#daily whale fact
respect-the-locals · 2 days
🐋Daily Cetacean Fact:🐋
Sei Whale: Sei whales occur in subtropical, temperate, and subpolar waters around the world. Often found with pollock in Norway, the name "sei" comes from the Norwegian word for pollock, "seje." At the water's surface, sei whales can be recognized by a columnar or bushy blow that is about 10 to 13 feet high. The dorsal fin usually appears at the same time as the blowhole when the animal surfaces to breathe.
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kaplisdb · 8 months
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thatnostalgiccarp · 8 months
Daily critter fact #2
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The Whale Shark, Rhincodon typus, is the largest living shark as well as the largest living fish. They are easily identified by their size, head shape, and pattern.
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tumbluniversity · 1 year
World Whale Day 19/02
Today is World Whale Day.
Did you know that World Whale Day was founded in Maui in 1980 as a tribute to the humpback whales that frequently swim off the islands coast.
Humpback whales are baleen whales, which means they don't have teeth. Instead their mouths are filled with a fibrous protein called Baleen, which acts as a sieve, catching plankton, krill and small fish for it to eat. An average sized humpback eats 2000-2500kg a day, during their feeding season and will eat twice a day. The feeding season lasts for about 120 days, and then the large mammals move on to the breeding season.
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hwajin · 1 year
☆°. — silly boyfie things | skz
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genre: fluff
pairing: skz x gn!reader
note: i haven't posted headcanons in ages and this was SO much fun to fabricate omg hope you like it 🫶🫶
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he would FIGHT with you over the check after you went out for dinner. like literally FIGHT and not budge when you propose to pay yourself, because you feel bad that he always, always pays for the both of you. you think you smarted him out when you invited him for dinner calling for you to pay but he has his wallet ready the moment you finish your food, telling the waiter the bill is shared and having his money out faster than you can look — it nearly enrages you every time, but he tells you he genuinely enjoys paying, doesn't mind it and wants to do it, so you have no chance other than letting it go (even if reluctantly).
he's so annoying he thinks it's PEAK commedy to say "no" to every single favour you ask him only to do it seconds later. OR saying no and waiting, actually not doing said favour and waiting for you to get annoyed until he'd nudge and end up doing it after all. giggles as if he's the funniest mf like he enjoys seeing you being annoyed so much. acts like this in front of friends and in public in general as well, ALSO cringes sm when you show him affection whenever on a get together though the moment the two of you are alone he literally won't be able to keep his hands off you. like he pretends to be so disgusted when you even as much as touch him in public, and the moment you're alone behind closed doors he's slouching onto you like a koala.
omg you can't tell me that he didn't invent the "no you hang up first" 😭 like you'd be coming to the end of a conversation (often while he's on tour or smth tho he literally needs to hear your voice every single day so he calls you like whenever he has a minute even of free time) and at some point he's like "aight hang up 🥰" and you play along and hit him with the "no you do 😆😝" and the quarelling goes back and forth (jokingly on your side, in ALLLL seriousness on his) and at some point you say goodbye for real and hang up AND YOU CAN BET THIS FUCKER CALLS BACK like all pouty and actually slightly upset that you had the audacity to hang up??? and you're like someone has to at some point we can't have an endless phone convo??? and he's like why not do YOU NOT LOVE ME???? yeah you get it.
bro this man NEEDS him to be your lockscreen on your phone. like it's an actual need of his or else he's gonna cease to exist he thinks. like you're obviously his wallpaper (both on his lock AND homescreen) so when he catches a glimpse of your phone and you dare to have just a random pinterest pic as your lockscreen, one you've chosen mindlessly altogether he RIOTSSSS. pouts as if his life is depending on it, clutches his heart as if it's gonna stop any minute, gasps and side-eyes you as if you straight up cheated on him. takes a selfie RIGHT that moment (it takes him a while because he both can't decide whether he wants it to be cute or sexy, and because he wants to look good either way) and sets it as your lockscreen instantly. checks like daily to see if you've changed it (if you did to tease him he LITERALLY is moments from breaking up with you).
he sends you pics of ugly looking animals with a 'you' attached to the message. like even if it has no resemblence with you altogether. like it'll be a fish, a whale, a bird, a funny looking dog and their all attached with 'you'. and like he finds it so funny even if you never react to it, in fact finds it SO hilarious that at some point he will send you pics of literally ANYTHING he sees ever — like furniture, tools, random fucking street lamps, you name it — with a 'you' attached to it and CACKLES as if he invented comedy himself. the bright side to it, he takes this to the romantic level and shoots pretty pics of flowers and sends them with the same 'you' attached to it, or pics of the sky, or of a particularly bright star. so maybe it's not that annoying after all.
he causes his friends to tease you because he literally can't shut up about you. like every single thing you do he even slightly adores (which is, every single thing period, tbh) is being reported to his friends because he's just so in love with you he has to get the words out or he'll combust :((. like you'd maybe get him a little gift, smth small about stuff he's interested in lately, or these "i saw this and thought of you" gifts and he presents said gift to his friends as if it's an artifact of love itself, and the next time you're over they're going at you, teasing the shit out of you because tbh, they've teased felix so much already for talking their ears off that they need another victim. you basically never stop blushing when around them, hearing constantly just how much your bf talks about you when you're not around (and you'd lie saying you don't like it).
bro just straight up leaves you on read except when your text contains something of advantage to him 😭😭. like you haven't seen him in a while and want to catch up a bit? he reads the message and responds like 5 hours later ("we've seen each other yesterday, you can't possibly miss me enough to talk again"). or when you send him random tiktoks or shitposts — opens and reads them and then doesn't ever bother to even leave a like 😭. though the moment you hit him with a text like "running to the supermarket, you want anything?" he's responding the same second and you grow salty every time, wondering why you put up texting him in the first place.
pretends to be jealous like a LOT. like the first time he'd be actually jealous, going fresh into the relationship with insecurities still gnawing at you and him and when he confesses you reassure him, making sure he understands there will never be an occassion on which he needs to be remotefully jealous, even. and after that he simply pretends to be, for shits and giggles and to piss you off. like you talk to the barista for your order? how could you even look their direction omg. you send a quick text to a friend while out with him? how dare he's not the single most important thing in your life rn. you tell him about a dream that didn't involve him? breaking up with you this very instant. can't stop himself from giggling at his one if a kind humour while watching you grow annoyed every time anew.
