#damn coronation coming up next year then
daggryet · 9 months
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lucysarah-c · 1 month
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~ Holy Ground ch. 1 ~
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"Alright, get comfortable because this is going to be a long, crappy tale. Join me as we travel down memory lane, back when Erwin wasn't yet a commander, when Mike and Nanaba couldn't keep their hands off each other, when Hange was… well, Hange. And Levi? Well, Levi was a twenty-four-year-old man who didn't give a damn about the rules. Are you ready?"
Warnings: This story contains age gaps, time period misogyny and mentions of homophobia, strong and offensive language, underage sex, alcohol, smoking, implied/referenced of drug use. This is a very slow burn so everyhthing takes a while to happen. Explicit sex content. Virginity, loss of virginity, cheating, mentions of cheating, pregnancy but no by the main character, consensual sex, consensual underage sex, underage kissing.
Pairing: Levi x Reader x Erwin. Levi x Reader are end game. (this is not eruri). This story takes place after ACWNR but BEFORE season 1.
-> Masterlist to all the chapters! <-
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Just after Historia's coronation but before the expedition to Wall Maria, this story took place. Everything was coming to an end after a long and exhausting day of duty in the legion. The night had already fallen, and dinner at the mess hall was over. Our lively group of cadets had planned to sneak out after curfew to enjoy their youth. Well, that was the plan IF a certain short black-haired captain didn’t catch wind of it.
The plan was simple: they would all wait in their respective shared rooms and beds until the last superior left the public areas. It wouldn't be too difficult if Sasha and Connie could refrain from cracking jokes, or if Eren and Jean could postpone their petty arguments. They were just a few meters away from the front door, with the gates right in front of them. They were so close that they could already feel the cold autumn air brushing against their faces. However, their intentions and dreams crumbled like water slipping through their fingers when a throat was cleared loudly in the room. Some of them bit their bottom lips and closed their eyes, while others, like Eren and Jean, clenched their teeth, as if bracing for impact. On the other hand, Mikasa, with her usual calm demeanor, turned to confirm her suspicions. Sure enough, Y/N was leaning against the doorframe, holding a cup of tea in her hands. Her arched eyebrow silently questioned the cadets, who knew they better answer soon.
"It's not what it looks like!" Jean was the first to attempt a convincing response but faltered flatly.
"Really? Then what does it look like?" the superior took a sip of her freshly brewed tea and followed up with a verbal question this time.
Armin was next in line to offer an acceptable excuse, but before he could even finish, the woman shook her head with closed eyes.
"Oh, sweet summer child, you can't hold a candle to me," she said with a tired voice, followed by a loud sigh.
The group of teenagers looked at each other, trying to gauge how many hours of punishment awaited them. It wasn't too much to ask, after all! The fair was in town, and wanting to have some fun during one of the few nights when the town came alive in the late hours shouldn't be a crime. Truth be told, they didn't know what their superior could actually do to them. They were accustomed to the captain's cold treatment, but Y/N's? Not really, since she had recently returned to work.
"Well? Are you planning to stand here all night or what? Come on, follow me," the young woman ordered, making her way in the opposite direction of the main door.
Without a doubt, the famous group followed closely behind her. They didn't dare make a sound as they walked in an unknown direction. The clock in the common area struck midnight as the group navigated the halls of the Scouting Legion's building. During their expedition (not precisely outside the walls), the young men in the group couldn't help but notice their superior's revealing outfit. She wore an oversized grey shirt that clearly didn't belong to her, along with a pair of shorts that left little to the imagination. She wasn't even wearing shoes, walking through the halls barefoot and without any source of light. It was as if she knew the corridors like the back of her hand. Armin, the clever one of the team, was the first to notice that he had seen that shirt before, and his blue eyes shone with his brand-new discovery. It was (Y/N) who broke the silence.
"Allow me to give you a few tips for next time," she said, walking and turning around to face the team.
"Never try to sneak out through the main door. Why? All the superiors' offices are on the upper floors, and none of them go to sleep so early. Conclusion: you're going to be heard. Second, never wait until everyone is supposed to be asleep. You may think that the darkness of the night will protect you, but it only makes things worse. Next time, try to do it right after dinner. Everybody is still walking around, so it won't be strange if you're out and about. But don't all go together; that's suspicious. Plus, the superiors usually stay a bit longer, chatting about life or whatever."
The 104th promotion was in shock. Since when do the superiors give advice on how to break the rules? However, they were all taking mental notes of this valuable information. Every wise word that came from the woman's lips was pure and solid gold.
"Last but certainly not least," she said as they turned the corner and entered an old storage room for forgotten equipment. "Use a hidden door."
She walked straight toward the stone wall at the end of the room. She moved the old boxes, covered in dust, and muttered to herself, loud enough for the rest to hear, "the fifth brick from the left," then pushed with all her strength. Suddenly, a secret door opened, revealing the cold night sky.
The teenagers were completely overwhelmed to see such an awesome secret hidden behind that old, mossy wall.
"When you want to come back, there's a small leather handle on the other side. Just give it a gentle pull, and you're in. It's as heavy as it looks," she clarified, so the team could return without being seen. "If I were you, I wouldn't do it tonight. Tomorrow, you have an intense practice session with Levi, and you'll regret this. But nothing like the present, right? Come on, let's go! I have better things to do than freeze to death here."
After the last sentence, all of them rushed out in a hurry, except for Armin, who looked at his superior with curiosity. She could easily tell that the blond short kid was her favorite; his wisdom and curiosity reminded her of herself when she was still a little girl.
"Why?" he simply asked.
"Because I was once young too," she replied, crossing her arms on her chest. "And just because I'm having an awful and boring night doesn't mean you have to as well. Go on! Have fun, get drunk, enjoy it while you can."
The group was expecting various resolutions to this outburst of rebellion, but this was certainly not one of them. Of course, they didn't waste any time and went out. While the young ones were having the time of their lives, (Y/N) made her way back to her room with her now cold tea. If someone could have seen her face, they would have noticed that she wasn't the happiest woman wandering around that night.
Lost in her memories, she tried to recall the last time she used that secret door. As she pondered, another memory burst into her mind like a firework: the very first time they had discovered that secret door. A nostalgic smile appeared on her face, resembling that of a mother watching her child play in the backyard.
The voice of experience never seems to fail when it comes to predicting the future, better than any oracle ever created.
"For fuck's sake! What the hell is wrong with all of you today?!" The unmistakable voice of Captain Levi echoed in the training area as his team seemed to be devastated that morning. "What a shitty performance you're all giving today!"
The woman, who was supervising the training, hid her laughing face behind the notebook where she took her notes. The short man turned around to see what was so funny, and she tried to regain her composure in front of him, but failed miserably. The only sounds coming from the cadets were yawns and tired attempts to reply "yes, sir" with enthusiasm.
"Let them go, Levi. They can't even keep their eyes open," she tried to convince the black-haired man.
Not at all pleased, Levi chickled his tongue and rolled his eyes. He knew she was right; training in this state was pointless. However, he wanted nothing more than to kick all those brats' asses for making him waste his time.
"Alright, you shitty brats, get the hell out of the area before I kick each and every one of you so hard that you'll stay awake for an entire week," he pronounced with an irritated tone.
He couldn't even finish his sentence before his team was already making their way back to their rooms. But they weren't the only ones trying to escape from humanity's strongest soldier. The woman gathered her things and attempted to sneak away before he could notice.
"This better be the last damn time you let them sneak out during training days. Am I making myself clear?" Levi turned around and said to the young woman who had been sitting next to him just a few minutes ago.
"Oh, come on, Levi! Let it go this time," she replied, chuckling. "We were young once too."
She tried to ease the tension with a sweet smile, glad that they were talking like usual. However, the look he gave her caused her to lower her gaze with sadness in her eyes. She wondered when everything would go back to normal. She missed him and the warm, small smile that he only had for her.
"It won't happen again, sir," she said, not even attempting to conceal her sorrow as she walked away.
Reader’s pov
The day went without any problems and was relatively peaceful, as peaceful as a day at the scouts can be. We had a little meeting with the remaining superiors. Levi seems to insist on giving me the cold, silent treatment. Last night, I tried to change things a bit, hoping that after nearly six months of chilly nights, he would warm up to me. I even went ahead and offered him a massage, wearing nothing but his shirt. I know how much he likes it. But even the freezing marble floor beneath my bare feet felt warmer than him.
I wonder if this is as difficult for him as it is for me. After enduring his cold treatment, the words slipped out of my lips. I couldn't hold back, I needed to ask him.
"Are we breaking up? Just tell me so I can stop making a fool of myself in front of you. Come on, muster the courage to say it," I said, feeling tears welling up in the corners of my eyes.
"Don't shout. You'll wake up the entire legion," he replied without even looking up from his paperwork. "Whether we break up or not, it's not my decision. I'm not the one hiding information here."
As he finished his cold-hearted sentence, I quickly put on the first pair of shorts I could find and ran out of the room. I needed some tea to calm my mind. This was all too much for my weary body. While I was in the kitchen, I overheard Levi's squad attempting to sneak out. Initially, I considered walking away, but I knew Levi would catch them. However, he wouldn't dare intervene if I were with them, not after our little argument in our shared room. So, I made a decision. I helped them out.
And now, here I am. I just took a shower in the common area because Hange's bathroom is dirtier than any titan's mouth. I walk down the corridors, wondering if I'll have to sleep on Hange's sofa once again. My lower abdomen is throbbing with pain. A comforting cup of black tea made by my wonderful boyfriend would be a dream, but dreaming of freedom for humanity seems more realistic than that. On my way, I notice a group of cadets stationed at the watch post outside the building. Among all the scouts, I recognize those faces—it's Levi's team. I bet they're being forced to pull an all-nighter for night watch duty as punishment. Typical.
"Well, well, look at that. Not only do I grant you a free pass, a free morning, but also a night of bonding with friends at the watch post," I say, making my presence known among the group. This causes Jean to spit out the liquid he was drinking, and all of them turn around with pale faces.
"Calm down, guys. I'm not here to punish any of you."
They all let out a collective sigh of relief upon seeing me.
"For a moment, we thought you were a real hard-ass superior," Connie says, chuckling, which surprises me and widens my eyes.
"Excuse me, brat?! What do you mean by 'real superior'?" I ask, irritated by the tone in my voice.
"We didn't mean to offend you! It's just, it's just…" Armin tries his best to salvage the situation after his comrade messes up.
I can't help but burst into laughter as I struggle to sit between Eren and Jean. I clutch my lower abdomen, right where my bandages are. I wonder when the pain will finally subside.
"It's alright, I was just teasing all of you," I say, observing their puzzled expressions as they exchange glances, trying to decipher why I'm here. I wish I knew myself what the hell I'm doing here. But honestly, anything is better than going back to my room and pretending that everything is okay when it's not. "Do you mind if I spend the night with you? As a token of appreciation, you can ask me anything you want."
I enjoy the way their faces change upon hearing the last part, especially Armin. That little blondie's blue eyes gleam with curiosity. But Jean isn't far behind; his expression screams, "I'm going to confirm all the juicy rumors." However, to my surprise, it's neither of them who asks the first question.
"Do you know how to do Captain Levi's spin?! Can you teach me?" Eren enthusiastically shouts the first question.
"I'm afraid I don't, sorry sugar cube," I reply, oblivious to the numerous protocols I've just violated with a single response.
I'm not accustomed to dealing with cadets; my work has never involved interacting with them. I can tell they're taken aback by my pleasant demeanor, especially Eren, whose face turns crimson at my nickname.
"Are you Captain Levi's girlfriend?" Armin's question feels like a stab to my injured heart. Everyone gasps at the question; I suppose they all had their own speculations.
'Right where it hurts, Armin, right where it hurts,' I think, while I try to come up with a realistic reply. Technically, I'm still Levi's girlfriend. ' His freaking five-year-old girlfriend.'
"I am, but I'm guessing you already knew that, didn't you?" I respond with elegance, attempting to sound confident.
Immediately after my reply, the entire group starts bombarding me with question after question. It's as if “Levi's girlfriend” title has opened a door they've all been yearning to enter. I can't help but let out a small laugh at the situation I've gotten myself into. I'm like that bold friend who's been intimate before the rest of the girl group, and now everyone wants to know every detail about the brand-new topic.
"Whoa, calm down, guys! One question at a time," I say, gesturing with my hands for a momentary break.
"Is it true that he was from the Underground and he was a rebel?" Eren once again fires off a question, a quick kid armed with surprisingly accurate information.
"Where did you hear all that?" I inquire before answering, unable to contain my laughter. "It's true, he was quite the rebel when he arrived from the Underground. He even used to wear a black leather jacket during his free days. I must admit, it suited him."
