#damon salvatoer x oc
Keeping Secrets Ch. 41
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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A giggle sounded through the room as Klaus teased Katie’s sides making her squirm under him. “You’re so ticklish.” He laughed.
“And you…are not ticklish at all.” She complained. "It's annoyingly unfair."
“Perhaps you just haven’t found the right spot yet.” He told her, making her narrow her eyes at him in thought. “You’re welcome to continue your search.” He rolled onto his back taking her with him and she sat up, straddling him.
“Hmm,” she pursed her lips and pulled them to the side, “nah.” She fell down bracing herself on her hands on the bed. “I think I’ll let it be a mystery for a little while longer.” She started kissing his bicep, where his feather tattoo began then kissed her way up it following the birds that branched off of the feather to the last one that sat just under his collarbone then up to his shoulder where she gently bit him, pulling a pleasured sound from him. “I have other ways of making you smile.”
“Oh really, like what?” he asked curiously as he slid his hands up her thighs to hold her hips.
“Flattery for one.” She answered and she could tell he wanted to smile, but was resisting. “Or there’s always doing something random. Like…” she quickly licked the tip of his nose making him wrinkle it and laugh quietly. “See, there are those cute dimples I like so much.” She sat up and looked down at him.
“Cute huh?” He asked.
“Yep.” She told him with a flirty smile. “I also find your accent cute along with your butt, but you already knew that one. Let’s see what else do I find cute about you?” She asked herself as she looked up in thought. “How your hair gets a little curly when you let it grow out.” She told him as she looked at his messy dirty blond hair. “Oh, the way you hold me super close with my face pressed into your neck at night. Even when you’re completely asleep you don’t let go.”
“Why is that cute?” he asked.
“Because it lets me know that you want to keep me close. It shows a certain amount of neediness and it feels good to feel needed.” she told him with a shrug then kissed him and rolled over pulling him with her then wrapped her legs around him.
“You know…” he started but was cut off when she started nibbling on his neck pulling a sigh from him, “If we do this every morning and night you will soon tire of me.” he warned her.
“Not possible.” She replied then bit his neck a little harder, wishing they could blood share. “Unless…you’re getting tired of me.” she stopped and looked up at him.
He pressed his hips into hers letting her feel how much she affected him. “Does that feel like I’m getting tired of you?” he whispered then started kissing her neck making her eyes slip shut and tilt her head to the side.
“No, but I’m sure guys can fake it just as easily as girls.” She argued.
“Have you ever-”
“Not with you.” she answered before he could finish the question.
“Now my interest is peaked.” He said as he sat up on his knees and she slid up to sit in his lap with her legs wrapped around him and he held her close with his hand on her upper back. “Who, prey tell, have you faked it with?”
“Ronan. He was built like a wrestler and most girls might go for that, but in case you haven’t noticed beefy guys with muscles bigger than my head don’t really do it for me. I would have rather faced the cat-o-nine tails than the consummation of our marriage.” She told him as she let her eyes travel his body, thinking about how perfect Klaus was.
He’d suffered through some horrible things in his life, but he’d never been forced to have sex with someone. He’d also done some horrible things and rape was never one of them. “No one should ever have to go through that.” he told her quietly with a pained look in his eyes.
“Yeah, well even in my first life, circumstances shaped me into the perfect actress.” She sighed not looking up. “I had to act like Father was the upstanding guy the town believed him to be, act like he didn’t slice my back open on a daily basis. Had to convince Father I had no idea how my back had healed so fast when really my nanny and her daughter were cailleach.” She used the Irish word for witch reminding him that she still spoke Irish. “I knew how to act like everything was okay, but my wedding night was my biggest acting gig to date. Either I was convincing or Ronan just didn’t care.”
“Did he know you didn’t want him?” he asked and she shook her head no. “How long were you with him?” he asked, not being able to remember if she said in her journal.
“Eight years.” she answered.
“And in all those years you never once-”
“Nope.” She answered his question before he could finish it.
“Do me a favor, never fake it with me.” he told her as he laid her back on the bed and looked into her eyes. “If you’re not in the mood or you’re not into it, just tell me. It won’t be the first time you got me all hot and bothered then left me hanging.” Remembering the first time they kissed she wrinkled her nose and covered her face with a laugh. She moved her hand and looked at him with slightly apologetic eyes. “Just so you know…pleasuring myself to the thought of you that night did little to ebb my desire to have you.”
