#damo salvatore
tinyvault · 8 months
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delena + stelena 🧛‍♀️ save = like
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goofyjelly · 2 months
TVD 5x17
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okay omg Stefan and Caroline 🥺 <3
I'm so normal about The Vampire Diaries™
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bluemargotrobbie · 6 months
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Hope y Leah - Nieta y abuela (fanfic).
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Hope y Ansel -Abuelo y Nieta
Hope Leah Mikealson, hija del híbrido Niklaus Mikealson y Arielle Salvatore.
Arielle fue criada y maltratada por una madre abusiva como Lilian Salvatore, la que creyó que era su madre.
Klaus vivió los maltratos y abusos físicos de Mikeal.
Nos damos cuenta, se ve que la pequeña Hope, se parece muchísimo a su abuela materna y su abuelo paterno. los padres que ellos no llegaron a conocer.
📚: Future Nostalgia Saga
🖋: scarletqueenx (wattpad)
🎟️: scarletqueenx ( tik tok)
📰:scarletqueenx (Tumblr)
💌 : Klaus Mikealson
👤: Arielle Salvatore
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letteringsaturn · 9 months
Carta aberta a bestie.
Me convenci de que essa era a melhor maneira de me comunicar por duas razões: primeiro que você pode não querer nunca mais falar comigo; segundo que eu sou covarde demais para tentar. Mas preciso tentar, de alguma forma.
Não queria começar falando sobre meus sentimentos, fazer parecer que isso é por mim, porque não é. Só que sinto necessidade de dizer que os últimos meses foram os piores de toda a minha vida, não só pela culpa, também pela ausência. O que Damon Salvatore disse é totalmente verdadeiro: quando uma pessoa que você ama se vai, tudo que fica é um buraco vazio onde ela deveria estar. E nada é capaz de preencher ou mudar isso. Nada nos últimos meses foi capaz de preencher o espaço imenso e devastador que você deixou. Ter vivido durante todo esse tempo foi como estar dentro de um bote perdido no meio do oceano, à deriva. Eu não vi nenhum meio de salvação e nem queria ver. Ter desistido de todas as coisas que deveriam me fazer bem não foi nada difícil e eu senti conforto na angústia, na dor, não apenas porque eu merecia, mas porque me deixava entorpecido, como se isso fosse tudo e tudo bem.
Eu não queria machucar quem eu mais amava e não entendo porque eu tinha que fazer isso. Por que eu tinha que ter feito isso? Podem haver várias respostas, mas todas são inaceitáveis pra mim. Eu prefiro e devo assumir minhas responsabilidades.
Lidar com um borderline é uma tarefa extremamente difícil e, quase sempre, decepcionante. Fazemos e dissemos coisas com tanta e tamanha impulsividade, e só nos damos conta de que deixamos as nossas emoções — as piores emoções — tomar conta bem depois. Refletir e olhar para dentro de nós mesmos, analisar onde e porquê erramos é algo muito racional, e, portanto, muito complicado para quem vive sempre no limiar do coração e não do cérebro. Apesar de tudo, sua amizade foi uma das melhores coisas que já tive e você foi muito generosa por todo o tempo em que estivemos juntos nessa.
De qualquer maneira, minhas dificuldades de existir não podem respingar do jeito mais negativo possível naqueles que eu amo. Há sempre um jeitinho de pouparmos quem não tem culpa de nossos problemas, de nossos traumas, das nossas necessidades advindas de todo tipo de doença mental. Eu quero evoluir e estar sempre em evolução, por isso eu te peço perdão. Acho que consigo carregar a culpa e a dor, mas me assombra o fato de que você também carrega uma dor pelo que aconteceu. Tenho esperança de que um desfecho atenuante possa curar seu coração e fazer com que você siga em frente pra sempre sem mais qualquer dor ou peso. Você era tudo para mim e eu deveria ter me esforçado mais para dar o meu melhor. Eu sei que ainda seria o mínimo.
Me perdoe por essas turbulências. Você merece muito mais pelo ser humano maravilhoso que é. "Eu não sei como me despedir de você, sempre estarei aqui, e sempre vou te amar". Da lua até Saturno. Pra sempre.
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thetelevoid · 4 years
Moving along on this Vampire Diaries rewatch-slash-first-time watch (and mostly spoiler-free) combination podcast, we’re talking about “A Few Good Men” (Season 1, Episode 15) and “There Goes the Neighborhood” (Season 1, Episode 16). And boy do we have some questions. Would John Goodman make a good Giuseppe Salvatore? Who is “Bloodybecky”? Does Shay Mitchell have Canadian energy? Is Raising Helen a movie that exists? Did Damon “Damo” Salvatore and Carol “Carol” Lockwood have sex? Also, LaToya, Morgan, and Jill prepare for the “full Boy Time” that will be Episode 9.
“MOTHERS, BACHELORS AND BLOOD” (“A Few Good Men”) “A NEW START” (“There Goes the Neighborhood”)
The more AMPED logline this time around? Mothers and bachelors and blood—oh my! “A Few Good Men” is truly AMPED.
Whether you’re a Vampire Diaries obsessive or newcomer, join along with hosts LaToya Ferguson (@lafergs—Vampire Diaries obsessive), Morgan Lutich (@LorganMutich—Vampire Diaries obsessive), and Jill Defiel (@jiilbobaggins—Vampire Diaries newcomer) on their new podcast journey. Most importantly, get AMPED (and horny) along with them on this journey. Ya gotta get AMPED.
The Official CW Promo for “A Few Good Men”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG57RikHqtg The Mystic Falls Event of the Week for “A Few Good Men”: Mystic Falls Annual Founder’s Day Fundraiser Silent Auction Bachelor Raffle (yes, that is the official title) The Official CW Promo for “There Goes the Neighborhood”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI-EdL1cytY The Mystic Falls Event of the Week for “There Goes the Neighborhood”: A normal teen double date and adults getting lit “A Few Good Men” Deleted Kelly Donovan Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-FtR_0EyvA Playboy’s Miss June 1972: http://www.playmates.com/debbie-davis
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seriestvme · 4 years
Diarios de Vampiros, una serie llena de misterios
Diarios de Vampiros es una serie estadounidense de drama perteneciente a la cadena The CW, basada en la novela The Vampire Diaries de L. J. Smith. La primera temporada fue estrenada el 10 de septiembre de 2009 y tiene 22 capítulos con una duración de 43 minutos cada uno.
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Diarios de Vampiros es una serie estadounidense de drama perteneciente a la cadena The CW, basada en la novela The Vampire Diaries de L. J. Smith. La primera temporada fue estrenada el 10 de septiembre de 2009 y tiene 22 capítulos con una duración de 43 minutos cada uno.
Elena, una joven que se recupera del trauma de la muerte de sus padres conoce a Stefan, el nuevo estudiante y residente del pueblo del cual se enamora, pero él tiene un secreto que podría poner fin a su relación, él es un vampiro de más de 100 años.
Al leer la sinopsis podemos pensar que es otra serie típica llena de clichés sobre adolescentes y amores imposibles, pero va más allá. No sé si la adaptación a la televisión sea muy fiel a la novela, lo que sí es cierto es que termina siendo mucho más de lo que aparenta.
