#dame judith terwilliger
gummytweek · 9 months
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They’re having fun! (*´∇`*)
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Carnival Birthday - Bob x Francesca
Francesca Terwilliger thought back to the months before she'd met Bob. She'd dreamed of marrying soon. She'd wanted someone kind and warm... and who had very rich parents! She supposed Bob matched those criteria. Even though he was often aloof, and distant, he barely told her anything about himself, and his parents - while famous - were also infamous, and had spent most of their fortune on bail from prison. No wonder Francesca had been miserable, when she'd found out the truth about him. "Why should I pity you?" Dame Judith had said. "You started it. If you hadn't had the marvelous idea of doing vendetta, none of us would be in prison right now!" She knew that. But she hadn't known the full extent of Bob's criminal past, back then. She thought they would get away with it. It wasn't supposed to end like this, with all of them in prison. She wished she could start over. Bob had been absent for quite a while. Even Snake was more of a father figure to Gino, than Bob was. She missed him. Wherever Bob was, she could only hope he wouldn't cause too much mischief. She wanted to see him again. It was only a few days until her birthday.
... A parole officer walked down the stone hallway with a quite chipper fellow. Francesca couldn't believe it! If not for the noticable red hair, she could swear it was someone else! This was the cheeriest Bob had ever looked since he was stomping grapes in Italy. He was clean and well-dressed. He was humming, "Good Morning Starshine." He grinned when he saw her. "Francesca! Hello! It's good to see you!" He stepped forward to the prison bars, bouncing in his step as he did so. "Listen. I've got a new job, and I'm inviting you and Gino to live with me." She perked up, her heart speeding in her chest. "Really? That's wonderful!" Bob nodded. "Come, let's go!" She picked up Gino, who was on the bed next to her, and followed Bob and the parole officer. ... Whatever Francesca had been hoping for, it wasn't this. "We are at a carnival, Roberto." She said. "This is a joke, is it not? You were a former clown sidekick; why do you want to return to that life?" Bob shook his head. "On the contrary, my dear. I am not going back to being a sidekick. Instead, I am getting a job as a carny!" He smiled in that simplistic way he did sometimes, in spite of himself. He led her to his carnival stand. It was a simple metal coin fishing stand. "Bob!" She said, utterly in shock. It was a nice stand. But why was he choosing this over a higher career position? She thought a while. Perhaps it was because the parole officer wouldn't let him take a job higher than this? For a moment, she wondered about Bob's early life. Why would he accept a job as a sidekick when he had such high potential? She had to question what Bob had told her about himself, sometimes... (I mean, he had left out all of his criminal background during their entire marriage.) Francesca looked her husband in the eye, her lip pouted out. "I thought you said that you wanted to be a teacher." "No," Bob replied. "Ever since I saw what would happen if I really did kill Bart, thanks to Professor Frink's future-and-possible-future-seeing-machine, I realized that wasn't the occupation I desired. Those students simply would not listen to me!" He shook his head at the awful memory. "But this, I can enjoy." Bob sighed. Secretly, he reminisced about being on Krusty's Show. Sure, it was awful, but it had a certain simplistic charm to it. Bob had enjoyed being a children's entertainer - he truly had. Just not the 'being pummeled for amusement' part. Here, he could re-live the clowniness without any of the torture. Bob's stand was a rip-off, naturally. But, like with Bob's natural charm, it seemed fair. People would fish for metal coins with a magnet, but just as they were about to reel it in, Bob would deactivate the magnet, so the person wouldn't catch their fish and wouldn't win a prize. One had to be very fast in order to catch their fish, and whoever managed to do so would end up hitting themselves in the face with the metal ring. Bob was amused, either way. ... Gino liked playing with Bob's little stand, and Bob always let him win. (He didn't let Francesca win, however.) Bob smiled cheekily, as she gave him a look. "Oh, don't worry, my dear. I got you a special gift for your birthday." He took her to a tent with red and white stripes. Inside was set up a table with paper plates and forks and spoons. There was a large chocolate cake on the table next to it. "One of my best," Bob said, quickly putting away his baker's cap and apron - which he'd left on the bench by accident. Francesca smiled. "It's wonderful, darling!" She was wearing her purple tourist outfit from when she, Bob, and Gino had gone to Great Britain. "I only wish that my friends could be here." Francesca thought aloud. All of her friends lived in Italy. Bob had felt bad that none of his wife's friends could be there for her birthday, since he and Francesca had run off from Salciccia to pursue revenge. "Hey," Bob said. "I know it's not the same, but I invited the other carnies to the party too." Francesca had enough time to email her friends in Italy from her laptop computer, while Bob got everything else prepared. ... Francesca stepped out of her tent for a little while. The fresh air smelled lovely. The breeze blew through her thick black hair. She heard a shout in the distance. She looked up, concerned. There was a goofy laugh that went along with the shout. "Fire! Hoohoohahahahahaha!" Suddenly the tent was blown away, the tarp coming clean out of the ground, its pegs flying about as they were dislodged. The tent flew past her, and a wave of wind blew into her face afterward. The chocolate cake was floating through the air! She realized this too late, and the cake hit her square in the face, like a mudpie. She growled. Wiping off the cake from her face, she saw there was nothing left. Absolutely nothing. All of the