His words and the visions they brought to mind made a wave of pleasure shoot through her and she smiled, biting her lip before she let it slip out of her teeth. “Do you know why I was awake the night after the twenties dance?” she asked as she tightened her legs around him and he shook his head no. “It wasn’t because I was upset about Alaric. It was because I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” she grabbed his hand and kissed his fingertips, “The first time we kissed, every time you kissed my cheek or just touched me in general, the look in your eyes when you told me you intended on setting me ablaze…every memory like that kept playing in my head getting me all worked up. There was a reason I walked away from you when we were dancing that night.”
He slid his hand from her grasp to rest between her breasts as he fell forward to hover over her with his free hand on the bed beside her shoulder. “I thought I’d made you uncomfortable.”
She shook her head no. “It was because Caroline gave me a questioning look when she realized who I was dancing with and I realized that you, the brother of the man I was still bound to, the big, bad, original hybrid that had brought my friends so much terror, were my darkest desire.” She slid her hands down his chest to hold his sides. “And giving in to that desire was the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Klaus slipped his thumb over her bottom lip as he looked into her eyes then moved his thumb and caught her lip between his in a kiss that quickly turned heated and passionate.
Later that day Katie stood at the end of the desk in the study where Klaus sat looking through Esther’s spell book. “So since I was wrong about the morning sickness being over and I missed the meeting with Sophie, what’s the plan for tonight?”
“Sophie is going to do a locator spell to find Elijah. To keep her from getting caught another witch is going to do a bigger spell to mask Sophie’s.” he told her.
“How did you convince another witch to do magic?” she asked with an interested look.
“I haven’t.” he answered looking confident. “That is what this is for.” He held up a page from the book and Katie looked at it to see a daylight ring spell. “Marcel’s right hand man Thierry is in love with a witch that owns a shop in The Caldron. Since said witch gave Thierry a tip about a werewolf in the quarter that led to dead night walkers, I gave him a little nudge and he ordered a rousting of The Caldron. When they do said rousting tonight while Rebekah and I are at Marcel’s party, a compelled nightwalker of mine is going to bite Thierry’s little girlfriend. If he loves her as much as he says he does, he will kill my night walker.”
“And Marcel has rules about vampires killing vampires.” Katie nodded. “To save Thierry his witch girlfriend will do a spell, masking Sophie’s. Too bad there’s probably not going to be time for you to make Sophie to unlink herself from me while the smoke screen is still up.” She sighed.
“One of the many things I’m working on, Love.” He told her as he wrapped his arm around her waist.
“I know and I don’t mean to complain. I just wish there was more I could do than sit on my butt and do nothing.” She told him then pointed to the spell on the desk. “So what is this for?”
“Insurance.” He answered. “Another compelled vampire of mine is going to say they found this, a spell Marcel keeps under lock and key, in the shop of Thierry’s girlfriend.”
“Then Marcel will accuse Thierry of treason along with the fact that he killed another vampire and he will lose his right hand man status leaving room for you to slip into his place.” Katie finished and he looked up at her with a smirk. “And there’s no way I can go to the party?” she asked.
“You know I would grant you anything you wish, but no. It’s too dangerous.” He told her as he stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I know…��� she sighed. “Go, do your thing.” She told him then pecked him on the lips.
Katie was outside, sitting on the edge of the pool with her legs in the cool water. “I thought you were supposed to be staying inside.” Katie jumped and looked to her left to see an almond skinned woman. She recognized her as one of the witches, but couldn’t remember her name. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m one of Sophie’s friends. She asked me to keep you company while everyone’s out.”
“Yeah I remember seeing you around.” Katie told her as she stood up. “What’s your name again?”
“Sabine.” She answered. “So, now that you’ve had time to wrap your head around it, how are you feeling about becoming a mother?”
“I…am…excited, for the most part.” Katie answered. “I just wish I could go get an ultrasound done so I can see it and maybe find out what it is so I can’t stop calling it, it.” she said then remembered Fiona doing a trick where she put her wedding band on a string and dangled it over her stomach. “I have a weird question, can you determine the gender?”
