etichete · 2 years
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Etichete tesute Damasc - Taffeta - satin, intr-o gama variata de dimensiuni, pentru cusut pe haine sau alte produse textile, brodate digital cu logo Brand-ului sau denumiri personalizate.
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designmiss · 8 years
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Casa sul mare, fusione tra uomo e natura https://www.design-miss.com/casa-sul-mare-fusione-tra-uomo-e-natura/ Una #casa sul #mare dove vivere in armonia con forme, colori e materiali della #natura
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inprimalinie · 6 months
Ambasada Rusiei în Iran: atacul Israelului asupra consulatului iranian din Siria amenință să escaladeze
Atacul aviației israeliene asupra clădirii consulatului Republicii Islamice Iraniene (IRI) din Damasc este de natură să provoace o nouă escaladare în Orientul Mijlociu, transmite Ambasada Rusiei în Iran pe canalul său de Telegram. Georgiana Arsene Acest pas nu este doar o încălcare flagrantă a tuturor fundamentelor dreptului internațional, inclusiv a Convențiilor de la Viena care garantează…
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I *need* 2022 Stiles-centric rare-pair fics like I *need blood to live.*
Jokes aside, it would be awesome if you could provide me a nice list :) (and join me in rare pair hell 😈😈😈).
Thank you!
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Mistletoe is overrated Anyway......... by Ififall_TeamCruz
(1/? I 314 I Teen I Stoyd)
Stiles singlehandedly tries to throw Boyd into the Christmas spirit!
Twinkly Eyed Typo by Ififall_TeamCruz
(1/? I 416 I Teen I Stiles/Napoleon Dynamite)
In the midst of a Twitter sub competition. Napoleon is a busy man slash Teen.
One, he has to defeat his Uncle Rico who has taken over his social media accounts.
Number Two, he needs kick ass moves, drawing and seductive lines to get Stiles Stilinski to go on one date.
Just one.
Stupid by TheOriginalSinner888
(1/1 I 1,822 I Explicit I Stiles/Allison)
Stiles and Allison are both in the same boat after Scott kisses Lydia.
(I could) love you with my eyes closed by Rakshasha 
(1/1 I 3,774 I Teen I Stiles/Bret)
Stiles is so damn flabbergasted his mind might be as good as gone, and his voice so thin it might be just as well. “What…?”
Brett rolls his eyes. “You’ve taken me to your prom and didn’t even grace me with a dance. What do you think, pretty boy?” His smirk curls dangerously in one corner, the slant of it waking a lick of pure heat in Stiles’ belly — then he cocks his head, hand stretched out a little closer. “C’mon, Stiles, no one’s here to see.”
Which should be encouraging but it really, really isn’t.
Poison and Power by xcaellachx
(9/9 I 30,228 I Mature I Stiles/Deucalion)
Stiles is being horribly abused by his father. Peter comes back to town after being gone several years and wonders what happened to the goofy, loving boy who used to be part of the pack. He finds Stiles and is horrified. He calls in a group of alphas who could help Stiles get away. Deucalion is shocked to meet Stiles and they change each other's lives for good.
things i do for my pack by damasc
(6/? I 46,806 I Explicit I Sterica)
its been one month after Erica and Boyd have run away stiles and Derek's pack have been searching for them only to have stiles be kidnapped as well
Always With You by Slayer_of_Destiny 
(8/8 I 47,398 I Mature I Stiles/Harry Potter)
Harry and Stiles have been friends since they were children, starting as pen pals Stiles' inclusion in his life changes Harry's path in life. After defeating Voldemort Harry grows concerned when he has not heard from his friend. He makes the journey to Beacon Hills and finds his friend in a bad way. While nursing him to health, the two explore more than friendship between them.
The Sticking Place by Escalus
(36/36 I 147,954 I Mature I Stackson)
McCall pack is happy and healthy. Jackson has graduated high school, he's mended his relationship with his parents, he's more than content with the bond he has with his alpha, he has a wonderful sister, he has friends, and, above all, he has a wonderful boyfriend in Stiles. He wants to enjoy what he has for as long as he can. But the horrific designs of the Dread Doctors and the nefarious schemes of Theo Raeken might destroy everything he's worked so hard to achieve.
