trashyinfernomusic · 2 years
The Big Texas Post
Y’know what’s funny? Explaining Texas culture to non-Texans.
People from Dallas: Dallasites. People from Houston: Houstonians. People from Austin: Weird.
Texas has two pro baseball teams, three pro basketball teams, two pro football teams, two pro soccer teams, and one pro hockey team (and tried to get a second in the Houston Aeros but that didn’t work out).
Most sports orgs are based in either Dallas or Houston, and the two cities have a rivalry that when left unchecked causes brawls in restaurants and bars (among other chaotic things). The general rule is that Houstonians hate Dallas, Dallasites hate Houston, everyone hates Austin, and San Antonio and El Paso are just the two kids in the corner trying to stay out of the fighting. However, if you’re from out-of-state and you hate on any of them, you’ll be the one on the receiving end of a beat-down because “no one messes with my little brother but me, damnit!”
Meanwhile, you have all the people who self-identify as being from one of the big cities even though they’re really from a suburb that’s about an hour away. Live in Spring, TX? “Oh, I’m from Houston.” Live in Arlington (which is where the Texas Rangers - largely considered a Dallas sports team - are located)? You’re considered from Dallas or the DFW area. We Texans don’t really care about the accuracy. We care more about whether or not you’re from the coast (Houston), the middle (Dallas/San Antonio), the weird (Keep Austin Weird was supposed to be a slogan that would promote mom-and-pop small businesses in the city. The rest of Texas leapt on the opportunity to make fun of it. Sorry, Austin), the border (El Paso, Texarkana), or somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. The state’s too big to get into the nitty gritty.
And don’t even get me started on college rivalries. You’ve got U of H, UT, A&M, SFA, and even more acronyms and mascots and history and - well, let’s just say it can all get out of hand. Actually, A&M and UT refuse to play each other anymore out of stubbornness - they hate each other that much. (Personally, I land on the Aggie side of things. Anyone who goes so far as to genetically engineer maroon bluebonnets to prank another school has earned my affection. Though UT can give as good as they get.)
Some other weird/fun things about Texas include: - Drive through margarita places - Kolaches (which are a Czech sweet pastry that we bastardized into a savory breakfast option) - The Battle for the Boot (I kid you not, two baseball teams compete against each other for a silver cowboy boot every once in a while. It’s the silliest and yet most Texan thing ever.) - Buck-ees - The second largest port in the US (the amount of people who don’t understand that yes, Houston is on the water, and yes, it has a booming transport industry is alarming) - Really good barbecue (ours is tomato based, which makes the sauce thick and sweet) - Strange laws including one where you’re not allowed to have pliers in the back pocket of your jeans (it’s a holdover from when cattle rustlers would use them to cut barbed-wire fences) - There’s a law where in the US, no state capital is allowed to be taller than the US capital. Texas built theirs on a hill - it’s not taller, it just happens to be... higher. - People argue over this one, but Texas DOES have the right to secede from the union. - Six Flags the theme park was named such because it stands for Six Flags Over Texas. Why? Texas has had six different flags flying over it: France, Spain, Republic of Texas, United States, Confederacy, and Mexico. Yes, you read that right: France. No, we were not acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. - Dry counties are a thing. No alcohol is allowed to be consumed or sold! That being said, a trailer park of 200 came together to create the town Mobile, TX so that they could sell and consume liquor in the 90s - In 1963, Janice Joplin was voted “Ugliest Man on Campus” at the University of Texas - The Houston Grand Opera is considered one of the best opera companies in the world!
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avengerphobic · 2 years
speaking of superheroes in weird cities I'd love some more Texas based heroes I want a dallasite or wacoan superhero
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dankusner · 25 days
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A civic scorecard
As the Dallas Mavericks battle the Boston Celtics, pride of place is on the line
When the NBA Finals tipped off on Thursday night, pitting the Celtics against the Mavericks, Boston and Dallas faced off as well, with civic pride on the line.
How do their respective institutions and traditions stack up?
Boston has Dunkin’. Dallas has 7-Eleven. (They’ve got us there.)
Boston has baked beans. Dallas has barbecue. (Dallas, in a landslide.)
Boston has Sam Malone. Dallas has J.R. Ewing. (I’ll take both.)
In their geography and history, the two cities stand in dramatic opposition.
Boston, founded in 1630, has more than 200 years on Dallas.
It is a dense coastal city in a decidedly liberal state.
Dallas, by contrast, is young (incorporated in 1856) and sprawling, an auto-centric Sun Belt city landlocked on the prairie in a far more conservative state.
