#dad!song mingi
makeitmingi · 1 month
Everything I Could Ever Wish For!
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Genre: Romance, Comedy, Cute, Fluff
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Mom!Reader, Dad!Mingi, Son (Song Jooyun), Uncle!Ateez
Summary: It's Mingi's birthday! Even though Mingi acts indifferent about his birthday, you know he secretly loves it when you celebrate it. So with your son and the rest of Ateez, you plan the perfect birthday celebration to show Mingi just how much you appreciate and love him.
Word count: 5.6K
A/N: Happy birthday Mingles, the loml <3
Did Mingi really want to be awake at such an early hour on his birthday? Not really. He would much rather be curled up beside you in your shared bed. It was so hard for him to leave you this morning when he had to get up to get ready.
"Appa...?" His 4 year old son, Jooyun, stood at the door of his room, rubbing his eye as he held his Tyudeongi toy close to his body.
"Hey, buddy." Mingi smiled softly, bending down so he could be on a closer eye level to the sleeping child. Jooyun immediately wrapped his arms around his father's neck.
"Where you going..?" The child asked with a yawn.
"I'm going to work for a little. But I'll be back soon. In the mean time, keep mama company?" He requested.
"Mmm." Jooyun nodded. Mingi chuckled and kissed Jooyun's cheek before bringing him to your room. He carefully laid Jooyun down beside you.
"Go back to sleep, buddy." Mingi whispered, patting Jooyun's back to soothe him.
Now, Mingi REALLY didn't want to leave. You, your son and your comfy bed, that was perfect. But knowing that ATINY were waiting on him, Mingi forced himself to leave. After a lot of begging, the staff already allowed Mingi to do his birthday live at 10 am instead of the usual 2-3pm that the members do their birthday lives.
And yes, Jooyun was in love with Tyudeongi and no, Mingi was not jealous or bitter. Besides, you hug a Ddeongbyeoli to sleep and Mingi's only ever complained about it twice.
"Good morning." Mingi bowed to the manager that was waiting for him in the van.
"Happy birthday, Mingi ah." The manager wished, smiling at the taller male through the mirror. Mingi smiled gratefully as he slumped back in his seat.
"Too early?"
"Hyung, if you had to leave the love of your life and your son in your warm comfy bed on your birthday, you would be upset too." Mingi scoffed. His manager laughed and nodded in agreement.
"Happy birthday, Mingi sshi." All the staff were greeting him when he arrived at KQ.
"Thank you." Mingi bowed respectfully. He sat in the chair, waiting to do his hair and make up for the livestream.
"None of the members are even here this early." Mingi sighed as he looked at his manager in the mirror. He chuckled at Mingi's kid-like whining and placed a coffee and muffin down on the table for him to eat as breakfast.
"I think only Yeosang and Wooyoung are coming in for dance workshop later." His manager informed, scrolling on his phone. Mingi took his phone out and took a selfie.
'I wish I was still in bed with you and Jooyun :( - Mingi'
He sent the pouting photo of himself to you. Seeing as to how you haven't opened the message, he guessed you were either still asleep or busy with Jooyun.
"Okay, 15 minutes, Mingi ah." His manager called. After his hair and make up, Mingi went to get changed.
"Woah, look at all the ATINY in the waiting room." Mingi said, looking over the director's shoulder.
"Of course, it's Mingi's birthday." The director laughed, making Mingi jokingly scoff. He checked his appearance one more time before sitting in the chair to get ready.
"Wow, you guys prepared a lot." Mingi looked around at the backdrop and all the props that was used to decorate the area. This year, his birthday merch was a Fix On hoodie that he designed himself. Taking another sip of his coffee, Mingi stretched his arms over his head and finally took a seat.
"Do I look okay? Can you see the hoodie properly?" Mingi asked the staff member, who look through the streaming camera.
"Looks good, Mingi sshi." She nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Mingi smiled in satisfaction, leaning back in his seat and sending you a final text.
'Going to start the stream soon, baby. Watch it if you have time. After this, I'm coming home to you. - Mingi'
"3, 2, 1!" The staff counted down and the room went quiet as Mingi smiled for the camera.
"Good morning, ATINY~" He waved. Checking the tablet beside him, he was touched at how many fans turned up so early for him. That made waking up worth it.
The stream went on like any other birthday stream, singing a birthday song, blowing out the candles and cutting the cake, then hearing messages and voice notes from the members.
"You can't wait for the hoodie? I can't wait to see all of you get it and wear it. Please post it so I can see." He read the comments. Mingi avoided questions that directly asked about you, not that he was ashamed or anything, he just respected your want for privacy.
"I don't know what I plan to do for the rest of the day. Maybe we'll go for dinner...?" He shrugged.
"We still have some time before the stream ends so I'll unwrap presents and answer more questions." Mingi smiled as the staff brought over the presents.
"Let's see. We'll start with this-"
"Appa!" Mingi's head shot up and he blinked at the sudden shout. It sounded a lot like Jooyun.
"Hold on, ATINY." Mingi stood up to look over the staff members and set up. Yunho was standing there with a grin, dressed in plain clothes as he held Jooyun's hand. The two of them waved to Mingi.
"Yunho just appeared with Jooyun." Mingi informed.
"Woah, the comments are going crazy." Mingi noted at the fast moving comments, all the fans wanting to see Jooyun.
"Come here. It's okay." Mingi waved the two over, unable to hide his smile. It was his best friend and his son, of course he was happy. Yunho came over, carefully leading Jooyun over the wires. Jooyun appeared on screen, his height just tall enough to let his eyes able to peek over the table.
"Aigo. There we go, you can see better like this." Mingi lifted Jooyun onto his lap. Jooyun still hugged his Tyudeongi close to his body, looking around in confusion.
"Hello, ATINY~ Did you all wish Princess Mingki a happy birthday?" Yunho bowed and waved with a friendly smile.
"Say hello, buddy." Mingi whispered. Jooyun turned his head to scan the room then looked up at his father.
"Hello to who?" He asked. Yunho and Mingi couldn't help but laugh.
"The fans are watching through the camera." Yunho explained, reaching out of ruffle Jooyun's hair. Jooyun still looked a little lost but followed his uncle's instructions, waving and bowing his head.
"Good boy." Mingi pinched Jooyun's cheek. The staff pushed a small chair for Yunho to sit.
It wasn't long before Mingi and Yunho bid goodbye to the fans. They were disappointed but they already overran their planned time with Yunho and Jooyun appearing. With waves and goodbyes, the stream was turned off.
"Happy birthday! Were you sur... prised?" Jooyun asked Mingi.
"Yeah, I was. But buddy, are you here on your own? Where's mama?" Mingi carried Jooyun out of the filming area as the staff were trying to pack up. Jooyun shrugged and turned to Yunho.
"(y/n) knew you were streaming so she texted me. She was called in for a work emergency so she dropped Jooyun off." Yunho explained.
"Oh..." Mingi nodded, checking his phone. You hadn't even texted him.
Mingi couldn't really complain. There were multiple times whereby he had to choose work over you, Jooyun and special dates. And you've never once made him feel guilty about it.
"Shall we grab brunch?" Yunho suggested, seeing how Mingi tried his best to hide his disappointment.
"Yes! Yes!" Jooyun jumped up and down excitedly. The plan was to go home but if you weren't there, Mingi might as well go for brunch.
"Okay but you're paying." Mingi chuckled. Yunho saluted and went to wait with Jooyun while Mingi changed out of his prepared clothes and wiped off the make up. Once he was in plain clothes, Mingi gratefully bowed to all the staff that were there for coming early to help him with the stream.
"Have a nice birthday, Mingi sshi." They all waved and bowed. Before stepping out of the room, Mingi sent you another text and tucked his phone into his pocket.
"Let's go, you two." Mingi called out to his best friend and son, who were busy making funny faces to take selfies.
"There we go." Mingi fastened Jooyun to his booster seat. He sat in the back with him while Yunho sat in the passenger seat.
"Hey, beautiful." Mingi answered, leaning back in his seat. He was glad that you called. Some sort of worry stirred within him after you hadn't replied to any of his texts.
"Hey, love. Sorry, I just dropped Jooyun off without any warning. It's... hectic." The guilt, regret and sadness in your voice was enough to tell Mingi that you were already making yourself feel bad.
"No, don't apologise, baby. I'm not angry. He had a great time with Yunho and the staff." Mingi chuckled.
"I'm glad to hear that... Ugh, I've got to go, I'll talk to you later." You seemed rushed and hung up before he could even reply. Mingi pursed his lips, he knew it wasn't your fault but he still felt a sinking in his chest.
"Why the long face?" Yunho asked.
"She hasn't wished me... And I guess I expected to spend my birthday with her and Jooyun but she got called for work." Mingi shrugged, trying to brush it off.
"But I know I can't say anything. She has always been forgiving and understanding when I have to put work first." Mingi continued.
"That's true. (y/n)'s one of a kind. I would have dumped you." Yunho teased with a snicker.
"Yah, my son is here." Mingi rolled his eyes. Trust Yunho to know how to put a smile on Mingi's face. When their manager pulled up outside the cafe, Yunho helped Jooyun out of his car seat.
"Thanks again, hyung." Mingi went to hug the manager.
"You're welcome, Mingi ah. Oh, and happy birthday from me and my wife." The manager took a money envelope out and handed it to him.
"Hyung, you know I can't." Mingi shook his head, wanting to refuse the monetary gift.
"Just take it. My wife will kill me if I go back with it." He chuckled. Mingi conceeded with a nod, he usually put all of his birthday money into the account you and him set up for Jooyun. He wanted the money to go to a good cause and this was his good cause, ensuring a future for Jooyun.
"Appa!" Jooyun called. Mingi tucked the money envelope into his clutch and headed to follow the two into the cafe.
"I want waffles!" Jooyun said.
"Magic word?" Mingi reminded.
"Please! Waffles!" He added amidst his excited giggling. Mingi chuckled and patted Jooyun's head. The 3 found a booth seat tucked in the corner, granting them a little more privacy.
"I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON!" You wailed, throwing your phone aside as you fell back onto the couch.
"Yes, you are." Wooyoung poked his head out of the kitchen to reply. You poked an eye open and nearly gave him the finger.
"Ignore him. You're not a horrible person, (y/n). Why would you say that?" Yeosang asked, sitting beside you and taking your hand into his lap to comfort you.
"Mingi sounded so sad on the phone. He's probably disappointed I'm at 'work' or that I haven't even wished him happy birthday. How can I make him so sad on his birthday?" You pouted, falling against Yeosang's shoulder.
"You're like Jooyun throwing a tantrum." Jongho said.
"Shut it. I hate you all." You hissed. Safe to say, you got along really well with the Ateez members.
"What did we do?" Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, gesturing to himself, San and Hongjoong. But honestly, they were used to you bickering with Wooyoung and Jongho.
"Let's just get this done before they come home early." You rubbed your temples.
Yes, this was all a plan to surprise Mingi for his birthday. You were initially unsure about it but the boys assured you it'll be fine.
"I need help wrapping his presents. They got delivered earlier today." You said. San followed you to the room to help you bring the stack of presents out.
"Wow, talk about overboard." Hongjoong whistled.
"Well, I blame all of you for making me stressed with this genius plan of yours. I felt like I needed to buy all this because I felt bad for making him upset on his birthday." You frowned before going to retrieve all the wrapping paper. There were different ones, all leftovers from Jooyun's presents.
"He'll be fine. He has Yunho and Jooyun there with him. That's all he needs." Wooyoung teased you. He always liked to joke that Yunho was Mingi's number 1 person.
"Just make the cake or I'll bash your face into it." You threatened through gritted teeth.
"Captain, she's threatening me." Wooyoung complained to Hongjoong, who just sighed and facepalmed.
"Uh, hang on, San. Some of the deliveries aren't presents for Mingi. I haven't had the chance to sort them." You said, checking the different invoices and delivery slips.
"I'm guessing this Aniteez one isn't a present?" San raised an eyebrow, holding up the box.
"Oh, yeah. Jooyun felt bad for not having Bbyongming so he wanted one. And I ordered Ddeongbyeoli's new yellow coat." You showed.
"Jooyun's getting Bbyongming while you're still hugging Ddeongbyeoli? I wonder who is the mature one." Jongho asked.
"I don't like your tone. And please, as if Jooyun will give up Tyudeongi. They're like best friends. So don't bring Byeoli into this." You scoffed. Seonghwa could only watch in amusement as you spoke fondly of his Aniteez character.
"Mingi's texting me." You paused the gift wrapping, a sad look on your face as you looked at Mingi's texts. He sent you pictures of Jooyun and him enjoying brunch.
"Aww, look at them." You showed the photos to San, who smiled softly at the father and son.
"Come, let me reply." Seonghwa took your phone to help you reply much to your protest.
'Enjoy yourselves, you two. - (y/n)'
Mingi looked at your reply. It was so... dry and unlike you. As Yunho went to pay the bill, Mingi was left the stew in his thoughts. Did he perhaps do something to upset you?
No, not that he can think of. Or did you just forget his birthday?
For a long time, Mingi did say that to him, a birthday was like any other day. He didn't want you to go out of your way to plan something big for him, he enjoyed just being with you and Jooyun.
