#daily joe vid
joeys-babe · 4 months
Day two of sharing a random video of Joe!! 😙🩷
I think today's and yesterday’s videos were from @wickedfun9!!! 💕
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coffeesforclosers13 · 9 months
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the-invisible-queer · 3 months
Listen the avoidance method hasn't been working and it just hurts
Bringing back daily Jonas vids
Maybe pretending things are normal and okay will make things normal and okay again
Either oversaturation of Joe will make me get over this bullshit or make me realize I really don't want him
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backofthebookshelf · 3 years
The DMCA and You; or, why Tumblr won’t get sued over Post+
 I keep seeing people saying “doesn’t Tumblr understand they’re inviting an avalanche of lawsuits” and being baffled that people think this, and then I remembered that most of you were not both alive and in fandom in 1998 and therefore probably haven’t spent hours reading through the DMCA trying to figure out exactly how it was going to screw us. (Turns out we were right, but not nearly pessimistic enough.) So gather ‘round, children, it’s time for another bout of fandom history.
You have to understand what the internet looked like in 1998. Most people didn’t have internet access at home, and for those who did, you got a whopping 54 kbps (yes, that’s kilobytes per second) (compare that to 4G wireless, which 14 Mbps, not to mention, you know, wireless) unless you wanted to shell out for ISDN, which was twice the speed and five times the cost. Only 47% of American adults “went online” at all, never mind the two to six hours per day that current internet users are estimated to spend.
And I mean, why would you? There wasn’t that much there. If you wanted to post something online, your first and best option was to pay for web hosting of your own, or mooch off a friend’s. Or you could get a Geocities site, which would be plastered with ads and limited you to such a small amount of storage that you couldn’t have more than a couple dozen low-resolution images at best, or you could post on a message board (which would be essentially mooching off of a friend’s paid web hosting, because most sites that hosted message boards were just some guy who wanted to have a place to chat with his friends that wasn’t a Yahoo! email list), where you might get permission to post three or four images at a time. Music? Rude, takes up too much bandwidth, don’t do that to people. Video? You’re hilarious. (I once left my computer on for a week while I attempted to illegally download a copy of Velvet Goldmine but I finally gave up and got it from the video store instead.)
But still, at the time that was magic, and as more and more stuff found its way online, somebody who held a copyright somewhere (read: music studios and Disney) realized they had to get out in front of things. And into this brave new world came the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which was passed in 1998 and was already skewing the shape of the internet of the future when it came into effect in 2000.
It did a lot of dumb things but the one we’re concerned about is the “safe harbor” provision, which basically says that in the case of an online copyright infringement, there are three parties: the infringer, the copyright holder, and the internet host, and the host is not a part of the copyright dispute.
Prior to this, if Sony or Disney or whoever found an illegal copy of their intellectual property (read: an mp3 or an avi) online, they’d go after whoever owned the server it lived on. Which made sense! If you find stolen TVs in someone’s basement, you go after the guy who owns the basement, and “I didn’t know my deadbeat brother in law was stealing TVs” is something you’ll have to prove in a court of law.
But internet companies like Geocities and Yahoo! and anyone else who offered random users the chance to post things on the internet using a free account said wait a minute, this doesn’t make sense. Because the internet is not like a physical basement; we have no reason to see someone carrying stolen mp3s down the basement stairs, and the scale is such that we couldn’t see all of them if we tried (unless we banned all mp3s, which means goodbye, MySpace, and goodbye indie bands). You wouldn’t go after a landlord in New York because their tenant in New Jersey is stealing TVs, would you?
So the DMCA said fine, we understand that the internet as it currently exists, and as it is attempting to exist (remember this is still the height of the dot.com boom and people are making money hand over fist by just owning websites), can’t operate if we try to do this. So instead of letting big companies sue big companies over copyright law, we’ll let big companies sue individual humans over copyright violations. That’s much more fair.
Of course most of what resulted wasn’t lawsuits at all; it was individuals getting threatening letters from Sony and Disney promising them that they were planning to sue but if you, Joe User, will just delete the thing you posted from the internet, we’re willing to make this all go away. And people did, because fuck, who’s going to duke it out with Disney?
The DMCA is the reason tumblr exists in the first place (not to mention twitter, and facebook, and essentially the entire part of the internet that isn’t either an ad or a news website). Technically, if tumblr was responsible for copyright violations, they’re already a prime target for a lawsuit, because they’re running ads on a website where people post copyright violations on a daily basis. Adding the opportunity for you to make money off your copyright violations doesn’t make them any more liable than they already are, which is not at all.
So here’s what predict will happen with Post+ at the beginning: absolutely nothing. A few people will monetize gifsets or fanfiction or vids and no one will pay attention and no one will care. But some small creators, people who post original fiction, people who post craft patterns, people who post insightful analysis, will start using it as part of their actual revenue stream. Sooner or later someone will be making enough money that it pings someone’s radar, and sooner or later someone making money will slip up and post something that could plausibly be a copyright violation, and they won’t get sued. They’ll get a takedown notice, a threatening letter from whoever owns the thing they infringed upon (...so Disney), and they’ll pull the thing. But it’s hard to pull things from the internet, much harder than it used to be, and nearly impossible the way tumblr works. So they get another takedown notice. Or Disney’s lawyers go through their blog with a fine-toothed comb and they start getting more and more unreasonable takedown notices, but now they’re scared and fuck, who’s going to duke it out with Disney? So they take their blog down entirely, and now that person is a little bit poorer and Disney is out the cost of four or five stamps and envelopes and the time their lawyer spent fifteen years ago drafting the takedown notice template.
I guarantee you that the people who decided to implement this know that this is going to happen, and they do not care. We’ve reached the “we could make this website work if we could just get rid of fandom” stage, which never ends well for the website but they never seem to learn that. So please, please don’t try to monetize fandom content on the assumption that tumblr is going to be the one to get slapped with a lawsuit for it, that’s just not how it works. It never has been and it never will be.
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wickedpact · 3 years
heres a transcript of that gina & greg interview i mentioned yesterday. literally nothing new is in this, but theres a lot of info in this that was scattered in varying interviews/podcasts and i like having all of it in one place for future reference purposes
(link to vid)
Patrick: Hey everybody, this is Patrick Cavanaugh from comicbook.com here to bring you a very special conversation about Netflix's The Old Guard, which just debuted last week, and everybody has seen it-- I believe people have seen it by now, so that's very exciting. And to dive deep into this film, we're actually very lucky to have the film's director Gina Prince-Bythewood, who also directed Love And Basketball and Beyond The Lights here. Hello, Gina.
Gina: Hey.
P: And we're also joined by the film's writer, as well as the writer of the original comic book series, The Old Guard. Also, you might know him from his DC Comics work, Batwoman, and Lazarus, to name a few of his titles. We have Greg Rucka! Hello, Greg.
Greg: Hello!
P: So this film just first debuted last week, and I know you guys have been inundated with fans, just loving it. And let's just get to what fans want to know, right off the bat; I'm sure you're getting daily questions about this because there's so much for an expanded universe. So let's set the record straight: will there be a Tiger King crossover?
[everyone laughs]
Greg: Uh, we're planning an animated series with giant Mech suits, and, unbeknownst to a certain franchise, we're going to crossover with Transformers and-- no. Come on. [laughs]
P: Okay, alright, we’ll hold onto that big crossover stuff. And I know Netflix, of course, hasn’t fully announced what the future might be for Old Guard, but I'm just kind of curious if you guys have had any recent conversations about what you'd like to do in the future—theoretical, nothing concrete, of course. But since the film has come out and you've seen fan feedback…?
Gina: I will just say, obviously, it's an incredible compliment that people want to see more. It means we did our job in this. It was very important that this film has a beginning middle and end. We wanted to focus on this.
Greg: Yeah.
Gina: And get it right. Having people want more is an incredible gift and I would say those conversations were really… Greg and I, early on in talking through the story... knowing Greg knows where this thing goes --and it's pretty incredible-- helped me in terms of directing this one. So I will say we've had those conversations early on.
Greg: Yeah Gina’s absolutely right. One of the things that I'm really-- one of the many things I am proud of is that the movie is a whole, you certainly leave it going ‘okay, there could be more, I can see how there is more’. But it is a complete work. It is not contingent and does not need anything else. That said, there were plenty of times we were having conversations and would jokingly be like, ‘oh that'll be in the next one, we'll do that in the next one. We had to cut this so we’ll put it in the next one’.
P: I'm sure people would be very thrilled, as would I. So we’ll try to remain patient since it's only been out a week--
Greg: I think that's reasonable.
P: [sarcastic] I mean, fans are nothing but reasonable--
Greg: [very loud laughter] You know what 'fan' is short for right? Fanatic.
