#dale cooper is a cinnamon roll
cassieuncaged · 2 years
okay lemme get uuuuuuuh a #3 (Dale Cooper) with uh some fluff please
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Damn Good Coffee and Company
Dale Cooper x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: You share your morning coffee with a certain federal agent.
TW: none :)
WC: 900
Twin Peaks had always felt off. You'd never deny that accusation should anyone ever make it. The entire town felt like a liminal space to the rest of the country.
Even time itself felt strained and different, like each second moved slower than the last.
But you'd gotten used to it since your father had moved the family up to the Pacific Northwest and gotten a decent paying job at the Packard Sawmill. The very place you now worked to make ends meet, though there were rumors that the place was on its last legs and about to shut its doors for good.
It wouldn't be shocking; all hell seemed to break loose after the homecoming queen's body washed up on the shore.
You tried not to think about it or the feds that would no doubt flood the town since there'd been rumors milling around about cocaine and the brothel that did business at the border.
Christ Almighty.
That was the only though you could muster before cutting the engine outside the R & R Diner. Work boots crunched against gravel as you hopped from the old pick up, crackling with you every step until the door chime announced your arrival.
No one paid much mind other than Norma.
"Morning, Y/N," she beamed tiredly, "Usual?"
"Am I getting that predictable?" a comfortable laugh was shared as the order was jotted down and cash was shelled out.
"Predictable isn't always bad. Especially around here." Norma was filled with sage, maternal wisdom. Something Y/N appreciated greatly. "Have a seat. I'll have Shelly bring you some fresh coffee when it's done brewing.
Grinning shyly, you spun on one heel to see a sea of familiar faces. Yet one stuck out like a sore thumb amidst all the blue collar workers. Agent Cooper, the federal agent from DC, sat alone sipping at a dwindling cup of coffee. Normally he had case files spread across the table with a put upon Sheriff Truman sitting in the other booth.
Today was different.
Cooper stared into the middle distance, whispering to himself about owls. It wouldn't be the first time an outsider lost their marbles within town limits. Sighing, you padded over and decided to play the part of friendly townie.
"Mind some company, Agent Cooper?" you asked shyly, breaking the man of his reverie. Concentration broken revealed a friendly smile and slight crinkling of dark eyes.
"Not at all, Y/N. Have a seat." he offered cordially yet completely accommodating. He was different than how you pictured most FBI agents, always upbeat and excitable. Almost like a puppy dog. "Sheriff Truman isn't here today."
"Harry must be pretty busy if he decided to skip breakfast at R & R." you both share a chuckle as Shelly confidently strides over with a fresh mug and steaming pot of coffee. The mug is slid in front of you while Cooper obediently holds his mug out. After a moment, the waitress is gone and you're left alone.
Conversation is sparse yet enjoyable. There's something about this outsider that's different from the rest. You strive to impress him as much as learn more about him. Dale, he asks you to call him, is as intelligent as he is charming.
Not to mention odd. Maybe that's why he fits so well into such a fascinating town.
"Must be way different out here than in Washington." you offer awkwardly as the conversation hits a lull.
"On the contrary." he offers cheerily, "I think every place is similar in its own way. Filled with as many interesting people as there are shocking secrets."
"You think Twin Peaks has a lot of secrets?" that would news to you: everyone was pretty forthright to a fault around these parts.
"Absolutely. It's a puzzle." he stops after that, smiling vacantly. Something is amiss but that's common in Twin Peaks.
"That's an odd way to look at homicide." you add tersely, taking a sip of coffee. He grimaces, pondering a potential misstep.
"Forgive me. I suppose you do this kind of work for so long you get used to it. Were you close with the deceased?"
"Laura? No. I'm practically a decade older than her," you guffaw darkly, thinking of that homecoming picture that was plastered all over town. "But I can't help but think that she and I would have been enemies."
"What makes you say that?" he cocks his head doggishly, gelled hair shining in the sunlight pouring through the window.
"Look at me," you motion at the ball cap, flannel shirt, and mud-stained boots, "Lumberjacks and popular girls don't exactly mix."
"I like your ensemble," he adds wholesomely, "It has character. And it takes character to be different."
Then he smiles warmly before reaching out to pat your hand. Heat rushes to your cheeks, something you hope he doesn't notice. But before anything can be mentioned, he looks at a digital wristwatch as doe eyes grow wide.
"I'm late for a meeting." he scoots out of the booth before setting a few crisp bills on the table. "But I've enjoyed our conversation. See you tomorrow morning?"
"S-sure." you stutter, not quite believing his words.
"Then it's a date."
