#daddy gilinsky
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gilinskyxskatee · 8 years
*listen to all i wanted by paramore,ilusm by gnash, and Make me (cry) by Noah cyrus*
“Even if we tried, it wouldn’t work”- Jack Gilinsky
This story begins in highschool. It was the beginning of your Junior year. You were kicking off the year by going to the first home football game. You always get there early enough to watch the boys run out onto the field. Most of your friends were already there. Everyone mostly knew you because of your boyfriend, Jack. Jack and you met when you both were camp counselors this past summer. You were new in town and he was the first person to make you feel at home. You two mostly talked about music and it was history from there.
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You and your family sat in the stands by Jack’s family. Your brother Derek was also on the football team. While waiting for the announcer to announce the players, you took your eyeliner and wrote number 10 on your cheek. “Alright ladies and gentlemen please give a hand to our Panthers”,you announcer spoke. He went down the line of numbers and introduced every boy. They lined up on the field and waited for kickoff. “(y/n), come join us in the student section”,Taylor said. “Ok”,you said following them. You noticed everyone was covered in baby powder. Someone handed you a bottle and other dumped it all over you. “Why baby powder”,you asked. “It the whiteout game, one of our school colors”,Taylor said. “Hey (y/n)”,someone said making you turn around. A guy then threw powder all in your face. “Oh my goodness, Ow”,you said looking down. The asshole threw it right into your eyes. “Sammy, whats your problem”,Taylor said hitting him in the chest. “Oh my bad, I didn’t mean to get it in your eyes”,he said. “Come one lets go to the bathroom”,Taylor said taking you under her wing. “Here let me help”,Sam said. “I’m fine, really”,you said. Taylor took you to the bathroom and helped you clean up. “So thats Sammy Wilk”,you said. “Yea, he’s cool. He just plays too much”,she said. “Thanks for helping me out”,you said. “Its no problem”,she said smiling. “I feel like we’re gonna be close”,you said to her. “I guess i’ll be your best friend”,she said sarcastically. She smiled at you and you finally felt like this year is gonna be awesome, well you thought.
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Highschool was the shittest time of your life. The only thing that made your day was your friends. They made you forget about all the drama school caused. Jack was always there when you needed someone. Of course Taylor was there, but you didn’t wanna put everything on her. You didn’t want her to see you as the depressed, crying girl you were behind closed doors. You only wanted her to see the bright side of you, always. Anytime you were upset, you thought Jack could always feel it. Everytime you shed a tear, Jack was always parked outside your window ready for you. You’d scale your house and sneaked out and go driving with him. Sometime you wouldn’t talk and Jack understood. Mostly it was being neglected by your parents, or only getting negative attention from them. They only saw the bad in you. Your brother always got all their love. He was the first born who was planned and got straight A’s. You weren’t a planned baby and they reminded you all the time. You made B’s but that wasn’t good enough. They were never physically abusive except once. It was mostly verbal. Your brother knew about it, he always tried to protect you. Lets just say, not every family is perfect even if they look like they’re right out of a catalog.
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You two walked back to the field. You saw that the boys have already scored twice. Jack turned around and waved to you. You smiled and puckered your lips to him. Derek looked at you and pretend to puke. You scrunched your nose at him and shook your head. “You and Jack are too cute”,Taylor said. “We’re okay”,you said. “You and Jack”,sammy said in a questioning voice. “Yea”,you nodded. “cool, again sorry about earlier”,he said. “It’s fine”,you said smiling. “We haven’t formally met yet, Sammy Wilkinson”,he said sticking out his hand. “(Y/n), (Y/f/n) (y/l/n)”,you said shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you. We’ll probably see more of each other since me and Jack hangout alot”,he said. “You do. Well you probably do he hasn’t introduced me to many of his friends”,you said. “that’s not surprising”,Sammy said under his breath. You furrowed your eyebrows. “What do you me-”,you were about to ask Sammy but interrupted by the buzzer indicating it was halftime.
