#daisy wells x lavinia temple
deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
Valentine's Day headcannons but one day late
Lavinia x Daisy (romantic)
- not only do they not care about Valentine's Day they actively loathe it
- it makes them uncomfortable, both for different reasons
- Daisy says every year 'i hate heternormativty! They should call it HATErnomativity'
- everyone is sick of this joke bar Lavinia who finds it comedy gold every time
- (Daisy is actually completely sick of this joke herself but she loves to hear Lavinia laugh)
- they just carry on with the same routine they do every other day
- but when they do anything traditionally romantic likes kiss or hold hands, they immediately go 'just gal pals!' out of spite for valentine's day
Daisy x Hazel (queerplatonic)
- yes Daisy hates Valentine's Day but Hazel does not. Daisy goes all out for her
- we're talking heart shaped pancakes in the morning (someone is always on standby with a saucepan full of water), favourite restaurant booked for the evening, her favourite flowers by Hazel's bedside when she wakes up
- Daisy loves spoiling Hazel and Hazel deserves it
- for their first valentine's day after they were actively like 'ok yeah we like the label queerplatonic relationship' Daisy got Hazel a ring with Detective Society engraved inside of it, and it was made out of a branch of hazel tree and a daisy flower
- Hazel just kisses Daisy a lot because she knows she's not keen on valentine's day
- Daisy is of course perfectly fine with this
George x Aleksandr (they don't know what the fuck is going on and they're are content with this)
-Aleks doesn't even remember it's Valentine's Day
- the only reason he knew it was because he encounters George's parents saying it to each other
- he's completely neutral on it, except when it prompts his family to ask him about a girlfriend, and marriage, and then he despises valentine's day for the duration of the conversation
- George HATES the commercialisation of valentine's day (me too George)
- but he is a romantic and enjoys the original stories about it
- make Aleks a little paper card, and in fact used to send one anonymously at Weston to him every year
- they both don't really do anything different
Harold x Bertie (romantic)
- they love valentine's day
- they love any occasion to spoil each other
- Bertie essentially gets a 2 day celebration considering his birthday's the day before
- DIY to the MAX
- Bertie writes Harold some godawful romantic poetry every year
- Harold cherishes every single one
- first year they celebrated, they both tried to cook each other a meal at the same time
- imagine lots of "why won't he leave the fucking kitchen"
- they soon realised and now just cook dinner together and find it's much more fun
- they also go and buy flowers for each other together
- Bertie is learning how to say 'i love you' in Hindi
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deepdeanvsweston · 4 months
Davinia picrews <3
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Picrews used:
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deepdeanvsweston · 5 months
Davinia's first date is that it's near the end of the war, and Daisy and Lavinia have this overwhelming urge to just... get away, even for an hour. They're in bed together when decide to do just that. They get in Lavinia's beat up old car, her brother's old first, and drive and drive and drive out of London. At first they don't know where they're going so they stop at this cafe at the side of the road (Daisy had insisted they stop for bunbreak anyway.)
Lavinia decides she trusts Daisy enough to take her to a forest near her house, one that her mother and father (when they were still together, that is) used to take her, and her dad taught her to fish and her mum picked plants to take back to the house. They sit on a fallen log and eat their slightly squished sandwiches, and share a cake. They would have bought one each as Lavinia swore she had change rattling about the car seats, but she...didn't. Lavinia rambles excitedly about otters, and Daisy wonders how she had ever not loved Lavinia. They go swimming in the lake, and with Lavinia holding her hand and gently cajoling her, Daisy feels brave enough to go in.
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
Wanna post art on the discord but it's Lavinia/Daisy,,, hmmm
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
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Teeny Lavinia, in someone's thought bubble, who could it be?
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It's Daisy's thought bubble!
(ironically this was drawn on the back of a Beaver craft badge printout)
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
Here they are! Lavinia/Daisy get together headcannons!
- we all know they're dormmates ofc
- so they know each other through that
- Lavinia is lesbian, and Daisy is a lesbian
- Lavinia realises she likes girls very quickly after Kitty (who is straight as a pole mind you) in first form suggested they practised kissing so they're ready for boys
- Lavinia immediately goes and starts hyperventilating in the bathroom because 'oh god she liked it. She liked it.'