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Sabine smiled and nodded. “Come on, let’s go into the house where there are fewer mosquitoes.”
“I…don’t have a wedding band…” Katie said realizing it was, according to Fiona, a crucial part of the trick.
“The wedding band is unnecessary. It was just our way of making things make a little more sense to the humans since a wedding band is tied to both the mother and the father.” Sabine laughed as they walked into the kitchen and she motioned to the island. “Hop up.” Katie hopped up and lay back on the counter with her hands at her sides. Sabine took off her necklace and dangled it over Katie’s stomach. After a few seconds she smiled and said, “I think it’s a girl.” Katie smiled. “No. Wait.”
“Don’t tell me I’m having twins.” Katie said thinking Sabine had found a second baby that maybe she hadn’t heard.
But Sabine dropped the necklace, threw her head back and started chanting. Knowing from the many times she saw Fiona have a vision that Sabine was having one now, Katie grabbed Sabine’s wrist hoping to see it, but Sabine was on vervain. After a minute or so Sabine stopped and looked at Katie with wide eyes.
“You just had a vision and from the looks of it, it wasn’t good.” Katie pointed out. “Tell me what it was about.”
“You’re delivery…it won’t be an easy one.” Sabine warned.
“Is that all you can tell me?” Katie asked sensing something was off.
“Unfortunately, yes.” Sabine answered. “My visions are sometimes hard to read.”
“I’m not feeling well. I’m going to go to bed, you can see yourself out.” Katie told her as she placed her hand on her stomach and started for the stairs. Sabine nodded and left.
Katie however was feeling perfectly fine and instead of going to bed grabbed her laptop and started attempting to translate what she’d heard Sabine say.
Katie was sitting on their bed with earbuds in her ears still trying to decode what seemed to be very poor Latin when Klaus walked in and pulled one of the ear buds out of her ear. “I thought you should know Elijah will be returning to us.” Klaus told her.
She didn’t look away from her computer. “Yeah, cool.” She told him with a wave.
Klaus blinked down at her a little confused by her lack of reaction. “What on earth are you doing?”
“You speak different languages right?” she asked, finally looking away from the computer to see the look he was giving her. “I had a visitor tonight. A witch named Sabine. Sophie sent her to keep me company and I asked her to do a gender test, after which she had a vision. She said it was about my delivery, that it wasn’t going to be easy, but I think she was lying. And I can’t translate what she was chanting during her vision.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this focused on something before.” He told her as he shifted his weight on his feet.
“I don’t think you’ve ever seen me this worried before.” Katie pointed out as she stood from the bed. “It sounded bad.”
“Alright, what was she chanting?” he asked.
“Hoc est infantima malom. Nos omnia perdetu el eam.” She told him and after a few minutes his eyes grew big and his posture fell. “What does it mean, Klaus?”
“This baby is evil. It will destroy us all.” He answered.
Katie sank down on the bed. “If Sabine opens her mouth…they are going to think our child is the equivalent of Lucifer himself.” She told him with a hard voice.
He sighed, sat down beside her and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her to him to rest her forehead on his with their eyes closed. “I will protect you and our child with my life.”
“Nothing hurts her.” Katie agreed and they opened their eyes meeting each other’s gazes. “No matter what.”
“No matter what.” He agreed then wrapped his arms around her waist and moved them so that they were lying on the bed with his hand resting on her stomach. After a few minutes what she’d said sank in. “Her?”
“Crap, I was going to ask if you wanted to know before I told you that part.” She told him and he pushed himself up on his arm to look down at her. “According to Sabine’s gender test we’re having a girl and it’s the same test Fiona did when I was pregnant with Jonah.” his eyes were wide and he almost looked scared. “You’re getting your princess.” She told him with a small smile.
A quiet, quick laugh left his lips before he pressed them to hers.
They had been making out for a few minutes when she pulled back. “Mmm, how did the party scheme go?”
“I deviated from the plan.” He answered as he pulled back to look at her face.
“How did you deviate?” she asked as she slid her hands down his chest and around his waist.
“There was no way our little suicide witch wasn’t gonna try and take out Marcel with her.” He told her. “So I killed Thierry’s girl, but unfortunately that cut Sophie’s locator spell short.”