Sí, inicia con clichés, por ejemplo: Elena la porrista, Stefan el chico raro, el nuevo en el pueblo y misterioso, el chico más deseado. También tenemos a la mejor amiga líder de porristas, la otra amiga porrista, el hermanito rebelde y drogadicto, chicos y chicas guapos y sexys por doquier.
También inicia con situaciones trilladas, dramas forzados, poco a poco va tomando un buen camino, dándonos uno de los mejores argumentos que yo haya visto en series, es muy puntual, se sabe que va hacía algo y con cada situación, con cada capítulo se acerca a ese algo.
Con el paso de los capítulos abandonan todo el cliché y empezamos a ver personajes que evolucionan, vemos que tienen miedos, sueños, esperanzas, incógnitas…  sobre todo, incógnitas. Ese es uno de los puntos fuertes de Diarios de vampiros; las incógnitas.
El rumbo de la primera temporada
Durante los 22 capítulos conocemos la historia de Elena Gilbert, Stefan y Damon Salvatore. Tenemos a Damon como el chico malo, el vampiro que apaga sus emociones humanas porque son aburridas y tenemos a Stefan, el vampiro que bebe solo sangre de animales porque quiere hacer lo correcto, y conocemos a Elena, la joven que atrae la atención de los hermanos Salvatore. Tenemos la interrogante del parecido de Elena con la vampira que convirtió a Stefan y Damon en vampiros hace más de cien años. Y logramos conocer, por medio de unos muy bien utilizados flashbacks, la historia de Katerina y los hermanos Salvatore, vemos cómo ella los enamoró y cómo los dejó cuando fue asesinada junto al resto de los vampiros del pueblo… O eso es lo que se creía, porque en realidad Katerina está encerrada en una especie de tumba mágica y Damon intenta sacarla de allí.
Es así que en la primera temporada tenemos dos líneas argumentales, la del pasado y la del presente, todo girando alrededor de los hermanos Salvatore y dos mujeres con la misma apariencia.
Lo que se me hace muy patético de la serie es que tienen muchos eventos que conmemoran el pasado del pueblo, todo sobre los fundadores, por ejemplo, la fiesta del veintitrés de agosto o el baile en conmemoración de las familias fundadoras. A simple vista es patético y lo que le sigue… pero cuando se entiende el porqué de estas celebraciones todo tiene sentido y pierde un 20% de patetícidad (No existe la palabra, lo sé, pero me gusta).
La razón del culto a los fundadores
En la época en la que Stefan y Damon eran humanos, las familias fundadoras del pueblo mataron a los vampiros que atacaban a los habitantes y desde entonces, los descendientes de las familias tienen un concejo, el cual es el encargado de cuidar, desde las sombras, al pueblo de ataques vampíricos.
La razón por la que hay tantas celebraciones respecto a los fundadores, es porque en cada evento realizado el consejo se reúne para hablar sobre las amenazas (Esto se dijo en la tercera temporada).
Como todos nos imaginamos desde el inicio de la serie, Damon y Stefan se vuelven a enamorar de la misma mujer, lo que hace que Damon, el hermano despiadado y sin emociones, demuestre no ser el monstruo que pensábamos. El final de temporada da cierre con un beso entre Elena y Damon, pero nos damos cuenta que no era Elena sino Katerina.
Al finalizar nos deja muchas preguntas, ¿Por qué Katerina regresó? ¿En dónde estuvo todo este tiempo? ¿Por qué son tan parecidas Elena y Katerina? ¿Va a pasar algo entre Elena y Damon?
El final de la primera temporada deja muchas ganas de ver la siguiente. Me alegro de haberla visto hasta ahora, porque no hubiera aguantado un año esperando las siguientes temporadas. Es una joya que me estaba perdiendo.
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face your fears
characters: damon salvatore x reader, minor characters
word count: 1,711
warnings: fluff, angst in the beginning, fear of the sunlight
summary: your biggest fear is the sunlight, and being a vampire without protection makes that fear rational. will you ever get over your fear?
beta: none for this one
squares filled: facing their fear // heliophobia
author’s note: this is for @badthingshappenbingo and my own angst bingo respectively and if you have any requests, please send them in!
feedback the glue that holds my writing together
tags at the bottom
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“Please, no more,” you begged your captors. It took ten of them to take you down which was surprising given your age. It didn’t help that they had vervain at their disposal which is why they were able to take you, a 30-year-old vampire, down. Being new to the life came at a disadvantage to you especially when you didn't have anyone to help show you the ropes. The only reason why you were a vampire was because someone took too much of your blood, fed you to heal you, not knowing that what they took was deadly. You died shortly with their blood in your system, so it’s safe to say you were freaked out when you woke up.
It took some time getting used to the fact that you now drank human blood, couldn’t go out in the sun, and that wood can kill you. Well, anyone who gets impaled in their heart will die, wood or not. However, you learned the hard way that you could have metal stashed in your heart and still live, so there’s that.
The world was at a place where vampire hunters was a big thing. They roamed the Earth in packs much like werewolves. They searched and hunted the bloodsuckers, and it was your mistake that got them on your trail. No matter how many times you moved or where you moved to, they would be right there behind you to get you. It took them a while to finally catch up to you, but when they did, they were prepared.
“Tell us how many more there are of you,” one of the older men demanded to know.
“I don’t know! I don’t know if there are any more!” you answered for the fifth time. They never accepted that answer, and you were in too much pain to lie to them.
“Liar!” he growled before pulling on the rope that opened the skylight. Sunlight poured in the dark room, and as soon as it hit your skin, it started bubbling. Screaming out in pain, you tried to get away, but they had you tied to the chair tightly. They also had vervain pumping into the room through the air vents to keep you sedated while they questioned you.
“Please stop!!” you yelled in pain. Your skin sizzled and burned at the contact of sunlight, and they would use this against you for however long it would take until you gave them the answer they were looking for. The only problem was that you didn't know what kind of answer they wanted otherwise you would have given it to them by now.
“Tell us how many of you are out there!” he yelled.
“I don’t know!!” you screamed as the pain grew more intense. Right before your skin could catch fire, they closed the hatch. Groaning in pain, you could feel your wounds healing since the vampire blood in you did that.
“I don’t know,” you cried softly.
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“Come on! The beach is right across the street! You’ve been held up in this house for the whole week! We never see you anymore!” one of your good friends, Sam, said from your front door. She had opened it all the way, letting in the stream of sunlight into your darkened home. Ever since you had been tortured a hundred years ago, you had not once gone out in the sun in fear you would die. They had ruined it for you, and you didn't know how to live without the fear of the sun.
“No, I can’t. I started throwing up these last few days. I think I’m sick,” you coughed to try to make your story seem true. Leaning against your staircase, you made sure to stay out of the light’s way.
“Fine. We’ll check up on you later today, okay?”
“How about tonight? After the sun has gone down. Maybe I’ll feel better then.”
“Yeah, maybe,” she shrugged before she closed the door. When you knew the sun wasn’t going to threaten your life, you walked to the door with a sigh. It was hard to make friends because you couldn’t go out in the day time. Every few years you had to move towns or states because your friends stopped being friends with you. There was no life for you if you couldn’t get over your fear of the sun or find a solution to your situation. There had to be vampires out there that had something to protect them against the sun, and you were going to find it.