They take a brief moment to process the new information, mouths agape, before the barrage of questions resumes. I do my best to respond to each of them to the best of my ability before Jean asks the one million dollar question you should never ask someone whose personal relationship is falling apart.
"How did you two start dating? He doesn't strike me as the dating type," Jean wants to know the most challenging information that has ever existed.
"Well, it's a long story that goes way back, even before Wall Maria fell," I reply as casually as possible. "And trust me, none of you wants to hear it."
"I do!" is the only thing I hear amidst that chilly autumn night. I know I shouldn't because it's not just my story; it's Levi's too, and I know how reserved he is about his private life. But I'm heartbroken and nostalgic, surrounded by a group of teenagers. Nothing good could happen tonight, so…
"Alright, get comfortable because this is going to be a long, crappy tale. Join me as we travel down memory lane, back when Erwin wasn't yet a commander, when Mike and Nanaba couldn't keep their hands off each other, when Hange was… well, Hange. And Levi? Well, Levi was a twenty-four-year-old man who didn't give a damn about the rules. Are you ready?"
Author's Note: This was the very first long fic I ever decided to write, and it's the reason I opened a Tumblr account back in the day. I deleted the chapters here because it felt like nobody was reading it, and I decided to focus my account on other things. Now that I'm rewriting the old chapters to finally finish the last five of a story spanning over 40 chapters, I've decided to give it a second chance and post it again!
I'll be posting all the new chapters every Friday! The banner was made by me, and the little "dividers" I add have a purpose—haha! The story advances through Levi's entire first year as a scout, so we'll go through all the seasons, starting in autumn. I don't usually ask for much, but Holy Ground has always been my baby, and if you guys decide to give it a try, I'll be forever grateful. <3
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hannieslovebot @flxrartsstuff @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @katharinasdiaryy @ackermanswifee @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @searriously @blackdxggr @storiesofsung @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @galactict3a @lemonsupernova @hyuckwon-my-husbands @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr @mandaax @sugacor3 @r0ckst4rjk @vegetasgirl2799 @catiwinky @pinksaiyans @sparklykeylime Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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ghostlyglimmer · 1 month
Missing for three weeks, Danny finally escapes, only to be found dead and taken to a funeral home. But death isn’t the end—Danny awakens on the embalming table with his jaw wired shut and terrifying new powers. Disoriented and desperate, he must find his way home, knowing nothing will ever be the same again. CW: Gore
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Chapter 1: Bring me to Life
By GhostlyGlimmer
Anita Grayves stretched her back, each vertebra popping with a satisfying crack as she exhaled a long sigh. The dim, sterile light of the embalming room cast a clinical glow over her as she donned her PPE, the familiar rustle of the fabric and snap of the gloves a ritual she knew too well. Her technician, Dalton, rolled in the gurney with the next client, the wheels creaking slightly on the cold tile floor. With deliberate care, he unzipped the black body bag, revealing the still form inside.
Danny Fenton, just seventeen years old, lay before her. His once vibrant eyes, now milky white and clouded, stared unseeingly at the ceiling. The raven-black hair that had probably once been meticulously styled was now disheveled, a sharp contrast to the pallor of his skin. He was small for his age, almost fragile-looking, and Anita couldn’t help but feel a pang of sorrow as she gazed down at him.
But it was the Y-shaped scar on his chest that made her pause. Her brow furrowed in deep thought. She had seen countless autopsy scars in her career, but this was different. The coroner’s report had mentioned it wasn’t a typical dissection; it was a vivisection. The word sent a chill down her spine. She had heard stories, whispers of unsanctioned procedures, but she never thought she’d be the one to witness the aftermath.
Taking a deep breath, Anita began the embalming process. The familiar hum of the pump filled the room as she attached the trocar to his abdomen, starting the slow, methodical draining of blood from the body. The crimson fluid seeped out, replaced with embalming chemicals that would preserve what remained, ensuring the semblance of life for his final viewing.
With the embalming fluids circulating, she moved on to setting his face. It was important that he looked peaceful, almost as if he were merely sleeping. She began with his mouth, loading the needle injector with a barbed-tipped wire. The tool clicked as she pressed it against the maxilla, the wire piercing through the bone with precision. She repeated the process with the mandible, then twisted the wires together, securing his jaw in place. There would be no risk of it coming loose during the funeral, sparing his family the distress of seeing him slack-jawed in the casket.
Next were his eyes. Anita carefully pulled back his eyelids, reaching for the eye caps—small, clear discs with barbed spikes on the inside. They would help his eyes maintain a natural, slightly closed appearance, preventing the sunken look that so often accompanied death. She was inches away from placing them on his clouded eyes when her stomach let out a loud grumble.
“Damn it,” she muttered, the sudden urge reminding her of the coffee she had downed earlier.
Reluctantly, she pushed back her rolling chair, the casters scraping against the tile. She stripped off her PPE, each piece coming off with a practiced flick, and headed for the bathroom. The small, clinical space echoed with the sound of her footsteps as she entered, the door clicking shut behind her. She hurried through her business, then paused at the sink, methodically scrubbing her hands. As she looked up into the mirror, her reflection stared back at her—haggard, with dark circles etched under her tired eyes. She grimaced, making a mental note to try and get some sleep tonight.
Just as she turned off the faucet, the lights flickered, followed by a low, otherworldly groan that seemed to reverberate through the walls. Anita froze, her heart skipping a beat. It was a sound unlike anything she had heard before—something between a wail and a whisper, as if the air itself was being torn apart. A chill ran down her spine, and she stood there, paralyzed, staring at her own reflection, waiting for something—anything—to happen.
Anita jolted at the horrific sound, the air around her vibrating with an unnatural, bone-chilling resonance. Her hands flew to her ears in a desperate attempt to block out the noise, but it was too late. A searing pain shot through her head, her vision darkening as her eyes rolled back. She crumpled to the cold, sterile floor, her body limp, blood trickling from her ears and pooling beneath her head in a dark, crimson stain.
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton’s eyes shot open in terror. His pupils contracted painfully against the blinding fluorescence of the room, his breath catching in his throat. His mind, sluggish and disoriented, struggled to make sense of what was happening. His hands moved instinctively to his face, rubbing his eyes as if trying to erase a bad dream.
But this was no dream.
As his vision cleared, he looked around, taking in the stark white walls and the cold steel surfaces of the embalming room. The air was thick with the acrid scent of formaldehyde, stinging his nose and making him gag. Panic surged through him as he realized he was completely naked, save for a thin cloth draped haphazardly over his waist.
But it was when his gaze fell on his chest that the true horror set in.
There, etched into his skin, was a large, brutal Y-shaped scar, stretching from his shoulders to his pubic bone. The sight of it made his stomach churn. His face contorted in terror, a scream tearing from his throat, raw and primal. His chest heaved with ragged breaths, each one more desperate than the last, as he clutched his head in his hands, trying to comprehend the impossible. The room seemed to close in around him, the sterile environment suffocating, the silence after his scream deafening.
Danny was alive—but something was horribly, irrevocably wrong.
As Danny’s scream echoed in the sterile room, he froze, realizing something was terribly wrong with his voice. It wasn’t his voice. It was distorted, hollow, like a death rattle echoing from the depths of a crypt. The sound made his skin crawl, every hair on his body standing on end. It was the kind of voice that belonged to something not of this world—something dead. He slapped his hands over his mouth, horrified, tears welling up in his cloudy white eyes.
He felt something hard under his lips and pulled them open, trembling fingers probing inside his mouth. His breath hitched when he encountered metal wires, woven cruelly through his teeth. Panic surged through him, and he tried to wrench his jaw open, but it wouldn’t budge. A sharp, searing pain shot through his skull, and he winced, the realization of his confinement crashing down on him.
Tears streamed down his face, his entire body quaking with fear and confusion. Sobs wracked his fragile form, the reality of his situation suffocating him. This couldn’t be happening—this had to be a nightmare. What the hell was going on? Why was he connected to this machine? Why was there a grotesque wound carved into his chest? And why, oh God, why was his jaw wired shut?
His mind spiraled, grasping desperately for memories, for anything that could explain this horror. But everything was a blur, a foggy haze that clouded his thoughts. He couldn’t think straight, his head pounding with the effort of trying to piece together the fragments of his shattered memory.
But through the chaos, one thought pierced the fog: he needed help. He needed to find his family, his friends. He clung to the memory of them like a lifeline, the only clear images in his fractured mind. Sam and Tucker—they would know what to do. They had always been there for him, through every strange and terrifying moment of his life. If anyone could help him make sense of this nightmare, it was them. He had to find them. He had to get out of here.
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xmorguekittyx · 1 year
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Ever Locked
Part 1: New Beginnings?
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pairing: Older!Leon x Ex!Coroner’s Assistant Reader
warnings: nsfw, light smut
extra: this story takes place 7 years later, Leon being taken into the government is still a cannon event, same with RE2 being a cannon event. i hope you guys like this! POV has changed, chapters will flip flop from your pov to Leon’s chapter by chapter and these parts will be longer. Next chapter will be Leon’s pov.
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Soft wind blew against the cracked window, locked in place with a bolt. Rain pelted the chipped glass, sliding down to draw clear designs as the morning sun started to peek out from behind the grey clouds. Birds singing happily about the new day, the limitless opportunities that the day could bring. Shadows of the birds reflecting over the glass pane, the shadow an unfamiliar view. My eyes aren't use to seeing the sun, not since settling in Seattle, Washington.
Finally, I decided to move my limbs, the numbness taking over as the muscles ached and stretched. Purple sheets wrapped around my ankles, keeping me from getting up as quickly as I wanted to. Those damned dreams, I couldn't get away from him even in my slumber. His face marred into the back of my eyelids, he haunted my every waking and sleeping moment. The bolt that was beat into the window sill, causing the window to never be open, it was because of him. The fear he would slip in, much like he had done all those years ago. The three locks on the front door another reminder that, even if he was, god knows where, I was unsafe.
  A reflection that didn't register in my mind, who was this? Me? Surely not, my eyes didn't have that dark of circles under them... did they? The figure in the mirror moving close as I feel the counter press into my thighs. "Fuck.", I didn't even recognize the person i became once the police men took me from Leon's home. They were shouting something about... a disease, something wrong with people in the city. Their hands gripping at my arms as they pulled me from the shit hole. People, their eyes yellow and skin, a sickly white. My stomach rolled, a groan of nausea coming from my lips. Those people, I watched as they bit into the man behind me, his skin held by tendons and muscle, before that too was ripped away from him.
  A cough of acid, the burning of my throat brought me back to that damned look. It's eyes squinting, searching for some recognition in the mirror. "Fuck off.", a scoff fell from my lips, turning from the eyes that mimicked mine. The knob turned on the sink, water dripping adding to the sounds around, thunder rumbling over the apartment. "You talking to yourself?", a smug voice called, my fingers too busy rubbing the freezing water over the dark circles under my eyes, praying that the water would wash away some of the unfamiliarity. "Shut up, Ryan.", I was not in the mood to deal with the man, his pout the first thing my eyes picked up on as I looked back in the mirror. "You dreamt of him again, didn't you?", he asked, his voice was so concerned, it made me feel worse. "Yeah...", a bitter laugh left my lips, the real monster in my story was him.
  I felt his fingers trace over the scar on my temple, the one, he, had left behind. "You know you're safe now... right? I won't let anything happen to you.", as much as i wanted to believe his words, to trust my boyfriend of 3 years... something in my chest warned me of a possibility. He was a government agent, at least that was the last i heard of Leon S. Kennedy; he'd saved some girl from RPD that night. He was deemed a hero, despite the sins that he had committed, a justice for a death never gained. No body, no crime... that's what the government worker had told her. I'd tried to tell them everything, that I was kidnapped, that Leon had killed Mrs. Jones. They didn't care, there was no proof as by the time I had gotten the chance to speak to anyone, Raccoon City was already bombed to hell and back.
  "I know.", the truth was that I wasn't safe, I never was going to be unless I was nailed in that coffin, the only place he couldn't find me. Then again, I figured even if I had died that day, that Leon would somehow find my corpse just to add insult to injury. The stupid rookie-  I wished I'd never laid eyes on those blue orbs, that the summer blue skies didn't remind me of him, that I didn't fear being home alone... that I didn't think every blonde in a police uniform was him, that I didn't see him in people, I passed on the street. "I know.", my hand came up to hold onto his, my fingers around his wrist. "You'll protect me...", my tone was no more than a whisper, eyes closing, melting into the back of his fingers. As soon as my eyes closed, that face popped back up, the look he gave me as i felt my vision blacken. It's been 7 years, it's time to move on. Ryan deserved a girlfriend who didn't jump in fear every five seconds, or call him crying when she saw a blonde officer.
