#dahlia the mienshao
askbohemiancompany · 5 years
(norehliananecdotes) Dahlia @ Urami: Dahlia folded her arms as she looked over Urami. "Word on the street is that you've got a ... less than savory past, is 'at right?" she leaned her head forward, though the rest of her moved no closer. "Surely there were other ways to make a name for yourself. Or were there? What motivated you to become who you are today? Parents? Someone else? I s'pose it's not really my business, since I only know what I've heard through the grapevine, but still."
What was it with pokemon who looked like they were out of the olden days? Urami knew that there were regions that still operated without human influence, but it was always jarring to see one in the city.
The swampert also found it more unnerving when they knew something about him. He seemed to be getting more attention as of late.
“Well. Word on the street is correct. My life has been what you would call, not easy.” Pulling out his phone, he began to flick through some pictures until he found one with him as a marshtomp, standing over a bloodied and beaten Machamp. “I used to be involved with the underground pokemon fighting league since I hatched out. I was groomed to basically do nothing but fighting.”
Despite discussing his past, Urami did not sound happy. It did not bring any warmth or even a smile, just a bitter frown. “Then one day, my ‘trainer’,” the way the swampert said trainer sounded contemptuous. “Decided to try and retire me because he wanted to change his team up.” ‘Retire’ sounded less like an actual case of Urami going into retirement and was more like they tried something with him.
“They bred me for fighting in blood sport, and when they tried to get rid of me, I left on my terms. My trainer and his team...they got what they paid for.”
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thetakenpokemon-rp · 6 years
Continued from here | @norehliananecdotes
I raise an eyebrow at her, grinning all the while. “A lady of few words, I see. Short and straight to the point.” I let out a snicker. “And I assume your name originates from the flower? It’s quite a pleasant name, not to mention I feel that the meaning of said flower may be very appropriate for a warrior such as yourself~”
I trace a claw up my body before stopping underneath my chin, my grin becoming a playful smirk. “And indeed it would be a fair trade if I were to give you my name, in fact it would be most especially rude if I were to remain anonymous when you’ve oh so kindly honored my request~” The claw under my chin lifts up and taps my cheek a few times before lowering itself down to my side. “If Dahlia is something you wish me to call you, then Velvett is what you shall call me~”
I slowly saunter towards her, my gaze briefly glancing at her blade before focusing back onto her face. “I still can’t quite shake my thoughts off that blade of yours, dear Dahlia. You say that its nicks each tell a story? Do tell~” I stop a foot from her, my pink eyes burning with fascination, more so on the Mienshao than the actual sword itself. “I have all the time in the world, so I do hope you’re willing to indulge me with a story or two~”
What can I say? When I encounter an interesting character, I can’t help but be fascinated~
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limecornchip · 7 years
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more ... Pokemon hhhhhggggffffysfd pls no
anyway, I made this lady for a dA group a while back (early December I think). I could never work up the attention span to actually join, though. But I found her today and wanted to draw her again,
Her name is Dahlia, and she is a Mienshao. She has strong Gothitelle ancestry though; her father was a Gothitelle. It caused her to be born with darker fur. Also as you can see, she’s pretty anthro.
I’m not sure if she’s pure Fighting as normal or if she’s duel Fighting/Psychic. Possibly the latter
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 3 - Close Encounter
[PoV: Valence]
I keep myself next to Rodrigo, my gaze occasionally darting back behind me...at Artemisia.
We’ve been on the hunt for this hybrid for several days now, and luckily his tracks are actually fairly easy to find and distinguish from the terrain. However during this time I had to spend every moment to not let Artemisia get close to me, so we don’t have that...’talk’.
Currently she’s talking with the Gothitelle from that guild, however I can see her looking at me every so often.
I take a deep breath through my nose and turn away, shuddering.
“You can’t avoid her forever, Valence.” Rodrigo speaks up, his single eye looking down at me. “You can’t use me as a shield forever either.”
I cross my arms over my chest and grit my teeth. “Just watch me.” I growl.
His eyebrows furrow. “I’m being serious, Valence. You two will need to work things out, since this sort of tension can’t stay here.” He shakes his head. “You WILL need to talk to her.”
“Like hell I will.” I respond back sharply. “I’ve had to deal with her enough, the last thing I need is to get into another lecture or scolding.” I look up at the Chesnaught, glaring at him. “Do you honestly think she’ll even listen to me? That she’ll give me a chance to properly explain myself?”
