#dahli delia
svpermonster · 5 years
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Get To Know Me Meme - Favorite TV Shows [1/5]
↳ Dragula
“No, no this won’t do. With all do respect, despite the demand of your fans, we feel it’d be irresponsible as a network to spread the frankly disturbing and disgusting message of your show. Maybe if it were a little less bloody and a little more … heterosexual.” 
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artificialqueens · 5 years
What’s going on with you two? (Vahli) Chapter 1 - Delia555
So, I wrote this because I rewatched Dragula s2 for the billionth time, and my brain refused to let me ignore how Victoria and Dahli had such a cute connection on the show, so this this was something totally different for me to write. Please tell me if you like it, and I’ll gladly continue with this story. ღ ღ
Trigger warnings include: Mentions of death, very mild mention of a suicidal mentality ((not really worth saying, but I’d rather ensure you’re all aware! ღ ))  
A/N: This is set during Dragula and to clear up any confusion you could have later, on a whim I decided that the exterminations were legitimate and the contestants sign up for the show, taking the risk of possibly dying. It’s dark! But the next drag Supermonster surely has to be able to risk it all for the crown?
****I’m fairly certain I’ll be only providing Dragula content, and am always up for any requests****
The floor show had ended a few hours ago, and it was announced that 6 of the contestants were officially up for extermination. They’d have to face off in a paintball battle, where two girls at a time would have a one vs one fight to the death. The girl with the most hits, or ones in the more critical of places, would therefore lose and risk extermination. 
This week, Victoria and her Fortune-telling character has scored her, her very first win so far. She was ecstatic, and calmed at the knowledge of Dahli and Abhora being safe from extermination alongside herself. The three girls got a perfect view of all the action to come, a decent distance away but close enough to feel entirely engaged. 
For the final face off, Biqtch Puddin and Monikkie Shame has been paired up against each other; a splendid yet typical gag thanks to their recent arguments. Biqtch had waited for Monikkie to run out of shots before she even fired her first, and managed to shoot her in the mouth while the splats on herself remained exclusively on her back and in no particularly critical spots. 
Abhora began to laugh maniacally at the drama unfolding before her very eyes. Victoria and Dahli could barely contain themselves at the sight of everyone, it was hilarious. Abhora seemed to be losing her shit, and Monikkie seemed to just be…losing. Victoria grabbed onto Dahli’s arm for support during her own uncontrollable fit of laughter, and she felt Dahli half-heartedly ease her back with her hand through giggles; resulting in an overwhelming chill rushing all the way down her back at a rapid rate. 
The sensation distracted her from whatever had been so funny to her before, and she simply brought her head up to look into Dahli’s eyes that were now disguised by white contacts. Dahli paused the movements with her hand on Victoria’s back, to see the girl beneath her stiffen at the loss of contact, and doubt flooding her mind. 
All Dahli responded with was another one of her smirks of pride, and she took Victoria’s hand, guiding Victoria’s body back up from its awkward position where she’d been half-bent over. Victoria felt her heart thumping aggressively against her chest, and she struggled to maintain self-control despite the cameras surrounding them and knowing better. 
When the cameras cut and filming had been declared wrapped up, Victoria and Dahli hadn’t exchanged many words, neither of them quite certain whether to mention earlier. 
Today had genuinely been great, Victoria had achieved her first win, laughed more than she had in months, and seen a different side to Dahli than previously. Victoria found Dahli easiest to relate to out of all the other contestants, she always maintained her chill and today proved she could somehow manage to keep Victoria on her toes - regardless of how much of a control freak Victoria was. 
Victoria couldn’t tell you what she was doing when she accepted Dahli’s invitation to crash in her hotel room that night. It was no big fuss, and it didn’t need to become one. Victoria had a budding friendship with Dahli and she assured herself she had no justifiable reason to turn down the casual offer. 
