#dadstiel and nougat son
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castiel-kline · 4 years ago
We definitely don’t talk enough about Cas casually going “well if it’s grace he needs he can have mine” in 14x07. Literally that’s his GRACE. His essence and life force. And he was going to give it up, rip it out of himself, just because there was a slight chance it could help Jack. I need to lie down.
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Not to be greedy but i would like a castiel and jack kline spin off please
Just the two of them solving crimes like in 15.15 and being a healthy father/son relationship
Pretty please
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angelfishofthelord · 4 years ago
do you ever think about that moment in 14x07 when Rowena tells them that Jack's cells are destroying themselves without his grace and Cas immediately goes "well if it's grace he needs he can have mine"--like grace isn't just what gives Cas his power, it's a part of his life force. It's part of who he is, and there's a hollow left when it's gone. And having grace taken from you is a brutal and traumatic process. Cas knows this. He also knows once he gives it up he'll never get it back again, it won't replenish like archangel grace. Still he offers it--himself, really--up without hesitation and Rowena looks at him so softly
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and you know she's thinking the same thing we all were in that moment
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theroguetranslator · 4 years ago
ok ok but hear me out:
toddler jack loves his wings a lot. 
like, so much that he refuses to hide them in the celestial plane, so for the first three years of his life they have to deal with this baby angel with golden wings and cas does his best to conceal them whenever they need to but they mostly get by. the problem is, jack’s turning 4 and has to start preschool, and they just can’t convince him to hide his wings- jack throws angelic tantrums everytime and it’s not like they can send a little winged boy to kindergarten and expect everyone to just roll with it-
so dean comes up with an idea: he buys jack little gliter plastic fairy wings one day and tells jack that if he hides his real wings he can wear the fairy ones to school. unsurprisingly jack agrees and the next day he takes baby jack to the mall and they buy at least 8 pairs of glitter wings, different shapes and colors and jack is so happy he can’t stop flapping his tiny hands
the next problem is to convince the teacher to let jack actually wear them. but, well, they manage.
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cage-core · 3 years ago
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sylvanfreckles · 4 years ago
Ask and you shall receive, @friendlyneighborhoodheretic! Cas. Jack, bubbles, and cats! I even tried to do the blue hair!
Summary: Cas and Jack, bubbles and kittens. Just a tender moment between father and son.
“Jack?” Heaven was a vast expanse now, nothing like the sterile halls and orderly doors it had once been. Plenty of places for a nephilim-turned-god to hide away. “Jack, where are you?”
Castiel caught sight of a tuft of sandy hair on the other side of a bush and heaved a grateful sigh before pushing his way through the swaying cattails to reach his son. “Jack?”
The boy didn't answer and merely held a small, yellow, plastic stick up in front of his face to blow on it. Castiel thought it might be one of those little wands with the hole in the end that human children used to blow bubbles, though there was no sign of bubble solution at hand. Nevertheless, as Jack blew through the hole a spiral of small bubbles shot out to float around the kittens playing at his feet.
“Are you all right?” he asked, crouching next to the boy. His jean-clad legs were stretched out in front of him on the springy grass, and some of the more adventurous kittens were trying to climb to the toes of his boots to reach the bubbles.
“Everyone wants something from me,” Jack finally answered after a moment. “They're all expecting me to fix...everything.”
Castiel settled down to sit next to his son and folded his hands in his lap. One of the kittens tottered over to him, tiny claws grabbing at the belt of his trench coat. “You're already fixed a lot, Jack,” Castiel replied. He held the belt up so the end trailed through the air and smiled as the kitten leaped for it. “You made Heaven a true paradise...you rescued me...you should be proud of what you've done.”
“But it's never going to be enough, is it.”
There was no question in Jack's voice, so Castiel let the words lie between them for a few minutes. More of the kittens had come over to join their sibling in the hunt for Castiel's trench coat belt, and Jack let the plastic bubble wand rest against his knee as he watched them.
“You know what's great about cats?” Jack asked suddenly. “I like dogs, Cas, I do, but they always want something from you. Cats...they want to do things for themselves. Maybe you still have to feed them and clean up after them, but they don't need you to play or hunt or be happy.”
“We're playing with them now.”
“They were like this before I got here,” the boy replied with a vague wave at the area. “The big one over there keeps an eye on them, but every time I come here there are always so many kittens just playing in the reeds.”
Castiel looked up to see a big, grumpy-looking black and white cat with a long, skinny tail regarding him with light green eyes. The cat blinked slowly at the two of them before turning his attention back to the kittens, the tip of his tail flicking up once in a quiet motion.
“Well, maybe they're waiting for someone to play with.” Castiel gently plucked the bubble wand off of Jack's knee and blew through it. Instead of a series of separate bubbles, he created a long, connected chain of tiny sparkling spheres that twisted about in the air a few inches off the ground. Most of the kitten abandoned his coat to race after this new entertainment, squeaking as bubbles popped against their noses and paws.
