#daniel boys fucking ate this role so hard oh my god
Thinking about the closing night audio boot and Marvin laughing when he realises that Whizzer has fallen asleep in his chair and presumably pointing it out to the audience because you can hear all of them laughing as well.  Thinking about how you can hear him asking Whizzer if he’s okay, and telling him to go to bed, and how he yells “it’s so swell, damn it!” so hard that his voice breaks and you can hear him smiling through the line. 
Thinking about how in love Marvin was with Whizzer.
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cbrs · 8 years
Answer all of them... Coont.
Thank you for this completely unsolicited ask. 
1.      Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Pandora
2.      is your room messy or clean? Messy…
3.      what color are your eyes? Hazel:/
4.      do you like your name? why? Ido! It’s unique, it means queen, and you can say “Rayna of sunshine”
5.      what is your relationship status? Single and ready to mingle my friends
6.      describe your personality in 3 words or less Sympathetic, friendly and passionate?
7.      what color hair do you have? Brownedy brown
8.      what kind of car do you drive? color? Toyota Corolla and she’s silver and gorgeous and I miss her
9.      where do you shop? MostlyTarget and Old Navy…whoops
10.  how would you describe your style? What style?
11.  favorite social media account Like that I follow?? Jensen Ackles’ twitter? Idk man
12.  what size bed do you have? Twin…unfortunate since I bring boys home all the time
13.  any siblings? My bigbrother
14.  if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Manhattan (which is casually where I live)but eventually I’ll want to move to the suburbs/ never leave NY
15.  favorite snapchat filter? That anime one that gives you clear skin
16.  favorite makeup brand(s) NYX…Ulta…allthat cheap shit
17.  how many times a week do you shower? 6-8
18.  favorite tv show? Thisone is hard…Supernatural also known as my entire life
19.  shoe size? 7 ½ -8 ½
20.  how tall are you? 5’4”
21.  sandals or sneakers? Sneakers
22.  do you go to the gym? Iused to…and need to again like real time
23.  describe your dream date Dinnercause I love food…lots of talking about deep shit…maybe a walk? Kinky sex atthe end…lots of smiling through kisses
24.  how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $38…something like that
25.  what color socks are you wearing? No socks cause I’m a bad ass bitch
26.  how many pillows do you sleep with? 5
27.  do you have a job? what do you do? I work for a giant non-profit. I’m a fundraising assistant.
28.  how many friends do you have? None…jk just the right amount
29.  whats the worst thing you have ever done? It’s a tie between 2 things, possibly 3. Iwill never tell
30.  whats your favorite candle scent? Vanilla
31.  3 favorite boy names Jack,Dean, Daniel/Danny
32.  3 favorite girl names I don’tlike girls so…
33.  favorite actor? JensenAckles
34.  favorite actress? Ummmmm
35.  who is your celebrity crush? Jensen Ackles….why would you ask your favorite actor and celebritycrush? When are they not the same thing??
36.  favorite movie? ThePrestige!!!
37.  do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I used to read so much more…I barely readnow. The Devil’s Arithmetic was like my first favorite book but 1984 probably
38.  money or brains? Bothgirl
39.  do you have a nickname? what is it? Ray, Ray Ray, Raynz…mom
40.  how many times have you been to the hospital? 2 or 3…but never for myself.
41.  top 10 favorite songs GoddamnI’m too tired to answer this, but I’ll give you genres: Broadway, Classic rockand alternative or whatever the heck that stuff is called
42.  do you take any medications daily? I wish…
43.  what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Oily and it’s a pain
44.  what is your biggest fear? Divorce
45.  how many kids do you want? 2-4
46.  whats your go to hair style? Messy bun
47.  what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Apartment
48.  who is your role model?  My dad…it took me like 20 years to see this but he’s such a goodperson in a lot of ways
49.  what was the last compliment you received? Errrr I was complimented on my job doing something big for work Iguess? More thanked but whatever
50.  what was the last text you sent? “February” haha
51.  how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Well I’m Jewish so I was born with thatknowledge
52.  what is your dream car? Is it lame if I say a 1967 Chevy Impala???
53.  opinion on smoking? Iactually really want to but I never will
54.  do you go to college? Beenthere done that
55.  what is your dream job? Brand/Marketing Strategist or something in events
56.  would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs
57.  do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? I have baskets and baskets of them at myhouse
58.  do you have freckles? Awee bit
59.  do you smile for pictures? Unfortunatelyfor the photographer
60.  how many pictures do you have on your phone? 226
61.  have you ever peed in the woods? I did…and I will never do it again
62.  do you still watch cartoons? Bob’s Burgers…like every day
63.  do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Never had either
64.  Favorite dipping sauce? Anything that’s not super spicy
65.  what do you wear to bed? T-shirts and pj pants or sweatpants
66.  have you ever won a spelling bee? No and I remember one year I got out on the word squirrel
67.   what are your hobbies? Singing, writing, crying, having crises
68.  can you draw? Iactually used to be decent but I doubt I can now
69.  do you play an instrument? Iused to play the clarinet J
70.  what was the last concert you saw? …Um…I never saw a concert
71.  tea or coffee? COFFEE
72.  Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? DD
73.  do you want to get married? Always
74.  what is your crush’s first and last initial? J.A. haha idk man I’m not really crushingright now
75.  are you going to change your last name when you getmarried? Yeah
76.  what color looks best on you? Purple
77.  do you miss anyone right now? Not in this particular moment but I was missing a lot of people and alot of things for a very long time
78.  do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed…the fuck?
79.  do you believe in ghosts? Wellmore like spirits, but yeah ghosts are welcome too
80.  what is your biggest pet peeve? Hypocrisy? Idk these are hard
81.  last person you called` Icalled? Margo
82.  favorite ice cream flavor? Cookie Dough…or Fish Food….yummm
83.  regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular
84.  chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate but I can get behind rainbow
85.  what shirt are you wearing? Grey T-shirt from Old Navy
86.  what is your phone background? Tina Beltcher and proud of it
87.  are you outgoing or shy? Sortain between
88.  do you like it when people play with your hair? If done properly yes
89.  do you like your neighbors? Don’t know them
90.  do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Always in the mornings, sometimes at nightif I’m feeling crazy
91.  have you ever been high? Yes 
92.  have you ever been drunk? Oh yeah
93.  last thing you ate? Cookies
94.  favorite lyrics right now “HereI am again, trading in a group of friends, to hopefully make amends witheverything I’ve done wrong”
95.  summer or winter? Itused to be winter but I think it’s getting to be summer tbh
96.  day or night? Oh godboth…they’re both great
97.  dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk
98.  favorite month? Februarycause it’s my birth month
99.  what is your zodiac sign Theage of Aquarius!!!
100.                       who was the last person you cried in front of? Probably Margo…sorry
This came out really weird and non of my no good friends would help me…not pleased at all. 
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Fucking obsessed with Marvin teasing Whizzer about his hairline while he’s literally balding. Mendel pointing at him and laughing about it and Marvin swatting his hand out of the way, Marvin’s little “yes I know” and touching his head, the absolute glee in his “oh Whizzer, it’s got bigger” and the way he just starts messing with Whizzer’s hair and then holding up his hands all innocent when Whizzer turns around to look at him.
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