm Saturday, May 5 – 8pm Thursday, May 10 – 8pm Friday, May 11 – 8pm Saturday, May 12 – 8pm TICKETS: $20 Advance Tickets Advanced tickets get you priority access and a guaranteed seat. $25 Tickets at the door WHERE: 85 East 4th Street
#wind up variations#rob neill#ayun halliday#eevin hartsough#daniel mirsky#t thompson#nynf#new york neo futurists#experimental theatre#theatre
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© 2017 Daniel Mirsky, featuring Daniel Mirsky, Katy-May Hudson, Dan McCoy, Hilary Asare, and Mike Puckett.
THE INFINITE WRENCH: New plays every week; different show every time! When: Fridays & Saturdays @ 10:30pm Tickets @ Door: $14 + the roll of a 6-sided die ($15-$20) Advance Tickets: $20 Where: Kraine Theater: 85 East 4th St. (btw 2nd & 3rd Ave).
#plays#short plays#experimental theatre#performance art#nynf#new york neo futurists#the infinite wrench#neo futurism#daniel mirsky#katy may hudson#dan mccoy#hilary asare#mike puckett#theatre#new york theatre
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reverse horror movie
© 2017 Kyra Sims The Infinite Fright 2017
Stage picture: lights @ 50%. Neos enter one at a time from different locations and walk backwards in slow motion as the text is V.O. Our final position at the end of the V.O. will be in a line across the lip of the stage.
KYRA: credits roll
MIRSKY: credits roll
KRYS: credits roll down instead of up
CONNOR: question mark. the end?
T: camera fades back in and pans across a swat team looking down at a dead 64 year old white man
DAN: a dead 64 year old white man.
ALEX: the swat team flings itself out of the room
KYRA: the door lifts, its splinters finding their original homes. it rights itself.
MIRSKY: the blood returns to the man’s head as his skull comes back together
KRYS: the man stands, he stands and he turns his head back to the tvs showing a swat team rushing backwards
CONNOR: a swat team rushing backwards.
T: a man’s bullets return to him like chickens to roost. so fast. so easy.
DAN: bodies below uncrumple. rivers of blood find their sources.
ALEX: people float to their feet in defiance of gravity. They stand. They smile.
KYRA: They sip their drinks
MIRSKY: watching as the musicians gather notes back into their instruments
KRYS: this is not a film
CONNOR: but if it were
T: people, families, and lovers would stroll unseeing, backs facing the past
DAN: And the sun would rise in the west
ALEX: over another normal day
KYRA: just like any other.
Front lights come up to 100% on Neos at lip of stage. They smile, and raise up their hands to the audience in greeting.
THE INFINITE FRIGHT $20 in Advance – Buy now. $20 at the door. $15 at the door if you come in costume.
October 27th & 28th at 10:30pm in the Kraine Theater.
#horror movies#horror#halloween#the infinite fright#kyra sims#daniel mirsky#krystal seli#connor sampson#t thompson#dan mccoy#alex vlahov#theatre#experimental theatre#performance art#plays#short plays#nynf#new york neo futurists#neo futurism
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Friday, October 27th, 2017 at 10:30PM Saturday, October 28th, 2017 at 10:30PM The New York Neo-Futurists are frankensteining together a weekend of all of our most HORRIFYING, TERROR-INDUCING, FREAKISH and DOWNRIGHT BIZARRE plays. We delve outside the fourth wall to explore your deepest fears in THE INFINITE FRIGHT, a special Halloween version of our ongoing hit show The Infinite Wrench. $20 in advance. $20 at the door. $15 at the door if you come in costume! Buy now at nynf.org!
#the infinite fright#the infinite wrench#nynf#new york neo futurists#neo futurism#halloween#theatre#experimental theatre#performance art#krystal seli#connor sampson#daniel mirsky#kyra sims#alex vlahov#t thompson#dan mccoy
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An Interactive Media Performance By Cara Francis Performed by Cara Francis, Daniel Mirsky, and You. Technical Collaborator: Daniel Mirsky General Manager: Emily Pojman
The award-winning New York Neo-Futurists are pleased to announce the New York premiere of Happy To See You, created and directed by Cara Francis. It will run at the The Collapsable Hole in October.
