#dagger squad shortfics
jungle-angel · 1 year
Summer Shenanigans (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: In which You, Bob’s parents, Bob and the Daggers have to keep Auggie out of trouble at the Fourth of July BBQ
You were both surprised and exasperated at how much of a little devil Auggie had become. He’d always been so quiet as a baby, though being born a preemie was probably the hugest part of that. 
And then he turned two.
Auggie had begun to run wild wherever you and Bob had put him down, zooming around like your dog, Tank, whenever he had an overwhelming urge to run and chase the docked tail he had ever since you adopted him. Auggie on the other hand was constantly running around, getting into things that were constantly making you and Bob nervous and nowhere was that especially apparent than at the barbecue being held in Maverick’s backyard. 
Auggie zoomed through the grass with his Red Sox baseball cap on his head, his feet completely bare of any shoes and giggling like mad as he tried to evade his grandfather. 
“C’mere you little ghoul!” Joe commanded as he ran right after him.
Auggie lifted the lid of the beer cooler with his little hands before letting go and running again, the lid slamming shut as the two year old ran away. “I’m getting too old for this shit.....” Joe muttered. “BOB!!!” 
Bob carefully set down the plate of burgers that were almost ready for the grill when he saw his father charging across the grass after Auggie. Bob set aside the plate and hurried down the deck steps, trying to catch the giggling little miscreant, but to no avail. 
“God, where’s (y/n) when you need her?” Bob mumbled under his breath as he skidded into the grass. 
Only a moment later did you come out the back door with the potato salad to find your husband and father-in-law chasing after Auggie. “Oh shit,” you sighed. “Irene?!” 
“Yeah?” Bob’s mother called from the window. 
“The ghoul’s gotten out of his cage again!” 
Irene popped her head out the window, laughing as she watched the scene unfold. “Alright, I’ll get the rest of them,” she answered. 
You waited until the rest of the squad came out the back door from the kitchen, all of them confused as to how a two year old could be so speedy. 
“You think we can catch him?” Mickey asked. 
“Mickey if we can catch a plane in mid-air, we can catch a two year old with no problem,” Maverick answered. “Think of it as an outside training exercise.” 
As soon as you and the Daggers were ready, you were practically leaping off the deck and into the grass below, each of you running in a different direction to catch Auggie. Maverick hadn’t lied when he said it would be like a training exercise at the base with everyone running in different directions while Auggie did everything in his power to evade being captured by the grown-ups. 
“Coming in hot with the sack!” Jake announced.  
You and Bob chased Auggie from behind while Hangman scooped Auggie right up into a burlap sack, throwing it over his shoulder while his godson wriggled and squirmed inside. 
“Where the hell did you learn that from?” Natasha asked, trying to catch her breath. 
“An old rancher’s trick,” Jake answered. “Caught my first chicken this way.” 
Bob lifted Auggie right out of the sack and into his arms where he kept wriggling. “You’re way more trouble than you’re worth, August Robert,” he chuckled. 
“Wait till he joins the Navy,” Rooster joked. 
You and Bob gave each other “the look”. You knew that if Auggie did join the Navy, he and Natasha’s son, Gabe, would be double trouble.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Close Knit (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Bob has a secret hobby he learned from his Meemaw, but only you and the Daggers will ever know about it
Tagging: @nobody7102 @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @lt-bradshaw​ 
You and Bob were more than happy to have Auggie home already despite him still being so tiny and free from his incubator in the NICU, but there were still things that made you horrifically nervous. For one thing, Tank was always lurking and sniffing near the wooden swing cradle in your shared bedroom. The slightest cry from Auggie and the big Rottweiler would wake right up, whimpering and whining, only to have you or Bob come in to see what was wrong. 
But tonight, you and Bob were all too happy to have Auggie snoring quietly in his crib, Tank laying protectively on the carpet right under the crib. Yet when you entered the room, you were a little bemused at the sight of Bob sitting cross legged on your bed with something in his hands. 
Bob looked right up at you, his cornflower-blue eyes looking as wide as a pair of china dinner plates. “Sorry babes,” he said. “I was concentrating really hard. You need something?” 
