#damn i babbled. got long winded on that one. oh well~
fairymint · 21 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
....there's a lot, and the most 'realized' of them atm is trainer Felix x Volo, although admittedly no OTPs are 'active' right now brainwise I've been slowly rotating Zivan and Felix, or Rex and Felix, but those are more vague sexual ideas rather than details;
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Most everything, but my writing boundaries are more mun-based; I will not ship/write with you if you constantly churn out single sentence or generic replies-
I am not a fetish or smut/etc. machine that you can just put coins in to redeem. also, I don't care if your muse is shy or a bottom or whatever- you need to learn how to write descriptively to make up for that.
They need to be a good victim, or else it's not fun, and you're making me write a glorified fic in that case. Try to match my energy here.
Unrelatedly, I don't RP on huge image, generic 'open to all' starters; it just feels too close to 'bullshitting on stolen* fanart' than writing a story.
and lastly, I don't write super upsetting topics of active noncon for the benefit of everyone; writing it respectfully or realistically sounds like more work than it's worth. Theoretically possible, and I have a strong stomach, but nah. As for sexual myths, I'm just tired of seeing them and the misinfo pisses me off; not the person writing tho, so I'll ask you to edit your reply with more correct info.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
American School range, I suppose? As in, middle school with middle schoolers, high schoolers with high schoolers; 4 years at most. Case by case, as we all know that a lot of growing happens at those ages. (tbh in different countries w/ different school gaps, I'd follow those instead.) However, Kids are not usually the best at relationships IRL, so shit happens and I'm not actually super into 'toy shipping' as it's called, unless it's pretty wholesome. If it's adorable and interaction is reasonable, I'll find it cute. If not, meh.
As far as adults go though, I don't mind age gaps. Lots of teenagers get antsy waiting for the big 18, so are mentally prepared on purpose for the big leap- but just lack experience, which can happen at any age. (especially when sheltered/spoiled.) Relationship problems have all to do with cooperation and situation anyways- things like chores, financial situation, boundaries... I do personally prefer a slow-burn with 18 year olds dating anyone too much older, with small room for exception if they're exceptionally bold and/or responsible. (read: slow burn would feel undoubtedly ooc for them. But my older muses will not take the lead here, so to speak.) That's more about not being a creep than ability to consent.
Are you selective when shipping?
a smidge. I've rejected ships before based on excessive teasing because my muse really wasn't into it, as a pretty serious/stoic/smartass/dominant character that doesn't like to be thrown around playfully.
I think I need to be asked/told that you want to ship if our muses don't have chemistry, that way I can plot some instead. I'm a very 'my muses drive themselves' unless asked otherwise.
But I'm not here to play games, though. If you're a no ship blog, or the character is no ship, the intent is not there, regardless of IC feelings; I'm expecting IC rejection in that case, it's this magical thing called a 'crush'. On a similar note, I'm not comfortable with muse creation biases; If you 'don't ship with OCs/Self Inserts/trans' or any blanket statement, you're starting to make assumptions that will piss me off, and you don't get other ships. I don't follow people with rules like this, so springing it on me during discussion isn't welcome, either.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I usually cut it as actual sex acts, and depiction of arousal; that moment when making out devolves into explicitly wanting sex. Suggestive tags usually lie on the border for me; things that people joke about or are allowed on radio/tv.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
I prefer it, but technically no. If our muses have chemistry and the question pops naturally in replies, I'll count it and likely double-check ooc.
But, y'know, old habits die hard and I have the reflex as a self insert player to always ask first and be clear, if it's coming from my side. I usually let crushes and sexual desire bother my muses while they figure out the logistics of actually acting on them and asking.
I'm delighted if I'm asked before the fact and happy to help, however! Because that's both consent and a prompt/challenge; how to make em get together and like each other/etc.? These ideas sound cute to me.
How often do you like to ship?
it's my comfort zone, but let's be real, I'd interact with my entire dash if i had the time and muse. platonic or otherwise. I theoretically don't give a shit if i ship or not, but will fall into shipping content if i'm feeling lazy. Because I've written it a lot before. comphet i guess???
Are you multiship?
Yes, in the sense that I'm not playing with the whole 'jealous rp partners' thing; I'm poly IRL and not interested in ship wars.
But, I'm fine with things like IC Poly, have my biases, and am okay with commentary that's non-toxic on an ooc level.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
like i said, shipping is my lazy comfort zone; I'll be thinking of ships in bed and ooc when I'm chilling. But attention is good. dynamics are good. no need to be afraid if you're on the platonic and aromantic-interactions boat. We can't all be romantically compatible 24/7.
What is your favourite ship in your current fandom?
I'm not invested enough in my latest games quite yet; I suppose from Mistria, Eiland is cute, and I kinda ship the protag with Juniper as well!
I'm a bit of a LambxNarinder fan for the karma-esque, 'mercy is cruel' irony; marrying your biggest threat and User is just funny to me, especially if the relationship itself isn't cruel afterwards. I wanna see the death cat crumble under kindness-
in a meta way, my brain is rotisserie rotating Zivan, Rex, Volo, and Naoya as 'he's hot i'm gay' without much further thought; life's been a bit hectic for fantasy lately.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Asking me at any point is the most reliable, IC chemistry and asking is possible. Suitable prompts and opens count as asking IC.
As a bonus, feel free to ask anytime about what my muse's opinion of yours is, if that's what helps you decide what to do. I'm honest when it comes to that shit, because it's fun-
Tagged by: stole it!
Tagging: take it!
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 249. brb x oc
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a/n: OHHOHOHO(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
Beatrice knocked first, interlacing her hands above her womb while Rooster kept one of his on her lower back and the other was busy keeping Nicole close to them. Their oldest daughter was going to turn one in a matter of weeks but she was already moving like she was a teenager.
It wasn’t her fault, Nicole was curious from the second she was born and she wanted to know about the tiny gnomes and crystals all over her great aunt’s garden. The bucket hat she wore fell a bit over her eyes but she quickly pushed it up, “Papa!” Rooster immediately looked down at her, only to see her pointing at a huge plant close by, ‘Geen!” 
“Yeah it is green, baby girl.”
“Pant geen.” followed by a long paragraph of babbling that only made her giggle before Rooster picked her up, “Pu-Pu.” and she points to the large lavender flowers swaying with the wind, her body twisting on his grasp.
“Your daughter knows her colors.”
Beatrice smiles, “My daughter?”
“Baby I can barely figure out tones.” he mutters, swiping some dirt that was on Nicole’s cheek with his thumb, then fixing her hat on her head, “I know the basic colors but I damn well know I couldn’t say half of these when I was Nicole’s age.”
“Oh don’t sell yourself short,Roos.” She tried to hide her bouncing leg by moving her hip to the side, eventually making it stop moving, so she could lean into him, “You know and you have a lot of colors in mind.” her eyes flicked to the door, wondering why her aunt was taking so long to answer it.
After all, she knew she was home.
“Yeah…I do love lilac.” he smirks, slowly lowering those brown eyes down the length of her body, the second she noticed what he was doing her cheeks went bright red and she elbowed his arm as gently as she could, “I know you do too–”
Their conversation was cut short because Martha finally showed up. Her long black hair now had silver streaks on it but she still looked the same as the first time. She had a mug with steaming liquid insite and her glasses were on the bridge of her nose, “Bradley,Beatrice, little sunshine, oh–” she sets the mug aside and cups her niece’s cheeks, then her nephew in law and finally her grand niece, in the order, to press kisses on their forehead, “What a wonderful day for a visit, please, please, come in.”
"Thank you for having us, Aunt Martha," Beatrice said  as she walked past the threshold with Rooster right behind - and Nicole immediately gasped at how many things were there for her to see. "Sorry for it being so sudden though.”
Martha chuckled, her laugh rich and warm. "As if I’d deny you two from coming over.” she puts her glasses on top of her head and tilts it towards them, “Are you two hungry? I know it’s almost time for you to have something to eat,” she points over at Rooster, winking, “I know you just got back from work too, something special must've happened for you two to come here so soon.”
Rooster smiled, albeit a bit bashfully. "We couldn't resist the opportunity to see you, Martha," he replied. "And well, something...interesting did happen."
Beatrice nodded in agreement, following Martha as she walked, more like floated, to the kitchen "Yes, something quite unexpected," she added. "But we'd love to have a meal with you, if you don't mind."
Martha's eyes twinkled with curiosity as she ushered them further into her home. "Of course, my dears," she said. "I'll whip up something special for you. In the meantime, make yourselves comfortable. Nicole looks like she's ready to explore."
Rooster chuckled as he set Nicole down on the floor, her tiny legs immediately propelling her forward in her quest to investigate her great aunt's kitchen. "You know her well," he remarked.
Martha watched with a fond smile as Nicole toddled around the living room, her eyes bright with curiosity. "Children have a way of bringing so much joy and energy into a home," she said. "It's a delight to have her here." she smiles more, “She also reminds me of Beatrice.”
Beatrice blinked, “Me? Really?”
“Of course you were…” she sighs, “Overly protected by your parents and siblings, but you’d explore as much as you could. You were a very, very special child. Even your cousins could agree to it.” she says softly, her long flowy dress moves like the wind as she walks into the kitchen, “Would you two like some tea?”
“Iced tea?” 
Martha smiled fondly at Rooster’s voice, then nodded,”Of course my dear. Iced tea. With honey?”
Rooster and Beatrice exchanged a glance, both appreciative of Martha's thoughtfulness. "Iced tea with honey sounds wonderful," Beatrice replied with a warm smile. "Thank you, zia Martha."
Martha nodded and began preparing the iced tea, her movements graceful and deliberate as she went about her task. Rooster and Beatrice took a seat in the cozy kitchen, keeping their eyes on Nicole as she wobbled a bit
As they waited for their iced tea, Nicole continued her exploration, her curious eyes taking in the various decorations and trinkets that adorned the space. She occasionally babbled excitedly, her tiny hands reaching out to touch anything within her reach.
It caught Martha’s attention when she noticed the dried herbs hanging on the wall, the older woman couldn’t help but hum appreciatively at the sight, “She is very alert, isn’t she?” she asks, the sloshing of the ice cubes hitting the tea adding to the sounds around them.
Rooster watched their daughter with affection. "She's quite the adventurer," he remarked, his eyes never leaving Nicole.
Beatrice nodded in agreement, "She definitely takes after both of us," she replied with a chuckle. "Curiosity runs in the family."
Martha turned towards them with a tray carrying three glasses of iced tea, each one garnished with a thin slice of lemon. She set the tray on the table and took a seat across from Rooster and Beatrice.
"There you go, my dears," Martha said, her eyes sparkling with warmth as she watched Nicole's antics. "I hope you enjoy it."
"Thank you, Martha," Rooster said as he took a sip of his iced tea. The cool, sweet beverage was refreshing, especially after a long day at work. "This is delicious."
Beatrice also took a sip and nodded in agreement. "It's perfect, zia Martha," she added with a smile. "You always know how to make everything feel so welcoming."
Martha's soft chuckle was the reply. "You're too kind, my dear," she replied. "It warms my heart to have you here." Her gaze shifted to Nicole, who was now attempting to climb onto a cushioned chair with a determined expression. "And little Nicole is an absolute delight."
Rooster quickly lifted Nicole from the chair with one arm while the other was busy holding the glass close to his lips, settling her on his lap. "She sure is and she is also a little spider monkey, yes you are.” and he tickled her tummy, earning a gurgled laugh from the little baby girl.
Martha observed the young family with a soft smile, then moved her gaze to Beatrice who looked like the air around her was covered with hearts and her gaze was so soft it was adorable. “You two look a bit tense,however.” she says softly, earning a look from both of them, “What is bothering you two,hm?”
Beatrice and Rooster exchanged a glance, Rooster still had his glass against his lips. It was true that they had been harboring concerns and uncertainties, but they hadn't expected Martha to pick up on it so easily.
But then again.
It’s Martha.
Rooster took a deep breath, his gaze shifting from Bea to Martha. "You have a keen eye, zia Martha," he admitted. "There have been some...unusual developments lately."
Beatrice nodded in agreement, her fingers gently tracing the rim of her iced tea glass. "We received an invitation from…neighbors." she added. "And it's left us with some questions and concerns."
Martha listened attentively, her hands propping under her chin. "I see," she said softly. "Would you like to share more about this invitation?"
Rooster exchanged another glance with Beatrice before nodding. "It came from Miranda Halton," he explained. "She's the wife of Mark Halton, one of my colleagues at work. But the strange thing is, they are…strange. And I know we shouldn’t judge, but they act weird around us.”
Martha's brows furrowed slightly as she absorbed the information. She had a thoughtful expression as she considered what Rooster had just shared. "The Haltons," she mused, her voice soft and contemplative. "I don’t think I’ve known that name, did they just move to your neighborhood?"
Beatrice nodded in response. "Yes, they have," she confirmed. "But we've never really interacted with them much. Well…they mainly interacted with us you know? They just pop out of nowhere too.”
Rooster leaned forward, his fingers tapping on the glass. "It's not just that," he added. "There's something...off about the way they approached us. They mentioned that they wanted us to join them for dinner, and they seemed overly enthusiastic about it. It just didn't feel right."
Martha regarded them both with a knowing look. "You trust your instincts," she said, her tone serious. "That's important. If something feels off, it's best to be cautious."
Beatrice sighed, her fingers gripping the glass of iced tea a bit tighter. "We want to go," she admitted. "But mainly because  we want to understand what's going on. It's not just about the dinner invitation. Rooster's promotion at work is at stake, and there might be a connection between the two."
Martha's gaze sharpened as she absorbed the additional piece of information. "I see," she said, her voice tinged with concern as she turns to Rooster, “Is that true?”
Rooster nodded in agreement. "Too much coincidence ends up becoming a fact." he assured her. "But we don’t know, not really, that’s why we want to go there and deal with this already."
“Are you taking Nicole?”
Beatrice leaned back in her chair, her fingers finally relaxing their grip on the glass. "No, she’s staying with Shells, my friend, you remember her,right?," 
Martha's smile widened. "Ah, the Kylie Minogue girl, yes I remember her." she replied. "She has a good heart,I’m glad she’s staying with Nicole.” she says while drinking her own tea, her eyes sharpening towards Rooster, “But there’s something else bothering you, bambino.”
Caught again.
Rooster inhales, adjusting Nicole on his grasp, “Well I–” he clears his throat, “I might’ve…seen some things uhhh early today.”
Martha's brows furrowed with concern as she leaned forward, her gaze locked onto Rooster. "What kind of things, Rooster?" she asked, her voice gentle but insistent.
Rooster hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting between Beatrice and Martha. He knew he couldn't keep the strange incident in the nursery a secret any longer. "I thought I saw someone," he finally admitted, his voice low. "In the nursery, with Beatrice and Nicole. But they disappeared when I entered the room."
"It was really strange, zia," she added. "I didn't see anyone there, but Roos seemed certain."
Martha's expression remained serious as she absorbed the information. She leaned back in her chair, her fingers steepled in front of her. "Seeing someone who isn't there," she mused. "That's an unusual experience, Rooster. Do you think it might be related to what's been going on with the Haltons?"
Rooster shrugged, with a soft laugh  "I can't say for sure," he replied. “I mean,I’m stressed but I don’t think that could be it.”
Martha nodded thoughtfully. "Did you see what the figure looked like?”
Rooster pondered for a second, wracking his brain. It was so quick and brief he was having a hard time remembering the details, his eyes clenched shut, trying to relive what had happened hours before, “...tall. I think it was a man? Looked like one. I couldn’t see the face though…am I going crazy?”
Martha regarded Rooster with a thoughtful expression, her fingers tapping lightly on the table as she contemplated his words. "You're not going crazy, Rooster," she finally replied, her tone soft and reassuring. "Sometimes, our minds can play tricks on us, especially when we're under stress or dealing with unusual situations."
Rooster let out a sigh of relief, grateful for their understanding. "You're right," he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "I guess I've just got a lot on my mind with work, the twins, and now this dinner with the Haltons. It's probably nothing."
Martha gave him a warm smile. "However-”
She smiles more, interlacing her fingers together and titling her head at him, “I think that some of the Schiavoni gene is spreading onto you.” her eyes squint when she grins, creating creases on the sides, “Perhaps this is someone who must want to talk to you again, see how you are, how things are.”
Rooster stares at her in silence, then questions,  “...like my dad?”
Martha's expression softened immediately."It's possible," Martha replied, her voice gentle. "Sometimes, our loved ones find ways to let us know they're watching over us, especially during significant moments in our lives. It could be a way for your father to reassure you or offer his guidance."
Rooster's eyes shimmered with emotion as he absorbed Martha's words. He had missed his father every day since his passing, and the idea that he might be trying to reach out to him touched his heart.
After all, he did see him during their wedding.
Beatrice reached out to place a hand on Rooster's, offering him support and comfort. "Roos?" she asked softly. "A sign that your dad is with us?"
“I…” he clears his throat, “I-I think I’m gonna go to the bathroom really quick,can you-” he hands Nicole over to Bea and stands up, disappearing from the two women’s sights before either of them could stop him.
“He’s going to be okay.” Marta says when Beatrice looks back to where Rooster disappeared, “The bambino needs to calm down a bit, his promotion and birthday is coming up,tesoro.” she smiles, “A lot of emotion is coming up.”
“Yeah…and Nikki’s birthday and–” she frowns, “How did you know about his promotion?” but her aunt’s smile turns wider as she brings the tea to her lips, winking at her niece, “...right,I forgot.”
“Do breathe,tesoro. You two will enter a new stage.”
‘Thw twins are coming back, Bradley’s promotion will open doors…but it will also make you two climb some walls.” she says, crossing her arms on the table, “You are aware of that,no?”
Beatrice looks down at Nicole who was happily tapping her hands on the tablecloth, “...yes,I know.”
“Not to mention, your life. You personally.” and this time her aunt’s tone got serious, “Tesoro, do you still have the amulets I sent you?” Beatrice blinks in surprise but nods as soon as she says that, “Good…never lose that,hm? It’ll protect all of you.”
“...Zia,should I be worried?”
Martha’s serious façade dropped and she took another sip of her tea, “Why tesoro,” she grins, tilting her head to the side, “You two have each other. There’s nothing to be worried about. You two are stronger together than apart.” 
“...yeah…” she looks back at the bathroom door, a little smile on her face, “I agree.”
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sinfulwrites · 3 years
"Could I borrow your coat?"
Hi, I was thinking about slashers with coats I would lowkey wanna steal. So here, enjoy these babbles.
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Jason Voorhees
The two of you were having a pretty productive day. You had managed to convince Jason to let you come with him while he checked the traps around the camp. The task itself was relatively boring, but it beats sitting in the cabin all alone.
You failed to remember it was the middle of December, which means it is freezing cold outside. You remembered halfway across the camp of course.
You grabbed your sweater on your way out, but with how cold it was outside you might as well not have it on. It’s a miracle you’re not frozen yet.
“Jason, may I borrow your coat?”
The trap in his hands immediately hit the ground. It could wait, you’re his main priority!
Of course you can! After he says “I told you so.”
He spares you a whole scolding when he sees how much you’re shivering. Even your nose is red!
His massive coat damn near swallows you, but once he buttoned it up it was as toasty as a sauna thanks to his body heat. You are so content you hardly notice when he picks you up and makes a B-line straight to the cabin.
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RZ Michael Myers
Oh boy. Strap in, it’s about to get awkward.
Michael was having one of his days. He didn’t acknowledge you at all today. He just wanted to watch you today.
It was one of the many methods of his madness you just would never understand.
So, all day today, he stalked you. Doctors appointment in the morning, you saw him in the parking lot by the window in your room. When purchasing your groceries, you had to try and ignore your weirdo boyfriend staring at you right behind your cashier.
By the time you finished all your errands it was around five. Since it was in the middle of winter, it’s pretty much pitch black now. It’s dark, and the cold is only growing worse. None of this dissuades you from taking a late night walk to clear your head. Headphones on, you took your (incredibly risky) stroll through the dark Haddonfield streets.
If you were anyone else, so many horrible things would have happened to you, but luckily for you, you have the literal embodiment of evil keeping an eye on you. Just waiting for a reason to stab something.
Sadly, one thing he couldn’t do is intimidate mother nature.
The bitter chill of the wind blowing against your exposed skin was too much to handle now. You silently cursed yourself for not bringing a coat before doing a sudden spin to go home for the night.
Your sudden turn was just too quick for Michael to react to, so he grabbed you by the arms before you smashed into his chest. You had a moment to force your soul to go back to your body while Michael managed to restrain himself from lashing out. The only reason he could hold back was because it was you.
“God, Michael…” You groaned while rubbing your temple. Unsurprisingly, he just stared down at you. You, however, just now noticed he was wearing his large (most importantly, fluffy) coat.
“Hey, uh, Michael… Any chance I could borrow your coat? I’m going to freeze to death out here.”
Here comes the awkward part. Usually on these days, you respect Michael’s silent request of solitude and never address him. You two had an agreement to not address each other on these days. (And by agreement I mean you just got used to it and he took it as an agreement.)
At the same time though, he didn’t really want you to be cold.
After a painfully long silence, Michael finally started taking his coat off and just plopped it on you. Right on your head.
You almost folded under the weight of it, but you immediately melted for the warmth that flooded your aching skin. The sleeves don’t even go past your hands but you could care less. You don’t even notice it dragging on the ground behind you like a wedding gown. You even forgot to thank him. He didn’t take it personally.
He just continued what he always did. Watch you.
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Vincent Sinclair
Vincent had been in the “zone” all day. His focus was on completing the wax figure he was shaping into something gorgeous. He hardly acknowledged you today, but you know him. Nothing can bring him out of the zone, the gas just needs to be burnt through, then you’ll get your boyfriend back.
Even though he was busy, you still stayed downstairs with your boyfriend. You were able to entertain yourself by looking at his old works and playing with the family dog. You even sat around shooting the shit with Bo for a while.