A meditation on the complex relationships that humans develop with the virtual spaces they inhabit, pass through, and engage with every day, Happy To See You interviews its audience members on their social media habits, their feelings about artificial intelligence and their experience living a virtual life in a physical world. Selected participants, engaged in conversation with the disembodied voice of an open-ended dialogue system, will see themselves reflected by cameras beginning with the ones used by their own smart phone apps. In addition to an opportunity to “be truly seen by your friends, your peers, your strangers, and an invisible network of algorithms collecting your data directly from your mind’s eye”, audience members will receive the chance to enter a virtual reality paradise of their choosing in front of the remaining audience for an unreproducible interactive media experience.
Tickets: $20 at nynf.org, 866-811-4111 or at the door. For groups sales 10+, please email [email protected] or call 347.871.6365 Performance Schedule: Thursday, October 12 - 8pm Friday, October 13 - 8pm Saturday, October 14 - 7pm & 9pm Sunday, October 15 - 7pm Tuesday, October 17 - 8pm Wednesday, October 18 - 8pm Thursday, October 19 - 8pm Friday, October 20 - 8pm Saturday, October 21 - 7pm & 9pm Sunday, October 22 - 7pm Location: The Collapsable Hole, located at 55 Bethune St, New York, NY 10014
#happy to see you#nynf#new york neo futurists#neo futurism#cara francis#daniel mirsky#emily pojman#the collapsable hole#experimental theatre#artificial intelligence#virtual reality#interactive art#interactive theatre
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Click a link to read a play! Get your tickets here for priority access and a guaranteed seat!
if David Lynch described the news of the week
Baaad Buddhist
A Song For What I Wish I'd Said Instead of Being Afraid Made into a Music Video
Studies in Incongruity: Take 5 (Pink Floyd play)
I've been waiting for freaking-ever to write this play about my favorite fact about Hilary.
Nuclear Arms Breakdown
Big Backwards Cereal Play
A conversation with a "fuckboi" with Act 1 being the way it really went via Bumble messenger and Act 2 being how it would’ve gone if he had been bold enough to say what he said IRL and if murder was legal - with Rayne as Rayne and Alex as the “fuckboi”
Her and Her Daddy’s Tiny Hands A Hand Dance
The Sexy Ugly
How I Hope They’re Responding To My Resume
Water and Earth Signs
Eye’d Like To Get To Know You Better
Meditations on Nowhere
The Neos perform a severely abridged version of Beckett's Waiting For Godot, substituting the words "The Right Time To Talk About Gun Control" for "Godot".
Womxn, still.
What her roommate has narrowly avoided night after night after night
Anti-Anxiety Sandwich
Audience Sitcom Hijack #1
Kentucky (or, the unbridgeable distance between human beings and the vastness of our inner selves)
One Tweet Play
Undoing a decade of self-imposed restrictions looks like this.
Stoned at MoMA
KRANIA BAUSCH (Inspired By Cafe Muller at BAM)
A British Eulogy to that Which was Wasted
i'm looking for it (thank you Ms. Chapman)
If a+b then c=B b/c systemic racism
Office Talkin’
#nynf#new york neo futurists#the infinite wrench#experimental theatre#performance art#neo futurism#theatre#menus#daniel mirsky#alex vlahov#t thompson#hilary asare#rayne harris#krystal seli
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The Infinite Wrench is our theatrical mechanism that unleashes a barrage of two-minute plays. Each play offers something different–funny, profound, elegant, disgusting, topical, irrelevant, terrifying, or a song; all tackle the here-and-now and are inspired by the experiences of the performers. It is the Neo-Futurists’ ongoing and ever-changing attempt to shift the conventions of live performance and we are doing so many things, things in plays, that you should come and check it out for yourself.
