#dallas royce
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baltharino · 3 months ago
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Suburgatory 1x19 - "Entering Eden"
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mtbexotic · 5 months ago
Luxurious Rolls Royce Rental in Dallas with MTB Exotics
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Experience the height of elegance with Rolls Royce rental dallas from MTB Exotics. Our premium Rolls Royce fleet offers unmatched luxury and sophistication for any occasion. Whether it's a grand event or a stylish night out, our vehicles ensure you arrive in supreme comfort and class. Choose MTB Exotics for your Rolls Royce rental in Dallas and enjoy an exceptional driving experience that exudes prestige and luxury.
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stixxorstones · 2 years ago
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Double R
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fishgir12 · 2 months ago
Dreamzzz sexualities and gender headcanons for everyone? Idk if you've already done this
I haven’t done this actually but I was waiting for someone to ask 🤫
Dream Chasers
Astrid: She/They lesbian
Logan: Transfem!! She/Her and lesbian she is a Girl in my head forever and ever!! HC she had the realization after being captured in the grim realm. Egg cracked when she realized she can transform was thinking about it the nights after
Cooper: (cis)He/Him closeted Gay. He has serious issues unfortunately he is so afraid
Zoey: She/They aroace lesbian trust guys
Mateo: They/He aroace bi
Izzie: She/Her Sapphic of some sort
Old people
Oz: BUTCH LESBIAN. If you understand. 😢😢
Night Hunter/Beau: that is a trans man. Nightmare king hooked him up with his top surgery trust.
Hannah: Transfem. Please guys understand the t4t Hannah and Beau agenda 🤞🏽
Lunia: She/They lesbian
Royce: He/Him straight
Shin: All, unlabeled
Strick: She/Her straight
Insomniacs (and Dallas)
Dallas: He/Him trans. Straight
Nova: She/They lesbian
Emil: They/Them unlabeled
Jayden: He/Him trans. Bi
Max: She/He Pan
Madteo: They/Them aroace bi
Badastrid: She/He unlabeled
Bogan: Gender unlabeled, aroace
Dooper: They/She/It sapphic
Doey: He/They bi
Dizzie: She/It sapphic
Main big bads
Nightmare king/Migo: That’s an angry teen girl right there
Never witch: All and every (but mostly she) since she’s the embodiment of all witches in the stories “the first dream”
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aitan · 10 months ago
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Capodanno 1959, seduto in prima fila, proprio sotto il contrabbasso di Mingus c’era Orson Welles, quasi un alter ego del jazzista, per genialità, esuberanza, fierezza, complessità. E anche per le tante disavventure artistiche. Per Mingus era un idolo, lo seguiva dai tempi radiofonici di The war of worlds, adorava Quarto potere (dove in una scena c'era il suo amico d'infanzia Buddy Collette che suonava il sax in una festa sulla spiaggia), ammirava il suo modo di vestire, il suo impegno politico (sempre in prima linea per la difesa dei diritti civili, il suo Macbeth tutto nero è del 1936), la sua voce (“mi ricorda Coleman Hawkins. Potevi sentirla a un miglio di distanza”). E non era il solo jazzista a essere stato sedotto dalla voce radiofonica di Orson Welles, anche Miles Davis lo citava come un’influenza sul suo modo di suonare: “Fraseggio, tono, intonazione: tutte queste cose possono avere come modello un maestro della parola”.
Il 1959 sarà un anno d’oro del jazz per quantità, qualità, creatività. Al Five spot, piccolo, fumoso, maleodorante locale di Bowery, scelto come luogo di riferimento da artisti e intellettuali, l'anno comincia con un formidabile double bill: sono di scena, uno dopo l’altro, Sonny Rollins, alla testa di un trio con il bassista Henry Grimes e con il batterista Pete La Rocca, e Charles Mingus con il pianista Horace Parlan, il batterista Roy Haynes (che sostituisce il fedelissimo Dannie Richmond arrestato) e i sassofonisti Booker Ervin e John Handy. È la prima sera dell’anno, ma nel club di Bowery dei fratelli Joe e Iggy Termini è anche l’ultimo impegno di quel prestigioso, favoloso cartellone con Mingus molto irrequieto per tutta la scrittura. Aveva appena registrato la musica per il film di John Cassavetes Shadows, una colonna sonora bocciata nel rimontaggio finale (la stessa cosa sarebbe successa anni dopo con Todo modo di Petri), aveva ripreso i suoi musicisti brutalmente e una volta aveva minacciato violentemente i clienti di un tavolo che, durante il suo set, non smettevano di parlare. Oltretutto ogni sera tendeva ad allargare il suo set e Sonny si inferociva, talvolta rifiutandosi di suonare. Ma era un gran clima, entusiasmante e effervescente. Rollins era in un momento di transizione, alla vigilia di un ritiro clamoroso per rinnovare il linguaggio del suo sax tenore con il leggendario e solitario corso di aggiornamento stilistico sul ponte di Williamsburg: «In un posto tranquillissimo, un angolo morto che oggi sarebbe impossibile ritrovare con il traffico che c’è» il suo racconto, dove poteva esercitarsi liberamente.
