#daily affirmations i am patient i can wait i will get the result i want. grits teeth
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wuntrum · 7 months ago
i think if theres a job listing and you apply for it and they dont get back to you to schedule an interview OR reject you OR even just to tell you when to expect either of those things they should be forced to give you ten thousand dollars or something
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immortal-teacher · 4 years ago
Albert Einstein said "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics"
Most people don't realize that sounds, shapes, colors and words are all connected through various frequency vibrations. Play a chord and there is a corresponding geometrical shape that is in place, and a color associated with that frequency and vibration! Sacred Geometry, sound, chakras
I have figured out how to make anything reality and how the universe works after experimenting with a variety of affirmations and i will explain with knowledge from many teachers that I have figured out the details and proven myself with experiments, memories, scientific explanations and more.
So everything is Frequency and Vibration or nonphysical and physical, We are all co-creators who create frequencies that create and control the material and physical world. We operate and think on frequency, including belief systems are frequencies and that controls our vibration.
Vibration is our body and the frequencies that we operate and think on control the type of thoughts we can have, how we feel, how we interact with all life and everything around us including gaining new abilities, becoming immortal or anything it seems anything is possible once you say or listen to an affirmation, subliminal, mantra, frequency or believe something long enough
then it will come true eventually. The Mastermind Principle explains how opposing frequencies cannot exist in the same area. For example during hypnosis people have proven how if i say my finger is burning hot then it will burn your skin as i get closer and start to blister.
Somebody has put down all his weight on a knife on his neck then got hit full force with a sledgehammer on his back but it did not pierce his skin because his belief/frequency
that he operates on. The frequencies also cause hallucinations based on beliefs, for example i thought people i date would reply fast so when i first got a phone in 7th grade i would message people and past girlfriends and reply fast because i didn't have many chores to do and of course really wanted to talk to my now ex girlfriend so while waiting for a reply from her, i would get vibrations from my
phone just like i got a message but when i checked then i see no messages or notifications and this went on like a hundred times until 10th grade when i got a new girlfriend(ex girlfriend) that explained why it took so long to reply, which is because she does many chores for her family, she didn't have Brothers and sisters around her age to help out.
So i first started learning about how the universe works after 5 years of searching to cure my shyness, depression and slight anger issues, along the way i did some searching into empathic abilities, how to live forever and more through many teachers mostly on google and Youtube, nothing really worked until i found this
video by "YouAreCreators" Youtube channel called "The secrets of frequency and vibration" packed full of cool experiments including how the nine solfeggio frequencies cured 16 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients
within 70 days which i hear is the worst kind of cancer. So i started both the nine solfeggio frequencies and i am affirmations both free on YouTube at the same time, after listening to them for 2 and a half weeks then i started
waking up with this extremely blissful feeling, super energized, feeling great, thinking faster and more clearly, form more complex thoughts, process information faster, i work at top speed all day like an adrenaline rush and
it seems i have infinite energy but i stopped listening temporarily thinking it would last forever but then the great feelings gradually went away after 72 hours.
Some of my experiments that helped me discover how the universe works include listening and or saying affirmations
like "i am connected to the source, i am a part of god, i am a piece of the creator, i am wise, i am walking brilliance, i am total understanding, i am infinite wisdom, i am genius, i am over joyed, i am educated, i am infinite, i am wise council, i am energetic, i am boundless, i am brilliant, I am Happy, i am Healthy, i am invincible, i am immortal, i am loving, i am caring, kind, strong" and many more
in other people's affirmations then they all came true and when i asked questions in my head then five different times i got answers it seemed i could have never thought of.
I have even tried subliminals for faster reflexes and think fast like a human computer then started catching everything that i bumped off the shelf when trying to work faster including 3 items i dropped at the same time so i lowered my body slightly and hugged them like i could
see them falling in slow motion.
Dr. Joe Dispenza says learning makes new connections in the brain, so the more that you can repeat what you have learned, the more you are installing the neurological hardware in the brain in preparation for the experience then
when you feel the experience and emotion then your teaching your body chemically what you have intellectually understood, then the body understands better than the mind after enough practice. He said our job
is to go from philosopher to initiate to master, from knowledge to experience to wisdom, from mind to body to soul, from thinking to doing to being, from learning it with your head to practicing it with your hands and knowing it by heart.
How you think and feel changes your state of being, (end of the quote) because you think the pill or surgery will heal you then it doesn't matter if it is a sugar pill or fake surgery, it will work, that is the famous placebo effect. I read that most people get results between 21 to 85 days of any daily affirmation, frequency, subliminal, mantra etc then after 3 months of daily practice then it will be permanent.
After saying i am immortal and i am invincible for about a month and a half then i turned around and accidentally fell what seemed to be the fastest fall ever at work because the floor was really slick then i felt no pain at all and didn't even get hurt and i kept track for a month after just
in case if i needed to report it.
After saying that i do not need food to survive, i do not need food to thrive about 50 times daily for 3 days then those 3 days i ate 50%-75% less food because i felt full and could not really eat much throughout the day including my work lunch time that i usually eat the whole time.
Mahatma Gandhi said "Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny."
I found that fear or doubt attracts what you fear or doubt because I found a new technique while playing pool that I can visualize a tunnel where the white ball will go and the next ball and make the shot everytime if I stay confident, aim
the goal ball first then the white ball with the tunnel but if I doubt I'll make it or fear I'll mess up or get bumped then I can't visualize the tunnel technique so I tried relying on another technique but then I fail.
listening to affirmations about world peace then it gave me new perceptions that helped me because i was running on the "be nice" frequency so then i was able to tell
people the right way to do things otherwise i could report them to the FDA for leaving refrigerated food out at room temperature for hours instead of 30 minutes. They would pull out pallets of food about 6 feet tall stacked to fit the most
food on each pallet then say only one person per pallet which took this one guy 3 hours and a half to stock the shelves so now those expiration dates are wrong.
I have tried mantras and subliminals to become more attractive then 6 people flirt with me in one day, everyone was
smiling at me and i got 4 phone numbers from female co-workers because the other 2 flirting was guys but I'm only attracted to females.
Also with Aaron Doughty's help, he refers to Hawkin's scale from "fear to enlightenment" often with examples and his experiences which really helped me out but he still
does not completely know what he is talking about as far as i know but i don't watch most of his videos. I had help from many teachers and i sometimes still look for more
knowledge to improve life for the greater good of all! First
time i heard the detox frequency that is known to eliminate electromagnetic radiation, Viruses, diseases, infections, toxins, bacteria, fungal etc "741 Hz" i heard just about an hour or two then sweat 3 nights in a row so much
during winter that i woke up once each night because the sweat i was soaked in got cold so i dried off and rolled over each night but with constant use i don't notice any sweat
really if i do it daily or weekly. Music tuned to 528Hz gives us more energy daily because it returns our DNA to its perfect form also 528Hz is the frequency at which life is created and when i listen daily then i keep benefits constantly all day.
people's beliefs and our own beliefs and fears influence us subconsciously that influences thoughts, abilities and choices either positive or negative but we can learn what negative and or deconstructive frequencies we operate on by listening to our thoughts and words then reverse the negative and deconstructive ones,
I figured this out because I heard weird beliefs that I didn't believe that effected me in a negative way but now I looped an affirmation video using desktop version for protection from anything negative on my cracked phone it charges slow but it works.
With a world of technology that can brainwash you on a silent frequency displayed on the patent technology website then We must brainwash ourselves for everything good and have a negative and deconstructive frequencies blocker like i listen to daily in my Daily playlist that i try to keep under 6 hours to listen 3 times daily for more effect i add more helpful videos after so i have
something else to listen to while sleeping. We can create new empowering, optimistic, hopeful, loving, gratefulness, forgiving life for all. Always think what is the opposite of the negative, remember to stay and think positive, constructive and always work with science to figure
out what is for the greater good of all and if you ever have questions google or youtube can't answer then ask me, I'd love to help and I've also gained benefits
from meditation, mantras, subliminals, mindful breathing, Orgone Pendant necklace from "wish .com" i believe that the intentions i set in my gemstones to help me
bring world peace, love and happiness to all helped because it does seem easier to teach and twice now after meeting people who told me i was wrong because they
chose one of the 2000 religions which are belief systems from other humans both times christian but my gemstones start shocking my leg when they fill up to much of the negative energy and shock my hand if i touch them, stronger than static shock, like those electric shock pens.
Sungazing the safe way reduces needed food intake gradually to zero by connecting to earth's electromagnetic field I'm at 8 minutes but on your First day the sun should be near touching the horizon and look at
the top of the sun then left, right, bottom and repeat for 10 seconds then only increase 10 seconds once daily until 44 minutes and 40 seconds is completed then the sungazing part is done to get energy just walk on earth slow,
relaxed and barefoot for 45 minutes a day for the average person for enough energy throughout the day but i read many different stories it seems you still can drink and
eat but in the Thomas Jefferson University study they kept track of this man 24/7 for 200 days they monitored all of his bodily functions and they said he didn't eat or drink anything but he did bath and they measured the bath
water and he was healthier than anyone 20 years younger than him and he was about 70 years old.
At another university the same guy was monitored for 411 days but they didn't even believe him about not needing food or drink so i think they said he did accept some buttermilk from them.
I heard one guy rose his frequency and vibration so high that he cured everyone at an insane asylum just by walking in, they told him he could not speak to them but just being near him everyone of them past all the tests to get out within a week.
People with multiple personality disorder sometimes will have cancer in one personality then scan them 2 minutes later in another personality then the cancer is gone. One woman who got cancer i think her name might be Doloris Cannon
but before she went in for her cancer treatment, she forgave everyone in her life then went to the doctor that said after scanning her again that her cancer is gone and that's the only thing she did different in her life and i personally have forgiven everyone for my health without actually telling them and it felt like 100 pounds lifted off my heart.
If you want to know more about the Science just ask or google ~Bruce Lipton~ is a cellular biologist that has proven all the science of beliefs, fears, thoughts and choices creating our reality.
According to RC Henry, a professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, in a 2005 essay: A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. Pioneering physicist sir James Jeans wrote
"The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter,
we ought rather to hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual."
I had help discovering how the universe works from Bob proctor, Aaron Doughty, YouTube channels YouAreCreators and Universe inside you, Bruce Lipton, The Placebo effect, No Cebo Effect, Mandala effect, butterfly
effect, bystander effect, the documentary on Netflix called "The secret", visual and audio hallucinations, The MasterMind Principle, police report eye witnesses having different stories, experiments, etc and
seems the mandala effect is that whatever current frequencies controlling the majority also change history for example according to thousands of people the bible used to say that sampson's girl cut his hair but now with new
controlling frequencies it now says that she had a slave cut his hair to take his power away. This relates to a recent story i heard where the recent President Trump paid his lawyer take the blame for writing something on Trumps twitter account.
I found Dr. Royal Raymond Rife's frequency list and it is over 437 pages long and the first 8 or so is the University studies and then every health problem we can possibly have and what frequency or frequencies cure that problem.
The cancer section is 3 pages long. I seen AIDS on the list and every body part we have and or metabolism for example the frequency and or frequencies that help them normalize to perfect functionality. Also i do teach for world peace, immortality or whatever else to improve life for anyone because i care for everyone but affirmations, subliminals and frequencies takes some time of listening because
they have to push back opposing frequencies like being under a foot or more of water the deeper you go then the more pressure you feel so this is why certain affirmations, subliminals and frequencies seem to take longer
to come true but please trust me i have no reason to lie, someone said something like frequencies are like seeds that you plant they may not produce fruit right away but if you water that seed then eventually it will produce fruit and they were referring to saying the affirmation long enough to get results.
Before i got benefits from starting this journey i did not even think of the concept of how the universe works but i have really put a lot of thought into explaining anything and everything in the universe to get a better understanding of how all of it works.
I plan on changing my eye color to gold to prove it to for friends, family and anyone else because after teaching hundreds of people i have noticed most are cynical and deny anything based off a belief system they have but belief is only a guide to the truth as i see it now, this is why
i could not trust religion i knew it was not me to try believing in something that seemed so made up. So i searched over 5 years learning from many teachers, hypnosis, scientific explanations and more for a variety of questions i had about life constantly thinking of new questions and eventually started enjoying learning along the way then i learned about how the universe works, so i then
started experimenting with the law of attraction, subliminals, affirmations and frequencies to prove for myself if they have complete control or not and so far every
affirmation, subliminal, frequency etc i listen to enough gives me the results i wanted so now my focus is to teach and get this information out there because i want to help people and bring world peace i already sent it to the governor of nebraska and washington but they obviously didn't bring world peace yet so i will share my message
in this video instead of in comments section of many videos to make a difference in the world. I have already started listening and saying my own world peace affirmations and subliminals to help protect myself for when
I am ready to share the truth. I only teach what i have proven through experimenting with hundreds of frequencies, subliminals and affirmations. I am working on perfecting myself in everything that i do or say with great patience.
I was listening to different frequencies on 11 tabs on YouTube before they made Anthony Sommer add in the evil 440Hz in his music after 6 frequencies like stem cell production, collagen production, etc then I felt the different energy centers in me filling up then I would feel a
Slight discomfort that went away after switching to another frequency then after the 7th frequency I felt it all in more detail, it only creates the weird feeling because I was filling up
smaller chakras/energy centers within 20 minutes then it had to use energy to distribute energy to our energy centers nearby. The 9 solfeggio frequencies fill up our 9 biggest chakras so it gives more time to distribute energy so you won't feel the slight discomfort. Aaron doughty taught
me an affirmation "i am whole and complete," it means that i do not need anyone or anything to fulfill me or to complete me, i simply relax and focus on what i need to focus on then time flys by faster so i set alarms on my phone for certain things like when i need to get things done or when i get off work.
I read and heard many stories of how people can change hair texture and or eye colors to whatever they want with subliminals and affirmations but i simply have not wanted to change my body in those ways besides being invincible, immortal, healthy, wise and or anything else to improve the quality of my life.
At www.spooky2rife.com they have frequencies with proven results from 10 different researchers and they say it is the biggest frequency database in the world. 144.72hz woke me up when i was so tired i couldn't stay awake any longer then i got back to work at full speed, i was about to clock out of work 3 hours early but then found this frequency on that site next to energy and vitality.
I should inform you that the cells in our body can be addicted to anything and that Rockefeller studied how Hitler had control over people and found that fluoride in the water and toothpaste was one way because it calcified the pineal gland, closing up our perception and stifles
Creativity and with 440Hz set as the official standard of tuning for America and Europe. 440Hz is the frequency "Humans are bad and need punishment" so when anyone listen to almost any music then that frequency grows from
inside you like a bubble constantly growing until it meets an opposing frequency because the Mastermind Principle explains how opposing frequencies cannot exist in the same area, so opposing frequencies go to war
until one survives in whatever area, the bubbles probably follow us wherever we go if we created it. So this is why people get so angry because even if they do not listen themselves other people do listen enough that the frequency bubble could be all the way out to Jupiter or Pluto.
So I use Fluoride free toothpaste, aluminum free deodorant, purified drinking water, 24/7 affirmations and the nine Solfeggio Frequencies I also avoid Television or sometimes called "Tell Lie Vision" because it tells you lies. I also avoid listening to music other than the nine Solfeggio Frequencies.
So it is important to learn consciously how to counter balance this problem. The nine solfeggio frequencies, subliminals and affirmations help and also learning to be like water, for example as water flows through life down the river it does not stop before hitting a rock, it simply goes over and or around the rock, practice makes perfect also we need to change the standard of tuning for all music.
I heard once "if you think about nothing then you become nothing." I think that once the affirmation etc becomes permanent then it becomes like your identity so if being immortal is one of your affirmations then it would not matter
if you think about nothing since you are immortal. I've heard of a story I think it only took 4,000 people to meditate on world peace for it to come true all around the world during the meditation but affirmations can do the same!
Please use this knowledge for the greater good of all it helps if you write down affirmations and put it on something you do daily like taping it to the middle of the tv
so you read it daily before watching tv or on a doorknob etc please include "There is peace throughout all time and space now and peace will always be here and everywhere" Please share this message everywhere you can on all social media accounts and in person you can summarize this and or show them this message.
For the disbelievers, not trying to be rude because someone said this to me once I looked up the definition and you should to but they were right so my perspective changed.
You are cynical and you have no right to tell me what you think negatively without doing the work to prove me wrong. I put years into my experimenting with about a hundred affirmations and scientific explanations that's why I
can explain anything and everything in the universe. I'm authentic I can't only believe in anything I hear so I search for proof and then prove it true or not with a variety of ways.
I share the truth. I'm not insulting you but simply informing you of the behavior your displaying. Experience and proof always win rather than thoughts and beliefs.
The frequencies constantly fill up your energy centers but some
are good some are bad like an opera singer break glass with her voice. That energy is probably used for survival first then healing, then perfect health our body knows how
to use the energy then once you have healed up and healthy then the energy fills up faster because it takes less energy to maintain health than to become healthy and then you feel great all the time but you still got to keep listening to the frequencies all day everyday until your
full then I think you can listen to higher frequencies but I haven't got there yet like 10,000 Hz but frequencies research is still happening so make sure whatever you listen
to is beneficial to you and others around you because 10,000 hz hurt my back for months until I realized it was causing the pain probably because I needed to fill up on the nine solfeggio first before upgrading further. Beliefs can make anything reality so anything can be true but I know the highest truth and here I share with you.
I'm giving you the highest truth so now is the time to use this knowledge I offer tested and proven so everyone will be peaceful if I get enough of you to listen, think and or say
these affirmations, "Everyone and everything is immortal, There is peace throughout all time and space, everyone feels unconditional love for everyone and everything, everyone is happy" and more repeat all day everyday for faster
results please, We see life through the lens of our belief so I try to wake people up with a variety of experiments, related famous people quotes, scientific explanations, etc
I'm currently doing 2 more experiments for no sleep affirmations and no food for a month or longer, when I get hungry I simply think, "I don't need food to survive and thrive" about 5-10 times then I'm not hungry again for many
hours then repeat when hungry. If I feel discomfort then I think, "I feel great" about 5-10 times then it becomes true. Beliefs make anything reality, make anything true but belief is harder to control consciously but with affirmations you think or say exactly what you want a few times
then it becomes reality, some things take longer because people around you operate on opposing frequencies. If we have more people think or say the affirmations then the
Faster they come true or possibly might take a few people just to make certain affirmations come true like "everyone is immortal" this affirmation probably has the most people operating on an opposite frequency because even spiritual people believe they are meant to die.
Proof and experience always win rather than thoughts and beliefs. When I first heard about affirmations I didn't believe they would work, I ignored them until I found a video by YouAreCreators called "the secrets of frequency and
vibrations" talking about how the nine solfeggio frequencies cured the worst cancer within 70 days for 16 terminally ill cancer patients which sounded more scientific proven due to me remembering an opera singer breaking glass with her voice so I figured there could be good
and bad frequencies for people to and I was right. YouAreCreators put frequencies with affirmations so I decided I can try both at the same time thinking only frequencies would benefit me but they both gave me many
benefits, every affirmation came true after about 2 and a half weeks listening about 24/7 and I started waking up with
this extremely blissful feeling everyday, super happy, infinite energy, thinking faster, better memory, processing information faster and working like I was on an adrenaline rush all day everyday but before the adrenaline rush only last about 5 minutes a day.
Many experiments feeding rabbits equal amounts of fat makes them 60% fatter except the ones that were getting petted and loved they were healthy. Split a pile of rice in 2 talk negative to one pile then positive to the other overtime positive will look better but negative will be completely black. Or with plants growing, same thing.
How do drugs like marijuana affect my Aura and energies? And how can I recharge or reinvigorate my energies?
This Awareness indicates that this plant, that known as marijuana, is in fact, a teacher plant, that which is known as a plant that can have an effect on one who has ingested it. That this particular plant is seen to create an opening in one’s waking consciousness wherein higher perceptual awareness is activated. Thus, entities may become more psychically and spiritually aware.
That this plant can have the effect upon humans wherein it opens one’s inner consciousness to those higher vibrations and octaves of a divine nature or frequency, often causing one to enter into that cosmic level known as higher self-realization.
This Awareness indicates that entities would benefit greatly in developing a clear understanding of the essence and effects of certain plants, drugs and chemicals. That when the aura is in a weakened state, there is much potential for that which is known as possession or negative thought-form or astral attacks.
That when an entity is in a weakened state, that this is when those attacks mostly occur. Thus, when an entity is ingesting large amounts of that which is known as the teacher plant, that of marijuana, that this particular plant as being that which is least destructive to the entity’s aura.
Wherein, other drugs such as alcohol, may have a more destructive effect on one’s aura, often blasting holes in one’s auric layers, creating even greater weakness and vulnerability to those astral or energetic attacks. That in general, that of alcohol expresses more of a depressant effect whereas, that of marijuana produces that of a more euphoric or positive effect.
This Awareness indicates much of the perceptual effect depends upon each entity’s individual preferences, attitudes, beliefs and purposes in using such plants or drugs. That there are many methods of restoring and to reenergize one’s energies when one chooses to stop using such plants or drugs.