“But you said Elijah was returning to us.” Katie pointed out a little confused.
“By protecting Marcel I’ve cemented his trust. So much so that he’s agreed to return Elijah to us. And…when he’s told me everything I need to know about Davina we will have her for ourselves.” He told her in his I’m diabolical and I know it voice. He expected her to say something along the lines of, yay Elijah’s coming back or, you’re not going to use a sixteen year old girl as a weapon. But she said nothing. “Care to voice your thoughts?”
“I just…” she sighed and shook her head, “Under any other circumstances I would totally be against using a child as a weapon, but if we can get her to willingly join our side…If she can help protect our baby…I’m all for it.” she shrugged. “As for Elijah…It’s sucked knowing he’s been daggered in a coffin with a teenage witch probably poking and prodding at him trying to figure out how to kill him.”
“I feel like there was an unspoken “but” at the end of that sentence.” He prompted.
“But…” she caressed his back with a sigh, “there’s a reason I haven’t been riding you harder about getting him back. It felt like he still has feelings for me, I know you get jealous easily and I don’t want to be the cause of a Mikealson brother smackdown.” she immediately remembered them fighting while her humanity was off after she told Elijah she had been with Klaus. “Watching two men fight over me was kind of fun the first time when I didn’t care who got hurt, but now…not so much.”
“I trust that you are loyal to me, but if he tries something I cannot promise that we won’t come to blows again.” He told her with a warning look.
“I know, and I’m not asking you to make any promises. I’m just asking you to let me handle it and if I can’t get it through his thick skull that I’m yours and I’m not going to change my mind, then you can throw fists and break stuff.” She told him with a serious face. “Deal?”
“Deal.” He agreed.
After eating breakfast Katie showered and started getting dressed and after trying on a third pair of jean shorts she slammed the dresser drawer shut. Klaus smirked, looking at the small pooch in her lower abdomen. “It’s not funny.” She told him as she pulled a pair of athletic shorts out of the dresser.
“You’re right it’s not funny, it’s beautiful…You’re beautiful.” He told her as he watched her pull on the shorts then a hot pink racer back tank top.
“I don’t feel beautiful.” She complained as she walked over to where he stood at the foot of the bed with his hands tucked behind his back. “I feel bloated and heartburn is a pain in the ass.”
He grabbed her hips, turned her around then pulled her back into him, sweeping her hair to the side so he could kiss her neck. “You could grow to the size of a whale and I’d still think you were the most beautiful woman on the planet.” He rested his chin on her shoulder and slipped his hand over his stomach.
“Let’s not test that theory.” She told him as she turned her head and pecked him on his stubbly cheek. “If you’re trying to feel her moving you most likely won’t.”
“I’m aware.” He told her defensively.
“Really?” she asked, not believing him. “How?” He walked over to his bedside table, pulled the top drawer open and took out a book. He tossed it to her and she caught it.
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“What to expect when you’re expecting.” She read the cover out loud then smiled a bright smile at him. “You’re reading a pregnancy book.”
“Yes it’s actually quite informative.” He told her as he walked around the bed and placed his hands on her sides.
He smiled when she threw her arms around his neck and captured his lips with hers for a happy kiss. “You’re awesome.”
“It’s just a book, Love.” He laughed at her reaction.
“I begged Ronan to buy a book on pregnancy and read it with me. We were miles from town or any kind of midwife. I had no idea what to expect having never even been around a pregnant woman before. He told me that I didn’t need it because my body and nature would take care of everything and he didn’t need to know about pregnancy because the man’s job was to wait outside and have a cigar when it was all over.” She explained. “It’s not just a book.”
“I fully intend on being at your side, holding your hand or whatever you need me to do when the time comes.” He told her then pecked her on the lips. “I’ve read it, cover to cover. The book is yours and I’ll get you more if you want.”
She smiled, pecked him on the lips, “You’re awesome.” Then sat down on the bed. “I have my plans for the day. What are yours?”
“The annual Dauphine Street music festival is tonight.” He told her.
“Seems like this place is no different than Mystic Falls.” She pointed out. “Parties and festivals are hot spots for supernatural shenanigans. If it wasn’t for that I would be begging you to let me come with you. So instead I’ll say maybe next year.”
