#dance central game x reader
royaltysuite · 9 months
Dance Of Passion (A Dance Central Story)
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Dance Of Passion (A Dance Central Story Series)
Synopsis: This series is an old one from my account on Quotev. It’s been about 2 years since I ever updated the series or even made any corrections to it. But, I decided to bring it over to this blog to hopefully revive the fandom even just a tiny bit and bring some more light to it. Anyways, onto the summary.
Summary: In the heart of Brooklyn, New York, dance is everything. Well, everything to normal people. Y/n, on the other hand, is not normal. Cursed with the ability to see and dispel negative entities on others, she chooses to not interact with anyone that’s not her family. However, when her brother and his group of friends go missing for half a year, she has no choice but to battle her way to the top, reunite with old friends and find out what really happened to her brother.
No One's pov                Today was a beautiful day to be outside for everyone. Well, not everyone. "Ugh, come on, I swear on everything that I believe in, this level is gonna be the death of me." Said Y/n, frustration in the tone of her voice. "Still stuck on the level?" A young boy shouted from the kitchen.
          "Yep. I’ve been stuck on this level for the last hour and it’s making me want to rage-quit." Y/n replied, annoyance on her face. "Well, how about you take a break? I made your favorite." Said the boy with a big smile on his face."That might be what I need. Thanks, Jason." “No problem, sis.”  And with that end of that conversation, both siblings ate in silence.
            Meanwhile, their older brother was at practice as usual. "Hey, Mo, what time did you say you had to get home? It’s getting pretty late." A teen asked his crew partner. The guy in question, Mo, perked up at the statement and quickly checked his phone. The bright screen flashed the time, 10:50 p.m., and he just knew he wouldn’t make it home in time. "Shit, they’re definitely gonna kill me this time." Mo exclaimed, panic spread across his face. “Yo, I’ll see you at school!” He shouted at his friend, halfway out the door when his friend responded with a quick ‘ok!’.
            He quickly grabbed his stuff, put it in his bag,and sprinted to the train station to go home. After a 30 minute train ride and two mile sprint, Mo had finally reached the door to his house. As if on queue, the door swung open harshly to reveal Y/n and Jason, the former seething with unbridled rage. Mo let off a shaky smile of nervousness, slowly slinking his way to the door. His actions made both of the younger siblings move out of the way so that Mo could enter the house.
            As soon as that door closed behind them, that’s when chaos erupted."Where have you been for the past three hours?!" Yelled Y/n, her eyes narrowing into a glare. "I was at practice like normal." Mo replied, moving to sit on the couch.”Even though your curfew was at 9?! You know you can't just stay out that long, you also have to keep up your good grades. I'm also worried about you and your safety. What if you had gotten robbed or hell, even attacked and we didn't know? This is Brooklyn, after all." Y/n said. "Who would take care of us then?" Jason asked, worried about his older brother. Hearing the break in his younger brother’s voice, it pulled a string in his chest. His eyes moved to his sister and despite the initial anger she had, he could see in her eyes that she had been scared and worried about him.
          He then got up off the couch and leant down in front of his siblings. "Hey, don't give me that look, guys. I'm sorry for being late and I promise I’ll let you know if I’m coming home late next time." Mo said, laughing nervously. This brought small tears to the younger siblings' eyes and they swarmed in a tight hug. Mo hugged them back and kept apologizing until they all fell asleep on the couch.The Next MorningMo's Pov             The next morning rolled around and I was woken up to the delicious smell of blueberry chocolate pancakes coming from the kitchen.'Y/n must be up then.’ I thought to myself, sitting up and letting out a big yawn, stretching my arms out before hopping up off the couch. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Y/n standing in front of the stove in her school uniform. "I know you’re there, Mo." She chimed, not even turning around to see me. "Aww, I wanted to scare you, but you ruined it." I said, pouting. "Well, I can't be scared so easily. Anyways, go wake up Jason and tell him to come eat." She said, putting two pancakes on each plate for all three of us. " Sure.” I replied, going to turn around but stopped. “Hey, are you okay ?" I asked Y/n, a bit curious by the look on her face. She stopped what she was doing and turned around to face me. 
    "What do you mean?" She asked, a strained smile on her face. "Well, you seem quieter than your normal self, so tell me what's going on." I said, crossing my arms. "Nothing is wrong, I'm just tired. That’s all." "Ok. If anything is bothering you, you can tell me." I said, before going upstairs to wake up Jason. Once I reached the top stairs, I saw Jason exiting his room in his uniform. "Hey, man, I was just coming to wake you up. Let's go and eat breakfast." I said, catching Jason's attention. "Huh, oh, sure." He murmured quietly. I was a bit concerned at the response, but I just shrugged it off and followed him down the stairs. When Jason and I reached the end of the stairs, we saw Y/n finishing her breakfast at the table. "Hey guys, hurry up and eat, we have to go to school in twenty minutes and Mo, once you're done eating breakfast, go put your uniform on." Y/n said, finishing the last bite of her meal. Both Jason and I nodded then sat down and started to eat.
            Placing her dishes in the sink, Y/n went to the living room where her school bag was and checked to see if she had everything. As soon as she saw that everything was in order, she zipped up her bag and went back to the kitchen. She then looked at us as if she was rushing for us to finish our breakfast.
            Luckily we were done to the last bite, so we finished rather quickly and washed our plates. I went upstairs to change into my uniform. Once I was done changing, I put on my shoes and went downstairs. "Hurry up, Mo. We're going to be late." Y/n yelled from downstairs
              "Ok, ok. Now I'm ready." I said, finishing the knot on my shoe. We then left the house to see that a car was parked outside the house. "Hey, Mo, come on." Said a boy around Y/n's age. "Sure, see you two at home." I said, kissing Y/n on her forehead and ruffling Jason's hair.
          They didn't like those gestures and pulled away and started walking to school. I gave one last look towards them before getting in the car with the others. " Hey, Mo, who were those guys?" Said the boy from before. "Those were my younger siblings. Let's just go Glitch. " And with that, we pulled out of the driveway and down the street.
Y/n's pov            After last night, Jason and I had decided to forgive Mo for missing curfew. Though, it didn’t mean that I was happy about it. We began making our way to school after Mo left with his group of friends in their car. The walk to school wasn’t too long and as soon as we reached the gates, Jason and I parted ways. Him, going to his classes, and me, heading to the commons area where I meet up with my own group of friends. We had hung out for a bit, catching up on the latest in our lives before the bell rang for us to get to class. It felt like deja vu - like the first day of school all over again only this time, we’re all saying good-bye to each other. An hour into the school day, the bell rang once more signaling that it was lunch time. 
              Walking around the school building, my phone's notification ring went off alerting me that I had a text. I pulled my phone from my pocket to see that the message was from Mo.   'Meet me in the courtyard in front of school, there's some people I want you to meet. - From Mo'. I quickly replied with 'sure' and headed towards the courtyard.
        Once I was in the courtyard, I scanned the area looking for my brother to see him near the fountain with some people. I started to head over there when I heard my name being called. Looking around for the person calling me, I saw my best friend, Julianna, waving her arms to get my attention. Running towards her, I had forgotten what I was previously doing and Mo had noticed that.Mo's Pov               After I had sent Y/n the text asking her to meet up in the courtyard, I put my phone in my hoodie pocket and waited. As I waited for her to show up, I turned back to the conversation Aubrey and Bodie were having. The conversation lasted for about five minutes when I saw Y/n walking over, more like running since the courtyard is really huge. Though, she went up to someone else before she even saw me. Laughing to myself, I continued to wait until the conversation was over. Though, the conversation didn’t last long before I felt a force knock me forward. However, I didn’t catch my balance in time and fell to the ground.
            “Dammit, Mo, you were supposed to catch me. Not let me fall to the ground.” Y/n groaned in pain. "You okay though?" I asked her,  standing up before checking to see if she had any injuries. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said, brushing herself off and rising to her feet. I then nodded and led her over to the group. "Guys, I want you to meet my sister, Y/n. Y'all saw her this morning." I said to the guys. "Hi, it's nice to meet you all." Y/n said, a smile spread across her face. " Aww, she's so cute, isn't she?" Said Aubrey.
              "Yeah, how old are you?" Asked Emilia, "I'm 17, so I'm just a year or two younger than you guys except the guy with green dye in his hair." Y/n explained. Aubrey and Emilia looked surprised and turned to me for confirmation. I nodded to them. “I could’ve sworn you were younger than that.” “Anyways, This is Emilia, Bodie, Aubrey, Angel, Taye, Lil’ T and Glitch.” I explained, pointing to them as I said their names.  "Why is she so short?" Glitch asked. An irk mark appeared on Y/n's forehead as she started to get angry. "Dude, you shouldn't have said that." I said, going to hold Y/n back before she blew up. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? I'M NOT SHORT, WE'RE TECHNICALLY THE SAME HEIGHT YOU ASSHOLE! LET ME AT HIM, HE DESERVES A GOOD PUNCH IN THE FUCKING DICK!!!!!!!!" Y/n yelled while struggling to get out of my grip. Everyone looked at us in shock while Glitch got scared and hid behind Bodie.
            "Wow, she's feisty." Said Angel. Once Y/n was calm, I let her go as she huffed in anger. "Now that she's met you guys, we have to go get our little brother and head home." I said. Everyone mumbled out an ‘okay’ before Y/n spoke up. "Would you guys like to eat dinner with us?" Y/n asked. "Sure." Everyone agreed. "That sounds great! What time should we swing by?" Asked Aubrey. "Around 7:30 if that's okay with you guys." Y/n replied with a small, gummy smile. Everyone looked at each other and nodded at each other, agreeing with the time arrangement.
          "Great, so meet us at our house at the agreed time." I said. “You can also bring something if you want, but it doesn’t really matter.”  Everyone nodded before turning to leave and go about their business. After setting up plans to meet up, I turned to see Y/n walking away. "Hey, where are you going?" I asked, running up to her. "I'm going to go meet up with Jason. After that, we’re going to the store to shop for dinner." She replied. 
              After everything was said and done, Y/n left and I went back to my group, who were standing by my car. "So, that's your little sister then. I have to say, she's pretty feisty." Aubrey said with a little smirk. "Yeah, anyways, I'm gonna go and head home. See y'all later." I said, getting in my car. "See ya." All of them said. After that, I drove off back to my house.
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monstersflashlight · 4 months
Hi :) Uhmm ... I like how you write, these past few days it become my obsession and joy. ( I am so sorry, I am so bad at giving compliments!)
Uhmmm .... If I may be so bold I would like to share an idea? I just thought about absolutely cocky and arogant male, womanizer Cerberos. The reader has love/hate relationship towards him. Well and after one wild party, he would corner reader and showed them his true form. And holding onto his word to rock reader´s world (quite literally)
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Hi! I'm so glad you enjoy my content, it means the world. Sorry for the long wait, adult life sucks so bad. Also, I added the anon question, hope you don’t mind. The idea that Cerberus is the one you hit on when tipsy sounds so cute to let it pass. I took the liberty to make cerberus a type of monster, so they’re just one of them and not THE cerberus, you know. I imagine they’re like a werewolf but with three heads, and like not human form, just a wolfy-guy with three heads. Each head talks separately, but in this there’s no difference between them to not make it hard to follow, but I think it’s quite good. Hope you enjoy! <3
Three heads are better than one
Cerberus (they/them) x fem!reader || fingering, public sex, dirty talk
When a cerberus started to work on your law firm, you two hit it the wrong way from the start. You were a top tier lawyer and they couldn’t understand that a human could be better than them. Three heads think better than one, how could a puny human like you be better than them? But you were, and it infuriated them. But it also fueled your banter with so much sexual tension you could taste it. But you didn’t do anything about it because everyone at the office knew they were a womanizer, they had a new girl every few days and never dated anyone. They were just there for the sex. Or that’s what everyone at the office said. But dang you wanted to hit it off with them so bad, you needed to know what their three mouths tasted like, how would it be to have three brains focused on your pleasure… That sounded delicious in the best possible way.
So when you catch them and their friends in a bar, after a few drinks, you think it’s time. You approach them and their friends at the end of the bar, ready to do something about your pent up sexual tension. You two have been dancing around each other for what feels like ages, and your tipsy brain thinks the best moment to do something about it is right now, right there. When you get closer, you can hear their friends making fun of them and elbowing them as they all giggle, pointing at you. You add a little bit of movement to your hips and hope it doesn’t look too ridiculous.
“Hi darling, how’s your night going?” You touch their pecs as all three of their heads focus on you. You blush, but keep caressing their torso over their shirt, you squeeze a bit and they slap your hand softly.
“Human, get lost.” You can’t understand how their voice can sound so harsh and so sexy at the same time, you can feel your panties melting. Maybe the alcohol has a part to blame, drinking always made you horny, and today is not different.
You pout, bating your lashes in your best puppy look. “Why are you always so mean?” Their three heads blink slowly at you, almost took out balance by your question.
“What? We’re not mean, you are just too soft,” they answer. You scoff, if they want to play that game you can give as better as receive. Uh, receiving… That’s exactly what you want. In a sexy way, against a wall if possible. They look like they can lift you up and fuck you.
“I’m not soft. I’m human. And you are mean.” You think you heard him say something about how they’re already aware that you are human, but you aren’t sure, the bar is really loud and the world is spinning around you.
“You need to go away before we do something all of us would regret.” Their central head is the one doing the talking, but the other two nod along.
“I don’t want to.” You know you sound bratty and entitled, but you are horny and everyone says they’re a womanizer, why are they not womanizing you? “You don’t like humans, is that it?”
“Trust me, they like humans. They like them reeeeeal good.” One of their friends says behind them. All of them laugh, but your coworkers are looking at you like they are going to dig a hole through your body just with their eyes.
“Come with me.” They sound fed up, like they are going to scold you and it’s going to feel awful. But your tipsy brain doesn’t process it fully, so you follow them without questioning. They lead you to the back of the bar, the hallway that leads to the bathroom. The music is softer there, you can listen to your own brain better.
They push you against the wall, they body pressing against your front. You shiver, anticipation filling your guts and their low growl making you whimper. “We can smell how wet you are, we can almost taste your desire. You are too tempting for your own good, honey.” You think the pet name was condescending every time they used it before, but at that moment, it sounds like a caress.
Their hands found the edge of your skirt as they grab your leg and position it against their hip. You are open and exposed, your skirt riding up and your soaked panties in the open. You whine again. You never felt as dirty and naughty as you do now, it’s maddening. They cress the outside of your thigh as they rock their hips against you, letting you feel their cock through your panties. You moan loudly.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, please.” You know you’d be embarrassed beyond belief about it the next morning, but right now you don’t care. You can only think about how good their finger feels inside of you, and how much you wish that was their cock. When they move your panties to the side and push one finger inside your needy pussy, you cry out.
“Not here, little human.” They press against your G-spot, making your knees buckle under you. They grab your waist and holds you pressed against the wall as you pant. “If tomorrow you feel like this again, then we can talk.” They said, their fingers slowly thrusting into you.
“What?” You ask, trying to focus on their words and not the wonders they’re doing on your pussy. Their thumb rolls over your clit and you have to bite on your tongue to stop yourself from screaming. It feels so good. You start to move your hips at the rhythm of their thrusts.
“We’ve been waiting forever to get your attention, We’re not wasting it on a quick fuck on a bar.” Their voice sounds serious and you feel confused as fuck. What are they talking about? They hate you, they always pick stupid fights with you over the silliest things.
“What?” You ask, trying to grab their hand but holding onto their shoulders, moving your hips faster. The rational part of you is not present, only your whore-ish part.
“We’ve been waiting to ask you out but we thought you wouldn’t want us.” They mutter that under their breath, you barely catch it.
“What?” You ask, once more. Are they saying they like you? They wanted to ask you out? But… But the gossip. They said they didn’t date, you never saw them with anybody, just random hookups. “What?” You ask again.
“You… We… We have a bit of a human kink with you, okay? You are so soft and so pretty. We can’t stop thinking about you. And then you get up in front of the judge and good lord do you look good. You look magnificent.” Their voice sounds amazed, like they are telling the truth and they truly like you. What the fuck?
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Your question is lost when their thumb starts rubbing against your clit. You think they answer something, but your brain is fuzzy with pleasure. “Stop touching my clit I can’t focus.” You whisper, trying to look at them and see if they aren’t lying. There’s no way they want you, is it?
“What if we don’t want you to focus? What if we want you coming around our fingers until you are crying out how much you love it? How much you like being stretched in public by us?” You moan so loud they have to cover your mouth with their unoccupied hand. “Shhh, be quiet. You don’t want us to get caught, do you?” Your pussy involuntarily clenches around their fingers. “Oh, naughty girl, you do want to get caught. Does that excite you? Do you want everyone to see how improper you really are? You are such a good lawyer but then you part your legs for us in the back of the bar… Such a dirty, dirty woman.” You shiver, your juices flowing around their fingers. You’ve never been as turned on as you are right there, their fingers feel divine and you are so fucking close.
“Please…” Your plea sounds pathetic and you blush, but they just smirk at you, two of their heads attacking your neck at the same time. Feeling the two sets of mouths against your neck combined with the feel of their fingers moving inside of you is getting you so wet their hand is making filthy sounds.
“You are so wet for us, so soft. I bet you taste amazing. We are going to spend so much time licking you. Do you know what they say about cerberus?” You shake your head. “We give the best head because we have three of them. Do you want to feel three tongues against your pussy, honey? Do you want to be worshiped by three heads?” The image they are painting in your head is so good you want to open your legs and ask them to do it right there. But you are so close already, their fingers feel so fantastic inside of you.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chant, rolling your hips. They accompany your movement, getting you almost to the edge.
“Are you going to come for us? Are you going to be a good woman and come around our fingers? We can’t wait to feel you around our dicks, bet you are going to feel better than any pussy we ever had. Our first human. Our only human. What are you gonna do, honey? Do you want to suck us off?” You nod eagerly, so close. “Of course you want to, you want to be a good little human for us.” You get the feeling them calling you human is doing more for them than for you. Their human kink is playing in your favor. “Come for us, human.” They whisper against your ear as the other two heads suck on your neck.
The combination of fingers and mouths makes your body shake uncontrollably against theirs, your orgasm so good you almost fall down. You can feel your juices dripping down and soaking your panties and their fingers. They take their fingers away and you watch in amazement as they raise their hand to lick it, all three of their heads getting some. You moan as aftershocks rock your body.
They put your panties back in place and slowly lower your leg. Your legs are shaky and you grab onto their arm. Three heads smile down at you, one of them looking specially smug. They pass an arm over your shoulders and help you walk out of the hallway. “Let us take you home.” They whisper, their hold on you so hard it feels wonderful. It feels so good you could fall asleep right there. They gave you the orgasm of your life and on top of it, they are sweet about it. You judged them so bad you feel like shit. You can always make it up to them at some point. You add it to your mental list of things to do in the morning, even though you know you won’t remember.
“There’s no need.” You try to argue, without any force behind your words. You really want to spend more time with them.
“We want to.” Their voice is final, you know that tone. That’s the tone they use in court, and you know you can’t win against it.
They drive you home as you fidget with your rings, nervous after what happened, after what they said. You want to run, to break the silence, but you are speechless. You don’t know what to say and the alcohol you had is kicking you really hard. You feel sleepy and tired, more than ready to go to bed.
They follow you to your house, opening your door and leading you to your bedroom where they help you get undressed. You think they are going to do something more, but they barely touch your naked body as they cover you with a blanket.
You feel three soft forehead kisses before they say: “We aren’t playing games with you, honey. We want to play with your pussy, yes, but not with your heart. We hope you give us a chance.” You nod, and try to answer, but your eyes are so heavy that you can’t keep them open, your brain shutting down.
When you wake up the next morning with a text saying: “We can’t wait to have you sucking our cock. And then we can go to dinner, we booked the fancy restaurant you like.” You giggle on your pillow and kick your legs. Yeah… That sounds like the start of a very fun game.
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twigg96 · 5 months
Within These Walls
Pairing: Daryl x Reader
Era: CDC
Warning: Smut, Lap Dances, Thigh Riding, Clothed Sex, Hand Jobs, Cum Shots, Love Cofessions
18+ only
Summery: In the safety of the CDC you two find enjoyment of each others bodies.
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Safety was a illusion at best in this new world. The Quarry which you had spent more than a month had been overrun with walkers. Most of the people you had to know as friends had either died, run off, or went missing.
But here in the sanctity of the CDC building, you felt an overwhelming sense of serenity. Normalcy. There was a roof over your head, central air, plumbing, and shampoo. But most of all there was booze. Enough to get pleasantly tipsy and buzzed. Playfully so. Daryl had started a drinking game with Glenn who had never had a drink in his life.
You had a few with your boyfriend sharing in the whiskey you watched him down it easily, teasing your Korean friend who flushed with the first drink. Where the others went you didn't know. Nor did you care to ask. You were too happy.
You lost count of the amount you had. You knew Daryl hadn't kept score even though he promised to remember for Glenn in the morning. But the two of you stumbled to the room you shared for the night wincing at the sound of Glenn loosing the game directly into the shitter.
"Damn... I had ta piss." Daryl sighed with a chuckle, blinking at you slowly. "I'll be back. I'm goin' ta another room." He murmered hugging the wall for support as he left the room.
Shrugging you couldn't help the giggle that ripped through you. Bubbly from booze you kicked your boots off beside the bed stumbling from one side to the other as you hopped on one foot to pull your foot free. Sliding and kicking your jeans off you kicked them off your legs before you freed your body from your tank top with a resounding sigh.
The room was large with not too much to it. Two twin beds. One you'd share with Daryl, not that either of you were complaining, and the other Glenn would get to himself. A closet held extra clothing of people from the past. Pulling back the door and snooping for too long sent shivers down your spine.
A dresser in the room however held work clothes. Long sleeve button downs for men that were much too large on your slender body you giggled as you slid it over your naked frame. Flailing the sleeves around you smirked finding several ties of various colors and patterns shoved in the drawers.
"Looks like yer havin' fun." Daryl purred from behind you. Turning with a devilish smirk you watched his eyes skate down your body to what little panties peaked from under the work shirt to your plush naked thighs. "Damn girl your gonna be the death of me..." He whispered licking his lips.
With all the confidence of the liquor in your veins, you dared to bend over just enough to let the shirt ride up your thighs a little more before you wiggled your hips teasingly. “Oh. I know.” You giggled. Standing straight once more you strode over to him. A sweet sensual smirk on your lips. Reaching out a hand to his chest you circled him letting your fingers trail across his body as you did. “Your soooo tense.” You murmured. “Let me take care of that.” Turning Daryl at the same time. "Have a seat, sir." You whispered walking him back until his knees hit the edge of the bed.
Pushing him back once more so he fell into a sitting position, you started to dance for him. A dance only you and Daryl could hear the music to. Turning and dipping, he smiled as you swayed for him. "You doin' a little lap dance fer me babe?" He asked blatantly grabbing your ass with both hands. With a little gasp you nodded. "Mhm. Anything for you." You whispered. Daryl's groan went straight to your core. His fingers massaged the sensitive flesh at your hips before he let you go once more. "A'ight girl..." He murmured low and sultry. "Do your worst."
Smiling back at him you lowered yourself down onto his lap. Your arms reaching back to wrap around his neck pulling him tight to you. Spreading your legs wide you straddled him. His growing bulge pressed right to your soaked panties in such a way that sent delightful shivers up and down your spine. Goosebumps coated your skin as you gasped with the first tentative roll of your hips in the dance you had planned for him.
"Thought the dancers weren't supposed ta..." Daryl tensed fending off a moan as you ground down on him once more. "Ta enjoy themselves while they danced..." He whispered his caloused hands grabbing your hips once more. Giggling you laid your head back on his shoulder, kissing his jaw then his cheek. "Yeah... but that's with incentive of money." You cooed swirling your hips around skillfully on his clothed cock, loving the way he twitched and ground back into you. So sensitive from the alcohol. “Mmm. And you know I aint got none of that.” He purred into the shell of your ear his hot breath tickling you in the most delicious ways. “Damn straight. So just take what you get.”
His nails dug into your hips painfully. Each rotation sending a new wave of pleasure down your spine to the very tips of your toes. By the time you began to rut back and forth searching for a clothed release he had both hands securely around your waist panting like a dog in heat. "Fuck... babe." He moaned his head bowed as if in prayer watching you work him with all the admiration and love in the world.
