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umeji-writes · 1 year ago
Okay, but let's talk for a second about accessibility in M!IK's Netherworld. First of all, I love, LOVE, that the characters in this manga are so heterogeneous in size and shape. I mean, look at MeiMei, they're as big as one of Amduscias's foot, and still taken very seriously :')
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Tbh it kinda makes most other series look pretty boring - and I like it this way, the real world is heterogeneous and media should be to (imo). With that said, different shapes can be treated very differently, right? Say, think about making fat people pay for a bigger seat instead of making bigger seats where everyone is more comfy... Weird right? Specifically this panels really hit me:
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It low-key sent me into a spiral, not gonna lie. "So, we are literal demons and technically we live in a ruthless world, but also we think about the needs of everybody and accomodate accordingly, because why wouldn't we" And that's not it! For instance, not all demons have tails, but all Babyls uniforms have holes for them, and who doesn't have one simply carries on with their life. (Also, the freedom to customize them... Top notch. And you can mix and match like Opera did, or wear a different one like Azz and Ameri, so no real binarism either ♡)
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Honestly, if this is how the Netherworld is, I may just start to summon random demons and ask to be brought there, it's worth a chance if you ask me
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mandatorybear · 1 year ago
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I'm so glad Opera is a teacher now, so many opportunities to tease an old kouhai ><
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enby-opera · 9 months ago
Okay so- start off with this.
It’s not that Kalego is being spiteful and petty and won’t raise Iruma’s rank
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It’s that he CANT.
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Which makes sense. There’s a total of 10 ranks and the teachers can get them halfway there to 5 before that’s all they can do.
For them to rank up any more than that they need to take a test and be approved by of one the crowns
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As for the Scala itself.
The crown has to be impartial
It has to be beneficial to the netherworld
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I was expecting it to be something like- take care of the next generation for X amount of time since we see him surrounded by a bunch of kids earlier in the chapter.
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Or maybe something with training first years for the harvest festival? But that isn’t until after summer break?
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asmodeusamaryllis · 15 days ago
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Kalego birthday questions part 2
Fourth question:
Asked: please tell us one happy or fun memory from when you were little that happen with your brother!!!
Kalego answered: I think we played with a frisbee...
Fifth question:
Asked: what do you think of momonoki sensei?
Kalego answered: ...?... She a great colleague but she still can't seem to get over her nervousness. She should calm down a bit.
Sixth question:
Asked: you don't seem to go to many drinking parties, but do you ever go drink alone with someone? Shichirou, Dali sensei, ect....
Kalego answered: I will have a drink alone with balam. Yamanda comes there occasionally.
Nishi answered: Dali has been inviting kalego for a long time but he always turned him down. As a result, Dali and Otonja have a drink together.
Bonus question:
Asked: What's eggy's favourite lunch?
Nishi answered: if you give eggy some torn up bread, he will eat it !
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ghosttownmettie · 1 year ago
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POV: Most fun to be around Dantalion Dali is handing you a drink
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incorrect-mairuma · 1 year ago
Rubbing Robin's age in his face
Dali: Man, when I was your age...
Suzy: Oh, how it would feel to be young again...
Kalego: Silence- *proceeds to scold Robin for swearing*
Balam: Hey now sonny, you can't be drinking that yet. *takes away his wine*
Robin: Oh my god.
*one day later*
Robin: Do you need that food blended so you can eat it better?
March: Want some help up those stairs? We can rest if you want to.
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jnctln · 2 years ago
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Gave them different hair style hehe~🫠
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madmarchhare · 1 year ago
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misaqtx · 2 years ago
what in the world is in his room
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if my friends dare me 30$ to go in there best believe they better raise it to 1000$
also why am i just realizing his room got like a blanket or whatever hanging 😟 tryna cover up a murder scene fr
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xatsperesso · 2 years ago
Don't mess with the teachers of Babyl
Another 'what if iruma got kidnapped'! But not as angsty as the last one
Hope you enjoy!
A student was taken
He was taken from right under their noses, by a teacher.
They’re going to regret this. They’re going to regret this oh so much.
Iruma was not having a good day.
His day started great, actually. He was taking an exam to see if he’s strong enough to protect those dear to him! And, admittedly, he wasn't that strong. He let Chima-chan’s heart get popped, but! That means he now needs to get stronger! And his team still hasn't failed! They’ve survived a grand total of 24 minutes against the teachers of Babyl!! That’s a feat!
And then he got kidnapped.
But Iruma’s gotta say that he’s impressed! The teachers are really determined to act their parts! For a minute their Iruma truly thought that Atori-sensei was dangerous… but! Grandpa has yet to intervene, so he must really like acting! And Iruma admires that!