New plays every week; different show every time! If you’ve seen the show once, you’ve seen the show once.
When: Fridays & Saturdays @ 10:30pm Tickets @ Door: $14 + the roll of a 6-sided die ($15-$20) Advance Tickets: $20 (+ $3 processing fee) (Advanced tix get priority access & a guaranteed seat.) Where: Kraine Theater: 85 East 4th St. (btw 2nd & 3rd Ave).
#the infinite wrench#nynf#new york neo futurists#neo futurism#theatre#experimental theatre#rayne harris#mike puckett#daniel mirsky#krystal seli#ashley brockington
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Click a link to read a play! Get your tickets here for priority access and a guaranteed seat!
Go ahead and judge?
Baaad Buddhist
A Song For What I Wish I'd Said Instead of Being Afraid Made into a Music Video
Studies in Incongruity: Take 5 (Pink Floyd play)
I've been waiting for freaking-ever to write this play about my favorite fact about Hilary.
Nuclear Arms Breakdown
Big Backwards Cereal Play
A conversation with a "fuckboi" with Act 1 being the way it really went via Bumble messenger and Act 2 being how it would’ve gone if he had been bold enough to say what he said IRL and if murder was legal - with Rayne as Rayne and Alex as the “fuckboi”
Her and Her Daddy’s Tiny Hands A Hand Dance
I can't seem to make it stick so here is a (Demi) Goodbye
How I Hope They’re Responding To My Resume
Water and Earth Signs
Eye’d Like To Get To Know You Better
All Hail Fremont
The Only Motherfucker
A reenactment of tiny bits of convos and a moment of zen during yoga at the preschool I work at
Standup Metaphor
A brief objection followed quickly by insult
Anti-Anxiety Sandwich
Audience Sitcom Hijack #1
Kentucky (or, the unbridgeable distance between human beings and the vastness of our inner selves)
Say What?
loud black women
Stoned at MoMA
KRANIA BAUSCH (Inspired By Cafe Muller at BAM)
Who says we aren't vampires? Some of us aren't aging.
i'm looking for it (thank you Ms. Chapman)
A Million Dollar Idea
Cocks and Cunts
#nynf#new york neo futurists#theatre#experimental theatre#the infinite wrench#performance art#neo futurism#plays#short plays#daniel mirsky#alex vlahov#ashley brockington#hilary asare#rayne harris#krystal seli
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The Infinite Wrench: Week #25
Click a link to read a play! Get your tickets here for priority access and a guaranteed seat!
Taco Shells Make Terrible Puppets
Every time I explain “the poly thing” it feels like a boss battle from Final Fantasy (with Mike as “Mike” and Rayne as “Pretty Much Everyone”)
Koko Pwop? It is now.
When Mine is Yours
Spoopy! {the australian sheep-goat test}
Swipe (The Real Terror of Dating Apps)
Audience Insights on the Future of Capital
in the middle of epiphany
The Naming of Things
Hollywood vs. Reality: Teeth Brushing
This is, only a hypothesis
Instant Nostalgia (with Stand-Ins)
How to Make An American Cocktail: The Mint Julep
If Every Second of this Play Represents a Decade of Time, This Play Will End When Leading Scientists Estimate Our Extinction
Flight Of The Music Stands
Shut Up & Drink With Me
Trumping the Wrench
Under cover of night, The New York Neo-Futurists remove any confederate statues, monuments or memorials from the Kraine Theater.
if Antiques Roadshow stopped across the street at La MaMa Experimental Theater Club
Impromptu Therapy For You By You
Neo Career Day
Every Time I sit Down to Write a Play That Has Nothing to Do With Race...
Bar Mitzvah
Non-Illusory Mime
Black Plays and White Wine
Whoops Johnny Whoops
Let Us Remember
#nynf#new york neo futurists#the infinite wrench#experimental theatre#new york theatre#theatre#menus#ashley brockington#daniel mirsky#cecil baldwin#mike puckett#rayne harris#rob neill
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