“Well-” He starts but stops himself, a contemplative look replacing his expression.
“Yeah...that’s what I thought.” I mutter, averting my gaze from him. “She’ll never give me a chance, and even if she did...it won’t last. She’ll always treat me like some kid, even though I’m anything but.” That and she’ll always be a complete psychopath, however I didn’t say that particular sentence out loud.
An uncomfortable silence falls over us as we walk, but for me...I feel my mood growing worse. Several nasty thoughts pass through my mind, consisting of hurtful words and sentences I would like to shout at Artemisia. But of course I’d never say them to her, out of fear of what she might do.
Thankfully...the thought-process is quickly shattered by Rinako speaking up.
“I’ve found something.” The Medicham hybrid says, walking over to one of the trees. On its bark lays a scorched slash mark, the wood around it blackened from what may have been intense heat. She feels its surface with her fingers, her expression thoughtful. “Although I haven’t  seen the hybrid with my own two eyes...” She turns her gaze to the rest of us. “...I believe this may be his work.”
Richmond snaps his book closed and tucks it under his arm, adjusting his glasses on his face he approaches the tree. He eyes it for a few moments before nodding. “This was certainly left by the hybrid.” He agrees.
Rinako looks back at the mark, her eyes narrowing. “It looks fresh, so the hybrid must be near.”
“Hey, I found more!” Another voice speaks up, and our eyes turn to the other Medicham hybrid that joined our group. The one dubbed ‘Dahlia’ is currently standing a good ways away, however near her are numerous trees showing the same marks. “It appears that ugly seems to have some anger issues.”
The Gothitelle named ‘Aster’ approaches Dahlia and examines the these markings. “These marks appear to contain no precision or thought, so my companion’s assumptions that these were delivered in a fit of anger may be correct.”
Dahlia rolls her eyes. “Come on, girl. I know my stuff.”
The Gothitelle turns to her, her eyes narrowing just a tad. “Most cases...you do.”
This makes Dahlia take a step back, her expression growing sheepish. The Gothitelle holds her gaze on the Medicham before walking away. The Mienshao called ‘Carnation’ that’s with them shakes her head, giving Dahlia a look that pretty much says ‘really?’.
I eye them with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. What the hell was that about?
“There is a disturbance...” Vedika mutters, but just loud enough for us to hear. Her blue eyes slowly lift up, her lips twitching. “An annoying...disturbance.”
All of us look at the Gothitelle/Jynx hybrid, several of us with expressions of wariness. I’m definitely in the whole ‘put-off’ category, since Vedika...definitely has several screws loose.
“What is it, Vedika?” Rodrigo asks, the Chesnaught looking at her with rapt attention.
She doesn’t respond however, instead her eyes turning from left to right.
“Wait...disturbance...” Rinako mutters, but her eyes slowly widen. “Hold on, I hear something! Quiet everyone!”
In utter silence we all listen with rapt attention, trying to pick something out. After a few moments of straining my ears I pick it up.
“...Shouting...” I say aloud, my voice quiet. My ears swivel towards the direction and I turn towards it, my eyes narrowing. “I hear shouting...”
The more I listen the more clear it becomes, whoever’s shouting sounds...angry. They sound very angry, and...they sound...
My eyes widen.
“It’s the hybrid!” I immediately say. “And it seems like they’re with someone, and it doesn’t sound good.”
“Then we must hurry!” Rodrigo says resolutely. “From what you’ve all described about this hybrid, if he is within the company of others then they are likely in danger!”
My claws slide out of the slits in my arms, my teeth bared. “Then what are we waiting for?! Let’s go!”
[PoV: Charlie]
I have to say, the anger on the fella’s face is kinda putting me off. I shuffle my feet, my smile becoming sheepish. “So...uh...” I start, chuckling nervously. “...do ya think ya’ll will let me int’a ya group?”
The Bisharp’s eyes narrow dangerously. “...Excuse me?!” He hisses.
I lean my head back slightly, tugging at the collar of my shirt. “Ya know...ya actin’ group?” I grin again, but seeing the confusion and frustration building on his face makes it waver. “Like...tha’ reason why ya are in this here forest?”
The Pokemon’s talons dig into the earth, creating deep grooves. “You think...I am an actor?” He growls.
I nod my head uncertainly. “...Yeah?”
“I AM NOT AN ACTOR!” He roars loudly, making me take a step back.