“I was looking for my knitting needles but I guess you beat me to the punch,” you chuckled. 
Bob smiled and blushed a little bit. “I couldn’t help myself (y/n),” he admitted. 
You looked at his work that he had just finished, a pair of tiny little blue and green socks for your little boy that would fit his feet perfectly. They reminded you of the socks that you would make for the dolls belonging to Javy and Mickey’s daughters and made from the softest yarn in your basket. 
“How’d you learn how to do that?” you asked him. “Never thought a big, tough WSO like yourself would know something like this.” 
“I learned from Meemaw and when I was in school,” Bob told you. “When I was little, I used to watch Meemaw knit all the time. Momma said she used to make all my baby clothes and all my sweaters when I got bigger. When I went to Ocean Bay, they taught us how to knit and crochet for our handwork lessons.” 
You watched with great interest as Bob yarned off his work perfectly, leaving no noticeable traces of the needles or loose string. You practically melted when you held the little socks in your hand, knowing they would keep Auggie’s little feet warm.
“Oh Bob these are perfect,” you cooed. 
Bob took both your hands in his, kissing both of them and nuzzling them with the baby soft skin of his cheeks. “May I?” he asked. 
“I’d be insulted if you didn’t,” you chuckled. 
You and Bob both made your way over to the crib where Auggie was drifting in and out of sleep, his tiny little fingers curled around the hem of his blue Peter Rabbit blankie as he lay safe and warm in his little blue pjs. Auggie sucked away on his little pacifier the hospital nurse had given him, hardly making a noise as Bob carefully slipped the little socks onto his feet. 
“Go back to sleep my little love bug,” Bob whispered, Auggie’s little eyes half lidded and weighing heavy with sleep. “You’ll be nice and warm tonight.” 
Bob tucked Auggie right back in and before either of you knew it, your son was fast asleep, his little heart monitor beeping steadily from its place on the crib-post and the tip of Bob’s big finger brushing gently against Auggie’s little nose and his soft little cheeks. A quiet little coo finally put you both at ease, knowing he would be fast asleep for a few hours, but until then, you and Bob kept careful vigil over your son until you yourselves, could stay awake no longer. 
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jungle-angel · 1 year
When You Wish Upon A Star (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob share a sweet moment with your newborn son on a warm summer night
Tagging: @sylviebell @nobody7102​
It was a warm night, warmer than it had been in a while, so warm in fact that you and Bob could sit out on the porch and not worry about having to get up at some horrendously early hour the next morning. You could sleep in as late as you wanted since school had finally let out and your students were on a rather long vacation. You would even have Bob all to yourself since there was hardly any ranch work to be done, the only little bit being taken on by the hands and Bob’s father and grandfather. 
You and Bob could hardly take your eyes off the precious little baby boy that lay asleep in his swing, being gently rocked back and forth until he was so deep in sleep, he might as well stay asleep the whole night. A few coos came from the newborn as he suckled away on his pacifier, stretching his little arms and legs before going back to sleep. 
“You think he’ll wake soon?” you whispered. 
“Not unless he’s hungry,” Bob answered. “I swear he could suck down a bottle like it’s going out of style.” 
You laughed a little as you and Bob both watched the newborn nestled in his swing. You were lucky the dogs had taken to the barn for the night, your two Dalmatians just having had a litter while Bob’s Rottweiler had been seeing the female next door. If any of the three had been in the house, they’d constantly be sniffing Auggie, licking his face or not wanting to go out after guarding the crib all night long. 
Auggie suddenly began to stir, his coos turning to quiet little cries that were sure to get more intense. A squeaky little cry suddenly made Bob more alert, his gentle hand reaching to gently rub and scratch Auggie’s little tummy. Bob’s hushed voice began to calm Auggie almost instantly, his voice suddenly changing as his words turned into a song you both knew well from childhood.
