#daiya no ace miyuki fanfic
apparently-artless · 11 days
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Daiya no Ace Act II - Seto Takuma
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ksketch731 · 5 months
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I read a fic that said Miyuki Kazuya rarely posts on socmed, but when he does he wants to look nice in case Eijun looks at it
so here he is looking.... ✨nice✨
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heroesfan101 · 1 year
Love & Lore's: Autumn Sweater Event
5 + 1 (The 5 times you borrow Miyuki Kazuya’s hoodie and the 1 time he borrows yours)
A/N: Hi y'all! Super excited to post this fic for @love-and-lore and their Autumn collab event. When the theme was announced as sweaters, this idea immediately came to mind. Hoodies count as sweaters right 😅 Please note this does include a female reader and pet names (babe, sweetheart).
Word Count: 2.4k
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1. Running late to work
Monday. Most people’s least favorite day of the week. Weekends came and went faster than expected. And while Kazuya tried to get you to prep for the upcoming week during the weekend, you preferred spending your time with him and indulging in your hobbies.
It is also noted that he tried to get you to break the habit of leaving your jackets on the back of your dining room chairs. Both, however, were a moot point but soon would cause your downfall.
“Shoot I’m going to be late!” You curse under your breath as you scurry around the apartment in an effort to get your belongings together. Lunch, check. Purse, check. What am I missing? My business jacket! I have a presentation today, can’t forget that.
Checking your watch, your eyes widen in shock. Crap I have to hurry or I’ll miss my train!
Without a second thought, you grab the jacket from the back of a chair before rushing out the door, not even having enough time to wake your boyfriend up with a kiss like usual. Folding it over your purse, you rush out of the house, determined to make your train on time.
Luckily, you board the train and get to work right in the knick of time, much to your delight. However, once you settle yourself, your phone buzzes twice and you look to see a message from Kazuya including a picture.
“Good morning. If you wanted to give me something to wear, we could have talked about it. Maybe I’m not the only one who needs glasses, think you got a little mixed up.” You bypass his sleepy morning smile and your heart drops as you see him holding up your blazer. Your eyes flash down to your purse and sure enough you took his navy blue hoodie. A deep sigh escapes your body as you text back.
“I’m sorry Kazuya. Seems you’ve proven your point on being prepared for the week ahead -_-" ” With a bit of embarrassment, you ask one of your peers to borrow their blazer for your presentation.
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2. Grocery shopping
Milk. Eggs. Bread. Tofu. Salmon. One by one, Kazuya and you start loading up the car with your groceries. You were more focused on how to pack up the trunk of your car until Kazuya stopped to look up at the sky, light and dark gray swirls reflecting on his glasses.
“Hmmm. We better move quickly. Looks like the rain is coming sooner than expected.”
“Say less!” The couple moves double time to pack up their items and start getting on their way home. While they’re able to get home in good time, the stormy weather was faster as the sky opened up as they parked.
“Scared of a little rain are you?” He teases as he shifts the gear into park.
“You know I’m not, I just don’t like getting wet.”
“Didn’t know my girlfriend was a cat.” Kazuya continues, causing you to narrow your eyes at him.
“Just for that I should make you bring in the groceries yourself.” You sass.
“Ah ah no need to be like that, sweetheart. I thought you loved me? What happened to doing things together?” He chuckles with a snarky grin.
“We could but not if you’ll be a jerk about it.” You pout playfully, causing him to laugh.
“You know I could bring it in myself, right?”
“I know but you know I love proving you wrong. Luckily, I’m already prepared.” Reaching past him in the back seat, you pull out one of his black hoodies. Grabbing the bottom of the hoodie, you work your body through it until it swallows you whole.
He laughs yet again, “Well alright then, partner. We’ll get a nice warm shower after this.” Both of you brace yourselves before rushing out into the rain.
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3. Feeling sick
“Achoo! Achoo!” Your body seizes before relaxing again. The door to the guest room opens up and in walks Kazuya with a steaming bowl of soup. You sit up, reaching for a tissue to soothe your sniffling nose.
“Babe! You could have left it outside; I would have gotten it. I don’t want you to get sick too.” Kazuya shakes his head but it’s easy to tell he’s frowning behind his mask.
“It’ll be fine. This is just to make sure you eat some of the soup while it’s hot. I’ll be fine like this.” He assures you before setting up a tray so you can eat. Throwing your tissue away, you shift to the edge of the bed to see the biggest bowl of soup.
“Kazuya, this is a lot of soup. You don’t expect me to eat this in one go right?”
His eyes narrow before softening, “It would be ideal but eat as much as you can. It’s a family recipe.”
Your ears perk up at that, “Oh? From who?”
He grins, “From me. I got sick one time and created my miraculous soup. I was five times better the next day after eating it. All in one go might I add.”
You shake your head, “It would be from you,” but then a weak grin appears on your lips, “but if you’re sharing it with me, guess that makes me family.”
For once, you catch Miyuki off guard with that as his cheeks are a touch pink. You both had talked about marriage as a real possibility but were talking things slowly as to not rush things along. Normally, he’s the tease between the two of you but he doesn’t mind your teasing every once in a while. He chalks up this boldness to your weakened immune system.