Anche Welles, come Mingus, era reduce da una delusione cinematografica: la Universal gli aveva tolto di mano la post-produzione del nuovo film, L’infernale Quinlan, ne aveva tagliato una ventina di minuti e aveva fatto girare nuove scene, modificando il primo montaggio. Più o meno nello stesso periodo era finito in soffitta un documentario intitolato Viva Italia (Portrait of Gina) perché Gina Lollobrigida aveva messo un veto, non gradendo il suo ritratto di giovane attrice ambiziosa e la Abc tv lo aveva bocciato ritenendolo cosi poco ortodosso da non poter essere trasmesso. Era un film di mezz’ora scarsa sull’Italia, paese che Orson ha frequentato per 20 anni (la terza moglie è stata l’attrice italiana, Paola Mori). Dopo un lungo oblio (Orson aveva perduto l'unica copia esistente all'Hotel Ritz di Parigi) è stato riscoperto nel 1986, proiettato al festival di Venezia ma poi di nuovo bandito su intervento della Lollobrigida.
La presenza del regista di Quarto potere al Five spot non era casuale
Nel club di Bowery si poteva incontrare chiunque, da Jack Kerouac che leggeva le sue poesie, alla mitica baronessa Pannonica de Koenigswater scesa dalla sua Rolls Royce, a William de Kooning che voleva respirare la libertà del jazz, a Leonard Bernstein che si divertiva a curiosare nella notte, allo scrittore Norman Mailer con la sua passione per quella musica. Ma la musica da sempre è stata una grande passione di Welles. La mamma pianista gli aveva fatto prendere lezioni di piano e violino e Orson aveva anche mostrato un certo talento, tanto da essere considerato un ragazzo prodigio. In gioventù era stato un grande sostenitore del jazz di New Orleans, ma sicuramente ammirava Charles Mingus per la sua musica e la sua personalità, il suo impegno, il suo agire tellurico.
(Marco Molendini)
Non potevo non condividerlo.
Due miei ingombranti miti nella stessa foto, nello stesso locale, nello stesso articolo.
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fruity-legos · 4 months ago
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Ok so
It's lowkey kinda stupid but bare w/ me
Basically it's cooper, Logan n Izzie going on a trip together cuz Logan's moms are rich and it's my fanseason I do what I want
Anyways there they meet two other dreamchasers which are ocs that I havent named yet cause I'm horrible at naming stuff
And like a bunch of stuff happens the ocs learn to accept being different (royce) and not be afraid to break the rules sometimes
For Zoey shes trying to reconnect with her dad and her dad also tries to reconnect with oz (does not go well) so they basically just hang together and also Beau can sculpt cuz I said so so he sculpted a mini zian for Zoey
As for Mateo he's trying to hang out with Nova n sneak and nothing much tho Nova does get stuck in the dream world at some point and sneak yaps about nightmare realm lore (that I invented)
Also Dallas is knitting on a farm with a bunch of sheeps
Um basically the villain of the fanseason is another oc which is a dream creature that corrupts dreamsand (like you can't use it anymore) and so it kinda complicates the whole thing since they don't have dream sand anymore especially for the two ocs from the trip cuz all their time as dream chasers they've been told they're nothing without the sand
Um more random facts: sandman dies (he comes back dw), never witch kinda hangs out with Zoey, Hannah flashback, the ocs are 15 and 16, sneak reunites with snivel n Susan, sweetdreams mentioned, ANGST, never witch n nightmare king being annoying to night hunter
Oh also the fanseason takes place during summer vacation
Sorry it's kinda dumb <//3
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murkystarlight · 8 months ago
Screw it.
Dreamzzz season2 spoilers pt.1
(And my personal comments)
Alright. Starting from episode 1
I didn't realize that Cooper having a sudden interest in chips would be a hint to something later(it probably isn't but it seems like it to me). Cooper apperantly had a full list of things to fix and make... also the Night Bureau really can't do their job done properly can they. How does Cooper go to school? And study? And get good grades?? Also love how everyone names their cars
It was cool seeing Sneak working with them. And Nova, too bad they... uh- dissapear after like... episode 4? I think
Mateo trying to find a way to get z-blob back, and the Nightmare king... why is he such an icon all of a sudden?? Like-
Also, I like that how Mateo got the kid show treatment. Might as well sing 'we're all in this together'
And Dallas joining the knitting club!!
It was pretty nice. Just a simple small detail, but I like stuff like that so... Looks like he's not going to be bullying anyone now
It was very fun watching the crows(ravens? Don't remember) snatch their memories. When I saw what the memories that was stolen were about I started screaming like-
I actually think they all have a good reasoning. Logan always loved his music(would've been better if he forgot how to sing entirely) , Cooper... well he's the tech guy, and for Izzie, she was the who accepted the dream world the fastest. Who liked it the most in the first season right? There are more cool and amazing reasons than this but my stupid brain can't think of anything else right now
Episode 2
Apperantly there's a lava realm? Cool
Mr. Oz being angry, Logan being.. well, Logan. And Cooper is just adorable. He's having so much trouble. His purpose in life kinda snap
And when everyone else just jumps into the castle, Izzie takes her time to take the stairs
And Izzie having trouble with "dont open your mouth" she's so funnn
I had trouble understanding Astrid-
Royce guy has a weird whistle.