“Ya...aren’t?” I say nervously. “But what about earlier? Were ya actually tryin’ ta’-” I stop, noticing that the Pokemon’s mouth is widening. Inside his maw is a bright blue glow, and it gets brighter and brighter by the second.
“What are ya-” I start to ask only for him to unleash a powerful beam of raw blue energy. My eyes widen, my body standing frozen in fear as it approaches me at high speed.
And just before it hit...something tackles me out of the way.
I land on the ground roughly, the air being knocked right out of my lungs. Coughing violently I turn my head to look at who was it that saved my rear end, and to my surprise it’s an odd-looking Zangoose.
“Thank...Arceus...I got here in time.” He wheezes, his face sweating.
The loud sounds of footsteps hit my ears and I whip my head around, only to see eight more Pokemon arrive to the place.
Are they actors too?
No, the other fella said that he’s not an actor.
So...then this must be the real deal...?
“So you all followed me.” The hybrid growls, glaring at the group with open malice. “And you brought even more numbers with you.”
“This ends here.” The pure-bred Gothitelle says calmly, approaching the Bisharp with a closed umbrella in her hands. “This is your last chance. If you do not come along calmly, then you will leave us no choice but to use force to bring you in.”
The Bisharp clenches his fists, the...real blades on his arms glowing a bright blue. “Calmly?” He repeats, venom dripping from his voice. “You wish for me...to come with you...calmly?!”
The Gothitelle’s brows furrow, her grip tightening on her weapon. Behind her the numerous Pokemon also ready themselves, either drawing their weapons, channeling whatever power they have, or simply bringing up their fists.
“No...” The Bisharp says, shaking his head. “No...I’ve come too far for this to end.” He raises one of his arms, pointing the humming blades at the group. “I need to grow stronger, to end the ones who have destroyed my life.” The gaze from his eyes intensify, his lips twisting into a malicious grin. “And I will not let ANYONE stop me.”
He lets out a loud, primal roar. “I WILL TAKE YOU ALL ON!”
With that, he charges straight at the group.
“Hey buddy...” The Zangoose whispers to me. “I recommend staying on the sides, because things are about to get really ugly.” With that he leaps into the fray to aid his comrades, not waiting for my response.
Even with him already out of ear-shot, I still feel myself nodding numbly. “S-Sure thing...”
That hybrid was really trying to hurt me...
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medievalmon · 7 years
Okay, this is a big ask (and I'm surprised no one has asked this before). Given how important and meaningful flowers are in the stories, what flower would you assign each character based on the flower's symbolism and that character's personality? (I personally believe Typhlosion should be "Yellow Acacia")
((Ooh, this is a big ask and a good ask! 
Hmm, I don’t normally assign just one flower in concept to characters, since I like them to have multiple meanings through floral exchanges. But, for the sake of this ask, I’ll try to limit characters to a specific flower. 
Greninja, Chesnaught = Bluebell = Unwavering, Everlasting Love; Appreciation & Gratitude; Humility, Devotion 
Nidoking = Rainflower = Returned Love, Atonement, Never Forgotten 
Rhydon, Carracosta = Honeysuckle = Devotion, Bonds of Love
Samurott, Gallade = Gladiolus (Sword Flower) = Honor, Conviction 
Gardevoir = Pink Rose = Desire, Energy
Typhlosion = Yellow Acacia = Secret Love 
Delphox, Heracross = Iris = Wisdom, Valor, Good news 
Lilligant = Lily of the Valley = Sweetness, Humility 
Bisharp = Peony = Shame, Anger, Honor, Bravery 
Escavalier = Borage (Starflower) = Courage 
Accelgor = Dahlia = Elegance, Dignity 
Armaldo, Delibird = Take Care, Fragile, Temperance 
Scizor = Petunia = Anger, Resentment, Soothing Presence 
Golurk = White Daisy = Purity, Innocence 
Alakazam, Machamp = Blue Rose = Mystery, Attaining Impossible 
Empoleon = Thistle = Nobility, Warning 
Abomasnow = Lavender = Loyalty, Devotion, Distrust 
Quagsire = Snowdrop = Consolation, Hope 
Weavile = Purple Heather = Solitude, Admiration 
Froslass = Purple Carnation = Whimsical, Unpredictable 
Mienshao = Phlox = Harmony 
Poliwrath, Politoed = Hyacinth = Playful, Sporty 
Golduck = Narcissus = Selfishness 
Blastoise = Oxeye Daisy = Patience 
Mewtwo = Hibiscus = Rare, Delicate Beauty 
Lucario, Flygon = Marigold = Pain, Grief 
Zoroark = Jimsonweed/Thorn-apple/Devil’s Snare = Disguise 
Gengar = Lobelia = Malevolence 
How’s that? Some seem right on the money, but others are a toss-up. Ah well, I think it was a good first effort. And I’m sure these change over time, lol. 