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@happycandynoelle @es-kay-zee @jeyelleohe @angelwonie @lix-ables @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @bintificreads @svintsandghosts @llunapastell @sensitiveandhungry @minniesvenus @junebug032 @noellllslut
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You may have done this one already but would you be willing to do a cownose stingray or a beluga whale (i know whales are not fish so I completely understand if this is out of bounds)
Well, I do only make fish facts, but I can tell you off the top of my head that there are no beluga attacks on record at all! At least I recall it being that way. They’re friendly guys! :) Anyway, to that fish fact!
Daily fish fact #471
Cownose ray!
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They get their name from the shape of their two-lobed head, which is the shape of a cow’s nose when viewed from above. They’re a social species, living in schools with up to 10 000 individuals!
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kociamieta · 8 months
hiii again
a question !!! about angels
at the end of the post you said about something like diluting itself enough not to get picked up by scientific instruments
before reading i thought humans were used to them roaming around not to care enough or something
are they also “diluted” when shapeshifting into animals/humans ? if they do try to avoid humans finding out are they not afraid of random people seeing them ?
can you capture them with a camera ? is their existance a known fact to humans ( do they just not like being studied by scientists ??) ?
if they do try to avoid being seen by random humans why/how they choose to interact with some ?
waves.hi hii !! this is long so i’m putting it under the cut : )
while humans are aware of the angels’ existence, they’re not something you see all the time! you’re most likely to find them when you’re not actively trying to do so. seeing one isn’t some super rare occurrence though, you could think of it like finding a double rainbow? once you meet one, granted you don’t scare it off during the first meeting, it will visit you sometimes : )
the angels do their best not to disturb the general order of the creatures’ lives. so if they wanted to keep an eye on earth without “being” on it, they’d try to do so in a state that wouldn’t be picked up by scientific instruments, telescopes and such, so as not to mess with any research by accident. there have been attempts to study the angels themselves, but not much has come from it - they didn’t enjoy being held in one place for too long, among other things, so they usually just left after a while.
the form is either more concentrated or diluted depending on the size/shape of it compared to the natural state of the angel, but this can later be influenced by letting it “charge” or lose energy. so, if going angel->mouse, the resulting mouse would have too much energy that’d have to be let out to make it safer. when going back to the angel form, it’d have to recharge the energy lost to keep the mouse form from being dangerous. if it was to go angel->whale, the opposite would occur - the whale wouldn’t have enough energy to be very “corporeal”, it’d have to absorb some extra one first, and so on. and with keeping the different form itself also requiring some energy, it becomes quite the convoluted process……
i think they can be captured on camera!! the picture will probably be overexposed though
they don’t avoid humans, but as stated above, they try not to interfere with their daily lives drastically . they simply find them fascinating, and some choose to interact with them directly: )
apologies if this doesn’t make much sense, it’s hard to put the vague thoughts i have into words …!!!! thank you for your interest too!!!
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 4 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: prologue.
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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In the summer of 1997 when I was 7, I almost drowned at the beach.
It was one of those summers where you watch a movie and things felt whimsical because you watched one movie about a group of kids going on a life-changing adventure you’d never go on yourself. You looked for magic in your daily life because even the smallest thing could be what led to you stumbling upon a new journey. My life-changing adventure movie? Free Willy, the movie about that foster kid and an orca. My aunt, a marine biologist, who showed me the movie always said the ocean was her greatest love. I got what she meant when I saw that movie. So that summer I spent at my aunt’s place in Enoshima was the summer I decided I’d go on some sort of adventure myself.
My expectation? Freeing Mina the beluga whale and swimming on her back to wherever the beluga whales came from. I would have even taken Kukki the dugong who I sometimes fed extra fish to when no one was looking.
What I actually got? Getting caught up in an undertow at Higashihama Beach.
Yeah, not my dream summer experience.
Undertow wasn’t a concept foreign to me at that time. Auntie warned me all about itー about how sometimes the currents below and above the surface went in separate directions.
“Don’t fight it when that happens,” she told me. “You’ll tire yourself out and drown. I know it’ll be scary but if you ever get caught in undertow, don’t fight. Go with the current and once it subsides, that’s when you swim back.”
That advice was far from my mind when I actually got caught in one though.
I screamed and thrashed and fought and fought, I probably pissed in the water twice too to boot.
And yet ー and I’m not entirely sure why ー a calm suddenly fell over me and I remembered Auntie’s words.
It would be scary, but don’t fight it.
Five minutes later, I swam back to shore and cried for ten minutes while my aunt held me.
Scary was one hell of an understatement.
I swore up and down I’d never go to the beach again. I never wanted to feel that scared again, never ever. My aunt didn’t disparage me for it, though. Didn’t tell me to toughen up. She simply took me to get shaved ice when I calmed down; said when you conquer your fear and come out on top, you should always treat yourself to something nice.
“It’s okay to be scared, [First],” she smiled softly. “Some people might say otherwise, but you know something, Auntie doesn’t think fear is a bad thing. Fear can be really good sometimes. Fear is what tells you not to do something that could lead to you getting hurt. It teaches you when not to do something stupid or dangerous. Sometimes, fear is what you should listen to instead of the ‘what if things actually go right’s. Fear only becomes bad when there’s too much of it. When you let being scared rule your life so you don’t live it.
“So it’s okay to be scared. Just promise auntie that you won’t let fear stop you from moving forward. Whether it’s rejection, worries a leap of faith will lead to you falling completely on your ass or that it might not be okay to say something when you know you should.
Live like you feel it and love like you mean it.
Don’t let the fear get to you.”
It took about a week before I was diving right back into the deep blue all over again.