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Jack and his sweat drenching body ran toward you. It was so crowded because everyone was going to get food. You saw Sammy wiping his nose and cramming something into his pocket. “Baby, hey”,Jack said behind you. “Hey”,you said smiling at him. “Are you enjoying the game”,he said kissing your cheek. “Yea, you kinda suck at football”,you said srunching your nose. “Why is there powder all over you”,he said wiping some off you. “School Spirit?”,you said raising your shoulders. “You and school spirit”,he said laughing. “Hey, I’m trying okay”,you said throwing powder on him. “Oh no you didn’t”,he said. “Jack no”,you said running down the bleacher stairs. “Come here, come give me a hug”,he said. “No you’re sweaty”,you said running around the back of the bleachers. “But I just wanna show you how much I love you”,he yelled back. You keep running until you see two guys smoking. “(y/n), whats up”,you heard one say. “Sam?”,you said looking into the shadow. “Hey Jack! You didn’t tell me you were dating my new friend here”,Sam said flicking his cigarette. “Yea. Hey, lets go get some food from the consession stand”,jack said putting his arm around you. “C’mon Jack, lets hangout now. I know you need your fix”,he said flashing the little baggy that he crammed into his pocket earlier. You looked at the bag of cocaine and then jack. “How about you and your fine ass girl come back to my place and we have a little kick back”,the other guy said. “Fuck off Skate. You graduated two years ago and you’re still around. Plus I’m not that guy anymore”,Jack said.
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You couldn’t comprehend what you just heard. You were appalled and disappointed. You took off running to find Taylor or Derek. “(Y/n), wait let me explain”,Jack said behind you. “What? That you’re a coke head?”,you said. “I used to be, not anymore. Those guys are bad news. Please don’t ever associate with them”,he said. You didn’t say anything and turned around and walked away from Jack. “Where are you going”,he said. “You said not to associate with guys who are bad news, so I’m walking away from you”,you said. “I don’t talk to those guys anymore! I’ve been clean ever since summer, when I met you. When I met you, I wanted to be good for you.”,he said grabbing your hand. You turned to face Jack again, but with tears streaming down your cheeks. “Don’t cry”,he said wiping your cheek. “What if you died, or got so stoned you did something terrible that you could harm you or someone else”,you said. Jack looked down and the the buzzer sounded saying third quarter is starting. “I gotta go”,he said walking toward the field. “Jack, tell me what you did”,you said grabbing his hand. He yanked his hand back and put his helmet back on. “Jack, I will leave if you do not talk to me”,you said. He stopped and you were desperate. “If I tell you, i’ll loose you. I don’t wanna lose you. You’re too important”,he said. 
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“Do you love me”,you said with a course voice. “Of course I do”,he said smoothing down your hair. “Then why won’t you tell me”,you said laying your cheek in his hand. “I’m not telling you because I love you”,he said kissing your forehead. “See you later”,he said jogging off. “Jack”,you yelled after him. He kept running not looking back or acknowledging your desperate call for him. “Guess lover boy won’t tell you about his interesting past”,you heard someone say behind you. You turned to see Skate. He looked like a true smoker. Baggy clothing, pungent smell of weed and cologne, greasy long hair. “I can tell you everything”,he said taking another hit. “And what he doesn’t know, I can fill in”,Sammy said walking up next to Skate. “You been crying babygirl”,Sammy said getting closer to you. This guy was starting to give you a creepy vibe. And when the words ‘babygirl’ left his mouth, they made your whole body cringe. “The wind make my eyes tear up”,you said. “bullshit”,sammy said whispering into your ear making goosebumps cover your body. “I have to get back to my friends”,you said backing up. “We are you friends”,Skate said looking you up and down. “Look, I don’t wanna hear anything. Plus you might tell me bullshit”,you said folding your arms. “Why would I do that? Why would I try to make Jack look even worse, the truth will already do that”,sammy said. “Jack will tell me when he’s ready. And if it is anything bad, he’s changed. I only care about our future”,you said. “What fututre? You think you two will last?”,Sammy asked. “You can’t change your past, but you can let go and start your future”,you said.
