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quoththemaven · 9 months ago
2023 Favoritest Book Reads
Vineland - Pynchon, Thomas
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Prophet - Blaché, Sin & Helen Macdonald
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And the Ass Saw the Angel - Cave, Nick
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Lou Reed: The King of New York - Hermes, Will 
The Color of Magic (Discworld, #1; Rincewind, #1) - Pratchett, Terry
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative - Kleon, Austin 
Sonic Life: A Memoir - Moore, Thurston
The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth, #1) - Jemisin, N.K. 
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Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law - Roach, Mary
Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too - Sun, Jonny
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The Night Masquerade (Binti, #3) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Home (Binti, #2) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Binti: Sacred Fire (Binti, #1.5) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Binti (Binti, #1) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Black Paradox - Ito, Junji
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David Bowie's Low (33 1/3) - Wilcken, Hugo
Faith, Hope and Carnage - Cave, Nick
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The Sirens of Titan - Vonnegut Jr., Kurt
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Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth - Aslan, Reza
Smashed - Ito, Junji
Time Shelter - Gospodinov, Georgi
Brian Eno's Another Green World (33 1/3) - Dayal, Geeta
Armageddon in Retrospect - Vonnegut Jr., Kurt
Neverwhere (London Below, #1) - Gaiman, Neil 
The Committed (The Sympathizer #2) - Nguyen, Viet Thanh 
Into the Great Wide Open - Canty, Kevin 
Mongrels - Jones, Stephen Graham 
DisneyWar - Stewart, James B.
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex - Roach, Mary
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The Left Hand of Darkness - Le Guin, Ursula K.
My Bloody Valentine's Loveless (33 1/3) - McGonigal, Mike 
Suttree - McCarthy, Cormac
Life's Work: A Memoir - Milch, David
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - Schwab, V.E.
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Against the Day - Pynchon, Thomas
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Burn It Down: Power, Complicity, and a Call for Change in Hollywood - Ryan, Maureen 
Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA (33 1/3) - Himes, Geoffrey
La Moustache - Carrère, Emmanuel
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Janelle Monáe’s The ArchAndroid (33 1/3) - Favreau, Alyssa 
Sooner or Later Everything Falls Into the Sea - Pinsker, Sarah 
The Man Without a Shadow - Oates, Joyce Carol
The City & the City - Miéville, China 
Mem - Morrow, Bethany C. 
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind - Harari, Yuval Noah
Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs (33 1/3) - Eidelstein, Eric
Gutshot - Gray, Amelia 
The Price of Time (Watch What You Wish For #1) - Tigner, Tim 
The Revolution Was Televised: The Cops, Crooks, Slingers and Slayers Who Changed TV Drama Forever - Sepinwall, Alan 
Just Kids - Smith, Patti 
Sounds Like Titanic: A Memoir - Hindman, Jessica Chiccehitto 
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Flicker - Roszak, Theodore
Tinderbox: HBO's Ruthless Pursuit of New Frontiers - Miller, James Andrew 
Flashback - Simmons, Dan
Flaming Lips' Zaireeka (33 1/3) - Richardson, Mark 
The Sympathizer (The Sympathizer #1) - Nguyen, Viet Thanh 
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Pavement's Wowee Zowee (33 1/3) - Charles, Bryan
Neuromancer (Sprawl, #1) - Gibson, William
Invisible Cities - Calvino, Italo
Don't Fear the Reaper (The Indian Lake Trilogy, #2) - Jones, Stephen Graham 
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The Wes Anderson Collection - Seitz, Matt Zoller
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - Dick, Philip K.
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Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a Butterfly (33 1/3) - Maner, Sequoia
The Nineties - Klosterman, Chuck
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow - Zevin, Gabrielle 
Wanderlust: An Eccentric Explorer, an Epic Journey, a Lost Age - Mitenbuler, Reid
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A Heart That Works - Delaney, Rob 
Imago (Xenogenesis, #3) - Butler, Octavia E.
Cryptonomicon (Crypto, #1) - Stephenson, Neal 
Blacktop Wasteland - Cosby, S.A. 
Pearl Jam's Vs. (33 1/3) - Brownlee, Clint
Tracy Flick Can't Win - Perrotta, Tom
Devil House - Darnielle, John 
Adulthood Rites (Xenogenesis, #2) - Butler, Octavia E.
Heat 2 - Mann, Michael & Meg Gardiner
Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures (33 1/3) - Ott, Chris
Dawn (Xenogenesis, #1) - Butler, Octavia E.
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The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer - Stephenson, Neal 
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The Republic of Thieves (Gentleman Bastard, #3) - Lynch, Scott 
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The Year of the Flood (MaddAddam, #2) - Atwood, Margaret 
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jenudee-blog · 4 years ago
Tout le monde parle de snap fille nue
J'ai immédiatement soupçonné qu'il y avait une sorte de complot ici. Je pensais avec certitude que le gouvernement nous cachait quelque chose et remettait les délinquants sexuels dans la population à des fins néfastes. J'étais déterminé à aller au fond des choses et à vous communiquer cette information, le public.
Lorsque la femme de l'émission de nouvelles a commencé à diffuser ses statistiques, je les ai nude pour les vérifier. Voici les affirmations qui ont été faites: 90% des délinquants sexuels récidiveront. 90% des délinquants sexuels commettront un nouveau délit sexuel dans les trois ans. Les délinquants sexuels ne peuvent pas être traités. Tous les agresseurs d'enfants sont des pédophiles. Le seul traitement qui fonctionne pour les délinquants sexuels est l'exécution.
Les délinquants «nus» sont parmi les pires des pires de notre société. Nous aimons les détester. Je ne leur donnerai aucune excuse comme "ce sont des individus incompris" ou ils sont "un produit de leur société". Ils ne le sont pas. Ce sont des pervers souffrant de déficiences mentales qui ont choisi de commettre des crimes de la nature la plus ignoble. Ce sont des personnes malades qui ont besoin d'un traitement, mais pas de la même manière qu'un patient atteint de cancer est malade. Au contraire, ils sont malades comme un toxicomane ou un alcoolique est malade.
Les mythes et les idées fausses qui entourent les délinquants sexuels se traduisent généralement par un stéréotype d'un vieil homme grisonnant se cachant derrière un buisson et bavant au-dessus des enfants dans un parc et offrant une poche de bonbons (comme dans «J'ai des bonbons dans ma poche, petite fille, juste tendre la main et en prendre. ") La vérité est que ce genre de délinquant est très rare; la plupart des enfants victimes seront agressés dans leur propre maison ou dans la maison d'un ami ou d'un parent de confiance. La plupart des victimes de viol seront agressées par un conjoint ou un ami de confiance. Mais, en perpétuant les mythes, les médias et le grand public peuvent se sentir mieux à exiger les pires types de vengeance. Il est plus facile de punir l'étranger que la personne que nous connaissons et aimons. Ce faisant, selon la Hindman Foundation, un chef de file reconnu à l'échelle nationale dans le traitement des victimes d'abus sexuels, «de nombreux problèmes surgissent avec la détection, la poursuite et la gestion des délinquants sexuels».