Thank you for the fun ask!))
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 1 - The Three Floral Hunters
[PoV: Dahlia]
“-rom what the Gallade has described; this hybrid is not only physically strong, but also capable of-” Jubei continues to explain, although I end up tuning her out due to my mind constantly wandering back to that trio.
Bounty hunters? More like the odd squad, since I don’t know what to make of them. We have the scholarly shut-off, the irritating squirt, and then the motherly...mother? Either way I can’t take them very seriously, especially when that Bisharp came in. I simply got outta there when she did the baby-talk, since it was just awkward as hell at that point.
“Kendra.” I hear Jubei call my name, her voice sounding unamused. “I’m assuming you’re not paying attention to a word I’m saying?”
I blink a few times before giving a small nod. “...Kinda?” I say uncertainly, giving a sheepish smile.
She lets out a sigh and rubs her eyes. “I don’t want to repeat this, you need to be giving me your utmost attention since there’s a high chance we’re going to be fighting this hybrid if diplomacy fails.”
“Indeed, I am baffled by your carelessness.” Venya adds with a huff, but a glare from the Gothitelle is more than enough to make her stop talking.
Serves you right, furball.
“Yeah, my bad.” I apologize. “I’ve gotten most of it, so just continue where you left off.”
Jubei gives me a side-glance before nodding. “As I was saying...” She continues. “We need to be precise with our attacks, since fighting him directly will ultimately end with us getting hurt. So we need to attack from all sides and constantly draw his attention in order to prevent him from overpowering us.”
I give a thumbs up. “Gotcha.”
“Noted.” Venya adds.
Jubei grabs her umbrella and stands up, resting it against her shoulder. “With that, we must depart immediately.”
I blink again, but this time with surprise. “Wait, now?” I quickly grab my folded Fuuma Shuriken laying on the table beside me and stand up.
The Gothitelle rolls her eyes. “Yes, now. Not only has the hybrid harmed another individual, but also made a threat that the next one it catches will be killed. So we must end this immediately.”
Venya gives me a glare. “Honestly, Kendra. Did you listen at anything at all?”
“Everything except that part, apparently.” Respond nonchalantly before smiling, doing my best to look smug. “But hey, don’t get on my case about listening on battle plans when you’re usually the one that has the attention span of a Vigoroth on caffeine pills.”
“Me?!” The Mienshao exclaims. “I never-”
“Don’t...even start.” Jubei interrupts through gritted teeth. “The last thing we need is for you two to bicker, ESPECIALLY when we’re about to head out to fight a powerful hybrid.”
I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. “Yeah, my bad again.” I apologize for a second time, while Venya merely mumbles to herself.
With narrowed eyes the Gothitelle seems to dare us to continue, but eventually she shakes her head before opening the door of the hotel room we’re staying in. “Let’s go, we have no time to lose.” She says stiffly before leaving.
Although giving me a glare Venya quickly follows after Jubei, not before sticking her nose up into the air like some haughty noblewoman.
Yeah yeah, whatever Venya.
With a roll of my eyes I follow after them, my thoughts once again drifting back to those three bounty hunters.
If this Hybrid is as strong as Jubei says, then they’re definitely gonna have a bad time. Hopefully we’ll get to this thing before they do, otherwise things might get a bit...messy.
Now I don’t know how good they are, but due to my previous encounter with them...I don’t have very high hopes.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 1 - The Praxic Blades
[PoV: Dahlia]
Thank Arceus we’re out of that car...
After Venya threw up, the rest of the trip was nothing but hell. Even with the windows rolled down the smell was awful, nearly causing the rest of us to lose our own lunch too.
Course the Mienshao wasn’t happy in the least, since she nearly ruined her dress. Thankfully however she brought spares, that and the place we’re staying at has washing machines.
But yeah, arrived to the town of ‘Woodwick’ safe and sound. The place itself looks like one of your average modern towns, with paved roads and concrete or brick buildings. The place is located smack-dab in the middle of a forest, called ‘Greenbar Forest’.