“Yeah yeah yeah. Enough talk, time to eat. I’ll leave you to it.” He starts to go when you grab at his sleeve. He turns back around to see the prettiest pout on your lips.
“I know you have to go but for the record, I hate this. Only seeing you for a few moments here and there, it's not fair. Can’t I at least have something of yours to help me out?” Kazuya starts to tease you but just sighs instead. He’d have plenty of time to tease once you’re healed.
“Since you like hoodies so much you can have this one.” He grins before taking off his gray hoodie and handing it over. You take it happily and bring it to your face, eager to convince your nose to start working so you can at least catch a whiff of his cologne.
“Thanks Kazuya.” You smile, placing it on your lap before diving into your soup. His eyes crinkle softly before he leaves you with his soup and his hoodie.
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4. Borrowing Stealing his gift
The door to the apartment opens, causing you to look around the corner from your spot on the sofa. “Hey, welcome back! How was it meeting up with Sawamura and Okumura?”
He chuckles, “It was fun. I swear Sawamura hasn’t changed at all since our time in high school. Okumura seems a lot more confident than before, surely because he had the best teacher.” Kazuya laughs, causing you to shake your head before noticing something in his hands.
“Oooh, what’s that? Is that a new hoodie I see? Red too?”
He holds it to his chest protectively, “Yes, as the amazing senpai I am, they got me a hoodie as a thank you. Also probably because I told them I’m living with a hoodie thief so you’re not allowed to touch this one.” Your face blanches, no he didn’t!
“I am not a thief! A borrower maybe but no thief!” You declare passionately, refusing to accept his slander no matter how true it was.
His eyes narrow at you skeptically, “Oh yeah? Where’s my black hoodie? What about the navy blue one?” He asks rapidly, letting you know that he’s apparently been keeping track but you’re quick to defend yourself.
“They’re all in the closet!”
And then he goes in for the kill, “On who’s side of the closet?”
You blush and look away, “That’s irrelevant.”
Kazuya laughs loudly, “Yeah that’s what I thought. Gotcha this time, sweetheart.” He walks by you with a grin as you decide to turn back to your tv show, knowing you’ve lost this time.
It isn’t until later when you’re sure that Kazuya is fast asleep, that you find the hoodie folded neatly on his side of the closet. Your hands gently pick up the hoodie and bring it to your face, admiring how soft it was. Yeah, I’ll have to take this.
In your admiration, you notice a piece of paper fall out of the front pockets. Picking it up curiously, you read the note in Kazuya’s handwriting, “Hands off my hoodie.”
Your eyes widen before scoffing at his note. Feeling crafty, you decide to switch out one of your red jackets with his new hoodie, even going so far as to put his note in one of the pockets.
Laughing evilly to yourself, you stash the hoodie in one of your drawers and slide back into bed beside Kazuya, satisfied with yourself. So much so, you don’t notice the grin he has on his face even in his “sleep”.
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5. Ice cream spills
“This was a great idea! It’s always nice to get a workout in the park with you. Appreciate you taking it easy on me, babe.” You smile, deciding to catch your breath on the park bench. He smiles at you gently. Of course he wasn’t breaking a sweat but doing light workouts with you on the weekend was a nice way to spend time together.
“Of course. You did well and we passed an ice cream stand. How about I reward you for your hard work hmm?” Kazuya asks, knowing ice cream was certainly a weakness of yours. Immediately, your face lights up and before you can say the words, he smiles and heads off to the stand.
A few minutes later, he returns with two ice cream cones and hands you yours with a gentle smile. You thank him sweetly before diving in. And in the enjoyment of your ice cream, you spill some on your shirt.
“Seems you enjoyed yourself a little too much huh?” He chuckles, causing you to groan.
“Shut up.” You say playfully, before handing him your ice cream so you can remove your shirt. Luck favors the prepared it would seem and you already had a tank top underneath.
Folding up your shirt, you turn to get your ice cream from him, delighted to have your cold, sweet treat back. Unbeknownst to you, there was more than just your boyfriend's eyes on you.
Now normally, Kazuya isn’t a jealous person. He loves being able to show you off but only when he wants to.
Unfortunately, he’s too perceptive for his own good. Once, twice he noticed a few of the park joggers were enjoying the view and it wasn't nature. Tch, you heard the annoyed sound escape his lips.
“Something wrong?” You ask innocently. He hands you his ice cream and takes off his dark green hoodie.
“We were just working out. It’s not good for you to expose your body to so much air. Don’t want you getting sick again.” He says gently as he places the hoodie on your lap and takes the ice cream cones. A small smile graces your lips as you put on the hoodie.
“Thanks babe.” Cold lips press quickly against his warm cheek before going back to the ice cream. The next time the joggers pass by, he grins cockily.
“Show’s over.” Kazuya mouths to them.
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1. The thief becomes the victim
Oftentimes, Kazuya has training camps all over the country to train as one does when they’re a professional athlete. While usually, you could rearrange your schedule to be close by, this was one of those times where he was going too far (aka outside of the country). This time, he would be away in America for an international training camp. So while you couldn’t be with him this time around, you both made sure to at least message or call.