Name: [Full Name] ♀ D/O/B: December 9, 1989 Age: 15
Sorcerer Lineage: Non-sorcerer lineage Enrollment method: Scouted
Recruiter: Yaga Masamichi
Notes: Student was encountered May 5, 2005
Testimony of the recruiter: At the site of Tsubame High School’s test of courage, a second grade curse appeared. [Last] activated her innate technique to protect herself and her fellow students and was able to keep the curse at a standstill until sorcerers arrived on the scene to exorcize the curse. While there were students injured, none of the injuries were fatal mostly due to [Last]’s quick application of her ability. According to the student, she began being able to utilize her innate technique around the age of 10.
Student’s Innate Technique: Shields
“Rejection” Student’s abilities manifest as her cursed energy condensing into an object that rejects negative events outside of it effectively, creating shields of various sizes. This ability is one that is purely defensive and does not seem to have any offensive capabilities. As it stands, should the student make timely progress during the initial stages of her enrollment during this first year ー  should she not disenroll or meet an untimely end ー it isn’t recommended to give her solo assignments.
Notes: “Rejection” is what the student in question chooses to refer to this ability as.
Interview Question Answer: “Why I want to enroll? Because I’m scared of this curse stuff.”
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cuppajj · 21 days
What made you interested in playing Cookie Run Kingdom?
IT STARTED OFF WITH some of my transformers friends online being into it and posting crk related art. I was confused at first bc I had no idea what made these cool humanoid character designs cookies, so I thought it was weird and stayed away. Then almost a year later, my friend who I had no idea was a crk fan posted a picture of licorice cookie and I was like “there’s that frikkin cookie game again. why does it pop up in my feed all the time… what does it want” so I did research and realized that it’s a Gacha game.
Which I DONT really like Gacha games by principle because they’re super pay to win, but even still I was really interested in maybe trying it out. Like I wasn’t afraid of suddenly losing tons of money, im not the kind of person to actually buy p2w content because I’m great at grinding, so then I went to my tumblr and half jokingly was like “y’all gotta convince me not to play crk.” My mutuals did the exact opposite and used their psionic powers to convince me to download the game, which I did and I said verbatim “‘one bite couldn’t hurt”. here I am 6 months later with a lv48 cookie kingdom + lv11 cookie castle, master III on average, 4 ancients + mystic flour and i still haven’t spent a penny on the game. Also a whole lot of fan art which was inevitable, my art style is really good for it anyw. Basically it was safe to say that crk wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and I got really hooked by the story, and I’m genuinely surprised that the Gacha mechanic isn’t entirely unfriendly to f2ps like I thought it would be. Like they give you daily rewards and you can grind to unlock stuff just fine. Granted whales exist but they can be largely ignored
Fun fact, you can see the beginning of my cookie spiral because I basically chronicled it on tumblr
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chubbycelebs · 8 months
The Weight of Fame (part 2)
Harry had had an expansive first month or so of his break from being the mega pop star he was destined to become. After his descovery of gaining weight and the joys that come with it, Harry had now gone from fit, in shape, peak from to now slob, pig, round chubby and out of shape and he loved it. The excitement of trying on clothes to see if they can accommodate his growing frame or if he will pop right out of him was becoming thrilling. He knew he wanted to expand more, see how far he can take it.
Of course to achieve this, this meant he had to carry on eating terribly. His daily routine for meals consisted of, a whole packet of bacon stuffed into a buttery ketchup filled sandwich in the morning, with waffles coated in syrup, and a banana for good health (of course), then for a snack between breakfast and lunch he would eat half a tray of brownies. Then for lunch he would have nearly a whole roast dinner every day, making sure to coat everything in greasy gravy (but also eating his veg). He would then finish the tray of brownies afterwards and probably slip into a food coma until dinner time arrived. When he would wake from his nap, he could never be bothered to cook so instead he'd order a monster of a take out meal. Usually 3 99p burgers with 3 large fries to go with that, a family box of chicken strips, a box of cheese bites, 2 apple pies and 2 donuts. After he'd polish that off, Harry would always find room to eat a carton of ice cream as he watched his favourite TV shows before promptly passing out from another day of stuffing. It was no shock to him that he was starting to balloon very quickly. All of his clothes fit snug around his fat body, he couldn't escape the fact he was now fat.
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Even though he loved his softer, relaxed body, he couldn't help but think what his ex-band mates would think of his piggish ways. He would lay in bed rubbing and jiggling his belly thinking about his band mates calling him names like "hog!" or saying "Jesus Christ Harry look at you, you have blown up like a whale!" Even though he was happy with his body the way it was and even wondered if he should keep growing, he couldn't help but think, "maybe this is too much, maybe I shouldn't be enjoying lazing around all day, stuffing my face and growing this big belly." He decided he would call his closest friend from the band, Louis, and see what he had to say. He knew he could trust Louis, after everything they'd been through together, they were always close and Harry knew he would help him out.
The next morning Harry decided to give Louis a facetime call and just show him the damage that he had caused to his waistline. As he pressed to call on Louis' number, Harry's heart began to race. What if he laughs at his rounded body? What if he takes screen shots and posts them to social media and the whole world knows how much of a fatty he is now? The worry built up further until the call was answered.
"Harry! You alright mate?" Louis voice put to ease all the worry Harry had just moments ago. "I'm good thanks, how are you doing?" Harry replied, unable to stop smiling just at the sight of Louis.
"I'm good thanks, good. I've been meaning to call you recently actually. I've got something I need to ask you."
Harry was taken aback by this. He had expected to be the one asking Louis something not Louis asking him.
"Yeah of course go ahead what is it?" Harry asked wondering what it could be.
"Alright but no photos and you can't laugh" Louis said as he propped his camera up on the kitchen side in his house. As Louis walked back, it became very apparent to Harry what Louis was showing him. Louis had gotten fat. Just like Harry Louis was squeezed into a tight shirt that barely covered the bottom of his belly. His chest seemed so soft that Harry could make out Louis nipples clearly. As Louis turned slightly, his love handles looked as though they could pop out the shirt at any moment. Even Louis' thighs and arse seemed bigger, filling his grey joggers full of fat. Harry didn't know what to say, he just sat there mouth open as Louis showed off his body. "I know. I'm a fucking pig. I just couldn't help it. I enjoyed relaxing for once and-"
"Oh thank GOD!" Harry interrupted.