  "I love you, stop thinking about it. You're making it worse on yourself.", he cupped his hand around my cheek, finger-pads rough from his job as a crime scene investigator. "You're safe with me, he's still with the government agency and you're here... in your apartment with your loving boyfriend.", a deep chuckle left his lips. "A loving boyfriend who wants nothing more than to make his girlfriend relax.", his fingers toyed with my pajama pants string, twisting it between his fingers. "Will you let me do that, pretty girl?", his lips pressed into the crook of my neck. My nails dig slightly into his biceps, holding onto him as his tongue traced little designs into the skin. "Uh-huh.", i couldn't think of anything, i wanted to be distracted, to be lulled away from reality at the tips of his fingers. "Please-", my desperation was rewarded as I felt his fingers dig underneath my thighs, lifting me into his strong, steady arms. "Shhh...", his whisper was so calming, "turn that pretty head off, i can think for you.", he hummed, his lips next to my ear as he kissed the hook of it. His lips were so soft, always slick with chapstick, usually mine.
The thick head of his cock, buried, snug into me. His pants from above as his leg lifted, caging mine to the bed. A whimper, back arching off the bed as his tip prodded at the beginning of my cervix, his love was soft and kind. His lips sparing words of comfort and care as he bullied into me. His chest was slick with sweat, the cold air now stuffy from the breath shared between us. "You're mine... protect what's mine, sweet girl.", he grunted, his eyes closed tightly, black hair falling over his forehead, stuck to the pale skin with his sweat. "Won't let anyone hurt you-", the promise laced in swears, in moans of pleasure and solemn love. Tears probed the back of my eyes, stinging as the salty tears ran down my temples, gliding across the ragged skin of my scar. It wasn't obvious, my hair covered it most of the time, but to me... it was a permanent reminder of how stupid I use to be. I hope, somewhere along the way, I've changed.
"Stop thinking.", my thoughts are replaced by Ryan's words as i felt the band in my belly tighten, the rocking of his hips, his pubic bone grinding my clit perfectly. "Not- thinking-", my words were strained from my lips, teeth biting into the plump flesh, head back and toes curling as his cock hit the spongey, nerve filled spot that pushed me over the edge, more tears sliding across my heated skin. "There you go-", he moaned, his cock twitching, the fluttering of my walls pushing his climax to the tip, releasing his cum into me, the warmth filling up the thin area between us. Weak moms left his lips, his breath mingling with my pants as he pressed his forehead to mine."Good girl.", his hand brushed back my hair, my eyes catching his green ones. "fuck-!", he whined, sliding his softening cock from my folds, hissing at the sensitivity of his body.
  "I have to get ready for work and so do you, my pretty.", his lips press a kiss into my collar, his nose bumping my shoulder as he presses his warm lips to the flesh. "Don't remind me~", my tone whiny, yet playful as he laughs, his clear voice. His body like a fresh winters day. He was the opposite of the warm boy I once thought I loved... my love falling from boiling water to a crisp ice bath, shocking me. "You gotta-", he reached down to swipe his pants up. "How else are those drunks gonna get their fill of cheap booze?", a grumble left my lips, rolling my eyes at the thigh of a few angry drunks muttering about their drinks taking a little longer to pour than usual. "I think they'd survive.", a mutter from my lips, eyes catching his as he laughed, knowing my annoyed look was one that would soon fall into a plead for him to say. "Look, i'll take you out, some place nice and expensive. How about Bella's?", my interest was peaked, "As long as we get that-", "Red wine, you love so much?", he pointed his fingers in a finger gun motion at me, his nerdy personality something I didn't know I needed. "You got yourself a deal.", my eyes watch as he tucks in his button up, his eyes searching for his glasses as he slides them across the bride of his nose. "I'll be back at 5, okay?", his uniform make him look like some... TV show character. Like he was from my favorite crime show, my smile fell... I hadn't watched it since that night with Leon.
"Quit thinking about it. Fancy dinner and drunks are all you should be thinking about.", his lips pressed to my cheek, brightening my expression with a simple gesture. "Be careful driving to work, the roads are slick.", I called out, watching him walk through the bedroom door. "Always am, you better be careful too. That damn Maxima is nearly on its last legs.", my lips parted in a drop, "Don't talk bad about my car!", his laughter was all i heard before the front door shut, leaving me to my thoughts once more. That's all I had left from Raccoon City, the government agent sent me off $500 and my car, telling me to start over somewhere new, that Leon had agreed to work with them and that I'd be on my own. That's what lead me here... to the rainy city. It was similar to Raccoon City, maybe I craved that familiarity.
  Then again this was suppose to be a new start, which is why I'd gave up the coroner's assistant job, instead becoming a bartender at a local bar called White Wolf Lodge, it was a hotel and bar. Somewhere for truck drivers to relax their few off days, getting to stretch their legs and have a bed for the night, some to lace to rest their beer bellies. I wanted to go back to the assistant job eventually, but it's like I'd seen enough death for my life time.
  My uniform shirt was tight, my tits nearly falling over the front of it, my push up bra doing what it was mad to. Keeping those babies up and perky. The black shirt supported a white wolf howling on the back and a 'White Wolf Lodge' embroidered patch on the front. My jeans were simple, bedazzled and hip hugging, showing off for tips wasn't my favorite thing to do but money was tight in one of the most expensive cities in the US. I needed all the tips i could get. My arms covered my hair as I ran out to the white Maxima, nearly slipping on the pavement. "Come on, Come on...", the buttons on the fob has started to give out, the car was nearly on its last leg but that didn't mean that i was going to let it go any time soon. Rain pelted down, lightening causing me to jump as the door finally unlocked. "Shit!", my fingers fumbled the door handle as i jumped in.
  My head hit the head rest, eyes rolling as the thunder shook through vehicle. Let's just get through today. Just make sure the customers are happy and the bar stays clean. My fingers slip past the seat belt, hearing the click as it safely secures. My fingers curl over the steering wheel that now bore some rips in it. Eyes catch the rear view mirror, always expecting to see a green jeep parked behind me. A silent wave of relief follows after realizing that indeed there is no jeep, no looming threat.
  "Hey! I thought you were off today?", Marina spoke up, her green eyes bright as she leans over the bar counter. "Sadly, not.", my lips curl into a slight smile. Of everyone I've met since moving here, Marina was the one that i got to call my best friend. Her black hair resting under her shoulders and her sparking green eyes always a sight for sore eyes. "Well, at least we're working together tonight, you could've gotten stuck with T.", she raised her brow, a smirk on her lips as he propped up with her elbows. At the mention of T, my mood sours, my brows dropping as I deadpan at her. "Yeah. Fair enough.", my bag is plopped down under the bar, my body resting against the bar with her, elbows bumping as I lay my head on her shoulder.
"I'm glad, i'm here with you.", I sighed, her shoulder tensed. "You've got that tone, you're thinking about that guy again, aren't you?", her tone was accusatory, but concerned. I had told her about Leon before, that he was a psycho sweet heart in a drunk hangout at her place. "Yeah, it's like he's a damn ghost.", I scoffed, my legs bending to crouch under the bar. "Not like i want to dream about the day i got my head split open.", my finger toyed the scar on my temple. "Plus, i just think it's because it's closing in on the day i got moved-", I hadn't told anyone about the dead eating the living, about the monsters that prowled the streets. It was too much for my brain to handle, i wouldn't scar anyone else with the thoughts and images.
  "Maybe so... what's it called?", she kept staring at the patrons, waiting for someone to need another refill or some god awful bar snacks. "Anniversary Reactions, i think is what my therapist told me.", her body quickly turned towards mine, her eyes settled on the tip of my head, i could hear the cogs in her brain turning as she stood in silence. "Go ahead.", I knew where this was going. Why don't you, "see a therapist?", her voice cut in. "Because i'm fine, he's far away doing god knows what and i'm working at this shit hole with you.", a dopey smile crossing my lips, eyes fluttering up to hers. "I think you'd benefit from it.", her tone was serious and i knew she meant it. She'd hounded me for months after i confessed my past to her. "Please, just try it once if you hate it, you don't have to go back.", she used that same line to try and convince me.
  "Moonpie-", the nickname that i made for the bubbly girl, "I'll be okay. I'm doing better, like you said... anniversary reactions.", I was tired of reliving the day nearly daily, my fingers wrapping around a rag as i grabbed a bottle of cleaner, spraying down the empty end of the bar. "I just worry about you. You look like you haven't slept in weeks.", her voice was so small, I nearly felt bad for lying. "I've been sleeping, I've been feeling better than I have in a long time... let me have this.", my eyes meeting hers, whispering the words to her, head over my shoulder to gaze at her as I lean on the counter, wiping the bubbly cleaner. "Yeah... okay.", she wasn't giving up, but she was giving me this and it's all I could ask her. I just wanted to get through today, go to the dinner with Ryan and have a nice day tomorrow.
  "Also, i meant to say-", Marina spoke up once more, her hands busy straightening the back bar, the bottles clicking over the soft rock music and atmospheric mumbling of people talking. "there's this guy, he asked about you, said he knew you and that you two use to date?", her eyes fell on me. "He asked for me by name? That's... really odd. I only had one ex.", my head tilted, eyes narrowing as i tried to think of any body would say that, but some regulars liked to say i was their girl, shit like that. I just assumed it was that. "Yeah, he's handsome. I think he's still here somewhere.", she moved to stand next to me, my head twisting to look out over the tables. "He's...", she scouted the area, finger to her chin as she moved from side to side.
  As she scoped out the area, I decided to try and straighten up, making it look like we weren't just talking, our manager hated when we talked and stood around for too long. "He ordered a whiskey on the rocks and asked if I'd leave the bottle.", she mumbled, trying to spot him. "Did you?", my eyes lingered on her, picking up glasses with my fingers as I picked up them up, walking towards the kitchen window. "Yeah.", she shrugged, "Didn't see why i shouldn't.", she hummed, her lips parting as she grabbed my arm, nearly making the glasses slip from my grip as i was yanked closer to her. "There he is!", she pointed, her slender, manicured finger pointing at a guy with his head down. A half empty bottle of Jack Daniel's laid in front of him. "Him?", my brain wracked itself to try and place the darker hair and tan skin. His leather jacket hiding his build and his head hanging, hiding his features. "Yeah, sorry, no idea who that-", as I spoke, his head raised, my lips stopping, the next words dying on my lips.
A bright blue sky, a raging ocean, not a single cloud in the skies of his eyes. A clashing sound met my ears but I couldn't place where it came from until the lessened weight of my hands finally registered, the crunch of glass under my shoes ringing in my ears as I stepped back. The taste of acid once more meeting my taste buds, he couldn't be... it wasn't true. I saw him all the time, i'm passing strangers and blonde officers- this was one of those moments. Was I losing my mind? Was this real or was my mind's eye once more throwing me into a relived memory? My heart dropped once his lips curled into a knowing smirk, his hand raising the ombré glass up in a 'cheers', his blue eyes lit up with amusement. He chuckled, I couldn't hear it, i could just see his shoulders shake.
  "Hey, what's wrong?", Marina's fingers dug into my shoulders as I didn't respond. "Hey-!", she shook me, her hands rocking me as she moved her face to block my sight of the man. "Are you okay?!", she was near hysterical but so was I. "Yeah-", I squeaked, it had to be him. It had to be, I couldn't be this crazy. "I just... i need a minute, okay?", my hands fell to her shoulders, she nodded, but her brows were furrowed, watching me walk away. The glass crunching with each step as I reached for my bag, immediately calling Ryan as i felt a sob fall from my lips. He was back. I wasn't safe anymore and he had seen me, asked for me... that coffin looked more and more comfortable. The one place he couldn't find me.
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moonshine999 · 10 months
Spill your post trailer Helaegon ideas with us please😩
hellooo, I will try my utmost best to articulate them.. sensibly
as the teaser stands, the performances by Tom and Phia genuinely look phenomenal. It seems stealing the spotlight worthy, especially Phia. Since this is the first season we get to explore her character and also her last season because damn you writers, it looks like she’s really giving it her all and I’m genuinely so excited to see that. details? Love that they grew Aegon’s hair out, the Helaena shot of her looking up might be one most ethereal shots I’ve witnessed, the aegon strut was legit everything. things I am not much a fan of though is the costuming (for them, more so Aegon because we haven’t seen any Helaena dresses in full, at least officially). Because though I love the sunfyre embroidery on his outfit now, it literally looks no different from the coronation costume at first glance. Sure it is dark green instead of black but like cmon. Give aegon pretty costumes 😌. Also sad we didn’t see Sunfyre, Dreamfyre is understandable but come on, we see Syrax and not the most beautiful dragon in the world? Not the dragon who had the strongest dragon-rider bond in history with Aegon? Not the dragon who ends up killing Rhaenyra?? THE FUCK.
but I’ll stop complaining because the teaser is nice and these are just nitpicks about the definite bias. .
