#dadzawa give away
sorrowfulrosebud · 10 months
Thinking about Dadzawa giving his daughter away at her wedding.
Being anxious all day, swallowing down tears as Present Mic is openly sobbing, crying that his little girl is all grown up.
Him tapping away anxiously on his fake leg, a nasty habit you usually tap his hand for.
Putting on his suit as you pop your head round the hotel room door, smiling widely when you see him dressed to the nines for your big day. Hizashi sobs, hugging you both tightly. Aizawa holds you as closely as possible, pressing a small peck to the top of your head. You scamper off tearfully to your makeup stylist, and your fathers don’t see you until it’s time to give you away.
You chose for Aizawa to walk you down the aisle. As much as you love Hizashi, he has a nasty problem of bawling his eyes out. Aizawa was struggling to keep it in though. Finally seeing you in your dress, hair and makeup done perfectly.
He has to choke back a gasp. His baby girl looked so perfect. So much like your mother. Onyx eyes brimmed with red as he moves a stray hair out of your face. Holds you close to him one last time before he gives you away to Bakugou, who was equally as wet in the eyes.
Slowly walking towards the aisle, chest feeling so constricted with pride? Fear? No. He knows just how much Bakugou loves you, and just how much he would die for you, as your father would do the same.
He gives you away with a final hug and a loving forehead kiss, murmuring that he’s so proud of you, before shooting Bakugou a glare that clearly said “hurt my daughter and I’ll rip your throat out”. Bakugou clearly gets the message by holding you close as Eri brings the rings.
He sits with Hizashi, struggling to keep it in. Despite his husband not being able to control his emotions, he simmers down and holds his husband’s hands. His fingers trace gently after their own wedding bands, fond memories of toddler you being their ring-bearer in their own wedding that they had in their living room.
Finally lets the tears fall when the priest allows you to kiss, dabbing his one good eye as he follows everyone to the reception.
Despite his hatred for public attention, he sways with you for the first of two daddy-daughter dances. He still hasn’t been able to stop his tears leaking as you look at him with your own misted orbs. He murmurs to you that you’ll always be his little girl, that you’ll always be welcome in his home.
Aizawa hates that you’re growing up so fast, but can always bully Bakugou if he treats you wrong.
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chiliechicken · 6 months
𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐀 𝐀.┊★ take your child to work Dadzawa x GN!Reader, Platonic STRICTLY platonic, Fluff, OOC, Reader can be adopted or biological
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It was a particularly stormy day here in Musutafu but classes continued anyway, much to everyone's dismay. Though, not yours. You got to skip classes today because your father decided to take you with him to work, which was basically just moving you to his classroom for the day, doing nothing.
You were sat beside him in his desk at the front while his students did their activities quietly. Your father was carefully surveying the room and watched each and every one of his students, making sure everyone was well-behaved. You were silently drawing on a piece of paper when he noticed you. "What are you drawing there?" Shota asked in a whisper, turning to face you.
You held up your paper and showed him a... Uh? No wait, what even is that? You showed him a picture of a fat cat with sticks for limbs. The whiskers were too long and—why did you give it bumblebee wings? It was basically a doodle of a cat-bee hybrid.
Shota stared at it for a moment, inspecting the drawing with a confused yet astonished expression. "Why... What is this?" He asked you. You shook your paper in his face with an irritated face, as if telling him 'it's as clear as day'. He looked back at you and set down the paper, "Artistic. Amazing. Picasso." He sarcastically commented before going back to grading his students' papers. You huffed and continued drawing on your paper, adding little details to the doodles you made.
After a while, you yawned, becoming groggy at the boring atmosphere. Shota noticed this and flicked your forehead, snapping you awake. "You can't sleep yet, it's still early in the morning." You groaned at his statement, rubbing your forehead. You stuck you're tongue out at him and Shota rolled his eyes, "That's what you get for staying up late playing Roblox."
You gasped, as if offended. You? Playing Roblox? You would never..! (-admit it to anyone's face.)
You crossed your arms and looked away with a pout. Shota stared at you before letting out a chuckle, causing some of the class to look up in curiosity. You soon felt a smile creeping up on your face and before you know it, you were struggling to keep your laugh in as well.
You looked at him with a dumb smile, responding with, "At least I don't play Candy Crush—" before bursting out into laughter. Shota tried to hush you while trying to keep his laughs quiet, "I don't play that game, shut it!"
The class was staring at the both of you with either amused grins or confused looks.
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★┊Meow meow meow
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simp2537 · 4 months
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔉𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔄𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢
A/n: Timeskip for like two years later. We get Auntie Nemuri(Midnight)!!! Protective dadzawa😁😁. Series triggers bellow.
Word Count: 1,451 words
Trigger Warnings: Gore, Blood, Horror, Cursing, Child Abuse, Human experiments, Child abandonment, Angst, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Insomnia, etc
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊
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Aizawa walked towards the training ground of U.A as Nezu rode along in his scarf. Nezu went on and on about Y/n file but Aizawa didn’t really paid attention. As the pair made it to the grounds they saw Y/n sitting in the ground, eyes shut and mediating. 
Strangely colored mushrooms and flowers flowed all around her. Her hair was tied up in a loose style. Most likely done by Nemuri who watched her while grading some papers.
“Extraordinary isn’t she.” Nezu mumbled softly. The principal watched her with such intrigue. 
“Yeah, she is.” Aizawa answered as Nezu climbed down.
“Her quirk is one of the most versatile quirks I’ve ever seen. She can do some many different things.” Nezu said while hold up Y/n’s file up to Aizawa. Aizawa gently took the file and read it carefully.
Subject 108 
Subject 108 shows great signs of strength, power and agility. She has withstood many of our expectations and experiments. The only issues that we’ve run in his her determination to protect the other experiments. She’s given five of them names. She won’t let the other doctors near them and uses her abilities to protect them. Her abilities grow stronger as she does. Yesterday I placed her in the glass room with three other experiments and they didn’t stand a chance. She turned them into dust within a few minutes. If she continues to progress like this we will have our Alice in no time. 
~ signed Doctor Glass
Aizawa closed her file from the WonderCorps and watched as Y/n shot up. She was showing Nemuri a colorful flower. Nezu took the file back and tucked it under his arm. 
“Did you find the missing files yet?” Aizawa asked and Nemuri began to bring Y/n over to them. Nezu shook his head.
“No, the five file after Y/n’s are still missing. We’ve checked the whole facility. Most things were burnt up. We took all the evidence and I have all the video tapes in my office.” Nezu said. Y/n looked over at him and shot her body forward. 
“DOOR MOUSE!” Y/n yelled as she ran forward. Right before she was going to crash into Nezu and give him a big hug she stopped. Instead she crashed into Aizawas legs and he was pushed back a little. 