When he glanced over at Jack, the boy's face had relaxed, although it wasn't a true smile yet. Jack produced another wand—an orange one—and blew a large bubble at the kittens, which burst apart with brilliant, fluttering sparkles as soon as one adventurous cat leaped for it.
Castiel chuckled and focused on his wand for a moment before blowing out a pair of ring-shaped bubbles, with Jack sending smaller bubbles shooting through the centers of the rings.
Then Castiel was trying to make more and more complicated shapes, which Jack was battling with his own creation. Bubbles exploded over both of them, leaving behind a sweet smell and a glimmering stain that was almost blue in Heaven's light.
Jack jumped up to his feet, a smile stretching across his face, and waved his wand around in a complicated gesture to produce a large bubble ring, which he sent floating right above Castiel's head. “There!” he declared, dropping back to the ground to grin up at his father. “The perfect guardian angel.”
Though he was touched by the boy's gesture, Castiel made an effort to preen. “How do I look.”
The boy laughed, then flicked one hand up to pop the bubble and let the soapy water drench Castiel's hair. “Blue!”
“Is that a good color for me?” Castiel tried to hold his head up in a dignified manner, but his own smile felt too big for such an attitude.
Jack pretended to grimace and made an uncertain gesture. “I think the black looked better, but I like you anyway.”
Castiel wrapped an arm around the boy and pulled him close. “And I love you every way. Don't forget, Jack, you never have to do anything for me...just be yourself. That's enough.”
He felt the boy sigh and sink against him. “The kittens are leaving.”
The imposing black and white cat was standing now, carefully watching the group of kittens trail their way through the grass and reeds back to their den. Castiel and Jack watched them for a few minutes, sharing a smile when the big cat grew impatient and picked up the last kitten in the line by the scruff of its neck to carry it away.
“They'll come back tomorrow,” Jack said. “I tried to make it like that...so everyone could have what they needed every day.”
Castiel squeezed his arm around the boy's shoulder and let his head rest against Jack's. “It's perfect, Jack. This is all I'll ever need.”
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years ago
Do you ever think about the fact that Castiel was destined to become the guardian of, adopt and unconditionally fall in love with the son of Satan? That Jack is the half-human child of Lucifer aka the Prince of Darkness which technically makes him royalty? That from the womb, Jack chose Castiel to be his father because his mother trusted him; and they’d formed a bond so strong it resurrected Castiel out of the Empty? And Jack went from sweet little Prince to the benevolent King of the Universe under Castiel’s guidance 🥰😭
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sunshine-jack · 4 years ago
After pushing God!Jack on us we at least deserved some "godson" jokes, like good grief
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years ago
Supernatural’s most epic love story between a father and son ❤️😭
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13x06 || 14x20 || 15x11
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castiel-kline · 3 years ago
idk how many of y’all have seen atla but you know the scene towards the end where zuko apologizes to iroh? and he’s like I don’t understand how you can forgive me so easily and iroh says I was never angry with you. I was just afraid that you’d lost your way.
anyway that exact scene happened between cas and jack after he got his soul back. I know this to be true in my very bones
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Alcal playing Anarchy in Arrow with burned face and now Misha playing Harvey Dent in Gotham Knights with a burned face
Like son like father
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years ago
Soulless!Jack went looking for Castiel his dad knowing that he was the only person who loved him unconditionally. Confided to him that when he had a soul he hated himself for causing his mother's death. Was honest with his dad about his not-so-pleasant visit with his grandmother. Confessed to his dad that he wanted to love him back so much. Was willing to die for his dad as punishment for accidentally killing Mary Winchester. Was still worried about the deal his dad made with the Empty to save his life. And was so overjoyed to see his dad coming to his rescue, that he closed his eyes as they hugged each other tight 😭
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angelfishofthelord · 4 years ago
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dadstiel hugs because I need to smile rn
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years ago
It's official Castiel and Jack's shoulder touches is their signature sign of father/son love 😭 I'm fine 😢😭
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castiel-kline · 3 years ago
cas & jack // cavetown’s home
for @dadstielweek winter weekend day 3: home
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angelfishofthelord · 4 years ago
so the line from Cas in 14x07 "losing a son feels different" is often quoted in posts but it's the DELIVERY of this line that always fucks me up like
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This man is in PAIN just thinking about losing Jack. His son. Like maybe it's terrifying to say that word out loud because then it means he has something, someone to lose; the way it's scary to tell someone you love them because from then on you know the moment you lose them your entire world will collapse. The way he also didn't answer the pastor in 15x15 about if he had kids but later in the same episode said "I became...a father."
It's the pauses that get to me. The pause right before you say something that the weight of your entire heart rests behind.
And it always kills me in this scene knowing that Cas will lose Jack TWICE in s14 but it resurrects me knowing that the two of them are together now and nothing in the entire galaxy will ever separate them again.
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