dailystarknews · 4 years
Day 12: Friday 27th of March
Fucking Containement.
I don’t even know which fucking day are we. I think I forgot to put some daily updates right?  Should I do a summary post? Of course yes! Because nobody can actually guess what happened in your life, Stark.  So, I should start on the day 12 if I remember well. Right? I think this containement is going to turn me crazy. Alright let’s do this!
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Day 12: Friday 27th of March.
What happened this day?I have to say that after the discovery that i made a day before. My sleep didn’t get that much better. In the Morning, I spend an hour or two turning in my bed because I was scared of getting out. You probably asking yourself what was I scared of? Well, in case the little report on the Winter Soldier was not terrifiyng enough. I had an awful nightmare after hours of insomnia. I dreamed about Afghanistan again but this time Bucky was there. He was on a chair, looking at me in the darkness of the cavern. He was super young, like 7 or 8 years old maybe. He tried to came to me and a guy grabbed him by the throat to put him back in his chair. I’m pretty sure I asked the man to stop. He put something on Bucky’s head. The little Bucky was crying silently and I just understood it was an electrochoc treatment. I tried to stand up and they put a bag on my head. I was suffocating and all I could hear was Bucky’s scream. I woke up at this moment. I was hardly breathing and I was crying again. So, it took me time to get out of my room or my bed actually.  I just know that Jarvis knocked at the door at 11:30 a.m., I guess he was worried that I didn’t get up before and that I actually locked my door. I told him I was coming and so, I joined him in the kitchen. Everybody was there. I looked at Bucky and the image of the nightmare came back in my head violently, loudly.  I took a deep breathe and I sat next to my father Howard. They were alllooking at me a bit weirdly. “Are you ok, son? Usually you don’t like to miss the pancakes in the morning.” Said Howard worriedly. I didn’t knew what to answer actually, I just nodded and I tried to eat as much as I could from the lunch Jarvis made. (Do I really have to precise that I was not that much hungry after the night I passed?) Everybody was lookig at me while we were eating, just like I was about to broke in pieces. But nobody asked me more questions. I was glad for that. When I finished, I just go to Howard’s lab. I needeed to focused on something else. Bucky’s arm was a good alternative. So I get there and I worked with all my focus. Fuck, this kid really needeed a Captain America, if only my father could have know it earlier. Thirteen years of captivity under the control of Hydra...  Am I thinking about that again. Shit, I was talking about the arm right? So, the arm. It’s actually a beautiful piece of metal. To explain to you quickly what I succeed to do this day. I finally put the sensors and tested it. The arm was responding well to the stimulations. I couldn’t wait to see it on Bucky but there was still so much things to work on. I need to do the fake skin but what if I do it in Nanotech, like that he could actually take off the skin when he needs just the metal for example if he needs to protect himself from crazy fucking russians nazis! Right? 
I was so focused on my thought that I didn’t heard Stevewhen he entered the lab. Not even when he called me 4 times before he screamed. (That’s what he told me.) He called me Anthony, it was looking pretty much serious. What did I do? I swear I’m not smoking behind your back dad, just one or two cigarettes every 2 hours maybe. Is it about the kitchen again? I didn’t tried to cook since years or at least a year. 
“Hey, dad”
He looked at me with his Captain America face. In case you don’t know what it is, my Dad got a special gesture when he’s about to say something important and he enters the Captain America mod.(Or maybe it’s his Daddy’s mod. I don’t know but usually we like to mock him a bit with Howard when he does that.) Something a bit like that:
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 “God, you finally heard me. He said before coming closer to me. We’re worried about you, son.”
That I know. I mean, I can read it on your face Dad. I didn’t answer. Because once again, I didn’t knew what to say. I just kept working on the arm. 
“ Tony, stop. You need to talk to me. Stop that.” Of course I didn’t stop. The arm was helping me focusing on something more positive. 
“I told you to stop.” He said before taking away the arm from me. “Look at me.” 
I stare at the ground for like a minute before finally succeed to look at Steve. I really wanted to talk to him, to tell him everything but it was so hard. 