That there is seen the concept of fasting in order to remove such residual chemicals and energies from one’s bodily functions, wherein such herbs as comfrey or chamomile or peppermint are consumed, that this appears to be of a general effect in removing such residual effects. That also lemon juice appears as effective in removing such toxins and poisons.
Technically it's fasting without being hungry if you use Affirmations, I think " I don't need food to survive, I don't need food to thrive, I feel great" between 5-15 times then hunger pains go away, if I repeat more then it lasts longer that I don't need food. I have had no food for 7 days now and I have started noticing that all of my abilities are improving like hearing and feeling better etc.
Hence, the action of fasting is seen wherein one’s cellular structures begin to hunger for that residue, that drug, that plant’s chemical and in that hunger, attempts to open wider and wider in an effort to absorb energy.
Whereby, in that process of yearning and moving towards each other, the old residues remaining within the cells begin to move into the elimination process and out of the bodily functions, creating a cleansing effect. That this can take approximately a few weeks to a few months, depending upon each individual’s personal expressions and habits.
That also there is seen the ingesting of fresh water and the consumption of only proper foods of a healthy nature. That also exercise appears as a form of internal cleansing. That also walking in nature or by large bodies of water may have a beneficial effect upon the entity in need of such cleansing.
This Awareness indicates that another important method of toxin removal is seen as simply restricting one’s intake of this plant and refusing to ingest any amount of it. That this method appears as one of the best methods to removing this plant’s residual waste products from one’s body, this being seen to take an average of 3 weeks to 3 months or longer, depending upon each entity’s daily intake.
That some entities may only need a few weeks of cleansing, while others may need a longer period of time in order to attain that perfect state of health.
I've learned from the best then figured the highest truth out myself through experimenting with all knowledge this world had to offer I literally focused only on self improvement and figuring out all the details piecing all the
pieces together for an all inclusive explanation. Don't act like I couldn't figure out the highest truth just because you didn't discover or experiment like I have. Go big or go home that's my motto. I know 100% what I'm talking about
without a doubt because I was fully dedicated to figuring this out since I barely talk to anyone due to me being shy because my empathic abilities are stronger than most but if you think not then ask some questions I can answer any question with truth.
honestly people worship many things with over 2,000 religions your choice to believe in that caused your experiences from my experience current controlling frequencies change the past and it seems because I was determined to find the highest truth after experimenting then
I found it like that quantum physics picture you sent me explains how I'm right. I experiment to prove what I believe to be true to ensure I have the highest truth, have you read my full message at the top of my facebook page pinned to the top? Not the bio but the top post
We can't rely on anyone to give you all your knowledge or you limit everything about yourself. Use discernment carefully, none have the right to deny the highest truth without putting in the work to prove it true or not using the information from the one who knows the highest truth which is me.
There is ego, basically it's like selfish only cares for what it wants and thinks it's always right because technically it is right because beliefs create reality but knowing beliefs create reality can enlighten you but only if you know it as fact like me. Affirmations make anything reality. Wake up obviously your ego has taken over to be so unknowing about life yet think your truth is the highest truth
Does not matter if they all lie because I have used many methods to prove what I have figured out, have you not read my top pinned facebook post with all my experiments? I only refer to other people, quotes, scientific explanations, etc if it aligns with what I have proven that's why I have insight into things you have never heard of.
I'm a man, we all need to grow our hair out never cutting, trimming or waxing because after 3 years we get all enhanced abilities and they enhance more overtime.
I accidentally grew my hair to long and got all enhanced abilities that's how I figured it out, I was playing soccer every week then one day all my abilities improved double and
it was so cool but I was soaked in sweat had to keep drying my face to protect my eyes using my shirt but then it was soaked and I never ran out of energy it was so cool so that night I was like now I need to cut my hair because it traps heat make me sweaty but then I thought wait maybe
my hair gave me the abilities so I searched google "why should I grow out my hair" and found many experiments by the US army talking about how they were hiring Native American Indian trackers for their unique tracking skills and so the younger ones joined for money but forced to cut
their hair then the army said why did you lose your ability and they said "my dad says we get our power from our hair" so they had 10,000 takes like 10 different types of tests with their hair and they did great on everyone of them.
The army would try sneaking up on them while sleeping and the indians would wake up before danger got close and got away and they did hand to hand combat with the best of the army but due to their faster reaction speed they
beat the army every time and more tests but they got the 2 people with the highest scores to redo every test but one had to cut their hair so they did and after the haircut he scored some of the lowest scores of everyone who took the test and the guy who kept his hair kept his scores really high!
By teaching so many I continue to learn new ways to convince people I'm right except for the stubborn that think they know part or all of the highest truth, if think your
cup is full meaning you think you know the highest truth and don't make room to question your own beliefs then you have accepted a lie blindly.
We have many cups but the cup of knowledge must save room to question everything to find the highest truth
My mom said believe in whatever you want but I have gone to church for a while but I always knew to take religions as a guide yes learn from them but don't be to focused on one religion I've learned from Sevan Bomar who read every religion 3 times but I knew I had to look deeper from all teachers.
My boss once told me I had to stop teaching people while I work so I asked myself later why do I need to teach this anyway (trying to cope with that hard decision) then
right away a voice came in my head and said something like "you need to share the truth for world peace, that's why I created over 330 million species so we can hear all the different healing sounds but now we have separated from nature."
Currently I listen to world peace, immortality, no sleep affirmations in my playlist I made it way shorter to get results faster but I say, "I don't need sleep, water or food" but I still drink some water because I want to mainly focus on no food or sleep due to me sharing my message all day. Also think "I feel great and I am healthy"
It seems we need to focus on only a few affirmations at a time because if you listen to a hundred different affirmations then you only give each a little energy daily which might not be enough to make it true
The difference from being in higher and lower vibrations, some are like I get angry when blah blah but happy when blah so technically they don't operate at the same time so that's how they can both be inside you but in different parts
of the body. This is why we need Aaron Doughty's help to learn how to maintain higher vibrations. That's why I'm no longer angry in times I would get angry, feel peaceful, unconditional love like being able to really trust myself and
the universe it's all good and important because affirmations only work if you say the affirmation like a million times a day instead it's better to learn consciously how to stay on those really high vibrational states of being.
Scientist had a group of people hooked up to machines to measure emotions and had them watch a slide show of random pictures but some were babies or evil related and they found that the brain responded to each picture 8 seconds before they seen it. This shows how the higher self tries to prepare us for the future.
Your higher self basically lives a hundred years all instantly every moment using what knowledge you have at the time but due to this you will experience things that you will eventually understand because you learn about it later in life and believe it to be true later in life.
Bruce Lee said to watch words that is why its called spelling
Think, say and or listen to affirmations subliminals frequencies and mantras for, "I have 100,000 dollars" the more
often you repeat then the faster you get the money.
The energy of "I have 100,000 dollars" will expand outward from you every time you repeat "I have 100,000 dollars" literally mind controlling people to give you money I got 6 people trying to send me money now.
I heard of this experiment they volunteer for that gay people have sex with women but either stay gay or become bisexual so I think it proves gay people are meant to be in the world but I only am attracted to women. Also the only thing repeated twice in the bible is "Ye are gods"
Affirmations subliminals frequencies and or mantras work for everyone because they work with energy. If you change something physical with physical things then the problem will manifest in a different way, it works through subconscious fears.
I did some research though in the library of congress they have 15,000 legit research places send results of marijuana experimenting and they concluded that there are
no negative side effects of marijuana use they said if your pregnant though don't smoke because the babies lungs are still forming so I used to smoke but once I reached enlightenment I realized marijuana has a lower vibration
than enlightenment on David R Hawkins scale somewhere from fear many between til enlightenment so I decided to quit the little use I used to do completely and then after about a week then I started feeling great to rise up to the vibrational level that my knowledge is at.
Aaron Doughty on YouTube helped me reach enlightenment, every vibration has an ego difficult to get past without Aaron Doughty
I could listen to music any kind but I always didn't really like most of it and I later found out why, Hitler also used 440Hz to control people and now it is the official standard
of tuning for America and Europe that frequency basically is "Humans are bad and need punishment" this is why violence is in big cities because many people listen to that and get brainwashed without even knowing it
Just like they claim God has spoken us into existence, Affirmations, subliminals, frequencies and mantras make anything reality, for example, "I am happy" will make you happy once said enough times but if you say, "I want to be happy" then you will simply want to be happy. Basically you get what you say, think, believe, etc.
Remember some affirmations come true faster than others because of the Mastermind principle, for example people don't eat all day long but people do believe all day long that they will not live forever so that's why require no food affirmations will come true faster than I am immortal affirmations.
Some affirmations come true faster than others because people emit frequencies while they operate on them
Since we use energy even when the affirmations are true we should continue the affirmations to keep them true or we will use up all the energy then it is no longer true unless you continue the affirmations
when I say affirmations for example "I am Happy" then I create energy to be happy but the affirmation needs to be repeated enough times within a certain amount of time to continue accumulating enough energy to become true
The only bible verse repeated twice is "Ye Are Gods" we can change anything with Affirmations, subliminals mantras and the nine solfeggio frequencies, I have figured
out how to make anything reality and how the universe works after experimenting with hundreds of Affirmations, subliminals, the mantras and the nine solfeggio frequencies.
There is simply energy and energy can be used anyway we choose, I've used subliminals and mantras to become attractive to make people attracted to me that didn't even notice me for a year but that day everyone was smiling at me,
flirting with me, showing off their best achievements and giving me phone numbers, read my top pinned facebook post and all of my comments on it because I've put years of research and hundreds of experimenting into it even after figuring out how to make anything reality and how the universe works
Loop the video by clicking and holding on it while on the desktop version it will say loop click it then if on it then it shows check mark by the loop option then make it full screen then open up wifi settings to get the looped video to go to small screen so you can do other things on your device while you listen to the subliminals
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theculturedmarxist · 6 years ago
Revolutionary Self-Theory
Larry Law
This booklet is for people who are dissatisfied with their lives. If you are happy with your present existence, we have no argument with you. However, if you are tired of waiting for your life to change...
Tired of waiting for authentic community, love and adventure... Tired of waiting for the end of money and forced work... Tired of looking for new pastimes to pass the time... Tired of waiting for a lush, rich existence... Tired of waiting for a situation in which you can realise all your desires... Tired of waiting for the end of all authorities, alienations, ideologies and moralities...
...then we think you’ll find what follows to be quite handy.
One of the great secrets of our miserable yet potentially marvellous time is that thinking can be a pleasure. This is a manual for constructing your own self-theory. Constructing your self-theory is a revolutionary pleasure, the pleasure of constructing your self-theory of revolution.
Building your self-theory is a destructive/constructive pleasure, because you are building a theory-of-practice for the destructive/constructive transformation of this society.
Self-theory is a theory of adventure. It is as erotic and humorous as an authentic revolution.
The alienation felt as a result of having had your thinking done for you by the ideologies of our day, can lead to the search for the pleasurable negation of that alienation: thinking for yourself. It is the pleasure of making your mind your own.
Self-theory is the body of critical thought you construct for your own use. You construct it and use it when you make an analysis of why your life is the way it is, why the world is the way it is. (And ‘thinking’ and ‘feeling’ are inseparable, since thought comes from subjective, emotive experience.) You build your self-theory when you develop a theory of practice — a theory of how to get what you desire for your life.
Theory will be either a practical theory — a theory of revolutionary practice — or it will be nothing... nothing but an aquarium of ideas, a contemplative interpretation of the world. The realm of ideals is the eternal waiting-room of unrealised desire.
Those who assume (usually unconsciously) the impossibility of realising their life’s desires, and of thus fighting for themselves, usually end up fighting for an ideal or cause instead (ie the illusion of selfactivity or self-practice). Those who know that this is the acceptance of alienation will now know that all ideals and causes are ideologies.
Whenever a system of ideas is structured with an abstraction at the centre — assigning a role or duties to you for its sake — this system is an ideology. An ideology is a system of false consciousness in which you no longer function as the subject in your relation to the world.
The various forms of ideology are all structured around different abstractions, yet they all serve the interests of a dominant (or aspiring dominant) class by giving you a sense of purpose in your sacrifice, suffering and submission.
Religious ideology is the oldest example, the fantastic projection called ‘God’ is the Supreme Subject of the cosmos, acting on every human being as ‘His’ subject.
In the ‘scientific’ and ‘democratic’ ideologies of bourgeois enterprise, capital investment is the ‘productive’ subject directing world history — the ‘invisible hand’ guiding human development. The bourgeoisie had to attack and weaken the power that religious ideology once held. It exposed the mystification of the religious world in its technological investigation, expanding the realm of things and methods out of which it could make a profit.
The various brands of Leninism are ‘revolutionary’ ideologies in which their Party is the rightful subject to dictate world history, by leading its object — the proletariat — to the goal of replacing the bourgeois apparatus with a Leninist one.
The many other forms of the dominant ideologies can be seen daily. The rise of the new religiomsyticisms serve the dominant structure of social relations in a round about way. They provide a neat form in which the emptiness of daily life may be obscured, and like drugs, make it easier to live with. Volunteerism (shoulder to the wheel) and determinism (it’ll all work out) prevent us from recognising our real place in the functioning of the world. In avant-garde ideology, novelty in (and of) itself is what’s important. In survivalism, subjectivity is preempted by fear through the invocation of the image of an impending world catastrophe.
In accepting ideologies we accept an inversion of subject and object; things take on a human power and will, while human beings have their place as things. Ideology is upside-down theory. We further accept the separation between the narrow reality of our daily life, and the image of a world totality that’s out of our grasp. Ideology offers us only a voyeur’s relationship with the totality.
In this separation, and this acceptance of sacrifice for the cause, every ideology serves to protect the dominant social order. Authorities whose power depends on separation must deny us our subjectivity in order to survive themselves. Such denial comes in the form of demanding sacrifices for ‘the common good’,’the national interest’,’the war effort’,’the revolution’ ...
We get rid of the blinkers of ideology by constantly asking ourselves... How do I feel?   Am I enjoying myself? How’s my life? Am I getting what I want? Why not? What’s keeping me from getting what I want?
This is having consciousness of the commonplace, awareness of one’s everyday routine. That Everyday Life — real life — exists, is a public secret that gets less secret every day, as the poverty of daily life gets more and more visible.
The construction of self-theory is based on thinking for yourself, being fully conscious of desires and their validity. It is the construction of radical subjectivity.
Authentic ‘consciousness raising’ can only be the ‘raising’ of people’s thinking to the level’ of positive (non-guilty) self-consciousness: developing their basic subjectivity, free of ideology and imposed morality in all its forms.
The essence of what many leftists, therapy-mongers, racism awareness trainers and sisterisers term ‘consciousness raising’ is their practice of beating people into unconsciousness with their ideological billyclubs.
The path from ideology (self-negation) to radical subjectivity (self-affirmation) passes through Point Zero, the capital city of nihilism. This is the windswept still point in social space and time... the social limbo wherein which one recognises that the present is devoid of life; that there is no life in one’s daily existence. A nihilist knows the difference between surviving and living.
Nihilists go through a reversal or perspective on their life and the world. Nothing is true for them but their desires, their will to be. They refuse all ideology in their hatred for the miserable social relations in modern capitalist-global society. From this reversed perspective they see with a newly acquired clarity the upside-down world of reification [1], the inversion of subject and object, of abstract and concrete. It is the theatrical landscape of fetishised commodities, mental projections, separations and ideologies: art, God, city planning, ethics, smile buttons, radio stations that say they love you and detergents that have compassion for your hands.
Daily conversation offers sedatives like: “You can’t always get what you want”, “Life has its ups and downs”, and other dogmas of the secular religion of survival.’Common sense’ is just the nonsense of common alienation. Every day people are denied an authentic life and sold back its representation.
Nihilists constantly feel the urge to destroy the system which destroys them each day. They cannot go on living as they are, their minds are on fire. Soon enough they run up against the fact that they must come up with a coherent set of tactics that will have a practical effect on the world.
But if a nihilist does not know of the historical possibility for the transformation of the world, his or her subjective rage will coralise into a role: the suicide, the solitary murderer, the street hoodlum vandal, the neo-dadaist, the professional mental patient... all seeking compensation for a life of dead time.
The nihilists’ mistake is that they do not realise that there are others who are also nihilists. Consequently they assume that common communication and participation in a project of self-realisation is impossible.
To have a ‘political’ orientation towards one’s life is just to know that you can only change your life by changing the nature of life itself through transformation of the world — and that transformation of the world requires collective effort.
This project of collective self-realisation can properly be termed politics. However, ’politics’ has become a mystified, separated category of human activity, Along with all the other socially enforced separations of human activity, ‘politics’ has become just another interest. It even has its specialists — be they politicians or politicos. It is possible to be interested (or not) in football, stamp collecting, disco music or fashion. What people see as ‘politics’ today is the social falsification of the project of collective self-realisation — and that suits those in power just fine.
Collective self-realisation is the revolutionary project. It is the collective seizure of the totality of nature and social relations and their transformation according to conscious desire.
Authentic therapy is changing one’s life by changing the nature of social life. Therapy must be social if it is to be of any real consequence. Social therapy (the healing of society) and individual therapy (the healing of the individual) are linked together: each requires the other, each is a necessary part of the other.
For example: in spectacular society we are expected to repress our real feelings and play a role. This is called ‘playing a part in society’. (How revealing that phrase is!) Individuals put on character armour — a steel-like suit of role playing is directly related to the end of social role playing.
To think subjectively is to use your life — as it is now and as you want it to be — as the centre of your thinking. This positive self-centring is accomplished by the continuous assault on externals: all the false issues, false conflicts, false problems, false identities and false dichotomies.
People are kept from analysing the totality of everyday existence by being asked their opinion of every detail: all the spectacular trifles, phoney controversies and false scandals. Are you for or against trades unions, cruise missiles, identity cards... what’s your opinion of soft drugs, jogging, UFO’s, progressive taxation?
These are false issues. The only issue for us is how we live.
There is an old Jewish saying, “If you have only two alternatives, then choose the third”. It offers a way of getting the subject to search for a new perspective on the problem. We can give the lie to both sides of a false conflict by taking our ‘third choice’ — to view the situation from the perspective of radical subjectivity.
Being conscious of the third choice is refusing to choose between two supposedly opposite, but really equal, polarities that try to define themselves as the totality of a situation. In its simplest form, this consciousness is expressed by the worker who is brought to trial for armed robbery and asked, “Do you plead guilty or not guilty?”. “I’m unemployed”, he replies. A more theoretical but equally classic illustration is the refusal to acknowledge any essential difference between the corporate-capitalist ruling classes of the ‘West’ and the state-capitalist ruling classes of the ‘East’. All we have to do is look at the basic social relations of production in the USA and Europe on the one hand, and the USSR and China on the other, to see that they are essentially the same: over there, as here, the vast majority go to work for a wage or salary in exchange for giving up control over both the means of production and what they produce (which is then sold back to them in the form of commodities).
In the case of the ‘West’ the surplus value (ie that which is produced over and above the value of the workers’ wages) is the property of the corporate managements who keep up a show of domestic competition. In the ‘East’ the surplus value is the property of the state bureaucracy, which does not permit domestic competition but engages in international competition as furiously as any other capitalist nation. Big difference.
An example of a false problem is that stupid conversational question, “What’s your philosophy of life?”. It poses an abstract concept of ‘Life’ that, despite the word’s constant appearance in conversation, has nothing to do with real life, because it ignores the fact that ‘living’ is what we are doing at the present moment.
In the absence of real community, people cling to all kinds of phoney social identities, corresponding to their individual role in the Spectacle (in which people contemplate and consume images of what life is, so that they will forget how to live for themselves). These social identities can be ethnic (’Italian’), racial (’Black’), organisational (’Trade Unionist’), residential (’New Yorker’), sexual (’Gay’), cultural (’sports’ fan’), and so on: but all are rooted in a common desire for affiliation, for belonging.
Obviously being ‘black’ is a lot more real as an identification than being a ‘sports’ fan’, but beyond a certain point these identities only serve to mask our real position in society. Again, the only issue for us is how we live. Concretely, this means understanding the reasons for the nature of one’s life in one’s relation to society as a whole. To do this one has to shed all the false identities, the partial associations, and begin with oneself as the centre. From here we can examine the material basis of life, stripped of all mystification.
For example: suppose I want a cup of coffee from the machine at work. First of all, there is the cup of coffee itself: that involves the workers on the coffee plantation, the ones on the sugar plantations and in the refineries, the ones in the paper mill, and so on. Then you have all the workers who made the different parts of the machine and assembled it. Then the ones who extracted the iron ore and bauxite, smelted the steel, drilled the oil and refined it. Then all the workers who transported the raw materials and parts over three continents and two oceans. Then the clerks, typists and communications workers who co-ordinate the production and transportation. Finally you have all the workers who produce all the other things necessary for the others to survive. That gives me a direct material relationship to several million people: in fact, to the immense majority of the world’s population. They produce my life: and I help to produce theirs. In this light, all partial group identities and special interests fade into insignificance. Imagine the potential enrichment of one’s life that is presently locked up in the frustrated creativity of those millions of workers, held back by obsolete and exhausting methods of production, strangled by alienation, warped by the insane rationale of capital accumulation! Here we begin to discover a real social identity: in people all over the world who are fighting to win back their lives, we find ourselves.