P: [laughs] So Greg, I'm curious. You know, since this is a pretty unique situation where you wrote the original books but then also came to write the script-- which doesn't always happen all that often. I was kind of curious what that process was like and if, when revisiting that core story, if you were tempted to kind of go off into a new directions, you know, uncharted territory? And how you managed to stay faithful to that story.
Greg: So when Skydance initially acquired The Old Guard, Matt Grimm and Don Granger were the guys that I was working with. And they were very clear that they had acquired it because they loved the source material. So when I was doing the adaptation, it was ‘adapt this story to be told in a screen format, there are changes that have to be made’. I didn't see it so much as like ‘I can go in a different direction!’ as ‘it's a really rare opportunity to have a second bite at the apple’. Most writers don't get to tell the same story twice. And even with the collaborative nature of comics, making a movie is far more collaborative. So… being able to benefit from a lot of very smart people-- and then when Gina came aboard, and working very closely with her on the screenplay, you know, taking her notes, and talking at length about it was… I mean, I love the comic we made, I'm very proud of it. But I think this is a superior story. Because it allowed me to fix mistakes I had made. And I think that it certainly works as the film that we wanted it to be, but it has a lot more nuance and a lot more ‘shading’ than the comics ever could have had. So yeah, I mean, I'm very proud of the work we've done.
P: Yeah, as you should be, definitely agree with that. And I know, Gina, you've spoken about how you treated the source material essentially as a Bible as the blueprint for adapting the movie. So a question kind of for both of you, I was curious what scene or sequence were you most excited to bring to life? And then what scene were you most apprehensive about whether or not you could pull it off as faithful to that original?
Gina: For me, I mean, there was there were certainly a couple... Joe and Nicky in the van.
Greg: [nodding] Yeah.
Gina: Such a beautiful moment in the comic. And I wanted to get it right. I knew the actors really wanted to get it right. As soon as we started shooting, I was like, 'oh yeah, they're killing it'. Also Booker in the mine, the speech that he gives to Nile, it's everything to his character. It explains both Booker and Andy; where they are, and why they are the way that they are in that moment of time. And I know that as a director, I saw a perfect take. But going into those, you hope that, ‘am I able to evoke what I need to evoke in the audience?’ I think that the hardest really was the Kill Floor, given how iconic it is in the comic. It's just so beautifully drawn by Leandro, it pops off the page. So ‘how am I going to be able to do the same thing on film?’ But it really kind of boiled down to ‘what is the story [of the scene]’ and really focus on that first, but also wanting to really give a bit of a homage to what Leandro did too, which was my use of silhouette throughout it.
Greg: Yeah, I think that… Gina just listed all of the scenes. I mean, I wanted to see the armored car, that was enormously rewarding for me… I couldn't wait to see the killing room floor... You know, when we talk about moments of adaptation, I actually —and I thought this was really well handled in the movie in particular— Nile’s death wasn't wasn't easy in the comic, because it needed to have heart. You know, Kiki's performance and the way it's shot is just, it's phenomenal.
P: And obviously you can't really talk about this movie, which is this big action-fantasy movie, without talking about that scene between Joe and Nicky. I'm curious what both of your reactions have been to seeing that moment hit so hard with so many fans.
Greg: I'm overjoyed that we're able to give that to so many people. I am also frustrated that it's so overdue. While I don't think that either Gina or I felt that this was… It was important and special because it was important and special between these characters. But, you know, I mean I’m in that place where I recognize why we are getting the response that we are, and, I'm frustrated by the fact that it's 2020. And… apparently we're the first people to have done this? And you can say that about a lot of the reactions, you can say that about the reactions to Kiki's Nile. You can say that about reactions about Charlize portraying Andy. There’s a piece of me that's like ‘guys, we didn't invent the wheel here. All we did was show you, THERE’S A WHEEL HERE!’. So.
P: Yeah, it's interesting and it is frustrating that it is 2020 and we have to refer to this as an anomaly. That this is not the norm, that as you said, this is we're showing people that the wheel exists. And so Gina, you know, between having a film with two powered, seemingly super-powered characters, in a comic book adaptation, which is largely been devoid of such characters. [I think he meant to say female powered characters?] and being a black woman, directing a comic book adaptation— again, something in 2020 that we have to treat as a shocking revelation— I was curious, if you felt any sort of pressure about that on set, or if it was like just a confidence in the material, and support from your collaborators, that it wasn't even an issue?
Gina: Um, are you talking about the scene-?
P: Just the project as a whole.
Gina: There was a reason I took this film, because it moved me. It has to start there. There's all these things; I love putting a black female in the world, I love putting Nicky and Joe in the world, I love putting Joe’s character in the world. Those are all such incredible driving forces. But foremost, I have to feel and care about the characters in the story. And I did. And so, for me, it felt... I mean I was honored to be able to be the one to give these characters a life up on screen... or in that big screen in your living room. There's, of course, enormous pressure. Not only just doing a film, like the bigness of it. Certainly me being a woman, me being a black woman, and doing this when nobody has done it before… It's about proving myself and proving that women like me can do this, that we do like action, that we can shoot action… Just changing that narrative. So there's pressure to get it right and do a good job, but I feed off of that. It made me work harder because I felt like I absolutely had a responsibility to get it right.
P: And we've talked about Kiki a few times as Nile, of course. And Gina, I know you said it was within five seconds of meeting her that you knew she was the right one to play Nile. I was curious, how did the rest of the casting process go? Did everybody get hired that easily? Or was it a harder search to round out the ensemble?
Greg: Yes. I’m curious too!
Gina: You know, I knew going into this that I wanted great actors for every role and it's pretty amazing how many of my first choices are in this film. I mean Matthias Schoenaerts who plays Booker is an incredible actor and I knew I wanted him from the get-go. We were told he doesn't do films like this, but he wanted to meet, which was the first thing, like, ‘oh my gosh it’s on me, don't blow this meeting’ and he said again to my face, ‘I don't do these movies, but I love this movie’ and he loved the character Booker. And after that conversation and hearing my vision, he was in, which was amazing. Marwan Kenzari, I saw him in this independent film called Wolf—
Greg: Yeahhhhhh.
Gina: Phenomenal. And he was supposed to read for the part. We had a meeting over FaceTime. Then, Zoom was not what it is now. And it was such an incredible meeting. He was so passionate about the material. So passionate about the character Joe. So passionate about wanting to give that speech. His energy… I just said 'you don't need to read, like, you're Joe'. Luca Marinelli, who plays Nicky, I saw his audition. He has this depth to him, those eyes.. where you just, you felt everything, you felt his soul. But I needed to do a chemistry reading, as I would with any love story. And so, we flew him in to read with Marwan. They did this incredible improv, and it was so obvious that these two were Joe and Nicky. It was a really beautiful moment as a director to just… know, and I was so excited to show everybody what they had. It leapt off the screen, their connection; they’d never met before but, immediate connection. Chiwetel Ejiofor, I mean… [awed silence]
Greg: Chiwetel... yeah.
Gina: Yeah. To hear that he wanted to be in this and work with me on this, I didn't need anything else at that point. He's truly a genius. Charlize, you know, there are very few women who can work in the space and we believe them. And that's the thing about her work, and her action, we believe her. And we needed that for Andy. And of course she's a great actress, so it was, you know, that was kind of a no-brainer. So, lastly Harry Melling, you know our villain. It's funny, Don Granger, at Skydance, says you've done a good job with your villain if the audience wants to punch him in the face. Harry brought that reality of those templates of Mark Zuckerberg and Martin Shkreli and really rocked it.
Greg: I had, you know, I'm the screenwriter, right? And I am pretty much involved in the production at the director’s sufferance, and Gina was so gracious to want me present-- and more than that, want me present and say things, right? As opposed to ‘stand here and be quiet’, but I remember when Kiki… when they knew they wanted Kiki, like in that window before all the paperwork was done and so on. Throughout most of the casting I wasn't hearing a lot from Gina, just the occasional update. Like ‘I think we've got…’ and then the Kiki audition came in, and Gina, you called me, Granger texted me, Grimm texted me. And it was all the same thing. It was all ‘we have found Nile, oh my god, there were these two scenes and she had us howling in one and weeping in the other and she is perfect’. And the exuberant joy, you know, I remember you on that call being like ‘NO, THIS IS HER!!’. It's like, this is gonna be awesome.
P: So, and to open things up a little bit more to the actual mythology of the film and the comic book series, I think one of the coolest things is that this film doesn't entirely explore is why these characters come back to life? But we also don't entirely need to know that to just… witness this slice of time in their journey. So I'm kind of curious, maybe Greg you have more insight on this, but I'm curious if either of you have those ideas in your head of what the root of this, you know, blessing or curse, the curse of immortality? Or is that just stuff that's entirely irrelevant to this journey?