“I know you’re scared and I know you have nightmares again. But you can’t keep everything to yourself, Tony. You’re going to explode. There is no shame to admit that you’re terrified. Right now, I am terrified because I can see how much you’re tired and how much you’re scared. You just have to tell us. Tell me. What is it? Afghanistan? “
I stared at him but I couldn’t talked. It was like everything was stuck in my throat. I had the feeling I was about to throw up. I couldn’t say a fucking word. Sorry Dad, it’s too hard. I don’t know why I can’t say a word. I can’t. I wanna tell you everything. I really want to. It’s just there in my throat. I wish I could just open my mouth and spit it out. I opened my mouth and the only thing that get out was a muffled sigh. My voice cracked when I called him and I just ended up in tears. My dad hold me in his arms annd hugged me strongly. So strongly I just felt wrapped in an armour made in blanket and warm skin.  He didn’t asked me more. I think I just fell asleep with exhaustion. I just remember his reassuring voice telling me that everything was fine. That I was safe. I was not alone. And that my dads will always be there. 
When I woke up I was in my bed. (I guess Muscled-man carried me here. I’m so lucky to have a Dad so strong.) It was 9 p.m. I decided to get up and go see my fathers. They were reassured when they saw me. So I started to told them that I was sorry to scared them like that. Howard cut me by saying: “We’re going to talk about it tomorrow. No need to put yourself under pressure, son.”  I was relieved. We just put a movie on and I ate a lot this evening. My fathers get to sleep in the middle of the movie. Only left Bucky and me.  After the movie, we get to sleep, each one on his own bedroom... I don’t know why, but I was not feeling that great at the idea of being alone and I noticed that I didn’t said a word to Bucky all day long... So I get up, took my favorite Teddy Bear (Don’t fucking judge me or I’ll kick your ass) and go to Bucky’s bedroom. I knocked, he answered, I entered. Not that much complicated. 
“I’m sorry, I was not that much talkative today.” I started.  He looked at me with sad eyes before asking me “Did I do something wrong?” (Poor baby ! He thought it was his fault....! 😥He’s so sweet. 💛 ) “Oh, no. Not at all. It’s not your fault. I just... I’m sorry. My mind his a bit messed up recently.  - Wanna talk about it?  - Not really... Wanna play cards?  - Ok, we don’t need to talk for me to kick your ass.”
We laughed a bit and I bring the cards. We played for hours. And he won a lot ! (I’m sure he’s cheating... No He doesn’t. That’s even worst than that, he’s just good at it.)
So, as you imagine, I ended up sleeping with Bucky again 🧡 . And it was really more peaceful. 
I know I told you I was about to do a recap. But I’m a bit tired tonight and it’s late already. But I promise, I PROMISE that I would do that tomorrow. Ok? 
Love you all, hope you’re doing greatand take care of your family ! 😘💙
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dailystarknews · 5 years
20/03. Night.
Alright guys... It's past 2 am and I woke up crying. I'm feeling so bad right now. I had a panic attack, couldn't breathe correctly for few minutes. Now it's a bit better but still... I had another fucking nightmare about Afghanistan. I really hope those dreams are going to end one day. Since the containment they're coming back slowly. I feel so vulnerable right now... I just have this sensation of captivity, loneliness... Danger coming back. It was the worst three months of my life. Never again... I tried to knock at my father's door. Three or four times and they didn't answer. So I entered it was impossible to wake them up, probably because my voice cracked with the cries.
I get back to my room. I don't know what to do now. I'm freaking out... I smoke three cigarettes already... Fuck...
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Fuck... I really need to have someone here. You think it would be weird if I go knock at Bucky's door? Fuuuck, it looks like a fucking cliché I hate that!
Don't care. I need a fucking presence right now. I'm going to try to knock at his door. 🤞Please be awake, please be awake...
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dailystarknews · 4 years
Damnit I'm really bad at it. Am I not?
Ok, once again, sorry. I don't think I'm that good to post a thing everyday. I'm going to put updates once or twice a week! What do you think? I guess it would be easier for me and you will actually have some things to read because everyday it's kind of impossible to have interesting things to say don't you think?
It's not a daily update, but I'm going to make one soon. Maybe tomorrow or the day after? Who knows?
I just wanted to show you something soooo precious!
