#dabae's asks
yixiangs · 1 year
GOOD MORNING 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
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seagiri · 5 months
aaaa vrg me habia olvidado que fnafhs existia jhfjhfkh
por lo menos tu eras fan, yo era un antiii >< 100 veces mas cringe
por cierto tus fanarts de dungeon meshi son bien bonitos :3
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boba-beom · 8 months
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catboyolli · 10 months
(Acá fingiendo demencia corriendo a refugiarme a delulu land)
Aleksi y Olli poniéndose de acuerdo para tratar de consolarnos
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Olli acercándose muy suavemente, casi como con un animal asustado, diciendo que sabe que es un momento complicado pero que quiere asegurarse que estemos bien
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En el sofá esperándonos con musiquita y mimos
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ayyyyy el nivel de demencia que estoy fingiendo no tiene limite, yo ni yendo a delululand me salvo de esta kjjjjj 😭😭😭😭😭 te juro que cuando baje a ver los resultados tenia la misma cara que Olli en la primer foto
no sabes lo que necesito a un Olli diciendonos que va a estar todo bien y esperandonos con Aleksi en el sillon con una guitarra, helado y pañuelitos 😭 o despertarme viendoles la cara y que me digan: tranquila, fue nada más un mal sueño
bueno, en realidad creo que lo único que me salvaría es que Aleksi me deje apretarle las nalgotas cuan michi amasando pancitos......... o un abrazo de Tommi tambien estaria muy piola
te dejo un par de Ollis medio con carita de poor little meow meow para olvidar el dolor
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2dieavirgin · 1 year
number 17 for the pride asks! i need to know if we ever cohabitated la marcha del orgullo
JAJSJS ay ojalá 🥲 no todavía no fui a NINGUNA MARCHA podes creer. soy como un fake fan de los LGBT pero nunca pudeeee Fingers Crossed que este año se de
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foryourownbosom · 2 years
Jajsjs en mi casa, el partido lo veiamos con delay asique tranquilamente los gritos de "gooool" comenzaban unos buenos 15 segundos antes de q lo veamos. Si estaban a punto de tirar y aun no habiamos escuchado gritos, no hubo gol. Igual, lo q sufrimos. Yo ya pense q perdiamos. Con cariño, Ñ.
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fitfdeluxe · 2 years
me parece que en latinoamérica nadie lava el arroz? es nuevo la verdad nunca escuché
sisisisi yo tampoco supe que lo hacían hasta que lo leí por acá jajajajdks
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|| Uff... Si que he acumulado varios borradores en este fin de semana. Estaré aprovechando que el profesor de inglés se ausentó para responder algunos. Y si alguien desea plotear algo, adelante ♡ ||
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anadiasmount · 4 months
learned from the best - jb blurb
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quick sum: jude can’t help but thank the best teacher he’s ever had. the one who taught him the language he wants to ever share and speak with you.
“tu español a mejorado bastante,” you say, placing a kiss on his cheek, letting your lips linger for a few seconds. you were sat on his lap, jude looking up and rubbing his hand on your thigh “no pensé que ibas hacer eso mi amor.” (your spanish has gotten better… i didn’t think you’d do that, my love.)
“le quería enseñar a todos lo tanto que eh aprendido,” he says cheeky making you roll your eyes at his demeanor. “además era el momento perfecto, no crees?” he raises his brow as you watch in amusement, jude still a bit tipsy from the drinks he had. (i wanted to show everyone how much i have learned… also, it was the perfect time, don’t you think?)