Greg: I think it's irrelevant… to the journey of the first film. That the story is a self-contained story and you don't need to know why they are immortal. And I think that the film actually does tell you, not specifically, but the film does provide you with enough information to allow you to draw certain conclusions. Because there are really a limited number of ways that they're going to get this way, right? We do not, for instance, see Nile fall into a vat of regeneration juice, right? That's not why Nile comes back. There is a mythology. We know the mythology. We know the why and that's for later. Yes, maybe it will become relevant to the story, but for this story that was told as it was told? No, you don't need to know why.
Gina: The striking thing, when I read the script for the first time was I didn't… I didn't care. Like, I didn't need it. And that surprised me because I know Greg had talked about another company who was interested in the project [Gina doesn’t say, but it was Sony lmao] kept asking ‘you have to tell us why though, in this story, an audience needs to know why’. He was absolutely right [for disagreeing with Sony]. Because I didn't need to know why.
Greg: It's the Rian Johnson School of, you know, it's Looper. ‘We can spend two hours talking about time travel or you can accept that we're in time travel. Which is it going to be?’ And I think that that is one of the most brilliant storytelling decisions made in the last 20 years in film! Literally 'here it is—DOESN’T MATTER, MOVING ON!’ you know.
P: Yeah. It's definitely a bold direction to take. And to have an issue with 'oh, well, we never learn [about the] immortality!' proves that you just miss the point of what the movie is, and that that stuff is kind of irrelevant for right now. Although I do kind of hope that because it's on Netflix someone's expecting like a post credit scene, but it's the autoplay feature, right? [Greg and Patrick talk over eachother, laughing]
Greg: We did talk about that button as a post-credit scene, the Booker [scene]—
Gina: That was originally supposed to be a tag.
Greg: And there was, for a while, the contemplation of ‘maybe we can still [put the Booker scene in as a post-credit scene] and really that'll be like a great big reward for those people who actually watch credits on Netflix. It’s like, you got a bonus scene!’
P: So another, you know, people are loving the characters, they're loving the performances, but also the action is so cool in it, and it feels reminiscent of some other films. But the urgency and efficiency of all of the action sequences always feel like they have a point, and they're not just ‘look what we can pull off this week!’ You know, it's not John Wick on a horse fighting motorcycles because we don't need to do that. It's, you know, always to a point. So I'm kind of curious Greg, what does an action scene look like in your script? And then Gina, what was your whole motivation for putting these action scenes together?
Greg: I had two approaches in this script and used both. Sometimes I would write the sequence as you know, as a series-- this is what is happening, ‘he swings and then his head goes flying’ or whatnot. But knowing very well that unless the script needed to see-- because the script has to specify what is a must. It's a must. It's a must document. ‘We must see this’. ‘We must know this information’. So for a lot of the time, I would sort of drop into a narrative voice and say, ‘okay, now we watch the five of them proceeded to kick every ass and take every name that they come across and please bear in mind you are watching over 10,000 years of combat experience, combined between them’. And then that's the description of an action sequence, right? The screenplay… it's a construction document. It's not the interior decorator’s document. It's not even the Foreman's document. It's an architectural document. And then you give it to the Foreman of the whole production, who then goes, ‘I agree, these are the important things’, and then you get out of their way and watch them do the thing that they have, you know, become an expert at doing to make it happen.
P: Gina, what's your reaction when you read Greg’s script saying, ‘oh, you know, just five immortal warriors demonstrating 10,000 years of combat experience’?
Gina: It's like ‘oh shit’. [everyone laughs] Like that's a very cool thing to read—
Greg: But how do you film it?
Gina: Yeah, exactly! Then you start at the beginning of the scene and 'what character can we reveal in the scene'? And when you start like that, it's less overwhelming. Because the best action sequences for me, when I go to the movies, are those that have a story to them and that are character driven, that have an emotion. So I really started there in the vision of what they should be and just working with my incredible, incredible stunt team, Jeff Habberstad and Danny Hernandez and Bryson Counts[? I dont know who that is]. Designing these fights to tell this story, to showcase this part of character, to further the story. And that was important as well, that we never wanted this film to feel like… rushing through the story to get to each action sequence. All of this works seamlessly. The quiet moments are just as important as the action moments. And so that was exciting to me. But being able to tell the story, reveal character, that was fun. And then it's ‘yeah, how do we choreograph so it feels as if these characters finish each other sentences, so to speak, in terms of action, knowing where the other is going to be, knowing when somebody's out of bullets and need another clip?' Like all those things, the way that they're always picking up used guns and used clips, just this dance. And it was very cool, you know, to really put that together and see what the team came up with. And then to see the actors embody that, bring character, bring performance to that. Which is why it was so great that I had the actual actors doing most of the work, so that we can see that performance.
Greg: I think you used a word that I think clearly came from what Gina’s describing and talking about with working with Danny and Jeff and Bryson. Which is 'efficient'. Like, if you watch the film, you will see that there is only one sequence where Andy is ever firing more than twice, and it is on the killing room floor. After that, whenever she fires a gun, it's one bullet. It goes exactly where she wants it to go. Everything she does becomes an issue of ‘her style is efficiency—‘
Gina: Yeah, that was a big—‘brutal efficiency’ is a term we talked about often, where they know a kill shot. They are not the type that are going to go in an environment and spray. It's lazy and not who they are. They are not going to ever hit someone by accident. They are too good. And their moral code is not like an ordinary For Hire who are just trying to get the target by any means necessary.
P: Yeah, and also speaking to what I feel set these action sequences apart from other action films is, we're used to, you know, like thumping techno or hard rock or something kick in. You know, I don't think anyone had like, you know, Frank Ocean being in an action film on Netflix on their 2020 Bingo cards. So I'm just kind of curious how you put that soundtrack together and what that process was like.
Gina: Yeah. I love music so much. It's so much a part of me as an artist. And for me, I love songs for scores, songs that can evoke an emotion, and elevate a scene or the emotion of a scene without taking it over. And music for this film was so important, to the tone. It was such a balance. This is a violent film, yet I never wanted it to feel like a celebration of violence. The fact that there was a cost to the killing and then motion to the killing. So always wanted to keep that in mind-- and music really helped with that. There's also a thing of, you know, I'm the first audience and I actually don't like heavy metal. So, it annoys me when I watch a movie and it's this non-stop thump. In the rectory —spoiler alert— when Andy kills 19 people, the music I chose was important because it took away the sting of that. I didn't want an audience to revel in ‘oh my God, she killed 19 people’. No, it was ‘she killed 19 people and you see on her face that this was not fun, this was not easy’. You see that on Nile’s face when she walks out, and the music helped that. I wanted the music to feel operatic, because what happened in that room did have that depth of emotion, so music again— so important for vibe and tone and it was fun to find these songs that could do exactly what I wanted them to do.
P: Greg, the narrative is definitely very faithful to the first two Old Guard series and, you know, blends together in this compelling and unique way… Just as a —you know, we are comicbook.com— so coming from the purest sense of interpreting the narrative... [Greg laughs] like there's definitely the flashback with Achilles from the comic book, and then also the flashback to Booker's hanging scene. Those are our absent from the film. And I was just curious if those were ever in the script or if you want to rework them for the future…?
Greg: No, I mean we also had, in the original series, the flashback that sort of accounts the Joe and Nicky, ‘we killed each other’, ‘many times’ sequence as well. There were drafts where all of that was there. And sometimes in greater detail than others. There was a version where that hospital scene— [in the movie] you get just the right amount of… when Booker's relaying it to Nile in the mine. But, you know, there was more to that, and you can see sort of Achilles' story’s presence in the mine, right? There's a glimpse of the painting. So those things weren't erased as much as… when you make a comic, every choice you are making is an efficiency choice. ‘You have X many pages, how are you going to spend them?’ And I'm not a filmmaker. I'm the guy who wrote the thing. But one of the things I can tell you when watching is that it's the same calculus but exponentially. It is— every single thing you are doing is asking if it's serving your narrative. And I think the trade —because it is a trade— of the Achilles backstory to build the Quynh story has a benefit that the Achilles story alone didn't have, in that the Quynh story —especially as it's relayed in the movie— not only does it illuminate Joe, Nicky, Booker, and of course Andy, but it's also Illuminating to Nile, in a way that… talking about Achilles would have been repeating a beat. Because as beautiful, and as important, Achilles is to Andy's character… Booker conveys that heartbreak with his story, right? So it becomes an efficiency question as much as anything else. I mean, that that's really what it comes down to.
P: Speaking to some of the changes again, I don't want to get to spoiler heavy but there's definitely a big change with one character and their possible fate. Don't want to ruin anything for anyone, so trying to play it safe.
Greg: [laughing] Yeah, how are we supposed to answer this, Patrick?
P: Why don't we just text each other? [everyone laughs] Well, I'm kind of curious. One character's trajectory has changed a little bit. What were the discussions like over, you know, altering their trajectory and what that could mean, you know, for their future adventures?
Greg: Well, how do we talk around this?
P: Also, if anyone's been watching this for 40 minutes and hasn't seen the movie, they've got to adjust their priorities.