“Next year?” he asked, noticing the implication.
“I have a feeling if I had the chance I’d really like this city.” She told him with a shrug. “And it’s your favorite place and your home. Am I thinking too far ahead when I say I want it to be our home?”
“What about Mystic Falls?” he asked with an interested tilt of his head.
“Graduation was the last thing that place had to offer me. Now my friends are going to college without me and it just doesn’t feel like I belong with them anymore. So I guess you could say that I’m in the market for a new home.”
He walked over to her with admiration in his eyes. “I can’t wait to officially show you your new home. But for now I have to go.”
“Okay, if you gotta.” She sighed pretending to pout he just smirked and pecked her on the lips before he left.
Katie was sitting on the couch reading the book when someone rang the doorbell and Rebekah answered it. “You have a visitor.” Rebekah announced as she walked into the room.
Katie looked up to see Agnes, a witch elder, walk in and sit down in the armchair across from her. “What can I do for you?” Katie asked not pleased that a witch was in the house. She was really growing to hate the French Quarter witches as a whole.
“I was just coming to check up on you.” she told her with a pleasant smile.
“I’m fine.” Katie answered. “The baby’s fine.”
“You know you’re overdue for a check up, right?” Agnes asked.
“I’m aware, but going to the doctor isn’t exactly an option right now is it?” Katie asked.
“A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you’re not taking better care of yours.” Rebekah spoke up from where she sat at a table in the room looking for the attic she saw Elijah in on satellite images.
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“I know a doctor out in the bayou off the beaten path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you…tonight after hours, just us. Marcel’s men will never get word of it.” Agnes told her and Katie snapped the book shut.
“Well, thanks, but you shouldn’t have.” Katie told her as she stood up and tossed the book onto the couch then headed to the front door with Agnes. “Sorry you wasted your time.” Katie pulled the door open and motioned Agnes outside. “Goodbye.” Agnes walked out and Katie shut the door.
“Well that was rude of you.” Rebekah commented.
“I don’t trust French Quarter witches.” Katie told her as she walked back over to the couch and picked up the book. “And honestly I’m surprised you’d think I’d go anywhere alone with one of them.”
“I see my brother’s paranoia has rubbed off on you.” she sighed not looking away from the computer screen.
“It’s not paranoia if I have legitimate reasons to not trust someone.” Katie pointed out. “If I go to that doctor I’ll go with Klaus, not some witch I don’t even know.”
A few seconds later Klaus walked in and saw Rebekah on the computer just as she’d been when he left this morning. “Please sister, tell me you’re not still at it with the internet search.” He said as he walked into the room to the table that sat between the two armchairs across from the couch that Katie was sitting on and poured himself a drink from the decanter that was always on the table and always full. “How does one begin anyway, just type in ‘anonymous attic’?” he smirked at Katie who glanced up from her reading at him.
“Someone has to find Elijah. Even if I have to search every bloody attic in New Orleans.” Rebekah replied not looking away from the computer.
“Like looking for a needle in a rather large pile of needles.” Klaus commented as he turned to look at Rebekah.
“I remember details about the attic Marcel took me to. There were shutters on the windows behind Elijah’s coffin.” Rebekah replied.
“Well that should narrow it down immensely.” Klaus walked over to Katie and sat down next to her. “Myself, I prefer actual strategy as opposed to mind-numbing labor.” He grabbed Katie’s legs and pulled them to drape over his lap and she leaned to the side and the back of the couch, not taking her eyes off the book in her lap as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Marcel’s delay in returning our brother makes me suspect he’s no longer in charge of the situation. If Davina’s loyalty to Marcel is strained perhaps the young witch will be open to discussing a new alliance.”
Katie took her eyes off the book now interested in the conversation. “As usual, your power grabs are more important than rescuing your brother.” Rebekah said.
Katie frowned and looked between the brother and sister. “You know, it’s not impossible to do both. Davina has Elijah. If we get her we get him. They are kind of a packaged deal at this point.” She told Rebekah then looked at Klaus. “Am I wrong?”
“As per the usual you are spot on.” Klaus told her with an appreciative look in his eyes. Neither of them had told Rebekah about Sabine’s vision. So she didn’t know why it was so important to both of them that they get Davina on their side. “The little witch is going to be at the festival tonight and I’m going to make a move.” He told Katie more than Rebekah. Katie pecked him on the cheek then returned her eyes to her book.