“gracias por ser la mejor maestra que eh tenido,” jude smirks feeling your tiny slap on the side of his head. “solo lo dices por los recompensas que te daba después,” you squint your eyes while having a straight smile, yet having the urge to laugh. (thank you for being the best teacher i’ve ever had… you’re only saying that because of the rewards i gave you after…)
“in all seriousness, thank you. i wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. i know i was a pain in the ass most of the times, and you pushed me more than anyone else, but in the end you taught me a new language. your native language, and i can see how much that means to you,” jude says. “and now it means so much to me…”
“entonces eso significa que ahora vas a hablar con mi familia el español en la casa?” you deadpanned, jude’s face dropping as he shook his head immediately, frantic about your suggestion. “ah no…” jude chuckled nervously, “i learned but i haven’t perfected it pretty girl. not just yet, i want them to be amazed,” he kisses your hand, over the small “j” charm on your bracelet. (so that means you’ll finally talk to my family in spanish at home?)
“i guess that’s fair…”
“i want our kids to learn spanish though,” jude says seriously, making your heart race at his topic of kids. the whole day he spent appreciating, thanking, carrying kids, including his teammates new baby that had your heart fluttering with nerves but overall joy. “you mean it?” your eyes soften knowing that no matter if he’s drunk off his ass or sober he serious about it. serious about you, his future that involves you.
“cien por ciento. yo quiero una familia grande contigo. y que nos hijos hablen español,” he stutters nervously, yet it brings small tears in your eyes. “aras mi madre la mujer más feliz del mundo,” you joke, making him laugh. (one hundred percent. i want a big family with you. and that our kids speak spanish… you’ll make my mother the happiest woman in the world.)
“y tu? tu también serás la mujer más feliz del mundo?” jude asks resting his head on your shoulder. tired from the blissful game, the traveling, celebrating, yet for you, he felt more alive than anything. he pictured his future exactly like this, you on his lap, watching your babies play on the pitch, their giggles making the both of you grateful. (and you? will you also be the happiest woman in the world?)
“ya lo soy,” you whisper, brushing your hand on his forehead and placing a kiss. (i already am…)
“te amo, mi amor,” jude says with a tiny accent that has you laughing happily. you would never ever take for granted how since learning those two words, he used them anytime and anywhere. (i love you, my love…)
“y yo más.” (and i more.)
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writtenjewels · 3 months
Da ba
The baby's laughter filled the room, and Jason smiled too. He loved listening to Zain's laughter. It was high and it made Zain's face light up with joy. Jason tickled the baby again and Zain squirmed, squealing in delight. The two were so absorbed they didn't notice at first they were being watched. It was only when Jason paused that Zain looked up and held out both hands, making grabbing motions.
“Ba!” he cooed.
“I've got you, habibi,” Salim answered, bending to pick up his son.
“Now that's playin' dirty,” Jason remarked. Salim caught his eye and raised a questioning brow. Jason turned his head aside. “Two against one,” he clarified.
“You had an unfair advantage, Jason,” Salim told him with an amused smile. “Now Baba can help it be a fair fight.” He bounced Zain in his arms; the baby gurgled happily. Looking at them made warmth fill up Jason's chest. “But first,” Salim went on, “I think someone needs his diaper changed.”
“I swear I didn't teach him that one,” Jason spoke up.
“It's all right.” Salim addressed his son again. “Now, Zain, it will only take a moment. Then we can play some more, okay?”
“No!” Zain cried out again. “Da!”
“What's 'da'?” Salim wondered. Jason shrugged; he had no idea. “Diaper?” Salim tried out. “Are you trying to say you don't want your diaper changed, habibi?”
“No!” Zain looked frustrated now. “Da! Da ba!” The two men exchanged puzzled looks. Ba was what Zain called his father. But what was Da?
“Baba,” Jason suggested. “Not Daba, Zain.” Zain craned his body toward Jason and made grabbing motions with his hands again.
“Da! Da ba!”
Jason's body felt suddenly cold. He sat frozen on the ground, his mouth open. Me, he realized. I'm Da ba. He swallowed and managed to get to his feet. His legs were numb but he managed to walk the few paces forward to take Zain in his arms. The baby calmed at once.
“He must have learned 'Da' from watching television with us,” Salim mused. “He didn't know which to say, so he used both.” Jason took a moment to get his tongue working again.
“I'm sorry,” he croaked out.