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bobbole · 8 months
10 Characters/10 Fandoms /10 Tags
Thanks for the tag my dear @windsweptinred <3 some are in pairs because I don't want to send my blorbos out alone :P
André Grandier (Rose of Versailles) - the blobo of all blorbos
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Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks) - the cute blorbo
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Genjo Sanzo (Saiyuki) - the first blonde blorbo
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Anne Elliot & Frederick Wentworth (Persuasion) - the dumbest (affectionate) blorbos
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Dana Scully (The X Files) - the bi awakening blorbo
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Kenzo Tenma (Monster) - the cinnamon roll blorbo
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Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham (Hannibal) - the toxic blorbos
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Chidi Anagonye & Eleanor Shellstrop (The good place) - the sweetest blorbos
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James Fitzjames (The terror) - the tragic blorbo
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The Corinthian & Daniel Hall (The Sandman) - the beloved blorbos
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tagging (if you want :) @valhargreeves @besthany-smurftano @dream-of-the-bitchless @violetoftheendless @jessamydream
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merrock · 2 years
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face claim: Ian Anthony Dale.
full name: Joshua Akio Lane.
nickname(s) / goes by: Josh, Joshy, Akio.
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man.
sexuality: straight.
birth date: April 12, 1978.
birth place: Kyoto, Japan.
arrival to merrock: 1978, a few days after birth.
housing: countryside.
occupation: psychologist, bike mechanic.
work place: Community Center, Takato's.
family: none in town.
relationship status: in a relationship with Esperanza Tamayo.
A genuinely positive person who has always been in touch with his emotions and feels things very deeply. Josh is the kind of person who would take a bullet for a stranger and is often told that he cares a little too much about the world around him, although he wouldn't have it any other way. A soft, warm personality, the kind of person that lights up the room without trying to. He draws people to him, but isn't a pushover, knowing how and when to say no and to set boundaries. An absolute cinnamon roll.
WRITTEN BY: Katie (she/her), est.
The moment that Takato’s partner expressed disinterest in becoming a parent – despite the positive pregnancy test in their hands – he did everything that he could to arrange the best life possible for his unborn child, contacting the adoption agency and lining up a new home for the little one. On April 12th, 1978, when Joshua entered the world and then was placed in the arms of his new parents – Madison and Charles Lane – the only request made was that he was given the middle name Akio; a name often given to boys in Japan to help maintain their path towards their shining future. It was all that Takato wanted for his little Akio.
Childhood in Merrock was pleasant. Josh was the only child of two parents who made sure that he never wanted for anything, but never at the expense of raising an entitled child. He was never made to feel any different than the other kids in town, but his parents never held back on answering any questions about where he came from, or the culture that he would have grown up with back home, even incorporating some of it into their daily lives. He loved to play sports, and spent most of his summers on the beach, whether it be boogie boarding, learning to surf, or just splashing in the water. Every Sunday morning – at least the ones that cooperated, weather-wise – his family took long hikes in the state park with a picnic lunch by the water.
But that perfect, idyllic childhood didn’t come without its shake ups, as a young, teenaged Josh was introduced to his birth father on a random Monday afternoon, seeing him for the first time on his living room couch, nervously wringing his hands. For the first few years of their time together, Joshua felt angry and upset, unsure if he should let his father back into his life, not understanding why he wanted to be in his life now, why he hadn’t wanted him as a baby. But with time came understanding – from both of them – and with the permission of the Lanes, Takato made the move to Merrock full-time to build a relationship and a life with his son. He spent weekends taking him fishing, on a motorcycle ride for his sixteenth birthday, attended all of his track and field meets, and became his best friend, as well.
While flourishing in his relationship with his father, coming to love and appreciate this adoptive family even more, being active on a few sports teams, and pulling some of the best grades in his school, Josh also dealt with a lot of anxiety. He was the one hard on himself when a track meet didn’t end the way he wanted, or cried when he got an answer wrong in school. It was no surprise that his fingers shook as he read his prepared valedictorian speech. Dealing with those emotions and the distress that came with it made him want to dig in a little deeper, and he chose to attend the University of Maine (close to home!) to study psychology. During his college years, he lived a pretty clean, studious life, choosing to watch a movie with a friend over attending keggers, drinking seltzer waters over glasses of wine. To this day, he hasn’t smoked a cigarette. But he didn’t live like a complete monk; Josh also discovered his love of women, and had quite a few girlfriends during his time at school, as well as a few one night stands and summer break flings. But it didn’t break his focus, and he graduated at the top of his class.
Luckily for Josh, the ‘Lane’ last name came with recognition to go with his diploma and educational qualifications, and he soon landed himself a position as a psychologist at a clinic just outside of town, quickly amassing a large amount of happy clients due in part to his kind, easygoing, laidback nature. But it didn’t stop him, a few years into his practice, from starting to feel that nagging feeling in his chest that he was doing the wrong thing, that this wasn’t where he wanted to be. Mostly because he realized that he was helping people who could afford the help… and not those who really needed it the most. Still, he held fast, doing everything that he could to regain the passion that he felt he was losing for his chosen career until he hit the ripe old age of forty… and also burn out.