- anyway this happens and she goes on to repress this for the next 4-6 years
- repression queen <3
- despite this, she continues to have weird romantic tension with this girl in their year who's the head of the fifth form hockey team, Jean Munroe
- but Lavinia's like 'it doesn't count. Just because I pushed her up against the changing room and snogged her face off doesn't MEAN anything'
- anyway
- Daisy meanwhile also had Kitty in first form practising kissing
- (Daisy develops a brief one year crush on Kitty)
- but for Daisy it just did not click that she liked girls
- in her head she was like "oh I like this. This is wonderful and I want to do this all my life. Obviously only because Kitty is pretending to be a boy though :)"
- Jolly Foul Play was when everything fell into place for Daisy and she realised she liked girls (Astrid and Margaret fr fr)
- anyway again
- Top Marks For Murder is when Daisy begins to take ✨notice✨ of Lavinia
- she's brash and blunt but Daisy thinks all the stuff Lavinia knows about nature and animals is pretty cool (nature conservationist Lavinia fr fr) and finds her privately quite funny
- (Daisy also thinks she cuts a fine form in her tennis uniform)
- Nothing happens though
- they start skirting round each other after TMFM
- Jean Munroe starts showing up to exeat weekends with a boyfriend and Lavinia on the inside is hurt and embarrassed and scared because she feels like she's been abandoned by everyone she's ever loved and Jean didn't even say she wanted to end it, even if there wasn't anything TO end!
- on the outside Lavinia become Spiky. She's angry, but like I said earlier, she's a repression queen
- she stays furious and sullen and for lack of a better word, bitchy, but she tells herself it's NOT because of Jean, it's not it's not it's not (it is)
- anyway again
- Death Sets Sail happens, Lavinia and George run away to the Spanish War
- Lavinia does ofc go away because of her political beliefs but also because it provides an opportunity to get away from Deepdean, and her parents, and stupid Jean
- her and George split up, she comes back a little more mature but more Lavinia than ever, trains to be an ambulance driver, all the canon stuff
- meanwhile, the war has put a strain on Daisy and Amina's relationship
- WW2 brings up a lot of painful/weird feelings for Daisy, as it sees her mother die and Fallingford get requisitioned, and Stephen is in the news as he's been let out of prison to fight on the front
- so she's going through a lot of shit
- Daisy is... happy? About her mother dying. Or at the very least feels finally free
- Amina does NOT get this, and is in fact a little bit weirded out? She ofc understands Margaret Wells was a terrible mother, but thought Daisy would hold at least a little bit of love for a dead/dying woman
- this causes a big divide when Daisy refuses to go to her funeral and Amina wants her to. They split up
- Daisy goes for a walk to clear her head, and Lavinia is just walking back from the ambulance depot
- "Heard about your mother" Lavinia says
"Who hasn't? It's on the front page of the bloody telegraph" Daisy replies bitterly
"Could've chosen a better family photo. You look terrible"
"She was an utter beastly, bitch"
"Mothers usually are" (Lavinia's mother was... not great either)
"I'll drink to that"
- and they do. They go back to Lavinia and Beanie's shared flat (Beanie is working late at the hospital) and get horrendously drunk and start telling each other how they'd kill their mothers
- 'this is what I needed' Daisy thinks, 'someone who doesn't think I'm a terrible person for hating a dead woman'
- and they end up talking about Deepdean (it's actually one of Daisy's favourite subjects, and bound to come up if she's had a few)
- they start bitching about Clementine, and Lavinia lets slip about her and Jean
- Daisy and Lavinia do a toast "to spiteful cows and our hopes for their downfall!"
- they end up on crushes after Lavinia says about her and Jean, and Daisy now lets slip about Kitty and that essentially she thought Lavinia looked hot in her tennis uniform
- long story short they end up in bed together
- and then. This keeps happening. They keep sleeping together, as well just having huge bitch fests about nearly everyone in their lives
- but they do begin to notice that they no longer have to get drunk to end up sleeping together
- there is Something There
- unfortunately Daisy brings this up and Lavinia's like Nope! Fuck off! Jean Munroe was enough woman for me! Just because I like having sex with women means absolutely fuck all, actually!
- (she's just scared and still hurting about Jean)
- anyway near the end of the war, Lavinia is caught outside in an air raid and gets badly injured
- but she doesn't go to the hospital like a stubborn fool because she thinks other people need and deserve it more
- she does, in fact, get help, she may be stubborn but she's not stupid enough to think she doesn't need medical attention
- obviously she ends up at Daisy's flat, I do love myself a bit of hurt/comfort
- Daisy is working late at the ministry though, and so she finds Lavinia collapsed against her door
- gently, she shakes Lavinia and cups her face 'Lavinia? Hey. Vin. Can you hear me?"
