amayalul · 3 days
trusty old handycam
dad!schlatt x fem reader
warnings: toothrotting fluff <3
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it was a quiet, sunny afternoon when schlatt found himself in the backyard with your kids, holding his "new" 90s sony handycam he bought and has been fixated on the past couple of weeks.
"another camera?? you have like 5 other cameras you don't even use honey...."
"I know, I know. but listen... this one is different-"
you were slightly annoyed when he told you he bought yet another one. however, his explanation managed to sway your opinion.
claiming how this camera was soooo much better than his last one. the lack of a viewfinder ensuring he would be 'completely immersed in the moment'.
the fact that he even took that into account was incredibly sweet. it reminded you exactly why you fell in love with him in the first place.
his consideration, his thoughtfulness...
since he bought the camera, he brought it everywhere with him to capture every precious moment with your 3 kiddos.
right now, he sat on a lawn chair on the porch as he adjusted the settings for his camera. the kids messed around in the open field, playing games like tag, hide and go seek, sometimes even hide and go seek tag.
just as he finished fixing up the camera, your youngest daughter runs up to him.
"daddy! wanna see me do a cartwheel?"
slightly worried the 4 year old might land on her head, he reluctantly agreed.
"sure! but hold on sweets-" he picked up his camera, pressing record. if she was gonna fail, might as well record it and save it to laugh at later.
"alright buttercup- go ahead, show us what you got."
she raises her hands way above her head, a strong sense of determination and focus on her face. she launches forward, her palms go straight down into the grass, her feet following her form in the air in a weird... jump kick? from one side to her other.
none the less, she tried her best and absolutely killed it... at least in the eyes of schlatt.
"that was absolutely spectacular! beautifully executed. 11/10."
hearing her little giggles at schlatt's praise, she runs up and gives him a big hug. after giving her head a small peck, he sends her back out to play with her older siblings.
schlatt continued to record the sweet moment between all your kids playing in the yard. everyone yelling, screaming, and running around.
he also captured their sweet smiles and giggles, zooming in on each of their faces as the warmth of the afternoon sun washed over them.
there's no words to describe how he felt in that moment. looking at his kids thinking about how he helped create them, the big open grass field of a yard he remembered you so, so badly wanted.
sat in his lap, cradling your swollen belly. you exchanged tender words and promises.
"i want a big old farmhouse with a porch that wraps around the whole house."
"really?" he chuckles, "what else do you want toots?" he smiles, kissing the top of your head.
"and it HAS to come with a backyard with the biggest open grass field, where our kids can play and run around in.... or else i don't want it."
"that's all?"
"I'll see what I can do."
a month later, he comes home from a morning away holding a new set of keys.
"what's this?" you point to the set of keys he held.
"yeah, i know what keys look like dumbass. keys to what?'
"our new house." he smirks.
he chuckled, remembering that memory and the look on your face when he told you.
snapping out of his daze, he looked around at the beautiful farmhouse with the wooden porch, the grass field, and most of all, your most precious creations.
the screen door swings open and out you walk, holding a platter of all kinds of fruits. schlatt points the camera at you as you set the plate down on the glass table outside.
"ah there she is, my beautiful wife, mother of my children. where have you been huh?" you laugh at his words.
"why are you so sappy all of a sudden? i was cutting up some fruit hun."
"no reason, just missed that pretty face of yours." he stretched out a hand, pulling you in by your waist. you leaned down and gave what was supposed to be a quick kiss. instead, he pulled you onto his lap, deepening it. the camera now turned towards you both.
"mommy!!" the kids all run up the porch, breaking you apart from the kiss, "we found a worm!"
you cringed as your son held a handful of dirt up to you, and sure enough, there was a worm squirming around in it. schlatt laughed, knowing how squeamish you got around small creatures.
"oh! that's really cool sweetheart... how about we put mr. worm back where we found him?"
"uh.... i forgot where we found him."
"see i told you to remember where!" your eldest daughter interjected.
"that's okay, we'll find him a new home."
"can you hold him mommy?" he tries to hand you the pile of dirt.
"uhm.... how about you hold him and I'll help you find a good spot to put him? how does that sound?"
"okay!" the kids all race down the wooden steps and out back into the field. you got up from schlatt's lap and trailed behind them.
he laughed at your reluctance to hold it yet still cared about the damn thing enough to find it a good habitable home for the worm to live happily ever after.
a/n: I cannot get enough of dad!schlatt I need him so bad fjfjdjdjsks 😭😭 also took some inspo from a chuckle sammy episode as well as the notebook with the whole "I want a white house w/ blue shutters" scene.
(if u saw me repost this u didn't)
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in my head schlatt is such a girl dad?? like omg imagine him playing barbies with her!!
i've seen so much girl dad!schlatt and it makes my heart melt every time <33 (fem reader/use of "mama")
thinking about you coming home after a long day out, maybe it was for errands or just some you time, whatever. as soon as you walk in the door, you can hear distant voices and laughter, ones that clearly belong to schlatt and your daughter. his gruff voice enthusiastically echoes out, "yeahhh, get him, baby!"
upon further inspection, once you actually reach where their voices are coming from, you see schlatt and your daughter on the floor of your living room. schlatt holds a ken doll in his hand, his arms slightly extended as he braces his knuckles for the impact of your daughter repeatedly whacking the barbie doll in her own hands against the ken. very violently, actually. "that'll show him!"
however, upon your entrance, your daughter ceases all action and grins up at you. "hi, mama!"
