dandelionpixels · 5 months
merlin hcs
ask: Do you have any headcannons of Merlin growing his hair out all curly and everyone in the castle collectively loose their minds
- If you want a mental image, I’ve got you. Take this and this and this and enjoy. :3
- Like the grandpa he is, Gaius teases Merlin for it every morning. He ruffles his hair, mumbles something about being thankful while you have it, and sends him out the door with a tsk.
- It only takes a day or two for it go from subtle waves to quite noticeable, especially when Gaius makes him a shampoo better fit for the curly aspect. It wasn’t really an intentional choice on Merlin’s end, just happenstance from being busy and letting it do what it wants. This also meant he was starting to get slight stubble around his jaw, born from laziness about shaving.
- This switch also happened to fall on a rare weekend where Merlin didn’t really see anyone. Arthur was gone for business and Merlin took the weekend off.
- Gwen says something about it first, crossing him in the halls and stopping him to gently ruffle his hair and go, “Well aren’t you handsome, why have you been hiding this?” to which Merlin blushes (not used to compliments) and waves it off. Gwen continues down the hall, but calls back over her shoulder, “Make sure to ask the knights what they think!”
- Merlin also passes a couple ladies from town who, in no uncertain fashion, stare for long enough that even he notices.
- When he wakes Arthur up by yanking the curtains open and throwing an orange in his direction, Arthur doesn’t notice. Too blinded by sleep and sun and stress. It’s not until after he’s changed and emerges from behind the divider that his gaze flickers to Merlin and he pauses.
- Merlin makes a face, “What? Don’t be thinking about throwing something at me.” Arthur looks away, but doesn’t move, “Nothing, you changed your hair.” Having genuinely forgotten, Merlin pauses, “Oh- I suppose I did. Is that….a problem?” Arthur rolls his eyes, “Why would that be a problem Merlin? I doubt anything can worsen your servant skills any more than their current-,” He’s cut off by Merlin throwing his shoes full speed at him.
- When they run into the knights in the armory, Merlin keeps remembering Gwen’s comment about what they would think. He decides not to say anything, but it doesn’t matter because the second they go outside and the sunlight hits them, Gwaine clocks him immediately.
- “Woah, hold up! You did something, fess up!” Merlin groans but smiles despite himself, “C’mon, don’t do this-,” Percival cuts him, “He’s right though! You’re all rugged now.” He lowered his voice when he said rugged and Merlin and Arthur both make a grossed-out expression. As Elyan opens his mouth to agree, Merlin surrenders, “I grew out my hair a little bit, it got wavy, can we move on now?”
- Gwaine wolf-whistles and the knights burst into laughter. Arthur rolls his eyes and gestures with his sword, “Can we get back to training?” Lancelot grins, “What, are you upset we think Merlin looks nice?” Arthur shoots him a very pointed glare and gestures everyone out into the field.
- Later that evening, Morgana comes to visit Arthur while Merlin’s getting dinner set up. She goes to wave a quick hello but pauses upon seeing him, “Merlin! Your hair looks lovely.” He grins bashfully, “Thanks.” Arthur groans, “Doesn’t anyone in this castle have anything better to do than pay attention to Merlin’s hair?” Morgana shrugs, “Do you not like it?” Arthur stiffens slightly, “I didn’t say- I just don’t care about it.” Gesturing vaguely around, Morgana continues, “It’s not a crime to think he looks nice Arthur, everyone in this castle thinks he looks nice. You’d be crazy not too.”
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dandelionpixels · 5 months
all my hashtags so far :)
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dandelionpixels · 3 years
I was wondering if you could do bbc mordred x reader hcs? Preferably a gn reader who is really artistic and loves to draw/write songs? Or like a reader who's very chaotic and likes to prank the knights?
dude this was so fun!!! i hope it’s what you had in mind :))
- hes definitely awestruck everytime you draw him. like.. hes so afraid of being a monster that knowing you find him beautiful is genuinely amazing to him
- piggyback rides!!!!!
- he thinks you’re awesome. like genuinely he thinks you’re so far out of his league
- LOVES to sing your songs when you guys hang out. very loudly and very obnoxiously. he just wants to show how much he likes them. sometimes he’ll get randomly nervous about singing out loud
- pranks omg!!! he loves helping you out with all your plans and doing preparation stuff. the knights tease him for it (which of course means you mess with them the next day)
- sometimes you tell him all ab a prank you’re planning and he just sits there dumbfounded listening to you. he’s just loves the way your brain works so much
- you absolutely make him go hang out in the rain with you. its pouring and hes like “we’re gonna be so cold :((“ and you’re like “no no it’ll be fun!!!” so you practically drag him into the courtyard to mess around in the rain (the knights think it looks like fun and join you guys)
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dandelionpixels · 2 years
Hello! I hope these are open! I adored the idea! Could I have a x reader romantic headcanon for Merlin from bbc Merlin. I’ve been in love with him since I was like 10 (I’m 19 it’s been ages and he’s still my go to comfort character)
My pronouns are she/her
I’m like the biggest loner. i love spending time alone in my own world doing my own thing. I spend way too much time daydreaming. I literally can go from astrophysics to aliens or dark matter to magic in 20 seconds. Reality, we don’t know her.