By the time Vincent finally put his tools down it was night time. The day once again passed in a blink, and he gave you an apologetic look once he finally joined you and the dog in bed. To you, there was nothing to apologize for. You were just glad to have him in bed with you again.
The question popped in your head while you two were cuddling. His arms were wrapped around your waist while his face stayed comfortable in your shoulder. You were running your fingers along his hands and arms and you got reminded how soft his sweater was.
“Mm… Vinny… Can I wear your sweater?”
He was about to fall asleep before you asked. Once he sprung back to life, the answer was clear. Of course you can!
The soft wool immediately drags you in serenity with the warmth from Vincent. You were very easily pulled back into the spooning and you two stayed there until Bo let off the dinner bell.
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Brahms Heelshire
It was your first winter in England. You moved from a really hot climate, so it was your first time seeing snow in person.
Somehow you managed to convince Brahms to come outside with you and have fun in the snow. Well, it was mostly you having fun. You were new to snow, but Brahms was not. To him, this was the worst time of the year. So cold all the time, and it gets darker way sooner now. The snow just made it all worse. He found it impossible to say no when you asked so nicely though. Plus, he had never seen you so excited before. He could put up with it, for you.
The snowball fight you asked for never happened, but you two did make a snowman. Topping it with a fancy top hat of course.
Once it was finished, Brahms was done. No more outside events, it’s time to go inside now. Seeing how bad you were shivering was the nail in the coffin.
It was as if he read your mind, before you could even ask the question he removed his cardigan and wrapped you in it.
“We’re going in now, Y/N.”
You wanted to protest, but the only sound to leave your lips was a content moan after his warmth took away the bitter cold gnawing at your skin.
You let him take you in, deciding the snow wasn’t going anywhere. You could settle for some fun inside with Brahms.
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x-chubby-reader · 4 years
Hey, how about hcs Ushijima,Terushima, Bokuto and Kuroo getting jealous when their chubby s/o being hitting on right before their eyes 🥴 what would they do? Might as well do nsfw a lil' bit? 🥺
Thank you! I love your works ❤🥰
 Jealous Haikyuu Boys + !NSFW!
Ushijima, Terushima, Bokuto, and Kurro x Plus size reader
A/N - Hope I brought this to justice. I loved this idea a lot but I think they might have made them a little toxic- Also sorry for this being very overdue with writing, but as most of you know my motivation for lots of thing is shit. Also Thanks to @livieeee for basically helping to edit and give ideas for this. I also may add to the other characters NSFW as I accidentally gave Bokuto the most detailed part
Lowercase intended
Not proof read
NSFW included
The Characters are all aged up for this Headcannon
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we are all very aware about how blunt he is with things
not one to bottle things up
if he doesn't like something, he will voice his opinion
ushijimas blunt ass will sat whatever he wants if he deems that its true
doesn't everyone want to know the truth about things?
he also isn’t one to be easily jealous over things too
his confident ass knows that he’s got you in the long run anyways 
he has complete trust in you, your his rock
ushi knows that you wouldn’t go off to flirt with some douche just for the fun of it
the first time that he had ever found himself jealous was when you had dragged him out to your friends birthday party in college
he wouldn’t of even gone if you hadn't forced him out to be social and to make some friends with people his own age and should get out of the house for something other than practicing with the volleyball team he was on
since the party had been for your friend finally becoming of legal drinking age, of course there had been alcohol
oh i wonder how this liquid luck could get you into a predicament?
you had needed to go to the bathroom, so you gave your boyfriend a little wave before leaving
it should of only taken you about five minutes, and ushi knew that
so when you took over twenty he decided to go looking for you
while he was searching for your thicker frame, you had been quite preocupied with something else
there was this guy, completely drunk off of his ass, who wouldn’t leave you along
“are you lightning? because your my mc-queen”
 just really icky and shitty pick up lines
homeboy was so touchy too omfg like back up ass hat
you hadn't even noticed the amount of time that had passed until you felt a strong hand on your shoulder
boy did that make you jump
and he looked pissed
homeboy really said posessive~
ushi literally ripped you away into the bathroom as you had been stuck in the hallways for god knows how long
for once his touch wasn’t gentle with you, it was more rough and less caring
he’s so rough with you right now oml
to make the story short, you won’t be walking easily later
he wants to make you yell out, to show everyone in the premis know that you are his
“how about you let everyone know who you belong to, sweetheart~”
his buff ass literally is holding you up, just fucking railing into you
only stops when he deems that you are done
he even apologizes if he hurt you too badly
cleans the both of you up with one of the guest towels hanging, before walking you ever so gently out to grab a cab and make your way home
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while the two of you had been out shopping for god know what, you happened to spot an old friend
he was ole of those guy friends that were overly touchy, but you never had really minded it since he was just being nice
your friend had been very high energy and affectionate, but they always meant well
so your boyfriend, terushima, had just smacked a smile on his face and acted as friendly as could be
But he was jealous of all the attention you were giving him
hey you couldn’t help it, you haven’t seen the guy in years
hello? teru is your boyfriend, not this guy!
the look on his face when you exchanged numbers to meet up later
you would of thought that you had just shot his puppy dear lord
he was so god damn sad
“he’s totally trying to get into your pants y/n!”
“no he isn’t teru, he’s just being nice”
“y/n, no-”
your so oblivious to it 
terushima has two levels jealously
he goes from pout-y little kid to complete asshole in a matter of seconds
homeboy is black and white with his personality, there is no gray area with him
even though he isn’t one to keep quiet about something he doesn't like, he did it anyways for your sake
though he glared holes into him
eventually when he had left ho boy did terushima give you an earful
you heard even more when he found about how you made plans with before mentioned friend to have dinner
it was just so the two of you could catch up after the many years that you haddn’t seen each other
“its just dinner”
“y/n its like he’s trying to date you
“can you chill out?”
“no! what? are you dating him now???”
okay he can be a little high strung sometimes, but its something you can tolerate
remember how you had given him your phone number?
yeah, that may be important
while you had been getting ready for your little ‘dinner date’ with your friend, teru had still been glaring at the back of your head
you could see his annoyed look from the mirror, but you payed him no mind
hey, he would get over it sooner or later
your phone decides to start ringing, and its the guy
teru looks at it, then at you, then back at the phone
he hits answer before handing the phone to you
you decide to start talking, everything is in a friendly tone
and then he decides to play around a bit
a little nip here and there, nothing more nothing less
just to see what his little doll face can handle
then soon he escalates it more and more
soon lurking hands become groping and nips became hickeys
though you had to pretend that everything was hunky dory on your side of the phone
homeboy on the other line didn’t even think anything of it
“hey are you okay?” he had asked once when you particularly couldn’t handle his stimulation
“y-yeah i’m great right now...”
his hand would slip and dip into places that you had forgotten about until now
just the smooth and slick friction would bring heat to your face, though 
that’s when teru had taken the phone back
“screw off your asshat, never call her again!”
and he never did, even if you say him in public, he would walk the other direction 
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the two of you had just been out window shopping and peaking into stores on a saturday
when a store employee had started talking about a popular television show that had aired yesterday, you hadn't thought anything of it
in your mind it would of been rude to ignore them completely,
what if they were just having a bad day and you little small talk and brightened it just a little?
you didn’t want to have something like that on your consensus 
bo had been standing beside you the entire time, and you hadn’t even noticed the way he had stiffened and almost seemed to puff up, like an owl
there had been one person who did notice bokuto’s uneasiness
baby boy had thought that the two of you had been flirting when he walked by
omg he looked so sad
he went from being all perky and happy to looking like a deflated balloon
it was pretty pathetic
sooner or later the worker had felt so awkaward that he left, that’s when you had noticed his discomfort
he had waved if off until the two of you had gotten home, then you finally cornered him and asked
“whats wrong?”
he just rolled his eyes to himself, “you should know!”
yeah just the buffering circle above your head for that one
you really had no idea
“i seriously don’t bo...” 
“yes you do, in the store that worker was totally flirting with you!” he had finally spoke out
that had made sense you guessed
even though you had apologized to him, he had still been down, even needy
bo had just been clinging on you for the past hour
if your standing, he’s right behind you, just looming
he became a shadow or a lost puppy, following you everywhere
his arms always found their way to your generous waist, holding onto you as if you would be blown away if a gust of wind decided to make its way though your home
as you had tried to walk down the short hallway that connected your bedroom to the living room, bokuto had stopped the both of you
he looked down to you before grabbing your wrist
bokuto half dragged and half lead you to the shared room you both shared since you moved in together
he had pushed you, not carefully may I add, onto the futon bed
koutarou soon climbed on top of your plush frame, his face lightly dusted in a red hue 
one of his hands wandered down towards the plush button that resided between your thick thighs
the other had cradled the back of your head, pulling you back lightly so he could have more access to your neck and collarbones
bokuto lightly kissed your skin, it didn’t matter if imperfections or not
now this would have been more of a sweet moment if you hadn’t noticed the almost mocking circles you felt at your core
“am i good enough for you now baby owl?”
you would of answered him if you were able to form words, but the amount of stimulation that he was able to give you simply from the tips of his fingers was astonishing
damn boy he got magic hands
you had opened your mouth but no words came out
that had made the two toned haired boy let out a laugh
the only thing that you thought to do was to wrap your arms around his broad back
“speechless, huh” he had taunted you, a smirk on his face
he just kept up his happy little circles, the stimulation bringing a warm, almost butterfly like feeling to your abdomen
 it was if he filled an empty part of you, and you needed him to survive
the tightness in your core had started to bubble, feeling as if you were going to top off the edge and boil over
your former speachless self was soon a babbling mess, telling bo how much you did need him
and even after you had reached and passed your high, he hadn't stopped, he loved the way your words flowed from your mouth in light, breathless pleas
oh he wasn’t even done
play nice you two
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out of the two of you, kuroo had always been the more jealous one
baby boy is passive aggressive about it too
he doesn't do the keeping it to himself kind of bullshit
just completely straight to the point
he dosent often become jealous either
kuroo trusts that you wont get flirty or ‘advance’ on anyone else, because you have him for that
why would you need anyone else when he’s right there?
he has the confidence that all of us are jealous of
you and i know that this boy gives little insults to almost everyone
just in a joking and playful way, because that’s just how he communicates to people
but if someone decides to push it
ho boy
mr. rooster man slowly gets more and more passive aggressive
literally they turn into thinly veiled threats
you could practically see the steam coming out of his ears
so imagine his reaction when the waiter at a restaurant had decided to get a little too cozy with interacting with you
kuroo had been sitting right across from you, a pissed off look slapped over his face
who was this asshole and why the fuck was he going after his little kitten?
he had kept his mouth shut but raised an eyebrow at your plush form
it was as if he was asking if you were going to let this guy keep his shitty advances up
you just thought he was being friendly, but according to kuroo he wasn’t
when he had figured that you weren't going to stop him, he spoke up
“lay off dickwad” his voice had been laced with the utmost hate, you had never heard him ever use that tone before
with that, he had grabbed you by the arm before leaving, not paying for the two glasses
the two of you had gone home in his car
no words had been exchanged between kuroo or you
“you were so into that, weren't you y/n” the bed-head boy had muttered to you, almost in a mocking way
you couldn’t think of a reason on why he was acting like that, so you had just kept your mouth shut until he would drop you off at your apartment
his hand that usually resided on your plush thigh while he was driving was currently white knuckled on the the steering wheel
even though he was looking at the road, he looked completely pissed
no plea for him to talk to you would make him speak up, it was as if he was stuck in thought
even when he had dropped you off at your flat, he seemed to still loom over you
when you took out your keys, he took them from your hand and opened the door himself as if you were suddenly incompetent of doing anything for yourself
“need someone to do everything for you huh? just too dumb in the brain to do anything...” kuroo had sneered to himself
“okay what the fuck is your problem you asshole?” you had finally spoken up, really what was this jerks deal with you?
homeboy had glared at you before pinning you against the wall in your own home as if he owned the place, “oh so now you talk, you were so fine with that guy in the restaurant huh? completely preoccupied with him to forget that i was there...”
suddenly everything is making sense right now, the puzzel pieces are fitting together
homeboy was jealous and you had no idea, you just though he was being pissy for no reason
he just sighed, putting his head in the crook of your neck, “idiot...”
kuroo had finally turned his head to look up to you, a slightly sad look on his face
oh you felt like complete shit, homeboy looked so down that your heart hurt
you leaned your head slightly down so you could give the top of his head a lil kiss kiss
homeboy almost seemed to purr from the affection
he slung his arms over your shoulders, it was as if he was leading you into the minimal living room that you had
the two of somehow ended up on the crappy couch you had, him on top humming happily down below at you
sandwiched happily together
“i’m still disappointed in you...” he muttered, looking down at you
“oh bite me” though you paused before thinking, “how about i make it up to you?”
kuroo had smirked, “and how are you going to do that?” he questioned you
it was as if you had suddenly forgotten how to speak, a burning heat spreading from your cheeps to the bridge of your nose
lets just say that you did not expect that answer from him in the slightest-
his slender hand ran up the side of your torso, as if he was memoriizing the peaks and valleys of your figure
“i’m the only one who can make you feel like this,” kuroo had muttered cockily, staring into your eyes
he had no shame making comments like these, why should he?
his fingers snuck under the elastic material of the underthings you had currently been wearing, teasingly testing the waters and rubbing fether-like circles over your sensitive bits that were located on your chest
“are you ready?”
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katecake · 4 years
I needed me a Jaskel Soulmate AU where Jaskier knows his soulmate’s a witcher, but he also knows it’s not Geralt. After wondering how that would happen, I finally came up w/ this!!
Imagine a world where soulmarks exist. While not exactly rare, they’re still fairly uncommon.
Little Jaskier’s soulmark is on the inside crook of his elbow. The face of a fierce silver wolf. For as unrealistic and stylized as it is, it’s still undeniably a wolf. His parents sneer at it. The servants and teachers are all uncomfortable when they see it. Little Jaskier, though? Oh how he loves it. He doesn’t know what it is, doesn’t know what it means, doesn’t know its significance. But he loves it nonetheless.
Jaskier’s only five years old when he learns what a Witcher is. He’s only five years old when he’s taught to fear Witchers.
Jaskier’s twelve and he’s being held down as he begs and pleads and screams. He screams as the other boys bring a knife to his soulmark, laughing all the while. Because, what soulmate could a monster have than another monster?
Jaskier’s twelve when he makes the connection between his soulmark and Witchers.
He runs away less than a week later, wound still fresh, and ends up somewhere outside Oxenfurt. He decides to stay there, study there. The injury scars. He keeps it covered at all times with black cloth. Sometimes, it’s so tight it hurts. He never shows anyone his mark ever again.
Jaskier’s twenty-three when he meets Geralt, and he immediately recognizes the medallion. It’s the spitting image of what his soulmark looked like. He feels some residual anxiety from meeting a Witcher, but has learned humans can be just as monstrous as they claim Witchers to be. The black strip of cloth on his arm is proof enough.
So he takes a gamble and follows Geralt. And he continues to follow Geralt for years to come. He learns everything he was taught was a lie (something he’s suspected since the moment that knife touched his mark). He makes it his goal to change the world’s mind about Witchers. And if he hopes, deep down, that if he continues to follow Geralt he’ll meet his soulmate? Well, that’s his secret fantasy.
Years pass and eventually Geralt invites him up to Kaer Morhen for the winter. Jaskier says yes in a heartbeat. He’s as giddy as he is nervous and babbles the whole trip up.
When they get there, Eskel’s the one to greet them at the gate, not that Jaskier notices. He’s too busy still babbling nervously about nothing at all and removing his packs from his horse. He struggles to hold everything as he goes over to the two, intent on introducing himself to this new witcher. Except when he finally looks at Eskel, his breath catches and he drops everything he’s holding. He can do nothing but stare, pale and shaky, at the scarred face in front of him.
He doesn’t register how the man shifts so he stands with his scars less on display. He doesn’t register Geralt’s defensive and angry tone. He doesn’t register the third, angry, man who threatens him for making his brother uncomfortable in his own home. All Jaskier can think about is the shape of those scars.
Lambert’s outright hostile to him, not that Jaskier blames him. Geralt’s also cagey and defensive. Even Vesemir, despite keeping the peace between the wolves and the bard, makes his disappointment of Jaskier clear.
It takes another two weeks before Jaskier manages to catch Eskel alone and apologizes. He wants to explain himself, but every time he tries, his throat tightens and the words die on his lips. So instead, he works to befriend Eskel in earnest.
The first time Eskel smiles at him, really smiles at him (an entire month later), Jaskier feels like the wind’s been knocked out of him. The way Eskel’s eyes crinkle at the corners, the way his lips curl awkwardly, the way his whole demeanor seems to light up. It’s breathtakingly beautiful. He can’t keep the dopey smile off his own face the whole day.
Eskel smiles more after that, and it seems to be enough for the others. Lambert’s no longer actively hostile and Geralt’s back to himself. Vesemir no longer looks at Jaskier with disappointment either. And if Jaskier scratches at the crook of his arm, that’s no ones business but his own.
Until, one night when Jaskier has long since stumbled off to bed, Lambert asks. It's just the three of them, Lambert, Geralt, and Eskel, still drinking in the kitchen.
“So what’s,” Lambert pauses to hiccup, “what’s with the bard’s arm?” He asks.
“Hmm?” Geralt grunts squinting at the cards in his hand.
“That damn bandage of his,” he continues motioning at the crook of his own elbow. “Wears it when he– when he fucken bathes too.”
“Maybe it’s covering a scar,” Eskel offers, “or a weird birthmark.”
Lambert scowls. “He’s got plenty other scars.”
Geralt snorts. “And weird birthmarks too,” he adds thinking about the vaguely cock shaped birthmark Jaskier has on his shoulder.
Lambert grumbles as Geralt and Eskel continue playing their game of gwent.
“What if it’s a soulmark?” He eventually asks.
“Humans don’t present them as easily as we do,” Eskel says at the same moment Geralt says:
“Not a chance.”
The two stare at him, clearly wanting an explanation.
Geralt grumbles and downs what’s left in his mug. “Jaskier’s a hopeless romantic,” he explains. “Wouldn’t shut up for weeks when he saw mine. And then he wouldn’t shut up for the better part of a godsdamned year after we finally met Yen,” he pours himself another drink and downs that too with a shudder. “Believe me, if he had one, we’d know.”
A few hours later, when Geralt’s fighting to stay awake, Lambert slams his mug on the table. It startles Eskel and Geralt enough that they’re more awake than they were an hour ago.
“I wanna know,” Lambert growls.
“Then ask him,” Eskel says.
Geralt yawns. “He always changes the subject.”
Lambert nods vigorously as Eskel frowns. “Then leave it.”
“But I wanna know!” Lambert complains.
Eskel gets up. “I’m not doing this,” he groans. “I’m going to bed.”
Lambert calls him a bitch as he leaves and grumbles into his drink. He and Geralt continue drinking for a few minutes before Lambert asks, “You grab him and I pull that damn cloth off?”
Geralt, too drunk and too tired to think about all the times Jaskier’s flinched when grabbed by the elbow, nods.
It surprisingly takes them a few days to catch Jaskier alone. He’s confused when Geralt grabs him but otherwise doesn’t struggle. It’s not until Lambert pulls at his sleeve that he panics.
Jaskier thrashes in their grip the moment he realizes what they’re doing. Decades old panic grips him as he screams and begs for them not to hurt him.
Lambert and Geralt stay frozen as Jaskier fleas down the hall. Vesemir is there demanding to know what happened while Eskel runs past them to catch up with Jaskier. Lambert and Geralt can only stare in the direction Jaskier fled, the stench of his fear hangs heavy in the air around them.
Geralt knows what Jaskier’s fear smells like. It’s hard not to when Jaskier often gets too close to a monster, but he has never smelled of fear because of a Witcher before. Not when he’d first seen Eskel. Not when Lambert threatened to gut him right after. And not even when the snow had finally blocked off the path down the mountain and he was subsequently trapped in the keep with four unwelcoming witchers.
They don’t see Jaskier for a solid week after that. They know he’s still in the keep, they can smell him in the kitchen, in the baths, through the halls, but they don’t actually see him. Lambert’s on edge, quicker to anger, and Geralt’s quieter, more prone to get lost in thought.
They both try to apologize, in their own way, standing outside Jaskier’s door. Jaskier doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even make a sound. The only reason they know he’s in there is because his heart’s racing and he smells of anxiety and residual panic.
Eventually Eskel’s able to coax him out and he tentatively resettles into the routine he’s established for himself. Jaskier now has a constant underlying scent of anxiety to him. He smells of panic whenever someone focuses on his arm too long.
It all comes to a head one evening. Vesemir reaches to touch Jaskier’s elbow to get his attention. Jaskier flinches so hard he nearly throws himself into the hearth they’re sitting around. He doesn’t smell of fear, but his panic is palpable. Vesemir apologizes but Jaskier assures him it’s fine, even as Lambert storms away shouting abuse and Geralt slinks away miserably.
Eskel cracks that night. It’s late, the others have all gone to their rooms in their attempts to avoid Jaskier, and it’s just Eskel and Jaskier in the library. Jaskier’s leaning against him, fighting to stay awake as Eskel simply enjoys his company.
“What…” Eskel asks tentatively. “Happened to your arm?”
Jaskier tenses against him, heart rate picking up as his hand goes to cover the spot. He sits up slowly, stiffly, and Eskel immediately kicks himself. “Sorry,” he says quickly, “I shouldn’t have asked.”
But Jaskier shakes his head. “No it’s okay,” he says weakly. “It’s stupid really. It happened so long ago, almost thirty years,” he laughs shakily, voice impossibly quiet. “But I guess I still get scared someone’s gonna finish carving off my soulmark at times.”