It was halfway through his trip when you were able to hop on a video call with him.
“How’s the camp going?” You asked curiously, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“It’s going well. It’s been interesting to meet global stars and see them play. How are you doing?” He smiled, a little weary after a long day’s camp.
“I’m doing good. Work has been keeping me busy but I wish I could be with you instead. Don’t get a big head but I do miss you.” Kazuya smiles softly at that, the one true smile only reserved for you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back home before you know it.”
“That’s good. Still not soon enough though. That said, something weird must be going on.” You say as you shake the phone as you go to prop it up on your dresser, giving him a view of you from the waist up.
Kazuya raises an eyebrow as he sees you searching the bedroom, “What’s going on?”
“I can’t find my sky blue hoodie! I just got some workout pants that match the color perfectly and now I can’t find it. Did you see it when you were doing laundry?”
The corners of his lips attempt to straighten even though they curve up a bit, “Nope I haven’t seen it.” There’s a light tone in his voice that makes you slightly suspicious. Looking back at the camera, you see something behind him sticking out.
“Kazuya, could you move to the left for a second?” You request curiously, causing the mirth to show his eyes.
“Why? What are you after?” He asks playfully, but the second he moves an inch your eyes widen in disbelief.
“Is that my hoodie? The exact one I’m looking for?”
“Can’t be.” He easily denies. You roll your eyes and exclaim, “I know what my hoodie looks like!”
But then the reality of the situation sinks in, “Awww you miss me! It’s okay to admit it, Kazuya. I just didn’t expect you to steal my hoodie.” You sweetly tease him, making him blush a little as he tries to cover it up with a scoff.
“Of course I miss you, we do spend every day together.” You giggle, “Look at you being cute. I guess I’m happily in love with a hoodie thief of my own.”
He laughs, “Consider this payment for all the times you took my hoodies.”
“Sure sure, but I will always prefer you over your hoodies.” You claim causing him to smile.
“I sure hope so. You’ll have the real thing once I’m back home.” Kazuya promises, filling both of your hearts with warmth.
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koushuwu · 1 year
pancakes | miyuki kazuya x reader
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1k words | cw/tags: food, cooking, banter, swearing, smooches, kazuya is a good cook, kinda cute?, fluff, might be ooc, no editing we die like neji.
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“do you know how to make pancakes?” kazuya seized you up behind his the glasses.
you’d stayed at his overnight; planning on setting off home the following day. but daybreak brought with it a heavy downpour kept you from venturing out, at kazuya’s demand. as if he actually needed to demand it, for you to stay and cuddle up with him on the couch. as the rain hammered on the windows, obscuring the view of the outside world, the desire for something sweet had risen in you. and that; that was where the pancakes came in. that’s how the two of you ended up in the kitchen together. kazuya had been peering into the cabinet, debating his choice of pan when he spoke. now his deep eyes searched your face with what looked to be challenging shining back at you.
“of course i know how to make pancakes!” your voice came steadfast. confident, as you crossed your arms and looked back at him, hip leaning against the counter. how dared he. of course you could make pancakes.
“okay, okay,” he said, voice thickened by retained laughter. then he did huff a little chuckle, shaking his head and turning back towards his, in your opinion, ridiculously large selection of pans. “would you find the ingredients, then?” you nodded, realizing he wouldn’t actually be able to see it.
shoving off the counter, you spun for the fridge. placing a jug of milk on the counter, you closed the fridge and started rummaging around his drawers in search. you looked. and looked. and looked.
“miyuki?” you looked up from the third drawer, watching your boyfriend pick out a bowl from another cabinet.
“yea?” he didn’t look back at you as he got up from a crouch in front of the cabinet.
“where do you even keep the pancake mix?” you sighed in exasperation. and that was what got his attention. like really caught his attention. his head whipped towards you, eyes narrowed slightly in what looked like utter confusion.
“the—“ he stopped, eyes closing entirely and he pinched the bridge of his nose. then he took a breath and looked at you again, and with the most overbearing voice you’d ever heard in your entire life, “we’re not using pancake mix.”
“no,” kazuya said, cutting you off before you could say anything else. face stiff, he set the bowl on the counter, sighed and moved up to you. then he stepped around you. “move over. i’m make the batter.” pouting, you step out of his way. for a moment you wondered how you fell for someone so insufferable. because he was insufferable. but unfortunately, that may very well also be one of
the reasons why you actually did love him so much. outrageous. yeah, yeah. you liked him alright. you shook your head at his back, instead, stepping over to fish out the utensils from the utensils.
“okay, fine,” you said, spatula in hand. “i’ll flip th—“
“oh no you’re not!” he cut you off, before you could even finish talking. he didn’t even look at you either as he grabbed the eggs from the fridge.
“why not?” you asked, feigning utter offense at his words. your pout grew as you let the spatula hang from your hand, down your side. he couldn’t actually be serious, right? he lifted a perfectly arched eyebrow at you, as he placed the eggs on the counter as well.
