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Casa sul mare, fusione tra uomo e natura https://www.design-miss.com/casa-sul-mare-fusione-tra-uomo-e-natura/ Una #casa sul #mare dove vivere in armonia con forme, colori e materiali della #natura
#casa#mare#natura#progetto illuminotecnico#ristrutturazione#riviera ligure#scala elicoidale#stoffe damascate
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Ambasada Rusiei în Iran: atacul Israelului asupra consulatului iranian din Siria amenință să escaladeze
Atacul aviației israeliene asupra clădirii consulatului Republicii Islamice Iraniene (IRI) din Damasc este de natură să provoace o nouă escaladare în Orientul Mijlociu, transmite Ambasada Rusiei în Iran pe canalul său de Telegram. Georgiana Arsene Acest pas nu este doar o încălcare flagrantă a tuturor fundamentelor dreptului internațional, inclusiv a Convențiilor de la Viena care garantează…

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Lawrence "Larry" Rossellini
An Ancillae from the Rossellini family, family he despites with all his might and wants to sends them all to the Oblivion after an incident that ended with his brother turned into a wraith.
He's a medic, and after the sesión he
✨️buyed the hospital where he works✨️
Lawrence and the wrath of his brother lives in Chicago doing his best with the coterie:
Sway ( @damasc-x ), Elán ( @aqui-yace-noia ) Bryan ( @alkanette )
#artists on tumblr#vtm#wod#oc#vampire the masquerade#drawing#oc art#vampiro#vtm ocs#vampiro la mascarada#vtm oc#illustration#digital art#marete art#viernes de muerte súbita instantánea mortal
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Aún no puedo creer que haya aceptado a mis panas a hacerme un tumblr (SOY MUY FÁCIL DE CONVENCER)
Anyways. Mi Wanbatan favorito (Allan Collins, el más maltratado por mí). Hace caleta que quería dibujarlo de cuerpo completo con su ropita TT w TT.
Haorán pertenece a @damasc-x
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I *need* 2022 Stiles-centric rare-pair fics like I *need blood to live.*
Jokes aside, it would be awesome if you could provide me a nice list :) (and join me in rare pair hell 😈����😈).
Thank you!
Mistletoe is overrated Anyway......... by Ififall_TeamCruz
(1/? I 314 I Teen I Stoyd)
Stiles singlehandedly tries to throw Boyd into the Christmas spirit!
Twinkly Eyed Typo by Ififall_TeamCruz
(1/? I 416 I Teen I Stiles/Napoleon Dynamite)
In the midst of a Twitter sub competition. Napoleon is a busy man slash Teen.
One, he has to defeat his Uncle Rico who has taken over his social media accounts.
Number Two, he needs kick ass moves, drawing and seductive lines to get Stiles Stilinski to go on one date.
Just one.
Stupid by TheOriginalSinner888
(1/1 I 1,822 I Explicit I Stiles/Allison)
Stiles and Allison are both in the same boat after Scott kisses Lydia.
(I could) love you with my eyes closed by Rakshasha
(1/1 I 3,774 I Teen I Stiles/Bret)
Stiles is so damn flabbergasted his mind might be as good as gone, and his voice so thin it might be just as well. “What…?”
Brett rolls his eyes. “You���ve taken me to your prom and didn’t even grace me with a dance. What do you think, pretty boy?” His smirk curls dangerously in one corner, the slant of it waking a lick of pure heat in Stiles’ belly — then he cocks his head, hand stretched out a little closer. “C’mon, Stiles, no one’s here to see.”
Which should be encouraging but it really, really isn’t.
Poison and Power by xcaellachx
(9/9 I 30,228 I Mature I Stiles/Deucalion)
Stiles is being horribly abused by his father. Peter comes back to town after being gone several years and wonders what happened to the goofy, loving boy who used to be part of the pack. He finds Stiles and is horrified. He calls in a group of alphas who could help Stiles get away. Deucalion is shocked to meet Stiles and they change each other's lives for good.
things i do for my pack by damasc
(6/? I 46,806 I Explicit I Sterica)
its been one month after Erica and Boyd have run away stiles and Derek's pack have been searching for them only to have stiles be kidnapped as well
Always With You by Slayer_of_Destiny
(8/8 I 47,398 I Mature I Stiles/Harry Potter)
Harry and Stiles have been friends since they were children, starting as pen pals Stiles' inclusion in his life changes Harry's path in life. After defeating Voldemort Harry grows concerned when he has not heard from his friend. He makes the journey to Beacon Hills and finds his friend in a bad way. While nursing him to health, the two explore more than friendship between them.
