#daily murasaki
daily-murasaki · 2 months
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Day 4: wretched creature
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dailysmilingnatsume · 18 days
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sadthixx · 5 months
Murasaki Uta blinking real‼️‼️
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vampirerite · 8 months
hands hurt but my mind is going 100 miles per second. agony
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003soy · 2 months
I haven’t drawn anything all day #flopera
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ozzgin · 7 months
Yandere! Yokai Harem x Reader (III)
On your travels with the two demon companions, you stumble upon a fortified village plagued by monster attacks. It would be quite unlucky if the grand finale happened just as you step foot inside, right? Worry not, you're saved by a third mysterious yokai that you immediately recognize. The harem grows!
Content: female reader, monsters, violence
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Character Guide]
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“Alright, how’s this?”
You do a clumsy pirouette before the two yokai men.
“That’s...are you sure?” Kiritsubo eyes you, mildly confused. “It’s usually what men wear.”
Of course, you already know. After weeks of walking through feudal Japan, you’ve reached the conclusion that modern clothing isn’t the most practical choice. Not to mention the strange looks you always get from other people upon your arrival in any village. You needed something to blend in, and the typical fashion for your gender might not be compatible with your training. You’d rather not swing a sword while covered in multiple layers of kimono.
Thus, you opted for the hakama pants typically worn by men. With your hair tied up and in this baggy attire, one could think you’re a young samurai. If they squint enough. You chuckle at the thought.
“She’ll wear whatever allows her to not be a burden.” Murasaki concludes with crossed arms.
One way to put it, you tell yourself.
“If you’re done discussing fashion, we can leave.” The dark-haired man continues with indifference, standing up and adjusting the swords in the folds of his sash.
Both you and Kiritsubo hurry and follow behind obediently.
“Where are we going this time?” You ask sheepishly.
“South-west. An old residence of his, although we will have to pass through a fortified settlement first. We should reach it before sunset.”
It’s hard to imagine you’re the supposed savior in this equation. Murasaki has been leading you by the hand each step, carefully considering every detail on the map, and extensively planning your travels every evening. All this on top of your daily training. You’ve now mastered the basics with the katana he’s provided you, as well as some common prayers for exorcising small-class demons.
You glance at the daisho pair of swords under his belt. A long, thin blade, and a shorter backup version, both in elaborate matching scabbards meant to showcase the status and wealth of the samurai wearing them. In this case, meant to express his rank as the advisor and right hand of the famed onmyōji. You certainly don’t doubt Nakamaro’s decision to rely on Murasaki.
In comparison, Kiritsubo carries a nagamaki at his waist. A comically long blade in your opinion, used mostly to bring down horses during battle. Any regular sword would’ve been too small for him. Despite his imposing appearance, you’ve learned rather quickly just how different Kiritsubo is from the other yokai. He’s quite clumsy in combat, often anxious about making mistakes, terribly apologetic, and overall has a heart too kind for his own good. If there’s hesitation coming from his side, Murasaki immediately follows with his ruthless, ending blows. As a matter of fact, even you’ve had to do the occasional killing to spare the man of such choices.
The silver-haired demon notices your eyes on him and smiles, excited. He reminds you of a large dog. A horned, fanged dog of monstrous strength, nonetheless the innocence is there. And he does make a great travel companion.
“How much longer?” You grunt, looking up.
“Are you tired? I can carry you for the rest of the way-” Kiritsubo instantly offers but is interrupted by Murasaki’s barked orders.
“She can walk. Don’t spoil her.” He glares at you, then nods ahead. “We’re almost there, so quit your whining.”
True to his word, you can finally discern the outline of a wall at the top of the hill. A few more steps, and you can even spot two guards standing beside the great gate.
“Stop there!”
The soldiers lift their spears threateningly. Before you can react, Murasaki steps in front of you with a hand placed on his sword.
“We’re just passing through.” He states factually.
“We’re no longer allowing visitors.” One of the guards exclaims. “The village has been raided by monsters recently and our Lord has closed all gates until the matter is solved.”
