dalishious · 5 years
hey! found a braid hair mod you might like! just two simple pig tails, i remember yyou were looking for something like it. it's on nexus, just add this to the end of the url :) dragonageinquisition/mods/2808
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OH MY GOD!!!!!
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felandaristhorns · 4 years
dalishunter replied to your post: I’d love to make that particular OC into a DA OC I...
is big dumb qunari actually a thing????
Oh man, have you done a Qunari playthrough yet, because holy shit does everyone think you’re stupid by default. The woman who makes you look for her ring before Wicked Eyes literally shouts at you LOOONG AAAAAND SLOOOOOWWW like you need her to speak in monosyllables to understand. Everyone who doesn’t think you’re just stupid thinks you’re a dangerous beast (and also stupid).
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rhaegail · 4 years
A feral scream pierces the tranquility of the forest. Fingers claw the ground, body twists, and she wails. The warning had been clear but she, young and confident and eager to please, dismissed its severity. How foolish.
It takes every ounce of her strength to unravel herself. She tries to stand but these shaking, foreign limbs fail her and she drops to hands and knees. She is reminded of past prey. Their young struggle to stand after their birth and if they fail, then they may fall into the jaws of a predator. I was a hunter, she thinks. Her hands push. I am the hunter.
A strong branch serves as support. Her legs shake but steps are being made, and it isn’t long before she finds herself abandoning the altar.
No, this is not abandonment. This is the goddess’s wish, and one that will be fulfilled. It matters not that she has lost her wings, or that her body aches and burns with unfamiliar pain. 
She will find them.
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avalyriansnow · 4 years
It was uncommon to find people so high in the mountains. The area was practically abandoned. The only man made structure that should have been nearby was Visenya’s ancestral home. Which even she had struggled to find after days of searching. She wondered what it was the small party could be after.
It wasn’t long before one noticed her, she did her best not to hide. She was out numbered and for the moment had no reason to fear them. They turned to a soul figure, and Elf, their leader perhaps?
“You are Dalish?” The words tumble from Visenya’s mouth without her even thinking after looking the individual up and down once.
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thegreatstrongbow · 4 years
13 & 16 for the gender/sexuality meme :)
was your muse ever in denial about the matter? do you have any examples of specific instances where it was particularly obvious?
Not in canon verses, where he had the privilege of a) not going through puberty and b) literally being able to say ‘Eru made this way so stfu’
In modern verses, he definitely went through a period in his early teens were he tried really hard to deny that he liked men, though more out of a fear of the reaction of his peers and a lack of confidence than feeling that it was ‘wrong’.
do they consider to ‘always have been’, or do they see the phases in their life before coming out as ‘back when i was [cis/straight/allo]’?
In every verse, he’s “always have been” bisexual. There’s before he knew the word for his feels, and there’s after. To him, it’s simply who he is.
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divinesleft-a · 4 years
dalishunter replied to your post “i have done nothing all day but eat almonds and watch the simpsons...”
we're all valid here
okay but you perhaps are the most valid for all of that anlckjadsn, i wish i had nutella to eat outta the jar
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theharellan · 5 years
“Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.”
Princess Bride Meme | Not Accepting | @dalishunter
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Solas tenses, shoulders pulling tighter together, silhouette shrinking against the sky. “Your sarcasm is noted,” he says, each word clipped, shorter than they ought to sound, “but ultimately fruitless. Trade barbs with me all you like, it will bring us no closer to our goal.”
His gaze remains trained upon the ground where tracks of cloven hooves dance circles around them, gamboling aimlessly over green Fereldan hills. With his naked eyes he can see they are fresh, cut into the mud no more than an hour ago, anything more eludes him. Awake, there is no palpable intent left in their stride. When he reaches out to touch the center, he feels wet mud beneath his fingertips and little else. What little he does feel he is hesitant to name, wary of what his companion might think.
“It is curious– there is one set of tracks, yet I cannot shake the feeling our quarry is not alone.” A sigh issues from his nose as he straightens, knees protesting beneath him. “You are the hunter, are you not? Surely one ram will not pose an issue for you, even one as ‘unique’ as this Woolsley.”
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not-your-chosen · 4 years
💞 on the neck ( @ soph!! )
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She could feel the warmth of her loves hand pulling at the stiff hem of the cloth around her neck, then the quick peck on the bramble like blood magic scar around her neck. Sophia can feel heat rising to her face.
“Patience, my love, we will have much time to do such things after the mission is over.” She whispers.