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The town of Mystic Falls was quite the strange one. Everyone gave you weird vibes, but you had no other place to go right now. The sun was coming up, and you needed to find a place to stay for the day before you can lave and properly find some safe place. The only house in view was a brick mansion. The Salvatore Boarding House is what the plack said at the gate. Rushing up the path, you knocked on the door, hoping that whoever answered would let you in.
“Can I help you?” a man with raven dark hair and icy blue eyes asked when he opened the door.
“Hi, are there rooms for rent here? I saw it was a boarding house,” you asked quickly. The sun would be up at any moment.
“I’m sorry, that’s been out of business for almost a century.”
“Shit,” you muttered, hoping that the stranger didn't hear.
“Where is the closest motel or hotel?” you asked as you bit your lower lip nervously.
“A few hours north of here,” he replied. Panic surged through your veins because there was no way you would make it in time. The sun was coming up fast, and you either needed to push your way inside or die. The sunlight was coming up the pavement quickly, and just as it was about to touch you, you used your vampire speed and rushed inside. If your heart could beat, it would be erratic.
“Okay, never pegged you for a vampire,” the stranger said as he closed the door. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N. Are you one?”
“Yep, and so is my brother who lives here as well.”
“The light doesn’t bother you?” you asked with a confused look.
“Nope. Got one of these bad boys,” he grinned as he held up his hand with a peculiar ring on it.
“What does that do?”
“It protects me from the sun. I’m assuming by the way you rushed in here that you don’t have one.”
“Where can I get one?” you asked, finally feeling that hope you had since the day your former friend asked you to go to the beach. That had been 50 years ago, but you never gave up hope.
“Whoa, we don’t pass them out just to anyone. You’re welcome to stay here for the day. Pick a bedroom that you like. The one on the far right is mine and the far left is Stefan’s. Don’t go in them,” he said as he walked off.
“Thank you?” you said, posing it as a question. How would you go about getting this so-called ring that protects you from the sun? Did that mean having one would make your fear of the sun go away? You really wanted to find out.
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“Here,” Damon said as he passed you the ring that one of his witch friends made. Shakily taking the ring, you slid it over your right middle finger. It was a perfect fit, and it looked so delicate which was more your style.
“Does it work?” you asked. Damon had been letting you stay for a few months now. You two had grown exceptionally close, especially when you told him what had happened to you when you first became a vampire. He was quick to inform you that vampire hunters weren't a thing anymore, that you would be safe in this town. There were a lot more vampires here than anywhere else you’ve been over the years. Not just vampires, witches, werewolves, hybrids, Originals, and much more. There had been so much you were missing out on all because of your stupid fear. Damo thought it was time that you finally got a daylight ring that Bonnie so graciously made for you. In the time you spent in this small town, you’ve made friends with almost all of Damon’s. It was welcoming to find other vampires who knew of your problems and understood them.
“Why don’t you find out?” he asked as he opened his front door. Taking a deep breath, you stared at the sunlight hitting the plants outside. If your heart could beat, it would be racing a mile a minute.
“I don’t know. What if it doesn’t work?” you asked with wide eyes. The pain you felt during those years came rushing back, and you were fearful of it happening again.
“Do you trust me?” he asked as he held his hand out. Weirdly, you did. Without saying a word, you hesitantly placed your palm in his, and let him tug you to the front door. He could tell you were reluctant, but he would be with you every step of the way. His feelings for you had grown since he met you, and the thought of you in pain broke his heart--if it could break.
Upon reaching the door, you took a shaky breath before stepping on the concrete. The minute sunlight touched your ski, you expected your skin to sizzle and burn like it had been for the past 180 years. However, your skin remained intact as you allowed yourself to face your fear. Damon took you all the way out into the sun, and he loved the smile your face bared when you realized you were going to be okay.
“This is amazing,” you whispered as tears sprung to your eyes. Turning to Damon, you jumped into his arms and nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” he whispered as he held you tightly against him. This had been the greatest gift anyone could ever give you because now you truly had nothing left to fear.
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wanna be tagged? add yourself to this document! if your tag doesn’t work, find out why!
@jae-sch  @essie1876  @choosemyname  @liberty01  @redsalv20  @cuddlyklaus  @sotmperrie  @akshi8278  @unexpectedvamptrash  @characterobsessed  @chynarosep101  @gh0stgurl  @drakonwild  @schwankyblock  @graceless-stuff  @butifulsoul125  @kendall-michele  @dora-the-grownup  @tdntu0  @delenafan91  @kpoplover1306-depressedgirl315
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salvatxreschool · 5 years
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Buen día, alumnos. Esperamos que todos disfrutarán de la feria y las actividades realizadas. Con este post damos por finalizado las votaciones para proceder a dar los resultados que ustedes han elegido para ser el nuevo consejo estudiantil que representará a cada raza y a la par el consejo estudiantil que representará a cada club. ¿Cuáles serán las labores de los líderes y sublideres? Ser en efecto esto: un líder. Mostrarse responsable, ver por el bien de su raza y club, y apoyar a cualquiera que lo requiere, ustedes son la imagen de esa raza y club. Si tienen alguna duda siempre son bienvenidos para acudir con el director o directamente con algún profesor.
Líder: Allison Argent
Sub líder: Hayley Mikaelson
Líder: Hannah Shumway
Sub líder: Evan Kleinman
Líder: Josie Saltzman
Sub líder: Lizzie Saltzman
Líder: Lane Tandy
Sub líder: Greta Westfall
Líder: Emmeline Nutter
Sub líder: Trevor Dune
Líder: Lydia Martin
Sub líder: Juliette Blacktorn
Líder: Theodore Bones
Sub líder: Luke Grace
Líder: Hope Mikaelson
Líder: Kelly Jensen
Sub líder: Stefanie Salvatore
Flag Football
Líder: Lizzie Saltzman
Sub líder: Josie Saltzman
Líder: Carter McClain
Sub líder: Elijah Gerard
Líder: Fred Mikaelson
Sub líder: Angelo Cassano
Líder: Delphi Diggory
Sub líder: Ian Reay
Líder: Kitty Soung
Sub líder: Greta Westfall
Líder: Patrick Duchannes
Sub líder: Emmeline Nutter
Líder: Hope Mikaelson
Sub líder: Hannah Shumway
Líder: Juliette Blacktorn
Sub líder: Theodore Bones
Líder: Cameron Chase
Sub líder: Jade Mcnally
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 6 years
Monster Part 3
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Word Count: 3.6 K
Warnings: Mentions of past child abandonment, and I believe that’s it. 
Author’s Note: Okay this should have been out already. But between a few things and this annoying cold I have gotten from my niece it was pushed back a few days. But that was kind of a good thing since there were a few things I had to go in and fix for this. So it worked out for me. Sorry about the wait!
The sound of Y/N's heels hitting the tiled floor echoed through the hall as she made her way towards the Mayor's office. In the crook of her left arm was the several files he had requested along with a few other documents and a cup of coffee, black in her right hand. Just as her father had requested, he'd have everything he needed first thing in the morning.
Opening the office door without bothering to knock, Y/N walked into the office and made her way towards the desk her father was currently sitting at. A phone pressed to his ear, he looked up at her the moment she entered, a small nod to acknowledge her presence.