Gina: I would say, it was about adding more jeopardy and stakes. It absolutely did that. What I love so much about the story and what Greg created is that these characters are mostly immortal. So there is always that threat. But it just added another level to that. But it also crystallized so well… the fact that the moment that Andy is truly saying ‘I'm done’ a new Immortal shows up in Nile. So it just seemed to work really well and, you know, obviously having Greg be so on board with that and take it and run with it was really important.
Greg: It externalizes the conflict beautifully. And I believe I think David Ellison at Skydance likes the term downward pressure, I believe. [Gina smiles, Greg sees] Did you hear that? Did you hear that during editing? [Gina nods] But it does. Look, here's a fundamental problem; it's actually one of the problems at the heart of Force Multiplied: what's jeopardy to an immortal? Cuz it's kind of, you know, as Joe says, ‘what are you gonna do, tough guy? Kill me?’ You know, ‘if I go, I go. I don't know when I'm going’. So you you need to be able to inject into the story some level of jeopardy. You want to heighten the stakes. And it also externalizes that particular character’s conflict.
P: Gina, hopefully I don't put you too much on the spot with this question. But, you know, any time there's a big comic book project announced its, you know, fans start saying, oh, I'd love this person who's done action movies to do it’ or ‘this person who’s already done 10 Sci-Fi movies…’, you know, like Taika Waititi can't direct every movie.
Gina: I would love him to!
P: I'm just actually kind of curious, Gina, if there are any directors that you're particularly a fan of who don't necessarily have the same, you know, Marvel DC, Star Wars experience that that you'd love to hear get announced as tackling, you know, a big budget comic book movie.
Greg: I would like to know too.
Gina: Certainly, I'm excited about what Victoria Mahoney's going to be doing-- she just did second unit [director] on Star Wars, first woman to ever do that. I dig her brain so much and her aesthetic. I'm really excited to see what she's going to do in the action space, certainly.
P: Yeah, very cool. Really looking forward to her career for sure. And I think we're just about out of time here. We were down—
Gina: [raising her hand] Can I ask a question real quick? Sorry, I just need a definitive answer on this because I got called out on Twitter and I asked Greg--
Greg: [laughing] Ohhhhhhh—
Gina: So is Old Guard, is it a graphic novel? Or is it a comic?
Greg: You got to answer that Patrick.
P: Oh boy.
Greg: [laughing] Literally he's watching all credibility start to evaporate if he doesn't get this right. [holding up a comic of Opening Fire] This is a what?
P: I mean… part of me, knowing that it is part one of a three-part overall series… You know, my brain goes to ‘trade paperback’, you know, like it's a volume collecting a certain amount of issues. But if you ask me before volume 2 came out, it would be collected as a graphic novel, but… they're all comic books. They're all just comic books, everybody. Let's just take it easy.
Gina: Okay, thank you.
P: That's my answer.
Greg: Thank you. Thank you. I think that is the appropriate answer.
P: They're all just comic books. Take it easy.
P: Yeah, but I am curious. Of course, one of the interesting things about the film is that over the course of hundreds… thousands of years, these characters, the old guard have kind of influenced humanity in some definitely interesting ways… And ultimately for good, is a little bit of what we're seeing in the film. And I can't help but wonder… is it possible that the old guard could have unintentionally influenced the world for bad? And have some negative ripples come from their actions, or do I have to wait for a sequel for that?
Greg: I think that is a very reasonable and logical question to ask, especially when you know, there are 19 dead bodies lying in a church. You know what I mean? There is a certain amount— and it's almost fatuous to talk about it but there is always the doctrine of unintended consequences. I will say this goes to something else— and I'll say it really quickly because I know we're running out of time. I think one of the things that I really, really loved about what's being said, in the movie, is that at the end of the film… The definitive statement is, if you take away everything about immortality, what it's saying is that… our choices matter and our actions matter and they matter in ways and to people that we will never see and never know of. We try to put right in the world by doing right. And we do that without ever seeing what the ramifications of it are. And sometimes we're going to succeed, gloriously, and sometimes we're going to fail and we may never know that either, right? It's the choice paralysis that that you get from cheating in The Good Place, right? I can't eat or drink or move because morally it's all wrong, right? But the takeaway from the film is that, ‘yeah, your life matters and what you do with it matters and it matters to people that you're never ever going to see.’
P: So yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think that's a great positive, you know, message for us to leave on. And I definitely think that comes across in the film, especially, you know, from the characters like Joe and Nicky just professing… you know, it's about the time that you have. And you don't know when your number is going to be up. So you just try and do as many good things before that happens as you can, and hopefully the world responds to that. So I really connected with that message in the film. Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me. The Old Guard has been out for… five days. So I look forward to reuniting--
Greg: Does it feel longer to you. Gina? It feels like it's longer for me. [Gina laughs]
P: I look forward to reuniting in maybe 10 more days to talk about the sequel and spin-off and the prequel and all that sort of thing. [Greg laughs] But for now, The Old Guard is still on Netflix. And of course don't be tricked into watching any post-credit scenes because you might end up watching, you know, The Great British Bake Off. Well, thanks so much guys, it was a pleasure.
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pleasereadmeok · 4 years
A Goode Year? Review of 2020
Can’t believe it’s that time again.  What a weird year.  Despite Covid and Lockdowns we have actually seen quite a lot of Matthew Goode this year - so this is a long post to save for when you are bored of eating over the holidays!    I’m not adding links to vids, etc. like previous years because tumblr doesn’t like them anymore [Grr] but all of them are still available and I’ll signpost them. 
In January Matthew was finishing filming A Discovery of Witches Season 2 in Turin and we had some glimpses of his leather clad bod in some Teresa Palmer instastories - 
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...and in Sky’s ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ Excellent sneak peek. 
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... and Joshua’s uncle Lee gave us a few gorgeous pics ...
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In February we saw Matthew and Sophie having fun at the Pre - BAFTA party 
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[Pics - Dave Benett] 
The rest of that month was all about Leap Year’s 10 year anniversary and we drooled over Declan all over again ....
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In March Matthew was finishing filming Silent Night with Keira Knightley when the world changed.  We were introduced to ‘social distancing’.    We had to keep a full Matthew Goode length away from other people - a handy reference is below to remind you -
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[Pic - Ellen Von Unwerth]   On the upside the news broke that Matthew would be playing Keira’s husband in Silent Night (as we suspected) and that they had finished filming before lockdown in the UK.  
In April Matthew had his 42nd birthday.  Check out all of the fabulous birthday tributes posted on here around 3rd April.  As a special birthday present Sky released ‘Four Kids and It’ on their cinema channel on the same day with Matthew playing the role of slightly harassed parent David.  It was a goode family movie and just what we needed in lockdown. 
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[Pics - Sky Cinema] 
In May we got our first glimpse of Matthew in lockdown when he made a poignant contribution to Bletchley Park’s VE Day celebrations - 
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[Vid available on Bletchley Park You Tube] 
It was perfectly judged - just Matthew filming himself on his phone, in his garden, complete with birdsong.  
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“This is your finest hour.”
According to James Purefoy and Joe Fattorini Matthew shaved off his hair with the dog clippers in lockdown so he looked a bit different the next time we saw him in June!  
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Matthew appeared via zoom on ‘Dan Nicholls Really Likes Wine’ show - ‘Drinking the Goode Stuff’.  It was great seeing these old friends bantering away and drinking wine.  Of course Goode fans immediately campaigned to get Matthew on The Wine Show @ Home and we got our wish a few weeks later when Joe and Matthew had a virtual wine tasting on zoom - 
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The whole session was hilarious.  Matthew was completely adorable and funny as usual.  Amongst other things Matthew told us that Sophie had gone off pork (not a euphemism) and we got another peek at his beautiful home with Sophie’s interior design skills on show.   This is also still available on The Wine Show @Home You Tube. 
June also gave us the new trailer for ‘The King’s Man’.  We heard Matthew’s unmistakable voice as the Scots bad guy and there were some tantalising peeks of his character’s mysterious alter ego ‘Shepherd’ - 
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In July we finally got to see one of Matthew’s Q & A sessions for actors in training at Bow Street Academy in Dublin that he had recorded in May - 
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Matthew gave frank, funny and very practical advice on auditions, preparation for roles and demonstrated how to be scary with a knife! 
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August was a bit quiet - we got news that A Discovery of Witches Season 2 would now be aired in January 2021 but a new promo image helped soften the blow of that delay. - 
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[Pic - Sky]
Kingsman was delayed yet again....  but at least we got some new promo images of Matthew’s character - Captain Maximillian Morton.  (Morton? Hmm - someone on here (not me!)  spotted the relation to Roxy!]
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[Pics - Total Film/Empire]
In September Matthew’s new movie ‘The Duke’ received glowing reviews at the Venice Film Festival and we got confirmation of my speculation that he would play barrister Jeremy Hutchinson.  