But now that you hadn't wished him or spent time with him on his birthday, he was feeling a little hollow. Maybe you were busy and forgot, which is completely understandable. You've been juggling large work assignments and Jooyun since Mingi was always busy with work or overseas.
"Appa, are you okay?" Jooyun tugged on his father's sleeve with a small tilt of his head.
"I'm fine, buddy." Mingi smiled, combing Jooyun's hair back. Yunho returned to the table after having paid for brunch. Both father and son thanked him for the meal.
"Shall we go hang out at home?" Mingi asked, gathering his things and standing up, helping Jooyun off the chair.
"Not yet. There's somewhere we have to go first." Yunho smiled with a glint in his eye.
"What are you planning, Yun...?" Mingi knew Yunho long enough to know that look. Yunho innocently shrugged and guided the two out of the cafe. He booked a car, not telling Mingi the address.
"Samchon, where are we going?" Now Jooyun was confused too. And Mingi knew Yunho wouldn't ignore Jooyun.
"It's a surprise." Yunho giggled, putting a finger to his lips.
"I like surprises!" Jooyun cheered. Mingi wanted to facepalm, he had hoped that Jooyun would pressed Yunho more for the answer as to where they were headed. That was when the car pulled up in front of a mall. But not any ordinary mall, a mall with high end stores.
"You already know we're here for your present." Yunho nudged Mingi, who rubbed the back of his neck, the realisation sinking in. Why else would they be here?
"Good afternoon." The door man at one of the shops welcomed them.
"Hi, appointment for Jeong Yunho." Yunho said, showing the lady inside the reservation on his phone.
"Oh, yes. Mr Jeong. Please take a seat, can I get you anything to drink in the mean time? Coffee, tea, champagne or juice for the boy?" The lady asked.
"Two iced coffees, please. And yes, a juice box for my nephew too." Yunho ordered.
"Of course." She bowed and walked away. Mingi kept Jooyun on his lap, not wanting him to wander around.
"Look, appa! A doggy like Tyudeongi." Jooyun kicked his feet as he saw one of the fancy cloth animals that people would buy and decorate their houses with.
"Yeah, it is. But don't touch it, okay?" Mingi said. Jooyun nodded obediently. When the lady came, he received the juice box and took a sip while Mingi drank his coffee. The store manager of the store came out to greet them. Mingi sat Jooyun on the chair to shake hands with the suited male.
"Happy birthday, Mr Song." He wished.
"Thanks." Mingi smiled. Before they could get what they came for, the staff came out with a small cake and candles, all of them clapping and singing happy birthday.
"Cake!" Jooyun exclaimed happily.
"Thank you, thank you." Mingi bowed to everyone and closed his eyes to make a quick wish before blowing the candles.
"We will box the cake for you." The store manager nodded to one of the employees, who brought the cake away. After that, he wheeled out a coat rack with a single coat.
"Wow... Is this for me?" Mingi was in awe, feeling the material of the black coat.
"Yes, custom cashmere coat. Dark red silk lining." The manager continued to list the details of the coat.
"You did all this?" Mingi turned to his best friend, who nodded his head. Mingi walked over, engulfing Yunho in a big hug. He knew this coat must not have been cheap and every small detail had been customised by Yunho.
"Try it on." Yunho said. The manager placed the coat onto Mingi's shoulders and he went to look at the mirror. It complimented Mingi's frame well.
"It feels amazing and sits nicely on my shoulders." He ran his fingers against the material.
"I'm happy to hear that. You look great, Mr Song." The manager complimented, making Mingi's ears heat up.
Mingi liked that it was simple looking on the outside, like a regular black coat. Only he and Yunho will know all the effort that was put into designing and planning this coat.
"Appa looks so cool~" Jooyun sang.
"Thanks, buddy." Mingi chuckled. He snapped a photo and sent it to you, not mentioning it was a gift from Yunho.
"If there are no adjustments you need to make, Mr Song, you are welcomed to take the coat home today." The manager smiled. Mingi turned to Yunho.
"It's up to you." Yunho shrugged. Mingi nodded to the manager, he can't wait to show it to you in real life. After removing the coat, Mingi passed it to the manager, who folded it and wrapped it up neatly, tying everything together with a ribbon. Mingi and Yunho received the paper bag with a bow.
"Come on, Joo." Mingi held his hand out to his son, who quickly ran over to hold his hand.
"Maybe if (y/n) is done with work, we could swing by and pick her up before going home." Mingi thought out loud as he walked.
'Wow, that coat looks great on you! But you're handsome with or without the coat anyway <3 And no need to pick me, I'll see you at home? - (y/n)'
'And I'm quite tired. Can we just get takeout tonight? - (y/n)'
Now, that sounded like you. Mingi smiled to himself as Yunho hailed a cab for the 3 of them.
But you still hadn't wished him or showed any signs of realising what day it was. So at that point, Mingi assumed you genuinely forgot. It's fine, as long as you were not angry or upset with him.
"Where are we going now?" Jooyun asked his father and uncle.
"Going home to see mama." Mingi replied. Just like Mingi, Jooyun was obsessed with you. Therefore, after hearing your name, Jooyun's eyes lit up with excitement. Of course, Jooyun loves both his parents but he was a mama's boy.
"Yay! I missed mama." Jooyun giggled as they got into the cab. Mingi nodded in agreement. Half his birthday was gone and he had yet to speak to you face to face.
When the cab pulled up to the apartment building, Yunho watched the father and son excitedly head upstairs to the house.
"You two are so alike sometimes, it's scary." He laughed as Mingi keyed in the code for the house.
"Shh, I think mama might be asleep, buddy. So let's be quiet." Mingi whispered to Jooyun when he noticed all the lights were off. Until the lights turned on.
"SURPRISE!" You and the other Ateez members jumped out. Mingi's eyes widened in surprise.
"What- How? I- What?" He blinked in confusion.
"The boys made me lie to you and give you the cold shoulder to surprise you. I wasn't at the office." You chuckled, much to the protest of the Ateez boys. When his eyes fell on you, Mingi crossed the room and pulled you into a hug. He buried his face into your shoulder while you squeezed him.
"I thought you were mad at me or something." He mumbled.
"Ah, that was the boys stealing my phone to reply to you. Why would I be mad at you, hmm?" You pulled away to cup his cheeks, a soft smile on your face.
"Happy birthday, Song Mingi." You wished and tip toed to give him a sweet kiss while his arms moved to wrap around your waist.
"Yah, in case you forgot, we're still here. Plus, there's a kid in the room!" Wooyoung screeched.
"Aish, let them have their moment. They haven't seen each other and it's Mingi's birthday." San grabbed Wooyoung, putting him in a headlock, making him yell.
"Sorry I was made to be mean to you on your birthday. I feel awful." You pouted with a small frown, stroking his cheek.
"It's all good, beautiful. I'm just glad you didn't forget my birthday nor are you mad at me." He said.
"I would never forget your birthday, Min. Remember, I play Ateez Superstar? Your birthday event has been going on." You giggled. Apart from being Mingi's wife and the mother of his child, you were also a dedicated ATINY.
"Mama!" Jooyun finally ran over to hug your legs. You bent down to hug Jooyun, showering him in kisses while Mingi went to greet the other members.
"I did good?" Jooyun asked.
"You did amazing, baby. You and samchon. Good job." You patted his head. He laughed shyly, throwing his arms around your neck.
"Now that Mingi is here, we can eat!" Yeosang said with delight. You nodded and gestured for the boys to start eating. Mingi wasn't rushed, he came over to hug you.
"I missed you the whole day." He whispered, pressing his lips to your temple and letting it linger there for a bit.
"I missed you too." You hugged him tightly.
"Okay, lovebirds. Better get food before it's all gone." Seonghwa laughed with two full plates in his hands. You didn't need to worry, knowing someone will help Jooyun or share food with him.
"Galbi!" Jooyun pointed excitedly and San grabbed two pieces to put onto the plate that Jongho was holding, presumably Jooyun's plate. Seeing San help with getting Jooyun's food settled, you and Mingi went to get your own food. Mingi's arm stayed around your waist the entire time.
"Separate them for half a day and they can't seem to keep their hands off each other." Yunho chuckled.
"Jooyun's going to get another sibling tonight." Wooyoung smirked.
"Don't say that in front of the kid!" Hongjoong slapped his arm. Jooyun blinked innocently, focused on the piece of meat Seonghwa had cut up for him.
"My baby eats so well." You came to sit with Jooyun and cooed at him. He grinned at you, making you pinch his cheek.
"It's my birthday. Only look at me." Mingi drew your attention back to him with a childish pout.
"I know it's your birthday but Jooyun is your child too." You shot Mingi a flat look. Both Mingi and Jooyun always liked to fight for your attention. The two of them arguing on who hugs you, etc.
The rest of the party was spent just chilling, the boys even played some video games. Hongjoong had moved to the room with Jooyun to play with him and you went to check on them, mostly wanting Jooyun to have his nap.
"Min! Come look." You whispered, pointing to Jooyun's room. You saw Hongjoong and Jooyun sleeping together in his bed, the both fast asleep.
"The captain can really sleep anywhere." Mingi scoffed softly.
"That's not what I meant..." You slapped your forehead. Snapping a quick picture of the two, you pushed Mingi out of the room.
"No wonder the two of them were playing so quietly in the room." Yeosang chuckled.
"Shall we cut the cake after Jooyun and Hongjoong wake up from their nap?" You asked the rest with a giggle as Mingi grabbed your waist to make you sit on his lap on the couch.
"They both need naps or they'll be grumpy." Jongho joked. Seonghwa laughed and nodded in agreement.
"Don't you wanna play?" You asked Mingi softly, seeing the boys engage in a game of Mario Kart.
"No, I'd rather be here." He grinned, leaning in to press his forehead against your temple. You slung your arm around his neck and gave him a peck on the cheek. Honestly, there was nowhere else you'd rather be but to be close to Mingi. With his hectic schedule, you hardly had time for each other.
"Aish!" Wooyoung cursed when San threw a shell at him. You were so glad Jooyun wasn't here. The boys, including Mingi, have been caught using 'bad' language around Jooyun before.
"Shh, Jooyun and Joong are sleeping." You shushed him.
"You just get back to smooching with Mangi." Wooyoung scoffed in reply. You felt your cheeks heat up.
"Yah, Jung Wooyoung." Mingi scolded when you scooched out of his lap in embarrassment. You laughed and went to the kitchen to get more drinks for everyone.
"Baby~" Mingi whined, trapping you in his arms between his body and the counter.
"Why are you whining?" You grasped his chin. He held your wrist to move your hand as he leaned down to kiss you.
"Wanna be with you." He mumbled, his head dropping onto your shoulder as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck. You stroked the back of his head.
"You ARE with me, that's why we have a son. A son that you're sounding a lot like right now." You laughed, shaking your head at how silly Mingi was being. Jooyun already looks like Mingi so when the two whine, they looked even more similar.
"Alright, let me fix more drinks and snacks for the boys." You patted his hip.
"Let me help. I'm sure you've been busy planning this surprise and putting up with the boys at the same time." Mingi kissed your temple and tried to take over.
"No, you're the birthday boy. It's fine." You stroked his cheek but Mingi used his height, holding the juice jug away from you.
"Alright, you do the drinks and I'll do the snacks." You said, beginning to get some snacks together.
It didn't take long for Jooyun to wake up from his nap. Hongjoong came to get you and Mingi but Mingi beat you to it, going to his room to comfort him.
"Sleep well, buddy?" Mingi asked, sitting Jooyun on his lap and brushing his hair out of his face. You went in to see the two.
"Mama..." Jooyun reached out to you. You sent Mingi a smug smile and picked Jooyun up into your arms from Mingi's lap. He buried his face into your chest. Once Jooyun was settled and a feeling more sociable, you brought him out so you could cut Mingi's birthday cake. He didn't want to leave your side though.
"We're cutting appa's cake, baby." You said to him. Jooyun looked on curiously but still hugged your leg, his other arm wrapped around his precious Tyudeongie.
"Come." Mingi lifted Jooyun up into his arms as San lit the candles. Wooyoung took a video of everyone singing the birthday song.
"Make a wish, Mingi." You smiled.
"I already have everything I could ever wish for." Mingi smiled back, leaning to steal a peck.
"Boooooooo!!" The other boys jeered, making you giggle. Mingi rolled his eyes but leaned down to blow out the candles, making everyone clap and cheer.
"Picture time!" Yunho said and the boys all took turns to take picture with Mingi while you cut the cake. Yeosang and Seonghwa helped.
When the cake and presents were done, the boys helped to clean up before leaving so you and Mingi could spend the evening together. Jooyun, exhausted from the activities from the entire day, went to bed even earlier than he usually does.
"He's asleep?" Mingi sat up from bed as you came back into the room. You nodded and climbed into bed with him.
"Come here, my love." Mingi pulled you to him.
"Happy birthday, Song Mingi. I hope you enjoyed yourself and had a good birthday. Thank you for being you." You looked up at him, meeting his eyes. Mingi squeezed your waist.
"Thank you for today. Even if the boys' plan was to make you ignore me, the party itself was great. Couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my birthday." Mingi smiled softly, kissing the top of your head.
"I'm glad." You giggled.
"You know, I realised something." Mingi suddenly said. You tilted your head at him.