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Le Bureau de la justice rapporte en outre que «dans les trois ans suivant leur libération, 2,5% des violeurs libérés ont été arrêtés de nouveau pour un autre viol». En outre, en ce qui concerne les enfants agresseurs, ils rapportent que "environ 3,3% ... ont été arrêtés de nouveau pour un autre crime sexuel contre un enfant dans les 3 ans suivant sa sortie de prison".
Selon le Bureau of Justice, «les délinquants sexuels étaient moins susceptibles que les délinquants non sexuels d'être arrêtés de nouveau pour une infraction: 43% des délinquants sexuels contre 68% des délinquants non sexuels». Rappelez-vous, le journaliste à la bouche haute a dit que c'était 90%. Où a-t-elle obtenu ce fait? La vérité, c'est qu'elle l'a inventé. Je n'ai nudes aucune preuve corroborante nulle part pour étayer sa demande. En fait, les agences les plus réputées qui suivent ces statistiques n'appuient même pas l'affirmation selon laquelle «la plupart» des délinquants sexuels récidiveront.
Je suis tombé sur un site Web d'un marchand de peur qui a affirmé que 25% des délinquants sexuels commettront une autre infraction sexuelle d'ici 15 ans. Lorsque j'ai contacté le propriétaire de ce site pour lui demander de me dire comment il avait trouvé ces informations, il m'a renvoyé une réponse qui disait essentiellement qu'il avait composé le numéro après avoir lu certains rapports et qu'il n'aimait pas leurs résultats.
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reignofkings · 5 years ago
Funny COCA - COLA Happiness Factory Full Movie
Coke Comes From Happiness Factory A journey through a coke vending machine into a fantasy land of wondrous characters and spectacular landscapes contributing to the delivery of the bottle.
Credits Coke Happiness Factory was developed at advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam by executive creative directors John Norman and Al Moseley, creative directors Rick Condos and Hunter Hindman, agency executive producer Tom Dunlap, and agency producer Darryl Hagans.
Animation for Coke Happiness Factory was developed at Psyop, New York, by creative directors Todd Mueller and Kylie Matulick, with executive producer Justin Booth Clibborn, producer Boo Wong, assisted by Kate Phillips and Viet Luu. Other Psyop artists working on Happiness Factory were Flame artist Eben Mears, lead 3-D Artist Joe Burrascano, 3D Artists/Animators Kevin Estey, Josh Harvey, David Chontos, Jonathan Garin, David Lobser, Naomi Nishimura, Ylli Orana, Clay Budin, Chris Bach, Dylan Maxwell, Kyle Mohr, Miles Southan, Boris Ustaev, Dan Vislocky, modelers Jaye Kim, Joon Lee, storyboard artist Ben Chan, matte painter Dylan Cole and editor Cass Vinini.
Live Action was directed by Peter Lydon, via Hungry Man, London, with executive producers Matt Buels and Tim Nunn, producer Debbie Ninnis, and director of photography Ray Coates.
Music was produced by Mark Altshuler at Human Worldwide.
The sound was designed by Bill Chesley at Amber Music & Sound Design, with executive producer Michelle Curran and producer Kate Gibson. Audio post-production was done at AudioEngine, New York.
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its-zhangjiashuai-us · 3 years ago
offre disney hotel
Un de mes favoris personnels est tourmaline pastèque, appelé aussi bariolée, qui tire son nom de sa forte couleur rose et vert zonage. SHOP LA LOOKI préfèrent la simplicité. Je l’ai vécu son professionnalisme et le travail acharné de première main, il était donc grand de voir sa victoire dans le way. Cornaline est une pierre extrêmement chaleureux et énergisant, revitalisant le corps et l’esprit, tout en stimulant la créativité.an ligne Disney Déguisement Ant-Man Pour Enfants Design brillant emblématique, circa, vendu à un collectionneur privé asiatique pour un platinum iconic, émeraude, le rubis, diamant et bracelet en émail princesse disney francais new york, vendu pour la vente sur les lèvres de tout le monde la semaine dernière était la vente aux enchères hassenfeld de leslie hindman, qui a dans un estimations surperformant prévente étonnantes d’un montant significatif, le lot sale. Ils se fondre avec la peau Disney Spider-Man et seulement donner une boîte de spark. Historiquement, ils sont l'une des premières maisons de bijoux de se concentrer sur la conception inhabituelle et concept plutôt que la taille des pierres. Il y a une raison pourquoi on ne pourrait pas réaliser ce quand vous Disney Soldes Personnages marchez dans tout autre magasin. Aussi un autre grand bravo à rebecca moskal qui a remporté pour l’excellence en marketing et des communications, que je suis d’enracinement pour plus que je l’étais moimême. Lorsque je l’ai montré à ma mère l’anneau, son visage illuminé. En général, je ne suis pas un grand fan de bijoux de fantaisie et préfèrent avoir moins belles pièces que beaucoup, mais certains de mes bracelets sont des bijoux de mode et pour les colliers que je vais habituellement pour le plus de plaisir à tourner les broches de la famille de cru en pendentifs et de mélange classique colliers d'or simples avec des morceaux plus longs de différents matériaux tels que perle de verre et de la soie et le coton cord. Une réplique de la de beers diamond a été créé et mis dans le jouet disney, mais ce type de matière synthétique utilisée n’a pas été communiqué à la presse. FINE BIJOUX il y a beaucoup Disney Jouets Déstockage de bijoux étonnant houses. Ceci est la façon dont je donne une touche personnelle à mon style. Music est ma vie, il me inspire, nourrit, donne de l'énergie. Je suis heureux de participer pour ma première fois et comme un candidat non moins, donc il est venu avec des sentiments mitigés l’une minute, je suis superpompé puis la prochaine je avaient papillons aller mph dans mon estomac. Au moment de se joindre à la Fondation Naked Heart, il a estimé que mon temps, un ensemble de compétences, l'expérience et le réseau ne pouvaient pas être mieux investi. J'aime cuisiner, donc tout le personnel juiciest arrive habituellement à la maison. www.officieldisney.com/search.html?search=Spider-Man&description=true
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heavyhunt1 · 3 years ago
John Deere Acquires Bear Flag Robotics For $250M
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Deere & Company has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Bear Flag Robotics for $250 million USD. Founded in 2017, the Silicon Valley-based startup develops autonomous driving technology compatible with existing machines. The deal aims to accelerate the development and delivery of automation and autonomy in farming. John Deere hopes to support its long-term strategy of creating smarter machines with advanced technology.
“Deere views autonomy as an important step forward in enabling farmers to leverage their resources strategically to feed the world and create more sustainable and profitable operations,” said Jahmy Hindman, Chief Technology Officer at John Deere.
“Bear Flag’s team of talented agriculture professionals, engineers and technologists have a proven ability to deliver advanced technology solutions to market. Joining that expertise and experience with Deere’s expertise in autonomy, along with our world-class dealer channel, will accelerate the delivery of solutions to farmers that address the immense challenge of feeding a growing world.”
Deere first started working with Bear Flag in 2019 as part of the company’s Startup Collaborator program, an initiative focused on enhancing work with startup companies whose technology could add value for Deere customers. Since then, Bear Flag has deployed its autonomous solution on a limited number of farms in the U.S.
“One of the biggest challenges farmers face today is the availability of skilled labor to execute time-sensitive operations that impact farming outcomes. Autonomy offers a safe and productive alternative to address that challenge head on,” said Igino Cafiero, co-founder and CEO of Bear Flag Robotics.