Aizawa hugged onto his daughter as she held a big smile on her face. 
“DAD! DAD! LOOK LOOK!” Y/n shouted while jumping up and down a little. She held out her and and the air in her palms began to warp and glow with all colors of the rainbow. A orange and pink flower with a bright yellow stem appeared. Y/n held it out for Aizawa to take.
Aizawa took the colorful flower with a small smile. He places the flower in his pocket as Y/n made another one for Nezu. 
“Why thank you N/n.” Nezu said as he held onto his flower. 
“You’re welcome Door Mous- I mean Nezu.” Y/n smiled as she corrected herself. Aizawa combed his hand through her daughter hair gently as Nemuri stood next to him. Nemuri sent him a small look and Aizawa nodes his head.
Nezu took Y/n towards the office. Y/n held a big smile as she pounced up and down. 
“Are we going to go for tea?” Y/n asked as her light blue dress pounced up and down. Nezu nodded as he lead her away. Aizawa turned to Nemuri with a confused look.
“What is it Midnight?” Aizawa asked.
Nemuri turned to him with a slight glare.
“Aizawa you know what I’m about to say.” Nemuri said.
“No Midnight, it’s way too soon for that.” Aizawa insisted.
“Aizawa, she needs to interact with kids her age.” Nemuri explained while crossing her arms. Aizawa shook his head with a slight glare. 
“Absolutely not! Midnight she’s not ready for that yet. We’ve only had her for two years, she still loses control and what if something happened?” 
Midnight sighed softly and looked back Aizawa. She kept her arms crossed as she stared at him.
“Aizawa she’s made lots of improvements since we saved her. You need to socialize her with other kids.” Midnight argued.
“Midnight there’s still so much we don’t know about Y/n, about her powers. We still haven’t learned everything. Plus there are still times where she doesn’t show or process her emotions and feeling correctly” Aizawa said.
Midnight groaned in frustration. Aizawa wasn’t listening to what she was saying. She wasn’t asking him to put her in school. She was just asking to have her meet kids her age.
“I’m not saying put her school, I’m saying she needs friends.” Midnight hissed.
Aizawa groaned and rubbbed his eyes. He was too tired for this. Sure he knew eventually Y/n would need friend her age but this was too soon. Yes Y/n had come a long way from that kid in a hospital but they didn’t know what things could set her emotions off.
Maybe Midnight was right. Maybe Y/n did need to meet some kids her own age. Aizawa sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll see what I can do.” 
Midnight stared at Aizawa’s back as her began to walk away. Midnight stood frozen for a moment.
“Wait! Aizawa what do you mean okay?” Midnight shrieked from the grounds. 
“I mean I’ll find her a friend.” Aizawa shouted back. 
As her turned his back to her again and rubbed his face. As he walked towards Nezu’s office he thought to himself. How could he give his daughter a friend without endangering another child. As Aizawa opened the door to Nezu’s office Y/n sat drinking her tea softly.
Nezu placed his phone down and picked up his tea cup. Nezu motioned to the empty chair and began to pour some tea for Aizawa. Before Aizawa could add and sugar the sugar pot began to float. The spoon picked up some sugar and placed it into his tea.
Multiple colors surround the tea cup and spoon as Y/n used her quirk to mix in the sugar. Aizawa watched his daughter carefully. She held her tongue out a little and had her eyes closed. 
When the sugar had been mixed in properly Y/n floated the tea cup towards her dad. Aizawa sent her a small smile as he took the tea cup. Y/n smiled brightly as she went back to her own tea.
“How did your conversation with Midnight go?” Nezu questioned as he sipped his tea. Aizawa snuck a quick glance at Y/n and saw she was occupied with floating the tea cups.
“Midnight wants to socialize Y/n with kids her own age.” Aizawa grumbled as he took a small sip. His face turned unpleasant, Y/n had out too much sugar.
“That girls sweet tooth is something else.” Aizawa mumbles softly. 
“Oh yes, Midnight did mention that to me.” Nezu said. Aizawa turned to Nezu with a tired look.
“You didn’t think to tell me?” Aizawa groaned. Nezu sent him a small smile as he looked over at Y/n. Colorful butterflies flew around her and landed in her hair. The butterflies became small clips in her hair. 
Aizawa smiles softly at her as a small mouse appears in her lap. The mouse is dressed in old Victoria clothes. The mouse his a light brown color with pink ears and nose. Y/n talks softly with the Door Mouse. 
Aizawa still doesn’t completely understand how this creatures or as Y/n makes him call the her friends appear. No one really knows where they come from.
“I thought you’d agree, Y/n needs friends that her age and need to socialize.” Nezu replied softly. Aizawa rested his elbows on Nezu’s desk. 
“Who was that you were in the phone with?” Aizawa questions trying to change the subject.
“Endeavor, he was inquiring about Y/n.” Nezu sipped his tea as Y/n handed him a beautifully draw landscape. It was filled with different sized and differently colored mushrooms. A purple checked path on the ground lead to a large green castle.
“What? Why?” Aizawa asked as his head shot up. Endeavor wasn’t really fond of Y/n like the others were. When she was rescued Y/n didn’t seem to like Endeavor.
“He didn’t say, he was just asking about her improvement.” Nezu say as her hung up the landscape next to the many other drawings Y/n had given him. 
Aizawa looked down at Y/n as she drew and talking her her mouse friend. An idea popped into Aizawa’s head.
“Nezu, Endeavor has a son around Y/n’s age right?” Aizawa asked shooting Y/n a small glance.
“I believe so? Why?” 
“I think I just found a friend for Y/n.”
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fandomssaremysoul · 2 years
I have decided to make a MHA, Izuku Midoriya centric, fanfiction 101 recommendations, list.
I am but a basic bitch of nerds, but I have opinions and I WILL share them bc I'm incapable of shutting the fuck up.
Anyway this is a list of fic I think any person who reads fanfiction, is a BNHA fan and likes Izuku Midoriya, should read.
(is it actually an excuse to find ppl who like the same shit i do? Maybe.)
So, this list will contain fics that are completed ONLY.
There are a lot of MHA staples that aren't finished yet, and they will get a post of their own.
Alright disclaimers, PSA, whatever, ALWAYS and I fuckin mean ALWAYS, read the tags and trigger warnings bc I won't lie, some might get a bit dark.
1. Complicated Creation - Elemental
Easily one of the best fics I've ever read. Great world building based on the Ghibli movie Spirited away. We love to see it. The writing and plot are both breath-taking.
It has quirkless Izuku, spirits, dragons, healing and a sprinkle of a classic trope in the MHA fandom, Dadzawa.