Eskel feels like he’s been punched in the throat. Soulmarks are special. They’re Destiny’s will. All Witchers have soulmarks. Something about the trials make them emerge, almost like Destiny herself is desperately trying to preserve their humanity. Eskel knows his own soulmark all too well. Four little yellow flowers floating down a stream painted on his ribs. At times, if he just focuses on the general shape, they look like music notes. He knows the mark ties him to Jaskier. It’s why Jaskier’s initial reaction to him hurt so much.
“I’m sorry,” Eskel says lamely, because what else can he say? He could demand the name of the people that hurt Jaskier, but that won’t repair the damage. He could go after Geralt and Lambert again for their stupid stunt, but they’re suffering enough as it is and Jaskier doesn’t really hold it against them.
Jaskier barely shakes his head. “Don’t be. I’ve… actually wanted to show it to you for some time,” he admits quietly. His hands shake as he rolls up his tunic sleeve.
Eskel catches his wrist, stills the movement. “Stop,” he breathes. “You don’t have to.”
Jaskier leans towards him, his forehead coming to rest against Eskel’s. “Please,” he whispers.
Eskel reluctantly lets go. He watches as Jaskier halting works the black cloth off. There’s red marks across Jaskier’s skin where the edge of the cloth dug in too tightly. But Eskel’s breath and attention is immediately stolen by the mark. He feels fury and an unimaginable sadness wash over him in equal measures.
It looks exactly like the wolf school medallion. Or it would were it not for the angry scars distorting the right side of its face.
Eskel runs a thumb over it before he even realizes what he’s doing. Jaskier shivers at the touch and Eskel can smell the tears the bard is desperately trying to hold back. “I’m sorry,” Jaskier whispers, voice thick with emotion. “I didn’t mean to upset you when I saw you. It’s just…”
“The scars,” Eskel murmurs. “They’re identical.” He has a sick feeling that Jaskier’s mark was defiled the same day his face was slashed.
Jaskier explains himself fully that night, as he cries in Eskel’s arms. It feels strange to finally show his mark again after almost thirty years. He’s not sure if he’s scared or relieved or if its even good or bad. It just is.
The following morning, he’s understandably exhausted and spends breakfast tucked against Eskel’s side. Lambert and Geralt get to the kitchen and try to leave before the even enter it. Jaskier reeks of tears and misery and Eskel. Eskel asks them to at least stay for breakfast. Lambert still wants to run but seeing as how Geralt pitifully sits down, he refuses to be the only one that runs and sits down too. Breakfast is awkward with how exhausted Jaskier looks and smells, they’re both happy to go off and do their chores for once.
Jaskier spends most of the morning sleeping in Eskel’s room. When he emerges for dinner, it’s almost like nothing’s happened. He’s back to his loud and carefree self. The smell of anxiety is almost unnoticeable now. Vesemir claps him on the shoulder and Geralt’s less quiet.
Lambert’s still unsettled, though, still easy to anger and prone to snapping. He doesn’t believe the bard’s act for a second. That level of fear can’t just be forgiven that easily. It has nothing to do with the fact that it was his plan that caused that reaction and made his brothers upset.
His brothers and Vesemir tell him the bard’s fine. Even Jaskier himself assures him that it’s okay. He doesn’t believe it for a second. No amount of chattering with Geralt, or helping Vesemir in the library, or spending nights with Eskel will convince him.
But maybe seeing how Jaskier lets Eskel settle a hand over his arm helps. Seeing how Jaskier smiles all shy and happy when it happens helps. Seeing how Eskel returns the looks helps. Seeing how Eskel doesn’t shy away when Jaskier touches his scars helps.
Maybe seeing and smelling how happy the two are helps ease the guilt. Because what else could be under that black cloth than a scarred over soulmark?
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prettynxsty · 3 years
Just a Pinch
Sub!Jungkook x Domme!Reader
Warnings:  Sweat, nipple clamps, gratuitous nipple play, jungkook has a pussy, biting, sweat, small top/big bottom, futa/girlcock, sadists will get a good kick out of this, squirting, crying from pleasure
Summary: Instead of the overplayed “sub wears vibrator out in public”, it’s the sub wears nipple clamps while working out.
AN: This is a nasty one as usual my friends, enjoy. It’s damn near pwp, honestly.
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Your teeth ground into your bottom lip, flicking your thumb back and forth as quickly as possible even though your knuckle was beginning to cramp. You take in a deep breath and your chest puffs up before slowly deflating with a sharp sigh.
“Fuck, yes.” You growled slamming your fist against the bed at your side.
Jungkook’s eyes rolled back with a groan from deep in his gut. “Oh my god, please.”
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuckmefuckmefuckme!” His voice rose into a squeal as his head dips forward.
A deeper growl rumbles in your chest before cutting short with a whoop of excitement. You threw the controller down beside where you were sitting, jumping off of the bed and onto your feet. “Yes! Now you need to make good on your end of the bargain baby!”
He covers his face with his hands, sighing before falling into a small fit of nervous giggled. “You can’t be serious babe.”
“Of course I am, it won’t be for that long anyway, you’ll be okay.” You tittered lightly, practically skipping toward your closet. “Go ahead and get ready, the faster you do it, the faster it’ll be over.
”He scratches the back of his neck, planting his feet on the floor and slinking toward the dresser across the room.
He peels his shirt up and over his head before balling it up and tossing it toward the hamper in the corner. He glances at his reflection in the mirror, running a hand over his pecs and down the planes of his rippling stomach. His fingers slip over his adonis belt, wiggling just slightly under the waistband of his black sweatpants.
He takes in a quick sigh, clenching around nothing. A spike of heat bursts and spreads in his stomach, he wondered if he should have been turned on before anything happened. He steps back from the dresser, hooking his fingers under the garment and works it down the swell of his thighs until it falls and piles up around his ankles.
He wiggles a socked foot out of the first leg hole and steps on it to free the other. This too sails through the air and lands in the hamper with a soft thump. He takes another glance at himself in the mirror.
He was a lovely shade of coffee with a few splashes of milk. He kissed his tan lines goodbye since your regularly scheduled maintenance days with him. In your days of boredom, you took it upon yourself to buy a nice waxing pot and clean his cunt of hair in places he had to (literally) bend over backwards to reach.
He thought you were going to do it somewhere like the bedroom or bathroom, but you figured that you may as well get good use of the rooftop. His pussy is easily nestled in between his tanned thighs, brown outer lips just barely hiding his sweet inner pink.
He hated that you refused to touch him until the next day, he could feel everything when you were done. Now that same time of the month was his favorite time for grooming.
Jungkook blinks, shaking himself from the vivid thought and pulls open the drawer. His underwear was neatly rolled up beside yours. He decides on a simple gray high cut thong, stretching it, stepping into it and slipping it up to his hips.
Normally he preferred to wear nothing, but he needed an extra barrier of protection for today. He pushes the drawer closed and pulls open the ones on the right and left of it. Simply, he grabs a sleeveless tee and pair of shorts. He dresses himself quickly and parks himself on the edge of the bed.
You return from the closet with a giddy smile, swinging something shiny around your fingers. Nipple clamps.
“Don’t look so happy to torture me,” he pouts.
“That’s your favorite part of it though, Junggoo~.” You made your way around the end of the bed and sat on his knees.
You reach up and cradle his cheeks, kissing him. The tension melts from his shoulders with the first and hang comfortably over his frame with the second.
“Now let’s see what’s under the hood,” your joke sails straight over his head and out of the window. He shakes his head, placing his hands on your thighs. You lift the bottom of his shirt and twist it under the collar, placing your hands over his chest.
Your fingertips trace over the swell of his taut mounds, goosebumps raise over his skin as you near his nipples. You hovered the tips of your thumbs over his nipples, admiring the rich rosy brown of his little areolas.
A moan rises in his throat, swallowed away noisily. Heat rises and exchanges between your bodies, you shift in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure on your dick. His fingers curl around your thighs pulling you even closer to him. Your dick fit snugly against his lower belly and it was starting to drive you crazy.
He leans forward, slipping his head over the juncture of your shoulder and neck. His slow breaths crawl up your skin in a way that tempts you to shiver. Jungkook was familiar with the shadow inside of you, he knew how to make it burn. His lips press over the swell of your shoulder, sending shocks zipping through your body. You should’ve known better than to wear that tank top today.
You graze your thumbs over the hardened tips of his nipples. He moans against your skin, you played with them so much that he felt like he could feel each ridge in your prints. He seals his lips around the base of your neck, gently suckling and grinding his tongue against your skin. You pinch his nipples in between the length of your index fingers and thumbs harshly, tugging.
He jerks slightly, his teeth sinking into your flesh. You hiss, arching your back before releasing his nipples and pushing against his chest. Jungkook pulls back with a whine, eyes wide.
“What’s wrong?”
You could hardly hide the fact that you were already breathless. “No, you aren’t going to weasel your way out of this one baby boy.”
The darker side of your mind was pleading for you to give in and make a mess of the bed sheets. But you knew that it’d make things filthier if you put him up to this.
You press a kiss to his pouting mouth, pulling back before he could deepen it. His brow knits together, he was already horny. He may as well make sure he didn’t get too far ahead of himself, it’d be harder to work out if he got wetter than he was now.
You slip the short chain from your knuckles, pinching open the first clamp. He seemed to be holding his breath as you pressed the chilly metal to his flesh before slowly releasing it. Jungkook throws his head back, gasping and biting down on his bottom lip. It was like a thick cloud rose and surrounded his brain, it was getting harder and harder to figure out what he was thinking.
You drag your tongue over your bottom lip with a dry swallow, you could already imagine the feeling of his pussy flexing around you. You lift the other end, the fire in your belly consumes you further when he twitches at the slightest shift of the first clip. You gently pinch the other clamp open and close it around his other nipple. He responds immediately with a drawn out breathy moan that makes your head spin.
You reach up slowly, unravelling his shirt from his collar and allow it to fall over his midsection. He looks down at you with these dark, cloudy eyes. “Can’t.. Can’t we..” He babbles as if the wind was knocked out of him.
“Come on, I’ll- I’ll go fill up your water bottle.” You tried to shake the slurring from your voice, planting your hand on the mattress and wiggling out of his grip.
The cold air of the hallway hits you like a freight train, bringing more cognizance to your mind. The heaviness between your legs was making you crazy, you hadn’t a clue how either of you would workout in this state.
You cross the way into your kitchen, it looked like the floor was blending into the walls. Grabbing your water bottles off of the drying rack, you fill them to the brim with ice and water.
Eventually Jungkook shuffles out of your bedroom with a dizzy, distant air in his eyes. He was red from his cheeks to his ears, and the sides of his neck. It was like he was wasted already, he seemed to be moving slowly to reduce the friction of the shirt over his nipples. The chain sat just right, as it didn’t really jingle as he walked.
He must’ve struggled to slip on the backpack, stopping beside you. You’d make it a little easier on him, choosing to carry your drinks instead of adding more weight to the bag on his back.
“Let’s go, we’ll be home the faster we go.”
He nods slowly, heading toward the door.
During your short walk around the corner to the gym, he spoke up suddenly. “I won’t have to do everything, will I?”
“Everything but squats, the bench, and deadlifts, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
He huffs, looking down at you like a kicked puppy. You didn’t miss how his eyes gained a glassy tinge.
“I’ll do everything you want me to when we get home, my pretty boy.” You muttered low enough for him to hear, pushing open the door with your shoulder.
“How are you doing, baby?” You coo into his ear, wrapping your arms around his waist. Not a soul wandered the locker room aside the dust and water droplets where they weren’t supposed to be.
“I’ll give you a treat,” you whispered. Your work your hand under his shorts, pushing your fingers past his thong easily. He makes a soft, pretty noise when you cup his pussy.
He leans his weight back against you, jerking with a grunt when your thumb grazes over the sticky hood of his clit and passes over his blood swollen love button.
“Just want you to fuck me,” he whines, trying to squirm away from your rough thumb. It was too much for him, he could cum right now.
“Too much?” You ask gently, receiving a nod in response. You knew better than to let up now, pinching his hood and jerking the little pink sleeve. He made a noise like he was punched in the gut, hands clutching your forearms. His hands were shaking, but he was too desperate to push them away.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cu- unh!” He pants, thrashing his head against your shoulder as you pinch it. You take a deep breath in, retracting your hand and licking your fingertips.
He slumps back against you with a disappointed groan, struggling to catch his breath.
“Let’s go, I need to reward you.” Your voice was dark, moving to take the backpack out of the locker. You helped him ease it onto his shoulders and dragged him out of the locker room. You were given a few funny looks, but you hardly noticed them through the haze settling around your mind.
He all but wobbled his way to the bedroom by himself, leaving a trail of things behind him. Jungkook absolutely needed out of everything on his body at that moment. You followed him into the bedroom, watching from the doorway as he clumsily peeled off his sopping wet panties and nearly fell during the process.
“Take them off,” his voice breaks with a shiver crawling up his waist and shaking his shoulders. He makes a pitiful noise, squeezing his thighs together as he clumsily sits on the end of the bed. The thin chain lightly sways with the motion of his poor attempts to control his breath.
You wondered if you should try this more often, he never broke this quickly. You move across the room to sit on his knees as you had before. It felt like Jungkook’s skin was on fire, the slightest sensation made his hair stand up even straighter. His nails clumsily scratch at your skin, shoving his hands over the waistband of your shorts.
He couldn’t be bothered to fumble with anything, whining with a sob as the mesh of your clothing brushes over his thighs. “Off, off please!” He fusses in a strained voice.
You rose as quickly as you began to lower yourself, he was enveloping you in the same haze as before. Your lower belly spasms with a particularly aggressive twitch of your cock.
”Shit,” you growl under your breath. You yank away your shorts and nearly deflate with relief when your dick springs to full attention. Your sanity dissolved into ash bit by bit from feeling your glans scrubbing against the waistband when you moved around.
Jungkook clutches handfuls of the sheets under him, he couldn’t touch himself if he wanted. He’d scream because it was too much. His bottom lip trembled. It looked like he was practically flushed from head to toe, a heavy tear escaping the barrier of his thick lower lashes. It splatters over his collarbone, it’d evaporate if his body was any warmer.
You yank your shirt over your head and kick it aside with your other clothes, rushing toward him. You began to lower yourself to your knees, stabilizing yourself with hands on his trembling thighs.
He made another high pitched noise to fuss at you, he was so far gone that he just couldn’t control himself. Jungkook leans forward, wrapping his hands around your hips before lifting you onto his lap. You make a noise of exclamation, placing your hands on his shoulders in a weak attempt to register what just happened.
He pushes his chest toward you, sniffling. Another tear slips from the corner of his eye,  dancing over his cheekbone before slipping under his jaw.
“Baby,” you croon and stroke his hair. You gently curl a fingertip under the chain, lifting it slowly. This squeezes a few squeaks out of him, swelling into a squeal when you tug slightly.
You gently place your fingertips on the first clamp, squeezing it open and pulling it away from his stress. Jungkook’s forehead drops against your shoulder in relief, pressing weak kisses of gratitude over your breasts.
He grips your cock with both hands, slowly jerking your flesh up and down. You groan, resting one of your hands in the center of his pecs as you blindly feel around for the second clamp. Your fingertips cascade over his flushed bud, causing him to seize up. His grip tightens in a way that raises the gentle drip of your precum into a syrupy faucet.
You were likely already starting to drip over his fingers. His grip slowly relaxes, regaining his steady pattern. You press the tip of your thumb and index finger over the ends of the clamp, pinching it open and allowing the chain to drop between you.
You stroke your fingers over the back of his neck. “Let me see them,” you whisper with warmth and conviction. That tone of voice always sends his head into a spiral, he seemed to struggle to lift his head.
He shakily circles his thumb around your tip, spreading your precum all over his finger. You seize up, growling through clenched teeth. Jungkook quickly returns to stroking you firmly, he couldn’t stand the thought of you being unable to touch him.
You lean forward gingerly, dragging the tip of your nose through the cleft of his pecs. You tongue lolls out of your mouth, carefully resting on the edge of his areola before flicking upward.
He almost jerks away, sighing sharply. It was like you held the metal of a used lighter to his skin. It was enough to wipe what little thought remained in his head in a flash.
You tilt your head toward the other, slowly swirling the tip of your tongue toward the center of his nipple. He trembles below you, utilizing what strength remained to stay still.
“Want you to fuck me,” he croaks.
You glance up at him with a smile, nodding to oblige.
You plant a hand, carefully shifting yourself off of him and further onto the mattress. “Get on the middle of the bed, knees.
”He took his time to move, slowly twisting and crawling on. You reach to the left, yanking open the nightstand drawer with a flick of your wrist. You rip open the tube of lube, nearly breaking the loose plastic hinge of the cap. You squeeze a fat globule at the base of your cock, smearing the excess over the side of your lower belly before snapping it shut and shoving it back away.
You nearly forget to shut the drawer, pushing it closed with your ankle before crawling toward him. “Turn around.”
He plants his hands and crawls until he’s facing away from you, leaning back on his haunches.
Your dick prods the cleft of his ass as you seat yourself behind him, swiping your fingers through the thick, clear jelly. You do a messy job of lathering yourself up, leaning forward and slipping your dick under him.
You spread your index and middle fingers, smearing some of the lube over his pussy lips. He opened up like a pretty little flower, his cunt was already lush and puffy.
You drag the crook of your finger over his clit hood, coaxing a soft keen out of him. You press your fingers together, slipping them over his inner pink and press them into his hole. This time it was your turn to moan, his pussy swallowed your fingertips with ease.
He arches his back, molding against you with a whine. God, it felt so good but he wanted more. More than that. His inner velvet flutters around your fingers in a way that makes your toes curl already.
You work them in and out for a few strokes before you couldn’t stand it any longer. You wrap your hand around your cock, momentarily lowering yourself to press against his pussy. He slumps heavily against you with a coo when your cock begins to spread him open.
“Ooh,” you hiss, steadying yourself by moving your other hand to his stomach. Reaching the hilt, you shift your grip to clasp both of his forearms as leverage. The first thrust makes a filthy noise, excess lube squishing around your length.
To this, you lose yourself in him. You piston your hips forward, using him like the warm, wet hole he is. You fuck into him with reckless abandon. His voice is high, shaking with breathy and noisy squeals.
He does his best to refrain from squirming in your hold, thighs twitching with the urge to close. The room before him was a blur of shapeless splashes of color, it amazed him how you could get even deeper when he was on his back. Jungkook felt ridiculously full, his head dropping forward, babbling slurred expletives.
Your thighs burn, you knew he came by the way he started to flutter and squeeze around you. You could feel it barreling toward you, wrapping one of your arms over his hips to keep him steady.
You shift a hand, flicking your finger over his swollen nipple. His voice reaches a new pitch, thrashing his head around in a futile attempt to remain on this plane of existence.
“No! Gonna-” he tried to squeal, digging deep half moons into his thighs. You set your teeth tightly, your balls slap against his skin as you ground deeper. It felt like he was going to wring you dry.
You lean back for him to slump his weight against you fully and attack his other nipple with a harsh pinch. His shout catches in his throat, his head thumping against the thick of your shoulder.
Your control is carried away by the wind, the noise you make is ungodly when you cum. You couldn’t lose steam, his cum cakes up with yours as you plunge in. It felt like your sanity was melting out of your ears.
You roll the tips between your fingers, scrubbing them back and forth with your middle fingers. Something inside him broke, his jaw snapping shut as he began to shake uncontrollably.“Gnh, ah!” He grits out, his squirt splashing around your cock and splattering over the sheets.
Oh. Oh. You slow your thrusts with a breathless chuckle before allowing your softening cock to slip out of him with a wet plop. You’re met with a noisy sniffling, stroking your hands over his trembling stomach.
You shift your weight onto one knee and lay down behind him. “Shhh, shhh..” You continue to stroke your hand over his belly as the shocks become weaker and weaker.
The tension in his body takes a few minutes to melt away before he can fully sink into the mattress, timidly scooting back for you to fully spoon him.
“You okay?”
You hadn’t made a mess like that in a while, but you supposed he might have needed it as much as you. You’d soak in the bath later with him.
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afeb · 4 years
Fred Weasley - Lover
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“Why do I have to go this?” I asked again, wincing down at the small bottle of pink liquid in front of me.
“Because you owe us a favour for not ratting you out to Snape for cheating on your test last week.” George said. “And we need someone to test our Love Potion.”
“Now remember you’ll be obsessed with the next person you look at for twenty-four hours, so look at me.” Fred said.
I rolled my eyes. “It won’t kill me, will it?” I warily asked, bringing it to my nose and sniffing.
“Don’t worry, I was very careful.” George said. “Now bottoms up.”
I groaned and pinched my eyes closed, bringing to the rim of the bottle to my lips and quickly gulping the liquid. It tasted incredibly sweet, so much so it made my jaw twinge in pain. I pulled back and groaned, rubbing my jaw.
“You okay?” I heard Fred ask.
“Yeah I’m...” I opened my eyes and looked at him. “Fine.”
“Has it worked?” He asked.
“Yeah...” I whispered.
I’d never noticed how utterly handsome he was. His cheekbones were sculpted into his face, his nose strong, his jawline so sharp it could cut. His eyes were a deep blue, long hair sweeping in the most beautiful shade of red. He was tall, and built, presumably from all the Quidditch he played. Not only that but he was smart, and funny. Why hadn’t I noticed him before?
“Looks like you’ve got an admirer there.” George joked, pushing his brother lightly.
“You’re so good-looking.” I gasped, falling into Fred chest as I peered up at him. “And so funny and smart and kind.”
“Woah there.” Fred caught me, smiling down at me. “Easy Tiger.”
I giggled. “I never noticed you before, why?” I wondered aloud.
“No clue.” Fred replied.
“Come on, let’s get her to bed.” George said, gathering up my school books.
I practically hung off Fred’s arm on the way to the dormitory. “You smell so good.” I sighed, pressing my cheek against his shoulder.
“Jesus Georgie, how strong did you make this thing?” Fred asked.
