#daisy chen
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realentertainmentnews · 11 months ago
Our Thoughts On The Daisy Chen And Fresh Prince CEO Situation! The Good The Bad And The Ugly ...
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mcqicons · 4 months ago
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firstdegreefangirl · 8 months ago
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Time waits for no man, baby, time can go to hell (x)
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lulu2992 · 1 year ago
Speaking of BioShock Infinite, have I ever told you about that time I made a timeline of the BioShock series?
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Tumblr made the image smaller so I’ve uploaded the original here :)
It’s far from being exhaustive because the reason I drew this in the first place was to make sure I really understood Infinite (the ending, especially) and Burial at Sea, so only the most significant and/or pivotal events are featured here. I later added some stuff from the other two games and the Minerva’s Den DLC after playing them. However, the novel BioShock: Rapture isn’t included because I haven’t read it (and it seems it’s generally not considered canon anyway).
I made this 8 years ago (with Paint, haha) but very recently translated it and made some adjustments so I could post it! I didn’t check everything I wrote because it’s been a while since I’ve really thought about the lore of BioShock, so I decided to trust my 2015 self and assume she knew what she was doing :’)
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gwenie-clorrisan · 17 days ago
The Orange Character Curse?
Okay, so I can't be the only one to notice that whenever there's an orange coded character in any sort of media, they are the first to be retconned, sidelined, and forgotten about. This is a problem, mainly because my favorite characters are almost ALWAYS the orange characters. If you haven't noticed, let me enlighten you, my friend...
Case One: As an unspoken rule, Princess Daisy is never allowed in a mainline Mario game (expect for her debut and Wonder, where pretty much everyone was playable). Why?? I want to see her kingdom again! And more of it! You can do a bit of worldbuilding, Nintendo, it's not gonna hurt you!
Case Two: My favorite little girlie Cream the Rabbit is almost NEVER around anymore. "Oh, but Gwenie, she's just a little kid--" I CALL SHENANIGANS CHARMY IS ALSO HERE!!! The only other orange character in the Sonic games is Tikal, and due to reasons of... whatever that was... she hasn't been in a game since Sonic Adventure. In short, SEGA is scared to use their orange girlies. You cowards.
Case Three: My girl Skylor was done DIRTY in Ninjago Dragon's Rising. What do you MEAN they aren't dating anymore??? Bullroar, Kailor forever!! Seriously, Skylor has an OP power, amazing design, beautiful character arc and backstory, and then is barely used in the show. Such a waste.
Case Four: There is not a single. Orange. Disney. Princess. None. You can make a case for Moana, but really, look at her outfit. If anything, that's brown. Brown. The closest we got to an orange princess was Melody, but you know the rules guys. Disney wants all their sequels to perish under the mist of forgotten hopes and dreams. Melody, you deserved so much better.
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cometsandstardust · 1 year ago
I thought for Valentine’s Day this year, it would be fun to have a list of my top ten favorite ships (in no particular order) (straight, gay and sapphic) in three little posts
3/3: straight (or at least straight-passing) ships ✨
1. Killian Jones/Emma Swan (CaptainSwan)
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2. Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar (Deckerstar)
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3. Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler (TenRose)
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4. Daniel Sousa/Daisy “Skye” Johnson (Dousy)
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5. Tim Bradford/Lucy Chen (Chenford)
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6. Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler
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7. Bobby Nash/Athena Grant (Bathena)
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8. Howl Pendragon/Sophie Hatter
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9. Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark (Everlark)
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10. Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago (Peraltiago)
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happy valentine’s day!
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lakesparkles · 2 years ago
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Is it too soon to post these autumn themed chibis?? Actually, I've done them months ago but I want to show them all in the same place.
I really want to do more as we're closer to October and all of this (I'm excited to make Halloween art as well!), so there will be more characters and fandoms in the future.
So far, the is only my main interests rn ^^': my OCs, bjhm and LiS (that I already showed before)
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kdram-chjh · 2 years ago
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Cdrama: Extremely Perilous Love (2023)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama "Extremely Perilous Love"
[Extremely Perilous Love] EP01 | Married Bloodthirsty General for Revenge | Li Muchen/Wang Zuyi | YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SJw3ZfPLQs
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sylvyspritart · 2 years ago
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I drew all of these live on stream! They were viewer requests! Thanks for coming, and see you next time~!
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firstdegreefangirl · 17 days ago
I Even Brought You a Treat
"Alright, buddy," Tim whispers. He crouches to Kojo's level, wedged awkwardly between the dog's nose and the door. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out an envelope, smoothing it across his thigh. "Hold this."
Kojo takes the envelope, holding it in his teeth, and wiggles his butt back and forth across the carpet. Tim stands up and nudges a cardboard box in front of his paws.
"Stay." He points at the dog, then grins when he stills. "Good boy."
He knocks on the door then ducks behind the corner a couple of apartments down.