. Okay the next things I’m gonna cover are more so ideas for scenes rather than a breakdown or analysis cuz we literally got 2 shots of each of them 🥲
🕯️Helaena’s visions
I did see quite a few posts saying/implying that we will dive more into Helaena’s visions this season. So I do think it would be interesting to understand that dynamic with her and Aegon when she has them. Like has he matured enough to understand that even though he can’t comprehend his wife, she needs his help OR he still thinks that she is acting idiotic as he did in s1. The leak that said something along the lines that Aegon will first be seen at the council, bored but then is called to attend to his queen could also tie into this. Maybe Helaena isn’t crouching over due to pain of pregnancy ,as some have speculated , but due to the suddenness or pain of one of her visions.
(also I have put a one shot surrounding this in the W.I.P folder along with the thousand others lying there so expect it in about 80 years 😃)
🕯️just them handling being king and queen
this is a pretty vague thing but literally just show them. Just show them getting along, sitting at councils, dragon riding, sleeping in the same room, all before b&c rips everything down. Even one scene of them together handling this can work, in fact just one scene of them being soft with each other would just go to show what it was like and what it could have been like had the war not happened. Just adding more tragedy to their story.
another pretty vague one. But as I said in this post , I really do think we should have seen them as kids, how they get along and especially their wedding. They could perhaps fit it in, in the episode of the funeral. Aegon or Hela looking back on that day, when things were arguably simpler and their only concerns were stopping Aegon from crying during sex. (IM SORRY, WE ALL KNOW IT HAPPENED)
okay more seriously though, them reminiscing on the past i.e. the day their union was first formed on the day it all broke apart. They as parents should be allowed to feel that grief, with each other and I genuinely hope we don’t get robbed of that. speaking of them as parents though…
🕯️the kids
it is actually so unsettling that half the fans didn’t even realise that they have kids until b&c started being talked about.
Again I beg, SHOW THEM. show them talking to Jaehaerys about becoming heir, how Aegon would go back to his memory of his mother doing the same to him (could also come under flashbacks). Show them trying to stop Maelor to stop crying, show them sitting with their kids at the feast, show them trying to manage their duties as well as their kids.
but alas it’s just speculation, half of them just wishes. Let’s hope we get some glimpse of their dynamic is season 2 because my god helaegon nation is starving.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Live to Serve (You) | Part 7
The Palace was in full swing, the banners high, the lanterns lit, fireworks imported from overseas firing off into the night sky from the bay, carriages from all corners of the continent lining up to enter the gates for the event of the decade. The only thing that might top it being a Coronation.
The Prince was wed. It’d been a quiet ceremony a month prior despite the fanfare it could have easily gathered, private, exclusive to family, staff, and members of the clergy. That was the ceremony though, the party? The invites for that had gone as far as they could reach, the party to be held a month after, giving the newlyweds enough time to celebrate privately before they’d introduce the new royal family member to the world.
It was a time for friendships to be made for the future, a time for people to connect and celebrate, so they tackled it separately. Steve took the Lords and Ladies that they didn’t know, gracing them with his royal presence and charm, while his better, funnier, far more charismatic half took the ones they did know.
Which meant Steve would find himself inevitably in front of two people. One, a young boy with fluffy, brown curls, brown eyes, and soft, almost chubby features, couldn’t be older than fourteen maximum, and a much older man, broad shouldered and while aged, with greying hair and weathered skin, he looked healthy, dressed not quite like a lord, but certainly not poor, his hand resting gently atop the youngers opposite shoulder, arm around him.
“It’s truly an honour to be welcomed into your celebration, your highness, can’t say I expected to be here but… my nephew here received an invite and didn’t want to come on his own, bit young to be travelling the kings road by himself you see.” His tone of voice was soothing, pleasant on the ears and… honestly kind of familiar.
Steve found himself comforted in it and didn’t find that weird enough to think too strongly about. Instead he aimed a warm, welcoming smile down to the boy under the elders guidance.
“Well, it’s an honour to have you both, thank you for coming, although forgive me, I must say i’m at a slight loss as to your names?” he didn’t want to be rude but… usually people introduced themselves first.
“Shoot, my apologies, ain’t quite used to people not knowing my name, where I’m from we all kinda know each other. Wayne Munson, Your highness. And this is my nephew, Dustin, the young Lord of Forest Hills. He uh… he inherited the manor there after my brother passed the summer before last.”
“It shouldn’t have gone to me” The boy spoke without hesitance, although with a slight lisp as his teeth hadn’t quite grown in yet. “It should have gone to my brother. What am I to do with a mansion?”
“Yeah well. Can’t change that now, kiddo, ain’t got any idea where that old oaf sent ‘im.”
“That’s why we’re here, your highness.” Steve raised a brow, Wayne looked pained at such a direct approach but… he said nothing to argue it, maybe he was just used to the kids’ approach. “Not to… intrude on your celebrations, but I wasn’t sure when I’d next get the opportunity to approach you in person. This was my best bet. I’m hoping that… you may be able to help me.”
“Quite… direct, but I’ll humour. What do you need help with?” Dustin smiled and it damn near melted Steve’s already gooey heart. Okay, he’d happily do just about anything for this small child. Got it.
“I want to find my brother… he was… he was sold to pay for my father’s debts before I was born, but I don’t know who he was sold to, only that it was some lord or lady or someone who’d take on servants to clear debts, it’s been years your highness… if… if he hasn’t paid for them yet, then maybe we can settle them now, or come to another agreement and he can come home. I was hoping that perhaps… since you’d know a lot of Lords and Ladies, that you’d be able to find him easier than I’d be able to.”
“Alright, I mean, I’ve seen a lot of servants in my years so I’m not sure how much help I’d be in remembering which one went with who, but if anyone would know the servants, it’d be my better half. He’d probably be able to help far easier than I would, better memory for faces. C’mon, just follow the laughter.” It was loud enough, Eddie’s deep cackle of a laugh carrying effortlessly across the voices in the hall, across the music that he’d played a little of during the evening, effortlessly entertaining his gathering audience with his endless charisma and charm, he could have been a bard in another life.
He doubted his parents would have approved of him running off with a musician half as easily as they’d approved of him wedding a servant though.
It barely took any time at all for him to guide them through the crowd toward the laughter, their guests parting swiftly as he made his way through the crowd, calling out “Excuse me! Prince of the kingdom, coming through!” As he moved, much to the amusement of the man and child following him. Steve was charming, he’d definitely make a wonderful king someday given everyone seemed so at ease around him. He wasn’t intimidating, but he still held the respect of the people around him. It was nice. “Eddie!” The laughter quietened down as Eddie paused in his silly stories, redirecting that smile toward his husband from where he sat surrounded by their guests. A lute in hand casually strumming away as he spoke.
“Gasp! The hero of our tale emerges from the crowd, my dearest prince, I was just telling them how you had our field planted with flower seeds to bloom in the shape of—"
“Yep yep, I’m a ridiculously sappy romantic who proposed with a big field of flowers, everyone, sorry to intrude on story time, but there’s someone here who needs our help, Eddie, your help specifically, because I doubt it’d be any at all.”
“Ohh?” Eddie was up, putting his pilfered lute down he crossed the short distance between them, only to freeze when he finally caught sight of the duo behind his husband. “Oh.” His eyes didn’t linger on the shorter of the two of them, but the elder, that’s where Eddie seemed to be stuck, his smile gone, replaced by something unreadable.
“…Edward?” and had Steve looked to the older man, he’d have seen just how stuck he was too, his voice wavering, the man seemingly half a second away from making a move but trying his best to hold it in while the younger of the two watched them both in curiosity. “Is… is that you, boy?”
Eddie released a soft, shaky breath, then seemed to force a smile onto his face. Steve knew all of Eddie’s expressions by now, and that one… that one looked like it physically pained him to wear it. “Lord Munson, what a pleasure it is to have you at our celebration. Steve here says you need my help?” Steve was about two seconds from stepping in and cutting the meeting short, his husband looked upset, and Steve wouldn’t have that on their celebration day.
But Wayne looked just as emotional as Eddie did, while the poor younger boy looked so confused, eyes darting between his guardian and Eddie in silent question.
“Eddie… now… I know I ain’t seen you in a long time, boy, but… I recognise your mama when I see her, and you didn’t get a single gods be damned thing from that old Fustilugs, may god have zero mercy on his belligerent soul, all that hair on your head could have only come from her. Sure as hell didn’t come from us Munson’s.” Eddies lips quirked a little, just a ghost of a smile, it was enough to settle Steve’s nerves, only a little though “Please… could you hear us out?”
“Is that him?” Dustin asked, pointing to Eddie “is that—are you my brother?!” Eddie’s eyes snapped down to the boy, wide and surprised. “Holy—gods, you’re—! You’re married to the future KING! That’s…man we thought you’d still be a servant or something, we were gonna come save you! That old oaf father of ours died two years ago, took where he sent you to his grave the old Loggerhead, I’ve been trying to find you ever since but—I’m fourteen so. What Lord is gonna respond to a fourteen year olds letters enquiring about their servants, you know?” The sadness seemed to vanish, replaced with surprise, eyes wide as he took in the boy fully. “Uncle Wayne suggested we use the invite to ask the Prince cause—royalty would probably see a lot of servants right? So—” Eddie laughed. It was a short laugh, as if he couldn’t quite contain the sound, the forced smile, the pain, seeming to vanish so quickly. “what?”
“You ramble like I do.”
“Well duh, we are related.”
“So… you’re the heir he had to replace me?” Steve looked at his husband in surprise, he’d ask questions later, Eddie knew he would.
“Yeah but that’s dumb, what in seven hells is a fourteen year old, supposed to do with a mansion?! I feel like I’m drowning in it! I don’t think he expected to… you know. Die. When he did,but when you eat that much red meat and drink that much ale without anything to buffer it, it’s only a matter of time before the body just decides it’s had enough. Heart just gave up, I know, we were all surprised he had one.” Another laugh burst from Steve’s husband, and the nerves seemed to melt away with each giggle, Steve wasn’t sure what exactly was going on, but he… was sort of getting the idea. Eddie had never told him where he’d come from, figured it didn’t matter, and to Steve, it didn’t. This just shed some light on a mystery he didn’t think he needed to uncover “You take the mansion, mom and I are going to live with Wayne.” Eddie shot a wordless surprised expression at the elder of the two, the man simply ducking his head in blatant embarrassment.
“Honestly don’t think I need it, given the uh… circumstances” Eddie motioned to the room around him, to the guests now lowkey paying attention, Eddie clearly too amused to continue feeling pained if his smile was anything to go by. “What’s your name, kid?”
“Dustin, you’re Edward, right?”
“Eddie… I prefer Eddie, but yes.”
“Cool! Were you playing the lute before? I wanted to learn but he wouldn’t let me try, said it was a useless skill for fanciful folk and fae, can you teach me?”
“I suppose I can teach you some things… but not tonight.”
“No, no definitely not tonight, it’s celebration time tonight! We can start tomorrow, or… whenever. Just… it’s okay, right?” hope, honest to gods, innocent hope, this was a young boy hoping against all odds that his big brother would accept him, Steve couldn’t step in, this wasn’t his decision, no matter how much his life was now entwined with Eddies, he couldn’t step in here, couldn’t sway the decision, it had to be Eddie’s to make.
Eddie looked to the man standing beside his brother, risking a small smile that promised something. Something that Steve would inevitably find out to be an olive branch offered, but instead of acting on that, Eddie instead took a few steps closer, and wrapped his own arm around the smaller boy, ready to lead him off into the crowd “Yes…” he said, warmth returning to his tone as honesty seeped into his smile. “It’s okay, come on, let’s introduce you to those Lords and Ladies who ignored your letters, shall we?”
“Hells yes. Let’s make them squirm!” Eddie’s laughter carried through the crowds long after they swallowed him and his brother back up again, leaving Steve alone with the elder Munson, full of questions he didn’t know how to ask.
“My brother sold him. When he was but a boy, to pay for debts he had against some such lord or another, I never did find out who. I didn’t find out about him bein gone until the brute passed, when Dustin was declared his sole heir. Claudia was finally able to reach out to tell me without him putting a stop to it… I cut ties with my brother a long time ago, you see… I should have checked in sooner.”
“…He was sold to the crown. My mother she… she gave him to me… made him my personal servant… someone who could get me up on time, make me eat my breakfast, someone who could get me to read or go to my lessons, I know that sounds strange given he’s now my husband but… I think I loved him from the day I met him. He was my best friend for so long… had I known… I don’t know what I could have done, probably not much in the grand scheme of things since the debts were not to me, but my parents… but know that he was never not loved. My parents cherish him, I clearly love him… he has lived well here.” It didn’t matter that he’d spent time serving there. He’d been fed, kept warm, clean, he’d worked yes, but he was better for it, and he was loved. He was cherished.