Electricity flowed through your veins and sweat began to bead on your skin. The white shirt you put on for Daryl quickly became transparent at the top of your breasts. Teeth skated down the side of your ear to your neck as Daryl's hands slid from your waist to your thighs with a bruising grip spreading your legs wider allowing you to get a better angle on your pussy for a while. But his soon his selflessness ran dry, stilling you for a moment.
Whining you wiggled in defiance, but as two thick fingers slid past your gusset, moving it to the side your whines turned to closed eyed whimpers. Two calloused fingers rubbed sweet circles into your swollen clit. Bucking your hips to meet him your fingers wound into his short hair pulling at the short stubble on the back of his neck. Drool dripped from your lips and chin to your exposed chest, your eyes closed in bliss. “Bet that feels better than my thigh…” He whispered sucking a hickey onto your collar bone.
But before it could truly get good it stopped. Whining as Daryl pulled his hand away the coil in the pit of your belly that started to build disappearing. "Turn" he ordered, motioning in a circle with his free hand. "Yes, sir." You cooed turning in your boyfriend's lap, reveling in the mess you made of him.
He was hard and pressing against his jeans but mostly you had stained them beyond repair. So much so he was soaked through down his legs looking as if he had pissed himself. Straddling his thighs once more you stared down into his lust blown blue eyes. “Now.” He whispered. “Now we can keep going’.”
Smirking at him you pushed back on his shoulders laying his body back gently against against the sheets. Trailing your fingers down his body you hummed licking your lips. Daring to slip your fingers under his tank you stopped in your ministrations feeling Daryl tense under you. Sitting on your knees you leaned down over him, your hair curtaining you both in a veil of feigned privacy. “Don’t worry. I’ll leave it on.” You whispered, your lips brushing over his.
Daryl hummed under you, relaxing once more under the warmth of your love. Closing his eyes he palmed your hair crashing your lips together. Teeth clattering. Tongues fighting you gapped for breath when you finally pulled away. A long string of spit connecting you both as you sat back up.
Unbuttoning his jeans you giggled at the hiss you earned in reward. The pressure released his red tip sprung to the surface to greet you over the band of his boxers. Taking him into your hand, you freed him of the binds of his jeans and boxers shoving them down just enough. “Awe babe.” You cooed. “All this for mee…?” You hummed swiping your thumb over his red tip beading with pre-cum. Throwing his head back against the bed Daryl hissed through his teeth his hands reaching for you but only finding purchase in the scratchy sheets. “Mmm. Fuck babe.” His eyes squeezed shut, his hips desperately tried to buck up to meet you but the weight of you sitting on his legs kept him from going far.
Taking mercy on him you interlaced your fingers with his lifting your other hand to your mouth. Using your pointer finger and thumb you played with it a moment. Letting it string, catching Daryl’s curious gaze before sucking it up greedily. “Mmm.” You hummed smirking into your fingers as Daryl’s jaw fell slack his dick twitching between your thighs. “Fuck me babe.” He groaned as you released your fingers with a pop and licked a strip down your palm.
“That’s the plan.” You hummed grabbing his dick with your slick hand you began pumping him nice and slow at first. The gasp and groans he made were sinful at best. But you knew somewhere deep down he could make better sounds. He was holding back. Squeezing ever slightly tighter you moved faster using the cum that pooled at the tip to help slick your hand you watched his eyes roll into the back of his head. His breath caught in his throat and the hand holding yours squeezed so tight you were certain he would break your fingers. A single high pitched needy desperate whine escaped his throat before he pulled you hard by the hand he held.
Falling flat onto his chest you barely had yourself propped up before he was rutting blindly into you’re exposed pussy. “Need ya.” He whimpered. “Now. No-not gonna last.” He whined once more.
Nodding you kissed his lips your entire body tingling not only from the need you shared with Daryl but the love you shared with him. Reaching between you both you stilled his hips with a touch. Grabbing him once more, he hissed over sensitive. Guiding yourself down onto him you gave him a look. One asking for consent that he gave freely before you placed him against you pushing him into you.
The bliss that over came you at being full of him. It was all you had ever craved while in the Quarry and more. A need while on the road you couldn’t reach with others around. Silent quickies weren’t always enough. Not when you had the whole of a bedroom to your disposal. You felt both hot and full of electricity at once. Tossing your head back with a wonton moan you bounced carelessly on him. His hands found your bruised hips adding more to your collection. Arching his back he rutted desperately into you. The whine was back. High pitched desperate and needy he cried out your name like it was the last day on earth. With every movement he became louder. But so did you. Your cries of pleasure echoed the walls and bounced back into your ears carelessly. His name like a prayer to you as you neared your climax.
“Gonna… where do you want it?” Daryl bit out his sweaty arms slinking around your waist. You couldn’t think. Every thought was of him. This moment. You never wanted it to end. Before they blurred into pudding and you moaned. “D-Don’t care.” You whined clinging to him, nails biting so deep blood pooled under the skin. “Just… Oh God!… Don’t you dare stop!”
Gasping your breath caught in your throat. Your vision blurred and turned white your hips stuttered and then stilled as your body tensed. Head back in ecstasy you felt Daryl pumping into you pleasure so intense like a drug it hurt the coil that built and built inside your core before it bust.
Screams of admiration escaped you as you came. Certain everyone in the damned CDC could hear your scandalous sin you didnt dare stop. Skin slapping skin, nails dragging, teeth biting, the sounds you made became your new favorite song. Ridding your high and your boyfriend you basked in the stars he made you see.
Pulling you tight to his body Daryl stilled his hips jerking wildly. Grunting like a wild animal. “Gonna…” He whined. “Fuck.” He whimpered pulling you off of his cock desperately by your hips, rolling you both to the side. You watched in a hazed bliss as he clambered to his knees beside you taking his cock in his hand move so fast you were sure it would rip from his body. Strings of cum painted you. Or rather the work shirt you ‘borrowed’ staining it in a pattern you realized you rather preferred over plain white. Before Daryl collapsed beside you on the bed.
Catching your breaths as if you had both just outrun hordes of walkers you couldn’t help but smile cuddling close despite your rancid smelling sex you burrowed your head under his kissing his Adam’s apple and sternum. “I love you.” You whispered. Daryl hummed his fingers skating your spine. “Love you too.” He whispered. It was the first time either of you had admitted the fact though both of you knew it was true.
Sleep came easy that night. You wish it came so easy every night after but your luck in the facility would soon run out.
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liveontelevision · 7 months
Tap Out Vox X Reader
Ok, I am in LOVE with this god dam TV head lookin ass, so here's a quick one shot of him being an absolute Sub! Mess!
The All-Mighty Vees were the central powerline for entertainment and technology in Hell, but even those three dorks liked to have fun. Sometimes, they would play poker games on their rare nights off that miraculously lined up. Of course, money means nothing to these business partners, so they like to bet on favors. There were times when Valentino would lose to Velvette, who would get to use his studio for a day, or Valentino would get to borrow some of Velvette's actors for a shoot, little things like that; things that would be considered a minor inconvience. Until tonight, that is.
Velvette created a sort of dancing competition program, and it was booming in Hell. The show was spiced up with a stage covered in landmines, falling spikes, randomly shooting arrows, etc. Contestants were judged by their talent and if they came out in one piece by the end of the routine. The season finale was fast approaching, but Velvette was lucky to get a quick game of poker in between her packed schedule. With her cunning and wit (and some cards under the table), Velvette managed to weasle a win from Vox. He was never one to complain about carrying through with these favors, so Velvette took the chance to bring her program to the next level.
"You have to compete!" She declared with pride, her hands slamming on the table, with a sly smirk. "It'll be easy, i'll get someone to train and. but i need a hook for this finale, and your dashin' face would be perfect. And! I'll pair you with my best dancer, eh? How's that sound, love?" She explained, showing no sign of wavering. She clearly had this planned ahead of time.
"Fuck me, Velvette." He squints, throwing his cards behind his shoulder. "Fine.. i guess the publicity will boost viewers on both our fronts- " He groans and crosses his arms over his chest. "- Hate to admit it, but i haven't been tuning in, doll. So, who's this dancer i'm stuck with?"
You arrived in hell after a life of drugs, sex and booze. You always joked about going to Hell. It was obvious you wouldn't make the cut into heaven. What you definitely werent expectingbwas for Hell to look just like the busy and messy streets of the ritzy cities you would party in. With absolutely no shame or doubt, you were quick to work your way up in the industry to work for the Vees. You started with Valentino, working up quite an audience in that field. And he didn't even make a contract! You said yes to anything, so really, there wasn't a point. That grew to helping Velvette with some small rolls in some shows, then moved up to you, performing and acting often. You were the lead singer of a band in your life, and you had quite a few talents hidden up your sleeve. Truly, a perfect byproduct of the Vees. Once Velvette pitched the show to you, you immediately auditioned as always and were quick to get in.
Weeks pass, and you're finally in the top 3 of the show! You were a solo dancer throughout, but with the routines provided, you were required to find a dance partner. Velvette to the rescue, somehow managed to bag the other Vee, Vox himself. You'd be lying if you said this didn't get you excited.
During one of the dress rehearsals, you were finally able to work your routine with Vox. Sure, you've met him before and said hi in passing, even going out with the Vees for some press events, but you never expected to get this close to him. Velvette would provide some amazingly embarrassing footage of his dance lessons. The two of you couldn't help but giggle at the powerful demon, getting so frustrated to music. Still, seeing his towering figure made you siddently nervous to have such intimate contact with him.
He came into the rehearsal space with a black turtle neck and pants, going along with some heeled boots that he'd have to wear during the performance. No matter how nicely those tight clothes hugged his figure, it was immediately disheartened by the scowl on his face. You couldn't help but hold in a laugh, picturing the compilation of videos that Velvette had previously shown you of his many failed lessons.
You weren't wearing much, a lilac cropped tank top and some yoga shorts that almost seemed too small, as well as strappy jazz shoes that you had to wear doing the final performance. This get-up made Vox look you up and down when he finally meets with you face to face. His unethusiastic expressions made him look more childish and grumpy than intimidating.
To you, at least.
"So! Pleasure to work with you, sir. Can't wait to see how you keep up with me." You commented smugly, reaching a hand out for a formal handshake. He scoffs and brushes your hand away before simply walking off to discuss something with Velvette. You crossed your arms across your chest and huffed, letting some random assistant tie your hair up as you glared in his direction.
After Velvette scolded him on something you didn't hear, the rehearsal began. Since your usual style was fast pased and almost always involved some sort of sexual overtone, the plan was to choreograph something intimate to create a sort of power couple for people to route for. This involved a lot of close contact that you and Vox were immediately struggling with. With movements that involved swinging you around, dipping you, and generally keeping you close to his chest, it was no simple task for two demons with a competitive streak.
After hours of eventually getting the choreography down, the main notes involved the constant glares you two were giving each other.
"Hey! You owe me this, I won game night! So make this work, fucker!" Velvette was getting fed up with Vox at this point and there was a scheduled photo shoot for some promo images coming up, so you had to break anyway. You went into your dressing room to change into your costume for the shoot. A slinky red sequence dress with a tightened corset that hugged your hips and stopped right at the point where you had to pull it down every so often as to not flash anyone. Paired with some fishnets and black shiney jazz shoes. It was simple compared to some of the stuff Velvette's had you wear, but it'll definitely draw some eyes when plastered on a big enough billboard.
Finally reaching the studio after hair and makeup battered your face, you got a look at Vox. He wore a white button-up that was neary opened down to his clavicle, where the red belt of a tuxedo hugged his waist, tying your outfits together. He cuffed his sleeves while waiting for some kind of direction. You couldn't help but pause to take in some of his features that you've never seen before. The bare skin of his chest and the strong arms that led into the same blue claws that were just around your waist during rehearsal. He caught you staring and knew exactly what was going on in your head. His first response was to send you a smirk that you couldn't decipher as harmless or not. You both snap out of your gaze when Velvette yells in some directions to push you into the camera's frame.
You were menuvered physically, someone essentially adjusting your position until it looked right. The final pose had your chest flush to his, and your leg hiked up his body as you swung backward to look at the camera. Vox was there to hold you in place by gripping underneath your thigh and having a tight hold onto your waist. It was difficult, but after multiple other provocative positions, the shoot was finally done. The two of you quickly pulled away from each other, smothered by the clashing energy.
"This'll have to do, i guess. Okay, flat face, you're good for today. The next rehearsal is tonight, now shoo." Velvette doesn't even look up from the screen in front of her as she nearly throws the two of you out of her studio. The door shut with a slam after you stumbled directly into Vox. He had grabbed onto your forearms, forcing your hands to lay on his chest to brace your fall. You quickly pushed off of him to stand straight, crossing your arms and stubbornly looking away. The tightened laces of your dress pushed your cleavage up a bit, giving a lovely show for the TV demon that towered over you.
He lets out a sigh of disgust after snapping his gaze away from your body. "Knock it off, will you? You're acting like a brat." He hissed at you, beginning to walk towards the hallway with the dressing rooms. You quickly stumbled in the same direction, attempting to keep up with his long strides.
"Fuck you, Vox! I'm just trying to do my job!" You quickly retorted, finally walking alongside him, your arms crossed again. He takes another quick glance at your body, unfortunately getting caught. "And stop that, you freak! You'vs been eyeing me up all day, you might as well fuck me in the dressing rooms if your so interested in my tits." You snapped at him, but your last response gave Vox a wicked idea. He wasn't one to refuse a challenge.
"Sure, we've got time, doll." He shrugs off the comment as you start to turn into your room. You quickly turned your body to face him, an angry yet reddened expression on your face.
"Seriously, fuck you." You muttered, turning to enter your dressing room. You go to open your door before you're cornered against it by Vox's arms, caging you in. You turn back to face him, trying to appear disgusted even with the heat crawling over your cheeks.
"If you think you can handle it, sweetheart." He smirked down at you, enjoying watching you squirm more than he'd like to admit. It finally evolved into an unspoken game of chicken. You took your doorknob and opened the door, letting the two of you fall in. Aware of your action, you slid back to keep Vox from falling onto you. He stumbled forward while glaring at you, still not planning on backing down. But neither were you.
You grabbed the collar of his shirt and smashed your lips against his. It felt like a cold screen for a moment before quickly melting into the sensation of physical lips. He was shocked by the bold move but has played this game all too many times. It was always easy for Vox to charm or hypnotise his way out of a situation like this, but his competitive spirit was strong. He was quick to lift you up from under your legs and essentially drop you onto the vanity. The wood hit your tailbone with a thud, and you let out a flustered yelp into his lips. Your arms quickly found their way to his shirt, untucking it until it loosely hung around him. He lifted himself away from you but was still close enough for your legs to be nearly draped around his hips. He began to unbotton his shirt that you had so kindly untucked.
"You sure you wanna keep this up, sweetie? I wouldn't want to overwhelm you or worse -" he leaned in, becoming uncomfortably close to your ear. "- injure you before your big show." The threat only made your blood boil, but a flashing light caught your eye. His chest was dark, with glowing blue circuits that occasionally seemed to flicker.
"As if. You couldn't even keep up with me even if i was injured." You spoke smugly, trying to keep your cool while denying the heat pooling in between your legs. He scoffs and starts to undress you, while you assisted. It was aparently a two person job, with an unspoken understanding that Velvette would kill both of you if the dress was ruined in anyway. After it was safely tossed the side, Vox was quick to start running his claws along the curves of your body. You pulled him impossibly closer, your legs nearly wrapping around his hips. You tried your hardest to stifle any response to the claws trailing down the center of your stomach. Finally, you pushed him away, letting your hands lead him to fall back on some decorative couch that was nearby. You were quick to straddle him, feeling the buldge in his pants to gauge how much of an upper hand you had.
"Aw, was the idea of fucking me on my own vanity getting you all excited?" You asked him in a teasingly sweet voice, running your hands along the bottom of his screen, then tracing your hand down towards his pants.
"I could ask you the same thing." He muttered, taking a hold of your hips and pullimg them closed towards his groin. You were quick to lift your hips off his lap, pushing his back fully against the backrest and breaking that contact. You let out a deceivingly sweet chuckle, before planting a small kiss on his neck. His skin really was metal, no matter the heat you felt through his pants. It was cold to your lips, but once you noticed a reaction from him, you just had to keep it up.
His breath became a bit heavier as his hands slid down to your ass, squeezing his clawed fingers into it almost to the point of skin breaking. You tried your best to not let a noise out, luckily your face was hidden in the nook of his neck and his shoulder. Even with his robotic anatomy, his skin was melting with each mark, bite and kiss you left on his chest. The action of covering his chest in the bright red lipstick you wore, brought the both of you closer to together, your hips finally meeting his again. As your chests became flush, you looked back up to him, seeing the eyes on his monitor glazed over, somehow some dewy tears beneath them.
You were winning.
You tilted your head back for a moment, seeing the large mirror from the vanity was directly behind them, leaving the both of you entirely visible to Vox. You tip his monitor foward with a forceful lift, holding tight as you made him look over your shoulder.
"Look at you.. quite a sight, huh?"
You teased in a harsh tone, leaning back a bit for him to see the cluster of marks and stains you left on his collarbone. "What do you think? Red really is your color. You look soo pretty." Your words were meant to piss him off, but seeing how he melted and let out a breathy groan when you called him pretty was an even better reaction. He looked away from the mirror, flustered at the sight of himself.
"Ohh, is Mr. Bigshot here enjoying some tender love and care? Aww, well, all you had to do was ask, baby~" You crashed your lips against his again, shocking him back into the moment, as he held onto your hips to brace himself. You were quick to pull away, leaving him unfulfilled before peppering multiple kisses across his screen and making sure you were to leave as many vivid red lip stains as you could.
"F.. Fuck you..." he mumbled, "fuck this'll be a pain in the ass to get off.." You look down at him from your higher position, an almost dark look across your face.
"Then tell me to stop. Either give up and accept defeat-" you started, beginning to stand in front of him." Or give in. And let me take care of you." You ran your hand along his pants, your fingertips brushing across the stiff tent in his pants. He let out the smallest yelp, not expecting the sensation. You continued to just lightly touch his groin, reaching to fiddle with his belt buckle.
"So? What are you gonna do? You gonna give in? You want me to keep touching you, hm?" You teased, leaning towards his face by placing your hands on his seated thighs. Your bent position left a great view of your ass, still clothed with sleek red underwear and fishnets. He pouted, looking into the mirror momentarily to appreciate the sight. You looked over your shoulder, grabbing his screen to jerk him back to your eye level.
"Tap. Out." You hissed, glaring into his eyes.
"Fuck! Fine, whatever! I tap out.. I-I.. Keep touching me.. i want you to keep touching me." He let out, getting progressivly flustered as he spoke. You looked at him, trying desperately to hide a smirk by biting your loeer lip. Noticing that you still weren't making a move and definitely wouldn't let him take the upper hand at this point, he rolls his eyes and looks towards the ceiling to avoid your eyes. "Please." He blurted out, a cyan hue growing across his cheeks. You let out a confident chuckle, before immediately dropping to your knees in front of him and continuing to fully release his throbbing cock from his already dampened trousers.
"Good boy~ Now enjoy the show, okay?" You let out before taking a hand around the base and sending a long lick up his length, immediately drawing the head into your mouth. You worked your magic, running your tongue in circles around the head and pumping your hand across the rest. The heat of your mouth on his tip and the coolness of the room barely breezing across the rest of his hard on made him shutter. He was looking down at you, instinctively attempting to buck his hips. You were quick to use your other hand to push his hips back down, running your neatly done nails across his thigh to the point of leaving marks, clearly indicating don't try that shit again.
You start to take in more of his cock into your mouth. Bobbing your head to set a nice rhythm, nothing that couldn't finish him off just yet, but enough to make him lose his composure more than he already has. You look up to meet his eyes, seeing him stare down at your work. You slowed to an impossibly slow speed before quickly pulling your mouth away, a line of saliva still connecting your lips to his member.
"That's not what i meant." You spoke strictly, reaching up to tilt his screen back towards the mirror. He did enjoy the pretty sight of you on your knees, but his mess of an appearance and reactions embarrassed him."If i see you looking anywhere else - if i see that you're not enjoying the show-" you squeezed his cock that had cooled from your hot spit hitting the cold air of the room. Almost too tightly. He winced, looking back down at you with a wide concern. " -Then i'll just have to stop. I can't reward that sort of behavior, hun." You sounded almost threatening and continued to tighten your grasp. He reached down, squeezing your shoulder before fixing his weary eyes to look at his wreck of a reaction in the mirror. "There we go! See? Look how lovely you look." You switched almost immediately to a sweet voice, loosening your grip and nuzzling his cock against your cheek, right at the corner of your mouth. "So? Are you gonna play along? Be good for me?" You spoke with hot breath against his member, your lips hovering just over the head. He nodded reluctantly.
"Say it." Another sudden transition from that sweet tone back to a stern voice.
"Nng... I'll be g-good.." he spoke quietly, ashamed that he had to say that while looking into the eyes of his reflection. You let out a sly chuckle, immediately assuming a quick pace. You weren't quite able to reach the base, but you made up the difference in your hand, and your other still dug your nails deeply into his thigh. The combined sensations of pain and pleasure made him whimper, struggling to keep his eyes open and his head foward. Every time you saw him start to lose his computer, you either slowed to a complete stop, ran your sharp teeth across his shaft as a warning, or behan to squeeze at his base. Each warning was enough for him to realize he was losing his attention. As he got closer, still somehow managing to stare into the reflection, he reached for your hair, running his claws across your scalp.
You allowed this, he's been doing so good for you, after all.
Holding his hips down to prevent any involuntary jerks, you began to sloppily cover his cock with your spit, speeding up even more. You needed him. Now. He was quick to let out moans and groans, not very domineering ones, which almost surprised you. He was truly unraveling.
"I-I'm gonna.." he started to say in between breathy moans. As soon as you heard you sped up right until you felt his cum hit your tongue. But as soon as you felt the smallest amount, you stopped and held your grip tightly around his base, not stopping him from finishing but definitely making it more difficult to enjoy. You pulled your head back, catching your breath. You sit up on your knees and pull his monitor to reach your lips, kissing the small amount of his cum into his mouth with your tongue. His eye twitched at the new flavor in your mouth and was quick to pull away, wiping his lips ftom a combination of drool and his own fluids.
"That was good! You handled me so well.. But i didn't give you permission to cum did I? And you ruined my hair." You almost pouted, looking back to the mirror to attempt to fix your hair up as much as possible. You got a good look at his full body and smiled into the mirror. "God, you're beautiful, Vox." You said, your voice dripped with sweetness as you turn a decievingly genuine smile his way. It only made him blush more. The sight made you absolutely giddy. You finally looked down at him, seeing him begin to go soft." Ah ah~, you need to deal with the mess you made, baby." You took a hold of his still twitching cock, moving your hands along it again. It was quick to stiffen up again, but the overstimulation from just finishing drove Vox to lean his head back and let out more breathless moans. In a quick motion, you were back in his lap, just hovering your entrance over his member. You moved your underwear to the side, running your own fingers between your folds and lifting your hands back up to his view.
" See what you're doing to me? You lost your little game, and now, i'm left with this mess." You spoke matter of fact, licking your own fluids off your fingers. You quickly pressed another kiss against his mouth, the mixutre of both your fluids making this an especially messy one. His senses were overloaded. Every now and then, some moans would come out with a slight delay or glitch to them. He placed his hands on your hips, wanting to get at least one victory out of this. With one claw, he carefully ripped the fishnets covering yout entrance before forced himself into you, bottoming out immediately. You shot up, yelping at his sudden courage. Giving you time to relax into him, you gripped onto his shoulders. He led you up and down on his cock, barely guiding you before you began to move at your own pace, beginning to unravel yourself. He tilted his head to look into the mirror again. Seeing you from both angles made him drive up into you harder. He had to admit, it was a great view.