"Right." He said into the phone as he watched Y/N place the cup of coffee in front of him before placing the files down on the desk. "Just make sure to call Malory once you've landed." Y/N fought the urge to roll her eyes at the name that passed his lips. "See you soon."
"How is my darling half sister, whom I've never, met doing?" Y/N asked the moment he hung up the phone.
"Good morning to you too, Y/N." Her father said as he picked up the coffee in front of him.
"Your files as requested." Y/N began, wanting to get it over with so she could leave his office. "The documents on top need to be sign-"
"Stop." He said shaking his head. "Before we get into business, can we talk for a moment?"
Y/N scoffed. "If its not about work, you've had years for us to be able to talk."
"Come on Y/N/N. I really want-"
"You don't get to call me that." Y/N snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest. She watched as her father's eyebrow raised as he watched her. "Only family and friends get to call me that."
"I am your father." He said leaning towards her.
She shook her head slightly. "You stopped being my dad the moment you walked out of our lives without looking back."
Sighing, he stood up and made his way towards the door to close it. He knew the conversation they were going to have was a private matter. No one in the halls needed to hear what was being said. Y/N had watched as he did.
The whole time she kept her guard up. The man before her was pretty much a stranger to her now. For years she had hated him for leaving her as he did. And even in that moment there was still that anger that was lying beneath the surface.
Once the door was closed, he rubbed the back of his neck as he turned to look at Y/N. "Look, I understand that you're upset with me. You have every right to be. But I would like for us to sit down at some point and clear the air."
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek as she listened to him. She shook her head slightly after a moment. "There were several chances for us to clear the air since you've left. Momma dying, her funeral, my illness, hell even birthdays, holidays, graduations, all of it and you've never once tried to contact me to clear the air. But the moment your old high school buddy dies, you decide to come back into town. You become my boss and then all of the sudden want to clear the air. How do you think that makes me feel?"
The laugh that passed his lips had caused her to jump slightly. "She never told you, did she?"
Y/N shook her head. "Don't pull one of those 'I tried talking to you but they kept me from doing so' things."
"That's not what I was getting at, but it's similar." He shrugged slightly. "Your mother was the one that wanted me gone. Given my indiscretions were hard on her, she wanted nothing to do with me afterwards. If I remember correctly, her words were along the lines of that you both would be better off without me. I respecting what she wanted. We handled the divorce through the mail and that was the end of it."
"So you must have thought that it was okay for me to know that you left and decided not to come back." She shook her head once more. "Do you even remember where you were supposed to be the day you left?"
"That was a long time ago." He shook his head not remembering the day she was asking about.
She looked down at the ground for a moment before looking back up at him. "You had made a promise to go to the Father Daughter Dinner at school with me. I stood there at the door waiting for you to come home to take me. I was dressed in that blue dress you and momma always loved me in." Y/N could feel her eyes fill with tears. "I get it, I was too young to understand what you and momma had been going through, but you had a daughter that had believed you were the world. And you didn't stop to think to fight to see me." A look of disgust slowly formed on her face. "Instead you just left, a clean break and left me standing there wondering why my dad never came to take me to that dinner or why he never came home. You left and created a new family, said to hell with the daughter that you left behind. You only care now that you have to see me on a daily basis. So excuse me if I don't feel up to talking to you at the moment. "
"Y/N.." He sighed for a moment as he took a step towards her.
She held up a hand to stop him before she looked at the desk. "You have five documents that need to be signed." A small sniffle could be heard from her and she wanted to curse at herself for it. "The case files you requested have all been accounted for and ready for your review. I'll be back before lunch to pick up the signed documents. You also have a 11 o'clock meeting with the Fells."
"You really won’t just stay and talk?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Is there anything else I can do for you Mayor Y/L/N?" She asked looking back at him, ignoring his question altogether. Defeated, he shook his head, not saying another word. "If you need anything that is business related, I'm just either a button or a door away."
She gave him the fakest smile she could manage at the moment before she made her way out of the office. While any other time she would have taken the chance to slam the door closed on her way out, she thought against it. She was at work after all.
Walking to her desk, an annoyed sighed passed her lips as she found Damon sitting in her chair, waiting for her. "What do you want Damon?" She asked as she reached the desk. "I'm working."
“I was under the impression I had a meeting with dear old dad this morning.” He said as he looked over at her.  “But as I can see, I’ve been crossed out.” His hand gesturing towards the daily scheduler sitting on the desk.
“Your meeting had been rescheduled for later this afternoon.” She noted as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I left a voicemail this morning.” While she had no idea why her dad was having meetings with the founding families, she had made the adjustments as needed. “Apparently the Fell meeting was of more importance than with the Salvatores.”
“Well that’s just rude.” The look of annoyance clear on his face.
“What’s rude is sitting at desk that isn’t yours and keeping the secretary from doing the work she needs to do.”
With a roll of his eyes, Damon stood from the chair and allowed her to sit in it. He walked around the desk and leaned over it. “From what I can tell, it's already been a rough day with your dad.”
Y/N’s eyebrow raised as she looked up at him. “Why would you think that?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “First guess would be the sigh of relief you gave walking out of there. Not to mention you look like you were about ready to cry before you saw me sitting here.”
“You are observant.” She noted as she leaned back in her chair. “But if you were that observant you would’ve seen that your meeting is at 2 o’clock and you would have left by now. Why stick around?”
“To be honest, I wanted to make sure you were okay after last night.” He said giving her a smile. He did want to make sure that she was okay after seeing her mother’s case file. He knew taking in that information must not have been easy for her.
Y/N bit down on her lip as she took in his words. “I can’t get the images out of my head.” She said with a small nod of her head. “I keep seeing those images every time I close my eyes.”
For as many of the files that she had looked at before handing them over to her father, none of them had seemed to have had that effect on her like her mother’s death did. It was the way her mother’s body had been laying in those photos, the angle on which her mother’s neck was broken off from the body.
“Have you talked to anyone about it?” There was a part of him that hoped that she had talked to someone about her mother’s death. The details that would reveal would make things easier for him to talk openly with her. But another part of him would prefer that she stayed in the dark. Especially since it was his brother that had caused her mother’s death.
“Besides you? No one else.” She couldn’t bring herself to do it. While she wanted to know every detail that hadn’t been written in that report, she was afraid of the things that she’d find out. She was afraid of the details that would haunt her mind just as the photos had. “I’m more of the suffer in silence type.”
“How about for a few hours you aren’t?” He offered.
Her eyebrow raised at the question. “You want me to vent my feelings to you?”
“I’m not some professional therapist or anything, but I know it wouldn’t hurt to have someone to talk to about all of this.” He said before pausing for a moment. “If anything, it would be good for both of us to have someone to talk to that isn’t our usual crowd.”
“You have things you need to get off your chest that the rest of the Brady Bunch wouldn’t understand?” She didn’t believe it. There had to be someone that he talked to about things. “I’m sure your drinking buddy would listen.”
Damon laughed and shook his head slightly. “But that would defeat the purpose of talking to someone outside of our usual crowd. It’d be nice to vent to someone that didn’t already know about all the details.”