2. Hero Class Civil Warfare - RogueDruid
If you have been in the fandom space for at least a couple of months and have been reading fics, you have, 100% heard of RogueDruid. He has, hands down, some of the most captivating work in the whole of the internet. One of the classics, is HCCW. It has inspired a lot of other fics, which had gone the class War route (hmu if u want reccs). Incredibly well done, the EFFORT that went into this had to be astounding. There isn't a single miss.
Without spoiling too much, the class 1 A and 1 B, have a final exam. The exam in this world, is a war between villain and heros. Izuku is put into the position of the leader of the villains, the Kingpin while his rival, the Paragon, is none other than Katsuki Bakugou. We get a mastermind Izuku, characters from 1 B, that I personally never cared much for, before reading this fic and more.
3. Mastermind: Strategist for Hire by Clouds
Staying in the villain Izuku waters, I present Mastermind. A part of a series called For the want of a nail, that follows different universes in which Izuku stays quirkless. Mastermind is a personal favourite. It's the second installment of the series and has an ongoing sequel. (The series includes Viridian: the green guide, Deku? I think he's some pro, Chet Code: support strategist and two more, which aren't completed yet).
Here, Izuku stays quirkless as he loses any hope left for the hero society. He, unfortunately for the world, is stupidly smart and easily gained a fearsome reputation, for being the best strategist for hire for villains. After realizing the world sucks and he, in fact, doesn't, Izuku becomes a villain the likes héroes have never seen before.
4. The Mystery of Student No.18 by cloud_nine_and_three_quarters
Another author, that has me by the scruff of my goddamm neck. Went for my throat every fuckin time. I will name the other fics later but lemme tell you about this one.
It's the second fic in the list, that has Izuku with OFA. This time though, Izuku stayed true to his self-sacrificing roots and got himself into a coma. While in his lovely sleeping beauty-esk state, OFA keeps giving him energy and thus an once of a lifetime opportunity to become a ghost. Yes you heard that right. He becomes a ghost and lightly haunts his class. The fic is golden, funny and just a little bit sad.
The other three fics, just as good as this one are Canary, Why are we here again? and Displacement.
5. Yesterday upon the stair by PitvViperOfDoom
Keeping with the ghost theme, we have the one and only YUTS. Again, world building is of the charts great. A great quirk and awesome themes with unexpected turns and plots. The gist is, Izuku can see ghosts. This story is one of the rare ones where Nana Shimura (my beloved) plays a bigger role than usual. Definitely chdck out the additional parts of the series though at that point it goes slightly into more crack waters but it's still incredible.
6. [Content] by Teobot
Taking a sharp turn into morally grey vigilante route, we get this great first part of an incredible ongoing series. There are two parts done and the wait is always worth it.
7. Assignment: Personality Swap by BelleAmant
First I wanted to recc their vigilante Izuku fic (Vigil, Ante and their vigilante antics) but I must admit, while a classic, it hasn't been as impactful to the fandom as Personality Swap has been. Both with its incredible humor, bit of angst and quirk fuckery the whole series has been nothing but hits.
8. Another form of power by Jade_Tatsu
Veering directly back into villain Izuku, this one was a breath of fresh air. I once got tired of villain Izuku that was either forced to be a villain or was just a vigilante but darker, so I went on a search and found this. The series All for power, is a 4 part ENTIRELY COMPLETED series, about politician villain Izuku. The first part is told mostly through the eyes of Kurogiri and I swear, it's my favorite of the all.
9. How Seven (7) Dead Heroes Stopped Being Bored by ScottishSunshine
Crack inspired, but more All for one focused that Izuku, but still most things happen because of the Midoriya family so it counts. It's good and fun and an interesting read especially of you're fond of Dad for one.
10. Prodigal by writerllofllworlds
And for the end, let's get our hearts crushed just a little.
An angst filled suspected traitor AU. In my humble opinion, very few have ever truly succeeded in writing a traitor AU, nearly as good as this one. I like it in most part because Izuku goes through hell and back, and I just am like that. It's epic.
Was this list an exuse to talk about fics I like? Yes. But do i feel like everyone who like BNHA should read these?
Abso - fuckin-lutley
I consider it a crime if you don't. Also pls do add your own opinions and if you want more reccs, ask in the comments or dm me or whatever floats your boat Besties.
Kiki the nerd, signing off
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serxinns · 9 months
Yandere Mha x Scarlet witch reader Part 4
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Mei (Romantic)
Mei is the affectionate and delusional yandere
• When you 1st met Mei at the Sports Festival she was AMAZED your fighting skills were unique the way you fought your opponents and use your quirk wisely even if you lose she still cheered and after the sports festival she ran up to you and congrats you on your hard work!
• Whenever your hero Costume is all destroyed or any of your gear malfunctions all of a sudden Mei would always volunteer to help you
•Loves to chat about how Amazing Her gadgets is when you're there she rants about everything her tools, her work, her blueprints, Even about how they work whenever gadgets and you are involved she happy to chat away ofc she loves hearing you chat about hero work and all that stuff as well hearing your adventures and battling villains always lights up her eyes
• Like Izuku she would make notes on your quirk and wants to study more about it at times she would want you to be her tester for all her gadgets because her excuse is always "Your quirk works perfectly for this experiment" or "But this gadget is important I need to test it out so other students can use it" ofc she makes sure it safe for you after that she would reward you with candy and praises
• However if you do get hurt by her creations she will apologize repeatedly and give you 2x as much candy but she'll have to explain that to 19 crazy Classmates yikes..