Cooper looks so happy until his mind went blank and his face is just- 'dude wait, what was I doing?' I thought he lost his tech skills?? Why did he become... dumber? It's cute though
"Sorry-" _ Izzie
Also, Logan said a lot of smart stuff in this episode. One of my favorites was
"If I forgot it, how would I know?"
Mr. Oz trying SO hard not to swear. I could see the struggle-
And the flash cards 😭 when did they get a rule book?!!(first ep)
Also, how many eggs do you think Cooper cracked. How does he not remember how to not but a bolt and screw together?? Just- stick it in! Learn to do it again? Poor thing
And the Night Hunter! +Susan and Snivel. They're a bunch of sillies
Cooper getting pressured by his family again- (is it just me or does he get his character development after like... two episodes and be the one stable guy holding the team together? He's useful. Like actually useful) Cooper's voice also wouldn't stop cracking
"Do you ever get sand in your eyes? Or your shorts?" (The Sandman had legs?? Yes, had. He... he gone now.)
Also kinda funny how all of Mateo's dreamcrafting gets blob-ified
"The one time! I actually want to hear your beats, and you forget?!"
Zoey! Why would you randomly jump into a cauldron!! (Also, the Night Hunters memory being Zoey- I already had a feel)
Mrs Castillo is the best
I'm also very curious of... what or who the Never Witch is??
There is a lot of pushing and shoving people. And it's only the second episode
"So you're not the tech genius you used to be. You still got- ....uh.... what other talents do you have?"
Oh godddd noooooooooooo he said it- Oh god........
"I'm gonna go drown my troubles in the candy realm" (kids. Too much sugar isn't good for you)
(He can't even figure out how to put his phone on silent anymore) he got an A+ in a science project, by cooking?? I thought it was a SCIENCE PROGECT??
Imagine a kid suddenly pulling out an apron and asking for a kitchen to work in. During a science project (he's a chef now), he also just... kept the flan? Thing, in his locker-.... is that... okay?
I mean... I did watch this science show on Netflix about these super smart girls and their names being mc². And one of them bakes. Using science. I mean... science works in everything... and I guess if the teachers said okay then its.. okay?
Sandman and Never Witch fighting, he will be remembered. It was pretty cool actually. I wonder if they have any history
Next part
Bonus(also the reason of why I said screw it)
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foreveralwaysanauthor · 7 months ago
So, I've been busy a lot lately with chauffeuring my niece to the blueberry picking job she's taken on this summer and work, the latter of which isn't really a surprise, I'm sure, but, anyway, I've been listening to the new Outsiders musical and I just- 😭 There are so many songs I could use for stories/one-shots, but I need to write out little snippets of it all for now, because I can't keep them to myself anymore, and I need to write this out before I leave to work at camp for the summer lmaooo.
I'm going to start off by comparing some main characters. I won't go into much detail as the book/movie do it a far better justice than I ever could, but I'll compare them as best I can. You'll probably see a lot of similarities right off the bat, but trust me, it gets weirder the more you see how close they are. I swear, when I made these characters, I had outgrown my love for The Outsiders, but now it's like 👀 did I though? Anyway, yeah, onto the comparisons...
Ponyboy Curtis (Yes, that's his real name. 14, loves movies and books to escape reality, gets jumped by kids from the other side of town a lot) is most similar to Bentley. Pony is the main character and longs to escape Tulsa, Oklahoma and the ongoing (somewhat violent) feud between the prissy rich people on the West side of town (Socs or Socialites) and the blue-collar, hardworking people in poverty on the East side of town (Greasers). He dreams of more and uses books and movies as a way to mentally escape the area he lives in.
Sodapop Curtis (Again, yeah, that is his birth-given name. 16, works at a gas station to help their oldest brother with bills. Dropped out of school to work more after their parents passed away) I think is most like Royce. They're both hardworking and feel like they should do more to help their family. However, where Royce sort of struggles with being able to relax and be a kid, Soda feels like the rope in a game of tug-of-war as Pony and their older brother Darrel can sometimes be at each other's throats. He's their peacekeeper, but his efforts don't always work. Also, as an aside, Jason Schmidt from Rise of the Pink Ladies plays Sodapop in the musical and he is incredible!
Darrel "Darry" Curtis (The only one of the brothers with a normal name. 20, sole provider for his brothers, works pretty much all day, every day. Basically just a really exhausted, overworked guy who was forced to grow up too quickly and step up as parent to his brothers) is, you guessed it, Miles. I based a bit of Miles personality off of Darry anyway, so it's not that hard to see the similarities, but still. Unlike Miles being relatively secure financially (or so he claims in front of friends), Darry is struggling. He works from sunup until long after sundown to provide as much as he can, but it isn't easy. Pony doesn't really take in all that Darry does for him and Soda until something happens and it sort of hits him all at once, meanwhile, Bentley and Royce know full well what Miles does for them and are both immensely grateful.