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“Once you learn what he did to Addie, you’ll never see Gilinsky the way you do now, ever again”,Skate said with grief. “Who’s Addie”,you said with a soft voice. “Why don’t you ask loverboy at the after party tonight”,Sammy said stomping on the rest on his blunt. “Cmon, we have to go get booze for tonight”,Sammy said to Skate. “See you there”,Skate said to you.
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guydirectionermc · 5 years
Hayes Grier serving looks!😍😍💦👅
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glcssed-archive · 5 years
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Okay wow it's been over a year since I've posted. But hi again! I hope everyone is still enjoying my posts, even tho I've been MIA. And if you're new here, welcome to my mostly old magcon members page. If anyone has requests for imagines (slight smut is aloud) or anything please let me know! 💖
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Jack Gilinsky being a TEASE
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postyxmendes · 2 years
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He. Is. So. Fucking. HOT OH MY GOD
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chrisevansbuddy · 2 years
Jack Gilinsky is the type to be a really toxic bottom brat. Totally teases his hunky Daddy playing all impossible to get until he gets snapped up and bent over Daddy's knee and spanked before getting the rough fucking he was asking for. Then he gets all needy and princessesy. Climbing on Daddy's lap, running his hands over a big burly hairy chest asking for more promising hell be a very good boy and batting those pretty lashes so he gets fucked all gentle and sweet. Then daddy comes home to find him getting spit roasted by the neighbors and the cycle starts again
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maloleysweekender22 · 7 years
Private Show//(N.M)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had a long day at work and decided to let loose tonight. I put in a crop too and a striped pencil skirt to go along with it. My hair is lightly wavy giving some volume. I put on too faced matte lipstick ‘when in doubt’ and call an uber to come and take me to the new club in L.A. I receive a text from the one and only Nate.
From Nate: Hey lil mama where are you at?
To Nate: Heading to the new club downtown 'Private Show’
From Nate: See you at the entrance
I smile as I see his text. Nate and I are just friends, but we have a flirty side. We tease each other every time we are alone. I love seeing the look of frustration on his face when I deny him of any further advances. The car pulls up to the club and Nate is at the entrance. Girls surround him touching his arms. He sees me get out of the car and walks fast paced towards me. The looks on the girls faces could have me buried 6 feet under ground.
“Look beautiful as always Y/N” Nate whispers growls in my ear. As his hands travel from the middle of my back to me ass and gives it a squeeze. I smack Nate’s hand away to drag him to the dance floor.
“Y/N. You know I don’t dance” Nate says as I drag him along.
“No you may not but it’s called 'private show’ for a reason right?” I whisper seductively in his ear. I look up at Nate and see him wearing a smirk on his face. We walk towards the dance floor but turn to the right where doors are slightly opened for use. I walk into the room and turn off the lights.
“Sit in the chair right there” I point to a chair in the middle of the room as I start the music. Closing the door and locking door I make my way towards Nate. The music starts up and I put Nate’s hands on my hips. I sway my hips side to side before removing his hands from my body. I see a stripper pool on a platform near Nate. I took some classes so I hope they help me out. I dance around it and look at Nate staring at me hungrily.
“Shit I can’t take any more this teasing” Nate says as I twirl around the pole. His hands are on my hips pressing me against the pole. I turn around and face him.
“I only tease because you haven’t made a move yet” I tell him a little out of breath. He stares at me before lifting me over his shoulder. We open the door to find a couple waiting outside the room. Nate walks through the club bumping into people without apologizing. His car is parked up front putting me in the car.
“I want a private show but more touching” Nate says a hand on my knee squeezing it as we park at my house driveway. I walk towards the door with Nate following. The door opens and I start walking up the stairs before being pushed against the wall.
“You want a private show I’ll give it to you” I say as he removes my clothing leaving me in a bra and panties. I lead him towards my room. Nate sits on the edge of the bed watching my every move. I slowly start dancing as I walk towards him. I sit in his lap slowly grinding on him.
“Y/N” he moans out before flipping us over. Nate unclips my as he leaves kisses on my neck. I arch my back as he moves lower down my body. Slowly he pulls my panties down and leaves slow kisses on my inner thighs. He finally gets to where I need him close kissing my heat before removing his clothing.