“ When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers do
Fate is kind She brings to those who love The sweet fulfillment of Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through When you wish upon a star Your dreams come true”
Both your voices had soon put Auggie back to sleep, but looking up at the stars hanging over your home, you and Bob thought it best to turn in for the night. You brought Auggie back into the house and up to his nursery. Bob tucked him right in, under his little blue baby quilt that was sure to keep out the cold from the air conditioning while his little blue and grey elephant lovie was snuggled under his arms. 
“Sleep tight my little love,” Bob whispered, kissing Auggie’s forehead and tucking him in again. 
Bob turned on the little wooden music box on the dresser before you two crawled into the bed on the other side of the nursery. The music box softly played “When You Wish Upon A Star” as you two snuggled into each other, happy and content as ever. 
“Goodnight sweetheart,” Bob whispered, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.
“Goodnight Bob,” you whispered back. “I’ll see you when he wakes in two hours.” 
Bob giggled a little before you two drifted off into sleep, the song pulling you under its deep and blissful spell, until the next morning when the sun broke through the window and the hot haze of summer came once again. 
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jungle-angel · 1 year
24. “Man, this tea could knock out a bad illness in one go”
With early morning Nat trace my forever bi awakening!
(rings the little diner bell with the order) ONE NUMBER 24 COMING UP!!!! (lol).
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Bozeman, MT
Spring, 2023
You had been up for a while, rifling through the fridge for the breakfast ingredients while "Shamballa" by Three Dog Night played from your little bluetooth speaker on the counter, the soft yellow glow of the morning becoming more so as it threaded together with the yellow gingham of the curtains in the kitchen window. You looked over to the small table in the dining room, the table that had photos of Nat's grandparents, her grandpa in his dress blues and her grandma in her nurse's uniform. The incense and flowers would most likely need to be replaced later, but it could wait until after breakfast.
The meow of the old tabby cat you two had taken in, suddenly caught your attention, shooing her away before she had a chance to steal whatever food you'd be making that morning. Out of the fridge came the eggs, the fresh pepper slab bacon and thick grainy barley bread, all packed with seeds and grain and as black as could be. It wasn't long at all before the kitchen was full of the tantalizing smells of eggs, bacon, toast and some of your fresh, homemade tea, nor was it long before you heard tired groans and heavy feet coming down the stairs.
"Mornin sleepyhead," you chimed as you cracked another egg and threw it in the cast iron pan on the stove. "Bacon or steak with the eggs this morning?"
"Pepper slab bacon, heavy on the pepper," Natasha answered, her nose plugged up beyond all human reasoning. One very unladylike snort told you it was that time of the year again.
"Here," you told her. "Drink this, it'll make you feel better."
You handed Natasha her favorite mug full of a delicious looking brown liquid which she promptly drank even though it was still steaming. "Holy shit!" she exclaimed as a bite of heat ran across her tongue, lips and into the back of her throat. "Baby what did you put in this?"
"Cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, star anise, juice from a few blood oranges and some of those black dragon chilis that have been growing with my special fertilizer," you chuckled.
"Good grief," Natasha coughed, fanning herself from the heat of the chilis. Her eyes started watering uncontrollably and her nose had begun to run like a sieve. "Man this tea could knock a bad illness out in one go."
A few coughs from her and a small laugh from you signaled that the food was ready. Once she had her plate in front of her, Nat dug right in, still shuddering a little from the spicy tea. "I think I'm gonna end up blowing through a whole gallon of milk again," she joked.
"Oh no you don't," you warned her. "Until this clears, no cheese, no yogurt and definitely no milk."
Natasha groaned in exasperation. In your house it had become common to blow through a gallon of milk in less than a week, leaving the rest of the Daggers to go and get it from the farmers' markets or the store which was almost an hour away.
You kissed her cheek playfully. "I'm only doing this because I love you," you chuckled. "Now drink your tea and eat your food, Bagman apparently needs help with a calf that's gonna come at any hour."
"Yes dear," Nat half laughed, returning the kiss.