Tantalisingly goode info about Matthew’s up coming movie Silent Night came from Baz Bamigboye from the Daily Mail as he called it ‘the most astonishing Christmas movie ever made’ - hopefully he meant it in a goode way!  We had fun spotting Matthew’s body parts in the pictures accompanying the article ...  
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[Pic Daily Mail] 
Production on A Discovery of Witches season 3 started under strict Covid rules and Matthew was seen filming for ADOW Season 3 in Bristol - 
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[Anthony Ward]
October was a very goode month!  
It kicked off with The Wine Show Season 3 teaser - 
Matthew ‘sub-section’ Goode joined in with the ADOW cast Q & A.  He was a funny and engaging as ever including an unforgettable impression of a ‘wafter’ and a hasty exit at the end!  
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We had the official ‘first look’ trailer for season 2 of A Discovery of Witches - 
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[pic - my edit]
The Wine Show season 3 landed on Amazon Prime in the UK and it is SO goode even tho’ there is less Matthew than usual due to filming clashes with ADOW.  Matthew was still his adorably goofy self and gave us the usual interesting fashion choices and jokes.  
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[My Edit] 
October also brought us a new tie in cover for Shadow of Night - 
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[Pic - Deborah Harkness Twitter]
And as if that wasn’t enough excitement for October we got the official news that there will be another Downton Abbey movie - starting to film in March 2021. Hopefully we will see more of him in this one! 
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[Pic - Carnival]
Matthew usually keeps his charity projects private but in November we saw him donating his ADOW ‘wedding day’ boots to be auctioned for the Small Steps Project ....
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...complete with on mud from the set.  Some lucky person is probably stroking that suede as I write this! 
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[Pics - Small Steps project] 
Matthew also recorded some charming contributions to the #SaveJenny campaign.  He evicted the dog from her favourite chair by the radiator in the kitchen and sat there to read the opening chapter of Wind in the Willows - 
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and later ‘The Night before Christmas’ poem complete with music! 
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You can still see these contributions and most importantly DONATE  - links are listed below - 
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December has been all about A Discovery of Witches season 2 - with a stunning second trailer and plenty of teasers and pictures from Sky and Bad Wolf - there are too many to include but here’s a few - 
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[Pics my edit / sky/badwolf]
So what of next year?  So many goode things to look forward to.  I’ll do ‘Goode Things coming in 2021′ a bit earlier next year because January is gonna be BUSY for Goode fans!   
Thank you SO MUCH for making time to read this blog.  And a big thank you to Goode fans who create content to share with others on here and on matthew-goode.net.  We really appreciate the effort that everyone puts in to sharing the Goode Stuff.  
Lastly I have to thank Matthew Goode who patiently tolerates the fan nonsense while he tries to pretend that he doesn’t actually have any fans anyway!  
Cheers Matthew! 
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kaydeefalls · 3 years
@kobayboshi​ tagged me in a music meme, which, simultaneously: cool, thanks! And also: oh fuck now I get to expose my ignorance of popular music, because, like, I am not an audio-oriented person and I genuinely don’t listen to music much. So. This will be trickier than it should be. (I would say it’s because I’m Old, but I’ve always been like this. I was the teenager who only ever listened to Beatles and Broadway. In a decade when neither of those things were popular.)
1. Favourite song at the moment
...this is a thing people have opinions on, isn’t it. This is a normal question to ask. I don’t...have one? If I’m vidding, the answer tends to be whatever song I’m using in the vid, but I’m not at the moment, so. Uh. “Paciencia e Fe” from In the Heights has been stuck in my head lately even though I don’t know it very well yet, let’s go with that.
2. A song you associate with your favourite ship
I tend to associate specific musical artists with different fandoms rather than individual songs. Tom McRae was always Charles/Erik for me, for example. So, sure, “Ghost of a Shark” for Cherik (“I’m gonna leave any minute...”). For Joe/Nicky, I think I’ve made it fairly obvious that Vienna Teng’s “Eric’s Song” is Their Song for me (“of course I forgive, I’ve seen how you live...”).
3. A song that could be about you
I am really bad at this meme, is my answer to this one. I don’t...feel songs like that? I mean, they make me feel feelings, but I never think, wow, that’s MY song right there.
4. A song you think is overrated
For a while there, my wife and I joked that Ed Sheeran’s “The Shape of You” came on the radio literally every time we got in the car. Less true lately, that was a couple years ago, and I don’t DISLIKE the song. It was just weirdly everywhere for a minute there. (I only know Ed Sheeran via osmosis, like when it comes around the radio; I have never consciously chosen to listen to his music, and mean no offense if he’s your fave.)
5. A song that reminds you of a good memory
Any song from RENT comes around and I’m instantly back in high school, belting out the entire soundtrack in the hallways with my friends. It’s nowhere near my favorite musical anymore, but still, good times.
6. The last song you listened to
My phone informs me it was Green Day’s “Viva la Gloria?”, which is on one of my usual daily-walk-outside playlists.
7. A song that makes you laugh
Jonathan Coulton amuses me. Any of his songs, most likely. Also, yesterday I inexplicably had “Big Ass Rock” from the Full Monty (musical) soundtrack stuck in my head, and it makes me giggle a lot.
8. A song you want your mutuals to listen to
You all have much better taste in music than I do, I promise you. But hey, if you’ve never heard Rufus Wainwright’s “Oh What a World”, it’s worth a listen. That’s one of the few songs I’ve ever encountered where I had to stop a friend and make her sit in silence and listen to it with me, because it just makes me so happy. (And is, like, almost 20 years old at this point, yikes.)
Tagging anyone who wants to share their far superior taste in music!
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thosequeenboys · 4 years
My Tumblr One-year Anniversary
Appreciation Post: Shout out to some great creators!
I put together this post of creators whose work I’ve enjoyed as part of my One-year Anniversary. Many create in multiple categories: Art, gifs, moodboards, writing, history, humor. My mind boggles daily at the talent on this site! Thanks to those here and many others for contributing to a great year!
Enjoy their work-and you know what to do!
I’m no doubt leaving people out-sorry if I upset anyone-I actually maxed out the allowed @‘s!
@warriorteam1924. “I want it all!” And this Renaissance Woman delivers: Gif/video/photo editor/moodboard creator—and talented writer of many styles! And Bestie! Recent fave offers a glimpse into Roger’s past As far as the Eye Can See And other gems on this Masterlist
@johndeaconshands Dear friend with great sense of humor! Lovely Works including this BoRhap Boys with Families: it’s the little things
@roger-taylors-car Here’s the glorious Masterlist of this great writer & lovely supporter
@bohemianartsfarts: This amazing artwork inspired my Joger Week submission.
@freddie-moments Curator of stunning Freddie photos and gifs. Here’s one of my faves as I am a huge fan of Fred in Arrow-wear ™️ and Hot off the press: 10-day Freddie challenge
@angrylizardjacket Especially love this writer’s Unspecified Reader works like this Soft Sunrise with Roger
@seventhmoonforreal I was in tears upon discovering this artist’s graphic novel of 39
@onegoldenglance posts rare photos and beautiful gifs-also does scientific study (x)
@debdarkpetal “Everyone knows Deb” as Joe said about Ben. Curator and Editor Extraordinaire of Queen photos and gifs. (X)
@quirkysubject For the Day I Take your Hand is a gorgeously written work of time travel that weaves in Queen, AIDs and NYC history. Hold the handrail, kids-it’s 88 emotional chapters.
@his-majesty-king-mercury Freddie expert and Historian!! Lovely pal - And talented writer too: Loverboy
@an-abyss-called-life Historian esp. for Roger and Brian. Love this interview with Roger (x)
@melisa-may-taylor72 Amazing historian, gif creator and lovely pal. Yoyogi ‘85 concert clips and all Japan tour gifs-and stories are stellar!
@cumberbitchposting Hilarious creations and comments. I feel called out with this one - as do many (x)
@doctorqueensanatomy All around great contibutor, humorist, supporter-and writer: Masterlist
@stesichoreanpalinode: Leads the humor brigade. This post almost made me choke. And why am I being called out as John? It happened ONCE ok maybe TWICE— but I did find plates!
@mephisto92 Gawd what talent! Here, combining two of my loves: Queen and Monet moodboards And one of the Best Fandom creations: Let me tell you the story about the sun and the moon
@drivenbybri Gorgeous artwork and mood board creator. This stunning Queen 30-day Song Challenge will kick-off my second year!
@natromanxoff posts amazing historic photos and gifs. Gosh, I love this Queen Backstage mood board made for me. Thanks, Dear! (x)
@queensilveryrog Talented writer and mood board creator plus lovely person and supporter! Also leader of the Small Writers Discord Group!Can’t choose one work so have at it! (X)
@captvinswaan This Joe and Ben gif-Moodboard is a fave-and puts me in a damn good mood!