I can be quite touchy feely and emotional but do everything to hide it. I struggle with my feelings a lot.
i either overthink or don’t think at all there is no in between. one minute I have a set out plan and the next I’m jumping into things randomly. It’s like I’m either super anxious or am pretending my problems dont exist.
my hobbies include creative coding, digital illustrating, weight lifting, watching movies/shows, playing video games, reading fanfic in the dead of night (you know the 4 am fics hit different).
im obsessed with Starbucks vanilla lattes (Ik so basic) and that’s probably the only reason I actually go outside
My style is pretty much the fandom sections at hot topic from 2012 (the chokers, plaid skirts, combat boots and fandom shirts. Bonus if u add knee socks or fishnets💀)
i absolutely hate the cold, small talk, crowds, and social gatherings. I’m super awkward not in the cute uwu way but In the 😐 way.
if it helps in anyways I’m a Slytherin, intp personality type, and true neutral alignment.
Thanks ❤️
dude this was awesome!! you sound super cool :)) also i did a specific section for modern day ones bc i didn’t know which you preferred <3 thanks for giving me an excuse to write more merlin stuff :D i hope this is what you were looking for!!
- you guys spend a lot of time just hanging out in silence. theres never any pressure to talk yknow? like he’ll be laying on his bed and you’ll be laying on the ground just daydreaming and enjoying each others company
- he loves that you do weight-lifting dude.. genuinely he thinks its awesome
- also he definitely likes to bring you drinks and snacks and then leave you to have some alone time. hes such a sweetheart ab not wanting to overwhelm you
- i feel like hes totally supportive of whatever mindset you’re in. if you wanna impulsively go running into the woods, hes right beside you holding your hand. if you’re having an anxious day hes content to just sit and let you talk stuff out
- sometimes when you guys are in a group setting and merlin can tell you’re unhappy, he’ll just make up some ridiculous excuse as to why you guys have to leave
- ^^ like “sorry guys, we have to go! theres a- cat.....missing.” *awkward pause* “bye!”
modern stuff
- he’d absolutely go shopping with you and watch you try on stuff. hes so genuinely happy to be involved and is always like “do a spin!!”
- you teach him how to play every game you know and he is so bad at all of them.
- lots of movie nights!!! he brings snacks and always remembers ur starbucks
- hes so excited about the coding bc it makes him feel like both of you have magic yknow?
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
i know we talk a lot about pining merlin and oblivious arthur which i wholeheartedly enjoy but let’s take some time to discuss pining arthur and oblivious merlin
- arthur looking at merlin out of the corner of this eye, as merlin flits around the room picking things up and moving them around. merlin doesn’t know that arthur can hear him humming but arthur thinks it’s the most comforting sound he’s ever heard. he can’t quite place the melody, but sometimes he’ll catch himself humming it to himself when he’s alone.
- the knights like to mess with them, pushing them towards each other any chance they get. merlin just laughs it off, but arthur usually ends up tripping and making a fool of himself.
- arthur watching him with the other knights, smiling gently at the thought of spending his life with merlin by his side.
- gwen spends hours trying to talk arthur into saying something, it’s never worked. but sometimes merlin will walk into arthur’s room to find all the cleaning done and arthur suggesting they go on an adventure. merlin never refuses.
- sometimes merlin will let someone buy him a drink, and for the life of him, he can’t figure out why it always seems to bother arthur
- arthur tends to come up with random excuses for keeping merlin nearby, and merlin doesn’t mind so he doesn’t argue
- merlin and arthur sitting side by side and when merlin turns to face him, arthur jerks away like he’d been watching him and didn’t want to get caught
- arthur doing the ‘he loves me-he loves me not-he loves me-’ on a flower and then panicking and throwing it behind him when gwen walked in
- merlin walking past him and accidentally brushing his hand against arthurs’ and arthur absolutely losing his mind
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
I am absolutely obsessed with jealous arthur can we get more of that good kush 🥺
yes absolutely!! bless your soul for asking, i was literally just thinking about jealous!arthur
- everyone getting drunk at the tavern and the knights are being a little touchier  than usual and maybe gwaine puts an arm on merlin’s shoulders and arthur immediately shifts to merlin’s other side and puts an arm around his waist and merlin is just sitting in the middle like “oh dear, what now?”