George stifled a laugh. “I’ll dampen it a bit.”
I dreamily gazed up at Fred as he muttered the password to the Common Room, leading me inside. Everyone turned to look at us with an odd expression as Fred led me through the busy room. George broke off to go talk to some friends, whilst Fred took care of me.
Once inside my dorm, he sat me on the bed and stood before me. “I didn’t think it would work this well.”
I grabbed his hand. “Your hands are so big! God, you look so strong.” I complimented.
“What’s wrong with her?” Hermione asked, sitting up from her slouched position.
“Love Potion, George and I were testing it.” Fred chuckled down at me. “Tomorrow you won’t feel the same way.”
“But I love you!” I screeched, standing up and immediately wrapping my arms around him. “I could never fall out of love with you, Freddie!”
He laughed loudly and placed me back on the bed. “Keep an eye on her would you?” He said to Hermione who nodded along. “Night Y/N.”
“Night Freddie.” I sighed, smiling up at him brightly. I watched him leave before I collapsed onto the bed. “Hermione, I’m in love!”
She giggled a little. “It’s a Love Potion.”
I sat up quickly. “Is not! You know I had a huge crush on him before this.” I sighed.
I got ready for bed, babbling on about Fred and how wonderful he was. It was nearing midnight and all the girls were tucked away in bed, while my mind was still racing.
“Do you think he loves me back?” I asked out loud.
A chorus of groans filled the room. “Would you be quiet! You’ve been talking about him for hours.” Lavender said.
I sat up. “He’s so amazing though! Him and George have this great idea to open up a jokes shop and I really believe that he can make it and-“
“That’s it!” Hermione jumped out of bed, pulling the covers off my body. “We’re going to see Fred.”
I immediately jumped out. “You’re such a good friend, taking me to see the man I’m in love with!”
I wrapped my arm around my shoulder as Hermione quickly walked to the boys dorm. She banged loudly, for a long time.
“Fred Weasley, you get out here this instant!” She yelled.
Fred swung open the door with just pyjama bottoms on, rubbing his eyes and looking down at us. “It’s midnight, what the hell are you doing?”
Hermione stepped aside and Fred and I looked at one another. “Hi Freddie.” I dreamily sighed.
“She won’t shut up about you, so you’re going to deal with her for the night.” Hermione crossed her arms.
“She can’t sleep in here!” He defended.
“Not my problem.” Hermione grabbed my arm and pushed me into Fred’s chest, storming away.
“I guess we’re roomies for the night.” I winked.
“Oh god...” Fred sighed. “Stay here.”
I did as I was told and waited patiently for him to come back. He soon did, with a thick jumper and white trainers on, grabbing my hand.
“Where are we going?” I asked as I was tugged through the Common Room.
“The library,” he said. “There’s got to be something in there about breaking this damn spell.”
I followed after him, hand still clutched in mine. “I love you Fred, have I told you that? You’re just the best guy I’ve ever met and-“
Suddenly a hand came over my mouth and I was pushed against the wall, Fred craning his neck to peer behind the corner. Seconds later Feltch passed us, frowning before shrugging and going back in the direction he came.
Fred looked down at me. “Promise you’ll be quiet.” He whispered.
I nodded and Fred removed his hand. “I’d do anything for you, Fred.”
He rolled his eyes and tugged me behind him again. Once we successfully snuck into the library, Fred led us through the winding bookcases, picking up various books as we walked.
“Can I talk now?” I whispered.
“Quietly.” He whispered back, skimming over the pages.
“Do you love me back?” I asked, propping myself up on the side table next to Fred.
“Of course I do.” He mumbled, flicking to the next page.
“No, like are you in love with me.” I giggled.
He looked at me. “Y/N, you aren’t in love with me.” He said.
I frowned and pouted my lips. “Yes I am!” I squeaked.
“Shh!” He hissed.
I blushed. “I am in love with you, I was before this stupid potion.”
He stopped reading and snapped his eyes to me. “What?”
I snorted. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know, I have a huge crush on you!”
“You do?” I nodded. “Why?”
“Because you’re smart and funny, and handsome, and you smell amazing and you’re so strong and-“
“Forget I asked.” He said, turning back to the book.
I looked down at my hands. “You’d never go for a girl like me.” I muttered.
“Why would you say that?” He asked, grabbing another book and quickly reading.
I sighed heavily. “Because I’m awkward and you’re so cool. I’m not nearly as smart as you, I feel like you get bored when I speak to you. I’m not very pretty, not compared to some of the girls in your year.”
Fred had stopped reading by now and was intently watching me as I made my points. “Don’t say those things about yourself.” He murmured.
I shrugged. “It’s true though. I’m frumpy and my hair is always a mess, I try and do make up but somehow makes me look worse. I’m not terribly skinny and god I eat my feelings.”
“Hey,” he moved to stand in front of me and cupped my cheeks. “You’re the funniest, smartest, most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
I beamed up at him. “Really?”
“Really.” He smiled. “How an earth could you think I’d never date you?”
“I never thought you saw me in that way.” I confessed.
“I never saw you in any other way, I thought it was you who wouldn’t be interested in me.” He chuckled lowly.
I sighed. “Oh Freddie...”
His eyes flicked down to my lips for a moment, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. His hands still cupping my cheeks, he slowly moved forward. He pressed a kiss delicately against mine, pressing a little harder as a small whimper escaped my lips.
He pulled back. “Better?”
“Marry me.”
He laughed loudly, clamping a hand over his mouth once he realised we were meant to be hidden. “One day.” He winked. “I can’t find anything to break this spell...”
“I don’t want it broken.” I said.
He rolled his eyes and helped me off the desk. “Come on, Lover.”
Fred and I spent most of the night talking in the Common Room, learning new and wonderful things about each other that only made me fall harder for him. I spent the rest of the morning gushing to the girls about my night with Fred, all of them rolling their eyes and trying to get on with school work.
I sat next to Fred in the Great Hall, arm looped through his as I rest my head against his shoulder and listened to him talk to the other boys about the upcoming Quidditch match.
Wait...what was I doing? I slowly moved my arm from his and sat up, Fred curiously looking down at me.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Uh oh, I think it’s wearing off.” George said from across the table.
I looked at Fred. “Oh god...” I blushed as I remember everything I said last night.
“Hey there Lover.” He smirked, right eye dropping in a wink.
“Oh god!” I screeched as I scrambled off the bench and immediately started running away, ignoring the howls of laughter as I scurried off into my own personal hell.
Safe to say the Love Potion worked.
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shivada-jade · 3 years
codename: vind
older sibling!reader
characters: diluc, kaeya ➡ mentions: adelinde, crepus, la signora warning(s): alcohol consumption, swearing, and because for some reason, older siblings tend to be shorter than younger siblings. iDK WHY but ugh, yeah you're shorter than diluc and kaeya bc you're the older sibling. ik, i hate it too
like, i wanna be a tall 6'2 woman
diluc's 5'10 so u can still be tall in the story.. just not 5'11 😢 sorry over 5'10 folks
➡ WRITTEN BEFORE 2.1 so uhh :D
notes: platonic w diluc and kaeya, duh bc ur the older sibling. sibling love!!! sibling love !! woop woop !
"Dad, I'm home!" You bellow out to the house, waving a polite hello to Adelinde who looked shocked to see you. You kick off your shoes and slide your way to the long table in the living room, swiftly grabbing an apple before heading upstairs.
Your hands graze the railings and make your way up to find your dad. Upon reaching the last flight of steps, you were suspicious with how the place was very quiet. Granted, your younger brothers are now adults, but it still felt too quiet. Maybe you expected to see your brothers playing a game of chess, maybe bickering and fencing. You were hoping to see your family after being away.
You were a part of the Fatui under the Mondstadt branch. It was and at the same time wasn't a choice to be roped into the Fatui. You got roped into the wrong group of friends and found yourself blackmailed by the infamous group.
You didn't want to join. You didn't want any of it. You've been disconnected from the world. Wiped out from the face of Earth. No one gave information to you, you couldn't learn anything about what's happening currently. The most you could do was send letters, but even those were difficult to send out. You had to do it in secrecy or you'd be in trouble.
Love, the better sibling,
Or another common send off is:
Please write back soon,
And your family never failed to send back letters. They asked what you're doing, where you are and how are you, still you never told them your occupation, fearful of what they would think and where your loyalties lie, so you told them you were working under an adventurer.
It's for the greater good. You remember trying to convince yourself.
You're a horrible person.
You were sixteen then. Your younger brothers were twelve. It's been 10 long years since you last saw them, and 6 years since you last received a letter back. You miss them dearly. You often wondered what sorts of adventures they did without you.
But why are you wondering about this? You knew what they did: you knew everything that happened.
You're living under a heavy burden.
"Dad?" You call out again. Maids and wine makers look aghast when they see you, and they're on the verge of fainting when you call out to your father.
Stop the act.
It's strange how the letters were suddenly cut off. The last letter you received was from Kaeya, telling you how you needed to come home straight away. You tried to, but the Fatui prevented you from doing so. A lady called La Signora supervised you directly to make sure you didn't leave.
You know...
Adelinde brushes the dust off her uniform and hurries up the stairs to catch up to you, "Dear, is that you [Y/N?]"
"Did you forget me that easily? I'm offended Miss Adelinde," you chided, but the teasing look in your eyes give Adelinde relief to know you aren't actually offended. "Miss, where's dad?"
You're sickening.
Adelinde takes one look at you and squeezes your shoulders with a smile, "I'm afraid that's not for me to say. Master Diluc should be able to-"
"Oh, where's Diluc and Kaeya?" You ponder, and the corners of your lips curl upwards. "Those two were always attached to the hip. Where are they now? Horseback riding at the vineyard? Ha! I-"
You glance at Adelinde's watery eyes and stop your babbling. "What's wrong Miss Adelinde?" You reach for her hands on your shoulders and hold them. "Ah, has father been making you work too hard? I can request him to lessen your load."
Adelinde shakes her head no. "You don't have a clue, do you? Oh," she sighs. "Please, rest yourself by the fireplace. I'll prepare tea for you." She rests her hands back at her side and scurries to the kitchen.
You frown, unsure why she's jumpy, but you follow her request and sit by the fireplace. The crackle of the fire contrasts the tense air you feel when maids brush past you, offering tea Adelinde made. You thank them, gently blowing on the drink.
After taking a sip, you place it down with a pinky to lessen the noise it makes on the table. You hear the door open, and the choruses of maids greeting someone.
"Welcome home, Master Diluc," you hear and other voices saying, "We've prepared a meal for you and your sibling, would you like to rest yourself?"
You peek from your chair, he obviously hadn't realized you yet.
Diluc's lips make a thin line and shrugs off his jacket, "Why is Kaeya visiting. Isn't he supposed to do his knightly duties?"
You have no clue why he says it like that. The venom in his voice sends a shiver down your spine. You decide this is your cue to give him a warm welcome. You stand from your seat, and open your arms in a grand gesture and waltz to your brother. "Diluc! It's been a while huh?"
You clearly see him tense hearing your voice. His head snapped to your direction with his mouth parted. The maids respectively take their leave, bowing before they do so.
Diluc looks you up and down, still not believing you're there, like you're just his imagination. His hand slowly reaches out to you as if you're a dream.
Your feet lead you closer and you grasp him tightly in an embrace.
He freezes, but slowly relaxes in your hug, reluctantly bringing up his own arms to wrap around you. You feel his grip tightening, and you feel his shake out silent sobs. His face buries in your neck, letting tears fall on your clothes.
You soothe his back, and press a kiss on his hair. "I'm home, Diluc."
He trembles, pushing himself away to look at you clearly. Why hadn't you come home earlier? He wanted to vent, he wanted to yell, shout, he wanted to know how much he missed you in your absence.
He clears his throat and coughs in his fist. "You should have told me about your arrival," he adjusts the gloves on his hands, and looks to the floor like he did when he admitted he accidentally broke your toy when you were 10.
After these years, he still looks up to you as his older sibling. Not a thing has changed.
But you couldn't help but notice one thing. You knew Diluc and Kaeya had matured, you knew they would grow taller, but shit, now Diluc's taller than you.
"I sent a letter a month ago," you began. "It should have been sent to your office in the Favonius Headquarters? That's where I send my mail after you told me about your promotion to Cavalry Captain."
You squish his cheeks with both your hands. "Because I know you're a workaholic and only respond to letters that mean business, so that's where I sent it off to. You never write back, neither does Kaeya," you pause, thinking for a moment. "Neither does dad. Tell me he hasn't gotten sick that he couldn't respond to my letters."
Diluc lifts your hands off his face and frowns. He doesn't know how to break the news to you- not when you look so excited to be home and tell of your adventures to your family, so he asks, "Did you eat yet?"
You note the frown on his face. "'What's got you grumpy," you prod. "I need to find dad first. Told him in the first letter I gave him, I'd give the first gem I find."
Diluc watches you leave him to go to Crepus' room on the second floor. He hears the thuds on the floor and the opening of the door, but does nothing to stop you. You left with a smile, and you come back confused.
"Why is dad's room empty?"
How cruel.
Kaeya hums, passing by Flora's shop and purchasing a Calla Lily for the sake of it. He is well aware of the Fatui that stand by corners. Whispers of the wind give him intel, and so does alcohol apparently. He leans on a wall right outside Angel's Share, watching two Fatui members drink some of the tavern's strongest alcohol, imported from Snezhnaya.
"That damn," the one with the red and black mask hiccups, lifting a mug with foam overflowing. "Damn brat's gonna snitch on us to the Knights- *hiCC* boss lady wou- *HicC* would have our heads!"
Thankfully, their more responsible Fatui friend takes the mug and switches it with their drink, water. "You're the one who let Vindicta out of your sight when you know their frequencies to escape. This is all on you, buckaroo."
One of the Fatui escaped? How peculiar.
Kaeya hums, in steady strides he shows himself to the Fatui and takes a seat from another table and sits in front of the two. "My, my, my. If it isn't the wonderful Fatui," he divuldges. He twirls his Calla Lily around his fingers, amused with the Fatui's reactions.
Their mouths drop, knowing who he is and they hastily clean themselves up by sitting straight and wiping away the alcohol from their faces. "Good evening, sir."
"Evening to you too," he places the flower behind the person's ear, flustering them. "Well? Drink up. Everything you order will be on me."
The Fatui look at each other, skeptical with Kaeya's kindness, but the drunken one accepts the offer. Kaeya celebrates in the inside as he slowly gains Fatui intel.
Though, the second Fatui whom he dubbed the "Responsible One," took a while for them to take a sip. Turns out, they couldn't handle alcohol, that's why they avoided drinking it.
"So, my dear friends," he slides a coin on the table and stares both of them down. "A mora for your thoughts? I couldn't help but notice the tense of your shoulders when you first arrived here."
Responsible One raises their mug drunkenly, and gives a pointed look, "You... you know too much. How?..." They stare at their friend and whisper shout, "Don't tell him about Vind or-" They fail to continue their sentence and pass out on the table.
Kaeya feigns a surprised face and looks at Fatui number 2, "Who exactly is Vind? I'm sure you don't mean the storm watcher up at the cliff." He coats his voice with sugar, and it seems Fatui friend fell for his kindness.
"The damn brat," they spit out before hiccupping again. "Recruited them, fed them, saw potential, gave a home, and they escaped."
Kaeya nods and pushes another bottle of wine to the Fatui's direction, urging them to continue.
"Was supposed to be one of the Agents to spy on the *hiCc* to spy on the Ragnvindr family, because *HicC* Vind was one of the best there is. They were about to be promoted Harbinger after an assignment *hiCCUpp* but then Big Boss Lady said 'End the Ragnvindr legacy,' Vindicta left without a word. They escaped."
The Fatui downs another bottle of wine. "But judging from Boss Lady's reaction, Vind did the job: killed him and placed the blame on the Knights."
The Calvary Captain knits his brows and places his hands in front of him. It laced themselves and he watches the Fatui person empty out his wine.
"I'd be careful of what you say if I were you." His lone eye glints dangerously.
"End the legacy?" Kaeya frowns. "Can I ask..." He couldn't ask why or the Fatui would stop talking to him. "Can I ask when your beloved spy did their job?"
The Fatui waves a hand, "Six years ago. After they killed that damn aristocrat's father, they tried escaping. Big Boss supervised them under their watch. 'Potential' the Harbingers always say, but I don't see the potential in them if they don't have loyalties under the Fatui. A wild card, really."
They lay their cheek on the table. The temperature drops quite dangerously. Kaeya's diamond eye glints with coldness before it turns back to warmth.
"Rumours have it," the Fatui sighs, playing with his empty mug. "The training Vindicta went through is rougher, so we were hoping they would tie their loyalties to us. We let them explore once, and they escaped under my watch. Maybe it was their assignment to leave, maybe it's not, because Boss Lady was okay with it, she said 'Vindicta will always return in our hands.' when they first escaped, and surely enough they do return. But either way, I'm fucked for letting them go missing the third time of the week."
Kaeya laughs with no soul and quickly ends the lovely 'conversation.' He pushes himself from the table and stands, "Thank you for chatting with me, it's been interesting." He tucks in the chair and glances at the two Fatui dozing, or close to dozing off.
He swiftly turns away, scoffing when he's out of sight from people. Vindicta is a dangerous card. Not even the Fatui know where their loyalties side.
Vindicta. How peculiar indeed.
One of the best Fatui, which probably meant they were payed well with respect and mora, but why are they labeled as an escapee when they always return? With someone as dangerous as a Harbinger, who do they side with- the Fatui or something else?
Kaeya has a lot of questions.
Diluc sits on a cushioned chair and hunches over, resting his chin on his hands, thinking.
Always thinking.
The once lit fireplace is soaked with water he splashed over. The scent of burnt wood wafts nearby. The light chatter of maids go through one ear and leave the other.
How long had it been since he last saw you?
Eternity is his answer. It's been eternity since he last saw you.
He lets out a long sigh, throwing his head back and running a hand through his untied locks.
Too much thinking for today. Diluc groans in frustration and sits back up. He turns his head slightly, seeing you in the corner of his eyes taking out boxes of things you owned from 10 years before.
It doesn't make sense to him. Why come back so suddenly after years of not seeing you? Though, you claim you sent him letters, he never got them because he closed himself off from the Knights.
"Diluc," you set down a small picture of a family portrait you took out from hiding behind many books.
You are taking this oddly well.
You're taking this too well, in fact.
This raises a red flag for Diluc. He told you the fall out of your family, how he quit the Knights, but still you're going around the place like nothing had happened.
Don't you feel any rage? Or even sadness?
He sees too many red flags and hates it- from the way you can hide things like Kaeya so easily, to the way you just suddenly appear back in his life. It feels weird. It's not easy to let someone that in quick, yet you're still his role model, so it's okay, right?
He's always looked up to you when he was younger. You never were at a loss of words and stood up for him. You were the person he can turn to when something wrong happens, but what were you doing for yourself to be gone for so long? Adventuring Teyvat could not have taken ten whole years. Where did you even stay?
"Diluc," you crouch in front of him and talk to him as if he were six again. "I'm okay, okay?"
Diluc takes a shaky breath and sits up straight. His posture resembling a king's. "I have an idea, and I would like you to help me."
You look at him in awe. The realization settles in: Diluc has grown, and you're still stuck trying to make up the past.
"And what do I help you with?"
"Finding who's responsible for father's death."
notes: had this in my drafts for a long time and i was like "wait where was i going with this..." until BAM i have the idea again so im gonna continue it
(part 2)
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felswritingfire · 3 years
April Brain Rot #3
3. Agility
39. “If you don’t rest, you won’t get better/heal.”
7. Tired Hug
Leona Kingscholar x Reader
Summary: You were ready for the Jam but you weren't ready for the Slam (or in which you go to see you best friends and your boyfriend practice just to get ran over by a big ass Savanaclaw student).
TW: None
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Word Count: 864
A note from Fel: You know how hard it was to not write something where Leona got knocked on his ass? I'm gonna straight up fight him one day. Anyway- enjoy!
It was something you never tired of, watching Leona practice his Magift; he was always so flexible and graceful in his movements. You were left in a daze as you witnessed him flip off his broom to dodge a tackle just to land on it again: standing tall as he drifted along the wind like an invisible wave. 
He catches your eyes with his and he sends you a self assured smirk, gliding past Grim and Ace as they both barrel towards him for the sparking disk above his head. You clap your hands, your eyes practically sparkling when he scores a point through the goal. You hear Ace, Deuce and Grim all groan (well, Grim screeches). 
Leona lazily floats back to his side of the field, yawning. Despite the tired tears in his eyes he still sent you a wave as he settled back, pointedly ignoring the growing tension between two of his underclassmen. 
“You should be cheering for us you know! You’re my henchman, you know!” You laugh at Grim’s demand, shaking your head.
“I am! I’m cheering for both sides!”
“Bullshit! We’re your best friends here, you should be spoiling us!” Ace yells, a cheeky smile on his face. 
“With how sweaty you guys are? No way!”
“I’m gonna give you the biggest hug when I get off this field!”
Leona rolls his eyes, his fingers tapping against leg. “Get your head back in the game, idiots.”
You giggle as Ace and Deuce yell at Leona but get ready nonetheless. 
They begin to zip across the field, both sides falling into a steady rhythm with their team. You cheer as Ace and Deuce make a smooth pass to each other, even making a long throw to Jack who howls in giddy excitement. You wince when the two underclassmen on Leona’s side slam into each other and start yelling, snapping and hissing at one another until Leona flies in between them and yells a quick warning. “If you don’t stop screwing around, I’ll have you damn heads, you hear me, Fresh Babies?”
They huff before joining back in the game, finding the rhythm once more.
You feel your blood pumping as your boys fly closer to the goal, Grim holding the disk and about to throw it when another scuffle and Ruggie’s sudden yell startles you: “you two quit screwing- (Y/N)! Move!”