@stardust-killer-queen Amazing contributor! Must-see compilation: feel good Queen vids Gifted me this stunning moodboard for the Possessed by Love event. I love it so much!
@heybuddy-drabbles @halfasleepoetry This creative duo penned the beautiful slow burn Parallel Hearts and supports Hardzzello writers.
@yourlocalmusicalprostitute great work in Masterlist. This Brian HC is •gulps•
@benhardypout Incredible writer, Moodboard creator and supporter. Masterlist
@slutforbritdick Darling pal and supporter & writer. Love this hot and lovely Ben work.
@bohemiansweede a multi-faceted contributor Totally blown away by this art work (x)
@mirkwoodshewolf: Treasured pal. creative brainstormer. Gifted writer. Smart as hell. Was Thrilled to receive this amazing work as my Secret Santa: Two bassists in rhythmic love Elton John+Queen John=Happy TQB. Blessed!
@jessahmewren Talented writer who has inspired me. This Poly!Queen Four Eyes is a fave. Who wouldn’t want to show Rog how sexy he is in his glasses??!!
@queeme-machine Interesting and insightful poster - this one about The Prophet’s Song. (X)
@jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels Dear friend & supporter, skilled Sunflower 🌻 grower - and writer. Faves: Very Mazzello Thanksgiving & Don’t you hear my call
@im-an-adult-ish Lovely pal and supporter and a skilled writer to boot: Morning Surprises
@deakysgurl Curator of beautiful Deaky pics, great supporter and writer. Love this present day John love story My Life Has Been Saved.
@amethyst-serenade Blessed to be friends with this lovely, fun & talented writer. Must read!: In the Name Of Love
@mazzell-ro Lovely pal, supporter and writer. Love this creative depiction of Joe as Villian.
@stephydearestxo. Lovely pal and supporter-and wonderful writer! Play the game
@ramblingqueenfangirl insightful and lovely posts. This of Freddie is beautiful (x)
Much gratitude to the following dears who support, reblog and comment and also have great blogs. Love seeing u on my dash: @jennyggggrrr @captaincoffeegirl515 @marianaletosnape @oniriquex @punkebass @stewielover95 @mrsjosephmazzello @igotsuckedintothevoid @lapofthemusicgods @fairestkillerqueenofall @hellysthings @roger-hardy-taylor @pastelhybristophiliac @nickie--picky @orionis8689 @brinteylovesaliens @supernaturalee @39-ers
Here’s all the ways I measured my great tumblr year!
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isakvaltersnake · 4 years
it is safe to say that I rewatch your Nicky & Joe vids on a near-daily basis. thank you for your service, your work is endlessly appreciated.
thank you so much, that means the world to me 😭😭😭
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ml-pnp · 4 years
Furry Fueled by Grey Paste
Hopefully we are all managing the grey paste of groundhog’s day well. I have been watching DS9 on BBC America, I appreciate the campy/ slap stick of more now and seem to draw much more from the “lessons” than... well 20ish years ago. Today they decided to run nature something or other so i reverted for a time back to the news............
The “honorable” and “illustrious’ Gov. of NY:
In his daily COVID-19 update on Monday, Governor Cuomo said reopening the state is going to take time, and that time should be used to re-imagine what society should be.
He said a Reimagine Task Force will be led by the state, primarily focusing on downstate New York.
Governor Cuomo also announced the launch of a pilot program to bring healthcare care services to public housing residents in New York City.
I have from time to time considered setting myself on fire (yes literally) if it would do a bit of good. Today was the first time Seppuku was considered. Let my disgust with this bleed out. Some kind of honorable opt out for this insanity.
There is in this moment an unbelievable opportunity to re imagine society, it is inevitable. The illustrious governor  IS ......using it as PROPaganda............ to further old unimaginative ideas. It matters little if the Progressive collectivist or the common good collectivist win the day.   
they will have Killed the Chance..............
dooming us to repeat history for who knows how many more generations.
we need the creative thinkers to burn this this ..... “train” we are on to the ground.... and  the pull up the tracks... and proclaim that trains are the work of the devil or space ballerinas (tumblr sp chk ) trying to control us..... whatever gets the job done. I really do believe there is another enlightenment or reformation possible starting in our life times if we can move past all the poisonous distraction of our ideological wars.
I don’t know what to do about it....no idea. There is no room at the moment for me to take the kinds of risks that might be necessary.........
PLease find a way to think...... truly......... differently.
Though i don’t agree with all of it/mostly YouTube vids........Some fuel for the FIRE
https://cultml.tumblr.com/post/190395368773  (Roger Scruton)
https://cultml.tumblr.com/post/612956894637817856/cultml-well-would-have-saved-a-few-years-of  (ken wilber)
https://cultml.tumblr.com/post/186827063566 ( What Is Killing Western Civilization? With Douglas Murray, Claire Fox and Yaron Brook )
https://cultml.tumblr.com/post/188769632388/cultml-tits-freudenthal-magic-square-and-other ( Eric Weinstein)
and the rest   https://cultml.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/video
https://cultml.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/black swan
https://cultml.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/reversion is not reformation
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joeys-babe · 3 months
Daily random Joe vid?(please?🙏🏻🧎🏻‍♀️)
Daily random Joe vid, day eleven!!! Here’s a video of a time Joe was happy to participate with the Bengals social team. 🥹🧡
Edit: The sound of CJ’s cleats when he almost eats the concrete is hilarious. 😂
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zhauric · 5 years
Get To Know Me Tag Thing
Get To Know Me Tag Thing                                                        
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better.
1. Dogs or Cats?
No preference between the two. I enjoy them both equally.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
Don’t really give a damn much about celebrities other than a few I think are rather damn gorgeous. I couldn’t pick most of these YouTube celebrities out of a freaking lineup.
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
No where in particular really. There are places I want to visit like Japan and Europe, etc., but no where I would say is my dream place to live. Every place has it’s plus and minuses. I have more in the way of places I don’t want to live if anything.
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
Probably Disney if anything.
5. Favourite childhood TV show?
All about the cartoons mainly in my childhood. GI Joe, Tranformers, Thundercats, He-Man. Can pick any really. Also Dukes of Hazard, A-Team, Incredible Hulk and Knight Rider.
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
Can’t really say until more trailers come out. I looked up the list of movies expected and nothing really sticks out to me and some may not happen. If choosing one I would probably say Eternals since it’s Marvel and I don’t know much about them and Salma Hayek is in it. I’ll watch damn near anything with that woman in it. Wonder Woman is one since I enjoyed the first one and Gal Gadot….come on. I see Dune is being re-adapted so going to have to see some trailers.
7. Favourite book you read in 2019?
Shit. I have read 74 books this year so probably a few. If picking just one off of my Goodreads maybe I’ll go with Poor Man’s Fight by Elliott Kay. I was in a big sci-fi mood this year it would seem. 
8. Marvel or DC?
Both are fine with me. Marvel movies are, of course, great while DC comes out with great animated shows and has some decent ones on TV. 
9. If you choose Marvel favourite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member?
X-Men = Wolverine or Storm. 
Justice League = Batman
10. Night or Day?
11. Favourite Pokemon?
Don’t really care about Pokémon so no answer there. I know who Pikachu is but the rest? No damn clue.
12. Top 5 bands:
Don’t follow bands so wouldn’t have an answer here. 
13. Top 10 books.
This may be too damn difficult but I’ll give it a whirl. Some I’ll just throw a whole series in because it’s simpler. Just listing. No real order.
Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson 
Poor Man’s Fight series by Elliott Kay
The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey
Mitch Rapp series by Vince Flynn
Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
Kate Daniels series by Illona Andrews
Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne
The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman
Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
14. Top 4 movies
Just four? *laughs* That’s a tough one. More than four but I’ll go with the first that spring to mind in no specific order.
Star Wars
Black Panther
The Godfather
15. America or Europe?
Never been to Europe so America I guess though I am a sucker for the French language as one previous roleplay partner took advantage of to make me weak *grins*  
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Tumblr since I don’t touch my Twitter. I can only have time for so much social media.
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
18. Favourite YouTuber?
Usually comedy skits like Carey and Nellyvidz
19. Favourite author ?
Don’t really have a favorite so to speak but met Brent Weeks and Kevin Hearne during book signings and both of those dudes were top notch. Enjoyed talking to them both. I also love watching Jenna Moreci’s writing vids.
20. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee. Tea is alright but coffee is nearly a daily regimen *laughs*
21. OTP ?
Had to look this up. Hell with that. I am choosing my own *laughs* Kaelivh and Nattai. Ying and yang. He’s rough around the edges and doesn’t care if anyone knows it or how they feels. She’s loving and kindhearted. She brings a calm to the storm that sometimes rages inside of him and he brings a fire inside of her she can’t ignore. Helps I’ve been roleplaying and knowing the player of Nattai for over ten years.