"I always say my birthday doesn't mean much to me but today, I think it does. Because it's when I get to spend an entire day with you." He hugged you tightly.
"Oh, Mingi. You can always spend time with me, not only on your birthday." You stroked his cheek with your thumb.
"Mm-mm, it's different. I don't know how to describe it, maybe it's because I know we won't be interrupted by our jobs or anyone else on this day. It's just a day where we can be in our own bubble. With Jooyun, of course. I hate when my job takes me away from the both of you." He smiled sadly.
"I know it's hard but if it weren't for your job, we wouldn't have met. We may spend time apart but you know you'll always have the two of us to come home to." You smiled softly.
"I know. I am so grateful for everything you do for me while I barely give anything to you and Jooyun in return." He nodded.
"Don't say that, you do a lot for me too, Mingi. And Jooyun loves you dearly." You giggled.
"I love you both so much. You're already everything I could ever wish for and on top of that, you gave me Jooyun. Thank you." He leaned down to press his lips against yours.
"Are you going to tell me what you wished for?" You asked.
"I thought you're not supposed to tell what you wished for or else it won't come true?" Mingi teased.
"I'm sure there are exceptions, such as to the mother of your child." You rolled your eyes. Mingi laughed and hugged your waist, burying his face against your chest like Jooyun does.
"Okay, I'm not lying. I really didn't wish for anything. I didn't see the need to. I already have you, I have Jooyun. There's nothing else I want but for the both of you to be happy and healthy." Mingi smiled softly, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
"As long as we have you, we'll always be happy and healthy." You hummed, feeling your heart swell at his words.
"You've raised Jooyun well, I'm excited to watch him grow up with you. And perhaps, even watch other children grow up with him." Mingi squeezed your hand.
"We've raised Jooyun well. I couldn't have done this alone, Min. Don't shortchange what you've done too." You stroked his head.
"And when the time comes, when we're ready, we can discuss having more children." You added.
"Really? You would have more? With me?" He met your eyes, his own sparkling with anticipation and excitement. You burst out laughing, cupping his cheeks in your hands.
"Of course with you! Who else? And I'm not making promises but I am open to the idea of giving Jooyun siblings." You said.
"Also, I noticed that you said 'siblings' plural so that means you're open to having more than one more. Now, I really can't wait for that to happen." Mingi smirked playfully and squeezed your waist, making your cheeks heat up.
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kairoot · 11 months
❝ 𝟖:𝟎𝟏 𝐚.𝐦. ❞ | smg.
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff !
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : none really, lower case is used
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 : no
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : dad!mingi x black!fem!reader
author’s note: i apologize in advance for the amount of baby content you guys are about to see. my baby fever has been through the roof
ss ➜ in which mingi spends a day with his daughter alone, for the first time in a while. just a daddy-daughter day : p
“mingi,” you pat your husband’s shoulder. he stirred around a bit, but you received no response.
“mingi.” you repeated, more sternly this time. you shook his shoulder causing him to hum.
“gi, i’m leaving.”
“mhm.” he shifted against the pillow, eyes still not opening.
“jordyns’ in her room, babe. make sure she eats something in time. and you too; get something to eat.” you grabbed your things, heading for the door and stopping to look back at mingi’s dormant form.
a few seconds passed by before he gave you another hum, and fell back into his dreams.
you shook your head, smiling and headed for the door.
mingi awoke to a small figure climbing on to him, arms wrapped around his neck.
“bubba? what are you doing awake?” his voice came out groggy as he brought a hand up to rub the sleep out of his eye.
“daddy, it’s morning.” jordyn said, answering his question.
“right..” he mumbled.
he brought a hand down to her small back, rubbing circles as he tightly embraced her. the two year old nuzzled her face into her father’s chest, still trying to wake up.
mingi continued his mini massage, occasionally kissing jordyn’s forehead until she lifted her head.
“daddy, i’m hungry.” she pouted slightly, sitting up all the way this time. mingi cooed at her expression, now noticing that he needed something in his belly as well.
he rubbed his stomach, trying to calm the growling and gurgling, “me too.. let’s go make something, yeah?”
jordyn nodded, climbing off of the bed and running to the door. mingi sat up slowly, eyes still adjusting to the bright room.
she urged her puffy-eyed father to move faster, hunger pains starting to irritate her. mingi just chuckled, walking over by the door and scooping her up in his arms.
now standing in the kitchen, mingi decided to make one of jordyn’s favorites; pancakes.
“daddy, where’s mama?” she spoke in her small voice, pout visible in her tone.
“she’s at work, baby,” he cooed at her once again, feeling empathetic towards the girl. “it’ll just be you and daddy today, okay?”
she nodded slowly, eyes turning back to her show on the tv. mingi finished cooking, bringing her plate to the table and pouring juice for the both of them.
he sat next to jordyn, both of them digging into their plates. jordyn hummed in approval at the pancakes.
“is it good, mama?” mingi laughed at her expression. she nodded, going back in for about two more bites.
the dishes were settled in the sink, mingi sat on the couch with jordyn next to him, playing with her toys. he scrolled through his phone for some time before it began to ring with an incoming facetime call.
“jojo, hi!” wooyoung beamed on the other side of the screen. jordyn’s attention was taken away from her activities as she grinned at the sight of her uncle.
“uncle youngie!” she let out a tiny gasp, wooyoung responding with an ‘awe’.
seonghwa joined in, taking the phone away from wooyoung. him and mingi chatted for some time, while wooyoung and jordyn made faces at each other through the screen.
“so, what do you plan on doing for today?” seonghwa asked mingi.
“nothing really, i might stop by the studio. or maybe me and jojo’ll get some lunch.” he shrugged, running a hand through his disheveled strands. hwa nodded as they continued to talk, sharing thoughts on different topics and family life.
after hanging up, mingi decided that him and his daughter would actually be productive. him and jordyn went upstairs to her room, choosing to get her ready first.
he dug through her drawer and closet until he found something that fit for the cloudy weather. he got her dressed and moved to her hair.
now, mingi wasn’t an expert but he had seen you do your daughter’s hair so many times so he had an idea of what to put in it.
he sat her in his lap, applying the curling cream you bought for her. with her being mixed, her curls could either get really loose or really tight. he rubbed the product together and then applied it all over her head.
he brushed through it gently, having zero intentions on hurting his baby. he sprayed a bit of water before throwing her hair back up into a messy ponytail.
mingi now hustled down the steps of your home, bag and toddler in his hands. he grabbed his keys, making sure he had everything before heading out the door.
he opened the door to his black vehicle, placing jordyn in her seat. he made sure everything was buckled before he made his way to the drivers side.
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author’s note: this actually turned out shorter than it was meant to be. i had more ideas but i forgot them cause this has been sitting in my drafts for like 2 weeks now..
taglist: @haechansbbg (message or comment to be added)
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maxsix · 8 months
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allyallyorange · 6 months
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Something something rich and spoiled son of millionaire, rebellious rockstar, etc etc
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deja-vux · 1 year
Dad!ATEEZ Introductions
Kim Hongjoong
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Age: 36
Marital Status: Married, 10 years
Children(age/gender): Soojin-수진(6/F), Seyoon-세윤(2/M)
Nicknames for his kids: Soojin-Soo, Jinnie, Soojinnie, Soosoo, Princess Seyoon-Yoonie, Yoon, Yoonbear, Little Prince
Park Seonghwa
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Age: 36
Marital Status: Married, 12 years
Children(age/gender): Minseok-민석(10/M), Misun-미순(9/F)
Nicknames for his kids: Minseok-Min, Minnie, Mini-Me Misun-Minnie, Sunny, Sunshine
Jeong Yunho
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Age: 35
Marital Status: Married, 8 years
Children(age/gender):Hyoyeon-효연(8/F), Hwayoung-화영(5/F)
Nicknames for his kids: Hyoyeon- Hyo, Hyoyeonnie, Little Star Hwayoung-Wawa, Hwa, Nugget
Kang Yeosang
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Age: 35
Marital Status: Married, 8 years
Children(age/gender): Eunbyul-은별(5/F), Eunjung-은정(1/F)
Nicknames for his kids: Eunbyul-Eunnie, Byul, Miracle Eunjung-Junnie, Jun, Bubs
Choi San
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Age: 35
Marital Status: Engaged~Dating, 8 years
Children(age/gender): Yuri- 유리(9/F), Yoongi-윤기(8/M)
Nicknames for his kids: Yuri-Yuyu, Kitten Yoongi-Yoonie, Monkey
Song Mingi
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Age: 35
Marital Status: Married, 8 years
Children(age/gender):Daewon-대원(10/M) & Chaewon-채원(10/F), Daeho-대호(4/M)
Nicknames for his kids: Daewon-Dae, Won, Thing 1 Chaewon-Chae, Wonnie, Thing 2 Daeho-Dae Dae, Thing 3
Jung Wooyoung
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Age: 35
Marital Status: Married, 7 years
Children(age/gender): Youngjae-영재(3/M), Yejin-예진(3mo/F) & Yujin-유진(3mo/F)
Nicknames for his kids: Youngjae- Jae, JJ, Lil Boss Yejin-Yeji, Jinnie, Ducky Yujin-Yuji, Yuyu, Chicky
Choi Jongho
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Age: 34
Marital Status: Married, 4 years
Children(age/gender): Minho-민호(10/M), Minjoon-민준(3/M)
Nicknames for his kids: Minho-Minnie, Min, Little Moon Minjoon-Min, Joonie, Joon, Ace
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flurrys-creativity · 2 years
Vampire Dad
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Pairing: Song Mingi (Ateez) x Fem!Reader; Genre: Fluff, Parent AU, Supernatural AU; Rating: sfw, pg-15; Warnings: vampire mingi, vampire daughter, term of vampire being used for a genetical mutation, mentions of being burned at the stake, a floating child, being bitten, mingi trying to make pancakes, mentions of the superstitions against vampires, upset reader, somewhat angry mingi, ONE suggestive joke; Wordcount: 875
Summary: Vampires were feared by society and the town would do anything to eliminate them. So keeping your family, a.k.a your husband and daughter, save was your utmost priority. Even when your daughter made the task almost impossibly harder.
A/N: I forgot how I got this idea, I just remember it’s @sanjoongie​ ‘s fault... maybe @mingsolo​‘s fault too... yeah probably.. I wrote for Mingi after all :D
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You had to fight the urge running straight to your four year old daughter, floating around the living room. Your motherly instincts flared up, wanting nothing more than to save your little girl. Despite the fact she clearly needed no help.
Biting down on your lower lip, you stormed over to the windows instead. You closed the curtains and silently prayed nobody had seen a floating child in your home.
If anyone had, your daughter - no your whole family - would be in trouble. All of you would be burnt on the stake as vampires. 
You sighed as you clutched the fabric, the mental image haunting you. Vampires weren’t real - at least not in the way the media portrayed them. Yet scientists haven’t created a better term for people with a specific genetic mutation. A mutation that portrays some of the common myths about vampires.
Your husband was one of these “vampires” and when your daughter was born she inherited the mutation as well. 
You turned around and glared at your floating kid. Whenever she got her ration of blood to let her small body develop normally, she abused her vampiric powers that came along with it. “Listen here, young lady”, you almost growled while you wagged a finger at her and carefully approached her. “I told you over a hundred times to keep your human appearance.”
She only giggled and shook her head, moving further up and slowly out of your reach.
You inhaled sharply and pressed your lips into a thin line. As much as you wanted your daughter to be herself as freely as possible, you had to make sure nobody would ever know. As soon as your secret got out the people in this town would freak out, fearing the “evil” that the “vampires” would bring upon them.
Without hesitation you jumped up and grabbed your child, pulling it down and into your arms. You were about to scold her again, when she suddenly bit you - her fangs piercing your skin. You let her go reflexively, watching how she floated back up to the ceiling.
Now she glared at you, droplets of your blood running down her chin.
You glared back, ignoring the pulsing pain in your upper arm. “That’s it”, you hissed and stormed out of the living room. 
You surprised Mingi in the kitchen, where he unsuccessfully tried to make pancakes. With the rage roaring inside of you, you pulled Mingi away from the stove and pushed him against the counter top. You stared up at him, needing to breathe deeply several seconds before you could talk to him. 
His eyes flicked over your face and body, shortly zoning in on the bite mark on your upper arm and the slowly drying blood that had trickled down. “What happened?” He asked, voice layered in concern.
“Our daughter happened. Floating in broad daylight. In front of open windows.”
Mingi’s lips twitched with amusement and he quickly relaxed again, grateful it wasn’t anything serious. 
“And when I pulled her down she bit me.”
“Just close the curtains and let her be. She only has those spurts after her blood meal. She’ll be out of power in a few days again.” Mingi shrugged with his shoulders, about to turn back to the stove.
“If you don’t teach our daughter basic vampire 101, I swear to god, I’ll drive a stake through your heart”, you hissed, knowing full well the fury within you made you say such harsh things. You stepped away from him, taking a deep breath. “She bit me”, you said - a lot calmer now - “I can’t believe you’d just let that behaviour slide.” You swallowed the lump in your throat, feeling the tears well up in your eyes. “Aren’t you in the slightest bit concerned our baby could be caught? You know what will happen! How could you be so calm about that?”