Y/N thought about it. Part of her could see where Damon was coming from. The information she now knew about her mother would make for a difficult conversation with her Aunt, whenever she decided to bring it up. All of her closest friends weren’t from Mystic Falls and were currently enjoying their college life without needing the gory details she had found out. She sure as hell wasn’t going to talk to her dad about it.
Sighing, she nodded. “Okay.” She said softly. “A few hours of venting wouldn’t be a bad thing.”
Damon smiled as she agreed. “How about tomorrow night around dinner time? I’d ask tonight, but something tells me I’d be pushing my luck.”
“Tomorrow works.” Y/N said giving him a small smile. “But don’t get any ideas that this will be a date. Just to people needed a break from-”
“Their usual crowd.” He finished. “I promise it's not a date. To people venting their problems with cheap takeout and a bottle of liquor.”
Y/N laughed as she ran her hand through her hair. “Sounds like a regular night in my house.”
“There you go.” Damon said with a shrug. “Give me your number and I’ll call you later to finalize details.”
“You already have my number, Damon.” She said as she leaned forward in the chair. “I called you this morning, remember?”
“Right.” Damon nodded. He opened his mouth to say something else but the sound of the phone on the desk buzzing stopped him.
Y/N? Her father’s voice came from the speaker.
“Yes Mayor Y/L/N? What is it that I can do for you?” She said towards the phone.
Sheriff Forbes is on her way to drop off a few documents along with a package. Please be sure to let me know when she arrives with them.
“Of course.” Y/N said with a slight nod even though he couldn’t see it. “Anything else?” Instead of an answer, the line went dead. Y/N shrugged slightly. “As much as it would be interesting to have you stay and lurk, I have work to do.” She said looking over at Damon.
“Kicking me out already?” He teased.
Y/N rolled her eyes as she pushed the chair back and stood. “You’ll be back in a few hours for your meeting.”
“Right.” He said with a nod as he watched her give him a smile before she began walking down the hall to do whatever it is that she needed to do.
"Mayor Y/L/N." Damon said as he walked into the office.
"Damon Salvatore, I presume." He said as he stood from his desk and held out his hand for Damon to shake.
Taking his hand, Damon shook hit, his grip matching that of the mayor’s. “You would be correct. From my understanding this meeting has to do with the council?”
A small smile pulled at the mayor’s lips. “Yes it is. Please, have a seat.” They both sat down and the mayor thought for a moment. “I understand that you’ve been a great benefactor for the council.”
“Of course.” Damon said with a nod. “I am a member of a founding family. It is only right that I do what is needed to help out.”
“While I may be new to this position, it is greatly appreciated what you’ve done as a council member.” He said with a nod. “Unfortunately I feel as though the council has been corrupted in many ways.”
“Corrupted how?” Damon asked faking curiosity. He had known for a long time that things hadn’t been as it should with the council. They had a vampire as a member and there wasn’t a lot of vampire killing in town recently.
“That would be my business alone to know.” A small smirk pulled at his lips. “But this meeting isn't about what was the key to the corruption. As mayor, I believe it's in the town's best interest to reassign council spots. Unfortunately, Mr. Salvatore, you place on the council isn't excluded.”
“Then you must have other suppliers?” He was curious now. He wanted to get as much information as possible. “If you are going through and getting rid of the founding families off the council, you must have other resources.”
“Of course.” He said with a nod. “What kind of Mayor would I be if I didn’t have the right teams to take over? My family, while we may not have founded Mystic Falls, we’ve had our fair share of places that we’ve founded and done well to keep the creatures that go bump in the night out of town.”
Before Damon could say anything else, there was a knock at the door and Y/N opened it. “Mayor Y/L/N, your wife wanted me to remind you that you have dinner reservations in Richmond. And seeing as this is your last meeting for the day, she doesn’t expect you to be late.” Both Damon and her dad had heard the annoyance and hatred that she had to give the message as she had. “I would have buzzed, but you turned off the intercom.”
“Right.” Her father said with a nod before looking at Damon. “I’m sure you’ll understand when I say that I have only the best intentions for this town.” He stood up once more and Damon followed suit.
“Of course I do.” He said with a nod. “If that weren’t your intentions, you wouldn’t be Mayor.” He gave the man in front of him a smirk as he turned to leave. As he passed Y/N he gave her a wink before walking out the door. The action itself had caused Y/N to roll her eyes.
“Y/N?” Her father called before she could even take a step out of the office. “Can we please have a moment?”
“Nope.” She said popping the ‘p’. “I have work that still needs to be done and you need to go have dinner with your wife.”
“That must have been hard for you to have her on the phone.” He said taking a step towards her.
“It’s my job. Whoever calls the office is more than likely leaving a message for you. Not me.” She said with a shrug. “Now if you excuse me, I have paperwork I need to sort through.” Without waiting for his response, she walked out of the office.
“He's definitely up to something.” Damon said as he stood in front of the others. “The way he was practically gloating that he had all the power in the town and if we even took one step out of line that’d be the end of us.”
“And you actually stood there and took it?” Caroline asked with a raised brow. “That doesn’t sound like you.”
“Believe me, I wanted to snap his neck in that instant.” He said shaking his head. “For the time being he believes that we are human and that beside the very few people on the council that he trusts, founding families mean nothing but deep pockets.”
“Liz tried telling you that the other day when she came here to tell us about his plans.” Stefan said looking at his brother. “Our best bet at this moment is to let Liz play both sides. You know she’ll tell us what’s going on.”
“Right.” Caroline said with a nod. “She wouldn’t risk exposing me or any of us.”
“Either way we’ve got to keep our guard up.” Elena said with a nod. “We don’t really know who he is. Who knows what he’s capable of doing now that he’s mayor.”
“That’s where Y/N comes in.” Damon said with a smirk. “Even if she doesn’t know it, she’s still our ticket in to the whole thing.”
“You said she hated her dad.” Bonnie noted. “How is she going to help us?”
“Because he’s practically groveling at her feet to become Father of the Year. It will only be a matter of time until dear old dad will spill every dirty secret to his first born daughter.” He shrugged his shoulders slightly. “She’s going to need to be able to talk to someone about the things that aren’t said in council meetings.”
“What makes you think she’s going to tell you anything?” Caroline asked. “Y/N likes to be by herself since she came back to town. Plus she’s never been one to just give up information. Especially if that something is dealing with the fact that there are vampires in this world. And that’s even if her dad decides to let her in on the secrets.”
“Well I mean she did agree to a venting session with me tomorrow night.” Damon said with a smirk. “So I’d say that’s a lot better to have one foot in the door for when he does tell her. 
“And how did the founding families take the news?” A woman’s voice filled the dimmed room. It had been hours after Y/D/N and his wife had returned from dinner. While his family slept away, he had been downstairs having a drink. The woman had been sitting in the corner of the living room, partly hidden within the shadows of the room.
“Some were more stubborn than others. “ He said as he looked towards her. “But I’ve narrowed it down to a few select people and the others will be replaced. It won't be long until the town is as we need it to be.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t let Elizabeth go. She does have that daughter that is a vampire.” The woman said as she looked over at him.
“That is the reason she’s still a part of the council. We feed them information that we want out and things continue to play in our favor.” He said with a smirk pulling at his lips.
“And Y/N?” There was actually concern in the woman’s voice as she asked about her. “Is she still kept in the dark about this?”