- arthur picks up a habit of ranting to gwen about merlin ignoring him to hang out with the other knights and gwen just nods along, knowing full well arthur is jealous
- merlin starts to pick up on this, but he isn’t absolutely sure yet. so he decides to test it every couple days to see if he’s right. 
the first day he shows up to work with a bouquet of flowers and claims a girl in town gave them to him. arthur clenches his teeth and says he doesn’t know why merlin’s telling him this. 
the second day, during training with the knights, merlin gives leon a flower for ‘good luck’ and arthur walks over with an expectant face and a bitter, “so where’s my good luck flower?” but merlin just shrugs. 
the third day, they’re camping in the woods and merlin takes lancelot’s jacket, complaining about being cold. lancelot goes to let him take it but arthur refuses, saying merlin should just use his. merlin’s perfectly happy to take arthur’s jacket, content in knowing he’s right.
the fourth day they’re at the tavern and merlin taps gwaine affectionately on the nose, much closer to his face than he needs to be. arthur walks up behind him, his arms crossed, “merlin why-,” but before he can finish his sentence, merlin spins around and kisses him gently on the lips. arthur just sits down and spends the next couple minutes processing what just happened.
- arthur tends to jump at the chance to help merlin. whether it’s letting merlin on the back of his horse or loaning him a cloak for a cold night, he stares the other knights down to make sure he can do it.
- speaking of horses, merlin once rode on the back of gwaine’s horse, his arms around gwaine’s waist and head on his shoulder. arthur spent so much time staring at the two of them that he almost fell off his own horse
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
i’m sad so here’s some merthur ideas i think about a lot
- gwen taught merlin how to make flower crowns and so almost everyday merlin shows up with a flower crown and tries to put it on arthur’s head
- “it’s a crown!” “that is not a crown merlin, those are leaves in a circle”
- arthur complains at first but always surrenders eventually and puts them on. he likes them
- arthur has nightmares,,almost like morgana’s. he’s been through so much war and trauma and violence, how could he not
- so when merlin hears him tossing and turning, he opens the door and ever so carefully, sits on the bed, leaning against the bed frame. and almost as if arthur can sense that he’s there, the prince settles down immediately.
- merlin stays awake to watch over him
- merlin never got the cloak back that he let arthur use. so he just took one of arthur’s. arthur pretended not to notice.
- sometimes during formal meetings, arthur requests to have merlin in the room. he claims its simply to have a witness. gwen and morgana think differently
- both of them tend to go to gwen and morgana for advice about the other
- every morning, there’s fresh flowers in arthur’s room. arthur thinks they’re brought in by the castle staff, but’s it’s actually merlin
- “where’s my flowers?” merlin remembers
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
lighthearted merthur drabble
- all the knights know arthur likes merlin, and that merlin likes him back. but they also know arthur will never do anything about it unless they give him a push, so that’s exactly what they do
- the next time they’re all hanging out without arthur or merlin, they decide on a plan to make arthur jealous enough to actually do something.
- now cut to the tavern. it’s pretty late, they’re all just hanging out, as they do. they’re also extremely drunk
- merlin is an affectionate drunk, which the knights already know and makes their plans infinitely easier. arthur is a clumsy drunk.
- so maybe gwaine casually leans back and puts an arm around merlin’s shoulder, pulling him closer. merlin doesn’t think anything of it, that’s just how gwaine is, especially when drunk. he just grins, tapping gwaine on the nose and taking another swig of his drink.
- but arthur glances up at them and practically chokes on his drink, coughing violently. leon puts a hand on his shoulder with a cautious, “everything okay sire?” but arthur just waves him off and tries to avoid looking towards merlin.
- ten or fifteen minutes later, they’ve shifted and gwaine arm is no longer around merlin’s shoulders. merlin has stood and wandered over to arthur, a hand on his hip. arthur can’t help but find it endearing.
- but as arthur starts talking to merlin, elyan walks up, sidling up beside merlin, much closer than he needed to be, and ruffling his hair gently, “hey,” merlin stops to turn and smile
- arthur falters slightly but assumes elyan’s just drunk and tries to shrug it off, continuing the conversation as best he can, pretending not to notice how close elyan is to merlin
- he only gets a couple more minutes in before lancelot joins the group, swooping in to grab merlin’s hand and pulling him away from the group, winking at the younger man.
- merlin just grins and lets himself follow lancelot, grabbing his other hand and going into an uncoordinated spin. arthur cant help but let his face fall as merlin lets out a laugh.
