#dancing hetian
dntclosemt · 1 year
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he’s one hell of dancer
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quanronggallery · 5 months
Vintage Chinese Hetian Jade Group the Buddha & Dancing Gods
You are warmly welcome to visit our website: www.quanronggallery.com for more Upcoming Auctions:
Chinese Art Auction on April 17th, 2023, 4:00 PM EST  https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/325325_art-of-the-new-era-modern-asian-art-auction/
 Chinese Art Auction on April 21st, 2023, 1:00 PM EST  https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/323912_chinese-art-auction/
Buy it now, please visit: https://quanronggallery.com/
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Chinese Hetian Jade Dancing Girl Pendant https://www.etsy.com/listing/1340027775/211059-chinese-hetian-jade-dancing-girl?click_key=ad027679fdec70defb26aa6554a5d7a78df937e1%3A1340027775&click_sum=21513e30&ref=shop_home_active_43&frs=1
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imun4 · 3 years
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HeTian strip dancing for little Mo =))
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dddainuhsoar · 2 years
okay yes fine i do have a slight obsession with mo guanshan’s red hair and shapeshifting demons/spirits... because yes, i am here to tell you that i have
yet another xianxia/wuxia/jianghu au for tianshan
now hear me out... i may be obsessed with guanshan’s red hair, and i may be over-ambitious for even dreaming about writing a full-length wuxia story (man, i’m the first one to tell you it isnt happening; theres no way im writing this idea into a full-length fic, this one will end up in the drafts forever and ever, like everything else i dreamt of writing) but here we go again...
(loosely inspired by the story of hou yi and the ten suns)
there once lived a cowardly lion spirit (hetian) who would swallow the flames from lanterns and candle-light to steal for himself, because he was afraid of the dark and would bright the light that he stole back to light up his whole den. but of course, the townsfolk did not know this; they thought the lion spirit was evil. the pitch blackness of the night emboldened thieves and deviants to raid homes and attack innocents. these misfortunes were attributed to the lion spirit.
the townsfolk only found reprieve when the sun came up. the sun god was their protector. if a thief was caught redhanded by the sun's watchful eye in dawn's light, the sun would burn them to ashes. the common people worshipped the sun. they showed their appreciation by gifting him the most beautiful woman of their town.
together, the sun god and his new wife gave birth to a child with flaming red hair.
the sun god's child (mo guanshan) was destined to slay the beast. he began training in martial arts the moment he could walk. he was taught to be sharp and stone-hearted so he would not be tricked by the lion's wit or wiles.
when he was ready, he set off to the lion's den, emitting confidence and pride. his mother, a powerful seer, had seen it - he would tame the lion spirit. he kissed his mother's cheek and promised his father he would be back with the lion's head.
a week later, the lion failed to appear in the night to steal the townsfolk's flames. the people rejoiced. the sun god is truly powerful! the sun god's son with the hair as bright as the sun's own flames is truly heroic!
a month later, the sun god was still waiting for his son to return. he sent his men to look for his missing son. they returned with word that the lion spirit was seen in a town far away with a red-haired man.
the lion spirit had abducted his son! the sun god and his wife were convinced of this. he ordered his first son and first daughter, to bring his favourite child back.
all of the sun god's children had red in their hair, but none had a full head of bright-red hair that danced in the wind like hot flames. guanshan's mother was the most beautiful, the kindest and the most skilled in the kitchen. that was why she was the god's favourite wife, and that was why their only child together was his favourite offspring.
his first son and daughter were deathly jealous. guanshan was the sun god's tenth child, but he was first in line for the throne. they had all been sent to bring down the lion spirit but all returned with heads hung in shame. they were eagerly waiting for the tenth son to return with the stench of failure as well, but the outcome was even greater than they expected - he hadn't returned at all!
but now their father wanted to send them to collect him? how ridiculous! if they brought him back, it would only be his corpse...
so that was what they came back with. a month after they left, a heart-shattering roar had shook the entire earth, even the heavens felt the trembles. a week later, the sun god's children came back with guanshan's lifeless body.
the sun god despaired but his wife had a solution. the First Tree was planted on ground that could not be broken, guarded against thieves that wanted to steal its essence. but the earth-shattering roar of the fearsome lion spirit not only collapsed houses and drew up tsunamis, it caused a crack in the soil of the First Tree. the sun god's sharp wife told him they could bury their son under the tree, so he could revive.
and so mo guanshan awakened, hair aflame again but memory of his first life gone.
[[and then some stuff happens...
and jianyi, zhengxi and guanshan become friends. and jianyi disguises himself as a redhead so he can meet the lion. and he gives the lion spirit the talisman that guanshan had given him, but then jianyi goes missing. then zhengxi and guanshan go looking for him, and meet hetian. and then the three of them go look for jianyi together. (im just too tired to write the rest of this. i'm naming this fic 'the sun rises and sets with you', a quote from the movie 17 again.]]