The Sticking Place by Escalus
(36/36 I 147,954 I Mature I Stackson)
McCall pack is happy and healthy. Jackson has graduated high school, he's mended his relationship with his parents, he's more than content with the bond he has with his alpha, he has a wonderful sister, he has friends, and, above all, he has a wonderful boyfriend in Stiles. He wants to enjoy what he has for as long as he can. But the horrific designs of the Dread Doctors and the nefarious schemes of Theo Raeken might destroy everything he's worked so hard to achieve.
#teen wolf#stiles stilinski#rarepair#hogwarts au#anon#stackson#jackson whittemore#erica reyes#erica/stiles#vernon boyd
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Jedi Archive Recording – Transcription Log
Entry: 002
Recorded by: Jocasta Nu
Subject: Altered Records of Sifo-Dyas and Hego Damask
Access Level: Restricted – Master-Level Clearance Required
Recording Method: Holocron Transcript
Status: Ongoing Investigation
[Chief Librarian]
In my continued review of inconsistencies within the Jedi Archives, I have uncovered discrepancies within the mission records of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Specifically, there exist altered details regarding a diplomatic engagement between Master Sifo-Dyas and representatives of the InterGalactic Banking Clan (IGBC). My investigation has led me to question why certain records have been modified to obscure the involvement of a Muun financier named Hego Damask.
The official logs list the name of one Tann Soverus, an IGBC intermediary, as the point of contact for Master Sifo-Dyas. However, upon cross-referencing older mission debriefings, I have found one unaltered document—an archived written report of the meeting—that instead names Hego Damask in Soverus’ place. Further supporting this discrepancy is an after-action summary where a single, unnoticed typographical error preserves the original reference: ‘H. Damasc.’ This inconsistency, buried beneath the weight of corrected records, suggests deliberate manipulation rather than an innocent clerical error.
The extent of these alterations is deeply concerning. If Damask’s name was deliberately removed from the records, then whoever did this had access not only to the Archives but also to the authority to overwrite official Jedi records without raising suspicion. The fact that I was able to uncover a remnant of the original entry suggests that these changes were done hastily, perhaps even under pressure.
I have now gone through and corrected all of the name swaps that I could find, restoring Hego Damask’s name in the appropriate documents. This should ensure that the historical record reflects the truth, at least within the Archives. However, I am left wondering how many other records may have been altered and how many other names have been erased or replaced without notice.
#fanfic#fanfiction#ao3 writer#writing#ao3 fanfic#star wars#jedi temple#jedi council#jedi archives#jedi#sifo dyas#hego damask#darth plagueis#jocasta nu#epistolary#conspiracies#star wars fandom#star wars fanfiction#star wars fic
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may i have sOme six-letter names fOr a gamzee nitram whO kins a tavrOs, ty,
you got it. i hope these are suitable for you, have a nice day. i also went ahead and opted for using just kin tags for now since you didnt clarify but if you would like that changed, feel free to let me know
fintan , meaning ' white bull '
tilenn , from ' tilen ' meaning ' young goat '
skylar , meaning ' sky '
merrie , meaning ' joyful '
serapi , from ' serapion ' meaning ' mighty bull '
damasc , from ' damascus ' a breed of goat
. mod d
#gamzee nitram kin#tavros nitram kin#homestuck kin#kin name suggestions#kin requests#request#completed#mod d
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Quanto sono tristi le Igee di gesso nelle vetrine impolverate delle farmacie! Come la latta dei giocattoli, sottili e trasparenti e privi di senso, così sono gli steccati degli schemi mentali che gli esseri umani mettono fra sé e la verità e la concretezza della vita. In effetti sono come i mattoncini dei giocattoli infantili, le religioni, gli assurdi usi natalizi, idilli che introducono il culto della pura menzogna, e da ogni parte spunta la merce: comprate margarina, cioccolata, arance, vaniglia, tessuti, gomma! Gli esseri umani hanno inventato la tappezzeria, i tappeti, il parquet, i tubi dell’acqua calda, le porte a vetri, i pesciolini dorati, i cactus e intere vetrine di libri nei loro appartamenti che nessuno mai legge. Gli esseri umani hanno ammucchiato sotto i loro tetti la maiolica cinese, gli acquerelli, le tovaglie damascate, le calze di seta, le pellicce e le pietre preziose. Gli esseri umani si dipingono le unghie come gli antichi orientali, fanno il bagno in vasche di marmo, viaggiano in carrozze riscaldate, bevono amari e liquori digestivi, ma in fondo non hanno nessuna idea di cosa sia la realtà della vita e di come bisognerebbe vivere”
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the damasc rose I got last year bloomed this weekend
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Haorán yelling at Chimbarongo and Allan

am always obsessed when someone says to a character “call off your dog” about another character.