“because,” he said, snatching the spatula from your grasp. of course he was serious. “i don’t trust you in the kitchen.”
“rude!” he laughed. of course he laughed. shitface. you shitface. (un)fortunately. you crossed your arms once again, looking him dead in the face in defiance. he didn’t budge. of course he didn’t budge. shitface.
“if you can’t even make pancake batter, you haven’t earned the right to flip them either,” he simply said.
“then what am i supposed to do?” thinking back, you wondered how you’d ever thought cooking anything with kazuya would be a cute couples thing. of course he just had to be him about it. he was so annoying.
“you just stand there, and look pretty,”
he said, quickly moving in to place a peck on the tip of your nose. okay, so maybe he wasn’t just annoying. he was straight up insufferable.
“rude,” you repeated, turning your head away from him, back bumping against the wall. you hadn’t even noticed yourself taking the little step back it took to reach it.
“but you are pretty.” kazuya said, stepping just a little closer, yet you still refused to look at him, fighting the twitch and pull at the corner of your mouth. you wanted to smile. but you didn’t want to. because he may be insufferable but he was also annoyingly cute. “i love you?” he offered. it was soft and simple and you knew he meant it, however casual the words may seem.
“bite me,” you huffed. and maybe that was the wrong thing to say. maybe it was just the right thing to say. because in the next now, kazuya’s hands cupped your face, turning you towards him. there was a tenderness in his eyes, rivaled by the challenge and the thrill of this playful back and forth the two of you had. the thrill of simply what the two of you had together. at the two of you. then he leaned in and sealed your lips with his. it was soft. it was quick. it was sweet and it was chaste. it was all of these things, but it was also something uniquely kazuya. pulling away, he nipped at your lower lip. there was a smirk on his face when your eyes fluttered open and you looked at him again. you knew what he was doing. and it wasn’t going to work! you puffed your cheeks.
“i can make pancakes,” you said, sounding like nothing more than an upset child. maybe it was working, because he laughed, and this time, you couldn’t keep the smile for forming. damn it.
“sure you can.”
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shakirahips · 1 month
I need daiya beta readers! I have flung myself back into this fandom LOL
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kinryuuki · 5 months
Don't know how alive this fandom is on tumblr, but figured it wouldn't hurt to share 🤷‍♀️
I've got an ongoing time travel fixit fic I'm trying to update weekly. Chapter 6 was put up yesterday.
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Imagine a MiSawa fanfic in which Miyuki has to make Sawamura fall in love with baseball again...
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lazuliquetzal · 1 year
i want to hear the sports anime manifesto
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Okay short version:
My life was a sports anime for a bit, and watching sports anime makes me nostalgic for those days.
Medium version:
The typical shonen sports anime deals with themes of camaraderie, ambition, and the intersections of camaraderie and ambition, which ALWAYS hits me right in the chest.
I'm not an ambitious person by nature, but--you know that one poem floating around on here, the one about the moth that wants nothing more than to fly into the flame, and how it would be nice to feel that kind of all consuming passion? Yeah, that's the feeling I get from sports anime.
And often, for the Team Sports anime, you'll get characters who have nothing in common except that they Love the Same Thing--a friendship/rivalry/(romance) formed on the basis of a shared interest. That's sweet as hell!
And they're super predictable and low stress for me. Very easy to watch! Total popcorn shows. Also I like listening to people infodump about their passions. Someone loved their Sport so much they wrote a whole-ass story about it, so yeah, eat that shit up.
Long version:
The Socioeconomic Inequalities of High School Sports
In high school, I was on a crappy underfunded soccer team (with a healthy dose of sexism) and due to [sports league division reasons] the schools we played against were almost exclusively private schools.
I cannot describe how existential it is to be wearing a hand-me-down formerly white-turned-disgusting-gray uniform that's at least five years old when playing against a team that gets brand new windbreakers every season.
(If you've read AAB, YES this is where my obsession with the windbreakers comes from.)
(Hilariously, the guys team got windbreakers but we didn't.)
(I am not over the fucking windbreakers.)
But anyway, when you're constantly losing to private schools you get this fucking complex about it.
This should come as no surprise but like. People with the time and resources to practice their Thing get good at their Thing.
Playing pick up soccer at the park is practice. Playing rec league soccer is organized, repeated practice.
Playing competitive club soccer is all of that, plus a coach who knows How To Coach and What The Sport Is, plus you get morale-boosting uniforms and the chance to play with and against other skilled players. So you're exposed to a lot more, and thus, you learn a lot more.
Competitive club soccer is also Expensive. Rich kids get good.
There's a reason why the "Powerhouse School" is a thing in sports anime, because it's a thing in real life. People with leisure time and money get to invest in their sports development, and everyone else gets left behind in the dust. It's basically a microcosm of capitalism.
The underdog sports story is (quite tragically) bootstraps propaganda. All you have to do is be really good and work really hard and have A LOT OF PASSION to get good at your sport! The cream rises to the top! This is a meritocracy! Let's ignore all the other factors that go into an individual's development as an athlete!