•Speaking of classmates Mei is always jealous of how class 1a would always pull you away whenever it's not one of them it pisses her off so she decided to sabotage some of your gadgets to more spend time with you at times when her classmates knew what she was doing and threaten her to stop but she was too deep into the obsession with you you depend on her right? That's why you come to her for help? Right? After all if you let herfix her stuff maybe you'll fix her broken heart~
Shindo (romantic)
•hes a manipulative possessive type of yandere would get easily jealous
•you and shindo were childhood friends and then you changed middle schools but now you're here shindo gave you a big hug when he recognized you and you looked happy as well (unlike your classmates) fortunately after the exams you got his number and now you were friend again
• which you quickly regret cause now This mf Texting you 24/7 Je would send you playful flirts with the "😘😘😘" which you would always laugh at and never minded it
•Shindo would always convince you to go to places y'all used to go as kids and would always hold your hand and sing your embarrassing childhood songs y'all used to Sing as kids He loved seeing your flustered face and would tease you about it
•Would sometimes sneak in your dorm room so y'all could have sleepovers but one day dadzawa caught him and let's just say he got into a lot of trouble (He's lucky he ran for his life) but dudes sneaky he got tricks up his sleeve
•He loves to brag or argue about your classmates about who knows you better and at times ended up physical (by a certain blonde hair and green hair)
Neito (Romantic)
Neito is the possessive and obsessive yandere
•Neito would find ways to taut you in any way so he can get your attention whether it be good or bad
•When Neito 1st met you he thought you were all the same until you just told him to fuck off and leave them alone it would make him angry but somehow he was blushing and flustering at those words and the way your voice was filled with fierce and vemon kt him shudder in a good way
•Neito is a downright stlaker dude who would watch every detail of how you train, eat, or anything just to taut you that's his way of showing love
• He and Kirishima have a rivalry with each other and they'll always argue about who's a better person for y/n and vald king and Fatguk will cheer them on in the background
•Neito will also have a shrine of you but with lots and lots of pictures whether be you training, of you walking to your dorms, he even caught a pic if you seelping and that is one of his fav
•If anyone Agrees with what he says about you or would join the tauting he will quickly snap at the person and threaten them with blackmail when nobody's around nobody get to talk to you like that at all and he'll make sure it it
•The only time he'll cut off the tatting is when you're sad and he doesn't want you to be sad so he'll try to comfort you and try playfully tease you to get you in a better mood but would quickly act like a tsundere and back to tauting neito again
•Neito would secretly send you expensive gifts with only a "Your secret admirer" His Letters would always be love poem or love letters he never puts his name on it he wants you to connect the dots so you'll be running to him
Inko and Mitsuki (Platonic)
•Inko was always interested in you ever since His son always talked about you he knows that his sons a little coco in the brain but she knows her son will never hurt you so when izuku invited you over to meet her she was immediately adored by you
•Whenever you notice her struggling you always insisted her to help she felt so guilty cause you were the guest but you insisted and right then and there she instantly knew you were good for his son
•Would show you pictures of Izuku as a child while izuku is flustering begging her mom to stop but you were comfortable with it after all it's just a mom showing off her son right?
•would tell you how much izuku talks about you and care about he minus the shrine he has in his room thankfully its locked She would always tell you about how happy you made izuku made and would guilt trip you by telling you his bullying backstory secretly
•Inko is always welcome whenever you wanted to spend the night here she would always try to set you and izuku up so you can be alone and try to bond with each other!
•Inko dreamed how you would be a part of the family dressing how Izuku would happily introduce you as not a friend but a lover and imagine how pretty you'd look in a wedding gown/suit and even imagine grandchildren oh her eyes will be filled with tears of happiness whenever she thinks about it!
•He would always encourage and sometimes pressure his son to get with you even if she tells her to stop but she can't help it your perfect for this family she needs you to be in this family even if it takes to extreme messages she'll try to fine a way to get you together to make her son happy~
•Meeting With Mitsuki was quite Chaotic at least...Mitsuki was embarrassing Katsuki asking if this was the student he always Talked about Katsuki was screaming at her to shut up and Masaru was just apologizing to you for their behavior cause he couldn't control it (No cause seriously im questioning how tf Mitsuki met someone like Masaru 😭)
•Mitsuki is like an overprotective mama to you always make sure that Katsuki doesn't give out any bad influences or hurt you in a type of way and would always scold his son to be nicer to you
•masaru and Katsuki notice Mitsuki's attitude changing whenever he invites you to his house how Mitsuki would be less cussing and less yelling whenever you her and if she accidentally does she'll quickly apologize for her behavior and check if you're ok which uorises both of them marsaru would look at you as some type of savior and makes katsuki obsession with you even more
•Mitsuki may seem like he's always strict with his son but in reality, she doesn't wanna lose you cause not only ur perfect for his son but you make Him happy and she likes seeing his own son happy she would always convince you secretly how Akatsuki has a soft spot about you and how he always talk about how he wanna protect you at all cost!
•Mitsuki Loves when you ask to spend the night here she'll be more than happy to let you spend the night here as much as you want as long as you as after all she loves seeing how you and her son would bond together
•Mitsuki would always encourage his son to try and ask you out and give him dating advice heck even Masaru would help as well but Katsuki is a bit too stubborn to admit he needs it Mistuki gives him tips about softening up his behavior and makes sure he's doing the right thing and not messing it up
•Mitsuki would always want to wear her upcoming Designer clothes and would take lots and lots of pictures and show it off to her friends saying how pretty you are in those outfits and pouts and katsuki pulls you away
•Mitsuki would dream of talking to her husband about how she'll design you and Katusuki a wedding gown/suit actually she already got it and showed it off to katsuki which he blushes and tells her to F off which earns him a smack in the back of the head
•Mitsuki Loves you like you're her own child and would encourage her sons yandere behavior and teach him how to hide it what kind of mother would she if she isn't helping her son to be happy?~
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barid-bel-medar · 1 year
How do you expel an entire class? Did Aizawa simply tell you’re all expelled, walks away and wait for another teacher to make damage control?
That movement must make him:
1 Disliked by other fellow teachers (minus his friends i guess).
2 A PR nightmare for Nedzu and UA. Since there’s at least two recommended students.
3. Widely hated or feared for an entire promotion.
4. What about 1-B. Did they just assume the worst of them is better than the best 1-A?
5. How does the rivalry with Vlad King surge? Since there’s no competition at all.
6. What’s the true lesson behind all that? That an entire class needs to improve? That the worst batch goes into 1-A? That Aizawa is the most strict teacher and therefore the best?
Looking at that from all angles and just doesn’t work. How does Aizawa keep his job for more than a year. Did someone immediately re-enrrol the kids, apologize and swears them to silence? And, did all that shit show happens more than once?
I’ll never get how the Dadzawa wave started since before the very retcon!
Yeah the expulsion stuff causes a huge amount of problems when you start thinking about it. There should have been at minimum a huge surge of controversy long ago that resulted in Aizawa getting fired especially with the sheer number of students he's apparently expelled.
The biggest problem comes down to something I've noted before that Hori very clearly decided to make a bunch of Kakashi references with Aizawa, but also as clearly missed major reasons of why Kakashi can pull the shit he did with Team Seven and his earlier teams (namely the 'fail them back to the Academy' thing).
For one thing, things like the bell test? Were something all the genin teachers did; we see Team Gai's version in a flashback at one point. It's referenced as a thing all versions of Team Seven have done, meaning Kakashi isn't even the one who originally came up with it or the point of the lesson it taught. For another, these kids are literally about to start an active career in a field that will easily kill them. If they aren't ready for it, they're going to die, full stop and do need the additional Academy time. The 1-A kids are just about to start training to get to their careers in heroics. The expulsion thing isn't something a single other teacher does. Another big issue with Aizawa?
He's not someone that the vast, vast majority would give two shits about being trained by.