In another stroke of luck, Takato offered Josh a job -- and business partnership -- working in the motorcycle garage that he had just opened, having finally saved up enough money to open his own business. Having loved that bike ride at sixteen, and spending the time with his father, he accepted the position eagerly. It wasn’t long after he settled into what he thought would be his forever routine that another opportunity came knocking in the form of the director of the community center. Despite not having much money to offer, nor a promise of good hours, Joshua was asked to become a counselor at the center for those who needed the help but maybe couldn’t afford to see a psychologist. Finally, at forty-three, with his hands covered in grease, his mind focused on helping those in need, and the love of all three of his parents in his heart, he feels like he’s where he needs to be.
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strawbrrrycoffee · 7 years
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D A L E . C O O P E R :: TV Tropes
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c00perc0p · 3 years
i need mutuals let’s talk about dale cooper being a cinnamon roll energy period
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leona-florianova · 7 years
Who else agrees with me that special agent Dale Cooper is one of the most precious characters on television 
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whoistommyelliot · 7 years
me:  man just because ive been obsessed with twin peaks for the past few weeks doesn’t mean i should bring back my dale me:  ive been neglecting my blogs me:  i mean look even the tags for the show don’t have too many updates me:  the old series hasn’t even gotten new icons, let alone the new series’ me: me, saving screencaps as i rewatch episodes:  this means nothing i just really like kyle’s face
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renmorris · 5 years
I should clarify again that Dale Cooper Cinnamon Roll Meme was not the first but was apparently responsible for the Spread.
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galadrieljones · 5 years
Fandom: Twin Peaks?!
OH MG lol. I love you for asking this. :’D I mean I love you anyway but you know what I mean lol.
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Agent Cooper of course. Damn good coffee.
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a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
None. I either love them more with time or they are legit Evil.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
See Above
my ultimate favorite character™:
It’s a three-way tie: Agent Dale Cooper, Agent Gordon Cole, and Dougie Jones. I also really love Major Briggs? Too many to name.
prettiest character:
Shelly. I love Shelly. We almost named our daughter Shelly. That’s how much we love Shelly in this house.
my most hated character:
Um, Bob? Or, maybe Richard Horne: Evil Cooper and Audrey’s...illegitimate child. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :’(
my OTP:
Shelly Johnson and Bobby Briggs. 4ever.
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my NOTP:
Jesus. Evil Cooper and...anyone.
favorite episode:
Season 3, episode 8, “Got a Light?” (ie: the episode where we learn the origins of...everything)
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saddest death:
Honestly, the little boy that Richard Horne runs over with his car. I can’t remember which episode it is, but it’s in The Return.
favorite season:
The new season, The Return. It’s maybe the best season of TV I’ve ever seen?
least favorite season:
Season 2. After the whole Leland Palmer reveal, it becomes extremely...bad. 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
I don’t hate any of the characters, like I said, other than the like, legitimate evil ones. I don’t have any idea what the Twin Peaks fandom might even look like lol. Like, are their Evil Cooper stans? People who think Bob deserves a redemption arc? I have no idea lol.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Bobby Briggs is a trash human but I love him with my whole entire heart. I want to adopt him.
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my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Shelly Johnson. 100%.
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my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
...uh, none. 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
Agent Cooper and Audrey Horne. They were originally supposed to be canon, and Audrey was supposed to be his love interest. But Kyle MacLachlan objected that Agent Cooper wouldn’t have a relationship with an 18yo. So Lynch axed it and invented Annie Blackburn. Honestly a terrible choice but whatever lol
Send me a fandom!
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sometimes im like oh i wanna re watch twin peaks but then i rememeber that like 55% of it is cishet white teenagers sitting around being sad because theyre painfully heterosexual and only 45% of it is dale cooper being the only human being i will ever refer to as pure cinnamon roll 
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vampirologist · 5 years
forever fucked up that the your fav is cinnamon roll was started bc of a post on here about dale cooper using that onion headline
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headofhelios · 3 years
its always so so so funny to me when i remember that dale cooper was the original cinnamon roll too good for this world too pure
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merrock · 3 years
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face claim: Ian Anthony Dale.
full name: Joshua Akio Lane.
nickname(s): Josh, Joshy, Akio.