As you bounce yourself on his cock, you take his hand and lead his fingers to rub your clit. He immediately picked up the note and began to run tight circles with the sharp tip of his finger. The sensation made you shiver, his metal like claws a start contrast to the warmth you were amitting. Beginning to hit your g spot timed with the constant contact of his finger to your clit, left you breathy, a moaning mess. He was reaching his breaking point, making his body physically react to yours. Small and sudden shocks would amit from his finger and occasionally through his cock, causing a sensational pain. His voice continued to glitch, indicating how he was about to finish, which you noticed immediately. You slam down onto him, lifting his eyes towards you by grabbing a hold of his neck, lightly squeezing.
"You have to get permission to cum. Got it?" You said sternly, your sudden halt making his leg twitch and shift underneath you. "O-okay.. fine..! Keep going, i'm close-" you yanked him closer.
"Ask. Nicely."
"Fuck... C-can I cum for you..? Please... let me-" his voice began to trail off as you quickened your pace again. "Such a good boy. Okay, but only because you asked so nicely." You praised and tapped your finger against his nose(?) mockingly, then felt another shock run up inside of you. He finished almost immediately hearing those words. You felt his cum fill you up, but you guided his hand back down to your clit to continue rubbing as you kept up your pace. His sensitivity left a twitching static shock inside of you, which was quick to lead you to finish, the heated pain in your stomach finally releasing.
You fell onto him, your head resting on his shoulder as you simply stay seated om top of him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. He was nuzzling the side of his screen into your ear and kissing just along your neck. As soon as you regained your senses, you melted into his aftercare. You wouldn't expect him to be so sweet to you after this, but he was holding on to you like his worse fear was you getting up. You ran your hands along his back, enjoying how much comfort he seemed to need so desperately.
The sweet moment lasted for a while, before you pulled away gently and looked up towards the clock near the door.
"Fuck! Rehearsal! Get up get up!" You quickly lifted yourself off of him, before you looked at eachother. Your fishnets were ripped, some small bruises on your neck. He managed to plant a few, but that was nothing compared to the sloppy lipstick covered state he was in. "Ugh, god dammit!" You stormed off and quickly grabned some wipes, scrubbing the lipstick off his screen and chest." Velvette's gonna kill me..!" You groaned, nearly getting everything off.
"Calm down doll, I'll get some people from hair and makeup to fix up this mess." He snapped his fingers, which somehow alerted an imp assistant to knock on the door. You quickly reached for a nearby robe and tied it around your waist just as they entered the room. "-and they will have no problem with keeping this little secret, right?" His eye began to run hypnotic waves as he was quick to brainwash the assistant. You hesitantly sat and let the imp quickly fix up your messy appearance after finding new fishnets and hanging up your delicate dress to put back on later. Vox sat there, his shirt still completely undone, his legs crossed and arms splayed across the back of the couch. He simply sat there, watching you get pampered to perfection again. Every tine you made eye contact with him you began to turn red. Sure, you had the upper hand just moments ago, but the effect this demon had on you was immense, making the immediate poeer dynamic switching back to him.
Once the two of you had cleaned up a bit more, you headed towards the door. He spun you before pressing a quick kiss on your forehead, then turned you back and let you walk out in front of him.
"I told you i could handle it, and it for sure seemed like you couldnt keep yourself together. So, i win!" You clarified as the two of you walked down the hall, back towards the rehearsal space.
"Fine. Sure. Watever you say. Keep telling yourself that.. if that's what it takes to make you do it again." He shrugged off your obviously victory with that dumb invitiation. You punched his arm as the two of you continued to argue. It was still clear to you both. You came out on top this time.
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cohldhands · 3 months
okokok what about reader teasing Kiba in public sitting on his lap and lowkey grinding on him?
nonnie you're speaking right to my soul so ofc this turned into something not so short and with mutual crush!kiba in mind | kiba inuzuka x afab!reader | nsfw; minors dni | wc: 4k | public shenanigans, teasing, brat behavior (from reader), lap dance (kinda), brief mentions of konoha 13, mildest of dubcon, hands-free orgasm (m!receiving) | reader + others from konoha go on a camping trip, reader sits in kiba’s lap, it devolves from there
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kiba relishes in the feeling of your ass against his pelvis. of course, the first several times he experienced it were innocuous: scooting past him in a crowded market; grappled holds and struggling bodies during training; sharing a bed or sleeping bag on more than one occasion. he did his best to keep his hands at his sides, tense and clenched, to let you move against him in the most innocent of ways. the friction, the plush of your flesh—he couldn't help but find himself throbbing beneath the fabric of his bottoms.
he knows it's a delicate game to play, his attention being fully caught by a friend, but the brunette isn't one to ignore what he—or his body—wants. he knows it would only be a matter of time before the facade crumbled.
you tried not to pay any mind to the strain under his pants, but soon it became blaring, something you couldn't ignore as you'd see and feel exactly what he was trying to hide. 
something you had to actively fight instigating.
you did well, for the most part, behaving yourself around him despite it all. you turn kiba on and call his attention with barely any effort, and a part of you savors the visage of his flustered face and darkening eyes, innocent moments of life morphing into moments not so innocent at all.
more often than not, you find yourself imagining the way he’d gasp and groan if you put in the intention to grind against him, how his face and the tips of his ears would blossom with color and how he’d look at you, flustered and glossy-eyed. how his large hands would hold your hips, fistfuls of a fighting attempt to stop himself, to keep you going, to do whatever felt right.
because kiba, too, knows how to send your blood coursing and how to ignite your skin with little effort, and he basks in the confirmation when he catches the sticky-sweet scent of your arousal on the air, or watches as your pupils dilate and push the boundaries of your irises.
you did well, even through training sessions and packed markets, impish temptations and what-ifs—until the yearly autumn camping trip.
every october, you and the others who grew up with kiba hike your way out to a spot young team ten found years before you arrived in konoha: a clearing four miles outside of town, full of soft grass and surrounded by towering trees; a river to the east, maybe two-hundred yards from the main camp; space for a central fire for cooking and gathering. old shrines are carved in rock outcroppings not far, and during the summer, lightning bugs fill the clearing like twinkling stars.
initially, the sleeping pads and tents all surrounded the central fire, nestled together as if you all were on one big mission. however, as time passed, and those in the group started to pair off into couples, the tents spread out, within eyesight but out of ear-shot.
after a couple trips out to the campsite, you and the brunette had a system. you two were of the few single people, and setting up camp with each other, helping with tents threatening to escape in the wind or having extra citronella for the mosquitoes, had its benefits. it also allowed you the opportunity to get to know him in an environment he seemed to thrive in: under the brilliant night sky and embraced by autumn's cool breeze.
the young inuzuka preferred being near you as well, not just when camping but at all times. the only way he could ever explain it to himself is it was right to be near you. but now, with his body desperately craving your warmth, the coyness of restrained indulgence in his chest and words, and the sight of your ass in your leggings, he isn't sure being out in the middle of the woods with you is the best idea.
"looks like it's just me and you this time," you sigh as you place the bundle of firewood and kindling next to the fire kiba’s nursing. when you look around, you watch as shino and choji, both of whom would normally be around 'your' fire as well, set up their section of land with their new partners. they aren't far—no one is, really—but there's almost a whole world between yours and kiba's campsite and the rest of them.
"seems so." his eyes are intent on the dancing flames, brow furrowed in concentration as he leans forward in his chair to stoke the campfire, a cool breeze rolling through. he has a blanket draped haphazardly over his shoulders and gathered in his lap, and he’s wearing a hoodie and loose-fitting joggers, the fabric thin. "which is fine. shino's a traitor, anyway."
"i heard that." the dark-haired aburame interjects, his attention not breaking from feeding tent poles through fabric.
"oh, leave him alone." you grin at kiba as you speak in a hushed voice. your eyes wander over him, taking in the angles and shadows highlighted and cast on him from the flickering fire. you refrain from lingering, and you switch your attention to naruto as he runs across the clearing to shikamaru and temari's tent, grabs something, and runs, followed by shouts and laughter. "let him have his moment."
"since when are you a shino defender?" the brunette grins, taking the moment your attention is diverted to slither his eyes along your body. you’re in a pullover and leggings, such a simple and effective outfit, and his eyes glaze over your silhouette in the warm light. he watches as you shiver and take a mindless step closer to the bright fire, still captured by whatever naruto had decided to get himself into.
“oh, hush. you’ll have it one day, too.” you tease and cross your arms over your chest.  you grin as shikamaru chases after naruto, who passes what you can now make out is a strip of condoms to ino, who jumped at the opportunity to aid in the irritation of her teammate. a pang in your own chest stabs at your sternum as it hits you: you’re surrounded by couples. you don’t react to it, though, other than inhaling a deep breath and exhaling the barbed air, quiet and sharp. 
“i’m not jealous, if that’s what you’re saying.” kiba says before he joins as a spectator to the commotion. he laughs under his breath, his expression lighting up with amusement as he watches shikamaru grow increasingly frustrated. “besides, i wouldn’t wanna risk naruto stealing my condoms and playing capture the flag with 'em.”
you laugh, a light and genuine sound, and kiba’s eyes fall on you once more as his ears ring at the music of your laughter. “i guess that’s fair.” 
your eyes flick around your plot in search of your camping chair, and you pull your brow together and start walking around as you don’t see it. 
“what’s up?” he asks, shifting in his seat to follow you as you meander around your tents.
“i think i forgot my camping chair at home…” you answer, rummaging through your pile of bags and miscellaneous supplies. 
“wanna sit?” he leans forward and starts to collect the blanket in his hands to stand and take it with him.
“no, no,” you shake your hands at him, motioning him to stop. “i can sit on the ground; i’m not—”
“no, that’s ridiculous. not while there’s a perfectly good seat right here.” he motions down with his hands, intending on referring to his chair. based on your reaction—a perched brow and a smug inclination in your eyes—he’s thankful it’s fallen dark outside as a blush creeps into his cheeks and tingles his ears, realizing how he sounded. he hops up from the chair, eyes wide and hand extended toward the now-empty seat. “i-i mean here. there. you can use mine.”
“kiba… sit down. i’m not gonna make you stand.” there’s a forced softness to your voice to ensure you don’t say the wrong thing. 
“actually, can we share your blanket? sorry.” you ask in earnest as a sudden shiver causes you to cut him off. with the sun fully set, and a chill carried on the breeze, you hadn’t realized the temperature dropped as low as it did until the spell of the camp’s spectacle was broken. that, and ino passed the metallic, square tickets back to naruto, who was inevitably caught by shikamaru’s jutsu that only brought on cheating claims from both naruto and ino. 
the brunette swallows the thickness in his throat, salivating at the mere thought of you against him. he could tell you were genuinely cold, though, and despite having the blanket around him to keep his half-mast length hidden, he nods. in truth, with you and the fire both beside him, he had been too hot this entire time, even with the thinnest clothes he could find out of what he brought with him.
“yeah, come on.” he motions you over with a movement of his head, and he scoots back and widens his legs to accommodate for you as his arms fall open, blanket in hand. “did you not bring a thicker jacket, either?”
you walk over to him, and the world goes quiet for a moment. with the way he looks up at you, the hill of fabric in his lap from his hardening length, and the heat radiating off of him, your heart skips. warmth grows in your cunt as his face relaxes, only slightly, taking in the image of your silhouette in the camp light yet again. 
noise catches up with you as you turn around and lower yourself into his lap, ass settled against his pelvis. he’s burning underneath you, scorching as you settle into your spot. “i did, but it’s in the tent, and you’re right he—jeez, you’re hot.”
“thank you,” he grins into the two syllables as he drapes the blanket over you, adding you behind the shield from the cool wind before his hands make haste into his pockets. “and you’re a brat.”
“you’re ridiculous,” you roll your eyes, blushing more at the feeling of his sturdy body and ever-swelling member. you shiver as you gather the blanket in one hand, closing you both off in a cocoon of fleece. “and you haven’t seen the half of it.”
the second bit is said under your breath, a hint of something you’re not sure how to pinpoint—a challenge, maybe, or a lighthearted threat, perhaps. bratty behavior, you settle on, and you suppress the chuckle bubbling in your throat. 
“what’s that supposed to mean?” his voice is husked and falls more quiet then he anticipates as he leans closer to your ear, his eyes locked in on the dancing flames. his hands clench, tightening, nails pressed into palms as a grounding reminder to behave. 
“it means,” your heart jumps in your chest as you take hold of the support bar for the armrest, your words threatening to fail you when you need them the most despite the wild smirk donning your lips. you shift against him, weight and warmth giving his cock the stimulation it craved, a slow and seemingly innocent notion that causes him to twitch underneath you. “that using you as a furnace is the least bratty thing i could do right now.” 
an sharp inhale, sucked in through his clenched jaw, followed by a forcibly controlled breath out. one moment, his hands are confined to his pockets; the next, they’re clinging to your hips and pulling your backside against him, nails digging into you through your layers, your body flush to his—all disguised by the blanket shrouding your bodies. fistfuls of a fighting attempt. he throbs again, blood rushing to his cock.
heat prickles at his skin, arousal mixed with a tinge of embarrassment, and you grin in satisfaction at the hitch in his breathing, your eyes taking in the remainder of the camp.
“or can you not handle it?” you murmur, a lilt in your voice as you glance over your shoulder and offer another slow.
“i-i—” his words falter as you grind against him, his eyes darting around the clearing.
“kiba? speechless and worried about others? i’m surprised.” you don’t hide your shit-eating grin, an expression that grows as he clears his throat and looks away from you, grip still firmly planted on your sides.
filthy words claw at his throat. for once, kiba isn’t sure what to do. he’s caught, suspended in time. you’re here, right on top of him, and the only solution he can conjure up to his current situation is to drag you into his tent. having you off of him, away from him, isn’t an option, but there’s so many people around—
you hear yours and kiba’s names called out, naruto’s voice reaching you from across the clearing has he half-jogs to your encampment. 
“h-hey, naruto.” kiba answers after another quiet clearing of his throat. 
“hey!” you wiggle in your seat as the blonde approaches, straightening up with a smile of greeting. “what’s up?”
the brunette coughs, shifting in his spot, his pelvis leaning into you.
“me and a few of the others were thinking of exploring the old shrines around here, tomorrow after breakfast. wanna join? oh, are you cold? i’ll add another log to the fire.”
kiba’s body tenses, strings pulled taut as naruto buzzes around like a bee, oblivious to the sinful reality in front of him. his grip on you tightens, as if it was possible, a grounding and fighting attempt to keep from bucking into you.
“that sounds fun,” you answer, glancing back at the brunette again, trying not to focus on the throbbing cock pressed to your asscheeks before returning your attention to the young uzumaki. “and yeah, i was, but kiba’s good for keepin’ warm. i wasn’t expecting it to get as cold as it did.”
“yeah, man, kiba’s good for that, for sure! you have a blanket and everythin’ for tonight, right? i can give you an extra; hinata always grabs the extra stuff that i forget.” naruto laughs lightly and rubs the back of his head.
you feel kiba’s chest vibrate against your back, a low rumble of something you’d swear is a growl if you heard anything. as if it’s possible, you’re sure his body temperature increases.
“yeah, i’ll be good going to bed tonight. thanks.” you offer another smile. 
“damn, kiba, you look like you’re gonna explode.” the blonde laughs. “you all right?” 
“fine, naruto.” kiba attempts something less than a scowl, but neither you nor naruto are convinced. “i think i trained too hard yesterday; just sore, is all.”
“well then you’re no match for me! can’t train too hard to run konoha.”
“uzumaki, get out of my face with that bullshit.” kiba smirks, the best he can provide given the level of frustration brewing in his chest and the pressure in his abdomen. he needs naruto to leave, for you to grind more against him, to indulge him in one of the many fantasies he had about you. “i’ll be hokage thanks to how hard i train.”
naruto opens his mouth to retort, but hinata’s voice cuts him off as she appears from behind him. “can you both save the hokage fight for later?”
“right?” you add, eyes falling on hinata. 
“but he—” naruto starts.
“oh, don’t even—” kiba interjects. 
“it’s been a long day,” the hyuga holds her hand up, silencing both of them, before taking hold of the blonde’s arm and glancing up at him. “and we have another long day planned for tomorrow. i’m ready for bed, and you’re coming with.” 
both of the men glare at each other before succumbing to hinata’s wishes. 
“fine.” kiba sighs.
“fine…” naruto pouts.
“see you in the morning. good night,” hinata adds with a smile to you.
“good night.” you return, and you watch as they turn their backs to you, hinata navigating a rambling naruto back to their tent. you pan over to shino and his partner, the closest to you and kiba, who are now in their tent, entrance still unzipped as they set up their sleeping arrangements. your eyes then flick to neji and tenten, the second closest campers, both of whom are wide awake: tenten intent on oiling her weapons by the light of the fire, and neji laid next to her on his side, reading a book. 
some had already disappeared into their tents, lights and campfires out, and others stand around the dwindling central fire, watching until its cool enough to admonish their attention from it. 
the moment you’re confident there are no eyes on you, and before kiba can get a word in edge-wise, you circle your hips against him, faster—as if your pace you’re could be remotely considered ‘fast’—and deliberate, your hand leaving the chair and bracing on his upper thigh.
the sound that comes from the brunette is something caught between a pleasured groan and a sigh, shock and pleasure and suppression all wrapped into one. 
you need to hear him more. moisture collects in your underwear, adrenaline coursing through your hot veins at the risk of being caught, at the teasing, the knowing exactly what you’re doing to him. you’ve long forgotten the cold, or the dying fire, or the fact you haven’t fully set up your sleeping pad. right now, you’re concerned with taking this as far as you both will allow it.
before he can convince himself of anything otherwise, kiba’s large hands begin to rock you with ease, back and forth against his length, using your clothes and hips as leverage, still, as he starts to lose himself in the moment. he, too, no longer cares about much else other than the sensation of you on him, grinding against his clothed, fat, swollen cock. 
“still have nothing to say?” you prod, your voice increasingly quiet against the sounds of the forest, crackling fire, and hushed, distant laughter.
“you’re pushing it.” he huffs against your shoulder, leaning forward, needing a different angle to have you on him in just the right place. a warning, maybe, or a threat, perhaps. either way, his mind is slipping. the more he focuses on your sweet scent, or the ebb and flow of your movements, the more the dizzying and intoxicating premise of pure hedonism lured him in, beckoning him to follow his instincts rather than behave. 
his voice makes you shiver, cunt throbbing with heavy and demanding pulses, urging you to give in, to throw caution to the wind for the sake of indulgence. 
you stiffen your body, prohibiting his maneuvering of you as shino comes out of the tent, looks for something outside before grabbing a bag and taking it back inside. three… two… one…
kiba opens his mouth to speak, to quip back at you in your moment of stillness, but once aburame disappears again, you change the position of your legs and bounce against him, shallow and quick movements that choke out any of the words he could have mustered. 
instead, he pants, delicious music that rings in your ears. his eyes flicking to the crevice of space between your chests to watch your backside on him. the molten liquid in his veins surges, his heart a savage thing in his chest as he scans the crowd—which isn’t much of a crowd at all. 
shikamaru puffs on a cigarette as the main fire dies, his eyes on the white and grey swirls of smoke leaving the bonfire and his mind likely eons away; neji readies the tent for tenten, who is packing away her freshly-cleaned weaponry. 
“i-if you keep—fuck,” the words attempt to crawl from his throat as a familiar pressure builds in his abdomen. his cock is a twitching mess under you, clear slick soaking his head and coating the inside of his joggers. more mild embarrassment tingles his cheeks and ears, his pulse heavy in his palms, his ears, his length. 
“if i keep what?” you purr, your torso angling forward as you replace your movements with slow, languid rocks. still subliminal, as you watch shikamaru put out his cigarette and bow inside the flap of his tent. still intentional, as you focus your hips on his fully erect, teased cock. the thrumming in your sopping core has become background noise, the level of his pleasure being your driving force, and you’re too committed to stop, curiosity and genuine desire fueling you. a small part of you is relieved, finally being released from the weight of keeping kiba’s effect on you a secret. 
his forehead rests on your shoulder and heaves out another breathy moan, quieted against your back, his skin fiery and sweat dewing his hairline. he’s too far in to stop you, nor does he want to. in fact, this game you both are playing only solidifies his craving for you, sensing the authenticity beneath the raw human desire. 
“if you keep moving like that, i’m gonna cum.” the strangled confession reaches your ears and reverberates in your mind, the desperation in his tone sending you reeling.
your heart rampages beneath your sternum, your pulse pounding in your fingertips at his husked, breathy voice. you switch your pace, back to the shorter, bouncing movements, and his cock tenses underneath you, hands clinging to you in a losing attempt. 
your gaze is pulled by movement at neji and tenten’s site. tenten offers a small wave goodnight after she smothers the remnants of her campfire. you freeze, return the notion. kiba’s hands shake as they anchor you against him. she pulls the tent door closed, and the wood of your bonfire crackles as it splinters and crumbles under its own weight.
you continue grinding, relaxed and heavy movements, pressing yourself into him as if you could close any more distance. a small breath escapes you, weighty and tinged with pleasure of your own. you’re enjoying this, far more than you thought you would, and you want him to know.  
“l-like that, shit.” his nails threaten to puncture through your clothes as he jerks you against him, guiding you with the pace and fervency he craved. he no longer senses anyone outside—though the threat of someone appearing is still high—and he’s desperate to truly feel you grind on him, his mind clouded and one-tracked.
you comply, biting back a mischievous grin as he uses you in tandem with your own rhythm, the blanket falling from your hand as it finds purchase on his other thigh. you turn your head as he lifts his from your shoulder, and your eyes fall half-hooded as he nuzzles himself in the curve of your neck, his mouth hot as he huffs against your skin.
“fuck—” tension wracks his body, his breath hitched in his chest and shaking hands holding you painfully still, before his aching, slick-covered cock throbs violently beneath your plush flesh, a spot of warmth blossoming in his joggers. he moans in your ear, a depraved and gravelly thing, and the sound sends goosebumps along your now-hot skin. his hips buck with each spurt, and his thick cum seeps through his pants, wetting your leggings. 
“mmm,” you hum, satisfied with your endeavors. you move against him as much as his grip allows until he relaxes beneath you. the pressure in your cunt is blaring, an urgent call to attention from your body. 
“happy?” he asks with a raspy, quiet voice once his breath finds him, and his grip lightens on your hips. 
“i am. i’m warm now.” you chirp, turning in your spot to flash playful smile before attempting to peel yourself off of him and stand. “thanks for sharing your blanket with me. i think it’s time for—”
quick hands secure you back in his lap, one on your opposite hip and the other taking hold of your jaw. he turns your face to meet his gaze, head on, his eyes dark. when he speaks, his voice silken and carnal. “oh, you think i’m fucking done with you? i'm just getting started.”
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© 2024 cohldhands. all rights reserved.
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estapa-edwards · 2 months
Ethan Edwards x y/n McRae anon here
Ethan getting teased for liking edits of y/n McRae on TikTok when she back up dances for Tate while she's on tour, but y/n goes to the Duke's Memorial Day weekend party thing they throw every year and y/n is teaching some of the girls there dances from tour for a TikTok video where Ethan just watches with a smile that y/n is having fun outside of touring with her sister and then have some kind of smut that you have some freedom/creativity
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Ethan Edwards x reader
word count: 2.5k
requested? yes
warnings: use of y/n. slight smut
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
Y/N McRae was the younger sister of Tate McRae, a rising star in the music industry. Tate's tours were electrifying, and Y/N had become an internet sensation in her own right, thanks to her mesmerizing dance moves as her sister’s backup dancer. Fans of Tate’s shows often posted TikTok videos of Y/N dancing, and Ethan had found himself captivated by her talent and charisma.
He had followed Y/N’s account for a while, enjoying the behind-the-scenes glimpses of tour life and the candid moments she shared with her followers. But it was the fan-made edits—those short, artfully crafted videos highlighting Y/N’s best dance moves and infectious smile—that Ethan couldn’t get enough of. He was so engrossed in them that he didn’t realize how obvious his infatuation had become.
It was a typical Friday afternoon at Central High, and Ethan was hanging out in the cafeteria with his friends. The usual banter and laughter filled the air, but today, the conversation had taken a different turn.
"Hey, Ethan, have you seen this new edit of Y/N McRae?" his friend Mark called out, holding up his phone.
Ethan’s heart skipped a beat. He tried to play it cool, but the heat creeping up his neck gave him away. "Uh, yeah, I think I saw that one," he mumbled.