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Bucky ties up his hair today! 😍 Isn't that the purest, sweetest, prettiest thing you've seen since like... Ever?! Because it is for me!
Omg guys, I think my little crush on Bucky is going worst!
I would explain to you on my next updates!
Love you all, stay safe! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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dailystarknews · 4 years
Day 13 to 15: Saturday 28th of March to Monday 30th of March
Alright, here’s the summary post as I promise. Let’s start by the beginning should we? Ok, I’m not really sure about when everything happened so, it may not be in this order but nevermind, right?
Day 13: Saturday 28th of March 
I bet you all asking what happened after this all blowing mind adventure that I got on my own. As I told you, I spend the night with Bucky and it was so peaceful. I woke up curled up in his arm. It was smelling good and I felt great. No nightmares, no headaches, no anxiety attack. And cutest thing ever, Bucky was awake (since probably a moment) but he didn’t move for me not to wake up. 
We had one of the greatest day I think. Basically, it was cold outside so we decided to take the Breakfast inside all together of course. My fathers seemed relief to saw me better and more peaceful. After that, I decided to showto Bucky some cartoons because the guy doesn’t have any pop culture. We watch Frozen. He kind of like it (probably because he never saw cartoons before) so he thought it was beautiful, well animated, funny, dramatic, sad, and pretty. So I thought if he likes it, he has to love the second one. (No matter what you all haters say, I love this movie with all my soul. Even if there is way too much songs. It’s still really much better than the first one. And Elsa? God damn it! She’s amazing! The way she finally gets herself free (with the metaphor of her hair getting less and less tight that so clever) and the way she finally takes her place in the world, she understands who she is, what’s her role. This is great.) ANYWAY !
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Bucky loved it. Of course he loved it, he’s smart. Haha! I just love the fact that he still discovers simple things you know? He could be so impressed by normal day life things. Cartoons, Smartphone, 3D movies, or even video games and musics. I just have the feeling is a bit like Tarzan you know? I mean, he never had the occasion to watch that much movies or listen to musics and he got the chance to discover it now like I wish I could forget some things just to rediscover it once again. Don’t you? 
Alright, after Frozen and frozen 2, we decided to go do another pictionnary and we ended up drawing again. That was awesome. Bucky is really talented to do stickfigures !  🤣
Anyway, it was another great day, and nothing that much excited happened this day. Maybe the fact that Bucky came to sleep with me again. I love this big tall warm pillow.... 
Day 14: Sunday 29th of March
Get help ! Bucky got a Smartphone ! 
Alright, why do I say get help? My fathers got the incredible idea to offer a smartphone to Bucky. It’s not a problem so far right? Wait for it. We were lazily laying down on the couch with Bucky while I was explaining to him all the amazing thing he could do with his brand new phone you know? Guess what happened? He opened google to do a research on me. Not that much embarassing so far. I mean, I got beautiful pictures on magazine, I’m the youngest genius on the planet and the smartest actually so... It’s kind of great to try to impress him a bit. But the guy just dig even more in the internet and instead of impressing him with my amazing brain because I made a robot when I was six and all this shit. No, the guy just find out about my tentative of being an actor and fall on that: 
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WANT ...
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Like, look at me ! What’s wrong with... Everything?!! In case you didn’t knew I try to be an actor as much as I want to take back my father’s Company. I even picked an actor name: Robert Downey Jr. Kind of cool right? This movie is named “Johnny Be Good” and trust me, you don’t wanna watch that. My character’s name is Leo and he doesn’t make any fucking sense! Like what the hell? It gets really embarassing when I watched the movie the first time but could it get more embarassing that right now?  Bucky insisted so much to watch this movie that we finally did. And my fathers were so happy to watch it once again that they came with us. They were basically three fucking idiots who were laughing so much about me and my nonsense in this movie. I never felt so humiliated. I never felt so ashamed.
