#daisuke kambe ff
archival-account · 4 years
Alright. I have returned. It's not that much of a distraction but Erebos had one of his episodes again. Quite a sight to see to suddenly lose his head like a madman like that, but, thankfully, me and Jordan were able to calm him down efficiently and swiftly.
On the other hand, his mother had it worst, despite being suited as "fine and normal" these days. But she's not the topic of discussion right at the moment.
Where was I?
Oh, yes, the event that I categorized as a joke. Or as I had hoped it could have been a joke.
While we had breakfast that morning, which Hudson (nephew of the late Mrs Hudson of Baker Street 221B) had graciously made, Erebos brought up his reason for his early visit. By then, I had already changed into a dress shirt and silky square pants. Just to prove I'm not a fashion slouch to Erbeos, I topped my collar with a fancy, little black bow. It pleased him and didn't further comment about my simplistic style.
"First of all, have you watched or read the news?"
I quirked a brow at him. I said, "Of course, I do. And that's why I keep my television off and throw away my newspapers." Surprised, my cousin inquired the reason of my actions. I replied, "I have been suffering lately with a nervous condition. The last case had done me and flayed my nerves as thin as paper. Of course, I had taken my rightful break for a week now and Uncle John said that if I keep up the habit, I would be fine as whistle and be finally allowed to go back to work before we knew it."
Jordan piped in after she sipped a healthy amount of her ornamental green tea, saying, "Papa told her to rest for at least ten days. She's only pushing through her eighth."
I clanked my eating utensils. I mentally hit my face with my palm. I exclaimed, "And I only have gotten six hours of sleep - Good heavens, Erebos, don't you have any mercy for my well-being?!"
Erebos said, "Excuse me, cousin dear, but you didn't tell me any of this - your condition and your supposed habit to cure whatever illness you acquired."
"Didn't Mourgane spoke of this to you at all?" I asked, crossing my arms. My face had turned sour and disdainful at the plain thought of my cousin's insensitivity to my current state. Even though it wasn't that extremely severe to send my arse to the hospital, my parents - typically, my father - had reckoned with my uncle (father's brother) and his daughter, Mourgane, to exempt me from any criminal cases until I made full recovery. Or in this case, because I'm stubborn as a mule but still wanted to preserve my lifespan, until I made a decent recovery. (But I don't Mourgane had gotten the message as expressed in the following narrative.)
"It might have slipped off from her mind," Erebos suggested, but it didn't help one bit.
I gave out an exasperated exhale and pinched the bridge of my nose, my two hands enclosing on it.
"Unbelievable," Jordan muttered.
"Utterly," I bitterly added.
Mourgane, of all people, should definitely had known better. But, of course... Her work mattered more than anything; more than her own well-being (again, a Holmes thing), more than her own family, including me. She'll do anything to get me back on track, even if it meant to take damn risks.  
"Wait, doesn't Jordan read the papers? To keep you up to date with all the going-ons of the world? Or at least around England?" Erebos pressed, crossing his foot over his knee.
I flicked one of my hands in the air, saying, "I always tell her not to or else my curiosity will piqued and the next thing we all know, I'm in the hospital, barely functioning rationally because my nerves are burned to crisp due to heavy fatigue, burnout, stress, and caffeine addiction."
Erebos took a sip of his coffee, then said, "Tough luck then. But you looked healthy now."
Jordan tapped her fingers on the table, a look of displeasure across her face. She mumbled, "She barely looked healthy at all."
She made a truthful point.
Despite of making through one week of recovery, I still had the appearance of a dreaded haggard (a little bit; for the sake of dignity and decency). My eyes were still a bit sunken and black. My skin had its color back, though, Jordan said I have turned paler a few times during the faithful recovery. The condition of my nerves had successfully returned back to normal... Alright, almost of my nerves since I sometimes experience sudden shock pressure and sudden unresponsiveness. But that happened rarely now. It only had happened once or twice and that was during on my third day.
If you, gracious reader, thought this wasn't a normal condition for a grown 24-year-old Englishwoman, you're ultimately right.
Erebos shrugged. Yes, as if he cared at all for me. He lightly said, "Same, different."
Oh, how the Holmes blood shone through like a glittering ray of sunlight.
"Can you please cut the chase and get to the point, Erebos?" I impatiently said. "Just spill whatever Mourgane had told you to share to me so this will be all over."