When the first tear trickled down your cheek, Mingi realised how upset you actually felt. He quickly pulled you against his body and wrapped his arms around your smaller form, rubbing one large hand over your back. Once you had calmed down again and only hid your face against his chest, he called for your daughter.
His eyes narrowed as she floated into the kitchen. “Down. Now.” Mingi watched silently until your daughter stood on the ground, looking up at him with the biggest pout. “You know full well that we have rules, young lady. And you know the consequences for ignoring them.” 
You peaked at your daughter, seeing her nod slowly. “No blood until next year”, she whispered and looked down at the floor.
“And I expect something else from you”, Mingi added, his chin shortly pointing towards you as he stared sternly at your daughter, waiting.
“I’m sorry momma.”
“Sorry for what?”
You hesitantly tugged at Mingi’s shirt, thinking it was already enough but he ignored it.
“Sorry for not listening to you.”
“Sorry for biting you too.”
Mingi tightened his hug around you, nodding proudly. “That’s right.” He kissed the top of your head. “Daddy is the only one allowed to bite mommy.”
“MINGI!” You sputtered incredulously, before you started laughing and shaking your head. He always knew how to lighten the mood again. 
© all rights reserved
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ @songsoomin​ 
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stay-tiny2021 · 2 years
Dad!AU ATEEZ Children
These are the children I will write about for each member when writing Dad!AU prompts!
kim hongjoong
Kim Sung Jae (김성재) & Kim Min Jeong (김민정) (fraternal twins)
park seonghwa
Park Ari (박아리)
Park Ye Rim (박예림)
jeong yunho
Jeong Dong Hyun (정동현)
Jeong Woo Jin (정우진)
Jeong Young Hee (정영희)
kang yeosang
Kang Aera (강에어라)
Kang Ji Yong (강지용)
choi san
Choi Chae Won (최채원)
Choi Jae Min (최재민)
Choi Yoon Jae (최윤재)
song mingi
Song Ji Won (송지원)
Song Min Chan (송민찬)
jung wooyoung
Jung Dong Young (정동영)
Jung Min Ji (정민지)
choi jongho
Choi Iseul (최이슬)
Choi Haneul (최하늘)
Choi Myung Hee (최명희)
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fuiru · 29 days
A 44 year old man goes to a K-Pop Concert
I promised you a report on the K-pop concert that I, a 44-year-old accountant, went to a couple of weeks ago with my wife and daughter in Toronto. So here it is.
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The band we saw were Ateez. They're my daughter's favourite band and my wife's second favourite. I know most of my mutuals are similarly aged like me and may not be familiar with them so let me give you a brief primer on Ateez.
Imagine the most attractive eight men you can think of, just unfathomably beautiful specimens of aesthetic perfection, and make them sing songs that somehow combine the subjects of 'dancing like nobody is watching' with 'we live in a dystopian hellscape that we must all work together to overthrow'. Give them an ongoing music video story lore that literally nobody - not even the band themselves - understand, so that online discussion of their visual motifs looks more like the fevered rantings of a conspiracy theorist, complete with speculation about alternate realities and time being a Moebius strip. There is also a giant sand timer, for some reason.
That's Ateez. That's what you need to know.
Now, K-pop concerts are very different to the gigs I've been going to for the last 28 (!) years. There's no support act, for a start. Also the band perform for like, three hours, with breaks for costume changes and interpretive dance. Furthermore, hanging above everything is the constant looming threat of mandatory military service.
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So this being my first such concert, I wasn't sure what to expect. What happened was difficult to explain, but I will try as I am already six paragraphs into this write-up and I'm too invested to stop now. Here goes:
In his Wicked + Divine comics series, Kieron Gillen places modern pop icons as deities, feeding upon and gaining strength from the worship of their fans at the altar of musical performance. I thought I understood that metaphor. I thought I understood it AS a metaphor. I was wrong, because that night Ateez WERE Gods with a capital G and we were their worshippers, a crowd emanating adoration (in the religious and non-religious senses), bestowing strength upon them and gaining their strength in return.
If that sounds weird, it probably is. But as pointed out above, I have lived over four decades and never yet experienced anything like the overwhelming passion of that crowd, the utter abandon with which they conveyed their love for the band.
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"But Fuiru, what of the actual music?" you ask. Thinking back, there was a moment in one of their songs - I can't remember which - where I watched the stage, and the people around me, taking it in, and I thought, "Man, I just love Music". But that doesn't answer your question, sorry.
Ateez's music is bloody great. As a tiresome indie/rock/metal kid I'm resisting the urge to add the usual tiresome indie/rock/metal caveat of "...for pop music" because honestly that does it a disservice. They have some genuinely amazing songs. Halazia is an absolute fucking masterpiece that descends into furious hardcore breakbeat. Bouncy is a big, brash racket that somehow is also a perfect pop song. Utopia, Wonderland, and Guerrilla are similarly superb. The obligatory boy band slow number is represented by Dancing Like Butterfly Wings which will make you cry because you will forever associate it with your twelve year old daughter being pointed to and waved at by her favourite Ateez member (Seonghwa) because of her Seonghwa-branded lightstick.
That might just be me, though.
So in summary: being a 44 year old dad at his first K-pop concert rules and you should endeavour to partake in the experience if the opportunity arises.
Finally, for any Atiny reading this: my bias would be San or Seonghwa but my wife and daughter said they were taken so it’s Mingi. My concert outfit (designed and created by my offspring) reflects this.
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yothangie · 7 months
Ateez Reaction: Interacting with your baby bump for the first time
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pairings: Dad!Ateez x Fem Reader
warnings: No warnings that i know of just lots of fluff and a little tiny bit of angst and crack
word count: 422(?)
Dad Ateez Masterlist
Join the taglist
Hongjoong: You guys would be in the studio, he has you sitting next to him to keep an eye on you. As he is making magic with his equipment he has the idea to put headphones on your bump so your baby can hear the beats he is producing. He would get excited when it kicked, he will think the baby likes it.
“Baby seems to like the song its dancing in there”
Seonghwa: The gentleman that he is, he will ask first, the moment you started showing a bump. Although you had given him the permission he was still quite scared. It was while you were washing dishes, he came from behind and put his hands on top of your bump rubbing it.
“I’m gonna start doing this more often”
Yunho: He wouldn’t be one to interact since he’s not sure what to do LOL. The first time it would happen when you’re tired, carrying a baby is difficult work. You had asked Yunho if he can carry the bump for a while, he enjoyed it too much he offers even when you’re not.
“tired or not i’ll carry our baby for you”
Yeosang: He would be too scared to touch you and your bump, only admiring it from afar. The first time he interacted with it was during your sleep, he saw it as an opportunity to caress it and talk to it.
“Hello my little angel, sorry for being a bad dad and not talking to you”
San: The first time he kissed it and caressed it, it became a habit so before leaving for practice not only would he kiss you but he would also kiss the bump giving it a little tickle.
“Bye bye my baby”
Mingi: He would lightly knock on your bump pretending it’s a door. Would also kinda talk to it, i feel like he would be scared to interact with it as he doesnt want to hurt you
“Hello anyone there, it’s me your dad”
Wooyoung: I feel like he would talk to the baby rambling about his day and basically share everything with it, he would be scolding the poor baby for kicking too hard. Poking at it softly
“Hey don’t kick your mama too hard”
Jongho: THIS MAN he would sing. The first time he would be singing to you, having a little karaoke sesh, as the song was ending he got closer to your bump finishing the song singing to your bump ending it with a kiss on it.
“This song is dedicated to my little baby”
A/N: i got so mang request for this dad ateez / husband ateez i’ll be doing those this week super excited!!
Taglist: @reooreo @starhwahwa @nnnarchives @chaerryful
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minkiverse · 5 months
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Poly!Ateez Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Park Seonghwa - Jeong Yunho - Kang Yeosang - Choi San - Song Mingi - Jung Wooyoung - Choi Jongho
Next up we have the Captain himself!~ I feel like Joong is always written so interestingly because for one, he is part of the demon line but he is also a silly lil goof my shorty in blue 😩😩 Just so you know, I have not read many series for individual Ateez members (feel free to recommend any!!!), so most of these will be one-shots or drabbles. As always, I hope you enjoy and support these authors!!
DISCLAIMER none of these works are mine and majority are MATURE 18+, please review all warnings before reading!!!
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✨ - My Favs
🔥 - Smut (MINORS DNI)
⛈️ - Angst
💗 - Fluff
🍑 - Humor
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Wanbelyn - @songmingisthighs ⛈️💗🍑 SMAU ✧ Dad!Hongjoong ✧ Doctor AU
expect to see this author on almost all the masterlists because their SMAU 🤌🤌🤌 like you couldn't pry my phone out of my hands when i'm reading these fics 😭😭 this one is the first i got to follow along with as they updated so i am emotionally attached to wanbelyn!joong, the mc, and kijoong MY BABY 😭😭
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This World - @hongism 🔥⛈️💗Outlaw AU ✧ Ateez Lore
The Captain's Favorite - @edenesth ⛈️💗 Pirate AU
Untitled - @sanspuppet 🔥
Ruin Me - @sxcret-garden 🔥
Untitled - @yourfatherlucifer 🔥
marigold - @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥💗 College AU
Invisible Man Hongjoong - @justaaveragereader 🔥 Slasher AU
Morning Haze - @nateezfics 🔥
wetting your lips - @k-hotchoisan 🔥 Sugar Daddy AU
the shoe on the other foot - @bro-atz 🔥 Idol AU
tone - @puddingyun 🔥Idol AU
he's kinda hot - @ohmyamor 🔥⛈️💗 Demon AU
yours, mine, & everything in between - @sungbeam 💗
friends to lovers to strangers - @bro-atz 🔥⛈️ Composer AU
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 College AU
on me - @hongism ✨🔥
listen ok 😭😭 sub!joong is such a rare treat that i kinda lose it when i see it but this fic is just so well written and its sensual and intimate and how joong is written is just 😩😩😩
Pretty Pink - @nateezfics ✨🔥
the teasing 😮‍💨😮‍💨 the edging 🤤🤤 the overstim 😩😩😩 this is just really well written smut its so fucking hot you just need to read it!!!👏👏
a wild ride - @bombuni 🔥 College AU
13:00 - @kwanisms 🔥Idol AU
bla bla bla - @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥⛈️ Idol AU
Stupid Games, Stupid Prizes - @last-words-ofashootingstar 🔥⛈️ Rockstar AU
I'm The One - @sorryimananti-romantic ⛈️💗 Royalty AU
you're my desire - @hongism 🔥
bonnie & clyde - @byuntrash101 🔥 Gang AU
duck curtains - @ichorai 💗 Roommate AU
Coachella Rut - @meltingmidas 🔥 Idol AU
Wings and Thorns - @k-hotchoisan 🔥Angels & Demons AU
deal - @hongism 🔥 Roommate AU
while you were sleeping - @seonghwaddict 💗 Producer AU
Mist - @hongthoven 🔥⛈️
boyfriend!texts - @lololololchips 🍑 Idol AU
Business Call - @nateezfics 🔥 CEO AU
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
féconder - @yeosgoa ✨🔥 Witch AU
listen okay there is few things hotter than sex potion/sex pollen/anything that makes them so fucking horny they can't think ok ok and this is just desperate joong fucking mc into oblivion its incredible 😵‍💫😵‍💫
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
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bombuni · 7 months
𝓑𝓸𝓶'𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
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♡- fluff, ☾ - angst, ✩ - smut
ateez .˚₊
- asking bf!ateez ‘what position y’all in?’ (text) ♡
- random bf!ateez moments (text) ♡
- princess treatment with bf!ateez (text) ♡
- bf!ateez sending you a pic of themselves (text) ♡
- getting bf!ateez a gift (text) ♡
- bsf!ateez and accidental confessions (text) ♡
- bf!ateez and not being your fav in the group (text) ♡
- dad!ateez (text) ♡
- bf!ateez and discovering you’re not home (text) ☾ ♡
- bf!ateez discovering your hidden injury (text) ☾ ♡
- bf!ateez and catching you trying to ‘sell’ them (text) ♡
- bsf!ateez and accidental nudes (text) ♡
- random poly!ateez moments p.2 p.3 (text) ♡
- poly!ateez taking care of you ♡
- bf!ateez and instagram stories: psh khj
park seonghwa
- aftercare w seonghwa ♡
- seonghwa taking care of drunk you ♡
- mean cowboy!sanhwa ✩
- little accidents ✩
- random bf!hwagi texts ♡
kim hongjoong
- a wild ride ✩ (1k celebration fic!)
- random bf!hohong texts ♡
- little accidents ✩
jeong yunho
- puppy!yunho thoughts ✩
- overstim w puppy!yunho ✩
- puppy!yunho & puppy!yeosang thoughts ✩
- roommates!yungi ♡
- private lessons ✩
- random bf!hohong texts ♡
kang yeosang
- i want it all ✩
- puppy!yeosang & puppy!yunho thoughts ✩
- jongsang & their love for making u cry ✩
- the post-show high ✩
- sub!yeosang thoughts ✩
- random bf!jongsang texts ♡
- sharing is caring ✩
choi san
- mean woosan thoughts ✩
- needy kitty!san thoughts ✩
- mean cowboy!sanhwa ✩
- needy high san ✩
song mingi
- needy!mingi thoughts ✩
- roommates!yungi ♡
- random bf!hwagi texts ♡
jung wooyoung
- mean woosan thoughts ✩
- mean wooyoung thoughts ✩
- dark side!wooyoung (star wars au) ♡
- little accidents ✩
- sharing is caring ✩
choi jongho
- jongho thoughts ✩
- kittens w jongho ♡
- jongho taking care of you ♡
- random bf!jongho texts ♡ (p.2)
- breeding w bear!jongho (ft. matz) ✩
- jongsang & their love for making u cry ✩
- the post-show high ✩
- random bf!jongsang texts ♡
- mornings w jongho ✩
misc .˚₊
enhypen - ot7
- random bsf!enhypen moments ♡
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hwaslayer · 1 year
butterflies (smg) | one shot.