The time had just passed 10 pm, and it’d been dark out for hours at this point. Sometimes Victoria got lost in the night’s sky, it sounded cliche and poetic but it proved true from since she was only a young girl. Street lamps and occasional store-lights were the only thing illuminating the space surrounding the two as they stepped out from the Uber. Dahli tipped the driver and walked round the car over to Victoria, acknowledging how at ease she seemed in comparison to earlier. Dimmed orange lights bounced off her soft bare skin, and her grey curls were now distressed as they hang loosely after being securely hidden for the majority of the day. She took in the beautiful sight of Victoria, leaning back against the street lamp and pressing another cigarette to her lips, wasting no time in lighting it. 
“That didn’t take as long as earlier.” Victoria pointed out, giving a pressing look and taking a few steps closer to Dahli. 
“What are you trying to say?” She hummed, tilting her head back and exhaling the smoke from her cigarette into the chilled air, watching briefly as it slowly rose above her head, diffusing into the nights sky. 
“I’m trying to sayyy…” Victoria drawled, her eyes following the smoke momentarily, before returning back to Dahli and tilting her head in favour to one side. “Maybe you just wanted your mouth close to mine.” Her voice was now merely a whisper. 
Dahli’s face broke into one of uncertainty, and for the shortest moment her guard threatened to drop. 
“Shut up, you’re so full of shit.” Dahli teased, prodding at Victoria’s stomach playfully with her fingers. 
Time appeared to have frozen, and earlier seemed to repeat itself when Dahli had suddenly stopped her movements again, Victoria’s mind involuntarily wandering to places like before. One thing was different though, and that was that Victoria didn’t have a single camera to worry about. She’d made it known that she had a boyfriend before, and Dahli had made a harmless joke about how she could be added, however it didn’t come across so harmless when she looked into Dahli’s contact-less eyes. 
They were lit up, sparkling almost, and Victoria swore to herself this shit only happened in movies. This was dumb, and would undoubtedly provide Vic with a tonne of problems to deal with later on. 
Victoria pushed Dahli’s hand off her stomach, and moved in even closer to Dahli, pressing her head into her torso at the harsh reality of all the feelings she was experiencing. It took a while for a response from Dahli, and Victoria questioned if she’d been too inappropriate, ready to step back and somehow magically erase her actions. 
That was until, she felt two slender arms wrapping round her back and holding a firm grip against the exposed skin at the cutout of her dress. She audibly sighed of relief, and cuddled in closer to Dahli’s chest, taking in some of her smoke as she breathed, relaxed for what felt like the first time today. 
They stayed there in silence for a few minutes, Dahli eventually loosening her grip to put her cigarette out, deciding to grab onto Victoria’s hand and lead her into the hotel lobby to finally escape the cold. 
The place was nothing of luxury, it was simplistic and minimal; the walls were burgundy and there were a couple benches dotted around the room for visitors to sit nearby rows of fake plants or small coffee tables. If you looked close enough, you could pick out how the seats were worn and old, and the wooden coffee tables had splinters in their edges. 
Victoria trailed behind Dahli as they headed for the elevator. There was a blatant lack of space even from the outside, and it caused the rest of the lobby to appear truly stunning in comparison. Regardless, today had been beyond tiring and there was no possible way that either girl would make the conscious decision to climb the stairs over this option. Dahli pushed the button for the elevator, and thankfully there was nobody else occupying it nor wishing to. She gladly pulled Victoria in after her, and pressed the button for her floor. The walls felt even more confined from the inside, and Dahli stared down at her feet for a brief moment. 
Victoria was done with this shit, though. If she was really honest with herself, she’d known she was a goner since Dahli had came over to admire her preparation for the floor show earlier. 
Her grip on Dahli’s hand consciously tightened, and without taking any further time to plan out her actions, she backed Dahli into the hard elevator walls, their fingers now interlocking with one another while she slammed their hands against the space beside Dahli’s head. Their lips smacked against each other’s in a lustful and heated kiss, Dahli closing her eyes in response to the desperately awaited taste of Victoria’s soft lips. She bit down on Victoria’s bottom lip, sucking at it unforgivingly before grazing her tongue over the same spot. 