“That means no filthy demons go in.” The other adds in a mocking tone, his gaze lingering on the horns of your companions. His mouth curls in disgust.
You can tell Murasaki is angered by the disrespectful approach. He is not one to let such insults slide and you’d rather avoid him claiming unnecessary victims; therefore, you push past his arm and plant yourself ahead with a polite greeting bow.
“These yokai are with me. I vouch for their good behavior, so please consider letting us through. Perhaps we can even help you with these monsters.”
“You? How would you…”
The man stops abruptly, switching between you and the yokai. Eventually he inspects your scabbard, and he gasps, confusion twisting his features.
“Could it be? No…He’d be dead by now.”
“What are you talking about?” His partner inquires impatiently.
“That’s the family seal belonging to Abe no Nakamaro.” He explains, pointing to the golden finish at the end of your katana handle. “I’ve heard about him from my grandparents. But it’s been decades!”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re saying this kid is a legendary onmyōji?”
“Who else would show up with demons as servants? Everything matches. Perhaps his powers have finally reached immortality”, he concludes solemnly.
The men continue their argument, and you clear your throat, embarrassed. What the hell? You can’t possibly look that manly. Sure, you’ve been skipping the makeup, and the clothes aren’t exactly curve shaping, but to be mistaken for an old man is like a slap to the face.
You’re about to deny their claims, but Murasaki swiftly pinches the back of your neck, and you wince. He lowers himself to your ear and whispers:
“This will be to our advantage. Just go along with it.” “Fine!” You mumble angrily. Then you turn back to the guards.
“V-very well, I see I haven’t been forgotten.” You admit, theatrically. “Lead me to your Lord and we shall discuss the details of your monster attack.”
Thus, you sip on your tea, kneeling at the luxurious table and awaiting the arrival of the feudal Lord. The servants are exchanging words, gossiping fervently next to the wall. “I wonder if he can cure my daughter!” one woman mumbles, visibly emotional.
“Do you think we can finally be saved? He’ll truly exorcise the beasts tormenting our village?” another whispers.
You wipe the sweat from your forehead and glare at Murasaki. You had no idea he’d given you Nakamaro’s old sword. Now you’re stuck pretending to be a pompous, long-dead asshat.
“What if they catch us?” You hiss between your teeth. “I don’t know shit about onmyōdō.”
“Then I’ll just kill them all. Simple as that.” The crimson-eyed man retorts, unconcerned. “Have a little fun, won’t you?”
“W-we’ll help you come up with answers, (Y/N). Don’t worry.” Kiritsubo chimes in, trying to reassure you.
You sigh in frustration and look out the window. The sun must’ve set a long time ago and has since been replaced by a pitch-black sky. What’s keeping the Lord? Surely, he can’t be having important business meetings late at night.
Almost as if your thoughts were read, the door slides open and a servant wobbles in. The rest of the household workers are silent, expecting the entrance of their master, but no one is following behind. You observe the bizarre limp of the woman. Suddenly, she collapses to the floor, revealing her bloodied back torn by deep wounds, caused by some sort of claw. Her body is stiff.
Panic settles in right away, and the servants topple over each other to get away from the fresh cadaver. You struggle to get up among the terrified crowd, but thankfully Murasaki grabs your wrist and pulls you out into a quieter hallway.
“What the hell?” is all you manage to say.
“Rotten.” Kiritsubo furrows his brows, sniffing the air. “Someone in here must be possessed. Could be more of them.”
Murasaki surveys the surroundings and gestures towards his partner.
“We have to see if the Lord is still alive. You go that way. I’ll take the front. Kill everyone suspicious.”
“What about me?” You demand, holding your breath.
“Get out and wait for us. You know how to draw a protection circle, don’t you? I won’t take long.” The dark-haired yokai answers before vanishing.
Judging by the screams and wails coming from all directions, you suspect Kiritsubo is right about multiple attackers. You sprint across the hall, looking for an opening. The self-defense lessons didn’t cover cursed humans with demonic powers. You’ll stay out of this one.