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
Nope but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Tagged by: @vylette-elakha @nocturnedreaming My thanks for it
Tagging: @divine-ruin @cadrenebula @but-first--tea​ @yuki-yukichan @ivyffxiv @nihil242 @carmen-ffxiv @afreesworn @halcyonic-aether @lulu-ffxiv @resistance-ranger​  
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what should Joe Mazzello use his newfound YouTube channel for
a) like for makeup tutorials 
b) reblog for reaction vids to Queen performances/music videos
c) reply for daily vlogs (trips to grocery store, “SToRyTimE,” relationship problems w/ CardyB, etc)
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wabbitseezonarchive · 5 years
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repost, don’t reblog.
– one / name / alias.  Willow  this is actually my middle name – two /  birthday.  February 25 – three / zodiac sign.  Pisces, and oh god, sometimes i’m like ‘shit’ bc it’s so accurate lmao; but we’ve got our good traits! i’m just super ‘out there’ and will randomly think about like, how time is just human’s way of measuring the planets moving around each other and doesn’t actually exist the way most of us imagine it-----see?! i can’t just say this stuff!... or can I? – four /  height.  5′4″ – five  /  hobbies.  RPing, uhhhh---watching youtube vids about history and science lmao i’m a nerd BUT WHATEVER, also drawing occasionally but i’d like to be more consistent with it – six /  favourite colours.  teal, forest green – seven / favourite books.  Paper Moon by Joe David Brown, and Who Censored Roger Rabbit? (which is soooooo far from the movie that was based off of it ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’, which I’m sure we all know about lmao; they’re like totally opposite stories!! but I love the book too) – eight  /  last song listened to.  does ‘relaxing rain sounds’ on youtube count?? if not then it’s Moscow by Autoheart – nine  /  last film watched. road to el dorado! one of my fav movies and one i want an AU for so badly lmao – ten  /  inspiration for muse.  ohhhh man, okay *me lying down on a couch* it all started in childhood........ i was a tender youth of the age of 8, my brother, mother and i were all sitting around the tv waiting for the schoolbus to come pick us up; this was a daily ritual for us, and soon my mom started calling my brother ‘bugs’ and me ‘daffy’, because those were both of our favorite characters. my bro and i grew up loving looney tunes, and we’d connect over them so much! those cartoons were such a bonding experience with my brother and mother and i---and i remember my mom taking us to sixglags when we were a lil older, like i was 11 and my bro was 14 or something, and we FLIPPED WITH EXCITEMENT---hnnh :’) just good times ♥ also i relate to daffy a lot, because he tries his best and sometimes it blows up in his face, and sometimes he doubts himself, but deep down, he knows he’s worthy of love and success, and never gives up even if he never seems to get a break (luckily i don’t have as tough a time as daffy does lmaao) – eleven  / dream job.  AMBASSADOR OF EARTH!!!!! or like, an artist – twelve  / meaning behind your url.  y’know, like, the ‘rabbit season’ thing 👀 
tagged by:  @ghostbustingreen tagging: @turnsofate; @bluesmuses;  @toontcwn; @sourgrapelaffytaffy; @hcdgepcdge; @thatscwewywabbit; @themoralpuppington; @blowthehousedown; @rcinbowconnection + anyone else !! ♥
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shonaghhome · 5 years
Navigating 2020 with Reason
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“You are in a unique season where earth’s people have lost reason.”
                                                                       ~ Shonagh Home
Happy New Year and buckle your seat belt! From what I’ve heard astrologically we are in for a very tumultuous and powerfully potent year. It begins with a Pluto Capricorn conjunct, which means the planets meet very closely and that will deliver the magnetics of increased polarization, tension and breakdown in societal structures. This occurs individually as well as collectively so be prepared to go into your own ground and address any unresolved personal material that will undermine your ability to create from a place of empowerment and maturity.
This next year also brings in a new cycle whose focus is on building structures from foundations that have been laid. One astrologist wrote that Saturn and Pluto together impart a cathartic intensity that forces us to cultivate courage and determination as we head into a chaotic time of change, hopefully for the better.  
2020 is also an election year and you can be assured that the powers that be will use the dark wand of media to instill even greater tension and enmity between people, and no doubt we will have another major “event” that will cause incredible division. This is an ancient technique called “divide and rule,” and I shake my head in wonder that so many people still fall for such blatant manipulation. We are being played. The cultural narrative through all forms of media and “education” is fallacious nonsense designed to get us to despise each other rather than come together harmoniously.
Navigating 2020 will require the ability to see through the thick scum of daily bullshit, and you can do so by truly empowering yourself with knowledge and understanding of the Logical Fallacies.
We have not been taught this reasoning tool in our state-run schools. Logical Fallacies are flaws in reasoning used extensively in media and politics to trick the public. A proper rational argument consists of cogent point, counterpoint. It does not include name/term calling, fabrication of an entirely different definition of what someone said followed by a treatise on that fabrication, the stirring up of feelings so people react from emotion rather than reason, etc. etc. The actual terms for these approaches are found in the list of Logical Fallacies, which are written in Latin and English, giving us an idea of just how old this knowledge is.
Human nature hasn’t changed much over time and the powers that be have a better understanding of how the psyche works than the average Joe. That understanding is used to manipulate us to adopt ideologies, desire stuff we don’t need, hate on each other, etc. When one learns the logical fallacies they can no longer be manipulated because they can recognize the contradictions in what they are hearing or reading.
An all too common logical fallacy is Ad Hominem, meaning “attack the man.” Vast numbers of people now are quick to label others “racist,” “sexist,” “homophobic” – (and too many more examples to count) as soon as they disagree or misinterpret what someone else has said. This shuts down rational dialogue and the spirit of inquiry, and results in a complete breakdown of intelligent discussion, which means nothing gets resolved and emotions, rather than reason rule the day. When one can recognize this, they can immediately disengage from pervasive toxic dialogue and seek out others who are capable of intelligent, thoughtful and rational discussion. If everyone had this understanding there would be no room for the deplorable display of toxic, irrational communication we see everywhere.
The list of Logical Fallacies is too long for this newsletter but you can learn them through listening to a few good vids on the subject that will offer examples of each.
Here is just one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IawIjqOJBU8
You can also check out this website on the Trivium to learn what used to be taught to children before the federal government imposed compulsory schooling that included Pavlovian and Skinner conditioning and indoctrination techniques designed to produce unquestioning compliance and an inability to reason.
Navigating 2020 with this understanding will save us from tremendous stress and heartache. Keeping our eyes on our goals - as well as our own personal material  - will serve us well and even protect us as we enter this new decade.
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monikakrasnorada · 7 years
Hiding in Plain Sight- part seven
Evolution- Deductions vs Mind Palace: A Comprehensive Look
“Sometimes a deception is so audacious, so outrageous that you can’t see it even when it’s staring you in the face.”
We’re nearly there. Just one more part after this one. My closing argument and the entire reason for all of these posts. If you’ve ready any- or all of them- I want to thank you and hope that, once it’s all said and done, I haven’t wasted your time. <3
I really want to try and keep this one short and simple. There’s nothing really left to uncover regarding new revelations about this episode. I mean, it’s pretty straight-forward in that it takes place in Sherlock’s head.
This episode was ground zero for EMP theory. The questionable ‘realness’ of the modern scenes led @the-7-percent-solution, @gosherlocked and myself to discuss the idea that if we couldn’t trust to know which of those modern scenes were real, then how could we know what led up to TAB was real either. And, thus a theory was born!
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Right from the start, we knew this episode was going to be a trip. Most everyone in fandom that had been keeping up with setlock during filming probably guessed this would largely take place in Sherlock’s head. I mean, how else could they make a suddenly Victorian era Sherlock fit into a modern series? What we weren’t prepared for was just how ‘immersed’ Sherlock truly would be within the whole thing.
So far on Sherlock
That was an understatement. Immediately, they start the episode off with a re-cap which would usually show the pertinent moments of the show. The things that we should remember from episodes past, that have led us to this point. 
In a show titled Sherlock, in the episode just before this one, you would think it would be an ideal time to refresh everyone’s memories on the most important and pivotal moment from that episode. Like, oh, I don’t know:
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Instead, this is what they choose to show us, and the dialogue they felt important to refresh our memories about:
Inverted intro to Sherlock
“The name is Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker St.” *wink*  “Afternoon.”
“Yeah, he’s always like that”
Police officer disguise from TGG
Whipping the corpse, “Bad day was it?”
Meeting Mycroft “Since yesterday you’ve moved in with him and now your solving crimes together” Baker St door slams shut in our face
*Mwah!* To Hudders, “Look at you, all happy. It’s not decent.” “Who cares about decent? The game, Mrs Hudson, is on!”