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—summary: life with your husband & daughter is always full of butterflies.
—pairing: song mingi x f. reader
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) established relationship/marriage, parents au | fluff, smut
—word count: 3.2k
—content/warnings: cussing/mature language (away from the baby!), quick neck/shoulder massage, innocent shower lol, lots of sweet kisses/making out!, unprotected sex, missionary, cowgirl, oral (f. receiving), fingering, sprinkle of breast play, multiple orgasms (two), it's incredibly soft and sweet smut though!!
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—a/n: happy birthday to our mingi mangi, but also - happy birthday to my entire soul, my favorite person in the world, my other half @persphonesorchid. i love you more than you can even comprehend!!! 💞 whipped this up as a secret little bday present hehe
—on rotation: butterflies pt. 2 x queen naija
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“Daddy!” Harin squeals when Mingi plops the tiny pancake onto her pink princess plate, setting the pan aside so he could place blueberries in a shape of a happy face.
“There, babygirl. All done!” He smiles at her and gives her a kiss on the top of her head. 
“No!” She pouts and points towards the fridge.
“You don’t like it?” It’s Mingi’s turn to pout.
“It's not done.”
“Hm.” Mingi hums as he stands there with his hands on his hips, pondering on what the 3 yr old is trying to tell him. Then, it suddenly dawns on him, snapping his fingers in the sudden revelation. “Ah! You’re right. I’m sorry, daddy’s fault.” He says, taking the can of whipped cream out of the fridge. “Here.” He chuckles, spraying a bit around the edges. “Better now, right?”
“Mhm.” Harin nods as smiles up at him, eyes twinkling as the three year old looks at him in pure adoration. She was daddy’s girl, and daddy’s girl at best. 
At this point, you’ve headed down the stairs and into the kitchen, watching your husband plop a small amount of whip cream on your daughter’s tiny little nose before she does the same on his cheek. You giggle as Mingi swipes the tiny trail of whip cream with his finger, plopping some more onto her nose.
It’s the way Mingi looks at her like she’s his entire universe, like he adores her and loves her more than words could ever capture. It’s the way Harin constantly yearns for him and asks for his company, his jokes— making him smile and laugh in return because of her silly antics.
They give you butterflies.
“Mommy!” Harin is a giggling mess as she lays eyes on you, her dad smiling innocently off to the side.
“Daddy making a mess, huh?” She sticks her tongue out to try and lick the cream from the tip of her nose. “Silly girl.” You chuckle as you wipe her nose with a napkin.
“Goodmorning, beautiful.” Mingi pulls you close and smiles down at you, brushing the hair out of your face before kissing your forehead. “Sleep okay?”
“I think so? I think a need a new pillow. My neck is kinda bothering me.”
“Hm. Does it hurt pretty bad?” Mingi asks as he turns to grab your plate and hands it to you. “Made you a plate, by the way.”
“Thanks, baby.” You press a quick, chaste kiss to his lips before sitting beside Harin. “And no, nothing a new pillow can’t fix. I think.” You shrug and settle down to eat.
“I’m sorry, love. Maybe I can give you a massage later to help?”
“If you’re not too busy.” You smirk as he sets his plate down and sits on the opposite side of Harin.
“Never.” He begins to dig in just as you do. “So, what does the princess wanna do today?” Mingi turns to Harin and she laughs.
“Can we go to the park please, Daddy?” 
“You wanna go to the park?”
“Mhm, with mommy too.”
“With mommy, too?” He repeats animatedly. “Sounds like a plan to me.” You laugh a bit as you brush Harin’s hair back and let her finish eating. 
“Okay, lovebug. We’ll go on a walk and head to the park together, but you’ll need to finish your food first.” You boop her nose. “Deal?”
“There you go!” You cheer her on to make her laugh. 
Her laugh brings you butterflies.
Once the three of you have wrapped up with breakfast, Mingi takes the plates and washes it along with the bowl and pan he used to make breakfast this morning. It’s a crisp, cool morning, but nothing entirely unbearable. You’re dressed in a loose cropped sweater and sweats, while Mingi is in a shirt and track pants. He helps Harin into a light jacket and puts a beanie over her head, locking the door behind him once he’s gotten you both out of the door. 
The park is a close walk from the house, and it’s Harin’s favorite park of all time. The play structure is huge and updated, with features that most playgrounds nearby don’t have. For a minute, she’s walking in between you and Mingi, holding the both of your hands until she requests to be propped up on Mingi’s shoulders.
He willingly does it without complaint, always doing his best to make you and Harin the happiest.
When your family arrives at the park, there's only two other children playing around— giving Harin the ability to make use of her time at the playground wisely. Mingi joins along and plays with her, never showing signs of exhaustion or boredom even when he follows her around. He pushes her on the swings, plays tag with her, helps her down the ‘big girl slide’ and helps her cross the monkey bars confidently.
He is the sweetest, and even as time goes on, the butterflies you feel for this man only seem to increase— never dies, never goes away.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts when Harin yells for you at the end of the monkey bars, both your husband and daughter waving and yelling that she’s made it to the end. You laugh and eventually join in on their playground shenanigans before the hour quickly flies by.
Luckily, Harin must have enjoyed herself a little too much that she doesn’t complain when it’s time to go. She happily hops back onto Mingi’s shoulders as they sing a song with you on the way back home, running into the bathroom for a quick wash-up before plopping onto her usual seat at the dining table for a small snack.
You clean around in the kitchen, occasionally watching as she eats away at her strawberry snack bar. It doesn’t take long before she’s exhibiting signs of exhaustion and sleepiness:
One, she continues to rub away at her eyes.
Two, she begins to mumble her responses and pouts more than usual.
Three, she constantly asks for her dad to hold her.
“Alright, let’s get you outta here and into bed, babygirl.” He lifts her in one swift motion, bringing her over to you for a quick kiss. Once Mingi disappears upstairs and into Harin’s room, you finish up in the kitchen and head to your room to rest a bit. You change into shorts and a cropped tee once you’ve stepped inside, plopping onto the bed to get comfortable in the meantime.
“Phew.” Mingi says, quietly stepping into your room and shutting the door. “She knocked out quick. As soon as I tucked her in and gave her a kiss, she was out like a light.” You giggle.
“She had a blast at the park. She’ll have a good nap.”
“Yeah, she will.” Mingi plops onto the bed next to you as you try to sit back against the wall and put on a show to indulge in— feeling content with the fact that you don’t have much to do around the house today.
“Babe, we do need to get groceries when Harin wakes up though.”
“Okay.” He looks up at you as he continues to lay on his stomach at a weird angle on the bed, his hands gently tracing circles on your knee. “But, we have an hour? Maybe an hour and a half, until she wakes up? What can I do for you?” He places a quick kiss against your knee. “Neck still bothering you?”
“You sure it’s just your pillow?” Mingi looks at you with concern. He knows you’ve been having some rough, long days at work; though, you’re incredibly great at masking it because you don’t ever wanna bring that stress home.
He knows you, and he knows you well.
After all, you are his other half.
“Maybe? I think I’ve just been exhausted from work overall.”
“Come here.” He finally gets up and fixes his position, motioning for you to settle in between his legs. You comfortably sit with your legs crossed, while Mingi begins to massage your neck and shoulders; easing the knots you have felt from the past days. “Does this feel okay?”
“It feels perfect.” You breath out while his hands continue to do the work. You feel his breath against your skin, sending tingles down your spine.
“Good.” He chuckles as he watches you shift in your position, enjoying every moment of this surprise massage from Mingi. “What else can I do for you, love?” He asks softly, close to a whisper. “Can I make you feel better in any other way?”
“Hm.” You hum, his voice hitting a certain feeling in your gut, hitting you down to your core. “You make me feel better, Mingi. Just having you is enough." He hears the way your tone dips a bit, catches the way you subtly bite onto your lip and expose your neck more. He smiles to himself when your body continues to relax in his hold— lips grazing the surface of your shoulder, the nape of your neck.
“Yeah?” He finally plants a few kisses on your shoulders, moving to your neck, gently nibbling on your earlobe. “Does that make you feel better?” He hears the sigh you let out, feeling your hands rest along his thighs. “Or, this?” He asks, kissing your jaw.
“Babe, Harin.”
“The princess won’t wake up. I promise.” He chuckles a bit. “Let me take care of you.” 
“You always do.” You slightly turn to him and meet his eyes. He stares at you for a second, eyes darting between your lips, eyes, nose, mouth— everything about you that brings him butterflies. He smiles and brushes your hair back before caressing your cheek with his thumb, allowing you to sink into the palm of his hand and melt in his touch.
“And I’ll continue to do it, time and time again.” He responds. “Come here, baby.” Mingi brings your chin forward to kiss you on the lips, wasting no time to deepen the kiss. He swipes his tongue at your bottom lip before biting down and pulling back with a gentle tug. He quickly chases after your lips, tongue now dancing with yours and fighting for dominance. He lets out a soft sigh against you, moving you in between kisses so that he has you pinned to the mattress and underneath him.
God, you look good underneath him. 
“So beautiful.” He mumbles against your skin, moving down to pepper kisses on the other side of your neck. You let out a small whimper when his hands trace the hem of your cropped tee, giving him full permission to remove it. He tosses it to the side, fumbling with your bralette next. You giggle when Mingi pauses and furrows his brows, not finding the hooks on the back like your usual bras. “Where’d they go?” He pouts a bit.
“I wore my lazy bra today.” You continue to laugh as you remove the bralette and toss it aside to join your shirt somewhere on the floor.
“Shouldn’t have worn one at all.” He smirks against your lips before diving in for another kiss.
“Definitely had to for the park.” 
“You wore a loose sweater anyway, pretty girl. Nobody had to know.” You chuckle at his remarks, running your fingers through his hair. He makes his way down to your collarbone, nipping and sucking on the surface before moving down to your breasts. You let out a tiny gasp when his tongue circles a hardened bud, closing in on it and pulling back with a pop. He repeats his motions on the other, taking more time when he feels you squirm underneath him. He plants a trail of kisses down your sternum— to your stomach, reaching your waist. His hands settle on either side of your cotton shorts, meeting your eyes as he tugs both your shorts and panties down and sets them aside. 
You are so beautiful.
Everything about you gives him butterflies.
“Fuck.” He lets out a breath. “How’d I get so lucky?” You shyly smile when you hear him ask while removing his shirt, settling in between your thighs in no time. His thumb is planted on your clit, easing in with a slow, circular pace. He watches as you slightly arch your back in response to his touch, biting onto your lip when he picks up his pace. He lowers his lips onto you, other hand settled against your inner thigh to keep you open for him. His tongue laps at your clit just as he inserts two fingers to prep you, spending his time just to continuously build that pressure for you. “Already so wet.”
“Mingi.” You call for his name as you tighten the grip on his hair, his fingers pumping in and out of you and keeping a steady pace. He continues his work, licking down every bit of you until he feels your breathing quicken, chest heaving up and down as your legs almost try to close him in.
“That’s it, baby.” He mumbles against you, hearing you let out a moan when you cum around his digits. “Good girl.” He praises, slowing down to give you time to gather yourself. He smiles and plants a kiss on your inner thigh before shedding off his sweats, aching to be inside of you sooner than later.
“God.” You whimper, watching him as he pumps himself a few times.
“Ready for me?” He lowers himself and whispers against your lips, hand still gripping his cock— running his tip in between your folds, nudging your clit to tease you.
“Yes. Need you.” The moment the statement leaves your lips, Mingi is inserting himself into you; the both of you let out silent moans against your lips, Mingi easing himself in until he bottoms out. He stills for a second, adjusting to the feeling— to you— relishing in every bit of the moment.
It’s the way you feel against him, the way your eyes flutter, the way you grip his biceps.
“Babe, please move.” You plead as Mingi presses his forehead against yours. He nods, beginning to work his hips at a slow pace while keeping his eyes locked onto yours. 
“Shit.” He lets out a moan. “You feel so good.” He picks up the pace, hitting you in all the right spots—
In and out.
Deeply, passionately.
You moan against him when he snaps his hips against yours, steadying the headboard with a hand as much as possible. Your nails are digging into him, and he loves every fucking bit of this.
The way you arch against him, feeling your warmth against his.
The way your eyes roll back every time he hits a spot.
The way you chase after his slips for a sloppy kiss in between the whines you let out.
You are perfectly crafted by the stars, holding the universe in your eyes, down to every inch of your body.
Mingi’s thumb starts to circle your clit just as he feels your walls clenching tighter around him. 