"What do you mean 'thank god'?" Louis said,now confused. Harry now propped up his phone and stood back revealing Harry to be in an open buttoned up shirt and displaying a similar fatter figure just like Louis. Harry's fat was more around his belly and hips rather than Louis chests and bum but the two fatties were around the same size. "Your fat too?!" Louis said smiling.
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"Yes! And I actually really enjoy it!"
"Me too!" Louis agreed. The two of them spent ages catching up now, talking about the joys of expanding and stuffing and growing and endlessly getting bigger. Before they knew it, they had been on facetime all day, having eaten together and showed off their bodies to each other. It wasn't until the very early hours of the morning when they finally hung up on each other. Harry collapsed into bed, in his boxers, now much more bloated than before. He was so happy to not be the only piggy from the group. For all he knew the rest of the boys could all be sporting huge guts like him and Louis. That night, Harry had the most peaceful nights sleep he'd had in years.
The next morning, Harry awoke and had his usual family sized breakfast when he was struck with inspiration. He had finally been inspired to write a song. He got up from the sofa and ran as fast as he could to the piano in the room. This was the first time he'd ran in a good 4 months. The jiggling of his body was a great feeling but how out of breath he was when he reached the piano was not fun. "I'm no... not running.... again..." Harry said out of breath as he plonked his fat ass on the piano.
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Harry spent all day on the piano writing new songs for his first solo album. He finally was getting excited about music again. As he sat there playing piano, it never even crossed his mind that with a new album, comes press, photo shoots, talk shows, public appearances, music videos. At this moment he had completely forgotten about the weight he had gained and that was quite clearly visible. What would he do now?
Well he answered that question rather quickly. After the day writing songs, he decided to order a huge take out meal, the biggest order yet. Harry wasn't going to lose the weight just yet. He was only getting started. He enjoyed it too much, the feeling of his expanding body, knowing that he was not the only one gaining now. Why stop now when he had so many more clothes to grow out of.
Part 2 of this story. I hope you guys are enjoying the slower pace of these stories. i’m enjoying putting loads of detail in and really exploring Harry’s love for gaining
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
hehe they will never kiss >:) (they do kiss. They smooch HARD.) Daily Hobie HC!!
This time, we're turning the tables! How about, Hobie with a shapeshifter partner? >:) He'd be absolutely clueless, thinking that you meant it as a joke..that is until he wakes up to a big python laying in bed next to him, your tongue flickering in and out at the crest of his ear, wanting to surprise him. As he turns around to see your innocent face staring back at him, his tired instinct tells him to simply just gently put his palm on your face and slowly push you back. As you try to laugh in your snake form, Hobie eventually begins to laugh with you, finding it adorable how you went to such great lengths to wake him up just so Hobie could cuddle you. Of course, as you shift back, he immediately indulges in you, cupping your cheeks in his hands and kissing you all over your face. Sometimes, if you've shapeshifted into a holdable animal, and you're sleeping near him while he fiddles around with his guitar, Hobie will definitely pick you up and set you in his lap, quietly plucking at the strings. Both of you have found ways to even get through places and (unknowingly) helped Hobie snatch a few things from stores. Mostly? it's you shapeshifting into an adorable puppy or a cute little kitten and sticking your head out of the hoodie he's wearing, just bumping his chin. You both have used this trick multiple times on Hobie's bandmates, almost always managing to get Yuri to rush over and begin to shower you with pets. Eventually, the band managed to catch on your ability to shapeshift. But it was fun while it lasted! At times, he'll ask if you could possibly turn into some random animal. A few requests you remember was turning into a fox (He started teasing you with 'Fantastic mr/mrs/mx fox'), a Samoyed, a tiger. He once asked if you could turn into a whale, to which you blankly stared at him and quickly shapeshifted into a peacock instead. Hobie scoffs with feigned indignance every time you bring that moment up, since it was one of the rare times Hobie's face becomes genuinely expressive. When he had asked you to turn into a fox, you did so without hesitation. However, once he started reciting a few lines from 'Fantastic Mr Fox', you decided that today you were going to be a little thief. You ended up stealing a few things from him playfully, obviously having returned them by the end of the day. Hobie claims that you seemed to never stop boasting about the 7 items you had managed to steal. Bit of a short one because I am excited for the daily hobic hc tomorrow! Gotta rest my fingers for a bit before writing an essay hehe -🐦‍⬛
Yessss lots of smooches!! (Sorry for the late answer there was a brownout while i was answering your ask :( )
I stand by the fact that if i ever wake up to an unknown animal I'd die lmaooo hobie is built different
That's so adorable!! Like he'd be the one curling around you like a python!!!!
Oh to be cuddled and smooched like that 🥴
AHHHHHH Imagine you turning into a cute hamster and him putting you in his vest pocket so he could bring you anywhere!!!!!
Hobie better hide you from james and yuri bc they will create more mischief with you once they know about your abilities 😂
Omg a fox!! You on his lap purring while he brushes your pretty orange fur 😍
Lmaoo what if when he asks u to turn into a whale you go 'kay! And you've never seen fear in his eyes before 🤣🤣🤣
Also you about to leave his house boat but before you go he goes "pockets c'mon, love" and you just smirk at him while taking out your haul 😂
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respect-the-locals · 5 hours
🐋Daily Cetacean Fact:🐋
Narwhal: The narwhal is different from all other toothed whales in that it has no teeth in its mouth. Instead, male narwhals have a single long, straight tooth (or tusk) that protrudes two to three meters out of the upper left jaw. It is this tusk for which narwhals are best known. There are many legends about the tusk of the narwhal – it is essentially the origin of the myth of the unicorn as European whalers that were in the Arctic would catch narwhals and bring tusks back to Europe with great stories about what kind of animals the tusks were attached to. 
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kaplisdb · 8 months
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# whale sharks r smooth
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Another fine example of our friends at PETA blowing normal orca behavior way out of proportion in an attempt to sell their agenda.