- psa merlin isn’t being an asshole, he’s just drunk and thinks everyone’s simply being,,nice
- anyway percival walks up to where elyan and arthur are standing and nods towards lancelot and merlin dancing happily in the center of the bar, “are they-,” arthur just waves vaguely, “i just didn’t realize they were so close,”
- elyan and percival exchange a look, and glance back to leon and gwaine, who just give them a thumbs up. percival gestures to merlin, “for the sake of your dignity, just go get him sire, i promise he’ll go with you,”
- arthur meets his eyes, pausing slightly before nodding slowly and walking over to where merlin is. lancelot meets percival’s eyes and steps back, dropping his hands and allowing merlin to turn and see arthur. he grinned, grabbing arthur’s arm
- “where have you been? i-,” before merlin can finish his sentence, arthur just sorta takes a breath and meets his eyes. merlin lets the sentence fade and falls silent, realizing something’s different
- they kinda just look at each other for a minute, unsure of where to go. at least until gwaine downs a glass of beer and yells a drunken, “get a room,” which results in a glare from arthur and a stifled laugh from merlin
- the last things the knights see is arthur grabbing merlin’s hand tightly and leading him outside. they all just turn to each other with these successful grins on their faces. gwaine hollers again, “another round on me!”
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
“leon?” “merlin?”
(in case you weren’t aware, there’s a little fandom theory about leon being immortal, because he managed to survive all these battles that supposedly killed everyone involved. it’s mostly a joke but it kinda got me inspired so)
- it’d been almost a century since arthur’s death. merlin had stayed in camelot of course, taken care of gaius, gwen, and the knights. they helped him cope and for a while, it was almost okay.
- and then of course, they began to age and die, leaving him feeling a little more empty. it didn’t take long for merlin to decide he might as well leave them, to save himself the heart ache. he said his last goodbye to the people that were still alive, and left. he couldn’t bring himself to venture far from the lake, so he simply settled there, near the shore.
- it was a small house, and he took care of himself. he had friends every once in a while, but he rarely got too close. he knew what would happen eventually, they would leave him, like everyone else had been forced to do.
- but he wasn’t exactly unhappy. he kept busy, continued fighting for equality in the world he now lived in.
- it didn’t even matter if it was no longer magic that he was fighting for. he yelled his support at woman’s marches until his throat was raw, had a pile of well-used black lives matter posters leaning against his wall, and never missed a chance to attend a pride parade. equality was equality, and that’s what he fought for.
- but he was lonely. it didn’t matter how many people he smiled to on the street, or the dogs who seemed to love him, it was like looking at everyone through clouded glass.
- and he saw his past everyday. a red shirt out of the corner of his eye, a familiar scent of herbs, a crown in a shop window. and for the first couple decades, he would look. his head would swivel and he would search for the voice or the blond man in the crowd. but after a while, it started to sink in that they were gone. so he let himself accept it.
- which is why he didn’t turn when he once again heard a familiar voice while sitting in a coffee shop. he just shook his head gently and continued his typing. and usually, that would be the end of it.
- and then he caught a glimpse of someone sitting on the other side of the room, having just hung up the phone. it took him a moment to even register why just looking at that person brought tears to his eyes. but then it clicked.
- he knew it couldn’t really be him, but he couldn’t stop himself from staring, trying to find something tonprove himself wrong. but there was nothing. the man was a spitting image of the knight he used to see everyday. the same curly hair and bright eyes that had always gleamed with a bright determination. they were a little duller now.
- merlin didn’t even realize he was moving until he was standing, looking at the man on the other side of the room. he opened his mouth, but his voice broke as he began to speak.
- “leon?”
- it was enough. the man’s head lifted as he glanced around the room to figure out who had called him.
- after a moment, his eyes locked on merlin’s. just like that, merlin felt his eyes begin to water again.
it was leon.
he wasn’t sure how he knew or how it was possible but it was him.
- leon stood as well, leaving his phone lying on the table and inhaling shakily, “merlin?”
- merlin could barely bring himself to nod. but he must’ve, because the next thing he could remember was leon stepping quickly towards him and enveloping him in a tight hug
- he felt his whole body let out a breath of relief as he wrapped his arms around leon, holding on like he was afraid that leon would fall through the floor and leave him alone again
- eventually leon pulled apart, holding tightly onto merlin’s shoulders, his eyes reignited with that familiar gleam. his face was streaked with tears and merlin was sure his own face would look the same
- they took each other in, faces breaking into grins as it began to finally sink in that this was real. leon was the first to speak, reluctantly letting go of merlin’s shoulders and gesturing around the coffee shop, “shall we take this elsewhere?” merlin realized half the customers in the room were staring at them and nodded gently, forcing himself to take a step
- they walked out of the shop, barely able to take their eyes off each other, stopping a little further down the sidewalk, side by side. they both paused, feeling like something was off. merlin looked towards leon, linking their arms with an understanding smile.