And I guess I never laughed so much about myself. Like never. I mean at the beginning I was so embarassed that I didn’t say nothing and just looked at them laughed about me. But after all, it’s funny right? I mean, why do I have to be this stupid asshole who can’t laugh about himself? Even Steve laugh at his own behaviour sometimes. This was one of the funniest and happiest moment that we spend in containement for now. We laughed so much. Bucky couldn’t stop crying. He was turning red, hiding behind a pillow to avoid us to see his face. It was adorable. Once again, how this guy he’s doing to be so cute? He’s a super soldier. Super soldiers are not suppose to be cute. They’re supposed to be hot fucking barbarian. And the guy he’s just a fucking puppy! 😍 God, I’m so happy that we adopted this guy.  ... .... Wait a minute...  ... He’s not going to be my adopted brother, right? No way. I will not accept that. It can’t be. But actually, I don’t want him to go back to the Orphan house, you know? Bucky belongs here. With us. I want him to stay.
Day 15: Monday 30th of March
This day was a bit less funny. Maybe because my fathers decided it was the good moment to talk. Actually, they were right. I needeed to spit everything out. 
How it happened? Well, I woke up in my bed with Bucky who was playing Sims next to me. God damn it he’s building a Mansion for my Sims, I can’t wait to put them inside. We get up and go take breakfast in the garden. A beautiful, warm day. After that, I wanted to work on the arm again. Howard was in his lab already, I mean, nothing weird right? But Steve was there too. I understood quickly that my Dad was  picking a bit of blood to my other dad. They explain to me that Howard was doing research on the serum to try to find an antidote to the Virus that was running out there. I asked Howard if I could help him later. He told me maybe so I don’t know if it’s going to happen.  Anyway, I worked on the arm for 30 minutes before I noticed that my fathers were looking at  me with insistance. 
“Anthony, are you ok?” Howard asked before getting closer.  So, it was the moment right? They were both staring at me with patience. 
“I’m sorry, dads. I didn’t mean to make you worried. To be honest, I did something bad. And I’m so sorry about it.  - Tony, we talked about it. What happened with Stane was not your fault... (Did I forgot to mention that I had a conversation with Steve about Afghanistan? I really need to do this post about it...) - I’m not talking about Obadiah. I said by cuting Steve. Dad H., I know you always forbid me to hack your files and before you get pissed off please, let me explain. Few days ago, I had those crazy nightmares about someone called the Winter Soldier. I didn’t knew where I heard that before I actually remembered that you two talked about it when I was 12 maybe. I get curious, I know it’s bad, I’m so sorry. But I was so sure there was a link between the Winter soldier and Bucky... And I was right, wasn’t I? Bucky is the kid, the first one. The Winter Soldier. Right? I looked at everything in your computer. I know the Truth now. It’s so awful... The things they did to him.”
At this point, I started shaking. I didn’t wanted my fathers to be pissed off against me. But I did some crap, so it was obvious they were about to kick my ass or worst forbid me to go in the lab for months.
But, to my complete surprise, they stare at me without a word like nothing at all. 
“Howard, he succeed to hack your Winter Soldier’s files?” Asked Steve under his breathe.  “I heard that, Steve!” Mumbled Howard in answer.  ”Didn’t you tell me you put your best defense on it? Like you couldn’t even hacked it yourself if you wanted to?”  ”Yes, I did, Stevie. Yes, I did....” They were looking so fucking confused  like:
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I thought I broke them for a second until Howard get to me by clearing his throat. He was still looking confused. But he managed to say: “Hum... Tony, listen... What you did was really bad. ... Wait, how the hell did you do that? ... No, Nevermind, I just wanted to say... I mean, holy shit! - What’s your father wants to say is... We are so proud of you, Tony.  - Steve ! - What? It’s true. We never imagine we could have the chance to have a son so incredibly clever and determinate. And everyday, you keep surprising us. Even if it was not the good thing to do. We asked you not to dig too deeply in this story, didn’t we? “  He sighed before taking me in his arms with Howard. 
“We didn’t wanted you to have more nightmares. It’s not a story for a kid, son. “ He said to me.  “I am not a kid anymore” I mumbled in the arms of my two dads.