He is upset to have been taken out, and he’s been so close. He must have let down Chima-chan and Vine-kun, getting taken out like that when they've worked so hard.
And now he’s waiting for Atori-sensei to take him to the drop-out tent. It’s kinda boring in this cocoon. He keeps hearing Atori-sensei speaking, but he can’t really understand a word. it's all muffled gibberish to him. It's kind of weird that Atori-sensei didn't just let him walk to the tent after popping Vine-kun’s heart. He also can't hear any other voices, not even Kalego-sensei. He’s sure Kalego-sensei would have scolded Atori-sensei for using excessive force like this. He looked so serious when fighting Atori-sensei!
Maybe Kalego-sensei is protecting them? So they haven’t lost yet? Yeah, maybe Atori-sensei thought to take him out first and then pop the heart, but couldn’t. They’re such amazing Kouhais! And he’s glad Kalego-sensei didn't just decide to pop their heart!
…those 6 minutes seem to have been dragging on for a while, though. He hopes Atori-sensei doesn't forget to let him out.
“You can’t go after him-”
“He’s taken one of our treasures-!”
“He’s taken my student, but if we attack now, we won't take down the ones behind this-”
“He took Iruma-sama-”
“We need to know who’s behind this so it doesn't happen again-”
They were fighting among themselves. Those who weren't were barely holding back Dali-kun from…they’re not really sure. Either murdering Atori, which they don't really mind that much, or murdering Kalego, which they very much do mind. None of them have what it takes to handle the abnormal class like Kalego does.
Balam-sensei looked at the Chairman. He’s surprised he was still standing here and didn't go off after Atori and Iruma. He looks… rigid. Shocked, and on the brink of committing genocide. He seems in no state to be the decision-maker right now. But, he is their chairman, and they can’t really take a decision without him. He needs to get the chairman out of this stupor.
“What do you think we should do, Principle?”
So he put him on the spot.
Now all the eyes were on the chairman (Except for Dali-kun, but he’s in his wicked phase, so it’s not that surprising)
“Kalego-kun is correct,” Ifrit quickly put Dantalion in a head-lock to stop whatever he was gonna do “We must find those behind this attack. But, we can let Dali-kun stalk them, make sure they don't mistreat our treasure” and Dantalion was gone before the chairman even finished his sentence.
“Kalego-kun, Opera-kun, make sure he doesn't attack Atori-san. Of course, unless Atori-san has stepped over the line, then feel free to educate Atori-san however you like!” and once again, the demons addressed disappeared, this time waiting until the chairman was done talking before flying after Dali-kun.
“Balam-kun, Ifrit-kun, please deal with Shiida-san. The rest should calm the students down. The stress may cause some to enter their wicked phase! please make sure they don’t harm their fellow classmates if they do enter their wicked phases” With that, he started moving, but his eyes stayed on Oswell a moment too long.
“..Orias-kun, please come with me” Everyone gave Oswell sympathetic looks. This is the first time a lot of them saw their chairman pissed, and none of them wanted to know how he acted when someone threatened one of his people.
Balam and Ifrit shared a look and started searching for Shiida. They found her literally in the next corridor, her posture tense, and looks like she was ready to fight. Before either of them could apprehend her, she looked Balam in the eyes, and something in him hesitated.
“What,” She started, her voice shaking with barely repressed rage “Did…Atori do?”
“What..did he do…to Iruma?”
They never had a chance
Atori, idiot, dead Atori, should have known not to attack Babyl school.
Baal, cocky, arrogant Baal, should have known better than to target one of Sullivan’s family
Shiida, innocent, naive Shiida, should’ve come and told them right away if she really didn't want Iruma to get hurt, but Sullivan is satisfied enough with the information he got from her, so he'll deal with her later. 
Kalego and Opera managed to convince Dali not to attack Atori the second they found him, whispering promises of all the things he could do to everyone who put his treasure in danger, and if they were patient now, they can make sure it never happens again. For how dangerous Dali is in his wicked phase, it’s laughably easy to manipulate him.
Soon, Opera was calling Sullivan to let him know that Atori seemed to be heading toward a mansion built on a famous river. Sullivan’s response was that backup is on the way.
“If you’re sure that’s where Atori is headed, Get Iruma back now” He ended the call, and Opera relayed the information to his companions. 
A blink later, and Dali was holding the Iruma’s cocoon in his arms, cradling him gently, and whispering reassurances to him.
No one commented on the red footsteps he left behind.