“Why?” Salim asked, frowning.
“Because he...” Jason swallowed before getting the words out. “He called me Dada. Or tried to.”
“And aren't you?” Salim's voice was quiet and gentle. Their eyes met, Salim's hand resting on Jason's arm.
Jason felt a stab of fear, and it wasn't at the idea of being a father for Zain. He would do anything for this kid. Salim was the one who scared Jason. Theirs had never been a typical relationship. Going from enemies pointing guns at each other to comrades willing to die for each other in a few hours, and all they trusted to each other in the dark. The more they were together, the deeper Jason could feel himself falling.
The weight of Salim's hand, the warmth in those dark eyes scared the hell out of Jason. He wet his lips nervously and watched as Salim's eyes slid down to settle there. Zain started squirming and Jason took a step away.
He didn't think he was ready yet to answer what Salim really asked with that question.
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yixiangs · 1 year
its only been 2 days like why r they rewriting history 😭
exactly and besides there are like a hundred other trio names they could use why go for the ones that are already taken
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deedee-sims · 2 years
Tutorial - extracting stuff from Disco Elysium (+ viewing the models in blender)
Due to... recent events, I decided to finally get myself to write a tutorial about this, because all I found was some half-assed reddit comments when I was trying to figure out how to do it sometime last year.
I'll show you how to extract... pretty much everything (including voice lines) from the game.
This is a beginner tutorial, so you don't have to know shit about any of these programs, I'll try to explain everything.
I promise it's pretty easy! I extracted stuff from various games, and this is one of the easiest I ever did, so yeah.
You'll need:
Disco Elysium on PC
+1 Interfacing
+2 Endurance (mostly to survive my bad jokes)
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First of all, open AssetStudio. You don't have to install it or anything, just unzip the file you downloaded and open the program inside (AssetStudioGUI).
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This is how the bad boy looks like, we'll be able to see the asset list on the left and the preview on the right.
Click on File../Load Folder.
Select the folder where the game is installed. For me it's Steam\steamapps\common\Disco Elysium\disco_Data. You can load individual files too, but it's easier to just list everything and then filter them imo.
Wait... for a while. It's a lot of assets. Make a tea or something (hydration is important).
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After everything loaded up, click on the Asset List tab. You can see all the stuff! Well, it's rather confusing. Let's see what is what!
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If you click on Filter Type, you can see the types of the assets. These are:
AnimationClip: I think these are supposed to be the animations, you can export them if you select an animator asset alongside and right click Export Animator + selected Animation Clips (couldn't get the animation to play but that's probably on me).
Animator: These are the rigged models, you can export them to .fbx format, but I couldn't figure out what to do with them in Blender because they were kinda distorted (funnily enough, when I imported it to the shitty Milkshape program it showed up just fine... and people wonder why I prefer shitty Milkshape XD) Anyway, I hope someone can figure this out that actually knows something about Blender lol.
Audio Clip: Sounds, voice lines, background music. (.wav format)
Font: Well, fonts. Can be exported and installed to your device like any fonts.
Mesh: 3D models of the characters, objects, scenes. (.obj format)
MonoBehaviour: No fucking clue.
Shader: Shaders for the game. Not interesting in our case.
Sprite: Images that the game uses: portraits, object thumbnails, user interface elements.
Texture 2D: The textures that belong to the 3D models. (.png format)
TextAsset: ??
VideoClip: The stuff that plays when you open the game.
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You can preview any assets (well, the ones that you can preview), if you click on them. You can view them in the right panel.
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You can extract by left click on the asset in the list -> Export selected assets. You can select multiple assets and export them at the same time.
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The program will ask you to select a folder where you want to export the stuff. It'll export them into separate folders, by assets.
Well, yeah, now you know what is what, and how to extract them, but there are still a lot of assets. Good news, you can filter them with the little search bar too, if you type in some gibberish! Some stuff are a little tricky to find.