“Bear Flag’s mission to increase global food production and reduce the cost of growing food through machine automation is aligned with Deere’s and we’re excited to join the Deere team to bring autonomy to more farms.”
Among the Bear Flag team are agriculture professionals, engineers and technologists focused on autonomy, sensor fusion, vision, data, software and hardware. They plan to remain in Silicon Valley and work closely with Deere in attempting to accelerate innovation and autonomy for customers across the world.
“Deere and Bear Flag are highly complementary from both a technology and mission perspective,” said Dan Leibfried, Director – Automation & Autonomy at Deere. “We look forward to working even closer together with the ultimate goal of helping farmers achieve the best possible outcomes through advanced technology like autonomy.”
Source: https://www.equipmentjournal.com/construction-news/john-deere-acquires-bear-flag-robotics-for-250m/
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fugandhi · 6 years ago
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Roseanne: A Swan Song
Roseanne had recently made an inappropriate twitter (according to somewhere online; you can look it up) remark and then deleted it, and it was a pretty awful remark from what Kim told me.
So, I love “Roseanne.” That show is my favorite television show, and has been ever since I was a young boy. I remember growing up even thinking, “Man, that kid DJ looks SO MUCH LIKE ME” with the bowl cut and everything (yeah I have humble beginnings because I’m an average person).
I don’t know why Roseanne said what she said, but I know it’s wrong to make pretty damn offensive remarks about someone based off of their appearance - Especially if it is something that has to do with their race, gender, religion, nationality, etc. I mean - that’s like totally common knowledge by now I would certainly hope.
I was not surprised when I found out that her show got cancelled. It is absolutely heart-breaking. The best American TV Family (next to The Taylors of course; Home Improvement is my Other favorite TV show; Al & Wilson are my favorites, rest in peace to Earl Hindman) is at the mercy of the American public due to Roseanne Barr’s very stupid remarks. She apologized afterwards, and of course she deleted the tweet - but we all know the damage has been done.
So - I feel kinda silly because the correlation between The Conners and the show “Roseanne” and then the actress Roseanne Barr are so closely relatable (just as my household felt growing up; even though my family is not exactly like theirs, but the growing pains were in my humble opinion) that it can be very difficult to discern where reality and fantasy are divided.
I know Roseanne is a good person. Recently in my life, prior to the Season 10 comeback from the gang - Kim & I actually bought the entire 9 season box set from like walmart or something….nothing fancy.. Needless to say - We still watch the show on our own to this day with joy and genuine happiness.
Some of the most important life lessons I’ve had to learn that helped shape me as a human being - from being a child to a man - I was able to find in this show. I have a simple family - we are all hard workers and we don’t ask for much other than a God’s honest fair opportunity just like any American, heck, any human household.
It breaks my heart knowing that Roseanne has to not only go through the Hawaii circumstance which is very, very heart-breaking in it’s own right, but then also Roseanne now faces public scrutiny for thoughtless remarks due to whatever was going on with her at the time… I don’t have any relevant context so I cannot determine why she said what she said - all I know is - she removed it, she realized she was wrong, and she apologized, and her show got cancelled and now every single person that was genuinely happy and legitimately putting their best effort forth now has to suffer under a guilty-by-association almost like a punishment they didn’t collectively deserve.
So, with all that said - I have to be transparent about my ignorance. I do not know who Roseanne was talking about - I do not watch cable tv, I do not overwhelm my heart and mind and soul with the herculean amount of bad news and bad stories that are just…. almost robotically informed to the public. Like…do news anchors stop and just friggin have mental breakdowns due to the overwhelming amount of just nonstop negative stories that they have to constantly share?..I mean dang.  Anyway, back to my point..
I don’t know who she was talking about, but I will tell you I saw the photo of the lady and I didn’t even think the joke was funny (it’s just downright mean, Roseanne). I know that Roseanne, and a lot of people, may have animosity or a lot to say towards like different people, or just anyone who may have a different belief or like different point-of-view (or I guess different way-of-life), but yeah, it’s completely wrong to just start making fun of someone’s appearance over whatever personal prejudice or personal bigotry or anti-whatever - it’s just like this: Be Good & Be Nice. It kinda goes back to the fundamentals of the household - If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say it at all - I guess this is a lesson for all of us to keep in mind. Roseanne Barr is a household-name, she is very well-known, her fame is never going away, even with this stupid thing that happened (Anyone remember that whole Baseball/National Anthem uproar?) - Roseanne has been through a lot and a person of her intelligence and strength (especially Spiritually - She believes in God and she’s like very prominent about her religious beliefs) so she will continue to create important messages in her lifetime.
As far as the negative impact her words created - she has to heal the wounds. Either way it’s none of my business - I actually just watched the last 3 episodes of season 10, Kim and I had forgotten about them due to life happening.
So - after finding out about the upsetting remarks, and then that the show was cancelled very quickly afterwards (duh) - I watched the last three episodes of season 10 - and I still enjoyed the story. The very last episode, I believe, was a perfect ending for The Conners’ story. Roseanne’s Masterpiece is Complete.
The last episode was so profoundly meaningful, for myself as a viewer, let alone watching it with Kim (who of course was crying because it’s our favorite show). The funny thing is, I thought the last episode was completely fitting despite the fact that it was not planned to be the last episode.
The original last episode, back in season 9, was very heart-wrenching - especially with the fictitious death of Dan Conner - who is like the quintessential All-American Male (OH YEAH! John Goodman you are a blessing - God Bless you, Sir!) and that left a very powerful impact for me as someone who truly admired the show from beginning to end. You know, my favorite seasons are still like Season 1 & 2. I feel the same way about Home Improvement - which I still believe to this day deserves a full-fledged comeback season too - I mean yeah - it could happen. Anyway back to Roseanne - this show was very special in it’s initial stages. The Conners are not only a reflection of the average American Family, but they are a reflection of how American folk actually behave in a general sense - very hard-working, very smart, very big hearts, and very big dreams.
The struggle for the common family is the main concept of Roseanne, and yes it’s from her own unique perspective, but she had come out with full force in honor of Mothers and Wives across the land. It was a BEAUTY. It still is. Those seasons are still true - although it’s all a fantasy - there’s real pain and sorrow and real joy and bliss throughout these episodes.
The Conners represent American Values and the growing pains of us all who have had to work and earn our keep and also open our narrow points of view to concepts outside of our comfort zones (without having to compromise our free-will or beliefs). The show is very much like a photo album, or an energetic snapshot of how each of our respective homes have been - maybe that’s why the show clicks so easily for an average person who doesn’t come from like riches and wealth - and even then - I’m sure an obvious socialite could still at least identify with the personal growth and struggles of at least one of the characters. Whether it’s Bev being chastised by Jackie and Rosie for being too much of a judgmental hoity-toity kinda basket case (with the sweetest intentions) - or if it’s Dan throwin’ a hammer through dry-wall due to coming to terms with his own mortality as a man.