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farmergilesofham · 1 year
The Vanguard Swimsuit Calendar Fic, Part 3: Shaxx's Claymore
It was a very nice, bright morning in the Tower Courtyard. Little birds were singing in the trees, people were bustling not too hurriedly to and fro, and Lord Shaxx sat on a stool with his back to a stack of munitions crates, running a whetstone over his new Claymore.
Arcite was doing something on his datapad, emitting the slow drone of a Frame engaging their higher-processing systems. Most likely, it was the matter of recent Crucible donations, which had been flooded the past week due to Shaxx getting a bad cough and needing to call in the only person available at the time - Drifter. For some reason, that had brought people in droves, and the accounting was currently a nightmare because of this.
None of that mattered at the moment, however, as Shaxx sat in the early morning sun and continued sharpening the new blade.
It was a gift from the Dreaming City, sent on his rebirthday with a letter expressing thanks for the bow he had sent Mara Sov for Dawning the year before. A few trusted guardians assured him that the bow had actually seen some use, mostly by Petra Venj, who had given it her seal of approval. But this sword... it was a real beauty. Unlike the crystalline weaponry the other guardians in her direct employ had been bequeathed, the Queen had here sent out an agent to a place once known as "Damasc", to collect a special ore supposedly described in Golden Age material processing documents. Apparently, some of the finer swords in human history had been made there, so it served the Awoken Queen's needs to acquire the material for herself.
The effort still baffled the old Warlord. He had thought that having a bow specially-made and custom-fitted, engraved, and strengthened for field use had been perhaps a little more effort than a simple gift really required, but here he sat with the most breathtaking blade he had ever seen, made from materials once reserved for kings. Or Queens, as it were. Through a complicated process involving melting the ore down, adding just enough extra material, then repeatedly reheating and cooling the steel puck until it reached the desired consistency, the Awoken weaponsmiths had produced a sword whose straight blade looked like the sand at the bottom of a flowing riverbed, covered in delicate swirls of steel grain from tang to tip.
The crossguard was of the same material, threaded with gold and set with a ruby the size of Shaxx's thumb, blending naturally into a long leather-wrapped handle headed by a phoenix-shaped pommel, all with more gold and silver than he had ever seen on any one weapon other than the tacky nonsense Calus had kept foisting on The Guardian, only here the filigree was far more tactful. Elegant, even. Tiny ruby eyes glinting up at him in the early sun, Shaxx kept sharpening.
Unlike most guardians' swords, it was not heavy - the blade, seen from its side, could not be much thicker than a centimetre, if that. Light as a feather in his Titan hands, the sword remained rigid, flexing only a little when used. Some sort of Awoken magic had gone into its creation too, judging by the delicate runes scrawled - ever glowing - on the fuller of the blade. He lifted it now for a moment into the light, admiring the reflections on its surface before one particular mirrored form caused him to look to the side.
There, leaning against the wall, was the Guardian. Just smiling at him, soon splitting into an ear-to-ear grin.
"So, new sword, huh?"
Shaxx took his time replying. He couldn't seem startled, afterall - he had a reputation to keep up! Instead, he set the sword across his lap again and gave it a few more swipes with the stone, before wiping everything down with a dry cloth and standing up. The fact he towered over the Guardian didn't do much to help the giddiness of seeing them again today. It wasn't as if they'd been gone long - only about a week - but the Crucible Handler couldn't be happier to see them again. Although, something about that mischievous grin worried him.
"Ah, Guardian. Ready to see what the Crucible has for you next?"
"Ehhh, that can wait." The Guardian stepped closer. Arguably somewhat closer than was acceptable between folk who were ostensibly mere acquaintances, but with nowhere to step back, Shaxx definitely didn't mind.