Erebos sighed. He briefly gave my kitchen a once-over, his eyes darting from object to object with little interest. If I can, I could have smacked his face with the glass flower vase on the table. He knew damn well how I hated being treated with suspense. He smacked his lips and asked without meeting my eyes, "How good is your Japanese?"
"Excuse me?"
At this juncture, I really should have known the punchline. But, remember, I barely connected with the world for a week, and all my memories about a particular subject prior to the last case were flushed away down to the drain.
And, honestly?
I should have at least remembered the word ‘yakuza’.
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renwatchesanime · 4 years
So I just watched Episode 7 of Balance Unlimited and I have some thoughts (tm)
(I didn’t do this for last week rip)
So we start off this episode with a flashback - how iconic - and, hold on, is that Nakamoto Chosuke? Damn he looks young.
And oop. Murder. Love that for us.
(Note: this the ONE time I’m skipping the opening because you can’t just introduce that bombshell then leave).
Again with Shigemaru Kambe.
I don’t know about yall, but Kikuko Kambe (the grandmother) is sketchy as FUCK. But like, she hasn’t aged a bit in twenty odd years? Drop the skin care routine sis.
Eh, Cho-san, I’m not really familiar with the Japanese legal system or whatever, but I’m pretty sure you can’t just take someone things without a warrant.
(But like, thinking about it, Daisuke did the same thing in the previous episode when he went through that lady’s laptop. Must be a detective thing)
Oh, Nakamoto is hard to work with? Interesting.
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(Nice to know that he has been dead inside from childhood.)
Dirty cops dirty cops dirty cops dirty cops dir-
And I was right! Stolen evidence has no value in court of law as evidence! Thank you How to Get Away With Murder.
Ah. More death. I feel bad for Daisuke though.
Hey. I get that you’re sad and all but. That was a perfectly good watermelon popsicle. Why you gotta waste food like that?
We’re in the present again and HOLY FUCK NAKAMOTO IS SHORT.
Guys the quote for this episode is ‘Money is the root of all evil’.
Daisuke Kambe really said ‘yeah I took control over a woman’s car and made her believe that she had killed a man what of it?’
Did Haru just. Run into a gate. With his car. Oh God. Watch it, your boyfriend’s reckless driving is influencing you.
First rule of investigating kids: just because someone could doesn’t mean they would. It’s all about the motive baby.
Yo my guy is proper hallucinating wtf.
Hold up hold up. It was all a simulation? Damn Kambe.
Nah when Nakamoto hit us with that “Were you able to become a father who you could be proud of?’ I felt that.
Final thoughts:
So we all pretty much called Daisuke not being involved in the murder of Imura. It was a pleasant surprise seeing that Haru also shared this sentiment (the absolute trust they have in each other agh). Moreover we finally found out what happened to the older Kambes, although I am very sceptical as to whether Shigemaru was really a suicide. Seems a bit convenient, don’t you think?
To end this, let’s take a look at the costs for this episode (translated with the help of Google Translate):
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innovativestruggles · 4 years
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Episode 6: Maybe Daisuke is the antagonist? 🤔
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1989nihil · 2 years
WIP Challenge
Rules: "post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!"
got tagged by @raventhekittycat​, thanks! :3
(note: about all of my current WIPs re for Fugou Keiji: Balance:UNLIMITED, shortend to FKBU)
FKBU_Blood Reign (working title)
FF_間  Ma_multi-fandom
FKBU_Bored... so utterly bored
FKBU_Inspired by Crimson Corridors
FF Meitantei Conan_名探偵コナン_Post Scarlet Arc-Need title
Truth to be told, I have about 38 files in my WIP folder right now, with the majority of them last beeing opened about two years ago, so I couldn’t possibly tell you what they’re all about, without going through all of them. The top five are currently the most active ones.
#6 isn’t exactly active, but I do tend to add some notes every now and then. In short, takes place at the end of the Scarlet Arc, and is focused mostly on Vermouth and Shinichi/Conan. It’s an AU, and... a... rather monsterous WIP. Gist is, Vermouth is a lot smarter than what is often seen in canon. I mean... c’mon! She should’ve been able to figure out that that guy wasn’t actually dead, precisely because her favourite detective was hanging-around one of her targets. She saw him working with the FBI to foil that assassination plot. She heard from a witness that Shinichi/Conan was present at that motorcycle crash. Like... She should’ve been able to figure it it way before Bourbon asked her for help, so that he can prance around public with that guy’s face to see if it gets any reactions. Like... this WIP is basically venting my gripe with how canon sometimes treats Vermouth, like, although portrayed as extremely dangerous, what with her skills and all, but then at times also a bit slow on the uptake...