Boston, despite what some fictional band managers might tell you, is at heart a college town, a metro area with dozens of colleges and universities and a population that swells with disheveled, sandal-wearing students during the academic year.
Dallas is a city of management and business, of khaki-clad commuters climbing the corporate ladder.
These are stereotypes, of course, but there is more than a kernel of truth to them, and they extend to the characteristics we ascribe to the respective populations.
By reputation, the Bostonian is impatient and rude — a proud “Masshole” in the local parlance.
My theory is that this temperament can be traced to Boston’s industrial past.
Like other Northern cities, Boston was ruled by the clock, with the daily pressures of deadlines and efficiency — along with the harsh climate — resulting in a no-nonsense, suffer-no-fools Yankee personality.
The stereotype of the Dallasite, conversely, is one of ostentatious Southern hospitality born of an agrarian, frontier past. In its early days, Dallas was ruled not by the clock but by the sun. Neighborliness was essential, because on the prairie neighbors relied on each other.
As a resident of both cities over the last few years, I’ve seen these cultural distinctions gradually erode.
Americans move around so much that there is an increasing homogeneity.
Social media has only amplified this trend, collapsing barriers between places.
There has been a general loss of civility in this country, where everyone seems to be angry all the time.
Dallas has certainly benefited from migration from Boston.
The businessmen and philanthropists Ray Nasher and Ralph Rogers were both graduates of the Boston Latin School.
It is hard to imagine the city without their contributions.
Indeed, for all their differences, Boston and Dallas are bound together and share considerable DNA.
They are linked above all by tragedy, by the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Boston’s favorite son, on his route through Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963.
In Dallas, the assassination was the impetus for a fit of civic reinvention.
Among the principal products of that burst of energy was the construction of a new City Hall, a forceful declaration in beige concrete of the city’s emergence from trauma.
The architect was I.M. Pei.
Boston was struggling with its own grim circumstance in the 1960s, an economic crisis driven by the flight of business and population to its growing suburbs.
As in Dallas, the response was a fit of reinvention, or “urban renewal.”
Among its chief products was a new downtown government center with a majestic concrete City Hall as its centerpiece.
Pei was not the architect of that building — Kallmann, McKinnell & Knowles won an international competition to design it — but he was responsible for the urban plan that determined its location and scale.
The two city halls are rightly understood by historians as masterworks of brutalist architecture even as they are widely misunderstood by a public who sees them as inhumane symbols of government authority.
Both, in fact, were conceived as celebrations of democracy and civic pride.
The Pei firm has also given both cities a defining skyscraper, in each case a pristine glass prism designed by Harry Cobb.
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Boston’s came first. The 60-story John Hancock Tower, completed in 1976, is a sharp-edged, flat-roofed exercise in precision, with gridded windows that slide endlessly into the sky.
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A decade later, Cobb gave Dallas Fountain Place, taking the Euclidean purity of Hancock and twisting it, the result being a shape-shifting tower that rises to a sharp point: building as rocket ship.
Both are magnificent.
The urban reinventions of the 1950s and 1960s are something both cities have been wrestling with over the ensuing decades: a recovery from the recovery, so to speak.
In Boston, the centerpiece of this process was the Big Dig, the removal of the elevated Central Artery highway that cut through the heart of the city.
The project took more than 30 years in planning and construction, at a cost of more than $8 billion.
With Klyde Warren Park, Dallas has become an unlikely model for highway mitigation, and it is now considering its own inner-city highway teardown, with Interstate 345.
Whatever their differences and commonalities, there is one thing that defines both Boston and Dallas, and that is an obsession with sports.
Each city has seen its share of recent winning, and also plenty of losing. Now, one city will be adding to its legacy, and the other will be very disappointed.
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north-point-realty · 1 month
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Offering both big-city excitement and quiet, suburban living, the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area offers an interesting mix of Texas pride and cosmopolitan offerings. The cowboy life still exists in Fort Worth, while Dallasites love the trendy local bars and numerous retail shops. And no matter which part of the metroplex they call home, sports fans rally together behind their professional sports teams.
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txpaversandturf · 5 months
Embracing Sustainability: Artificial Turf in Dallas Redefines Landscaping
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In the heart of Texas, where the sun shines bright and water conservation is crucial, Dallas residents increasingly turn to sustainable alternatives for their landscaping needs. Artificial turf is emerging as a star player in this eco-conscious movement, offering a host of benefits that enhance the visual appeal of properties and contribute to a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Unveiling the Green Revolution:
1. Water Conservation in the Lone Star State:
Dallas, known for its warm climate and occasional droughts, often grapples with water scarcity. Artificial turf proves to be a game-changer, requiring significantly less water than traditional grass lawns. By making the switch, residents contribute to the conservation of this precious resource, aligning with the city's commitment to sustainable living.