The video does indeed show a small amount of blood in the water, though hardly a bloodbath. It appears that Kalia, the park’s dominant female, raked 57-year-old Corky. Although Corky is significantly older than Kalia, Kalia’s late mother Kasatka was the previous matriarch, and she appears to have inherited the position. Corky has been with Kalia since the day she was born. They are not “incompatible.”
Contrary to PETA’s claims, raking is an extremely common behavior amongst all dolphins, both in the wild and in human care. Anyone who has worked with wild and stranded dolphins can tell you that their bodies are covered in old rake scars. Orcas are incredible animals, but they are not the gentle, peaceful creatures we’ve made them out to be, and just because something makes us uncomfortable doesn’t mean it’s not natural.
Rake wounds bleed superficially, but are not life-threatening in any way. Animals in human care also have the benefit of receiving first aid after a rake. Due to the incredibly high rate of skin turnover in orcas and other dolphins (skin is shed 2-3 times a day) wounds heal very quickly.
So there’s your daily reminder never to trust a single word from PETA on anything related to animals or their care and behavior.
EDIT: It’s come to my attention that the whale raking Corky in the video is in fact Shouka, not Kalia. What we’re seeing here is a small social squabble. Tensions were running high after Nakai’s passing, as the social order of the pod shifted in his absence. Corky let Shouka know she would not be bullied, and they resumed swimming together after the video ended.
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demonicbaby666 · 9 months
Me and the Devil
Kinktober 2023 | Once Upon a Time Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Dark swan x fem!reader
Genre: smut & angst
Words: 2.1k+
Warnings: fingering, public sex (sorta), bit of violence, toxic relationship
Summary: Ever since she became the dark one, Emma has developed a habit of keeping those she didn't like around you away. The problem came when she decided that that was everyone.
A/n: wrote this in a day... enjoy xxx
Emma had changed. Of course, after Camelot, everyone saw it. The difference was seen not only in her appearance but in her regard to those around her, and the balance between right and wrong had dramatically shifted in the saviour-turned-dark one's mind. You'd learnt the hard way that Emma had become an enforcer of her rules. Therein lied a modicum of problems, one being poor sneezy had been turned to stone - alongside other menial townsfolk Emma deemed insignificant - another problem being anyone who set their eyes on you, romantically or platonically didn't matter, would pay a heavy price. 
It started small. Whale was one of the first. His punishment for leering was the removal of something the man held to the utmost importance - the ability to get 'it' up. Then came the bartender at the rabbit hole, who paid particular attention to you. At first, it was a free drink here and there, which was fine, but then he got a little too loose-lipped. As you exited with one very drunk Ruby, who was clinging onto Belle for dear life, you saw a dark silhouette in the alleyway next to the bar and a bloodied figure on the floor weeping. 
Though it was initially amusing, and you appreciated the gesture, being that creepy men never dared to flirt or check you out again, you never said. In fact, you made a point of never addressing Emma at all. You simply assumed she punished people who made you uncomfortable in an attempt to assuage the resentment you felt towards her for becoming the dark one. But as time passed, the justice the former saviour dished out became far too severe - and often unwarranted. 
You'd feel her eyes on you everywhere you went, sometimes in the privacy of your own home. Looking into a reflective surface, you could almost pick out the green hue of her eyes. People were scared to come within two feet of you, and the list of townsfolk who once smiled and waved to you from across the street or stopped to chat with you lessened and lessened. Now, only those closest to you dared to be in your presence, and sometimes, they, too, kept a wary eye out. 
Despite the predicament you found yourself in, you refused to pay Emma any attention. You went about your daily routine: work, catch-ups, meetings with the merry band of heroes and, of course, your magic lessons with Regina. 
"What were you doing?" A familiar voice called out from behind you as you closed the door to the mausoleum. 
Letting out an exasperated sigh and debating just walking back into the tomb, you brought your fingers to your temples and traced soothing circles, the presence of a headache already looming, "Hello to you too, Swan." 
"I asked you a question." The blonde seized your wrist and spun you around to face her. 
"Stuff," you snidely answered, raising a challenging eyebrow. 
The grip on your wrist tightened, but you trained your face to remain impassive and unbothered, "Don't be a brat. It's not cute when you're fully dressed." She snapped, "Now tell me what you were doing." 
You snatched your hand back, "I was with Regina."
"Doing what?" 
"You know what." You replied, rolling your eyes.
Emma took a step forward, trapping you between her body and the grand red doors of the tomb. Olive eyes scanned your body head-to-toe before Emma smacked her hand down next to your head, "Did she touch you?" 
"That's none of your business," the older woman clenched her jaw, and the rising veins in her neck led you to believe it would be in your best interest to answer her, "No, she didn't touch me." you huffed and looked out into the vast expanse of the graveyard. 
Grey smoke bathed her flattened palm, "Prove it." She smugly smirked. 
Your head snapped back to the blonde, and her shit-eating grin struck a nerve in you. She looked so sure of herself, so conceited that you so desperately wanted to prove her wrong - just for the sake of chipping at her inflated ego. 
"Give me that stupid thing!" You said, snatching the dream catcher from her hands. Closing your eyes, you focussed on your time with Regina, channelling the memory of the lesson to appear across the intricate face of entwined string. A series of flashing images appeared before they settled. You bore your eyes accusingly into Emma as she witnessed the innocent encounter between two friends, "Now you've seen. Nothing happened. Are you happy now, Dark One?" 
Choosing her new title was a low blow, but the occasion called for it. In truth, you owed her nothing. You hadn't needed to answer her when she asked what you'd be doing. The moment she donned those black clothes and her name was etched in metal, she'd as good as lost you. You both knew it, yet one of you was more stubborn to accept it. 
Emma turned her nose up at you, "She put her hands on you."
"You mean the two-second goodbye hug?" Your frustration levels were rising, and with them, your disregard for volume control, "You've got to be fucking kidding me." The statement bellowed across the graveyard, bouncing off cracked headstones and finally dissipating in the distant fog. 
This situation had indeed aggravated you. The notion that Emma had some claim over you was maddening, especially since she was unwilling to act in any other way aside from threatening and enacting violence upon anyone who stood too close to you. 
The anger that coiled in your jaw and forced your knuckles white fought heavily in your chest to be set free, and why shouldn't it? Emma was being unreasonable, and you didn't have to endure it any longer. 