“Mhmmn.” Victoria groaned at the sensation, clearly accepting of Dahli’s intentions. Dahli was about to slip her tongue between Victoria’s parted lips, but found herself being cut off by the sound of the elevator doors opening a few floors too soon. 
The both of them instinctively broke apart, fearful of whoever may see them together - and thank God they did. Before they even had the opportunity to step out of the elevator and run for their lives, they were met with a smug James Majesty. 
“Hey ghouls.” She grinned with a cheeky wink, flipping her teal hair behind her shoulder and stepping into the elevator to join the stunned girls. 
James blatantly looked Dahli up and down, caring not enough to try and disguise her look of disgust. “Where’s the shirt from, my grandma’s closet?” She audibly laughed to herself, barely even getting the sentence out before doing so. 
Dahli rolled her eyes in response to the usual snarky comment, bringing her finger up to her own neck and pretending to slice her throat. 
Victoria felt the danger in this whole scenario build up in her mind, the close call putting things truly into perspective and allowing her to realise how she really felt alright in still going through with them - in spite of all the reasons not to. 
Everything got too overwhelming, and she pushed another button for the elevator, hurrying out and abandoning James and Dahli. 
For a split second, Dahli considered chasing after her, but it didn’t feel right in front of James…maybe part of Victoria wished she would’ve. 
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abhorasgf · 5 years
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photo by polaroidphoenix
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let monsters reign.
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nickolaifinn · 6 years
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Dragula season 2 contestant Dahli Delia
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glitched-realness · 6 years
Dragula girls at dragcon, Day 1.
Looks & mugs (ft Drü Holiday and Opulence Black)
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philippaeilhardt · 7 years
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nevertheless, she persisted
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giovannipalandrani · 7 years
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luke-the-dumbass · 7 years
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svpermonster · 6 years
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dragula s02e02, ghost town ghouls
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artificialqueens · 6 years
when doves cry (dahli x victoria) - DanFin
A/N: I’m back with more Vahli :D!
So, Dahli will be a drag king named Jayy Von Monroe, which is an actual stage name of theirs. Victoria will not be a drag king and she will still go by Victoria. The drag kings I mention (Spikey Van Dykey, Andro Gin, Phantom, and Justin Hismouth) are real drag kings! Go support them! They are very talented and nice! By the way, this is named after the song “When Doves Cry” by Prince and this mentions an unsafe way to bind [your chest.] Don’t do what Jayy does. Enjoy.
“And now, welcome to the stage, the king of Orlando, Florida, Jayy Von Monroe!”
Jayy smiled as the emcee finished introducing him. He immediately heard the small crowd cheer his name. It made his confidence boost tremendously.
He ran out on stage. His eyes immediately went to one member in the audience. It was Victoria Black, a girl he had kept an eye on for the past week. She had come to every one of his gigs in Orlando. Maybe she was a super-fan, maybe she was attracted to him. Jayy hoped it was the latter.
After Jayy locked eyes with Victoria, he gave the DJ the cue to start the music. Tonight, he would be lip syncing When Doves Cry by Prince. It described how he felt towards Victoria: frustrated and lovestruck.
Jayy heard the guitar. He began stalking around the stage, waiting for the first verse to begin. He kept his eyes locked with Victoria. He hoped she would know this was directed towards her.
Dig if you will the picture Of you and I engaged in a kiss
Jayy pointed out into the crowd, specifically to Victoria. He noticed that Victoria was flustered by the motion. He smiled; he felt pleased. He decided to make it even worse and made a motion for Victoria come to the front row.
Victoria granted Jayy’s wishes and pushed past the crowd. She stood in front of the stage. She looked up at Jayy, hoping she pleased him. She had started to fancy him, so she would do about anything for him.
The sweat of your body covers me Can you, my darling? Can you picture this?
Jayy locked eyes with Victoria. He stopped stalking around the stage and stood up straight. He trailed his hands down his body. He then reached out into the crowd.