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Voice lines are grouped by task / place, so if you know where the particular thing takes place, you can try to filter for those. The assets are named with the speaker's name - either a character or a skill. I think the numbers mean some kind of order, but I couldn't really figure it out. If you click on one of them, you can preview, and listen to it in the right panel! Super easy! (if you want your own daba-doop-doop-dead it's Kim Kitsuragi-YARD  HANGED MAN-556. Just saying)
For objects and characters, you can find them by name, although some characters are named differently. Like, Harry is referred as Tequila in the game files.
Basically if you want to have a character or an object extracted, you’ll need to extract a mesh and a texture that belongs to it. You can quite literally play dress-up game with Harry, because all of his clothes are separate files (and named with kinda the clothing item name). The Kineema has multiple parts (exterior - interior - door - whatever else).
Anyway, let's move on to the Blender part before I forget how to do it (I learned it this morning lol). (Disclaimer: I don't know jack shit about Blender, I use it for extracting stuff and creating the simplest shapes in existence. I use the godforsaken program Milkshape on a daily basis.)
Open Blender.
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Hit delete to get rid of this beautiful default cube.
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File.../Import.../Wavefront (.obj)
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Select the thing you want to import (I'll import the gremlin child).
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There he is! And he doesn't fucking care!
Btw, you can zoom with the middle mouse button scroll or middle mouse button + Ctrl, rotate with middle mouse button, move the view with middle mouse button + Shift. So you can see his itty-witty mischievous face from very close!
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Now, that's great, but he doesn't have textures still. First of all, change the Viewport Shading to Material Preview.
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Select him (just click on him, you'll see an orange outline). And go to the Material Properties tab on the side.
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Click on the little dot next to Base Color, and select Image Texture.
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Click on the Open button that appeared out of nowhere, and search for the Cuno texture.
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Tada! He looks beautiful now! (and he still doesn’t fucking care)
You can do the same with any 3D models, objects from the game, really.
Well, that's it lol. I hope it made sense! And I really hope someone runs away with extracting the animators + animations, because I'm pretty sure it's doable, I just have no clue how.
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deepinsideyourbeing · 5 months
Me imagine a enzo y su novia en el escenario que escribiste ayer donde el le daba nalgadas hasta que tenga el culo rojo y ella está puro lagrimear AHORA IMAGÍNATE ESTO este mismo escenario donde ella comienza a llorar fuerte y desesperarse. Enzo se da cuenta de esto y enseguida frena y la sienta en la cama pero ella esta tan sensible que el roze también la hace llorar, la culpa y lo mal que se sentiría enzo de lastimar a su novia de verdad 100% el se pone a llorar por esto
No se si los ask tienen que ser tan específicos jajaja pero lo estaba pensando y quería compartir la angustia
+18! Posible subspace.
Enzo no suele medir la fuerza que utiliza en la cama porque sabe que sos capaz de detenerlo en cualquier momento, ya sea con una palabra de seguridad o dos toques sobre cualquier parte de su cuerpo en caso de que no puedas hablar.
Sólo te habrá escuchado pedir que se detenga en dos o tres ocasiones aisladas porque jamás permite que llegues al punto de quiebre real. Está acostumbrado a hacerte llorar y que pierdas la capacidad de hablar o formas oraciones coherentes, pero...
Luego de una serie de 10, 15 o 20 nalgadas (perdió la cuenta luego de que dejaras de contar debido al estado desastroso y patético en el que te encontrás) deja de oír tu llanto y oye tus gritos ahogados contra el colchón. Está a punto de continuar y arañar las marcas que parece haber grabado a fuego en tu piel, pero tu respiración agitada es alarmante.
Toma tu mandíbula para examinar tu rostro -en cuanto logra apartarte de las sábanas humedecidas con lágrimas y saliva-, su preocupación llevándolo al borde del pánico. La forma en que temblás no es normal y mucho menos lo es tu expresión, con tus párpados enrojecidos cerrándose e impidiéndole ver si en tus ojos llenos de lágrimas hay aún algún atisbo de lucidez.