Parliament explodes
“Don’t make people into heroes, John. Heroes don’t exist and if they did-”
John in the Symtex vest at the pool “I wouldn’t be one of them”
“I will burn the heart out of you”
Irene and the vicar “Right, this should do it”
“Are you wearing any pants?” Giggle
Irene using her whiphand “This is how I want you to remember me, the woman who beat you”
“But, there never was any monster” “Sherlock”
“Here we are at last” Moriarty’s suicide
“Goodbye, John” “SHERLOCK!”
“Those things will kill you” As John struggles to get to Sherlock
Lestrade, “Oh, you bastard”
“The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins”
John chasing Sherlock across the street from ASiP (first case)
“Just the two of us against the rest of the world”
Glasgow kiss
“WAIT!” Sherlock jumps over gate in TRF
“We’re going to need to coordinate” Sherlock’s grave
“I asked you for one more miracle. I asked you to stop being dead”
“I heard you”
“Shut up. You are not a puzzle solver. You never have been. You’re a drama queen. Now there is a man in there-” Sherlock puts on his deerstalker “-about to die. The game is on! SOLVE IT!”
“He is the Napoleon of blackmail” CAM opens the ‘closet’, regards his mind palace
“No chance for you to be a hero this time, Mr. Holmes” as Mycroft’s helicopter hovers
“I’m a high-functioning sociopath” Shoots CAM
“There is no prison in which to incarcerate Sherlock without causing a riot on a daily basis. The alternative however would require your approval”
“To the very best of times, John”
Flies away
“Did you miss me?”
“How is this possible?”
“How is the exile going?” “I’ve only been gone 4 minutes”
“Well. I certainly hope you’ve learned your lesson.”
“Who needs me this time?”
Moriarty’s ‘miss me?’ vid (but not the one that was shown on all the tv screens) The real deal.
Plane returns
At this point, it is still all about Sherlock and John.
More under the cut.
As I was watching this, I made a separate post about the only bit we see of Mary in the whole thing. But, also what struck me most were the images and corresponding dialogue of this part:
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They made certain to remind us that John has called Sherlock a ‘drama queen’. Can’t imagine why that would be relevant in an episode about to take place completely within Sherlock’s mind.
But, I also went out on a limb as to what the second two images could mean with the dialogue they are shown with:
*EMP alert* If I were a person that believed Sherlock is in coma (I am) and that he could possibly hear what is going on around him (I do) then I could argue that this might be a bit of coma bleed-through, or simply that Sherlock is telling himself- reminding himself- that he has to solve this case. This very ‘old’ case of The Abominable Bride because he is, in fact, dying.
What I’m confusingly trying to say, and point out here, has to do with a lot of the complaints of S4. That Mofftiss lost the plot. Which, again, may very well be a possibility. No one is perfect, those asshats, especially, BUT- 
Would they have managed to to write Mary as this amazing villain and then boop! in the same episode just erase that entire plot point? To what end? I guess the argument could be made that they merely wanted an excuse to do that whole grand mind palace segment, but did it have to be Mary? They could have had Janine shoot Sherlock, or even CAM for that matter. Sherlock did break into his place of business. It feels as if there is more of a long-game at play here than we are willing to allow ourselves to believe, since S4 aired. 
Mofftiss may not be perfect writers and story-tellers, but they can manage to tell a cohesive story. Nothing since the shooting has been cohesive. And that feels purposeful. If they had wanted a truly redeemed Mary, they wouldn’t have made our eyes twitch with this image:
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They wouldn’t have pointed and shouted for us to hear these lines:
Over the many years it has been my privilege to recall the exploits of my remarkable friend, Mr Sherlock Holmes, it has sometimes been difficult to choose which of his many cases to set before my readers. Some are still too sensitive to recount, whilst some are still too recent in the minds of the public. But, in all our many adventures together, no case pushed my friend to such mental and physical extremes as that of The Abominable Bride.
John’s blog
The last ‘official’ entry made on John’s blog was after the wedding. A month before Mary shot Sherlock. A post made by a pouty baby Sherlock about the wedding and complaining that John was on his ‘sex holiday’. The post before that was dated almost a month earlier (Yes, the dates for the wedding are different in the show as they are on the blog, I don’t know why, but for arguments sake, I’m just ignoring that fact) John doesn’t update on a regular schedule. It seems he posts whenever he gets around to writing up the cases. Which is fine. It’s all good. 
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The thing is, though, months have gone by. I’m sure it’s no secret to the public that Sherlock was shot, even if they managed to keep who did it from being public. Wouldn’t John have made some kind of post in that six months between the shooting and Christmas, to report that Sherlock was managing. They they would hopefully be able to start taking cases soon. To reassure their adoring public that their favorite crime-solving duo would be back on the case as soon as Sherlock was up to it?
Why are there no blog posts? Especially as we see in S4, there were plenty of cases being taken on. Hell, there were BLOG POSTS WRITTEN AND DISPLAYED ON SCREEN that all they had to do, to keep up appearances that something wasn’t off, was to upload them onto this blog. Instead, they say John is no longer updating. Why would John not be updating his blog, when there are blog posts we can read on the screen and everyone and their mother keep reminding us about if they don’t want to keep up with the blog anymore? 
I don’t imagine it was because Joe Lidster didn’t want to do it anymore, since he was so involved with the Sherlock Twitter.
What other reason could there be for the lack of blog updates during all this time, and all these cases and the need to reassure their paying clients that all is well? Hmm???
Well, John certainly wouldn’t update the blog if he were constantly at Sherlock’s bedside, worrying whether his friend was going to make it. He certainly wouldn’t update if it was still “too sensitive to recount, whilst some are still too recent in the minds of the public.”
Short and sweet
This episode is a mind palace treasure trove, as we all know. 
It’s full of mind palace within mind palace sequences:
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Evidence that drugs are truly at play with what is happening (as began in S2):
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Possible coma bleed-through:
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You name it, TAB has got it all, in spades.
Modern scenes
This is where we get to the nitty gritty. Which modern scenes are real and which aren’t? Well, I’m sure it will come as no surprise to anyone, that I believe none of them to be real.
In the first modern scene, we have this bit from John:
“No, he can do this. I’ve seen it. The mind palace is like a whole world in his head.”
John’s seen it? When, exactly? This is a far cry from the way John described Sherlock’s mind palace in THoB. I know it’s possible that they had talked about it. There is time in the show when we don’t know what they are up to, or see what they are doing, but really?  Isn’t that our number 1 complaint about these two idiots? They won’t discuss anything of any significance with each other, but we are to believe they sat down one evening, in front of the fire, and Sherlock described it all to John? Pffft. I highly doubt it. 
The only way this John knows what Sherlock’s mind palace is like is if this is Mind Palace John™. If that is the case, then this scene has to be fake. Which means the list is fake, and doesn’t exist in the last modern scene, either.
I mean, didn’t we all think it was so very strange that the Moriarty video pops up, everyone panics across the country. They rush the plane back to the tarmac for Sherlock to save England. The whole lot of them suspect Sherlock has just OD’d, but they find it perfectly okay to sit and chat on board instead of, I don’t know, getting him out of there and to hospital, or at least, rushing him out in order to start working on whatever Moriarty has planned next?
They. Just. Sit. On the plane. And talk at Sherlock. All of which could have been done in the car as they sped off to get to work.
I know I am beating a dead horse here with this, but, honestly. None of those plane scenes are real and no one will convince me that they were. Especially when they give us this moment in the last modern scene:
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When Mary picked up Sherlock’s phone, he’d been reading John’s blog. He hadn’t seen Moriarty’s video. No one told him it said ‘miss me?’. And, if the first modern scene was real, we are supposed to believe Sherlock doesn’t remember what just happened? Are they supposed to have been missing him because he’s just returned from his thwarted exile, or missing him since he lapsed into his drug-fueled mind palace again? I don’t believe the ‘miss me?’ here is coincidental.
EMP comes full-circle
If we are to believe Sherlock is awake, why this scene at the end? Breaking into our transmission of the show, just as Moriarty did at the end of HLV, we see Holmes and Watson transition to modern day. 
WATSON: What sort of lunatic fantasy is that? HOLMES: It was simply my conjecture of what a future world might look like, and how you and I might fit inside it. HOLMES: From a drop of water, a logician should be able to infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara. WATSON: Or a Reichenbach.
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That they are discussing what Holmes imagines for the future and how they would fit in it shouldn’t be discounted, especially since we watch as Victorian Holmes and Watson step into the modern age. 
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|Part One| |Part Two| |Part Three| |Part Four| |Part Five| |Part Six|
@ebaeschnbliah  @gosherlocked @loveismyrevolution @tjlcisthenewsexy @tendergingergirl  @the-7-percent-solution @221bloodnun @sarahthecoat @doomsteady @devoursjohnlock  @themanandthemachine @sherlockshadow @kateis-cakeis @mrskolesouniverse @iamjohnlocked4life @shylockgnomes @antisocial-otaku @holmesianscholar 
If you don’t want to be tagged, please just let me know. No worries. 
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