#dae sung mafia au
istandwitness · 7 years
Perilous - Teaser
Part I - Part II - Part III
Su Ji is the younger sister to Seung Hyun - world renowned mafia boss - and heir to his fortunes. She was taken from her home at age ten to live with him and their late grandfather, yet has been kept in the dark and away from the truth. Seung Hyun has done everything in his power to keep his little sister safe, but he can’t keep his profession a secret forever. On Su Ji’s eighteenth birthday, she walks in on a scene she wasn’t supposed to see, and is suddenly swept into a world that was underneath her the entire time.
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Seoul was beautiful. The skyscrapers held their heads proudly as they towered over the bustling streets, and the shops that were laid out on each side of the roads glittered brilliantly with vibrant, neon lights and other fixtures. It was currently two o'clock in the morning, and the city was vibing with life. Adults paraded the streets, and every now and then you would see a group of girls stumbling out of a bar, giggling over trivial things. But, this was downtown. Nobody knew what happened elsewhere.
In the darkest parts of Seoul, no one stirred. The streets were empty and everything was shrouded in darkness, for not even the street lamps were lit. Every now and then you would hear the sound of a gun firing off, but everyone was so familiarized with it that not even a soul whispered a word. If there was one word to explain this part of the city, it would be perilous.
A black charger rolled down the street, it's headlights shining brightly as it lit the way. The car passed a park and then a few apartment complexes, before coming to stop in front of a small house situated in between a fishing store and meat market. A tinted window rolled down, and a boy barely older than sixteen peered out of it. His gaze fluttered as the driver's door opened, and out stepped a man dressed in all black, his dark hair gelled back. A black SUV pulled up behind them and once it parked, men similar in appearance to the first exited the vehicle. One of them opened the back door to the charger and it was the teenager's turn to climb out of the car. His hands slimmed out the black suit he was wearing, straightening his velvet mauve tie in the process. He looked up at the homely looking abode ahead and sighed. Now or never.
The house was dark and not a person stirred, but once the eldest man's knuckles rattled against the door, a lamp was turned on in the living area. Shuffling was heard from inside and soon enough the creak of the door opening was heard. A woman in her middle-ages appeared, black hair tied neatly into a bun. Her almond eyes widened when she saw who was at her door and as if on instinct she bowed. "Mr. Choi, I wasn't expecting you this late. I thought you were going to pick her up tomorrow?" Her voice was a hushed whisper. Her head turned as she looked at the bundle of blankets on the sofa, a small child curled up underneath them. "I'm sorry Jae Hwa, but as of now our time is limited. We must take her now." Mr. Choi, a man in his mid-fifties, spoke as clear as day. A soft whine was heard from inside the house. The woman known as Jae Hwa twisted the floral skirt she was wearing nervously, her attention shifting in between Mr. Choi and inside the house.
"Halmoni, who is it?" A small voice spoke from inside. A pair of tiny hands curled around Jae Hwa's skirt and out from behind her peered curious eyes. Mr. Choi kneeled down and smiled sweetly at the girl, reaching out to pat her head. The girl shied away from his gentle gesture, her attention shifting down to her bare feet. "It's alright, Su Ji. They're here to take you to your new home." The child's face brightened and she locked gazes with Mr. Choi. "Are you my appa?" She asked in a quiet voice. Jae Hwa hissed and went to swat at Su Ji for saying such a thing, but Mr. Choi stopped her and chuckled lightly. "No, my sweet girl. I'm your grandfather. This here," He stood up and patted the teenage boy standing next to him on the back, forcing him forward, "is your brother."
“Hey there pretty bird,” It was the boy's turn to kneel down in front of the girl, a grin gracing his lips. “I'm Seung Hyun, but you may call me oppa."
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