Wayne breathed in a harsh sniffle through his nose, clearly full of emotion that he wasn’t used to outwardly showing. “Thank you… Your highness, for taking care of my nephew. I don’t figure it were easy. Was a little menace as a tot, always scurrying off to hide in the woods.”
“You have it wrong, Lord Munson… if anything, he’s the one who’s taken care of me and he really didn’t have it easy, I’m kind of a handful.” Eddie would have made a joke about that, but Steve meant it in earnest, there’d been struggles getting to where they were, it wasn’t easy and Steve didn’t always understand when he’d done something wrong, but they made it, they were happy. Steve would make sure they’d stay happy. “I’m going to though, take care of him… I swore it in my vows, and I swear it now.” And he’d keep swearing it, for as long as he lived, until his very last breath.
“Will you serve him, as he has you?” Would he devote the latter of his life to him, as Eddie had done so early in his?
“He is my everything, Lord Munson. I am his until the end of our days, as he is mine. I love him with everything I have, so trust me when I say, for him… Gods above, if he were the type to ask it of me—” Steve turned his head, casting his gaze across the crowd of people, across to where music had kicked back up, only off key, strings plucked strangely, as if an amateur had picked up the lute he’d left behind and Steve realised with a soft fondness that ‘not tonight’ had rapidly switched to ‘now, we’re doing this now’ gods he loved him. “Yes... as the future King I may be destined to serve the kingdom, but as a husband…”
Wayne raised a brow at his pause, but Steve didn’t see it, his eyes lingering on the slight break in the crowd, where he could see his husband, guiding his new little brothers hands on the lute he’d pilfered at the start of the party.
“I live solely to serve him.”
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ingek73 · 1 year
It took Harry guts and bravery to come to the Coronation
He cut a lonely figure on Saturday, but we must salute the Duke of Sussex for smiling in the face of adversity
7 May 2023 • 3:52pm
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Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex
All eyes were on the Duke of Sussex as he arrived for his father’s Coronation CREDIT: BEN STANSALL
It takes strength to walk through Westminster Abbey balancing a five-pound crown made of solid gold on your head – but it takes a particularly special kind of fortitude to make that journey in just a simple black morning suit, knowing that most of the 2,000-strong congregation are watching your every move and waiting to see you stumble.
All eyes were on the Duke of Sussex as he arrived for his father’s Coronation, but if the 38-year-old was feeling the pressure, he was damned if he was going to show it. As he made his way into the Abbey, only the medals on his collar hinting at his decade of service in the armed forces, Prince Harry made a point of grinning and nodding at various members of the congregation as if he hadn’t a care in the world, or a recently released memoir under his belt. A chance visitor from outer space would have glanced at proceedings and had no idea of the months of fevered speculation about his attendance.
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Britain's Prince Harry arrives to attend Britain's King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla's coronation ceremony
Prince Harry made a point of grinning and nodding at various members of the congregation CREDIT: Phil Noble
Body language experts and lip-readers were drafted in, en masse, to try to reveal something scandalous from Harry’s briefest of visits to the UK. Perhaps mindful of this, Buckingham Palace had seated him slap bang behind his aunt, the Princess Royal, who was wearing a giant hat complete with exotic red feather, the plumage of which blocked almost all view of his face.
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Buckingham Palace had seated Harry slap bang behind his aunt and her striking hat
There was another impediment to staring at the Duke, given that he had been placed three rows back, next to Jack Brooksbank, the husband of Princess Eugenie, and Princess Alexandra, a cousin of Elizabeth II who hasn’t had a royal engagement in more than a decade. “He isn’t a working member of the royal family,” came the refrain, again and again, from officials at Buckingham Palace, as they explained this punitive seating plan.
A working royal he may not be, but Prince Harry will always be the King’s youngest son, his ‘darling boy’. It seemed petty, then, to welcome the Duke as if he were a distant relative, especially when you consider his crime: standing up for his wife when he felt nobody else would.
Much has been made of the Duchess of Sussex’s decision to stay at home in Montecito, with one tabloid recently running a front-page splash shaming her for doing so. The narrative of the lone Duke has not been helped by images of him walking solo down the nave of the abbey, flanked by his cousins and their husbands. But the truth is that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s marriage is as strong as ever, with Harry determined to do everything in his power to protect the mother of his children from the dreadful pain she felt back in 2019, when she said that endless negative press attention left her feeling suicidal.
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Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank (front), Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (centre) and Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi arrive at Westminster Abbey
The Prince was flanked by his cousins and their husbands as he walked solo down the abbey CREDIT: AARON CHOWN
Sadly, the media narrative has changed little since then, with recent headlines suggesting that the Duchess’s current quietness is because she is busy behind the scenes trying to launch her own brand. The truth is a little less exciting than that: the only thing that Meghan is trying to do right now is protect her mental health, by keeping a low profile.
Is it any surprise, then, that the Duchess chose not to throw herself into the lion’s den of the Coronation? That, on the day of her son’s fourth birthday, she felt a better use of her time would be to stay in the safe haven of her California home, where she could concentrate fully on Archie and Lilibet, and the lovely life they have created away from prying eyes? And yet despite her physical absence, Prince Harry went into Westminster Abbey with the full support of his wife behind him.
He managed that well, in trying circumstances that few of us would fancy being tested under. Broad smiles and impassive faces were the order of the day – Prince Harry has, after all, had a lifetime of coaching on how to appear as if all is well in public. And yet it must have been bittersweet for the Duke to be apart from his first-born child on his birthday, while watching his nephew, Prince George act as page boy alongside the new Queen’s grandchildren, Gus and Louis Lopes and Freddy Parker Bowles, and her great-nephew, Arthur Elliott. Spare indeed.
As ever, Beatrice and Eugenie were there to support their beloved cousin. There had been talk of Prince Harry perhaps making the family lunch, an invitation extended by the King as an apparent “olive branch”. But that peace offering was surely only ever about optics, with the team at Buckingham Palace knowing full well the Duke’s priority was getting back to the US to see his son so he could wish him a happy birthday in person.
And so by the time that the new King and Queen stepped on to the Buckingham Palace balcony to watch the fly-past, Harry was already on his way to Heathrow, to catch a plane back to California. There, he could carry out his most important duty of the day: that of a dad tucking his son into bed, on the joyous occasion of his fourth birthday.
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faggot-dot-jpg · 11 months
talk to me about ur ocs u seem silly (sory for showing up unannounced i opt to not control the urge to hear ppl ramble about their self-made lil guys)
MILO AND AND JAX (no relation to tadc) (I will now stop yelling)
Milo is an angel and Jax is a demon (giggles)
they are both 20 yrs old, Milo is transmasc (he/him) and "straight" (he is actually so bisexual), Jax is gay (he/it)
(runs to my notes app) (lil warning, quite a bit of their story is Jax helping Milo through his fear of his own sexuality, so yea you can guess there gonna be certain themes)
Okay so Milo is like low-key famous up in heaven (he's the son of the king of heavens "manager" I forgor the word) (ITS ADVISOR, THE KINGS TOP ADVISOR TAHTS THE WORD OMG)
so he's constantly trying to keep his public image intact..
but that starts to get harder after he's sent on a mission to deliver a message to the king of hell
down there he sees the king's son (spoiler: it's Jax) and is like " Oh shoot oh no he's hot wth why do I like this guy I'm straight wait what"
OH YEA SILLY HEAVEN LORE DROP: Being queer is totally fine up there, Milo has been out and transitioned for years, but from a young age all angel's are taught that engaging in sexual activity or having sexual thoughts is a big no no
lore drop over, back to the other lore drop :3
so for the next month or so Milo is having progressively more risqué thoughts and even dreams (woagh that's crazy) and he's getting real stressed out because I LIED MORE HEAVEN LORE: when angels start losing their "purity", small parts of their body start changing to red, ie some of the hair, eyes, any markings. SO HES ALL STRESSED CAUSE HES STRUGGLING TO HIDE THE CHANGES :((
ANYWAYS- He gets sent on another mission to hell, this time to ask if preparations for Jax's coronation have started, and gets suckered into helping. The two start getting closer~..
Jax is the Prince of Hell, and has been conditioned by its asshole of a father to eventually become king since he was very young. His father would often push Jax past its limits both physically and emotionally. When he couldn't deal with this, his father decided to start just straight up abusing him. (I wanna kill, him. YES I KNOW IM IN CONTROL BUT HES IMPORTANT TO THE STORY FOR NOW 😭)
Because his mother was an incubus (she's uh- out of the picture... also incubi and succubi can be any gender so fun fact!!!) it decides to deal with his issues by whoring around (he's so silly!! <- the poor guy needs severe therapy and to get away from his dad)
One day, an angel comes to deliver a message to his father (WOAGH I WONDER WHO THAT IS!?!??! 🧐🧐) and he becomes absolutely infatuated after seeing him once (bro is down bad frfr)
as it nears time for his coronation, the same angel comes to visit to help with preparations. once again, the two start getting closer~..
NOW GENERAL STORY STUFF!!!!! I cannot thank you enough for the chance to be so soso abnormal abt my silly little guys btw
Before they get closer, Milo is like "nuh uh being friends with a demon is wrong HECK NO" (he doesn't swear :3) but eventually they start talking, Jax opens up about his daddy issues (trauma is the first conversation topic as always with these DAMN QUEERS-) <- I AM A DAMN QUEER YALL
and Jax learns what life in heaven is like (and is absolutely horrified to learn that sexuality is frowned upon)
it now has a goal to help Milo understand that his teachings were incorrect
to directly quote my notes app: One night, Milo comes back to his guest room to see it destroyed.. (While they were working, one of Jax's old boy toys wrecked it in a fit of rage over Milo getting close to Jax) As they don't have any other rooms available, Jax offers to let Milo stay in his for now. Milo accepts, then panics once he learns that Jax only has one bed. Jax doesn't see an issue, and they sleep in the same bed with a little persuasion. (THAT SOUNDS WEIRD, I PROMISE JAX ISNT A CREEP OR NOTHIN)
uhhh umm the next part is kinda- uhmmmmmmm 😳 I don't think I'm gonna say it here
just know some of Milo's dreams come true :3c
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phoenix-flamed · 11 months
To no one's surprise, I am indeed still awake, and I am back here on my phone to torment the sleepy Dash for a bit.
My Elwin was barely 22 when his father passed away. His mother, devastated by the loss of her husband, and feeling that her time to rule had come to its end, abdicated the throne shortly after, which left an equally as devastated Elwin to have to take the throne in her place.
The headcanon I have is that Anabella and Elwin weren't married until after Elwin's father had died, since there would have been no point to the union yet -- but once the man did pass away, everything happened in pretty rapid succession. Within days of the Archduchess stepping down, Elwin and Anabella had their marriage and coronation ceremonies, and thus did a new reign begin in Rosaria's history.
For all of their differing views on social matters, Elwin had damn near idolized his father, if he didn't outright do so. My headcanon is that the man was stricken with a sudden illness, which persisted throughout the night, and by the following morning, he was gone. It was abrupt, it was unexpected, and Elwin didn't really get a chance to grieve the loss. Suddenly, it was time for him to not just step up and take the position of Archduke of the duchy, but to also bid farewell to his secret relationship with Rodney and Hanna and become a husband to Anabella, and begin working with the new Duchess to have the next Phoenix Dominant, and all of this left Elwin feeling incredibly, incredibly lost and overwhelmed.
He'd known this day would come; in fact, he had been prepared for this day his entire life. But for all of his studying, and his traveling, and learning and training, and sitting in on political meetings and council sessions and receiving lessons in proper court etiquette and everything, everything that would be expected of him... When the moment finally became a reality, he didn't feel ready. He didn't feel prepared. Everything he had memorized meant nothing when he stood face to face with that marble and stone throne, that was now rightfully his.
People would address him as "Your Grace" now, even though in his mind, it was wrong -- that title belonged to his parents, not to him. And as many times as he had stood in the throne room, had knelt at the base of that throne in respect to the Archduchess and the Duke, neither that seat nor the room itself had ever looked so large, so empty, and so imposing as they did the first time he had entered there after assuming his new position.
Elwin was, in short, unsure of himself, feeling unprepared, and feeling alone without the guidance of his father. Even on the battlefield, he had always looked to his sire for guidance, and now, now it was his turn to lead, at Anabella's side.
Throughout the years following his father's death and everything that came immediately after, Elwin would always catch himself wishing that the man was still alive so that he could tell him the things he hadn't gotten the chance to, including goodbye. He also found himself wishing he was still alive so that he could seek out his council on a myriad of subjects, ranging from questions about being a ruler, to how best to be a kind and considerate husband, to eventually how to be a good father as well.