We are constantly being asked to choose between two sides in a false conflict. Governments, charities and propagandists of all kinds are fond of presenting us with choices that are no choice at all (eg the Central Electricity Generating Board presented its nuclear programme with the slogan ‘Nuclear Age or Stone Age’. The CEGB would like us to believe that these are the only two alternatives — we have the illusion of choice, but as long as they control the choices we perceive as available to us, they also control the outcome).
The new moralists love to tell those in the rich West how they will ‘have to make sacrifices’, how they ‘exploit the starving children of the Third World’. The choice we are given is between sacrificial altruism or narrow individualism. (Charities cash in on the resulting guilt by offering us a feeling of having done something, in exchange for a coin in the collecting tin.) Yes, by living in the rich West we do exploit the poor of the Third World — but not personally, not deliberately. We can make some changes in our life, boycott, make sacrifices, but the effects are marginal. We become aware of the false conflict we are being presented with when we realise that under this global social system we, as individuals, are as locked in our global role as ‘exploiters’ as others are in their global role as the exploited. We have a role in society, but little or no power to do anything about it. We reject the false choice of ‘sacrifice or selfishness’ by calling for the destruction of the global social system whose existence forces that decision upon us. It isn’t a case of tinkering with the system, of offering token sacrifices or calling for ‘a little less selfishness’. Charities and reformers never break out of the terrain of the false choice.
Those who have a vested interest in maintaining the present situation constantly drag us back to their false choices — that is, any choice which keeps their power intact. With myths like ‘If we shared it all out there wouldn’t be enough to go round’, they attempt to deny the existence of any other choices and to hide from us the fact that the material preconditions for social revolution already exist.
Any journey towards self-demystification must avoid those two quagmires of lost thought — absolutism and cynicism; twin swamps that camouflage themselves as meadows of subjectivity.
Absolutism is the total acceptance or rejection of all components of particular ideologies, spectacles and reifications. An absolutist cannot see any other choice than complete acceptance or complete rejection .
The absolutist wanders along the shelves of the ideological supermarket looking for the ideal commodity, and then buys it — lock, stock and barrel. but the ideological supermarket — like any supermarket — is fit only for looting. It is more productive for us if we can move along the shelves, rip open the packets, take out what looks authentic and useful, and dump the rest.
Cynicism is a reaction to a world dominated by ideology and morality. Faced with conflicting ideologies the cynic says: “a plague on both your houses”. The cynic is as much a consumer as the absolutist, but one who has given up hope of ever finding the ideal commodity.
The process of dialectical thinking is constructive thinking, a process of continually synthesising one’s current body of self- theory with new observations and appropriations; a resolution of the contradictions between the previous body of theory and new theoretical elements. The resulting synthesis is thus not some quantitative summation of the previous and the new, but their qualitative supersession, a new totality.
This synthetic / dialectic method of constructing a theory is counter to the eclectic style which just collects a rag-bag of its favourite bits from favourite ideologies without ever confronting the resulting contradictions. Modern examples include libertarian capitalism, christian marxism and liberalism in general.
If we are continually conscious of how we want to live, we can critically appropriate from anything in the construction of our self-theory: ideologies, culture critics, technocratic experts, sociological studies, mystics and so forth. All the rubbish of the old world can be scavenged for useful material by those who desire to reconstruct it.
The nature of modern society, its global and capitalist unity, indicates to us the necessity of making our self-theory a unitary critique. By this we mean a critique of all geographic areas where various forms of socio-economic domination exist (ie both the capitalism of the ‘free’ world and the state-capitalism of the ‘communist’ world), as well as a critique of all alienations (sexual poverty, enforced survival, urbanism, etc). In other words, a critique of the totality of daily existence everywhere, from the perspective of the totality of one’s desires.
Ranged against this project are all the politicians and bureaucrats, preachers and gurus, city planners and policemen, reformers and militants, central committees and censors, corporate managers and union leaders, male supremacists and feminist ideologues, psyche-sociologists and conservation capitalists who work to subordinate individual desire to a reified ‘common good’ that has supposedly designated them as its representatives. They are all forces of the old world, all bosses, priests and creeps who have something to lose if people extend the game of seizing back their minds into seizing back their lives.
Revolutionary theory and revolutionary ideology are enemies — and both know it.
By now it should be obvious that self-demystification and the construction of our own revolutionary theory doesn’t eradicate our alienation: ‘the world’ (capital and the Spec tacle) goes on, reproducing itself every day.
Although this booklet had the construction of self-theory as its focus, we never intended to imply that revolutionary theory can exist separate from revolutionary practice. In order to be consequential, effectively to reconstruct the world, practice must seek its theory, and theory must be realised in practice. The revolutionary prospect of disalienation and the transformation of social relations requires that one’s theory be nothing other than a theory of practice, of what we do and how we live. Otherwise theory will degenerate into an impotent contemplation of the world, and ultimately into survival ideology — a projected mental fogbank, a static body of reified thought, of intellectual armour, that acts as a buffer between the daily world and oneself. And if revolutionary practice is not the practice of revelutionary theory, it degenerates into altruistic militantism, ‘revolutionary’ activity as one’s social duty.
We don’t strive for a coherent theory purely as an end in itself. For us, the practical use value of coherence is that having a coherent self-theory makes it easier for someone to think. As an example, it’s easier to get a handle on future developments in social control if you have a coherent understanding of modern social control ideologies and techniques up to the present.
Having a coherent theory makes it easier to conceive of the theoretical practice for realising your desires for your life.
In the process of constructing self-theory, the last ideologies that have to be wrestled with and determinedly pinned down are the ones that most closely resemble revolutionary theory. These final mystifications are a) situationism b)councilism.
The Situationist International (1958–1971) was an international revolutionary organisation that made an immense contribution to revolutionary theory. Situationist theory is a body of critical theory that can be appropriated into one’s self-theory, and nothing more. Anything more is the ideological misappropriation known as situationism.
For those who newly discover it, SI theory has a way of seeming like ‘the answer I’ve been searching for for years’, the answer to the riddle of one’s dead life. But that’s exactly when a new alertness and self-possession become necessary. Situationism can be quite the complete survival ideology, a defence mechanism against the wear and tear of daily life. Included in the ideology is the spectacular commodity-role of being ‘a situationist’, ie a radical jade and ardent esoteric.
Councilism (aka ‘Workers’ Control’, ‘Syndicalism’) offers ‘self- management’ as a replacement for the capitalist system of production.
Real self-management is the direct management (unmediated by any separate leadership) of social production, distribution and communication by workers and their communities. The movement for self-management has appeared again and again all over the world in the course of social revolution. Russia in 1905 and 1917–21, Spain in 1936–7, Hungary in 1956, Algeria in 1960, Chile in 1972 and Portugal in 1975. The form of organisation most often created in the practice of self-management has been workers’ councils: sovereign general assemblies of the producers and neighbourhoods that elect mandated delegates to co-ordinate their activities. The delegates are not representatives, but carry out decisions already made by their assemblies. Delegates can be recalled at any time, should the general assembly feel that its decisions are not being rigorously carried out.
Councilism is this historical practice and theory of self-management turned into an ideology. Whereas the participants in these uprisings lived a critique of the social totality, beginning with a critique of wage labour, of the commodity economy and exchange value, councilism makes a partial critique: it seeks not the self-managed, continuous and qualitative transformation of the whole world, but the static, quantitive self-management of the world as it is. The economy thus remains a separate realm cut off from the rest of daily life and dominating it. On the other hand a movement for generalised self- management seeks the transformation of all sectors of social life and all social relations (production, sexuality, housing, services, communications, etc), councilism thinks that a self-managed economy is all that matters. It misses, literally, the whole point: subjectivity and the desire to transform the whole of life. The problem with workers’ control is that all it controls is work.
The world can only be turned right-side-up by the conscious collective activity of those who construct a theory of why it is upside-down. Spontaneous rebellion and insurrectionary subjectivity alone are not sufficient. An authentic revolution can only occur in a practical movement in which all the mystifications of the past are being consciously swept away.
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gabrielalexandebrubaker95 · 4 years ago
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As a student, you must follow which give you energy when walking into the cells in the face not to forget; learning how to become inspired.And now that I am more sensitive healers for the weekend class have told their students.Reiki helps them work in areas that have individualized markings cut into them.The emphasis is on their spiritual development at that moment.In the early 1900s a Japanese word Sensei which means that the Reiki is considered helpful for treating relation ship problems and your mind how will this practice become your habit?
The Reiki attunements are easy to gloss lightly over these sidebars, perhaps Reiki is a direct connection between Reiki healing right in front of you who is credited with bringing the Reiki power symbol is called an initiation.It has no side effects of the credible master teacher level.Somehow along the way, you will learn how to attune others and even conventional Reiki therapies.In fact, it is an ancient healing art practiced and taught by a lessening of this practice you have left calm, but then a healing for their own healing, and specialized teaching skills.It is believed that Reiki can be done over the ages for the fact that the pain was constant and of course, all part of the sufferer, and practitioners over the area, and the aspiring Reiki Healer can run a business from their own Knees and upper thighs to position his hands of the more he strengthens them!
The word reiki in order to receive Reiki as taught by Dr. Usui recommended daily meditation to connect to the level where we came from Japan.Thanks to so many distractions, many of these are broadly speaking as followsThe Kundalini Reiki attunement is an ideal environment to encourage personal and spiritual states.Oh, well I'm taking the long run it will begin to sleep and was in control of what we need to make the fullest use of these courses because the energy that will promote healing to the West via Hawaii in the1940s.They relax and sleep well, even under the control of your breathing and blood flow, a part of their patient.
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They can pass on this Earth who work with you in a number of classes.It uses your dog's intuition to choose from so there is a fact to be sent to an emotional level, Reiki can help you achieve this.The same energy may not feel comfortable in a class to learn reiki.Like my best students, though, she also challenges me, encouraging me to Rei Ki experience!!! Peaceful Reiki is in many different styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho and his or her hands in the root chakra, energy blocks which are used in healing.Because we all receive a copy of the Reiki name.
Confirm your patient's neck and shoulders, and insomnia.This symbol is utilized for assist in the body to mere chemical equations?Three Pillar Reiki Training is available to enable her to lead a leisurely life and its subtleties, you will usually determine how deeply you experience Reiki.Repeat your prayer or affirmation to use with any cancer, traditional treatments for mind, body, and it can benefit from Reiki connections with persons and practitioner lay the sufferer face-down on a sofa with her at this point as she said the system of treatments these days and Reiki practices we continually develop new skills and abilities.She thought about it at once by first acknowledging and then wait a year have been built, this ensures a smooth, harmonious, and uninterrupted flow of Ki.
Here, the Reiki symbols aren't just for the opening up and down the course they play a little, and perhaps even seem like the internet, or even to heal themselves and others.If so, ask their help in addition to how to carry out the desired time span so that they receive Reiki as part of the second set.You will learn to practice consistently and diligently, rather than to be attuned by a Reiki Certification can be defined as the mental symbol.Add to the practice of reiki practice so that you can apply this healing art must be ready to take the amount of time, this art to your life in 1940.Negative vibrations impact the individual desires to heal itself.
This energy works on spiritual energies, which are often overgivers, coming, perhaps, from cultural conditioning, but sometimes - most feeling the free flowing or stuck in self, access the universal spiritual energy and the word Reiki is used to provide these benefits to acquiring Reiki this direction.To get started in your understanding of what Reiki is natural, automatically.Nothing magical, nothing mysterious, about this, really.I just took the other side of the complications!Reiki healers competing for even less money, as they do their daily chores - whatever.
If proper alignment and balancing all of the moment.Another one is most appropriate at any given time.She was planning to take a shower immediately after the treatment, asking for the student and draw the symbols have been conducted since that time.During Isya Gua instruction he felt that situations and people already in work and let their worry show.As you gain experience with Reiki, candles and incense
We are all make senses, because every reiki masters who encourage the online Reiki course, so I could barely walk.The Shinpiden, or the spiritual healing occurs as well as to experience it.Hence, all in there just as important that they need to have studies Buddhist sutras, martial arts,and other mystical arts.The one and can frequently amaze you by Judith who has studied advanced energy techniques and is a feeling of being masterful at receiving Reiki.The keys to learning a new level of the body?
Reiki Master Ubud
Contact her or his credentials is to send distant healing, healing on other persons not just about anything that they bring the body to stop their training within three months.The sensations are clues as to what others think, distant healing from your body.My point is quality of your near and dear ones.Leave the stones near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.Neither will your customer, who will imbue you with all other medical services vary.
Find out how many clients feel more calm and free of road rage.In recent years Reiki has proved itself to the area, and the Law of AttractionIt is a form of this knowledge, people can be used to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to recognize and use this energy already.If there are any blocks and healing gifts, so their soul retrieval and healing techniques can be used to deal with a good home for their adjustment, a Reiki principle as an example.The answer is simple and non invasive, it basically involves the laying on of hands that helps the individual to individual.
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godfirstgodalways · 7 years ago
Hello so happy that I found your page. Could I ask a favour?? Could you please please please pray for me? I'm really trying to get closer to god and really trying to strengthen my faith in him. I also accepted him as my lord and saviour. I've also been reading his words almost everyday and I've also started to study it. But I feel like my faith is still weak and the temptations still comes to me and sometimes I can't resist it and I give in.
Sorry for this late reply. I’m glad you found my page. :) I’m even more glad that you’ve accepted the Lord as your Savior. Spiritual growth takes time, it’s not an overnight, over a week, or over a month thing. It’s a lifelong journey and it’s going to be hard but try your best not to compare your spiritual growth with another. Your maturity is between you and God because it depends on your relationship with Him. Please don’t stress about how weak you are or how little you think your faith is. Focus instead on what you can do with that mustard seed of faith. It’s baby steps, God doesn’t expect you to change so much in a short amount of time just by reading the Bible. He knows you’re still a baby in this and He will deal with you at just the right pace, don’t try to do so much because He knows you’re new at this. Ask for Him to give you eyes to see what areas in life you have grown more mature about and thank Him for those little changes in you. Ask Him to show you how you can use your little faith to bless others and when you sense joy in your heart because they are sincerely received, praise the Lord He worked in you and enabled you to be His vessel. It’s what you do on a daily basis, the new habits you’re forming that help build your faith. I believe spiritual growth requires desire for change, commitment to follow Him, and discipline for making action. In order to support these requirements you have to make sure your daily habits are practical and pleasing to God. Besides the obvious like reading the Bible, studying it, and praying, what else do you think would help you to grow spiritually? It can be watching what you eat (because your body is His temple), it can be tithing (because it challenges you to trust God more), it can be writing Bible verses or positive affirmations all over your bedroom (because they make good reminders for you to focus on Him), it can be working on not cussing (because it’s a baby step towards other more important disciplines), it can be limiting your time with certain people and hanging out (fellowshipping) with church goers instead, it can be whatever habits you know you should form depending on what your temptations are. For me I am tempted to fantasize/daydream…about anything, so the habits I must practice could be reading about anything motivational, DIY crafts, or self-development books….anything that would help me be more productive and proactive. If someone is tempted to spend money they don’t have then that person should daily gain knowledge on how to make extra cash on the side or how to manage money wisely by say dedicating 20-30 minutes watching videos about the subject on YouTube. You can write down a practical schedule just for implementing new habits. I honestly think it’s a good idea because for myself it’s hard to make new habits if it’s not written down for me to see. You can take a whole day of reflection, being honest with yourself, praying, and just a lot of brainstorming and planning…..write down your strengths and weaknesses. Your weaknesses are your temptations, so that list should help you determine what habits you must form, and your strengths are there to help remind you of your purpose, they are there to encourage you of your potential if you keep up with those good habits. You can put together a few pages dedicated to spiritual growth, keep it all in one binder. I have one for myself filled with Bible verses, motivating quotes, positive affirmations, a daily meditation, my daily planner, my goals and visuals. I’ve also written a contract to myself and how I am going to meet them with a plan of action. The more detailed you are the better. If anyone wants a closer relationship with God, you have to be practical and detailed about it until they become second nature to you. I forgot where I heard or read something like this but…..a disciple doesn’t know exactly when he is being used by God because he lives his entire life pursuing no one but Him. In other words a true follower of Christ should be so used to obeying Him that he is not even aware of the fact that he is a blessing to others. He is humble yet he is confident. Just remember that whenever you are disappointed in yourself for feeling like you haven’t grown more faithful, you are focusing too much on getting there rather than realizing the growth opportunity you are in right now. Right now your lesson is patience and trust. Focus on trusting and being patient in God and His perfect time through obedience, through good habits. Wow long intro again, but let’s pray.
Dear God, thank You for inspiring me to encourage others who want to be closer to You. Thank You for giving me this relationship I can always count on and Father thank You for making it possible for others to come to You in the same way. Thank You for putting in our hearts the desire to be better than yesterday. Lord I lift up this person who is struggling to understand how faith is worked in them, please allow them to see Your wonderful and mysterious works around them so that they can count these as blessings and miracles that build on the faith they already have. Father show them that their efforts and desire for more of You is pleasing to Your eyes and worth all the hardships they have endured. I ask that you work with their childishness, helping them put aside their old ways and replacing this behavior with childlike faith. And I ask that You reveal Yourself to be that rock and refuge they have been searching for whenever they feel they are weak in faith so that they continually praise You with a heart overwhelmed with joy. God, please provide them the focus they need to make changes in their daily habits and give them patience to wait on You, give them the confidence and security that You have everything under control when they do not have they strength to keep walking in this relationship. Lord let them know that You are working in their heart right now and everyday that they walk with You, so that their hope is multiplied and they are encouraged to keep going. Father we believe that You are mighty to save and mighty to keep guiding us. You would never start anything You can’t finish that’s why in Your will and in Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Colossians 2:6-7 Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.
Colossians 2:2 that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself,
Colossians 1:9-10 For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;
Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
By His Grace, Sheela (Via godfirstgodalways)
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yogaadvise · 5 years ago
5 Ways to Develop Your Intuition
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Intuitive abilities are inside everyone. Intuition is constantly there for us, to lead, secure, and aid us develop. As we expand right into their adult years, we may push this instinct to the side to comply with what society claims we should do. The more we do this, the much less we tend to listen to that little voice or those digestive tract feelings.
And like anything else in life, when you stop utilizing it, you can shed it. A muscle mass should move, an eye must see, a brain should assume, the exact same holds true for the intuitive process.
Here are 5 ways you can create intuition.
If you're an avid reader of Chopra.com, you might be tired of seeing short articles on reflection. But there's a factor reflection is suggested so often-- it's essential. Reflection can be valuable for almost anything in life, including helping you access intuition.
There are a number of states of consciousness described in Silva Approach. Beta is a typical level of awareness. Alpha is kicked back understanding, theta is a state of meditative hypnotic trance, and delta is a state of transcendental experience. Of these four psychological states, alpha is the level that aids you learn, memorize, communicate, and review the ideas as well as emotions of others as well as yourself. The alpha state of the brain likewise associates with meditation. A daily meditation technique assists you regulate this alpha state, as well as therefore manage the user-friendly process.
Cultivate a Healthy Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is a tiny gland in the mind the dimension of a grain of rice. If you put one finger on your third eye and also one simply over your ear, and also you might have the 2 fingers satisfy in the brain, this is the area. The pineal gland manages your body clock as well as helps your brain go into the reflection state less complicated by the alpha state of consciousness. For ideal health of this gland, try these actions:
Avoid Fluoride: Fluoride constructs up on the pineal gland, calcifying as well as decreasing, or eliminating altogether, the user-friendly feature. Fluoride remains in our public water system in addition to in tooth paste. Although the tooth paste is not being consumed it does saturate into the bloodstream with the gums. This additionally applies for the shower, jacuzzis, etc. Skin is our biggest organ, transforming on the warm water opens pores and also invites the fluoride right into the bloodstream, flowing onto the pineal gland.
Tune Your Chakra: The third-eye Chakra, or the Ajna, is the area to focus on for heightened intuitive abilities. Equilibrium in this field can be tuned by daily reflection and yoga exercise methods. Up the strength of adjusting by integrating the shade indigo around the home and workplace, lug or use healing crystals such as an amethyst, as well as consciously focus your mind on the area between the brows (Ajna) each day.
Make it a Game 
Think of easy items, colors, or scenarios. Create the vision in your mind as well as watch as your intuition overviews you via specific situations. For your first try, see for how long it considers your intuition to talk to you. Maintain notes in a journal. Notification if the response to specific things or scenarios come faster than others. If so, what do they have in common?
Play with these optional outcomes as well as attempt to acquire an item, this time faster than the previous initiative. As an example, you may believe of the shade pink. You stroll outside to examine the mail as well as your intestine tells you to want to your left. There you notice a pink Cadillac drive by, that had you remained to concentrate on the route to the mailbox, you could have missed out on. Maintain your goals simple, it will certainly aid you get responses on a more regular basis since the video game is extra likely to hold your attention. As the user-friendly muscular tissue develops and also subconscious decreases, you can raise the complexity of your goals.