You turn to see two large figures zooming towards you, yelling at each other as they bump each other before they start screaming when one collides into you, knocking the breath out of you and almost making you throw up your lunch. His arm wraps around your waist before you can go flipping over his head, trying to get himself to stop while letting out an incoherent stream of babbling words. “Are you ok? Talk to me! Oh no! Oh no! I just killed them-” 
He finally comes to a stop, almost dropping your limp body as he jumps off his broom. He fumbles with you like melting butter before laying you on the ground, frantically looking you over as he sniffs at you and yells a chorus of ‘sorries!’ over and over. 
You blearily see the faces of everyone surrounding you, still wheezing from trying to catch your breath. They’re voices all intermingle in one terrible headache as your eyes flutter between staying awake and falling asleep. 
The last thing you see before your eyes slips shut is Leona shoving the others out of the way and his wide eyes. 
You wake up, chest sore and your back aching. You go to sit up just to fall back with a groan. 
“If you don’t rest you won’t get better.” 
You glance at Leona, sitting by your bed with his arms crossed. He looks like his usual apathetic self, but you wince at the way his tail slaps against the floor of the infirmary. “I…” You swallow. “Are those guys ok?”
He blinks. Once. Twice. Before slapping a hand over his face and dragging it down with a sigh. “I don’t know if you remember, my little Herbivore, but they both outweigh you and tower over you. I don’t think you could do anything to them if you wanted to.”
“I mean yeah, but it still hurt me- so, maybe they got hurt too.”
“He didn’t feel it.”
“That hit you’re talking about; it just affected you- he thought he honestly killed you.” Leona waves his hand, standing up and moving to crawl in the bed with you. 
“Ah, really?” You sighed as he wrapped his arms around you, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. “I gotta apologize for worrying him.”
“You should be apologizing to me- making me skip out on all of my afternoon naps-” Leona yawns, nuzzling closer to you. “It’s been awful.”
“S- sorry,” you try to hold back your laughter as his hair tickles your skin. 
He grunts before muttering. “Now be a good herbivore and stay still.”
You listen as his breathing slows and soft snores are leaving his mouth. You smile resting your cheek against his head as you close your eyes and fall into a peaceful sleep.
<Next Chosen Character>
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Thank you for reading!
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 10- These Are Strange Times
Summary: Could something positive be truly on the horizon? With the random intrusion of though-to-be-dead Scott Lang at the Avengers Facility, your hope for seeing Bucky again may have yet to be a possibility.
Warning: yeah nothing enjoy the ride
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-Five years since the Blip-
Throwing on a dark sleeveless top, you suddenly feel the overwhelming urge to sneeze which evidently causes your little furry companion to startle at the unexpected noise. The furry tigress lets out a meow of protest that pulls forth a humored snicker from you, while the little beast sends you an annoyed look.
Recovering her bearings in a flash, she walks across the short wooden dresser like a model strutting on the runway, her thick mane of mahogany and dark chocolate fur glossy and adequately brushed to perfection, just how your spoiled Main Coon, Silver, likes it.
She purrs happily as she begins playing with Bucky’s dog tags that lay across the small dresser top.
“What are you do..? Oh give me that you little shit.” Silver ignores you until she’s rudely lifted and placed firmly on the carpeted floor before you snatch up the valuable memorabilia. Placing it around your neck where it belongs then glancing down to give her a casual shrug, “Don’t give me that look Silv, I bought you a cool bird feathered cat toy like three days ago. What happened to that?” Silver meows, running her head against your worn out old boots as you smile, “Guess it’s as good as dead huh, you little beast. Now you staying or coming with me to find Nat?” Nothing but purrs of affection.
You lean down to gently rub her head before standing up fully and heading for the door, Silver hot on your heels. Soon you’re both traveling down the hallway until you finally reach the large study. Natasha’s on a conference call with Carol, Rodney, Okoye, and the last two guardians of the galaxy, Rocket and Nebula. And by the looks of it, nothing new has been reported. How disappointing.
Soon they all log off, leaving Natasha alone with Rodney who stays to give Nat a little insight into Barton’s violent whereabouts from the last couple years since he’s been rouge. Apparently he took out a whole cartel in Mexico, so he’s been busy. Definitely not keeping up with those group therapy sessions Steve makes you go to to help cope with the loss. Not that you’ve actually been that consistent with them if we’re being real here.
Quickly enough, Rodney logs out, leaving a tearfully conflicted Natasha as she slouches in her comfy swivel chair. Head in her hands as she holds back the waterfall that threatens to spill within her. You take a step forward, leaning casually against a steel rimmed display area for random nick-nacks. “I’d join you in the fun, but I’m limiting my crying sessions between 1 and 2 in the morning on Tuesdays. So, uh....I brought Silver.” You smile, pointing a finger down to your loyal companion, “Well I guess she brought herself but you know.”
Natasha breaks out into a reluctant grin, genuinely happy to have a bit of positive company within her gloom, “And you didn’t even want her to begin with.” Laughs the red head, “Now I never see one without the other.”
You nod with an almost shy smile, “Yeah, she’s alright.” 
You hear soft movement making its way through the hallway behind you just as Silver meows when Steve casually saunters into the room, coming to stand next to your side as the furry beast paws at his shoes, “What are you here for? Doing some laundry?” You tease at the tall blonde.
Steve smiles at your little jab since he’s not usually always present, doing Captain America stuff and whatnot, “Just here to see some friends.”
Natasha chuckles through glossy eyes, “Well clearly your friends are doing just fine.” Steve knowingly nods paired with a small smile, both you and Natasha look relatively well kept and functional as usual. It’s just, there’s a palpable pain and hidden darkness that always appears to simmer lowly on the surface. Just enough for a skilled eye like Steve’s to notice.
“Exactly.” You add, wandering over to sit cross legged on Natasha’s desk as Steve moves to lean against the display, “But if you’re here to tell us to look on the bright side...”
“I’m gonna hit you in the head with this peanut butter sandwich.” Finishes Natasha with a pursued lipped grin as the 90 year old nods. “Um, right. Force of habit.” Admits Steve, pushing himself off the surface to find a seat next to you and directly across from Natasha. 
The three of you keep to a mutual silence for a long moment until he finally speaks, “You know,” Starts Steve thoughtfully, “I keep telling everybody they should move on...and grow. Some do.” He pauses for a moment as you frown, Natasha looking elsewhere as Steve finally continues, “But not us.”
She shakes her head, “If we move on, who does this?”
“Maybe it doesn’t need to be done.” Suggests Steve, he means well of course, but maybe he’s right after all, its been five fucking years with absolutely nothing to make for it. Nothing of any significant progress or even a possible way to fix what's happened. 
Natasha blinks through bleary eyes of saddened green while you pet Silver’s furry mane, refusing to give in to that notion, “No.” You whisper softly, causing them to look at you, “We can’t, it wouldn’t be right...at least,” You let out a gentle sigh, “at least not for me....before all of this, before I met all of you. I had nothing.” You admit thoughtfully, “Not a soul in the world who gave a damn whether I lived or died. Then I found Bucky, then I found this. This.....family. And because of it, I’m better off now then I was ten years ago.”
They keep a respectful silence as your breaths become shaky, teary eyes now trained onto Silver’s little ears, “And I know they’re gone now, believe me I fucking know it, but I’m still trying to be better.” Natasha nods in deep understanding, a couple stray tears falling down her cheeks as Steve crosses his arms.
“I think we all need to get a life.” He muses, his tone light as he tries to pull you two back from the edge of grief. You give him a friendly nudge at his annoying brotherliness, “You first.” He chuckles as you throw him a playful glare while Natasha checks an incoming call.
“Oh, hi! Hello! Is anyone home?” Speaks a man frantically from one of the security cameras, an orange van behind him, “This is, uh, Scott Lang. We met a few years ago at the airport.....in Germany?” Now you’ve got his attention.
“What the fuck?” You mutter in bewilderment at the blue tinged image of Scott as Steve and Nat share a confused glance, the three of you quickly rising to your feet while Scott keeps talking about who he is, how he got here, and what he’s learned about the world so far.
“Is this an old message?” Wonders Steve as he studies the image of Scott who’s still waving his hands up at the security camera.
“It’s the front gate.” Replies Natasha with a hopeful smile.
All you came here to do was shoot the shit with Natasha and maybe make some actual dinner, but here you are, laying across the study’s plush couch as Scott rambles on and on about the quantum realm. Whatever that happens to actually be, you’ve never heard of anything like that before, but then again you didn’t know aliens existed at one point. So perhaps anything's possible.
Silver brushes her fluffy head across your fingers as they dangle over the couches edge while Scott keeps at his long-winded tellings of how he got there, what it was like, that he’s been technically gone for only five hours, and now he thinks there’s a way to enter this new plane of existence and travel to a fresh alternate reality. Like through a time machine type deal, or whatever he’s on about.
Apparently he means one before Thanos. But it honestly sounds like a load of horseshit and gibberish coming from a desperate man refusing to acknowledge that this is the new shit reality. There’s no fucking way that’s even goddamn possible, right? No way. 
Drifting back out of your doubtful thoughts, you swiftly move yourself into a seated position as Scott begins to self doubt. Head lowering as he mumbles about how crazy that it. You start chuckling as he throws you an almost embarrassed look. “Scott.” You speak to gather his attention, “Nat gets emails from a raccoon. Your idea is admittedly a bit nuts, but nothings that crazy anymore considering all the wild shit I’ve witnessed in the past six years. So I don’t know, maybe there’s a way.”
Scott flashes a hopeful smile as his brows furrow in thought, uncertainty seeping right back into him, “So, uh...who do we talk to about this?”
“Stark! Miss us?” You shout at Tony as he holds Morgan in his left arm, an Ironman helmet grasped firmly in the right. He gives the four of you a less then enthusiastic nod of acknowledgment before wordlessly turning around and taking a step up onto the wooden porch.
You give Steve a shrug, “He misses us I can tell.”
Soon Tony let’s Morgan go off to play with you as you opt in to be the babysitter slash distraction from the grownups who are currently discussing if time travel and gathering the stones for ourselves is even a possibility, or even a palpable option that can be done. You skillfully listen to everything they’re saying as the little Stark shows off her array of multiple plant-life assortments picked from the local greenery.
“So I got this cone from that tree over there and then I put a frog in a glass but dad said I had to let him go so I did.” Babbles on the five year old as you entertain her constant musings.
You raise a brow, knowing her shenanigans all too well, “Is he in the garden?”
She mischievously smirks, sneakily peaking over at Tony who’s seated up on the porch, before giving you a nod, “Yeah. I made him a little house from some flat rocks I found too. I named him Froggo.”
You chuckle, “Oh really, Froggo? I like it, has a nice ring to it.” She nods in delight before walking into her tiny tent to retrieve something new as you catch either Scott or Steve saying something about a time heist, what the hell are they going on about now?
“Y/N! Look at this!” Calls Morgan excitedly while bursting out of the tent to run on short legs over to you who’s seated comfortably in the grass, “I got a cool rock from the lake but I didn’t get to show you last time cause you left early.”
Raising your brows in surprise, though you don’t exactly feel as thrilled as she is, you make sure she knows you care, “Woah! A cool rock from the lake, why Morgan I gotta see this.”
“Look.” She hands you a dull grey rock with a tiny fossil shell indentation on it, “It’s from the dinosaurs.”
Examining the small round object, you nod, “Next thing you know I’ll come back to a whole dinosaur excavation site. Impressive Professor Grant, I’m thoroughly amazed.”
She giggles in excitement, “Y/N I know what that means now.” You give her an inquiring look as she smiles proudly, “That’s from Jurassic Park.”
“And your dad let you watch that, with the big Trex eating the goat and everything?” You tease before handing her the prized object, “Next thing I know you’re going to have a whole dinosaur skeleton in your house.”
“Yeah that would be cool. Thanks ninja turtle.” Cackles Morgan as she hugs her rock, smiling brightly as you throw her a puzzled look before joining in on the laughter. “Okay, now you’ve lost me kid, I can’t say I have any idea what you’re talking about.”
She shrugs innocently, “Dad told me to call you that.” Clearly not understanding what she just called you either. A ninja turtle? The fuck is a ninja turtle?
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” You muse before looking up to the four of them getting closer to a heated discussion, “Alright Morgs let’s go save your dad before he decides never to invite us back for dinner again.” You add, quickly rising to your feet as she laughs before racing past you, on a beeline for Tony.
You choose to stay out of the conversation and instead wait for Steve, Natasha, and Scott to start walking back towards the car. You lean against the metal as Steve round the corner before catching your eye as he goes down the three steps, “Are we banished from the castle? I was kinda hoping not cause I actually like Pepper’s cooking.”
Steve smiles, “No. He’s not gonna help us is all.”
“Damn that’s shitty.” You retort with a tinge of genuine disappointment, you don’t completely believe this shit is even possible. But dammit if you don’t want them to at least try for all it’s worth. “So what now? I’m guessing you bastards aren’t gonna let this go anytime soon. And cause Tony’s out for the count, we obviously need some different brain power.”
Steve nods while walking closer to the car, “We wanna do this right. So, yeah, we’re gonna need a really big brain.”
Scott turns from Steve to point a thumb in Tony’s general direction, face a mask of confused puzzlement, “Bigger then his?”
After a less then pleasant adventure to some cozy little diner in New Jersey where the four of you were subjected to Banner in his weird Hulkness body or whatever the hell he is now. Turns out he was most definitely on board for this time traveling experimentation. Of course he was, the weirdo takes fucking selfies with children nowadays. 
So here you five are now, in the giant glass and metal garage of the Avengers Facility getting things ready for whatever nonsense is about to take place next. The back of Scott’s orange van closed for the moment, keeping hidden some reactor core thing behind its doors. Scott in some safety quantum realm suit while Banner and Natasha stand behind a large intricate assembly of high tech equipment in preparation for the events to hopefully follow.
You keep an amused yet genuinely curious stance off to the side as Bruce gives you a thumbs up, nodding, you face Scott who’s walking over to the van. “Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one everybody! Scott get that bitch open!” You shout with a small bout of rare enthusiasm while he opens up the doors.
“Emergency generators are on standby.” Announces Steve as he walks into view from behind some large plastic containers covered in safety rope.
Banner nods, “Good, because if we blow the grid, I don’t wanna lose, uh..” He points a green thumb at Scott who’s getting his helmet ready, “Tiny here in the 1950’s.”
Scott’s head snaps up in an instant, “Excuse me?” He worries.
Natasha smiles while looking down at her touch pad, “He’s kidding.” She sing songs before shaking her head up at Banner, “You can’t say things like that.”
Banner turns around to face a fearful Scott as you snort at the small bout of humor that you did happen to find rather amusing. Then again, you’re not the labs guinea pig, so instead you casually shrug while giving Scott a half persuasive grin and a thumbs up of reassurance, “Bad joke.” You add as Bruce nervously laughs, “Yeah, it was a bad joke.”
Scott nods apprehensively before turning to walk over to the reactor, appearing to believe the two of you, “You were kidding, right?” Asks Natasha as you raise a brow at Bruce in question. Albeit a smidge doubtful he actually one-hundred percent knows what he’s doing.
“I have no idea.” Whisper yells Banner, confirming your suspicions, “We’re talking about time travel here. Either it’s all a joke, or none of it is.” Explains Bruce, suddenly smiling as he lifts his attention back over to Scott, “We’re good!” He shouts with a positive thumbs up of that prominently famous green.
“Oh we’re so fucked.” You mutter humorously while Natasha shares an uncertain look with you.
“Get your helmet on.” States Banner as Scott does just that, “Scott, I’m gonna send you back a week...let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Make sense?”
Scott smiles brightly, waving him off with confidence, “Perfectly not confusing.” He muses with an almost annoyingly positive expression.
“Good luck Scott. You got this.” Encourages Steve while Scott grins proudly. “You’re right. I do, Captain America.” Then just like that’s he’s gone, sucked into the reactor like a crumb into a vacuum cleaner.
“On a count of three..” Begins Banner, “Three, two, one.” Bruce flips some switches as the machine whirs before a second later and there’s Scott. In the body of a teen. “Uh, guys? This doesn’t feel right.” Worries teen Scott as his brows furrow in confusion, clearly not aware of how he looks. This just got interesting.
“What’s going on?” Questions Steve as Bruce urgently flicks more switches. “Who is that?” Wonders Natasha as you snort at teen Scott, snickering at how absolutely ridiculous your life is becoming and the weird shit you’re adding to the list.
“Oh my god he looks so innocent, like before the world hurt him.” You muse as Natasha’s brows raise in bewilderment, giving you a side glance as she focuses back on the person in question. “Is that, Scott?”
“Yes, it’s Scott!” Protests the sassy little 14 year old before whoosh and he’s gone once again while Banner squats down out of view to mess with some more buttons. A hot second later Scott’s back, this time looking significantly different.
“Oh, my back!” Complains the short wrinkly 80 year old man, Steve sending the back of Bruce a troubled look, “What is this?”
“Hold on a second. Could I get a little space guys.”
Steve hastily jogs around Bruce as he makes his way over to you and Nat, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you bring him back?”
“I’m working on it.” Mumbles Banner with underlying urgency as he flicks more switches in hopes of getting a better result, whoosh, and Scott’s gone again before reappearing as a...
“It’s a baby.” Deadpans Steve in astonishment.
You burst with laughter, “It’s Scott! Let’s just keep him this way so we don’t have to hear him ramble about how amazing you are, Captain America.” You tease playfully as Steve throws you a what-the-fuck kinda expression. “Y/N! He’s a baby!”
“He‘ll grow.” Adds Bruce as you shrug in agreement. Crossing your arms as you study baby Scott, “Steve you can change the diapers.”
“Bring Scott back.” Urges Steve as he ignores you and Banners amusement of the situation.
“Alright fine.” Chides Bruce, “When I say kill the power, kill the power.”
Natasha rushes past you while mumbling, “Oh, my God.” As you await for Bruce’s fantastic technological skills.
“And....kill it!” Natasha turns the breaker switch downwards and a moment later Scott’s back, this time fully Scott. Whether that’s good or not is debatable.
He stands there, arms open and face twisted in confusion, “Somebody peed my pants. But I don’t know if it was baby me or old me.......Or just...me me.” Speculates Scott as you snort in amusement.
“It was probably just you.”
He sends you an unsure look that’s half offended yet he can’t exactly counter that claim considering he’s just jumped between three different age groups of himself. Bruce claps his hands together before spreading his arms out wide in excitement, “Time travel!” He shouts enthusiastically as Steve shakes his head before turning to walk elsewhere, “What?” Wonders Bruce, “I see this as an absolute win. 
In the following weeks after Banner’s half-successful attempt at legitimate time travel, Tony and Rocket have been toiling away tirelessly on Starks actual time machine since he’s agreed to help fix the mess that Thanos left behind. The Avengers base has honestly never been busier; with Tony, Banner, and Rocket working on the giant machine. Everyone else is going about their business helping when needed and hoping for good news.
So here you are now, in the middle of the night with all light sources retired for the evening, hanging out in the kitchen with a bowl of watermelon chunks in your hand, and greatly enjoying the recently rare peace and quiet. Though soon your silent midnight snacking is disrupted when the sounds of human feet padding on tile reaches your ears from down the hallway. Dammit.
The lights flicker on in an instant, blinding your vision for a brief moment before they adjust accordingly to find the blue eyes of Steve, he yelps in surprise, hand holding his chest as he relaxes once more when he realizes it’s just you. Then he does a double take, considering you’re seated crossed legged on the counter with a bowl of watermelon, “Uh, hey there Y/N.”
You nod, awkwardly taking a bite out of your snack, “Steve.”
He raises a curious brow, deciding to step farther into the large kitchen area, “Huh, never seen anyone eat watermelon like that before, but I respect it.” Says the blonde, nodding towards the chopsticks held in your right hand.
“Yeah. Less of a mess.” He nods before taking a Gatorade out of the fridge, “Mind if I sit?”
“Go for it.” He nods before promptly seating himself next to the marble table. “So, eating in the dark? Your inner night owl keeping you from sleeping again?”
You shrug, “I can kinda see in the dark so....yeah, a bit of a night owl.” You admit with a growing frown, not sure why you suddenly feel so down in the dumbs again, “....guess I haven’t really slept well for some time now....well, now since I think about it actually, I probably don’t get as much sleep as your average person.”
“I get that, yeah....I know what you mean.” Lightly chuckles Steve in understanding, taking a small moment of silence to let his mind think of something to sway the atmosphere away from an awkward tension. Parting his eyes away from his clasped hands, he looks up to meet your stoic gaze, “You think all this is possible? I mean they’ve made some real progress and I guess Tony really knows what he’s doing. Still after all this time I can’t help but find it amazing.”
Pursing your lips together in thought, you let a small sigh emit from your parted lips before answering, “I hope so, cause if not. Well, guess that would be as expected.” You admit with a frown, “Maybe that’s just how it’s supposed to go....a fitting punishment for my lengthy list of crimes. I guess that’s fair.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” Counters Steve as he sends you a sympathetic look, “What happened to you isn’t your fault, neither is what they made you do, or everything Thanos did to the universe....”
“Yeah, guess you’re probably right....it’s just...just so difficult to move on you know? From all of it, everything swirling in my head, and even though it’s been five fucking years now. I still think of that shit, even worse, I still think of Bucky every single day, I miss him.....I just, I miss all of them.” You admit sadly, setting your snack down as Steve takes a moment to reflect on his own losses.
Suddenly his lips curl into a humored smile as he shakes his head, eyes looking down at the table before they connect with your curious ones, “God he was so different back in the 40’s....Y/N you wouldn’t believe the stuff we got up to, jeesh, the stuff he got up to.” Chuckles Steve as you raise an intrigued brow. 
“Alright Rogers care to elaborate?” You press with a growing smile at the thought of Bucky and learning more about him, “Bucky never told me a whole lot about that time. Considering he’ll probably never get the chance, I think I’d like to learn more about him and what shit you people did back then.”