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beep-boop-tk · 3 years
All it takes Mo is one look at He Tian to realise just how much of an impact he has on him.
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Dressed in simple yet elegant robes, HeTian looks regal. His hair is pushed back, a few strands falling onto his eyes, but not enough to hide the crimson eyeshadow.
Mo gulps, a little too loudly, panic flooding his being as he observes every little detail of HeTian.
HeTian's gaze is indifferent until it lands on Mo. Because when it does, his lips quirked and his eyes lit up.
Mo trembles under his gaze.
"Husband~ Come here. I'll help you change your clothes"
But HeTian's teasing words have no effect on him. Mo is beyond enchanted to focus on his wit.
And once he realises that he had spaced out thinking about just how ravishing HeTian looked, he gasps.
He turns on his heels, "you...I don't know you" he said, helplessly hiding his blush when HeTian wraps him arms around his waist.
HeTian says something, Mo doesn't quite catch it. He struggles out of his grasp and makes a dash for it, passing a bunch of girls and buzzcut on the way out.
He runs and runs until the heat on his cheeks and his hammering heart is due to all the running and not HeTian.
He sprints up the stairs and kicks open the door to the roof. Once out in the open, he catches his breath as he peers over the edge, hazy vision registering the crowd of people below.
"There you are" the hairs on his neck stand at the voice and he turns around to see HeTian looking more royal than before, shining under the sun.
HeTian takes a few steps towards him and Mo sees an opening from the corner of his eye. He slips past him, almost at the door when HeTian grabs his wrist and pushes him against the wall.
"You can't run, Little Mo~" he hears him.
He hears him because Mo has his eyes closed, his wrist over them as he pants.
"Fuck, leave me alone you Chicken dick!" his voice holds no power.
Mo can't look at him. Not now. Not like this.
Not when he's blushing like crazy because of HeTian.
First, he invades his dreams.
Now, he's chased him up here.
Mo simply can't seem to escape HeTian. And the only way to calm his nerves is by not looking at him.
"Does it look that bad?"
Mo peeps a glance, eyes widening at HeTian's glum expression. His eyes are melancholy as he lets go of Mo, taking a step away.
"Let's go back. They're waiting for us" HeTian smiles again. Or tries his best to. Because Mo can see through him.
HeTian turns to leave when Mo grabs his hand and blurts, "you look good"
Y-You heard me!" Mo doesn't want to say it again. He doesn't want to admit it again.
He doesn't want to admit that HeTian looks so good that butterflies dance in Mo's stomach.
HeTian smiles and it only makes him handsomer.
"Litlle Mo, like what you see?" And HeTian's back to his normal self again. Mo clicks his tongue walks back inside past him.
He doesn't answer him but HeTian follows anyway, humming.
Like what you see?
Like? Mo GuanShan loves it.
But he won't say that out loud.
Not anytime soon atleast.
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grin-1010-moribu · 4 years
I supposed to draw hetian w mo but let me warm up first Huhu
I’m sorry it was so short though lol
Wanna see them dance together so badly
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seungjecnga · 5 years
( basic list -- set in ancient china, they’re all people who live in the same village / city [ yet to be decided ] so it’s not surprising they may know one another. )
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            sun ziqi, daughter of a herbalist / doctor ; known for her spitfire temper and sharp tongue, she’s not the MOST popular female on the block. she doesn’t mean to be condescending, but she’s got places to be, patients to treat...it’s rush rush rush in her world. one second, it’s spent mixing herbs for medicine, the next, it’s treating a feverish toddler...just because she is young, doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what she’s doing.
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            zhang ruifen, daughter of weaver / embroiderer ; she’s always got the prettiest clothes in the neighborhood, and she reserves the bragging rights as she’s the one who makes them. with deft hands, ruifen is known for her embroidery skills and for her beautiful designs.
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            huang yangmi, daughter of the local dyer ( color chemist ) ; a beautiful girl who’s at the prime age to marry, but her free-spirited nature and absentminded / aloof ways has her parents worried that she might not be able to be married as no one wants someone so...lackadaisical. always out finding new colors and sources to use for colors, yangmi’s got quite the adept eyes for color and cloth.
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            cheng liyuan, daughter of the local shaman / sorcerer ; she’s learned the tools of the trade for the longest time now, she’s capable of giving blessings and writing protective charms. her demure features make her attractive to a lot of male customers, often asking for her to write them charms and she does house calls !! need your house cleansed and business blessed ?? she’s your girl !!