Victoria finally began to understand that this song was directed towards her. Why else would Jayy keep staring at her? She didn’t feel disturbed by this fact; she was actually infatuated by it.
Dream if you can a courtyard An ocean of violets in bloom Animals strike curious poses They feel the heat The heat between me and you
Jayy made a motion in between him and Victoria, as if he was telling the whole audience she drove him mad. Victoria blushed and hid her face. She was loving every bit of this; so was Jayy.
How can you just leave me standing Alone in a world that’s so cold?
Jayy backed away from Victoria and wrapped his arms around himself as if he was cold. He remembered all the nights Victoria left without coming backstage with him. If she did come back with him, they wouldn’t do anything - unless she wanted to. - She had left him hanging for weeks; he was hoping tonight would change that.
Maybe I’m just too demanding Maybe I’m just like my father: too bold
Jayy acted frustrated as he mouthed the lyrics. He had a rocky relationship with his father, just like Prince did. He hated talking about, or even mentioning, his father. He left when Jayy was very young. Whenever he came back when Jayy was a teen, they always fought.
Victoria noticed Jayy’s frustration as he mouthed the second line. She became confused. Was the frustration staged or real?
Maybe you’re just like my mother She’s never satisfied
Jayy became more comfortable within the next two lines. He had a good relationship with his mother. He made sure to point to Victoria so she knew he was still talking about her. He always felt that he met his goal when he got a reaction.
Why do we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like When doves cry
Jayy had a defensive look on his face during the last three lines of the chorus. He wasn’t actually angry this time; he was quite happy. He just wanted Victoria to think that.
Victoria took a step back. I know the song is directed towards me, Jayy made that very clear, but is he frustrated with me? Am I actually making Jayy feel like that? Is this part of his act? She asked herself. She pushed the thought away so she could enjoy the last of Jayy’s performance. She didn’t know if he would lip sync more than once tonight, so she had to cherish this moment.
Jayy told the crowd goodnight and goodbye as he exited the stage. He went to his dressing room. His friend, Garrett, handed him a bottle of water as he entered the room.
“That was fantastic!” Garrett exclaimed. “Prince is hard to do, but you did great!”
Jayy sat down in front of a mirror. “Thanks,” he replied, panting. “There was a person in the audience that helped keep my confidence up.”
Garrett smirked; Jayy had mentioned his attraction towards a certain audience member. Maybe tonight she, or he, or they, would be revealed.
“Is that so?” Garrett asked. “Who is she? Or he? Or they?”
Jayy shook his head. “I won’t say who it is, but they are female. Sorry, Garrett, I’m gay. I thought you knew that.”
“I do,” Garrett replied. “But I thought you would find a feminine guy that you liked so I could hit on him, too…”
Jayy turned around to face Garrett. Garrett really needed to break out of his shell. “Garrett, sweetie, you need to grow a pair and find a man yourself. I won’t be around forever,” Jayy explained. “Plus, I’m not attracted to men, I’m not useful for your man hunt.”
Garrett sighed and nodded. He knew Jayy was speaking the truth. He heard a knock at the dressing room’s door. He walked over to the door and answered it. The manager was standing outside.
“Can I help you?” Garrett asked.
“Is Jayy here?” the manager replied and Garrett nodded. He opened the door wider to reveal Jayy de-dragging.
“Well, someone wants to see him,” the manager said. They backed away to reveal Victoria. Victoria looked at Garrett, then she peeked into the room and saw Jayy.
Jayy glanced back and saw her. He felt excitement bubble up inside him. “Let her in,” he said in the calm voice. Garrett stepped out of the way and let Victoria enter. He then exited the dressing room; he had a feeling this was the girl Jayy had his eyes on.
Victoria walked over to Jayy’s station. She awkwardly stood next to it. She watched Jayy slowly become his everyday, female self. She was hoping he was hot as a girl.
“Hello,” she said shyly. She didn’t know it would be this hard to talk to Jayy. She felt an awkward tension in the room and, despite her shyness, she was determined to end it.
