#daniel is an absolute icon btw i love him
starsyearn · 13 days
holy shit that ending to season one. i need a minute
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theanimesimgirl · 3 months
(Pre-made)“Adulthood”vlog 3:moving🤭🤭🤭😭😭😭
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hey guys, this is vlog 4! I had a bad problem with insects in my cousin and me apartment. Then on Monday we got some horrible news that the whole building was infested with bugs. Luckily my cousin she was planning on moving anyway going on hiatus from being a model as well… as for me it was horrible. I wasn’t expecting to move or anything and that week my cousin had already left for Tomarang. The day after she left, I called and asked if we want to wait two years for the apartment to be renovated and rebuilt or do we just wanna go separate ways? She said let’s do both. So while she’s living far away, I moved to San myshouno I guess it kind of worked out because once I told iconic agency I had to move they said that i should apply for curve agency once it opens up . After I I thought about it for a while,I decided to go apply as a model and actor to the curve agency. Which I’m still waiting on my job request to come back. So yeah. On the bright side, though I ended up finding an apartment I really liked. The building itself is historic but the apartment I’m living on which is the fifth floor was custom built from for a woman who used to live there and she had a baby boy and when she got married, she left and put it up for sale. After doing the house tour….
house tour:
1 master bedroom
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
1 office
living room
rent:2,500 a month since this was a custom apartment.
right in the middle of the city 🌃
I absolutely fell in love it and had to get,btw I have this hot guy as my next door neighbor,his name I don’t know it yet but I hope to find out!
(added on:so the male sim I’m talking about is Daniel Haywood by @sunnisani,which I hope to give him a makeover and change his name because he reminds me of my crush when I was back in middle school)
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Favourite programs 2019/2020 season - Men’s FS
As usual I tend to like short programs more than free skates. The former tend to be more tightly structured and choreographed. And because you have to land multiple quads/jump combination in the FS, you need room to breath so a lot more filler between big elements in the FS. 
That said there were some nice ones. And some really good ones.
Kevin Aymoz - Lighthouse - choreo by Silvia Fontana
Not my favourite of Kevin’s programs by a long shot. Also I can’t help but compare it to Savchenko/Massot’s version... I’m not saying S/M’s FS was better. Absolutely not. Just saying it meant more to me, and Kevin falls a bit short. But again strictly personal choice. 
That said, great choreo. Wonderful performances... Not great by Kevin’s standards. Outstanding by everybody else’s. 
Tomoki Hiwatashi - Petrushka - choreo by Tom Dickson
First of all: great music choice. Now that pop music has become a common thing, it’s actually refreshing to see a skater use instrumental/classical music, especially if the music selected is not a warhorse. 
So kudos to Tomoki for choosing Stravinsky’s gorgeous score, and staying away from more comme choices like Firebird. Also where’s my Rite of Spring program?
The choreo is great fun, really keeping the spirit of the piece. It has been done before, but it’s still refreshing to see. A bit too complicated perhaps for Tomoki. I don’t think he quite managed to really pull it off, but kudos for trying and that FS will definitely make him grow as a performer. 
Jason Brown - Schindler’s List - choreo by David Wilson
I don’t usually like Schindler’s List programs. Not going to start a discussion about sensitivity/offensiveness, because I don’t think it’s my place to do so, but without all that, I still find these kind of programs “a bit too much”. Like in a “you want some drama? I’ll show serious drama” kind of stuff. But Jason managed to make this program entirely his own, and deliver gut-wrenching performances. I think it’s my favourite FS of his. 
Kazuki Tomono - Moulin Rouge - choreo by Misha Ge
The only valid Moulin Rouge. No seriously, this is a warhorse I loathe. It just feels cheap to me. Music is cheap. Sexyness that comes with this type of programs is cheap...
And then Kazuki comes and sets the ice rink on fire. Honestly he sould receive 10 in PE for the type of performances he delivers with this program. It’s that good. 
Nathan Chen - Rocketman - choreo by Shae-Lynn Bourne
Just the best thing Nathan has ever done. Also the first time I’ve completely, 100% loved one of his programs. No “what ifs” like there were with Nemesis. No “you know I can see lots of potential. It’s just there, and not really brought to life” like with Land of All. Just. Iconic. 