Katie was alone in the house, cooking supper when she thought she heard something outside. Since Sabine’s visit she’d caught herself going on high alert whenever she was in the house by herself. So she pressed pause on her phone that was filling the kitchen with music. When she heard a twig snap outside she whooshed through the front door and around the house to the sound. A guy was sneaking toward the back door and she recognized him as the same witch that had tried to stop her from leaving the tomb. She got still and quiet and listened. She counted seven distinctly different sets of footsteps including the guy she had eyes on that was about to open the back door.
They created a semi circle around the back of the house. The witches further back were most likely keeping an eye on the one breaking into the house as they slowly closed in on the house. So she decided to leave him be for now. Instead she whooshed to the witch furthest away from the house, disarmed him as quietly as she could then slammed him face first into the ground and placed her foot on his back. She held his arms straight out behind his back, her hands holding tight around his wrists. “Call for help and die.” She practically growled at him. “What do you people want?” he didn’t answer. So Katie pulled back on his arms making him groan in pain. “Answer the question or I will rip your arms from your scrawny little torso.”
“We were sent to kill you.” he answered with a pant.
“By who?” she asked.
“Agnes.” He grunted. “She said that the child you’re carrying will be the death of all witches.”
“Damn it Sabine.” Katie sighed. “Looks like it’s time to send the witches a message.” With a whoosh she broke the guy’s neck. Over the course of the next minute five more witches necks were broken. The last warlock standing was the one in the house. So she whooshed to the back door and listened. She heard him in the parlor and whooshed inside, completely catching him off guard when she grabbed him from behind, sank her teeth into his neck and drank until his heart stopped then let him fall to the floor. He wasn’t even on vervain.
With all of the witches dead Katie went to the kitchen, took her phone off the speaker dock and called Klaus. “I hate to sound rude, but I’m in the middle of something, Sweetheart.” Klaus said when he answered the phone.
“Okay, I just have one quick question.” She told him as she walked into the parlor and looked down at the bloody circle on the carpet. “What should I do with the lifeless bodies of seven warlocks?”
“Are you okay?” he asked, not answering her question, but it was obvious that she now had his full attention.
“Perfectly.” She answered in a chipper voice.
“What happened?” he asked his voice now low and hard.
“Agnes sent some witches to their deaths thinking they could kill me.” she answered looking at the blood puddle that kept getting bigger. “Also, how do I get blood out of a rug? The dead guy in our living room is bleeding everywhere.”
“Where is Rebekah?” he asked once again, not answering her question.
“What the bloody hell happened here?” Rebekah asked as she walked into the parlor.
“She just got back from wherever it is she’s been.” Katie answered.
“I will be there as soon as I can.” He told her then hung up.
Katie put the phone down and looked at Rebekah. “He tried to kill me.” Katie said with a shrug as she leaned down and picked up the stake that had fallen out of the guy’s hand. “Did Agnes seriously think simple witches who aren’t allowed to do the brain pain spell could ambush me?”
“You kind of make it easy to forget that you’re a vampire.” Rebekah answered then stepped over the guy and grabbed his ankles. “Are you going to help me get him out of here or what?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry.” Katie said with a shake of her head and grabbed the guy’s shoulders then helped Rebekah move the guy outside.
“You took on seven witches…alone?” Klaus asked as he stalked into the house.
“Yep.” Katie answered simply from where she sat on the floor, scrubbing at the blood on the rug.
“You should have called me and let me handle it.” he told her with a hard face.
“I should have called you and let them close in on me while I waited for you?” she asked as she tossed the scrub brush into the bucket of soapy water and stood up.
“There are several places in this house you could have hidden.” he told her with a point to the room he had the coffins stored in.
“You of all people know I do not hide and I do not back down.” she told him with her head held high as she glared at him. It struck her that she’d had a fight like this before, with Damon, and she sighed and wiped the glare from her face. “I know I have a habit of putting myself in harm's way and I know I’m slowly getting weaker. That’s why I bite myself every once in a while to see if I still heal and I whoosh just to see if I still have speed.” She cupped his face in her hands. “You know that if I thought for even a second that taking them on would put the baby in danger I wouldn’t have done it, right?”