At the end of the day, Aizawa is just some random underground hero. He's not a famous pro that the kids are super excited to be being taught by. He's basically just some guy who happens to have a hero license when it comes down to it. Izuku, noted hero fanboy, didn't recognize Aizawa even, just his Quirk. Like if he was someone that people badly wanted to be taught by or was widely admired as a hero, then you could get away with people being more willing to brush aside the expulsion shit, but he's not. Kakashi over in Naruto is one of the most elite ninja in the village. He's someone people would love to have teach them and pass on that level of skill. Eliteness is something that makes a lot of people much more willing to look away from your bullshit.
(As bad as All Might is at teaching, you're still going to want to be taught by him just to say you were)
Even if you want to make the argument of 'well UA would want to have Aizawa at UA because Erasure is helpful to have if a student's quirk gets out of control while training', that only works if he's one of the practical lesson teachers, not a homeroom teacher. We're given no sign he's even around while 1-A is having practical lessons, aka a very reasonable time for him to be around to prevent an accident from happening.
The expulsion thing I think was definitely one of the things Hori's referencing when he talks about how he wishes he had made different writing choices for some characters at the start of the series.
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dontbooatme · 2 years
I know I've only ever made posts about Danny spontaneously being shoved into the bnha universe. But what if Aizawa gets chucked into Amity Park? (Gotta be Aizawa. Or at least Aizawa in focus. He's.. kinda the reason I got into bnha in the first place. I love that man)
Just imagine how Aizawa Shouta would deal with that? With a quirk like Erasure.
And he shows up in this world where having powers isn't normal. But there IS a whole entourage of villains who have abilities anyway. Except Erasure doesn't work on them. Unbeknownst to him, because they don't have physical bodies. And isn't that tidbit of information news to him. He was operating on the fatal assumption "ghost" wasn't literal. Themed gang, maybe. Localized slang term for quirk users, at least. He figures it out eventually. Why his quirk hasn't been working on anyone in this world.
Except this one kid.
An entire world mostly devoid of quirks. Save for the "ghosts." Except this one kid. Supposedly a ghost too. But the only one his quirk actually works on. The first time he uses it, Danny just barely makes it out of sight as Fenton before Aizawa can catch up to where he'd downed Phantom. They had a very uncomfortable stare down nonetheless before Danny beat a hasty retreat after pointing the man in the wrong direction. The fact that Fenton and Phantom look so different definitely helps Danny here in the few moments Danny had out of Aizawa's line of sight.
And maybe it works on a corrupt billionaire too. If we involve him. Probably will. But that comes later.
I'm just imagining Aizawa showing up in Amity Park, taking one look at this dumpster fire that's protected solely by an overworked and undertrained vigilante teenager and deciding, fine, different world different rules, two can play that vigilante game.
And then there's just a whole new kind of rivalry between a disapproving dadzawa trying to stop this vigilante kid from getting involved and a VERY irked Danny who's extremely distrusting of any new ghost hunters entering his terf and he decides: fine, two can play the sabotage game.
Aizawa ends up very much haunted by an angry, invisible 14 year old who keeps trying to steal his scarf. And keeps writing "Get a cat, and a hobby" on the walls of his leased apartment.
As soon as he figures out how to get around the man's weird power without giving away his identity.
And on the other hand Danny has no idea what to make of this man who shows up out of the blue. He cant seem to fly. He cant make ectoblasts. But he's demonstrated that he does have at least one power. And Danny doesn't know what to think of that. His only experience with superpowered living people is Vlad. Another halfa. Maybe he even assumes this guy is just a new halfa that's only worked out how to use one.. admittedly devastating ability. One that would be more useful if the man actually cared to use it on the other ghosts. But damn, he really has it out for Danny specifically.
And, yeah, Aizawa has to get some upgrades to his gear before he can do anything really effective once his element of surprise wears off in battle. (Imagine he gets his scarf infused with ectoplasm. It ends up giving off a slight glow.)
Danny and co and the rest of Amity Park are suddenly suddenly faced with a whole new vigilante. A very batman-esque man...hobo, who is like.. the sole competent adult ghost hunter (he's not ghost hunter, damnit, he's a pro) in town.
Aizawa probably ends up becoming a freelance Japanese tutor or smth to help him get established in the dp world while he figures out a way back home. Or maybe he even becomes a self defence teacher which could be funny if Danny's parents decide he needs self defence training because of how often he comes home injured after ghost fights. It would be a chance to meet outside their alter egos. And maybe that's the thread that leads to an identity reveal for both of them.
Maybe Aizawa even starts believing he's in the pre-quirk era. At some point. Maybe before the identity reveal. Or maybe after. Danny's whole "glow in the dark" shtick is at least passably reminiscent of the stories of the "glowing baby" he grew up on. Even if this is.. not at all what he expected. He's not actually from a different world. (Because I'm attached to the thrown-in-a-different-universe trope) But that is the line of thinking he ends up stuck on.
And what is he supposed to think of that? After he's meddled so much in this kid's life already. How much has he already changed about the history of his world?
And he responds by suddenly drawing back, canceling Danny's mentoring, stops getting involved in vigilantism. Just trying to limit his influence in the life of who he thinks is an important historical figure in his time. But of course Vlad ends up getting involved and ruining everyone's day in a way that forces them to fix it and everything else.
TL:DR Aizawa gets thrown in a world where he gets a handicap. He makes the best of it anyway. But he does use his quirk on one very unlucky lottery winner. Danny has a new nemesis who apparently doesn't see him as a nemesis. And Vlad's just pissed he's been demoted to Common Rouge.
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readingnreccing · 9 months
The First Step to Recovery is Poor Impulse Control by Foxquills 
bnha | teen | 22k | Aizawa Shouta & Midoriya Izuku | complete | Aizawa adopts Izuku 
When an apartment block collapses, Shouta expects a routine rescue operation. He does not expect to meet a blindingly intelligent 8 year-old Izuku on the worst day of his life. He certainly doesn't expect to take the kid home, call his estranged best friend in a panic because he doesn't know what fuck to do, and turn his life upside down in the space of a few hours. It's fine, though. He might be a mess, but he can keep one grade-schooler alive until social services sorts their shit. It's just temporary, he tells himself. Y'know, like a liar. or: The story of how one disaster man saves a little boy, and how the little boy saves him back.
The Feels!!! Ohhh, this one made me cry, and I was happy about it. Shouta saves Izuku from his destroyed building, but Inko dies in the disaster. Shouta takes Izuku home with him until child services can find other relatives to stay with him. But he didn’t expect to get attached to him so quickly, and having the kid help him get out of his funk and get his best friend back into his life. Hizashi is absolutely amazing (like in all the fics this author writes), Shouta is a disaster who cares so much and doesn’t know how to deal, and Izuku is the best child. 
