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passionforfiction · 1 year ago
Arthdal Chronicles
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The first season of this fantasy story hits close to home. It depicts the cruelty and greed of villages that have the resources, food and technology to take advantage of others. The story doesn't waist time, the first episode starts with the Arthdal leaders asking the Neanthals to become part of their power. The Arthdal are afraid of the peaceful but strong Neanthals and pretend to negotiate, knowing they are not interested. And what do they do? The Arthdal leaders trick their own people and kill the Neanthals in order to take their lands. Asa Hon learns this when she is in the middle of the attack, and in order to safe Neanthal children, she leaves with a child and Ragaz, with whom she later has children with.
Arthdal continues to annihilate weaker villages, taking them as slaves for hard labor. It is Tagon, an Itgu in hiding, that makes all this possible for Arthdal. And even though he is loved by the village as a hero, his father and other leaders are trying to find ways of killing him, including making Mihol's daughter, Teaelha, into a spy. Even though Tagon is cruel, there is an innocence to his longing to be loved and accepted by the people. His relationship with Teaelha is of a love stronger than their ties to their families and interests. And even though we don't like what he does, some times we do wish him success in his endeavors and fight against the Arthdal leaders for power.
But it is the story of the Wahan Tribe that reminds us that Tagon and all Arthdal are cruel and greedy people that have no respect for others. This is a peaceful tribe in a far away land. They are more like Neanthals in their believes but they are also prejudice against Itgus like Eunseom, whose mother leaves him there before she dies. Eunseom's only true friend is Tanya, the daughter of the priestess and scientist of the village.
It is almost impossible to reach the place but Tagon and the Arthdal leaders find the way to reach the land, it takes them 10 years to reach it and less time to destroy it and take its people as prisoners and slaves. Here we see the struggle of these people who get separated, sold into slavery and fight with each other and their enslavers in order to survive. But it also shows the Wahan people mesmerized by the innovations and way of life in this civilized village.
Tanya ties Eunseom to her by naming him her dream and he will do anything to save her, but destiny takes them into two different paths. These two characters are also very naive, their innocence and sense of justice is what makes others follow them. They both want to forge a world where everyone is equal, no prejudice against people that are different, everyone on equal standing.
Tanya's relationship with Saya is a sad one at best. She is using Saya while Saya genuinely likes her. And even though, at some point she sees him as a friend and cares about him, she still uses his affection towards her. But she is not the only one using Saya, so is Tagon who separated him from his mother when he was a child and Teaelha who became his caregiver for Tagon. Still, Saya is not stupid and he knows how to play the game.
This first half ends with the downfall of the rule of the Arthdal leaders: Daekan, White Mountain, and Hae tribes; giving way to Tagon's rule under the name of Aramun; which damages the relationship he had with Teaelha. Tanya is now the high priest while Eunseom becomes a god for the Ago tribe and starts unifying weak tribes to end fights among them and focus on fighting against their common oppressor.
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The second season starts 8 years after the final events of the first one. And the fighting is no longer centered on colonialism, but on taking down a threatening force that is not letting them continue with their expansion of territories. I have heard of people wondering why the change of actors for critical characters. I wouldn't have minded seeing the same actors since they are excellent ones and we got used to them. But I didn't mind the changes, I think that these new actors, brought some darkness to the characters that had been innocent and naive in the first season. They have learned to play the game and they are using what they have learned for their gain.
Tagon and Teaelha are no longer the close couple they had been, but they still love each other and have a son that unites them. Theirs is a tragic and powerful love story, tainted by the struggle for power.
In this half, we see Tagon's fall, and the rise of the ideology that drove Tanya and Eunseom into battle. But we are left with an open ending that promises more blood and restlessness. Saya wants Arthdal for his own since he can't have Tanya's love; and Teaelha wants to take Arthdal back as she promised Tagon; while Eunseom struggles to make Arthdal the land he and Tanya had envisioned.
It is the bloody story of a civilization in this fantasy world that reflects the truth about the history of our world so full of tyranny, blood and inequality.
It is not a story with clear lines and we will switch sides as their goals become twisted, but so is the story of rulers in the past and the present. This is a fantasy story, but it also criticizes what makes a country a country - it's bloody history of greedy men.