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man.
sexuality: heterosexual.
birth date: April 12, 1978.
birth place: Kyoto, Japan.
time in town: since he was a few days old.
housing: countryside of Merrock.
occupation: works as a bike mechanic in his father’s garage and a psychologist at the Community Center.
family: none.
personality: Joshua is a genuinely positive person who has always been in touch with his emotions, and feels things deeply. He’s the kind of person who would take a bullet for a stranger and is often told that he cares a little too much about the world around him, although he wouldn’t have it any other way. He has a soft, warm personality, the kind of person that lights up a room without trying to, and draws people to him with that energy. It doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s a complete pushover, as he knows how and when to say no, and can stand up for himself and what he believes in without a moment of hesitation. But at the end of the day, he is what people refer to as a ‘cinnamon roll.’
The moment that Takato's partner expressed disinterest in becoming a parent -- despite the positive pregnancy test in their hands -- he did everything that he could to arrange the best life possible for his unborn child, contacting the adoption agency and lining up a new home for the little one. On April 12th, 1978, when Joshua entered the world and then was placed in the arms of his new parents -- Madison and Charles Lane -- the only request made was that he was given the middle name Akio; a name often given to boys in Japan to help maintain their path towards their shining future. It was all that Takato wanted for his little Akio.
Childhood in Merrock was pleasant. Josh was the only child of two parents who made sure that he never wanted for anything, but never at the expense of raising an entitled child. He was never made to feel any different than the other kids in town, but his parents never held back on answering any questions about where he came from, or the the culture that he would have grown up with back home, even incorporating some of it into their daily lives. He loved to play sports, and spent most of his summers on the beach, whether it be boogie boarding, learning to surf, or just splashing in the water. Every Sunday morning -- at least the ones that cooperated, weather-wise -- his family took long hikes in the state park with a picnic lunch by the water.
But that perfect, idyllic childhood didn't come without its shake ups, as a young, teenaged Josh was introduced to his birth father on a random Monday afternoon, seeing him for the first time on his living room couch, nervously wringing his hands. For the first few years of their time together, Joshua felt angry and upset, unsure if he should let his father back into his life, not understanding why he wanted to be in his life now, why he hadn't wanted him as a baby. But with time came understanding -- from both of them -- and with the permission of the Lanes, Takato made the move to Merrock full-time to build a relationship and a life with his son. He spent weekends taking him fishing, on a motorcycle ride for his sixteenth birthday, attended all of his track and field meets, and became his best friend, as well.
While flourishing in his relationship with his father, coming to love and appreciate this adoptive family even more, being active on a few sports teams, and pulling some of the best grades in his school, Josh also dealt with a lot of anxiety. He was the one hard on himself when a track meet didn't end the way he wanted, or cried when he got an answer wrong in school. It was no surprise that his fingers shook as he read his prepared valedictorian speech. Dealing with those emotions and the distress that came with it made him want to dig in a little deeper, and he chose to attend the University of Maine (close to home!) to study psychology. During his college years, he lived a pretty clean, studious life, choosing to watch a movie with a friend over attending keggers, drinking seltzer waters over glasses of wine. To this day, he hasn't smoked a cigarette. But he didn't live like a complete monk; Josh also discovered his love of women, and had quite a few girlfriends during his time at school, as well as a few one night stands and summer break flings. But it didn't break his focus, and he graduated at the top of his class.
Luckily for Josh, the 'Lane' last name came with recognition to go with his diploma and educational qualifications, and he soon landed himself a position as a psychologist at clinic just outside of town, quickly amassing a large amount of happy clients due in part to his kind, easygoing, laidback nature. But it didn't stop him, a few years into his practice, from starting to feel that nagging feeling in his chest that he was doing the wrong thing, that this wasn't where he wanted to be. Mostly because he realized that he was helping people who could afford the help... and not those who really needed it the most. Still, he held fast, doing everything that he could to regain the passion that he felt he was losing for his chosen career until he hit the ripe old age of forty... and also burn out.
In another stroke of luck, Takato offered Josh a job working in the motorcycle garage that he had just opened, having finally saved up enough money to open his own business. Having loved that bike ride at sixteen, and spending the time with his father, he accepted the position eagerly. It wasn't long after he settled into what he thought would be his forever routine that another opportunity came knocking in the form of the director of the community center. Despite not having much money to offer, nor a promise of good hours, Joshua was asked to become a counselor at the center for those who needed the help but maybe couldn't afford to see a psychologist. Finally, at forty-three, with his hands covered in grease, his mind focused on helping those in need, and the love of all three of his parents in his heart, he feels like he's where he needs to be.
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heykav · 4 years
Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure
Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure
Spread On January 2nd, 2015, Tumblr user renmorris posted a photograph of the character Special Agent Dale Cooper (played by Kyle MacLachan) from the television series Twin Peaks juxtaposed with a screenshot of The Onion’s cinnamon roll article (shown below). On February 1st, Tumblr user needlekind published a post remarking that the “beautiful cinnamon roll” meme was so good that it didn’t…
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psychblurred · 7 years
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beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure   Special Agent Dale Cooper 
Twin Peaks Season 01 E03:  Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer
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