“Your fight is one of the many things I like about you.” he told her as he took one of her hands off his face and kissed the underside of her wrist. “I know you’d never put our baby in harm's way.” He put his hand on her shoulder then kissed her. “Now that I know you are, in fact, perfectly okay there is one more thing I need to tend to in the quarter before the night is over. I will not be long.”
“You’re not going to go on a witch hunt are you?” she asked with a smirk.
“No, but when I do get my hands on Sophie Deveraux she is-“
“It wasn’t Sophie. It was Agnes.” Katie interrupted him.
“Agnes, Sophie, it’s all the same to me. I’ll slaughter the lot of them.” He told her with a sneer.
“Not if Elijah gets there first.” Rebekah said as she walked into the room and sat down on the couch.
“Come again?” Katie asked with a look at Rebekah.
“Have you found him?” Klaus asked, tucking his hands behind his back.
“He’s been in touch, and he has a plan.” Rebekah answered then looked at Katie. “All he asks is that we take care of you.”
Klaus stalked over to glare down at Rebekah. “I asked you to stay with her, not go on a wild goose chase to find Elijah.”
“I believe she has proven that she doesn’t need a babysitter.” Rebekah argued.
Klaus opened her mouth to say something, but Katie touched his arm keeping a fight from happening. “I’ll be back.” Klaus told Katie then pecked her on the lips and walked away.
With him gone Katie returned to the kitchen and started cleaning up the meal that was no longer worth finishing. Rebekah walked in and leaned on the island. “You are aware that Elijah is still in love with you, right?” she asked.
Katie grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet. “I’m aware.” she grabbed a bag of granola cereal out of another cabinet.
“And you don’t care?” Rebekah asked.
Katie grabbed a gallon of milk out of the icebox and set it on the counter. “Of course I care, Rebekah, but my feelings for him are not what they used to be.”
“Because you’re in love with Klaus?” she asked as she watched Katie pour cereal into the bowl.
“Are you always this nosey or are you just trying to find a way to get Elijah and I back together?” she asked, avoiding the question.
“Just making an attempt at girl talk.” Rebekah answered innocently.
“If you want girl talk then we can talk about hair products, fashion or the incredibly hot Hemsworth brothers.” Katie pointed out as she added milk to the bowl.
“You have a thing for guys with accents, don’t you?” Rebekah asked.
“Yep.” Katie answered then took a bite of cereal.
“So you’re not in love with Klaus?” Rebekah asked.
Katie sighed and let her head fall forward. “I’m not talking about this with you.” she answered then grabbed her bowl and went to her and Klaus’s room.
She was sitting at a table in their room, eating her cereal and writing in her journal when her phone started ringing and she pulled it out of her pocket to see Klaus’s name on the screen. She pressed talk and before she could say hello a woman’s voice hit her ears. “Wait. That’s right I told you what happened. I never tell anybody, but I told you.” Katie frowned and hit the speaker phone button. “And you said something about Sean standing alone against his demons. When he killed those men I thought he must be mentally ill, but… What if it was demons? What if a vampire compelled him?”
“And if so, would you devote yourself to finding the guilty party? Would you sacrifice everything to find out the truth? To what end?” She heard Klaus ask, both of their voices sounded far away from the phone. She could only guess that he pocket dialed her.
“To what end? This is the entire reason I am in New Orleans!” the woman said with a raised voice.
Katie was about to hang up, knowing she shouldn’t be listening in on Klaus’s conversations, but the name that came out of his mouth stopped her. “Cami, whatever lies on the other end of this mystery will only offer you pain. Nothing will bring your brother back. Your only hope for peace is to forget this and move on.” He’d left her to go to Cami?
“No, don’t compel me to forget this.” Cami argued.
“And if I allow you to remember…your knowledge will eat away at you. Your quest for truth will only put you in danger.” Klaus told her.
“You don’t care about me! You just want me to forget this so I can be focused on Marcel. So I’ll be a good little spy for you!” Cami yelled at him. Katie placed her fingertips on her lips, debating on hanging up. She shouldn’t be listening to this, but she couldn’t help herself.