“Just like that.” You breathe out. “Mingi, please.” You beg and beg, hoping he’ll continue to work his way with you. You feel your stomach start to tighten, the coil within you threatening to unravel soon. Suddenly, Mingi removes his thumb from your sensitive nub— only to rest back on his ankles and let you sit on him. You carefully wrap your legs and arm around him while he kisses you, not wanting to break away from his lips. He has a hand tangled in your hair, while the other navigates down to your hip and gently encourages you to rock against him.
“Baaaby.” He hisses and breaks away from the kiss. “So fucking good. So perfect for me.” He continues to praise you as you roll against him, building enough friction to heighten the pleasure you feel. 
“Fuck— ” You whine as Mingi sucks on your neck. You tug on the ends of his hair just as you quicken your pace, feeling yourself tipping over the edge. “Gonna cum—” You moan, probably a little too loud for your liking, but it is what it is; you’re too into your man at this moment.
“Let go for me.” He says before letting out a low groan. “Let me feel you.” And in a two, three deep rolls against him, you find yourself unraveling at the same time Mingi fills you up. Mingi holds you close as you tremble against him, watching as your face contorts in pleasure, nails digging into his back as you let everything go. He caresses your back and runs his fingers down your spine, planting sweet kisses on your cheek, eyes, nose, lips.
Anything to ease you, soothe you.
“You okay?” He chuckles as he brushes your hair back and kisses you once more. 
“Mhm.” He looks at you so tenderly and lovingly that it drives you crazy, wondering how lucky you were to have him and Harin in this thing called life.
He will always give you butterflies.
“Let’s get you cleaned up?” He helps you off and leads you into the bathroom for a quick shower together. Mingi continues to shower you with love, peppering you with feathery kisses in between soaping you up and rinsing you off. Once you’ve both gotten cleaned up, you throw on some comfier clothes to prepare for the rest of the afternoon, while Mingi—
“Daddy.” The both of you hear Harin call for him. “Daddy?” She repeats with a slight whine, and you can only imagine the pout she’s sporting while waiting for her dad to come and get her.
“That definitely wasn’t an hour, babe.” He laughs a bit as he tosses on a new hoodie and matching sweats.
“Close enough.” He swings the door and finds Harin standing near her room in the hallway, waiting for Mingi to swoop her up into his arms.
“Had a good nap, princess?” You hear Mingi ask as he holds Harin in his arms and walks into your room. 
“Mhm.” She rubs away at her eyes before they land on you and she smiles. “Hi mommy.”
“Aw, sweet thing. Hi babygirl.” You walk over and kiss her on the cheek while rubbing her back. “You ready to have a little snack and head to the store with mommy and daddy?”
“Yes. May I have yogurt, please?” You giggle hearing her politely ask for her favorite snack. She gives you butterflies.
“Yogurt it is!” Mingi answers animatedly as he bounces her in his arms. “We’ll meet you downstairs?” He looks at you. “Does mommy need a snack too? I think she’s a little tired.” You playfully hit him on the arm and shake your head.
“No. I’ll be there.” 
“Okay.” He kisses your forehead and heads downstairs with Harin, making you chuckle to yourself as the two hum another song together.
They always give you butterflies.
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newworldwritings · 7 months
NewWorldWritings Recs! (ATEEZ)
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gif by @graphicstorage
these are some writings that i have read that i would love to share with the rest of atiny/readers. some of these quite literally made me cry, laugh, and relate.
let me know if any of the links don’t work!
more will be added too #newworldwritingsreblogs !
some of these do contain smut, dark themes, & lots more. so please remember to read the warnings that each author put in their works.
OT8 x reader
❕player 1117 @peachesyeo
(series -> ongoing) obessive!gamecharacters!ateez x villainess!reader
❕morning mist @mint-yooxgi
(series -> ongoing) Yandere!Dragon!Ateez X Chubby!Reader
❕The Library of Illusion @kwanisms
(series -> completed) ateez ot8 × fem!reader
Want You Back @whimsicalwritingsandmore
(series -> completed) werewolf!ot8!ateez x werewolf!reader
❕Circus @lani-heart
(series -> ongoing) ateez ot8 x reader
❕trope @bro-atz
(series -> completed) ateez member/gn!reader or ateez member/afab!reader
❕Black Ocean @bvidzsoo
(completed) Ateez members x female readers
❕room for three @honeyhotteoks
(56k series -> completed) nonidol!yunho x nonidol!seonghwa x reader
❕splish splash @atozfic
(20k) nonidol!san x nonidol!seonghwa x nonidol!wooyoung x nonidol!yunho x fem!reader
undying bonds @edenesth
(series -> completed) Hongjoong x fem!reader, Seonghwa x fem!reader
❕whichever way @igbylicious
(series -> ongoing) woosan x fem!reader
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you’re hongjoongs bias @jnginlov
(8.6k) idol!hongjoong x idol!reader
captains favorite @edenesth
(1.1k) captain!Hongjoong x doctor!reader
Black and White @atinystraynstay
(2k) Kim Hongjoong x fem!reader
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❕The Way to His Heart @edenesth
(series -> ongoing) general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
Cold Snap @ennysbookstore
(4 part series -> completed) nonidol!Seonghwa x Reader
❕Dancing With the Devil pt.2 @bro-atz
(2 part series -> completed) assassin!seonghwa x afab!reader
❕the trouble with hating you. @baekhvuns
(33k) badboy!seonghwa x reader.
Bingo @gummygowon
(1.8k) single dad!seonghwa x reader
❕you’re the one that i want @ateezmakemeweep
(series -> completed) bad boy!seonghwa x fem!reader
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❕Guerrilla @sorryimananti-romantic
(27k) serialkiller!dr.yunho x writer!reader
What Builds a Home @cosmicdumpling
(7.2k) husband!yunho x fem!reader
❕Memoir @baekhvuns
(16k) nonidol!yunho x reader
all i want for christmas is you @starrysvn
(11k) yunho x gn!reader
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❕lessons in intimacy @honeyhotteoks
(14.5k) camboy!yeosang/barista!yeosang x fem!reader
Siren. @sorryimananti-romantic
(27.8k) siren!yeosang x sirenhunter!reader
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❕ceilings pt.2 @yoongiseesawmp3
(2 part series -> completed) pe teacher!san x single mom!reader
❕The Art of Climbing the Corporate Tower @ennysbookstore
(2 part series -> completed) nonidol!san x reader
Love Poem @frenchkisstheabyss
(3.5k) dad!choi san x pregnant!chubby!fem!reader
❕Crafting Christmas @yoonguurt
(15.2k) single dad!San × reader
destiny @tainsan
(25k) idol!San x nonidol!reader
❕ch_i san @atzfilm (this one made me cry my eyes out)
(19k) android!san × reader
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❕nightmare, daydream @mingigoo
(11.1k) tutor!femreader x popularboy!Mingi
❕Shower Ecstasy @myhimbomingi
(1.6k) song mingi x afab!reader
❕Grease and oil @bvidzsoo
(5.6k) mechanic!mingi x fem!reader
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instagram @roomsofangel
(series -> ongoing) nonidol!wooyoung x fem!reader
❕Home for the Holidays @highvern
(24k) nonidol!Wooyoung x fem!reader
❕Midnight Kisses @mingigoo
(5 part series -> completed) bff!Wooyoung x single parent!femreader
Still You @edenesth
(15k) exbf!Wooyoung x fem!reader
Change of Heart @hotteoki
(5k) suitor!wooyoung x princess!reader
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to yours, jongho @halaboyz
(1.8k) busker!jongho x gn! reader
when strangers kiss @starlitmark
(5.4k) nonidol!Jongho x fem!reader
Guarding Hearts @edenesth
(15k) bodyguard!Jongho x actress!reader
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421 notes · View notes
bethelighthalazia · 5 months
Coachelly, Baby!
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Summary:  Mingi gets the call of his beloved girlfriend going into labor. While he's performing at coachella on the big sahara stage between two songs. Will he make it to the hospital in time?
Genre: fluff
Pairing: dad!mingi x fem!reader
Word Count:  1566
Warnings: none? mentions of pregnant reader (water breaks and labor mentioned)
networks: @mirohs-aurora-society
[note: the purple bold italic text is spoken english, every other spoken word is koreanthis is part of a mini-series for dad!ateez]
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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Mingi and you had not planned any of this. Of course, both of you were completely in love with each other, and Mingi already had gotten a ring to propose to you, but then, all of a sudden, life happened. It wasn't supposed to be a big thing, neither of you would have thought that this little quickie you two had backstage on their tour, yet a month after that, you had been staring at the positive pregnancy test. Mingi had accompanied you to the doctors and they also confirmed: You´re pregnant. 
Now, almost ten months later, you were sitting in the hotel room in LA. Your best friend, one of ATEEZ´s staff members, is lounging on the sofa. She actually had been on vacation, but didn´t want to leave you alone while the boys were performing on the Sahara stage. so, that's how the both of you ended up in the hotel room, when you felt it. A sharp pain caused you to curl forwards a little, Seonghwa´s Switch dropping from your hands. You knew this pain, fake contractions were normal in the last weeks already, but this time, it felt different. 
“Fuck…I need Mings-” You groan, feeling the wetness of the sofa and your sweatpants. Your water broke. Your friend quickly grabbed the bag that you had prepared and helped you up to lead you down into the foyer of the hotel, where one of Mingi´s bodyguards already waited to bring you to the hospital. You vehemently refused to call an ambulance, yet your legs gave up on the way to the car and the bodyguard quickly caught you, carrying you the last few steps. “Mingi- I need my Mingi!” You repeated, tears in your eyes while you tried to be strong and hold back. The ride to the hospital was quick, only a few blocks down the street from the hotel you stayed in. Unfortunately, since neither your best friend, nor the bodyguard were family, they weren't allowed to accompany you inside. Although, when you basically screamed at the nurses, they did let your best friend come with you. 
A few miles away, Mingi and the others just finished the second to last song and Hongjoong was talking to ATINY and the crowd again. That's when Mingi´s eyes went wide, because through the earpiece, he heard staff tell the group what happened. For a moment, they all were frozen in place, seven pairs of eyes directed at Mingi, who just stood there, mouth agape. “Aish! She really couldn't have waited?!” Wooyoung joked, trying to lessen the tension a little, but in that moment ATINY cheered loudly. Mingi had not kept the news of your pregnancy a secret, he was very open about it, but never revealed your name or picture, to keep you safe, of course. Before any of them could really do anything, the music for the last song started and they all performed Wonderland. Even though their thoughts were with you, Ateez performed fierce and powerful once again and, before the last note actually finished, Mingi ran off the stage. He didn't even stop to get changed, only grabbing Hongjoong´s arm, dragging him to the car to make them drive him to the hospital where you were having his babies.
During the drive, Mingi was basically vibrating on the seat, still feeling the high from the performance mixed with the excitement and anxiety of the infamous ‘dad-panic’. “Hey!” Hongjoong yelled after the fourth attempt to get the younger one´s attention, causing him to look quite startled. “Calm down, she's in the best hands. We´re almost there, Mingi-ah. Take a deep breath, okay? You can't rush in there and cause Y/nie to get even more stressed than she already is, okay?” The captain said calmly and gave his younger member a worried glance every now and then while also focusing on the road. “What if i´m too late? She´ll be upset with me…I promised to be there for her during birth.” Mingi mumbled under his breath, his fingers drumming the dashboard of the car. When Hongjoong parked the car, Mingi already jumped out before the engine was turned off, drawing a chuckle from the captain. The older male also got out and quickly followed Mingi, which was easy, since he towered over most of the people there. 
“Song Y/n, where Song Y/n?” The blonde asked, almost climbing over the counter to take a look at the registry himself, because the nurse was just staring at Mingi. Who could blame her though, he was in the full coachella attire after all, mic monitor and all still attached to him. Stepping in to pull Mingi back, Hongjoong took over the talking, Mingi´s english too butchered by his excitement. “We´re looking for my friend´s girlfriend, Y/l/n /Y/n.” The captain said, after all, you weren't married yet, but the nurse looked a little confused. “Uhm, we only have Song Y/n here, her friend put in the information while Miss Song was rushed to the maternity unit. Just follow the hallway down there and wait there please.” The nurse explained, even gesturing for Hongjoong and Mingi to follow the signs and hallways. The short male didn't have much time to thank the nurse, already being dragged after Mingi, who had spotted your best friend waiting for you. When the two men joined your best friend, Mingi was not able to sit down though, your bestie quickly helped Mingi to take off his earpieces and the microphone monitor when the doors swung open.
“Who's the father?” Another nurse asked, looking at Hongjoong, who nudged Mingi forward a bit, and Mingi was led to you. When he stepped in though, he froze in the doorway, looking at you with his usual boba-eyed pout. “I- I missed it?” He asked, the adorable expression on his face completely opposite to his rockstar outfit. You just smiled at him, your hair sticking to the sweaty skin and you looked exhausted, but to him, you always would be the most beautiful being in the world. That is, until his gaze shifted when he noticed movement on your chest. Very slowly, Mingi stepped closer, leaning in to kiss your lips before looking at the small bundles in your arms. Hold on, bundles? There was more than one moving bundle, but that would mean-
“M- more than one?” His voice was quiet, slightly hoarse as he tried to stay calm. You just nodded, watching him very carefully take one of the bundles out of your arms as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “A boy and a girl.” You whispered, seeing the smile on his lips grow wide, unable to hold back his tears as he held his newborn daughter in his arms, her whole body almost fitting into his hands only. “Welcome to the world, ChanHee and Yujin…” With a choked chuckle, Mingi kissed the baby's forehead gently, your son instinctively grabbing your finger as you carefully poked his nose. After a while, the door to your room opened again and the other seven members came in, Hongjoong and Seonghwa had talked to them beforehand to not be too loud and to behave, or else they´d be in trouble. 