They quickly got rid of the silk engulfing Iruma
"Iruma-kun!" They all screamed at a kinda dazed, very confused Iruma. Did the exam finally finish? Why are they screaming his name?
"Uh, hi sensei-?" Opera suddenly grabbed his face and started… checking him over? Were they worried that he'd suffocated in the cocoon? And Kalego-sensei was poking at his limb like he'd gotten hurt, but he's fine!
"Shenshei, Opera-shan, I'm fine" he looked behind them and there was Dali-kun, but he was acting kinda strange? He was staring at him weirdly, and doesn't blink 
He doesn’t think he could win a staring contest against Dali-kun. 
"'Fine'? Yeah, of course, you're fine after getting kidnapped" Kalego muttered as he continued checking him over, and casting a small healing spell just in case. Just until they hunt down Buer to check this reckless idiot over.
"Kidnapped?" Iruma asked with all the innocence of a toddler that has yet to learn how to fly, which made everyone freeze.
Slowly, Opera directed Iruma’s head to look him into his eyes so what he tells him will really reach his head that, apparently, has been swimming amongst the cloud while he was being kidnapped. 
"Iruma-sama," Iruma looked into Opera's eyes, and he’s really questioning whether all humans are this naive or it's an Iruma-only thing 
"You have been kidnapped"
Silence stretched for a moment, and all the adults were staring tensely at Iruma, waiting for whatever response this child could give to being kidnapped. 
"Oh," he starts "haven’t gone through that in a while" 
Wait what?
"Wait, what?" 
"Yeah, it's the first time a teacher tried to kidnap me. Normally it'd be a creep in a corner, but if I'd known I was being kidnapped I wouldn't have just let Atori-sensei take me"
"Let's just..take him to the school"
"I'll be reporting this, information to Sullivan-sama"
"I'm going to hunt everyone who has ever wronged this child"
"Dali-kun! You don't have to carry me-!"
"He's right, Dantalion-kun. I can hold him while you go after those in the castle" 
"Will you two just put him down? He has two working legs and two working wings, he can move on his own!"
Baal was sitting impatiently in his office, waiting for Atori's return. He'd gotten word that the idiot has left the school quickly, so he's probably fucked up the very easy instructions he's given him.
How hard is it to just follow the plans Baal stays up all night forming? Do they always have to destroy everything he does? There's no way the plan was so hard this time that Atori would've fucked it up in a week. All he had to do was to not attack children. Is that very hard to do, people? Is it that hard not attacking a bunch of high schoolers?
A sigh escapes him as he rubs his forehead, already feeling the headache that'll grow once Atori tells him why he fled the school. A commotion could be heard from behind the door and Baal sighed even harder, because of course. Of course, the first thing Atori would do is pick a fight with literally everyone in the building. 
Just as Baal was about to get up and stop the nonsense going on outside, the door exploded.
Fire, blue and hot and greedy, engulfed everything in the room and threatening to engulf Baal with it. Vines suddenly appeared through the ceiling and from the ground, shooting and piercing the chair Baal was in a moment ago. If Baal hadn't jumped these vines would have-
An arrow, strong and bright and so full of magic, shot through his chest, knocking the breath out of him. And strong hands wrapped around his neck and banged his head onto the floor.
He couldn't move.
The presence above him, still holding him down, was too powerful for him to do anything. There are only three demons who could dream of bringing him down like this
And apparently, he’s angered one of them
"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
"Sullivan! What is the meaning of this, attacking me like that!"
"Oh, so this is how you want it to go?"
The hands squeezed tighter, threatening to just break his neck with a single movement. 
"I did not attack you, Baal-kun. You simply went missing, just like Behemolt-kun did. Everyone knows this, Baal-kun, how is it that you don't?"
They've thought that everyone knew by now. No matter who you are, or what status you have. No matter how rich or poor you may be, or how much of a big shot you think you are.
No one messes with the teachers of Babyl.
And no one may touch a single hair of their students. 
And that concludes the mairuma ideas that have stuck into my head and refused to leave. Hopefully I'll get other ideas or else I'll be super bored.
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ghosticosmic · 2 years ago
Sketch Dump
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You can definitely tell who my favorite teachers are
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naehja · 1 year ago
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I like her
I want to see how were Kalego's teachers.
I guess grampa Moras was his teacher, since he's old and seems to have been at Babyls for a while but no other teachers seems to imply that they had Kalego as student.
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mandatorybear · 9 months ago
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yelled at for failure to upgrade the best boy
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enby-opera · 1 year ago
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3nderart · 1 year ago
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me when balam:
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ghosttownmettie · 1 year ago
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Small Dali Murmur and Robin Panel
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