2. Low Maintenance, High Impact:
Natural grass demands substantial maintenance efforts, from mowing to fertilizing and constant watering. Artificial turf, on the other hand, boasts minimal upkeep requirements. Say goodbye to the hassles of lawn care, and hello to a vibrant, evergreen landscape that effortlessly withstands Dallas's diverse weather conditions.
3. Aesthetic Appeal Beyond Seasons:
The aesthetic appeal of a lush, green lawn is undeniable. With artificial turf and Dallas, homeowners can enjoy a consistently vibrant landscape throughout the year. Whether the sun is scorching or a rare Dallas rain shower passes through, artificial turf maintains its allure, providing a picture-perfect backdrop for your outdoor space.
Sustainable Style Meets Durability:
1. Resilience to Heavy Foot Traffic:
Dallasites are known for their love of outdoor activities, from backyard barbecues to spirited games of football. Artificial turf is designed to withstand heavy foot traffic, ensuring that your lawn remains pristine even after hosting gatherings or intense play.
2. Weather-Resistant Beauty:
The unpredictable Texan weather is no match for the durability of artificial turf. Unlike natural grass that may wither in extreme heat or turn muddy after rain, artificial turf remains resilient, offering a consistent green haven for Dallas residents.
Making the Switch: Your Step Towards a Greener Dallas
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1. Environmental Impact:
By choosing artificial turf, residents contribute to a reduced carbon footprint. The decreased need for lawnmowers, fertilizers, and excessive watering aligns with Dallas's commitment to environmental sustainability.
2. Financial Savings:
While the initial investment in artificial turf and dollars may seem significant, the long-term savings on water bills, maintenance costs, and lawn care products make it a financially savvy choice for Dallas homeowners.
As Dallas embraces a more sustainable way of living, artificial turf stands out as a practical and visually appealing solution for landscaping needs. Beyond the aesthetic transformation, making the switch to artificial turf is a conscious step towards water conservation, reduced maintenance, and a greener future for the Lone Star State. Join the sustainable style movement and redefine your Dallas landscape with the enduring beauty of artificial turf.
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dallas-big-boy · 6 months
Hello. I’m also a Dallasite looking to make some new friends. Grab a drink sometime?
But you have a blank blog...
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stmichaeldeorleans · 7 months
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Michael Duerksen <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Aug 30, 2023, 4:19 AM
Subject: Fwd: Darlington et al 1953
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Michael Duerksen <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Aug 30, 2023, 4:18 AM
Subject: Darlington et al 1953
To: <[email protected].        Arthur Michael Ann Rothchild Bach aka Michael Lauren Hatch Bacall, aka Bridget Dare Allen Folgers McCall aka Elidia Duarte Galveston Rothchild Darlington aka Jim Gerald Jill Percoli Urias Matura Hughes adopted son of Howard Hughes 1954 Dallasite.  Hughes ran twenty plus oil companies from Dallas and Exxon. The Oklahoma Branch News, an Oklahoma City Edition for 1953 ran the Darlington adoption story. Elidia was the adopted son to daughter of Edward and Diane Rothchild Darlington oil magnates and formerly the son of Dean and Carol Duerksen.  The Darlington's acquired Elidia from the Catholic Charities Good Sheppard of Hope Baby Center and Elidia was formerly known as Michael Dean F. Duerksen.   Also the Oklahoma City Capital News and Oil Report. The Darlington's arrived at the Capital Equestrian Gala with their new beautiful baby girl believed to have been stolen from California by Dean and Carol Duerksen.   Carol Lynn Fraley Duerksen spent time in the El Reno Women's prison and Dean in the State Prison where he survived execution.  He was beat up, then paddled and passed out from heat exhaustion.
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janesadek · 2 years
The Weekend Report
Halloween weekend was a time for friends and food. NorthPark was a joy, but Breadwinners was a disappointment. Find out why by clicking the link.
TRAVEL HERE – FIRST WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER Breadlosers at NorthPark You know how it is when you’re visiting a restaurant you’ve enjoyed before and it ain’t what it used to be? That was my experience on Saturday morning at Breadloserswinners in NorthPark. NorthPark itself is one of my very favorite places in the world. I go there to feel like a Dallasite. I parked in the Nordstrom’s parking lot…
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jadeestebanestrada · 2 years
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Death at the Cabaret
Hey, Dallasites! This Friday, I’ll be slinging jokes at the Virgin Hotels Dallas. Come and enjoy a decadent feast and a frightfully entertaining show!
