#daneel x ofc
deans-baby-momma · 7 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 7
Chapter 6 or Catch up with my Masterlist
Summary: Drea tells the Ackles about her past. How will they respond?
Warnings: talk of car accident; death of a parent; death of a spouse
“I’m a widow.”
This is the first time those words had ever crossed my lips.
I’m a widow. I’m almost 24 years old and I am a widow. That sounded so foreign to me. HOw can someone so young be dealt with this future. No matter where I go in life, what I do, I will always be a widow. I will never get used to those three words. Or the melancholy looks that were bestowed upon me when they are spoken.
Those melancholy looks are exactly what I am receiving right now. Jensen and Danneel Ackles look at me with sorrowful, remorseful gazes. The anguish and grief on their faces is staggering.
“I’m so sorry, Drea,” Dani says, reaching across the table to take my hand. “We had no idea.”
Arriving at the address that Dani had given me, I sit in my vehicle, mentally and emotionally preparing myself for the conversation about to take place. My new friends have no idea what I am about to tell them. They have no idea that my young life, the one that had really just begun, was ripped from me in the blink of an eye. With one too many sips of a drink, the future I had dreamt would never come to fruition. I will myself the energy to step out of the car and walk into their home. I have to do this. My presence with them at a stupid party has already caused them trouble. Their marriage was suffering because Dani had briefly held my hand and someone snapped a photo. How stupid is that!
Dani opens the door as soon as I make it to the top step of the patio. She welcomes me with a hug but it doesn’t calm my nerves. The simple move actually causes my anxiety to heighten. But I know this needs to be done before those silly gossip magazines and gossip entertainment programs that are all the rage right now digs the information up and work it to their agenda. Other people, and the truth, be damned!
“Drea!” Dani exclaims, smiling brightly. “It is so good to see you again.”
“Good to see you too Dani.” I paste a smile on my face, hoping it is believable.
“C’mon in. Jensen is firing up the grill. Figures we could eat and then talk. That sound okay?”
“Sure. I could eat,” I lie. The knots in my stomach and the lump forming in my throat aren’t going to let my body have any comfort.
The burgers were cooked to perfection and Dani had every type of condiment known but I just couldn’t enjoy the food. I took small bites of my sandwich and chewed until the morsels were basically non-existent before swallowing. The beer Jensen sat in front of me aided in the consumption. I watched as they devoured their food, waiting with bated breath to tell my story.
“I’m a widow.”
The melancholy looks I am receive from them are expected. As are the sorrowful, remorseful gazes; the anguish and grief on their faces is staggering.
“I’m so sorry, Drea,” Dani says, reaching across the table to take my hand. “We had no idea.”
“Why would you?” I say. “I was just some helpless person on the side of the road that you two took pity on.” “Don’t say that,” Dani criticizes. “You, Drea, were not and are not helpless. You’ve been dealt a shitty hand. But, you and I have talked these past weeks everyday and I know you are not helpless.”
“Thanks,” I smile at her. “I guess I just am down on myself because I never pictured my life to be like this.” Jensen stands up and walks around the table to me. He pulls me up and embraces me in a hug. “I’m sorry, Drea. But Dee and I are both here for you. Whatever you need. Believe that, okay? “ He lets go and I look up into his face. I can see the sincerity in his eyes.
“Do you mind if I ask to tell us about him,” Dani cautiously asks.
“His name was Chad; Chad Tyler Murphy. He was just 23 when he was on his way home and a drunk driver passed over the median and hit him head-on. They said the collision killed him on impact.”
“Oh, that’s horrible!” Dani says.
“Yes, Chad and I began dating when we were 15 years old. He was my everything from almost the beginning. It was just me and my mom. My mom got sick when I was 12, cancer. She was diagnosed after finding unusual looking spots on her arms and legs. It was in the early stages but the doctor wanted to try and get ahead of it so he immediately started her on treatments and medicine. Mom took more pills in a day than I’d ever seen. She was doing really well too. The day after my 14th birthday, we got the news that she was in remission. We celebrated by going to the movies and eating as much junk food as we could. It was a great day!” By this time, my cheeks are painted with tears. Jensen hands me a box of tissues and I dab at the moisture. “One day about six months later, I wake up to Mom sick. She’s bent over the toilet, vomiting. The bowl is splattered with blood. I rush her to the emergency room and hours later they tell us that between the therapies and the drugs she had been taken her intestines and stomach were destroyed. She died in surgery, trying to fix a hole in her lower intestines.”
“Oh god, Drea!” Dani has now joined me in the weeping. “You were 14 when you lost your mother? Did you have other family members there with you? Friends?”
“No one. Never knew my father. Mom said he knew about me but skipped town when she was six months pregnant. Guess he didn’t want me. It was just me and Mom.  I was alone in the waiting room when the doctor informed me that my mother had passed. Someone called a counselor in and social services showed up and took me to a kids’ home. That’s where I met Chad. He was a ward of the state also. His dad had abused his mom and Chad had witnessed his dad killing his mom and his dad is in prison, serving life.
“He befriended me almost immediately and we became close. We hung out every day after school and on the weekends we had movie days and would just lounge around. He held me as I cried for my mom and I held him as he cried, telling me what he had seen and heard as his dad beat the life out of his mom. On my 15th birthday, he bought me a cake and a present. This little locket,” I pull the locket away from my neck and show them. It just a little silver oval-shaped locket but it’s empty. “We didn’t have any pictures to put in it but that didn’t matter to me. It was special because my best friend gave it to me. That might we snuck out onto the roof of the building and was stargazing. He told me he loved me, he was in love with me. I gave him my virginity that night and we never looked back.”
Tears are once again streaming down my face so I grab another tissue to brush them away. Dani does the same. I dry my face as well as I can and continue.
“Chad and I were together. When we were both 18 we moved into our own apartment. Life was hard but we endured. He got a job at a local engineering agency and I was working as a clerk at the grocery store down the street. We were happy. We started saving as much as we could. We both wanted a big family. Kids, at least 4. When I turned 20, I took a home pregnancy test. It was positive. We were excited. We got married a week after that. Nothing fancy, just a justice of the peace. I went to my doctor’s appointment only to find out that it had been a false positive. Chad had had to work and couldn't go with me. I told him that evening and we both cried.”
“ Oh, sweetie! That had to have been devastating,” Dee said. “I can’t imagine thinking I was pregnant and finding out different,” she said, looking over at her husband. Jensen grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it.
“We were heartbroken but getting through that together only made us stronger. We talked that night and both agreed we were going to get through this as one. That was not going to break us. And it didn’t. At first. But then Chad started working more and more. He was coming home late every night and even began working on some weekends. I thought he was having an affair. We actually fought about it. Then, the next day he comes home with a dozen roses and told me he had been working toward a promotion and had actually won it. I’d never felt so ashamed in my life. Here I had accused him of cheating and he had been working to better himself and us. His promotion took us to Georgia, where we moved into a 3 bedroom house that I had fallen in love with. The architecture, the flow, everything was exactly what I had always dreamed of us having.”
I stopped to take a drink of beer and collect my thoughts.
“I was 23 years old when the police knocked on my door to inform me that there had been an accident and my husband didn’t make it.”
Dani was full on crying, along with me, and I could see tears in Jensen’s eyes as I resumed.