Author’s tags: Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Dead Midoriya Inko, no disrespect inko but I needed to give your son away lmao, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Mess, References to Depression, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic is a Good Friend, Getting Together, Family Feels, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, shouta escalates from taking in stray cats to stray children
Remember to leave feedback to the author! <3 
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thehighlordishere · 9 months
𝐌𝐇𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐒 (adults, heroes)
Tumblr media
-Imagine him giving you away at your wedding
-Accidents happen +brother figure!Hitoshi trigg: SH
-Dadzawa x ftm!transmasc!teen!reader platonic
Present Mic
Best Jeanist
Crimson Riot
Fat Gum
Gang Orca
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 11 months
I want to talk about Nedzu, specifically how he gives the teachers free reign to run their classes however they want.
In theory, this can be a good thing to do, especially since as someone who's had his autonomy taken away, he's effectively not keeping his faculty in a box.
But holy fucking shit, there needs to be at least SOME oversight. Like, it should not be up to Aizawa and Aizawa alone to expel 100+ students for no reason (no, "giving them a taste of death" is not a good reason, no matter what Dadzawa stans may say). The fact that UA hasn't been sued to infinity and beyond is a miracle.
Agreed. There’s a difference between being lenient and being outright neglectful. Nezu’s failure to reign in Shota falls on the neglectful side.
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
I do love send my thoughts here. And I was thinking about the trope the fandom loves to use in fics. "Izu is kidnaped" which I guess could work
But back at the day when Izu solo arc begins...many people were throwing jokes (if it wasnt "hahaha Inko or Ochako will beat him up" then it was "he is going to be kidnapee) and the butt of the joke is Izu needing be saved by friends....
But...BK was kidnaped and people use this to shit on Ayoama...
If Izu kidnap happened...then yeah it would serve to "look at BK saving Izu. He cares" or another joke.
What is my point here? I just dont get the hype for "Izu is kidnaped"?
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
Thank you :) I like answering your asks and hearing your thoughts too.
I think the hype for this trope in fanfics is so that the characters have an opportunity to show how much they (mainly class 1A and Dadzawa) care for Izuku and what lengths they would go to to get him back. It's largely a wish fulfillment story thread relating to the wish to see Class 1A as a family.
However, saying that, it is a very weird juxtaposition to see how fans leapt to dunk on Izuku or make jokes during his expense during the solo arc. Saying things like,
"I bet Todoroki is going to be so mad Izuku didn't confide in him about OFA then ran away. Right when Todoroki needs him after finding out about Dabi too. What a fake friend. 💔."
"I hope Bakugou tells Izuku off and beats some sense into him - how could you leave your soulmate behind, Deku? 🧡💚"
"I bet Uraraka is going to be so angry at Izuku for leaving her. I hope she yells at him and drags him home to UA for a shower! Stinky boy!"
"I hope we see Inko hit Izuku with her slipper for this! Haha."
None of this is funny to me. Izuku essentially was told flat out by AFO that he is a target of his. Izuku left his friends, his mother and his dream school because he felt they would be in danger by association with him. This decision hurt him immensely to take yet most of the fans fail to see this. Class 1A themselves fail to see this and claim mostly that he is looking down on them, while also allowing Bkg (someone openly hostile to Izuku) to lead them in a fight against him instead of approaching the situation empathetically like a friend would. Ok Hori, who is looking down on who here?
Class 1A, like the fans in their majority, only think of what they as Class 1A want in relation from Izuku, so they beat him down (literally and figuratively) -Bakugou gives a shit apology all about himself then Izuku collapses from exhaustion. And they drag Izuku back to UA.
Contrast with Bakugou's kidnapping - no one in the narrative and few fans outside of it recognise Bakugou's own fault in the situation. They use it to shit on Aoyama instead when;
Aoyama still, regardless of being the traitor, gave Izuku Shoji and Todoroki an opening to save Tokoyami and Bakugou from the LOV.
Bakugou refusing to leave the fight/retreat back to base even when named as a target of the LOV, only aided the LOV's kidnapping of him. Him retreating would have made the LOV's job much harder to kidnap him - if not outright prevented it in the first place.
The LOVs interest (mainly Shigaraki's) was only peaked due to Bakugou acting like a rabid Dog and UA being dumb enough to chain Bakugou up and present him to the press instead of fiegning illness for Bakugou or something.
TLDR- the fandom hype for the trope of "Izuku is kidnapped" is wish fulfilment for Class 1A as a family trope, Dadzawa trope (mostly) and some BkDk fans (those who like to see Bkg as Izuku's knight in shining armor in fics.)
How Bkg and Izuku are treated in their absences from UA (Izuku's solo arc and Bkgs kidnapping) contrasted by both the fandom and the narrative is gross.
Bakugou plays more (indirect) fault in how his kidnapping occurred and it is wrong to use this moment as a way to shit on Aoyama.
Izuku plays less fault in what had occurred and always had good intentions about leaving UA. Class 1A failed to show empathy to him in this situation and the fandom focused on everyone else's possible feelings about the situation rather than Izuku's. Which is sad especially as Izuku is meant to be the MC.
But I can't entirely blame them either... How long has it actually been since we have seen the story give Izuku's feelings any insight?