I don’t know where the whole ‘bar’ thing is coming from, not to mention the place doesn’t look too green either since winter is very close. Truth be told it kinda sounds like someone made up the names of this town and the forest on the spot, but that’s just me.
Back to the topic at hand, we’ve already turned in our luggage and checked into our room, so at the moment we’re just doing our own thing. Jubei is currently talking with Jezebel through a computer to discuss the details of our mission and Venya is washing her dress, so that just leaves me to myself.
Currently I’m exploring the town since it’s a great opportunity to stretch my legs. The only things I have on me is my Shuuma Shuriken and a cellphone tucked in my gi, that way Jubei can call me if she wants me to head back.
As for the town itself...it’s actually kinda funny. I’ve received a lot of weird looks from the various Pokemon here, mostly due to my appearance. I don’t really blame them though, since I’m an incredibly unusual hybrid.
But no one's questioning my weapon though, which is a pleasant surprise. In fact the only looks on it were passing ones, as if they’re used to seeing ‘mons openly carrying them.
In the end no one stopped me for a chat, since everyone has their own things to focus on apparently.
Or at least, it was like that until now...
“Yo!” I hear a voice call, snapping me out of my thoughts.
When my eyes flick to the source, I notice that there’s two individuals. The one who spoke is currently leaning against a stone wall, who happens to be a rather unusual-looking Zangoose.
His colors isn’t like that of normal Zangoose, since his white fur contains accents of pale-yellow as well as orange. His outfit consists of a tunic and pants, their coloration that of tan and dark browns. Attached to his tunic is a black cape, and on his hands are finger-less gloves that contain a pair of slits on the top of his forearms. Wrapped around his orange hair is a headband, and in his mouth seems to be a sort of peppermint stick.
Sitting on a bench next to him is a male Delphox, one glance is all I needed to know that he’s a hybrid. He contains very strong Mismagius genes, the purples of the Mismagius over-riding the normal yellows and oranges that Delphox are known for. On his person is a black and gold robe that cuts off at the waist, in which flows out is the natural ‘cloak’ that Mismagius often have. Atop his head is also the large ‘hat’, another gift of the his ghostly genes. Underneath said hat consists of reddish-purple hair, both short yet smoothly brushed. On his snout is a pair of spectacles, and in his grasp is a black book with gold trim that he appears to be reading.
I look down at the Zangoose, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah?” I ask. “Were you referring to me?”
The Zangoose pulls out the peppermint stick in his mouth, holding it between two fingers. “Yeah, you.” He responds, an almost smug grin forming on his face. “You a mercenary?”
I blink. “Say that again?”
“Mercenary.” He repeats, his expression becoming somewhat annoyed. “Your getup, the weapon, it all points to you being some sort of fighter for hire.”
I give him a deadpan look. “Yeah, no. I’m not a mercenary.” I say flatly. “I’m a member of the Guardians of Twilight.”
Now it’s the Zangoose’s turn to blink in confusion. “Guardians of the what-now?”
The Delphox glances up at me for a brief second, recognition flashing in his eyes before looking back down to his book. “She’s a part of a Guild.” He answers for me. “The Guardians of Twilight are known as ‘monster hunters’, taking down various threats.”
With this new revelation the Zangoose’s gaze shifts to a glare. “So you’re here for the bounty then?” He growls.
At this point I’m getting a bit confused, not to mention a bit annoyed with the furrball’s attitude. “I don’t know about you, but I’m not here for a bounty.” I huff with irritation. “There's supposedly some hybrid causing trouble here, so I’ve been sent to take care of it.”
“So you ARE here for the bounty.” The Zangoose angrily takes a bite out of the peppermint stick, causing a loud ‘crunching’ noise to be heard. “Listen here lady, we got here first.” He says through his loud chewing. “The Praxic Blades got this one, so you might as well as pack your bags and go back to wherever you came from.”
My grip tightens somewhat on my weapon as my annoyance grows. “Let me guess, you’re bounty hunters?” I growl.
He nods his head, his smug smile returning in force. “Yeah, but not just any. We’re the Praxic Blades, one of the best group of Bounty Hunters you’ll ever know.” He turns his head sideways, chuckling to himself. “I bet you’ve heard of us.”
At this I couldn’t help but smirk. “Nope.” I tell him. “Haven’t heard of you at all.”
His head snaps to me, his eyes widening somewhat. “No? Not at all?” His eyes quickly narrow again as a scowl works its way onto his face. “You’re lying, you’ve definitely heard of us.”