Mark’s grin widened. "Dude, you’re totally obsessed with her. You’ve got, like, a dozen of her videos saved on your phone."
Ethan's friends burst into laughter, and he could feel his face turning crimson. He tried to brush it off with a chuckle. "Come on, guys, she's just a great dancer."
"Sure, sure," Sarah, one of the girls in their group, teased. "Admit it, Ethan. You’ve got a massive crush on Y/N."
The truth was, Ethan couldn’t deny it. There was something about Y/N that drew him in—the way she moved with such grace and confidence, the joy that radiated from her whenever she danced. He admired her from afar, knowing that someone like Y/N, always on the move and in the spotlight, was out of his league.
--- --- --- 
Every year, the Duke family threw a massive Memorial Day weekend party at their sprawling estate. It was the social event of the season, drawing students from all over the area. This year, Y/N had decided to take a break from the tour and join the festivities, much to Ethan’s surprise and excitement.
The Duke’s estate was buzzing with activity. The main house, a grand colonial-style mansion, was surrounded by acres of lush gardens, a pool, and a lake. The party had everything—music, food, games, and a sense of freedom that came with the beginning of summer.
Ethan arrived with his friends, trying to hide his anticipation. He knew Y/N would be there, and he couldn’t help but hope for a chance to talk to her. As the day went on, he mingled with his friends, played a few games of volleyball, and tried to enjoy himself. But his eyes kept wandering, searching for any sign of Y/N.
Finally, in the late afternoon, he spotted her near the pool. She was surrounded by a group of girls, all of them eagerly listening to her as she demonstrated some dance moves. Y/N’s laughter floated through the air, and Ethan couldn’t help but smile. She looked genuinely happy, free from the pressures of the tour.
Y/N caught sight of Ethan watching her and flashed him a bright smile. His heart leaped in his chest, and he awkwardly waved back. She gestured for him to come over, and he hesitated for a moment before walking towards her.
“Hey, Ethan!” Y/N greeted him warmly. “Do you want to join us? I’m teaching some of the girls a dance routine for a TikTok video.”
Ethan tried to keep his cool. “Sure, why not?”
Y/N’s energy was infectious. She led the group through a series of dance steps, patiently explaining each move and offering encouragement. Ethan found himself getting into the groove, his initial nervousness melting away. The girls giggled and cheered each other on, and even though Ethan wasn’t the best dancer, he was having a blast.
As the sun began to set, the group decided to film the TikTok video. They took several takes, laughing at their mistakes and celebrating when they finally nailed the routine. Y/N posted the video, and within minutes, it started to garner likes and comments.
“Thanks for joining us, Ethan,” Y/N said with a smile. “You’re a pretty good dancer.”
Ethan chuckled. “Thanks, but I think I’ll leave the professional dancing to you.”
Y/N laughed, a sound that made Ethan’s heart flutter. “Fair enough. But you did great.”
They spent the rest of the evening talking and getting to know each other. Ethan learned that Y/N was just as down-to-earth and fun-loving as she appeared online. She shared stories from the tour, and Ethan found himself hanging on her every word. As the night went on, they gravitated towards a quieter part of the garden, away from the main party.
--- --- ---
The moonlight cast a soft glow over the garden, creating an intimate atmosphere. Ethan and Y/N sat on a bench, the conversation flowing effortlessly between them. There was an undeniable chemistry, a magnetic pull that neither of them could ignore.
“So, what’s it like being on tour with your sister?” Ethan asked, genuinely curious.
“It’s amazing, but it can be exhausting,” Y/N admitted. “I love dancing and performing, but sometimes I just need a break, you know? That’s why I decided to come to this party. I needed to unwind and have some fun.”
“I’m glad you came,” Ethan said softly. “It’s been great getting to know you.”
Y/N’s eyes sparkled as she looked at him. “I’m glad I came too. It’s nice to meet someone who sees me as more than just ‘Tate’s sister.’”
Ethan’s heart swelled at her words. He wanted to tell her how much he admired her, how her videos had brightened his days, but he hesitated, afraid of coming on too strong.
Instead, he reached out and gently took her hand. “I see you, Y/N. You’re incredible.”
Y/N’s breath hitched, and for a moment, they were lost in each other’s gaze. The world around them faded away, leaving just the two of them in that moonlit garden.
The tension between them was palpable, a heady mix of anticipation and desire. Ethan could feel his pulse quickening, his senses heightened. Y/N’s hand was warm in his, and the way she looked at him made his heart race.
Without thinking, he leaned in, capturing her lips in a soft, tentative kiss. Y/N responded immediately, her lips moving against his with a hunger that matched his own. The kiss deepened, growing more passionate as they gave in to the emotions that had been building all day.
Ethan’s hands moved to Y/N’s waist, pulling her closer as their kiss intensified. Y/N’s fingers threaded through his hair, her touch sending shivers down his spine. They broke apart only long enough to catch their breath, their foreheads resting together as they smiled at each other.
“Ethan,” Y/N whispered, her voice filled with longing.
“Yeah?” he replied, his voice husky with desire.
“Do you want to get out of here?” she asked, her eyes dark with intent.
Ethan’s heart skipped a beat. “Yes,” he said without hesitation.
They quietly slipped away from the party, finding their way to a secluded part of the estate. The air was cool and fragrant with the scent of blooming flowers. They found a small gazebo, its privacy offering the perfect retreat.
Once inside, Ethan couldn’t keep his hands off Y/N. He kissed her deeply, his hands exploring the curves of her body. Y/N responded with equal fervor, her touch igniting a fire within him. They stumbled to the bench in the center of the gazebo, their kisses growing more urgent.
Ethan’s hands roamed under Y/N’s shirt, his fingers grazing her soft skin. She moaned into his mouth, her own hands tugging at his clothes. They quickly shed their garments, their need for each other overpowering any sense of decorum.
Ethan’s lips trailed down Y/N’s neck, savoring the taste of her skin. He took his time, worshiping her body with his mouth and hands. Y/N writhed beneath him, her breathy moans spurring him on. He wanted to memorize every inch of her, to make this moment unforgettable.
When he finally entered her, they both gasped at the sensation. They moved together in a rhythm that felt natural, their bodies perfectly in sync. The world around them ceased to exist, leaving only the two of them and the intense pleasure they shared.
Their movements grew more frantic, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Ethan could feel himself nearing the edge, and he could tell Y/N was close too. With one final thrust, they both tumbled over the edge, their cries of ecstasy filling the night air.
--- --- --- 
Ethan and Y/N lay together in the gazebo, their bodies entwined as they caught their breath. The cool night air felt refreshing against their heated skin. Ethan looked down at Y/N, her hair spread out like a halo, and he couldn't help but smile. She was even more beautiful in this moment, flushed and glowing from their shared experience.
"That was..." Ethan began, but words seemed inadequate to describe what he was feeling.
"Yeah," Y/N agreed, her voice soft and content. She snuggled closer to him, her head resting on his chest. "It was amazing."
Ethan gently stroked her hair, savoring the quiet intimacy of the moment. He never imagined that the girl he admired from afar would be lying in his arms, but here she was, and it felt right.
"Y/N," he said after a while, "I don't want this to be just a one-time thing."
Y/N lifted her head to look at him, her eyes searching his. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, I want to see you again," Ethan confessed. "I want to get to know you even more, spend time with you. Not just here, but after the tour, too."
Y/N's expression softened, and she smiled. "I'd like that, Ethan. I'd like that a lot."
They shared another tender kiss, sealing their promise to each other. For the first time in a long while, Ethan felt a sense of contentment and hope for the future. He knew that their paths wouldn't always be easy, with Y/N's demanding tour schedule and his own commitments, but he was willing to make it work.
--- --- ---
The next morning, the party was winding down, and guests were starting to leave. Ethan and Y/N had reluctantly parted ways to avoid suspicion, but they exchanged knowing smiles whenever their paths crossed. As they prepared to leave, they made plans to meet up again soon.
Back at school, Ethan's friends immediately noticed a change in him. He was more cheerful and relaxed, a permanent smile on his face. It didn't take long for them to figure out the reason.
"So, Ethan," Mark said with a sly grin, "did you have a good time at the party?"
Ethan chuckled. "Yeah, you could say that."
Sarah nudged him playfully. "Come on, spill the details. We saw you with Y/N McRae."
Ethan's smile widened. "Let's just say it was a night to remember."
His friends cheered and patted him on the back, but Ethan's thoughts were already elsewhere. He couldn't wait to see Y/N again, to explore the connection they had discovered. It was more than just physical attraction—there was a genuine bond that had formed between them, and he was eager to see where it would lead.
--- --- ---
Over the next few weeks, Ethan and Y/N stayed in touch through texts and video calls. They shared their days, their dreams, and their struggles, growing closer with each conversation. Y/N confided in Ethan about the pressures of living in her sister's shadow and her own aspirations to break out as a solo performer. Ethan, in turn, opened up about his fears and ambitions, finding in Y/N a supportive and understanding confidante.
One evening, after a particularly long day of practice, Y/N called Ethan. She looked tired but happy, a smile lighting up her face when she saw him.
"Hey, Ethan," she greeted him. "I miss you."
"I miss you too," Ethan replied, his heart swelling with affection. "How was practice?"
"Exhausting, but worth it," Y/N said with a yawn. "We’re working on some new routines, and I can’t wait for you to see them."
"I’m sure they’ll be amazing," Ethan said. "You’re incredible, Y/N. Don’t ever forget that."
Y/N’s eyes softened. "Thank you, Ethan. Your support means everything to me."
They talked for hours, sharing stories and laughing until late into the night. Even though they were miles apart, they felt closer than ever. Their connection was growing stronger, built on mutual respect, admiration, and an undeniable spark that neither could ignore.
As the tour progressed, Ethan and Y/N counted down the days until they could see each other again. Finally, the tour brought Y/N back to their hometown for a concert, and Ethan couldn’t have been more excited.
On the night of the concert, Ethan arrived early, eager to watch Y/N perform. The energy in the arena was electric, and the crowd roared with excitement as Tate and her dancers took the stage. Ethan’s eyes were glued to Y/N, mesmerized by her movements and the sheer joy she exuded while dancing.
After the show, Ethan made his way backstage, his heart pounding with anticipation. Y/N spotted him and rushed over, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug.
"Ethan!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with happiness. "I’m so glad you came!"
"I wouldn’t miss it for the world," Ethan replied, holding her close. "You were incredible out there."
"Thank you," Y/N said, pulling back slightly to look at him. "Come on, I want you to meet the rest of the crew."
Ethan spent the evening getting to know Y/N’s fellow dancers and the rest of the tour crew. They welcomed him warmly, and he quickly felt like part of the family. It was clear that Y/N was well-loved and respected by everyone, and Ethan couldn’t have been prouder.
As the night went on, Ethan and Y/N found a quiet corner to talk. They sat close together, their hands intertwined as they shared their thoughts and feelings.
"Ethan," Y/N said softly, "I’ve been thinking a lot about us. About what happens when the tour ends."
Ethan’s heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, I want us to be together," Y/N said, her eyes earnest. "I don’t want this to be just a fleeting thing. I want to make it work, no matter what."
Ethan squeezed her hand. "I feel the same way, Y/N. I’m willing to do whatever it takes."
Y/N smiled, relief and happiness washing over her. "Good. Because I’m not ready to let you go."
They shared a tender kiss, sealing their commitment to each other.
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marsplastic13 · 2 months
'Complicated' (part 7) - Kaz Brekker x Reader
Idea - Kaz Brekker hires a prostitute to overcome his touch aversion, and be a better man for Inej, but things take an unxepected turn. Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Prostitute!Reader, (had to use y/n because I'm bad at names) Genre: modern AU, slow burn word count: 5.6k notes: I can't wait for your opinions on this one
@millercontracting @coldmermaidhologram @syd649 @luffysprincess
‘What??’ he replied to the flood of messages.
‘AC is broken’
Kaz hesitated, staring at the screen, then he typed ‘Yes’
Half an hour later, y/n arrived at his house, looking visibly relieved. “Oh saints, I can breathe again,” she exclaimed, collapsing onto the couch. “It’s a centralized problem. The whole building is hot as hell.”
Kaz went back to type on his computer at the kitchen table, glancing up briefly. “Did they say how much time before it works again?”
“No,” she sighed, sinking further into the cushions. “I’m on forced leave from work.”
“You sound almost sad,” he chuckled, his eyes flickering back to the screen.
“I am. You have no idea of the interesting booking I had,” she said, turning to look at him. “Do you want to know what he asked for?”
“I think I’ll live better without knowing,” he replied, smirking.
“Boring.” y/n pulled out her phone and started watching TikToks, her occasional laughter punctuating the silence.
They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, both absorbed in their screens. The rhythmic tapping of Kaz's keyboard mixed with the occasional burst of sound from y/n's videos. 
After some time, Kaz broke the silence. “I have to work after dinner.”
“You have the weirdest work schedule,” she commented, glancing up. “Do you want me to make dinner?”
“We can order something,” he suggested, not looking up from his screen.
“I’ll cook.” y/n got up and opened his fridge, surveying its contents. “You know that you could eat something other than meat?” she said, studying the shelves.
“I think I have ice cream too,” he shrugged.
“So healthy,” she commented dryly, closing the fridge. “Is there a supermarket nearby?”
“I’m going,” she announced.
Kaz stared at her, a small grin playing on his lips. y/n sighed, already knowing what he wanted. “It’s in my bag, take it.”
Kaz closed his laptop and settled onto the couch, pulling her Nintendo Switch from the bag. “Why don’t you just buy one?” she asked, not truly annoyed.
“Because I would develop an addiction. Speaking of, take the keys. I won’t get up to open the door even if you arrive with the police,” he replied, already engrossed in the game.
y/n muttered something about him being a child before taking his keys and heading out.
When she returned, y/n put on some music and started cooking, dancing around the kitchen between cupboards and stoves. Kaz occasionally shouted at the game, clearly immersed. The atmosphere in the apartment was light and relaxed.
“Have you been using my vape?” y/n asked, suddenly annoyed.
“It’s empty.”
“Maybe it has a leak,” he suggested, not raising his eyes from the game. y/n cupped his face and turned it towards her, leaning in to smell his breath.
“You smell like cherries, you dirty liar. After all your venting about how smoking is bad?” y/n accused, her eyes narrowing playfully.
Kaz laughed, trying to maintain his focus on the screen. “Shut up, you’re distracting me.”
“Oh, I’m distracting you?” she shot back, crossing her arms. “Who was it that went on a twenty-minute rant about how terrible smoking is for your lungs, your heart, your—"
“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” he interrupted, his fingers flying over the buttons.
“And here you are, sneaking hits off my vape,” y/n continued, her tone teasing, “you even put it back in my bag to hide your tracks, just give up and buy one.”
“No, smoking is bad,” Kaz replied firmly, though his eyes never left the screen.
y/n let out an exasperated sigh. “Unbelievable.” 
y/n was done cooking and sighed as she saw Kaz completely engrossed in her game, sitting on the couch with no intention of moving. "Kaz, come on don’t be a child."
Kaz, eyes glued to the screen, mumbled, "Just one more level, I promise."
Rolling her eyes, y/n decided it was time for drastic measures. With a mischievous glint, she leaned over and swiftly snatched the console from his hands. “Hey!” he protested, reaching out to grab it back.
“Nope, you’ve had enough,” she declared, holding the console high above her head.
Kaz jumped up from the couch, trying to reclaim his—well, hers—gaming device. “Give it back, y/n! I was about to beat my high score.”
She laughed, stepping back and keeping the console out of his reach. “No.”
He lunged forward, and they began a playful tussle. y/n darted around the coffee table, and Kaz followed, both of them laughing. “You’re not getting away that easily,” he teased, reaching out to grab her waist.
She squealed, spinning out of his grasp and holding the console behind her back. “You’ll have to catch me first!”
Kaz paused, a sly grin spreading across his face. “Come on, my leg is already killing me today.”
“Then give up,” she laughed.
He feigned to the left, then quickly moved to the right, catching y/n by surprise. She tried to dodge, but he was quicker, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her off the ground.
“Put me down!” she laughed, kicking her feet in the air.
“I don’t care if I break my leg again, you’re giving it back,” he replied, twirling her around.
She clung to the device, laughing uncontrollably. “Okay, okay, you win!” she conceded, handing it over.
Kaz gently set her down, keeping a firm grip on the console. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
She playfully swatted his arm. “You’re a child.”
He chuckled, slipping the console into his back pocket. “And you’re annoying.”
They stood there for a moment, both catching their breath and smiling at each other. y/n shook her head, still laughing. “I’m going to cancel your game’s data.”
“There’s no need to get violent,” he said, offended, while they headed to the table. Kaz’s mouth watered at the sight and smell of the food.
“You cook really well for someone who hates eating,” Kaz said with his mouth half full.
“Rude, but thank you,” y/n replied with a smile, her fork tracing patterns on her plate.
Kaz stared at her, his gaze lingering a bit too long. 
y/n noticed and rolled her eyes. “Kaz, don’t look at me like that. If you say something about my relationship with food, I’m so going to remind you that you have a girlfriend and that I’m a prostitute.”
“We’re just eating,” he mumbled, trying to justify himself and feeling really guilty. He was still mad at Inej for postponing her visit, and he knew that he and y/n were playing with the boundaries that should exist in their relationship. 
He tried to focus on his plate, but his thoughts kept drifting. Maybe in that moment, it could look like an innocent dinner, a friend helping out a friend even, but later? When they would inevitably share a bed, without any payment beforehand? Or when he would book her for another session?
Kaz's mind was a whirl of conflicting emotions. He knew he should feel loyal to Inej, but he was still frustrated that she wasn’t there, and y/n had a way of making everything seem so easy.
y/n seemed to sense his turmoil. She put her fork down and reached out, touching his hand lightly.
“Are you feeling bad?”
“Yes,” Kaz admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Good,” y/n replied with a small smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
He couldn't help but laugh, despite himself. “Fuck off.”
Kaz came back home later than he thought, plus, he took an unexpected punch in the eye that hurt like a bitch. He saw a dim light and soft talking coming from his room.
“Are you having fun on your trip?” he heard y/n's voice, but couldn't make out the answer. However, he heard her laugh.
Kaz peeked into his room, and y/n smiled at him, “It's my grandma,” she said, gesturing to the phone.
“Are you with a boy, sweetie?”
“I'm with a… friend,” she replied.
“Show him to me.”
“No,” she laughed.
“Is he ugly?”
“Grandma! No,” replied y/n, Kaz raised a brow, leaning on the doorframe, now very interested.
“Is he hot or is he cute?”
Kaz raised his brows even more, waiting for her answer.
“Don’t you have something to do? What happened to your face?” y/n narrowed her eyes to look better at him.
“Just a punch,” he shrugged before disappearing into the bathroom.
Kaz could still hear pieces of the conversation from her side. “No, Grandma, we're not sleeping together… My AC is broken… No, I didn't break it on purpose… Yes, he's cute… It's 4 am here!... Have a nice day, I love you.”
He took his spot in the bed as y/n put away her phone. “Is everything okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, my grandma is on one of those old-people-travels on the other side of the world and wanted to talk to me about her new crush. I was sleeping so well,” she said, leaning back into the pillows.
“Her new crush? How old is she?” he asked skeptically, taking the console she had left on his side.
“In her seventies. She’s a bit wild.”
“Sounds like someone I know,” he commented.
Kaz settled into the bed, gingerly touching his bruised eye. y/n was leaning against the headboard, her phone still warm from the call with her grandmother.
“Who punched you?” she asked, narrowing her eyes as she studied the bruise.
“An idiot,” Kaz replied, his voice laced with irritation.
“Hmm, he might have his reason. You're very punchable.” y/n’s lips curled into a teasing smile.
Kaz snorted, feeling a bit defensive. “It wasn’t my fault this time.” He rubbed his temples, the stress of the day catching up to him. The lingering ache from the unexpected punch added to his irritation.
y/n rolled her eyes playfully, nudging him with her shoulder. “Sure, it wasn’t.”
“I’m sending you back to your house,” he said, his tone half-serious, as he stretched his legs out, trying to ease the tension that had settled in his muscles.
“I’m taking back my Switch,” she shot back, snatching the console from his side with a triumphant grin.
Kaz’s hand shot out in a playful attempt to reclaim it, but she was quicker, holding it out of his reach. “Go to sleep,” he said, exasperated but amused, his frustration easing into a faint smile as they bantered.
“Do you want a kiss to make the pain go away?” she said with a dangerous smile.
Kaz sighed, a mix of annoyance and fondness tugging at him. “Are you a healer now?”
“I can be a lot of things,” she teased, her tone light and playful.
“Stop flirting with me,” he replied, though the teasing glint in his eyes softened his words.
“Alright,” y/n turned on her side, settling into the playful rhythm of their exchanges.
Kaz battled with himself for a moment, then gave in to the pull he felt towards her. He pulled her closer, their bodies fitting comfortably together.
“Maybe it’s worth a try, it hurts really bad,” he muttered against her neck, his voice muffled.
“Kaz, are you whining?” she asked, laughter dancing in her tone as she turned to face him. Her eyes met his, a hint of mischief in their depths.
He huffed in mock indignation, a playful glint in his eyes. “I'm not whining,” he protested lightly, but the corners of his mouth betrayed a smirk.
The girl's gaze lingered on his waiting lips, a teasing smile playing on her own. With a deliberate slowness, she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his temple. Kaz responded with an annoyed hum, his eyebrow quirking in response to her playful gesture.
“What? Were you expecting more?” she asked, raising a brow mischievously, her eyes flickering with amusement.
Kaz tilted his head, feigning contemplation. “I don’t know, maybe a little more sympathy?” he teased, his tone light despite the heaviness of their unspoken tension.
“Oh my poor baby, come here,” she playfully pulled him closer, her arms wrapping around him and messing with his hair.
He leaned into the contact, closing his eyes briefly and allowing himself a moment of comfort in her embrace.
“You’re so clingy, Kaz,” she commented after a while, her voice light with teasing. “Who knew you had it in you?”
“I’m not,” he retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“And you’re also delusional,” she added playfully, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on his back.
“Shut up,” he replied softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite himself.
“Are you this annoying with your girlfriend too?” she teased gently, the question hanging in the air.
“She’s not paid to spend time with me,” Kaz replied, his tone tinged with seriousness.
“I’m not working tonight,” she reminded him gently, her fingers stilling on his back, their closeness emphasizing the unspoken boundaries between them.
Kaz nodded silently, the weight of their complicated relationship settling over them once more. He knew their moments together existed in a fragile balance, a delicate dance between companionship and something more undefined.
Kaz hated how peaceful he felt, how badly he craved the normalcy of their interactions, the lightness. Every time Inej would come back, it was like they had to learn to adjust to each other again. And when they were finally comfortable, she would leave again. While he fell asleep, Jesper's words kept echoing through his mind: “You're playing house with a hooker.” He couldn't be more right.
He couldn't ignore the transactional nature of their relationship, the blurred boundaries that came with it. Yet, there was something genuine in the way she looked at him, in the way she laughed at his jokes, in the way she cared.
He couldn't deny that he was playing a dangerous game, one that could hurt everyone involved. But in the quiet moments, when it was just the two of them, it felt almost normal. It felt like he had someone who understood him.
As he finally drifted off to sleep, Kaz couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. He knew he was betraying Inej. The emotional connection he was forming with y/n was real, and it scared him.
When Kaz woke up the next morning, y/n wasn't there. In the kitchen, he found breakfast ready and a note: “Didn't want to wake you, I have to go. Thanks again for yesterday.”
He went on with his day, wondering if the AC at y/n's house had been fixed or not. He knew he wasn't supposed to think about it, that he wasn't supposed to hope that she would write to him again. But at some point, he gave in.
‘How's the AC?’ he texted.
‘Still broken,’ she replied.
Kaz was unsure of what to do. Rationally, he knew that he shouldn't have even texted her.
‘Don’t worry, I'm staying with a friend,’ she sent, like she was reading his mind. He was a bit annoyed, more than he let himself admit.
‘Guess I'll find others Switch and vape,’ he replied, a bit unjustifiably bitter.
‘Ask your girlfriend,’ she retorted. Kaz sighed; he deserved it.