“My daughter has always been easily lead astray.” He said with a nod. “For now she is still in the dark about this all. She’s the key to all of this, whether I like it or not. She’ll be the one to lure them out for us to kill.”
Monster Tag: @butifulsoul125 @brookelyn2890 @this-is-mycrisis @writingsoftheunderworld @voidnarnia @fandom-princess-forevermore @nicole-lynne
Always & Forever Tag: @rissyrapp20 @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @hawaiianohana15 @fafulous @vibhati123
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mekiampokemon · 5 years
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¡Damos la bienvenida a Raphael Salvatore!
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brokenbloodlinesrp · 6 years
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            — alternative universe : theory of relativity  —
              Nueva Orleans reunió a las criaturas más poderosas y peligrosas de la Tierra. Pero fue el territorio el quien cumplió un milagro que nadie creyó que sucedería. La inmortalidad y los aspectos sobrenaturales se preservaron, pero regaló a todos aquellos lo único que podía faltarles: descendencia. 
Un eclipse modificó las reglas de la naturaleza y cambió a Nueva Orleans para siempre. 
En un tiempo de incertidumbre, surgió un lugar para guiar a las nuevas criaturas en su camino: The Salvatore School. Fundada por Stefan Salvatore y Caroline Forbes. 
¿De qué se trata este evento?
Es un au (universo alterno) en donde los personajes fueron capaces de procrear sin importar su naturaleza sobrenatural. Tomaremos la Salvatore School como sitio de interacción. 
Si son seres sobrenaturales, ¿cómo elegir la raza a la que pertenece mi personaje?
Dejaremos una lista detallada y explicada al final de esta publicación para esclarecerlo. 
¿Dónde se ubica la escuela?
Se ubica en Nueva Orleans. 
¿Cómo está conformada la escuela? 
La escuela está conformada por diferentes pisos, especializados en temas sobrenaturales y aulas para historia humana. Áreas verdes y amplios jardines. Recibe donaciones de las familias más importantes de la ciudad.
¿Puedo hacer trama con el personaje que yo quiera?
En efecto, todos los detalles serán a elección del usuario. Si no tienen con quien emparejarlo no importa, pueden inventarlo. 
¿Hay casos especiales para los niños actuales en el rp?
Así es: Hope, Josie, Lizzie, Louis, Lena y Zander serán roleados en sus versiones adolescentes. Nadia Petrova puede rolear a su descendencia u optar por rolear una versión más joven con la historia que desee. 
¿Si mi personaje es humano, cómo interactuara con los demás?
Les pedimos que, de alguna forma, haya procreado con algún ser sobrenatural para poder participar. 
¿Dónde puedo abrir starters?
En cualquier parte de la escuela: en clases, en los jardines, en alguna fiesta clandestina, haciendo travesuras, saltándose las reglas, en la biblioteca, donde sea. 
Reglas básicas de The Salvatore School:
No hacer magia sin autorización.
No beber sangre de otros estudiantes. 
No utilizar compulsión. 
No participar en clubes no autorizados.
No salir después del toque de queda. 
No realizar fiestas ilícitas. 
No beber alcohol ni consumir drogas. 
No matar. 
¿Cómo enviaré mi reserva?
Formulario: Padre 1 + Padre 2 = Hijo | Raza | Edad | Face claim
Ejemplo: Kol + Genevieve = Pedrito | Brujo con posibilidad a ser vampiro  | 16 | Bob Esponja 
Nota:*Hope Mikaelson será la única en tener 3 razas. 
¿Cuál es el rango de edad?
El rango será de: 15 a 21 años. 
Tengo dudas respecto a la raza de mi personaje. ¿Puedo acudir al main?
Por supuesto, si no queda claro pueden acudir a nosotros para explicárselos. 
¿Es posible que mi personaje ya haya completado su transformación a vampiro?
Sí, es posible. 
Las reservas se harán el día 23 de enero después de un anuncio. 
Pueden abrir starters, aunque no haya pasado una semana del anterior.
Para los usuarios con más de un personaje, sólo se puede abrir con uno de ellos.
Recuerden que la actividad se cuenta a partir de dos starters respondidos.
Por favor, contesten todos o la mayoría de los starters.
Si desean continuar algún convo anterior, les pedimos lo transformen en párrafo.
Se hará un pequeño anuncio minutos antes del inicio de la trama para indicar la apertura de starters.
Recuerden colocar en el título del starter: “Theory of Relativity”.
Si tienen alguna duda, pueden comunicarse al ask o chat del main.
                           Evento iniciado el día 23 de enero
Lista de razas y mestizajes:
Brujo/Brujo: Adquiere la habilidad mágica de sus progenitores.
Brujo/Humano: Adquiere la habilidad mágica de su progenitor.
Brujo/Licántropo: Adquiere la habilidad mágica de su progenitor y el gen licántropo de su progenitor.
Brujo/Sifón: Adquiere la naturaleza mágica de su progenitor o la habilidad sifón de su progenitor.
Brujo/Vampiro: Adquiere la habilidad mágica y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere perdiendo su magia.
Humano/Brujo: Adquiere la habilidad mágica del progenitor.
Humano/Humano: *Mantendría sus habilidad mortales. Sin embargo,  no damos la posibilidad para que todos puedan asistir a la escuela.
Humano/Licántropo: Adquiere el gen licántropo del progenitor.
Humano/Sifón: Adquiere la naturaleza sifón del progenitor.
Humano/Vampiro: Adquiere la herencia del vampiro con posibilidad a volverse inmortal. si muere
(Nota: Los descendientes de vampiros nacen con la sangre de vampiro recorriendo su sistema; sin embargo, sólo se convierten en uno si mueren.)
Vampiro/Vampiro: Adquiere la herencia de ambos vampiros con posibilidad a volverse inmortal si muere.  
Vampiro/Brujo: Adquiere la habilidad mágica y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere perdiendo su magia.
Vampiro/Licántropo: Adquiere el gen licántropo y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere.  (*Si un licántropo muere, despertaría como un híbrido).
Vampiro/Sifón: Adquiere la habilidad sifón y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere. (*Si un sifón muere, despertaría como un híbrido).
Licántropo/ Licántropo:  Adquiere el gen licántropo de sus progenitores.
Licántropo/Brujo:  Adquiere la habilidad mágica de su progenitor y el gen licántropo de su progenitor.
Licántropo/Humano:  Adquiere el gen licántropo de su progenitor.
Licántropo/Sifón:  Adquiere la habilidad sifón y el gen licántropo de su progenitor.
Licántropo/Vampiro:  Adquiere el gen licántropo y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere.  (*Si un licántropo muere, despertaría como un híbrido).
Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo):
Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo)/Licántropo: Adquiere el gen licántropo y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere. (*Si un licántropo muere, despertaría como un híbrido).
Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo)/Brujo: Adquiere la habilidad mágica de su progenitor, el gen licántropo de su progenitor y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere perdiendo su magia.
Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo)/Humano:  Adquiere el gen licántropo y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere.  (*Si un licántropo muere, despertaría como un híbrido).
Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo)/Vampiro: Adquiere el gen licántropo y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere.  (*Si un licántropo muere, despertaría como un híbrido).