(My brother got scouted for club soccer as a kid. He actually went to tryouts and got offered a spot and a scholarship and everything, but there's SO many hidden fees after the initial registration. Uniforms, equipment, travel and accommodation, tournaments, plus like, the time sink, so we never signed him up. And equipment-wise, soccer is one of the cheapest sports you can play--just imagine the price for something like baseball or hockey.)
In sports anime, there is no reform. There is no revolution.
But sports anime isn't really about that. It's about the narratives we create when we convince ourselves that we deserve to win.
(You know what I mean. Every billionaire is convinced they're some sort of heroic underdog. The same exact kind of 'working your way up' narrative.)
Sports anime is like, the uncomplicated power fantasy of playing the game. It's a world where you are rewarded for your hard work, because it's narratively satisfying. It's a world where it's safe to want things, because you have the exact same chances as the private school kids.
I used to be an obnoxiously competitive child. Then I got all my competition beaten out of me by 3 straight years of constant losing in my clownagerie of a high school soccer team (affectionate). I am going to admit that experience made me a better person and I would not trade it for anything, but I also had to like, relearn how to want things. And maybe real life is not as equal opportunity as the world of sports anime, but I think it's good to want things.
Of course, the winner-loser dichotomy makes sense in sports because of the inherent nature of competition, but it doesn't make sense in stuff like society and economics because that's like, competing over the right to live. That's where the capitalism metaphor ends,
Does sports anime actually go into the socioeconomic inequalities of sports? No. Of course not. Giant Killing never got a season 2.
But it is something I think about when I write sports anime fic. Even if it's not the point, it influences my characterization. The ego of a prodigy character in a shitty sports program is different from the ego of a prodigy character in a rich kid sports program. I am obligated to my amateur attempts to capture the complexities of the high school sports environment in my fanfiction because I am fucking insane I had a specific high school sports experience and they do say to write what you know.
#MEG I SWEAR TO YOU I WILL READ TANGERINE AT SOME POINT#I have so many thoughts about sports anime which is tragic because sports anime is not that deep#it is never that deep#part of the reason why I got so sucked into Daiya is because of the powerhouse school setting#and the fact that Eijun was so obviously lost because he never had that kind of organized system before#people give Seidou a lot of shit for 'not helping Eijun' enough but genuinely it's because he has NO CLUE how to reach out#I poured so much brainpower into Eijun's backstory in my brain it's embarrassing as hell#*shaking fanfic authors by the shoulders* YEAH THE CUTTHROAT COMPETION SUCKS BUT YOU DONT FIX IT BY SENDING HIM TO A DIFFERENT SCHOOL#I also am the only person who understands Miyuki Kazuya (exaggeration)#everyone gives him shit for the Nabe thing and look. yes he was wrong.#but I was once in that same exact situation and responded exactly the same way#Daiya no Ace is not about friendship#it's about Ambition#and people tend to make Eijun the sweet sentimental sunshine friendship guy#but he has JUST as much cutthroat ambition as Miyuki#that's why they work. that's why they understand each other#there's a whole essay I could write about Misawa but it's basically just chapter 18 of AAB#anyway if you want to watch a sports anime that does the Healthy Ambition and the Friendship Thing in the most wholesome way possible#watch Haikyuu. it really is the perfect sports anime.#shame the fanfic is 99% ship because the sports aspect of it is SUPER sweet#asks#jumpstrike#I'm answering jumpstrike but Tav I hope you see this too#lazuli talks#sports anime
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hannahhbic · 11 months
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Howdy folks, I just posted “ain’t it a picture”, a kuramiyu fic in a western AU. Aka yeehaw krmy.
Here’s the link and the tags!
Tags: Trans Miyuki Kazuya, Alternate Universe - Western, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, inappropriate use of the song wonderwall, Kissing Cowboys, Porn with Feelings, thigh riding, Vaginal Fingering, Dry Humping, Clothed Sex, Aged-Up Character(s), Love Confessions, Blow Jobs, Enthusiastic Consent, fellas is it gay to yeehaw into your right hand man’s mouth
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aliavarrin · 6 months
Chapters: 17/?
Fandom: ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond
Rating: Teens And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun
Characters: Sawamura Eijun, Miyuki Kazuya, Kuramochi Youichi, Kominato Haruichi, Furuya Satoru, Yuuki Tetsuya, Takigawa Chris Yuu, Kominato Ryousuke, Kawakami Norifumi, Isashiki Jun, Tanba Kouichirou, Fujiwara Takako, Kataoka Tesshin, Yoshikawa Haruno, Yui Kaoru
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fantasy MMO-Like World, Magic, Swords, Raids, Dungeons, Japan Set in a Medieval-Fantasy World, Classes Decided By Baseball Positions, Gaming Lingo, Friendship, Didn’t plan on making this MiyuSawa, But that is where my brain is taking it, Light Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun, WIP, Not Beta Read
Eijun ducked a neon green glob as it flew toward his face. On immediate contact with the ground, the acid hissed as fumes rose from the slow-spreading puddle. While he may have avoided one, Eijun still had to jump over another spot of toxic ooze. This wasn't anything new, however, as a good portion of the floor now had a rancid layer of acid. The toxic puddles themselves had quickly grown to be a problem with how frequently they were shot out from all orifices of the toads.   The battle initially began nice and organized, per usual. They divided into teams to focus on each toad. Miyuki and Yui made first contact with their designated boss as the whole team began the assault to whittle the damned things down. The melee struggled quite a bit, what with the natural poisonous slime that coated the toad's bumpy flesh, causing any who made direct contact to suffer from their toxin. Eijun spent a good portion of time bouncing around from melee to melee, in an attempt to cleanse them all repeatedly.