This moment was so sweet and relaxing. I felt so much better after that.  Really much better. I guess I just needeed to be a bit cheared up by my dads. They were not that much pissed off. They were actually a bit lost I guess. Howard couldn’t stop asking me how did I do that. I will maybe tell him one day. Who knows? Oh, and good new by the way !I finally finished the arm of Bucky. I can’t wait to give it to him tomorrow. Anyway, it’s late again. The time pass crazily fast when I’m writing. SO I give you the rest of the summary tomorrow, right? Let’s do this.  I can’t wait to tell you his reaction. See you later guys! Keep your family safe and don’t forget to sleep with your favorite Teddy Bear ! 😉😘
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dailystarknews · 5 years
21/03 Morning Update! 🌞
Hey, not the daily post yet. But I wanted to make an update because of tonight. After my post I get to Bucky's room and he was reading. So he was awake. I was fucking happy! He let me enter and I slept with him. That was reassuring, no other nightmares.
He's been really kind. He asked me if I wanted to talk about it. I told him that I didn't wanted and he didn't insist. This guy is so kind. I can't believe it.
Anyway, what can I say more? Bucky is obsessed with books. He spend like an hour in front of the library this morning, looking for a new story. We all try to find a way to stay busy right?
See you later guys! 😘
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dailystarknews · 5 years
Day 5: Friday 20th of March
Alright, a lot of things happened today. I didn’t slept that much in the night because I had nightmares again, it’s been a long time but apparently I can still have those crazy dreams about Afghanistan. I wish they could go away. I was definitely too scared to fall asleep again and it took a long time before I could succeed. If tonight it happens again, I would knock at my father’s door. 
Ok, so I bet you’re all asking yourself  what happened today?
First of all, the shower incident, I don’t even know if we can call it an incident the guy just let the door opens like nobody was there! But I already told you kind of everything about that but still... So HOT. It’s not even legal, is it?
The Second thing that happened was my fathers who came into the living to talks to me. Both. Together. And I was like, holy shit it must be fucking important. Ok, basically they told me two or three important things:
- One : They have seen my tumblr (I don’t fucking know how) and they read it! What kind of parents find the Journal of their kids and read it?! God damn it I’m so pissed off about it! And I swear to Loki, Dads if you’re keep reading this I am going to become unbearable to you for days! 
- Second : They asked me if I had a crush on Bucky. Whaaaaaat?! I don’t have a crush on Bucky, right? They told me it was pretty much obvious on my blog... No shit, men? I mean there is just the hottest guy on Earth in the House and you think I would not have maybe a little interest in him? Wait, I have a picture, I’m going to show you.  
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Ok, you can’t properly see him here. But I swear to gods, he’s crazily charming. Plus, he’s super funny. Plus, he’s kind like a fucking cinammon roll. Plus, he’s legetimately smart. He is the crush type, of course I have a crush on him. (Oh God that’s a nightmare! I don’t wanna have a crush, like it’s so embarassing.)
Anyway I told my fathers that I didn’t really have a crush and they told me I should do something about it instead of writing it on my blog. Do something about it? What am I supposed to do about it? I have the charming skills of a baby snail ! I never successfully flirt with someone. Never really, you know? I just flirt with Rhodey and Pepper but they don’t count. 
Anyway, it might look like I made my coming out on this website. Alright, in case you didn’t understood... I am Gay. 🌈
It was less hard than I thought to write it. Even if, I am not sure that I can assume it... (Long Story, we will talk about that later, guys.)
- Third : My Fathers and I got an argument on this third point... They told me that I should stop my little investigation on Bucky. First, that it was not my business. Second, that he was the only one who could tell me the things or not. 
I get really pissed off, because, Fuck, I am curious I know it can be bad but... I can’t help it. I wanna know everything. How did he get this arm? I mean the guy is an Orphan and he got a super strong metal arm made really carefully (probably expensive) and there is like a red star on it. What the hell?
After the argument they’re gone and I talked with Bucky. I feel reallybad about it because I think I might have hurt his feelings. He was there, all happy, wanting to help me and I told him something like: “I know there’s something wrong with you and I just want to figure it out. It’s not fair to let me in the interrogation when everybody knows.” 
That was probably, certainely, surely the STUPIDEST thing I ever said ! I thought about something after that. I never really want to talk about what happened in Afghanistan, I mean even my fathers don’t know everything that happened back there... So maybe Bucky is tired about all this questions that people ask him on his arm, or his Russian accent... I should really apologize. I feel so bad about it know... 