Híbrido  (Vampiro/Licántropo)/Sifón:  Adquiere la habilidad sifón o el gen licántropo de su progenitor y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere.  (*Si un sifón o lobo muere, despertaría como un híbrido).  
Híbrido  (Vampiro/Licántropo)/Híbrido  (Vampiro/Licántropo):  Adquiere el gen licántropo y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere.  (*Si un licántropo muere, despertaría como un híbrido).
Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro):
Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro)/Humano: Adquiere la habilidad sifón y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere (*Si un sifón muere, despertaría como un híbrido).
Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro)/Brujo: Adquiere la naturaleza mágica de su progenitor o la habilidad sifón de su progenitor y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal. (*Si muere como sifón despertaría como un híbrido).
Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro)/Licántropo: Adquiere la habilidad sifón o el gen licántropo de su progenitor y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere.  (*Si un sifón o lobo muere, despertaría como un híbrido).  
Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro)/Vampiro: Adquiere la habilidad sifón y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere. (*Si un sifón muere, despertaría como un híbrido).
Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro)/Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro) : Adquiere la habilidad sifón y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere. (*Si un sifón muere, despertaría como un híbrido).
Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro)/Híbrido (Lobo/ Vampiro): Adquiere la habilidad sifón o el gen licántropo de su progenitor y la posibilidad de volverse inmortal si muere.  (*Si un sifón o lobo muere, despertaría como un híbrido).   
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blacksea-bitch · 2 years
Damos Salvatore
Done love
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ramonllinasvila · 3 years
Como diseñando puzles
·         La Rioja
·         8 Nov 2021
Ramón Llinàs i Vila expone ‘Renunció al cero’, título que nos da que pensar y hasta nos puede llegar a desazonar. No así la contemplación de las obras, de claro decorativismo y aparente simplicidad, que permanecerán en Caja Rioja-Bankia de Gran Vía hasta el 18 de noviembre.
No tuve ocasión de preguntar al autor, que es miembro de la Junta de Museos de Catalunya, qué opinaba de que la alcaldesa de Barcelona –de quien el académico de la RAE Félix de Azúa dijo que «debería estar sirviendo en un puesto de pescado»– haya vetado la construcción del Museo Hermitage en la ciudad. ¡Y pensar que Diótima –recordemos a Platón– afirmó que los que más interés ponen en la búsqueda de la belleza y la bondad son los artistas, los filósofos y los políticos! Algunos políticos, quizá; pero la mayoría, con esculturas inmateriales. Y no como las cada día más cotizadas de Salvatore Garau, quien arguye que también damos forma a un Dios que nunca hemos visto.
Dicho cordialmente, el gerundense es un catacaldos del arte. Es como si estuviese afectado de ‘acatisia’ artística. Lo suyo es un no parar: pintura, escritura, fotografía, cine, escultura, diseño (artículos textiles, menaje o calzado) y moda (Balenciaga, Adolfo Domínguez, Pasarela Cibeles, desfiles en Nueva York, Londres, París, Frankfurt y Barcelona). En suma, casi todas las ramas del arte. Pero partiendo del autodidactismo, y siempre con la pretensión de mostrar su mundo interior, lo que ha logrado hacer en algunas de las capitales precitadas, así como en Johannesburgo y Praga. ‘Figuración abstracta’, entroncada con la Movida madrileña, el arte povera y el arte pop norteamericano. De ahí que en la década de los 80 participase en el Estudio 54 de Nueva York, junto a Andy Warhol, entre otros.
Sus obras suelen incluir mensajes tendentes a despertar la conciencia del contemplador. ¿La fórmula? Fuerza visual + Texto = Reflexión. Son humanoides que inducen a un estado de optimismo, a algunos de los cuales añade textos explicativos con la caligrafía del niño que escribe su primera carta de amor.
En puridad, no puede afirmarse que su pintura sea imitativa. Pero en lo presentado encontramos rastros de Marquet, Picasso, Matisse, Pechstein y Fedro. Sus caligráficas figuras ‘fauve’, dibujadas al estilo japonés, son de una gran audacia cromática y rompen con la representación realista de las formas, la luz y la perspectiva, supeditando todo a la potencia expresiva de parcelas de intenso y vivo color, contorneadas por gruesos trazos negros.
Reproducidas sobre cartón serían idóneas para un puzle; estampadas en tela, para un vestido de mujer, la camiseta de un playboy o la chaqueta de un osado presentador de televisión. Y tal y como se presentan en la sala, para decorar a la última moda cualquier salón.
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misery-bled · 3 years
When all was said and done in the middle of night fall, all Damon had done he had done alone. The world was quiet and somehow that gave him a sense of solitude. Moment to fade away from all the hate within the world and most importantly within himself. He could still taste the essence of life on his lips— though the source he did not know. A female from a new towns over, blonde and flirty. She had come into the Mystic Grill to visit family, but little did she know that would be her very last encounter with those she loved most. Taken all too quickly was her life in his hands, and when it was done Damon was left alone.
He didn't want to admit it, the thoughts growing louder within his conscious mind. Yet as each second passed with him sitting in the living area of the Boarding House, the immortal predator wondered what was the point of it all? The taking of lives to fuel himself when all it did was leave him completely and utterly alone. Or maybe it was the bourbon getting to his head— a part of him thought that was a more rational answer. The inner debate circled onward as another drink was poured to himself over ice in a crystal glass.
Cruel World, to you I make this drink— he thought humorously to himself. The vampire nearly smiled, outwitted by his own monologue of drunken rambles. You've done me well over this last century, showing me just what it was to be a man, and a man you have made me. The most dangerous man. Someone to be feared by humans and other creatures of the darkness alike. To you I make this drink. Finishing off what was left in the crystal— the glass was soon met with an effortless toss filled with anger.
Damon may have been smiling to himself, humored by his own words, but deep within a growing anger was beginning to surface. Even as his glass was thrown into the wall, shattering in a million pristine pieces, the act itself never quite amounted to what he felt within. Anger— a trivial word to someone like himself. Someone who had seen so many things only to always be met with the face of disgust and disappointment. No one here truly knew him— not even his own brother in many times. What must it have been like to be so noble and gallant? He humored himself cynically. Of course, someone like himself would never know.
The villain, the monster to every story. Damon prided himself in knowing that he was feared above all, yet at what cost was it achieved? Breaking down every barrier in his path, the vampire cared little for others consent or concerns. After all, no one dared to give mind to his. He was Damon Salvatore: by no means the savior of any ones story. That role was reserved to his brother Stefan alone. There was a time when Damon thought he could be heroic— prove people wrong. Yet that time was long since gone and past.
The Great War of a the nation plagued his country and the oldest Salvatore willingly signed away his youth to serve his people. Enlisting was the only thing Damon knew to his light on himself. The only true moment he hoped his father would look to him with eyes that held something more than eternal disappointment. Yet even from the day he departed with no true sign of returning, Giuseppe Salvatore gave little care for his oldest child. Damon was better of damned for all eternity in his fathers eyes, however even in the fatal truth of his life that did not matter. Duty, honor, becoming a man... whatever did that truly mean?