What an absolute mess. You have encountered some demons in your weeks spent here, but nothing to this degree. When the guards mentioned a monster attack, you imagined a ghost with a grudge, or some small fry yokai scaring the workers at night, not a mass curse that ends in a massacre. Of course, it had to happen the moment you arrived at the main house.
You find a room with a door leading to the inner courtyard. Seems isolated enough and it should provide a bit of shelter while you wait for the pair to finish the business. As you rush past the dead bodies, you notice a woman hiding behind a screen divider.
“Ah! It’s you!” she yells, aware of your presence.
From the shadow of her secret spot emerges the small frame of a child. The woman pushes the little human towards you, blocking your path.
“Don’t worry, he’ll protect us.” she gives her child another nudge. “Go on, hold onto him. You’ll be safe.”
What? No, no, no, no, no. Not happening. You’re getting out.
“Ma’am, sorry to break it to you under such circumstances, but I’m not-”
You’re interrupted by a loud growl. One of the possessed creatures must’ve followed your scent, and it’s now sliding into the room on all fours with the bones of the limbs twisting and creaking in unnatural pounces. You purse your lips in a frightened grimace. One advantage of the wide hakama pants – useful to know – is that no one can see your knees shaking cowardly.
Theoretically, you could use the brat as bait and run for your life. It’d make a decent obstacle. Unfortunately for your life span, you’ve been gifted with an idiotic sense of duty instead of survival instincts.
“Keep your distance. If I can’t kill it, get out and don’t look back” you advise, positioning yourself in the learned stance and sliding the sword out of its sheath.
Damn it! Then again, it should be like fighting a zombie, right? Given the pathetic way it drags itself around, it can’t be too difficult to hit. Aim for the head, you repeat in your mind. Your fingers grip around the handle.
The ghoulish beast lowers itself, like a spring about to recoil, and leaps across the room with an ease you did not anticipate. Despite your iron hold, it slaps the blade out of your hands with enormous force. The impact breaks your skin, and you wince. There’s no time to weep, within seconds it could go for your vitals next. While Murasaki hasn’t gotten around to teaching you much hand-to-hand combat, you’ve read your fair share of shounen manga. The first idea that comes to mind is to put the beast in a sumo lock. You bend your knees smoothly and wrap your arms around the monster, feeling for something to hold onto. You grit your teeth and attempt to lift the creature.
A thundering laugh resonates within the walls, and you jolt, startled.
“I never thought I’d see the mighty Abe no Nakamaro wrestling with ankle biters like this. What are you going to do, throw it out of the ring?”
The voice is deep, loud, and unfamiliar. You can’t afford to look back to see the source, but it’s not hard to figure out the possibilities. So far, you’ve only been called by that cursed name by the yokai accomplices. Although now is not the best time to seek revenge.
“Shut up, I panicked”, you snap in frustration. “If you can’t help, keep that trap closed!”
The sudden burst of anger seems to have triggered something within your body, a power you don’t recognize. You watch as your arms effortlessly pick up the monster and swing it across the room, its body demolishing the opposing wall and causing thick clouds of dust to rise and spread everywhere.
The impact must’ve alerted the nearby ghouls, as you can now hear the agitated trample and screeching rapidly approaching. You’re not confident you can pull the same lucky move a second time.
You turn to search for your sword, but it’s already being handed to you by the mysterious yokai who’s been observing your little fight. You have to step aside and tilt your head all the way back in order to fully view the gigantic frame of the man.
Ah, you recognize the features immediately. The same kind of fear you felt when you stumbled upon that old shrine statue is now tugging at your chest.
“You’re Suma, right?”
A proud, wide grin forms on his face, revealing a pair of glistening fangs. His expression is unexpectedly soft and friendly.
“We’re halfway through our introductions then, eh?” You pick up the sword and his fingers stretch out for a handshake. “What is your given name? I’m guessing you don’t willingly go by that…title.”