“I was escorted to the hospital to rightly identify him. Something inside me broke seeing him laying there, lifeless on that metal slab. I went through the motions of identifying him, collecting his personal items, making funeral arrangements. I don’t remember much of the service, just the image of him laying in the casket as the preacher droned on. I couldn’t watch as they lowered him into the ground. I just walked away.”
A year later, I decided to sell everything and take the trip Chad and I had always discussed doing. Now I’m doing it alone. I sold the house, quit my job and just took off. I was three days into my journey when you two came upon me.”
“Good Lord, Drea!” Dani breathed out. “You went through all that, alone?” I nod at her question, not trusting my voice to actually work at the moment. Having to rehash all that had taken its toll on me.
Dani comes over and wraps both arms around me and hugs tightly. “I’m glad we found you.”
Chapter 8
The Padackles Link @xxdragonagequeenxx @darlingpeanut
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A Supernatural Love
Chapter 1: A Beginning
Summary:  Y/N, a nurse working towards medical school living with her roommate and best friend Genevieve Cortese, meets Jensen Ackles while visiting the set of Supernatural one day.  Is this chance encounter a coincidence or fate?  And if it is fate, do they have what it takes to make it through separations and hardships?
Slow(ish) burn, some angst, some alluding to sexy times, fluff
Pairings: Jensen x Reader 
Warnings: Cheesy jokes, bad writing
Word Count: 1,751
No hate to any of the real people in this story, it is purely fiction and for enjoyment! No images are mine
First fic I wrote, please be kind but open to feedback, both positive and negative!
Tag List: @streets-in-paradise
Tag list open!
Masterlist here
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     The alarm was beeping and you knew you no longer had the luxury of snoozing it anymore.  It was time to get up.  You smelled coffee being made and knew Gen must have beat you to it.  You trudgingly made your way to the kitchen and Gen met you with a smile.
“Good morning Sleeping Beauty” she said with a smile and coffee in her hand.
“Good morning” you mumbled as you yawned, pouring yourself a cup.  You had never been a morning person and a Monday was no exception. 
“Are you excited for your first day?” You knew it was a stupid question because ever since your roommate/best friend got the call that she got the part in the show Supernatural she worked so hard for, she couldn’t wait to start today.
“Yes I am also very nervous!” she replied with a nervous look.
“Gen you are an amazing actress you will blow their socks off!” you said very confidently.  “You have worked so hard for this and you deserve it.  You are going to be amazing I promise.”
With a nervous laughter she replied, “Haha thanks Y/N I couldn’t have gotten the part without you.  I’m just nervous I will mess up too much and they will kick me out.  They already have chemistry and know what they want and I hope I can live up to their expectations”
“You will exceed them I promise.  But you should get going, you want to be on time and make a good impression!”
 She gave you a smile and a wave as she grabbed her travel cup full of coffee and headed out the door.  You couldn’t wait to hear how her first day went.  You went back to your room to get ready for your day.  You were a nurse at the local hospital and aspiring to become a doctor but that was expensive and you needed to start somewhere so you became a nurse in the meantime and you loved your job.
     Later that morning she texted to let you know it was going well; she mainly had been shown around and was getting caught up to speed.  They would start filming her first and only scene for the day in the afternoon after lunch.  She said she would fill you in later suggesting you meet for dinner at your favorite local diner.  You smiled at her message and were excited to see how filming went knowing that she would be great.  You went to the nurses’ station and chatted with Olivia.
“Hey Y/N, how was your morning?”  She was a little older than you, pregnant with her first child and absolutely glowing. You couldn’t help but be a little jealous.  She was the type of person everyone loved and got along with.  You were good work friends.
“Hey Olivia, it wasn’t too bad, room 243 only threw up twice and even managed to get it in the bed pan one of the times so definitely had some progress!” She laughed at your little joke and continued her charting.
“That’s pretty great!  Thanks for taking over, I am still having morning sickness and so many things can trigger me so I really appreciate you helping me out and taking some of the tougher patients.  
I’ll definitely have to make it up to you!”  She was always so kind and thinking of others even when she is justified in feeling nauseous she can’t help but feel bad how it is an inconvenience for everyone else.
“Don’t even worry about it, Olivia.  If I ever find a man and have a baby I’ll cash in the favor then” you responded with a smile and a wink.
“Well, have you seen the newest hire?  He is super cute and is a doctor working on his residency!  Focused, kind, and a great personality!  You should totally go for it!”  She said while wiggling her eyebrows earning a small chuckle from you.
 “Considering I didn’t even know we got a new hire and I am crazy busy with studying and work, I don’t think I have time for dating.”  You said with a small frown thinking about everything you had on your plate already.
“Well don’t rule it out completely.  He seems pretty great and the good ones keep getting snatched up and you deserve the best.  Just make sure that you take time for yourself and do something that will make you happy.”  She responded,
“Thanks Liv, I do want to be with someone one day and have a family but I don’t have time while I’m pursuing my own career and I still have time, I am young...ish.”  You earned a chuckle from your friend.
“You are in your mid twenties and yeah that’s young but by the time you get around to dating you will be working on retiring!  I’m just saying keep yourself open and try to not close yourself off too much.  You never know who you might meet.”  With that she went around the counter to answer a call button.  
You just responded with a slight nod, chewing on her words knowing she was right.  You did have a tendency to shut yourself off to dating.  What was wrong with waiting for the perfect guy?  You had too much going on to mess around with casual immature dating, you left that behind in college.  But you knew that you also weren’t letting yourself be open to any opportunity, good or bad, because though you loved your career, you were a little afraid to jump into something that wasn’t worthwhile.  Your college boyfriend was great until the day he decided that you weren’t the one and left without warning the day after graduation.  You shook off the thoughts with a little head shake knowing you had a job to get back to and better thoughts of dinner with Gen.
     After your shift you quickly went home to shower off who knows what bodily fluids you were exposed to during your shift before meeting Gen at the diner.  You slipped on jeans and a simple V neck shirt and headed out.  The diner was within walking distance and that was both a good and bad thing as you had no self control when it came to Micky’s. You walked through the door and the bell rang letting them know they had a customer.  You gave a nod to your waitress as you sat at ‘your’ booth.  You came here so often the staff knew who you and Gen were.  You looked over the menu waiting for your friend pretending you would get something other than a burger, fries, and a milkshake.  Not long after you sat down Gen walked through the door and sat opposite of you with a big smile on her face.
“Hey!” you greeted her.
“Hey Y/N” she said while grabbing her menu to look it over.  You sat staring at her waiting for her to continue talking.  She just kept looking over her menu pretending she didn’t notice you staring.  The waitress came and took your orders and when she left you finally spoke.
“Okay cut the crap Gen I know you can’t wait to tell me and I can’t wait to hear all about your first day on set!”  You said raising your voice as your excitement grew.
She smiled, “Ugh Y/N it was amazing!  Everyone seems so nice and it really is just like a family!  I was there all of five minutes before my nerves left and felt like I’d been part of the cast for forever.  I was shown all around, where the main sets were, where the makeup trailer is, and so much more.  It’s cheesy I know but it felt kinda magical you know?”  You smiled because you were so happy for your friend.
“Magical, huh?  Sounds like it was almost Supernatural” you giggled and earned a groan and giggle out of your friend.
“Wow I walked into that one didn’t I?”
“Haha yep but you love me anyway.” you retorted putting some fries in your mouth and in between chewing you asked, “How was filming your first scene?”  Her eyes went kinda wide and she quickly swallowed her bite of her burger.