After the diner we watch a crazy thriller movie, all together. It was fucking scary, not sure that I would be able to sleep for a moment. Bucky and I are still in the living room while I’m writing. I’m going to apologize this time. Wish me good luck. 
How is it going for you? Hope your family and friends are ok. I have to call my friends by the way. I miss Rhodey, and I need to tell him about this blog. 
Remember to stay safe and stay Home. 
Good night ! 😘
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dailystarknews · 5 years
20/03: Ok, it’s not the daily update but holy shit guys! 
Bucky is just turning around the House half naked! OMG, I never seen a guy with that much abs let me tell you. (except maybe Steve but who cares?) The guy is just fucking hot. Ok, sorry man it's not because you have the body of a Fucking Greek God that you have to show it to everybody. Lord!
Anyway, I entered the bathroom because I wanted to tak a shower and he was there taking one already. 
Hum, sorry dude, don’t you know how to close the door?! 
The worst? I froze! I just looked at him for like a minute. *blush blush blush* God damn it! 
And he just told me something like: “What’s up, Tiny?” 
Yeah because he loves calling me Tiny instead of Tony. Holy Shit! I just ran out like: “Man, close the door next time!”
You know what he told me?
"It's OK I'm just naked. No big deal."
No big deal? No big deal?! Yes big deal! Man, this guy is so hot he put the bathroom on fire! I can't breathe anymore!
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dailystarknews · 5 years
Day 6: Saturday 21st of March
Hey, I’m a bit late for this update, sorry. So much things happened yesterday. 
So, as I told you, I slept with Bucky during the night and I had no other nightmares whiwh is kind of great I can’t deny it. It was one of the most peaceful night that I get since a year now.
Bucky finished his book, so I proposed him a new one (after the hour that he spend in front of the bookshelf 📚 .). It’s a french writer, Schmitt, and his book is just crazily twisted and amazing.📖 “La Part de l’Autre”, we got the French version and anyway I know Bucky speak French too, so he can read it. (I still don’t know how though.) I am still wondering if he’s going to like the book because it’s about nazis and stuff and it’s kind of hard to read it at some moment, but it’s also a beautiful book so I wish he would appreciate it. Actually, it’s more about a man and where the choice he made can drive him to madness... I would not say more, because maybe some of you would like to read it and I’m not a spoiler. 
After he started to read the book, we get on the internet and Bucky discovered Memes. You know what he told me? OMG! It was the funniest and cutest thing I ever heard in my life! He told me :
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(For the Gif I just asked him to say it again! I definitely wanted you to see his confused face!! 🤣😂🤣)
I was like: “Are you talking about Memes?” And he said “Me-Mes” again. God! Me-Mes! I’m definitely going to say that know! This is too much funny to be ignored. He was all embarassed by the fact he couldn’t say it properly. So I just told him it was adorable and he... Blush? Like really?! I made him blush! He was just even more cute than before! (How this idiot can make me feel sooooo crazy about him? Like WTF?) Anyway, we watched a lot of Me-mes and Bucky was laughing so much on the ones who were talking about the toilet paper 🧻. It was driving him crazy and I’m pretty sure I never have seen him laugh that much. I’m happy because he looks more and more confortable in the house and with us.  
In the Afternoon I spend a lot of time with Bucky again and my Fathers finally came with us. We put music on and we were dancing and singinig crazily around the House. We all miss PARTY! So we just Party-ed all together in the living room !
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I think we just all needeed that to finally relax about the situation. We try not to talk too much about it, you know? Because the more you talk about it, the more it takes place, right? And there is no reason of talking about that all day long I think. It’s a crazy situation, we have to do the most normal things that we can to not turn mad, right? For now, we’re fine here. I’m really less nervous about it. I was so stressed on the first two days, now it gets really better, we just have to think about something else. Try to normalize our life during the containement. 
All of that to say that, we had fun. And something weird happened.