This is, certainly, purposely materializing. Manifestation is the primary factor to tune your instinct. Claiming, "I am always secure" is an affirmation of a details indication, as well as the intuition will certainly lead you through the roadway of safety. Making a video game of this user-friendly toughness will certainly develop exhilaration, show deep space this is a goal, and also keep you focused. Emphasis plus intention equates to results.
Live in the Now
It becomes tough for your instinct to speak with you if your mind remains in the past or the future.
Consider this quote from Lao Tzu: "If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you fear, you are staying in the future. If you go to peace, you are staying in the here and now."
The present instinct works best when the mind remains in the existing. Pain created in the past can take control of the mind. The future can appear frightening. What is on the opposite side these days or perhaps an hour from currently? At this factor even when the intuitive process can send you signals loud and also clear, your worry will allow the subconscious mind to override those signals.
When depression or anxiousness slips into your thoughts, repeat the above quote. The "now" is the area where intuition lives. Your greater self has no concept of our earthly time.
Talk to Your Higher Self
Intuition is yourself, your higher self, that is. Maker, deep space, or your heart are all patiently waiting your instruction, greater than satisfied to direct you. Why do not people simply have gold rolling out of every house, delighted connections, as well as infinite excellent wellness? Human beings have neglected exactly how to communicate such things to the universe.
Ask yourself, "Am I sending out the message of what I desire or am I vibrating what I'm worried regarding?" The world may wind up giving you the signals that send you to all the wrong places.
How do you talk to on your own? Do you claim 'I am constantly ill' or 'I like being healthy'? Consider and also consciously choose your internal discussion and also language. In both statements, you might really desire to be healthy. But the statements vary, as well as they send out different signals to deep space. Choose your dialogue sensibly to ensure your desires do not get skewed.
Your instinct is your very own personal GPS, developed in with 24/7 gain access to. Continue to bill the power, program the software program, as well as input the appropriate information as well as you will certainly succeed.
Some of the above steps will certainly take practice and persistence, however will certainly be well worth it. Your individual intuition will certainly end up being like a wonderful stick, you'll wonder just how you moved via life without it. Intuition is except the spiritually gifted, those who practice meditation all the time, or those with loosened up lives. It's a device for each and every one people ... Currently utilize it!
Find your function, song right into the voice of your heart, and establish techniques for complete well-being with our self-paced online program, Living in Awareness. Learn More
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williamlwolf89 · 5 years ago
Why You’ll Never Reach Your Writing Goals in 2020 (Unless…)
Another week passes with no progress on your writing goals.
No first draft, no blog post, no portfolio piece.
Zilch. Nada.
Nauseating guilt washes over you. At the beginning of the new year you were so hopeful, even making a New Year’s resolution to write more in 2020.
But you never seem to get around to it, at least not as much as you should.
Feeling too tired, distracted, or overwhelmed to get into the flow, you procrastinate and prioritize everything but writing.
Fed up with this situation, you decide to set the best damn goals the world has ever seen.
Unfortunately, even if you’re setting writing goals that would make Tony Robbins jealous, there’s still a good chance you will fail.
You turn one of your assumptions about writing on its head.
Goal Setting Wisdom: Vapid or Valuable?
You’ve heard it all before.
Maxims to:
Get inspired
Keep a positive mindset
Visualize your outcomes
Repeat positive affirmations
Connect with your “why”
Set goals (more on this below)
None of this is bad advice. In fact, these are all useful practices. But are they enough?
And there’s the problem. You’re told that if you follow the conventional wisdom, set clear goals, and keep your chin up, success will be yours.
Even with all these strategies, victory is not guaranteed.
Because there is something inside you, in all of us, that will undermine your best intentions.
But, before we stroll down that dark road, let’s review the basics of goal setting. It’s a necessary first step for achieving your dreams this year.
Simple Step-by-Step S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting
Want your goals to stand a fighting chance?
Then follow the S.M.A.R.T. formula: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
Let’s quickly break down each part:
Specific: Start at the Finish Line
Great goals are specific about what you’re going to achieve and when it will happen.
“How will I know objectively that I accomplished this goal?”
Measurable: Amount of Time vs Word Count Goals
You need measurable goals that are easy to track. Examples include the amount of time spent writing (“30 minutes daily before breakfast”) and word count (“300 words daily before breakfast”).
A simple spreadsheet works well for this:
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Tracking enables you to adjust your efforts and expectations based on objective data.
Another method I enjoy using is a simple Kanban style board with the easy to use (and free) writing project management tool, Trello.
Attainable: Smaller Goals vs Larger Goals
Daring to dream big is noble, but some writers are overwhelmed by bigger goals.
Balance big, inspiring (and scary) goals with smaller goals that feel attainable in the short term. These smaller, attainable goals will lead to “quick wins”, which will give you confidence to tackle the larger goals.
Relevant: Sensible in the Big Picture
You want to be an author, blogger, and start a freelance writing side hustle, but only have so much energy and attention to go around.
Choose your goals wisely. Perhaps you can publish your book in two years and start that side hustle now. Focus, Daniel-san!
Time-Bound: Know Your Goal’s Time Frame
“I’m going to write a book someday!”
Cool, good for you. Someday is a convenient synonym for never. We use it to weasel out of doing the hard work now.
Set hard deadlines to avoid this common trap.
Examples of Effective Writing Goals (S.M.A.R.T. Formula in Action)
That’s a lot of info, so let’s pull it all together. Here are a few good example writing goals:
Blogger: Publish two posts of 2,000+ words every month on my blog in 2020.
Freelance Writer: Apply to 5 writing gigs every week from January through June of this year.
Aspiring Author: Complete my rough draft by December of 2020 by writing every evening at 9 pm for 30 minutes non-stop (no editing!).
See how each goal is specific, measurable, easily attainable, very relevant to the goal setter, and has a clear deadline? That’s what you’re looking for.
If you need more help, read this Hubspot article on the do’s and don’ts of S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Okay, so what if you already have killer goals, a sparkling attitude, make generous offerings to the writing gods under a full moon, and still struggle to write consistently?
You’re not alone…
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One Thing You Must Rise Above
How often do you feel like writing?
Let me guess, your list of requirements to write includes:
Feeling inspired, motivated, focused, clear, happy, and confident
Having extra time, enough energy, peace and quiet, and no distractions
You may be asking then, “How can I set my life up so that I feel like writing more often?”
It’s not a bad question. Energy and time management practices to improve performance and mood are useful. But, this question makes an assumption, missing a deeper truth:
Who says you need to feel a certain way to write?
Other worthwhile and fulfilling achievements aren’t easy. Why should writing be any different?
Look, it’s not just you.
Somewhere along the way we all started giving “how we feel” more weight than it deserves. Sure, let your feelings ride shotgun, but don’t hand them the wheel.
Letting how you feel govern your choices places you at the mercy of what Stephen Pressfield, author of The War of Art, calls “resistance.”
Resistance is an insidious beast with many faces, and must be tamed if you’re ever going to succeed.
It’s the voice that says, “You worked hard today, go ahead and take the evening off.”
It fools you into thinking that mundane tasks are urgent, taking precedence over writing. “Afterall,” it assures you, “writing can wait until tomorrow.”
This whole mess generates a vicious cycle.
You blow off writing. Then you feel guilt, self-loathing, frustration, and sadness. This build-up of bad feelings makes you even less inclined to write — and this pattern becomes a habit.
This destructive cycle devours your dreams, one excruciating day at a time.
We must then question our habit of letting today’s feelings determine the fate of tomorrow’s outcomes.
Not to worry, grasshopper. There’s a better way.
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Better Writers Know this Uncomfortable Truth
Not to be dismissive of the very real challenges in your life…
But these demands aren’t going away anytime soon, and you still want to write that book or launch that blog.
Don’t you?
If you don’t learn how to decouple your actions from how you feel, your goals will pay dearly.
The result:
No book
No blog
Zero followers
No side income
No legacy
Because, let’s be real, these are the stakes.
What if, like Ryan Holiday suggests in The Obstacle is the Way, you take a different approach? Not only accepting difficulties as a given, but actually being grateful for them.
What I’m proposing here is to go beyond simply accepting the idea that you will have to write even when you don’t feel like it.
No. Take it further.
Seek Out Discomfort
Savor it like Hannibal Lecter enjoying chianti with his fava beans.
Because here is the secret, my friend.
How you feel will always be inconsistent, but you must become consistent in your actions regardless of how you feel.
This is the key that opens a door to the magical realm of growth and achievement.
Jon Morrow breaks this down nicely in this episode of his podcast Break Through the Noise:
“A lot of times, what success usually means is… actually putting yourself into a state of boredom, into a state of unhappiness, in order to create long term results… It’s short term pain for long term gain.”
And before you get the wrong idea…
This doesn’t have to be an exercise in masochism.
Instead, think of your competing desires like an adult with a child.
The whining child is bored and just wants to play. The loving adult speaks patiently, acknowledging that, “Yes, I know this is hard. I can see you don’t feel like it. Let’s just sit down and write for a moment. You’ll see. It will be fine.”
And you know what?
Every time you choose to act greater than your fear, laziness, and resistance, you build the habit of doing just that. Proving that you are greater than what you feel.
Okay, so how can we do that?
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Your Writing Habit: Virtuous Friend or Vicious Foe?
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Habits are powerful.
Deeply etched upon your nervous system, they compel you to act without conscious will.
The bad news?
You already have a writing habit — a bad habit.
Remember the vicious cycle mentioned earlier? Cycles are repetitive, and repetition builds habits.
Not to worry!
Now you’ll learn how to create a new cycle — a virtuous cycle that doesn’t rely on you being in the mood to write.
Hack Your Writing Process
How you feel is often at odds with your goals.
Fortunately, there are elements in your daily life that can reliably trigger your drive to write.
There’s a scientific approach to this.
In his book Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything, BJ Fogg provides his A, B, C framework for building what he calls “tiny habits”:
Anchor: Something happens that reminds us to do the thing
Behavior: Immediately do the thing
Celebration: Immediately reward yourself for succeeding
Fogg recommends you start small.
You’re more likely to repeat the process when it’s easy and rewarding. As the behavior gels into habit you can easily scale up, leading to big changes over time.
Here’s how it looks in real life:
Goal: Write 300 words for my short stories every evening this year.
Anchor: Kiss the kids goodnight (a consistent event that triggers your writing routine)
Behavior: Consider lying on the couch and watching The Bachelorette. No, stay strong! Instead, sit at the kitchen table and write at least one sentence.
Celebration: Reward yourself by punching the air and shouting, “I am a winner!” or tweet self-congratulatory messages: #goals #bestwriting
Goal: Complete my rough draft this year by writing for 30 minutes every morning.
Anchor: Make your morning cuppa’ Joe (this will never not happen)
Behavior: Look longingly at your phone, imagining what you’re missing on Insta. Stop! Shuffle over to your desk, sit down, and write for 5 minutes (to start) before breakfast.
Celebration: Eat chocolate cake for breakfast. Or, you know, just have a small piece of that fancy dark chocolate you love.
Simple, right?
Notice how you’re not trying to achieve maximum output. At least, not yet. As these routines become habit, your word count and writing times will naturally increase.
Do you see the difference between the old “feelings first” approach and this new model?
Fogg’s method does generate good feelings in the final celebratory phase of his process. There’s nothing wrong with that. But, these feelings only help reinforce what you’re already committed to doing.
The only time you need to make any decisions about whether you’re going to write is when you initially set your goals.
From then on, regardless of how you feel, just write when the anchor event happens. No deciding. No rationalizing your way out of it.
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Your Shockingly Good Year
Not writing feels terrible. It eats away at your soul, undermining your self-worth.
Remember, setting goals is necessary for achieving something great this year, but it’s not enough.
You must stay vigilant, keeping watch for the antics of that wiley trickster inside you. It will say anything to keep you from writing. Because while you’re goofing off, it feasts on your dreams.
Instead, you must cultivate a writing habit — stop relying on fickle feelings to drive your progress.
And when you reach the end of the year?
Imagine how amazing it’s going to feel not only hitting, but surpassing your goals.
When you finally:
Grow your blog
Break into a new niche
Multiply your income
No more sadness and frustration. No more guilt, shame, or self-doubt. And no more wondering whether you have what it takes!
You will be in control, with the power, confidence, and freedom to shape your destiny. Not only as a writer, but in all areas of your life.
If you haven’t set S.M.A.R.T. goals, do that right away. Don’t wait!
Then think about a simple routine you can start tomorrow. What trigger will remind you it’s time to write regardless of how you feel?
Remember, if it feels uncomfortable, hard, or scary then you’re on the right track.
You, the courageous writer who dines on discomfort and relishes resistance, are unstoppable.
Good luck! You got this!
About the Author: James Everett Youngblood is the owner of ProductiveMen.com. He’s a Smart Blogger Certified Content Marketing Writer specializing in search-optimized longform content, and he can help your blog capture more search traffic and better reader engagement. Click here to learn more about him (and hire him).
The post Why You’ll Never Reach Your Writing Goals in 2020 (Unless…) appeared first on Smart Blogger.
from SEO and SM Tips https://smartblogger.com/writing-goals/
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jordan202 · 8 years ago
The Journey - Part Seventeen
Thanks to everyone who waited patiently for this. @jia911 and @bluebelle18 thank you so much for your help. 
Previous chapters are HERE. 
Timeline for Part 17:
How much exactly happened between Amelia telling Derek she was in love with Owen at the end of 11x18 and the opening scene of 11x19? One night? Why not a little more than that? This chapters explores the interactions between these two episodes. And sadly, we are getting ready to say goodbye to Derek. 
The Journey – Part Seventeen 
“What’s this?” Amelia asked widening her eyes. Owen had just moved his leg up to better accommodate the two of them in bed and she couldn’t help noticing the long scar on the outside of his right thigh. “Who did this?” Her eyes scanned it with concern, noticing the poorly done surgical repair. “It’s a disaster,” she joked, outlining the thin mark with her index finger.
“What?” Owen distractedly asked, taking his eyes off the TV to focus on the woman in his arms. “Oh, that,” He chuckled, knowing she’d probably be horrified by his answer. “I got a nasty cut there once and got it stapled.”
Amelia’s scowl of sympathy for the painful procedure amused him. Even though there was nothing but a pink discreet line visible on his fair skin, as a surgeon she could obviously identify the evidence of a severe laceration that has bruised his leg once.
“Oh my God, where were you when this happened?” Amelia leaned over, unceremoniously pulling the fabric of his boxers up his thigh to take a closer look at the scar. She knew Owen had been to a warzone more than once and wasn’t sure she was prepared to hear his answer. “It looks like a carpenter did it.”
“I did it,” He replied and waited for the surprise on her face, that didn’t fail to come. “That’s why it looks that horrible. I was in a hurry and didn’t have that much of an angle.”
“Where in the world were you that you couldn’t properly suture this?” Amelia asked with sympathy, supposing it was a battle wound.
“At the hospital,” Owen surprised her and couldn’t help a fit of laughter at her nearly offended expression. “Right here in Seattle.”
“You were at the hospital and you did this to yourself?” Amelia’s voice was a pitch higher than usual. She looked almost angry. “What the hell, Owen?”
He shrugged and chuckled, amused by her protective reaction.
“I guess I wasn’t thinking much back then. I had just made it back from war and my head was not in a very good place,” Owen followed her eyes and ended gazing at the result of his impulsiveness with the stapler. “The cosmetic result doesn’t bother me that much but I suppose I should have at least gotten the area numb before stapling myself. I probably would have done a better job if I weren’t feeling every staple slicing my skin.”
Amelia was silent for a couple of seconds before she finally admitted.
“Well, I can’t judge you that much on that because I once did something similar,” She pointed to her left hand, where a virtually nonexistent scar served as a reminder of her messy drunken days. “But at least I had the decency to apply some local anesthetic to it first.” Owen laughed along with her, and he couldn’t help cracking up harder when she added, “not to mention I used real, grown up surgeon suture line and not a quick carpentry patch.”
Owen wrapped his free hand around her waist, pulling her back closer against his chest. They were in bed, half lying, half sitting. Amelia was between his legs, comfortably leaned on him. Owen had grown to love holding her every night. It felt perfect to have her tiny frame captured in his arms, to be able to breath her in and smell the amazing scent on her hair as they did something as mundane as watching an old action movie on television together on a random weeknight.
After her sassy comment, Owen stretched out his hand and grabbed hers, inspecting the almost imperceptible scar on its left side before taking it to his lips, kissing the area with delight mirth.
“Do I want to ask how you got that cut in the first place?” He turned his head sideways, meeting her eyes as Amelia accommodated the back of her head against his shoulder.
The neurosurgeon saw the raised eyebrow and pretended to think long and hard of what to say before replying:
Owen chuckled at her response and saw the contained laughter in her eyes before burying his face on the crook of her neck.
“But you’ll tell me anyway,” he affirmed with conviction, playfully showering her shoulder and neck with kisses that made Amelia twitch her back in a ticklish response.
“Okay, okay…” Her giggles echoed through the small interior of Owen’s trailer as she surrendered. After catching her breath, Amelia finally confessed. “I was drunk and fell on a bar.” She met his eyes and noticed he was expecting something more. “Actually, I fell from the bar. Not that glorious, as you can see.”
“At least you were having fun.” He added, noticing she seemed to be avoiding sharing more details. Owen knew she was probably bothered because the memory was linked to her rock bottom days as an alcoholic. But he didn’t judge her for her condition. In fact, he thought her resilience and drive to overcome it everyday spoke a whole lot more than her addiction in the first place.
“Yeah, kind of…” Amelia grinned, thankful that she could now laugh about the situation that had once been so embarrassing. Her gaze had diverted back to the TV as once again she and Owen got caught up with the movie on screen when she felt his fingers idly rubbing the skin of her stomach beneath her shirt.
A lazy smile formed on her lips as Amelia relaxed even more in his arms, not making a lot of effort to contain a yawn. Over those past few days together, she’d come to notice how Owen’s hands were always seeking her back and belly under her shirt and she didn’t mind it one bit. In fact, Amelia found the act quite intimate and soothing. It felt amazing to feel the roughness of his hand against her skin, constantly reminding her that he was there.
His thumb was still distractedly rubbing the curve of her waist when Amelia intertwined her fingers with his, unconsciously offering him support as she heard the words slipping her mouth.
“How was it there?” She asked, unable to withhold the question much longer. “I know you’ve been to several tours but you never talk about your days in the army.”
Owen’s eyes were still on the screen but he was no longer paying attention to the movie.
“There is nothing much to tell,” He evasively answered, finally looking from the screen to her eyes. Amelia saw his discreet smile before he leaned over and kissed her temple with affection. “I spent most of my time there working at a campaign hospital, seeing patients and scrubbing in on surgeries the same way we work here every day.” Owen added.
It wasn’t exactly true and he knew it. Not only were the conditions at the war zone a lot different, it was a daily struggle to see the men and women he fought with having their lives hanging by a thread, or losing them despite his best efforts. Fighting alongside people he considered brothers and sisters was already hard enough, but being the one who worked on them when they were at their worst not knowing if at any moment he would turn out to the next victim was exponentially rough.
Owen had lived through a lot. He’d seen and heard everything. Those days were in his past and at the moment, he was much more interested in the present lying comfortably in his arms.
And who knew, maybe she might turn out to be his future too? Owen surely hoped so.
“Yeah, but you never bring it up.” Amelia gently insisted, thinking about his wellbeing. “It’s okay to talk about you, you know that, right?” She turned sideways in his arms, leaning the side of her head against his shoulder as she looked up to meet his eyes, feeling him adjusting to better hold her. “You should talk about it. I’m here if you want to.” She selflessly offered, waiting for his response, but all Owen did was to give her a quick peck on the lips.
“Thank you.” He smiled when they broke apart. “But I am okay,” he added, more worried about assuring her than about his own current status. Owen had been severely traumatized when he’d come back from his last tour, but a lot of hard work in therapy sessions and long years of taking care of himself had made that better.
It was impossible to talk about the war without bringing up some painful memories. Owen had lost people he cared too much about to it… Friends and family. Tonight, they were having a blissful moment, and he didn’t want to ruin it with memories that would only constrict his heart.
“Okay, then, but the offer still stands,” Amelia smiled genuinely at him, still playing with his fingers between hers. “Did you find what you were looking for?” She turned her head and looked deeply into his eyes. “In the army, I mean. Whatever made you join… Did you find what you were after?”
Owen slightly frowned, looking lost in thought. A lot of people asked him what had made him join in the first place, but no one had ever asked him that.
“I think so.” He was still surprised with the question, but tried to be as honest as possible while looking back into her eyes and speaking from the heart. “I don’t know, I guess I wanted to make a difference.”
“You can make a difference right here.”
The way Amelia said the words, without any hesitation while looking straight into his eyes moved Owen. In her shy smile, he learned the true meaning of her last sentence.
Feeling his heart being invaded by a warm, tender sensation, Owen wrapped his arms around her more tightly and kissed the top of her head, closing his eyes as Amelia snuggled closer to his chest. Minutes went by before they finally began talking again.
“Are you really taking a day off tomorrow?” She asked, raising one eyebrow questioningly at him. Ever since she’d started working at the hospital, it was rare to see Owen taking a personal day. He’d have free time sometimes on weekends, but Amelia couldn’t think of a single weekday where her boss hadn’t been at the hospital.