Closing your eyes, you took a few deep breaths, waiting till your heart stopped hammering against your chest to look at the blonde. With a stern and controlled voice, you spoke again, "I'm not doing this." 
Pushing past her to walk away, as in the theme of things, was not straightforward. The moment your foot touched down on the plot of land in front of you, your body was propelled backwards and thrown against the concrete wall of the mausoleum. The dark one clutched the empty space between her palms with an outstretched hand. Though she was not touching you, the feel of her fingers clamped around your neck so tight you fought to breathe. 
Thrashing your legs, determinedly attempting to find purchase on the unreachable ground and clawing at the wall, you shot daggers at the woman who stood before you. Her actions, despite her swearing otherwise, strikingly resembled those of a villain.
"Emma, stop this!" You croaked, "Let me go." 
Blood-red lips thinned into a malevolent grimace, "I will never let you go. You belong with me. To me."
"You're full of shit," You spat, ignoring the stars swimming in your vision and the shaking in your chest, "I will never be yours, not whilst you continue this frivolous crusade of yours." 
The former saviour surged forward the moment she released her hold on you, roughly pinning you to the wall with both the weight of her body and her hands clamped to your waist. The smell of magic danced in the air, and your worst fear was confirmed when you weren't able to move your hands. She had you where she wanted you. Trapped.
Lessons with Regina had only taught you the basics of magic, but that didn't stop you from fruitlessly trying to untangle yourself from the grasp of Emma's dark magic. 
"My magic is too strong for that," she stated proudly, inching closer. There was the ego again. 
Bringing your head slightly back, with all your strength driving it forward, you thrust your forehead into that aggravating grin. It'd leave a nasty bruise, but you didn't care. The blonde's head fell back, though that was the only response. Her hold on you was still firm. 
She spat to the side, leaving a tiny crimson puddle of saliva, then turned to you, a false pout on her bloodied lips, "Well, that wasn't very nice." 
"Fuck you." 
"Be nice." she chided, her anger visibly growing. 
"Or what?" you seethed between your teeth. 
The two of you stood in silence, searing holes into one another. Tension in the air mounted with each rushed breath, and your bodies burned with molten fury. 
"Brat," she whispered, inching forward. 
The second you glanced down at her lips, it was game over. Emma closed the space between you and dominated your mouth instantly, plunging her tongue inside and coaxing a low moan from you. 
This woman had made your life a living hell. She'd done nothing to rectify her wrongdoings, never sought you out directly to make peace or even explain what had led up to her choosing to amass the title of 'The Dark One'. And somehow, none of that mattered because you'd missed how she kissed you, how the world fizzled away, and how you truly felt like yourself. 
You withdrew your tongue from the confines of your mouth and greeted Emma's familiar taste. At the first contact, the blonde let out a satisfied sigh, and the invisible restraints on your wrists were released. Free to place your hands wherever you pleased, you laced them through platinum locks and scraped your nails along Emma's scalp, drawing her impossibly closer. 
As hips started to move, Emma wedged her thigh between your legs, and a silent cry broke in your throat. Your head flew back, hitting the cold wall of the mausoleum, and the older woman wasted no time, planting wet, hot kisses over your exposed neck. 
"Fuck," you whimpered as the blonde bit down on a particular chunk of flesh she knew drove you crazy. Her tongue ran over the sore flesh, soothing it. 
Hands wandered, and soon enough, you had your arms around Emma's neck whilst she paid attention to kneading your breast and fiddling with the zipper of your jeans. The way she kissed you left your head dizzy and your lips sore, but that didn't stop you from encouraging the former saviour with a litany of explicit sounds and continually grinding down on her explorative fingers. 
When her fingers finally entered you, a crackling sob prompted Emma to, once again, pay homage to the scattered marks splayed over your neck down to the beginning of your shirt. 
"I've missed this," she said, peppering kisses up to your ear, "I've missed you."
You moaned in agreement, unable to form words with slender fingers sliding in and out of your wet channel. 
"I want you to say it," she said. 
"Tell me you're mine," she whispered hotly into your ear, squeezing your nipple between her thumb and forefinger, "Say it." 
"No." You whimpered as she thrust into you again, her knuckles slamming against your clit. 
Teeth sunk into the sweet spot under your ear, and the blonde's fingers slid slowly out of you, "Say it, or I'll stop," Emma growled. 
The older woman began pumping into you again, this time at a cruel pace, leaving you winded and crying out, "No. No. NO!"
"Tell me who you belong to. Tell me who you'll always belong to, who owns you." She sucked the sore patch of skin below your ear into her mouth, painting it a shade of red that would soon darken purple. With her thumb hovering over your aching clit, Emma commanded you one last time, "Say it." 
As her thumb brushed over your neglected pearl, she roughly tweaked your nipple, and the weakened dam holding you back from surrendering broke, "You, Emma Swan. I belong to you and you alone!" You screamed into the expanse of the graveyard and were forced to listen to your acquiesce bellow over misted grass and mildewed slabs of stone.
And with your submission fresh in her ears, the older woman was satisfied. She applied a circular motion to your clit whilst curling her fingers, fucking you deep and hard. 
Emma's lips drowned out your roaring cries and moans. She removed her hand from your chest and laid it flat against the wall. With the extra support, Emma was free to use the full weight of her body. And that she did. Her hips drove back and forth, aiding her fingers to piston rapidly in and out of your sopping sex. Lewd moans escaped from the kiss that had grown messy - all teeth and tongues - but neither of you cared because you both knew what was coming. 
Your release came strong and heavy. Your scream was unrecognisable, mangled and broken, tearing your throat to shreds whilst a single tear rolled idly down your cheek. The sated feelings running through your body were euphoric. Memories of a better time flashed in your mind: a red leather jacket, a bubbly blonde, evenings spent laughing and cuddling. 
When you looked at the woman before you, so changed, your eyes clouded with tears. 
And then the shame and guilt came. 