party preparations her husband had made were all for naught. She looked around for the culprit. In front of the former tent, there stood a fat clown. He grinned. "Sorry, doll! Thought this tent was empty. I was just testing out my new cannon." He made the same goofy laugh she'd heard before. Then he started to walk away. Francesca's face turned red under the chocolate frosting. "Do you have ANY IDEA," she began, not realizing the clown was already out of sight, "how hard my husband worked to make my party a BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART?!" Her voice bordered on hysterical. "I didn't even get to BLOW OUT THE CANDLES!!" She panted, and looked all around her. The clown was gone, and the people in the surrounding area didn't even stare; they just walked about and minded their business. It made her want to break down. Her party was ruined, and nobody cared! She sank to her knees, and sniffled. ... After she told Bob the story, he put a finger to his mouth, in thought. "Yes, that is unfortunate..." He pondered on what he should do. "Francesca," he said, taking out his wallet. "You play Skeeball with Gino." He handed her $5, enough for 3 shots. "While I go buy a new cake. Okay?" She nodded. "Okay, Roberto." ... Bob checked his wallet. "And now to buy my wife the best cake money can afford!" To his surprise, his money was all gone! He only had $5 left! He'd never afford a cake with this! But wait - he eyed a bunch of chocolate cupcakes; simple and made by hand. They all had different candy toppings; one had a gummy worm on top. ... Would it be enough? Would it save his wife's party? Better something than nothing, right? ... "Roberto, what are these?" Francesca asked. She eyed the cupcakes in confusion. "Well, you see, Francesca. I had spent so much on the other preparations, I only had $5 left! These tiny cakes were all I could afford," Bob said solemnly. "Oh," she said. Then she made a little smile. "Oh, Roberto. You're wonderful! This really is the best birthday I have ever had!" She kissed him on the cheek. He blushed, his cheeks turning red. It had a stark contrast with his yellow complexion. At daybreak, the other carnies gathered for Francesca's party. They split the cupcakes enough for everyone. "Three cheers for my lovely wife!" Bob said, holding a wine glass. The carnies had let him use some of their wine glasses, for the celebration. Bob had washed before using, of course. The carnies even gave Francesca last-minute gifts and had rebuilt the fallen tent. "Hip-hip-hooray!" they all said. "Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray!" "Thank you, everyone." Francesca said. She fell into silence as she realized everyone's eyes were on her. "I must say, I'm sorry for misjudging you. I came here, to the carnival thinking Bob had made a terrible decision. But I was wrong. This is the best birthday party I've ever had. You carnival folk were wonderful. Helping re-build our tent, and not only coming to the party, but bearing gifts as well! I don't think I've ever felt more welcomed anywhere! Thank you all!" The carnies cheered. Then they drank their wine, watched the birthday girl open her gifts, and then went back to their own carnival stands. The sun was setting. Francesca held her infant son in her arms, and looked up at her husband. "Thank you, Roberto. This was a wonderful party; just wonderful!" She locked her arm with his, and they walked to their new home.
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gummytweek · 10 months
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Doodles of the switch au :D
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gummytweek · 9 months
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I don’t think i posed this here :0
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gummytweek · 3 months
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Okay Heres the first part of my ocs! Fredrick and Victoria are Robert’s parents! While Phoebe is Robert’s older sister! (With graying version as well UvU)
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And here are Judith’s parents and younger sister!
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And Heres the family tree!! :>
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gummytweek · 4 months
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Made the sheet!
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gummytweek · 5 months
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I hate these two….😒
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gummytweek · 5 months
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I need more fanart of the family or I’ll die……plz…..
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gummytweek · 7 months
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Okay I think I'm done now 🤭
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gummytweek · 7 months
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More of theses 👹👹
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gummytweek · 7 months
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Since the Simpsons literally don’t care about him I’m stealing him and turing him into an oc!! 😍👆
He’s mine now sorry guys and now he’s trans 🫶
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gummytweek · 9 months
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MY WIFE 💕💕 I tried to make as many gifs as I could with her UvU
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gummytweek · 6 months
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Teenage Judith and Robert UvU
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gummytweek · 7 months
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Ignore the skirt 😍🙏
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gummytweek · 7 months
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More of theses 🤭 I will be making more 👁️👁️
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gummytweek · 7 months
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More gif 💞💞
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