“Oh my gosh it was good overall I somehow managed to not mess the scene up and I think I kept my cool pretty well.  Unfortunately though, they really just jumped in and decided that the best scene to film my first day and the best way to meet my co-stars would be to film a scene where I have to take my shirt off.  So not only am I a nervous wreck for many reasons, the first time I meet the gorgeous Sam Winchester is when I am half naked!”  She let out a nervous breath.
“Oh my gosh!  Are you serious? I can’t believe they did that anyone would be nervous to do that but it was your first day!  I am not surprised that you still did amazing but wow.”  She nodded in agreement feeling a little better in being justified in how crazy the situation was. 
“But you met Jared Padalecki?  How was that?  Was he everything you hoped for?”  Trying to tease her a little bit.  You both had watched Supernatural since it first aired and she had always been a Sam girl.  This only helped her to work hard to obtain the role opposite of him.  You had always been a Dean girl yourself but Sam wasn’t a bad option by any means.
“I am pretty sure I made myself look like an idiot because my shirt was off and when I turned around and saw him standing there I kinda just froze.  I wasn’t expecting to meet him like that and I had no idea what to say.  He just stared and barely said anything other than a brief introduction then went to start filming the scene.  It was awkward and I hope that I can redeem myself tomorrow” She said hesitantly.  You gave her a sympathetic smile.  
“I am sure tomorrow will go better and I am sure he just wasn’t used to seeing such a hot woman half naked in front of him!”  You laughed as she looked a little embarrassed blushing while throwing a fry at you.  You had been best friends since forever and were used to saying stuff like that to each other.  You also knew that she would be just fine on set tomorrow.
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charlesleclerc2003 · 3 years
Supernatural Materlist
Going Home (J2 X Reader) (Platonic) 
One Shots
The Greatest Show (SPN Cast X Female!Angel!Reader)
Lullaby (Jared X Teen!Daughter!Reader)
I'm Never Leaving You (Jared X Daughter!Reader)
Rescued (Jensen and Daneel X Female!Reader) (Platonic)
Breathe (Jared X Asthmatic!Female!Reader)
Mini Series
Reunited Part 1 Part 2 (J2 X Female!Reader)
Sundown (Dean X Mary) (OFC)
Jarpad25's 50 Follower Celebration Challenge
Don't You Cry No More (Sam and Dean x Reader) (Platonic)
Random Drabbles
Next Time.
This was something that I came up with and it's the first thing that's not supernatural related
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A Supernatural Love
Chapter 2: A Meeting
Summary:  Y/N, a nurse working towards medical school living with her roommate and best friend Genevieve Cortese, meets Jensen Ackles while visiting the set of Supernatural one day.  Is this chance encounter a coincidence or fate?  And if it is fate, do they have what it takes to make it through separations and hardships?
Slow(ish) burn, some angst, some alluding to sexy times, fluff
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Cheesy jokes, bad writing, some language
Word Count: 2081
No hate to any of the real people in this story, it is purely fiction and for enjoyment! No images are mine
First fic I wrote, please be kind but open to feedback, both positive and negative!
Tag List: @streets-in-paradise @leigh70 @sexyvixen7 @deandreamernp @universallyraylangivens @siospins2
Tag list open!
Masterlist here
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A week had passed and it was once again Monday.  You spent the weekend studying in between Gen gushing about her new job.  She loved it so much and it sounded like it was going really well with her making friends on set.  She seemed to be talking about a certain tall actor in particular more than anyone else and though she would deny if you asked, giving an excuse that they worked the most together, you knew her well enough to know she was interested in the guy.  You woke up to the annoying buzzing sound signaling a new week was starting and that only meant more hard work.  You loved your job but sometimes you wondered if it was all worth it.  Your friend could tell that you were feeling off, being discouraged by all your efforts without seeing much fruit from the labor.
“Hey Y/N, I have an idea.”  She said while making some toast for breakfast.
“Oh yeah?” You responded still trying to wake up.  Yep, definitely not a morning person.
“You only work a half shift Friday so why don’t you swing by the set for lunch?  I could show you around and introduce you to some people!”  She seemed really excited about the idea.
“That sounds like a great idea!  I can be there around 12:30 but you’d have to let me in.  That is, if you don’t mind that I will be in my scrubs probably looking scrubby”  You half smiled at your terrible joking earning a nose scrunch from your friend.  Is this why you were still single?  
“You are such a dork Y/N! But I suppose I will still let you come to set.”  You both finished your quick breakfast and headed your separate ways.  This was definitely something that would help you get through your tough week.
     Friday came faster than it usually does, which you weren’t going to complain about.  You told Olivia about your plans for the day and she was very excited for you stating that she fully encouraged you to try to snag a cute actor while you were there.  This earned a chuckle from you and you reminded her that that possibility was very low especially since you would still be in your work clothes and not looking your best.  She simply rolled her eyes stating that any guy worth his salt wouldn’t be turned off by that, stating that even if they were it was good that you would be surrounded by a lot of actors.  You knew you liked this girl for a reason.
     Once you had finished your charting you got into your car and checked yourself in the mirror.  You reapplied a light coat of mascara and tried to run your fingers through your hair but it didn’t look much better.  You sighed and decided it was as good as it was going to get.  Even if you didn’t look as good as you would have liked, you reminded yourself you were going to visit your best friend and you weren’t trying to impress anyone.  You rationalized that you probably wouldn’t meet anyone too big and what really mattered was that you didn’t embarrass your friend since she is the one who would be seeing these people again, most likely you never would again.  You reached the set in less time than you thought it would take and you sent a quick text to Gen saying you were at the gate.  Security checked your ID and said you were on the list of visitors for the day and let you through.  You were surprised that Gen had that kind of pull around the place already, but honestly you didn’t really know how it all worked.  You were shown where to park and as soon as you stepped out of your car you saw Gen walking towards you.
“You made it!  I am so excited to show you everything, It’s amazing on set I’ll be sad to leave it”  She said while pulling you into a hug.
“Luckily that won’t be for a long time” A tall man said walking over to the two of you with a face you’d recognize anywhere.
“Y/N this is Jared, he has been a lifesaver for me on set.  Everyone is so kind and welcoming but he’s been helping me figure out my way around”  She responded smiling at the man.  
“She is quite the actor and I- um, the show is lucky to have her.” he responded nervously running his hand through his hair.  The words didn’t escape your notice and you smiled to yourself.  You thought she had it bad but wow this guy didn’t seem to be able to function properly around her.  He only further proved your theory as he followed her like a puppy as she showed you around the set, every so often looking to him to make sure she was giving the tour correctly.  He only responded with encouragement and acted like everything she said was the most brilliant thing he had ever heard.  Yep he had it bad.
“So what’s in this trailer?” you asked, trying to insert yourself back into the conversation.  You were quickly becoming a little bit like a third wheel but you didn’t mind watching their interactions unfold.  Your best friend met her celebrity crush and you could only be happy for her especially since he seemed to be mesmerized by her as well though that completely escaped her notice.  
“This is the makeup trailer where we get all dolled up”, Jared said, earning a giggle from both of you.  “We spend probably half the amount of time on set here as we do actually filming, especially on days when we have to use fake blood.  That is a bitch to take off” he finished earning another smile from you and Gen, though for different reasons.
“And what is in this trailer?” you asked, having gone farther down the street.