Johnny Cade (16, best friend of Ponyboy, they get into a lot of trouble together. He's seen as the kicked puppy of the group as he was jumped not long before the story takes place and would have died if not for Pony and their friends.) I could see as August, especially after reading his info page. I won't go too far into things, but his home life was terrible, so he sometimes slept in the empty lot by their house to stay away from home. He doubted his family would care if he ended up dead, and sadly, I think he was right.
Dallas "Dally" Winston (17, wild card of the group, frequently in and out of jail for fighting with just about anyone) is a hard one to place, but I'd have to say he's probably a mixture of Zack and Butchy. Dallas was very protective of those he cared about, but he had a tendency to go about it all wrong. He had been behind bars more than anyone else in the group for a myriad of reasons, but he didn't regret a single night of it so long as it meant he protected one of his own.
Sherri "Cherry" Valance (16, is a Soc from the West side) would be most like Vivien, but I have a part of me that sees Carrie in her as well, and I'll explain more in a moment with a song. For now, just know that, in the show/movie/book, Pony has a crush on Cherry, but she seems to like Soda as she knows him from local rodeos where he does barrel racing. She says that more than once that it's easier to talk with Pony than with anyone from her side of the town, and they get along really well as friends throughout.
Now that I've done a bit of character comparison, I'm going to say that I could see this musical being inspiration for a What If? scenario (I know, I have a lot of those haha) where everything sort of takes place in the 60s in Myrtle Beach, before the boys leave town. I have a handful of other ideas as well for individual stories and one-shots, but just hear me out, alright? I promise, it gets good. Maybe, by the end of this, you'll be just as invested as I am; who knows?
Starting strong, we have the song Tulsa '67. Typical with most musicals, this is the introduction song that sets the scene, but I just love the way Brody Grant (Ponyboy) makes everything feel. Like, if you close your eyes, you can feel the world around you. Well, I can, at least. My small town was very similar back in the day - or so I've heard from my uncles.
Skipping to Runs in the Family, I have to say, this song is very Miles coded. I based a bit of Miles personality off of Darrel "Darry" Curtis anyway, so it makes sense, but this song just solidifies it for me. Brent Comer is amazing as Darry, but if I close my eyes, I can almost picture Miles singing this. Like, tell me some of those lyrics don't seem like they're taking them straight out of Miles' mind!
Next up is Great Expectations. I don't have a full idea for this one, but just hits different as a writer as well as someone who feels somewhat stuck in their town. It seems like there are only a rare few who make it out of the area, and when you're stuck there, you want to dream big, so that's what Ponyboy sings about. I can imagine this being either Miles or Royce (primarily Royce) singing, but I'll let you decide.
Now, let me just say that I Could Talk to You All Night gave me multiple ideas, but I'm going to keep my list short. My first instinct was a Miles and Carrie one-shot as it feels very much like them pre-relationship. Just a night where they realize that the chasm between their social classes isn't as wide as they were made to think it was, and they bond over simple things. My other thought was, of course, Royce and Vivien, for the same reason. Vivien's family is definitely at least upper middle class, but I feel like, if they were in school together at the same time, in a similar situation to the original story (Socs vs. Greasers), they'd find it somewhat awkward at first to get along before relaxing with each other and talking each other's ears off. Either way, it's adorable!
One song I have mixed ideas for is the reprise of Runs in the Family. Of course, the Murphy boys are my primary idea, but it's hard to imagine them arguing to that point. Then again... maybe that could be an interesting arc...
Run Run Brother has become one of my exercise songs, and it's been really motivational, but that's beside the point. The only idea I've had for this was that, after Miles leaves town, Royce and Bentley plan to follow him, but get held back by their father, who won't let them go without a fight. When he pins Bentley to the wall in a chokehold, Royce stabs him, takes Bentley, and they run to Uncle Tommy's, where this song takes place. I've had different versions of this one-shot in my mind before, but this one feels the most fleshed out.
Throwing in the Towel made me genuinely cry the first time I heard it. After the events of the last song I mentioned, Ponyboy and Johnny ran away, but Darry and Soda only find out what happened after they're long gone. Darry, of course, blames himself for everything, and I can just imagine this being Miles' reaction if Bentley were to ever run away from home for any reason. Also, seeing the live version on The Today Show made me so emotional, and the hug at the end of the video was very fitting.
The movie didn't do the book's version of Soda's Letter a justice, but the musical got it right. I can only imagine this following the last idea I gave you, so do with that as you will.
Little Brother is the type of song that feels like how a person with nothing left to lose would feel. Feeling like nobody cares about the people you've lost, nothing matters to you now without those people, and you've already crossed the line of no return, so why not go all the way? Even without having read the book or watched the movie, you can feel the heaviness of the lyrics as the song picks up. You probably don't want to know what I've had cooking in my head for this one, so I'm going to leave it for another time. Just know that I have things cooking already...