First of all, the program is just wonderfully structured, the music cuts are good, the three phases complement each other.
Also it’s pure Nathan, and I’m glad he has finally found his style. I just can’t imagine another skater doing this kind of program. BTW it’s not a question of technical abilities, but of idk, energy, style. Like that’s pure Nathan. A bit rough around the edges. Pure unbridled energy, triumph, in your face kind of thing. Land 5 quads, and then does freestyle for the choreo sequence. 
Junhwan Cha - The Fire Within - choreo by Shae-Lynn Bourne
Just a gorgeous program all around. 4 minutes of intensity on ice. Great music choice that really suits him. Gorgeous step sequence. Gorgeous choreo sequence, with that Ina Bauer. (Really the best of the season, all fields put together)
Honorable mentions: Yuzuru Hanyu (Origin), Artur Danielian (Verdi medley), Adam Siao Him Fa (Woodkid), Daniel Grassl (Nocturnal Animals), Petr Gummenik (Phantom of the Opera)
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nettlestonenell · 6 years
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How Peggy Carter Shows Up in Avengers: Endgame
...is actually a really important question to ponder, Gentle Readers. Thanks for asking.
As I recently set forth here, Peggy Carter is the central bedrock of the MCU. If you don’t like her, you don’t like it.
As such, it seems unlikely that the attention she will be given in Endgame will be limited to the infamous black and white picture Steve keeps in his old compass (which some fans believe he looks to for moral guidance. About which I stringently disagree.)
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Insert your own traveling-across-realms Once Upon a Time Swanfire keychain reference here.
Just to cover all the possible bases, then; 
SCENARIO #1: Peggy used solely as image/misunderstood totem for Cap.
I firmly expect “actual” Peggy Carter to make an appearance in Endgame, and according to the internet at large, I am not alone.
HOW she makes that appearance, and what is made of her appearance is entirely unknown at this time, but here are the strongest possibilities. (All following scenarios involve Time Travel or universe-shifting.)
Cap sent back in time to his version of a Valhalla/warrior’s paradise: right after his jet goes into the ice he manages somehow to arrive the following Saturday at the Stork Club at 8pm as she and he were talking about in his last moments on the radio.
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While iconic for that time period, The Stork Club (of New York City) has always seemed a rather upscale venue for Peggy and Steve to pick. (Coincidentally, it closed its doors in 1965)
(Ultimately, you may recall Steve saying he’s going to need a raincheck on that dance.)
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I don’t see it. Doing this robs those moments in The First Avenger entirely of their gravity and their far-reaching impact in the MCU. Peggy wouldn’t even have a hot moment to grieve for what she lost. What’s more, Peggy in the immediate aftermath of Steve’s disappearance hasn’t got anything to offer the plot/Cap in the way of fighting Thanos/the power of Infinity Stones. She’s just relegated to a sort of trophy/reward, without any utility in the storyline.
If Peggy Carter is used in Endgame without having something to contribute to the forward motion of the plot, IF, for example, she’s reduced to a sort of ‘Grey Havens’ for Cap, what an utter waste of everything MCU has put into her over the years. If going back to be with Peggy (pre-Marvel’s Agent Carter and ongoing developments in the MCU) is simply Cap’s “reward”, then Peggy gets reduced to nothing but a dog treat. [which, I daresay from reading enough tumblr plenty of bloggers think she is]
Just as I said in that earlier blog, narratively it’s Steve in TFA who has to “come up” to Peggy’s level, both physically 
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She could snap him in two if they tried that dance, now.
(at least narratively-speaking—obviously there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong in real life with two partners not being the physical equal of one another, in fact it’s rather more standard than not) and also heroic conviction-wise; he has to be willing to step out there and join the fight (as when he left the showgirls, etc). 
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Of course, even leaving the showgirls behind, Steve won’t miss out on the sight of a great pair of legs, Angie Martinelli will gladly tell you.
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Ahem. It’s been awhile since Cap woke up from the ice. He’s seen and done a lot. But Peggy, in the immediate wake of his crash, well, she’s hasn’t had a chance to grow similarly.
TFA-era Peggy and Infinity War-era Cap are far from on the same footing. She’s only just had her first brush with the supernatural (Vibranium and the Tesseract, super-soldier serum). She’s still WWII-Peggy, and Cap hasn’t been WWII-Cap for awhile (remember his government’s betrayal in Winter Soldier? His own rebellion in Civil War?).