“That is actually Jensen’s trailer” Gen answered.
“So probably a bunch of nasty left-over food”, Jared added. “Jensen is somewhere else on set around this time otherwise I’d introduce you guys.  He’s my best friend” He finished.
“Too bad, Y/N is a huge Dean girl. Has been since his famous line, ‘Dad’s been on a hunting trip and hasn’t been home in a few days.’ She was completely hooked and there’s no going back I’m afraid”  Gen said, causing you to turn a deep red.  You couldn’t believe she sold you out like that.  Thank God Jensen wasn’t around to hear it but since Jared was his best friend you were hoping he wouldn’t talk to him about you.  But why would he? You were just some random friend of some random recent recruit you tried to reason.
“Well I may like Dean but you should have seen Gen’s face drop when Sam Winchester popped onto the screen.  I was pretty sure you could see the drool!”  You retorted back to Gen causing her to match your shade of red earning a deep laugh from Jared. She dared not look at him but you knew he loved it and wasn’t at all judging her for her, albeit right, reaction. Before anything else could be said you had walked near a tent.
“Here is where we eat lunch.  It is near the makeup trailer which is a bonus since most of the day is spent in that trailer.” Gen said changing the subject.  “I think today is taco day so you’re in luck Y/N!”  As if on cue, your stomach began to growl earning a laugh out of Gen. “It’s her absolute favorite and mine too, right behind our favorite diner” she explained to Jared.
“What diner is that?” Jared asked. 
“Only the best diner around with the best food.  It was the first place we went to eat when we moved to the area and it was probably the best decision we ever made” You told him. “You should come with us some time and see for yourself.  It is quite an experience to be had.”  You weren’t sure what caused you to be so bold in inviting him, but he has such a friendly presence that within minutes of meeting him it felt like you’d known him a long time.  
“I’d really like that” he smiled looking at both you and Gen.
“Good then we will have to plan something.  I’m sure you have Gen’s number?” you questioned trying to gauge just how far along they were in their “relationship”.  He blushed slightly and said no he didn’t and you immediately gave it to him as if she wasn’t around.  She pretended to be annoyed that she didn’t have a say in the exchange but you knew her well enough to know she was excited to have his number.  Both Jared and Gen were sweethearts but both so clueless as to what’s going on around them so you knew if this was ever going to happen you would have to help push them in the right direction.
     After filling your plate higher than you’d like to admit, you joined them at a table.  You barely finished your first bite before someone behind you started talking, “Fan of tacos I see?” You turned around to be met with a pair of beautiful green eyes and though you’d hate to admit it, they made you catch your breath a little.  Standing in front of you was Jensen Ackles.  The Jensen Ackles that you’d had a crush on since you first started watching the show.  He was smiling at you and you knew you had to respond.
“What can I say? Tacos are amazing.  I’m a firm believer that calories don’t count when it comes to Mexican food”  This earned a chuckle and he sat in the open seat beside you.  You were surprised and didn’t know what to do.  You never expected to meet Jared much less Jensen.
“I’m Jensen.  You must be Gen’s friend.  She’s been talking about you non-stop all week.  If I didn’t know better I’d think the two of you were a couple”  This earned a chuckle from you.
“Sadly no, we are both heterosexual but any man would be lucky to have her” keeping eye contact with those beautiful green eyes while trying to see Jared’s reaction out your peripheral.
“I hope she hasn’t said too many bad things about me” you said and Jensen responded with shaking his head quicker than you would have expected.
“No, only good things, she’s made you out to be a saint” He said with a smile.
“Well I am definitely no saint but I’d like to think I am not all bad”
“Too bad, being bad can be fun” he responded, winking at you.  You had no idea what to do with that.  Was Jensen Ackles, your celebrity crush and star on your favorite TV show, actually flirting with you??  You couldn’t believe it so you cleared your throat and ate another bite.  You weren’t bad at flirting, in fact there were several responses you could have said that would have made him interested in you but you couldn’t think of one.  Damn you barely knew the man and he already had you weak at the knees.  He just smiled at your reaction seeing you a little flustered and continued talking.
“Gen is a great addition and we are lucky to have her.  Unfortunately Jared and I have a scene to film soon but hopefully we will see you around?” He asked it more as a question as opposed to a statement you make when saying goodbye to someone you don’t have any intention of making plans with.
“I hope she’ll invite me back, I don’t think I embarrassed her too much”, you said with a smile.
“Darlin’ I don’t think anyone could be embarrassed of you” he responded with yet another heart stopping wink.  He walked off before you had a chance to form any type of response and all you could do was watch his bowlegs carry him away.
“Jensen is right I gotta go, but hopefully we will see you soon.  It was great to meet you.”  He said to you as he got up from his chair.
“Nice meeting you too, hopefully we can all grab dinner at the diner sometime too.” You responded with a smile.  You really liked Jared and you hoped you would see him again soon.
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Supernatural fic summary
Hello lovelies!  I am almost ready to post the first chapter of my new Jensen x reader fic!  Here is the summary of what is to come!
Y/N, a nurse working towards medical school living with her roommate and best friend Genevieve Cortese, meets Jensen Ackles while visiting the set of Supernatural one day.  Is this chance encounter a coincidence or fate?  And if it is fate, do they have what it takes to make it through separations and hardships?
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Supernatural fic
I am finishing editing a fic about Jensen x reader, as this was my outlet for awhile.  I found it again and decided to just edit and go for it!  So it will be out soon!!
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 56
Jensen’s POV
Finding a lawyer who was willing to expedite my plans was easy. After all, money talked and I had plenty of it.
I spent over an hour on the phone with him, explaining my reasons for needing a speedy divorce; the desire of  wanting it done before the news got out to the tabloids, who always jumped on the opportunity to knock down a celebrity. When in all actuality, I can’t really propose to one woman while still married to another. Well, I guess I could but that just doesn’t seem right to me. It’s not how I was raised. I wanted to be a free man when I got down on one knee and asked Drea Murphy to be my wife. That is, after charming my way back into her heart.
Stephen Brett worked quickly and within three days, I had a petition for the dissolution of my marriage in my hands. I heard Drea heading toward the kitchen so I hastily jammed the papers back into their envelope and shoved it into the nearest drawer. Drea and Jackson entered the room none the wiser. 
“Good morning handsome,” I cooed as I lifted my son from his mother’s arms. “Ready for breakfast?”
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Drea and I went about our day as normal. Normal now consisted of just occupying the same space and being amicable but no real affection. I missed that the most. I caught myself many times yearning for her touch, her warmth. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and hold her close. But I screwed up and have lost the right to do that and now I have to work on getting it back. The package I received this morning is one step closer to that finish, I hope and pray.
After helping Drea with Jackson’s morning routine, I told her I had some business to take care of and headed toward town for Phase Two of “Wooing Drea”. Grabbing my truck keys,  I watched as Drea went toward the laundry room with a basket of Jackson’s soiled clothing. I still can’t believe I almost lost her; that I caused her to have any doubt about my love for her. I shook my head and walked out the door. I have to win her back, no matter what. She is my realized fantasy, the unicorn in my dreams.
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I jump in the truck and aim it toward the west part of town. Massage Sway, the day spa Jared had taken Drea to when she was depressed over losing Jacob was my first priority. Drea had boasted about the facility and wished to return. What better way than a girls’ day with Gen. I walk in and am quickly assisted with what I needed and walk out of the building with a purchase of two of the Revivafy package and a nice little bottle of massage oil. Maybe once I have attained my goal, Drea would allow me to use it on her. To help relieve stress and strain of raising an Ackles.