Te ayuda a reincorporarte y cuando logra hacer que te sientes el infierno se desata, aunque de manera gradual. Al principio sólo te estremecés y tu rostro se contrae en una mueca de dolor, pero luego tu cuerpo se encoge súbitamente y ve cómo tomás aire antes de que un grito ensordecedor abandone tus labios.
Intenta calmarte, recordarte que respires profundamente y exhales en cuatro tiempos, todo mientras sus manos apenas tocan tu cuerpo para no abrumar aún más tus sentidos. No comprende qué te mantiene tan alterada (se reprocha tal pensamiento porque ¿acaso no acaba de castigarte brutalmente?) hasta que ve la forma en que tus dedos se enredan en la sábana y la fuerza que ejercés con tus brazos, como si quisieras ponerte de pie y tus piernas no respondieran.
Se reprende mentalmente al empujarte contra el colchón, pero es la única forma que viene a su cabeza para lograr que te recuestes sobre tu costado. Examina la piel de tus muslos y tus glúteos y oh... Le encanta ver la impresión de su mano en tu cuerpo, la forma en que los vasos sanguíneos debajo de tu piel se rompen y afloran en la superficie diversos tonos de rojo y violeta, pero no es el momento de apreciar su obra.
Sus manos sobre tu cuerpo hacen que te sobresaltes e intentás huir pero te detiene sujetándote con fuerza. Repite tu nombre una y otra vez, los tiernos apodos que suele dedicarte fuera de la cama, masajea tus brazos y tu espalda para obtener una reacción. Cuando tus ojos encuentran su rostro se esfuerza por no perder tu atención y hace un gesto con su mano para que imites la forma en que respira, apenas perceptible con tu visión borrosa.
Eventualmente dejás de llorar y tu respiración vuelve casi a la normalidad -sin contar los espasmos que aún sacuden tu cuerpo y algún que otro pequeño sollozo-, pero aprisionás su muñeca entre tus dedos y tus uñas dibujan marcas en su piel cuando intenta ponerse de pie. El dolor lo obliga a morderse la lengua pero le parece más que justo, así que se estira hasta que sus extremidades duelen para tomar algo de la mesita de noche.
Negás con la cabeza al ver el producto, aterrada.
-Por favor, amor, te va a aliviar- jura mientras vuelve a colocarte sobre su regazo. El aroma a menta del bálsamo que utiliza sobre lesiones de este tipo normalmente hace que le ardan los ojos, pero en este momento la irritación en los mismos es producto de las lágrimas que intenta no derramar.
La culpa lo corroe mientras masajea tu piel con movimientos circulares y al oír tus quejidos.
(Perdón, creo que cuando leí la definición de drabble mi cerebro interpretó "Todo lo que puedas escribir pero si no le ponés portada no cuenta como one-shot").
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aziulpre · 8 months
Rook es extremadamente guapo hasta para estándares terrestres , no dudo de que varias mujeres se han fijado en el ¡¿ Ben se ha sentido celoso al respecto ?!
Se podría decir que si pero a su manera, actua más como "ignorarlo" o "enojado". Apesar de que el mismo Ben coquetea con cualquier mujer teniendo pareja.
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Aunque en AF y UA no se daba cuenta que las mujeres le coqueteaban, el solo era amable pero dejarse besar es automaticamente ser infiel.
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Parece como si Rook le dijera o aceptaba el coqueteo de una mujer solo para enojar/presumir a Ben. Pero realmente sigue confundido.
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Dudar apesar de en ese entonces salir con Rayona es porque parece que se interesa por ellas porque ellas se interesan por el. (Algo diferente a Ben, que gusta de ellas/quiere salir con ellas en serio cuando ellas ya no estan interesadas en él).
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En la serie Rayona se muestra como amable, pero cuando esta con Rook es realemente enojona y grosera/dominante. Presume que su novio es mejor plomero pero también le molesta que haga su trabajo como si perdiera el tiempo.