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Hey hey :) Hope you're having a wonderful day/night❤️
For your Christmas/Holiday Prompts, can you please do #47 with Jake (TGM) pls and thank you
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You and Jake were exhausted by the time the celebration had dwindled down to just a few people, the snow falling outside and the animals that had been herded into the stables. You and Jake's parents would clean up in the morning. Everybody was so damn tired, there was no use in pushing yourself past your limits.
You went into the stables where each of the horse and critter stalls had all been decorated with the red and green garlands and little flickering lights which were due to go off before morning. What you found there was the last thing you had expected to see.
You found Jake with your baby boy in his arms, quietly singing a Christmas song to him as the snow fell outside and the woodstove warmed the stables. You were practically blushing at the sight before you, Jake trying to put him back to sleep and all of the animals settling in.
"Couldn't get him to sleep could you?" you asked.
"He woke up as soon as Ma passed him back to me," Jake said with a shrug. "Little man's a night owl."
You smiled and rolled your eyes. "What about the girls?"
"Come see for yourself."
Jake led you to an empty stall near the woodstove where Missy and Molly, your twin girls were sleeping peacefully under their blankets. "Are they.....?"
"Fell asleep as soon as they hit the haypile," Jake whispered before James let out a sleepy little coo. "I told'em the sooner they get to bed, the sooner Santa comes."
"And their cousins?"
"They're all sleeping in the empty stalls," Jake told you.
You followed him to an empty one across from where Missy and Molly were sleeping, the stall empty save for a fresh pile of hay scattered across the floors and in the hay trough. "Should we?" you asked.
"Family tradition," Jake chuckled with a wide grin.
Jake laid Baby James down in the hay before you wrapped him up in his little blue blanket, swaddling him just enough to make him comfortable. You and Jake laid him down in the hay trough where he yawned before shutting his eyes. You and Jake sang him right to sleep, feeling the eyes of the horses, the cows, the sheep and even the boar, his mate and the ten little piglets who slept in their stalls, were all on you and Jake. Soon enough, the two of you crawled underneath an old blanket and kissed each other goodnight.
"Merry Christmas Jake," you whispered.
"Merry Christmas (y/n)."
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jungle-angel · 1 year
With nat please
37. Dancing in the living room during a family gathering
Heheheheheheheee, hon you have no idea how badly I needed this (lol).
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The house was still full of raucous laughter as the extended Trace clan had gathered, yourself included. You couldn't have imagined a more perfect setting, time or place for it, nor could you have imagined being surrounded by so many friends and family who had been there for you from the beginning.
"God I forgot how good it feels to be home again," Nat sighed as she finished off her drink, the two of you huddled close together.
"And we're glad you are," you told her. "I can't tell you how many times your dad called me in another time zone asking the same thing."
Nat smiled and rolled her eyes, setting the glass down on the coffee table. "Listen, I......"
"Don't," you insisted. "You're good. We can talk about it later."
Nat drew you in and kissed your cheek. "I think it's time we really get this party started," she purred. "What do you think?"
"I'd be insulted if you didn't start it first," you laughed.
Natasha went straight to the stereo and hooked up her phone. As soon as Bob Seeger's "Old Time Rock'n Roll" started playing from the bass speakers, it was as though the entire family had been awakened, roused by the words and the beat of the music. You and Natasha slid across the floor in nothing but your socks, both of you lip synching to the song as your family members joined in. It wasn't long before everyone was dancing and even singing along to the music. Yet you and Natasha were happier than you had ever been, the two of you together and with the ones who loved you most.
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Protector (Breath of Life Part 4)
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Summary: No matter what, fathers will always be there for their sons
Notes: Might have references and touches of “Nightmare”, a shortfic I wrote about two months ago. Anywho....enjoy
Beep, beep......the tiny heart monitor blipped away
“August,” Bob murmured as he stroked the dark blonde tufts of hair on your son’s hair, sniffing back the tears that dripped from his eyes. “Hold on.....just a little while longer.....hold on for me and Mama.”
Beep, beep.......fainter than before.
Bob’s lips gently brushed the crown of August’s head, his chest growing tight as the beep of August’s heart monitor grew fainter.......until......