“Nate” whimper out as he detaches from my body
“I would love to go down on you but I need you so bad after all that teasing you did” he says rolling a condom onto his cock. He spreads my legs and moves to sit in between my now spread legs. Nate enters me slowly and keeps this rhythm for a few minutes.
“Na-” I’m interrupted by a loud moan escaping my mouth. This causes Nate to pick speed. Nate groaned into my ear as his thrusts get faster and deeper. His hands hold onto the beds head board as he picks up more speed. My legs wrap around his waist pulling him closer to me. I leave trails of scratches on his back as he moves to a slower pace but hitting my g spot every time.
“Fuck… I love-” a loud grown escapes Nate as he reaches his climax soon triggering mine. He pulls out and throws away the uses condom. I pat the spot next to me and allow him to come under the covers.
“I need a private show at least 3 times a week” he exhales as he lays me on top of him. I draw lazy circles on his chest.
“You can if you want” say leaving a few kisses on his shoulder.
“I want to but the right way" he replays lifting up my chin.
“Ho- be my girlfriend Y/N. You said you only teased me because I haven’t made a move well now I made my move what do you say?”
“Of course Nate” I say kissing his lips.
“Let have round 2” Nate says as he sits me up on his lap.
Tonight will be a long night….. -–•—:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A/N Hope you all have an amazing day😘 ~A
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shjningstars · 4 years
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𝐲𝐨𝐮  ,  𝐦𝐞  ,  𝐚𝐧𝐝  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐲𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐭  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲  𝐚𝐭  𝟑  .
as  new  york’s  wealthiest  offspring  ditched  their  rochester  prep  brooches  for  sweaters  of  their  future  colleges  and  left  their  multi - million  dollar  mansions  to  cram  it  up  in  the  freshman  dorms  middle  class  style  ,  they  left  behind  more  than  their  material  posessions  ;  they  said  goodbye  to  their  high  school  lives  and  friends  as  well  .  while  some  may  have  toted  off  together  to  the  dream  colleges  they’ve  been  talking  about  since  their  preteens  ,  others  became  so  entangled  in  the  rigorous  demands  of  the  real  world  that  it’s  been  years  since  they  last  talked  to  the  people  they  once  considered  their  family  .  this  summer  ,  twelve  former  friends  come  together  and  rent  out  a  house  in  southhampton  (  with  daddy’s  money  ,  of  course  )  with  the  intentions  of  rekindling  once  strong  bonds  ,  getting  way  too  fucked  up  ,  and  having  the  best  three  months  of  their  lives  before  returning  back  to  their  separate  lives  .  between  beach  days  ,  clam  bakes  ,  and  yacht  parties  ,  they’re  bound  to  become  entangled  in  interpersonal  drama  .  
tldr  :  kids  who  used  to  go  to  high  school  together  spending  the  summer  in  a  shared  house  in  the  hamptons  .  essentially  just  a  fun  summer  rp  !!  
you  know  the  drill  !!  muns / muses  must  be  18+  ,  no  godmodding  ,  don’t  be  an  asshole  .  try  to  keep  your  muses  around  19-25  .  banned  fcs  is  anyone  overtly  problematic  .  activity  is  pretty  lenient  and  we  won’t  check  as  much  as  an  actual  rpg  ,  you  don’t  have  to  post  on  the  dash  every day  since  this  is  a  mixed  server  group  but  all  we  ask  is  you  join  with  the  intent  of  being  active  !!