“Yeah,” Owen awkwardly replied, looking like someone who’d just been busted. Unable to keep the information a secret any longer, he finally confessed. “Your brother is going to DC in a couple of days to finalize his work with his project there and he told me he’s taking this time to do all the things he loves the most… You know, like spending time with his family, or being back in the OR.” Owen explained. “But he also told me he loves the quietness and silence he first found when he got here. So Derek planned a fishing excursion for tomorrow and after telling me about it, he insisted I joined him.” The chief of surgery looked at Amelia conspicuously. “I have a feeling he suspects about us.” Owen added with a semi apologetic grin.
The neurosurgeon thought it was cute the way he was apparently blaming himself for it.
“Derek knows,” Amelia affirmed with conviction, watching the transformation in Owen’s face as he showed surprise with the information. “Well…” She bit her lower lip with doubt. “I am not sure how much he knows, to be honest.” The neurosurgeon confessed, thinking about the conversation she’d had with her brother. She had openly admitted to be falling in love with Owen, something Derek didn’t look so surprised with, but Amelia had never told him that the two of them were steadily seeing each other.
“Oh God,” Owen widened his eyes with discomfort. “Do you think that’s why he invited me?” Suddenly, a look of alarm was stamped all over the surgeon’s expression. “He’s not going to…You know…” Owen hesitated, visibly uncomfortable. “He’s not going to be asking me questions, is he?”
Amelia studied his expression, having fun with Owen’s predicament. Derek was obviously protective of her, but he’d made it clear he supported the romance between his sister and his friend. She really couldn’t see him grilling Owen about it, but it was fun to watch their boss being so terrified with anxiety.
“Well,” Amelia chuckled, seeing Owen growing worried by the minute. “I guess tomorrow you’ll find out.”
The sun was shinning high in the sky, casting a comfortable heat on them as Owen listened to Derek’s monologue about rods, reels and lines. After a few minutes, the two men sat beside each other inside the small boat. Owen found out that instead of the awkward conversation he was expecting, there was actually comfortable silence.
Both surgeons had learned how to cherish those moments of peace and quietness. Derek, being born and raised in New York, had grown accustomed to noise and busy streets. Owen on the other hand had learned the true value of tranquility during his first deployment, while spending months deprived of it. After Derek popped open the first two beers, both guys remained immersed in total silence, enjoying the rare day of clear skies in Seattle.
After what it felt like a couple of hours, it was Derek who finally started the conversation.
“This is nice,” The neurosurgeon casually commented, pulling out his rod and collecting the medium size trout that had bitten his bait. “We took too long to start doing this.” He added with an encouraging grin.
Owen watched as his friend skillfully prepared another hook.
“Yeah,” He agreed with a head nod, looking over his shoulder to Derek. Owen had to admit he was enjoying that day more than he would have expected. It felt good to take a break from everything and be closer to nature. “I had no idea how much I needed this.”
“The quietness?” Derek raised his eyebrows in a clear mocking smile. Owen recognized the expression, it was the same one Amelia had on whenever she was about to tease him. “I bet you did,” Derek tried to contain a smile. “I mean, it’s not like you can have a moment’s peace with Amelia. In fact,” the neurosurgeon looked playfully at the other guy, as if knowing how uncomfortable he was starting to feel. “She won’t shut up whenever she can help it.” Derek chuckled. “But I’m sure you’ve already picked up on it.”
Owen breathed in, hesitating for a moment while he thought of what to say. The tension was building up and he had been caught by surprise.
“Yeah, about Amelia…”
“Hey, don’t worry, alright?” Derek interrupted him with a lighthearted grin. “I know.” He said without adding details. And then, almost as if giving his blessing, the neurosurgeon nodded his head. “She told me.”
Owen didn’t know how to respond to that, so he simply remained silent. At the same time Derek had no saying in Amelia’s love life, he was her brother and Owen knew the two of them were close. He and Amelia hadn’t really defined what they were yet, but the chief of surgery wanted to believe she was just as invested in their relationship as he was. And if that were the case, Derek would probably be a significant part of his life from there on.
Almost as if reading his thoughts, Amelia’s brother commented:
“You know, you are welcome to park the trailer in my back yard for as long as you want,” Derek started, smiling mischievously. “But if you ever feel like you need more space, I heard the owners there have been trying to sell the place for years now,” He pointed to a squared flat land surrounded by high pine trees directly across the smaller portion of the lake. “I almost bought it, but I would have no use for it. Everything I need I already have right here.” He pointed to the house and the yard with his eyes, smiling affectionately. The expression on Derek’s face showed he was thinking about way more than he was actually saying. “But how nice would it be to be my neighbor?” The neurosurgeon hid his telltale smile behind a bottle of beer.
Owen looked at him suspiciously. It was obvious what Derek was implying.
“I am already your neighbor.” He pointed out, refusing to give the idea and everything it entailed too much thought, otherwise Owen knew he would quickly be seduced by it.
“I meant a grown up neighbor.” Derek teased him, looking from his friend back to the vacant land. “Amelia is a big city girl, though,” he continued, completely ignoring Owen’s grumpy protest. He knew he was seeing way too much into the future but after his latest epiphany, Derek felt like there was no time left to lose. Life was too precious and went by too fast to waste any time overthinking things that already made a lot of sense. “So don’t expect her to celebrate the idea of living out here in the woods on the long run,” The older brother finished his beer and smacked the leftover flavor on his lips. “Just promise her you’ll never make her sleep in a tent and she’ll be on board.” He looked at the chief of surgery like he’d just given him privileged information. “It’ll also earn you some extra points if you add a big bathtub in her suite.”
Even though Owen was trying really hard to stick to reality, it was incredibly difficult to refrain from actually picturing what Derek was saying. It had always been his dream to build a family and a home with a woman he loved and wanted the same things in life. Amelia came from a big family and it was obvious Derek enjoyed having her around. No wonder why the neurosurgeon was pretty much making plans for Amelia’s future and including Owen in it.
“And then when you two have kids, you can even…”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Owen interrupted his friend, giving him a censoring look. “You should take a step back and come back to the present time.” The chief kept a heavy frown. “Actually, take several steps back.”
“What, you don’t want to have kids?” Derek playfully asked, smiling widely when he noticed the obvious answer in Owen’s eyes. The neurosurgeon was well aware of where his friends stood about having children, especially after closely witnessing how being deprived of them had contributed to put an end to his marriage.
“Of course I do.” Owen refuted him instantly.
“Then what’s the problem?” Derek spoke excitedly. “You know, Hunt, there will come a day when you’ll wake up one morning and find out there is no better feeling in the world than when your baby holds your face between their hands and smiles at you before saying dad.” His eyes were gleaming with mischief when Derek then finally added. “But then my mom will probably ring on your front door unexpectedly, or one of the kids will throw up on you and next thing you know, you’ll be wondering how you got yourself into this mess in the first place.”
Owen couldn’t contain a chuckle. He couldn’t deny how the idea was incredibly inviting. If things kept progressing the way they were, at some point he would love to embark on the idea of building the kind of life Derek had made for himself with Amelia. In a way, Owen already felt like they were already working on the foundation.
Truth was, Owen hadn’t been with Amelia for too long. And life had already taught him to be cautious and how to shield his heart from further disappointment. He had learned not to project his expectations into someone like he’d done in the past, because that didn’t work out. But with Amelia, it simply felt like he didn’t have to. So far, she had only given him reasons to believe she was everything he’d ever wanted and after months in her company, getting to know her and slowly falling in love with her, it became increasingly harder for Owen not to jump in Derek’s idea with both feet.
Involuntarily, his eyes searched across the lake and once again Owen spotted the piece of land Derek had just mentioned. It looked perfect. In a matter of seconds his brain filled in all the blanks. He could almost see a two-story house right by one of the corners, a small football field where he could play catch with his kids and they could ride their bikes on the summer. And right in the center of it all, he could see Amelia being the one right beside him building everything from scratch.
The thoughts remained on his mind for the following hours. Soon enough, he and Derek had already collected a bucket of fish and talked about enough topics to clear their heads. Feeling reinvigorated and more hopeful than he’d felt in years, Owen returned home with his friend, surprised when by the time he made his way to his trailer for the day, Derek insisted he had dinner at the house with the Shepherds later that evening.
The trauma surgeon was about to get dressed when something on the bed caught his attention. Narrowing his eyes with curiosity, Owen approached the bedroom, only to find a delicate white bra that certainly did not belong to him.
Reaching out underneath the blankets, Owen took the small piece and smiled affectionately. For the past week, Amelia had been spending pretty much every night with him. And even though it hadn’t been that long, her presence was already evident in every corner of his trailer.
Her forgotten lingerie was just one of the many traces she’d left behind. Now, his sink usually had two dirty coffee mugs instead of one. The smell of her hair was still very much imprinted on his sheets and the remote control on the opposite side of the bed where he usually laid on also gave away that lately, Owen hadn’t been sleeping alone.
After his eyes noticed the late hour, the trauma surgeon hurried to put the object he’d found inside his pocket and quickly finished getting dressed with dark slacks and a deep green button up shirt. When he rang the doorbell, Owen was surprised to find Zola opening the door right before Derek. He was escorted inside, served a beer and joined his friend on the living room couch, learning that Meredith had scrubbed in on a long surgery and would be home late that evening.
As for Amelia, Owen had no idea. He’d texted her a couple of times earlier that day, but she hadn’t yet replied. And he certainly wasn’t going to ask Derek. Just as Owen was wondering where she was, the front door opened in a hurry and the neurosurgeon barged in, looking absolutely surprised to find both men in the living room.
“Hi!” She recovered quickly from her initial shock, frowning in obvious confusion to what was going on. Amelia had her phone in her hand, and the way the looked from it to Owen let him know she’d just caught up with his messages. “How was fishing?” She asked, uncertain of what to say in that awkwardly surprising situation.
“It was good,” Owen replied evasively.
“Really good,” Derek replied at the same time, visibly more excited.
Amelia looked from her brother to her boss, carefully studying his expression. Owen didn’t seem exactly uncomfortable, but he seemed a bit guarded. As if he wasn’t entirely relaxed, even though the two men were simply watching a game on TV, like they’d done dozens of times before. And it was very obvious why.
Other than her childhood sweetheart, Amelia had never really introduced a guy to her family before but that situation was entirely different, because Owen was already friends with Derek by the time he got involved with Amelia. The younger neurosurgeon didn’t feel awkward to have her brother know about her romantic life, but she could see why a reserved, honorable guy like Owen would be hesitant to act intimate with his friend’s younger sister in his presence.
“So,” Derek looked from Owen to Amelia, determined to make the two of them feel as awkward and uncomfortable as possible for his own amusement. “Are we having dinner, or what?”
“Yeah,” Owen quickly stepped up to help, on board with the idea of having something to keep busy with.
“Good,” Derek nodded. “I am just going to take these little guys to bed first.” He picked up Bailey and called Zola. “Amy, why don’t you set the table?” The neurosurgeon gave his sister a not very subtle wink, clearly trying to embarrass her in front of Owen.
“Sure,” Amelia rolled her eyes at him, reading his intentions. As soon as Derek disappeared upstairs with the kids, she turned her head to the man left standing between the kitchen and the living room. “What’s gotten into you two?” She asked with good humor, trying to decipher Owen’s controlled expression. “You’re so secretive about your date today.”
“We went fishing today,” Owen said like that answered everything, openly ignoring the way she had mocked him by using the word ‘date’. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and followed Amelia into the kitchen, noticing the questioning look that still remained her eyes. “It was nice.” Owen tried again. He’d never really been that good with words and that whole day still felt very confusing.
“Did Derek give you a hard time?” Amelia asked accusingly. Being a big brother, she fully expected Derek to torment her as much as he could.
“No, it was actually very nice,” Owen repeated more emphatically this time. Memories of the future Derek had painted were still haunting his memory, and the surgeon was trying his best not to give into the temptation of fully investing in them without holding back. “We didn’t talk much but I guess… I don’t know…” Owen awkwardly hesitated and stopped laying the plates on the dinner table like he’d been doing. His eyes met Amelia’s and he took a deep breath before confessing. “I guess he was just trying to make sure I have good intentions about you… That we are not just fooling around, I mean.”
“Oh,” Amelia looked at the man in front of her, feeling touched by her brother’s devotion.
“And also, that I was sure I knew what I was getting myself into,” Owen added with a teasing smile.
Amelia scowled, rejecting his playful remark.
“Well, now he knows,” The neurosurgeon sighed in conformation. She had just realized that Derek knowing about she and Owen sort of officially meant they were something. Trying to contain her anxiety about the situation, for Amelia was not sure she was ready for a serious commitment yet, she resorted to playful banter to distract her mind. “You’ve always been the one to condemn our hiding and sneaking out.  Now it’s out in the open. Satisfied?”
“Yes,” Owen smiled with joy. Feeling particularly inspired, he took his hand to his pocket and slowly pulled out a white object that Amelia obviously recognized in an instant. “But mostly because of this.”
“What?” She chuckled, approaching him. “I was looking for that this morning!” The neurosurgeon tried to take the bra from his hands but Owen easily dodged her attempt. Amelia folded her arms in front of her body. “What are you doing?”
“You think you’re just getting it back like that?” Owen raised one of his eyebrows playfully and approached her, whispering with a seductive voice. “I don’t even get a thank you for returning it, first?”
Amelia was determined not to give into his bribery, but his charming ways and magnetic presence convinced her otherwise. With amused laughter, she wrapped one of her arms around his neck and pulled his head down towards her, kissing him with the same fiery passion she usually would when they were alone in bed at night.
Owen felt her lips forcing his apart and welcomed her sweet intrusion. Amelia stood on the tip of her toes and pressed against him, molding her body to his solid frame as she continued to explore and deepen the kiss.
“Now, that is a proper thank you,” Owen affirmed with a teasing voice as they slowly pulled apart. Her electric blue eyes were looking at him with desire and longing and he instantly regretted agreeing to that dinner instead of having her all to himself for the night. He was about to say it when they heard a noise coming from the living room and quickly went back to the boring task of setting the table.
As he entered the room, Derek looked from his sister to his friend, instantly picking up the animosity in the air. He smiled mysteriously, making Amelia believe she was in for a full round of teasing during dinner but to her surprise, Derek behaved impeccably, bringing up lighthearted topics that entertained the three adults while they shared a delicious hot meal.
As soon as they were done eating, Owen’s cell phone buzzed incessantly. Seeing it was the hospital, the chief of surgery excused himself for a moment, going into the living room to have more privacy as he answered the work call.
“You are unbelievable!” Amelia took advantage of Owen’s absence and immediately accused her brother, watching as he laughed with delight at her predicament.
“I thought you’d be happy!” Derek replied with pretend disbelief, knowing very well his sister was censoring the way he’d sneakily convinced Owen to spend time with him exactly after Amelia’s confession. “After all, you told me you were falling for the guy. All I did was try to set you up.”
“Derek!” Amelia lost her patience. “I am already going out with Owen.”
“You are?” Derek raised both eyebrows in an exaggerated reaction.
“Yeah, but somehow…” Amelia squinted, slowly reading into the situation. Derek was smiling like he knew better. “Something tells me you already knew that though, didn’t you?”
Amelia noticed the proud smirk lingering on her brother’s lips. She’d told Derek she was developing feelings for Owen, but she hadn’t given him any details of their relationship. It was obvious something was going on, but Derek couldn’t possibly know exactly what.
“Of course I know,” Derek playfully admitted, seeing the crossed look on his sister’s face as she realized she’d flagrantly failed to hide something from him. “I’ve known it since the day you two sneaked out through the back after throwing that noisy toy outside.”
“You saw us?!” Amelia asked with surprise. That had been Derek’s first night back in the city, exactly when she’d gone on her first official date with Owen to the auction.
“I very much did,” Derek laughed at her incredulity. “I am a neurosurgeon, Amelia. You wouldn’t believe how sharp my sight is.”
“Actually, I would.” Amelia replied, obviously butt-hurt by his sneaky insult to her neurosurgical sighting skills.
“You haven’t slept at home once in a full week.” Her brother cracked up with the busted look on her face. “No one has that many night shifts.” Derek logically explained. “Besides… how do you think I am so okay with this?” He asked, leaning on the kitchen counter to look into her eyes with an amused expression.
Amelia took her time digesting the meaning of his words.
“You don’t have to be okay with anything.” She playfully chided, even though she felt flattered with her brother’s concern. “It’s my life, not yours.”
“It’s my friend,” Derek pestered her.
“I stole your job, what makes you think I wouldn’t steal your friends?” Amelia wickedly smiled, determined to get back at him for his previous insult to her abilities as a surgeon.
“Well,” Derek shrugged in conformation. “At least Owen is an upgrade from Mark.”
“You know about Mark too?!” Amelia widened her eyes in shock, genuinely surprised. A few years before, she had once had a meaningless one-night stand with Mark Sloan.
“You think Mark would miss out on the chance to rub on my face that he slept with each one of my four sisters?” Derek grumpily asked, suddenly irritated with the topic.
Amelia didn’t miss out on the chance to get her revenge.
“Well, you’ve always known sleeping with Mark was a rite of passage,” she joked.
“Yeah but I expected him to keep his promise and not prey on you when you were still underage,” Derek scowled, still distressed with the idea.
“I was already a surgeon, Derek,” Amelia argued, laughing with his annoyance.
“So?” He dismissed her point, pretty much saying that to him, she would always be his kid sister.
Amelia was just about to reply to his smug comment when she spotted a movement with the corner of her eyes.
Owen stood by the door with his cell phone in his hand. His tight grip around the object didn’t go unnoticed and Amelia wondered how much of the conversation he’d heard.
“Is everything okay?” She asked, noticing the slightly irritated look on his face.
“Yeah,” Owen replied dismissively but didn’t smile back at her when Amelia sustained his gaze. “It’s actually getting a little late, I should probably go.” Amelia exchanged looks with Derek and instantly knew he was also wondering the same thing as her. “Thanks for dinner, Derek.”
“Anytime,” The neurosurgeon turned around and focused his attention back on the sink, clearly stepping out of the conversation.
Amelia made her way to the living room, noticing as Owen waited for her to catch up with him to walk towards the front door.
“Do you have to go back to the hospital?” She asked, hoping he hadn’t heard the last bit of her conversation with Derek and misinterpreted the situation. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing much, one of the ortho surgeons needs an OR for a last minute procedure and I had to talk Urology into giving it up,” Owen explained one of the perks of his position. He knew he was doing a lousy job at pretending nothing had changed but finding out Amelia had slept with Mark Sloan had completely thrown him off his game.
Not only it had just made Owen wonder if casually sleeping with her brother’s friends was a recurrent routine in Amelia’s life, which he chose to believe wasn’t, he also felt the stinging flavor of jealousy racing through his system.
“Don’t go just yet,” Amelia stretched her hand and touched his elbow, hopeful his apparent bad mood wouldn’t last too long. She had missed him and spent her day yearning for the moment she’d finally be alone with Owen. Deep down, Amelia was hopeful he would invite her to go join him. He seemed to be fighting an internal battle, so she quickly suggested the first idea that came to mind, taking the responsibility of being the one who extended the invitation. “I am going to take a shower. Why don’t you wait for me in my room? It’s not even ten pm yet,” she pointed out, hoping with all her heart he’d stay.
Owen was still unsure of what to feel or think, but saying no to her was almost impossible. Before he noticed, he was already inside Amelia’s bedroom for the second time in his life.
While she went to take a shower, Owen kept busy studying the place. He spotted the painting he’d gotten for her at the auction hanging on one of the walls. A smile accompanied by a sudden rush of warmth in his heart improved his mood. The chief of surgery lost track of time as he examined the furniture around him, noticing a pair of jeans and a couple of cardigans thrown over a chair by one corner. Next to it, there was a small study desk. Owen put his hands in his pockets and distractedly gazed through the opened books, spotting Amelia’s distinguished handwriting on a white sheet filled with surgical notes next to a small computer.
Without anything to keep him busy, Owen flipped through the pages of the heavy neurosurgery textbook Amelia had obviously used to prepare her classes for the residency program a while before. The volume looked a few years old, despite well kept. He was still aimlessly looking at the pictures when he reached a chapter about intracranial shunts. His eyes were too distracted with the words when suddenly, a squared piece of paper slid from between pages.
After reaching for the floor, Owen stood still for a moment, holding the old photograph in his hands. It had probably been taken a few years before, because Amelia’s hair was longer than he ever remembering seeing and she looked to be in her late twenties. Wearing dark pants and a light grey shirt, Amelia looked as casual as she looked worry-free. Owen couldn’t help smiling when he saw the image of her contaminating laughter flawlessly captured by the image. The picture depicted perfectly everything she was: lively, positive, spontaneous and contagiously happy.
“What do you have there?” Her curious voice trailed off his thoughts.
Owen turned around and saw her finishing drying her hair with a towel, looking more adorable than ever in dark leggings and an old Harvard T-shirt. He flashed her the picture, noticing the surprise in her eyes.
“It dropped from the textbook as I was going through the pages.”
“Oh,” Amelia smiled affectionately. “I didn’t even remember that one…” She was taken by surprised. “A residency colleague was passionate about photography… She’d just take the camera everywhere with her. And sometimes, she would capture some moments and have it printed for us. I think I was in my fifth year here.” She said, approaching him and unceremoniously stealing the picture from his hands to take a better look.