“Aren’t you from the 1950′s?” Inquires Steve with a humored grin as you wave him off.
“Yeah, yeah, I was a baby back then I don’t remember what happened okay,” You explain, “I was born in 53 alright, and let’s not forget I didn’t exactly have a normal childhood.”
Steve nods, “Right. Fair point.....Okay so..” He laughs, “There was this one time and if you knew me back in the day, of course I was getting in an unsolicited scuffle with some boys who thought it was funny to argue with the paperboy.”
Raising a brow, you begin to smile as his eyes light up, “An unsolicited scuffle?” You muse, “Or is this when skinny Steve got his ass kicked by a couple of mangy dogs?”
“Dogs. Yeah that’s probably more fitting, well you know, of course I had to step in and do something.”
“As expected.” You quickly add as he continues.
“Which I did. And let me tell you they were not a fan. Those assholes ran me for two blocks till I got cornered in some market when who would you know it.....Bucky was there, taking some cute strawberry blonde out for a date while he got groceries for his mom.” Chuckles Steve, blue eyes shimmering with the humorous memories coming back to him about his old friend.
You heart subconsciously swells with the thought of Bucky, “Clever man. Sweet talk your girl while doing something useful.”
“Exactly. I would have gotten a bloody nose if he hadn’t thrown a tomato right at the biggest guys head. That thing coated his hair like red paint, then...” Steve balls his fist as he presses it against his mouth to try and keep himself from losing it with laughter, “...then, his friend turned around and smack! Another tomato right in his face.”
Snickering in amusement, you run a hand down the side of your face at the vivid image forming in your head, “oh Bucky..”
“It was pretty damn accurate too. The other guy booked it down the sidewalk before Buck could get him. Then when he started walking towards us, the other guys took off like a couple of scared birds....fortunately leaving me with no bruises that day.” Says Steve proudly, no doubt thinking fondly on that old memory, “Then of course he told me I gotta be more careful and all that stuff, I said I was fine and he want back to shopping with that girl......huh, don’t think I ever saw her again, well....at least with him.”
“Don’t blame her, he sounded like a real ladies man back in the day, she probably got too jealous.” You joke with a small brow wiggle before your smile lessens again, God you miss him so fucking much, “Thanks Steve.....he seemed, so different. It’s just when I knew him, when I first met him that is, Bucky was very different.”
Steve’s face looses it’s once vibrant glow, he keeps a steady gaze set on you now, knowing your time with him was such a chilling contrast to Bucky in the 40’s. You sigh, “I think I would have liked to see that version of Bucky just once, but I liked the Bucky I got after everything we went through.....after everything’s that’s happened. Maybe 40’s Bucky wouldn’t even look in my direction, I’d probably scare the socks off of him anyways.”
Steve shakes his head, “No way Y/N, you’d have him wrapped around your finger so fast, not a doubt in my mind he’d do anything for you in a heartbeat. That’s just who he was, a player yes, but a kind one who treated everyone with respect through that famous charm of his.....and you, you’d have caught his attention in an instant.”
Looking down at your hands, you raise the corner of your lips into a small half grin at the thought of Sergeant Barnes losing it all to the dangerous vixen that is no doubt yourself, now that’s an interesting thought indeed. Bucky in the 40′s, how about that.
“Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re not....but I know one thing. That I’m glad to have even known him at all, he was...so special and he didn’t even know it.” You pause for a moment, lips pursing together as you think fondly of your past lover. Steve keeps silent, studying your disheartened features as you gather your words, “So if, if they can somehow do this....if it’s even actually possible to get those fucking stones again. I’ll do whatever it takes, Steve.”
Whatever it takes.
Tagged:  @diegos-butt @minigranger @bibliophilewednesday @holyhumorliteraturelight @lilacs-lavender @a-girl-who-loves-disney @starkssnarks @vikingqueen28 @bizarrebibitch @atomicpersonacheesecake @jmstz @staygoldsquatchling02 @marvelbros-oneshots @shawnartmendes​ @mischiefmanaged71 @jckie94​  @iamasimpingh0e
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Travis-centered plots because I Like fix it’s… (I just finished typing them all, I’m ashamed for my sinful brain oml)
- Larry and Travis having once been friends but being torn apart by Travis’ father. Larry keeping an eye on Travis for years but then turning his attention to Sal, whom in turn receives the sudden disdain of Travis.
Sal confronts Travis in the bathrooms one day and Larry listens from the door. Eventually Sal talks Travis into tears. He confesses to being jealous of Sal and not wanting Larry to stop focusing on him, even if Larry ends up hating him. How his dad would beat him if Travis and Larry ever got close again. Larry barges in and holds Travis close. They reconcile (Sal opting to let the boys talk, clearly not in the mood to see Enemies to Lovers tonguing den in the school bathroom.
They uproot and destroy the cult, blah blah blah, Happily ever after and Travis gets help for his trauma induced depression and anxiety.
- Travis has been off for a few days. He doesn’t antagonize anyone. Philip does more talking and ginger touching that Travis violently jerks away from. During class he barely responds and teachers don’t try to force him. Sal didn’t expect to find Travis sleeping on a bench one day. His worn shoes now tattered with holes at the bottom. His black eye prominent but accompanied by a busted lip and what looked to be severe damage to his legs.
Not sure how he did it, but Sal managed to convince Travis to come home with him. Introduces Travis to Henry and leads him to the bathroom where he washed off and got treated. His damage was severe and Sal really wanted to call the police but just seeing a fearful Travis weened him off the idea.
Larry was not too pleased to find Travis at Sals. He almost yelled until he noted Travis look at his raised hand and cower from him. Larry pausing and pulls Sal to the side to understand. Of course they don’t know the full story but it’s enough to have Larry texting the group for help. Most were curious about what could lead them to wanting to help Travis. Ash, however, seemed to know a lot.
They find out about Travis’ abuse, the cult. Travis helps a little. He is still terrified of them but they start to grow on him with time. He even allows contact with Sal rarely, who shows him his face during a bonding moment at the dead of night. Larry makes playlists and CDs to help Travis get accustomed to loud noises (many of which are songs Larry personally thinks Travis would enjoy.
After the gang destroys and puts the cult behind bars. No demons, no murders, and no dead friends. Sal manages to convince Travis to report his father, thankfully they kept his clothes to give to the state police, Todd refused to trust the local police after further investigating the cult and their connections.
Healing and coping, cuddling and coddling. Travis getting the love and attention he deserves! Could end with him dating someone or him just being under their care for a while.
—Salvis but Sal is a bit more aggressive with Travis. Fuck it ABO, Travis is a very spicy omega that pretends to be a Beta. Sal is a strong scented alpha, like it’s a musky and domineering scent compared to his appearance. Larry is an alpha, though his scent is murky and smoky, and he doesn’t act like the stereotypical alpha. Travis nitpicks them like usual, though sometimes they are too distracted by the nice smell seeping off of him. Larry sneers and asks if Travis mom scented him before school. Travis is upset at this. Much more emotional than usual. Sal notes the spike in scent and jabs Larry.
Uh oh, Travis is presenting in the bathroom, and beta Philip isn’t able to fight off the alphas coming to investigate the scent, thankfully Sal is here to soothe and calm the terrified Travis while his friends help fend off the other students.
Mr. Phelps is pissed about an omega son. Travis is constantly scented with distress. He isn’t allowed to talk about it but everyone can smell it. They are well aware of Travis’ fluctuating weight, fatigue and his tan skin turning pale and bruised worse than before. Larry is annoyed by this but can’t tell whether it’s the scent affecting him or his stern belief in protecting omegas from abusive alphas.
Sal hates it, he knows he felt the mate bond but Travis doesn’t seem to notice. Travis’ suffering eats away at Sal until he all but corners Travis and propositions him to save him from his father and give him sanctuary. It takes a lot to convince Travis. Heck, he has to promise Larry wouldnt hurt him (Larry later seeks Travis to reconcile their bad blood).
They get to know eachother. Sal is head over heels and watching Travis grow and blossom into his omega blood. Travis starts falling for someone else and Sal tries to be supportive (until he can’t even look at Travis without feeling heartache). But Travis notes he doesn’t love ____ And follows his heart to Sal. They bond, they love and boom, happy little family. (With three cute babies because Travis and Sal deserve happy families)
Larvis: roughly the same as the salvos ABO but Larry straight up picks up Travis and carries him home. Travis tries to fight but is swaddled and pampered until he’s fast asleep and purring in Larry’s arms.
Mr. Phelps doesn’t have much ground to stand on when he tries to take Travis back. Larry confirming that Travis is his mate and based off of Phelps’ beliefs he should reside with his mate.
Travis is surprised his father backs off so easily (because how could the pastor refute what he preaches?? Such blasphemy would be heard by the church blah blah blah). Larry and Travis talk and Larry admits that they are indeed mates, he never brought it up for Travis’ health. He was already struggling to care for himself, a mating bond would send his already feeble body and fragile mind spiraling. Larry also admits he knew they were mates ever since he presented, which wasn’t that long after entering highschool. But, Travis was so proud to be ‘normal’ and not some horny mess like the others. He also didn’t like seeing Travis harass and bully others, which probably aided in his aggressive rejection of the omega and prolonged Travis’ presentation.
Life goes on and Larry and Travis are happily married with four kids (two more in the oven, because Larry is a very affectionate husband). Cult was handled and Sal is NOT dead and very much the worlds best uncle.
-Travis having a hot girl summer.
That’s it. That’s the plot.
Thotty church twink marching about in short shorts and tank tops (sinful!) showing off his goodies to the masses. Larry shamelessly offers to partake, and gets thrown for a whirlwind when Travis’ phat ass is delightfully uncontrollable. Sal jokingly shoots his shot and winds up slumped in the back of the church from immaculate head.
Mr. Phelps is away so the thot is out to play. (Courtesy of Mama Phelps aiding and abetting her sons growth as a person. He may be throwing it back to the boys he once sneered at but at least he’s nicer to people)
-Travis being rescued from the Phelps home after a concerned report to the state police. The church closed and his father put behind bars for many accounts of child abuse and neglect and the disappearance of Travis’ mother.
Sal and gang are curious about what the new home will do to Travis after months of rehabilitation, and all damn near faint when they see Travis with long pink hair and a cute sun dress marching into the school. Directly towards them and apologizing for his horrible treatment of them, specifically Sal. They can’t believe his change at first but after weeks of watching him, he seems genuinely happier.
This new happiness starts to get unsettling to Larry, who watches Travis and Philip be closer than before. He shouldn’t care he hates Travis! But god he wished the boy would wrap his arms around his and march down the halls. He would kill to get surprise back hugs or do the hugging. He wanted to share lunch with Travis. Be hand fed meals and have his mouth cleaned whilst being scolded.
Fuck, he’s in love! He thought he nipped that in the bud when Sal started getting bullied by Travis. But no, Travis being rescued from his awful father and being a genuinely good person from then on was astounding. Hell, he even brought Sal treats as an apology for walking in on him with his mask off once. Sal said it was fine but Travis babbled ok about feeling bad because Sal looked terrified even though Travis didn’t think Sal was any less cool. (Yes, Sal cried in his room about how much it meant for someone to say that).
For fucks sake, Travis had pictures upon pictures of his new family and their pets. PETS. He had dooogs, god Larry lost his mind seeing Travis jogging around town with dogs in shorts and a sweaty, almost see through tank top!! He’s too gay for this.
He finally confesses, maybe tries to play it off as a joke, but Travis just smiles sweetly and pecks his cheek. He’s sorry but he’s already dating someone. Larry tries not to let his disappointment show, but he just can’t feel the need to go to school for a couple of days. Hides out in his tree house and just smokes. Cause, cmon.. who’d wanna date him?? All he does is smoke and play around! He hasn’t had a stable relationship in years and most he’s known for is sleeping with whoever he deems the hottest.
Sal notices his behavior and tries to comfort him, not sure why Larry is like this, by offering to introduce him to his partner. Maybe they have a friend Larry is interested in. Larry wants to be supportive but he really doesn’t care to see Sals new beau(ty). He really just wanted to camp out in the tree house and smoke away the pain. Or, he did until he sees Travis and Sal holding hands and nuzzling on the couch one day. Sals legs on Travis’ and Travis combing Sals hair. Larry felt like his world came crashing down, his best friend?? And his first and worst crush?? The crush that sent him spiraling for what could have been weeks? Sal is innocent, he didn’t know that Larry was madly in love with Travis. Didn’t know that Travis so politely rejected him and offered to cease contact if Larry felt he couldn’t be around him.
Larry wasn’t much of a romantic after that. He played around with whoever he felt needed love. His partying spiraling out of control in adult hood. Travis tried to contact him and help him find a good person, but any attempts to help Larry ended with Larry crying to him drunkenly. Asking why he wasn’t good enough, why he couldn’t have been Sal. Travis wasn’t allowed near Larry after Larry drunkenly made advances at him, he doesn’t blame Larry he’s extremely emotional, but Sal felt Larry would only get worse the more they stayed in contact, so they were kept apart.
Larry never loved anyone as much as he loved Travis Fisher.
-Last one was a sadder Onesided Larvis, this one is Larry teasing and cornering Travis so much that Travis tries to shock him by kissing him. He came home with some hickies and a very prominent limp.
They’re not saying, yet, but Wingman Sal is politely judging Travis into Larry’s arms. They are constantly alone together. Larry blowing Travis’ back out in an abandoned amusement park when the others split up to explore. “He sprained his ankle running from a shadow” Hmph, Travis smelt like axe. He HATES the smell of axe… but okay lovebirds.
Sal has 100% walked in on the secret lovers getting frisky when moms out. Later helps Travis shop for more pretty clothes, because who wouldn’t want a shopping body??? That’s almost illegal to not take the opportunity.
Larry eats ass. A lot. Travis can literally be on FaceTime shopping with Sal and Larry just slips under the covers and enjoys his fill of boyfriend cheekies~ yum!
Travis, as revenge, will give the gawk gawk 9000. Larry is NOT safe if he thinks Travis has forgotten the embarrassment of Sal chuckling and telling him he has to go walk his homework. He could be on the phone with his boss or Lisa and Travis will give the sloppiest top he’s ever had. (Praise the son for horni bratty bottoms)
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milqueandsugar · 3 years
(presuming the last time I sent it it didn't come through, so sending it again and if I'm being annoying I'm sorry-)
It was not a bright, sunny day. The sky was grey, it was still, as if holding it's breath in lingering moments before a thunderstorm breaks free, hanging on by a thread before unleashing mayhem. Howling wings rushed among rocky surfaces, blowing the ash and dust off the remains of the once great L'Manburg. Between those ruins, as tranquil as ever, there moved a behemoth figure. The giant man calmly walked the alley, watching over the remains, rather touched by the fallen country's withered greatness. He remained humble, like a hulking guardian, paying a silent tribute. Only the wind, brushing against his metal frame, made the surface hum and ring.
He came to this place way too late to experience L'Manburg's downfall himself, but the stories he'd been told were indeed leaving one hell of an impression. And even now, seeing just the remains, he felt power that radiated off the place. It drew in every passerby, leaving one sad, enraged, unsettled, happy, or even devastated. Everyone's stories were so diverse, they've all seen the country in different colors, but it certainly left an imprint and a strong aftertaste in their minds. The giant man, just for a moment, thought he felt memories that were not his own. But yet again, it was just an impression. It was just the power that L'Manburg's remains had.
Emerald eyes darted around at the sound of his own name, looking for the one who called out to his so suddenly. Yanked out of his thoughts by the deep voice, it was hard to notice the large figure that hid between the rocky ruins right away.
"Who's there?" Foolish called out, warily scanning his surroundings.
"Oh, I presume you know who I am. You know who I am, Foolish, don't be a fool." the voice rang again, this time giving out it's owner's location: he leaned ever so casually against a cliffside, hiding in a dark cave between large boulders. As casually, as a man like him can be.
The shark man froze, noticing the characteristic glow of enchanted netherite and a dull shine of the golden crown, voice of the stranger a rumble of thunder dipped in honey. Foolish's breath got caught in his chest.
"Technoblade? The Blade himself? What are you doing here, man? Weren't you banned from this place?" he babbled out, expecting anyone but the living legend to come across him in the ruins.
Techno let out a light chuckle and leaned out of the shadows he'd hid in. The shine of his armor contrasted with the rich ruby red his fur coat had, draping over the metal in an intriguing manner, like a matte blood fountain splattered over metal plates, forever a reminder of his sins. His eyes a deep shade of burgundy pierced right through the boy's chest, shining with a wild twinkle, something primal deep behind that dark pupil and wily gaze. He was tall, wide-chested, hulking, even, holding his posture proud and grand - Foolish had to admit that his stance harmonized with his reputation.
"I was, but you see, I have some urgent business I need to go about around here." his voice low and rasp, Techno smirked in a nonchalant way.
"So you just snuck in?"
"I'd rather call it a surprise visit."
Foolish was intrigued. Before him stood a hero of ballads and tales he'd hear in taverns, people spoke his name either with fear, hate, or wonder. Most of the travellers though would quiet down at the mention of the Blood God, even the reminder of his latest victory in the kingdom of Hypixel sent chills down the spines of many. Wherever Technoblade came, unrest followed, tainted by all shades of red. He destroyed a nation after a nation, never stopping by without a purpose. And now, he's... Here?
"And who are you visiting then? Not many people live here in these ruins nowadays you know..." the totem god let his gaze trail away after spikes of blackened wood, broken stones, bricks and houses who fell like dominos.
Techno's eyes narrowed, drawing the giant's attention back to his obviously scheming persona.
"I know. I came for you." he stated. "I need a favor, Foolish. I'm paying in emerald blocks."
Sorry this took so long to respond to but I really enjoy this!
I love how you capture the tension so damn well omg! This was very fun to read!!
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pero rescuing reader from the witch trial and in the aftermath she finally reveals the truth to him + "I think it'd be easier if you were indeed a witch" - fleetwood xoxo
*How about the scene where he rescues her from the witch trials and she tells him everything for the Tovar AU? --anon
*Isn’t there a part where they accuse her of being a witch and Pero is gone?? for the pero outlander au what about the scene where she says she’s from the future? love your writing! --anon
*Pero saving her please --anon
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Another one that was asked for a few times... Pairing: Tovar x Reader (Outlander AU) Warning: language, public nudity, witch trials, fear, hurt/comfort [Completed Prompt Masterlist] [Tovar Promptfest Info/list]
How had everything gone so badly so fast? Pero and William had left and within three days time you had managed to wind up in prison. You didn’t know anyone in this stupid time and it was so rare that anyone was nice to you that when the shop keeper invited you over for afternoon tea, you accepted. Tovar had warned you, he had warned you to stay away from her, that she was nothing but trouble and the townspeople all despised her--you didn’t listen. 
The townspeople didn’t just despise her, they thought she was a witch. They sought out her herbs and medicines and when they didn’t work or something unrelated went wrong, she was an easy scapegoat. It didn’t help matters that she was incredibly beautiful. With flaming red curls to her waist and pointed features, every woman for ten miles was certain she was trying to seduce their husbands. And husbands caught in bouts of their own lust would blame her for casting a spell on them. 
It was all so ridiculous that when you had been arrested, clapped in irons and accused, you had laughed in their faces. That certainly didn’t help your case. 
“...of witchcraft and crimes against god the almighty. Of animal sacrifice and salacious behavior-...”
“Oh, give me a fucking break,” you rolled your eyes and twisted your wrists in your bindings as they read your charges. All of them were of course untrue. 
“You bite your tongue, harlot,” the judge said as he looked at you with fire in his eyes.
“What does it even matter?” you tossed your arms as far as you could. “You’ve already decided I’m guilty.”
“Witches aren’t allowed to speak while on trial.”
“Well which is it?” you snapped. “Am I a harlot or a witch? And I’ll speak if I god damn please.”
“Your husband should strike that foul mouth of yours--”
“My husband,” you sneered, wishing anything that the man in question was here right now. “Is a hired killer and a guest of the Emperor’s so, you better pray that he doesn’t find out what you’ve done.”
“Is that a threat?” the old man asked with a raised eyebrow.
“It’s a promise.”
Unsurprisingly, they had found you guilty on all charges. And after forcing you to watch the public execution of the shopkeeper, they threw you back into the jail cell, which was nothing more than a rocky cavern with iron bars hammered into the entrance. You had spent the night in the dark, cold, and absolutely terrified. You missed Tovar, and couldn’t help but wonder if he would miss you once you were gone.
“Wait--wait!” you screamed as one of the guards grabbed you and threw you down onto the wooden platform in the village square. People yelled, called you names, and threw things. Your heart hammered so fast against your ribs that you were sure they would break. 
When the guard tried to hold you still, you fought him so hard that it tore your bodice. You frantically held your arms to your chest and kept the material covering what you could. Your head snapped up as the crowd started to part and the thunder of horse hooves and someone shouting your name made the chaos quiet down. 
Tovar hopped down from the saddle as William brought up the rear on his own horse and drew back his bow, aiming at the center of the chest of the man that had his hands on you.
“I’d let go of her if I were you,” William said as his eyes followed the line down the arrow. 
“Pero,” you whimpered and jerked your arms free. You ran to him the second you were let go and almost stumbled in your need to reach him as fast as you could. 
“Hermosa,” he breathed as you collided with his chest and he put his arms around you. He dug his dagger out of his belt and you held out your hands for him to cut threw the rope around your wrists. “Are you alright?”
“Get me out of here,” was all you could say as he threw his cloak over your shoulders and helped you up onto his horse. 
“Soldiers, are you aware you are helping a witch??” one of the guards called out.
Pero pulled himself up onto the horse behind you, wrapping a strong arm around your waist as he turned to the guard and sneered. Without a word, he leaned over and spat at the man’s feet before kicking his heels to make the animal jerk forward. 
William followed suit and the three of you rode as fast as you could away from that horrible village. 