Photo: Christine Cain-Weidner
Graphics: Gibbs Saad
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thepradaenchilada · 2 years
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Death at the Cabaret
Hey, Dallasites! This Friday, I’ll be slinging jokes at the Virgin Hotels Dallas. Come and enjoy a decadent feast and a frightfully entertaining show!
Photo: Christine Cain-Weidner
Graphics: Gibbs Saad
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nhacly · 2 years
Homepolish Brings Affordable Interior Design Services to Dallas
Homepolish Brings Affordable Interior Design Services to Dallas
For many decor-loving Dallasites, the luxury of hiring an interior designer has long been out of reach. Thanks to the New York-based startup Homepolish, that’s all about to change. The service, which has just launched in Dallas, was conceived by Noa Santos and Will Nathan as an alternative to high-priced interior designers. While doing away with commissions and product markups, Homepolish…
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dankusner · 2 months
Trump tells NRA crowd that gun rights are ‘under siege’
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He calls Texas his second home, Abbott a ‘hot politician’
Former President Donald Trump, in Dallas to address the National Rifle Association convention, said Saturday that Second Amendment rights were under attack as part of a deterioration of America under President Joe Biden.
“Our Second Amendment is under siege. Our Constitution is being run through the shredder. Our borders are being obliterated,” Trump told convention delegates, who responded with several loud ovations, particularly when he lashed out at Biden.
“It’s time for a president who will replace weakness with strength, turn poverty to prosperity and vanquish Joe Biden’s corrupt tyranny with a great restoration of American freedom,” he said.
Trump used a phrase from his old television show, The Apprentice , to sum up the election in a fiery 100-minute speech that included touches of humor.
“To achieve the future you have to march into the voter booth and tell crooked Joe Biden, ‘Joe, you’re doing a horrible job. You’re a horrible president.’” Trump said. “Like Apprentice , Joe you’re fired. Get out of here, Joe.”
Promises deportation
Trump also promised that as president he will implement history’s largest deportation of undocumented migrants.
“It will be a big one,” he said.
Trump also promised to boost the Texas energy industry.
“Drill baby, drill,” he said.
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Before Trump’s NRA speech, his campaign announced a new Gun Owners for Trump coalition led by “over 50 Olympic athletes, firearm industry leaders and Second Amendment advocates.”
And, as expected, NRA officials announced Saturday the group had endorsed Trump.
Democrats criticized Trump’s appearance at the NRA convention, which comes in the same month as the one-year anniversary of the May 6 mass shooting at Allen Premium Outlets, where a man with an AR-15 assault-style weapon killed eight people and injured seven others.
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“There is one thing that drives this senseless epidemic — the shameless inaction of the Republican Party that has been bought and paid for by the NRA,” Dallas County Democratic Party Chairman Kardal Coleman said in a statement. “To add insult to injury, the City of Dallas and Texas could pay a combined $1 million in tax-payer dollars to host a convention that does not reflect the values of Dallasites.”
Trump’s Dallas speech offered a respite from his New York trial over whether he committed felony business fraud related to hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels.
On Monday, Trump’s lawyers will continue cross examining Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and fixer who is central to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case.
“They want to take away my rights worse than Alphonse Capone,” Trump said. “He got indicted less than I did.”
Throughout his speech Trump praised Texas.
And he told delegates he played golf Saturday with former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo.
Trump has called Texas, a fundraising hub for his presidential campaigns, his second home.
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick leads Trump’s Texas campaign and has advised the former president on state issues like border security and energy, as well as helping to make endorsements of statewide and local candidates.
Several high-profile Texans listened to Trump’s speech at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, including Patrick and U.S. Reps. Pat Fallon, R-Sherman, and Ronny Jackson, R-Amarillo.
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Some Texas Republican House candidates also were there, including David Covey, who’s trying to unseat House Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont.
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Trump called Phelan “an absolutely terrible speaker of the House.” “He didn’t want to go into voter fraud,” Trump said. “He didn’t want to do it. … We have to get the speaker out of there.”
Trump also praised Gov. Greg Abbott, who addressed the convention before the former president.
“He’s a hot politician,” Trump said of Abbott. “You know why he’s hot? He’s doing a great job.”
Abbott demurs
Trump has said Abbott was on his short list of potential running mates.
Abbott responded that he’s flattered to be considered but is focused on leading Texas.
He is fully engaged in the Texas Republican primaries, using his time and resources to push candidates who support his plan to allow students to use public dollars for private school expenses.
Much of Abbott’s speech was about border security, where he praised Trump and criticized Biden.
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“This crisis is about to come to an end in just six months,” Abbott said. That’s when Joe Biden will be fired as president of the United States of America, and Donald Trump will once again become president of the greatest country in the world.”