Hopefully, though all this is a step in the right direction; closer to restoring Drea’s faith and trust in me. 
Drea’s POV
Having Jensen home to help with Jackson and anything else that came up was wonderful. For the first month of being a new mother, I had been run ragged. Who knew the chaos one tiny human could create?!
But then after JJ’s party that all changed. After he got upset because Daneel was moving on and dating another man and leaving our home, albeit for just one night, I began to feel dismayed being near him.
It’s been a week, 7 days, since then. And 6 days since I kicked Jensen out. Now he sleeps down the hall in the spare bedroom but is still here to help with whatever needs to be done. For that I am quite grateful. I might have jumped the gun a bit when I threw him out but I am stubborn and am standing my ground. 
Not having Jensen by my side, beside me in bed at night is heart-breaking. Yes, I know it’s my fault but I still miss him. I miss having him to hold me and to cuddle with and just relax. Jensen was my go-to when times were tough. He’d just listen as I talked about my day or grumble about the lady in aisle 4 of the grocery store who took her sweet time, although I was behind her with a wailing child.
The suspicions began when he would tell me he had an errand to run and was vague with the details. It didn’t take me long to catch on, he was sneaking off to see Daneel and his daughter. I can’t blame him for wanting to see and spend time with JJ but he was lying about it and doing it behind my back. Before all this, we would go spend time with the cute little blonde together. That hurt! It hurt worse than when I thought Chad was cheating. 
Maybe it’s because we have a child together; maybe it was because Jensen took my broken heart and glued it back together but right now all I know is my mended heart was shattering again. And it was his fault.
Taking care of a child who looks like a miniature version of the person tearing your heart in two is challenging. Jackson’s eyes have recently changed from the pale blue he had at birth to an identical brilliant green, he has a dimple in the exact spot as his father and his nose is shaped the same as Jensen’s. It made things…..difficult, to say the least.
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Don’t get me wrong, I love my son. I love him beyond explanation but when those green eyes look up at me with that gummy smile, it just makes my heart hurt.
I sit in the rocker in Jackson’s nursery, arms full of a snoozing baby, just staring at the perfection. One thing is for sure, Jensen Ross Ackles has the genes to make beautiful kids.  I had ran off to the baby’s room once Jensen had told me had had a few errands to take care of. I couldn’t watch him walk out the door, leaving us to go see his other family.
Once Jackson is asleep, I carefully transfer him to his crib and grab the baby monitor before leaving the room. Since I had no idea how long Jensen would be gone, an important detail if you ask me, I decide to clean the kitchen and put a load of towels in the washer.
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I am putting the last of the clean dishes away when I hear the front door open. I quickly finish my task and speed out of the kitchen. Although I know where he has been, I don’t want to see the look of bliss on his face or hear about his time with them.
Thankfully Jackson’s cries sound through the monitor so I head to his room. Not only to welcome him from his nap but to give myself time to prepare to be in his father’s presence. By the time I have our son changed and calmed down, I am as ready as I was going to be to encounter Jensen. Lifting Jackson from the changing table I head back toward the kitchen.
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@flamencodiva @lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @carryonmywaywardcaptain  @darlingpeanut @sunskittlex @sis-tafics @wayward-gypsy  @sea040561 @pretty-fortune @squirrelnotsam  @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44  @internationalmusicteacher @kricketc288 @natura1phenomenon @mannls  @nickie-amore @spn-tw-37 @frozenhuntress67 @blacktithe7 @supernaturallymarvellous @thetardishasaquidditchpitch @sirod-30  @heyitscam99 @smoothdogsgirl  @i-just-wanna-run-hell @paintballkid711@closetspngirl @starfirerules @vickiq9761  @rainflowermoon  @spnbaby-67 @drakelover78 @jessieray98 @81mysteriouslyme @travelingriversideblues-x @akshi8278 @keymology @topthis808 @lilulo-12 @onethirstyunicorn
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 55
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A/N: Okay to quell any confusion, let me explain something. The first part of this chapter, Drea’s POV, is a week after she kicked his out but the second part, Jensen’s POV, takes place exactly after what happened in Chapter 54. 
Drea’s P.O.V.
Exactly seven days ago, I had kicked Jensen out of our bedroom, but the man didn’t give up. He kept his distance as we navigated the new dynamic of our relationship. He continued sleeping in the bedroom at the end of the hall at night but during the day he made himself useful, helping with Jackson and doing mundane household chores.
We still spoke to one another and joked around; everything from requests to taking out the garbage or whose turn it was to change Jackson’s soiled diapers. Especially after an incident of being urinated on, Jensen practically had to be bribed with promises of treats and candy to complete this particular task.
He had also showered me with gifts, from flowers to an already pre-planned appointment with Gen at a spa in town to leaving little notes for me to find; to remind me that he loved me. I didn’t need the reminders.
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I know Jensen loves me, I know he loves our son but finding the proclamations in odd places was refreshing and welcome.
I was emptying the dishwasher while Jensen was busy changing Jackson after dinner when I found the manila envelope. Why Jensen had stored it in the cabinet was beyond me.
The package was full, and the thin string was loosed around the buttons. Actually, it wasn’t wrapped at all. Curiosity got the best of me and I tilted the folder. A few pages slid out into my hand. The top one had a legal heading from the county courthouse. The words underneath made my breath hitch as I read them.
                                                     PETITION FOR
                                       DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
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To say I was surprised would be an understatement. Jensen had not mentioned to me that he had even thought about divorce but here I held the evidence in my hands. I thought back to that fateful day almost 4 years ago when I had met the Ackles.
Stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire and no spare, they had helped me so I could continue on my cross-country trip after my husband had died.
My two saviors who became close friends and had took me in when my journey was over. I had bonded with Dani and celebrated with them when they learned they were expecting. I had become JJ’s pseudo-aunt, along with Gen, Jensen’s former co-star and wife to his best friend Jared Padalecki.
The Ackles and the Padaleckis had taught me that everyone was worthy of love and respect. I had become Dani’s confidante when she confessed to Gen and I about her affair. I had kept her secret and went as far as dating her doctor to obtain the paternity results she had needed so Jensen would be none the wiser.
And then while taking care of their daughter while Dani continued to pursue her acting career, Jensen had made his own confession. A confession that ultimately led me to be his mistress-turned-girlfriend-turned mother to his son. And the result of all that lay in my hands, staring me in the face. Five years after they said ‘I do’, he was filing for divorce. For a split second I wondered if it was all my fault. If I hadn’t gotten a flat tire on the side of a Texas highway would they still be together?
Jensen’s P.O.V.
My heart drops when Drea tells me to get out. I never meant for this to happen. If she would just give me a chance to explain! But I can tell she isn’t in the mood to listen to my reasons. I slide the strap of the bag she packed onto my shoulder and walk toward the door, stopping when I am next to her.
“I’m not leaving our home,” I tell her, looking down at her. “I’ll go to sleep in one of the spare rooms but I’m not leaving you. I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you and prove to you that you’re wrong. I love you and I want to be with you.”
I leave her standing there and walk out. As I approach me new and hopefully temporary digs I hear her sigh before our-her-bedroom door closes. 