“I very much prefer (Y/N), yes.” You marvel at the significant difference in size, placing your small hand in his. “Was that your power I just used?”
“Mhhm. You sure surprised me there! It’s not something I did intentionally, but I s’ppose we just resonate that well, huh?”
He laughs again, completely unbothered by the impending danger.
“Alright, you can leave the rest to me. Take the lady outside, it will get a little messy.”
And with that, he casually walks towards the gathering of ghouls. You guide the family to the courtyard and wait for the battle to end.
“Do you think she’ll be fine by herself?” Kiritsubo is resting against the fence, keeping you under a watchful gaze.
“Let the humans sort it out among themselves.” Murasaki responds, somewhat bored.
The morning after the attack, you offered to deal with the survivors: ask them how everything started, if they’d noticed anything suspicious days prior to the event, and if the route to Nakamaro’s old residence was still open. The yokai men had found the feudal Lord in the jaws of a possessed creature and he quickly succumbed to his wounds. Consequently, only the remaining servants could provide them with clues.
A village being targeted like this is highly unusual, and Murasaki can’t shake the feeling it could be related to their master.
“Oh, where are you heading after this?” The silver-haired yokai glances at Suma, sitting lazily next to them.
“Where? After you just told me the whole story? I’m way too invested in this modern reincarnation that just popped out of nowhere, so I’m tagging along!” He announces with a chuckle.
Murasaki frowns.
“We don’t need your help.”
“Don’t be like that.” The giant man pouts dramatically. “Are you upset I saved (Y/N) before you?”
“W-we were on our way!” Kiritsubo retorts, visibly bothered.
“It’s a done deal!” Suma rests his hands under his head and yawns. “Besides, the little human already said he doesn’t mind.”
“He? (Y/N) is a woman.”
The redhead abruptly sits up and gasps.  
“Wait, what?”
“Don’t get funny ideas, man”, the silver-haired demon warns.
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cainpain · 5 months
Drawing Yan Sim characters daily
Day 13 and 14, I didn't feel good yesterday or today and I'm taking a break until Saturday but I just wanna post them lolll
Hanako Yamada and Murasaki Nobumoto !!
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Hanako unknowingly teasing her greatest insecurity 💔💔
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butterfirefly · 2 months
"What are you up to right now?"
Thanks for tagging me, @diveintovortex 🌻💙
It's 3:48 PM. Just made myself a cup of coffee and will now hunt for a Hallmark movie to watch. Not sure yet if I'm going for a rewatch of a mystery movie (I've watched like. 90% of them already lksdjflksd) or find something even lighter. Or should I look for a new anime? K-drama? C-drama? We'll see. 😅 Maybe once the caffeine hits I'll have the energy to play my daily sudoku (I've been trying to beat the extreme level without making any mistakes. So far it's 80% fail and 20% "Woah how did I do that??").
Had a sip of the aforementioned coffee and didn't burn my tongue. Hurray!
No-pressure tagging: @yersina @greyscale-enthusiast @marcsnuffy @murasaki-cha @hehearse @ukiyolatte @cat-tyy @forechoes @fallingsnowmissingdarling @suosage and anyone else who'd like to join! 😊
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jariten · 2 years
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Another year has passed, so here’s the much overdue yearly roundup! First is titles that were released in 2022:
Talk To My Back by Yamada Murasaki [Drawn & Quarterly, trans. Ryan Holmberg]
To Strip The Flesh by Oto Toda [Viz Media, trans. Emily Balistrieri]
Came The Mirror & Other Tales by Rumiko Takahashi [Viz Media, trans. Junko Goda]
Witches by Daisuke Igarashi [Seven Seas, trans. Kathryn Henzler]
Box of Light by Seiko Erisawa [Seven Seas, trans. Daniel Komen]
童夢 (Domu: a Child’s Dream, Otomo The Complete Works edition) by Katsuhiro Otomo [Kodansha]
Daily Report About My Witch Senpai by Maka Mochida [Seven Seas, trans. Liya Sultanova]
Orochi by Kazuo Umezz [Viz Media, trans. Jocelyne Allen]
My Brain Is Different: Stories of ADHD and Other Developmental Disorders by Monzusu [Seven Seas, trans. Ben Trethewey]
I cherish every anthology manga that makes it to english and when we got “To Strip the Flesh”, “Came the Mirror”, “Box of Light” “Witches”, and “Orochi” we truly struck gold. I’ve been waiting for Igarashi to get another shot at the english language market, and then Orochi and the announcement of the new Cat-eyed Boy editions confirmed that Umezz’s is back to stay, crossing my fingers for a major title like My Name Is Shingo or Fourteen next.  I will count Box of Light among the anthologies as the stories presented in each chapter stand so well on their own. I will never say no to a fun take on the liminal space between life and death. 