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leafkingofbirds · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
“Damn it.” Kieran’s voice breaks the mausoleum-like silence of the library as he rips out the offending page and slams shut the latest useless tome with a puff of dust. He's surrounded himself with similar such piles, until he felt almost walled-off within them.
“Still no progress?” 
Kieran jolts. “Oleander. I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Truly, this dreadful space seems to swallow all sound.” Oleander strolls toward him and gives the shelves, still caked in thick layers of dust, a distasteful wrinkle of their nose. “How you can stand all it is beyond me.”
Kieran doesn’t bother answering.  It had been weeks of this, entombed in this dank and careworn place forgotten by time, but he would endure far worse for Ella. He’d become a man obsessed; he hardly cared about the disrepair of the Moon Palace library, long locked away and forgotten.  The grime on the windows let in only the sallowest sunlight; thorny vines crawled inside from cracks between the stone’s mortar. Clods of dirt and spiderwebs collected in the corners. 
All this, Kieran could have borne without complaint, if the damned library had any books worthwhile. 
“Shame about the Hall of Enlightenment,” Oleander intoned. “Though Longclaw’s new palace is lovely, I fear it will be some centuries before they’re able to recover a fraction of the knowledge lost.”
Kieran doesn’t reply with anything more than a grumble. His fingertips are stained with ink and soot, and his eyes sting from the smell of mildew. This seat at this table has been where he’s spent almost every waking hour since the Feast of the Three Courts, as their victory celebration over Opulence has come to be known. There’s likely to be a party thrown every year now to honor the date - assuming the three courts last that long.
“You know what would be helpful? An actual librarian to organize this place for you. Perhaps I could put a call out to–”
“Why are you here, other than to distract me?” Kieran asks irritability. 
Oleander leans one hip against the table that Kieran has stacked with books - heavy, ancient, useless books - and crosses their arms, scowling in reproach. “Have you forgotten your coronation is tomorrow?"
Kieran scowls and looks down at the list he's scribbled onto yellowed parchment. Almost every item has been marked through. Kieran picks up his quill and slashes two more black lines across the second item from the bottom.
He'd explored nearly every standard curse-break known to modern magic. None of them would work on Ella.
"I understand that you’ve given Ella free reign to plan whatever she likes, which has kept her well-occupied," Oleander continues, ignoring Kieran ignoring them. "But if you think you can simply show up long enough to get a crown plopped on your head, you're sorely mistaken.”
Kieran groans. He feels a headache coming on. He’d been trying not to think about the coronation. Once the crown passes to him once more, he’ll have less free time to seek the answers to Ella’s curse. 
And in all this time, he’s grown no closer to finding even the first hint of where to begin searching. 
“How is she?” Kieran asks, instead of answering anything regarding the coronation.
Oleander looks perplexed. “Fine, I assume? She’s asked for my opinion a handful of times on minor details, but Longclaw has done well in walking her through what’s required, and the servants have been quite busy running back and forth from the market for all their preparations. Have you not seen them scurrying about like busy little bees? Or noticed even a single decoration they’ve hung? I swear, Kieran, all you’ve done these past weeks is entomb yourself here like a monk and scorn the world.”
“I’ve delegated all that tedium unto you,” Kieran mutters, reaching past Oleander for the next book in his ever-dwindling pile of hopefuls. This one is yet another about curses and their cures. “I trust you won’t allow the Moon Court to be the subject of universal ridicule.”
Oleander snaps their palm down onto the book in Kieran’s hand - rather rudely - and Kieran snarls reflexively up at them.
“You feral beast,” Oleander admonishes, though there’s a touch of affection to it. “Of course I wouldn’t let your beloved consort drown beneath the weight of societal expectation - and, as I might add, without being either asked or thanked for my efforts. I’ll have you know I’ve glanced over her plans, and it seems she’s adequately prepared to host an absolutely stunning celebration. I’m a tad impressed, actually. There’s to be a masquerade ball as your coronation party that promises to overshadow all talk of how neglectful and absent you’ve been in society as of late. Is all of this truly news to you?” Oleander cocks their head. “Do you no longer speak to Ella?”
“Of course I do.” It was the truth, but only in the strictest sense of the word. Kieran spoke to Ella in the morning about her plans for the day; he spoke to her over dinner about how those plans turned out. Ella gave him the broad strokes of what the coronation was to look like, asked him what certain details he’d like. He’d agreed with whatever she had suggested, no matter what it was. He knew she found his new agreeableness curious, but she hadn’t questioned him about it.
In full honest truth he couldn't care any less about the coronation. His entire being was focused entirely on getting his Ella back, before it was too late. And every day which passed without even a scrap of an idea of where to go to seek the cure made him more and more disagreeable to be around. 
The full truth, which Kieran would never admit, is that their relationship had cooled dramatically with the lack of Ella’s heart. Oh, they were friendly - he’d kiss her cheek or take her hand when he felt like it, and sometimes they’d even tease like before. But Ella was empty of spark and loving feelings, and Kieran simply didn’t have the heart to witness her robotic listlessness day in and day out. 
He’d become a man driven to obsession. Nothing else mattered.
No one else seemed to care that Ella slips from his fingers day by day. 
“Seeing as this time tomorrow you’ll become Ruler of All Fae, I thought we might discuss your coronation outfit.”
“Dress me however you like,” Kieran mutters, sliding the book from beneath Oleander’s well-manicured fingers. "I care not."
Oleander sighs dramatically and sits atop the desk, staring down at him imperiously, nose in the air. They make a small, haughty huff, and look off into the distance. “For the Autumnal half of your reign, some leeway with your color palette is allowed. I was thinking, perhaps a deep, forest green–”
Kieran grits his teeth. “Not. Green. So long as I live, never, ever green.”
Oleander smirks at him, and Kieran knows instantly he’s been baited. “Very well. Indigo it is.”
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 months
Summary: In her cell, Anora receives a visit from the future Queen. Muirin is delighted to have her revenge come to fruition and informs Anora of what will happen to her now.
She will rot.
Disclaimer: This is an old draft I found I just did minor grammar edits on and adjusted some stuff. I was reminded of this character and wanted to post this. Anora is one of my favourite characters but... it's kind of fun to have characters like Muirin around.
On AO3
 Anora looked up as the footsteps stopped in front of her cell door. She sniffed upon seeing the upstart Cousland girl wearing a blue dress with gold on the hemline, cuffs and necklines. Her long black hair was unbound and hung down her back, the golden crown on her head.
 “What do you think?” The girl asked mockingly. “I mean, it’s your crown, so I might just ask them to melt it down to make it into a new one. Alistair and I are to be married next week, and that’s when I will be coronated.”
 “Oh shut up, Muirin,” Anora told the girl, who laughed and threw her head back. She was beautiful, Anora could admit to herself. Lovely features, gorgeous hair. She was every inch a noble. “That jealous I won Cailan’s heart?” At one point, Anora asked the girl who competed with her for the prince. Muirin tilted her head to the side.
 “Oh? That? Anora, dear, dear Anora. I got over that years ago when I saw how… childish the man was.” Muirin tossed her hair back and snorted. “The man was a… kind person.” She said the word kind like dirt was in her mouth, but she pressed on. “But he was never my type, my dear Anora.” It was the truth. Anora had grown up with the Cousland girl- the girl was a skilled liar but was also brutally honest and unafraid to show it. Her saying she had no interest in Cailan like that was the truth.
 Anora felt put off by that. Classifying the upstart as jealous that she had never been Queen was easy, and this entire thing was due to her anger. Yet… if it wasn’t true…
 “Then why?” Anora asked. “Why taunt me? Why do this?”
 “Why revenge, of course!” Muirin propped one hand in her other elbow to gesture with. “Not on you silly girl-“It burned Anora to be called the girl, and she glared at Cousland, who ignored it. “But that ratbag you call father.”
 “Excuse me!” Anora shouted, standing up. “My father was a good-“
 “Your father was a snake. A traitorous louse who let Howe do what he wished.” Muirin snarled. “He sold elves into slavery, let nobles be tortured, went against the Chantry-“
 “Oh, please!” Anora snapped. “Like you care! This is all about Howe!” Muirin smirked.
 “True. Well, I do care about the slaves a bit. Slavery is disgusting.” Muirin shrugged. “Don’t give a damn about the others, but it’s oh so nice when the Queen says this while denouncing the fucker isn’t it?” Anora glared at Muirin, who just laughed at her. “Your father let Howe go unchecked. He let him run around and never reigned him in. As soon as you two allied with the rat, you became targets. And Anora? I always hit my target.” Anora shivered at the bloodthirsty smile Cousland gave her.
It was true. They had grown up together, and Anora had seen what Muirin could do when she wanted to. She was a devastating force, which was why Anora was glad the girl only paid half attention to the courtship with Cailan. She wasn’t that invested, and Anora was pleased to win without more than a grumpy look from Muirin. Even if she had thought all of this was an attempt at getting back for losing, Anora had known it couldn’t be that simple inside her heart. Muirin would have ruined her long before the wedding to Cailan if she put her mind to it.
 Just like she was ruining Anora now.
 “I have a dozen spies saying Loghain obviously stole many of his plans from various people. Others say the Night Elves had won those battles, and he’d just been named the reason. I have others saying he’d cheated on your mother or that he wanted Queen Rowan for his wife, and a dozen others saying he has six bastards he either killed or paid the mothers off.” Muirin looked pleased, but Anora just wanted to punch her in the face. “I’d rather have him here to see it. I would have gladly gone with Riordan’s words about recruiting him to make him watch as I made him into a mockery, but Alistair was against it, and I didn’t want to disappoint him.”
 “You couldn’t get Cailan, so you went after his brother.” Sneered Anora. “You’re nothing but a power-hungry whore. Does he know?”
 “He knows Cailan and I courted, but I care for Alistair,” Muirin said. She looked thoughtful. “I care for him deeply- more than I care for anyone other than family. I’m unsure if it’s love, but Alistair knows. He understands and loves me. That’s enough for us.” She left soon after, commenting she was going to go and finish her wedding plans. Anora glared after her, angry and bitter about the whole thing.
 A week later, Muirin revisited Anora. This time, she wore a white gown with gold bands around the arms to puff up the sleeves. Her long dark hair was up in a large bun held back by a gold hairpiece with jewels. She looked every inch a royal bride.
 Anora wanted to rip her face off.
 “Wearing a dress that looks like my wedding one?” She snapped.
 “Oh no. This is my dress; I designed it, and a horrible queen tragically stole it.” Muirin sniffed, looking so upset, and Anora wanted to scream. Yes, Muirin did design it, and Anora did use the design, but Muirin hadn’t given a single damn about it. “I had to act like I was fine with it before because you’re so mean.”
 “I hate you!” Anora shouted, and Muirin laughed.
 “Oh, I know. Hmm, did you know I gave the Terynship your father had- which now everyone thinks he stole- to Captain Kylon?” She smirked at the horrified look on Amira’s face. “You’re nothing, Anora. You’re nothing but a former noble who can be put to death any time I want.”
 “Then kill me,” Anora told her. “Do it.”
 “No,” Muirin said. “You’re not much of a threat now. Only the die-hard loyalists support you. Besides, it's not revenge if you’re dead.” She looked down her nose at Anora. “You’re going to stay alive. And you’re going to rot in here.” She turned away, speaking one last time over her shoulder. “You’ll watch as your life crumbles even more until you’re known as the evil queen who was controlling Cailan.”
 “Grey Wardens can’t have children,” Anora said. “I saw their records- they can’t!” It was petty, but it was her last chance to hurt Muirin. “You’ll be shoved off, and Alistair will replace you!”
 “Cailan was cheating on you before,” Muirin said casually. Anora flinched at that. “He has a son. I’ve spoken with the other- charming woman. Knew you both when you were kids. Beth.”
 Beth. She knew that name—the pretty serving girl. Anora swallowed, already knowing what would happen next.
 “It’s so sad that you threatened to kill her to make him marry you. So sad you would torment her. She has her son and misses her love every day.” Muirin smirked again, turning around. “Beth is more than happy to raise her son and let us name him heir. She’s now Arlessa of Denerim. So we don’t need children, Anora. We might adopt, but we don’t need children.” Muirin turned away again. “I must be off. I told Alistair I would see him in our chambers after I finished speaking with you.”
“How would he react if he knew what you were doing? I had spies on him. I know he’d never approve.” Anora said. Muirin snorted.
 “He knows I’m ruining Loghain’s reputation and doesn’t care. He doesn’t know about our visits, but Anora? Do you think he’d believe you?” Muirin smiled and walked away, leaving behind a broken woman who wondered if her next meal would leave her unattended long enough for her to stab her own throat.
Muirin did all the 'good' things a Warden can do, but did them to look good.
I'm not sure if she's aromantic or not. She does care for Alistair, but I can't tell myself if she loves him like that, or if it's purely because he gives her the ability to have the ultimate revenge and gain as much power as she can. He does make her want to be a good person in her own way though. She is a just and fair Queen, she's just also selfish.