Bob could hear himself frantically crying out for Auggie, the baby’s tiny cries tearing and clawing at his heart, unable to do anything for him. He was practically screaming August’s name until his throat was hoarse. 
“AUGGIE!!!! AUGGIE!!!”  
He couldn’t see him, not in that hazy, red and black nightmarish void. Bob kept calling his son’s name, but to no avail.
The flatline reached his ears, loud and shrill........
Bob snapped awake with a loud gasp, his heart racing at a dangerous pace and an awful, freezing sweat running down the back of his neck as he ran his shaky hands through his hair. A few tears dripped from his eyes, his lower lip and chin trembling, unable to keep the shuddering sob inside. 
He hardly heard the tiny cries coming from Auggie’s crib at the foot of the bed until he snapped out of it and realized his and (y/n)’s son was there......and alive. 
Bob threw aside the bedcovers and made his way to the crib, sticking his glasses right on the bridge of his nose to see better in the dark. He stripped off his yellow-orange shirt and carefully lifted Auggie out of his crib, bringing him to his chest the way (y/n) had showed him how. God Bob wished she didn’t have to go and get the others at the airport. He hated sleeping without her.
“Shhhhh, Auggie......Auggie it’s ok,” Bob croaked, more tears dripping from his eyes as he tried to rock his tiny son back to sleep. “It’s ok.....Daddy’s here, Daddy’s got you.” 
Bob still felt the tightness of his panic, needing to get outside and get some fresh air. Out to the back porch he went, carefully seating himself in the porch rocker with a blanket wrapped tight around Auggie. The ocean roared in the distance, crashing onto the shores while a warm breeze blew in from the west. Every time Bob looked up at the stars, he counted down the hours when the rest of Dagger Squad would be home from Bethesda and when (y/n) would be bringing them back from the airport. 
He wanted so badly to just shake off the nightmare, but the intensity had shaken him to his core. He and (y/n) had almost lost Auggie, the fear of the moment still lingering on his mind like a disease. 
The storm door to the porch creaked open just a minute later as Joe graced his son with his presence and a freshly rolled joint hanging loosely from his pencil thin lips. “Hey Dracula,” Joe greeted. “What are you doing up? It’s the Witching Hour.” 
Joe took one look at his son’s face, quickly noticing the thousand-yard stare that had entered Bob’s eyes. “Bobby?” he said. “Robby talk to me, what’s going on?” 
“I.......I can’t I.......I don’t know how.....” 
Joe tucked the joint behind his ear and knelt right next to the porch rocker. “Bob, people only go quiet like that when something’s on their minds. I’m not gonna leave you alone till you tell me what’s wrong.” 
Bob shifted a little, his arms still protectively encircled around Auggie. “We almost lost Auggie once,” Bob explained, trying to hold back his tears. “I don’t wanna lose him Dad.....I’m terrified we’re gonna lose him if something goes wrong.” 
“Hey, hey,” Joe said, snaking his arm around Bob’s shoulders. “I get it. After your Mom died I swore I’d lay down my life for you if I needed to. When I heard your name called at the Top Gun graduation, all I could think was, ‘Irene, I’d lay down my life for Bob, but for God’s sake don’t let it come to that. Every time you and the rest of the squad go on a mission I can’t help but think that.”
Bob knew his father better than anybody. It took serious balls for someone like Joe to admit that. 
“Auggie will be fine,” Joe promised him. “His Mimi’s lookin out for him....I know that much.” 
Bob wiped away a few stray tears from his eyes. “Thanks Dad.” 
“No problem Robby,” Joe answered. “You know, I was gonna smoke this but it can wait till after sunrise.” 
“Can you do me one favor though?” Bob asked. “Can you hold Auggie for a minute or two? (y/n) said she’d text me when Rooster, Hangman and the others get in.”
“Sure, pass him off.” 
Bob carefully lifted August and placed him in Joe’s hands before going back into the house. Joe couldn’t help but laugh a little, his grandson practically disappearing in the crook of his arms.
“We’ve gotcha little man,” he whispered. “Your Daddy, your mom and Papa.” 
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