“Hello,” Jayy replied.
“I really like your drag,” Victoria said. She rubbed her arm, indicating shyness. She didn’t know what else to say. She didn’t want to admit her feelings to the performer yet.
“Thank you, but I can’t take full credit for it. It was inspired by kings like Spikey Van Dykey, Andro Gin, and Phantom,” Jayy replied. “Spikey inspired me to keep on doing drag, even when my father was a narrow-minded asshole.”
Victoria smiled; she felt the awkward tension going away.
Jayy took his coat off. He took a deep breath as he grabbed a piece of duct tape that was on his chest. He would bund with duct tape so he didn’t have to wear a shirt. He hissed in pain as he peeled the first piece off.
“What the hell?” Victoria asked. “You bind with duct tape? That can rip your skin!” She didn’t want Jayy to get hurt, especially when he was doing something he loved.
“It’s the only thing I can do. I like to preform without a shirt on. Plus, I’m relatively flat chested, it won’t hurt me that much,” Jayy explained. He rubbed the place where the tape had been. It felt warm and irritated.
Victoria shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. You need to use a binder instead. I’m sure they have flesh colored ones.” Please agree to this, please agree to this.
“No, I’m good,” Jayy insisted. He took the other piece of tape off. It hurt just as much as the other one. He threw the tape away. He quickly put on a shirt so Victoria wouldn’t see his exposed chest. He didn’t want her to see that much yet. He began to wipe the fake facial hair and makeup off.
Victoria frowned and sat down next to him. She wanted him to have fun and be safe. Maybe if she asked him to do it for her, he’d agree to it. “Will you do it for me?”
Jayy stopped wiping the makeup of his jawline. “Do what?” I swear, if this is about the binder-
“Wear a binder instead of duct tape.”
Jayy saw a pleading look in Victoria’s eyes. It was obvious that she really wanted this. Jayy wanted Victoria to be happy. Maybe doing a few shows with a shirt in won’t be so bad. I’ll be like Justin Hismouth. “Okay, I’ll do it,” he finally said. Victoria smiled, which made Jayy feel happy.
Victoria stayed backstage with Jayy until he was Dahli again. Victoria gasped when she finally got a good look at Dahli. Damn, Jayy is really hot as a girl, too. They drive my bisexual ass mad.
Dahli smirked; she was happy to see Victoria staring at her. She sat up straight in her chair and turned around to face Victoria. “Like what you see?” she asked. She wanted to see Victoria’s reaction.
Victoria nodded eagerly. She couldn’t force any words out. She felt a bit embarrassed since Dahli had caught her staring.
Dahli put a hand in Victoria’s shoulder, in hopes of reassuring her. She was okay with Victoria staring at her. - At least it wasn’t a perverted man that was twice her age - In fact, she loved it.
She looked up at the clock; it was almost midnight. She needed to get home. Simba, her cat, would be missing her. She turned to Victoria. “Well, I need to get home. We should meet up again,” she insisted.
“I’d love that,” Victoria replied. “At this club or..?”
Dahli handed Victoria a card with her phone number on it. “Maybe. We could meet up elsewhere. Just call me and we can set something up,” she explained. “And since you’re a friend, it’s free.”
Victoria took the card and put it in her pocket. She hugged Dahli tightly. Dahli gladly hugged back. She then grabbed her bag of the things she needed to transform into Jayy. She turned away from Victoria and walked towards the exit. She waved at Victoria before exiting the room. Victoria waved back.
“I will miss her,” Victoria sighed sadly. She hoped she could meet up with Dahli very soon. She was in love with Dahli and Jayy. However, she favored Dahli a bit more. Maybe in the future she and Dahli would be more than friends.
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abhorasgf · 6 years
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aha !
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isakvalterfaen · 7 years
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When someone spills pipping hot Tea
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nottrixiemattel · 7 years
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Disasterina: “So Dahli, you started rock and roll very early, like 18 or something.”
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theonlylasky-blog · 7 years
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