- after this many years of being alone, they simply wanted to be as close to each other as possible.
- this time, merlin spoke first. “so why-how are you-,” leon gestured vaguely to the air, “it’s a long story but i’m-i’m kind of immortal,” merlin let out a loud laugh, a genuine kind of happiness that he hadn’t felt in a long time filling his chest, “yeah i guess i figured that,” he paused before continuing, “me too,”
- it felt like a kind of childlike joy, the way they were clinging onto each other to keep themselves from vibrating with excitement.
- and eventually, when arthur rose from the lake, merlin got to share a quick smile with leon before running barefoot to the shore.
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
maybe i’m merthur trash but hear me out
so arthur comes back. we’ve heard the iterations of that and i can’t really write anything that hasn’t been done so let’s skip to the good part
for a moment they’re just looking at each other. merlin’s breathing heavily, his hands are shaking, he can’t take his eyes off arthur. arthur’s soaking wet, he’s got hair in his face, he’s crying. so is merlin. neither of them can bring themselves to speak. like maybe if they say something, it’ll all fall apart and they’ll lose each other all over again. but then arthur’s gaze softens and merlin realizes this is genuine. and just like that, merlin grabs his face in his hands, pulling him in, almost gently, like he’s afraid he’ll break him. and then they’re kissing. but even with his eyes closed, arthur can feel the wind start to pick up so he pulls back to see the air circling around the two of them, in the eye of their own personal hurricane. a flower petal lands ever-so-gently on arthur’s head and he turns back to merlin, their noses brushing slightly. merlin’s just grinning sheepishly, uttering a soft sorry. but before he can say anything else arthur is kissing him again and he doesn’t even care anymore because it’s him. he’s here. he’s real.
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
alternate magic confession
Merlin glanced up from the ground to see the light from the campfire reflecting in Arthur’s eyes. He looked back down quickly, tapping restlessly against his leg. Arthur was quick to notice his restlessness, looking towards him.
“Something wrong Merlin?”
They were on a three day long expedition to scope out some new land, sent alone for the sake of stealth. Merlin took a while to respond, staring vaguely into the fire.
“Not exactly. It’s just-I think I need to tell you something, but I’m not so sure it’s such a good idea, especially now,”
Arthur’s face shifted as he realized Merlin was serious about this, raising his eyebrows, “What, you forget to clean my armor?” Merlin just continued to tap nervously at his knee, clearly focused on whatever was about to happen.
Sighing dramatically, Arthur met his eyes across the fire, “I actually have something I’ve been meaning to tell you as well,” Merlin smiled slightly at that, “I have a feeling mine’s worse than yours, but shoot,”
Pausing, Arthur but his lip, “I’m actually having a similar issue. I’m not even sure I should be talking about this at all.”
Merlin took a breath, “Mine’s got to come out at some point anyway, I suppose,”
“Same time then?”
Merlin glanced up in surprise, pausing the relentless tapping, “What?”
Arthur shrugged nonchalantly, “We’ll say them at the same time, so one can’t pull out after the other’s said their piece. It’ll be easier,”
Merlin dropped his gaze to the ground, trying to figure something out. Arthur noticed his hand shaking gently, and looked down to see his own hand doing the same thing. He couldn’t help but stifle a smile at that.
Merlin spoke abruptly as he looked back up, smiling nervously “Okay. Let’s do it. Same time,”
Seeming to suddenly realize what he’d proposed, Arthur felt himself start to freak out. This wasn’t how it should be happening. Before he could actually make the decision to back out, he watched as Merlin stuck out a hand, careful to avoid the fire, “Swear on your life that you’ll actually say it,”
Something about the trust in Merlin’s voice brought him back to reality, and he reached out to grab Merlin’s hand holding tightly, “I swear on my life,”
They pulled away, sitting across from each other just like they were before. But there was something in the air now, that both were clearly afraid of.
Arthur spoke first, “Count of three then?”
Merlin just nodded, feeling his heart rate beating faster in his chest at the very prospect of even saying it out loud.
“Sire are we even sure this is a good idea?”
“Don’t be such a girl Merlin. 2,”
“I just think that this seems rash-,”
There was a millisecond of pause where they locked eyes, making sure the other wasn’t bluffing. Then they opened their mouths.
“I’m a sorcerer and I-,”
“I think I have magic but-,”
They both froze in place, with eyes locked and mouths parted slightly in either surprise or realization. Maybe both.
Merlin shakes his head incredulously, “You think you have what?”
Hands gesturing wildly, Arthur bursts into explanation, “Don’t laugh, but it’s just- weird things are always happening around me. And I’m always escaping death like something’s looking after me and-,” He stops dead and locks eyes with Merlin, “Oh. You have magic. Right.”