This show is powerful. The performances are spot-on. The quality is there. If this show wasn’t so damn lovable then why would people not cry over these stories and these genuinely damn fine acting performances (from everyone, even down to simple featured extras). There’s a lot of talent that was either on the show or in the behind-the-scenes - that have all gone on to work on other successful projects. Roseanne has so much sway. She carries so much influence because people  believe in her. I still believe in her. I don’t believe she would go out of her way to try to hurt others - Granted - I did recall watching a video online of Tom Arnold saying “You know, Roseanne the person and the character are 2 different people - She and ABC should apologize to the American Public” - and I saw that back when it was like her 3rd or 5th episode into the last season (so maybe this is karmic debt for Roseanne? God only knows dude).
Either way - the show is still amazing and you can’t take away the incredible accomplishments & achievements of everyone involved (even people who just don’t care about it anymore - which is cool too - because at the end of the day it is purely entertainment).
It’s astonishing to witness such a social outburst from American citizens - I’m like - dude there are worse things that come out of her mouth on her friggin tv show that people seem to just laugh and forgive instantly (for the sake of their own entertainment)…however funny - sometimes ya gotta make the choice between good and bad taste. I don’t agree with what she said. I think she mouthed-off and obviously displayed her own ignorance & obnoxiousness simultaneously and then thought about it afterwards. I forgive her.
I think it’s important to display a certain sense of forgiveness and mercy - obviously she already had her show pulled from her - but she is human. She’s not perfect by any means, neither am I, and I would never choose to play Devil’s advocate, I would only want to help sustain the legacy of not only her but of John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Alicia Goranson, Sara Gilbert, Michael Fishman, Natalie West, Sarah Chalke, Glenn Quinn, Johnny Galecki, Estelle Parsons, Martin Mull, Michael O’Keefe, and the list goes on… There’s a lot of people who still believe in the values of what this TV Family symbolize & represent as the common family.
ABC was never the right place for Roseanne. Netflix would be so much more suitable - especially with the recent FOX buy-out situation that prompted Matt Groening of The Simpsons and Futurama to leave (uh yeah, Disney is trying to monopolize which is lame). I think whether or not Roseanne continues (with or without ABC) - the legacy remains strong.
To conclude, It kinda surprises me that people hold Entertainers & Comedians & Musicians to a higher level of consequences (especially in a sociological standpoint) in comparison to other aspects of society. It’s like… to me… it just seems odd that Entertainers are treated like Political Leaders, and Political Leaders are treated like Entertainers. Isn’t that Odd to anyone else? Either way, I digress. God Bless the efforts of every person, especially Sara Gilbert, who really seemed to genuinely put their hearts, souls, minds, and their Faith into their work in telling the story of the contemporary family in American society. I thank all of those people from the bottom of my heart. All good things must come to an end I suppose. In the end - no one is Perfect. I’m not. You’re not. Roseanne definitely is not (lol), but you show me someone who is perfect (other than God) and I will call them a liar. We’re all in this together people. Stay Strong.
“Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible.”
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 6 years ago
Bancor Bent on Cross-Chain Liquidity With Expansion to EOS Blockchain
In a bid to extend the reach of its services, Bancor is opening up shop on another blockchain.
The decentralized exchange protocol is expanding to EOS, a Bancor blog post reveals. Speaking to Bitcoin Magazine, Bancor’s Director of Communications Nate Hindman said the protocol will still allow users to trade Ethereum tokens, while its newest iteration, BancorX, will introduce this functionality to Ethereum’s rival, as well.
“Bancor is not ‘switching’ to EOS. Bancor will continue to support and advance its protocol and liquidity network on the Ethereum blockchain. With the BancorX launch, we are expanding Bancor to also support the EOS blockchain.”
Bancor’s announcement offers a comparative glance at EOS’s benefits over Ethereum. These include near-instant transaction times at 1 second, zero transaction fees and no front-running risks (i.e., unlike Ethereum’s gas structure, EOS transactions are not prioritized by adjustable fees).
Reiterating tidbits of the blog post’s rationale in our conversation, Hindman also said that EOS has more than enough momentum behind it to warrant Bancor’s attention.
“Our primary motivation in choosing which platforms to support is where we think there will be developer traction. As one of the largest developers on Ethereum, it is unmistakable how much traction we’re seeing from our fellow developers on EOS. In fact, data shows that EOS transactions and users have already eclipsed Ethereum. This is likely a consequence of faster transactions and no transaction fees on EOS.”
Holding that “[some] of the most promising blockchain projects are launching on EOS,” Hindman continued to state that the Bancor team expects an influx of token projects to launch on EOS before the end of the year.
EOS: A Rising (If Contentious) Star
Recently launched, EOS has been touted by proponents as an “Ethereum-killer,” a sentiment emboldened by the beating Ethereum has taken in recent months as the market continues its tenuous downtrend. Plagued by scalability concerns, restricted development and a network bloated with useless DApps, the faster, more technically elastic EOS is primed to outpace the grandfather of tokens in the long-run, EOS fans claim.
Still, these exuberant takes don’t mean EOS isn’t without its faults, nor does it mean that Ethereum’s core developers aren’t working to neutralize the same problems its critics hone in on.
For EOS’s own baggage, the platform’s supernode structure has been criticized for being highly centralized, and the platform has also drawn flack for its year-long ICO — the source of “$4 billion in [funding]” that Bancor alluded to in a press release related to the announcement. EOS also has transaction control mechanisms in place, something that has led founder Dan Larimer to reconsider the protocol’s constitution.
Such a cyber safety net seems relevant to a protocol like Bancor, which made headlines at the end of July 2018 for a vulnerability that cost users $23.5 million. This exploited bug, though, could have cost the platform even more if not for a feature that allowed the team to freeze some $10 million in Bancor’s native token, BNT.
When asked if this mechanism, which allows block producers to reverse any transaction on the network, could be one that Bancor favors, Hindman noted “that no single block producer (BP) can reverse transactions; rather, it requires the unanimous agreement of all 21 BPs.” He also claimed that, even if BPs were to reverse a transaction, this action is hardly different from the Ethereum community seeking to reclaim funds via hard forks after incidents like the DAO hack.
Also known as supernodes, block producers are up for frequent election and reelection, and Bancor has thrown its own hat in to the ring for one of these positions, with a candidacy in LiquidEOS. Voted in and out by the EOS community, these block producers “can be removed by the EOS community at any moment if they were to abuse this distributed trust,” said Hindman.
“In general, so long as the existence and use of emergency control functions are fully transparent to the world, and users have the ability to easily fork networks if they disagree with their governance structures or execution, networks remain decentralized and censorship-resistant — a tremendous leap forward from the systems that dominate our online and offline worlds today.’
With Two Blockchains, an Opening for Cross-Chain Trades
The expansion will allow Bancor to cover more ground, opening its trading protocol to an entirely new ecosystem of tokens. Perhaps the most notable features of BancorX, then, are the cross-chain liquidity options it will open up to users.
“The EOS-based tokens listed on Bancor will soon be instantly convertible to any Ethereum-based token through the cross-chain Bancor Protocol … these conversions will occur without users having to deposit funds on an exchange and without the need for order-matching between buyers and sellers.”
On Ethereum’s network, Bancor’s protocol creates trading liquidity through token reserves, which allow users to swap between tokens via the platform’s smart contracts. In bringing this feature to EOS, Bancor hopes to fulfill “its intention to be a cross-chain liquidity protocol,” Hindman said.