Now, I'll let you look into the rest of the show, but just know that I love it and hope to one day see it with the original cast. I've been a bit of a TikTok stalker lately, but my fyp is filled with Outsiders stuff anyway, so it's been great. Hopefully, you've liked my little ramble session because I'm about to tumble down my Outsiders obsession for the umpteenth time since I first read the book in the 8th grade. Anyway, have a great day! I have a bit of extra time to write today, so I'm going to use as much as I can.
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insomniac-jay · 2 years ago
Giftedverse | Heliade
Heliade, real name Royce Tamisha "Riri" Porter (nee DuVall-Lexington), is a heroine and wife and partner of Gate Guardian. She is also the mother of Kyler Porter.
Riri works as a professional dancer and cheerleader while also working as a superhero. Her and her husband used to be based in the United States but moved to Eden after getting an offer to join the Justice Bureau.
Riri is a tall, slender African-American woman in her late 20s to early 30s with a toned body. She has brown skin with blonde hair styled in goddess braids and dark brown eyes. She has a dancer's build with curves (she has a kid yall) but is shown to be quite agile and flexible.
Naturally upbeat and cheerful, Riri is a person a lot of people enjoy being around. She's a very happy person who enjoys life and embraces every waking moment. While she can't be happy all the time, Riri keeps (or tries to) a positive outlook on things good or bad.
One of her most remarkable traits is her athleticism. Even after doing the most intense cheer routine ever, Riri will still be rearing and ready to go. Her endless energy and spontaneity is very good in an action packed field like heroics where she'll be fighting villains everyday.
Despite her busy life, she always makes time for her husband and son.
Light Strings
Riri's main Gift. She has the power to convert rays of light into strings that she can use to bind, swing, and lift objects. The more rays she's exposed to, the stronger the strings will be.
Light Ray Manipulation
Riri has the power to manipulate light rays including bending them, curving their trajectory, and charging them. This mainly manifests through her Light Strings Gift but there are times where she controlled the ray itself.
Riri was born Royce DuVall-Lexington to her father Akbar Lexington and Leslie DuVall in Dallas, Texas. She lived a middle-class life and expressed interest in both sports and the arts from a young age. Her parents enrolled her in a dance school where she excelled as a tap and jazz dancer. Riri was also a member of the local soccer team.
In middle school Riri's love of dance continued, which led to her joining the dance team. Later she was offered to try out for the cheerleading team. Riri made the team and found a new love for cheerleading.
Her Gift manifested while walking her dog Baylo. Baylo had gotten loose out of her grasp trying to chase another dog. In that moment, a string of yellow light formed out of her hand and latched onto Baylo's leash.
She told her parents about the ordeal and they took her to a doctor to confirm she was a Gifted. When the confirmation was true, Riri was enrolled in the Pre Heroics course so that she could gain control of her powers.
Akbar & Leslie DuVall-Lexington
Riri has a good relationship with her parents. She loves them dearly and thanks them for supporting her dreams. Akbar and Leslie both know about her and her husband's secret identities.
Joshua Porter | Gate Guardian
Riri's husband and the love of her life. She met Joshua in her freshman year of college when she headed to St. Louis. At first she was kinda put off by Joshua's quirky and kooky nature but eventually came to appreciate it and even find it endearing. They started dating in their sophomore year and married two years after graduating.
They debuted as a superhero couple, working side by side in fighting crime and protecting the citizens of Eden.
Kyler Porter
Kyler is Riri's baby boy. She loves him with all her being and always makes time for him despite juggling a double life.
Adriana de Palma | Royale
As a fellow cheerleader, Riri has respect for Adriana and vice versa. Other than that, they've only talked to each other in passing.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer @autisticichihime
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dallasexoticcar · 1 year ago
Elevate Your Driving Experience with Exotic Car Rental in Dallas
Dallas, a city known for its vibrant culture, thriving business scene, and remarkable landmarks, offers more than just the conventional Texan experience. For those seeking a taste of luxury and adventure, Dallas Exotic Car Rental stands ready to elevate your driving escapades. With an impressive fleet of high-end vehicles and a commitment to unparalleled service, Dallas Exotic Car Rental is your gateway to an unforgettable journey through the heart of Texas.
Unleash the Thrill of Exotic Driving Imagine cruising through the iconic streets of Dallas in a sleek Lamborghini, commanding attention at every turn. Or perhaps you prefer the elegance of a Rolls Royce, exuding sophistication as you explore the city's attractions. Dallas Exotic Car Rental brings these fantasies to life, allowing you to temporarily inhabit the world of luxury and performance that these vehicles offer.
Diverse Fleet for Every Taste Dallas Exotic Car Rental boasts a diverse fleet of exotic vehicles, ensuring there's something for every car enthusiast. From a Ferrari's raw power to a Bentley's refined luxury, the fleet caters to varying preferences and occasions. Whether it's a special event, a business trip, or simply a desire to indulge, these exotic cars are poised to exceed your expectations.