"I actually wanted to ask you something, Shaxx~"
This was absolutely not the way to talk to a Tower higher-up, especially not with that breathy, sultry voice, nor the fact that the Guardian now stood so close to Shaxx that they were almost touching. All that said, it was a very happy coincidence that the new shipment of munitions crates formed a wall around the two lightbearers, shielding them from the view of all but Arcite, who was still busily typing away on the datapad.
"I was wondering... would you mind doing something for me?"
"Once more unto the breach."
"I-- what?"
"Don't worry about it. What would you like me to do, dear?"
The Guardian just looked at him for a few seconds, as it dawned on Shaxx what he had just said.
"I MEAN, er, what would you like me to help you with, Guardian?"
The ten-time God Slayer just smiled, placing a hand on Shaxx's chest. Undoubtedly against protocol, but Shaxx merely stood there slowly breathing, waiting for an answer. And he would wait until the mountains ground down to dust, if necessary. No more getting strung around like a donkey on a leash by this lightbearer.
It took him a moment to realise the Guardian had spoken, and suddenly he felt extremely grateful for the helmet on his head to hide the heat rising on his cheeks. A cooling fan whirred to life in the helmet, and Shaxx wanted to scream. The Guardian laughed, a clear note that rang across the Courtyard as they said:
"I asked, Shaxx, if you'd mind being in a swimsuit calendar for me. The Eliskni Quarter needs more funds, and this is a reasonably good way to fleece the other guardians for funds."
A second fan clicked to life, though Shaxx barely heard it. That first sentence kept reverberating in his head, ballooning out of all proportion. They wanted... what? It was about another minute before he realised that the Guardian had spoken again, the ghost of a laugh already dancing across their eyes and lips.
"If you're too nervous, that's alright. Wouldn't want my darling Crucible Handler getting too flustered around Saladin and Saint-14, hm?"
"Wait, you're convinced Saladin to do this??"
"Uh, yeah, my guy. You know how cool I am, and anyways he agreed pretty quick when I mentioned how it was all for charity."
Shaxx stood dumbfounded, marvelling at his Guardian. Convinced Saladin... to do this? How? so many questions bubbled up, but stamping them all out he instead said:
"If they're doing it, then I'm definitely going to. Mark my words, I will outpose every other person there!"
"Good. So it's settled then?"
"Yes, I'll do this for you. But you have to do something for me, now. It's only fair."
Shaxx leaned in, and whispered something in the Guardian's ear. They giggled, giving his helmet a kiss, before stepping back to a more respectful distance. "Alright, darling. But we'll meet at the tea shop next door first, okay?"
"Absolutely. We'll need the sugar and caffeine. I've heard those films are terribly long."
"Ha! Yeah, that's alllll we'll be doing that night. Nothing else~"
The Guardian gave one last giddy wave before slinking away, probably to go bother somebody else. Shaxx stood where he was for a while, absently rubbing the spot on his helmet where he'd gotten kissed.
Arcite, meanwhile, had heard and watched the whole exchange, and was just sending out a system message proclaiming that the Crucible Handler would not be available for around 12 hours that week, on account of taking a short break.
It was a very good thing that Shaxx hadn't inquired further into the Saladin situation, as the Guardian's traipsing soon became a saunter, and then merely a walk. It was going to be a nightmare convincing Saladin to take part, but there was nothing else for it.
For now, however, it was time to go visit the next potential victim: Ada-1.
End of chapter 3. I hope you enjoyed reading. I fear I may have gone a little too in-depth on the Nameless Sword lore, but I do love talking about swords.