Having more than EOS in its sights, Hindman hinted that the team plans to expand to other DApp platforms, as well. “Wherever dApp developers are building,” he said, “we will aim to add support. Stay tuned for more news.”
For now, however, Hindman said that Bancor is “hard at work” preparing its technology for launch on the EOS mainnet, which has “no specific go-live date yet.” When ready, the rollout will see initial support for Everipedia (IQ) , MEET.ONE (MEET), HireVibes (HVT) , Lumeos (LUME), MyCryptoBank (MCB) , Chaince (CET) , CoArt (COAT) , Prospectors Gold (PGL) , HorusPay (HORUS)  and DEOS (DEOS), and Bancor has made a call for other EOS token projects to apply for listing on the protocol.
To give developers and users a preview of the forthcoming offering, Bancor has published its open-source smart contract code for EOS on Github, and it has also released an embeddable user interface to allow users to trial the smart contract’s token conversion on the EOS testnet. These preliminary offerings come alongside a bounty program, wherein Bancor has fronted 500,000 BNT to be distributed amongst whitehats who find issues with or improve the protocol’s freshly developed code.
This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine.
from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/2OEZvJN via IFTTT
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alecia0 · 4 years ago
Disneyland star wars sabre de lumière
Colored-gemstone miner disney a agi sur l'industrie de la mode la plus débattue sujet avec l'introduction d'une voir maintenant, achetez collection bijoux. Grâce à Town & Country patrimoine 170 ans il a été engagé à célébrer les efforts de bienfaisance, notamment Les figurines de peluche de disney celles transmises de génération en génération. Toutes les photos, les descriptions et les estimations gracieuseté de leslie hindman auctioneers comme l’une des plus petites maisons d’enchères en fines jewelry. Un gemset et diamond rose broche, aspreyestimate. Condé Nast shelter publication Architectural Digest a vu une publicité pour 9, 6 pour cent de son premier 'Grand Design' question comparativement à l'année précédente juin edition. Dans un drôle de musique vidéo, un groupe d'hommes de casser les stéréotypes de la façon dont les hommes sont censés agir, suggère implicitement que les hommes ne devraient pas avoir peur de porter la marque ses bijoux. doris duke dans des collections extraordinaires de hawaiiduke de meubles anglais et français, l’art asiatique et islamique, vins rares et magnifiques Disney Grande Peluche Extraterrestre Première Qualité ont été logés au long de son nombre encore plus extraordinaire de properties. exprimé son désaccord pour le voir-maintenant, achetez-now movement, disant que les maisons de haute couture française ne participeraient pas à la Remue-ménage. Selfridges' Agender en magasin selectionLabels ont expérimenté en. Le Portofino collection de taille moyenne a examiné modifier cette habitude en lançant un appel à la demande des deux sexes pour un plus petit diamètre du boîtier avec une célébrité-campagne cloutés et large options de style. Brocheclips amovibles conçus comme des ailes, serti de deux blu ray disney pas cher en forme de marquise pesant, et, carats, encore accentués par tour et en forme de marquise pesant environ, carats, fixés sur un support en rond et en forme de marquise pesant environ, carats, deux clips signés schlumberger. ventes mondiales nettes ont été plus bas que l'an Premier trimestre, reflétant une baisse de tous les marchés régionaux à DISNEY SPIDER MAN l'exception du Japon. cm de circumferance interne emmêlés, avec charnière sectionsigned n. Néanmoins, les spécialistes du marketing de luxe tels que disney, et comportait des publicités dans les 226 pages. français promo sejour disneyland hotel est montrant que l'amour triomphe en suivant un couple contemporaine à travers les rues de Paris. 'Je crois qu'il continuera d'en être dans le lexique de marques comme l'intérêt d'avoir ce continueront à bénéficier de la vapeur. et grenat tsavorite frog ring, stenzhornwhimsically façonné comme une grenouille de saut avec micro corps de pavé set et a grandi lunette yeux grenat tsavorite, montés en or blanc, signé stenzhorn un gemset et broche, estimate. s et daté du novembre et le octobre de le gemological institute of america, en indiquant les DISNEY SPIDER MAN eurodisney france en forme de poire pèse, et, carats et sont natural fancy jaune clairbrown et couleur st, lumière naturelle brown, respectivement (.
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liputanviral-blog · 6 years ago
Khasiat Buah Nanas untuk Pria
Liputanviral - Buah nanas kaya akan manfaat, terutama untuk para pria. Buah tropis berwana kuning ini tinggi akan nutrisi yang bermanfaat bagi kaum Adam. Nanas mengandung vitamin C, A, B6, folat, mangan, kalsium, zat besi, beta karoten, dan beragam antioksidan. Nanas juga merupakan satu-satunya sumber enzim bromelain, yang memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan. Berikut khasiat nanas untuk pria. 1. Tingkatkan kesehatan tulang Nanas kaya akan mangan yang baik untuk kesehatan tulang. Kandungan ini memiliki peran penting dalam pertumbuhan struktur tulang yang sehat dan pembentukan tulang rawan. Kandungan mangan ini dapat meningkatkan performa otot dan atletik. Penelitian menunjukkan nanas merupakan salah satu makanan yang kaya akan mangan. 2. Meningkatkan kekuatan fisik Nanas juga dapat meningkatkan kekuatan fisik saat berolahraga. "Nanas memiliki jumlah gula sederhana yang tepat untuk menambah simpanan glikogen," kata ahli nutrisi Jules Hindman. Kandungan gula dalam nanas ini bisa mengganti glikogen setelah berolahraga sehingga membantu pemulihan fisik setelah berolahraga. 3. Meningkatkan kekuatan seksual  Selain kekuatan fisik, nanas juga baik untuk kesehatan seksual pria. Nanas terkenal sebagai buah afrodisiak atau perangsang daya seksual. Penelitian menunjukkan kekurangan mangan menyebabkan hilangnya gairah seks dan kurangnya air mani. Kandungan mangan dalam dalam nanas bermanfaat untuk mencegah impotensi. Satu porsi nanas memberikan asupan 67 persen mangan yang baik untuk kesehatan seksual pria. Nanas juga mengandung tiamin yang membantu mendorong gairah seks yang optimal. 4. Tingkatkan kesuburan Antioksidan dalam jus nanas akan meningkatkan kesuburan pria dan wanita. Antioksidan ini membantu menyingkirkan radikal bebas di dalam tubuh dengan cepat. Tubuh yang bebas dari radikal bebas memiliki sistem reproduksi yang baik. Mineral dalam jus nanas seperti zinc, tembaga, beta-karoten, folat akan membantu pria memiliki sistem reproduksi yang sehat. Situs kesehatan Health Ambition menyarankan orang yang ingin memiliki anak untuk mengonsumsi jus nanas demi meningkatkan peluang kehamilan. 5. Meredakan peradangan  Nanas mengandung enzim bromelain yang berguna untuk anti-inflamasi. Zat ini dapat mempercepat pemulihan saat terjadi luka atau peradangan. Ditambah dengan kandungan vitamin C yang tinggi dapat mempercepat proses penyembuhan pada tubuh pria. Vitamin C ini juga meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk mencegah dari berbagai penyakit. Read the full article
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supportivy · 6 years ago
Questions et réponses pour l’entretien des algorithmes (JS) - Elliott Hindman - Medium
Questions et réponses pour l’entretien des algorithmes (JS) – Elliott Hindman – Medium
Questions et réponses pour l’entretien des algorithmes (JS) - Elliott Hindman - Medium
Liste récapitulative des questions et réponses de l’algorithme qui apparaissent couramment dans les entretiens de programmation.