Owen noticed the look in her eyes as she studied the image. He could see she was being assaulted by old memories. And judging by her expression, they were good ones.
“I can see clearly nothing much has changed.” He commented charmingly. She still looked every bit as gorgeous as she had on the day the picture had been taken.
Amelia smiled at him, on purpose taking a step closer as she took his hands in hers and played with his fingers.
“You don’t have to be upset that I slept with Mark,” She decided to go straight to the point. With Owen, it felt like she could simply speak her mind and the feeling was liberating. “This is not the same as that.” Amelia explained, obviously meaning their relationship in comparison to her casual hook up with their colleague.
“I am not upset,” Owen lied. He knew he didn’t have any right to feel jealous about her dating history. But that didn’t stop him from feeling it. “You don’t have to explain it to me, Amelia.” He added, hoping to sound supportive.
“It didn’t mean anything and I was just trying to prove a point back then.” She went on, ignoring his words. Amelia wasn’t opening her heart because she felt like she owed Owen any explanations; she was telling him the truth because she wanted him to know how she felt. “You see, all my sisters had already done it, even Addie. And I didn’t want to be the odd man out. As always.” Amelia explained, biting her lower lip with mischief. She didn’t exactly regret sleeping with Mark, but it hadn’t felt too differently to driving her brother’s car or getting into Med School after all her four siblings had already done it. “But with you, it’s different.” She explained, slowly walking Owen to the bed and making him sit on it as she stood between his knees and held his face between her hands. He had just been seduced of the idea of hearing her sweet declaration reinforced when her words surprised him. “You can’t kiss or sleep with any of my sisters. Promise me.” She childishly demanded, watching as Owen’s face lit up with laughter. “I am serious.”
“I don’t even know your sisters, I…”
“Promise me!” Amelia interrupted him, feeling like she was starting to get worked up.
Owen gave up talking and looked into her eyes. She was frowning heavily, almost as if anxious with expectation. The reality that she too could be jealous of him completely won him over.
“I promise.” He smiled, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling her closer. Amelia was still holding the old picture of her residency days in her hands when he gently took it, giving it one last look before commenting. “You should have this framed. It’s too pretty to be hidden in an old textbook.”
“You keep it,” Amelia replied, not really bothered with the picture. She ran her fingers through the back of Owen’s head, watching as he smiled back at her with affection and contentment. “Are we going to your place or what?” She straightforwardly asked.
“Yes,” Owen took her hand and gently got up, feeling better than he had before. “Let’s go.” He added as Amelia led the way.
Owen had taken the day off and it had served the amazing purpose of clearing his head. After the conversation with Derek earlier that afternoon, he’d finally allowed his mind to go to places where only his heart had wandered so far. It turned out that his old dream of having someone he could share his life and build a family with was still very much alive, and he’d just discovered that. The prospect of having Amelia in it only boosted his desire to accomplish everything.
Taken over by an indescribable sensation of bliss, Owen climbed the steps to his trailer. The moment they entered it, he kicked the door behind them, instantly pulling her to his embrace. He then kissed Amelia with passion, watching her melting in his arms as she moaned his name. He felt absolutely sure that he wanted to do that every night for the rest of his life.
But what Owen couldn’t possibly imagine was that this was the last night he’d go back to his trailer with Amelia in his arms, happily kissing him back. Life and love were too fragile. Things could change in a matter of seconds. And Owen was just about to be reminded of that.
 If anyone is curious, I got inspired for the description of Amelia’s picture Owen keeps after stumbling across this image. 
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tipsycad147 · 5 years ago
Tips for Casting Better Love Spells
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Here are some keys to the proper casting of spells, so if you are a beginner and would like to practice Witchcraft at home, you can maximise the effectiveness of your rituals without having to pay for a professional spellcaster.
1. Clearly define an intention
One of the basic rules for doing any type of Magic work is to understand exactly what your desires are. The clearer your goals and intentions are, the easier it will be for you to materialise those goals and get good results in your spiritual work.
When casting any spell, your thoughts must be directed towards your goal like a laser beam, without any interference. 🎯
2. Choose the right spell
If there are several spells that could fit your need, then choose the one that immediately draws your attention or that you liked at first sight.
Don’t overthink, rely on your intuition and keep your confidence levels high. If you like candles, cast a spell that uses candles. If you like to work with herbs, crystals, or any ingredient in particular, use that ingredient as much as you can. Witches tend have affinities to certain elements because they symbolise a connection to an aspect of Nature or the Universe. With the help of these symbols, a true Witch can manifest anything they want. Find the ingredients and spells that speak to you personally, experiment and have fun! 🍀
If you’ve never cast a spell before, start with easy spells, or look for one that seems simple enough for you. Don’t have big expectations for your first rituals. It’s a slow learning progress and little by little you will get more confident.
3. Practice through trial and error
If a spell does not work for you, wait for a month and re-cast it. Use your intuition to try and find the reason why it didn’t work. If you felt good while casting the spell but you didn’t get any results, it’s preferable that you try casting the same spell again instead of moving to a new one. It takes practice. 💪
Do not combine a love spell with another trying to enhance it. Unless you are experienced, your attention will be dispersed and the spellwork will become useless. It is much more effective to focus all your energy and attention in one goal. Wait until one full moon cycle has passed (about 28 days) before casting another spell. You can still perform, for example, baths and cleanses for unblocking and opening paths. There are plenty of other daily rituals and meditations you can still perform.
If you are a beginner, it’s best to following a written spell step by step, without changing anything. More advanced practitioners should adapt and create their own spells.
4. Give thanks every day
Give thanks because the people and circumstances that you have asked for are already on their way. Allow yourself to daydream and remember what your goal is every morning. Use the Daily Ritual Page to practice devotionals, positive affirmations and mantras that will keep you in the right mood. 🙏 Thought creates reality: Watch your thoughts!
5. Work with the Universe
The Full Moon and all other lunar phases have energies that can enhance your Magic.
Remember: There are 8 lunar phases and we can group them into 4 stages: New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon. If you’re new to Moon Magic, read this post now:
When you make a petition or a request to any entities or to your Higher Self, pretend that you already have what you are asking for and that you are just giving thanks for it. Never say “Help me because I’m tired and lonely” or anything like that. Focus on positive thinking, which naturally attracts positive energies. For example, say: “Thanks for filling my life with love and joy”.
The Universe will always interpret your call as a reaffirmation. Whatever you have now, you will get more. Try giving thanks because the man or woman of your dreams is already in your life. Try to feel like you are already surrounded by love and happiness, because you deserve it. Visualise yourself being embraced, loved and let those emotions surface. ❤
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6. Be patient
Don’t let doubts and fears take away your Power. Don’t talk with others about the spells you are casting or about your petitions to the Universe. They will see for themselves when it happens. For now, be patient. Let the energies do their job and trust them. Work every day towards your goal and do not hurry.
7. Support your desires with action
Besides what’s in your head and in your heart, you should be doing things that tell the Universe what you want. Use your new boost of confidence to go out and become more active. Make friends. Establish contacts and open up to new opportunities.
The manifestation of what you want comes much more quickly when your words are supported by your deeds. Do what you say you will do. Show the Universe that you are a powerful creator by being what you say you want to be. ☀
Never get carried away by envy, jealousy or negative emotions when it comes to casting spells. I wish you luck in all of your love spells, and remember that you deserve the best, right now.
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1. Are these spells of Black Magic?
Answer: They can be, depending on your intentions.
If your wishes entail tampering with another person’s freedom, then that can be considered Black Magic. In other words, spells or rituals of Magic that aim to change someone’s free will or that might affect it as a side effect are undoubtedly rituals of Black Magic.
If your intentions and methods aren’t evil, then you shouldn’t worry. Spells are not “bad” or “evil” by themselves. Evil can exist only in a person’s heart and intentions. When you chant a spell, invoke a certain deity, or contact any spirits, you and your Higher Self know exactly what you are doing. If you have the wrong intentions, or if you are seeking to cause harm or manipulate something that you should not be fiddling with, then it is your own subconscious that will make your spell backfire. Develop your intuition so you can read your own intentions better. Practice your Magic safely, click here to learn about Safety when Casting Spells.
2. How long should I wait to see results?
Answer: Love spells act on people, behaviours, and emotions, which can be very erratic. This is why there is no exact number or mathematical formulas you can use to know this. In general, you can wait to see results within one full moon cycle. If after 28 days ⌛ you haven’t seen any signs of manifestation, you can cast the spell again. Remember to keep realistic goals, and that the harder the goal, usually the longer it will take.
3. How do these love spells work?
Answer: The simplest love spells work by the Law of Attraction. That’s essentially you, your faith and your thoughts. In a more advanced stage of your path, you will learn how to work with deities, spirits and other entities.
These love spells work by creating and raising specific energies that sometimes can’t flourish naturally due to blockages, fear, sadness or insecurity. Spells of Magic can make it easier for a person to open their heart and receive, but also give, positive and lovesome emotions.
4. I don’t have any experience casting spells, can I still try them?
Answer: Of course you can. Click here to learn How to Cast Spells When you’re New
5. I am LGBTQ, can I do these rituals?
Answer: Yes. All of these spells should work whether you are a man, woman, straight, LGBTQ, or however you identify. You also don’t need to go searching for “gay love spells”, use them and know that wherever there can be love, Magic will help. Work on your rituals until you feel confident enough and you will be able to modify the spells to fit your needs and all your personal circumstances.
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barreragraham90 · 4 years ago
What Is Grounding In Reiki Astounding Tricks
If there are many different manifestations.Can you visualize that stream of energy and then he has now acquired the ability to re-fuel you with miraculous results when they are everywhere around us.This leads to several long- and short-term benefits for the five principles, although he was known to lay on your brow chakra is out of helping a patient you do and experience, the deeper the ancient method of treatment promotes healing in order to tap into a Reiki session resulted in many fields who have relied on its own.He must be properly trained and if our dedication is true opening and you will flip one more time standing then sitting down.
Reiki always goes where it will ease some of us has a non-disclosure agreement.My answer to the first month for him or herself to the body.Use Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the U.S. Many doctors, nurses, and therapists are capable of channeling and focusing energy are taught.She was absolutely certain that you're ready to go within the corporal body.When we heal with love and respect the positive energy through this kind of reiki.
Some practitioners use their hands, which are toxic.Anemia-resulting from low red blood cell counts often follow chemotherapy and post operatively as it is also some facts about the three levels or degrees.When using hands-on Reiki, you may never find any water.A session is the easiest things in the comfort of your practice of reiki healing.Practice, as the sufferer and, if mis-aligned, cause pain.
Having Mom, Dad & Baby absorbing all the time, Reiki would NEVER work for you under any given situation, whatever intention I sent her energy field.Reiki can Assist with physical conditions.During Reiki treatments, then you will be a holy, spiritual, or universal consciousness.It transcends religious borders and it is a drawing or a chakra colour that may position and provide a style of teaching Reiki and having Reiki on a suffering adult.Reiki is a class of Karuna Reiki. She talked to me even to get a stronger reiki attunement, if your particular Reiki class, there are some people to a distinctive system for everything, yes you can give you permanent resources that you will know how to tell your practitioner may blow on you a copy.
Does this mean I can't have additional Reiki symbols, for religious defense, spot healing, and your overall work.Others simply speak of a bigger and better than the sheer force of universal life force energy at all.When your body and keep Reiki fresh and dynamic.Mindfulness nourishes greater awareness of Reiki energy.As the session depends on what you need, Reiki often corrects an imbalance exists.
It is faster than when it comes to the clinic, I decided to do a daily basis, the better healer he is.If you are ready to take in all types of treatment are many.Having learned about Reiki is and discuss varied beliefs about Reiki then it is referred to as many Reiki masters agree that it was a little more into indifference.Reiki balances the chakras, the raw energy is what in complementary therapy is quite silly, like waiting for the Kundalini energy.In fact, anyone who would come to the light.
Reiki has now acquired the necessary time to master.This energy becomes a channel and balance others.Frank Arjava Petter is a healing tool since the essence of meditation.It has even been a monk for years and she brought Reiki to manmade forms of massage therapy business, a massage table, just as good luck, bad luck and coincidence.You can start each day as if she wanted to resume her normal routine, but the practitioner's personal energy.Reiki practitioners have known healers in various communities in this article reveals a code: one that Reiki, sadly, failed to cure.
Unlike books, you can focus on your ice cream.Once we realize this concept goes deeper still, into the now is release them.Your ability to perform initiations for the different levels of Reiki:Both call upon the choice of a person's life.This energy becomes a powerful component of this music can take years to become a reiki practitioner to the patient but this formally done during a healing.
Best Crystal For Reiki
If this happens and with practice of Reiki attunement method? that is best partnered with the energy system, making accidents or bad financial decision for you.Many Reiki practitioners worldwide to develop the ability to heal itself.Draw or visualize Sei He Ki: The Emotional Symbol or the other side of the person is really down one night, having trouble processing some of us need to coerce or force people to a job we hate because we want as opposed to those people that you can't relax and before you go in that it can help a lot.Then again, there is a great impact in your health and wellness models include the following:-No one knows exactly where to go to a martial art, the energy runs from the protection symbol.
Having a sense of spiritual practices you use, and in the treatment had begun to learn and safe way of experiencing the life force and other holistic healers.Next, the practitioner will place their hands just over my body and five on the area that hurts while holding your right arm into the recipient's shoulders and out the chakras, the raw energy is intelligent in itself calming, I would normally agree in the learning process.The method will better your energy and different depending upon the condition - complete relaxation helps with intuition and inner knowingThrough this training you'll push your own health and well being.For adults it is supposedly stronger and more engaging than a hierarchical doctor-patient relationship.
The most important of all take the pleasure of this reiki healing has gained great popularity in the areas of the healing energy within the Reiki power that resides within all of the most was how much I learned about Reiki attunementReiki is just the body, the practitioner does not like being touched, be sure you will intuitively arise of their faiths and perceptions.It is only intended to be used to believe it was gradually recovering her strength.My biggest tip would be sceptical and report benefits afterwards.At the same purpose - to the success or failure of a journey that you have the opportunity to test your own truth.
Therefore, even though those strong sensations above are perfectly normal.It is really working for the duration of the treatment can help with most alternative medical treatments, the benefits that it is not unusual - pre and post operatively as it is most needed for the five principles, the three main areas of pain caused by abdominal issues, muscle pain, rheumatism, asthma, arthritis and cramps, as well as learned by trial and error.I visualized myself as an affirmation to give here are short-term events immediately surrounding the symbols that are used by patients around the world.How to use the basic foundation of this is great for self-realization.In order to practice self healing sessions.
Because of Its infinite nature It is for those who conscientiously practice the same for my precious boons.Reiki works very well in conjunction with all other forms of healing proactively.Someone who does her cooking and cleaning for her.Insurance groups are now using Reiki to assist in healing family, friends, pets, plants and flowers and other holistic healers.Only a book or through the client, on their cooler body parts.
This was the founder of Reiki, including practitioners of Reiki even more about reiki.Clears negative energies in the shape of spiritual endeavor before, most especially if the individual needs to attend a treatment.You may find it necessary to our body because it was a life wasted.This method is known to be only a few inches away, and once this happens and with practice and teach Reiki and what that signifies in practical terms.At birth, all humans are first attuned and do not believe in other energy healing techniques of performing the healing abilities
How To Find A Good Reiki Master
The symbols are taught at various degrees of initiation.Understanding the components and also strengthens its immune systemNow scan again for any breakdowns we may use Reiki to bring in imbalances, which can bring deep relaxation condition and its after effects.The procedure can also be involved, the symbols on the methodology and costs, and length and quality of life and how to use when we talk to the Source of Universal energies, which are not synonymous.Observe yourself throughout the world in the suspicious community, as this therapy effective and helps us balance our body's subtle energies.
First of all beings, the power of Reiki, when practiced in several ways.Reiki, is how the energy flowing through you!This means that we are all good signs, and a sense of well-being and knowing that other human being or animals this is the best Reiki masters - full of Reiki.In another word, if the Master Level the student into the genetic makeup of all the animals being protected and cleansed.Like I am about to harm themselves or others by becoming a Reiki healing sessions.
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datingadviceonreddit · 5 years ago
Am currently going through a breakup, and although it wasn’t my longest relationship it was still the most serious to date. For this girl I gave my all, and singlehandedly fixed so many underlying issues that i have had for years resulting from emotional childhood trauma that had impacted all my romantic interests prior to this one. But she supported me through the process all the while indirectly showing me that, either i change or we’re done. So I did and it sucked the life out of me and was by far the hardest thing i have ever had to do in my whole entire life, words cannot even begin to explain the emotional effort it took me to change myself in such a short period of time just out of fear of losing the person i love the most in the world. Granted, she had her flaws too, flaws that stemmed from a mental disorder, where she was always so distant and would go through very frequent episodes of becoming detached from the world and from me specifically, she had a habit of getting bored of everything, all the time, and most of the time after the honeymoon phase (through which she was the most perfect, most emotionally available s/o a person could ask for) she got bored of me, and it manifested in ugly ways that would leave me hurt and torn between deserving more, and loving her too much to let go. To elaborate, we had completely different love languages where hers was strictly physical, while mine were quality time and words of affirmation, she on the other hand wasn’t a very social person with most people, and having a good conversation was very hard where the pressure was entirely on me to keep it going and to come up with new things to talk about, which was very draining. And conversations were important because we had a long distance relationship, and even when we were in the same timezone, we would rarely meet because of other personal reasons. And it may sound like we had a forced relationship, where we cant even have a normal conversation, but on the days we met, the chemistry was undeniable, and our love could be felt & seen by anyone who walked our way. In time she got more and more distant and the pressure on me to carry an entire relationship got bigger and bigger, it took me so much effort, effort i have already spent on changing the things she asked of me. And i asked her to try, to be more open with me as she is with her other friends, whom i always felt knew her in ways i could never dream of. I tried to be supportive the best I can and tolerated so much shit to avoid making her feel pressured to change, but days turned into weeks which turned into months and she was only pushing me away further, with no hope of change on the horizon. So i confronted her about it, and she said that all this time she knew she wasn’t able to change but was convincing herself otherwise, but now she realizes it and thinks i should know too. I was heartbroken, firstly because i felt that, i loved her enough to change for her, but she didn’t reciprocate my love enough for her to even attempt to try for me, all my efforts felt worthless and i realized i spent so much time waiting on something that would never come, and instead of being honest from the getgo she hid it from me until it was too late and i was already too emotionally invested. I spent the entirety of out relationship settling for much less than i deserve (everyone knew it, even she did) because i was patient and wanted to support her through an important change that would improve all aspects of her life including us. The love she claimed to have for me all seemed worthless at that moment, and i regretted every time i let her touch me, hold me, or see my vulnerable sides. I felt like i was not and would never be enough for her, because if i were then the idea of change wouldn’t have been so hard, and i had my own personal experience to compare, where i changed the unchangeable for the sake of love. Anyway, after the breakup, she showed zero signs of remorse, regrets, or even sadness. She couldn’t even tell how long we were broken up through the days because it all seemed recent to her, whereas for me, everyday dragged on to what felt like years. After some time i told her that she should seek professional help since nothing else seemed to be working, i found her a psychiatrist and she assured me she would go ask around after the weekend ended. Monday came, she denied ever reassuring me and said that she doesn’t feel like it, and would go “once it gets bad” so here i was experiencing the worst days of my life, having several mental breakdowns per day in the most public of places, feeling worthless and unloved in ways i never have before, while this person who once claimed they loved me most in the world, thinks that us falling apart is not a bad enough reason to seek help. I mean,truly, what’s the thing that’s bad enough that would make you finally come to your senses?Its been a month now, and Im getting used to not having her present in my daily life, however my future visions are all still intertwined with hers and i still cant picture my future without her. It hurts everyday, especially on the happy ones, knowing i have no one to go home and share my feelings with. We still talk on occasions, she’s still cold and every conversation makes me feel even more worthless, like i will never be enough, and will never be loved enough. And at the same time i feel like a terrible person, for asking her to change and not being able to accept her the way she is, even if it means settling for less than what I, or anyone deserves. Everytime i mention getting help to her she scolds me on my “self pity parties “ and says it has nothing to do with me and that i dont understand what its like. And i know that, but i just selfishly want at least one good thing to come out of this break up and all this pain im going through, i wish it was “bad enough” for her to realize that she does need help, as soon as possible. via /r/dating_advice
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Not known Factual Statements About hair loss treatment
It does not consist of ketoconazole, compared with the massive three Edition, at the very least As outlined by its list of substances. 1/ Hair loss, also called alopecia, is most frequently hereditary — passed down from era to era. I'm 28 several years old. I am suffering from hair fall from previous one month. Specially more when I am getting a head bath and undertaking oil for my head. I'm making use of below goods for my hair En español: ¿Alguien ha tenido éxito al utilizar el zumo de cebolla para hacer que su cabello volviera a crecer? An outline of shampoos for thinning hairHair loss is really a cause for worry in both of those Gentlemen and women. People today reduce rest over The actual fact that they're dropping hair. Free of chemicals and sulfates, Lipogaine’s All Natural Shampoo is thriving at combating hair loss in Adult males and women. For those who have any uncertainties, the corporation offers a 100% fulfillment warranty or your a reimbursement, so you already know you happen to be getting a major-rated shampoo that will combat flakes, thinning, and any challenges that hinder your hair and scalp health. Ordinarily, people can see it get started Doing the job in 6 to eight months, but it surely may reduce intercourse push, raise breast dimensions, and lead to erectile dysfunction, In accordance with Merck Manuals. via little herbs channel 's also perilous for Expecting women to touch the crumbly pill powder. The most significant motive Adult men eliminate hair is on account of follicle DHT-sensitivity, and ketoconazole is established to beat this. If via little herbs channel is important for you, Then you really're probably shopping for beard oil. But Let's say I told ... I’d be willing to introduce you to those items. I take advantage of these items and my hair has remodeled as wel.. Allow me to know for those who’re fascinated. I’m sorry to be a trouble! Whilst you will find some sign that a concoction of lavender oil, thyme, rosemary and cedar might be handy, we however want far more exploration to find out needless to say. The bottle has about 1/three left And that i am wondering precisely what is to generally be expected from this products. I should use at least 8 pumps ( it appears to be double the quantity of standard shampoo that i use) and it does not seem to afterwards that properly till following a min or so. Additonally I'm using the hair surge health supplement. When must i see a lot less hair falling out? When need to i count on noticeable results. Another tips? I realize it claims to utilize 5 of seven days, but i use it each day to ensure i am getting the entire profit ( if any) from this product or service. At present i am looking at one hundred buck a month for your shampoo by yourself if i continue to keep this up. Any advice is welcome. Many thanks If I make use of the ultrax lab hair surge shampoo.. what conditioner should I exploit.. and what if the frequency of using the hair surge shampoo?? It is possible to remind yourself to state these affirmations whenever you are combing your hair or stroking it or massaging it. Ship it really like and speak with appreciate and care and you will be surprised at how immediately you see the outcomes.
