dailyharuka · 5 months
day 64
140 pulls and nothing.
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Guys I’m quitting life. I’m so mad.
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dailyharuka · 7 months
Welcome to Haruka Kiritani Everyday!!!
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This blog is ran by two people!!
mod 💫 and mod 💧
anyways hihi!! i think haruka kiritani is so cool and you should totally follow if you like haruka kiritani from the hit game project sekai because she is so cool and like super cool and uh shes cool!!!
i might sit and yap about her, spam card photos, drop trivia, maybe even doodles... in short there will be haruka kiritani content on this
also feel free to throw whatever you want in the ask/submission box!!! you can ask questions, give doodle requests, drop fun facts... whatever else people do with that cuz tbh idk!!! woohoo!!!! hope you like the blog!!
Tag explanations
#dailyharuka the daily posts have Day [number] in the title. I cap at 10 posts per day to avoid spending too much time looking through Haruka photos (which is why I use 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. rather than 1.01 or a different variant)
#notharuka posts that don’t relate directly to Haruka. Might be asks, reblogs, and other account related activities. Or it might not! Who knows (i dont!)
#dailyhrkasks stuff from the ask box
#dailyhrkreblogs THESE ARE GOING TO BE REBLOGS BECAUSE I DONT LIKE NOT HAVING TAGS FOR SPECIFIC REBLOGS (feel free to mute cuz i might just be talking to people)
#dailyhrkdoodles this post includes a drawing (that i made) of Haruka. These may be notebook sketches to fully rendered art.
#dailyhrkspeaks me yapping
#dailypurpled hate me fighting (or regular talking) with daily purpled :3 (feel free to mute this one cuz its just gonna be silly)
Btw if I post something and you want to know where it came from pls feel free to ask!!
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