Tags: @babygirlscout @7thavenger @five-bi-five-mind @kenyakimble34 @12fluffybunny12 @maxinehufflepuffprincess @whosprentiss @asolitaryrose3 @imlike-so-gaydude @awritersometime @jareguiromanoff @fayhar @lovelyy-moonlight @patronagrona | click here to be added to my taglist
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Ahoy Sailor!
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,427
Warnings: Reader is described to have curly hair, could be natural or a perm, it's the 80s hahaha.
Summary: Steve hated the Scoops Ahoy uniform. It was tacky, lame, and totally ruined his best feature. It was a walking red flag to any girl that walked into the ice cream shop, leaving Steve alone in a sea of people without any hope of a date. Until a girl walks in he's never met before, and for whatever reason, the uniform doesn't seem to be a problem. In fact, it's the opposite.
Author’s Note: This is essentially a love letter to the Scoops Ahoy uniform. Babygirl Steve is my bread and butter.
There were a few things Steve Harrington hated in his life. One, the fucked up monsters that ruled the Upside Down. Two, when he forgets to restock on his Farrah Fawcett spray. Three, Billy Hargrove's entire existence, and finally, the stupid sailor uniform he's forced to wear at Scoops Ahoy. The last two were related. If it weren't for that mullet wearing asshole he'd be sitting pretty at the public pool. He was captain of the Hawkins High varsity swim team, been a certified lifeguard since he was 15. This summer was supposed to be a breeze. It all came crashing down when he walked into the Hawkins Pool house on his first day and saw Hargrove's smug face in the locker room. Steve took one foot inside of the threshold and immediately walked out. His dad was forcing him to get a summer job, teach him responsibility or some other bullshit. It's not like he was ever home to make sure he actually did what he asked, but Steve knew his parents had spies all over Hawkins. A bunch of bored soccer moms who had nothing else better to do than snitch on him. So now he was stuck inside of Starcourt Mall, slinging ice cream in the world's ugliest uniform known to mankind. It was ruining his life, something his new coworker Robin took great joy in reminding him daily.
"I believe that's strike three Harrington, you're out!" Robin teased from the back window. She had that stupid white board out, of all of Steve's failures clearly on display. It was the uniform's fault. Steve knew he had game, he had no issues getting girls back in high school. He may no longer hold the title of King Steve, but it wasn't like he was a total loser. How was anybody supposed to take him seriously in a sailor uniform? The dumb hat ruined his best feature. Stupid Scoops Ahoy protocol, stupid Billy Hargrove, stupid, stupid, stupid.
"Laugh it up Buckley, one of these days I'm gonna score and you're gonna eat your words!"
"Gonna capture your white whale, Captain?"
"That's messed up Robin, you shouldn't talk about women like that"
"It's a Moby Dick reference, dingus" Robin rolled her eyes, placing the whiteboard with a fresh tally mark behind the counter.
"Well if you want to talk about di-"
"I'm gonna stop you right there before I vomit"
Steve couldn't help but laugh at her a bit. He liked working with Robin. She was a cool girl, even when she liked to annoy him with her scoreboard. It could have been worse, he could have been stuck with Hargrove all summer. She filled a void he had in his heart since Dustin went to summer camp. The other kids only used him to get into free movies, didn't stay to chat very long. He missed the little butthead. The kids were all planning a surprise party for him when he got back, but that was still a couple weeks away. Till then, he had to make do with what he had. Virtually alone in a sea of people.
Steve thrived in crowds. He liked talking to people, getting to know them, and the Starcourt mall was full of potential. If only this sailor uniform didn't scare them away before he could even open his mouth. It was getting ridiculous. Nancy had dumped him a little over seven months ago and he had zero luck with women since. He didn't start seriously trying until spring break, it took awhile to heal his broken heart. Steve was beyond ready to get back out there, find the other fish in the sea, capture whatever dick whale Robin was talking about, some other shitty nautical metaphors.
He really needed to get laid.
"Heads up Ahab, new customer on board" Robin whispered as she refilled napkins in the dispensers.
Steve turned around to see a girl standing at the counter. She hadn't noticed him yet, too busy peeking at the ice cream flavors in the freezer. He hadn't seen this girl around before, definitely didn't go to Hawkins High with him. She looked about his age, maybe a year above or below him. She had her hair pulled up in a bright yellow scrunchie, delicate curls framing her pretty face. Steve always had a thing for curly hair, loved the idea of tracing the ringlets with his finger. Liked the idea of tracing hers.
"See anything you like?" Steve asked in a cool voice, or at least what he thought sounded cool. He's afraid he's lost his touch recently.
The girl popped her head up to see who spoke to her, noticing Steve's presence for the first time. Her glossy lips formed a small o shape, and he couldn't help but wonder what they would taste like. Steve was getting ahead of himself, one step at a time.
He watched her eyes slowly look up and down his uniform, it took everything in him not to shrink with embarrassment. Yet, when they made eye contact once more it wasn't the look he expected. Usually girls would be stifling their giggles at him, not in the endearing way either. It was always the you look ridiculous but I'm not going to be rude and laugh in your face about it act. This girl didn't have that. She looked embarrassed yes, but not for him. If Steve didn't know any better, he might have thought that she liked the uniform on him. That was impossible though, nobody liked the stupid uniform.
"I definitely do" the girl replied, a modest smile on her face.
"Well we have an ocean of flavors here at Scoops Ahoy, what are you feelin' today?" More nautical puns. Maybe he was a loser. A full fled member of the loser's club. If Mike were here he'd be laughing in his face at the moment, little jerk. What did Mike know about anything? Thought he was so high and mighty getting his first girlfriend, as if that's the mightiest achievement in the universe.
Now Steve was comparing himself to a 13 year old. Oh how the mighty have fallen...
"What flavor's your favorite? I can't decide. Everything here looks delicious"
"I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to judge..." Robin had asked him the same question their first shift together and she went on a 20 minute rant on why Steve was totally 100% irrevocably wrong. How someone can be wrong about their favorite flavor of ice cream was beyond him.
"Pinky promise I won't" the girl held her manicured finger out for him, her nails painted the same color as the scrunchie in her hair. Steve looped his finger around hers and leaned in to whisper in her ear.