did you hear CHARACTER NAME is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the AGE IN LETTERS year old who looks like FACECLAIM. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been WHAT THEY’VE BEEN UP TO. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in AMOUNT OF TIME, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on ACTIVITY all summer. ( name/alias , timezone , url )
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐍𝐈 ( 𝟏𝟓 / 𝟏𝟓 )
did you hear CLAUDIA CASTAGNOLI is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY ONE year old who looks like CINDY KIMBERLY. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been TRAVELING and SPENDING DADDY’S MONEY. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in ONE YEAR, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on TANNING ON HER YACHT all summer. ( lauryn, cst, shjningstars )
did you hear CHELSEA KEEN is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY year old who looks like CHARLOTTE D’ALESSIO. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been RELEASING SELF-PRODUCED SINGLES AS A SOLO ARTIST. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in ONE YEAR, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on WORKING ON THEIR DEBUT ALBUM all summer. ( kels , pst , foolsongs )
did you hear XAVIER CASSIDY is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY TWO year old who looks like JACK GILINSKY. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been PLAYING FOR THE NHL. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in TWO YEARS, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on TAKING A MUCH NEEDED BREAK all summer. ( zoe , gmt+10, devilishfm )
did you hear DALLAS PRITCHARD is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY-TWO year old who looks like ALEX FITZALAN. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been DRINKING AND PARTYING, ESPECIALLY AFTER HIS MOTHER’S DEATH. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in A YEAR AND A HALF, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on GETTING SHIT-FACED all summer. ( ace , gmt +8 , sunciity )
did you hear FRANCESCA ‘FRANKIE’ GILMORE is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY ONE year old who looks like ISABELLA JONES. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been ATTENDING COLLEGE and RUNNING THEIR SORORITY. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in THREE YEARS, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on CATCHING UP WITH HER FRIENDS all summer. ( cas , cst , @flowcrbomb )
did you hear YVES CAVALLARI is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY TWO year old who looks like ARIANA GRANDE. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been TOURING THE WORLD FOR HER LATEST ALBUM. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in ONE YEAR, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on BEING HER TRUE SELF all summer. ( hanna , est , stainedful )
did you hear RILEY RIVERA is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY-FOUR year old who looks like XAVIER SERRANO. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been WORKING UNDER THEIR FATHER. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in TWO YEARS, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on LETTING LOOSE all summer. ( gracie , cst , heavensighed )
did you hear COLIN IVAN is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY-THREE year old who looks like THOMAS DOHERTY. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been WORKING FOR HIS FATHER. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in THREE YEARS, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on PARTYING AND ENJOYING THEIR MOMENT OF FREEDOM all summer. (a , mst , ladygenie )
did you hear MASON CASSO is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY-THREE year old who looks like KEITH POWERS. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been BARTENDING TO SAVE UP TO PAY OFF STUDENT LOANS. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in TWO AND A HALF YEARS, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on TRYING TO PACK IN AS MUCH PARTYING AS HE CAN all summer. ( mary , mst , onckiss )
did you hear BLAIRE MICHAELS is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY THREE year old who looks like DANIELLE CAMPBELL. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been TRAVELING THE WORLD and VLOGGING THEIR ADVENTURES. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in A YEAR AND A HALF, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on PARTYING all summer. ( ivy , gmt , swcctpeas )
did you hear ROSIE FITZGERALD is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY-ONE year old who looks like SABRINA CARPENTER. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been ATTENDING COLLEGE. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in TWO YEARS, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on RELAXING IN THE SUN all summer. ( jules , gmt -3 , brckenscvls )
did you hear JAMES LANGSTON is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY-THREE year old who looks like EVAN RODERICK. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been TRAVELLING AND VOLUNTEERING AT SHELTERS. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in A YEAR, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on RECONNECTING AND TAKING IT ONE DAY AT A TIME all summer. ( holly , gmt+8 , frgilebones )
did you hear KEILA EADES is staying in the hamptons this year? yea, the TWENTY-TWO year old who looks like MADISON ISEMAN. ever since they graduated from rochester prep, they’ve been SPENDING THEIR SUMMERS WORKING WITH UNICEF. i heard that they haven’t seen their friends in TEN MONTHS, and as soon as they reunite with the gang, they plan on PARTY PLANNING all summer. ( leesh , pst , wearyhands )