Étant donné que le but de cet exercice est de mettre en pratique les compétences logiques nécessaires pour une entrevue de codage, j’éviterai d’utiliser la plupart des méthodes JS…
View On WordPress
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ellahmacdermott · 6 years ago
Bancor Bent on Cross-Chain Liquidity With Expansion to EOS Blockchain
In a bid to extend the reach of its services, Bancor is opening up shop on another blockchain.
The decentralized exchange protocol is expanding to EOS, a Bancor blog post reveals. Speaking to Bitcoin Magazine, Bancor’s Director of Communications Nate Hindman said the protocol will still allow users to trade Ethereum tokens, while its newest iteration, BancorX, will introduce this functionality to Ethereum’s rival, as well.
“Bancor is not ‘switching’ to EOS. Bancor will continue to support and advance its protocol and liquidity network on the Ethereum blockchain. With the BancorX launch, we are expanding Bancor to also support the EOS blockchain.”
Bancor’s announcement offers a comparative glance at EOS’s benefits over Ethereum. These include near-instant transaction times at 1 second, zero transaction fees and no front-running risks (i.e., unlike Ethereum’s gas structure, EOS transactions are not prioritized by adjustable fees).
Reiterating tidbits of the blog post’s rationale in our conversation, Hindman also said that EOS has more than enough momentum behind it to warrant Bancor’s attention.
“Our primary motivation in choosing which platforms to support is where we think there will be developer traction. As one of the largest developers on Ethereum, it is unmistakable how much traction we’re seeing from our fellow developers on EOS. In fact, data shows that EOS transactions and users have already eclipsed Ethereum. This is likely a consequence of faster transactions and no transaction fees on EOS.”
Holding that “[some] of the most promising blockchain projects are launching on EOS,” Hindman continued to state that the Bancor team expects an influx of token projects to launch on EOS before the end of the year.
EOS: A Rising (If Contentious) Star
Recently launched, EOS has been touted by proponents as an “Ethereum-killer,” a sentiment emboldened by the beating Ethereum has taken in recent months as the market continues its tenuous downtrend. Plagued by scalability concerns, restricted development and a network bloated with useless DApps, the faster, more technically elastic EOS is primed to outpace the grandfather of tokens in the long-run, EOS fans claim.
Still, these exuberant takes don’t mean EOS isn’t without its faults, nor does it mean that Ethereum’s core developers aren’t working to neutralize the same problems its critics hone in on.
For EOS’s own baggage, the platform’s supernode structure has been criticized for being highly centralized, and the platform has also drawn flack for its year-long ICO — the source of “$4 billion in [funding]” that Bancor alluded to in a press release related to the announcement. EOS also has transaction control mechanisms in place, something that has led founder Dan Larimer to reconsider the protocol’s constitution.
Such a cyber safety net seems relevant to a protocol like Bancor, which made headlines at the end of July 2018 for a vulnerability that cost users $23.5 million. This exploited bug, though, could have cost the platform even more if not for a feature that allowed the team to freeze some $10 million in Bancor’s native token, BNT.
When asked if this mechanism, which allows block producers to reverse any transaction on the network, could be one that Bancor favors, Hindman noted “that no single block producer (BP) can reverse transactions; rather, it requires the unanimous agreement of all 21 BPs.” He also claimed that, even if BPs were to reverse a transaction, this action is hardly different from the Ethereum community seeking to reclaim funds via hard forks after incidents like the DAO hack.
Also known as supernodes, block producers are up for frequent election and reelection, and Bancor has thrown its own hat in to the ring for one of these positions, with a candidacy in LiquidEOS. Voted in and out by the EOS community, these block producers “can be removed by the EOS community at any moment if they were to abuse this distributed trust,” said Hindman.
“In general, so long as the existence and use of emergency control functions are fully transparent to the world, and users have the ability to easily fork networks if they disagree with their governance structures or execution, networks remain decentralized and censorship-resistant — a tremendous leap forward from the systems that dominate our online and offline worlds today.’
With Two Blockchains, an Opening for Cross-Chain Trades
The expansion will allow Bancor to cover more ground, opening its trading protocol to an entirely new ecosystem of tokens. Perhaps the most notable features of BancorX, then, are the cross-chain liquidity options it will open up to users.
“The EOS-based tokens listed on Bancor will soon be instantly convertible to any Ethereum-based token through the cross-chain Bancor Protocol … these conversions will occur without users having to deposit funds on an exchange and without the need for order-matching between buyers and sellers.”
On Ethereum’s network, Bancor’s protocol creates trading liquidity through token reserves, which allow users to swap between tokens via the platform’s smart contracts. In bringing this feature to EOS, Bancor hopes to fulfill “its intention to be a cross-chain liquidity protocol,” Hindman said.
Having more than EOS in its sights, Hindman hinted that the team plans to expand to other DApp platforms, as well. “Wherever dApp developers are building,” he said, “we will aim to add support. Stay tuned for more news.”
For now, however, Hindman said that Bancor is “hard at work” preparing its technology for launch on the EOS mainnet, which has “no specific go-live date yet.” When ready, the rollout will see initial support for Everipedia (IQ) , MEET.ONE (MEET), HireVibes (HVT) , Lumeos (LUME), MyCryptoBank (MCB) , Chaince (CET) , CoArt (COAT) , Prospectors Gold (PGL) , HorusPay (HORUS)  and DEOS (DEOS), and Bancor has made a call for other EOS token projects to apply for listing on the protocol.
To give developers and users a preview of the forthcoming offering, Bancor has published its open-source smart contract code for EOS on Github, and it has also released an embeddable user interface to allow users to trial the smart contract’s token conversion on the EOS testnet. These preliminary offerings come alongside a bounty program, wherein Bancor has fronted 500,000 BNT to be distributed amongst whitehats who find issues with or improve the protocol’s freshly developed code.
This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine.
from InvestmentOpportunityInCryptocurrencies via Ella Macdermott on Inoreader https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/bancor-bent-cross-chain-liquidity-expansion-eos-blockchain/
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caveartfair · 6 years ago
1960s Chicago Gave Birth to a Colorful, Frenetic Art Style That Is Still Gathering Steam
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An Affair In The Islands, 1972. H.C. Westermann galerie 103
The Chicago Imagists of the 1960s and ’70s created colorful, energetic paintings and sculptures that often riffed on vernacular sources (comic books, pinball machines) and the eccentricities of American culture. Barbara Rossi’s colorful, corporeal shapes piled atop each other like jumbles of internal organs. Jim Nutt drew and painted grotesque figures that evoked brightly lit freak shows. Gladys Nilsson rendered overlapping bodies, simultaneously in their own worlds and parts of a larger, chaotic mass. Suellen Rocca created busy, symbol-laden canvases. A flat aesthetic triumphed over any attempt at realism or depth. This work diverged from that of the Imagists’ East Coast contemporaries; as the New York Pop artists developed an impersonal, mass-produced aesthetic, their Midwestern counterparts were making artwork that was more carnival than Campbell’s soup.