Damon was better off pos his father the night before leaving for war than living the rest of his human days under his scrutiny. It would have saved him an enormous amount of trouble in life— pain and headaches alike. Yet, like the noble son he wanted to be, Damon went off to fight for what he thought was right. Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. It was in those years gone that Damon realized the true uncivil manner of humanity. The truth behind how cruel people could be. With each life he took now, Damon knew it would never amount of his malicious humans could be towards one another.
The weaker species— the fools incapable of thinking rationally. It made sense his father died a human; it was all the the pathetic man was worth.
"Damon?" A voice broke him from his thoughts, the vampires head turning quickly to the voice entering the room. Stefan. "What are you doing in here?" The Saint of vampire history, his brother, walked towards him near the fireplace and took sight of the broken glass on the floor. The alcohol still dripping down from the wall. "What..." His voice trailed off.
"I'm going to bed, brother." Damon quickly returned, knowing better than to cut this nightly encounter short. As weak as his brother was, he should have been able to smell the taste of human on his clothes. The life he took was meaningless— but Damon was not an idiot nonetheless. He knew how to cover his tracks, to take care of loose ends. As his drunken footstep walked past the weaker vampire, the dark haired male offered his brother a sly smirk. He was triumphant in his win for the night, or at least a part of him wanted to believe so. Even if he didn't have a thing to him left— he would still be the most feared predator. A man of deadly intent. "Don't worry— I cleaned up after myself. No mess for you to take care of."
The words didn't pass by Stefan with ease. The younger brother gave a sigh, and as to be expected a disappointing look to his counterpart. "Damon, you can't keep doing this."
His words annoyed the stronger vampire more than his own thoughts of the past did. He had nearly walked out of the room completely when he abruptly stopped. "And what exactly do you think you're going to do about it?" He intended to taunt him, of course. To press the exact buttons Damon knew would send him over the edge. Turning on his heel, Damon gave his brother a far too defiant smirk. There was nothing Stefan could do to stop him— no one could. "Kill me? Drive a stake through my heart? Put an end to our century long feud and finally rid the world of my existence?"
"Stop it, Damon. It doesn't have to be like that." His pleas were worthless and almost laughable. In fact, the raven haired man had o hold back a growing wave of amusement. A fool his brother was— one day he would have to put him in his place. Today was not that day— Damon had already had enough self misery to continue this trivial encounter. "I know you can be better than this."
"How do you know, Stefan?" He asked, rolling his eyes. "You have never seen me be anything other than the antagonist to your story. An eternity of misery, remember brother?" The humor on his tongue fell short, tainted with irritation. How long did he intend to uphold this exchange? "When I was human? A worthless boy? That's laughable. We both know neither you nor I are those same people— you made damn sure of that."
Finally Stefan was at a loss for words, knowing he was hold get no where with Damon on this subject. However, the older brother was not done. Ripping open the bandage left him eager to push the bullet deeper into the wound. "Even then you knew what I was capable of. I've never been the person you wanted me to be— the one anyone wanted me to be. Father, mother... I've never been enough for any of you." Sharp like a vipers bite, Damon lashed out his words with icy venom in his eyes. The winter of anger burned deep within his soul, and he wanted to make sure Stefan knew the extent of it all.
"When I returned back from the war— you did nothing to stop father from acting as he had when we were children. I was still outcasted, damned for things I couldn't control." The cynical pain of the vampire nearly bought a crude taste of humor to his mouth, but he couldn't finish. Instead, he gave Stefan one final look and turned his back once more. He was done with this for tonight, and perhaps forever. Mystic Falls and these people were nothing more than a constant reminder of a painted image he could never be. A man of noble intent. Damon Salvatore was never meant to be the savior— nor would he ever want to be. "Stop trying to control me now, brother. You never will. I will not change— this is who I am. Do not make me remind you of the things I am capable of. I would end your precious Elena's life and not think twice about it."
Echos faded down the hall and the only sound to drift in his ears was that of his foot steps. Anger and fury mixed back with growing pain, fusing themselves together into one. It pieced together all that Damon Salvatore was, making him a man haunted by the past. If he could not be the hero, he would forever wear his power like the evil villains cape. He would never be the savior of the story— only the antagonist.
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En _*SALVATORE STORE C.A*_ te damos la oportunidad de ser el ganador y hacer crecer tu negocio con nosotros ... ✨🥳🥳 CON ESTA GRAN RIFA Y EL PREMIO ES 500$ EN MERCANCÍA NDE NUESTRO STOCK.📦🎉 Si eres nuevo emprendedor o quieres surtir tu negocio está es la oportunidad que estabas esperando... APUESTA CON EL CORAZON Y CONFÍA EN QUE LA SUERTE ESTA DE TU LADO... ⚜️✨ #rifa #rifaccs #granrifa #galeriasavila #ccgaleriasavila #galeriasavilaccs #ccs #vzla🇻🇪 #vzlachevere #ganoconsalvatore #quedateencasa #stayhome #cuarentena Somos: @salvatore_store_ve (en Galerias Avila) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMutp3qLCqj/?igshid=lbbxh7r287gb
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clubmagazine · 4 years
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Noche de Paz, Noche de Amor Si algo caracteriza tradicionalmente la Navidad en Venezuela, es la exhibición de los pesebres, nacimientos, Belén o Crèche en las casas. Las diversas acepciones se originan del montaje que hiciera en el año 1223 el mismísimo San Francisco de Asis en el pueblo de Greccio, Italia, con permiso del Papa para celebrar las festividades. Las diferentes versiones y términos se basan en la cantidad de figuras, pero todas se originan del Crèche, palabra francesa que, se cree, tiene que ver con el pueblo toscano donde el santo hiciera el primer montaje. Si algo enorgullece a los neoyorquinos, ese es este nacimiento que vemos en el carrusel de imágenes gentilmente cedido por nuestro amigo y excelentísimo diseñador venezolano @carlosloreto_ quien, como buen residente de Manhattan, cumple la tradición anual de visitar el ala de @metmuseum donde se ubicó esta maravilla hecha en cerámica. El Crèche o Pesebre de este legendario Museo se instala al pie de un gigantesco abeto natural que proviene del norte del estado de Nueva York. Está compuesto por 233 figuras realizadas a mano en Nápoles que integran una colección que pertenecía a la benefactora de esta institución, Loretta Hines Howard, quien comenzó a comprar estas piezas en 1925 y las donó al museo en 1964, luego de exhibirlas al público visitante durante 7 años consecutivos. La escena representa el nacimiento del niño Jesús en Belén y tradicionalmente se instala desde el 8 de diciembre, día de la Inmaculada Concepción, y se mantiene en exhibición hasta el 6 de enero, Día de Reyes. Este 2020 está ubicado en el ala de escultura europea que lleva el nombre de Carroll y Milton Petrie y allí se pueden admirar las piezas hechas a mano atribuidas a artesanos napolitanos del siglo XVIII como Giuseppe Sanmartino, Salvatore Di Franco y Giuseppe Gori. Esperamos El Niño Jesús ilumine sus caminos en el venidero 2021 y damos gracias por acompañarnos en este difícil pero aleccionador 2020. Feliz Navidad a todos nuestros seguidores, amigos y aliados y nuevamente gracias a Carlos Loreto por estas imágenes. #navidad #christmas #newyork #nuevayork #pesebre #belen #nativity (at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJLoj0cL_jP/?igshid=d6ebwsdr67af
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