Impeccable Service and Convenience Renting an exotic car with Dallas Exotic Car Rental is not just about the vehicle but the entire experience. The company takes pride in delivering impeccable service that caters to your needs and desires. Their user-friendly booking process streamlines the rental experience, allowing you to focus on the excitement of your upcoming adventure.
Exploring Dallas in Style Exploring Dallas takes on a whole new dimension with an exotic car at your disposal. Cruise down the iconic Dealey Plaza, where history and modernity converge, or feel the energy of the Dallas Arts District in a way that only a luxury car can provide. Whether visiting landmarks like the Reunion Tower or enjoying the city's thriving nightlife, an exotic car rental transforms your journey into a personalized, stylish affair.
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In The End Dallas Exotic Car Rental opens up a world of luxury and exhilaration, inviting you to take the wheel of some of the most coveted vehicles on the planet. With their outstanding fleet, exceptional service, and passion for creating remarkable experiences, they redefine how you explore and enjoy the vibrant city of Dallas. Whether for a special occasion or a spontaneous adventure, an exotic car rental from this esteemed company promises memories that will last a lifetime. So, the next time you find yourself in Dallas, consider indulging in the extraordinary with Dallas Exotic Car Rental.
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carmenvicinanza · 2 months ago
Esther Mahlangu
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Icona pop, esposta in tutto il mondo, senza una sua opera una collezione d’arte africana è ritenuta incompleta, questa è Esther Mahlangu, artista sudafricana.
Dipinge vivaci opere geometriche basate sui tradizionali disegni della nazione Ndebele, di cui è eminente ambasciatrice culturale.
Spirito innovativo e dirompente, è riuscita a creare un ponte tra il mondo dell’arte tradizionale e quello contemporaneo, collaborando con celebrità, marchi globali, musei e istituti culturali.
Nata a Middelburg, l’11 novembre 1936, ha iniziato a dipingere a dieci anni, seguendo gli insegnamenti della madre e della nonna che, nella tradizione Ndebele, si tramandano, solo tra donne, un particolare tipo di tecnica pittorica solitamente riservata alla decorazione delle case in occasioni speciali come il passaggio all’età adulta.
Disegni caratterizzati da forme geometriche ripetute, limitate da un sottile bordo nero in contrasto con lo sfondo bianco. Simmetrie di linee e figure in cui i colori sono assolutamente predominanti. Partendo dalla tradizione, si è spinta oltre, reinventato questa tecnica su piattaforme più contemporanee come tele, sculture, ceramiche, automobili e addirittura aerei.
Ha collaborato con artisti come Andy Warhol, David Hockney e Frank Stella.
Le sue astrazioni hanno attirato l’attenzione internazionale, nel 1989, dopo la sua partecipazione a “Magiciens de la Terre” mostra collettiva al Centre Pompidou di Parigi, dove ha dipinto una replica della sua casa di fronte al pubblico intervenuto.
Due anni dopo, è stata la prima artista africana a ricevere l’incarico di dipingere una BMW Art Car.
Nel 1997 questo tipo di disegni è stato riportato anche sulle code degli aerei dalla British Airways e, dieci anni dopo, sulla nuova Fiat 500 in occasione della mostra “Why Africa?” a Torino.
Ha anche collaborato con diversi prestigiosi marchi come la Rolls-Royce.
Le sue opere sono nelle collezioni di celebrità come John Legend, Oprah Winfrey, Trevor Noah e Swizz Beatz.
Predominante nel suo lavoro è la tensione tra locale e globale, tra l’ancoraggio e il distacco. Attinge a piene mani la tradizione visiva locale che vuole rappresentare nel mondo per preservare la sua patria e cultura.
Ha fondato e dirige una scuola in cui insegna la sua tecnica pittorica e di creazione di gioielli, a giovani donne.
Un lavoro pionieristico e coraggioso, nato in un contesto di grandi difficoltà politiche e sociali, in cui propone con orgoglio un’arte legata alla rivendicazione etnica.
Nella sua lunga carriera, Esther Mahlangu ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti, tra cui tre dottorati onorari e la nomina di Ufficiale dell’Ordine delle Lettere e delle Arti dal governo francese.
Nel febbraio 2024 è stata inaugurata la mostra “Then I Knew I Was Good at Painting: Esther Mahlangu, A Retrospective” presso la Iziko South African National Gallery.
Una vita spesa per l’arte come rivendicazione culturale.
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baltharino · 4 months ago
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Suburgatory 1x19 - "Entering Eden"
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mtbexotic · 2 years ago
How to Make the Most of Your Dallas Trip with Exotic Cars
The Dallas trip offers a lot of exotic car-related activities and attractions. However, the journey is only complete with seeing these cars in person or taking them for a spin. You might not find such variety easily at home, so take the opportunity to make the most of your time in exotic cars for rent Dallas and see what the city has to offer regarding these cars.
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01. Know what you are looking for:
The first step is to choose what exotic car you want to see or experience. Is it a super car or something more luxurious like a sports car or convertible? Know your options and what you would like to do when you arrive.