Essay manga I can now say has become a regular part of the licenses American publishers hand us, and I will gladly read every single one of them. This year my favorite was by far “My Brain Is Different”. A painful but much needed collection of personal accounts from adults and their life long struggles living with autism and ADHD.  D&Q has barely missed with their alternative manga picks as well as their korean manhwa licenses. Now it appears they’re ready to showcase more women from this scene and Talk to My Back was an amazing way to follow up The Sky is Blue With a Single Cloud by Kuniko Tsurita. This simple chronicle of a housewife and her family accompanied with an impressive and detailed write-up of Murasaki’s career was a great read that I will absolutely come back to again and again. 
The return of Domu was a grand and long awaited one as this series has been out of print in its native country for quite some time. This XL sized edition contained not just color pages and previously uncompiled chapter covers plus  a look back on the making of the manga, including photos of the real life housing complex the story takes place in. Hoping an english edition of the same caliber will follow suit in the near future! And Witch-Senpai is just a simple romance I found myself feeling very engaged in and was one of the first titles that came to mind when putting this list together. 
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dailypurpled · 6 months
DAILY MURASAKI-SAN DAY SANJUU!!(murasaki and sanjuu are purple and thirty in japanese hehe!!) - gomennasai my oomf-chans for posting so late at night ;-; heres murasaki-san if he was in my fav fav anime nyan~ neko sugar girls!! c(* > * c)
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kyaaaaaa!! murasaki-san is so sugoi X3 hes my favoritest streamer!! hes so nice to his viewers too :DDDD
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daily-murasaki · 1 month
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Day 6: fetus
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dailysmilingnatsume · 2 years
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pandaemoniumpancakes · 10 months
what kinds of art do you make? what kind of art do you consider yourself best versed in?
1. The art of daily observation, the kind Lady Murasaki champions in her diary. Of passionate living. Though one ought to write them down at some point, if for nothing else than for the company.
2. The art of conversation. A memorable fantasy used to involve being a heteira in Ancient Greece, someone versed in music, poetry, philosophy, and sex, to boot.
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003soy · 21 days
@daily-murasaki got really sick last week we had to put him down out back with a shotgun
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with-a-martyr-complex · 9 months
With A Martyr Complex: Reading List 2023
Adapted from the annual list from @balioc​, a list of books (primarily audiobooks) consumed this year. This list excludes several podcasts, but includes dramatizations and college lecture series from The Great Courses, which I consume like a parrot emotionally dependent on access to lecturers.
The Birth of Tragedy Out Of The Spirit of Music byFriedrich Nietzsche (Translated by Ian Johnston)
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann (Translated by Michael Henry Heim, Introduction by Michael Cunningham)
Financial Literacy: Finding Your Way in the Financial Markets by Connel Fullenkamp, from The Great Courses
The Dispossessed: A Novel by Ursula K. Le Guin
License to Travel: A Cultural History of the Passport by Patrick Bixby
Making History: How Great Historians Interpret the Past by Allen C. Guelzo, from The Great Courses
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (Translated by Donald Keene)
Cyteen by C. J. Cherryh
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave by Frederick Douglass
Understanding Japan: A Cultural History by Mark J. Ravina, from The Great Courses
The Mountains of Mourning by Lois McMaster Bujold
What Has Passed Shall In Kinder Light Appear by Baoshu (Translated by Ken Liu)
The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World by Robert Garland from The Great Courses
The Just City by Jo Walton
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
Understanding Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture by Andrew R. Wilson, from The Great Courses
Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang (Contains: Tower of Babylon, Understand, Division By Zero, Story of Your Life, Seventy-Two Letters, The Evolution of Human Science, Hell is the Absence of God, and Liking What You See.)
Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition by Grant Hardy, from The Great Courses
By The Sword: A History of Gladiators, Musketeers, Samurai, Swashbucklers, and Olympic Champions by Richard Cohen
War in Japan: 1467-1615 by Stephen Turnbull
Yūrei: The Japanese Ghost by Zack Davisson
Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny
The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu (Translated by Dennis Washburn)
Buddhism by Malcolm David Eckel, from The Great Courses
The Rise of Modern Japan by Mark Ravina, from The Great Courses
The Shogun's Last Samurai Corps: The Bloody Battles and Intrigues of the Shinsengumi by Romulus Hillsborough
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata, (Translated by Ginny Tapley Takemori)
Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima (Translated by Michael Gallagher)
Child of God by Cormac McCarthy
The Rise of Communism: From Marx to Lenin by Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, from The Great Courses
Communism in Power: From Stalin to Mao by Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, from The Great Courses
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo (Translated by Isabel F. Hapgood)
Cycles of American Political Thought by Joseph F. Kobylka, from The Great Courses
Docile by K. M. Szpara
Writing Great Fiction: Storytelling Tips and Techniques by James Hynes, from The Great Courses
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin
Hart's Hope by Orson Scott Card
Real Service by Raven Kaldera and Joshua Tenpenny
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alhigieri (Translated by Clive James)
Dante's Divine Comedy by William R. Cook and Ronald B. Herzman from The Great Courses
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
Secrets of The Occult by Richard B. Spence (From the Great Courses, possibly?)
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik
American Monsters by Adam Jortner from The Great Courses
The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik
Praetorian: The Rise and Fall of Rome's Imperial Bodyguard byGuy de la Bédoyère
The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik
Great World Religions: Hinduism by Mark W. Muesse, from The Great Courses
At The Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward by H. P. Lovecraft
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath by H. P. Lovecraft
The Dunwich Horror by H. P. Lovecraft
The Shadow Out of Time by H. P. Lovecraft
The Shadow Over Innsmouth by H. P. Lovecraft
The Whisperer in Darkness by H. P. Lovecraft
The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft by H. P. Lovecraft (Collected by The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society, contains: The Alchemist, At the Mountains of Madness, Azathoth, The Best in the Cave, Beyond the Wall of Sleep, The Book, The Call of Cthulhu, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, The Cats of Ulthar, Celephais, The Colour out of Space, Cool Air, Dagon, The Descendent, Discarded Draft of "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," The Doom that Came to Sarnath, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, The Dreams in the Witch House, The Dunwich Horror, The Evil Clergyman, Ex Oblivione, Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family, The Festival, From Beyond, The Haunter of the Dark, He, Herbert West-Reanimator, History of the Necronomicon, The Horror at Red Hook, TheHound, Hypnos, Ibid, In the Vault, The Little Glass Bottle, The Lurking Fear, Memory, The Moon-Bog, The Music of Erich Zann, The Mysterious Ship (Long and Short Versions), The Mystery of the Grave-Yard, The Nameless City, Nyarlathotep, Old Bugs, The Other Gods, The Outsider, Pickman's Model, The Picture in the House, Polaris, The Quest of Iranon, The Rats in the Walls, A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson, The Secret Cave, The Shadow out of Time, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, The Shunned House, The Silver Key, The Statement of Randolph Carter, The Strange High House in the Mist, The Street, Sweet Ermengarde, The Temple, The Terrible Old Man, The Thing on the Doorstep, Through the Gates of the Silver KeyThe Tomb, The Transition of Juan Romero, The Tree, Under the Pyramids, The Unnamable, The Very Old Folk, What the Moon Brings, The Whisperer in Darkness, The White Ship)
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Patton: The Man Behind The Legend, 1885-1945 by Martin Blumenson
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
One Billion Americans: The Case for Thinking Bigger by Matt Yglesias
Red: A History of the Redhead by Jacky Colliss Harvey
The Man Who Laughs by Victor Hugo (Translated by Isabel Florence Hapgood)
The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing by Joost A. M. Meerloo
The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson
Legacies of Great Economists by Timothy Taylor from The Great Courses
Incomplete books: Trouble on Triton, Comparative Hell: Arts of Asian Underworlds, Dark Archives, The History of the World: Map by Maps, The Iliad (Emily Wilson Translation), Christina Queen of Sweden: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric, The Three Musketeers, The Only Plane in the Sky, Myth in Human History, The Dragon: Fear and Power
Great Courses consumed: 17?