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Unlikely we’ll see this noobishly terrified expression ever again.
Lots has happened since next Saturday at the Stork Club, 8pm. Let’s talk funerals. Cap has gone to Peggy’s, 
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I’m not proud of showing you this.
and in the season one finale of Agent Carter, Peggy “Goodbye, My Darling” (words, btw, she never said to him in real-life) Carter takes a moment to pour Steve’s blood sample off the Brooklyn Bridge to prevent it being used for ill, and memorialize and let him go in a real way, which she had yet to be able to do.
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Do you think the military held a funeral/event in memory of Steve after he was lost to the ice?
A day or two (or even a year) after the crash, she hasn’t been able to bring herself to do that.
Secondarily, as I said in that earlier blog, Peggy has to live and operate in a world without Steve IF ONLY TO BE SHOWN AS SUCCESSFUL ON HER OWN TERMS and not viewed merely as Captain America’s Girlfriend.
Having him show up ON TIME for their dance doesn’t allow her that. It also doesn’t see her co-found S.H.I.E.L.D. (for one example). Peggy would have remained Peggy unchanged, and Cap—well, Cap’s changed plenty. He doesn’t even dress the same. 
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Just look at the confidence in this man’s face. This man has grown and changed since burying that plane in the ice.
If he wakes up in TFA the same year that film came out, that’s almost nine years ‘til Infinity War, and who knows how long ‘til the plot of Endgame picks up. All of WWII lasted six years. It doesn’t seem like Cap’s life since waking up has been any less of a crucible.
I absolutely understand the emotional desire fans have to see that dance and that date take place as though nothing has happened. I. Get. It. But from a story standpoint, it’s a bad idea that negates so much work and development that’s come before.
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I deeply apologize for my story-based convictions on this matter.
SCENARIO #3: Parallel Peggy
Parallel universes make my brain hurt. Literally anything could happen in them. Except Steve getting time with actual Peggy.
Also, that would be something of a Whovian #10/Rose re-tread, wouldn’t it?
(Possibly one-way) Time Travel to Just the Sweet Spot Where Peggy Has Access to an Answer the Avengers Need
Peggy Carter’s life and work have meant a lot to the MCU (don’t get me started on the fact the franchise didn’t have Nick Fury, Coulson, Hill, and Tony Stark attend her funeral).
We know some of what she was involved in with SSR and S.H.I.E.L.D. (okay, well, likely she was involved with literally EVERYTHING). We know she had two children, a boy and girl, and a granddaughter (we don’t want to negate them, do we?[Aside: Could Steve and Peggy even have kids?]). 
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Children on the right, on the left the photo is taken later (note clothing style), indicating a granddaughter.
We know she was married, though the powers that be have stopped short of ever naming her husband. 
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Sorry, wrong wedding dress, wrong wedding, v.v. sad day about to happen.
Season Two of Agent Carter shows her embarking on a relationship with Daniel Sousa, 
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All my love, Daniel!
but for all we know that proved a non-starter, and in a twist she wed Jack Thompson—or even Dum Dum—or some other guy we never met. We’re simply not told. No man appears in photos by her bedside in Winter Soldier, her husband is given no name in her official obit from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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In her 1953 interview we’re told that she’s married by that time, she speaks about her husband, a WWII vet. (The bedside picture with her two children shows her with a similar hairstyle to this interview)
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What we’ve never been given is information about how long that married lasted. Divorce, death of a spouse? Entirely possible. If Cap’s being sent back (at least in part) to pitch woo to Peggy, I’m betting her husband will have passed on. (Truly sorry if it’s you, Daniel!)
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I’m betting that in those files Cap was reviewing in The Winter Soldier, there may have been something among his research about what Peggy got up to after he was gone. 
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In my memory, there’s like a whole box of this sort of thing sitting around Cap’s apartment.
And that among her work, or even among Howard’s Bad Babies, might well be technology or an item needed to help defeat Thanos or reverse the snap.
So, Cap shaves his beard (to be more recognizable to her), 
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goes back not to 1940, but sometime after Peggy’s interview in 1953 
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(recall the motion-capture dots on Hayley in that Instagram pic which may be used to age her, recall also the casting call for 1960s office girls). 