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sugawraaa · 1 year
Chapters : 1/1
Words : 8,182
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond
Relationship: Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun
Characters: Miyuki Kazuya, Sawamura Eijun
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Established Relationship, First Time, Anal Fingering, Biting, Blow Jobs, Making Out, Fluff and Smut, Top Miyuki Kazuya/Bottom Sawamura Eijun, Top Sawamura Eijun/Bottom Miyuki Kazuya, yes this is both a misawa and sawami fic
Summary: Eijun made loving so easy. It was no effort to want to check in on how his day was, or breathe deeply into the crook of his neck after a long, tiring day; catalogue cafés to take him to; memorise the contours of his back and the shape of his hips. It was like a blink, or a heartbeat — it was a constant automated instinct of survival to love him and want him because Eijun was so good in all he did or said, and it was all the more heightened by getting his love back.
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miyumih4 · 1 year
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Idole Eijun and Pro baseball player Miyuki have been dating for a long time but no one know other than lose friends and family. And there’s rumors of course, they spend a lot of time together, often spotted at either a baseball game or at a concert and people wonder..
Are they dating or not? But neither confirm nor deny. They’re respecting pr team aren’t saying anything either and always refuse to answer any questions about them.
But then … they get engaged.. and for them it seems like the right time to share themselves with the world and so Eijun who had been working on a new album decides to share a song he never thought of sharing at first bc it didn’t seems fitting …
But it does now, so they used personal videos of them growing up together, first when they were just friends back in high school to them falling in love in friends photos or videos .. to their life together, videos of their cats, of them acting silly in their house or shouting, singing for each others at games/concerts. Wearing each other Merch and so on.
And at the end of it there’s a video of Eijun proposing to Miyuki, surrounded by their family and friends in their house.
���I said remember this feeling
I passed the pictures around
Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines
Wishing for right now”
A little bit (it’s a lie it’s a lot) inspired by Long Live (Tv) ahah
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queenofmoons67 · 2 years
When Eijun finds out his parents and grandfather were killed, he decides to take up their old mantle of "King,"
In which Eijun becomes a superhero, and maybe finds love along the way.
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aceofgae · 2 years
in case you guys didn’t know or read already but I wrote a krmy spiderman au that I posted on AO3 so do give it a read if you want
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koushuwu · 10 months
» 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲 *:・゚✧
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»  𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: miyuki kazuya x reader | 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2,5k | dna masterlist
»  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 (𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬): AFAB reader, slightly soft dom(?) reader, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, praise kink, slight corruption kink, premature ejaculation, pet names m!recieving lmk if i missed anything.
»  𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Miyuki Kazuya does not need sex, thank you very much. he can handle himself, and honestly his focus is solely on baseball. somehow you manage to get him in bed though, and it turns out; Miyuki is a whiny lil’ bitch in bed.
»  𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: reposted from my old blog @bacchira
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Who would have thought Miyuki Kazuya to be a whiny mess in bed, really? Miyuki may be both cocky and confident, but he is also completely and utterly inexperienced. He himself wasn’t one to seek out partners. Never really felt the need. He played baseball and loved it. He was good at it. So, what more could he really want or need? Nothing really if you asked him. Honestly if he needed relief, he could take care of himself. He knew what he liked, and it wouldn’t take much time away from his training. So why would he feel the need to look for more? And truth be told, it wasn’t like girls or guys flocked around him for a chance to date him. Even with his undeniable skills at baseball and good looks, his raw personality kept many a suitor away through the years. But not you. You knew what he was about, but for some obscure reason, you didn’t shy away. Oh no.
It took you quite some convincing to even get him alone. He wasn’t looking for anything and he definitely didn’t have time for any nonsense, thank you very much. But you did manage to do just that in due time. To convince him. And once you did, it wasn’t actually that hard to get him where you wanted him. Which was underneath you.
“Shit,” his breath shuddered as you had his cock in a firm hold, condom rolled all the way down and rubbing the tip through your folds while persistently holding his gaze. Miyuki’s hands were fisted hard in the sheets of the bed under him, and even with the wall supporting his back, he’s desperate for anything to hold on to. To ground him. You bite down on your lower lip when you finally line up the tip of his cock with your entrance, letting yourself drop just slightly. Miyuki grabbed hold of your hips in a bruising hold when the tip of his cock pushed inside, eyes screwing shut behind his glasses.
“Hey,” you said, voice only betraying your own pleasure in the slightest. Miyuki being Miyuki, he probably would have noticed if it hadn’t been for the way you engulfed him so tightly. Snug and warm. “Pretty boy. Look at me.” Miyuki’s cock twitched at your words. And his hips bucked involuntarily. With labored breathing he opened his eyes once more to try and focus his gaze on you.