It can be complicated to discern who was, and who wasn’t, a Chicago Imagist, but in general, the term applies to a wide swath of artists who lived and made figurative work in the city from around the 1950s through the 1980s. They showed together at the Hyde Park Art Center beginning in 1964, giving each cluster of exhibiting artists its own quirky moniker. Instead of turning to advertising and consumer culture as their East Coast counterparts had, these artists infused a zany, psychic energy into their drawing-driven practices. Indeed, tracing the careers of the Chicago Imagists offers a narrative about American art that diverges from popular New York-centered conceptions—and presents issues that transcended locale.
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Summer Salt, 1970. Jim Nutt "Surrealism: The Conjured Life" at Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, 2016
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Measure 4 Measure, 1994, Bird, 2001 and Pynkly Furnashed, 2002, . Gladys Nilsson Leslie Hindman Auctioneers
The oldest group, the Monster Roster—a name given by critic Franz Schulze as a nod to the Chicago Bears’ nickname, the Monsters of Midway—responded to the horrors introduced by World War II and the state of post-war America. Some of the men had been soldiers themselves. Leon Golub, who’d served as an army cartographer, infused his work with violence and suffering. Throughout his six-decade career (he died in 2004), Golub rendered beheadings, brawls, and torture scenes. His process itself was brutal—he used a meat cleaver to distress his paintings.
Nancy Spero, to whom Golub was married, similarly manifested an ardent political streak as she depicted mothers, children, and prostitutes through a feminist lens. Fellow artist June Leaf created fine-lined, often nightmarish scenes. In sum, the works were frequently dark, both in style and substance. Subsequent Chicago art diverged in cheerier and more frenetic directions, while still remaining deeply psychological.
According to Tang Museum director Ian Berry and Chicago gallerists John Corbett and Jim Dempsey, the more light-hearted artist H. C. Westermann (known, since around the late 1950s, for his quirky found-object sculptures and dystopian illustrations) provides a link to the younger Imagists. Don Baum, a member of the former group who helped curate the younger Imagists’ shows, offers another connection. This September, Corbett, Dempsey, and Berry will mount “3-D Doings: The Imagist Object in Chicago Art, 1964–1980” at the Tang. For a group of artists traditionally associated with two-dimensional works, the curators offer a more complex, multimedia story.
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Gigantomachy II, 1966. Leon Golub The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Many Imagists, says Corbett, were impressed with Westermann’s level of craftsmanship, “the personal touch that he gave to all of the work,” and his “perverse streak.” Diverging from their predecessors, the Imagists who came after the Monster Roster employed an aesthetic more akin to comic books than horror films, though they retained an element of the grotesque (Karl Wirsum’s vivid, cartoonish-yet-disfigured forms are particularly emblematic of this).
“You just feel a sensibility start brewing,” Dempsey says about the particular era that the Tang show focuses on: 1964 to 1980. “We talk about an accent: a collective group of people have a similar accent. Doesn’t really mean they’re thinking about the same things, but there’s an energy that’s pervasive in the air and you can almost tangibly feel that in this date range.”
The Tang exhibition will include Westermann’s Memorial to the Idea of Man If He Was an Idea (1958). Comprised of pine, cast-tin toys, glass, and other various materials, the work appears to be a cabinet with an alien’s one-eyed head on top. Written in bottle caps, Westermann’s initials adorn the inside of the wooden door. The object becomes a kind of personalized fetish, combining kitsch and craft. Similar details distinguished the frames of work by Ed Flood, a younger Imagist. He and Nutt adorned the backs of their paintings with double entendres, stylized notes to preparators, and other secrets that remained between the artists and those who handled and owned the work.
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Untitled (Head Study for Awning Series), 1966. Karl Wirsum Derek Eller Gallery
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Muscular Alternative, 1979. Christina Ramberg "Surrealism: The Conjured Life" at Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, 2016
“I think all these details foreground the warmth and the intimacy of this work, which makes it stand apart from other work being made in these decades in other cities,” says Berry. Dempsey describes the effect as playfully adversarial. “It’s an interactive relationship, almost like engaging someone in a card game.” These elements also connect the group to the Surrealists, who invoked parlor games, dreams, and subconscious drives in their own practices. According to Berry, both the Imagists and their European predecessors shared a desire to look inward.
This simultaneous coyness and amiability could coincide with darker, more disturbing, obliquely political material. Christina Ramberg painted headless bodies (often female), wrapped in tight or suggestive garments. Ideas about constriction and expectations for women abound in her paintings, which sometimes feature flat, broad swaths of dim colors (no bright yellows or reds here). As Dan Nadel wrote recently, “Until her final series of paintings, Ramberg always kept her distortions ‘clean’—no matter how disturbing the imagery, the surface and the final shape would be immaculately formed and delineated.”
Notably, Ramberg was part of an exhibition group called False Image, showing with her husband, Philip Hanson, as well as Eleanor Dube and Roger Brown. (The Imagists were intensely whimsical in their naming, calling other subsets of the group the Hairy Who, the Nonplussed Some, and Marriage Chicago Style.)
Brown enjoys perhaps the strongest legacy of the False Image artists: his former home, which is still filled with the myriad objects he collected throughout his life, and accessible to today’s public as the Roger Brown Study Collection. Masks, toy cars, figurines, crosses, road signs, baskets, and more relics of everyday life in America are on view throughout the rooms and along the staircase.
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Unbelievable Refuge, 1980. Ray Yoshida Leslie Hindman Auctioneers
In fact, many of the Imagists were collectors. According to Corbett, the Maxwell Street Market (Chicago’s major flea) was a treasure trove for Ramberg, Hanson, Wirsum, and Ray Yoshida. Yoshida himself had a unique influence on other Imagists: He taught many of them at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Yoshida amassed large collections of printed matter, from comics to cookbooks. The former, in particular, inspired his “specimens”: collages that resembled a scrapbook page filled with clippings.
Yoshida, born in Hawaii in 1930 to a Japanese immigrant father and a mother of Japanese lineage, was also the only artist of color associated with the Chicago Imagists. Though the group was far more equitable across gender lines than contemporaneous movements centered on the East Coast (Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism, Pop art), it was still very white. Yet the Imagists derived plenty of inspiration from the non-white cultural production that surrounded them in Chicago. Perhaps most famously, Karl Wirsum’s Screamin’ Jay Hawkins (1968) depicts the well-known African American singer and performer. Corbett and Berry describe the Imagists’ significant engagement with, and love for, the music and multimedia of their time. “It was a much more complex set of relationships in an insanely segregated city,” says Corbett.
The Tang is just one of many institutions to celebrate the Imagists within the past few years. At Milan’s Fondazione Prada, curator Germano Celant closed a show this past January, “Famous Artists from Chicago. 1965–1975.” The project suggests the Imagists’ widespread appeal and an international interest in a movement that was thriving far from global art centers.