"It's mint chocolate chip" he had the full defense on his choice at the tip of his tongue. Mint chocolate chip was an excellent flavor of ice cream, most people just didn't give it a chance. It didn't taste like toothpaste, that always mind boggled him. Chocolate and mint go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. Like peppermint patties or shamrock shakes and some other third thing.
"Really? I don't think I've ever met someone who's favorite was mint chocolate chip" she pulled her finger back as she said it, Steve missed the contact.
"Trust me, it's great. If you haven't tried it, give it a shot"
"I don't know, seems like a big risk," she looked down at his name tag, before slowly dragging her eyes back to his face, "gonna sell it to me Steve?"
Now, Steve knew when a girl was into him. Maintaining eye contact, physical touch, teasing. It's flirting 101. He just had no idea how he managed to do it right this time. Steve didn't try anything special, didn't lay it on thick. It was like he didn't have to try. For whatever reason, this girl didn't seem bothered by the uniform. He wasn't going to waste the one opportunity he's had in months.
"Well, I am certified in the frozen confectionary arts, Miss?"
"L/N, Y/N L/N" she definitely didn't go to Hawkins then. He would have recognized the name if she had.
"Alright Miss. Y/N L/N, mint chocolate chip is perhaps the best flavor of ice cream we sell"
"Really? Do tell" Y/N asked with teasing grin.
"Oh we constantly sell out of the stuff. This tub right here we got in this morning, fresh is the best. I hear the CEO of Scoops Ahoy himself keeps mint chocolate chip in his office everyday because he loves it so much" Steve is talking out of his ass. He doesn't even know if Scoops Ahoy even has a CEO. It's a corporation, so he's sure there must be someone at the top of the frozen food chain.
"That's some high prasie"
"Who doesn't like to be praised?" Steve does. Too much if he's being honest with himself.
"Fair enough" Y/N began, twirling one of her curls around her finger, "one scoop of mint chocolate chip in a dish please "
"Any sprinkles or fudge?"
"Do they cost extra?"
"It's on the house, for taking the risk and all that" Steve was glad his manager was a total flake and never showed up to work. He could get fired for giving away free ice cream, it wouldn't have been a total loss though.
"Then I guess I'll do both"
Steve grabbed the scooper from his belt and gave it a little twirl, earning a giggle from the girl on the other side of the counter. He was on cloud 9. For the first time since he started this lame job he might finally have a shot at adding a tally to the You Rule side of Robin's stupid board. Y/N was clearly into him, as long as he didn't fuck up in the next few minutes he was as good as gold.
"Here you go, one scoop of mint chocolate chip for the lady" Steve said as walked back to the counter. If he was paying better attention, he would have noticed the forgotten white board edge behind him. But Steve wasn't paying attention, and he clocked the board with his hip. It fell to the tile floor with a loud thunk and slid across the floor to the other side of the counter. Right in Y/N's line of sight. He could only watch in horror as she picked up the board and read the incriminating marks on the white plastic.
"I-I can explain that" Steve stuttered, placing the cup of ice cream on the counter.
"Oh yea?" Y/N asked, her grip on the whiteboard remaining steady.
"Yea, well, you see" Steve was floundering. He knew he couldn't come up with anything that didn't seem like total bullshit, because that's all it would be. Bullshit. A shiver ran down his spine at the memory of Nancy and Halloween. Steve didn't want to be bullshit, so he was left with only one option. Honesty.
"It's a scoreboard for me. Every time I hit on a girl and fail Robin puts a tally on the you suck side. If I manage to get a number or a date it would go on the other side. As you can see, I don't have the best luck. I swear it's this stupid uniform, it's cursed" Steve refused to look at the girl as he spoke, his face flushed red with mortified embarrassment. It was all over now, Steve was sure of it. He hadn't felt that pathetic in weeks. Not since his dad laid into him, calling him a fuck up for not getting into Tech. A certified loser he was.
"Well, apparently the girls of Hawkins have shit taste"
"What?" Steve and Robin asked at the same time. Robin had been pretending not to listen during the entire interaction, but she finally blew her cover then. Steve was also in a state of shock. Moments before he was convinced Robin would another black line to his never ending shit score.
"If I'm being honest," Y/N began as she reached over to grab one the dry eraser markers beside the cash register, "I actually dig the uniform. Don't know why, but there's just something about those little shorts and that tie that I like"
Steve was struck dumb. Static in his brain as he watched the girl write something on the board. He didn't know what he did to finally get some positive karma in his life, but he wasn't about to question divine intervention now.
"I guess it's true what they say" Y/N said with a wink as she capped the marker, "ladies do love a man in uniform. Well, at least this one does"
She handed the board to Steve and grabbed her scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream. He looked down to see one single tally mark on the You Rule side of the board, alongside ten digits and small heart beside her name.
"I don't know your schedule, but I'm free this Saturday night. I hear St. Elmo's Fire is really good" Holy mother of God. Steve had a date. A date with a pretty girl for the first time in eight friggin months.
"Saturday's good for me, maybe I can get you dinner instead of ice cream this time" Steve had to work until 5 on Saturday, but maybe with a bit of groveling Robin would be willing to cover the last two hours solo.
"Dinner and a movie, sounds perfect" Steve watched as Y/N took a single bite of her ice cream, her tongue swirling around the small red plastic. He couldn't keep his eyes off of it.
"Yea, perfect"
"See ya then Sailor" Y/N turned to walk outside of the shop, her hips swaying with every step. As soon as she was out of earshot, Robin raced to get behind the counter. Her eyes scanned the board Steve still held in his hand, her eyes nearly bugging out of her skull.
"Holy shit, you got a date!" Robin gasped with barely contained surprise. Holy shit was right. For the first time since Steve started at Scoops, he praised the company uniform. It managed to charm the one girl in Hawkins that was into silly sailor get ups. It seemed like things were looking up. Steve grabbed an old receipt and a pen, quickly jotting down Y/N's number before it got destroyed. A proud, and slightly smug, smile on his face.
"Still got it"
Tag list:
@cevans-winchester , @lalalalemonade11 , @esoltis280 , @celestialsxturn , @thatredlipped-classic , @musicmoviestv , @panagiasikelia ,
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