“Don’t— Don’t do that,” he panted.
“Oh?” You let yourself sink down further, enjoying the way his cock forced you open. “You like it when I call you that, Pretty Boy?” You really couldn’t help the cocky grin that formed on your lips. Miyuki was quite the sight, flushed, eyes shining, and teeth harshly gritted together. You couldn’t help but place a hand on his cheek, almost huffing a laugh as he leaned into your touch, jaw going slack.
Soon enough, you’d settled all the way down in his lap, cock sheathed deep inside your walls. You didn’t offer him much time to steel himself for what was to come before you rubbed your thumb over his bottom lip and rolled your hips against his. Miyuki’s hands twitched on your hips and a moan escaped his lips. His cheeks flushed even harder, seemingly embarrassed by the sound that had just left him, but to you— it only made you want to make him even more red. So, while you worked your hips against him, you found yourself propping your thumb into his mouth, forcing it further up. Pressing down in his tongue, Miyuki had no means to stop the sounds rising in his throat from tumbling out around your digit.
“You’re such a good boy. Do you like this?” you cooed and ground against him harder. A particularly high-pitched moan clearly told you that he did, but you needed him to acknowledge it. “Come on, don’t be shy. Do you like it?” And that was your good boy. Miyuki nodded with shiny eyes, a bit of drool slipping down his chin. This really was a sight for sore eyes.
It didn’t take you long to set up a pace that had Miyuki panting out the prettiest sound in time with your movements and had his muscles tensing up. No doubt he was at your mercy as you worked his cock until his eyes rolled back. Pulling your finger from his mouth, you leaned down and licked his lower lip, before capturing it between your teeth and pulling slightly. The moan he gave, had you picking up just that little bit of extra speed. Miyuki tilted his head in an attempt at catching your lips, but you couldn’t help but tease him by pulling back.
Sending him a confident grin, you took his hands in yours. Feeling him tremble slightly, you guided his hands, as his fingers ghosted over your skin, from your thighs and under your skirt. Sliding around your hips and settling on the mounds of your ass. Letting go of his hands, you own fingers quickly found their way to the front of Miyuki’s shirt, sliding up against his abs.
“Come on,” you told him as he looked at you with big eyes. “Have a feel.” With your own fingers against his, you help him support you as you shift gears and bounce in his lap.
“F—Fuck,” Miyuki ground out as his face scrunched up, teeth clenched, and one eye completely shut.
“Hm?” You kept your pace high as you guided one of his hands around to your front instead. Placing his hand against your abdomen and pressing his thumb to your clit had you shuddering and clenching around his cock. His hips bucked against you, meeting your thrusts. You moan and taking your pace up just another notch.
“S—slow down.” You almost laughed at the way he was clearly holding back, and for a second you considered whether you should push him over the edge already or play with him a bit longer. After a second or two you decided on the latter, slowing down until you were rolling your hips in slow circles against him.
“Does it feel good?” you asked him.
“Do you want me to make you feel even better?” You felt Miyuki twitching inside of you and even before he nodded, you knew what it meant. He’d been so close, and if you wanted to play for longer, which you did, you’d have to shift gears. “How about I let you go raw instead?” Another, stronger, twitch inside of you replied as his fingers dug into your skin.
“I—” Miyuki gulped; eyes bewildered as he studied you with only half a mind to consider the risks. He could just pull out, right? Right. He knew that much. If he hadn’t been buried inside of you, he probably would have turned the offer down, but here he was. Right now, he wanted nothing more, so instead of objecting, he closed his mouth and nodded in agreement. You couldn’t help but smile. He was so cute.
“First, let’s get these off of you,” you told him, and carefully lifted his glasses off his face, setting them on the bedside table. “And this one follows.” Your hands returned to the hem of his shirt. He wasn’t late to push off the wall and helping get rid of his shirt, discarding it on the floor.
Miyuki reached for your shirt but hesitated, looking up at you. With a harder roll of your hips against his, you nodded in agreement and soon your shirt was discarded on the floor with his own. For a moment, as he was faced with your chest, he just stared. He’d never been one to stare, but you looked so good, and he had to bite his lip to refrain from just diving face-first into your chest. But instead, you picked that very moment to get off of his lap, his cock slapping against his lower abdomen accompanied by a soft whine from Miyuki himself.
“Second, we’re going to need this one off too,” you told him teasingly, but before you could reach out to help, Miyuki was discarding of the rubber as well. As he did so, you laid back on the bed and rested on your elbows, eyeing him up in challenge. Bending one knee and spreading that leg out to the side, you sent him a little smirk. “Show me what you’ve got, Pretty Boy.”
Miyuki wasted no time before he shoved off the wall and all but crawled over you. The hunger and excitement in his eyes had you chuckle softly as you beckoned him closer with a finger. His cheeks were red, his lips swollen and glistened in the dim light of the room. When he was in reach, you snatched his chin and brought his face to yours.