As he put his phone down, Kaz couldn't shake off the unease. He knew his connection with y/n was treading dangerous waters, but he also couldn't deny how much he enjoyed her presence, the effortless way she fit into his life. He leaned back, trying to focus on work, but his mind kept drifting back to y/n. He knew it was wrong, but for the first time in a long time, he felt something akin to happiness.
A few days later, Kaz was waiting for y/n to pick him up since she finally got her driving license back, thanks to one of her clients who pulled a few strings, and she wanted to show him her bright new Mini Cooper. She sent him a picture of her outside his house. Kaz was gathering his things when a series of messages got his focus.
Kaz froze, looking out of the window, he saw the Mini make an illegal turn and speed away. 
He was still paralyzed when Inej opened his door. “Surprise!” she said brightly.
“Nej! What are you doing here?” Kaz hoped he sounded happy, while the adrenaline of being almost caught made his heart race. He moved to hug her, unsure of how to seem natural. Since when was he so bad at concealing his thoughts?
Inej started talking about how he was right, that she had been unfair with him, but his mind was focused on how close she had been to seeing him getting into y/n’s car. Kaz had no idea what kind of excuse he could've come up with.
“Sorry, were you going somewhere?” Inej noticed how he was actually ready to leave.
“Just a work thing. Let me make a phone call and cancel,” he said, trying to sound nonchalant.
Kaz went to his room to call y/n, who answered from the speaker of the car with a series of curses. “That was so fucking close, I'm so sorry, love.”
“It’s not your fault, great timing by the way,” he said, his words leaving a bitterness in his mouth. He couldn't believe that his girlfriend was in the other room, and he was calling another girl to talk about how close they got to getting caught together. What kind of person was he becoming? Kaz leaned against the wall of his room, the phone still warm in his hand, and stared at the ceiling. The situation felt surreal, like he was watching someone else's life unravel. How had he ended up here?
“Shut up, my legs are still wobbly. Enjoy your evening and don't take her to that place with the rooftop pool; my boyfriend is taking me there.”
He snorted. “The old man?”
“Don’t you have a girlfriend to annoy?” she laughed. “Get lost, Kaz. See you soon,” she said before ending the call. He stood there a second more, then typed ‘Be careful’ and hit send.
Kaz took a deep breath, steadying himself before rejoining Inej. He plastered on a smile, hoping it looked genuine. The weight of his deceit pressed heavily on him, and as Inej continued talking about her recent travels, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was spiraling into something he couldn't control.
“Why do you have vegan ice cream?” Inej asked, puzzled, as she rummaged through Kaz’s freezer.
Kaz’s heart skipped a beat. “Fuck,” he thought, the image of y/n flashing through his mind. He had completely forgotten about that.
“It was on sale,” he replied, trying to sound nonchalant, though the slight hitch in his voice betrayed him.
Inej raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. “You’re always saying that being vegan is stupid. Who are you, and what did you do to my boyfriend?” She laughed, stepping closer and pulling him into a light kiss.
“If she only knew,” Kaz thought, guilt gnawing at him. 
Kaz and Inej fell into a comfortable routine, with Inej practically moving in with him. She only went to her house every few days, which should have felt like a step forward in their relationship. Yet, Kaz couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Despite his progress with his touch aversion, which he had always seen as a significant hurdle, Inej seemed uncomfortable with the changes. Every time they were in his car, he had to force himself not to touch her. This was something he had never imagined possible, because for him, it had become a habit to drive with his hand on y/n's thigh. But Inej kept shoving him away.
Of course, Kaz knew that Inej had her own issues with physical contact, stemming from her traumatic past. He understood that her boundaries were there for a reason, and he respected them. However, he couldn’t help but feel that his issues were more pressing on their relationship, more in need of resolution. He had worked so hard to overcome his aversion, thinking it would bring them closer. They had started holding hands and sharing the same bed, but Inej wasn’t as clingy as he discovered himself to be.
Doubts began to cloud Kaz's mind. Maybe if he hadn’t sought a quicker way to solve his problems, he would have been more at peace now. But would he, really? The ability to remain calm when someone accidentally brushed against him wasn’t exactly a bad thing. It was progress. But he wondered if he had pushed too much with y/n. Had he relied on her too heavily to guide him through his issues? He had just wanted to be the right person for Inej, but now he started feeling like he had gotten it all wrong.
He recalled the late-night conversations with y/n, the way she had encouraged him to face his fears, to push his limits. It felt good, liberating even. But now, with Inej beside him, those same actions felt like betrayals. Inej’s discomfort was palpable, and it made Kaz question everything. Was he really doing this for her, or was it for himself? Had his need to fix himself overshadowed the essence of their relationship? When exactly did he stop doing it for Inej and started doing it for himself?
Kaz’s mind was a whirlpool of conflicting emotions. He had always believed that conquering his touch aversion would be the key to a more intimate, more fulfilling relationship with Inej. But now, with her subtle rejections, he felt more distant from her than ever. He wanted to reach out, to hold her, to reassure her, but every touch seemed to push her further away.
As he lay in bed beside Inej, Kaz couldn’t help but think about how different things were with y/n. It was intoxicating, but it also made him feel guilty. He had sought out y/n to fix his problems, but now he realized that the solutions she offered might not be compatible with his life with Inej.
Kaz rolled over, staring at the ceiling. He needed to find a balance, a way to reconcile the progress he had made with his need to respect Inej’s boundaries. He had to stop doubting himself and start focusing on what truly mattered: being there for Inej in the way she needed, not the way he thought she needed. It was a daunting task, but Kaz knew it was the only way to salvage their relationship.
All of Kaz’s good ideas and resolve dissolved into a murky cloud of confusion as he found himself slipping out of bed and quietly getting into his car. The drive was eerily silent, matching the turmoil in his mind. He parked nearby and waited, feeling foolish with each passing minute. The neighborhood suddenly filled with the blare of loud music, and Kaz’s heart lurched as he saw y/n’s Mini Cooper turn the corner at an alarming speed, brakes squealing in protest. He watched, almost in disbelief, as she parked somewhat haphazardly, and she and her friends stumbled out of the car, leaning on each other for support. y/n lingered a moment longer than the others, retrieving something from under her seat.
Kaz approached quietly, his voice breaking the silence. “y/n,” he called out.
Startled, she turned, a frown creasing her features. “Are you drunk? You just got your license back,” Kaz blurted out, unable to stop himself.
y/n sighed, “I’m just a bit tipsy.”
“What happened to that light?” Kaz gestured towards the damaged light on her car.
“Why the fuck are you here, Kaz? Where’s your girlfriend?” Her annoyance was palpable.
Guilt flooded Kaz. “I… She’s sleeping. At my house.”
y/n raised her brows in surprise. “Kaz, why are you here?”
Avoiding her gaze, Kaz struggled to find an answer. He had no clear explanation for his impulsive decision. “She’s… She’s not you,” he finally admitted, the words heavy with admission.
y/n’s face hardened, her arms crossing defensively. “Yeah, are you here to remind me?”
“No, I—” Kaz faltered, unable to voice the thoughts that had been swirling in his mind for days.
“What?” y/n’s tone was sharp, demanding.
Taking a deep breath, Kaz finally gathered his courage. “I want you.”
y/n looked down, shaking her head slightly. “No, you don’t,” she replied coldly, her voice cutting through the night air. “y/n, let me explain—”
“Explain what?” She interrupted him, her tone laced with bitterness. “You don’t know me, Kaz. You want what we have when you pay for it, because I’m a whore and you’re my client.”
“That’s not true, y/n—”
“It is true,” she insisted, her voice hardening. “You don’t want me, trust me. Fuck, Kaz, I told you ages ago that if you were catching feelings for me we should’ve stopped.” She ran a hand through her hair, frustration evident.
Kaz felt anger building inside him, fueled by frustration and a sense of injustice. His words were sharp, a challenge to y/n, cutting through the air with an intensity that matched the turmoil in his heart.
“Oh yeah, because I’m the only one here who crossed boundaries, right? Look at me and tell me that you don’t feel anything.” Kaz’s voice held a mix of accusation and desperation. He locked eyes with y/n, searching for any sign of affirmation or denial, needing validation that what he felt wasn't one-sided.
y/n hesitated, her eyes clouding with a fleeting mixture of emotions—sadness, uncertainty, and something Kaz couldn't quite decipher. Her hesitation spoke volumes, a pause filled with unspoken truths and conflicted feelings.
Kaz held his ground, waiting for her response, hoping against hope that she would reveal what he yearned to hear. The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken words and the weight of their complicated situation.
When y/n finally spoke, her voice carried a hint of vulnerability beneath its usual composure. "You don’t know me," she repeated, her words laced with a touch of sadness, less firm than before.
After y/n's words hung in the air, Kaz felt a knot tighten in his chest. Her raw honesty pierced through his defenses, forcing him to confront uncomfortable truths he had been avoiding.
“I want to know you,” Kaz insisted softly, his voice a whisper of vulnerability amidst the tension.
“No, you don’t! Let’s be serious, Kaz,” y/n's tone sharpened with frustration, her eyes holding a mix of defiance and pain. “We do this. We get together, we go on dates, how long before you ask me to leave my job?”
Her words hit Kaz like a blow to the gut. He knew she was right. The thought of y/n continuing her work while they pursued something deeper had always nagged at him, buried beneath his desire for closeness and intimacy. Yet, facing her accusation head-on made it all too real.
“How long before it makes you lose it and become like my ex-boyfriend, beating the shit out of me?” y/n’s voice quivered with the weight of her past, her fear palpable in the air between them.
Kaz's heart clenched at the mention of her ex-boyfriend, a reminder of the darkness y/n had escaped and the wounds she still carried. He couldn't bear the thought of causing her more pain, of becoming a source of anguish rather than solace.
He wanted to argue, to assure her that he was different, that he would never hurt her. But the truth lingered in the back of his mind, unspoken yet undeniable. Deep down, he knew y/n was right. He couldn't ignore the unease he felt about her profession, about the risks and compromises it entailed.
As y/n stood before him, her vulnerability laid bare, Kaz struggled to find the words to express the turmoil inside him. Admitting that he couldn’t accept her job felt like a betrayal of everything y/n represented—an independent spirit, unapologetically herself.
But he also couldn’t deny the growing ache in his chest, the longing to protect her from harm, even if it meant sacrificing the connection they shared. It was a choice he wasn’t ready to make, yet one that loomed over their fragile bond.
“I would never—” Kaz began, his voice tinged with hurt and frustration.
“He said that too,” y/n cut in sharply, her words a stark reminder of past betrayals and broken promises. Kaz winced, feeling the weight of her accusation like a punch to the gut. He wanted to protest, to defend himself against the comparison to her ex-boyfriend, but y/n’s pain was palpable, and he couldn’t deny its validity.
“y/n, let me just—” Kaz attempted to interject, but his words faltered as he struggled to find the right words to bridge the widening gap between them. His mind raced, grappling with the realization that his actions had inadvertently pushed y/n away, reinforcing her fears and insecurities.
In that charged moment, Kaz saw y/n not just as the confident and alluring woman he had grown close to, but also as someone who carried deep scars from a past he hadn’t fully understood. He had prided himself on being different, on offering her a haven from the shadows of her past, yet now he saw how fragile that sanctuary had become.
“y/n,” Kaz began again, his voice softer now, tinged with regret. “I never meant to—”
“Save it, Kaz,” y/n cut him off, her tone weary yet resolute. “You can’t change who you are any more than I can change who I am.”
She stepped closer, her hand brushing his hair gently. “Go back to your girlfriend, love. Or break up with her if you don’t want her anymore. It wouldn’t work between us.”
“Why do you think that?” Kaz whispered, his hands trembling slightly as they found their way to y/n’s waist, pulling her closer against him. His heart raced with a mixture of longing and fear, the weight of his words heavy on his tongue. He could feel y/n’s warmth against him, a tangible reminder of the connection they shared, yet he feared it might slip away forever.
“Tell me that you’re not happy with me,” Kaz continued softly, his voice cracking with emotion. “Tell me that it’s all a facade, all fake, and I’ll leave and never look for you again.”
His words hung in the air, a desperate plea wrapped in vulnerability. Kaz knew that admitting his feelings meant risking everything—his relationship with Inej, his self-image, and the fragile bond he had formed with y/n. Yet, in that moment, all he could think about was the uncertainty of their future and the ache of wanting something he might never have.
y/n’s eyes searched his face, her expression unreadable as she weighed his words. Kaz held his breath, waiting for her response, knowing that whatever came next would change everything.
“You can’t give me what I want,” she murmured sadly, a wistful smile on her lips. “I like my life, the freedom of it. I don’t want to change it. And you shouldn’t change yourself, not for Inej, but even more, not for me. You two are legends, Kaz. What you did for each other, all the fears you overcame for her, the—”
Kaz cut her off, unable to bear another moment of uncertainty. He pressed his lips firmly against hers, a desperate attempt to drown out the doubts and fears that threatened to consume him. y/n responded instantly, her hands sliding to the back of his neck, pulling him closer in a mix of longing and hesitation.
He guided her a few steps back, maneuvering until she was pressed between his body and her car. Their kiss deepened, a passionate exchange that spoke volumes without words. In that moment, the world outside ceased to exist for Kaz. All that mattered was the taste of her lips, the feel of her body against his, and the undeniable pull between them.
For a heartbeat, everything felt right, like they belonged in each other's arms. But beneath the surface of their heated embrace, Kaz couldn't shake the weight of y/n's earlier words. He knew their connection was fraught with complications, tangled in emotions and circumstances that threatened to unravel any semblance of stability.
Yet, as he held her close, Kaz couldn't deny the intensity of what he felt. It was more than physical attraction; it was a yearning for understanding, for connection, for something deeper than he had ever allowed himself to explore before.
But as quickly as their passion ignited, y/n pulled back, leaving Kaz momentarily stunned and breathless. Her eyes searched his, a mix of sadness and resolve shining through.
“Go away,” she whispered, her voice tinged with sadness. “Go back to your girlfriend and forget about me.”
Kaz nodded slowly, as if emerging from a dream. “Don’t ever ask me again to be the better person,” she continued, her voice flat yet determined. “If I ever find you here again, I won’t stop you. I won’t hesitate. I will let you do whatever you want. And I won’t care. I’ll move on with my life. But you will regret it, trust me.”
Her words hung between them, stark and undeniable. Kaz felt a knot tighten in his chest, a mix of guilt, regret, and a profound sense of loss. He had pushed too far, crossed boundaries he shouldn't have, and now he faced the consequences of his actions.
With a final nod, Kaz turned and walked back to his car, each step heavy with the weight of uncertainty and regret.
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pigeonpeach · 6 months
Love Blooms within the Desert
Aka eremite reader x nilou
Contains: stalking? (Might not be classified as that because its not really creepy or malicious maybe?) pining, fluff. Gender neutral reader
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 the end
A/n Inspiration struck me randomly so i must go with it
The desert is boring. Inbetween your trips and escorts are you often spending alot of time just in the sand doing nothing. Dancing is a common practice amongst tribes to pass the time and lighten the mood. Although you have never had the race and balance for it. You liked watching people dance instead. You had escorted a few merchants across the desert and thus were making your way back to the main central hub for eremites where you would escort another person. Unfortunately your tribe was content with sleeping off the exhaustion instead of any fun card games or dances. You never had the gut to ask, worried your tough exterior might crack. So you headed to the nearest oasis, the intention was just to bathe a little.
The night was beautiful, the stars were on full view with not a cloud in sight. Its as if there was just a blue filter over the desert with how well lit it was. So you quickly saw the figure of the dancing lady in the oasis. You stopped. If it was a fellow eremite you might be in trouble. Territorial disputes, or just adrenaline junkies were common. You weren’t good at negotiations. Come to think of it, you really weren’t good at much aside from strength related activities, and cooking. Hunting in the desert was a pain, scorpion meat wasn’t tasty so spices and marinades was your way of keeping sane and disguising any sneaky sand particles.
But her dance wasn’t similar to most you had seen. Nor were there others eremites around. It wasn’t impossible. Unfortunately sometimes eremites would be the last ones standing in their tribe, you had met a young girl named Jeht who was attracted by your cooking. You shared with her because you were full anyways, your tribe didn’t like that particular experimental marinade you came up with. So she ate her fill, telling you about her father and mothers passing. How she was looking for Babel, you wished her well and pointed to where you thought she was.
Looking at her closer now however you don’t think she’s a eremite. Actually she kind of looked like a goddess of sorts. Long flowy fabrics, her headdress, her movements were so graceful and serene. She danced to the melody of the night, of the nearby birds that chirped and the loud bugs. Her red hair flowed beautifully as she danced in a shallow part of the oasis, letting the water cool her feet. You knew it was wrong to just… watch someone but.. you couldn’t help it. You sat behind one of the bended palm trees and watched closely.
She was humming. A tune you didn’t know. But it was beautiful to watch. Her face was focused, she seemed.. stressed actually. Sweat dripped down her forehead. Before her eyes suddenly landed on you. A shock was evident as you quickly stood up and backed away.
“S-sorry.. just wanted some.. water..” you said, leaving your claymore in the ground as you cautiously approached the water from the other end. Purposely putting distance between you two in hopes she wouldn’t run off.
“O-oh that’s quite fine. Ah i didn’t mean to pollute the water with my uh… feet.. i just was walking for so long on the hot sand that i uh…”
“Don’t worry I’m not drinking it.” You said a little weirded out by that thought, water is water, so long as its safe you would drink it. But she probably had a different opinion of cleanliness.
“Oh okay..” silence fell between you as you took the opportunity to wash your hair. Cupping the water and drenching your face and hair in it. Temporarily did you remove your mask. Making her cover her mouth for a reason you weren’t sure about. “I.. i didn’t expect you to have such striking eyes. Sorry that must sound weird.”
“It doesn’t really. I’ve gotten weirder comments from people.” You say. You shake off the rest of the water. You would have a proper shower back at the main city, but for now you had to do with this. “So, what is your profession?”
“H-hm? Oh right. I’m Nilou, a dancer for the Zubayr Theatre. We put on lots of performances. My most recent performance was supposed to be about a desert girl so I figured it might help to actually go to the desert. I came later but it was still so hot.” She giggled awkwardly. You sat down, the water soaking your shoes.
“That sounds lovely. Eremites do have their own dances but it really isn’t as intricate as yours. But i think it helps to actually see the desert.” You paused trying to come up with a conversation topic to continue.”You know, not many people in Sumeru actually ever come here. they’re too intimidated by the gangs and hot sand and scorpions. I can’t blame them too much but they’re really missing out.”
“really?” She seemed intrigued.
“Well.. i think that’s just kind of like life you know, you gotta fight bad guys, conquer the environment and you get rewarded with sights like this, the cloudless night with endless stars, the oasis’s. Not to mention the foxes.” She smiled at that.
“Oh yes the foxes! They’re so cute but so skiddish. I wish I could pet one.” She sighed.
“Sometimes they actually come near me. Well only this specific family near Aaru village. I fed them a few times and so they’re more comfortable around me. Truth be told they aren’t optimal for meat or food so i hardly ever do try to hurt them.” She seemed a little startled by that concept, likely envisioning a cruel fate for such cute critters at your hands. You felt a embarrassed by that thought. “Not that i ever have eaten one. Scorpions are better food. They hardly ever hide and they provide alot of meat. They have a texture i’d compare to liek… lobster maybe?”
“Oh. I didn’t know they were edible.” She seemed less weirded out. ‘Wait why are you so eager to impress this lady anyway?’ “Although that does sound a little bit tasty.. i guess I should try it sometime.”
“Oh its great with a rosemary, boar fat, and sweet flower marinade with hara hara spice and minimal salt, oh you can pepper too.”
“Wow, is that recipe popular with eremites?” She asked curiously. You shook your head. Again embarrassed, most eremites looked at your weirdly when you showed that much interest in culinary passions. Although they didn’t complain or argue when you had something to show for it and for them to sample. You still felt embarrassed for culinary preferences to your potential weak spot. Getting spices and other flavors isn’t easy out here.
“Just me and my tribe. Mainly because of me.” You said. “I just can’t stand the same old things for too long. I find the process of concocting and working my surroundings to be quite relaxing. I don’t really know how to make much else that isn’t meaty.i hardly ever get vegetables.” You trailed on. She however seemed more comfortable, even sitting across from you.
“They must like you alot. In my troupe our chef is the most important one. You can’t work well on a empty stomach afterall.” She smiled.
“They tolerate it.” You paused as you decided not to divulge your tensions and issues with your tribe to a stranger. “Say, whats your favorite kind of dishes.” You asked curiously. She seemed to light up.
“Oh I simply love padisarah pudding, there’s also Tachin and sheermal!” You were however lost. You never had any puddings, tachin you had, but you were curious about these delicacies. A curiosity was peaked that you couldn’t satiate. Something pulling you now from your homelife right into her world. Into the forests, the city..
“I’ve never had padisarah pudding. Is it a dessert?” You asked. She nodded.
“Oh you should its lovely, if you ever come to sumeru city I’d love to treat you to some.” She smiled. Your embarrassment was different now, less of shame and now of.. confusion and surprise. You hadn’t had someone like her treat you so nicely, offering you what must be a bit pricey of a promise. She was only a dancer after all, her wages can’t be that good. But that offer sparked something in your stone heart. A crush? Love? Attraction? You bottles it away to deal with later.
“Maybe I will. My tribe and I are heading back in the morning actually. Are you going to the Caravan Ribat tomorrow?” You asked.
“Ah i am. But its okay I can go by myself. I don’t want to burden your tribe out of nowhere.”
“I insist. Its not too safe and… well.. i don’t mean to be mean or rude but your outfit might lure.. robbers and such. I’d be happy to accompany you alone if you would feel safer like that.” You said. ‘Whats wrong with you? Why are you insistent on making sure she’s safe now?’
“Well if you insist. I guess I should’ve thought about a plan to go back.. actually… if you don’t mind… could I sleep near your camp or.. in it maybe? I’m worried about sandstorms coming now.” She seemed rather embarrassed.
“I’ll bring my tent over don’t worry.” You said. “I’ll be right back.” You said, leaving your claymore.
‘Gosh what has gotten into you! Usually you would charge for such but you’re offering a escort for completely free just because she indulged your culinary curiosity and was nice! Are you truly so depraved of affection that you would throw yourself at the feet of those stuck up Akademiya nuts? But she’s not in the Akademiya, she’s a dancer, you hear they hate the arts. If anything she’s more familiar with the adversity you face than you would think. Whatever. You’ll just walk to the Ribat and maybe spend the day with her for a change. You can get a break surely. At least to try that pudding and maybe even see her performance…’
You knew deep down that something else was blooming inside. Your heart nurtured a seed of interest that turned into something more romantic as you thought about Nilou more and more. Ignoring the looks of your fellow tribe members who just shrugged and went back to bed as you hauled the whole tent yourself. You knew however that chances of a successful relationship with a non eremite wouldn’t be in your favor. For your home is the sand and hers is the flowers. But.. it couldn’t hurt to indulge your curiosity. She probably doesn’t even reciprocate anyways.
Nilou meanwhile tried her damnest to fix her headdress and her hair. Hoping she wouldn’t look like a slob or improper lady infront of that attractive eremite.
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minarixx · 1 year
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫'𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐞 ✯ 𝐊.𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐚
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"𝙁𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙮, 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨, 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙚. 𝙄'𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮"
PAIRING. Sakusa Kiyoomi x f!Reader
CONTENT. angst
The olympic volleyball player, Sakusa Kiyoomi finds himself grappling with the complexities of his relationship with Y/N as it becomes public knowledge.
WC. 1.3K
A/N. Release this song for streaming alr Taylor.
Masterlink - Songs Unwritten
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𝓣he sunlit stadium buzzed with excitement as the much-anticipated volleyball tournament unfolded before a cheering crowd. The spacious arena boasted a grand design, with towering stands that could accommodate thousands of enthusiastic fans. The atmosphere was electric, with vibrant colors adorning the venue, reflecting the energy and spirit of the event.
The central focus of the stadium was the immaculately prepared volleyball court, situated at the heart of the action. Its pristine surface, made of smooth, polished wood, gleamed under the radiant floodlights. The boundaries of the court were marked with bold, contrasting lines, providing clear demarcation for the players and ensuring fair play.