"hey, sweetheart," you reply with a grin, crouching down to join the pair. "whatcha doin'?"
"hey, toots," schlatt sweetly greets. "we're jus' playin' barbies. i'm teachin' her what to do in case someone tries to mess with her. c'mon, baby. show your mama!"
"i just beat 'em up. like this!" as if on cue, your daughter instantly begins wielding her barbie doll, smacking the ken doll in schlatt's hands. this naturally elicits a laugh from both you and schlatt.
"i see your dad's taught you well." you shoot your husband a knowing grin. "what else is on the agenda?"
"we're gonna have a tea party if you wanna join."
you feign deep contemplation before a smile crosses your lips. "absolutely."
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bvnnyblood · 10 months
: ̗̀➛ schlatt x pregnant!reader hcs
‗ ❍ schlatt was scared. at first, anyways. it definitely took him more then a few hours for it to fully sink in that he was a father. so many thoughts raced through his head like a nascar racetrack that it was hard for him to even focus on anything else other then you and your guys’ kid.
‗ ❍ he would outright REFUSE for you to do anything that required even a bit of strength. would gently sit you back down on the couch or chair or wherever there was somewhere you could sit because now he’s worried you’re gonna shatter like a glass chandelier.
“no, no, sit back down. you need to rest, it’ll be good for the baby.”
“jay, the box is basically empty.”
“your point?”
‗ ❍ practically attached to your hip at this point. wherever you go, he is quite literally right behind you. he refuses to let you out of his sight for even a moment. he’s even more whipped for you then he was before and now that you were going to be having his kid, he was terrified of you getting hurt.
“jonathan, why are all the tables baby-proofed? it hasn’t even been two months yet, the baby hasn’t even arrived.”
“just tryna’ be prepared, dollface. that’s all.”
“you put these here because of me, didn’t you?”
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whoslibby · 8 months
dad!schlatt who had told you to go take a nap, you reluctantly agreed as the little one seemed to be bursting with energy. you knew jay was capable of taking care of her but when she was hyper it was better with the two of you.
Schlatt had the little one pressed to his side as he scrolled through netflix looking for a film to watch with her, hopefully to get her calm as time was getting on. ‘what ya wanna watch’ he asked looking down at her.
a look of just blankness on her face, puffing up her top lip with a smile of unsure on what to watch. ‘your videos!’ she said finally deciding, a small grin blooming on her face. the girl only a toddler still.
‘maybe another time,’ jay said knowing his videos weren’t the most ideal thing for his little girl.
‘daddy can we play dress up.’ the little girl jumping up off the couch,
‘really?’ jay asked her not finding the idea the best but if it were to calm her ‘sure’.
soon enough he was sat in her room; tiara on, with his nails painted all different colours, he had told you to not get the nail polish but the look on her face when you went to put it back onto the shelf. she pulled out those puppy dog eyes which she absolutely inherited off of jay. those big brown eyes had always being your weakness.
‘if you’re gonna paint my nails do it right’ schlatt mutters seeing the paint covering his fingertips.
‘this is my salon not yours!’ she said looking up at her daddy with pure annoyance.
‘got your mothers attitude clearly.’ jay tells her and she grins. she may of been the spitting imagine of jay but she had the personality of her mothers.
you eventually woke up from your nap heading or your daughters room, Schlatt sat at the pink plastic table, nail polish on, blue eyeshadow and a tiara. a sight to be seen while your little girl had the biggest grin on her face.
‘don’t say a word.’ jay tells you seeing the smirk that was tugging on your lips
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schlattsdoll · 7 months
Hi lovely! Can I request Schlatt x single mom!reader and he meets her little girl who’s 3, for the first time? How do you think he acts around the holidays with her?
ugh dad!schlatt?? my heart
jay would be scared at first, he's a giant manchild and now he's helping raise toddler???
starts watching his mouth more often, he's not perfect but he does try his best
spends his free time watching bluey w her
calls her his lil munchkin <333
if you don't want her posted he's very good ab hiding her on his stream & in his videos
if you're ok with her being posted he absolutely uses her to get views (/jk)
does a stream with her playing kiddie games ???
she loves jambo nd burnt soup sm
now for the holidays;
he SPOILS tf outta her omg. im talking ab anything she wants, she gets
takes his boots and makes footprints out of "snow" (flour) leading towards the tree
would love to take both of you to new york for the holidays
he's a sucker for matching pajamas ugh <3
if you guys are in a snowy environment, makes snowmen and has snowball fights with the munchkin and makes her hot cocoa when they're done <3
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mack2732 · 8 months
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This is my favorite Schlatt content since his last trip to Japan I’m ngl, I love the video cam format it feels so much more intimate. Very excited for the rest of the Japan content. This is the best thing that could happen before I take midterms today.