In his speech Abbott touted Texas legislation that he signed to promote the Second Amendment, including allowing Texans to carry guns without a permit.
By law, Texas is a Second Amendment Sanctuary State, and its agencies and officials are barred from assisting in the implementation of federal gun-control policies.
“Now, more than ever, we must fight to protect our Second Amendment rights,” Abbott said.
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Trump pledges to ‘roll back’ Biden gun rules
ATF chief would be fired, he says at NRA event
DALLAS – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pledged to unravel gun regulations put in place by Democratic President Joe Biden during a lengthy speech to the National Rifle Association on Saturday, during which he accepted the influential group’s endorsement.
The address to thousands of NRA members at the group’s annual Leadership Forum in Dallas was light on new policy, but he used the platform to urge gun supporters to go to the polls in the November election.
“We’ve got to get gun owners to vote,” Trump said in his wide-ranging speech, which covered everything from his criminal trials to trade and immigration over more than 90 minutes.
“I think you’re a rebellious bunch. But let’s be rebellious and vote this time.”
The nation’s top gun rights group has now endorsed Trump three times – in 2016, 2020 and 2024.
The organization had cheered on Trump during his 2017-2021 term, as he appointed three conservative justices to the Supreme Court and took a series of steps sought by the gun lobby.
That included designating firearm shops as essential businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing them to stay open.
During the speech, Trump repeated a pledge to fire the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, known as the ATF, on Day One of a potential administration.
He accused that agency, which enforces U.S. gun laws, of being heavy-handed with firearm owners and revoking licenses on frivolous grounds.
Republicans largely oppose stricter gun laws, saying the right to bear arms is established in the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.
That stance has remained fixed even in the face of a steady stream of mass shootings that have led to calls from many Democrats to impose more controls on guns.
“In my second term, we will roll back every Biden attack on the Second Amendment. The attacks are coming fast and furious,” Trump said.
Following the speech, the Biden campaign accused Trump of prioritizing the desires of the gun lobby over public safety. Trump and Biden are set to face off in the general election on Nov. 5.
“Tonight, Donald Trump confirmed that he will do exactly what the NRA tells him to do – even if it means more death, more shootings, and more suffering,” said Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa.
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As in previous addresses, Trump repeated a false claim that he won the 2020 election, and he went after Biden in aggressive terms, repeating claims of corruption that are not supported by available evidence.
Trump also unleashed a torrent of attacks on independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running a distant third and siphoning off votes from both front-runners.
Surveys show gun regulations are a divisive issue in the U.S., though a strong majority of Americans support at least some limits.
In a March Reuters/Ipsos survey, 53% of respondents said the government should regulate gun ownership, while 38% of respondents disagreed.
Among Republicans, only 35% said the government should be involved.
The four-day annual NRA convention gathered tens of thousands of gun enthusiasts and dealers, with many in the heavily Republican crowd wearing Trump gear Saturday, at the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association in Dallas, Texas, Trump floated the idea that he could throw out the constitutional amendment limiting a president to two terms.
“You know, FDR 16 years—almost 16 years—he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?” he asked the crowd. Some yelled, “Three!”
Donald Trump tells NRA crowd he wants to retire in Texas
Former President Donald Trump received an ovation at the National Rifle Association’s annual meetings in Dallas on Saturday when he teased that he might relocate to Texas.
“I want to move to Texas and I want to retire in Texas,” Trump said to applause.
Trump is expected back again Wednesday, when he has a scheduled fundraiser in Dallas with oil pipeline company billionaire Kelcy Warren.
and ….
While in the White House, he made 18 trips to the state, and he has returned 13 times after his presidency. By comparison, former President Barack Obama made 11 visits to Texas over two terms in office. Former President Donald Trump said he would consider tapping Ken Paxton for U.S. attorney general if he wins a second term in the White House.
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designer-ideas · 2 years
Cush Living Transforms a Dallas Backyard Into a Spanish Oasis
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smittythecreator · 6 years
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Wyly Theatre
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texwador-blog · 6 years
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New pants have arrived, every new order gets a sticker! texwador.com inventory being posted every few days, this tomato pot has feet lol #austin #pants #ecuador #texas #fashion #fashionblogger #elpaso #houstonian #dallasite #dallas #houston #austintexas #austinfashionweek #austinfashionblogger #austinfashion #texwador #etsy #etsyshop #etsyseller
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dallasviewmedia · 4 years
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#💔 for the loss of another #dallasite. #Life is such a #precious thing. I #hope the #family can #staystrong https://www.instagram.com/p/B73g_6rAOQ3/?igshid=13b8e2fzk0ns0
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