On either side of the court, towering electronic scoreboards loomed large, displaying the current match score, set information, and timers, ensuring that no fan missed a moment of the thrilling encounters. Enormous high-definition screens were strategically positioned around the stadium, broadcasting close-up shots of the players and captivating slow-motion replays, further enhancing the spectator experience.
The stadium was divided into different sections, each designated for different categories of spectators. The VIP section, with its plush seating and impeccable service, catered to prominent figures from the sporting world, celebrities, and high-ranking officials. The regular seating area, stretching across multiple levels, offered comfortable chairs with ample legroom, ensuring a pleasant viewing experience for the enthusiastic fans. In one of these seats was Y/N L/N. 
And in the court, among them stood Sakusa, a talented volleyball athlete whose dreams were woven into each powerful spike. But beneath his cold exterior lay a shadow of doubt, a fear that threatened to unravel the fragile connection he shared with the girl who held his heart, Y/N. 
Their love had blossomed amidst the thunderous applause and echoing cheers of the volleyball arena. The court had been their sanctuary, where they exchanged glances filled with unspoken promises and whispered sweet nothings in the midst of practice sessions. But as their relationship deepened, so did Sakusa's apprehension about revealing their love to the public.
Their paths crossed during a brief break, as they both reached for water bottles at the vending machine. Y/N mustered the courage to strike up a conversation, her voice laced with genuine interest.
"Great game out there! Your spikes are impressive," she complimented, her eyes twinkling with admiration.
Sakusa turned to face her, a charming smile that was covered by his mask but you could still see the outline of. His gaze met hers, and in that moment, something unspoken passed between them.
"Thank you," he replied, his voice cold but his tone with gratitude. "Do you play volleyball yourself?"
Y/N's laughter danced on the breeze as she shook her head, a playful glint in her eyes.
"No, I'm just here to enjoy the game and cheer on the players. But who knows, maybe I'll give it a try someday."
Their conversation flowed effortlessly, as if they had known each other for years. They shared stories, dreams, and the occasional witty banter that drew smiles and laughter from both of them.
Days turned into weeks, and their bond grew stronger with each passing encounter. The whispers of an undeniable connection filled the air, igniting a flame of hope within Y/N's heart. Sakusa, too, felt an inexplicable pull towards her, as if they were two puzzle pieces meant to fit together.
One evening, as they sat together on the beach, watching the sun dip below the horizon, Sakusa turned to Y/N with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.
"Y/N, I have something important to tell you," he began, his voice tinged with anticipation. "I promise you, soon, I will announce our relationship to the world. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat, overwhelmed with a mixture of joy and anticipation. She had waited for this moment, for Sakusa to embrace their love publicly, to stand up for their relationship.
But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Y/N found herself tangled in a web of empty promises. The whispers of lies grew louder, circulating among their circle of friends and acquaintances. The announcement Sakusa had promised remained nothing more than a distant dream.
Y/N's heart grew heavy with disappointment, her trust eroding with each passing day. She longed for the validation, for Sakusa to fulfill his word and show the world they were together.
Y/N, with her infectious smile and fiery spirit, was unafraid to showcase their affection to the world. She longed for Sakusa to stand proudly by her side, to declare their love to the world without hesitation. But his reluctance to do so left her feeling unseen and unimportant, an invisible figure in the shadows of his ambitions. 
During this match however, rumors swirled through the air, like seagulls riding the wind, spreading their wings of deception. They whispered of a love shared between Y/N and Sakusa, a relationship hidden behind closed doors. As the gossip reached Sakusa's ears, his heart sank. He had hoped to shield Y/N from the harsh realities of public scrutiny, believing that by keeping their love secret, he could protect her from the judgments of others. But the whispers had grown louder, the rumors more persistent, weaving their way into the fabric of their lives.
Y/N's heart ached as she overheard a group of girls conversing nearby. Their voices dripped with disdain, their words weaving a tapestry of hurtful assumptions.
"Did you hear? Sakusa would never date someone as plain looking as her," one of the girls sneered.
"Of course not. He's way out of her league. He's way better off with a Victoria Secret Supermodel," another chimed in, her laughter echoing like shards of broken glass.
The volleyball tournament came to a close, leaving behind a flurry of emotions and weary bodies. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the players and their supporters gathered for the much-anticipated after-party. It was meant to be a celebration of their achievements, a moment of camaraderie. But for Y/N, it would become an evening of isolation and heartbreak.
The room buzzed with laughter and animated conversations, the air filled with a mix of triumph and relief. But amidst the lively atmosphere, Y/N stood on the outskirts, a mere shadow amidst the revelry. The whispers of the rumors still haunted the room, their echoes drowning out her attempts to find solace.
Sakusa, lost in a sea of conflicting emotions, struggled to navigate the space between his love for Y/N and the pressures from the public and his managers. He knew he had let her down, allowing the rumors to drive a wedge between them. Yet, the fear of jeopardizing his career kept him at bay, caught between the love he felt for Y/N and the image he was expected to uphold.
Y/N's heart ached as she watched Sakusa move through the crowd, mingling effortlessly with others. The smile that once brightened her world now seemed distant and unattainable. Her insecurities gnawed at her, pushing her to the edge of despair.
Summoning all her courage, Y/N approached Sakusa in a secluded corner, her voice trembling with a mix of desperation and longing.
"Sakusa, please," she implored, her eyes pleading for him to understand. "I can't bear to be ignored any longer. I need you to choose me, to stand up for us, despite what the public and your managers might say."
Sakusa's gaze wavered, torn between the woman he loved and the world he knew. The weight of his indecision etched lines of torment upon his face. He reached out, his hand hesitating in mid-air, but ultimately withdrew.
"I wish it were that simple, Y/N," he whispered, his voice tinged with resignation. "But I don't want to lose everything I've worked for. I'm sorry."
The words landed heavily on Y/N's heart, a final blow to the hope she had clung to. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned away, the weight of rejection pressing down upon her like an iron cloak.
As the party continued, Y/N remained a distant observer, her smiles forced and hollow. She watched as Sakusa mingled with adoring fans and accepted the accolades from his teammates. But with each passing moment, the emptiness within her grew, a void where their love once thrived.
©Minarixx 2023 - please don't copy, repost or translate without my knowledge credit or permission.
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queermentaldisaster · 8 months
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I'm Elowen! I write fanfics, and post about shit I like! I also talk with my mutuals a lot! I use she/they/it/xe/ze/lotus pronouns! I do read dark fic and have dabbled in writing it. This is a safe space for all, I do not tolerate hatred of any kind. If you are hateful to others, I will block you. I am not religious at all. I am happily taken, any attempts at flirting with me in a srs manner will be shut down. I do support Palestine, wholeheartedly. Zionists, racists, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, zoophiles, MAPs, etc, DNI (translation, don't be a fuckin asshole or creep.) Also, if you support making stories and art using AI or use AI to make stories and art, get the fuck off my page. Reasons for that are listed here. Dividers can be found here, they're by @gild-ui <3
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My AO3
(this has other fics there too, feel free to check those out)
My AUs
(I am begging you to ask me about these, please 🙏)
My DeviantArt
Blogs I run:
@fallenembe (marvel oc rp blog)
@dragonquest-rottenbrain (dq side blog)
@konigsblume-central (blog for me and my partner to ramble about the oc x canon ship we made)
@electricloverspider (Miles Morales rp blog set in the Insomniac Games)
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All fics/series currently on AO3:
"The Devil Made Me Do It; But I Also Kinda Wanted To" - Series, currently a WIP, two parts completed.
“Eldritch!Soap” - Series, one part completed.
"Mer/Siren Au" - Series, 1 part, WIP.
"The Dancing And The Dreaming" - HTTYD!AU, currently WIP, 3 chapters so far
“The Hunt Is My Muse” - Shifter!AU, nine chapters complete.
“I Have Traveled Far Beyond the Path of Reason” - MW3 fix it fic, part one of the Eldritch!Soap series.
“Stars Drawn Around Scars” - A Ghost/GN!Reader fluff oneshot.
“Count On Me” - A short Ghoap wedding planning oneshot.
“The Devil Made Me Do It; But I Also Kinda Wanted To” - Part One of my Monster!Au series, complete.
“Another Love” - Part Two of my Monster!Au series, complete.
“There's A Revolution Coming” - Part Three of my Monster!Au series, three chapters complete. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
“Shoulda Been Dead a Long Time Ago” - MW3 fix-it fic with Venom!Ghoap :3
"5 Times Ghost Scared Someone With His Spidery Things + 1 Time It Made Soap Horny" - Spiderverse!Ghoap
"What if We Rewrite the Stars? (No One Can Rewrite the Stars)" - Mer!Soap x Siren!Ghost, part 1 of the Mer/Siren au!
"Godmother, Rise Up, I Need You to See Me For What I Have Become" - Brainwashed!Soap au
Out of My Head - Ghoap oneshot based on Soap's tendency to disassociate when left with nothing to do
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All 'me specific' tags will be in tags.
I tag posts in which I talk with other blogs with #convo posts so people don't get their dash flooded with this if they choose to block the tag. :)
My stance on fanart of my OCs, AUs and fics is here!!!
My askbox is always open!
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Don’t bite your tongue, it’s just a word game ‐ Rena x reader
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It was time for the class mission and your team wasn’t doing too well. Redlic’s choreography was rejected in favour for Latrice’s and your own rookie group was a bit tense. But there were more obstacles in the way. Buckey entered the hideout, sighing.
‘’Rena barely has me in the video, you can’t see me. I tried to talk to her, everyone’s been kissing up to her. But even though I try I can’t seem to convince her.’’ With that she turns to you, batting her eyes.
‘’Can you try to help.’’. Since you had an interest in Japanese culture from a young age, you had picked up the language. You even had enrolled in a language school to learn it better. Unbeknownst to the people around you, it was called ‘’The lesbian school’’ and you kinda helped with that reputation. Bring together a bunch of teenage girls with the same interests, nerdy looks and too much love for GL manga and Sputnik Sweetheart by Murakami and well. To be fair, it reminded you a bit of this competition. And now it was time to use your Japanese skills to win over a woman again, with less of your sapphic energy, sadly.
You knocking on the door of the Tsubakill hideout was not unusual. You had been bonding with their team since the begging of the competition. Asking about the dance scene in Japan, teaching them more about Korea. You had also been the one to translate the lyrics for the song Rena was choreographing. At the words beckoning you inside you opened the door and were surprised . Rena was alone.Before you could ask, she started explaining herself :
‘’Everyone’s either practicing or resting. But why are you here. Let me guess, Buckey sent you.’’
‘’Yes, but if you could just give her a chance, she can preform well in a more central spot.’’
‘’I’m not doubting your teammate’s skills. But this is a competition, Manequeen should have just preformed better.’’
‘’So this is about strategy. I’ve been nothing but helpful to you. And I can continue to be. Voting the way you want. Teaching you new moves, extra practice. Of course you know I’m a cunning linguist. ‘’ The thing is you didn’t mean to say the last word like that. It was a direct innuendo, a freudian slip on your part. It had been a running joke at your school to make certain Japanese words as gay as possible. And this one stuck, apparently.
“Rena, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. It’s a stupid pun I just happened to memorise.”
Instead of saying anything about your fuckup, she just told you.
“I’ll think about it. And while I do, let’s play Shiritori. It always clears my head. ”
You thought that it seemed strange, but you weren’t about to argue with the woman you needed help from. You motioned for her to start.
とうみ she said
もん you continued
こ she replied
いる you fired back, hoping to trip her up. There were no stakes in the game, anyway so there was no point in being competitive. Still, you were curious about what she would say.
むんこ was her response. Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Rena just said pussy. She could’ve played friend, cup or even anger. But she chose that word. Before you could comment any further, she bursts out laughing.
“You should see your face, you’re so red. Did I surprise you?"
“Did you even want to play Shiritori?”
“No. I suck so much at that game. I’m amazed I lasted long enough to pull it off.” With that you both started laughing again.
“You know, I’m surprised that we are getting along so well. You know, with everything being so intense, I didn’t think you were the affectionate type.”
“Not affectionate, huh. How’s this for not being affectionate?” You lean into her and pressed your forehead against hers. You look at her lips for permission and she responds by kissing you. One kiss turns into two and then a full blown make out session on the couch. Apparently your attraction wasn’t as one sided as you thought. And also being cooped up with a lot of beautiful women for weeks had a similar effect on everyone. You wondered if Rena also took longer showers, so she could get off. But you quickly thought of something else, not wanting to go too far, despite how wet you already were.
But soon enough Rena was on top of you, kissing your neck and your hands were under her shirt. In the mess of limbs your knee lightly brushed against her pussy. She moaned and then covered her mouth.
“Should we test if you are a cunning linguist?” She said. You moved from under her and kneeled on the floor. You pulled her body close to yours, removing her panties. Thank god for skirts, am I right. You began kissing her inner thigh and moved slowly to where she wanted you. You lapped at her clit, moving your tongue up. Her hands pulled on your hair, making you both moan. You say. “Need to taste you, Rena.”. But before you do, she pulls you up and gives you a passionate kiss. You decide to tease her again, kissing her breasts, sucking on her nipples. As much as you wanted to take your time and please her, you remembered that her crew could be back any time now. So you set out to make her cum before her team comes.
You teasingly flick your tongue on her clit before slowly licking her, fucking her with your tongue. You slip a finger into her while you mouth is on her clit, and added a second finger when she asked for more. You curl two fingers inside her and move them up, while sucking on her clit and look up to watch her cum. She looks so pretty, her face red and her hand over her mouth.
And that’s how you go far in Street Woman Fighter 2.
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nix-rose · 9 months
I almost danced with joy when i saw this, its so cute!! thanks for the tag @once-upon-an-imagine!!!
To celebrate 2023 coming to an end, create a moodboard inspired by your favourite memories of the year and answer any (or all) of the questions below
1. Top 3 songs of 2023 2. Top 3 artists of 2023 3. Top 3 albums of 2023 4. Top 3 movies of 2023 5. Top 3 tv shows of 2023 6. Top 3 books of 2023 7. Top 3 youtubers of 2023 8. Top 3 podcasts of 2023 9. Top 3 videogames of 2023 10. Top 3 celebrity crushes of 2023 11. Top 3 fictional crushes of 2023 12. Top 3 places you visited in 2023 13. Top 3 new things you tried in 2023 14. Top 3 things you were grateful for in 2023 15. Top 3 things you are looking forward to in 2024
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top 3 songs would be: Sex on Fire - kings of leon, ...ready for it? - Taylor Swift, and I think he knows - also Taylor Swift
top 3 artists were: Taylor Swift, Simon Franglen(the avatar 2 soundtrack gets my writing brain turned on-) and Hozier
top 3 albums might be: Speak Now, Reputation, and Unreal Earth
top 3 movies are: Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3, Barbie, and Spider-man Across the Spiderverse
top 3 tv shows would be: Supernatural, Gilmore Girls, and Stranger Things
top 3 books (this is gonna be hard cuz i didnt read much other than fanfics so heres my fav fics) : Prove me Wrong (Billy Hargrove x oc) by @hogwartsandhawkins, Twenty four hours (Eddie Munson x reader) by @ghost-proofbaby and last and definitely not least, She Drives Me Crazy (Steve Harrington x reader) by @upsidedownwithsteve
top youtubers: Brett Cooper, Jordan Howlett and Kall-me-Kris
top podcasts is only one and its called Typology (It's about the enneagram types.)
top video games: (My little cousins got me hooked on this one) Mech Arena and Unravel
top 3 celeb crushes: Jensen Ackles, Ryan Reynolds, Timothy Chalmette.
top 3 fictional crushes: Peter Quill, Dean Winchester, and Billy Hargrove
top 3 places i visited: Sandpoint - Idaho, Central California, Key West - Florida
top 3 new things i tried: Performed my first paid gig, went to a haunted house, dyed my hair purple
top 3 things im grateful for in 2023: My family and friends, my music, my seemingly endless void of opportunities.
top 3 things im looking forward to in 2024 are: Playing music in Nashville, vacationing with my childhood friend for a week, Reputation TV(hopefully)
no pressure tags: @steph-speaks @hogwartsandhawkins @ghost-proofbaby @avgvstlover @theemporium @coffeeandbatboys @xxskycrystalxx @teenwolfmarvel-obsessor and anyone else who would like to join!!
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drxcorelibre · 3 months
Jiyan x reader |Desiderium
: ̗̀➛ From catching his broadblade to catching feelings x
⚠ Genre/warnings: slight nsfw (heated makeout), pinning, gender neutral reader, mentions of sexual intimacy, childhood friends to lovers
✎ Word count: 4,897 words
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ׂׂૢ "Stop," he commanded, his voice low and rough. "Stop trying to take it back. You can't... un-say something like this."
ׂׂૢ "You don't understand," he said, his voice suddenly thick, choked with emotions. "I could never hate you, could never look at you any differently. I..."
ׂׂૢ "Goddamn it," he muttered under his breath. "You don't know what you do to me."
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You and Jiyan duel in a remote area in the central plains. He’s top notch unlike you, but you pay no mind to it. You're more focused on spending as much time with him as possible until you'll both need to return to duty as midnight rangers.
The area is surrounded by tall trees and lush, dense bushes. There is a small clearing in the middle, and that's where you and Jiyan have set up for your dueling sessions. It is mostly untouched ground, a flat and smooth plain that serves as the perfect battle stage.
The commander readies his spear and takes a moment to study you, a look of determination in his eyes. This is a familiar dance between the two of you, yet you can sense that today Jiyan is a bit more intense than usual. Maybe it is because he's recently had a particularly challenging mission. He makes the first move, launching a barrage of attacks with precise and calculated movements. Each blow, though controlled, is done with skill and force. You feel like a mouse caught in a cat's game.
Despite the intensity of Jiyan's assault, you try your best to resist. You dodge and parry his strikes, occasionally landing a counterattack of your own. However, Jiyan shows no signs of tiring. He continues his onslaught with unwavering determination. The speed and skill of his spear are truly remarkable. Every move oozes finesse and experience. It's clear that years of training and countless battles have honed his abilities to this level.
"Your fighting technique has improved." the commander comments, even though you have lost incredibly. He sees a slight injury on your hip, causing himself to frown. He instinctively wrapped some bandages around the area.
"You treat me too harshly all the time."
With a sigh, you rolled your eyes. It's not like you didn't like being a resonator; you just didn't like all the military training, although you enrolled because of Jiyan himself. You have had a crush on him since you were kids, and when you found out he was joining the Rangers, your main goal was to fight alongside Jiyan, spend time with him, and ensure his safety. Unfortunately, the military duty and training eventually exhausted you. It became dull. It was so boring that you lost interest in your training, resulting in minor injuries.
Jiyan finishes bandaging the wound on your arm and gazes at you, his expression stern.
"You're not focused," he states in a voice that's all too familiar to you.
Although he's lecturing you, there's a tinge of care lingering in his eyes. He knows the root of your current apathy, although he doesn't explicitly say it.
"Training might seem monotonous, but it's crucial. If you don't take it seriously, you won't improve."
"I am better than any of your troupes, and you know it! I do not need this crappy training! I am treated as if I am one of your soldiers, even though they are nowhere near my level!" You said, clenching your teeth.
You felt small every time Jiyan lectured you after a fight. You did not want him to compare you to a simple soldier.
Jiyan lets out an exasperated sigh, your words clearly annoying him.
"I thought we had this conversation before," he says, crossing his arms. "It's not just about strength. Skill alone isn't enough in a real battle."
He steps closer to you, his eyes meeting yours with a stern but concerned look.
"And you might be better than some of the soldiers, but you're not better than me," he adds, his ego not allowing him to ignore such a direct challenge.
"You are so arrogant, even though you are correct."
The commander lets out a small, amused scoff, his demeanor softening somewhat.
"It's not arrogance if it's true," he retorts with a slight smirk. "And besides, you're just as stubborn for challenging my authority."
He lets the serious expression return, as he continues.
"You need to focus on your training, not just rely on your strength."
The two of you are making your way back to Jinzhou in silence. Jiyan glances over at you as you walk, his eyes silently assessing your mood.
"You seem more agitated than usual," he comments, breaking the silence. "Are you still upset from our earlier discussion?"
You shook your head in denial. "I have a lot on my mind."
There's a brief pause in the conversation before Jiyan speaks again, his words careful but sincere.
"I won't force you to share anything, but sometimes talking can ease the burden." He glances at you sideways, his eyes meeting yours momentarily. "We've known each other for a long time... You don't have to handle everything on your own."
"I am aware..." You let out a sigh and stopped walking beside Jiyan. "Just... how should I explain this to you?"
Jiyan stops as well, turning to facing you. His head tilts slightly, curiosity piqued by your hesitance.
"Just say it," he encourages, his gaze steady. "Whatever it is, you can be honest with me."
"The real reason I joined the military was so I could spend more time with you and fight alongside you." You made up a lie.
Jiyan's eyes widen slightly at your admission, surprise briefly flashing across his face. He hadn't expected such a declaration from you. He remains silent for a moment, processing your words and the underlying meaning behind them. A soft sigh escapes his lips as he averts his gaze, a hint of a blush rising on his cheeks. It was undeniable that your presence had been a source of comfort and familiarity to him ever since you were kids.
He glances back at you, his expression a mix of embarrassment and warmth. There's a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
"You... joined just to spend time with me?" he asks, his tone a little incredulous. "You could have just said that instead of going through all the trouble with the training and..."
He trails off as realization dawns on him.
"It would not be the same, and you know that!" You groaned, "It would be such a hassle to constantly wait for your return to the city; it is easier to simply be with you every day when duty calls."
A small smile tugs at the corners of Jiyan's lips, his earlier surprise replaced by a mix of affection and appreciation for your reasoning.
"You really are something else," he murmurs, his tone filled with both fondness and mild exasperation. "To go through all that trouble just to be by my side... it's both admirable and ridiculous."
"Well, you know me!" You smirked and gently punched his arm.
Jiyan chuckles softly at the familiarity of the gesture, his hand instinctively rubbing the spot you had just hit.
"Yes, I do," he responds, his smile widening. "You've always been a handful, haven't you?"
He pauses for a moment, his gaze resting on your face, his expression softer.
"But I suppose I wouldn't have it any other way," he adds in a quieter tone.
You blinked at him several times, visibly perplexed by his unexpected softness.
Jiyan notices the perplexed expression on your face and lets out a soft chuckle. He knows he just uttered a rather unexpected statement, especially for him.
As he looks at you, a mixture of embarrassment and sincerity on his face, he clarifies, "I mean... having you by my side, even if you're a handful, is something I've gotten used to."
His cheeks turn slightly pink as he admits this, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes as he gauges your reaction.
"We have been together since we were kids... Not in that way! What I am trying to say is..." You were nervously blurting out words.
Jiyan grins knowingly at your flustered state, enjoying the rare sight of you stumbling uncharacteristically over your words.
He lifts his hand gently to your shoulder, stopping you from further rambling. "I know what you mean."
And he genuinely does. You've been friends, companions, confidants for years, and Jiyan understands the profound bond that has developed.
"I get it," he reassures softly, his gaze now holding an intimate intensity.
"You do?"
Jiyan's hand moves from your shoulder to your chin, tilting it slightly so you're looking directly into his eyes. His gaze is sincere, warm, filled with a familiar yet new intensity.
"I do," he affirms quietly, his voice holding a hint of vulnerability. "Our connection, it runs deeper than mere words can explain, and I... I wouldn't change it for the world."
His fingers lightly brush against your face, a gentle yet intimate gesture.
"Do not say things like that..." You frowned as you met his gaze.
"Why not?" he asked, his tone a mixture of amusement and sincere curiosity. "It's the truth."
He paused, his gaze unwavering as it held yours, before continuing. "I meant what I said. Our bond... it's irreplaceable."
You reddened as you saw him and heard what he said. You had difficulty figuring out whether he was teasing you or did not notice the tone of his voice.
Jiyan's eyes widened slightly as he noticed the flush rising on your cheeks. He hadn't fully realized how his words had come across, or the effect they had on you. But as he felt the warmth under his thumb, and saw how flustered you were, a tinge of understanding washed over him. He held your gaze for a moment, his expression morphing from teasing to genuine affection. He hadn't meant to catch you off guard like this, but there was no denying the truth in his words.