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“I need your loyalty, yes, and though that may appear selfish to you the scope of my plan goes far beyond myself. Power aside I am trying to honor my brother and the woman I love.” Klaus told her with an emotional voice. Katie’s heart stopped at Klaus’s confession.
“But what about my brother? My twin brother. We were bonded our whole lives and I know…I know he didn’t just snap. And I need to know who did this and I need to make this right.” Cami pleaded with him. “No, don’t take this away from me!”
“You will do nothing. Your brother was ill. He killed those people and himself and it was a tragedy. All you can do is move on.” Katie assumed he was compelling Cami. “Know that your brother is at peace and that you needn’t worry. I will find out what happened and when I do, I will make sure whoever harmed your brother will suffer. And as for you, tonight, you will sleep and you will dream of a world far better than this one. A world where there is no evil, no demons, and all people desire only to be good.” When she heard the sound of wind against the microphone of the phone she pressed the end button.
She was putting her empty bowl in the dishwasher when she heard Klaus whoosh up behind her then grab her hips, spin her around and kiss her. She kissed him back for a few seconds then turned away and closed the dishwasher. “You…are the perfect ending to a long day.” He whispered into her ear as his hands slipped down her sides and kissed her neck.
“I’m far from perfect.” She told him as she turned in his arms. “I’m nosey.” He gave her a curious look. “You were with Cami earlier and I know that because you pocket dialed me…and I listened.”
He sighed and tilted his head to the side. “How much did you hear?”
“I came in on Cami wondering if her brother was compelled.” She answered. “I shouldn’t have listened and I’m sorry.”
“No worries, love.” He told her knowing that if she heard the whole conversation she heard him say that he loves her. She had no reason to be jealous and it didn’t look like she was mad, just guilty.
“You’re not mad at me?” she asked quietly.
“Of course not.” He told her as he placed his hands on her hips. “Something else I like about you…” he picked her up and sat her on the kitchen counter, “your curiosity.”
“Yeah, well, curiosity killed the cat.” She sighed.
“Thankfully cats have nine lives.” He replied, making her roll her eyes. “Do you have any questions regarding what you heard?”
“What’s the whole story? All I could gather from what I heard is that Cami’s twin brother, Sean, killed people and it may or may not have been because a vampire compelled him to do so.” She told him as she wrapped her legs around him.
“Her brother was a seminary student at Saint Ann’s church in the quarter.” He started. “He went insane and killed nine of his fellow seminary students then himself. According to Cami, he had no reason to do so. He showed no signs or symptoms that one usually does before a psychotic break. She feared that his demons would become her own and was suffering from insomnia and nightmares.”
“So you compelled her to rest easy and stop worrying about her brother because if she didn’t it would lead her right into the mess that is the supernatural community.” She thought out loud putting the pieces together. “You helped her because you care about her.”
“So are you jealous?” he asked with a smirk.
“That you told Cami that you are trying to honor your brother and the woman that you love?” she asked with a small smile. “Nope, I’m good.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and tightened her legs around him.
“So you’re acknowledging that I love you.” he observed.
“You’re doing everything in your power to protect me and your unborn child.” She pointed out as she looked him in the eyes. “And you called me your everything. I’d have to be blind to not see it. I just…” she bit her lips closed and dropped her eyes from his with a shake of her head.
“You’re not ready to say it back.” he finished for her as he slid his hands up from her hips to hold her sides.
“I should be, all things considered, but…no, I’m not.” She admitted with a shake of her head and a shrug. She felt like something was standing in the way of her fully giving in to Klaus, like something was blocking those words from leaving her lips.
“I move at a faster pace than you when it comes to us and that is perfectly fine.” He assured her seeing how much she was struggling with the idea of love even after everything they had been through. It was going to take time for her to let herself love again. “I don’t want you to say it unless you mean it.”
“And that…Big Bad Wolf, is one of the many, many things I like about you.” she moved her arms from around his neck to rest her hands on the sides of it. “You’re patient with me even though patience isn’t your strong suit.” He placed his hand on her cheek and opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind and closed it. She knew he wanted to say it, but if he did she would feel pressured to say it back and neither of them wanted that. So instead, he pressed his lips to hers, both of them pouring themselves into it resulting in him whooshing then upstairs to their room.
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