#5, there’s an orphaned FKBU fic on AO3 of that title (you can find it here). I’ve posted a snippit of it before, from the summary to be precise, which you can find here x.
#4 is the one I just send in reponse to @stargatelov3r​ ‘s rose, and which you can find here x.
 #3 Is a multifandom wip, though, not in a cross-over sense of the word, but there’s specific theme all those ficlets have going, just random moments and bits, that kind of thing. I made a series out of the WIP, and posted it on AO3, here’s the link x.
 #2 Is yet another FKBU WIP, in which Kambe Daisuke is a Vampire, but sorta with the same motivations and goals as in canon, but unlike in canon partrayed, there’s no one actively bringing Katō in on the main-case, not even Nakamoto Chosuke. Instead, he stumbles into situations directly/indirectly related to the main-case all by himself, because he’s... well he’s Katō Haru, he is who he is. Also, about one of the few MPD characters that are human.
#1 is the one I just posted a paragraph of in reply to @raventhekittycat​ ‘s bouquet of roses of. You can find it here x. Essentially, Daisuke comparing the people around him, two particular.
Out of all theses WIPs, 間/Ma is the only one that I have posted. Please ignore the other series I have up on AO3, I forgot what the original file was titled, so I have to dig through a ton of WIPs on my external to find that again, and it will take ages.
This time I am going to tag :D
@stargatelov3r​ @rachaeljurassic​ @dorothyoz39​
and anyone else who wants to join in.
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archival-account · 4 years
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when criminal organizations became more sinister, viler, wittier, and deadlier, the world needed heroes to salvage the broken justice system. 
u.k. and japan are the most hard-hit, hotspot of numerous heinous crimes and heists that made all the heads of the justice-security systems call upon their top players to stop the rising population of bloodthirsty murders and ambitious thieves. 
cherloque and daisuke... what an unlikely pair, if the heads would say so. but if they are brave enough to bet the lives of the millions of people on the table, all eyes are on the englishwoman and the japanese man to save their skins. 
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archival-account · 4 years
For the second time, I have been taken away from my seat. My sincere apologies. This time, the apparent reason for my abrupt breakaway was because Erebos dragged me from my room to the living room. Apparently, he was proving to me that what he had said about the current heist was coinciding with his reasoning. Disturbingly enough, a phone call from Uncle Mycroft informed me that Aunt Eurus had matched up with the statement of Erebos.
Of course, before I jump into the current state of affairs in my business, I would continue the interesting, short narrative Erebos had told me. He'll have a little help from Mourgane.
At my respone, Erebos repeated the question, saying, "What I asked was, 'How good is your Japanese'?"
I was... Baffled, to say the least.
Why would he ask such questions to me?
But I decided to humor his question by answering with, "Not as decent as my Korean, honestly speaking. My comprehension isn't as good as I would think but my speaking skill could pass."
Erebos looked thoroughly pleased. To my surprise he asked me in Japanese, responding, "That's good to hear. I would have told Mourgane otherwise."
I wiped the remnants of the breakfast from my lips and replied with, "Tell Mourgane the opposite one. We'll see who's going to flip."
Erebos laughed at my response and, in normal English, he retaliated, "We'd better talk normally. Jordan might feel out of place."
By then, Jordan had already left the table and was seated comfortably on the armchair, her medical notes in her hands and her reading glasses atop of her nose's bridge. Overhearing our conversation, she said, "I already felt out of place."
She was, by birth, normal in any way. The blood of Holmes ran through me, Erebos and Maurgane like coursing rivers, rich and strong, deep and untouchable. It was a curse, to say the least.
"At lease you're respected," Erebos airily said to her. He turned to me and looked straight into my eyes. The same eyes each Holmes child had - a heartless shade of steel grey. "How would you like to work with two men from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department?"
To say my curiosity was grabbed was an understatement. My full attention was laser focused on Erebos alone that I didn't mind when Jordan returned to her seat at the dining table. Even if her attention was caught, she was mainly there to make sure my nerves won't work up out of the blue.
Such a kind friend she was.
"First of all," I said. "Why is a Japanese police force is involved here? What part are they playing in the ordeal you haven't even told me yet? What is my role that coincided with them? What responsibility do we withhold if we cooperate to work?"
My questions were smartly answered. Erebos took out his phone and opted to FaceTime Mourgane. When I had thought she wouldn't answer, she finally picked up at the fourth ring.