"Let go... will you?"
Jiyan hesitates for a moment, his hand still lingering on your face. He seems reluctant to withdraw his touch, but he complies with your plea.
"Sorry," he apologizes softly, his voice slightly rougher than usual.
The air between you two was filled with a strange tension, the atmosphere charged with unspoken words and feelings. But Jiyan, despite being somewhat flustered, managed to maintain his composure, at least outwardly.
He cleared his throat, an air of aloofness returning. "We should head back," he said, his voice a touch more nonchalant. "It's getting late."
As you both walk in silence, the tension between you is palpable. Jiyan is uncharacteristically quiet, his mind seemingly elsewhere. He glances at you every now and then, his gaze lingering before he quickly averts it again.
Soon, rainfall started to gradually fall. You both searched for cover close by, but both failed. As both of you sprinted through the meadow, numerous thoughts ran through your head.
When will you tell Jiyan the full truth? Were you ever planning on doing it? Is it possible for you both to be together?
Love. Making sense of that emotion was difficult.
The rain intensified as you both failed to find shelter. The droplets quickly soaked through your clothes, making the situation more uncomfortable with every passing second.
Jiyan was in a similar state, his usual collected demeanor now slightly less composed. His hair was slick with rainwater, sticking to his face, and his breath came out in soft uneven puffs.
As you ran, the thoughts swirling through your mind were a chaotic jumble, mirroring the turmoil of the storm around you. Love, truth, and the uncertain future were all tangled up in your heart.
You both finally came to a stop under a large tree, its broad branches providing some modicum of comfort and protection from the pouring rain.
Jiyan leaned against the tree, breathless from the dash and the sudden downpour.
He ran a hand through his wet hair, pushing it back from his face, his gaze finding yours. In the dim light, his eyes held a mixture of exhaustion, confusion, and a hint of something else.
The rain continued to fall around you both, the rhythmic sound of droplets against the tree providing an oddly intimate background. The space under the tree seemed even more isolated as the world beyond became a blur of rain and twilight.
Jiyan's glance wandered over your soaked form, taking in the clinging fabric against your skin, your hair damp and tousled. He looked like he wanted to say something, but the words seemed stuck in his throat.
The silence between you both was heavy, the air charged with unspoken thoughts. Jiyan's gaze kept darting to your face, as if searching for something, anything to say.
Yet the words eluded him, the torrential rain mirroring the chaos in his own mind. The situation, the closeness combined with the rain, it was a potent mix, stirring up emotions he perhaps wasn’t ready to confront.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of silent glances and the constant drumming of rain, Jiyan found his voice.
"This rain..." he started, his voice more of a murmur than anything else, "it's quite something, hm?"
His attempt at casual conversation was half-hearted, a poor cover for the palpable tension between the two of you.
"What are you on about?" You frowned at him, visibility confused by his idiotic comment.
Jiyan let out a soft sigh at your blunt reply, his eyes meeting yours in the dim light.
"Small talk," he deadpanned. "I'm making small talk because the silence is deafening."
He shifted his weight against the tree, his gaze remaining fixed on you. His usual cool demeanor was beginning to crack under the mounting tension and the close proximity.
Jiyan's gaze had unintentionally lingered on your body, the wet clothes clinging to your figure in a way that left little to the imagination. But the moment he realized what he was doing, he quickly looked away, a hint of embarrassment on his face.
"I... uh... didn't mean..." he mumbled, his voice trailed off as he searched for the right words to salvage the situation.
"My eyes are up here, you know?" You said, covering yourself as much as you could with your arms and knees against your chest.
Jiyan's face flushed at your comment, and he glanced back at you, his eyes meeting yours.
He knew he was caught red-handed, but he had hoped you hadn't noticed the brief lapse in judgment.
"Right... sorry. It's the rain. Your clothes..." he trailed off again, the sight of you, now trying to cover yourself more, making it difficult for him to form coherent sentences.
"What the hell do I say to that?"
He paused, realizing he was making the situation worse with every word. He closed his eyes and steadied himself with a deep breath.
"I swear I'm not usually like this," he said quietly, his voice holding a mixture of apology and frustration.
Jiyan watched as you settled into a more comfortable position, your head resting on your knees, your eyes fixed on the falling raindrops. The sound of the rain was a soothing background, creating a moment of serenity despite the chaotic situation.
He remained silent, his own gaze shifting between you and the rain, his mind caught in a tangle of thoughts and emotions. He wanted to say something, to break the silence, but the words eluded him once more.
"Do you ever think about me?"
Jiyan's attention snapped back to you, his eyes widening slightly at your blunt question. The question hung in the air between you both, its weight settling in Jiyan's chest.
He took a moment to collect himself, his gaze never leaving your face. "Of course I do," he admitted quietly. "All the time..."
He paused, his voice dropping to a murmur, "More than I probably should."
You slowly turned your head towards him, "R-Really...?"
Jiyan met your gaze, the honesty in his words reflected in his eyes. "Yes, really," he affirmed, his voice low and quiet.
He held your gaze, his expression open and vulnerable. It was as if the rain and the isolated quiet of the clearing had stripped away his usual aloofness, leaving only raw honesty.
"I think about you more than I care to admit," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.
The air between you was thick with tension, the rain providing a backdrop to the quiet confessions.
Jiyan swallowed, his throat dry, as he continued, "It's hard not to when you're so... everything. You're just... there, in a way I can't shake."
He stopped, his eyes searching yours for any sign of understanding or response, the words he was speaking surprising even him.
"Jiyan..." You closed your eyes and turned your head back to face the front. It was your time to pour the truth out in the open now.
"I did not join the military because I wanted to spend more time with you, or because I enjoyed the adrenaline." I went on, "I did it because I liked you, and I still do."
Jiyan felt his heart skip a beat at your confession, your words echoing loudly in the quiet space between you.
He hadn't expected such honesty, such a direct admission of feelings. His mind reeled as he tried to process your words, his jaw tightening as he struggled to find the right response.
"You... what?" he managed to get out, his voice betraying his surprise.
"You heard me..." You replied, your own voice cracking from nervousness. Your palms were sweating and your head was lightly spinning. You did it. You confessed.
Jiyan pushed himself away from the tree, moving a few steps closer to you, the distance between you feeling like an insurmountable chasm in his current state.
"You're serious?" he asked, his voice cracking slightly. He needed to hear it again, needed to confirm that this wasn't just a product of his imagination, his deepest wish playing out in his mind.
Jiyan's gaze never wavered as he stood over you, forcing you to meet his eyes. The close proximity, combined with the intense intensity of his stare, made the air feel even more charged.
"Say it again," he urged, his voice rough around the edges.
Jiyan's eyes narrowed slightly, his patience slowly wearing thin. "Don't play coy now," he said, his voice strained. "You know what I'm asking."
He took another step closer, towering over you, his gaze firm. "Say it. Say you like me. Again."
You stood up and said, shyly, "I like you." You were now more aware of what you had admitted just a minute before.
No matter how many times Jiyan repeated those words, they still held the same power, the same weight. But hearing them directly, from you - it was different, it was real.
He swallowed, his hands clenching and unclenching subconsciously at his side. He wanted to reach out, to close the distance between you, but he held back, his heart still struggling to process this new information.
"How long?" he asked, his voice quiet, almost breathless.
"Does it matter? Its not like its useful information-"
"It matters to me, damn it," he retorted, his voice a low growl. "You drop a bomb like this on me and expect me not to care how long you've felt this way?"
Jiyan's eyes darkened at your blunt response. It mattered to him. The length of your feelings, the depth of your confession - all of it mattered.
You tightened your fists and turned away from him. "Been... a while..." You began, but then added, "Since... well, forever."
He drew in a sharp breath, the single word reverberating through his mind. He hadn't realized, hadn't even considered the possibility that your feelings could run so deep, so long.
He reached out, his hand gently gripping your shoulder, trying to turn you back to face him. "Look at me," he said, his voice hoarse.
"Look, I am sorry; I shouldn't have said anything! I probably made things too awkward between us right now, and you hate me! You will never look at me again, and you will replace my military position with someone else-" you were nervously blurting out words and avoiding his gaze.
Jiyan listened to your nervous, incoherent rambling, his heart constricting more with each word. You were panicked, trying to backtrack, to retract your confession.
He gripped your shoulder harder, forcing you to turn to him. The intensity in his eyes was almost fierce, his expression one of pure determination.
"Stop," he commanded, his voice low and rough. "Stop trying to take it back. You can't... un-say something like this."
His grip on your shoulder loosened, but his hands remained on you, silently anchoring you in place. His eyes roamed over your face, absorbing the sight of you, your eyes avoiding his.
"You don't understand," he said, his voice suddenly thick, choked with emotions. "I could never hate you, could never look at you any differently. I..."
His words trailed off, his throat tightening as he grappled with expressing the tangle of feelings in his chest.
He drew in a shaky breath, his thumbs gently massaging your shoulders in an unconscious gesture of comfort.
"Goddamn it," he muttered under his breath. "You don't know what you do to me."
The moment the words left his lips, his control snapped.
Jiyan's hands moved up from your shoulders to cradle your face, his fingers threading into your damp hair. His eyes burned with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat, and then he was kissing you.
It was a rough, impatient kiss, his frustration and pent-up emotions poured into the contact. He pulled you closer, his body pressed against yours, his touch desperate and possessive
The kiss deepened, his tongue seeking entry to your mouth, a silent plea for more, for everything. His hands wandered, one moving down to the small of your back, pulling you closer, the other moving down to grip your hip, holding you in place, as if afraid you'd slip away.
His lips left yours, trailing a path of kisses down to your neck, his breath hot against your skin. He inhaled deeply, his nose burying into the crook of your shoulder, his senses filled with the scent of you, the feel of you under his touch.
He pressed you back into the tree, pinning you between the hard surface and his body. His kisses became more frantic, his teeth nipping at your skin, his hands roaming over your damp clothes, as if he couldn't get enough, as if he was trying to brand you, to make you his.
His mouth found yours again, his kiss fiercer, more relentless. He pressed himself fully against you, the hard planes of his body molding against you, his thigh finding its way between your legs, creating an intimate friction that made you gasp into his mouth.
The rain continued to fall around you, the sound a distant background to the chaotic beating of your hearts. Jiyan's kisses were becoming more demanding, his body pressed against yours, his touch possessive.
He moved his mouth to your ear, his voice low and rough. "You... drive me crazy," he whispered, his words punctuated with breathless kisses along your jawline.
"W-wait Jiyan..." You were melting into his touch.
Jiyan seemed to hear your words, recognizing the plea for a pause in your voice, though he was reluctant to release you.
His lips left your earlobe, and he pulled back just enough to meet your eyes. The heat in his gaze hadn't abated, but there was a hint of uncertainty now, a question in his eyes.
"What is it?" His voice was gruff, his chest heaving against yours as he forced himself to slow down, to give you space to speak.
"You..." You were out of breath and energy to coherent a sentence. Your head was dizzy from the situation.
His head dropped to your shoulder, his forehead resting against the skin of your neck, his body practically slumped against yours.
He was fighting to control his breathing, to slow the racing of his heart. His hands still gripped your hips, thumbs rubbing into the flesh of your waist, a reflexive need to keep you close.
"I know," he murmured, his voice muffled against your skin. "I know, I know."
His eyes flickered over your face, tracing the features he knew so well, yet somehow seemed completely new at this moment.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his hands loosening their grip on your hips, shifting to a lighter touch, as he struggled to find his composure. "I didn't mean to be so... rough."
"In combat, in... kissing.." you added teasingly.
Jiyan chuckled, a self-deprecating sound, at your words.
"Old habits," he admitted, his thumb brushing over your hip bone in a tender gesture. "In combat, I'm all instinct. With you..."
He paused, his eyes lowering to where his thumb was tracing small circles on your skin. "With you, it's hard to hold back."
"Good to know." You gave him a blunt response.
His gaze snapped back up at your response, his eyes narrowing, a hint of a challenge in their depths.
"Careful," he warned, his voice dropping an octave. "You shouldn't tempt me like that."
Eventually you looked down at the ground, clearing your throat. "Jiyan... what are we? What were we all this time?"
Jiyan's gaze followed yours, his eyes also falling to the rain-splattered ground. The question you've asked lingered, heavy between you.
"I... don't know."
His voice held a hint of uncertainty, a hint of the confusion that swirled in his mind.
"We were friends. We were comrades." He listed them off, each title feeling too simple, too lacking.
"I... care about you, obviously." He continued, lifting his gaze back to your face.
"Obviously." You interrupted with a hint of sarcasm in your tone.
A small, rueful smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
"Yes, obviously," he echoed, shaking his head slightly as if to clear it.
He let out a huff, his hands dropping from your hips to his sides. "It's more than that, though," he said, his eyes searching yours, as if looking for understanding or validation.
"We have a... connection. A bond, deeper than just friendship." He paused, his brow furrowing as he tried to find the right words. "We trust each other. We... care about each other's well-being. We've been through a war together."
His words trailed off, his eyes still holding your gaze.
"We... make a good team," his voice was softer now, almost vulnerable.
His eyes held a mixture of emotions - uncertainty, vulnerability, affection. He was laying bare his thoughts, his feelings, to you, silently hoping you understood what he was trying to say.
"This cannot be the final conclusion after you just kissed me until i almost dropped." You crossed your arms in disbelief.
Jiyan couldn't help the small, wry smile that tugged at his lips at your unexpected response.
"No, it isn't," he agreed, his eyes still holding yours. "It isn't the only conclusion."
He took a step closer to you, closing the small distance he'd created when he let go of your hips. His hands reached out and gently took yours, his thumbs running over your knuckles.
"There are... other possibilities," he continued, lifting your hands to the level of his face, his gaze lingering on them for a moment.
His fingers traced the contours of your fingers, mapping the lines and curves as if committing them to memory. Then, he brought them to his lips, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to your knuckles.
"Possibilities that involve... more kissing," he said, his voice low, the smile still clinging to his mouth.
His eyes flicked up to yours, watching your reaction to his words, a hint of the raw desire he'd displayed earlier returning to his gaze.
You nervously chuckled as a blush spread on your cheeks. You never met a flirty Jiyan before - the one you definitely don't find unpleasant, but rather amusing instead.
A genuine smile spread across Jiyan's face at the sound of your chuckle. It was a sound he didn't hear often enough from you, and he relished it, treasuring the moments when you let your guard down.
"You should laugh more often," he commented, his smile still fixed in place. "It suits you."
He moved closer, his body almost pressed against yours again. One of his hands moved to your face, his fingers tracing the line of your chin, his touch surprisingly gentle in comparison to the intensity of his earlier actions.
"Smile more, laugh more," he murmured, his tone shifting to a soft, tender one. His fingers continued their path down your chin, his touch light and caressing. "And maybe... kiss me more too."
You smiled, throwing your hands around his neck.
A low, rough sound escaped from his lips, half-laughter, half-desire, as you clung to him. He buried his face into the crook of your shoulder again, inhaling your scent, now mixed with the rain and the faint tinge of sweat.
The ambiguity of your relationship, your friendship and comradeship - it all seemed to fall into place, the lines between them blurred and indistinct.
Jiyan held you close, his grip tightening around your waist. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder, another to your neck, his lips trailing a path to your jaw.
As you clung to each other in the rain, the world around you seemed to fade, the only tangible realities being the heat of each other's bodies and the pounding of your hearts.
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First post woohoo !
@drxcorelibre - do not steal, plagiarise or repost my posts on any other social media. This is my only fanfiction account.
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klarex · 3 years
I swear I going to do a part 2 of that, beacause that is to good to not continue that!
If you are a Dance Central fan I LOVE YOU!❤
Genre: fluuuuuff
Warnings: DANCE CENTRAL VR SPOILERS! And too much cutness
Summary: After beating Dr. Tan, you and girls decided to do a sleepover and play Truth or Dare. You kinda know what happened next.
Paring: VR! Mo x reader
After we won
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Pov. Y/n
Ahh~ WE BEATED DR. TAN WOAH!! I don't know how, but somehow it worked. I danced the song "HUMBLE." with Mo. And we did great! People all around were praising and applausing. When everyone was gone and the whole crew gone to their ways, I decided to go to the bathroom.
When I got my business done, I decided to write to the girls if they want to meet up now. Of course they agreed and we decided to meet in the V.I.P.
I walked into the room and saw Aubrey sitting on the sofa, talking to some girl. Not wanting to disturb them, I looked around the room and noticed Hart and Emilia were walking towards me as they talked. They hugged me tightly.
- You know, you totally swept that dance with Mo today!
Emilia said or maybe even yelled, releasing me from her hands. Some people looked at us, but quickly lost interest.
- Yeah. It was amazing.
Hart added.
- Heh.. thanks.
We sat on the couch next to Aubrey and started talking.
- Oh! I had the best idea of ​​the day!
Emilia said/shouted, and we all looked at her with interest.
- What do you think about making a sleepover with the rest of the crew?!
Emi asked happily.
- It's cool for me.
I said with a smile. The rest agreed as well, and we started planning what we could do there. Each of us had different suggestions, but of course one had to come up with the idea of ​​playing the truth or dare, and who? Well, I wouldn't have expected that.
- But we have to play truth or dare, right?
Aubrey asked with a smirk as she looked at me. Oh no... she knows... THEY ALL KNOW!! After all, I told them about my crush on Mo! I'm done! I blushed and tried to avoid the eye contact with girls and they just laughed at it.
- It's cool for me.
Hart said.
- Me too.
Emilia added.
- U- uhum... too.
I added last, slightly unsure.
- Oh don't be afraid Y/n, it'll be fun..
Hart said and patted me on the back, at which I nodded. We talked for a littte longer until finally each of us decided to go our own way.
Stupid rain! Why exactly did it have to start pouring when I'm outside?!
I knocked on the door. I was soaking wet, because of course I hadn't taken my umbrella.
- How long do I have to wait...?!
I muttered under my breath while I waited. Suddenly Emilia opened the door and laughed.
- Ha-ha very funny...
I growled at the girl who let me in.
- Wait here. I'll get the towel.
She said and hurriedly headed upstairs. I took off my shoes and put my bag with things down until I heard someone laugh. Aubrey, Mo and Oblio sat on the couch with the TV on, and laughed at me. I blushed slightly and sighed.
- I'm back!
I saw Emilia, who was running towards me with a towel.
- Thanks... I'll take a shower quickly to get myself warm.
I took a towel from her and took my things to the bathroom.
When I washed myself, I put on a oniesie/pajamas that looked like [favorite animal], I let my hair down and put on some moisturizing lipstick. I returned to the living room, everyone was waiting and playing UNO.
- Ha! And I won again!
Emilia shouted and did a mini victory dance.
- I can't believe it! For the third time in a row! You cheater!
Aubrey shouted.
- I'm not cheating! I'm just better!
Emi added at which Aubrey growled, and I laughed a little. Suddenly they all turned their attention to me.
- You guys will get that pj too, don't be afraid of that!
Emilia said and laughed. Everyone is back in the game except for Mo, who was still looking at me.
- Do you want a photo?
I asked Mo, laughing.
- I mean... I... umm...
- Easy... That was a joke.
I sat down in a circle next to Aubrey and Hart.
- What can we do now, because I am already a little bored with UNO?
Hart asked.
- Hmm...
After a while we decided to play truth or dare. We gave ourselves some stupid challenges, eg. Oblio had to call his father and say he was gay his reaction was priceless, Aubrey had to curse at least twice in each sentence, and Hart had to pretend to be one of the people in the room in a comic style. The questions/truths were rather strange and straightforward, as no one had ideas for them anymore. Surprisingly, I was selected a few times and I rather chose truths, but this time I took dare.
- Okay, Y/n and I have the perfect dare for you...
Aubrey said with a smirk.
Oh no! I knew it would end this way!
- Heh.. O- or maybe the truth..?
I asked, flustrated.
- No no! The first word counts!
Emilia said, and I gulped.
- Okay, so Y/n... Sit on Mo's lap and kiss him lovingly!
Aubrey said, and both my face and Mo's turned into beetroots. I crawled over to Mo without the strength to get up and sat on his lap, my hands behind his head. His face was getting redder and redder.
- I love you, Mo...
I whispered in his ear and kissed him. Mo was surprised, but after a while he relaxed, grabbed my waist and kissed me back. The kiss was emotional and very sensitive. After a while we broke apart and looked into each other's eyes with love. The rest applauded and whistled.
- If not me, they would never know!
Aubrey said proud of herself.
- Well, I must admit that was a success.
I agreed and laughed.
- So, can I take this photo then...?
Mo asked and I burst out laughing.
- Yeah yeah, but later...
We played a little longer and I was still sitting on Mo's lap. When we finished the game, we all went to prepare before night. Everyone went to the bathroom in turn, and those who were waiting or already got themselves ready, were watching a movie. We didn't lie with these pajamas, everyone got theirs with their favorite pet. I started laughing like crazy with Emi when we saw boys in these pajamas. We literally choked with laughter, laying on the floor.
- Ha-ha very funny princess, but now get up...
Mo said to me, and I immediately stopped laughing and blushed. Mo chuckled and tossed me over his shoulder.
I shouted and tried to get out of his embrace, but it was for nothing. He just shook his head no and went to the room where we were supposed to sleep. He threw me on the bed pinning me with his hands.
- Well, now you will pay for this...
- Aww... my sweet little puppy wants a kiss..?
He blushed slightly at my words and looked away. He was wearing a brown dog oniesie. He let me go a little and I caught his face in my hands and gave him lots of kisses on his face.
- Thats- already- enough, Y/n!
He tried to say something in between his laughter. I took a chance of it and turned us around so that I was on top of him now. I gave him one last kiss on the lips and Mo smiled into it. After a while we broke apart from each other and started laughing. Suddenly we heard a knock on the door.
- Come in!
I said and Emilia stepped inside.
- Hope there weren't any "things" here?
Emi asked and began to wiggle her eyebrows.
- No! Are you stupid?! At bestie's house and the sleepover where there are 4 people who can saw you like that at any moment?! You okey?!
I laughed with Emilia.
- Anyway, I came to tell you that we have just started watching a horror movie, so if you want to join, feel free to come.
She said with a smile and left.
- So are we going?
I asked Mo with a smile, to which he nodded.
- I'll just cuddle to you when there will be a scary moments.
I said and kissed his jaw as he chuckled.
- Okay, princess..
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neo-shitty · 3 years
lurk — j.jh
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prompt. “last thing that we should do is go slow.” — lurk, the neighbourhood
pairings. jung jaehyun x female reader
genre. smut, pwp, fwb!au (minors please do not interact)
warnings. *clears throat* jealous soft dom!jaehyun x brat-ish reader, making out, dirty talk, breast/nipple play, fingering, hair-pulling, public sex, clothed sex, praise kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, the world is overpopulated), aftercare :)
word count. 4.3k
notes. the amount of feedback the teaser for this received really knocked the wind out of my lungs. thank you! 
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Often you wondered how you were never worried that the decisions you made landed you in more bad situations than good ones. You had an addiction to the thrills in life; an irresistible urge to dance with danger and when it came waltzing into your life in the form of Jung Jaehyun, you knew you didn’t have it in you to say no.
What little control you had over your impulses was snagged away from your loose crutch. Suddenly, you were controllable, in the vaguest sense possible. Jaehyun knew which strings to pull to trigger you, merely preying on your tunnel-vision for risk to have you do things in his bidding.
The change was unnoticeable and when the realization hit, you were already in too deep and it was far too late. Your false sense of control was forged upon a series of traps laid out by him, revolving around an external central point. You knew just as much as he did that you were wrapped around his finger — a lot more than you wanted to admit.  
Maybe your lack of resistance for the boy would lead to your inevitable demise someday, and maybe that day was closer than you thought. A million maybes crossed your mind when you brushed paths with him, about enough to make you wonder if there was ever any certainty whenever it came to Jaehyun.
It was how the escapades started; luring you in with the idea of being caught red-handed and you taking the bait every single time. Today wasn’t any different than the other times.
There was no better way to satiate your thirst than having it tied with risk and Jaehyun knew that better than anyone else. The deal you struck together was built on mutual desire and equal benefit, easy. Except he always chose the worst possible times.