Merlin nods, “Yeah.”
He felt his hand shaking again, but it was something different now. It wasn’t quite fear, just the knowledge that everything would be different from now on. It had to be.
But as they stared at each other, Merlin couldn’t stop himself from letting out a small smile. The situation was so intensely ridiculous that something seemed almost funny about it.
Before he could explain himself, he watched Arthur try to stifle a smile as well, and just like that, the tension was broken.
Arthur threw up his hands, “How many years? How many years did we waste hiding this?”
Merlin grinned, “Far too many,”
When they eventually returned to Camelot, no one even bothered to ask why Arthur was spending so much time at Merlin’s, leaving with piles and piles of books, always covered in cloths to hide the titles.
And even though everything about them had changed, at the same time, nothing had. It was just Merlin and Arthur, like it’d always been. But they certainly felt less alone after that.
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
more feral merlin content!!
- arthur can’t find merlin,,again. at this point it’s pretty routine for merlin to disappear for a couple days so he just continued along with his day, checking in with gaius. then the next day came, and merlin was still gone. arthur covered for him with uther, something that had become a normal part of their dynamic, and made a mental note to swat him upside the head when he showed up again
- honestly the days where Merlin was gone were always pretty boring anyway, so by the time the third merlin-free day rolled around, arthur finished his work quickly and headed off to make a loop around the forest. it made him feel safer to take a look around every couple days, to know his kingdom was safe. besides, it was more interesting than anything inside the kingdom walls, especially when merlin wasn’t there.
- wandering around aimlessly, he left his sword unsheathed. he’d never actually found anything dangerous. but almost like he’d thought it into existence, arthur heard the persistent rustling of leaves to his left, and turned quickly, keeping a hand hovering over his sword, just in case there was a real danger
- locating where the sound was coming from, arthur shifted in place to see- “merlin?”
- “sire, what are you doing here?” merlin’s voice was bright and cheery, more carefree than arthur usually got to hear him. it would’ve been nice, but arthur was too distracted on merlin’s stance.
- he was hanging completely upside down from a branch, legs hooked around a branch and his head cocked to see arthur better from his position
- arthur shook his head incredulously, “me? what are you doing here? you’ve been gone for three days,” merlin looked surprised, swaying slightly with the breeze, “have i really? pity,”
- taking him in, arthur noticed the lack of shoes, torn shirt, and streaks of dirt around his face, it was almost worrying, “are you-okay?”
- nodding as best as he could, merlin waved vaguely, “fine, just needed some time away. in ealdor, i could go wherever i pleased, but in camelot, it can get stuffy in those walls. no offense of course,”
- arthur knew what he meant. as much as he loved Camelot, there were sometimes he wandered into the forest and didn’t want to return.
- “none taken. but why are you-,” arthur paused, unsure how to phrase it. grinning, merlin just hoisted himself up, until he was sitting upright on the branch, smiling down at his prince, “upside down? helps me think,”
- sliding easily down the trunk, merlin took a couple dizzy steps, stopping in front of arthur and nodding respectfully, “i’m glad you’re here sire,” arthur asked his eyebrows, “really? doesn’t seem like it. you’ve been gone for three days, i could have you arrest-,”
- merlin cut him off, stepping to the right and linking arthur’s arm in his own, “you know that doesn’t work on me anymore,” and as arthur tried to process what was going on, merlin started calmly walking back towards camelot, pulling the prince gently along with him “y’know if i had known you missed me, i would’ve come back sooner,”
- pausing slightly, arthur seemed taken aback, “i didn’t-,” merlin stopped him again, “didn’t miss me? so you’ve said. either way, i promise to tell you next time i plan on taking a break,” arthur spluttered, “a-a break? you’re not even wearing shoes merlin,”
- “yeah about that, i let some field mice use mine as a home. can i use a pair of yours for a bit?” arthur groaned, and merlin leaned to the side, shoving him gently. suddenly, arthur became acutely aware of their arms intertwined, and how close merlin was to him.
- “merlin i-,” “yes?” “nevermind,”
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
we see so much of jealous!merlin!! do you have any headcannons for times arthur has been jealous?????
yes!!! jealous!arthur rights (but not possessive, everyone know the difference!!)
- lets start basic, with merlin going back to ealdor. for the first time, arthur sees merlin spending all his time with someone else (will, the childhood friend) and arthur immediately proceeds to make an effort to keep merlin by his side as much as he can
- i also have a theory that when arthur is jealous, he loses some of his cool. he stumbles over his words and forgets what he was saying. for example;
- arthur glanced over gwen’s shoulder to see merlin laughing and looking up at one of the soldiers. gwen snapped her fingers to get arthur’s attention, “something interesting over there?” arthur shook his head, looking away from the pair, “wh-no! i just-who,” he paused to gather his thoughts, “who’s that guy with merlin?” gwen shrugged, “just one of the new recruits, it seems they’ve taken a liking to each other,” rolling his eyes, arthur shook his head, “i’m sure-i doubt they-nevermind,”
- morgana and gwen have to keep reminding him that at the end of the day, merlin always returns to him, and that’s where he’s happiest. that’s where both of them are happiest.