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carsonhqs · 5 years
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( JACK GILINSKY , CIS MALE , HE/HIM ) did you just see CARSON GOMES pull up on campus for the new semester ? they’re the TWENTY-ONE year old in KAPPA THETA SIGMA right ? i heard they’re a FRAT PRESIDENT . it makes perfect sense because they’re CUNNING , but at the same time LIVELY . i wonder when the black sheep is going to drop the big secret that they WERE THE RING LEADER BEHIND A HAZE GONE WRONG . anyway , i constantly hear them blasting WHY - BAZZI , tell them to keep it down , it’s quiet hours . ( em , sher/her . est & 21+ )
parents: caron’s father is a very high profile lawyer who has been practicing since he was in his mid twenties. his reputation of being a mighty python in the courtroom is what has lead him to working on some of the most infamous cases we’ve seen in the last thirty years. his mom? well, she certainly wasn’t just a doting housewife monday-friday, she also worked in PR. carson can’t really name drop who his mother censored from time to time, but kardashians. fwh. childhood: growing up, carson never had to want for anything – at least not materialistically. with two parents who were making more money than anyone could spend in a single lifetime, all he had to do was point at an item to make it his own. seeing as he was an only child, he never learned to share or coexist with others. if carson felt as if he wanted to throw a big party, he did so and if carson decided he wanted to end said party while everyone was having a good time, he did that as well. sure, he lost a few good friends due to his behavior, but at the end of the day he was filthy fucking rich and no one with half a brain walked away from his cliqué. reality check: *TW DEATH* okay so maybe his ego got a little out of hand. he started talking way too much with his fists, arguing with his dad, getting in trouble with more than just his teachers at school. the big man upstairs could see that carson needed to be humbled, or at least that’s what he has been telling himself every single day since his mother was involved in small plane crash off the coast of oahu. none of the people on the flight were ever recovered, just bits and pieces of the aircraft and personal items here and there. he spent most of his eighth grade year holding out hope that they’d find her but that day never came. some good did emerge from it, however. he did grow closer to his father and the two of them formed a bond that would likely have never been forged had life not forced them together. college: with his angsty past seemingly put to rest, carson thought he could go off to UCLA and maintain his fresh start. he couldn’t have been more wrong. not even a month in, he was encouraged to pledge a fraternity and with his dad’s legacy under his belt, he was able to easily get into kappa theta sig. that’s when the real trouble began. he drank more, worked less, and eventually became one of the top dogs around the house. the boys liked him because he wasn’t afraid to do and say the things they were thinking — he had the ability to take control of a situation even before he was put in a position of power. now that he’s president, nothing’s changed. carson pretty much gets off on having the last say and he’ll do anything to make sure his house is at the top of greek row. reputation: he’s acquired quite the rep around ucla. carson is loud, lively, aggressively free. he doesn’t constrain himself to the perfect box that his peers want to put him in. most of them excused his behavior– for awhile, considering what he had been through, but it couldn’t last forever. they call him cynical, frivolous, a true asshole. if carson had a dollar for every time someone slapped him for letting his tongue get away from him, he wouldn’t really need daddy’s money now would he? too bad daddy has officially given him an ultimatum; law school or get kicked out on his ass. it all works out though, because despite how careless the boy can be, he’s actually smart as hell. guess that pint up angst has really done wonders for his grades. desired connections: ▸ on again off again girlfriend -- carson and this girl are known for having an explosive relationship. they've been playing this same game of cat and mouse since freshman year. it's toxic, he knows this, but it still doesn't stop him from chasing that feeling he gets when she's around. does he love her? unclear. but he sure does act a fool when he sees her getting too friendly with anyone else. filled by charley ‣ best bud -- these two probably hit it off during pledge week. whatever kind of hazing they went through helped forge a bond. carson doesn't really get close to anyone, but this dude is the exception. ‣ little -- every good bro needs a little bro to take under his wing and mentor. this one is being primed to take his place upon graduation. ‣ fuck buddy -- okay so maybe he's not the perfect boyfriend. sometimes when he fights with his girl, he ends up in this person's bed. they've got a mutual understanding for their transactional relationship or so carson thinks. it wouldn't surprise anyone if things get messy. filled by alina ‣ exes and old flings -- everyone knows carson has made his way around campus. these are simply people he's got a history with.
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brysmaleidols · 4 years
Jack Gilinsky, Antoni Porowski
Can Antoni be my daddy already?
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highkeywilkinson · 8 years
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Pair of 10's
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angelicanopickles · 8 years
I call him Papi👄👅💦
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