02. Know the prices of the cars:
Before you pick exotic cars for rent Dallas, you must first research the cost of exotic car rentals in Dallas. Many services offer exotic cars for rent, like Aston Martin, Ferrari, Porsche, and Lamborghini.
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03. Known the availability of the cars in Dallas:
The availability and demand for exotic cars in Dallas fluctuate with the seasons. There might be a lot of options available during the summer or spring, but this will change by fall or winter and by the number of people who want to rent out cars.
The Dallas trip can be fun if you are into driving exotic cars. Choose a car that suits your budget, research the availability before you make your reservation, and choose to rent it from a reputable service provider and enjoy the view while taking it for a spin.
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onyxblackcar · 4 months ago
The Best Weddings Transportation Services in Dallas for a Stress-Free Experience
Planning a wedding can be a monumental task, filled with countless details that need to be coordinated in perfect harmony. One of the most critical aspects of this intricate process is transportation. The right wedding transportation not only ensures that you and your guests arrive at the venue on time but also adds an element of elegance and style to your special day. In Dallas, a city known for its vibrant culture and sprawling urban landscape, there are numerous transportation services catering to the unique needs of wedding celebrations. This article delves into the various types of weddings transportation in Dallas, each offering distinctive features that can enhance your wedding experience.
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Limousines: The Classic Choice
When one thinks of wedding transportation, the image of a luxurious limousine often comes to mind. Limousines have been a staple in wedding transportation for decades, and for good reason. They provide a level of sophistication that few other vehicles can match. In Dallas, a variety of limousine services are available, offering a range of models to suit your personal style and wedding theme.
Imagine stepping out of a sleek black stretch limousine, the sunlight glinting off its polished surface as you make your grand entrance. The spacious interior can accommodate not just the bride and groom, but also the bridal party, allowing for a shared moment of excitement before the ceremony. Many limousine services in Dallas offer amenities such as champagne service, mood lighting, and top-notch sound systems, ensuring that the ride is as enjoyable as the destination.
Moreover, choosing a limousine service can alleviate stress on the wedding day. With a professional chauffeur at the helm, you can rest assured that you will arrive at your venue punctually and safely. This also allows you to focus on the more joyous aspects of the day rather than worrying about navigating traffic or parking.
Vintage Cars: A Touch of Romance
For couples looking to infuse their wedding with a sense of nostalgia, vintage cars can be an exquisite choice. Dallas boasts several transportation companies that offer beautifully restored classic cars, from elegant Rolls Royces to charming Volkswagen buses.
Opting for a vintage car not only elevates the aesthetic of your wedding but also provides a unique storytelling element. Picture yourself arriving at your ceremony in a stunning 1960s Cadillac, the soft rumble of the engine a fitting backdrop to the excitement of the day. Vintage cars often come with their own rich history, adding a layer of charm and romance that modern vehicles simply cannot replicate.
In addition to their visual appeal, vintage cars can also serve as a beautiful backdrop for wedding photography. The contrast of the classic vehicle with your wedding attire can create breathtaking images that you will cherish for a lifetime. Furthermore, many vintage car services in Dallas offer customization options, allowing you to decorate the vehicle to match your wedding theme, enhancing the personalized touch of your special day.
Shuttle Services: Keeping Guests Together
While the bride and groom are the stars of the show, ensuring that your guests have a pleasant experience is equally important. This is where shuttle services come into play. In a bustling city like Dallas, arranging transportation for out-of-town guests or even local attendees can be a logistical challenge. Shuttle services offer a practical solution to this issue.
These services can transport guests from designated pickup points, such as hotels or airports, directly to the wedding venue. This not only simplifies the travel process for your guests but also enhances their overall experience. After all, the wedding day should be about celebrating love and togetherness, and shuttle services help to foster that communal spirit.
Moreover, having a shuttle service allows you to provide a safe option for guests who may wish to indulge in celebratory drinks during the reception. By facilitating transportation, you can ensure that everyone enjoys the festivities without the worry of how to get home afterward. This thoughtful gesture can greatly enhance the atmosphere of your wedding, making it a more enjoyable occasion for all.
Party Buses: Fun on Wheels
For couples looking to kick off the celebrations before the wedding even begins, a party bus can be an ideal choice. These spacious vehicles can accommodate large groups, making them perfect for transporting the bridal party or even hosting a pre-wedding celebration.
Imagine the excitement of gathering with your closest friends, sipping on drinks, and enjoying music as you make your way to the venue. Party buses in Dallas are equipped with various amenities, including large sound systems, dance floors, and even mini bars, creating a festive atmosphere throughout the journey. This can be particularly advantageous if you have multiple stops to make, such as a photo session at a scenic location before heading to the ceremony.
In addition to providing a fun and lively experience, party buses also streamline logistics on your wedding day. By consolidating transportation into one vehicle, you can simplify the planning process and ensure that everyone arrives together, avoiding the chaos that can often accompany separate rides.