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bitacrytic · 1 year ago
the head royal guard has been feuding with yeonbal since episode one of this second season. but the moment yeonbal was sentenced to death, all that hatred drained right out of his body.
look at him begging his enemy to seek repentance so that he can live.
i really felt for him in that moment. i guess i forgot that he, along with gitoha, yeonbal and the king were all daekan warriors. now that yeonbal is in trouble, it seems he too is remembering that they all used to be friends.
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arthdal-aesthetics · 5 years ago
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arabellachant · 5 years ago
Yang cha
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We have only seen his whole face once and he has no real lines, and yet
Everyone in this fandom is in love with him
Honestly I get it. What. A. Man.
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arthdaekan · 5 years ago
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spoiledsovls · 7 years ago
thanks for including me in that follow forever post btw heh 💕 and sorry for always hitting you with ooc posts jdjdjf i'll stop HOPE YOU'VE BEEN WELL!! (and your writing/portrayal has been great as usual) —daekan
((you’re always checking up on me n  miss  and ur messaging me at the worng time im gna SLeep but god i miss u and i miss our babies-- don’t say sorry ily. thank you for the compliments i am trying my best lovieofc i have to include you ;;;; what are you talking about heck..
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purplishblood · 5 years ago
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⚔ yangcha mood board ⚔
like or reblog if you save✨
drama : arthdal chronicles.
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noxdwn · 5 years ago
Random headcanon
Mugwang and Gitoha trying to get Yangcha to talk or yell by doing the dumbest things like hiding behind a tree to surprise him
Yangcha thinking he’s being attacked and almost choking Mugwang to death.
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mundanekamilia · 5 years ago
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depresanesfreetime · 7 years ago
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cocotangaje · 3 years ago
17 Juli 2022
Dulu gue sempet nggak terbayang sama sekali perihal persoalan prahara pernikahan. Apalagi gue dikelilingi lingkungan yang banyak mengalami kegagalan dalam pernikahannya. Entah itu kakak ipar gue sendiri yang ternyata di belakang suka ‘jajan’ cewek, pertengkaran mama papa, dan sepupu yang banyak bertahan di pernikahan karena alaasn ‘bertahan buat anak’ disaat anaknya aja pada berharap mereka buat cerai. Banyak lah pokoknya, selalu ada banyak alasan yang membuat otak kepala gue mematikan keinginan untuk melakukan hal yang lumrah dilakukan selama ini.
Tapi Tuhan malah mengarahkan gue ke tontonan kimbab family.
Ngeliat Mama Gina, Appa Jay, dan anak-anaknya lewat vlog kesehariannya bikin gue mempertimbangkan lagi persoalan hal ini. Ada hal berbeda dari mereka yang membuat hati kecil gue percaya kemungkinan bahwa gue bisa menciptakan situasi masa depan rumah tangga yang gue mau. Sama kayak halnya gue saat ini memperjuangkan kehidupan dan mau jadi orang kayak apa melalui tindakan dan pertimbangan keputusan gue. Gak cuma hepi haha-hihi doang, vlog kimbab family tuh ada episode yang dimana rumah mereka berantakan, anak-anaknya sakit dan ke dokter, orangtuanya appa jay yang sakit, dan gimana anak-anak mereka “just being another child” yang kalo disuruh minum obat rewel, dibawa ke dokter dikit nangis dan ngambek, dll. Memang kayaknya butuh kesabaran yang SUPER DUPER extra dalam membesarkan seorang anak. Tapi kalo diliat dari gimana cara mama gina dan appa jay bersikap, mereka tuh terbilang cukup matang dan tau gimana cara handle anaknya. Bahkan komunikasi antar anggota keluarganya bagus. Tetep interaktif dan akrab tanpa menghilangkan rasa hormat atas posisi siapa orangtua dan siapa anaknya.
Soal appa jay yang emang ga segan melakukan aktifitas rumah tangga, sebenernya gue relate karena papa sendiri kalo soal hal itu ga patriarki sama sekali. Beliautuh justru tipikal orang yang daekan ngerjain hal-hal rumah tangga kayak gitu. Mungkin karena faktor anak pertama di orangtua konservative yang dimana jadi korban biar adek-adeknya bisa tumbuh lebih baik daripada dia. Makanya keliatan banget rasa tanggungjawabnya ini besar bahkan nyampe ke hal-hal yang paling sederhana.