Read the rest on ao3 here!
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binging-asian-dramas · 2 years ago
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A Dream of Splendor. 9
Story: 9
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: New Life Begins (cdrama) ; Under the Power (cdrama); The Story of Ming Lan (cdrama)
If you’re into historically heavily female oriented driven cast then this cdrama will be right up you alley. It’s wonderfully written and extremely well acted all around with a more mature written vibe to it. The cinematography and visuals are gorgeous and breathtaking. It does have some bumps here and there in the pacing towards the middle and end felt a bit rushed, but nothing major. The chemistry between the main leads is one of my favorites. The glances, the coy smiles, oof, smexy as heck. It’s definitely a recommendation and a must watch if you love period pieces.
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lovefvcked-a · 2 years ago
closed snap thread for @excelsiorrp
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daisy: so, i may have gone to our favorite shop daisy: and spent a little bit of money... daisy: wanna see what i got though?
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natashaswaffles · 11 months ago
Send me prompts for fics!! (I like writing: Chenford, Aos/mcu)
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kdram-chjh · 2 years ago
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Cdrama: Extremely Perilous Love (2023)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama "Extremely Perilous Love"
[Extremely Perilous Love] EP01 | Married Bloodthirsty General for Revenge | Li Muchen/Wang Zuyi | YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SJw3ZfPLQs
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yeoldenews · 1 year ago
While we’re on the subject of names, is there an explanation for how traditional nicknames came about that are seemingly unrelated to, or have little in common with, the original name?
ie- John/Jack, Richard/Dick, Henry/Harry/Hank, Charles/Chuck, Margaret/Peggy/Daisy, Sarah/Sally, Mary/Molly, Anne/Nan, etc
I am actually over a week into researching a huge follow-up post (probably more than one if I’m being honest) about the history of nickname usage, so I will be going into this in much, much more detail at a hopefully not-so-later date - if I have not lost my mind. (Two days ago I spent three hours chasing down a source lead that turned out to be a typographical error from 1727 that was then quoted in source after source for the next 150 years.)
As a preview though, here’s some info about the names you mentioned:
The origins of a good portion of common English nicknames come down to the simple fact that people really, really like rhyming things. Will 🠞Bill, Rob🠞Bob, Rick🠞Dick, Meg🠞Peg.
It may seem like a weird reason, but how many of you have known an Anna/Hannah-Banana? I exclusively refer to my Mom’s cat as Toes even though her name is Moe (Moesie-Toesies 🠞 Toesies 🠞 Toes).
Jack likely evolved from the use of the Middle English diminutive suffix “-chen” - pronounced (and often spelled) “-kyn” or “kin”. The use of -chen as a diminutive suffix still endures in modern German - as in “liebchen” = sweetheart (lieb “love” + -chen).
John (Jan) 🠞 Jankin 🠞 Jackin 🠞 Jack.
Hank was also originally a nickname for John from the same source. I and J were not distinct letters in English until the 17th Century. “Iankin” would have been nearly indistinguishable in pronunciation from “Hankin” due to H-dropping. It’s believed to have switched over to being a nickname for Henry in early Colonial America due to the English being exposed to the Dutch nickname for Henrik - “Henk”.
Harry is thought to be a remnant of how Henry was pronounced up until the early modern era. The name was introduced to England during the Norman conquest as the French Henri (On-REE). The already muted nasal n was dropped in the English pronunciation. With a lack of standardized spelling, the two names were used interchangeably in records throughout the middle ages. So all the early English King Henrys would have written their name Henry and pronounced it Harry.
Sally and Molly likely developed simply because little kids can’t say R’s or L’s. Mary 🠞 Mawy 🠞 Molly. Sary 🠞 Sawy 🠞 Sally.
Daisy became a nickname for Margaret because in French garden daisies are called marguerites.
Nan for Anne is an example of a very cool linguistic process called rebracketing, where two words that are often said/written together transfer letters/morphemes over time. The English use of “an” instead of “a” before words beginning with vowels is a common cause of rebracketing. For example: the Middle English “an eute” became “a newt”, and “a napron” became “an apron”. In the case of nicknames the use of the archaic possessive “mine” is often the culprit. “Mine Anne” over time became “My Nan” as “mine” fell out of use. Ned and Nell have the same origin.
Oddly enough the word “nickname” is itself a result of rebracketing, from the Middle English “an eke (meaning additional) name”.
I realized earlier this week that my cat (Toe’s sister) also has a rebracketing nickname. Her name is Mina, but I call her Nom Nom - formed by me being very annoying and saying her name a bunch of time in a row - miNAMiNAMiNAM.
Chuck is a very modern (20th century) nickname which I’ll have to get back to you on as I started my research in the 16th century and am only up to the 1810s so far lol.
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goddesspharo · 7 months ago
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Glen Powell, Daisy Edgar Jones, and Anthony Ramos living their best Brat Summer - 📸 Eddy Chen
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