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herofics · 2 years
I donated blood for the first time at school. I didn't follow the instructions though. I didn't eat and I was doing just some small excercises, so I ended up having to get wheelchaired out of the next classroom. I felt fine at first doing my math work. I started to feel nauseated and eventualy like I wanted to throw up, I started sweating profusely and felt like I couldnt move or talk I just felt so miserable. Everything around me, sound wise, started blurring like my ears popped slowly, my vision started fading too. . How would Dadzawa, Bakugou, and Midoria react to their s/o /seeing their s/I begin to have a reaction like that in class. I'm fine now I think, they made me eat lunch and take it easy
I know I've got an older request from you too, and I have started on it, but this was an easier one to write since I decided to do HCs for this
~Midoriya Izuku~
•MIdoriya notices you starting to get a bit weak when the two of you are coming back from donating blood, but you assure him you’re okay
•You make it to class, but you don’t seem any better, even worse than before actually
•You sit down to talk for a bit before the class starts, but you’re starting to feel like you can’t make out what he’s saying and your vision is getting blurry too
•Midoriya notices the way you’re looking at him, like  you can’t really even see him
•He asks if you’re okay, but you don’t answer and there are beads of sweat running down the sides of your face
•He puts his hand on your shoulder and you really look like you’re about to pass out, so he picks you up and starts hurrying you to Recovery Girl so she can check you out
•He’s pretty panicky, because he doesn’t know what’s wrong with you and you just seemed to suddenly get like this
•Recovery Girl of course realizes right away what’s wrong and ask Midoriya if you ate anything after donating blood earlier
•His eyes get wide as he realizes he didn’t see you eat anything and you were just doing some exercises
•He of course informs the elderly lady about this and she tells him it’s an easy fix
•RIght after she uses her quirk on you, you seem to come back to earth and feel better
•You’re told to go grab a snack from the cafeteria and Midoriya accompanies you because you still look like you might fall down
•He hugs you and tells you he’s relieved you’re feeling better
•You thank him for worrying about you and give him a kiss on the cheek
•Like he usually does, he gets quite flustered and wraps his arms around his head, a habit he never quite seems to shake
~Aizawa Shouta~
•Aizawa noticed you starting to seem a bit nauseated, so he asked if you were feeling okay
•You almost fell from your chair because you were feeling so lightheaded and sick
•He was aware you had been donating blood before coming to class with a couple of your classmates
•No one else seemed as bad as you though, a bit tired maybe, but Aizawa asked right away if you had skipped the snack they offer after donating blood
•You can’t really answer at this point because you’re feeling so weird and pretty bad, so Aizawa just tells Mina and Aoyama to take you to the nurses office
•You basically get wheelchaired out of there, because you can’t walk and get taken to Recovery Girl
•She uses her quirk on you, but she still tells you to take it easy and to eat something
•You can walk back to class even though Mina and Aoyama look like they’re ready to catch you if you happened to stumble
•You get back to class, but Aizawa lets the class go to lunch a bit earlier, as long as they come to the next class a bit earlier too
•You’re just happy you get to go eat and thank him for letting the class go to lunch a bit earlier
•Aizawa just sort of sighs and mutters something about “these damn problem children not taking care of themselves” though that’s more of a general statement than just about you
~Bakugou Katsuki~
•Bakugou notices pretty quickly that you’re not feeling all that good, but he doesn’t know why, because he didn’t know you had given blood
•“What the fuck is going on with you? You look like you’re about to pass out” he rumbled
•And you really felt like you were going to pass out, because you felt so nauseated and weak and you just muttered something at him that he couldn’t make out
•Bakugou’s just like “Okay, we’re going to the fuckin nurse’s office” and grabs your hand, starting to lead you out of the classroom, but your legs give out and he has to catch you
•Bakugou yells “Oi, shitty hair, tell the teach I’m going to take (Name) to the nurse’s office” and starts carrying you to there
•You’re trying to tell him you can walk, but he’s stubborn as usual and just doesn’t give a damn, because you’re clearly not feeling good
•When you get out of the nurses office, Bakugou is pushing you in a wheelchair, because you’re still feeling kinda weak
•Recovery Girl gave you a nutrition bar and told you to eat it so you would feel better
•You try to tell Bakugou you’re fine and you try to get up, but he grabs your shoulder and pushes you back down to the chair
•He tells you to basically sit your ass down and let him help you
•You sigh and roll your eyes but start munching on you nutrition bar, while he pushes you towards the classroom
•Bakugou places a kiss on the top of your head and just pushes you along, while muttering something about you needing to take better care of yourself
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angst-king · 2 years
Late night hot cocoa
((parent dadzawa x child reader )) It was late, very late when Shouta pulled into the driveway of his home. Stepping inside his home he takes off his shoes, prepares to shower, and head to bed. But when he starts walking to his room he hears a soft.
“D-daddy” The voice sounded rather small, strained, and tired. Confused Shouta looked around the room until he saw where the source of the name came from.
A small child sitting on the couch holding their cat stuffie (muffin). Giving a small smile Shouta walked over to them and crouched down.
“Hey there anklebiter, what are you doing up?” It was strange for them to be awake, even if they were waiting for Shouta to come home. Usually, He’d come home and find them passed out on the couch or in his bed. When the child tried to answer they let out a couple of rough-sounding coughs and a whimper. Holding their painful throat and sniffling.
Shouta caught onto this and reached out to feel their forehead. Frowning the feeling of overheated skin was pressed to his. He tutted softly and stated.
“You’re sick” But of course, the kid tried denying it, shaking their head no.
“I’mb fide daddy” Shouta seemed a little confused as to why the kid refused the idea of being sick.
“And why do you say that?” “Because daddy’s busy.” That broke the man’s heart, they thought because he was busy that they couldn’t be sick. As if there had to be ‘timing’ to be sick. Shaking his head, he slides onto the couch and pulls the child into his arms. “Problem kid, just because I’m busy doesn’t mean you can’t be sick. It's not up to you or my schedule as to when you don’t feel good.” “But, it's late daddy?” “You come first. I know it's late you don’t wanna keep me up but. I chose to be a parent, and that means staying up late with you when you don’t feel good.” “O-okay daddy” Smiling a little, kissing their forehead Aizawa then asked.
“Now, do you wanna stay on the couch or in your bed?” The kid started to twiddle their fingers shyly. Noticing the bashfulness, Shouta knew something was up.
“What’s up kid?” Looking away from their father they muttered in a small voice. “Wadda sleep id your bed” Hearing this Shouta laughs a little and picks them up. “Alright, then let's go.” Carrying them to his room he places them on the bed and sets down his hero gear. Taking off his capture weapon, gear belt, and goggles. He packs them away and says.
“I’m gonna get somethings for you, so sit tight.” The child nods and crawls under the covers holding Muffing close to them. Leaving the bedroom Shouta gets a big fuzzy blanket, some medicine, and lastly some hot chocolate in the kid’s favorite mug. Shouta also got a cup for himself. 
Bringing all those items into his room, he sets the hot chocolate and medicine on his nightstand. 
“Alright, anklebiter, I got you things to help you,” Aizawa announces as he sits beside them on the bed. Wrapping it around the small child, Shouta made sure they were comfortable before giving them the medicine. Taking it without fuss worried the black-haired man. All they did was gulp it down and lean into Shouta’s side.
Gingerly petting them on the head, Shouta reaches for the hot chocolate.
“I’m sorry you feel so yucky, problem child. Think some hot cocoa will help?” This seemed to bring some light into those tired little eyes of theirs. Making grabby hands for their kid-sized mug, Aizawa hands it to them.
“Blow on it kiddo it's hot.” Nodding, the child softly blows on it to cool down the hot drink. Taking a sip they smiled a little. Wrapping his arm around the kid he smiles tiredly.
“Thanks, daddy” “You’re welcome Lil problem child. Now drink up and try and get some sleep. I’ll call off in the morning if you’re not any better.” Shouta takes a swig of his hot chocolate. 
“Ok daddy”
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ladysunamireads · 3 months
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 2 years
The First Step to Recovery is Poor Impulse Control
The First Step to Recovery is Poor Impulse Control by Foxquills
When an apartment block collapses, Shouta expects a routine rescue operation. He does not expect to meet a blindingly intelligent 8 year-old Izuku on the worst day of his life. He certainly doesn't expect to take the kid home, call his estranged best friend in a panic because he doesn't know what fuck to do, and turn his life upside down in the space of a few hours.
It's fine, though. He might be a mess, but he can keep one gradeschooler alive until social services sorts their shit. It's just temporary, he tells himself.