This gives us BOTH a Peggy who had moved on and done important work, AND a Cap who has grown and changed since being pulled from the ice.
In a scenario like this, what we are presented with (again) are Steve and Peggy as two EQUALS, the reward for each of whom, and their lifetime of service and sacrifice is each other. And a Cap returned to a world more in- line with his human life expectancy (and among which he might feel more comfortable—and in which some of his friends/the Howling Commandos might still live). Peggy would be in her 40s in the 1960s*. (Don’t even get me started on loving middle-aged awesome, reaching her sexual peak Peggy getting to be with constantly on-peak super-soldier Steve.)
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I mean, check out Peggy in her late 60s: Here, hot, and still happening.
SCENARIO #4 doesn’t diminish a possible Steggy happy ending. In fact, it just deepens and burnishes it.
*Perhaps whatever takes place in the 60s also involves the long-unexplained tease of how Peggy as head and founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. remained (we assume) unaware that Hydra had long infiltrated her organization. #utterpipedreams
COMPLICATIONS:…now don’t get me started that if Cap-Now goes back, Cap-Then is still in the ice, destined to wake up, and that gets all kind of weird—sort of like Parallel Universes. 
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Time Travel and the potential plurality of existence is treacherous and headache-y to contemplate.
QUESTIONS THAT PERSIST: IF Cap is able to go back in time, and there’s nothing in-story that can be gained by it other than his reunion with Peggy, doesn’t it make more sense that he’d choose to go back and reverse something terrible in history, such as prevent the US from dropping atomic bombs, saving countless (estimated around 250k) lives?
Or that he would go back and rescue Bucky from Armin Zola?
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After all, he’s seen that Peggy’s life was happy. She died loved, safe, and respected as a (very) old woman in her bed. Ya can’t say that for ole Buck.
Truly, if the power of time travel is in your hands, and you choose to use it purely for selfish reasons, well, that’s about the most un-Cap thing I’ve ever heard of.
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So, Gentle Readers, how do you think this thing is going to go down?
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sorrelvervain · 6 years
I feel very curious today, please bear with me. Aptitude for Floren this time and Decoration. And cause I still stan Bertrand, Maternal and Heat. (I might go over the whole alphabet for everyone if I keep this up, huh? janjsnjsnjsj) That aside, if Bertrand ever discover the internet, I hope to meet him (I shouldn't push my luck so much lmao)
pshh no problem i love answering these jsdkfkdjshf
you know what? Floren’s always had an eye for interior design. like he was born with a sixth sense and that sense was design sense. he singlehandedly saved a failing business by making it look nice. iconic. also he started playing the piano at age 4 so like. there’s that i guess lmao
between music lessons, school, and running The Brumal Badger, he didn’t really have time for much else. unless you wanna count the time he worked as a courtesan. does that count as an activity?
oh, like, everything. piano skills, business management, diplomacy, bedroom skills, synthesizing blood…
HA HA WHAT THINGS IS HE BAD AT ISN’T THAT A GOOD QUESTION. kjsdhfkjdsf well, for starters,,,,,, art. dude can’t draw. he’s doodled Once in his life and it looked like. uh. it looked unpolished, we’ll say. he’s also not good at any sort of magic, which is unfortunate since he’s practically made of magic. and he CANNOT swim. exercise in general is a no from him, but if u put him in water he’ll sink like a stone.
Sakana says it’s the business management. i mean, agreed. crazy how he owns every hotel in Heronrose, right? Floren himself thinks it’s a tie between the business management and the bedroom skills, though. that was Sakana’s second choice anyway
i swear i’ve mapped out Floren’s house before dsfkjsdfh but like. imagine Baroque-inspired Art Nouveau decor. like that.
simple but elegant. and you KNOW he’d go and baby-proof everything. no sharp edges anywhere to be found. everything is squishy. but everything is also still very fancy.
i guess his own room is also simple but elegant, since he doesn’t spend much time there except to like,,sleep? much less squishy than his child’s room would be, though. also, there are family portraits all over the walls, and then of course the obligatory portrait of Jasmin Ellery that hangs up in every good Ellery child’s home–that’s in his room too. his bed is enormous, btw. just a big ol king-sized bed that’s really fuckin comfy.