You rode in silence for hours. The sun started to set in the west as you leaned back against the man who still held onto you tightly. His silence was almost palpable but you knew he wasn’t angry with you, this was...something else. 
William pulled up to the two of you after scouting ahead and looked at Pero with a nod. “I’ll meet you both at the ravine. Take your time.” 
Pero nodded and clicked his tongue, pulling on the reigns on the horse, moving the both of you closer to the creek bed that was babbling quietly. He waited for the horse to be on flat ground before he slid from the saddle and tied it off to graze in the grass. He held his arms up for you to help you down and you leaned into his touch.
“Thank you,” you whispered as he helped you sit on a fallen tree by the water. You rubbed your arms and watched as he ripped a piece of cloth from his pouch and put it in the water. He knelt in front of you and gingerly took your hands in his, cleaning off the dirt, scrapes, and events of the last few days. You winced when he got to your wrists where the shackles had dug into your tender skin and he cursed quietly under his breath.
“Not you, corazón,” he mumbled and shook his head. 
“I know,” you nodded quietly and your eyes burned as you swallowed a sudden wave of oncoming tears. “I’m sorry--”
“I told you to lay low.” He grit his teeth. 
“I said I was sorry.”
“You didn’t listen to me,” he said gruffly, not looking up from your hands.
“I know.”
“You never do.”
“I..I know.” Your voice trembled so violently you were worried your teeth would start chattering. “Pero--”
“What would have happened if I didn’t come back sooner than planned?” He asked flatly. When you didn’t respond he gripped your hands tightly and looked up at you. “Hermosa, I’m going to ask you something and I need you to tell me the truth.”
“What?” you said.
“Are you a witch?” he raised an eyebrow and you fought the urge not to bark out a bitter laugh.
“How can you ask me that?”
“I feel like I have a right to know,” he continued his stern look that matched his tone. “I know you have secrets from me and I’ve never pushed you to tell me them--but I will ask you not to lie to me. As your husband, I’m owed at least that.”
You couldn’t blame him. From the day you fell out of nowhere onto the battlefield, to the day he saved you from the enemy, to the day he made you his bride to save you again--Pero Tovar had taken a lot on faith. He took only what you wanted to tell him, knowing you couldn’t give him the whole story but trusting that you would never keep things from him that could get the both of you killed. Maybe now was the time. 
You took your hands from his and stood up, pacing up and down the side of the river as you tried to keep what was left of your tattered bodice in place. He sat down in your previous spot on the log, looking at you with those soft brown eyes that you were so fond of. And that’s when you decided to tell him the truth. 
Everything. You told him everything. About the future. About you. About how you had picked up a glittering stone in the middle of the desert on a dig site and then wound up flat on your back in the middle of a battle in a time that was not your own. You told him about war, about technologies, about the rise and fall of empires--at least those you could remember. You talked for hours. And he listened. 
You talked until your throat hurt and you couldn’t stand to talk anymore. Finally you turned to him and crossed your arms under your breasts and hoped with everything you had left in you that he didn’t think you were lying. That he didn’t think you were a crazy person. And more importantly, you hoped that this didn’t make him abandon you.
“Well?” you finally said as you walked over and sat down heavily next to him.
“Well, what?” he huffed and your heart sunk to your stomach.
“Say something, please.”
“I think,” he started, finally lifting his head to look you in the eyes. His lip twitched slightly, making his mustache move as he gave you a small grin. “I think it would be easier if you were a witch, hermosa…”
You gaped at him for a moment before you let out a laugh. The tightness in your chest eased as he pulled you against his chest. You gripped his shirt tightly and inhaled his scent that you had been unknowingly craving for the last few days. As long as he believed you, maybe everything would be okay?
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Dio x black reader (18+)
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Honestly, this is just my headcanon of Dio experiencing black girl magic for the first time. And throughout re-reading it I can't tell if I'm supposed to be horny, moved, or amused. I think this is my longest one
Chav: White Trash/Low ClassLove
Divots: Love handles but I wanted to be fancy
You were a cop that loved your job no matter the hardships.
Walking the streets of England was risky business as both a woman and a person of color so you had experienced numerous close calls with criminals that didn't take your training seriously. Your co-workers were peaceful enough, but you didn't miss the lustful glazes you would receive as you walked through the office every morning. Your boss, on the other hand, was a menace. Ever since you denied his advances when you first arrived, he's been making it his mission in life to make your life miserable. 
He, of course, was the reason you were standing outside at 11:00 in the night shivering under a night post. "That bloody chav, just wait till I move up in ranks!" you growled wrapping your trenchcoat tightly around your body as a soft gust of wind blew against you. 
The wind howled past your ears and for once you were glad for wearing your nautural hair out today as it braced fiercely against the strong winter winds. The night was quiet as everyone in their right mind had headed inside for the night but you couldn't help but feel as though eyes were trained on you. "Must be my nerves acting up again." you muttered rubbing your gloved hands together. You huffed causing cool white air to form in front of you. 
Shifting where you stood, you look around with only your eyes, trying to find the source of what you hope to be a newfound friend. A few feet to your right stood a thin tom cat walking hesitantly towards you. You crouch lowly, opening your coat to the feline, "Join me oh furry one, let us share our life source with each other!" 
 You chuckle at your own foolishness but stop as you watch in amazement as the cat seemed to be convinced as it stalks towards you. The cat was within your very grasp but before you could grab it, it jerked its head to gaze behind you, hissing with its back arched before it scampered off. "Huh, that's funny." 
 You stand back up before yelping as you back into someone standing behind you. "Oh excuse me." you say stepping to the side. "No need for apologize woman." a deep voice responds to you. The man was tall and you had to crane your neck just to simply gaze up at him. 
 Blue eyes gazed down at you through golden locks that fell beautifully over his face. Even though he had shown no sign of hostility, you felt great unease by simply standing near him. "Your declaration of neutrality for the cat moved me deeply." the strange man declared, and you couldn't help but giggle awkwardly at the obvious joke. "Yeah well, during times of need it's best to set aside differences." The man raised his hand to his chin in thought. "Couldn't have said it better myself."
 The man had yet to leave as his gaze became even more unsettling. His eyes traveled down and settled on your curvacious hips. "Um, can I help you sir?" you ask backing up slightly only for the tall man to evade the space once again. Under his breath, you could hear the man mutter, "Yes, you are perfect." 
You look up at the man one more time as your eyesight begins to fades to black.  
 When you came to, you find yourself lying down on a bed that was not your own. You were dressed loosely in nothing but a silk slip and you could feel goosebumps along your skin from being exposed to the cool air. "Wha-what?" You jerk your head at the shift in movement to your right. At first glance, you couldn't see anything residing in the dark shadows of the room. But having years of experience with being in dark places, your eyes quickly adjusted as you noticed the unfamiliar ways the shadows blended together.
 You stare blankly into the darkness, positive that something resided within the cover of it. You suck in a breath as you feel a small shift in temperature move past your face and you quickly turn your face to the other side of the room.
"As I thought, you adjust quickly to your surroundings." a voice rumbled from the darkness and you could hear your heart thump in your ears as two bright red eyes peered at you from the end of the bed. You brought your legs to your chest as you felt the bed dip. You watched with fearful eyes as your assailant crawled towards you. From the darkness, a hand reaches out at lightning speed taking hold of your ankle, dragging you towards them. "What do you want?!"
As if oblivious to your agitation, a calloused hand takes hold of your thigh, gripping the large expanse of skin tightly. "While you are larger than preferred, I assume it is a given if I desire a woman with hips wide enough to effectively deliver me respectable offspring." You sputter as you feel your face warm, "Offspring?! What in the hell are you talking about you deviant!" You attempt to throw a punch only for your wrists to be taken captive by much larger ones. "This temper of yours may be a problem however." The man chuckled, "Though I supposed that too is a given due to your, 'ethnic' background." You glare through the darkness up at the deranged man, "You have some nerve." 
As if finally acknowledging you as a sentient being, he gazes up at you, eyebrows furrowed and red glowing eyes determined. "Young woman, fear not and rejoice for you have been chosen for the highest honor imaginable!" You tense as the man comes closer to your face, 'Damn it, it's always the pretty ones.' you silently think to yourself. Though there was a large shift in eye color, this was indeed the man you met outside.
 "You have been chosen personally by I Dio Brando! To become his queen in the new empire I shall forge in my own image!" 
 Many emotions flowed through your mind at that bold statement, but in the end, humor won out as you burst into laughter in the man, Dio's face. Dio tilted his head in slight confusion before moving on, dawning a triumphant face one again.
"I know not what you find amusing, but I am ready to implant my seed deep inside your womb!" At that, you suddenly realize the reality of the situation you were in, "You can't be serious, release me now!" Dio chuckled humorously, "It is okay to feel frightened, but I assure you, I will make this pleasurable for you as well." You open your mouth to retort, Dio, serges forward latching onto your lips with painful passion. You feel a shiver journey up your spine as Dio's larger hands hold your waist squeezing your love divots.
Dio releases you from his lip-lock with a loud smack as a thin strand of saliva connects the two of you. You blink; slightly dazed as you take in Dio's equally as flushed face, "What's the matter playboy? Cat got your tongue?" Dio frowned at your teasing as he shifted in place, "Have you somehow cast a spell on me? There is no other way to explain how someone with such prestige as me could possibly become undone by a simple kiss."
 Dio serges forward once again capturing your plump lips into his own with such fervor, you would think he was searching for something. You moan softly into the kiss as Dio's tongue explored your mouth, caressing every inch of it with purpose. Tugging your lower lip in between his teeth as he retreats. He looks at you for a while with visible confusion before speaking again, "The only other answer for this is obvious. You were bestowed onto me by the gods carved perfectly to aid me on my journey" 
 You quirked an eyebrow as you breathe shallowly, mind seemingly clouded with your newfound lust. "I don't know much about what your babbling on about, but I'll let you carry on." You fell back as you are folded over by Dio, legs propped high in the air. "Though I feel that cunnilingus isn't needed for the task at hand, I hold the desire to taste you." You roll your eyes as you listened to the monologue 'Dio' declared to himself.
Internally, you knew that this was a bad idea and only evil could follow you in being involved with this man but some unseen force was keeping you from resisting as you lied compliant under the larger man. Maybe he was right and 'the gods' placed you here for a purpose. Or maybe you were drugged. The most obvious answer, though you hate to admit, was the fact that you hadn't gotten laid in so long, you were willing to accept charity cases.
Dip looked down at you with an emotion that even I, the author am unable to describe. While I would love to say it was fondness, that just wasn't possible for how short of a time you've known each other. The only other word I can think out would maybe be admiration. 
 Dio was one to go above and beyond putting his heart into everything he did, but your simplicity aroused him so greatly it was rather concerning. Your attitude towards him ensured that you would be the perfect queen when he molded you accordingly. Your looks were only a bonus, slender legs heightening your perspective making you at least 6 feet in height though that was no novelty considering his large build. 
Plump lips with a curious sliver of pink covering the entrance of your bottom lip as they parted so beautifully. The taste of them sent his head spinning as if he was addicted, the best kind of addiction. Your skin though shrouded in darkness, shined so brightly in the moonlight that he would have thought you were glowing with an otherwordly power. Dio once again bows his head and captures your luscious lips within his to experience the euphoria once again.
 He may have said that you should be honored to be in his presence but at the moment he felt the greatest honor for being one of the few and one of the last men that would be allowed to bed you. The small whimpers you released as he explored your mouth tasted like the sweetest nectar. He released you and watched your breast heave from the passion he released. 
 He would never admit to these claims but at that moment Dio looked as if he had struck gold as he pulled up your slip and kissed into the crevices of your stomach. You shiver as more skin was exposed to the cool air and you would have sworn Dio was even colder. "If you would, please allow me to taste you." 
Your eyes widened for even you could tell that this manner of speaking was not the norm for Dio. His face was unusually flushed as his red eyes gazed up at you pleading for your permission. "Carry on." was all you said before he continued on his journey, kissing your inner thighs which to your horror, were bare as the day you were born. "Sir, may I ask where my undergarments reside?!" you ask thoroughly embarrassed causing Dio to dawn that shit-eating smirk he has carried since the moment you met.
 "I saw no point to them as I knew they would be off soon enough." You pouted as Dio peppered kisses on your navel before finally licking your clitoris with his rather rough tongue. Dio felt as though he reached Nirvana as he drank in your pleasured moans. The taste of you on his tongue was like the finest wine and he couldn't tell if it was from his carnivorous attributes or were you truly a diamond in the rough. 
 You grip the sheets below you as Dio used his tongue to caress your folds before delving deeper into your warm heat. Dio had long since grown used to the feeling of being cold but the way your warmth surrounded him made him miss the feeling. Internally he debated with himself if this is what love felt like or if this was just the effects of having your thick thighs clamped around his head. While feasting, Dio couldn't help by growl lowly as your nimble finger-combed through his hair only to clench as he made a peculiar lick to your upper walls.
 Feeling satisfied for now he sits up chuckling at your whine as you reached out for him. "I was not going to undress more than necessary for this but I feel as though you have earned it my pet." Dio removed his jacket and shirt exposing his impressive muscles. You salivate thinking of the power behind each pectoral that would now be used on you. 
Dio once again takes hold of your legs, but instead of positioning to enter you, he lifts you off the bed holding you in his arms. "I shall honor this experience by trying a position I have never done before."  You are slightly woozy from the shift in elevation as you wrap your arms around Dio's neck with such a force and normal man would have cried out. 
 (but not dio cause he isn't like other girls)
 Dio kisses you as he presses a hesitant finger inside of you. You moan as he trails kisses down your neck. He was extremely hesitant to even nibble you due to his fangs but the way your looked drowning in pleasure was too great to not take advantage of. You jump as you feel something sharp pierce your neck but not deep enough to draw blood. You spasm on his fingers as your first orgasm takes over you. "God yes!" Dio smirked at your blissed face as he once again takes your lower lip into his mouth.
 "Yes, thank your God for giving you such satisfa-" before he could finish, you lifted yourself and wrapped your legs around his neck, putting all your weight on him in order to cause him to fall back on the ground. "Don't ruin this please." You say looking down at him. 
Dio couldn't look more in love as he takes hold of your ass molding it in between his large hands. You scoot down to Dio's still clocked cock. Massaging it gently, before reaching in and pulling it out, you release a loud gasp at the sight. His cock was enormous, far bigger than any you had seen before. "Don't look so surprised my dear, from now on only expect the most of me." 
You gulp shallowly as you shyly lick the shaft trying to find a way to lube the monstrosity. Dio grits his teeth and closes his eyes as a way to truly feel the pleasure you were delivering to him. You knew you couldn't take him all the way in but damn it if you weren't going to try. As you sucked down, you felt a hand come to rest on your head pushing you forward as Dio grunted. "Take it pet, you can do it." 
You whimper as you feel the head of his cock touch the back of your throat and continuing down. You do your best to breathe out your nose since it was obvious that Dio wasn't letting you stop anytime soon. You had only a little left to go but you knew you wouldn't be able to so you tapped out. Dio smirked grabbing your waist and sitting you down on his cock. Briefly, you rock back and forth covering it in your fluids before you feel like your ready.
"Because you've been so good for me pet, I'll allow you this gift though I personally feel that simply being in my presence you should be wetter than the ocean!" in his had, there is a small box containing a flask. "Alcohol?" you asked sniffing lightly over the entrance. Before you can raise the drink to your lips, Dio snatches it away, "It's oils my dear." you laugh a little scratching the back of your head.
 Dio's face reddened from the sound of your laughter but he shook his self out of his stupor before you could notice. Taking the lube back, you pour a generous amount on your hand before massaging it along with Dio's cock which had now turned a bit pink from being unattended for so long. "How long is this thing?" you mutter silently to yourself making Dio smirk flicking his hair haughtily. "I don't think I should tell you for your mortal mind would not be able to comprehend its glor-" Dio choked on his words quickly reaching out to hold your plush thighs as you slid down a 5th of the way on his cock. 
"Sl-Slow down, pet, w-wouldn't want you to hurt yourself!" Dio moaned as you lightly bounced holding your thighs in a vice grip. Throughout the dark and empty room, you could the high moans you released as you slowly but surely impaled yourself further. "D-Dio, I'm tired!" you stuttered out taking time to catch your breath. "Good." was all Dio said before he began fucking up into you pushing the rest of his member inside of you. 
 Tear's welled up in your eyes as you felt as if you were being split into by his brute strength. You fell forward on Dio's chest having no strength left in your body to hold yourself up as his pelvis slammed into you rhythmically. "Feel me. Feel as your body molds itself perfectly for my cock!" Dio grabs your arms and yanks them back forcing you to sit up and bounce on his cock subsequently making him sheath deeper into you. "Christ!" you cried out as you felt his cock reach impossibly deep inside of you. Your walls trembled with each push of your cervix.
 You were dripping limitlessly on Dio's stomach as your fluids combined together in a swirl of emotion. An emotion so great, neither of you could deny what was there. The way that this otherwise complete stranger was enraptured with you as he watched you boil over with ecstasy was an emotion unmeasured by any science the world would ever be able to come up with. "I'm coming!" Dio declared as he slammed your hip down as he reached his peak, spilling his seed deep within you just as he promised. You shiver as you felt a new kind of warmth filling you to the brim. Dio bends towards you, once again taking your lips within his as he circles your clit bringing you to a satisfying orgasm.
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leviiattacks · 4 years
Two Faced | Chapter Three
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↳ levi ackerman, the very person who was about to kindly behead you by a surprising turn of events manages to become your loving husband? you would be elated if this was true love, but it's all thanks to a mysterious magic spell that your life is spared. for now at least.
pairing :: duke!levi x duchess!reader genre :: royal au, angst, fluff, slice of life etc word count :: 2.5k → click here for the next part !
The wind beats down on the bustling market and the scarf tied to your head which masks just how messy your hair is today flies away, neither you or Sasha realise as the street is scattered with stalls which bloom like flowers peeping out of rocky cement and the babbles of the citizens of the Asmye District are all you can hear. The Sun has begun to set ever so slightly, and the night is a convincing ruse to avoid anyone from noticing who exactly you are. Nobility such as yourself venturing down here is looked down upon.
Twisting and turning through the streets you both do your best to locate a specific man, balding and in his late thirties you have some unfinished business with him.
After a solid thirty minutes your goal is met in the form of his book store. Rubbing your eyes in disbelief you and Sasha sigh with relief and clap eachother's hands in triumph.
Now to get that refund.
Researching magic is a new past time of yours and you find it to be intriguing but you've been scammed into paying for a few useless storybooks. You admit it's your fault for hurriedly purchasing "A boy and his broom" and "The tales of seven witches" without checking the contents inside but you thought you could trust the review the owner gave you. The way he smiled reminded you of Mother and that was more than enough for you to make an immediate purchase.
"Four silver coins." You try to be assertive and when that doesn't work you bite your lip, thinking deeply before alternating to your puppy dog eyes.
The merchant looks away, a faint blush is spotted, swiftly you take it as your opportunity and plead "Please. Please. Please." Looking up at him through your lashes you rub your hands together expectantly. Eventually, he yields and hands over what he owes you begrudgingly.
"Sashaaa. I got the money." You joyfully exclaim. She looks a little disappointed that you've been begging for money but she's promised to not tell the Duke about what you do down here.
You're actually gathering emergency funds if you need to run away which is why any money being wasted is a big deal to you even if it's just four coins. Sasha doesn't know of the magic or the reason why you're collecting money and you want to keep it that way.
"Mmhm Next stop is the Emerald Silk merchants I'd like to invest in some of the silk and reserve it."
Sasha gives you another weird look. You know it's because the Duke owns the Emerald merchants and you may run the risk of being recognised, it would be far easier for you to simply ask Levi for the rolls of silk but you never know if he'll revert to his past self. The last thing you want is for him to behead you as soon as he returns purely because you've leeched off of him.
"Sometimes I find it hard to believe you're Duke Ackerman's wife and do not find the urge to spend money in the way you should." Sasha confesses.
As you both walk you respond "Well, what way should I be spending money?" you inquire.
"As if you've got a never ending supply. You're a duchess." She whisper shouts at you.
Patting at your head you feel around for your scarf and realise it's been blown away by the wind.
"Ah. Your scarf oh no." Sasha frantically looks around panicked and you wonder who on Earth she had to have been serving before you for her to be so on edge by this minor occurrence. It's a scarf, nothing of much value or importance to you.
"It's alright I never liked it. I'd much rather let my hair flow free." Releasing your hair from the cramped confines of the ponytail it's in you skip ahead of her letting your hair fall naturally.
"M-My lady PLEASE. You can't walk around with your hair out like that."
"No one will know who I am so long as you don't call me Duchess." you call over your shoulder.
Little do you know a certain someone already has your scarf in their hands eyeing you from the distance.
It takes a while for you and Sasha to navigate through the crowded streets but you end up finding your way and requesting to reserve the twenty two rolls of silk.
On your way out you eye the sign and wonder why you find the name Emerald to be so endearing. You wonder if he chose the name himself, you assume he did because he had consulted you on other variations too. Pearl, Diamond, Amber, but Emerald sounds sincere and sweet.
Your attention being placed so intently on the sign leads you into the hard body of a stallion. Thankfully, the horse is docile and doesn't mind.
"Miss with the pretty hair!"
The height difference means you have to shield your eyes with the palm of your hand as you look upwards towards the mystery man. A shining face is what you are met with and a cheeky grin is plastered across it. Choppy chestnut locks frames his face, he shines brighter than anyone you've met - Apart from Levi of course. No one outshines him in your books.
Is he a noble? You look to his stallion then to his high end, sophisticated garments. He must be.
Your scarf is in between his fingers and he dangles it in front of you.
"Is this yours my lady?"
"Oh, why it is thank you." he gently places it into you hands and you take a look at Sasha. You don't really feel like being found out by a noble today. The Duke's reputation would be in tatters if others of nobility were to catch you mingling with "common folk", that term makes your face twist. You despise it.