Tune in next time to see how, if at all, the Guardian manages to somehow rope Ada into this mess. It may not be the way in which you expect :)
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skaiakin · 8 months
may i have sOme six-letter names fOr a gamzee nitram whO kins a tavrOs, ty,
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you got it. i hope these are suitable for you, have a nice day. i also went ahead and opted for using just kin tags for now since you didnt clarify but if you would like that changed, feel free to let me know
fintan , meaning ' white bull '
tilenn , from ' tilen ' meaning ' young goat '
skylar , meaning ' sky '
merrie , meaning ' joyful '
serapi , from ' serapion ' meaning ' mighty bull '
damasc , from ' damascus ' a breed of goat
. mod d
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progvolution · 9 months
Quanto sono tristi le Igee di gesso nelle vetrine impolverate delle farmacie! Come la latta dei giocattoli, sottili e trasparenti e privi di senso, così sono gli steccati degli schemi mentali che gli esseri umani mettono fra sé e la verità e la concretezza della vita. In effetti sono come i mattoncini dei giocattoli infantili, le religioni, gli assurdi usi natalizi, idilli che introducono il culto della pura menzogna, e da ogni parte spunta la merce: comprate margarina, cioccolata, arance, vaniglia, tessuti, gomma! Gli esseri umani hanno inventato la tappezzeria, i tappeti, il parquet, i tubi dell’acqua calda, le porte a vetri, i pesciolini dorati, i cactus e intere vetrine di libri nei loro appartamenti che nessuno mai legge. Gli esseri umani hanno ammucchiato sotto i loro tetti la maiolica cinese, gli acquerelli, le tovaglie damascate, le calze di seta, le pellicce e le pietre preziose. Gli esseri umani si dipingono le unghie come gli antichi orientali, fanno il bagno in vasche di marmo, viaggiano in carrozze riscaldate, bevono amari e liquori digestivi, ma in fondo non hanno nessuna idea di cosa sia la realtà della vita e di come bisognerebbe vivere”
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slaterherms · 2 years
israel is currently launching missiles into syria (damascus to be exact) while they are still attempting to recover from the devastating earthquake. 
and they seem to have put their airport out of service. 
Sunday's attack was the first since a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the north-west of the country, as well as parts of neighbouring Turkey, 12 days ago.
The Kafr Sousa area is home to senior officials and security agencies, but also civilians living in residential buildings.
The strike - which hit at 00:22 local time (21:22 GMT) - caused damage to several homes in Damascus neighbourhoods and other nearby areas, Syrian officials said.
spread the word please 
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aspergillosis · 1 year
the damasc rose I got last year bloomed this weekend
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etichete · 2 years
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ETITECH SRL Producator etichete tesute Damasc - Taffeta - satin, intr-o gama variata de dimensiuni, pentru cusut pe haine sau alte produse textile, brodate digital cu logo Brand-ului sau denumiri personalizate.
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theedgeblades · 1 year
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igzen1us · 1 month
taif rose honey from Saudi Arabia
taif rose honey from Saudi Arabia
Shop for Pure Taif Rose Honey from Saudi Arabia - Honoor.co.uk
Located in Saudi Arabia, Taif is known as the “City of Roses”. The famous damask rose was imported by the Rulers of the Ottoman Empire.
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dianapopescu · 3 months
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4 iulie: Sfântul Ierarh Andrei, Arhiepiscopul Cretei
Sfântul Ierarh Andrei, Arhiepiscopul Cretei, s-a născut în orașul Damasc, într-o pioasă familie creștină. Până la vârsta de șapte ani, băiatul a fost mut, fără a scoate vreo vorba. Totuși, după împărtășania din Sfintele Taine ale lui Hristos, și-a căpătat darul vorbirii. Și, din acel timp, a început să studieze cu sârguința Sfânta Scriptură și teologia. https://www.diane.ro/2024/07/4-iulie-sfantul-ierarh-andrei.html
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dougielombax · 3 months
Just leaving this here in light of recent developments.
Statement from the REAL Syrian opposition regarding Erdogan and Assad’s posturing.
Erdogan and Assad aren’t doing this for Syria or for peace.
This might serve as a reminder of that much.
Feel free to reblog.
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dianacraciun1997 · 3 months
daca nici tu nu cumperi cine cumpara diana imi cumpar cearceafurile astea dar nu de ziua mea sa se asorteze cu sticla lost cherry furata eh norocul meu dar nu mai fur
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turkcool · 4 months
Rose Stem Cell Mascarilla Hidro-Plastica Efecto Lifting Anti-Edad – Nuestra Tierra Cosmética Ancestral
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