At this I couldn’t help but laugh. “Kid, I haven’t heard squat about your little group until you’ve just brought it up.”
At the word ‘kid’ he snaps the peppermint stick in his fingers, with a loud growl a pair of blades slide out from the slits in his arms. “What did you call me?!” He snarls.
I open my mouth to respond back, but the Delphox suddenly speaks up.
“Don’t start a fight, Valence.” He says nonchalantly, his gaze not even lifting up from his book.
“But Richmond! She called me a kid!” ‘Valence’ shouts at the Delphox.
Richmond merely turns to the next page on his book. “To her defense, you are in fact...acting like one.” His gaze flicks to me before turning back to his reading material. “Need I not bring up Artemisia and how she would react to you trying to pick a fight with a complete stranger?”
At this the Zangoose’s eyes widen with horror, in a flash the blades on his arm slide back into the skin of his arm. “O-Oh god, yeah.”
Now I’m just confused. “Who’s Aremisia? Another member of your group?”
“I’m baaaaack~!” A sudden voice calls, in which Valence freezes on the spot.
Turning my head I see another individual approaching us with a strut in her step, her appearance catching me off-guard.
At first glance she appears to be some sort of Bisharp, but there’s a lot of other details about her that makes her stand out greatly from the species. On her shapely body is a somewhat unusual armor, its metallic surface that of a dark navy with gold accents. The armor itself seems to leave several parts of her body uncovered to exposes her light purple skin, whether for increased maneuverability or just to show herself off...I’m unsure. Another interesting detail about her armor is that it possesses purplish-blue blades on her arms and around her knees, but with the way their appearance...they seem to be more like decorations attached to the armor than natural blades.
In fact, the armor itself doesn’t look like it’s naturally a part of her...
Her head has no helmet that Bisharps are well-known for, in fact she has very long purple hair that flows all the way down her back. Seeing the length and the shape of said hair, a part of me is assuming that she’s not pure-Bisharp...but is actually part Jynx.
Grasped firmly in one of hands is a large axe, despite its sheer size she seems to be holding it rather effortlessly.
“How’s my widdle Vency?” She coos, walking right past me and up to the Zangoose. With her free hand she pinches Valence’s cheek. “Doing alright with me gone?”
The sheer uncomfort and embarrasement on the furball’s face is very satisfying to see, since he acted like a dick earlier. “Artemisia, stop!” He cries, trying his best to pull her hand off his face. “Stop treating me like I’m a child! I’m over twenty!”
The Bisharp laughs at this. “Awww, so you did miss me~” She rests her axe against the stone wall and leans down, with both her arms she pulls him into a very tight hug. “I missed you too sweetie~”
The Zangoose vainly struggles in Artemisia’s imprisoning embrace, seeing the sheer shame and distress in his face I couldn’t help but feel bad for him.
“He’s not her child nor does she feel any romantic attraction towards him.” Richmond comments to me, answering some of the various questions floating in my mind. “She simply enjoys children greatly, Valence also happens to trigger her motherly instincts.”
“Richmond! Don’t just sit there, do something!” The Zangoose begs. “She’s gonna smother me!”
For a brief moment I could see the Delphox considering the whole thing, as if he’s contemplating on leaving Valence to his fate. But in the end he speaks up in the Zangoose’s defense. “We’re in public, Artemisia.” He tells her. “Even if you enjoy showing your affection to Valence, you should at least have some restraint.”
The Bisharp lets out a sigh. “Oh alright, I’ll tone it down a bit.” However before she released the Zangoose, she gives him a kiss right on the cheek. “I’ll save the hugs for later, alright?” She chuckles, standing back to her full height.
Valence only sputters in response, frantically wiping his cheek on the spot where she kissed him.
“Come now, if you wipe it off I’ll have to give you another~” She singsongs, in which the Zangoose quickly takes several steps away from her.
Now in case you forget, I’m the one who’s watching the entire thing. But with the Bisharp added to the scene, the whole thing has gotten...very weird for me.
“I’m...gonna go leave you to whatever you’re doing.” I say awkwardly, deciding to turn and walk away.
“NO! DON’T LEAVE ME WITH HER!” Valence shouts after me.
“It’s awight, my widdle Vency.” I hear the Bisharp coo. “I know you don’t mean that~”
Yeeeeeeah, I am DEFINITELY not staying. With my walk turning into a full-on sprint, I quickly leave the trio in the dust.