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I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to figure out how everything went to hell. I know it’s my fault. My mistake for being upset over who Dani had decided to date. My error for leaving Drea out of it, for not just talking it over with her.  I now understand what it looked like. Like I was upset because Dani was moving on, which was farthest from the truth. I want my ex to be happy, I do!
I grab my phone and call the one person who I know could give me some perspective and advice. My tense muscles immediately relax as soon as my best friend answers. 
“Jare, I fucked up.”
“You can say that again, Stack. What were you thinking?”
“I don’t know man,” Jensen sighs, running his hand down his face. “I just-- I saw who Dani has decided to date and I got pissed, man.”
“But you’re with Drea….why does it matter if Dani begins dating?”
“It doesn’t! It’s not the fact that she has gotten back out there. It’s the who. That damn doctor that broke up with Drea because she didn’t feel the same.”
“So, you got upset not because your ex is dating again but because you don’t like the man she chose?”
“I was upset for Drea. And now she won’t even let me explain it. She kicked me out man! Well she tried. I’m in the guest room until further notice.”
“Oh boy! Dude, what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know. I mean, I kinda thought you and Gen could help me get back into her good graces?”
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The next morning, I wake up with a cramp from the practically non-existent pillow. My talk with Jared, and eventually Gen,  just a few hours prior had given me some insight and hope. I now had a plan to get in place to hopefully win Drea back.
I sit up in bed and try to knead the ache from my neck. I get up and open to door to see both Drea’s door and Jackson’s open but I don’t hear any movement. They must both be downstairs already.
Hurrying to the bathroom to do my business, my mind is already whirring with ideas. First on the agenda though is to prove to her that I was being truthful last night. I want to be with her in this house, the home she and I built.
After finishing up I return to the bedroom and search through the bag she packed to find some clothes and then I grab my phone, opening the search app. I have a very important phone number to find.
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@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @carryonmywaywardcaptain  @darlingpeanut @sunskittlex @sis-tafics @wayward-gypsy  @sea040561 @pretty-fortune @squirrelnotsam  @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44 @internationalmusicteacher @kricketc288 @natura1phenomenon @mannls  @nickie-amore @spn-tw-37 @frozenhuntress67 @blacktithe7 @supernaturallymarvellous @thetardishasaquidditchpitch @sirod-30  @heyitscam99 @smoothdogsgirl  @i-just-wanna-run-hell @paintballkid711@closetspngirl @starfirerules @vickiq9761  @rainflowermoon  @spnbaby-67@flamencodiva @drakelover78 @jessieray98 @81mysteriouslyme @travelingriversideblues-x @akshi8278 @keymology @topthis808 @lilulo-12
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 54
Jensen’s POV
I feel like a deer caught in the headlights at Drea’s words. I am frozen in my spot at the foot of the bed. Drea taking control, take the initiative to call me out on my bullshit completely stuns me. I have never seen her so spirited, so riled up. I just hope and pray that she gives me the opportunity to plead my case. To tell her my hang-up about the whole Dani/Josh situation. I just stand there as Drea paces back and forth.
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“Baby listen,” I begin but quickly shut up when my girlfriend turns toward me, fire in her eyes.
“No baby,” she sneered. “You listen!”
I swallowed thickly. The heat in her voice terrified me. Was I about to lose the best thing to ever happen to me; the love of my life and my son?
“I’ve been through more in my 28 years than most go through in their whole lives. I’ve learned to adapt to and survive what life throws my way. I lost my only parent; I was tossed into the system without a care for my well-being. I found love and lost that love before I was even 25. And just when I thought life couldn’t screw me over anymore, fate sends me you!” Drea pauses and wipes the tears from her cheeks. “I was finally making my own way, learning how to persevere. But then you happened. You and your perfect Texas gentleman behavior, helping the damsel in distress then befriending her. Letting me get comfortable in learning to depend on someone again. Remembering that I don’t have to do it alone. Then you struck; went in for the kill. Made me fall in love again, gave me the one thing I never thought I’d have, a child. You made me think we had a future, Jay!”
“We do!” I defend. “Drea we do have a future. Me, you, and little man. JJ too.”
“How is that going to work, Jay? Huh? How do you intend on continuing this,” she says, gesturing between the two of us, “-when seeing Dani with someone else upset you so much that you locked yourself away for hours, drinking and then took off to god knows where. Leaving me, leaving us.”
“Drea, that’s not what happened,” I dispute. “That is nowhere near what happened.
Drea’s POV
Watching Jay with our son is heart-warming and heart-breaking at the same time. One thing is for certain though; I cannot deny that Jensen Ackles is a wonderful, loving father. I saw it with JJ and have witnessed it first hand with our own child.
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But seeing him standing there in the kitchen, fascinated and cooing affectionately to our son was agonizing. How could he just pretend that everything was copacetic? Everything was not okay! I huff as I sit the diaper bag down and retreat to our- my room.
So many thoughts go through my head as I grab a bag and begin filling it with clothes. By the time Jay comes to find me, I have the bag packed, zipped and sitting by the door. Of course, he doesn’t see it when he waltzed in talking about Jackson and looking at me like I was his dream.
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When he bends to kiss me, it takes all I have in me not to slap him. I step back out of reach and voice the words I had dreaded to say.
“Jay, we need to talk.”
The look on his face should have been comical had I not been so pissed. His eyes widen in alarm and he never moves. I don’t think he takes a breath for at least a few seconds.  I begin pacing, trying to get my feelings in control before I speak, afraid I’d end up saying something I will regret.  But as soon as he speaks and calls me baby, I see red. All bets are off. I am livid!
“No baby,” I sneer the endearment back at him and he promptly closes his mouth. The words I have been going over in my mind start flowing out and before I know it, tears are streaming down my face. ‘Dammit,’ I think. ‘I promised myself I wouldn’t cry.’
Jensen reaches out for me but I smack his hands away. I continue my tirade, telling him how I had become independent and only relied on myself until he swooped in and made me fall in love. When I stated that we didn’t have a future, I saw his face fall; the look in his eyes disheartening. He then speaks, saying we can have a future. Me, him, Jackson and JJ. But how the hell was that possible when he is still in love with his ex?
“Drea, that’s not what happened. That is nowhere near what happened!” he declares.
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“Don’t you dare lie to me Jensen Ackles!” I yell. “Don’t tell me that you’re not still in love with Dani and seeing her with someone else upset you so much that you locked yourself away from me and our son and then took off without telling anyone where you were going. As far as I knew, you were headed over to try and make up with her and just leave me in the dust. I’m not stupid Jense. I know how lucky I have been to have found such good friends and a wonderful father to my son, but I also know luck always runs out.”
Once again, Jay steps forwards toward me but I counteract and step around him and walk to the doorway. Picking up the bag, that Jay is just now noticing, I toss it at him. “GET. OUT.”
Jensen’s whole demeanor changed when I said those two words. His face fell, his shoulders slumped and his eyes widened. 
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“You don’t mean that, Drea. You didn’t give me a chance to tell my side,” he begged.
“I don’t need to hear your side. I already know it. I packed enough stuff to get you through a week at least. I won’t hold Jackson from you but you and I? We’re through.”
Jensen headed for the door to leave the room, stopping at my side.
“I’m not leaving our home. I’ll go sleep in one of the spare rooms but I’m not leaving you. I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you and prove to you that you are wrong. I love you and I want to be with you.”