The moment they laid eyes on the babies, Seonghwa and San couldn't stop themselves, tears running down their faces already. “You know…I do hope they'll grow to look more like you, Y/nie, and not like Mingi-'' Wooyoung said in a teasing manner, but is soon shut up by Jongho, who drags his hyung out of the room again. The captain congratulated you and Mingi, he even snuck in a bag with your favorite treats, and then shushed and hurried the others out again as well, so you and Mingi could enjoy parenthood for now. 
“I´m sorry, jagi…I really came as fast as I could, but-” “Mingi, please. You are here now, and that's what counts.” You cut him off, smiling gently at him, the babies by now laying in their cribs next to the bed. Mingi had taken off the jacket he wore and replaced it with a plain black shirt, so he couldn't possibly hurt you or the babies with the zipper and buttons of his jacket. You had made him lay down on the bed and cuddle with you, needing his warmth and comfort now, while he had asked you about almost every detail of the birth. It wasn't really the most casual talk, yet you did try to tell him everything, even though it mostly felt like a blur for yourself. It didn't take long for your head to drop against his chest while talking, the exhaustion finally taking over your body as you fell asleep. Mingi however felt wide awake, holding you tightly and peppering you with kisses. He felt so grateful that you walked into his life and now even blessed him with the two most beautiful babies. With a smile on his face, he carefully climbed out of the bed when Yujin started to make sounds. He very gently lifted her out of the crib and rocked her in his arms, humming the melody of Wonderland, the first melody that came to mind, to make her fall asleep again, a content smile on his face when he looked at his son and then you, his wonderful little family. 
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson, @hotteokkay, @minkilicious, @bunnliix,
@gong-fourz, @yeosangiess, @dinossaurz, @scuzmunkie, @h3arteyes4mingi
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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haarrrys · 2 months
: ̗̀➛✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩˚₊✩‧₊◜─ ⊹ ⊱⋆ ୨ :★: ୧ ATEEZ ୨ :★: ୧ ⋆⊰ ⊹ ─˚₊✩‧₊◜✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩: ̗̀➛
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indications ; ♥ - smut , ✿ - fluff, ⬤ - angst
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╰┈➤ ❛PARK SEONG HWA [ 박성화 ]
ꜝꜝ do not disturb -♥- while on tour with your band, it's finally time to relax for a couple days in Paradise. At least that was the plan until your boyfriend gets jealous of your sudden proximity with another band member. w.c 3.1k
╰┈➤ ❛KIM HONG JOONG [ 김홍중 ]
ꜝꜝ hot and cold -♥✿- joining Hongjoong on that family trip -- and may I add, that hotspring? w.c 3k
╰┈➤ ❛JEONG YUN HO [ 정윤호 ]
ꜝꜝ chemistry -✿- collabing with idol s/o or crush with a dance performance which went viral and ppl start to ship them
╰┈➤ ❛KANG YEO SANG [ 강여상 ]
╰┈➤ ❛CHOI SAN [ 최산 ]
ꜝꜝ surrender to desire -♥- after a very long year of hard work, san and you decided to spend the holidays in namhae. But you happen to be busy even on vacation, barely exchanging glances with your boyfriend. Until one night, you find the moment of intimacy you needed with him. w.c 3k
riding and making out w him -♥- NSFW AUDIO
better than fiction -♥- you never thought what your boyfriend's reaction to you writing fanfic would be like, but you certainly didn't expect him to end up so jealous of himself to end up making your fantasies come true w.c 4.4k
edging san -♥- NSFW AUDIO
san eating you out -♥- NSFW AUDIO
love you again -♥- rainy evening sex w.c 1.5k
inexpirenced san -♥- eating you out for the first time and accidentally getting pussy drunk
╰┈➤ ❛SONG MINGI [ 송민기 ]
ꜝꜝ giving him his first blowjob -♥- NSFW AUDIO
comfort -✿⬤- reader is hurt and mingi is there to comfort
sour candy -♥- sub!mingi, consent lines are kind of blurred in this one so pls skip if it makes u uncomfortable w.c 5k
╰┈➤ ❛JUNG WOO YOUNG [ 정우영 ]
ꜝꜝ lazy morning -♥- morning seks with wooyoung in white t-shirt, pure fluff and love smut but also yk he is a needy eager-to-fuck man, with a sleepy s/o that can't resist him. w.c 2.5k
voyerism -♥- your boyfriend wooyoung proposes you to fuck his bestfriend (san) in front of him
ocean, bed , tattoo -♥- wooyoung tattoos your skin with ink, and with his lips. w.c 2.1k
celebratory fuck -♥- you can't blame wooyoung for wanting to fuck after a good game, after all, having a hot girlfriend is tiresome. w.c 1.5k
things he says in bed -♥- things ateez say during sex. wooyoung version.
roof top pool cool down -♥- it's hot as fuck outside, and your boyfriend decided that he wanted to go swimming to cool down. w.c 2k
knockout -♥- wooyoung invites you over to play after san wins his match. w.c 3.9k
tits out -♥✿- when talking to your best friend about your nipple piercing during movie night backfires in the most spectacular way possible and seonghwa's new couch gets caught in the crossfire w.c 7k
right here -♥- It´s a smut so +18 MDNI pls w.c 15k
no control -♥- exhibitionism with a non-participating person, beware. w.c 3.2k
unholy hours -♥- riding his face
after hours -♥✿- an invitation to wooyoung’s event leads to the unexpected— a night of revelation that deeply blurs the lines between harmless fun and the thrill of exploring something more. w.c 5k
sweet dreams -♥- playing with your best friend's hair seems to do more to him than you think. w.c 2k
girl dad wooyoung -✿- ik all the atiny hearts were melting when watching the return of superman episode with san, wooyoung, and seonghwa. so after finally watching it, I bring you all dad!wooyoung. not proof read.
cat and mouse -✿- fem!reader, pussy eating, teeth use, manipulation (from both parties), fuckboy!wooyoung, cum eating (m!), semi-public oral w.c 2.3k
smut thoughts -✿- how wooyoung is defo the type to fuck desperately
╰┈➤ ❛CHOI JONG HO [ 최종호 ]
ꜝꜝ masterlist by @/atzaurora
reccomendation list by @/onedumbho3
smut reccomendation by @/sugawhaaa
candy -♥- you're their sweetheart who tastes sweet like candy, and they simply cannot get enough. w.c 6.1k
masterlist by @/nateezfics
when they're jealous -♥- nsfw editon
masterlist by @/beenaanbuun
the 9th member -♥- what would it be like to be the 9th member of ateez, only there to satisfy the urges of the others? w.c 11.8k total (1k-2.5k for each part)
masterlist by @/sorryimananti-romantic
ateez as boyfriends -♥- smut and it's a filthfest in here sooo MDNI!!
masterlist by @/0097linersb
dad!ateez : funny videos -✿- based off tiktoks
virgin!reader x atz -♥-
reaction to reader asking them to teach you how to fuck -♥-
pussy eating -♥-
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133 notes · View notes
rems-writing · 3 months
Her savior
Pairing: dilf!Mingi x widow afab!reader
Summary: I lowkey want to make these two oneshots connected to each other so there will be slight mention of dilf!Yunho and his s/o. This will pick up after Mingi and Wooyoung left his cousin in front of Yunho's doorstep to babysit his three daughters.
Warning(s): Hurt with comfort, mentions of bullying (i.e. harsh words, etc.), Mingi is lowkey scary sexy when angry, non-Ateez character mentioned, yelling and swearing, mentions of death and murder, slight size kink, face riding, pussy slapping, pussydrunk!Mingi, boob play, backshots, bigdick!Mingi, unprotected sex (don't do this!), squirting
Genre: Cracked beginning, angst (for the main part), a bit of fluff, smut
Nets: @mirohs-aurora-society
Thank you to @yourfatherlucifer and @holybibly for helping me figure out what kind of dad Mingi is lol
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As Mingi and Wooyoung ran down the street cackling their asses off at Mingi's poor cousin being left on Yunho's doorstep, they slowed down to catch their breath.
"He's going to kill you, Min! And maybe me as well."
"Maybe? You smacked his ass while he was hoisted over my shoulder and laughed at his misery as he tried to escape my grasp!"
Wooyoung was going to retort when the two of them heard bickering from across the street they were running in. Normally, if they saw two women bickering, it was most likely just loud gossip. That's how the neighborhood was. However, that wasn't the case. Mingi looked closely and listened intently to what those two women were talking about. The more he listened, the more his anger grew.
Those two women weren't bickering.
It was only one woman bullying another woman who was trying so hard to ward off the first woman.
Mingi hated gossip, but he hated bullying even more. Having been bullied back in high school, he would not stand idly by and let this fester any further. He marched over to the two women and broke up the fight between them.
"What is going on over here?"
The woman that was starting the fight gasped dramatically and tried to fall into Mingi's arms but he pushed her back upright and kept the scowl on his face.
"Oh, Mr. Song! You have to help me! This hag over here bumped into me and made me drop all my groceries! I think she should compensate me by buying all my groceries for an entire week! That's only fair. Right?"
Her shrill voice annoyed him and the taller man turned to the other woman.
His scowl softened a bit when he saw who the victim was.
It was the widow.
He's heard about her but to see her in person...
Yeah he was subconsciously right to not believe the rumors.
The woman was wearing all black with a thin black shawl covering her face so he wouldn't see her tears. He placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her around.
Imagine the shock on his face when he saw how young this widow looked.
He wasn't able to memorize the beauty on the widow's face since the tears were coming down like a waterfall. Mingi pulled out his handkerchief and dabbed her face with it lightly. She sniffled and gave a silent 'thank you' to him, to which he nodded.
"I'm not accusing you of anything. I just want to know the facts. Did you bump into woman and made her drop her groceries?"
The widow instantly shook her head.
"I was minding my own business when I accidentally bumped into her. She was the one that dropped them and pinned the blame on me when I was simply trying to navigate my way through the neighborhood after coming home from a walk. She then started screaming her head off and started nagging me about how I'm horrible. All that I could forgive. But then..."
She breathed in deeply.
"She had the nerve to mention how my husband is dead because of me."
Mingi's blood boiled and Wooyoung saw this. He gently guided the widow back towards his direction. The widow was confused at first. Then she saw Mingi's anger and decided to hide in Wooyoung's shoulder. She never liked confrontation but this time, she had enough of people accusing her of her husband's death so she let the tall man chew that woman out.
He threw a wad of bills at the first woman's face, to which she was either shocked or offended by this action. She tried to speak but Mingi held a finger up and she shut her mouth.
"Unless it truly was on purpose, I suggest you apologize to her. She was minding her own business and she was even prepared to apologize for bumping into you when you just had to make a big deal out of it! I mean come on! It's 2024 for fucks sake! Why are we putting down women still?!"
"But Mingi -"
"You will address me by Mr. Song! And you will not interrupt me!"
The woman nodded and her face became red out of embarrassment. He continued to speak.
"You know... I've seen you around. You do nothing but gossip around and show off your miserable trophy husband. I think you're on husband number three. Am I correct?"
Wooyoung had to stifle a snicker while the woman tried to protest, only for Mingi to shut her up again.
"Yeah... one of my employees mentioned that you divorced him because he 'wasn't making enough money' persay."
"But he truly wasn't-"
The woman clamped her mouth shut, fear evident on her face as Mingi kept talking growling angrily.
"Just because baby daddy number three is making more dough than your last husband doesn't mean that you can flaunt your shit and then belittle other women. How would you like it if you were in her position?!"
"Mr. Song, here's the thing! There's a reason why the entire neighborhood doesn't like her!"
"Oh I can't wait to hear this!" Mingi barked out a sarcastic laugh while Wooyoung remained stoic, occasionally comforting the widow in his arms.
"Well she... she killed her husband! She's crazy and -"
"Stop talking."
"But Mr. Song-"
"But Mr. Song! You have to understand-"
The woman shut up and looked down in shame. Mingi forced her head up so she could look at the anger in his eyes.
"You do not know the full story. And even if you do, just the mere fact that you continue to degrade her regardless of the truth makes me sick. You make me sick."
He clenched his fist and sighed deeply.
"And people think I'm the monster. Nah. I just hate bullies. In fact, I'm staring at the monster right here."
The woman's face paled and she had the audacity to beg for forgiveness and for him not to fire her husband, to which he laughed at.
"Why are you asking me for forgiveness? You should ask her."
The woman looked at the widow wearily and Mingi sighed.
"Forget it. You're so adamant on making her miserable. Fine. I'm firing your husband and I'm telling the landlord to raise rent on that little condo you have nicely decorated."
"Wait! Mr. Song, have mercy-"
"Girl, just go! You keep yakking and yakking! Don't make things worse for yourself." Wooyoung spoke up this time and the woman hung her head in shame before taking the bill wad and entering her car so she can rebuy the groceries she dropped. Mingi huffed out a sigh of relief and walked over to the widow in Wooyoung's arms.