Luxury Car Rentals: For the Discerning Couple
For those who prefer a more understated yet equally elegant mode of transportation, luxury car rentals offer an excellent alternative. Dallas is home to numerous rental services featuring high-end vehicles, ranging from sleek sports cars to high-performance sedans.
Renting a luxury vehicle allows couples to make a statement without the ostentation of a limousine. Picture yourself embarking on your honeymoon in a stunning convertible, the wind in your hair as you drive away from the wedding venue. This choice not only enhances your wedding day but also sets the tone for the adventures to come.
Luxury car rentals can also be a great option for those who wish to maintain a certain level of privacy. Unlike larger vehicles, a luxury car allows for a more intimate setting, perfect for couples who prefer quiet moments together, away from the bustle of the celebration. Additionally, many rental services offer flexible options for duration, allowing you to tailor the rental to fit your specific needs.
Conclusion: Choosing the Right Transportation
Selecting the best wedding transportation services in Dallas is integral to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience on your special day. Whether you opt for the classic elegance of a limousine, the charm of a vintage car, the practicality of a shuttle service, the fun of a party bus, or the understated luxury of a high-end rental, each option comes with its own unique benefits.
Ultimately, the key is to consider your personal style, the needs of your guests, and the overall theme of your wedding. By carefully evaluating the available options, you can make a choice that not only enhances the aesthetic of your celebration but also contributes to a stress-free experience that you and your guests will remember fondly for years to come. With the right transportation in place, you can focus on what truly matters: celebrating love and creating lasting memories.
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insidethestardc · 7 months ago
Looking Ahead: Free Agent Impacts The Dallas Cowboys have lost several players who became free agents at the end of the season. Some of these players were major contributors to the team and their absence could be greatly felt. To r... #DallasCowboys
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mckinneyviptransportation · 8 months ago
Luxury Wedding Car Services in Dallas: Making Your Day Extra Special
Luxury wedding car service in Dallas offer couples the opportunity to elevate their special day with style, comfort, and sophistication. These services provide a range of options, from classic limousines to exotic cars, ensuring that every couple can find the perfect transportation to make their wedding day extra special. Let's explore the world of luxury wedding car services in Dallas and how they contribute to creating unforgettable moments.
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Classic Limousines: Timeless Elegance
Classic limousines epitomize timeless elegance and remain a popular choice for wedding transportation. In Dallas, you'll find a variety of luxurious limousines, ranging from traditional stretch models to modern SUV limos. These vehicles offer ample space, plush interiors, and amenities like entertainment systems and minibars, ensuring a comfortable and stylish ride for the bride, groom, and bridal party.
Vintage Cars: Nostalgic Charm
For couples seeking a touch of nostalgia and romantic charm, vintage cars provide an excellent option. Dallas boasts a collection of meticulously restored vintage cars, including iconic models like Rolls-Royce, Bentley, and Cadillac. Arriving in a vintage car adds a sense of old-world glamour to the wedding day, creating a memorable and picturesque experience for the newlyweds.
Luxury Sedans: Understated Sophistication
Luxury sedans offer understated sophistication and are perfect for couples who prefer a sleek and modern transportation option. Brands like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi provide upscale sedans with luxurious interiors and advanced features. Whether it's a sedan for the bride and groom or a fleet of sedans for the wedding party, these vehicles ensure a smooth and stylish journey.
Exotic Cars: Making a Statement
Exotic cars are ideal for couples looking to make a bold statement and add a touch of excitement to their wedding day. Dallas features exotic car rental services offering models from renowned brands like Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Porsche. Arriving in an exotic car not only turns heads but also creates a memorable and luxurious experience for the couple and their guests.
Party Buses: Group Celebration
When transporting a larger group of guests or the entire wedding party, party buses provide a fun and spacious option. These buses come equipped with amenities such as comfortable seating, entertainment systems, and minibars, creating a festive atmosphere on the go. Party buses ensure that everyone travels together and enjoys the celebration throughout the journey.
Horse-Drawn Carriages: Fairytale Romance
For couples dreaming of a fairytale wedding, horse-drawn carriages offer a magical and romantic transportation experience. Dallas boasts carriage rental services with beautifully adorned carriages and majestic horses. This enchanting mode of transportation adds a whimsical touch to the wedding day, allowing the couple to feel like royalty as they arrive at their venues.
Helicopter Rides: Sky-High Grandeur
For a truly unforgettable entrance or aerial perspective, consider helicopter rides for your wedding transportation. Dallas' scenic landscapes and skyline provide a stunning backdrop for helicopter arrivals or departures. Whether it's a grand entrance at the ceremony or a post-reception getaway, helicopter rides add a touch of sky-high grandeur to the wedding celebration.
Conclusion: Creating Unforgettable Memories
In conclusion, luxury wedding car services in Dallas offer a range of options to make your wedding day extra special. Whether you prefer the timeless elegance of classic limousines, the nostalgic charm of vintage cars, or the excitement of exotic vehicles, there's a perfect choice to suit your style and preferences. These luxury transportation options contribute to creating unforgettable memories and ensuring that your wedding day is a truly memorable and glamorous occasion.
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