With that, he walked out of our bedroom and a few minutes later, I heard the door to the room at the end of the hall close. I close mine and rush to the bed and resume crying until I fall asleep.
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deans-baby-momma · 6 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 45
Jensen and Jared flew to Texas immediately after the convention. I was beyond happy to see him and see him interact with Jackson; Jackson of course taking it all in, little eyes watching every move his father made.
Jensen told me about the question during his panel and how he had defended me, us but that hadn’t stopped the hate and malicious comments on social media. Jensen finally logged out of all his accounts and put his phone down. I could tell he was aggravated and upset that those who claimed to love him were saying such horrible, awful things about his choices.
“It’s my life,” he grumbled. “Can’t they just be happy that I am happy. I got two perfect children and a wonderful woman by my side.”
“Jay, I don’t know what to tell you,” I replied. “You are a amazing man, a fantastic father. Maybe they’re just jealous?”
“If Dani would just let it go maybe we could move on. They would move on to the next scandal,” he sighed. Dani had continuously posted lies on her social media, calling Jay a cheater and an absentee father. Of course her friends, family and fans all ate it up, commenting uplifting quotes and pitying her. It was a never-ending cycle.
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Two weeks after he returned home, Jay was gone to pick up JJ for our weekend visit with her when the landline rang. Knowing no one who was close to us ever used it, I let the machine pick it up. Listening to the message gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. “I know who you are Drea. I know where you live. I know where you’re from. Why don’t you get your hooks out of Jensen and let him go back to his wife, the woman he was meant to be with. You are a two-bit whore who is doing nothing but sabotaging him, making him believe that, that baby is his. Do you even know who the actual father is? Jensen is an honorable and decent man but you have sullied his reputation. He would never leave Danneel so whatever you have on him, just put it away or I will make sure you and that bastard son of yours disappears.”
I called Jensen right away and begged him to get home as soon as possible. With tears in my eyes, I walked through making sure all the windows and doors were locked and then made my way to Jackson’s room, closing the door and sitting in the corner with my knees pulled up to my chest. Who was that? How did they get this number? Who in their right mind threatens a baby? Those thoughts kept repeating through my head until I heard Jensen’s voice calling for me.
Jackson was sleeping soundly in his crib so I exited the room quietly, thankful that my anxiety-riddled presence in his room hadn't woken him. I wiped my eyes as I headed toward the front of the house to be met with a rather rambunctious almost 2 year old.
“Hey JJ!” I exclaimed excitedly, purposely not looking toward Jay. “How's my favorite girl?”
“You cry.”
Two words. It took two words from the toddler to make me feel the dread and misery of telling Jay about the phone call. I took a chance and finally looked up at him,  seeing the worry and panic on his face. I shook my head, letting him know it wasn't up for discussion at this time.
Turning my attention back to the cute little blonde at my feet, I lifted her and sit her on my hip. “Someone has a birthday soon,” I cooed as I walked into the kitchen. “What do you want for it?”
JJ excitedly and enthusiastically told me all the things she wanted and I nodded as she explained the latest new toy sensation in her own little way.  
It wasn't until she was put down for her nap, after tiring herself out helping with her new little brother, that Jensen brought up my appearance when he had returned.
“Drea, what happened?”
“It’s nothing,” I told him. After calming down and thinking it over I had decided I was not going to allow some no name person on the other end of a phone line dictate my life. Yes, she had undoubtedly threatened not only me, but my son, but I wasn't going to let it stop me from living my life with the man I loved more than anything.
“It's something if it made you cry,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead. “Tell me, please?”
I relented and told him. “While you were gone, the landline rang. I knew if it were you or any one of our other friends, they knew to call my cell so I let the machine get it,” I sighed, nervous about telling him the actual gist of the message. “It was a female telling me to let you go, to quit holding you hostage by claiming Jackson was yours when he actually wasn't. That you belonged with Dani and that if I didn't give in to her demands she would make sure we both disappeared.”
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Jay stepped back and took his arms from around me. “She said what?! Are you honestly telling me some girl, some bitch actually left a message threatening you and Jackson? Please tell me you didn't delete that message.” I could feel the anger and tension radiating off him as I shook my head and he turned toward the office where the answering machine was located. I stood in my spot, not wanting or needing to hear the words again.
After about ten minutes curiosity got the better of me and I went in search of Jensen. I found him at the desk in the office, on the phone.
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“Yes sir, I do have the message saved. It was on the landline...Yes...so it is traceable? Thank God. Yes, thank you Officer.  I will bring it to you immediately.”
Jensen hung up the phone and looked up at me. “That was not nothing, Drea. That was an outright threat to your life, to my son's life!” His voice raised with every word and Jensen clenched his jaw to keep his composure. “I have to take the machine in so the cops can listen to it. And they're running a trace on the call, try to find out where it originated,” I nodded as he explained that he was going, to the full extent of the law, after the caller.
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“Okay,” I said. “Jay, I'm sorry. This is all my fault.” I felt the tears burn as they streamed down my face and before I knew it, I was being held against his strong chest.
“Audrea Murphy, this is in no way, no how your fault!” He pinches my chin between his index finger and thumb, pulling my face up to his. “You listen to me. The only person at fault here is the bitch who thought it was okay to call our home and make threats to you and our son! That's who is to blame.” His lips gently met mine before he pulled away. “I have to go down to the station. Are you okay to stay here, with them? I won't be gone for more than an hour.”
“Yes Jay. I'll be fine, promise.” I smiled through the tears and he kissed me again before turning to grab the machine and walking toward the front door.
“Lock up after me,” he suggested. “And don't answer any calls unless it's me, Jared or Gen. Okay?”
“Okay baby,” I answered timidly, causing him to stop in his trek to the front door. He came back to stand in front of me.
“I love you Drea,” he whispered. “And we'll get to the bottom of this.”
“Love you too Jay.”
After he was through the door, I turned the lever on the lock, listening to the pins fall into place.
Jensen returned at the same time JJ was waking up. I was in the nursery changing Jackson when he came in with her on his hip. “Hey little man. Were you good for your Momma?” he cooed down at his son.
We all convened in the living room and decided to watch a movie while JJ entertained her brother. Halfway through the movie though, she climbed up to sit beside her father and I sat in the floor where Jackson laid on a blanket. As I glanced up at the sofa they were both watching me, smiles across their faces.
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When the movie ended, I handed Jackson to Jay so I could go make a bottle. Once in the kitchen, I heard the doorbell and Jensen got up to answer it. I walked in to take the baby and was surprised to see an officer standing at the door.
“Mr. Ackles, Ms. Murphy. We have identified the caller.”
@xxdragonagequeenxx @carryonmywaywardcaptain @darlingpeanut @sunskittlex @sis-tafics @wayward-gypsy @sea040561 @pretty-fortune @squirrelnotsam @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44 @internationalmusicteacher @kricketc27 @natura1phenomenon @mannls @nickie-amore @spn-tw-37 @frozenhuntress67 @blacktithe7 @supernaturallymarvellous @thetardishasaquidditchpitch @sirod-30 @heyitscam99 @smoothdogsgirl @i-just-wanna-run-hell
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deans-baby-momma · 7 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 6
Summary: After unflattering news is reported, Drea decides its time to tell her story.