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“After a further examination of the body, the results of the blood samples doesn’t show anything out of normal, the organs are healthy, the patient was a donor, so it will be prepared to get the organs removed and keeped in a good state in the hospital, a heart attack is a sudent way to die, but you lived a healthy life, that is something that will save a lot of people, thank you.
Antwa, make sure our friend reach the eternal rest in peace, or at lest teach him what’s in the other side if you find him there in the afterlife or the Oblivion”
-Larry Rossellini (Hecata)
The other day, the best coterie of Chicago “Los de la St. Martin”, needed to gather information about certain guy and a way to get ride of a little problem related to him (nothing deadly btw) and, to get info about that, we used one of out coterie-clan-malkavian-merits “Everything is Connected”, so Lawrence (my Hecata character), who is a doctor and can do almos whatever he wants in the hospital of San Martin because he fucking BUYED IT, maded an autopsy and Sway ( @damasc-x OC) Malkaviand all over the place after seeing the viceral show, obligated by Bryan ( @alkanette OC) who used the Ludovico technique on her…. Also Elan was there too ( @aqui-yace-noia OC) and voila! Guts and blood revealed the way in Sway’s mind… and maybe unlocked a trauma.

Lawrence ^
#doctorini. si te mueres. no es culpa de nosotri. no me hace nadi.#lawrence rossellini#doctorini rossellini#vtm#vampire the masquerade#oc#wod#vtm ocs#artists on tumblr#vampiro#drawing#oc art#world of darkness#hecata
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I need to go to the Finger Lakes! It's me Jom Jerry from Damasc and ASAEIOU
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Cutite din otel de damasc
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sometimes, computers are a variety of angel
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Pentru cine trăiești?
Saul le-a avut pe toate. Cunoștea oamenii potriviți, avea slujba potrivită și venea de la locul potrivit. O singură problemă – el a fost un adversar violent al urmașilor lui Isus. El i-a căutat în mod special pentru a-i întemnița sau a-i ucide.
Într-o zi, Saul călătorea în orașul Damasc pentru a-i aresta pe urmașii lui Isus și a-i aduce la Ierusalim. Deodată, o lumină strălucitoare a apărut înaintea lui Saul. Căzând la pământ, l-a auzit pe Isus întrebând: „De ce Mă persecuți?” După această întâlnire, Saul a rămas orb timp de trei zile. Dumnezeu l-a instruit pe Anania să-i redea vederea lui Saul.
Întâlnirea lui Saul cu Isus a început o transformare radicală în viața sa. Nu mai era interesat să facă viața dificilă pentru urmașii lui Isus, dar era dornic să li se alăture! În cele din urmă, Saul a devenit cunoscut drept apostolul Pavel — care a călătorit pe distanțe mari pentru a împărtăși Evanghelia. El a scris, de asemenea, o mare parte din Noul Testament.
Noua viață a lui Pavel a fost foarte diferită de cea pe care a lăsat-o în urmă. În loc să dețină o funcție religioasă importantă, a fost un predicator de stradă. În loc să fie foarte apreciat de oameni importanți, a fost adesea acuzat în mod fals și trimis la închisoare.
Puterea transformatoare a lui Dumnezeu l-a luat pe un adversar puternic al lui Isus și l-a făcut un susținător puternic al Evangheliei! Lui Pavel nu-i mai păsa să obțină aprobarea oamenilor importanți sau să fie foarte apreciat. De fapt, el a scris: „Însă lucrurile care pentru mine erau câștiguri, le-am considerat o pierdere, de dragul lui Cristos.” (Filipeni 3:7 NTR).
Simți vreodată că te străduiești să te schimbi? Astăzi, amintește-ți că același Dumnezeu care l-a transformat pe Saul în Pavel este viu și activ! Și El vrea să te ajute. Adu înaintea Lui în rugăciune zonele în care te lupți să te schimbi – și privește-L pe Dumnezeu lucrând! Amin 🙏🙏❤️🇮🇱
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