Non-Great Courses Nonfiction consumed: 13
Works consumed by women: 13
Works consumed by men: 53
Works consumed by men and women: 0
Works that can plausibly be considered of real relevance to foreign policy (including appropriate histories): 7
With A Martyr Complex’s Choice Award, fiction division: Convenience Store Woman
>>>> Honorable mention: Hart's Hope, Ancillary Justice, Child of God, No Longer Human, Piranesi, the first 1/3 of Cyteen, What Has Passed Shall in Kinder Light Appear
With A Martyr Complex’s Choice Award, nonfiction division: By The Sword
>>>> Honorable mention: The Shogun's Last Samurai Corps, Praetorian, The Birth of Tragedy most of the Great Courses stuff I got to this year
>>>> Great Courses Division: Buddhism
The Annual “An Essential Work of Surpassing Beauty that Isn’t Fair to Compare To Everything Else” Award: The Divine Comedy
>>>> Honorable mention: Julius Caesar, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, The Shadow Out of Time, Pride and Prejudice, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Man Who Laughs, The Dispossessed
The “Reading This Book Will Give You Great Insight Into The Way I See The World” Award: What Has Passed Shall In Kinder Light Appear
>>>> Honorable mention: Hell is the Absence of God (from Stories of Your Life and Others)
The "My Mind is Thoroughly Exhausted By Reading Through All This But It Was Worth It In The End" Award: The Tale of Genji
Book Most in Need of A Single Extra Chapter: The Man Who Laughs
Best Dude: Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
This is the first year where I didn't struggle to reach my 52 book goal at all, only some of which is thanks to the Lovecraft marathon. I also read a ton of short sci-fi stories early in the year for an online class I took (which is also why there are so many sci-fi novels in the beginning of the year) and feel much more knowledgeable in the genre even though I'm still not very well read in it. I will be taking a fantasy course next year to what I assume will be similar effect.
It's still hard to read non-audiobooks, made worse this year by a promotion at work that means I have much less free time overall but still a fair deal of time for audiobooks while working with my hands. My (I don't post it) movie list suffered similarly, with this being the first year in a while I didn't hit my movie target. Not discussed: I read various comics this year! Standouts: Chainsaw Man Part 1, the first volume of Pluto, Fun Home, the fifth volume of Phoenix, Look Back
Goals for next year: more foreign policy reading, more literary fiction, write something of my own, ohgodthesearethesamegoalsaslastyearpleasetellmeI'mnotstagnating
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nimue-hidden-lake · 10 months
Azur Lane launched its collab event today
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And needless to say... MY LUCK WENT CRAZY
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5 Yumis in 90 pulls + 2 Asukas
Still have 175 cubes left at the moment to save for Musashi rerun.
Yumi and Asuka are already fully limit broken too
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Fubuki is next.
Also I just gotta grind for points in the background to get Ikaruga and Murasaki. I assume you get Homura from the daily special event missions. So if I clear that, I will get all collab ships.
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