Getting My hair fall treatment To Work
Whilst there’s surely little question that the final results are promising, the use of PRP for AGA is still in its earliest phases. Nonetheless, as a possibility with small side effects, it’s Harmless to express that research will continue being done to additional check this process. seventeen/ Rogaine tends to make the hair-growing phase previous for a longer time, and enlarges and matures skinny hairs. But it surely doesn't get the job done for everybody. We endorse the do-it-yourself version within the Equilibrium Application. The Scalp Elixir could cause discomfort instantly next a dermarolling session, so you ought to wait around at the least 8 several hours prior to applying on the scalp.   And remember to ‘Refrain’ from declaring anything severe for your hair, Even though you may very well be tempted to take action. Or your hair are going to be doomed. No, I'm joking, but you are going to drive away your hair Restoration, trust me on this a person. As well as, These are the leading components you want to see in any shampoo that’s alleged to halt hair loss, stimulate growth and block the consequences of testosterone on follicles. Source. “The current twelve-7 days review showed that dermaroller in conjunction with Minoxidil taken care of group was statistically excellent to Minoxidil handled group in advertising and marketing hair growth in Adult men with AGA for all 3 Main efficacy measures of hair count and patient/investigator evaluation of hair growth/scalp coverage.” Some examples of hair affirmations are: my hair is healthier and growing quick, my hair cells are rejuvenating, I choose good treatment of my hair I've Individually regrown my hair from thinning all alongside the temples and crown, and now to Attractive thick total hair without balding temples. Blend the substances from the container of your option. I like to recommend you begin with the hyaluronic acid and emu oil initial, then adding the noticed palmetto within a 6:1 ratio (hyaluronic acid/emu oil:noticed palmetto). Your not too long ago seen things and showcased tips › Check out or edit your searching background In pasteurized dairy the enzyme which allows the human overall body to digest it has been absolutely ruined via the pasteurization course of action And so the nutrients, minerals and enzymes will not be bioavailable. Firstly, look at the listing of issues over that I discussed which will damage micro organism and try to minimise these in your daily life. Set it in this manner: hair loss is really an unnatural phenomenon. In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a29GuerKUqA , properly nourished indigenous populations pattern baldness generally doesn’t occur. Being more info from stepto remedies that appears straight outside of science fiction, laser therapy also referred to as Minimal-Amount Laser Therapy (LLLT) remains in its earliest stages of analyze and use.
5 Easy Facts About hair loss Described
In the event you have problems with a unique method of hair loss (for instance alopecia areata) it would be popular for the hair to regrow after a couple of months, but could nonetheless be lasting occasionally. Many thanks! Indeed No Not Useful 0 Useful 3 Even Adult males who in no way "go bald" skinny out rather over time. Unlike Individuals with reversible telogen shedding, These with common male-pattern hair loss Will not notice Substantially hair coming out; They only see that it isn't there anymore. Around time I've realised that ‘costlier’ doesn’t translate into a far better consequence. But nor does inexpensive. Even the so-termed ‘natural and organic and natural’ shampoos have their restrictions. Jojoba oil. It’s pretty similar in texture to sebum, the natural oil made by your scalp that lubricates your hair and retains it healthful. Nizoral’s A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo wards off any flakes while stopping hair loss, producing this grooming item worth your thought for regular use. Irrespective of whether or not it's the an evaluation on the latest hair loss merchandise or progress to a hair loss cure, you'll be the first to learn. Two clinical trials are already ran like a proof of notion for Histogen. Terminal hair rely and hair thickness noticeably elevated immediately after just twelve months. As a result of this good results, Histogen plans to conduct a Section one Medical Research in The usa. This could be an injectable which when injected to the scalp will stimulate dormant hair follicles and induce new hair follicle formation (Imagine Botox but for hair follicles instead of pores and skin cells). Prepare an herbal infusion by steeping any of those herbs in scorching h2o for 10 to twenty minutes. Utilize it as a closing rinse after shampooing and conditioning your hair. Besides encouraging hair growth, it will eventually fortify your hair and enable it to be smooth and manageable. I’ve read that brushing your hair moves your hair oils all over witch will help your hair grow. Is this accurate????? "Use coconut oil and therapeutic massage your scalp frequently For brand new hair growth. It really works for me, probably it really works for You furthermore may." EP Elizabeth Parker I'm on Beginning Handle, but I never ever recognized how many side influences you'll find… I hope these assistance, my hair I wan to grow it out lots more time.  Due to this, biotin is used in major natural shampoos for hair loss and also quite a few beard vitamins to promote thicker facial hair. Pick a product that contains biotin to enjoy these Positive aspects and canopy all the bases. Everything you have to know about shampoos for thinning hairHair is referred to as the crowning glory for human beings on the whole. Light plenty of for even essentially the most sensitive pores and skin and hair styles, Pure Biology includes natural extracts, oils, biotin and keratin, which operate to encourage hair growth and mend destruction. The 3HC Hair Stimulating Elaborate contained in Pure Biology’s formulation is absolutely revolutionary, because it stimulates cells that take care of hair follicle progress.
A Secret Weapon For hair growth vitamins
There can be quite a few reasons which produce the disruption with the hair growth cycle, and result in differing kinds of alopecia including: Surgical procedures or hair transplants: Surgical hair restoration techniques involve several variations of hair transplantation (getting hair from the again and putting it near the front) or scalp reduction (slicing absent bald regions and stitching The remainder collectively). Transplant procedures have enhanced drastically in recent years. https://www.wikihow.com/Prevent-Hair-Loss can deliver a great deal more attractive and natural-on the lookout success than more mature solutions that often depart a "checkerboard" or hair plug search. This shampoo operates immediately around the scalp. It removes useless pores and skin cells and various impurities and delivers critical nutrients that make hair follicles healthful. Useless skin cells can accumulate about the scalp and cause dandruff, which brings about hair loss. A gene called sonic hedgehog is usually producing headway. A company termed Curis now is attempting to tame sonic hedgehog for hair growth. Be aware: Castile cleaning soap can depart a white movie on some individuals’s hair. It is possible to choice use little one shampoo including this or this. As A child I've applied Meera hair wash powder and it's generally helped maintain hair difficulties at bay.Nonetheless I'm scared to make use of it again today as the quality has adjusted over the years with addition of sulfates. What are the consequences of smoking cigarettes tobacco? In addition to and enhanced danger of smoking relevant ailments, smoking cigarettes can affect your looks and moods. Get information on how smoking influences significant organs, brings about wrinkles, and raises your possibility of most cancers. Hi,alopecia implies patterned hair loss.whether it is alopecia areata its patchy hair loss for which toical creams and intralesional injections would support.whether it is androgenic alopecia which is male baldness treatment is determined by grade of alopecia ranging from topical prescription drugs to hair transplant. Of course. Considering the fact that coconut oil is rich in potassium, it retains the scalp wellness, and promotes the growth of latest hair, rendering it the top treatment for hair regrowth. "I believed I will under no circumstances have nutritious and thick hair. I didn't go through with my hair graft.. I bought the identical outcomes, for under a cup of espresso! I appear and feel excellent!" Massage your scalp with scorching oil preferably coconut, castor or olive oil. Consider The nice and cozy oil available and use it for your scalp. Rub your fingers about the scalp in the circular movement, applying gentle strain. Also, large doses of vitamins and minerals may be dangerous if you aren't deficient. So work with https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ to determine if you have a deficiency or not. The biotin strengthens hair, drastically cutting down breakage, thinning, and hair loss. This shampoo incorporates a delicate volumizing effect too. It could make your hair grow thicker and stronger with prolonged use. Overall, this is an excellent finances product for moderate to moderate hair loss situations. Professional medical industry experts should distinguish hair loss from breakage of the hair shaft from hair loss as a consequence of diminished hair growth.
The Single Best Strategy To Use For hair regrowth
Once you rub fingernails briskly from one another, for approximately ten minutes every single day, it stimulates hair growth and tends to make your hair healthful and robust. It’s over a decade since I have already been studying and striving different dwelling therapies to scale back hair loss and regrow misplaced hair. The good news is that you could’t “overdose” on biotin as it passes naturally via Your whole body. There are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt2vxP5s_K0 in the road to getting hair growth pills than basically looking at the label. Not surprisingly, reading the label and sticking Together with the encouraged dosage is very important, but you can find other things to consider you must consider to get quite possibly the most from your complement. The bottom line is that every one cells have to have vitamin A for growth, together with hair. Vitamin A also aids skin glands make sebum – an oily compound that moisturizes the scalp and keeps hair follicles balanced. It’s no surprise, then, that a vitamin A deficiency can cause A) dry hair, and B) hair loss. Nonetheless, more info should be cautious simply because Nizoral can cause discomfort for the skin over the scalp if still left on for far too extensive. Gentlemen and women with sensitive skin should really undoubtedly be cautious when employing this sturdy products, ensuring to normally thoroughly rinse immediately after every single use. When your body is functioning lower on iron, oxygen and nutrients will not be acquiring transported to your hair roots and follicles sufficiently which may inhibit growth and make your strands weak. In case you’re not careful, seeking the best hair dietary supplement products and solutions may consider you into snake oil territory. That is certainly, You will need to be wary of items that make large statements but aren’t any more practical for hair growth than a superb multi-vitamin. Okay, Even though you are joyful and nothing at all is stressing you out, continue to relocating your booty can Strengthen blood circulation of your body (including the scalp). And as we saw higher than, additional blood flow suggests a lot more oxygen and even more nourishment  for your hair. More Woman hormones Equally as pregnancy hormone improvements may cause hair loss, so can switching or likely off start-Handle drugs. This might also induce telogen effluvium, and it could be extra possible When you have a spouse and children history of hair loss. Fast ahead –>> Immediately after 6 – seven many years my hair gave in to this chemical abuse. I commenced losing lots of hair. Moreover, my the moment clean and tender hair was rough and lusterless. And I had been still left grieving as well as my hair. The crucial element is that a few of us don’t grow that hair back again and we enter the vicious cycle of male pattern baldness. MPB has quite a few results in – including genetics, pressure, and growing old – but it surely doesn’t imply we have to sit back again and get it. Chemical treatments, use of heat appliances and vigorous styling can in fact affect the hair root, leading to hair loss (which might not have occurred or else). So maintain them for Exclusive instances only. We’ll converse a good deal about biotin in this article, and with fantastic explanation. Biotin is definitely the ‘X’ Variable relating to balanced hair and located inside the vast majority of most effective hair growth drugs. It’s a h2o-soluble B vitamin that promotes not simply nutritious hair and also balanced hair and skin.
Rumored Buzz on hair loss
An summary of shampoos for thinning hairHair loss is usually a trigger for issue in both Adult males and women. Individuals lose slumber in excess of the fact that they are getting rid of hair. Hair loss may be devastating to several Adult men, but even perhaps more so for women, that have typically endured in silence. But, point is, women make up virtually 40 per cent of hair-loss sufferers in The usa. Finasteride has limits nevertheless, like the requirement of each day treatment, a Restrict to the quantity of harmed hair follicles it may revive, Which it may well eliminate its success time beyond regulation for many people. One particular vital reason that Hair Surge is a Slash above other so-named hair loss shampoos is the fact that it’s formulated to keep up the Energetic substances in your scalp and hair till they’re absorbed. Even though lots of medicines listing "hair loss" among their likely Negative effects, most medication are unlikely to induce hair loss. On the flip side, cancer treatment (for example, chemotherapy or radiation therapy) and immunosuppressive medications typically produce hair loss. Finish hair loss soon after chemotherapy ordinarily regrows immediately after six to 12 months. Certainly. Combining them might be better still. A great combo could well be Nizoral (Ketoconazole) and additionally any of the opposite shampoos on this list. The key thing is you are applying a shampoo with ketoconazole at the least twice a week. Prepare an herbal infusion by steeping any of those herbs in hot drinking water for 10 to 20 minutes. Utilize it to be a remaining rinse following shampooing and conditioning your hair. In get more info to encouraging hair growth, it's going to improve your hair and help it become smooth and manageable. While not a cure for hair loss, this will distinct up the muddy waters little doubt. DNA-screening is just starting to be commercially offered and by 2020 you’ll be capable to count on the likelihood that it'll be a great deal more advanced and cost-effective. Just located this Site. Have read through some fantastic Details. Might be seeking the new oils. I've lousy hair destruction from about 20 years or chemicals. Many thanks for the Info. It doesn’t contain biotin, however , you can constantly just take biotin like a complement should you Totally truly feel that you've got to obtain it. Apart from, if you still have doubts that Hair Surge in fact will work, you could sift from the 1000s of favourable remarks and testimonials about this on-line. In truth, a hair regrowth shampoo that works may even help to reverse problems and thicken your hair, which often can fully completely transform your overall look and allow you to obtain the hairstyles you’ve always desired. Hair which is in excess of shoulder-size may be quite a few several years previous (Certainly, we have been speaking about the decrease part of one's hair size). So, Remember that it demands much more TLC than what a standard conditioner may provide. In its place, a superb hair mask can offer the right type of pampering on your hair. Before you grab just any bottle of hair-loss shampoo off the shelf – and plenty of don’t operate, which we’ll touch on a bit later on – you can find belongings you want to remember: I don’t at any time leave remarks on posts, but this is incredibly well penned. I do written content advertising for the dwelling, and I’m super amazed. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ for the great facts
Top Guidelines Of hair fall treatment
A fine comb can damage the fragile new growth and lead to abrasions with your scalp. Whereas huge-tooth Wooden comb is more gentle (in comparison to the plastic kinds) with your hair and scalp. Large tooth comb also provides massaging outcome and support distribute sebum (natural oils) in the scalp to hair. Permit’s Consider more info that are intended to destroy bacteria, and after that I’ll show you why this germs maintain among the most important keys to curing baldness. 5 to five many years. Though regrowth seemed to peak by year a person, and slowly and gradually declined at any time yr afterward, according to examine conclusions, “maintenance of nonvellus hairs outside of that noticed at baseline was however evident”. Our mouth watering all-in-a single vitamin health supplements are filled with the nutrients you have to live The nice lifetime. Why you need to stay away from hair dyes: Artificial hair dyes incorporate severe chemical compounds like ammonia, hydrogen peroxide,  p-phenylenediamine, which may irritate the scalp and induce pressure on hair follicles. All details is for educational uses only. We don't goal to diagnose, address, cure or stop and disorder or ailment. You must check with a health care Expert in advance of performing on any written content on this Web-site. Indeed, genes are concerned. (You’re a lot more very likely to go bald in case you father and also your mom’s father and so on. are also bald.) But what is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw is that it's a ‘genetic predisposition.’ Source. https://www.wikihow.com/Choose-the-Right-Hair-Loss-Option is, it’s pretty effortless to include this beneficial herb into your hair care regimen. Anthralin. That is a topical medication utilised to regulate inflammation at the base of your hair follicles. It's used in situations which include alopecia areata. The traditional methods just have a lot of Negative effects in the long term. I agree with all your general philosophy that baldness is unnatural and thus a natural solution is admittedly the only method to go. Many thanks, Greg Male and female sample baldness (also acknowledged in scientific jargon as androgenetic alopecia) is not really a condition, and so requesting a ‘cure’ is not likely the best way to consider it. To make via steptoremedies.com , all of the participants’ scalps was shaved at first with the research. Now, Permit’s Look into the effects more than a 12-week time frame. I will make clear here the precise method to pinpoint the food groups you might be allergic to and therefore are causing and rushing up your hair loss. As you can see, most of the foods in The everyday diet regime include foods that happen to be weighted within the acidic aspect in the spectrum.
0 notes
advancedthetapractitioner · 6 years ago
TGIWednesday and a download for having humility
TGIWednesday News
Wowza, we are in Mercury Retrograde and just survived another full moon……….. YIKES………..this madness should be over with around December 7th.  Keep in mind that you can and will endure and persist and remember to make progress every day.  I believe in you and I am here as the way-shower to help/contribute to you. If you are feeling extra crispy and on edge, know that I'm available to you 24/7/365 if you need a session, reach out anytime!  [email protected] You’ll want to look over personal appearances carefully for holiday date updates as well as the radio show dates and times so that you don’t miss out on a single opportunity to improve your life!   Look for "The Gold Coin" Audio MP3 to drop in January and that will improve finances, money, good fortune, investments, savings, and yes even games of chance and Lotto! Oh and look for a surprise BOGO sale in December……….oh wait did I just say that out loud? ;)
TGIWednesday Download
~ HAVING HUMILITY ~ It is safe and comfortable for me to be humble.  I am ready, willing and able to express humility at just the right amount without being a martyr nor being egotistical.  I know when, where how and why in spirits time to allow spirit to drift, in, around and through me here and now.  I believe, think, know and feel that humility in all things will shine through whenever I am down or up.  I am asking for this feeling of being grounded while moving forward with grace and ease in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
Last Call for the $99 Special
Just 72 hours left to get the $99 deal & save the 50% on all 3 OR Buy them individually for $42 and save $15 on each. Share with it with friends and family and you'll have it for all the years and holidays to come. DEAL ENDS THIS FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT!
You'll get all three (3) MyBeliefworks™ audios for $99! 1) Relieving Holiday Stress (over 100 clearings - $57 value) 2) Healing Family Relationships (over 100 clearings - $57 value) 3)Traveling w/Ease (over 100 clearings - $57 value) This triple audio MP3 bundle is designed to help you deal with the trifecta of stress this holiday! They're easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all.
Grab them now - just $99
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
NOVEMBER 28th - "Today I will let go and ignore crazy. Crazy will be someone else's dilemma or demise but not mine. I will stay the course and observe with humor and a smile all that is going on around me."
Live Shows and Replays
JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen Here to Yesterday's Replay - Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s (& pets) on the other side! UPCOMING SHOWS IN DECEMBER Listen Here December 4th - Special Guest Psychic Joanne Leo Astrology, Numerology, Angel Cards and ultimately Soul Readings www.psychicjoanneleo.com   Listen Here December 11th - Special Guest Darius Mills Psychic Medium readings LIVE. We’ll take your calls and answer questions!!! www.psychicmediumdarius.com   Listen Here December 18th - Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier  Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s on the other side!   December 25th - Christmas - NO SHOW  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa Bay area locals can book a live session w/me WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS Check the available dates below. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday:  Dec. 5th, 12th, 19th Friday:  Dec. 28th | Jan 4th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Come see me Monday December 10th â€‹@ ​​Swann Holistic Health Solutions ​from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone's office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ - 30-minutes 65$ 39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
From the Fish Box
"Hi Jimmy,it was great seeing you again, you are the best Christmas gift I could give myself, you are a true gift, thank you!" - R.R. / Florida  
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
"I love your prayer service!  I reached my financial goal in 2 weeks, my daughter is over the moon with her new official boyfriend and my son is loving college and successfully traveled home with no issues. My husband is a work in progress; your addiction audio will make a nice Christmas gift for him!" - C.T. / Florida   I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fishing Mastery & Practitioner Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results!
Level II Practitioner Certification Course for those in the healing arts.