Floren’s got like two closets and both of them are full. one of them is full of formal suits and vests and whatnot (yes, he wears these every day), and the other one is full of dresses, skirts, gowns, blouses, all that jazz. basically he dresses like every event is a black tie event, and his idea of “casual” is more of a business casual than anything. then, of course, he’s got his three rings with very strong meaning to him: his wedding ring and his two gender indicator rings.
mmm i wouldn’t say he keeps up with beauty trends, but he does love doing his makeup! he’s honestly too busy and immortal to worry about current trends, so he just does his own little minimalistic look, and no one notices. i mean, especially since no one’s really seen him without makeup in the first place. i don’t think even i’ve seen him without makeup. ridonk.
i mean, yeah. he loves kids. or, at the very least, he has a soft spot for them. he did have a son named Davet, and like…he turned out okay. for some reason Bertrand can’t remember what it was like to raise him, though.
Bertrand honestly didn’t really want any kids. he’d help raise the village children, sure, but he didn’t really want any of his own. the only reason Davet was born was because, well…he was Deyrifea’s kid.
sort of? i don’t think he really has the energy or the patience to be a full-time parent. and i’m guessing since he decided to block out Davet’s whole childhood, he doesn’t think he was good at it, either.
well, Davet for a son, obviously. and…probably Danielle for a daughter.
depends on the reason. to give a needy child a home? absolutely, no doubt about it. that’s why Watts works for him now.
oh, he definitely prefers a hot room. for some goddamn reason he NEVER gets hot. i mean, same.
thus…he prefers the summer. he likes the summer solstice better than the winter solstice, anyway, since the winter solstice celebrates Deyrifea, and he’s still a little upset at Deyrifea for ditching him.
nope. hates the snow. he’ll get frostbite in 0.2 seconds. he’ll wear ten layers and fifteen scarves before walking outside in the winter.
the summer solstice! that’s his time to decorate and do the ritual bonfire and eat those tasty festival foods the Cloudheartians are so proud of.
his favorite winter activity is called staying inside until it gets warmer, dammit.
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apicturewithasmile · 7 years
LOST rewatch (season 3):
[follow the entire rewatch-tag here]
episode 1 – A Tale of Two Cities:
Time for Dooooowntooooown!!!
“So I guess I’m out of the book club.”
Aaaah it’s THAT Jack flashback episode aka the lowest he’s ever been aka
It’s not that Matthew Fox is a bad actor… it’s just that everyone else on the show is better than him. It becomes even more apparent with the presence of Michael “I single-handedly invented acting” Emerson being around there to stay now.
Sawyer solving the bear cage puzzle is so cute I wanna hug him.
episode 2 – The Glass Ballerina:
Awwww yaaaaas Ben’s round glasses jkdgnidfgnoidsfg
It always baffles me how long it takes for the credits to finish. Going on minute 8 of this episode and they still rolling.
It’s Sally Slingshot
Only Ben Linus can use a camping chair as a dramatic prop
“My name is Benjamin Linus and I’ve lived on this island all my life.”
episode 3 – Further Instructions:
John being speechless after seeing naked Desmond running through the jungle – #same
Wait… is that the sweat lodge episode? If so it means sweaty topless Terry O’Quinn and my body is absolutely and 100% ready!!!
Charlie just made the same “you don’t call, you don’t write” joke on John that he already pulled on Eko
It’s probably the only totally… useless John flashback. Like… we don’t really learn anything about his character that we didn’t already know. I still enjoy every second of John screentime we get but… I wish they had used this one for something else.
“amendable for coercion” is probably what Ben has written in John’s file as well
episode 4 – Every Man For Himself:
Oh shut up Charlie, you jealous ass.
It’s the episode in which Ben knocks Sawyer out with his phallic baton.
“the big kahuna”
First time appearance of the true star of the show: bunny #8
I love that of all the characters on the show, Sawyer’s the one who reads every book he can get his hands on.
Murder cactus hair!!!
Ben’s Bunny Bag™!!!
episode 5 – The Cost of Living:
Sexy linen outfit, Ben! Love the abundance of chest hair!
“Do you believe in God, Jack?” – “Do you?” – “Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumour on my spine a spinal surgeon fall out of the sky, and if that’s not proof of God then I don’t know what is.”