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nighttimefriend · 5 years
dalishunter replied to your post: Ny’Ari, who she made her LI believe she died in...
consider: her LI dropping everything theyre doing and giving chase, ny'ari manages to hide from their view while theyre looking around and calling out for her, begging her to come back. all the while she’s literally right there, having to listen while they crumble.
OH that is some @crossing-the-threshcld level charrie abuse. I love it. 
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altuspavus · 4 years
👭 👍 👌
👭 Can we roleplay together?
For sure! I’m getting to the ask you sent in either now or after my German class!
👍 You’re doing great! Keep it up! / 👌 Your character portrayal is amazing.
Awh shucks, thanks bud! 
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irsalladin · 5 years
Comparing Heights ( Accepting )
@dalishunter​ said “ arasulahn is 5'7"! “
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“... I suppose you can stay.”
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felandaristhorns · 4 years
dalishunter replied to your post: Clan Inahwen
can i reblog this as a ref or? :3
If you wanna save it for your own reference, sure!
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rhaegail · 4 years
😍 ( arasulahn is v scared, dont doubt that, but she's never seen a more beautiful beast!!! )
send me 😍 if your muse finds mine attractive.
It’s a good thing that while Rhaegal can get angry, she’s more curious and would rather get a closer look at Arasulahn ( and think that yes, this small creature looks strong and beautiful ).
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i kno u send me a prompt but i need to reiterate: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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the queen has spoken
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divinesleft-a · 4 years
dalishunter replied to your post “i finally feel like im getting a solid grip on leliana’s voice and i...”
jussayin i heard her voice so clearly throughout your writing since you introduced her as a muse! you've got an incredible knack for her charactere
ur SO kind can i just keep you and have you as moral support on all of my adventures pls ily so much
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kaaras-adaar-a · 5 years
2, 3, 5 for munday salt meme!
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2. What are your unpopular opinion(s) of the fandom you’re rping in?
I’m probably a bit of a canon fanatic, if that makes sense? It means I prefer to keep things as canon as possible within the DA lore and realm. I don’t mind if people have little things here and there if it’s vague information where you can fill in the gaps yourselves (or the writers have yet to explain things or have hinted etc), but if there’s something specific in canon that people outright go against, it can irk me. For instance, when people make OC’s that are half elf  that have elven traits (long ears) when it’s canon that the elven gene is the non dominant one. To me, when I read that on their profile, I just can’t picture it because my canon brain tells me not to. I guess this also kind of depends on what it exactly is, though, because we also know that the writers themselves have done some pretty wishwashy stuff when it comes to their own lore as well. It’s not like it’s a deal breaker, but sometimes it can make me feel uncomfortable. :’D
3. What rp trends are you so over and can’t wait for it to die?
Tiny, itty bitty text that I can’t read even on my big arse PC screen. I don’t mind the small text one down from the normal one, but when you’re doing the tiny, TINY one? Honestly, it’s just difficult. Can you even read your own writing? I really don’t understand. Maybe people have their screens constantly on zoom or something but it’s just really, really impractical in my opinion. Also when people        type           replies               like               THIS. Why are there so many spaces and why is every second word bold or italic or small? I’m sure there’s some logic to what you’re writing, but to me it’s just… random. To each their own, tho! If that’s the way you like your blog looking, then do what makes you comfortable. I’m also curious why people completely blank out their icons with contrast? Sometimes I don’t even know who or what I’m looking at. Don’t you use icons because you want to SEE the character? Not blank it out in pixels that are not distinguishable? I use a filter on mine because it looks cleaner and it helps clean up some of those gross, ugly blotches and greasy colours in DAI lighting, but that’s the only reason why, and you can still see who’s in the icons. I have nothing against filters, but when you legit can’t understand the icon, it’s just… I dunno… Whatever floats your boat. 
5. A ship everyone in the fandom you’re in loves, but you can’t stand?
Dorian x Bull. I just don’t feel like they’re in love? I don’t know. It’s not quite the idea that I find them to be toxic like a lot of the fandom does, I just feel like it’s LOVELESS. And finding out that the entire romance started out as a joke also makes me just feel like that kind of proves my point. It was a joke. And don’t get me wrong, I actually ENJOY their banter, but that’s it. I think they’d be much happier a banter buddies than anything more. Dorian and Bull, to me, just aren’t a good match. I get the whole opposites attract, enemies to lovers trope (and I love that shit!), but Dorian and Bull, to me, feels like an entirely loveless relationship. Let them be banter buddies that pick on each other every now and again, but with the freedom for them to support each other’s love interests when they gain them. That’s the kind of Bull x Dorian I want to see.
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