- i also think arthur has a thing with ‘matching’ what other people do. so one day he sees a girl bringing merlin a flower and the next day he gives merlin a bouquet because “i had extra flowers,”
- jealous!arthur definitely goes hand in hand with oblivious!merlin so arthur’s just pining desperately and merlin can’t understand why arthur doesn’t like it when he lets people buy him drinks
- merlin rants to gwen about it for sure “i just don’t understand, is he mad at me?” and gwen just facepalms cause goddamn why cant he just understand that arthur’s jealous
- arthur will never admit he’s jealous, even after everyone except merlin knows, it’s a matter of pride and dignity
- back to him stumbling over his words, i also think that one day he saw merlin walking somewhere with a girl and proceeded to walk directly into a cart of hay
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
morgana and merlin
(an exploration into what we could’ve had)
- gwen starts talking to merlin about all the things that have started happening recently, and merlin instantly realizes morgana has magic.
- he goes to her room late at night, sits on the bed, looks her in the eyes and just explains to her that she’s not alone. they just sit there and talk for hours, about what they’re going to do about it, why magic needs to be kept secret, and why he hadn’t told her earlier.
- he promises to come back the next night, and he does. and the night after that. he takes stacks of magic books from his house and leaves them for morgana to read through.
- together, they travel to ealdor and merlin introduces her to his mom, who of course immediately assures her she’s fine with magic.
- morgana and hunith get along super well, to the point that they almost forget merlin’s there, just for a moment.
- both of them (morgana and merlin) develop a habit of talking to each other telekinetically, leading everyone to believe they just read each other very well. it certainly makes it easier to talk about arthur without having to hide.
- speaking of arthur, they definitely use their magic to mess with him. never hurting him of course, but just enough that they both had to stifle a laugh when one morning arthur woke up having complyely lost his voice.
- that aspect of merlin’s life had been lonely for so long that he spent hours recounting all his adventures and relishing in the knowledge that he was in the company of someone who could understand.
- when they found time to sneak out of camelot, they’d spend their time in the forest. merlin would teach her how to control her magic better, making sure she knew she wasn’t a monster. that magic was a gift, not a curse.
- and eventually, when they told arthur, they were able to stand side by side and take comfort in knowing that even if he wasn’t supportive, they would still have each other. but he was of course supportive.
- they became almost like siblings, becoming more and more comfortable around each other. merlin was convinced they were always destined to be this close of friends. that anything else would just feel wrong
- they also developed a habit of walking around with their arms linked, feeling generally safer around the other.
- it wasn’t romantic, never had been and never would be, they simply knew that they were better together.
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
“come on merlin, where’s your sense of adventure?”
Arthur waved the branch threateningly, as Merlin held his own close to his body, cautious. “This has nothing to do with adventure sire, i just think teaching me to swordfight might be a waste of time,”
Waving dismissively, Arthur continued, “I can’t have you dying in the middle of a battle, what fun would that be? You should at least know some basic skills,”
Groaning, Merlin yielded, following Arthur’s instructions as best he could. He knew full well he didn’t need a sword to protect himself but it seemed to make Arthur feel better so he tried his best to make it seem like he was as helpless as Arthur seemed to think.
At some point, his mind began to wander, and within moments of zoning out, he had been knocked off his feet and onto the ground, flat on his back with the sword laying near his side. Arthur stood above him, his head cocked to the side, “Merlin I worry about you sometimes,” Reaching down, he offered a hand. Merlin paused momentarily before grabbing it and pulling himself up.
“How do you know I don’t worry about you sire?” Arthur raised his eyebrows, “Cause at least I can handle myself in a fight,”
Rolling his eyes, Merlin picked up his makeshift sword and they continued to practice. Making a final push, Merlin was able to knock Arthur’s sword out of his hand and press his own branch up to Arthur’s neck. He had a sneaking suspicion Arthur had let him win, but he still couldn’t help but feel proud of himself.