Steve and Bucky started to dance together. (I mean no problem for now, right?) But they started to play with each other by friendly fighting. It was kind of fine but I just noticed again that Bucky was following Steve kind of easily. (Just like for the training you know?) HOW IS HE DOING? Nobody can follow Steve Rogers on training or fighting, you know why? Because of his FUCKING serum! The more I think about it, the more I think Bucky got serum too. Maybe he was an experiment? Anyway I’ve been a bit pissed off against Steve, they were so close it was weird. Bucky and Steve get really touchy with the fighting and dancing like Hugs and stuff. So, I was like WTF? And Howard was just laughing and enjoying the evening you know? 
So, I talked to Howard: “What the hell is your boyfriend doing?” 
Him : “ You mean your father?” Yeah, definitely, my father! Why does he flirts with my crush in front of my other dad?! 
Me: “What is he doing with Bucky? It’s super weird! They are flirting or what?”
Howard laughed a lot. He just laughed. I mean, dude, your boyfriend is going to cheat on you, in front of you and you’re just laughing about it? 
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He just explained to me that nothing will never happen between Steve and Bucky. That they just have a special bound due to their common story. (Thing that I still don’t know nothing about...) 
It reassures me a bit. I mean, of course I have 0 chance against Steve Rogers if I have to be in competition with him for my love interest. It’s obvious, I’m not stupid. I’m not Miss America. 
This conversation with my dad helped me a lot to feel more confident to talk to him about Afghanistan. (I’m going to do a Special post to explain to you what happened there.) So, I finally told him all the things I couldn’t before. I cried, he cried too but at the end, I guess we felt better. 
We were in my bedroom when we talked and Bucky just knocked and enter the room to come sleep with me. He was there, standing in front of the door with Bobby. And that was fucking funny because he became so awkward when he saw my dad. Howard just kissed me and get out of the room and was like: “Have a good night, boys! ;) “ With the wink and everything ! Omg... So awkward. 
Bucky came into the bed and he just told me: “I thought you would not like to sleep alone again.” That was so sweet. “But if you want, I can go. It’s fine.” 
I told him to stay. There was a silent for like two or three minutes and we started to talk about everything that happened today and I fucking don’t remember how but I started to explain to him that Howard get pregnant and that’s how I was born. Oh, yeah, it’s because he told me that I would never grow up again.  
And don’t ask me why but I told him : “Yeah, but you know, even if Howard is not that tall, I still have Steve’s genes so, I just have to wait.”
He looked at me weirdly and he laughed. I kept my poker face and I wait for him to calm down before I tell him: “You know that I don’t have a mother, right? Steve and Howard made me together.” So he laughed even more and explained to me that guys can’t be pregnant (of course not! x’D), that I was messing with him. But I was so serious that he stopped again to ask me how could it be even possible.
I stay calm and I started to go on a crazy explanation like: 
“Yeah but you know hippocampus can. (He told me that yes but not humans) Alright, basically my fathers wanted a baby together so hard that Howard started to do some experiment. He created a serum based on Hippocamus DNA and Steve’s Serum and other chemicals to actually be pregnant. (Like WTF? This is so funny! I can’t believe that he actually fail in the trap! 😂 ) They were not sure at all it would work but here we are. I am the precious fruit of their love! They kept the secrets for them, so Howard was wearing an hologram of himself on his own skin when he was in public, not to be suspicious. And Maria, my supposed mom, just faked pregnancy to cover them. When he gave birth to me, Howard has to do that at home and that’s how I’m born.” 
Bucky looked at me with wild eyes. I’m sure he was waiting for me to laugh or something and I was just so focused that he finally believed it ! Oh My God ! He believed it! This is so fucking funny!!! I called Rhodey to tell him and he just laughed so much, we couldn’t stop! 😂
After few minutes, Bucky asked me: “I don’t wanna be weird or anything. But... How did you get out?” I told him that Jarvis was a medic before and that he did a caesarean section to my dad. A CAESAREAN SECTION !!!  😂 😂 😂
And Bucky was like: “Wow... Your father is a genius. This is incredible... Technology.” 
I can’t stop laughing when I think about it now! 😂 I wonder for how long he’s going to believe it!!! 
After that, we kept talking a bit and we finally fall asleep. It’s really confortable and reassuring to have someone with you while sleeping. 
See you later for the Day 7 and probably the “Afghanistan post”. 
Love you all ! Stay safe and stay home !💘 🧡💛💚💙💜
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