Y'know, like a liar.
The story of how one disaster man saves a little boy, and how the little boy saves him back.
Words: 4144, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Dead Midoriya Inko, no disrespect inko but I needed to give your son away lmao, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Mess, References to Depression, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic is a Good Friend, Getting Together, Family Feels, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, shouta escalates from taking in stray cats to stray children
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45178546
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theoisdaydreaming · 6 months
I was checking my notes and came across a few prompts and fics i wrote,,, so I'm posting some of them!
Starting with the oldest one lmao
(shindeku, gender swapped deku, dadzawa, erasermic 💀)
Puppy Love!
Chapter 5 "hi"
"Hey boys! Need a ride?"
The car window opened to greet them with the green eyes and bright blonde hair of his husband.
The older man nodded at shinsou and they both got in the car with the ravenette's husband
"hey" he smiled as they greeted each other with a kiss, wich in return made the younger boy sitting in the back of the car look away uncomfortable.
"i got off work early at the radio station so i came to pick you up" hizashi said as he started to drive away
"where are you going kid?" he motioned to shinso looking at him from the rear-view mirror.
"um, could you drop me at the cafe in gatoaishi street"
"sure" hizashi smiled "your parents work there don't they? At the cat cafe?"
"yeah, my moms own the place"
"oh that's lovely! Me and shouta love that place" his green eyes lit up at the mention of their favorite place.
Shou and him love to spend their few free days at the cozy stablishment.
"we've never seen you there" shouta cracked an eye open with his head resting in the window at his side.
"im usually at the back" the boy shrugged and the adult nodded in understanding.
"oh! you don't mind if we pass for our daughter in the way do you?" hizashi asked "we're picking her up from dance class and then dropping her with a friend " he smiled.
"sure" replied shinso.
Izumi, as it is friday, had decided to go out with her friends after her extracurricular.
Even though they had accorded to not tell everyone about their familiar connection, it wasn't exactly a secret, as it was impossible to hide it from the green haired girl friends when they needed to come and drop her off, it had been a shock to all of them, they were specially, uncomfortable when they decided to have a sleep over at their house only to realize that it was their teachers house and that izumi yamazawa stands for yamada-aizawa.
So, not al lot of people knew, but they weren't trying to hide it either.
Taking a turn they come across the place she's coming out of dance class, waving goodbye to her teacher and other classmates.
The car stops infront of her and shinso goes wide eyed.
"hey pops! Hi dad" she smiles at the as she enters the car only to stop on her tracks at the sight of the unexpected passanger in the other side of the back seat.
She freezes as her forest color eyes widen as big as a deer in the headlight.
"hi" the lavander haired boy breathes, looking like he just saw a ghost.
"hi" responds the girl, her voice raising almost 8 octaves.
"izumi, this is shinso, he's the boy that's been training with your dad" the blonde explains.
"you fought him at the sports festival, you remember, right?" Shouta adds.
"No, yeah, I i remember him.." izumi and shinso exchange looks, eyes still widen in surprise.
Shinso must be surprised that the girl she fought was his teachers daughter all along, it does come as a shocker as there is no resembles between her and her dad.
"shinso, this is our daughter, izumi yamada-aizawa" says Shouta.
"I see.. it's nice to formally meet you" he offers his hand with a smirk as izumi gives him a weak smile as she shakes her hand which only makes him chuckle.
"I guess that makes sense, of course it was aizawa-sensei's daughter to beat me"
"wha- but, you did amazing! It doesn't matter who's daughter I am, you could've totally beat me"
Shinsou blushes at izumi's response.
"I'm just saying.. If hadn't know what your quirk was I would have totally lost" she shrugged.
"well, I mean- That just undermines your analityc skills, even if you hadn't been told what my quirk was before the battles started, you would've still figure it out"
Izumi looks at the lavander eyes staring deep into her, his compliment not going unnoticed, making her cheeks flush in pink.
"I know right! My little girl is so smart, did you know she has more than 12 notebooks on quirk analysis?" hizashi says excitedly "she has two of them dedicated to just us" he beams proudly with a smile.
"dad!" izumi reddens impossibly more and shinso smiles at the comment of the girl's energetic father, both haven forgotten that they were in the car with both teachers.
"what? It's cute" hizashi shrugs.
Shouta smiles a little when he sees the pout in izumi's face.
The car stops at a small coffee shop, it reads 'Ta-neko', through the windows you can see few people enjoying their coffee and pastries, a a cat sleeping in a counter where a woman is taking orders from customers.
"where here!"
"thanks for the ride, sensei"
"oh, no problem, we were going to drop off izumi with her friends anyways" hizashi smiles then looks at the green-haired girl "where did you say the place was, izumi?"
The two teens in the back share a look between them with startled faces.
"oh um.. A few blocks away actually!" she stutters.
"I can just walk from here, don't worry"
She grabs the handle of the door intending to get out and shinso shuffles to
go with her.
"are you sure? We can just take you there" Shouta glances at her.
"yeah, itsokeybyedadbyepopsloveyou"
"Okey, have fun hanging with the squad!" hizashi waves the two of them as they both get out the car.
While the drive back home Shouta thought about how weird izumi was acting during the whole ride, he wonders how she feels about the boy.
While he knows his daughter is not usually one to dislike people, he can't help but think that she was perhaps intimidated by being in a car with the person she fought in the sports festival.
It was a though match after all, not in the physical sense but in a mental way, even while knowing that shinsou's quirk needs a verbal response in order to activate, some of the things he said for him to get a response from izumi could have been a little harsh. It's not strange she feels a little uncomfortable around him.
Shinso has had a problem with how people persive his quirk as 'villainous', and though he can relate, he has developed a sort of inferiority complex due to this. He has tackled this problem with him in the time they've been training and he has honestly gotten better at not comparing himself and assuming things about other people who have more flashy quirks.
I'm sure they won't have any problems, but looking at how izumi reacted it's best to keep them apart in class. He's gonna have to change sits this Monday.
"so... Hanging out with the squad" the purple-haired boy grins.
"technically, we are" the greenette shrugged.
"just a little later" she smirks.
God, he wished they would've just dropped her at the place and not let her walk to there, because now he doesn't know where she was or who gave izumi a bouquet of flowers that left her singing love song all day....
He opens the door to yet another song blasting in her pink stereo, violating his ear drums, izumi is walking around her room, in her pink flowered nightgown, tossing her head and swaying her hips to the rhythm of the song with phone in hand, no doubt texting her friends.
At his left he can see a vase of water with flowers in it, looking at it it's more clear that it's not a bouquet of flowers but more a mixture of plants with tiny little white and pink flowers likely ripped from someone's garden. It was kind of cute. But he still intended to ask who his daughter was hanging with.
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