Somewhere in the US, two weeks later
I was standing in line at the convenience store, waiting to pay for my purchases and tank of gas when I first spotted it. A tabloid cover alluding to the fact that there was “Trouble in Paradise So Soon: Danneel Ackles seen getting cozy with mystery woman while husband Jensen looks on”.
Since learning their last name, I had kind of become stalker-ish when it came to my famous friends. I would read almost anything that had to do with Jensen and Danneel Ackles. Not that I didn’t fully trust them by now, but it still amazed me that two celebrities had stopped on the side of the road to help a stranger with car troubles.
That day had definitely changed my life and I was grateful. I had a friend, two, in fact who seemed to care and were concerned for me. I hadn’t had many friends before our move to Georgia for Chad’s promotion and hadn’t really gotten around to making any when I lived in Georgia, before or after Chad’s death. Most of my family were gone so that had just left Chad. And he was the bestest of best friends a girl could have asked for.
Now someone was causing my new buddies problems and I sympathized with them. No one wanted problems in their love lives, married or just dating. Thankfully in our 6 years of being together, Chad and I had never had any major issues, nothing that couldn’t be resolved with talking it out.
Stepping up to the counter, I place my bag of chips, candy bar and soda to pay. The cashier looked up with a smile but faltered. “You’re her!” she exclaimed, surprising me. What was she talking about? I’m who?
“I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I think you have me confused with someone else.”
“No, you are her. The woman in the pictures with that actress.”
Now my interest was definitely piqued. “What pictures? What actress?”
She grabs the tabloid off the rack and flipping it open to a page filled with pictures that I recognize; the gala. I notice pictures of people I had spotted that night. Pictures of celebrities posing, smiling for the camera. But right in the middle is what stuns me. There in glossy color is a snapshot taken of Dani holding my hand as Jensen walked in front of us, looking clueless.
Not that that was what happened. Not in the least. But the printed picture showed proof of the existence of an affair. Yea, right! I laugh at the picture and look up at the cashier who is perplexed at my reaction. “They have it all wrong. That was so innocent. I got lost in the crowd and Dani grabbed my hand to help me keep up. That’s all it was.”
The cashier doesn’t look convinced. She actually glares at me before scanning my items and taking my money. I go ahead and buy the magazine too; I want to see what the article had stated.
At the hotel three towns over, I lay on the bed reading the article and shaking my head at just how wrong their information is.
Last week at the gala held in San Francisco, we got a glimpse into what could actually be problems in the Ackles’ recent marriage. Jensen and Danneel (Harris) Ackles were wed on May 15, 2010 at the Crescent Hotel in Dallas, TX.  Dallas is Jensen’s hometown.                                                                         Now, just a little over a year it looks like the honeymoon might be over for the newlyweds. Danneel was captured holding hands with an unknown female companion as Jensen seems oblivious                                                            Who is this woman? Who is she to the Ackles? More importantly, who, or maybe what, is she to Danneel?
As soon as I finish the article, I pick up my phone and text Dani.
<Hey! Have you seen the latest issue of Rise Weekly? >
<No, why?? >
<Apparently there is trouble in paradise for the Ackles. >
<Really? Why am I always the last one to know? :) >
<Yea, you’re having a sordid affair. >
<I am? Wow, who knew. Did they say who? >
<Just some chick you were spotted holding hands with at the gala. :)) >
<What? I wasn’t holding hands with anyone. >                                                 <Oh wait, so you and I are an item now? Hot damn!! >
Laughing at her response, I decide to play along.
<Yea, who knew I could land a sexy as sin celebrity just by running over a nail. >
<Omg! I gotta call Jay. This is just going to break his heart. >
Understanding her sarcasm, I respond in jest.
<Go easy on him sweetie. Love you. KISS KISS >
<KISS KISS. Luv u 2 sweetcheeks. >
A few minutes later, as I am eating my dinner and watching a rerun of Three’s Company, my phone dinged, alerting me to a new message. The number is unknown but I open it anyway.
<So, you’re trying to steal my wife? You homewrecker you! >
It’s Jensen; Dani must have given him my number.
<Yea, sorry about that. Just couldn’t control myself. You know how hot she is! ;) >
<That I do. That I do. So, how you doing sweetheart? Still traveling the world? >
<Not the world Jensen. Just the continental 48. >
<LOL! Okay, call me schooled. But seriously, everything okay? >
<Yes, Jensen. I’m fine. Chilling in my hotel watching reruns of shows made before I was even born. Such a thrilling life I lead. >
<Well, now you have my number. If you need anything, call me okay? >
<Okay, I will. >
<And Drea? >
<Yea? >
<Call me Jay. :) >
<Alright Jay :) >
The next few days were uneventful. I was enjoying some time outside of the confines of my car. Spending the day visiting the town’s shoppes during the day and sleeping in a warm comfortable bed at the hotel at night. I was content. No one knew who I was; no one recognized me from that gossip rag. Life was fair. Unfortunately things were about to change.
I was sitting on the bed, flipping channels trying to find something to watch when my eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar face. Jensen was walking through a parking garage and apparently someone had shoved a camera in his face. I turn up the volume and listen.
“Jensen. Jensen, headed home?
“Yes. Going home to my wife.”
“How is Danneel? How’s married life?”
“She’s good. It’s great. No complaints.” He smiles that charming smile
“Who’s the mystery woman? Is it true Danneel is cheating on you with another woman?” Jensen face morphs into annoyance. “No comment.”
“Ok. Thank you Jensen.”
The view on the television changes to what looks like a newsroom with people sitting around talking; one man standing. He speaks when the camera points to him.
“So no news on the mystery lady? No statement from either Ackles camps?
Another man answers, “No, but we are looking into it. As of right now, though, she remains a mystery.”
I feel violated. Some gossip entertainment show is trying to dig up information on me? Because I was spotted with Jensen and Danneel? Is a simple friendship not valued anymore? All these questions run through my mind but what really worries me is that if my story is dug up, how will they spin that? I lost my husband so I ran away? I’m having an affair with a woman because my husband died? The fear of what rumors could be spread makes me aware of one thing: it is time to tell my story to Jensen and Danneel.
I pick up my phone and find Dani’s contact info. Instead of texting, I decide to call. This is too personal to be done via text. She picks up on the second ring. “To what do I owe the pleasure of an actual phone call my dear?”
“Dani,” I try to keep my voice level but it breaks, alerting her to my distress.
“What’s wrong? Her voice serious now.
“It’s time.” That’s all I say and with the almost inaudible gasp I hear, I know she understands.
“Where are you? How long will it take you to get here?”
“Colorado Springs. I can probably be there in a day?”
“Okay. Jensen is on hiatus now so he’s home. Come here and we’ll talk okay?
“Yea, see you then.”
We hang up and I start packing the few things I have to pack. The faster I get on the road, the faster I get to Dallas, the faster I can finally tell them my story. I’m on the road within an hour, trying to visualize how they are going to take my sad news. I can’t dwell on it though. It is my story and there’s nothing I can do to change it.
Almost 14 hours later, I pull up to the Ackles residence, primed and prepared to recount the depressing story of Chad and Audrea Murphy.
@xxdragonagequeenxx  @waywardlodging  @darlingpeanut
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deans-baby-momma · 7 years
The Padackles Link-Masterlist
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Summary: A flat tire on a Texas highway leads a widow to a new group of friends. But what happens when that friendship turns into something…more. Will she get the family she thought she had been robbed of?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
32 notes · View notes