...That just happened.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
(@Ask-M) M@Dahlia: M skips over to her excitedly and looks up at her with a squeak "Wowza Mate! Aren't you a sight!" M's eyes quickly look over Dehlia as she continues to speak "I ain't ever seen a hybrid that's three 'mon mixed together! That's really cool shit there mate!" M gives a thumbs up with her big toothy grin before she cocks her head slightly "But uh.. You seem to fight with that Mienshao a lot.. Why? Or it that too personal or summthin?" M scratches her neck nervously
[PoV: Dahlia]
I definitely paused when I looked at the unusual Scrafty, my eyes admiring her rather exotic appearance. But I ended up raising an eyebrow at her funny manner of speech, although I DID recognize it since I’ve encountered a few ‘Mons in the past that talked that way.
Her enthusiasm specifically is what got me grinning. “You’re not too bad yourself there.” I compliment back. “Can’t say I’ve seen a hybrid like you either. Never thought I’d see a child of both a Scrafty and Goodra, but with how you’re rocking it you’re definitely setting some very high standards for future Scrafty/Goodra hybrids.” I give her my own thumbs up, signifying my approval. “Not to mention I’m also digging the clothes.” Her swearing didn’t go unnoticed by me, but I’m never really fazed by that sort of stuff - and tend to swear a bit occasionally as well - so I don’t comment on it.
When she asks me about my squabbles with Venya I roll my eyes, my grin shifting to a smaller smile. “Ahh, you mean Ven-” I stop, remembering the rules and stuff the GoT has in place when it comes to giving out names.
Or was it only when we’re out working?
“Ehh, fuck it. You seem like a pretty trustworthy girl.” I say with a shrug of my shoulders. “Yeah, Venya and I tend to have frequent spats with each other. Why? Well…” I cross my arms behind my head. “I wouldn’t really say it’s personal, more of just that we just clash in terms of personality. I just like messing with her since she makes it too easy, that and her whole attitude tends to get very annoying.” I feel my grin return in full force. “As for her? I think it’s because she just hates my guts, when I first joined the team I drew away some attention from her due to me being different...so she disliked me ever since.” I shrug again. “Or maybe not, I’m just guessing here. However I’m not really in a position to ask her on the details, if I cared to begin with.”
I let out a chuckle. “Either way, I wouldn’t say that our fights are too serious. There HAS been a few times where it did escalate pretty bad, but most cases? Nah, nothing serious.” I glance to the side, down the hallway towards the Sparring Hall. “However I gotta say this, ol’ Venya is gonna be fighting Tetishuri because of some challenge.” I look back at the Scrafty. “In case you don’t know, Tetishuri is an ambassador from out of the country who’s also a very kickass warrior. I’ve seen her fight before, she's VERY good.” My grin morphs into a smirk. “Obviously I’m rooting for Teti to win, ‘cus seeing Venya humiliated due to her own pride is SO satisfying to see.”
“But yeah, I’m probably just keeping you hostage with my talking at this point so I’ll let you go.” I snicker. “But to sum it up... The fights between me and Venya aren’t personal, just…the result of us not really getting along.” I give her a nod. “And again, digging the outfit. I should really get myself one of those, I bet i’d look cool as hell in that.”
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 3 - The Floral Triad
[Location: GoT HQ - Cafeteria] [PoV: Jubei]
“-and she had the gall to make it seem like it was a great honor for me to have bumped into her...there!” Venya fumes, sitting across of me.
I listen to black and red Mienshao almost absentmindedly, eating a small bit of meat from my platter with a pair of chopsticks in my hands.
This ‘rant’ that Venya is going on right now, it is the one of many that I’ve listened to far more than I would’ve liked. If something even slightly bruises her ego, she goes to me to ‘express how scorned she feels’.
I may be a refined Gothitelle with a will of iron, but even I have grown tired of this endless charade of hers. So instead I tend to just nod my head occasionally, sometimes not even listening to what she’s saying.
“Jubei? Are you even listening?!”
I blink, apparently having zoned when I didn’t realize it. With my expression stoic as always I focus my eyes on Venya, who’s apparently looking very irritated.
“Well?” She demands, persisting for my answer.
I silently set my chopsticks down on my plate before smoothing out the pleated skirt of my modest dress. I brush back the hair of my sidetail before fixating the Mienshao will an unamused look, making it clear that I’m less than thrilled in participating in this conversation.