Matthew Marks Gallery exhibited work by the Hairy Who in a 2015 group show, placing the group members in dialogue with San Francisco Funk Art figures such as Peter Saul and the Detroit-based Destroy All Monsters group, which included Mike Kelley and Jim Shaw. Curated by Nadel (who’s become one of the Imagists’ biggest champions with his writing and curation), the show proposed that, operating beyond the mainstream art world, these artists turned to figuration inspired by advertising, primitive art, comic books, and other sources once dismissed as lowbrow.
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Installation view of “The Chicago Show” at 56 Downing St., Brooklyn, 2018. Photo by Johannes Berg. Courtesy of Alexandra Fanning Communications.
Placing the Imagists in a contemporary context, Chicago-born curator Madeleine Mermall has curated “The Chicago Show,” an exhibition in a Brooklyn townhouse, on view through May 20th, that pairs the work of Nutt, Yoshida, Westermann, and their ilk with that of emerging Chicago artists who similarly revel in cartoonish figuration. “There’s this strong, special community right now,” Mermall says. “They’re all working together and showing together and putting on DIY shows.”
One of the exhibited artists from the younger generation, Darius Airo, recalls a corner of the Art Institute of Chicago where he first noticed the work of Ed Paschke and Karl Wirsum. His own acrylic painting, Chicago Faucet Venus (2018), features a very pink, heavily distorted female form with a fractured face. Another participant, Jenn Smith, says that what interests her in the Imagists’ work is a feeling of “holding your cards close to the chest. How much information to reveal and how much to conceal. Like a sexual repression.” She also admires their sense of humor and flat treatment of the figure. A third artist, Bryant Worley, is presenting a 2018 work entitled Dic Pics, which features tattooed men in cowboy hats. He goes so far as to call the Imagists “my entryway into painting as I know it today.”
This renewed attention to the Midwestern group seems to only be getting started. Derek Eller, who has shown Wirsum since 2010, says that since then, he’s seen “a lot more interest here in New York, and probably internationally.” While Barbara Rossi recently enjoyed a small solo exhibition at the New Museum, many of the Imagists have yet to receive major museum retrospectives. This fall, however, the Art Institute of Chicago will mount a group show, as will Goldsmiths Centre for Contemporary Art in London in spring 2019. Corbett thinks it’s time, and the recent wave of shows contributes to a certain momentum. “We’ve seen in the last five, six, seven years a whole bunch of small survey shows that have set things up for the opportunity for incredible, career-spanning exhibitions,” he says. Before long, Chicago’s distinct aesthetic accent should be more pervasive than ever.
from Artsy News
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miltlarsen · 7 years ago
Blog 142
APRIL 1.2018
 We celebrated Match 31st in Santa Barbara with a full moon (hidden by the fog) and two sold-out It’s Magic! at the historic Lobero Theatre. This was our final show of the spring season. Matt Marcy was Master of Ceremonies and brought new life to the “Dancing Handkerchief”, Dan Birch filled the stage with his classic dove act, the audience loved Whit “Pop “Haydn’s magic with his southern character and newcomer to It’s Magic! Xavier Mortimer from France and Los Vegas was amazing with his very different and beautifully choreographed magic.  One of our most popular illusionists, Chuck Jones and Company, closed the show.
Chuck’s greatest magic is that he had never lost his youthful enthusiasm after decades of performing. Dale Hindman directed the shows with assistant Kris Garcia.  Ryan Hill was on hand to handle the business for co-producer Terry Hill. Thanks to Sammy Abera for driving the drops up and back and running the errands.
Traditionally Arlene and I sponsor a dnner break between the matinee and Evening shows at the Wine Cask restaurant across the street. Arlene uses her party planning expertise to make sure our cast and crew are properly thanks for doing a great job in our hometown.  
 Congratulations to Dustin Stinnet and anyone connected with the AMA April Fools Day newsletter.  It is beautifully produced and very funny.
 Back when I was writing the newsletter back in the 80’s I thought it would be funny to do a letter with crazy stories like the Glover’s selling the Yamashiro to the Japanese and turning Castle into a waterfront high-rise. The problem was that, in those days, the newsletter often was mailed to the members a few days late.  That month they got my funny April Fool’s Day issue almost two weeks late!
Members took it seriously and panicked and I almost lost my volunteer editor job.
 Not an April Fool’s Day joke: April 1st is Marvyn Roy’s 93rd Birthday.  Mister Electric is healthy and happy and lives in Palm Desert and doesn’t get Emails since he doesn’t have a computer.
  Other birthdays in April include Mark and Nani Wilson, Dante Larsen and the 87th for the writer of this Milting-pot blog.
 Speaking of newsletters our Magic Castle Cabaret newsletter is published monthly and is Emailed only to members in good standing.  For information on joining the club send a request to [email protected].  Pre-0pemig memberships are now available
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justagirlcalledjess · 12 years ago
Sean Pecknold directs the touching, beautifully shot official video for Pure Bathing Culture’s “Ivory Coast,” in which hologram sharks come for a heartbroken Sarah Versprille’s little blue alien love baby, I think.
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miltlarsen · 7 years ago
BLog #138 - Februar 5, 2018
I started writing this blog Friday after a great lunch at the Magic Castle.  
We celebrated the birthday of Disney artist Jim Mulligan.  (Jim created that wonderful painting of Walt Disney and Milt Larsen and their dream castles. It is displayed in the art gallery hallway).  To celebrate Jim’s birthday we took over the Houdini Séance Room.  Although Houdini and Dick Sherman couldn’t make it the entire staff of Magic Castles Inc. (Dale Hindman, Kris Garcia and Milt Larsen) were on hand to celebrate the occasion.  Among the surprise guests stars enjoying the lunch were Gary Morgon, who played the part of Joe Weber in our Lobero Theater Production of the Sherman and Larsen musical “Pazzazz/”.  Bonnie Morgon, Gary’s daughter and famous actress and contortionist helped blow out the candles on Jim’s cupcake.  
It was also nice seeing AJAY at the celebration back to start the rounds of old jokes.
Foz and Flo were regulars at our Friday lunches for years and great supporters of the Castle. This note from their son John Cherney.
It’s with great sadness and also relief that my father Francis L. Cherney, AKA Foz the Fabulous, passed away early Sunday morning the 28th. He was active at the Magic Castle since the 1960’s. He was 94 years old and had been struggling with Alzheimer’s for years and had lived in a nursing home since 2011. His wife, Florence, preceded him almost 3 years earlier.
 Aloha, Foz and Flo.
I’m on the train today on Monday February 5th because of the memorial tribute to one of our greatest friends and supporters Frank Baron.  Not too long after we opened the Castle Frank wrote a great article on the brothers Larsen and the idea of the Castle.  At that time he was one of the editors of Billboard Magazine.   In his later years he and his wife Margie helmed many magazines and papers most notably The Toluca Times.   Frank passed away at 95 years old and his multitude of friends are gathering Monday at the El Portal Theater. Arlene can’t be with me but will be there in spirit.  Aloha Frank.
 All New 62nd Annual Edition of It's Magic!
Xavier Mortimer – currently headlining his own show in Las Vegas
Michael Goudeau – variety performer who played for over 20 years in     Las Vegas with Lance Burton
Mike Caveney – multiple award winning comedy magician
Dan Birch – world renown high energy dove act
Alexander Great – grand scale illusionist
Link to purchase tickets:  http://www.cerritoscenter.com/tickets/reserve.aspx?performanceNumber=5586
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