Saat ini gue udah jauh cenderung lebih lunak dalam memandang persoalan pernikahan kayak gitu. Bukan yang ngarep banget harus nikah, tapi kalo someday ternyata takdir gue demikian, gue emang udah menyiapkan ruang kemungkinan untuk menjalani kehidupan yang seperti itu. Soalnya gue gak mau kualat mulu kayak dulu. Setiapkali gamau ke suatu hal, pasti dideketin dan disamperin mulu. Makanya sekarang lebih ke menghadapi apa yang ada di depan mata tanpa harus menutup kemungkinan yang bisa aja terjadi di masa depan.
Kalo singkatnya ya, nikah gak nikah aku gatau. Tapi kalopun emang takdirnya kayak gitu, yaudah bakal dijalanin sesuai kemampuanku.
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passionforfiction · 1 year ago
Arthdal Chronicles (Part 1)
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Human greed that destroys innocence and harmony among different tribes and Neanthals. Destruction, slavery and death. . .
The Arthdal Union is made up of four tribes that understood that in strength is in the coming together for a common goal. These tribes are: Daekan tribe led by Sanung (the greediest of all leaders), White Mountain tribe led by Asa Ron (the religious leader), Hae tribe led by Mihol who holds the key to building arms and other useful objects, and the Bachidoore represented by Hae Rim, who - together with his family - who was a doctor.
The story begins on the night when Arthdal leaders ask the Naenthals (who are very strong and fast) to become part of the union. These people were feared among the people of all human tribes, but they were peaceful beings who only used violence to defend themselves. And the night they refuse, is the night Sanung orders his army to kill all Naenthals. Asa Hon, finds herself among the Naenthals when the destruction begins and she helps Ragaz save one of the Naenthal children, while Daekan army murders everyone in sight.
On the night Asa Hon has Ragaz's twin sons, Tanya was being born in Lark by the priestess and leader of the Wahan tribe. These three children have different paths all connected by their fate. . .
It is heartbreaking and frustrating to see how greed brings so much pain to the victim of those who become blinded by this insatiable desire to possess all. Sanung, Asa Ron and Mihol were constantly stabbing each other on the back in the cold war they had in order to have power over the Union. Sanung had the strongest army, and he used his son, Tagon as a weapon, destroying tribes, and taking peaceful people away from their homes to make them slaves. Meanwhile, Mihol uses his daughter, Taealha, as spy against Tagon and Sanung.
But mistreated children rebel against their parents and Tagon and Taealha hold on to each other and their love as they fight against their fathers and destroy the union to form a kingdom they can rule over. By the end of this part of the chronicle we see the transformation of these two characters: Tagon, who wanted to be loved by his people and who wanted to rule in a peaceful way, becomes a tyrant, feared by his people. Taealha, who was always calculating her next step, gave her all for Tagon, only to resent him for not sharing his power and going behind her back.
But these two would not had been able to accomplish this rebellion if they hadn't used Tanya who gave into her true path as priestess, Saya who was separated from his parents and grew as Tagon's son, and Eunseom, who in his efforts to save his people from slavery captured Sanung, giving Tagon the opportunity to kill his father.
We also see the transformation of these three young people as they become entangled in the Arthdal political struggle in their desire to save themselves and the people they love.
I liked how the story explores the creation of empires through conquering, destruction and slavery. It also presents the pain and negative side of fear as it blindly kills the Other because of their differences. The need to hide who they really are can also trigger the need to destruct blindly.
I loved the series and will start watching the second part this weekend.
Poster from the Korea Herald - https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190908000107
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onefineday20 · 5 years ago
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Hold Me Tight [ Yangcha Smut ]
The short version is also posted on my wattpad under the same u/n.
( A/N: let's pretend that the main character can read his thoughts, because I have no other ideas.)
I sat in my chamber, grooming my hair, in the light casted by a few dozen lit candles before a jagged mirror. Plumes of the thick lingering incense scent hung in the air. Apprehensively awaiting a special someone's arrival.
"Weren't they expected to arrive before sunset? The sun has already long disappeared from the horizon, it's midnight now"
Anxious feelings began to gnaw at me, as I stared vacantly at my empty bed. What if something terrible has happened to him during the hunt? Nonsense, he was one of daekan's best warriors, he'd always return unscathed, that's impossible.
I always tended to feel overwhelmed with worry when he was gone. But he's a grown man, he can take care of himself.
While I was musing over the worst, the wooden door of my chamber creaked open, and he stood in the doorframe, blood crusts covered the right side of his face and his hands.
Without much thought, I rushed over to him and embraced him tightly, burying my head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, patting my back gently.