“I guess he’ll be expecting us.”
episode 6 – I Do:
Yet another bad wig for Evangeline Lilly
Random Nathan Fillion
I love the cage frickle frackle scene
Nice psychological warfare, Benjamin fucking Linus!
episode 7 – Not In Portland:
 I love Juliet’s curly hair <3
“I’m Tom btw.” – nice timing, Tom!
Ben just lying there, chilling with his back cut open… getting some fresh air on that spine.
There it is: Angel Hair Pasta story 2.0
“I wanna know what he said. You owe me an answer.” Good God what is it with Jack and this overly possessive behaviour? Why does he always have to know everything about the women in his life?!?!?! That’s not healthy, Jack!
episode 8 – Flashes Before Your Eyes:
More Desmond, hell yes!
istg that blue semi-unbuttoned shirt is such an iconic look for Desmond and it’s also hot as fuck
OF COURSE Charlie is playing Wonderwall
episode 9 – Stranger In A Strange Land:
The worst episode yet it gives us topless Benjamin Linus.
Seriously, I have hardly anything else to say about this one.
“Your bedside manner leaves something to be desired, Jack.”
Good fucking God, Jack you entitled self-righteous asshole!
episode 10 – Tricia Tanaka Is Dead:
Roger Workman!
Where’s Sayid btw?!??!?! Haven’t seen him in a while!
Aaaah there he is my bebe Sayid!!!
“SHUT UP! Red…. Neck… Man….”
episode 11 – Enter 77:
It’s the Mikhail Bakunin episode!!!
Oh wait…. Is that a Sayid episode? The one with the cat that I had completely forgotten about until now?!?!?!
I loves Sayid’s flashback hair in this episode.
Oh John, what is it with you and beeping computers?
episode 12 – Par Avion:
“Remind me why we’re keeping him alive?” – “What do you suggest? We shoot him like a dog?” – “No. I like dogs.”
I love you, Danielle!
“The John Locke I know was…” nice time travel foreshadowing
Claire’s aunt is such an asshole!
John throwing Mikhail through the sonic fence is my jam!
Okay but… if you can just go over the fence? Then why does Smokey not just… fly over it?!
episode 13 – The Man From Tallahassee:
OH NO NOT THAT EPISODE!!! Right in the feels!!!
John finally reunited with his future island husband.
The bedroom scene! Yassss!!!
“The man from Tallahassee? What is that, some kind of code?” – “No, John, unfortunately we don’t have a code for: there’s a man in my closet with a gun to my daughter’s head. Although we obviously should.” FUCK YAAAAS!!!!
“I know you, John Locke. […] Tell me John, did it hurt?” – “I felt my back break. What do you think?”
I like Tom Friendly – he really lives up to his name.
I can’t believe that Jack – the only doctor the survivors have – wants to leave the island all because Kate fucked Sawyer. Sounds like something a guy would do who’d detonate a hydrogen bomb because his girlfriend left him.
Ben and John out-sassing and manipulating each other is foreplay tbh.
“I was born on this island…” LIAR!
THE MAGIC BOX!!!! Fgnidgnidflsgnlkdd FUUUUUCK!!!! SHIT’S GETTING REAL!!!
Also a very rare occasion in which Ben’s beautiful face has no wounds, scratches, bruises…
You can see I adore this episode by how much I have to say about it even if it’s just a ramble of feels
And now it’s bondage John!
“And then you came striding out of the jungle, John, to make my dream come true.”
episode 14 – Expose:
Wow… I can’t believe I’m already that far down into my rewatch.
Unpopular opinion: I actually love Expose. It’s so… useless and dorky that it’s amazing!
“I’m just a guest star and we all know what happens to guest stars.”
It’s Boone and Shannon *cries forever*
I can’t believe someone called Maggie Grace and told her “hey, we know you got totally screwed over and we killed your character before you could have any substantial character development but… we need you back for an episode, you gotta scream your fucking lungs out of your body once more!”
Seriously…. This is the creepiest death on the whole show.
episode 15 – Left Behind:
Hahahaha it’s the one where Hurley tricks Sawyer into being nice
I loooove Cassidy and I love they mirrored this flashback with the Kate-and-Juliet-are-handcuffed-together episode
“My name is Kate.”
episode 16 – One Of Us:
It’s the one where Ben is very very creepy
That’s probably the only episode in which I can somehow understand the people who dislike Ben…. But I still love my dear rat boy!
episode 17 – Catch 22:
Ooowwww I love Desmond episodes
Oh Kate…why?!?!