Nonetheless, It would be miserable if they saw you arguing passionately for your rightful refund of four silver coins when you resided within the walls of the Ackerman estate, you're sure four silver coins is petty change to Levi. It would be even worse if they eyed what exactly you were refunding.
Sasha senses your nerves and chimes in just in time. "Well, we must get going good Sir. We're running late for an event until next time!"
Taking your hand she leads you towards your carriage and you wave at the young man. With the same bright smile he waves back and calls out "Until next time ladies!" he seems menacing but in the manner of a mischievous younger sibling.
Once you and Sasha have escaped and are in the enclosed space of your carriage do you ask her questions.
"That man, Who was that?" you question.
Hushed Sasha whispers "I heard he's called the crazy bee." You chuckle at that witty nickname, his honey like expressions were sweet it did add up. "There's rumours he sticks it into anyone." Oh. My Lord. Your mouth gapes open. That nickname, it makes a whole lot more sense now given this perspective.
"Viscount Kirstein, A womaniser who's recently returned from studying abroad not too long ago. Best to stay away from him."
Makes sense, you have no recollection of who he is the only conclusion you can draw is that he has to be from abroad.
Your legs kiss your chest as you sit in the carriage curled up. From that point on the rest of the trip back is quiet as Sasha has unknowingly nodded off to sleep and you want her to rest. It irks you how the other staff members push her around despite her position as Head maid. The least you can do for your friend is let her sleep.
Smiling at her you cover her with your shawl and sit down content with how you've left her. You too are about to drift off to sleep.
That is until you see the Duke outside. You didn't tell him you were going to the market and he won't stop inquiring until you or Sasha let him know what's going on.
Quickly ducking out of view it's too late and your sudden movement has woken Sasha up too. Levi's seen you through the corner of his eyes for sure. Damn him and his senses. He hates back handed tricks and if you encounter his real personality you'll be in trouble.
He just had to decide to come out on tour today of all days??
The carriage halts to a stop and Sasha exits making sure the door is closed, you hear her giving one of the Duke's knights a lukewarm excuse as to why she's out supposedly alone in a noble's carriage. Guilt fills you, she's always covering on your behalf.
"You there, stop." The Duke's icy voice enters the scene, seconds of silence pass, you're holding your breathe. It feels like the first time he came hunting for you.
Out of nowhere he flings the carriage door open.
Oh no, there's too many people outside. You can't be seen on the floor of a carriage with your hair out like this. No Duchess can be caught dead this way.
Without a seconds thought you yank him inside shielding yourself from the view of any outsiders, the door echoes closed.
There's an exchange of heavy breathing and just as you're about to look up at him with a brazen smile you realise he's drawn his sword out on you at a furious speed, it's dangerously close to the nape of your neck. His body is tensed up and so is yours. Huh. This feels...different.
"I thought I was being attacked by a mutt." he spits out, his brows are furrowed, the veins in his neck throb, stance wide, his teeth are bared. A mutt? This feels hostile, lips pressed together in a fine line your heart stops beating for a second.
"My Lord...?" you meekly call out to him.
Then out of nowhere he seemingly snaps out of it.
"I'm sorry." He releases you from the compromising position "I didn't even notice it was you my love. Are you hurt by an chance?" He's back to his usual self and is panicking checking every part of you, ensuring he hasn't left a scratch.
Hugging you warmly his embrace soothes you automatically and you feel the relief course through your system, of course he's on guard he's the Duke and he's out on tour after all.
"I'm fine." You quickly explain your reasoning for hiding and he nods "So, could you give a random excuse to the knights? I just didn't wish to lose my dignity so soon. You know the Duchess on the floor of her carriage with her hair like this." You laugh airily pointing at the birds nest on your head.
"You look beautiful either way. But I'll do as you please." And he leaves after gently pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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Later that night you're getting ready for a good nights rest. The Duke has yet to return, he's always caught up in his duties and noble activities, You wish he'd take the time to relax. Hard work and dedication to his people is an ethic of his he'll never give up on.
He always gives you the option to excuse yourself from partaking in noble activities. The only real reason as to why you don't ever venture outside with him and are yet to make a public appearance together is fear. Fear that he'll wake up one day and throw you away.
You want to make it easy for him if he ever decides to do that. He won't have to erase your existence if you don't make yourself known.
Tossing and turning you shiver, something feels off. You've been feeling that way since he drew his sword against you earlier today. The way he looked at you, it's reminiscent of the first time you looked into those feline eyes. Once bright and full of life they had become charcoal and devoid of any distinct emotion, the duality between his two forms makes your breath falter.
Being reminded that the Levi you know and love isn't real only gets harder as time passes. It's all overthinking and being pointlessly anxious but it still gnaws at your mind at least once a day. He is all you have and he is all you will have until he too turns on you. Just like everyone else.
Suddenly, the acidity of the situation settles into every part of your being, you can't have anything can you? All the love you've ever received is short term - only available for intermittent periods of time.
You feel bitter tears pricks at the edges of your eyes. You want to control yourself, act with jurisdiction over your body, so you do. No tears are shed.
Later that night you awake. Rubbing at your eyes you stir in bed, and eventually one of your splayed arms feels Levi's solid form next to you. Half awake you shift to put an arm over his chest, drawing him in closer he squirms at your touch. That's when you feel a harsh iron grip on your wrist, it's bruising.
That alone is enough for you to become undone from your drowsy state. Opening your eyes you're met with an expansion of cold emptiness.
"Lev...? Whatever is the matter?" Innocent gaze staring at your husband you act oblivious purposefully. Your heart hammers in your chest, and you find that shocking. You're surprised that it hasn't failed yet. Hope is the only instrument fueling it.
Levi is no longer present, in his absence you are face to face with a rock hard glare, the fire in his eyes is also felt by you. The man who almost murdered you in cold blood months prior shows no signs of changing his previous choice, this whole situation is damp. If this were a movie this would be your last scene.
His fury is wordless but it vibrates and makes its presence known. There's a vortex of resentment brewing inside of his chest.
Everything is a blur, breaking down you hear nothing from Levi. You don't feel his warm palms at your cheeks, or his thumb swiping your tears away, this isn't one of your nightmares.
He's disgusted even touching the surface of your skin, it scalds him having to touch someone as morally impure as yourself. Releasing the hold he has on your wrist he tosses your arm away forcibly.
"Refer to me with that name once more and I'll see to it that your neck is snapped in two. Fucking Brat." His voice curls into a low hiss.
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anika-ann · 4 years
A Cup of Truth (S.R)
Type: One-shot, a bit of coffee shop AU
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader    Word Count: 3000
Summary: Your favourite pretty blond comes in every day to get a cup of good ol’ joe. You flirt on occasion; mostly you, because your suit of armour – which people boringly call an apron – and his smiles give you confidence.
When the band of dumb goons picks your damn workplace to attack, your confidence flies out of the window. Well. Good thing that the resident Avenger heroes save the day including the one in his all-American star-spangled glory.
Prompt: “You can’t mask that ass. I’d know it anywhere.” (Bold in the text)
Warnings: hostage situation, violence, non-consensual drug use/injected, hospitals, slightly crack-ish humour (?) and some fluff
A/N: For marvelcapsicle’s challenge. Thank you for letting me participate, darling, may you gain more and more sweet followers in the future ♥
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Here’s a thing: Steve Rogers had a lot of fight in him. Before or after injected with the serum, no matter his shirt size, no matter if he could swing his fists effectively or not, he would punch bullies in their face.
When it came to people close to his heart, that rule amplified tenfold. No one touched the people he cared for. And while he would not necessarily call all of them friends, he would go rabid should any harm come their way.
To be fair, the list of ‘his people’ who were still alive wasn’t long; he could almost count them on the fingers of one hand. Tony. Natasha. Clint. Thor. Bruce. Probably Fury. Really, his circle was a bit monotonous, people who could protect themselves just fine at most times, but simultaneously with high-risk job of being the first defence line for the world’s greatest threats.
And then there was you.
You, with your inviting smile whenever he appeared at your counter at the café he had discovered during his endless walks.
You, handing him a drink different to his usual ‘boring’ cup of joe once a week, because that was the deal you had offered and Steve, caught in his curiosity about today’s world and your adorable challenging expression, agreed.
You, with your pretty eyes, irises twinkling at his attempts at flirting, no matter how awkward and out-of-time they sounded, graciously returning the favour… if he was reading the situation right.
You, always grinning wide when discovering a doodle he had left on his napkin, taking it with you back to the counter.
You, blissfully unaware of his double life, genuine in your demeanour, dealing with plain old Steve Rogers, and perfectly safe; at least as safe as one could be on Manhattan.
You in a headlock, as five rogue SHIELD agents decided to crash into the café you worked at of all the damn places, choosing it with deadly precision and nearly driving the poor Captain America into a cardiac arrest.
Not that you had any idea your life mattered to the proclaimed Star-Spangled Man more than anyone else’s. You were the exception to the rule; you were the precious outsider Steve caught feelings for, the one that was not supposed to learn about his other persona for at least a while longer and sure as hell was not supposed to get herself in a mess like this one.
Steve stood frozen as Natasha had two men at gunpoint, Clint fighting another, the last one having been already knocked down by Steve himself. The only injured people were the few customers, scarce at the hour, and the employees; some bruises and insignificant bleeding wounds between all of them.
The worst problem still remained; Perez had his arm around your neck, visibly squeezing your windpipe at least partly if the colour of your face – one stained in tears and Steve could kill at the moment, kill with no remorse – was anything to go by.
He gripped his shield tighter, staring the man down with his jaw clenched and his heart beating its way out of his chest, the syringe at your carotid scaring him more than the reduced airflow to your lungs.
“It’s over, Perez! Let her- let the woman go,” Steve howled, knees slightly bend in posture allowing him to spring forward at any second, to throw his weapon, to punch the living daylight of the bastard that not only betrayed SHIELD, but put his hands on you.
Big, big mistake. He really shouldn’t have done that.
“I like her exactly where she is, Cap,” Perez snarled, a wicked smile on his bloody lips, only his eyes giving away a fraction of his fear. “Move and she gets a ticket straight to hell.”
Perez was outnumbered and he knew it; even if he managed to escape, they would find him easily with Tony Stark’s system of surveillance. Yet, he tightened his grip and with you involuntarily acting like a human shield for him, he started backing away, gaze flickering between the three present Avengers.
Natasha’s right arm twitched as if she wanted to shoot him on spot – but she didn’t want to risk leaving the other two without the threat of immediate death for even a second.
And then several things happened at once; Clint knocked his opponent down with the construction of his bow; Perez who saw it lost his nerve and swiftly slammed the needle into your neck, piercing your skin easily, as easily as Steve’s panicked shout ripped from his throat.
The next second, an arrow was sticking from Perez’ shoulder as he jerked back with a cry of pain and Clint put another arrow through his hand, adding one to his thigh for a good measure. Two gunshots sounded in the background, Natasha’s aim as unmistakable as ever.
Perez fell to the ground with a scream, not even reaching for the gun in his holster before Steve was there to knock him out with a brutal hit straight to his face with his vibranium shield. The crack sounding at the impact was like music to Steve’s ears, the blood spurting from Perez’ nose a pleasant visual.
Yet, it didn’t feel half as satisfactory as Steve hoped as you had stumbled and toppled over your own feet. He barely managed to slow down your fall, gloved palm shooting up under the spot between your shoulder blades, his other hand holding your shoulder. He supported your enfeebled weight as you practically lied over the unconscious man.
Steve didn’t bother paying attention to his surroundings, knowing that the noise around him was Romanoff and Barton apprehending the remaining thugs. Instead, his gaze scanned you head to toe, focusing on your face and neck when he couldn’t find any other injury.
You were pale, eyes misted, unfocused, skin worryingly cold to his touch.
“Hey-- hey! Can you hear me?” Steve demanded urgently, lightly patting your cheek.
At that, your pupils zeroed on him, wide with disbelief, and to his immense shock, a lazy smile spread on your lips.
“Steve?” you breathed out his name and blood crystalized in his veins, his heart, already panicking, speeding up. How did you know his name? Perhaps the drug, the whatever liquid in the syringe was taking effect and you were turning delirious? Shit, they needed a doctor-- “You’re the pretty blond. Steve. My flirty Steve… my hero. Everyone’s hero.”
Steve’s horror escalated with each word. Good news: you were still breathing and apparently quite lucid, even if your speech was more of a mumble. Bad news: his secret identity just blew up.
Luckily, he considered the good news much more important; and lucid he would like to keep you, so he shot Natasha and Clint a meaningful glare, wordlessly asking them to call help. He wasn’t sure whether it registered because both of the spies were staring at him wide-eyed as the woman in his arms just outed him like the café’s regular… one that flirted with her, no less.
Steve cleared his throat, focusing on his mission – to keep you talking. There was no much point in denying it, was it?
“Eh... yeah, it’s me. How-how did you know? I wear a mask-“
“Muscly… real muscly… and that ass,” you muttered and Steve nearly choked on his spit, certain that he just turned red all over, including the area you pointed out.
Wait, did that mean that you had been checking him out?
So not important right now.
“Oh, uhm- how are you feeling? We have to-“
“You can’t mask that ass. I’d know it anywhere,” you continued babbling as if you hadn’t heard him and Steve gulped, feeling his teammates, who still hadn’t called a doctor, what the actual hell- watching you with interest. ”…could bounce a penny off it… no, that ain’t right, a quarter off of it, that’s it… Dream of it sometimes… biting-“
Clint coughed loudly to cover his laughter, finally springing into action after that uncomfortable remark that gave Steve quite a visual he wasn’t sure how he felt about just yet.
“Alright, as amusing as this is, we should get her some medical attention…”
Steve only took his eyes off of you for a moment, shooting Barton a look that screamed ‘You think?!’
“I want to touch it… please lemme touch it—just once,” you pleaded quietly, swaying even in your practically horizontal position, straining your neck to catch a glimpse of the object of your interest. “The best I’ve even seen-“
“I think it’s ethanol she got injected with…” Natasha announced, sniffing the syringe with disgust in her voice. “High concentration.”
And Steve felt like he just got hit by Thor’s hammer… in his head. Seriously?
“…alcohol?” he asked, dumbstruck and utterly relieved, the heavy weight in his stomach lifting a bit. “You think she’s merely… drunk?”
“Well, alcohol straight to the bloodstream is seriously nasty on its own, S-“
“Alcohol nasty, yesss. And this really hurts,” your voice interrupted Natasha and Steve’s heart clenched uncomfortably when the surprised grimace appeared on your face, your eyes indeed clouding in pain, looking up at him, doe-eyed, so vulnerable and trusting.
“Hey, no sad Steeb! Your eyes pretty too. Little pictures you draw… so suuuper cute. I like your hair. You came in the day, wind blew, so messy-- like bed hair, wanna try top that-- I betcha I can do better-“
“Sounds drunk enough to you?” Natasha hummed casually and Steve didn’t even have to look at her to know she was smirking, while he was both fretting over your state and blushing to the roots of his hair because of your blunt compliments and unfiltered fantasies.
You turned your head slowly to Nat as she spoke, a crooked grin curling up your lips. “Hey, you’re pretty too-“
Much to Steve’s annoyance, the Russian spy had the audacity to chuckle and wink at you.
“Why thank you-“
“But prefer blonds,” you babbled again, lowering your voice conspiratorially. “He’s real nice. His biceps are like… huge. Bigger than my head-- ow, my head… spi-spinning- I think-? Whoa— oh… “
Steve called out your name in panic as you went limp in his arms, your body pliant, folding like a house of cards.
“I like her,” Clint noted as he jogged to Steve’s side, kneeling to take your pulse on the unharmed carotid with a furrow to his brows. “The medics are on their way, she’ll hold on until then.”
Steve sighed in relief when Clint nodded in affirmation again, feeling your heart still beating.
Steve’s grip on your tightened, hand sliding behind your head to cradle it gently rather than letting it dangle in such unnatural angle. He manoeuvred it so your cheek rested against his chest, his newly free hand sneaking under your knees so he could lift you with ease as he stood up.
“Nice, Rogers. Keep going like this, squads with weights, and you’ll keep that exceptional ass of yours in shape,” Natasha teased him, but when he turned to glare at her, she gave him a soft smile and beckoned towards your nearly motionless body. “She’ll be okay. Let’s go get her some help.”
Your head was pounding. The right side of your neck was itchy as hell and felt extremely stiff. The beeping sounding in your ears was a thing from nightmares, echoing in your aching skull.
You felt like shit and honestly, you could cry when you tried to open your eyes and the sharp light hit them, making you swiftly close them again.
A realization slowly crept at you that there was a presence of an intrusive smell too, making you want to puke— or was that just the brutal hangover? Because you felt unbelievably hungover on top of everything. The world seemed to be spinning even behind your closed eyelids and you couldn’t but groan, deciding to only curse the universe mentally since your throat resembled a Sahara Desert.
“Oh, hey gorgeous,” a female voice greeted you from your left and you snapped your eyes open with a startle, staring with shock at the beautiful redhead sitting by your bedside.
For few long seconds, you wondered if you died and went to heaven, because there was a non-descript angelic-like creature watching over you.  You quickly brushed that thought aside, because there was no way Heaven looked like a hospital room and provided you with such shitty sensations attacking your poor body.
So you asked the only logical question, ignoring the dryness of your mouth which soon cause you to cough.
“…who are you?”
A plastic cup with a heavenly cold liquid landed in front of you, the straw sticking from it directed to your lips as the stunning woman frowned discontentedly.
“Oh, you don’t remember?” she asked, seemingly hurt. “My heart is breaking! You told me I was pretty.”
You blinked slowly, finally adjusting to the light, finally able to talk without pain (that much pain, that was) and your head started pounding some more, embarrassment filling every fibre of your being.
What the- oh god, you had really got drunk, hadn’t you, and now you had a total blackout on what you had been up to in your questionable state.
“Eeeer… I did? I mean, you are… but-“
“But you prefer blonds, yeah, I know,” the mysterious woman finished your sentence to her liking and your eyes went wide. How did she- and who was she again, sitting in your hospital room like that? Had you really got so smashed that you didn’t remember her when you should have? When had you met? Shit, your mind was so foggy… “And you think Steve’s a bit prettier. And his ass is the best you’ve ever seen, so I get it…”
“The hell?!” you squealed in utter horror, sitting up straight as the words registered, a flash of blue, red and white flickering in the back of your mind, followed by a sharp stung in your temples. A nauseatingly strong pain resembling an intense cramp – only like ten times worse – shot up your neck as you moved so quickly, ripping a startled yelp from your throat.
A hazy image of the café you worked at blended into a picture Steve’s beautiful eyes – did this woman know your regular, your handsome flirty blond regular? –, sensation of gentle hands cradling your jaw, a sting in your neck—
“You need to be careful with how much you move. Your neck took quite a hit, they had to perform a surgery on you, you got a transfusion. They worried about your brain too. They’ve been monitoring you for four days now and this is the first time you’re awake,” your stranger explained patiently, voice full of compassion.
Your hand involuntarily rose to massage the incriminated place, still unsure of what the woman was talking about, the images in your brain confusing the hell out of you. You still had no idea who she was, but her face was starting to feel a bit familiar – you assumed that whatever had happened, she had been there too, possibly helping you.
And there was something in her green eyes, cautious yet somewhat calming, making it easy to trust her for some inexplicable reason.
“Steve’s gonna be pissed at me for missing it,” she added and grinned. “I made him leave to take care of himself before he could actually start taking roots in here. He’s been worried too. A lot.”
The amount of question marks in your head just doubled, but at the same time, your heart fluttered. Steve had visited you? Often, apparently? That was really, really sweet of him. The thought of him guarding you – and didn’t he have a physique of a bodyguard, once mentioning he was in private security when asked –, brought a dreamy smile to your face.
Perhaps it wasn’t only about flirting for him either…?
“Keep looking so lovestruck and I might forgive him that he hasn’t mention you before. Though I guess I can’t blame him, wanting to keep— anyway. I’m Natasha. Nice to meet you,” she extended her hand towards you at last and you automatically accepted it, telling her your name in return.
Even though that was probably beside the point seeing as she had been found at your bedside in a hospital.
“Hi, Natasha. Nice to meet you too… I think.”
The redhead burst out into a quiet laughter at your hesitance. “Fair enough. After Steve comes back and explains what exactly happened – because it’s not quite my place to tell you –, call me back for the good details. It’s fun to make him blush.”
Despite just only having met this woman, you decided that you kinda liked her and nodded in acceptance of her offer. Steve might be sweet – perhaps even sweet on you it seemed – but some harmless teasing could never hurt. Not when it apparently had something to do with his glorious ass.
Here’s a thing: Steve Rogers had a lot of fight in him. Before injected with the serum or after, no matter his shirt size, no matter if he could swing his fists effectively or not, he would fight for what mattered.
His teammates and friends certainly fell into the category. The somewhat relationship he had been trying to build with you was right there with them, definitely worth fighting for.
So, after revealing his identity – an action which become inevitable at that point, really – he had a delicate confession to make and a bold question to ask in an almost shy voice. He still asked it, because he would be damned if he gave up on you.
You said yes, your confession about certain harboured feelings matching his.
You said yes, you would like to go out with him very much, because you liked him too.
And no, it wasn’t just because he owned the best backside you had ever seen. Steve Rogers was, according to you, quite memorable and worth fighting for in general too.
(Steve, over time, might have developed a bit of a love-hate relationship with the fact you were getting along with Natasha so well. It was good news and bad news at the same time, seeing as it often resulted in the two of you teaming up against him. Once again, the good news won him over… because he simply loved how easily you fit into his world and how surprisingly well he fit into yours.)
S.R. masterlist
Thank you for reading :-*
It’s once a again a bit different from my usual writing; it’s short (like wtf me? short?) and it’s with a quote that is hard to do justice to... so I hope you liked it at leats a bit. Feedback always appreciated :-*
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