- Lavinia sort of groans back so Daisy knows she's semi ok, and helps her into the flat
- she sits Vin on the bathroom counter and gently strips her down so she can treat her abdominal burns and tilts her head up so Daisy can dab at her head wound and carefully binds her ankle
- (Lavinia makes a joke like "Daisy you perv" and Daisy's like "Lavinia. I have had sex with you at least 7 times and at least 5 of those we didn't have clothes on. Please raise your arms so I can put cream on your burns")
- it's very intimate, and they're both acutely aware of this, but Lavinia is in too much pain and Daisy is too worried about her for them to do anything about it
- Daisy puts Vin in her room and goes to leave her but Lavinia starts sobbing because she's in pain and worried about her brothers and she sees dead people everyday in her job and she misses when they were 12 and the most stressful thing was making sure they didn't wake up matron when having a midnight feast
- Daisy is like 'uhhh' and starts stroking her hair like a cat
- Lavinia starts choking out "f-fuck *sob* o-off" but Daisy stays and they both eventually fall asleep
- the next morning Daisy wakes up to Lavinia attempting to sneak it out
- it obviously goes badly because she's got a broken ankle that's swelled to the size of a balloon and badly concussed
- she's about 3 minutes away from vomiting on the floor but she's determined to get out the front door
- Daisy grabs her
- "Where do you think you're going?"
"Out. Away. Anywhere but here"
"Well. Don't."
"You're not in charge of me, Wells"
"Are you even in charge of you right now? You look as if you're about to pass out"
- Lavinia does privately agree with Daisy, as she can currently see two of her but she's stubborn as fuck so she continues to move towards the front door
- Too fast. She passes out into Daisy's arms
- she ends up back in Daisy's bed and lives with Daisy and Hazel for about a week and they get used to each other
- Lavinia realises that it was nice and when she's around Daisy, she feels safe. Her constant knot of anxiety in her chest undoes itself completely when Daisy looks at her
- and when Lavinia slaps a hand on her shoulder, or presses a kiss to her knuckles Daisy feels every bone in her body buzz excitedly
- Lavinia goes back to her flat, and life sort of resumes a bit
- but Daisy is sick of it. The fear, the uncertainty, the shame, and so bursts into Lavinia's flat
- "Detective Temple, I've, well, I've got something to say to you. Having analysed all the facts, I've come to the conclusion that I'm in love with you, and you're... in love with me. Or that I'm having some sort of ghastly allergic reaction to you. Possibly"
- Daisy is standing her ground but is wide eyed and shaking
- Lavinia stands up from her kitchen table
- "Do shut up, Wells" and Lavinia gives her a big open mouthed kiss
- Beanie and George who had been having breakfast with Vin and watching all of this unfold are all 👀👀👀
- and that's sort of that really
- also just because I feel the need to clarify everything Lavinia also feels her knot of anxiety unravel when with George, and Daisy, while Hazel doesn't ignite feelings of excitement in her bones, she does cause Daisy to feel completely at peace and content in her mind
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
A grand total of one (1) person said they now ship Lavinia and Daisy because of my valentine's day headcannons, is this incentive to post my huge Daisy/Lavinia getting together headcannons
Regardless of what the poll comes out as I will be posting it
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
Lesbian who drowned aged 16 and communist ambulance driver are making out in the top secret spy headquarters
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
You'll never guess what TV show this AU is inspired by...
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Daisy is out to be the most horrible marriage match any mother could ever think of for her son, while Lavinia's anti-royalist beliefs have landed her on the run, and in disguise. She thinks it can't hurt to have a little fun, while Daisy is trying to get through the season without ever having to dance with a man.
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
Daisy and Lavinia at some such Deepdean event
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
I have nothing but a pencil and visions for Lavinia/Daisy
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d.ettie.ective is Daisy, I like to headcannon that she goes by Ettie sometimes because her name's actually Margaret so Ettie is from the end of her name like MargarET
xxkitty_catxx is Kitty ofc
_ukALele_ is Bertie, AL taken from the fact his name's actually Albert
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
Lavinia/Daisy brainrot except my brain is NOT rotting I'm being ENLIGHTENED. I'm being ILLUMINATED by shining, golden possibilities rather than decay GLOOMING my mind up
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
I’m being pulled towards Daisy/Lavinia just because I respect the grind of the inventor of a rarepair
THANKYOU!? It's because I'm like this about them:
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I just think they're so good together, I think they're so similar and like Lavinia's loyalty I feel is HIGHLY admired by Daisy, and then Daisy's sort of logical recklessness (contradictory but I know what I mean) Lavinia really likes, and also they bond over difficult relationships with their parents, and I could go on and on and on,,, I will say they would never have worked while still school age, it's only since reading the ministry books that I was like oh yeah THIS Daisy and THIS Lavinia??? Peak imo
I used to be a big Hazel/Daisy shipper, but they never felt like they quite clicked Like That for me, I just felt they weren't compatible romantically because they wanted different things out of a romantic relationship, and also that I liked their relationship already, like they're perfectly close. They're queerplatonic to the MAX though
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deepdeanvsweston · 5 months
Davinia moodboard <3
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
Lavinia/Daisy are so Do I Wanna Know by the Arctic Monkeys,,,
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
Lavinia' and Daisy's relationship in my head is entirely based on being a 'fuck mothers' duo
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