"Hey. It's ok. I'm sorry if my anger got the best of me. I just can't stand it when people are bullied for no reason whatsoever. I hope you can forgive me."
The stark contrast between the softness of the taller man's voice and the sheer anger of his aura earlier shocked you to say the least. Even though you were still shaken up, you were happy that someone stood up for you. You looked up from Wooyoung's shoulder with big glossy eyes. Mingi fought the urge to grab your face and hold you close to him. In the end, he resisted. Although, his heart swelled with adoration and care when he heard your sniffles and your shy voice.
"Thank you, Mr. Song. No one has stood up for me like that before. I usually have to fend for myself but today was a really bad day for me so I couldn't. I'm sorry to have disturbed your peace with Mr. Jung."
Mingi shushed you and smiled kindly. You found it endearing how his smile reached all the way to his eyes so his eyes formed crescents.
"No need to apologize, love. And definitely no need to thank me. I'm just doing what a good Samaritan would do. Oh and you can call me Mingi."
"And you can call me Wooyoung."
You looked back and forth between the two men and nodded shyly. Mingi then slung an arm around you and held you close to him. The sheer size difference between your bodies was overwhelming. Through your shawl, your breath was taken away by how large this man was.
Broad shoulders, tiny waist, huge muscles with an even bigger chest, long legs, chiseled jaw, and huge hands with long fingers adorned by many rings. His black hair was swept back and his body was covered from head to toe by a suit that clung to his figure deliciously. You stopped your ogling and looked away shyly.
"My goodness! You must have work today! I'm so sorry for keeping you here."
Mingi looked down at his outfit and chuckled sheepishly.
"You're right. I should get going. However, I technically have the right to be late since I'm the CEO of my company. You heard me mention something about firing someone so hopefully, that gave it away."
You giggled and nodded shyly. Mingi wanted to hear you giggle again so he cracked bad jokes until the three of you approached your home.
"Um... sorry if it looks like death. I do keep the inside pretty though! It's usually my husband that tends to the outside. Although, I tried to do it myself... it's not as good."
"It looks good either way. If you want, Wooyoung can help with the outside."
"I can?"
Mingi gave Wooyoung a look and the younger of the two got the message before smiling kindly.
"I totally can! Just tell me what I need to do."
The smile under your shawl was bright and Mingi almost folded.
If only he was courageous enough to remove that shawl from your face so he can bask in your beauty. Alas, you two only met so he held back out of respect for you.
"Thanks, guys. It honestly means a lot to me knowing that there are still kind people out there who are willing to help a lonely widow such as I."
Mingi nodded and stuck out his hand for you to shake. You took it and shook it, ignoring the fact that your hand was swallowed by his. As he pulled away, you grew sad at the loss of warmth but chose to hide it.
"Well, I'll leave you guys to it. I have to get to work. I'll see you guys around!"
"Wait! Mingi! Before you go..."
Mingi looked at you curiously.
"My name is Doh Y/N. It's nice to meet you."
Mingi smiled and nodded in acknowledgement as an indication that he will indeed remember your name. As he left your home, his thoughts were nothing except you. When he entered his office, he couldn't concentrate on his work.
All he could do was think about you.
It had been a few months since your first encounters with each other. You two slowly became friends as you got to know each other a bit more. Mingi learned that Kyungsoo, your dead husband, was murdered by someone else as he was coming home from work one night.
The man that killed Kyungsoo also killed Mingi's own wife.
In the end, the two were nothing more than victims of the Namhae Strongman.
The neighborhood knew of the death of Mingi's wife and the death of Kyungsoo, yet for some odd reason, people gave the two of you different treatments. Mingi received sympathy while you received accusations.
Oh how life can be so bitter.
However, you fought through it and you leaned on Mingi and Wooyoung for support. Mainly Mingi.
It was the weekend and Wooyoung was playing with Song Minhee, the only daughter of Mingi. While the two were running around, the two of you were sitting on the couch in a comfortable silence. Your head was on his shoulder while his arm was secured around your waist. You were mindlessly playing with the rings on his fingers when you looked up at him.
"Any updates from your little brother?"
Mingi's brother was the cop in charge of helping the detectives investigate the string of deaths that the Namhae Strongman left behind, including Mingi's wife and Kyungsoo. Mingi shook his head.
"Sadly, no. The killer is apparently good at covering his tracks, which is ironic since he's depicted as a huge man with easily recognizable arms."
You hummed in acknowledgement to his response. You were disappointed yet not surprised.
"I hope they catch him soon."
"I hope so too."
Another silence filled the air once again but it was only temporary before Mingi spoke up this time.
"Can I tell you something, Y/N?"
You lifted your head and nodded. Mingi sighed quietly before speaking.
"It's been a few months since I met you. And it's definitely been a few months since I stood up for you that one time. I've never felt closer to anyone other than my wife. However, the more I'm around you, the more I realize that you and I have a bond that no one can compare to or break. Sure, our union exists due to our spouses being dead, but I feel like it's beyond that. I feel like I've known you my entire life and... well... is it wrong of me to say that I fell in love with you?"
You shook your head.
"I don't know... maybe I'm just talking out of my ass. I don't want you to think that I'm using you to fill the void my wife left when she died. However, knowing her, she'd want me to move on. And believe me. I've tried. I gave up at some point but then you came along. I feel like, in a way, she sent you to me. You're like a guardian angel to me."
"And you're definitely my savior."
Mingi's eyes widened upon hearing your revelation.
"Ever since Kyungsoo's death, I've felt lost. And alone. No one stood by my side and everyone tried to blame me for his death. How stupid are they to think that?! I know I'm not a good wife but still... it hurts so much knowing people still blame me for his death! I... I just-"
Mingi shushed you by bringing you into a much-needed hug and reassuring you that you aren't a terrible wife and that it wasn't your fault that Kyungsoo died. The Namhae Strongman simply just made everyone's lives miserable due to his murderous actions. As he held you close, he couldn't help but to kiss the top of your head and tighten his hold on you.
"Listen. The authorities will make sure that this killer is behind bars so we will finally get justice and closure. My brother is good at his job. The killer will be brought to justice. I can guarantee that."
His firm words of reassurance brought you comfort in this hard time and you held onto him like he was your lifeline. If you let go, he would disappear from your grasp.
After a few minutes have passed, the two of you pulled away but not entirely. You stared into each other's eyes, and before you could speak, Mingi removed the shawl covering your face and slowly leaned in. You found yourself leaning in as well but before your lips met, Mingi whispered something.
"Tell if you want to stop and I will. But just to let you know, I've been dreaming about you and I've been itching to remove that shawl from your face so I could bask in your beauty. However, if you think this is too fast, I will back up and we can remain friends."
"No no. It's ok, Mingi. Like you, I feel the same way. I'm not trying to use you to fill the void that Kyungsoo left behind but knowing him, he'd want me to move on. As I said. You're my savior."
"Well then... now that it's established, may I kiss you?"
"Yes. You may."
Mingi captured your lips in a desperate yet passionate kiss. He held your waist and pulled you close to him while you removed the glasses he was wearing from his face and had your hands all over him. One hand was in his messy black hair and tugging on the strands while the other hand fisted the white silk button up he was wearing.
Before it could go any further, Mingi pulled away. You both were breathing heavily, and both of your lips were swollen. Mingi caressed your cheek and you blushed from the contact, still feeling flustered about this entire situation.
"Y/N. I know we just confessed to each other and all that, but if we are to start something, let's take it slow. We're both still hurting and I don't want us to use each other as a rebound."
You nodded in agreement and kissed his cheek.
"Ok. I can do that."
Mingi smiled and put on his glasses before intertwining your hand with his.
It had been a while since the two of you had confessed to each other and shared a loving kiss yet the two of you were going strong. Mingi was taking it slow and respecting your boundaries, to which you loved.
However, he would also take things to the next level, to which you didn't mind.
From wild makeout sessions in almost every corner of the house that you two share (he asked you to move in with him since Minhee took a liking to you) to public displays from affection that ranged from holding hands to him smacking your ass and grabbing it so people know that you two were serious.
All of that left you riled up and wanting more. You just didn't know if he would feel the same way.
On top of that, you made some new friends along the way. You met Mingi's best friend Yunho, Wooyoung's other best friend named Yeosang, who worked as a barista, and Mingi's cousin, who was Yunho's boyfriend.
You also met Yunho's three daughters. Yumi, Yunju, and Chanmi. Apparently, they were sent to Mingi's place to spend the night one time since Yunho wanted to be alone with his boytoy. You didn't mind it since you loved seeing little Minhee interact with the Jeong sisters.
Seeing that interaction alone made you realize that you wanted something more with Mingi.
Perhaps you were ready to take your relationship to that next level.
Hence, the sit-down talk with Mingi about how you felt. To your surprise, Mingi felt the same way. He just wasn't sure if you'd be up for it. Seeing as how you two are on the same page, you took a page out of Yunho's book and asked Yunho if he could let Minhee spend the night at his place.
With a teasing and knowing look, Yunho happily allowed Minhee to spend the night at his place so she could play more with the Jeong girls.
It was now nighttime and the two of you were holed up in Mingi's room, making out fiercely and desperately. The riled up sexual tension spilled over and it definitely showed. With the way you were grinding desperately against him and the deep groans he would let out, it's safe to say that the both of you needed each other.
Craved each other's touch.
As you shoved each other's clothes off of your bodies, Mingi carried you in his arms and readjusted your positions so you were sitting on top of his bare chest.
"Tell me something, babe. Have you ever ridden someone's face before?"
His deep voice caused shivers to go down your spine and you shook your head. He chuckled deeply before tapping your hip, indicating that you should move towards his face so you could sit on it. As you lowered yourself onto his face, you stopped momentarily and Mingi sighed deeply before grabbing your hips and lowering yourself even more.
"When I say sit on face, I mean fucking sit on it. Like a fucking chair."
His deep voice rumbled throughout the room before it was muffled by your wet pussy. You didn't get a chance to speak as a loud moan escaped your mouth due to feeling Mingi's tongue licking a stripe up your clit before licking your folds and shoving his tongue straight into your wet hole.
Your head was thrown back and you grabbed onto his hair for support as you felt your hips move back and forth. His hands were on your ass, keeping you in place and occasionally smacking it.
"W-Wait! Mingi! Let me pleasure you as well-"
A loud squeak was heard from you when you felt one of his hands slap your pussy. His fingers directly hit your clit and it sent new waves of pleasure throughout your body.
"No. Just keep riding my face, baby. God your pussy is a fever dream. I want more."
As he dove back in, your moans increased and your hips moved back and forth faster than before. Mingi slapped your pussy a few more times before his hands reached up to cup your boobs. He massaged them with his huge hands, rolling your nipples in between two fingers and pulling on them.
"Fuck, Mingi! I'm gonna cu-"
He interrupted you by lifting you off his face and flipping you onto your stomach so your ass was in the air. He smacked both cheeks a few times before grabbing his huge cock and pumping it a few times. The tip touched your folds lightly and you let out a mewl due to the touch.
"Please, Mingi... please!"
"Baby girl, I got you."
He entered you slowly and groaned at the way your tight walls were stretching around his cock.
"Fuck, baby. You're so fucking tight. Fuck!"
As he bottomed out, he reached down and grabbed you by the hair before yanking you by it so he can see you.
He almost came just from looking at your fucked out face.
He placed a messy kiss on your lips before shoving you back down into the mattress and mapping out the expanse of your back with his palm.
"I'm going to move now."
You expected him to start slow so you could get adjusted to his size.
Imagine the look on your face when you felt his thrusts go at a medium pace.
He truly didn't want to waste time.
As he held your hips and hit it from the back, both of you groaned in unison. Your walls hugged his cock deliciously and he kept up the pace. When you asked to go harder, he didn't deny it. His thrusts became harder and harder with each passing minute. Your moans were so loud that you were sure you would get a noise complaint.
Good thing the walls are thick.
Mingi hit a particular spot that made you arch your back and he decided to make it better by reaching his hand down so his fingers could rub your clit at a rapid pace. The contact made you squeal and he chuckled darkly before leaning down to whisper dirty words in your ear.
"You like that? You like the way I'm touching you? Yeah I know you do, pretty baby. Fuck you're squeezing me so much. I love it. God I love you so fucking much!"
"Cum all over this cock. Squirt all over it. I want to feel you come undone like this. Where do you want me? Hmm?"
"You want me inside? You want me to fill you up with my cum? Hmm?"
"Fuck! With the way you beg, I might just do it. Fuck! Here it comes. Take my load."
With one final thrust, he emptied all of his seed into you while you squirted all over his cock. The sensation got him moaning like a pornstar as he still inside you. Once he felt that everything was drained from his balls, he pulled out slowly and groaned at the way his semen was dripping out from your quivering hole. He plunged two fingers inside you and you moaned weakly.
"Mingi, too much... I can't-"
"I know, baby. I just want my cum to stay inside you."
After shoving his cum back into you, he pulled his fingers out and laid down next to you. He pulled you close to him as you two got under the covers. The two of you started into each other's eyes.
Eyes filled with love.
"My guardian angel."
"My savior."
Eventually, the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms, knowing that you would keep each other warm and safe.
You found your peace within him.
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