Here’s to hoping he makes more content like this :)))
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npcdragonboi · 2 years
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Tubbo and his many dads
Headcanon that Schlatt have to put Tubbo in adoption because he went in debt for SOMEONE(Jambo)'s surgery bills and couldn't take care of Tubbo and boom Desert Dads + Hermitcraft Uncles and Aunties.
-- I like the hc that Tubbo shapeshifts traits from the people he loves. Bonus: Scar knits the wittle sweaters for him, malewife Scar real
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
dad figure schlatt and his dumbass teen reader?
please i need some father in my life
Omggg I’m a sucker for parental x readers!!!!!!
A little tw for implied bad home life
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You’d been streaming for nearly an hour at this point. That when schlatt, who’d become a father figure nearly a year ago after figuring out about your not to ideal home life, walked in. You’d been spending the night at his house for nearly a week straight at this point but you, despite the dozens of nights you’d spend over and likely hundreds of hours you’d spend around him, you’d never get used to the way he’d bust into a room. Usually you’d just squeak a little, but this time, for the first time, you called him dad. “DAD! Gah! You scared the shit out of me- oh fuck…” it took a moment for you to notice what you’d said, but chat and the man infront of you noticed immediately. “Kiddo-“ he whispered, small tears pricking his eyes that he quickly blinked away. You simply played with the hem of your shirt, scared at how he’d react. “Toots, look at me,” he said gently, bending down to reach your eye level. You looked at him teary eyed and placed his hands on your shoulders. “I love you so much, ok? I’d be honored to be your dad, but there’s no pressure for that title. I love you just as much even if you never spoke to me again” giggling at the last part, you hugged him tightly. He hugged you back before pulling away and kissing your forehead. That’s when he remembered you where live. He stood up and looked at the camera “I HAVE A KID!” You laughed and hid your face in your hands as he ruffled your hair.
Schladdy- I’ll stop now
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Complimentary favorite white boy, the schlut. (I saw you post him. Look at him. Mutton chops? I'm on my knees.)
sigh. my favourite mutton chopper. (sorry price)
he’s so underrated.. dilf before he’s been a dad. he’s a ilf. i- id l - literally f - fuck.
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deadlyxlvly · 2 months
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theramfather · 2 months
I'm very aware that DadSchlatt isn't cannon but it is unreasonably fun to clown on Schlatt for being a bad dad. That coupled with the fact Schlatt is my nickname, I present to you my mug
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amayalul · 8 days
prompt ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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dad!schlatt x reader
warnings: teen angst!! + fem reader
"HEY- no swearing around your little siblings. we'll discuss this matter later." you scold her for using such foul language at the dinner table. schlatt gives your daughter a pointed look.
"that's so fuckin unfair!?!? none of my friend's mom's care if they're out late." your teenage daughter exclaims.
ignoring his silent warning, she stands up, shoving her chair back in the process.
"you never let me do ANYTHING fun! I'm going out with them and I don't care what you say." she yells reminding you that she, without a doubt, inherited your fiery attitude. combined with the usual "teenage rebellious phase", it was lethal.
she constantly gave both schlatt and you a headache. challenging and pushing your buttons every single day.
"watch your tone with your mother."
"honey... we talked about this. you are still so young to be going out that late. it's dangerous, it's not safe, and you're NOT going out on my watch." you say with a mixture of sterness and exhaustion, having gone over this multiple times.
she rolls her eyes, blurting out words in a fit of anger, "oh you're fucking insufferable-"
her words hung in the air, shocking everyone sitting at the table. even your 3 year old fell silent, knowing something was up.
your eyes widen momentarily in disbelief as hurt flickered across your face at her words.
schlatt, who had quietly been eating, stood up abruptly. his chair scraping across the wooden floor.
"DO NOT disrespect MY wife like that, you hear me?"
your daughter recoiled slightly, stunned by her father's sudden intervention. it was rare for him to break away from the 'silly, goofy dad' image but when he did.... boy was it scary. his brooklyn accent even more prominent when he was mad.
she opens her mouth as if to argue but thought better of it. realizing she had gone too far this time around.
"you must be INSANE if you think I'll sit here and listen to you speak to my wife like you just did. and i sure as hell am NOT gonna tolerate the level of disrespect you just showed her when all she wants is your safety."
"thanks hun." you quietly say, giving him a smile and thanking him for always having your back.
"now apologize to her like you mean it." he huffs, sliding his chair back under him.
he sits back down and reaches across, placing a reassuring hand on top of yours.
he places a tender kiss on the back of your hand, smiling back at you.
"always and forever sweetheart."
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skrunklyscorner · 8 months
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More doodles of Schlatt papa
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cheese-water · 20 days
Happy Father’s Day! Today my dad came up to me and asked me about the jschlatt twitch chat purge because he saw it in a yt short. I had to tell him that it was almost three years ago. And I had to realize that it was almost three years ago.
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wilbur-gh0styr4t · 8 months
If I post my cringey Marvel x DSMP fanfic on here would y’all care?
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the-phantom-author · 5 months
Also dad!Hasan develops the mother instinct, while dad!Ludwig develops dad reflexes.
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