“You and I both know she was merely playing with you.” I tell her, drumming my fingers on the table.
“W-what?” Venya stammers, apparently expecting a different answer from me.
I give her a deadpan look “Really Venya, do you actually think that she thinks that way?” I feel my eyes roll. “She knows of your dislike towards her, so she said that in order to get a rise out of you. Even then, I still find this foolish. Tetishuri hasn’t done anything wrong to you, so your attitude towards her is for petty reasons.”
“Unjustified?!” Venya growls indignantly. “But-”
“But nothing.” I cut her off, having none of it. “Your reasons are self-centered, we both know this. I myself have no qualms with Tetishuri, for she is an individual that means well.” My fingers cease their drumming. “If you laid down your pride for at least one moment, you’ll realize that she’s not a bad person.”
With that, I pick up my chopsticks again. “And even if you don’t do this, she’s going to be staying here for a week. So you WILL deal with her presence like the civilized woman you are, because I will not be having this conversation again.”
I didn’t even need to look at her to know that she was unhappy, but thankfully she only let out a frustrated growl before dropping the topic. I could care less of who Venya dislikes, since for most cases it tends to be very trivial. But what I DO care about is when she constantly brings it up to me time and time again, which tests my patience immensely.
The sudden scraping sound of a chair being pulled up beside me shifts my gaze, the suddenness surprising me slightly. When the person sat down next to me, I focus back on my food when I recognized them.
“Hello Kendra.” I greet her before plopping a cooked pepper into my mouth.
Kendra is the other member of our team, the Floral Triad. Although my alias is Aster and Venya is Carnation, Kendra goes by the name of Dahlia.
She is an incredibly unique Medicham hybrid, containing the genes of both Blaziken and Arcanine. The Blaziken genes are evident due to to her red furry lower body, white V-shaped hair, and red ‘horns’ on the sides of her head that contrast with her white skin.
The Arcanine genes however are shown through large tufts of fluffy hair located on her wrists, collar, waist, knees, and tail. Orange and black stripes are seen on her legs, adding contrast to what would normally be solid colors.
Her outfit consists of a Gi with torn sleeves, only covering her upper-torso. It contains the matching colors of the GoT, like that of mine and Venya’s.
“Sup’ Jubei.” She grunts, sipping from her cup of ice water. Her gaze turns to Venya, however she doesn’t greet her like she did to me.
Venya’s nose wrinkles when she looks at the hybrid, her face contorting to one of disgust. “Are you covered in...sweat?” She asks with revulsion.
I look over at Kendra again and notice that her gi is apparently soaked, I can even faintly smell the salty scent of sweat from her.
“Yeah, what of it?” She asks Venya with a raised eyebrow, her distaste towards the Mienshao becoming slightly evident. “I’ve recently finished my exercises for the day, so of course I’m gonna be covered in sweat.”
The Mienshao rears her head back. “Couldn’t you have at LEAST showered?!” She growls. “That way we don’t have to deal with your stench?”
Kendra leans back and rests her feet on the table, a smirk quickly working its way onto her features. “It’s not my problem that you’re afraid to actually break a sweat, Venya. What you’re smelling is the scent of someone actually working out properly.” She snipes back, taking another sip of her drink.
Venya glares at the Medicham with outrage, both at her comment and the fact that her feet is now on the table. “Not break a sweat? Work out properly?!” She half-shouts, shooting up from her chair. “Just so you know, I actually work ou-”
“Can you both not do this while I’m eating?” I cut in irritably, silencing the Mienshao. “I’m not in the mood to referee you two while I’m in the middle of a meal, so if both insist on having this conversation...then take it somewhere else where I don’t need to hear it.”
“No worries here, Jubei.” Kendra chuckles, downing the last of her drink. “I was only stopping to visit, since I actually do need to take a shower.” She shoots Venya a smug smile. “Just wanted to check in on you two.”
With that she brings her feet off the table and stands up, when she walked away even my eyes didn’t miss the middle finger she flipped off towards Venya’s direction.
“That...does it.” The Mienshao snarls, jumping up from her seat.
“Here we go again...” I mutter to myself as I watch the black Pokemon chase after the Medicham, both of them vanishing into the crowd. I know a fight will break out between them, since it has happened numerous times in the past.
Although I’m normally the one that breaks these things up, I’ve decided that I’m going to let someone else do it for me for a change. I’m not in the mood, so someone else will intervene if it gets to serious.
However I doubt that it’ll escalate that much.
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