I was hoping for a 'hello' or a good greeting whatsoever, but her sentence spoken to us was, "Erebos, I assumed you haven't told her everything yet?"
Erebos grinned, showing off his smug face to our irritated cousin. He said, "I love to withhold things unless they are direly needed to be shared. I'm sure the news aren't even that perilous."
"Can it, Erebos," Mourgane snapped, her American lingo glimmering through with irritation and frustration.
"Well, at least, I have inquired her about her Japanese. She speaks fairly well."
"But that's as far as you can go to help me," Mourgane said through gritted teeth. "Hand her the phone."
Erebos shrugged and handed me his phone.
"Hello, good morning, Mourgane. Jaljaseo?"
In wonderful Korean, Mourgane grumpily replied with, "No, I did not have the best sleep. Not when this had been itching my patience to hair-thin."
"Listen, Mourgane," I said, sighing. "I have absolutely no idea what is going on right now. Care to explain all the kerfuffle with me? I was trying to recover from my last nerve attack for the past week."
"I thought I could trust Erebos to do that but it seemed I had wrongly put my trust at the wrong hour."
"Trusting Erebos would put us in the wrong hour. So, please, for the love of everything good and wondeful, tell me what I had miserably missed."
Erebos had the audacity to squish into frame, dragging a chair beside me. He said, "Put the phone in landscape and we four will have an impromptu meeting."
"Excuse you, good sir, I am here to look after Cher, not butting myself in this business that sounded so international," Jordan said. But, nevertheless, she, too, dragged her chair beside me. She sat on my left while Erebos sat on my right.
"Let me lay the facts before you, ladies and gentleman," Mourgane said, almost dramatically. "Facts that are known to the world... And facts known to private ears and eyes only."
(My sincerest, deepest apologies. I have to pause writing for a while. Writing in cursive and trying to make my penmanship decent and readable is hard work itself.)
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renwatchesanime · 4 years
So I just watched episode 11 of Balance Unlimited and I have some thoughts (tm)
It’s the final episode guys *sobs*
Daisuke narration? Get into it.
Oh God look more tiny Daisuke look at him he doesn’t know how to smile he’s so short does that look like the face of a bastard to you oh Christ I’m crying
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“And everything changed when the fire nation attacked” ajhsjsjdhdhdb
(This is the last time I’m going to hear the opening before a new episode excuse me while I cry).
Haru my boy why would you just touch blood like that with no hesitation that’s low-key gross.
“We’ll split up and look for clues”, Daisuke actually communicating his plans with Haru? Is that trust I see? A sense of partnership? We love to see it.
... so Daisuke just randomly holds a miniature bomb in his watch? In case he needs to break a lock? At this point I’m not even surprised.
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Have you ever seen something more precious in your life? The answer is no you haven’t sorry I don’t make the rules.
This cooperation between both of them feels good I like it.
(the butler just sneaking away in the middle of the conversation was funny you have to admit)
See guys this is why we say eat the rich.
DAMN the butler has moves even while he’s injured. Mayhaps we have to stan (even tho he. Yknow. Killed a bunch of people. )
“All that glitters is not gold” well damn right you are.
Plutonium? As per Professor Plutonium? As per Powerpuff Girls???
Is he... crying? Oh lord.
“Give me a break!” You got that right #StopBrutalisingHaruKato2020
Did Haru just.... oh wow. Okay. I see how it is.
(I assure you that I do not simp for this man. I am merely an admirer of the aesthetics)
Kikuko Kambe as well as having an impeccable skin care routine also has the ability to change her eye colour at will. Fascinating.
“Did I mess up on something?” Oh Haru how I do love you.
Haru realising that his worth is not determined by his potion but rather by his actions YES we love to see it.
A sunset scene. Of course it’s a sunset scene. There is literally nothing gayer than a sunset scene ffs (yes I am talking Klance look away).
“Inspector Kambe,” have I mentioned that I love them?
HEUSC works for the police department now? Love that for them.
Idk who this Araki dude is but I already love him and that’s on that.
Oh God Daisuke is known as the Millionaire Detective his parachute literally has wealth on it oh God this man will actually be the death of me.
The way that Haru automatically knew Daisuke’s plans without them having to communicate - excuse me while I scream.
oh wait nvm LMAO. it’s even funnier this way.
And with that Balance Unlimited has come to an end. I did enjoy this anime and tuning in every week was hella fun and entertaining. Will there be a second season? Who knows~
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