Arthur had tilted his head up as if there were a real sword to his throat, and upon realizing Merlin had actually done it, let out a laugh, “There you go Merlin, maybe you’re not completely useless after all,”
Merlin dropped the stick to the ground, grinning proudly, “Maybe not, but you certainly are. Teaching a servant to swordfight, what a waste of time,” Putting on a mocking face, Merlin waved his hands vaguely, “Besides, it’s not like you could beat me in an actual fight either,”
Letting his mouth fall open slightly, Arthur spoke a harsh “What’s that supposed to mean? I could beat you in any fight,” Merlin just shrugged good naturedly, turning away in hopes of instigating a fight. Without a warning, Arthur lunged forward and grabbed his side, pulling him down to the ground. Merlin let out a laugh, trying to pull away. Wrestling on the ground, Arthur tired first, and let himself fall down next to Merlin, who did the same, “So does this mean I win?”
“Whatever you have to tell yourself Merlin,” “Okay great, I won,”
They were lying side by side, on their backs, looking up to the sky. The branches lay discarded on the ground beside them.
“You’re a clotpole, y’know that?”
Before Merlin could respond, he felt a raindrop hit his cheek, and he just groaned. Arthur turned his head slightly to look at him, “What? Were you not aware?”
Merlin just gestured to the sky, “It’s raining,”
Neither made any effort to move, but within minutes, it was pouring down. Arthur stood up first, grabbing Merlin’s hand and pulling him up.
Merlin couldn’t help but notice he didn’t let go, even after Merlin was completely up. Arthur didn’t address it, so Merlin just readjusted his hand slightly, and looked down.
For a moment, they just stayed like that, hands interlocked as they stood side by side, facing the castle.
Suddenly, Arthur grabbed Merlin’s hand tighter, and pivoted on his heel, starting to run for the edge of the woods. Merlin just held on tightly, running after him as best he could, “Sire I don’t know if you’ve realized, but the castle is the other way,”
Arthur just slowed down as they approached the beginning of the woods, “Relax, my father doesn’t expect me back for another couple hours. He knows the rain wouldn’t stop me. Besides, where’s your sense of adventure?”
Merlin used his free hand to swat Arthur on the back of the head, “I have more adventure in my pinky finger than you have in your whole body dollophead,” Grinning, Arthur just pulled him further into the forest.
The foliage was dense enough that even the rain slowed to a light drizzle. Which was when Arthur finally stopped completely and looked over to meet Merlin’s eyes. The two of them were completely soaked from the rain, still with their hands clasped tightly together. There was something so oddly euphoric about the situation that Merlin let himself zone out again.
So much in fact, that Merlin didn’t notice Arthur had leaned forward to kiss him until a second after it had happened.
Before he could even start to register it, Arthur had pulled back, and dropped Merlin’s hand completely. Something Merlin couldn’t quite place flashed briefly across the prince’s face.
Merlin couldn’t help but speak quietly, like he was afraid to scare him off, “Arthur-,”
Cutting him off, Arthur’s voice hardened, “You can’t say a word of this to anyone, not even Gaius. Take tomorrow off,” Merlin barely nodded before Arthur had turned to leave.
As an afterthought, Arthur turned back, still avoiding eye contact, “Don’t follow me. We can’t go back together, wait fifteen minutes or something,”
Merlin nodded again, watching as Arthur turned and started to walk quickly away.
Leaving Merlin to lean against a tree, soaked from the rain and trying helplessly to process anything that had just happened.
An adventure, I suppose.
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dandelionpixels · 4 years
Hello I don’t know if I’m using tumblr right lol, but do you have any Morgana and Gwen headcannon kind of thingys...??
an absurd amount!! i don’t know if you’re looking for morgana and gwen or morgana/gwen so i’ll do both!!
- after becoming queen, gwen has a habit of sneaking out to visit the townspeople. she misses it sometimes
- she makes sure to learn the names of everyone who works in the castle, so they know someone cares about them
- kids,,she adores them. she often will sneak them into the castle so they can look around and have some fun before they have to leave again
- morgana also has a soft spot for kids
- and horses. for some reason, morgana absolutely adores horses and they always like her too
- she’s super good at giving gifts, and will sue any excuse to get someone a gift. she once gave merlin a gift for “just being alive,”
- if morgana lived in the modern world, she absolutely would attend every single pride parade, so does gwen
- again, in a modern au, morgana lives somewhere with huge windows and lots of light so she never has to feel trapped again
- morgana, even after becoming evil, always has a vase of the very same flowers gwen had given to her years ago at the market
- they have matching necklaces (a crossed flower and sword)
- even when gwen was just a servant, they used to spend days just trying on each other’s clothes and messing around
- one of their favorite things to do is to have picnics together, far from camelot
- since gwen is the only one who can comfort morgana after a nightmare, they just got in the habit of falling asleep in the same bed for convenience’s sake
- they hold hands. i don’t care if you see them as platonic or romantic im telling you they hold hands.
- merlin once tried to do the same thing with arthur to show the girls that anyone could do it, and arthur stepped on his foot.
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