Alistair is aware Muirin isn't in love with him but cares for him as much as she can, and he's fine with it.
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akocomyk · 4 months
Fearless Forecast, 2024 edition
With just a few hours before the coronation night, and having less than a day to prepare. ‘Coz I’m busy at work and... Empire PH just can’t finish a damn edition without f*cking something up.
Anyway. Keeping with my tradition, here are my top picks for the crown of Miss Universe Philippines 2024.
And can I just say… This year’s competition is an epic bardagulan. The quality of candidates have leveled up since the past years—which is actually good for us pageant fans and quite disheartening from the point of view of the candidates, knowing that only one woman would earn the right to wear the Philippine sash in the Miss Universe stage later this year. There are many candidates who deserve to win the crown, and many candidates who deserve at least a spot on the Top 20. And yeah, I know there are four other titles at stake, but only one will be MUPH.
My Top 5
If any of them wins the crown, I won’t question it.
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Quezon Province • Taguig • Bacoor • Bulacan • UK
Quezon Province was the front-runner from the beginning and she did not disappoint. If Miss Universe is happening tomorrow, we can send her and we would still have high chances of winning our 5th crown. My only concern with her is her communication skills because other contenders could eat her up in this round.
Taguig. The veteran. And it shows. This can both be negative or positive, but it’s so evident that she’s a pro at what she’s doing and she exudes a queenly aura without having to do as much as the other candidates do.
I liked Bacoor back in 2021, and I like her even more now. When everyone’s performance feels so manufactured, she has this easy and genuine glow about her and it’s so beautiful to witness. I never thought that she’d be dangerous, but she is.
Bulacan is the black girl that deserves more attention. Really. I’ve noticed her since the pre-pageant activities, and I don’t know why people haven’t been talking about her as much. Now it feels like everyone just saw her for the first time.
United Kingdom is the best candidate from a Filipino community abroad. She speaks and performs well, and if she can’t win a crown, she at least deserves to be on the top. I never expected to put her up this high, seeing how she did in the previous activities, but I saw her growth and she now has a fighting chance for the crown.
The Next Five
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Cainta • Palawan • Iloilo • Florida • Cavite
Any of these five can pull a surprise come finals night.
Iloilo is in the Top 5 of all challenges—she has the biggest fanbase, from the looks of it—so she’s definitely a shoo-in for the finals, and though I like that she toned down her walk on her preliminary performance, I still feel like it’s bordering Miss Grand.
Cainta is the beautifully manufactured barbie doll. She did well on all segments of the competition, but I kinda feel it’s not authentic.
Palawan, Florida, and Cavite are the very pleasant surprises and I don’t see any reason for them not to be in the finals.
Yet Another Five
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Australia • Bantayan Island • Cebu • Baguio • Naic
Cebu and Baguio are the most popular girls here, and I was expecting a lot from them, but I was let down. Still, I think they’ve done enough to be in the finals.
Australia, Bantayan Island, and Naic are the darkhorses. People should pay more attention to them.
My Other Notable Favorites
When I tabulated my scores for the preliminary competition, I kept saying, “Oh my god,” on repeat because there were some fan-favorite girls who were left out. And then… those on 18th to 25th places were on a tie. 😅
Hawaii, Pasig, Tacloban, Zambales and Laguna all gave memorable performances. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’d also see Southern California, Northern California, Mandaue and Davao City in the finals.
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jedi-lothwolf · 5 months
Whump: The Musical master list! Firstly I had a great time coming up with ideas for these prompts! This is truly a very unique challenge! I look forward to next year's! Hopefully I'll post everything in time and finish it!
To make finding stories you may like easier, I have color coronated everything. Summaries and notes/warnings are with the stories! I hope you enjoy them!!
Fandoms: The Bad Batch, Star Wars, The Owl House,
Day 1: Cats (Second Chance)
Day 2: Wicked ("No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.")
Day 3: Jesus Christ Superstar (betrayed)
Day 4: Les Misérables (Survivors Guilt)
Day 5: Heathers (Reluctant Whumper)
Day 6: Newsies (Chronic Pain)
Day 7: The Last Five Years (I will not lose because you can not win.")
Day 8: Day 8: Hades Town (Deals)
Day 9: Sweeney Todd (Razers)
Day 10: Rent ("Feels Too Damn Much Like Home.")
Day 11: Bare: A Pop Opera (Outing/Religious Trauma)
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xmorguekittyx · 1 year
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Ever Locked
Part 2: On the Rocks
Part 1: New Beginnings?
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pairing: Older!Leon Kennedy x Ex!Coroner’s Assistant Reader
warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, talks of enjoying inflicting emotional and physical pain on another, getting off to crying, jerking off, crying, talks of imagining sex, male and female body parts
extras: this fic will also be slow and longer, we’re telling an entire story, i want it to be detailed with Reader and Leon as well as introducing Marina and Ryan. I hope you guys enjoy i have so so so many ideas and rough drafts already written. next part should be out Saturday! and i may write another and post it Sunday as im off both days <3
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Glass, wet to the touch, my finger dragging across it to leave a small smear mark between the residue. The ice clinking to the side of the glass as the cup was lifted to my lips. That dark haired girl had said she'd be in soon. I could wait, I'd waited 7 years to see her again. I wasn't waiting any longer than I had to. The amber liquor burnt on its way down, the dribble sliding down my cheek, black leather sleeve coming up to wipe away the drop. She'd be here soon... just be patient, Leon. She's gonna be hesitant at first but... I was so loving to her. Those damn coffees and breakfast- was what we had not good enough for her?
  All those years, the day the world ended, so had mine. I lost her, part of me actually thought she'd died in the mess that was Raccoon City. September 29th, 1998. Now it sat, September 26th, 2004. 7 years since I've felt the warmth of her body, the softness of her hair... since hearing those beautiful moans and whimpers of pain. I needed her, those 7 years passed quickly. From meeting Ada, Claire and Sherry, to being pulled into the government and told that with my joining USSTRATCOM, Sherry Birkins would live a normal life, the choice truly wasn't mine. I wanted a life of a normal man. A wife to come home to, soft lips to kiss good night, preferably by now, age 28, I'd have a kid or two- preferably with the woman i set out to find once more, the shy coroner's assistant. Instead, I'm a DSO Agent, currently under MIA status, I knew I was in for it the moment anyone found me. My... habits have become a bit more... flavorless. The whiskey in front of me the 20th bottle I've probably had in the last month. Sliding from shit hole to shit hole, waiting until closer to the anniversary of the day she slipped from my fingers, to trap her once more.
  Of the two of us, i'm sure i've changed the most, my hair darker, a brown instead of that bright blonde i was so proud of. My beard had slightly grown out, no razor was worth leaving the bottle or whatever hotel i huddled up in. The shitty lighting of the bar didn't hide her though.  As soon as she walked in, I knew it was her. She hasn't truly changed, much, after so many years. Her hair was longer than before, her eyes more tired than I was use to seeing. What was causing her such restless nights? Did she miss me as much as I missed her? I knew the government has sent her off with some money and her car before they blew the town to hell and back, but that's all they'd tell me, not a where she went or even an answer to "how was she?".
   My eyes didn't leave her, specifically her chest as she chatted with the shorter girl. That shirt nearly had her everything on show, men staring down her shirt as they passed, catching a glimpse of the top of her breasts, before she disappeared behind the bar. The other girl looking down at the ground, where she crouched.
   It didn't take long for her to pop back up, cleaner and a dingy rag in her hands. She wiped idly at the empty bar, her eyes still lingering on the other girl. She was very chatty, she talked about how much him and her friend would be perfect... she was right. That woman was perfect for me, I didn't plan on leaving the weeping town without her. I drove my ass over three thousand miles to see the girl I dreamt of holding every night... dreamt of pounding the ever loving shit out of her. Wanted to see her swole with my child, I stayed up at night, wondering if our child would look like her... or me. Would they have my blue eyes and her hair? Her eyes and my hair? I hope they got her lips and eyebrows. My chin fell to my chest, a soft sigh falling from my lips, a smirk causing the corners to twitch. I wanted that life with her... but she ran. She could've waited for me, asked them to tell me where she'd be. Then again, i don't think anyone thought i'd survive those years in between, in training under Jack Krauser.
  My eyes flickered back to the bar, wanting to see her face once more, to study her in her new habitat. The first thing that caught my eye was a manicured finger pointing at me, that girl had a big mouth- a growl fell from my lips for a moment. She couldn't have just not told her? She had to give away his position and all? Then, my eyes scanned the woman next to her, ending at her eyes, the same smirk on my lips. God, I've missed her. The glasses between her fingers fell to the floor in a sharp crash, her body stepping back instantly. I couldn't help but laugh, my chest rocking as i thought about how careless she always had been. Something's never change, bunny... some things were destined to be- we were destined to be.
  We were. We always had been, a shy, careless bunny and her protective, dangerous wolf. Her figure ran, fast as she whipped out the Motorola Razr, pink... fitting for her. She must be making more money here than i thought. A five hundred dollar cell phone, she could afford that on a bar salary? I don't think so... there has to be more to her new life.
  My own Razr ringing as i assumed another call from Chris to ask me where i've been or if i was even alive. His call ending to raise the 27 missed calls to 28. Nothing was going to stop me from getting her, i wasn't as naive as before. I had grown, my training showing me gaps in my methods, the scumbags that hurt and caused damage showing me new ideas as well- but mine were for protection. Mine were for her, like i said all those years ago. I'd do anything for her, even putting up with her accusations and her eager willingness to be in danger. Even if she threw away my money like some other boy lusting after her attention. I was, am and will forever be, her soul mate. Her impression is laid into my heart and brain. Something i was never able to change, she deserved to be there. She was a religion. Something i had to have, an addiction, something to be looked at and adored, worshiped... something i was missing in my life away from Raccoon City.
  My cock ached thinking about those soft pitiful whines that fell from her lips, the moment her head hit my tile. The moans from her plump lips as she came undone on me, gushing that forbidden nectar all over my sheets, my name on her tongue like a shunned prayer. Someone she pleaded for, unknowingly calling out for the devil to catch her. Caught her, I did... until fate decided to be cruel. My fingers brushed over the growing ache from my pants, the slit of my cock pressed to the zipper as the my hips jerked up, brushing it against the angry tip.
My thoughts were broken by someone asking for the manifestation of religion. "Hey, Marina! Where is she?", a sharp pin prick stabbed at my spine, a quirk in my lips as i see the unsteady man. His hands on the bar as 'Marina' points to the back room. All i could see was a white dress shirt, and black slacks. He better not be fucking her- only i can touch something like her, something created for my pleasure and sight. Her teary eyes and drool collecting at the corner of her mouth. A jerk from my dick had my whiskey at the back of my mind, quickly jumping up to rush to the bathroom.
Stupid fucking bunny. My arm rested on the stall wall, elbow dug into the metal as my palm brushed the exposed skin. Shirt tail tucked between my teeth as my hand started to fist at the hardened flesh. I could hear soft cries- hers... the bathroom must be next to the employee room. Her cries were like a sirens call, precum smeared across the sensitive flesh as my hips snapped up with the pace i had set for myself. Imagining her, that pretty face under me, her eyes rolled up to watch as i pumped my shaft, staring at those beautiful eyes. Wouldn't waste my cum on her face, no matter how tempting. Would have her bouncing on my cock, her pussy walls clenching down on my cock, tip nudging against her cervix and bumping into her soft spot as i rocked my hips. A louder sob left her lips as i felt a jolt in my cock, pumping faster. She was just so pretty... those pretty clear tears causing her eyes to gloss over. Her mumbled and moans- "fuck..", my hand slows, feeling the twitching of my cum shoot out onto the rim of the toilet seat.
  "disgusting.", the realization of what i had just done hitting me, "jerking off to a sweet bunny crying in the men's bathroom?", a dry laugh falling from my lips. "yeah- some things don't change.", the memory of doing the same at RPD flashing to mind. I'd fucked myself to the sound of her laughter more than once. Those red lacy underwear hidden in my drawer, ready for the next time i needed a stabilizing moment. A sniff, a jerk off... anything.  The toilet paper was damn near falling apart as i wiped off the cum from the tip of my cock, a hiss leaving my lips. The sensitive skin, overworked by my palm. "Shit- use to be better about not getting so over worked.", an annoyed yet amused tone to my words.
  The slamming of the bathroom door caught my attention next, i felt like a damn dog outside for the first time, jumpy and slightly buzzed. My hand landed on the stall door, sliding it open to be faced with the same white shirt and black slacks. Black hair combed back and pale skin- she certainly tried to stay away from anything close to me, didn't she?