"What took you so long? Do you have any idea how long I've waited for you?" I broke from his embrace, and caressed his bloody face.
"I'm late because I had to fight a wild boar we encountered" I heard his thoughts loud and clear, as if he was actually uttering them out.
"This blood isn't mine" I heaved a sigh of relief. "You always make me worry about you" I pouted.
He offered me the nosegay, he hid behind him all this time "I'm sorry for making you worried, here"
I sniffed the flowers, and a smile spread on my face "You didn't have to bring me anything, I'm just glad you're back safe and sound"
He plucked one of the flowers and tucked it in my hair, touching a braided lock "all the flowers falter at your beauty" I blushed madly, he sure knows his way to my heart.
"Take off your mask, let me see your face" he did as I told him, and with a wet cloth, I gently wiped the blood from his face.
"There you go all handsome again"
He took my hands in his, and placed an affectionate kiss on them.
He drew nearer to me, his lips grazing my exposed shoulders, my breath caught in my throat.
I brushed a thumb against his face, I pecked his right cheek then his left cheek. I desired to taste his pink flushed lips, I looked him in the eyes, and they burned with a passion mirroring mine, I got bolder.
I inched closer to his lips, he impatiently met me halfway. Our lips longingly and passionately brushed against one other. He pulled me closer by the waist to deepen the kiss. Our lips parted, to catch a breath, in spite of our selves.
He shed his vest, carelessly tossing it to the the ground. "Feeling the heat aren't you?" I smirked. He cupped my face kissing me a rough,lusty kiss. I moaned against his mouth, clutching to his bare firm chest for support.
In this moment of pure sensuality, my legs turned to jelly. He broke the kiss and abruptly carried me in bridal style, my back hit the soft fur mattress. He pinned me beneath him, hovering on top of me.
He raked his fingers through my hair, the side of his mouth crinkled up in a small smile, while he gazed at my form lovingly, like I was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Before hastily assisting me in shedding my flimsy nightgown, the only thing shrouding my body from his eager hands.
He eyed the round spheres of my breasts, with a hunger yet to be satiated.
I pulled him closer to me by the nape of his neck, and he seized this opportunity to attack my neck, nibbling and grazing his teeth against the skin of my collarbone. His left hand simultaneously fondled my breast. His greedy mouth travelled from my collarbone to my breasts, sucking on hardened nipples.
I swallowed hard, digging my fingers through his hair, and pulling at it.
He looked up, satisfied at having made me flustered.
His hands slithered all the way to my stomach, I pushed a strand of his hair away from his face "Aren't you exhausted from the hunt? I'll take over, just sit back and relax" I purred playfully, turning over the table, so that I was on top of him straddling him.
I branded several kisses all over his neck, marking him to be mine entirely. He enveloped me in a tight embrace, swirling his tongue around mine, his hands sliding lower from my back to squeeze my ass, I groaned against his lips.
I could feel his member erecting under me "someone is excited" I teased him. my eyes trailed down his entire body. I delicately traced a hand across his toned chest, coated in a thin sheen of sweat.
only stopping short when I reached his crotch. "Should I?" I arched an eyebrow, enjoying the tease. He nodded his consent, unable to control his arousal.
"You're too cute when teased" I stopped smiling at once, and stroked his crotch, slightly massaging it, he closed his eyes, fighting back a moan.
Upon seeing the needy look on his face, I slowly lowered his pants revealing his throbbing veiny penis, engulfed in wet heat.
I got in position and dipped my head lower. Gliding my tongue on the tip of his cock, I skillfully maneuvered my way, giving short strokes of my tongue, he bobbed his head back and forth as a wave of pleasure washed over him.
urging me to pick up my pace. He balled his fists, gripping the mattress tightly. A sign that he was about to reach climax.
A surge of ecstasy rippled through him, raw and unrestrained. And at last, he came in a warm explosion of peak carnal gratification.
I snuggled up against him. He pulled me closer and nuzzled my hair. "I love you" I whispered in his ear, yawning.
"I love you more" was the last thing I remember hearing before I drifted to sleep.
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arthdal-aesthetics · 5 years ago
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arabellachant · 5 years ago
Tagon: *breaths*
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dreagon2000 · 5 years ago
Also I really appreciate Mubaek just sitting on his horse and looking very disappointed and disagreeing with what the daekan forces do in Iark during ep. 2
He just looks like he's regretting his life choices the whole time
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