I deadass forgot the whole freighter plot, like… I knew Miles & Co. where about to appear but I forgot how this whole thing started
episode 18 – D.O.C.:
Jin’s the only one who has a nice dad and a terrible mother
Also I just typed “John” instead of “Jin” which makes me wonder: where’s my bald jungle baby?
Aaaah first mention of fake 815
episode 19 – The Brig:
Fuuuuuck I’M NOT READY!!!
They made me miss my dear John for two (three?) entire episodes only to come back with this to totally rip my heart out
The “previously on” bit already wrecks me
IT’S THE PINS AND NEEDLES SCENE!!! Also known as: Ben tries this “flirting” all the cool kids are talking about.
Terry’s looking hot as fuck in that entire episode
Ben knocking out Anthony Cooper with his walking stick is my aesthetic.
Danielle causally poppin by to get some dynamite
“little hot for heaven, isn’t it?” – I would looooove this whole red herring if it weren’t for the “they were dead the whole time”-crowd
God that Anthony Cooper = The OG Mister Sawyer reveal is AMAZING!
“I thought I was special.” – “Well, everyone makes mistakes.”
“I’m on my own journey now.”
episode 20 – The Man Behind The Curtain:
My precious Carrie Preston!
Uncle Horace
“Call him Benjamin.”
“You are the man behind the curtain – the wizard of Oz. And you’re a liar.”
Sterling Beaumon was the best casting choice for baby Ben!!!
Mikhail Bakunin still running like the devil’s chasing him (literally, kinda, considering Smokey revived him.)
John: [Ben] and I are going to see Jacob. – Everyone else: Wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
Ben really has a history of very shitty birthdays.
And this is making me very emotional because it reminds me of the “video of tears and pain” which makes me wanna cry my fucking soul out.
“Kinda hard to celebrate on the day you killed you mom.” Oh fuck off, Roger.
Ben’s Bunny Bag™ back in action
“I don’t wanna go back there. I hate it there.”
The way Richard talks to baby Ben is soooo similar to the way Ben talks to John I’m gonna scream!!!
Okay but this is no kiddon the best episode of this entire show so far. Like… Nothing that happened up until this point compares to this!!!
Still baffles me they thought they could slap some fake hair and make-up on Emerson’s face and make him look like a 20yo – when he was already older than Ben is in our now-timeline… like… was there no 20yo actor with a big nose and bug eyes around?!?!
“Goodbye, Dad!”
“The Dharma Initiative. They came here seeking harmony, but they couldn't even coexist with the Island's original inhabitants. And when it became clear that one side had to go, one side had to be purged, I did what I had to do. I was one of the people that was smart enough to make sure that I didn't end up in that ditch, which makes me considerably smarter than you, John.”
John Locke seriously bringing a knife to a gun fight!
alright kiddos, I am #fucked up now.
episode 21 – Greatest Hits:
How many episodes actually start with someone running through the jungle?
Danielle just showing up to blow something up!
According to Jack this is day 90? So it takes another 18 days for them to actually get off the island at that point?!?! Wow.
Guess that’s the end of bunny #8
episodes 22 & 23 – Through the Looking Glass:
“I’m a dentist. I am not Rambo.” – I love these two so much!!
Can you believe they thought it was a good idea to give Ben round glasses that make his eyes look even bigger than they already are? He looks like straight out of a manga.
There really is a lot of fatphobia in this episode.
It’s taller ghost Walt
Ben letting himself be tackled and punched by Jack is such a power move. I am 100% convinced he let it happen on purpose because it’s already canon that he can easily knock out friggin Sawyer!!!
From Ben’s perspective this is once again John “striding out of that jungle to make my dream come true”
“I don’t wanna shoot you.”
Remember when you watched that finale for the first time and didn’t know all the time it was a flash forward and not a flashback?!?!? And then Kate steps out of that car and you were all like WOOOOAAAAHHHH?!?!?!
Remember when you didn’t know whose funeral they were talking about?!?!?!
That last scene was the first time I found Jack actually likable and relatable!
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