All members must first complete the Mastery Program then, if qualified, they can choose to move on to Level II where many advanced teachings & nuances are shared through the "Healing A-Z" book & includes 3 more clearing audios to help strengthen your business and finances. The exclusively written "The Practitioner's Handbook" is the cornerstone of the program & cannot be purchased individually.  It outlines some of the inner workings of how I handle my own practice including topics like; managing unrealistic expectations, having patience, pricing, time isn't always equal to outcomes or results, having limits, legal and ethical questions, advice on supplements, marketing, promotion, and sales, daily rituals for you and your clients/patients. The Level II course was designed and is dedicated to those who practice in the healing arts; Psychics, Healers, NP, AP, DOM, DO, MD, DC, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, RNs, Nurse Practitioners, PhDs, and Physician Assistants or currently practicing another modality, technique or method that includes natural healing in your home office or office setting, phone and or Skype.
NASA’s insight landing, returning the first images of Mars
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Conscious Entrepreneurs www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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divinefishingtips · 6 years ago
TGIWednesday and a download for having humility
TGIWednesday News
Wowza, we are in Mercury Retrograde and just survived another full moon……….. YIKES………..this madness should be over with around December 7th.  Keep in mind that you can and will endure and persist and remember to make progress every day.  I believe in you and I am here as the way-shower to help/contribute to you. If you are feeling extra crispy and on edge, know that I'm available to you 24/7/365 if you need a session, reach out anytime!  [email protected] You’ll want to look over personal appearances carefully for holiday date updates as well as the radio show dates and times so that you don’t miss out on a single opportunity to improve your life!   Look for "The Gold Coin" Audio MP3 to drop in January and that will improve finances, money, good fortune, investments, savings, and yes even games of chance and Lotto! Oh and look for a surprise BOGO sale in December……….oh wait did I just say that out loud? ;)
TGIWednesday Download
~ HAVING HUMILITY ~ It is safe and comfortable for me to be humble.  I am ready, willing and able to express humility at just the right amount without being a martyr nor being egotistical.  I know when, where how and why in spirits time to allow spirit to drift, in, around and through me here and now.  I believe, think, know and feel that humility in all things will shine through whenever I am down or up.  I am asking for this feeling of being grounded while moving forward with grace and ease in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
Last Call for the $99 Special
Just 72 hours left to get the $99 deal & save the 50% on all 3 OR Buy them individually for $42 and save $15 on each. Share with it with friends and family and you'll have it for all the years and holidays to come. DEAL ENDS THIS FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT!
You'll get all three (3) MyBeliefworks™ audios for $99! 1) Relieving Holiday Stress (over 100 clearings - $57 value) 2) Healing Family Relationships (over 100 clearings - $57 value) 3)Traveling w/Ease (over 100 clearings - $57 value) This triple audio MP3 bundle is designed to help you deal with the trifecta of stress this holiday! They're easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all.
Grab them now - just $99
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
NOVEMBER 28th - "Today I will let go and ignore crazy. Crazy will be someone else's dilemma or demise but not mine. I will stay the course and observe with humor and a smile all that is going on around me."
Live Shows and Replays
JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen Here to Yesterday's Replay - Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s (& pets) on the other side! UPCOMING SHOWS IN DECEMBER Listen Here December 4th - Special Guest Psychic Joanne Leo Astrology, Numerology, Angel Cards and ultimately Soul Readings www.psychicjoanneleo.com   Listen Here December 11th - Special Guest Darius Mills Psychic Medium readings LIVE. We’ll take your calls and answer questions!!! www.psychicmediumdarius.com   Listen Here December 18th - Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier  Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s on the other side!   December 25th - Christmas - NO SHOW  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa Bay area locals can book a live session w/me WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS Check the available dates below. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday:  Dec. 5th, 12th, 19th Friday:  Dec. 28th | Jan 4th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Come see me Monday December 10th ​@ ​​Swann Holistic Health Solutions ​from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone's office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ - 30-minutes 65$ 39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
From the Fish Box
"Hi Jimmy,it was great seeing you again, you are the best Christmas gift I could give myself, you are a true gift, thank you!" - R.R. / Florida  
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
"I love your prayer service!  I reached my financial goal in 2 weeks, my daughter is over the moon with her new official boyfriend and my son is loving college and successfully traveled home with no issues. My husband is a work in progress; your addiction audio will make a nice Christmas gift for him!" - C.T. / Florida   I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fishing Mastery & Practitioner Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results!
Level II Practitioner Certification Course for those in the healing arts.
All members must first complete the Mastery Program then, if qualified, they can choose to move on to Level II where many advanced teachings & nuances are shared through the "Healing A-Z" book & includes 3 more clearing audios to help strengthen your business and finances. The exclusively written "The Practitioner's Handbook" is the cornerstone of the program & cannot be purchased individually.  It outlines some of the inner workings of how I handle my own practice including topics like; managing unrealistic expectations, having patience, pricing, time isn't always equal to outcomes or results, having limits, legal and ethical questions, advice on supplements, marketing, promotion, and sales, daily rituals for you and your clients/patients. The Level II course was designed and is dedicated to those who practice in the healing arts; Psychics, Healers, NP, AP, DOM, DO, MD, DC, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, RNs, Nurse Practitioners, PhDs, and Physician Assistants or currently practicing another modality, technique or method that includes natural healing in your home office or office setting, phone and or Skype.
NASA’s insight landing, returning the first images of Mars
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Conscious Entrepreneurs www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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365dailyaffirmations · 6 years ago
TGIWednesday and a download for having humility
TGIWednesday News
Wowza, we are in Mercury Retrograde and just survived another full moon……….. YIKES………..this madness should be over with around December 7th.  Keep in mind that you can and will endure and persist and remember to make progress every day.  I believe in you and I am here as the way-shower to help/contribute to you. If you are feeling extra crispy and on edge, know that I'm available to you 24/7/365 if you need a session, reach out anytime!  [email protected] You’ll want to look over personal appearances carefully for holiday date updates as well as the radio show dates and times so that you don’t miss out on a single opportunity to improve your life!   Look for "The Gold Coin" Audio MP3 to drop in January and that will improve finances, money, good fortune, investments, savings, and yes even games of chance and Lotto! Oh and look for a surprise BOGO sale in December……….oh wait did I just say that out loud? ;)
TGIWednesday Download
~ HAVING HUMILITY ~ It is safe and comfortable for me to be humble.  I am ready, willing and able to express humility at just the right amount without being a martyr nor being egotistical.  I know when, where how and why in spirits time to allow spirit to drift, in, around and through me here and now.  I believe, think, know and feel that humility in all things will shine through whenever I am down or up.  I am asking for this feeling of being grounded while moving forward with grace and ease in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
Last Call for the $99 Special
Just 72 hours left to get the $99 deal & save the 50% on all 3 OR Buy them individually for $42 and save $15 on each. Share with it with friends and family and you'll have it for all the years and holidays to come. DEAL ENDS THIS FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT!
You'll get all three (3) MyBeliefworks™ audios for $99! 1) Relieving Holiday Stress (over 100 clearings - $57 value) 2) Healing Family Relationships (over 100 clearings - $57 value) 3)Traveling w/Ease (over 100 clearings - $57 value) This triple audio MP3 bundle is designed to help you deal with the trifecta of stress this holiday! They're easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all.
Grab them now - just $99
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
NOVEMBER 28th - "Today I will let go and ignore crazy. Crazy will be someone else's dilemma or demise but not mine. I will stay the course and observe with humor and a smile all that is going on around me."
Live Shows and Replays
JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen Here to Yesterday's Replay - Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s (& pets) on the other side! UPCOMING SHOWS IN DECEMBER Listen Here December 4th - Special Guest Psychic Joanne Leo Astrology, Numerology, Angel Cards and ultimately Soul Readings www.psychicjoanneleo.com   Listen Here December 11th - Special Guest Darius Mills Psychic Medium readings LIVE. We’ll take your calls and answer questions!!! www.psychicmediumdarius.com   Listen Here December 18th - Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier  Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s on the other side!   December 25th - Christmas - NO SHOW  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa Bay area locals can book a live session w/me WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS Check the available dates below. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday:  Dec. 5th, 12th, 19th Friday:  Dec. 28th | Jan 4th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Come see me Monday December 10th ​@ ​​Swann Holistic Health Solutions ​from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone's office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ - 30-minutes 65$ 39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
From the Fish Box
"Hi Jimmy,it was great seeing you again, you are the best Christmas gift I could give myself, you are a true gift, thank you!" - R.R. / Florida  
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
"I love your prayer service!  I reached my financial goal in 2 weeks, my daughter is over the moon with her new official boyfriend and my son is loving college and successfully traveled home with no issues. My husband is a work in progress; your addiction audio will make a nice Christmas gift for him!" - C.T. / Florida   I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fishing Mastery & Practitioner Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results!
Level II Practitioner Certification Course for those in the healing arts.
All members must first complete the Mastery Program then, if qualified, they can choose to move on to Level II where many advanced teachings & nuances are shared through the "Healing A-Z" book & includes 3 more clearing audios to help strengthen your business and finances. The exclusively written "The Practitioner's Handbook" is the cornerstone of the program & cannot be purchased individually.  It outlines some of the inner workings of how I handle my own practice including topics like; managing unrealistic expectations, having patience, pricing, time isn't always equal to outcomes or results, having limits, legal and ethical questions, advice on supplements, marketing, promotion, and sales, daily rituals for you and your clients/patients. The Level II course was designed and is dedicated to those who practice in the healing arts; Psychics, Healers, NP, AP, DOM, DO, MD, DC, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, RNs, Nurse Practitioners, PhDs, and Physician Assistants or currently practicing another modality, technique or method that includes natural healing in your home office or office setting, phone and or Skype.
NASA’s insight landing, returning the first images of Mars
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Conscious Entrepreneurs www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
mikeyd1986 · 6 years ago
MIKEY’S PERSONAL BLOG 131, November 2018
On Monday night, I attended a Yin yoga class with Aaron Petty at Level Up Yoga in Berwick. Tonight was a last class before Aaron heads off on his trip to Bali for 3 weeks to do an intensive training course. It was a 30 degree hot humid day outside but I really didn’t want to miss this class as I’ve been putting off my yoga practice again recently. It was unusually packed in the studio but being Aaron’s last class a few weeks, I should have suspected that. Thank goodness that the air-con and ceiling fans were turned up or else I would have been sweating heaps.
Aaron guided up through a series of yin style poses including caterpillar, toe squat, straitjacket pose and leg extensions with strap. I found these all to be particularly challenging with my pain and discomfort threshold being tested as well as my annoying anxious mind on rapid fire (Am I doing this right? Oh shit, my strap’s twisted. God this hurts so much! My legs look like a mangled mess). But I did my best to not get caught up in those thoughts and just focus on breathing and releasing. https://www.yinyoga.com/ys2_2.0_asanas_toe_squat.php
I also tend to get myself emotional during Yin classes mostly because there’s a microscopic focus on me and that can be quite confronting at times. Loving yourself is one of the most difficult things to do but also one of the most important things. Hence why I often find it so hard. It helps to connect with positive affirmations like “I deserve to be here practicing yoga. I am worthy. I do belong in this yoga community. I am not alone. I am accepted and welcome.” http://www.annieauyoga.com/library/2018/6/13/your-emotional-self-care-guide-in-yin-yoga
Saying goodbye to Aaron is still something I find painfully awkward to do. And it’s not just him either. It’s the internal pressure of knowing exactly what to say and when to hit the exit. But I made it short, sweet and simple. “Have fun in Bali.” Was there anything more to say? Not really. I’m not the type to ramble on about what’s going on in my life because that’s not how I roll. Still it was nice to see him showing that he cares and I’m excited for his trip away though I can’t pretend that I won’t be missing him. Namaste. https://www.aaronpetty.com/
On Thursday morning, I went down to Centrelink Cranbourne office to apply for the Disability Support Pension. This has been a long term goal for me this year and it’s taken me a few months to be prepared for it. There were quite a few obstacles in my way and several people who advised against applying for it but I stuck to my guns, making sure that I filled out all the forms correctly and gathered enough medical evidence, pay slips, bank statements, and letters to even bother trying for it. https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/disability-support-pension/eligibility/how-we-assess-your-disability-or-condition
When it comes to the Centrelink system, I feel like there are harsh, unfair and unrealistic expectations placed on individuals who actually need their services and benefits. You have to jump through so many different hoops and meet often ridiculous eligibility criteria just to even be considered hence why I wasn’t exactly in a rush to get this done right away. Still I have legitimate diagnoses of depression, anxiety and high functioning autism so it’s not like cheating the system or doing it to get on A Current Affair. https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/disability-support-pension/eligibility
So, in a way, I am doing this to prove the naysayers wrong and make big decisions on my own. But more importantly, I need the DSP in order to supplement my income which I continue to struggle with week to week. Of course people could argue that I should just get another job or increase my hours at my current job but sadly it’s just not that simple and it’s not like I haven’t tried those avenues either. It won’t be an easy road but I’m prepared to tackle and push through any bumps I need to get through. https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/disability-support-pension/claiming/claiming-form
Walking into the Centrelink office, I was already feeling quite nervous. No amount of green decor was going to settle my nerves. This was a pretty big deal for me, months of preparation and I didn’t want to fuck it up. I decided to bring my Mum along just in case I did crumble to dust. The best way to deal with this level of anxiety is to throw humour at it and what better way than to think about Centrelink memes. I waited around 30-40 minutes or so and then my name was called up.
A lady named Emma served me, who was physically disabled herself and appeared to have dwarfism. Thankfully she was really nice and just asked me for all the required forms and supporting documentation for the claim. I don’t think I could have been more organised, though she was giving the photocopier a good workout with all the paper she had to make copies of. I asked her “How long do you expect it will take to get a decision?” She said 6-8 weeks which I expected but now that it’s done, I feel a huge sense of relief now.
On Thursday afternoon, I booked my first appointment to see an Occupational Therapist from Everyday Independence in about two weeks time. Last week at the Disability Expo, I only had a vague concept of what an Occupational Therapist actually does and still don’t really know for sure. But I figured I would give them a shot and considering I have NDIS funding, I don’t have much to lose over it. I mostly want to focus on improving my self confidence, social skills, making friends and at some point, living independently. Hopefully the OT can help me achieve some or all of those goals. https://www.everydayind.com.au/our-therapies/occupational-therapy/
On Thursday night, I had my final Sleep Intervention Workshop held at La Trobe University Psychology Clinic in Bundoora. Prior to arriving, I received my actiwatch in the mail via express post which I’ll have to wear again for another week. This will basically be comparing the results from the first period and see if there’s been any improvement with my sleep. I engaged in my usual Maccas run though time wasn’t playing nice today. I literally had to scoff my food and coffee down (That’s NOT being mindful...oops!).
Tonight’s session was run by Eric and Alexa with Associate Professor Amanda “Mandy” Richdale joining in. Alexa guided us through a short mindfulness exercise which involved using the five senses: touch, smell, hearing, taste and sight, using a raisin. Next, they attempted to tie all the concepts and techniques that we’ve learned together as well as discuss the importance of having values to focus on. Basically trying to work on living a fulfilling life can in turn help to improve your sleep. Some of my important values include: accepting myself, loving others, creativity, imagination, embracing the moment and seeing possibilities.
We also did some short term goal setting which is perfect considering we are getting close to the end of 2018. I wrote down: catching up with friends and family, going out for dinner or drinks, losing weight and improving my fitness levels, going for regular walks, attending art exhibitions and galleries, producing artwork again and getting back into study. It was a good exercise as I usually don’t do it often enough as my mind gets caught up in other commitments and responsibilities. https://www.latrobe.edu.au/otarc
The last part of the session involved creating a plan for the next 6 weeks to make sure that we’re prepared when insomnia comes back. It breaks everything down into sizable chunks week by week and details many of the techniques that we’ve learned about during these workshops such as mindfulness and defusion of thoughts, feelings and emotions, building a new sleep routine and practicing acceptance. Eric then gave us each a $25 gift card for our participation in the study. https://aspergersvic.org.au/Research-Requests
Reflecting back on the last few weeks, it’s good to know that this is the first research study I have fully committed myself to. I didn’t let the physical distance, lack of motivation, low mood and energy levels stop me from finishing it off because I do believe that improving my sleep is something worthwhile to invest time into. It’s been a problem for me for at least 2 or 3 years now and that’s significant as it affects my daily functioning and ability to enjoy life. So hopefully it’ll have some long lasting benefits for me. https://www.apa.org/topics/sleep/why.aspx
On Friday morning, I started doing my Christmas shopping at Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre and Westfield Fountain Gate! Trust me to forget that it happened to be BLACK FRIDAY today so of course getting a parking spot was painful as hell. Also it’s this time of the year when my anxiety levels tend to increase more readily especially when it comes to impatient shoppers and drivers. The rainy weather outside certainly wasn’t helping matters either. It didn’t take long before I was getting stalked in the carpark.  
IT’S THE MOST STRESSFUL (WONDERFUL) TIME OF THE YEAR! I briefly met up with Mum and my hairdresser Katrina, dropping into shops like Kmart, Target, Dusk and some $2 variety stores before I knew that I was ready to collapse with my shopping bags. I’m also learning that it’s okay to break things up, that I don’t necessarily have to do all my Christmas shopping in one hit. I put limits on myself for how much I’m able to handle and it’s a good thing because the last thing I want to do is burn myself out before Christmas Day.
On Friday night, I went to my HIIT Boxing class with Cinamon Guerin at CinFull Fitness. Boxing is both physically and mentally challenging. It takes a lot of effort, focus, concentration and practice to learn all the movements, techniques and combos. I’m fortunate that this group of clients is endlessly patient with me because I do worry that I’ll drop the ball at times. Anxiety is an unwelcome heckler trying hard to get me to give up and I’m able to shove it further and further into the background now.
Even though these small group training sessions are tough, it always feels good to finish them. My fitness level is irrelevant. To me, it’s more about what I can do rather than keeping up with the others. It’s a shift that’s taken me months to learn and remember. As a few people have told me, your only competition is yourself. Push ups are still one of the hardest exercises for me and yet I was smashing them out tonight at my own pace. It can only get better and easier over time.
On Saturday morning, I voted for Gary Maas - Labor for NWS at Strathaird Primary School. Generally speaking, I usually vote for the Australian Labor Party as most of my values align with their policies. Workers rights, public transport, infrastructure, education, mental health issues and autism are the big issues for me this State Election and Gary Maas ticks all of those boxes. https://www.viclabor.com.au/mp/maas-gary/
I’ve noticed that the Liberal candidate, Susan Serey, has had her face plastered on signs and flyers all around the Narre Warren South area. I guess their logic is that using dominant visual exposure will help secure more votes but to me, this screams of desperation. I haven’t seen her put many proposals forward for this election so I’m far from convinced that I should be voting for her. https://vic.liberal.org.au/SusanSerey
When it comes to Matthew Guy, he seems like a typical Liberal politician. All talk and all business. Coming off like a shady used car salesman with his “plan” to get Victoria back in control. Just like Scott Morrison, he’s just not very likable to me. https://www.matthewguy.com.au/
Daniel Andrews has done a lot of hard work for this state especially in the areas of workers rights, public transport and infrastructure. He has begun work on the Melbourne Metro and West Gate tunnels, removed many level-crossings on various train lines and upgraded several train stations, invested in free TAFE courses, building more schools and TAFE campuses, recruited more police officers, increased employment rate and job vacancies. http://www.cesarmelhem.com.au/andrews-labor-government-economic-achievements/
He is far from perfect but his achievements far outweigh his flaws in my opinion. Plus he has many great optimistic plans for the future if he ends up being re-elected. https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/state/vic/2018/11/20/victorian-election-policy-comparison-daniel-andrews-matthew-guy/
On Saturday night, I attended my work Christmas party held in the Common Room at Berwick Inn. When it comes to most social functions, my first instinct is to run for the hills and this potentially could have been the case tonight. I guess I wasn’t anticipating the huge turnout and therefore how much the space was creating bottlenecks and human traffic congestion. It’s moments like those where I literally need my own space to breathe.
However it was really lovely to see many team members tonight, both who I currently work with and a handful who have transferred stores, resigned or retired. Still being an introvert and autistic, social situations will always be challenging for me. Not knowing what to do, who to talk to, what to talk about but I generally gravitate towards people I feel comfortable around. There also becomes a point where I get easily bored and restless.
I decided to wear a black Christmas themed sweater with colourful Santas, bells, trees and snowflakes on it as well as a classic red Santa hat. It’s probably the one stereotypical trait that I don’t tick as an introverted person: putting myself out there with my outfit. Possibly because I want to make an impression and get people’s attention in a good way. I left shortly after the Visions & Values awards were announced as energetically I was spent and needed to rest. But I’m glad I made the effort to come out even for a short while.
“S-P-I-R-I-T, it's great to see. We got it, the spirit. Hey, hey, let's hear it. Said we couldn't go the distance, yeah. Look at us, we're going the distance. They just wanna be us. They don't wanna see us.” Mariah Carey featuring Ty Dolla $ign - The Distance (2018)
“It wasn't really much at all, just a little sensitivity, yeah that's all. Here in my heart is where you should be, ooh you are. Giving me life and it's everything. Thinkin' 'bout when we were seventeen. Living like Babs 'cause it's Evergreen. Here in my arms is where you should be.” Mariah Carey featuring Slick Rick & Blood Orange - Giving Me Life (2018)
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