Today, you were seated with your friends by the bleachers one second, cheering on your schoolmates as they played the field against the students from Busan, and in the next you weren’t. You had an iron grip on your arm, whisking you away from your place on the stands back into the direction of the main building. The hallways of the Institute were empty as they always were when you crossed them with Jaehyun, but they were more quiet today. Everyone was at the field, witnessing the game that would culminate this year’s Goodwill games between the two sister schools. 
“We’re missing the games, Jaehyun.”
Your voice echoed as you both slipped into the familiar enclosure of the third floor comfort room, shutting the heavy wooden door behind you. The school never bothered renovating much; so long as things were functional there was no need to have them replaced. The tiled walls screamed age, the marble surface lacking the luster it once had years ago. The mirror was littered with rust stains that looked like blood stains if you didn’t know better, irremovable, annoying. Stupid stingy admins, you thought, always spending money on the wrong things. It made you think of the many generations of sorcerers that graced the very same halls you perused now. And you wondered just how much filth these walls have been witness to since then.
It was quiet here, two floors up and away from all the festivities. You could hear someone commentating the game through the speakers but their voice was faint, blocked by the layers of walls between the open field. 
Jaehyun guides you into an empty stall, following you in after he’d made sure that no one else was around. He slips the lock shut behind him and only then does he pay attention to you. 
You caught him off guard. A quick levelled shove sent him backward, stumbling until his back hit the stall door with a heavy thud. The hinges creaked under his weight but the lock engaged and the door remained shut; the only one of all 8 stalls that didn’t swing open under pressure. You both learned that the hard way.
“What happened to staying quiet?” Jaehyun asked, staring down at you. Even with him pinned to the door, he was oozing with dominance and towering a few inches above you. When you looked up, you wanted nothing more than to wipe the stupid smirk off his face. 
But inside the stall, you were nothing but prey playing predator only because the latter let you. He was only cornered because he allowed it — because he was amused by it. You could see it in the glint behind his eyes. It wouldn’t take much for him to turn the tables around and you knew it.
Jaehyun was patient most of the time, but never during times like this. He leans down, capturing your lips before you could say anything — needy, hungry. It made the pit of your stomach come to life, a kaleidoscope of butterflies fluttering about and tickling your insides. 
His hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer as you hooked your arms behind his neck. He pressed down on you harder in an attempt to deepen the kiss and you swear you taste your own blood on your tongue, chapped lips torn by the intensity.
You broke away to catch your breath. “You couldn’t have picked a better time to drag me here.” 
“Why?” Jaehyun cocked an eyebrow. “Did I interrupt you and your perfect little friends?”
The change in his tone goes unnoticed, clouded by your eagerness to feel his lips on yours again. You catch a quiff of the muskiness of his cologne, inhaling the mix of mint and smoke embedded on his skin. Jaehyun was intoxicating, the very embodiment of everything you were warned to stay away from. But you were never one to abide by their rules anyway. If they ever wanted you to steer clear of the boy, they should’ve told you to stay close to him instead and you’d probably end up doing the opposite just to spite them. 
The administration folk were old, close to dying at best, but to see they were wiser just because of age would be an overstatement. Their judgments have never modified with the twisting tides of time. The tactics to sneak around them and their laws have existed for generations, either they were oblivious or being ignorant. But it was loopholes in the system that allowed for moments like these. If you were caught red-handed, what rules could they punish you from?
Then you remembered. The thought came crashing into your mind, enough to knock you out of your daze. You pushed yourself away from Jaehyun, gasping. “The cameras outside. They’d see us coming in.”
Jaehyun held your gaze but didn’t mirror your worry. “You’re worried about that? How cute. What happened to my fearless little girl?” A deep warm chuckle escaped his lips before he pressed a light kiss on your nose. He ran a hand down your spine, resting on the small of your back as he gently pulled you closer to him while the other trailed down your frame, tugging on the pleats of your skirt. 
You felt his breath fan your ear.  “Know someone else who’ll be coming today?”
He watched your pupil dilate when he gripped your ass, massaging it until you were pressed flush against him. Your eyes went frantic for a moment, staring everywhere else just to avoid the heaviness of his gaze. His fingers traced circles on your skin, spreading tingles rippling across your skin as he moved to your thigh. 
Your thighs close on impulse, but Jaehyun had his leg slotted between — keeping yours apart for his hand to explore. He pressed his palm against your clothed heat, the moment of contact eliciting a pathetic whimper from you. There was little to no pressure in his touch; he was merely running his hand over the fabric, ignoring the stain and the throbbing that ensued beneath.
“Jaehyun,” you breathed, arousal pooling with every brush of his finger. 
“What’s with you denying me in front of your friends? Does getting involved with me ruin your reputation so much?” His voice was serious, pulling you out of your stall-sized utopia. 
You gave him a glance as you shook your head, “No, it’s just—”
“Just what?” He asked and your mind reeled to come up with a coherent answer. “You think that blonde’s better than I am?”
His words hung in the air, allowing you a moment to piece one detail with another. You remembered your proximity with Johnny earlier, the stubborn blonde who loved orbiting around you — mainly to brag about his riches you didn’t give a fuck about. There was nothing going on between you and him. Not in your eyes, anyway. 
Jaehyun was stoic, narrow eyes fixated as you came up with an answer. Jealousy, you wanted to assume. But when had he ever thought of you beyond a play thing he could use when he felt like it. As far as you knew, you were free for all. 
Your fear receded, replaced with an urge to spite him.
“What if he is?” you replied, a smirk tugging at your lips as you looked up to him.
If Jaehyun was hurt by it, he didn’t show it. He retracted his hand, the sudden loss of contact leaving you yearning for more. “Why don’t you go tell Johnny to get the job done?”
It took you a moment to recover when he pushed you off him. You stumble backward, the back of your legs hitting the edge of the toilet. 
“Relax, I was kidding.” You said teasingly, grabbing hold of his arm before he could reach for the door’s latch. 
He swatted your hand away with ease. “Sure you were.”
You sighed, exasperated. “Jaehyun.”
But you were cut off when his hand cupped your mouth, muffling your voice. You staggered backwards, your back hitting the tiled wall of the bathroom stall. You thank the school for making their stall separators cemented walls instead of the regular ones you saw in public establishments. You were small in comparison to Jaehyun; your position put you in place. His eyes were elsewhere, staring at the top of the cubicle as if something was going to jump out any moment now.
Then you heard the voices. They weren’t coming from inside the women's comfort room but from the other side of the wall — from the men’s comfort room. You sighed, in relief this time, but Jaehyun kept his hand over your mouth. If their voices could be heard from here, then they could very much hear you from there if you spoke loud enough. Even with the knowledge of them being further away than you expected, you could still hear your heart pounding in your ear. It was the thrill you always came for, the excitement riling you up further than you already were. 
The boys didn’t take long, their voices eventually fading into the distance as they left. 
You grabbed Jaehyun’s arm, lifting his hand off your face and snagging his attention back in the process. You took hold of his hand, guiding it to your chest — giving your own breast a squeeze through his palm. “Have I ever mentioned that you’re 10 times hotter when you’re jealous?”
Jaehyun stared at you for a moment, scoffing when the realization kicked in. He fell right into the trap you put up. “Was that your goal all along?” He asked, but he never gave you the opportunity to reply.
His lips crashed into yours, relentless in his assault. His hands weaved through the buttons of your uniform, undoing them as he went, until he had access to the skin beneath. The contact made your whole body heat up, your folds drenched and your underwear moist. 
He took the moment to grope your breast, kneading it in his hand before pinching your nipple between two fingers. You squirmed, the sensitivity sending a jolt through your system, and it sent you moaning into the kiss. He slipped his tongue into your opened mouth, lapping against your own tongue as he explored every crevice of your tongue. He left your top unbuttoned, flaps of your uniform open to give him a view to die for.
Jaehyun left your lips to trail kisses down your jaw, nibbling and sucking on the places he’d been, until he settled on your neck. His hands trailed their way down again, hiking up your skirt as they did earlier. He slipped a hand between your thighs, rubbing you through the thin fabric. Your arousal leaks, minutes of pent up teasing becoming too hard to bear.
He pulled your underwear aside, a string of your arousal clinging to the inner cloth. Putting some distance between the both of you, he pulled away from your neck. You were too lost to notice — or if you did, you chose not to show it. Your jaw goes slack and you breathed out a moan as his fingers swiped your folds, brushing the sensitive bundle of nerves as he went. He could feel you quivering, legs shaking as he rubbed slow circles against it.
“You like seeing me jealous this much?” Jaehyun teased, but you were too lost in pleasure to utter a coherent answer so you settled for a nod. “Is that so?”
He pushed a finger in, the sting of the intrusion making you wince. Your walls sucked it in, tight as you always had been, until his finger was buried to the hilt. He slowly pulled it back, dragging along your walls and sending jolts pulsating through your system. Your mouth hung open, eyes shut, breathing sporadic. He slotted another finger in, planting kisses on your forehead as he scissored them inside you. 
Your breathing hitched as he stretched you out but the pain was overcome with pleasure. Every time he buried his fingers in, you urged him to go deeper. Jaehyun’s habit of slowly pulling out to thrust back in was maddening but you never asked him to stop. He picked up the pace; fingers thrusting faster and soaked with your arousal, the squelching sound bouncing off the walls of the stall.
“Jaehyun, please,” you whispered, catching his eye when he pulled away from peppering you with kisses.
Through the blur of your eyesight, you thought he was nodding. 
Jaehyun smiled, you could make out that much. “Look at you begging like you deserve it.” His words made your face burn with embarrassment. You felt more pathetic than you looked. “Do you deserve it?”
You didn’t answer, but your lips were parted solely to level your breathing. 
“Words, baby,” Jaehyun demanded, slowly pulling his fingers out of you..
You reached up to grab his arm, grip tightening as rubbed circles on your nerves. “No,” you croaked, “No, I don’t but—”
“But what?”
When your eyes fluttered open, he was staring down at you — eyes clouded with lust beneath his hooded eyelids. “Please,” you pleaded. “I need you.”
It was almost impossible for him to resist smiling. No matter how many times he witnessed you in a state that was seemingly exclusive to him, he never got used to it. You, someone the higher ups feared to be uncontrollable, folding under his influence. 
Jaehyun drew his hand back, the lack of contact once again eliciting a reaction from you. He tilted his head, “Turn around and bend over.”
You followed. He undid his belt, tugging his zipper down along with his boxers. He was riled up alright, he wondered how he’d managed to keep it in for so long; even having it in him to ‘walk away’ when he clearly had a growing problem in his pants. Substance leaked out of the slit, coating the mushroom tip in a crown of white. 
You were already bent over, the pleats of your skirt resting on your back giving him a clear view of your ass and glistening folds. He swiped his fingers through your folds again, tucking your underwear to the side while his other hand stroked his shaft. 
He brushed you with his tip, dipping into your hole only to pull back out coat himself with the arousal between your folds.
“For the love of God, can you get on wi—”
You never got to finish your sentence as he pushed himself in, the rest of your words were lost to a moan. A groan rumbled up his throat, the tightness familiar but still overwhelming. You fell quiet as he buried himself in, mouth hanging open and breathless.
“You were saying?” Jaehyun asked between breaths. You didn’t answer, too busy adjusting to his girth. 
Your heartbeat hammered in your ear, pounding long before Jaehyun did. The intrusion wasn’t new, but it still took you a while to get used to the stretch. Jaehyun slowly pushed himself in, the entirety of his shaft splitting you in half. He thrusted, surging you forward as he buried himself as deep as he could. It knocked the air out of your lungs, you could feel the lightheadedness settling in.
Then he pulled out without warning, slowly as he always did. Your walls tightened with his retreat, only to be torn back open when he thrusted back in. He dragged it out just as long as he did with his fingers, easing you onto his cock before kicking it up a notch. His hands were on your waist, massaging your sides to comfort you but also using it as leverage when thrusting back into you. 
The thrusts racked through your system but it did nothing to bring you closer to your release — it still felt far away, still out of reach. And you were getting impatient.
“Any plans to go faster?” you asked and it sounded hilarious coming from someone who was already breathless.
“Not really,” Jaehyun answered and you looked back at him, glaring.
But before you could rebut with a snarky response, he thrusted back into you, knocking your own breath out of you. He started picking up the pace, making you hiss as he brushed against your walls. Teeth gritted, nearly breathless — the lack of oxygen in your system was only adding up to the build up. Finally, you could feel your release drawing closer with every thrust, with every bead of sweat that trickled down the side of your face. 
Jaehyun's fingers tangled into your hair, tugging your head and arching your back in an angle that allowed him to reach new depths.
“Fuck, Jaehyun,” you said through gritted teeth.
You were too lost in your chase for your orgasm that you were late to hear the footsteps echoing down the hall leading to the comfort room. The hard wooden door swung open, creaking loud enough to snap you out of your haze. You stilled, frozen until Jaehyun pulled you up. 
You stood in silence, back pressed against Jaehyun’s chest, as the sound of footsteps reverberated across the room. You could feel him throbbing inside you, in sync with the pulsing of your heartbeat. His hand clasped over your mouth again as other voices spoke over each other outside the walls. You could only pray they didn’t hear anything before they came in. Upon eavesdropping on their conversation, they didn’t seem to be bothered by anything. They went on and talked about the results of the quarters, giggling and laughing as they paced, oblivious of what had been ensuing before they came.
Behind you, Jaehyun shifted, pulling out before slowly thrusting back in. You turned your head, looking him dead in the eye — only to stare back into eyes that showed no fear, clouded by lust and glinting with the risk that came with it. Your breath hitched with every push, a tear occasionally dripping down your face as you bit back the urge to moan out loud. You clung onto the arm that kept you quiet; one hand digging nails into his flesh as he thrusted, the other resting on top of his hand as if two hands muffling your mouth would stop them from hearing your moans.
A knock on the door made you freeze, even Jaehyun. It was light, barely audible through the volume of your own heartbeat in your ear. The person on the other side tried the door, tugging on the handle but the door remained closed. 
You tugged down on Jaehyun’s hand, glancing at him to trust you. You mustered the most normal voice you could, as normal as someone with a cock buried deep within her could manage anyway.
“Stall’s occupied,” you said, thanking the heavens that your voice didn’t crack nor quiver under pressure.
You heard the other person back away. “Oh shit, sorry! Told you it was occupied. Come on, hold the door closed for me.”
They left you alone after but they didn’t leave as soon as the boys did earlier. Every second they spent there was agonizing for you. Your long dragged out release was making your head woozy, the occasional pulsing from Jaehyun didn’t help your case either. The only sound from the both of you was the heaviness of your own breaths, easily drowned out by the chatter outside the stall. Jaehyun pressed lazy kisses on your face and neck, feeling you tremble against him — eager for him to move faster but terrified of letting a moan out. 
It felt like forever passed before the voices started filling out one by one. You could hear them bidding goodbyes at each other, the room quieting as they left. If you weren’t mistaken, you even heard one shut the door behind them. Finally, silence again. 
Jaehyun loosened his grip on you, leaning forward to press a kiss against your lips. “Good girl,” he cooed. “Where were we?”
He pulled out of you, turning you around so you were facing him — back pressed against the wall again. He parted your legs easily, his own release long drawn out for him to wait any longer. Next thing you knew, he was back inside you and your moans were drowned out by his kisses. He hooked an arm beneath your thigh, raising one of your legs to hit you at a better angle. You clung to him for strength, losing trust on your legs to hold you up. 
Jaehyun kept his lips glued to yours, thrusts coming faster in pursuit of his release. His thumb slips beneath your skirt, simulating your swollen nub. You broke away from him, head leaning against the cold tiled wall as you caught your breath. Black spots began to cloud your vision and your mouth hung open with every moan and breath. Your words don’t come, but you do.
“Go on, baby.” Jaehyun muttered through jagged breaths but you were already on the edge, your releasing rolling through your body with tremendous force. The leg that kept you rooted trembled violently as it washed through your whole system. 
Jaehyun doesn’t relent, fucking you in the same pace until he was on the edge of his own release. His thrusts went sloppy, panting heavily as he pushed himself to the final lap. He emptied his load inside you, smearing your walls with strings of his hot release before mixing with your own. You breathed out of sync, equally breathless and fucked out beyond what you thought was possible. 
He pulled out a few thrusts later, setting your leg back down, and with the emptiness came the sore aftermath of getting fucked senseless; your thighs cramping up and your lower abdomen contracting on nothing. You feel the mix of releases leak out of you, tugged by gravity as it down your inner thigh. 
It doesn’t escape Jaehyun’s eye, it never did. He ran a finger up your thigh, collecting the dripping substance before pushing it back inside you, making you wince — sore from the overstimulation.
“I need to sit down,” you said between breaths. Jaehyun stepped aside and you crawled to the shut toilet, fixing your underwear and your skirt before sitting on top. If you spent a second longer standing up, your legs would’ve given way. You sat in silence, waiting for the sensation to return to your legs and for your ears to stop ringing. 
Jaehyun plucked toilet paper out of the holder embedded into the wall of the stall, wiping his fingers clean before chucking the paper into the bin beside the bowl. He leaned back against the locked door, running a hand through his slightly disheveled hair. When you caught each other’s eye, still breathless, you burst out laughing.
He walked up to you, plucking a few other papers out of the roll. He folded them neatly to form a paper handkerchief, tapping on the beads of sweat prickling your forehead. You snagged it out of his hand, taking it upon yourself to clean yourself up. You felt nasty still, and you couldn’t wait to get back to the dorms and clean yourself.
“I know why I keep coming back to this cramped up space of a stall. It gets better every time,” he said before turning his back on you.
Jaehyun patted his pockets down in search of something, fishing it out moments later when he found it. He scanned the door in search of the tally. The admin never bothered repainting the doors no matter how bad the vandalism got, so you never worried about reinstating the tally. Even if they did repaint it, the depressions on the surface would be easy to trace. Jaehyun fetched the blade, carving another line beside the last one, marking the twelfth time you found yourselves inside the stall satiating each other’s irresistible bodily urges. 
“Think this would be the last time before we graduate?” you asked, reaching up to ask for a hand from Jaehyun. He tugged you up, legs still wobbly but not as bad as earlier.
Jaehyun shrugged, “I don’t know. Do you want it to be?” 
He glanced at you, and the smirk tugging on the corner of your lips was answer enough. You never said no to danger.
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© neo-shitty, 2021
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 years
You Don’t Own Me || b.b
dark!winter soldier x fem!reader
Summary: On the run from an arranged marriage to a criminal, you wind up in the belly of the beast but you refuse to become the trophy wife, the object that the Winter Soldier owns.
Warnings: 18+ only, sexual themes, choking, dub/noncon, major character death (trigger warning in the tags) (dead dove: do not eat) WC: 1374
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The moment he walked into the room you were struck by his eyes. Even with all the smoke that clouded the room and the coloured lasers blinding you on stage you could see the icy blue hue of them. This was the man you had been warned about and it was impossible to ignore the Winter Soldier in the room, especially when his eyes never wavered from your body that swayed and dipped to the bassy music that played. It was your first night in the club and you had been nervous long before the mysterious owner arrived, now you were hyper aware of every movement.
‘Oh god, he knows it’s me.’
You tried your best to find another patron to look at but your eyes kept drifting back to him. Your mouth went dry as he reached up to loosen his tie from his neck, metal arm glinting in the laser light, and you spun around so he didn’t see the sudden fear in your eyes. Thankfully the song was ending so you picked up the cash that had been tossed on the stage and skipped away as fast as your heels would let you. You breathed a sigh of relief that he didn’t recognise you because if he did he would have stormed the stage and dragged you off it.
“Private dance for you, y/n. Room 6.”
You spun around to the manager with wide eyes. “What? No, that’s not what I signed up for.”
“Look, if you want a job honey, you go to room 6, if not…there's the door. Don't let it hit that juicy ass on the way out.”
It seemed like he was giving you a choice but he also knew you had come begging for a job just yesterday and you could not afford to leave. You swiped the roll of cash he had waved and shoved it in your locker before heading to the private rooms. One song, you just had to make it through one song and then it was done. They weren't supposed to touch the dancers but you had heard the other women talk about clients who got handsy and your stomach knotted as you reached the door.
You opened the door and froze as you found the Winter Soldier sitting central to the small stage, one leg crossed over the other and a cigarette pinched between his metal fingers. He could have been posing for a photoshoot with the ease at which he held the reclined position and took a slow drag from the smoke. Grey tendrils twirled around his lips as he slipped the smoke from his mouth before capturing them deep into his lungs. It was mesmerising to see the slightest of actions he made but that was his lure and he knew just how to keep you enthralled.
The magic was broken as the beginnings of SAYGRACE’s You Don’t Own Me surrounded you and you stepped up onto the stage. The bikini you wore did little to hide your body from his intense stare so you ran your hands over yourself as you began to dance for him. The man would have looked bored if it wasn’t for his eyes that gave away the secret of his desire but you still weren’t sure if he had recognised you and was just playing a sick game of cat and mouse with you.
When your father had made a truce with the Winter Soldier to save his men from slaughter you had been gut punched at the news that you had been the bargaining chip. Refusing to be a pawn you had slipped out into the night but desperation for cash had meant working in a seedy strip club far from your fathers businesses. You hadn’t dreamt that it might be owned by the man you were trying to avoid. Or that he would be so fucking handsome.
He crushed his cigarette into the palm of his hand and rose from the chair as if your thought called to him and you felt like the centre of his universe as he circled you, heated eyes keeping you frozen where you stood, music forgotten. You could barely breathe as his cold fingers traced the line of your spine before tugging the bows that held your bikini top secure, the thin material slipping to your feet. Your nipples had already been pressed tightly against the top and now they were bared for him to see his effect on you.
“I’ve been looking for you.” He growled low in your ear before circling around so he could drink in the sight of your breasts, his thumb running along his bottom lip enticingly. “And then you just walk in here, talk about fate.”
“Please.” You breathlessly begged, but for what? You weren’t quite sure and he seemed to find it amusing.
His hand shot out and gripped your throat, pulling you towards him so his mouth was beside your ear. “There is no begging your way out of this arrangement, doll. I own you.”
Tears were forming at the lack of oxygen and he released you to stumble back with gasping lungfuls of air.
“Now, you can come with me and I’ll marry you, we’ll fuck whenever I please and you’ll have all the freedom you never knew you wanted.”
“Freedom?” You snarled as you rubbed the bruises swelling on your throat. “You want to own me, I’m not an object!”
“Freedom from having to make choices.” He said as he lit another cigarette. “What greater freedom is there? I’ll make every choice for you, you just have to stick by my side and look pretty.”
You scoffed and swiped your bikini top off the ground and went to open the door only to find it locked and there was no lock on your side. Panic set in as he stepped up behind you and pressed his body against yours, erection digging into the base of your spine.
“Come with me or…”
The cold blade chilled you to the bone as he pressed it against your ribs, the tip pricking into the soft skin between the bones and threatening to take your breath away.
“Why?” You cried as he dug it in just enough to draw blood and a gasp.
“Because you are mine and if I can’t have you then no one can.” His nose traced your jawline and you wanted to tear yourself away but it would take no effort for him to shove his blade into your lung and leave you to drown in your own blood, the music swallowing your screams for help.
“Fine.” You ceded as tears ran down your cheeks and he let you turn in his arms, slipping his knife back into the back of his belt. “I understand your terms.”
His fingers pinched your chin to hold you still as his lips crashed against yours, sloppy kisses and tongue forcing your mouth open for him as your hand snaked around his waist, a soft moan escaped you as his hands tore the bows at your hips and the bottom half of your bikini fell to the floor. He was already opening his belt buckle and you let your hands fall down his back to help push his suit pants off.
“I don’t accept them.” You muttered as you gripped the handle of his knife you had slipped from his pants.
“Excuse me?” He asked as he pulled back to see your deceivingly calm face. “It wasn’t a negotiation.”
“I know.” You smiled sadly. “And so no one can have me, including you.”
Silver glinted in the light of the room and you barely felt the burn as you plunged the knife into your neck. The world tilted as your swan song came to an end and Winter caught you before you could hit the floor, the look of a boy who broke his favourite toy written on his face. His metal arm no longer felt cold beneath your head and the colour drained from the room, all except the blue eyes that held yours. No one had ever looked proud of you but in that final moment when the world ended he did.
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