   The man washed his hands, a groan leaving his lips as he realized he didn't have any paper towels to dry his hands. "Got toilet paper, but the shit nearly falls apart on you.", i added, i wonder if she said anything to him yet. If he recognized my presence had been the one to distraught her so deeply. Her soft sobs could still be heard. "Yeah... i'll pass, thanks.", he side eyed me, brown eyes wide and weirded out. "Yeah, no problem.", my hands came up to wave him off. I wanted to know more, where was he from- what was he to her? Boyfriend, probably... but that just won't do. I had to keep her with me, she was my forbidden fruit. The future mother to my children, my bunny... my little play thing. The man started to turn to walk away, his hand resting on the door as he turned his head to take a final peek. "Have a good rest of your day.", the man spoke up. "Yeah, you too. Hey- I didn't catch your name.", I knew for a fact he knew now, his side eyes not passing my radar. I was trained in body language, he didn't want to take his eyes off me, he saw me as a threat. "I didn't throw it.", he dead panned, his look slightly more angered. "Right... right...", what was this guys name again? It popped up under the same address as hers.
   Ken? Ren? Rylan- Ryan! "Sorry...", my hands met under the water, washing away the sins that lingered on my skin. "Have a good rest of your night, Ryan.", i hummed, as casually as possible, my eyes catching his in the mirror. "I caught it.", i quickly add, maybe giving him any insight that i knew anything was stupid, but i didn't care. "Yeah... you too, Leon.", a chuckle left my lips, maybe she hadn't picked someone too different as the annoyance and anger clung to his words. A smirk fell on my lips, becoming more familiar to my features the more i stayed in this busy town. I didn't reply, just watching as he walked out, thinking he had the upper hand. He doesn't, he won't- bunny was mine, I owned her. I had staked my claim 7 years ago on that girl and I'd be damned if I lost it now.
  Ryan... I'll have to look that up later. Keeping all my tabs on the new life she built for herself. I was more careful this go around, despite the ache that quickly came back to my groin from the power exchange...!i would wait, plan... figure out how and when to take her back to the house i built. A family home, build from the foundation up on quite a few acres, stuck in the middle of a very small town. This will be our home, sweet bunny... we'll have a family, somewhere where it's just us. I'm tired of fighting for everyone else to have their happy endings, for them to get to shine while i suffer... This time, i'll be selfish, i'll get what i want and i won't allow my broken bird to fly, my little bunny to hop. Instead, she'll be mine, changed and tamed... kept away from the unsafe world, kept private and secret from nearly anyone. If only i could get rid of the suspicion of the man and the fear she held on me. I just wanted a life, i'd get it. One way or another, i was getting my family home and filling it with little Kennedy's.
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monsterrae1 · 2 years
Buddie Fanfics Masterpost
One shots:
You're not my home land anymore (so who am I defending now)
5.5k | Read on AO3
Buck thought that he and Eddie were in the same page, when Eddie starts dating Ana its very clear that they werent, so whos gonna mend Buck's broken heart?
Always taste like you
2.4k | Read on AO3
(A story about Buck and Eddie’s relationship, or lack thereof, told by Eddie)
Eddie still didn’t understand what it was that he had with Buck. Eddie and Buck start sleeping together, but they dont talk about it, Eddie wants more, Buck apparently is happy with how things are, how long can Eddie go like this?
Tis the damn season
5.2k | Read on AO3
Evan and Eddie met one night and fall into bed, for the next four years they keep coming back to each other. Would they be able to keep each other?
Eddie Diaz discovers the secrets of the universe
3.9k | Read on AO3
After leaving the 118 Eddie has too much time on his hands and comes across a book that would change his life. He finds himself dealing with all his past repression and trauma, coming the other side better, happier.
You weren't mine to lose
4.3k | Read on AO3
There's a Gallery in New York with objects from failed relationships and people that've left, it's called the "Broken Hearts Gallery" and when they open an exhibition Buck runs into a very familiar item that brings on a lot of realizations and new light on his relationship with Eddie, who he hasn't spoken to in weeks. Eddie on the other hand is trying very hard to accept that Buck's happy with someone else and move on, when he goes back to the gallery and find and item that changes it all. Could their broken hearts be mended?
Hear full of grief
1.6k | Read on AO3
Eddie's having a rough day, in a awful month, during a shitty year. Naturally he falls apart, somehow it gets worse before it gets better.
You were the only safe heaven I’ve known
12.6k | Read on AO3
Buck ran away from his pack after his parents told him they had arranged a mating for him. Years later he's finally settled and ready to take that last step with his real mate, and best friend, Eddie, when his parents show up in town demanding he honor the mating they had arranged for him, and Buck is not letting go of his happiness so easily, he's ready to fight for his happy ending.
Bound to you
4.1K | Read on AO3
At 12 years old, Eddie does a ritual to show him the person he's gonna spend the rest of his life with. At 29 he meets Evan Buckley.
“Alright then, I have one, it’s not an urban legend, it’s a ritual, and if goes well, you’re supposed to see the person who you’re gonna spend the rest of your life with” They all smiled excitedly at him, turning all their attention to Eddie “I heard it from our cousin”
“Which one?” Sophia interrupted.
“Marina” Eddie answered and Sophia nodded in approval “She was telling it to Andrea, and I managed to hear the entire thing”
Don't let go now (somebody is lying)
44.2k | 8/8 | Read on AO3
One missundertanding let Buck's mother to belive that Eddie was his boyfriend, and Buck foolishly didn't correct her, thinking it wasn't hurting any one. When the buckleys announce they're coming for a visit Buck has to ask Eddie to pretend to date him while they're there, if Buck is hiding the fact that he's in love with his best friend that's his business. It's only for two weeks, right?
The 118 Protection Program
28.4k | 3/3 | Read on AO3
King Evan Buckley III is ready to rule his country, after finishing his preparation and coming of age he is ready for his coronation, only for it to be interrupted by General Kendall who's been after their kingdom for years. His sister has arranged a plan B for him to be safe, even if it means leaving her behind and be placed in the care of one Eddie Diaz and his team. * Or another story about King Evan falling in love with his protector Eddie Diaz, and Eddie falling in love with his charge.
Till now i always got by on my own (i never really cared until I met you)
101.8k | 19/23 | Read on AO3
After Abby packed her bags and left, Buck felt suffocated by LA and the reminders of her, so he throws himself into his work until Bobby makes him take some vacation time, Buck ends up taking a small roadtrip from Texas to LA, until his jeep breaks down in El Paso and he finds himself pulled to his mechanic and his adorable son, and somehow finds himself staying in Texas trying to help them get a surgery for Chris, when other options don´t work, Buck decides to ask Eddie to marry him so he can use his insurance. Sure things can´t get too complicated right?
Tumblr Prompts dump
16k | 19/? | Read on AO3
Collection of prompts ive answered on my tumblr, figured they could be accesible in one place.
The Love affair
Complete | Works 2
Just between us (did the love affair maim you too?)
16.4k | Read on AO3
Evan met Eddie during the summer of 2012 while they were both drifting through their lives, finding a safe place in the other, until Eddie unexpectedly walked out of Evan's life, leaving him heartbroken and disbelieveing in love. In 2018 Buck meets Eddie again, and as much as he tried not to, he falls in love with him again. Too bad Eddie moved on with his life. Or did he? (Also known as the summer fling/Exes to lovers fic, Buck's version)
What we had (sad, beautiful, tragic, love affair)
20.7k | Read on AO3
Eddie met Evan during a summer in 2012 while they were both trying to find their place in the world, and fell completely in love, but when has Eddie ever gotten to keep what we wants? After leaving Evan behind without word, he spend 7 years trying to get over him without succeeding. In 2018, Evan walks back into his life, leading to Eddie to fall in love with him again, even with the mountain of guilt and mistakes he's made in the past, too bad the universe doesn't grand second chances. Or does it? (also known as the summer fling/exes to lovers fic, Eddie's version)
Cordolia Verse (bakery AU)
On going series | Works 7
Be still my foolish heart
14.7 | 8/8 | Read on AO3
Eddie Diaz moves into his Abuela's small town, Cordolia, after she breaks her hip and needs help running the family bakery, it something he always wanted to do and now he finally has the chance to go back into the path the thought he'd follow when he was a kid. He just wasn't counting on falling in love with Evan Buck Buckley, the cute barista at the 118 café, given his track record with relationships he tries to court Buck with the one thing he's sure he can't screw up: baked goods.
State of Grace
2.9 k | Read on AO3
Buck and Eddie have been dating for a few weeks when they finally have sex for the first time.
I don't wanna wait my whole through (to say i'm in love with you)
1k | Read on AO3
They've been dating for three months when Eddie tells Buck he loves him.
I will hold you in my arms (right where you belong)
1.4k | Read on AO3
Eddie is an excellent baker, he's not the best cook, after almost giving Buck food poisoning one time, Buck decided to teach him how to cook.
You're gonna be alright kid
1.7k | Read on AO3
It's Buck's first big accident now that he's a firefighter, Eddie's freaking out a little.
I sing songs about the past
6.9k | 2/2 | Read on AO3
After his injury Buck moves in with his boyfriend, Eddie; his sister shows up back on his life and Buck's learning to trust that he get's to keep the happiness he has. What could go wrong?
This is Halloween (Halloween! Halloween!)
3.7 | Read on AO3
Buck think Eddie's bakery is haunted, Eddie's sure it's not.
“We have about 10 minutes, wanna make out?” Eddie told him, trying to get him to relax, his shoulders were tense and this was supposed to be the one night of the week where they both could relax.
“What if the ghost gets angry?” Buck asked seriously.
“I think I’d known if I was working in a haunted bakery for over two year”
“It could be a new ghost”
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taintedsoul-if · 2 years
So the OH and their mother got basically treated like dirt because the people who did it were all powerful and then slag basically kill the OH mother while she try to be a good person. The OH gets in a coma then Mc comes and changes everything right.
I’m starting to think the one who wrote this story was just like I’m going to write two characters that are just a step for everyone else.
And the two protagonists are slags. How is this even ok like how messed up is this women. I want answers to why. Because if OH mom was around maybe she could have prevented this.
Sorry I just don’t like how a country is just so horrible and yeah I’m doing the vengeful path. Not happily but to bring some justice. See you in the next update.
Yassssss.... Anon you summed up the body's backstory in just a few words... 👀👀👀 you are absolutely correct. Though.....
Lady Anaya story, is one that is still under construction. The other day I was running lady Anaya's backstory by my sister and I randomly asked her, why do you think lady Anaya didn't save herself from this tragedy? My sister turned to me and said, depression. (I won't go into full details) but she said. "You said she was forced to marry a man she did not love, because her family only saw her as a mere woman, who wouldn't be able to carry on the family line right? And not to mention you said her beloved body turned up outside her home on the day of the emperor's coronation, right? Depression.... Lady Anaya felt as if all hope was lost. She practically lost everything, and deep down I think even though you didn't mention this to me, I think lady Anaya loved and resent her child. Death brought her the relief she had been seeking all these years and that is why even though she knew Trysten was going to cause her impending doom, she did not stop it. Then my sister turned to me and said again. What is with you and these dysfunctional-ity in your characters family?!
She broke the moment I tell ya!
But seriously, the creator of this novel only wanted love. Nobody is perfect in this world, most of us have met that one man/woman/person that we wanted to spend our whole lives with and sometimes our love isn't reciprocated because sometimes that person is married or they're currently in a relationship, or they're just not sexually attracted to others. And that was why the author did this, because she met mister right! And she thought he must belong to her, so she quit her day job and went home, locked herself in a room and did a ritual. A book materialized out of thin air and a ominous voice said to her. "Whatever you write in this book, will be granted within the next 24 hours." (Damn I wished I could wrote a million word novel in less than one day. This girl is living my dream! 💀💀) and that is what the author did. Twenty four hours later when the author woke up she was teleported into her book world, standing before millions of people who yelled [REDACTED]
They're all behind times in Nasmar. Like for example a nobleman would rather marry a virgin than a woman/man who toss their body left right and center. Double standard.... 😏 look at what Trysten/Trista is doing behind closed door. Also my dear Anon there are a few stepping stones that hasn't been introduced as yet. So lady Anaya and the OH aren't the only ones who has been taken advantage of. 😔. The way the Montholon family do things is just despicable. Because a person is stronger than your family, you want to deal with the problem before it ripens. 💀. That's just not right.
It's okay anon. No need to apologise this is the kind of energy I've been aiming for from the very beginning. I love fluff. That is when other authors writes fluff I'm head over heels inlove... 😳. But me when I write.... I want my readers to curse! Drown my characters in their spit. (Not physically) I want my characters to burn to experience torture so there's no need to apologize, 😏 you sending this ask had me cackling like a mad woman! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Have a splendid day. I'll see you on the next update, please stay safe.
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