“You’re adorable, do you know that?” you whispered, and the red of his cheek deepened so fast and so intensely that you almost laughed again. Instead, you tilted your head up and caught his lips. Your legs wrapped around his waist, heels digging onto the flesh of Miyuki’s ass, pulling him closer.
Feeling the mattress shift, you opened your eyes just slightly, watching as Miyuki reached down between your bodies. For a moment you let him try an align himself at your entrance, but with his eyes closed and lips locked with yours, that proved to be a difficult task. Miyuki’s eyes sprung open when your hand wrapped around his at the base of his cock. You broke the kiss and moved your head to the side of his, lips just shy of his ear.
“Let me help you,” you breathed against his ear. Steady and keeping his gaze locked with yours, you guide his hand until you feel the tip of his cock pressing against your entrance. You felt him already slipping inside from just a gentle buck of your hips. “Good boy,” you praise as Miyuki slips in further. Slick and his own precum made for a smooth entrance and soon enough, he made it all the way inside. Your hands settled on each side of his face, and you felt the catcher shudder when he’d bottomed out inside.
“Shit—” Supporting himself with both hands, one on each side of your face, Miyuki’s face scrunched up in your hands. “I need—I’m gonna—Fuck.”
“Not yet,” you told him and let your hands travel down the sides of his neck. “Need you to be a good boy, okay?” Even as he nods, you give him a moment to collect himself. You may enjoy teasing him, but not if it meant your shared fun would end right then and there. So, you lifted your head and placed your lips against his, letting your nails scrape lightly over his hard torso. His lips moved against yours and you almost yelped in surprise when Miyuki angled his head and deepened the kiss. He was learning, and you couldn’t help but smirk into the kiss as you clenched down around him, and he moaned into the kiss.
When Miyuki’s body loosened up from the tension that’d held him locked in place, you ground your hips against his. Digging your heels into his skin, you sparked him into motion. With a hard exhale, Miyuki tryingly pulled back out. His breathing shuddered against your lips as he pushed back in. You lifted your hips to meet his thrust, and when he repeated the movement, so did you, slowly working together. By chance, Miyuki shifted and hit something deep inside of you that had you throwing your head back, breaking the kiss. Your moan had Miyuki’s cock twitching inside of you.
As if spurred on by the sound he’d ripped from your throat, Miyuki picked up his pace, a bit of his usual confidence showing its face. Miyuki may not have much experience, if any when it came to sex, but he did know how to read people. So, when you’d let a moan slip, he clearly knew he’d done something right. He’d hit something, and he couldn’t wait to hit it again.
Miyuki’s head dropped to your shoulder as he increased his pace and relentlessly fucked into you. His moans mingling with yours in a sweet symphony, accompanied by the wet squelching between your bodies. Seeking leverage, your hands settled on his shoulders and fingers dug into his skin as his thrusts met with your own.
Instinct took over and Miyuki’s thrusts turned frantic, and you knew where it was leading. But you also didn’t find it in you to deny him once more. Probably mostly, because what he did with those hips of his, felt good. And you just couldn’t bear to stop him, for either of your sakes. Instead, you wound your legs a little tighter around his middle and pulled him closer, drawing a deep groan from him. His lips found your neck, teeth scraping against your skin, right above your beating pulse. Your walls tightened around him drawing him in further.
“I can’t—”
“I know,” you moaned, cutting him off before he could finish speaking. One of your hands snaked down between you, reaching for your clit, and rubbing circles around your nub.
“I need—” Miyuki tried pulling back, but you only tightened your hold on him further. Clamping down and pushing him closer with your legs around his body.
“Do it,” you urged into his ear and dug your fingers harder into his skin.
“What’re—Please—” His hips ground against you, as your legs held him firmly against you until you could no longer fit your hand in between you two, not letting him pull back. Rolling his hips in small circles against you, his moans turned high-pitched. Whiny. “Let—Let me out, I’m gonna—”
“Come on, cum for me, Pretty Boy.” Miyuki’s teeth sunk into your shoulder and his eyes screwed shut, drilling into you hard. You clenched around him once more, and he let you go with a loud moan. One hand slid into his hair and pulled his lips to yours in a wet clash. Then you pulled back. “Cum for me.”
“Shit—you f—Okay, fine!” Miyuki ground his hips against you harder, and the blissed grin on your face told him, that this was exactly what you’d wanted all along. “Take all—all of it—” With stuttering hips and his vision blurring. White. He clenched his teeth, as he released inside of you, painting your insides, and fucking his cum into you deeper. Your own head thrown back as his thrusts start to slow.
Coming down from his high, he seemed to realize you hadn’t reached your edge, and from the sheepish look on his face, you knew he felt bad. You couldn’t help but chuckle a little. Yes, he came too fast and the both of you knew, but you also both knew that he was very new to this, so a little bit of encouragement seemed fitting. So, you sent him a smirk and clenched down on his softening cock, before he had the chance to pull out.
“Don’t worry,” you told him, rocking your hips against him, and feeling his cock twitching inside. “There’s always round two, Pretty Boy.”
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*:・゚✧ thank you for reading ♡
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shakirahips · 11 days
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