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            liu hetian, son of the local government official ; a pretty boy with a bright smile, hetian is a kind and gentle soul with rough hands. intelligent and able, hetian is a scholar as he is a warrior ; witty with his mind and adept with his hand, he’s every girl’s dream husband...unfortunately, hetian isn’t the type who wishes to be bound by marriage so soon.
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            yan mengjun, son of a merchant ; hetian’s best friend...a bit of a playboy that seemingly flirts with any living being ( a rumor, he does confine his coquettish ways to humans, he doesn’t discriminate if it’s a male or female ). hetian sometimes expresses regrets for knowing mengjun, but in reality, mengjun is the man that always brings back foreign knowledge for hetian to study, the two have been friends for as long as either can remember...while hetian seemingly outright dislikes mengjun, they’re each other’s ride or die.
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            fang yueling, daughter of the local authority ; don’t let her small figure and petite face fool you, she’s actually hetian’s personal bodyguard / maid. she is the daughter of the local police force that works under hetian’s family’s orders. yueling has been trained as a young female to fight ( as were other females of her family ) ; a task force consisted of solely females, yueling is a proficient and skilled fighter who does what she can to keep the liu family heir safe...she is not a person to be messed with. question her femininity, and she’ll treat you to a sword dance.
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            lin xiefen, daughter of local musician ; xiefen is known for her skills on the guzhen, she’s often asked for in local performances and when the officials call for a private performance. with deft fingers and keen ears, xiefen is good with her voice as well, weaving a tale as she plays the instrument. her family runs a shop making and selling high quality instruments, but the best will always be xiefen’s guzhen, made with the best quality.
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            xie kening, son of the local sweets shop owner ; sweetness pours from his hand and from his lips, charming people into their little shop for some tea and snacks ; his store is a favorite of many locals for their wondrous takes on classic desserts. changing with season and with time, even with the customers themselves, everything is FRESH MADE. it’s never too sweet for the elderly, just cute enough for the girls, and delicious enough for the men.
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            jiao kejun, wanderer / demon hunter / orphan ; his story is well known amongst the dwellers. kejun lost his parents when he was young ( old enough to remember, but too young to really be by himself ), he swears that what took his parents’ lives was nothing natural and has taken to demon hunting ( people say it’s because he’s spent too much time with liyuan’s family, but he’s appreciative to them as they had given him a home in their shrine when he had no where to go ). he comes and goes as he likes, but he still comes home to visit his step parents and sister ( liyuan ).
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            wang yiyuan, wanderer / reluctant hunter ; he is timid as he is shy, son of the local hunter / butcher, he’s the reluctant friend of kejun, being pulled into his adventures and hunting shenanigans. the only reason why his family hasn’t STOPPED him from being involved with kejun was because kejun brought out the less timid side of yiyuan, taught him things and brought him to places...they believe kejun is a GOOD influence on yiyuan, even if the ways are unconventional.
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            tang xianling, sorceress / shamaness / huilijing ; xianling lives in the outskirts of town and is a bit of an introvert, preferring to keep to herself. kejun is convinced that xianling is a HULIJING and has made it a mission to prove it...is it true ?? maybe. xianling was taught by a well-known sorceress who had adopted her one faithful night and has taken to become one herself. it was with xianling’s appearance that the village nearby started to flourish ( where there is no fox demon, no village can be established as the saying goes ).
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           fang wenling, yueling’s twin / daughter of local authority ; just like yueling, wenling is her younger twin and tasked with being hetian’s bodyguard. the twin sisters are like yin and yang ( much like their names...yue as in MOON, and wen as in WARMTH in reference to the sun ). opposite to their names, however, yueling is more outgoing and loud while wenling is quiet and observant. the twins are never far behind hetian and even if the male tries to hide from them, wenling’s will seemingly always have an INKLING as to where he is...wenling is capable of combat but is more proficient when it comes to tracking and strategizing.
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quanronggallery · 2 years
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https://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/136514744_a-set-vintage-chinese-hetian-jade-dancing-figure-statues  https://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/136514744_a-set-vintage-chinese-hetian-jade-dancing-figure-statues
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quanronggallery · 3 years
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#Hetianjade #Chinesejade #Chinajade #handmade #homedesign #decoration #Chinaart #Chineseart #China #Chinese #Asianart #collection #auction #onlineauction #Chineseauction #artauction #handcarving #quanronggallery https://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/103122084_super-chinese-qing-white-hetian-jade-dance-girl-statue https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZXLMzHJHV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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quanronggallery · 7 years
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#Hetianjade #Chinesejade #Chinajade #handmade #homedesign #decoration #Chinaart #Chineseart #China #Chinese #Asianart #collection #auction #onlineauction #Chineseauction #artauction #handcarving https://classic.liveauctioneers.com/item/59634498_vintage-chinese-hetian-jade-statue-dancing-girl
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