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En mis comics ellos terminaron cuando Rook se fue a la academia de plomeros, fue muy grosera con él. Pero Rook también es malo, Ben y Rook dejaban de salir muchas veces, pero cuando Rook salia con Rayona nunca termino con ella cuando se besaba con Ben o cuando le fue infiel siendo FistRook (lo conteste en una ask anterior, pero Rook después se da cuenta que sus sentimientos por Rayona es diferente por lo que termina con ella disculpandose por todo y que es su culpa pero también dando a notar que ella también fue grosera con él por eso habían terminado al inicio).
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Ya tiempo después cuando Rook se casa y tiene una hija con Ben, se siente algo incomodo con Rayona por ser su ex, aún tener aprecio por ella y que es su cuñada.
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Aún estando casado, las chicas sigues coqueteando con él. Solo puse una vez como se comportaba Ben "estando celoso", y es más triste... él sabe lo que paso y que no fue algo malo, pero realmente no lleva tanto tiempo de recuperación de su depresión.
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paper-gold-theories · 9 months
I wonder if Flug ever knew Miss Heed/ Cecilia was rich.
Yes, I theorised that Flug knows.
In Flug’s journal notes, there were some hints that Miss Heed is a rich before it was mentioned in her book trailer that she was a millionaire, who was given a credit card at the age of seven or in Chapter 10 of The Risky Heist, that she has a private yacht and a wealthy dad helped bailed her out of prison.
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One day she texted me at midnight, crying, telling me she needed help. I snuck out of my dorm in area B of the Institute, managed to sneak past the night guards, and made my way to her dorm in area C. She was at a window crying and I sat down with her and we talked, after a while she told me that me being there made her feel better.
However, this began to be a recurring event, that would happen at least 3 times a week, she would text me to come over and her mood would change radically every time I did. I asked her many times why she only wanted to complain to me instead of implementing any of the solutions I suggested but she just gave me the plane*, not literally, otherwise I would have been very happy.
(*Note: "gave me the plane" (daba el avión), is a Mexican expression meaning to ignore someone.)
As shown, Flug mentioned that Cecilia “gave me the plane, not literally, otherwise I would have been very happy”. The way he casually says this as if he is not surprised she afford something as expensive as a plane without making a dent her wallet. So he probably knows as Miss Heed probably told him about her family background while they were in school.
The second theory is a bit far fetched. Flug mentions that the are different dorm areas in the school. Flug is in Area B and Miss Heed is in Area C. Based on some of the students who enter the school from the BHO website, I theorised that there is a dorm hierarchy in the school which might hint Miss Heed is rich.
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This is what I made based on the website: Area A - Children of the most infamous and worst criminals who are Black Hat Organisation Members or possible heroes and students with hero families who wants to rebel and become villains (or just villains and normal citizens) that made contracts with Black Hat which enable them to get perks such as staying in the best dorm.
Area B - Scholarship students. Students who are got into this school due to their academic and sports scholarships. (Poor Flug might have to be in the same dorm area as his bullies.)
Area C - Students with wealthy families but without academic or sport scholarships, or evil families with ties and connections. (Miss Heed probably stays here because her father is wealthy and she didn’t get an academic scholarship for evil science as it was hinted in in Flug's journal notes that she was a lazy student before Flug tutored her and helped her become second best in class. In Episode 6 she appears to let her mind controlled simps do the fighting for her and when she is seen fighting crime the villains appar to have been mind controlled before she defeated them, so those photos of her doing heroic fighting appear to be fake, so she could not have gotten a sports scholarship.)
Area D - Students without wealthy families, academic or sport scholarships, or evil families with ties and connections.
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Just finished your Sodo/Aether and Calida fic. Will you write her more?
THIS IS INSANE I WAS JUST RAMBLING ABOUT CALIDA TO A FRIEND....... I'll absolutely post more about her!
Context for those who don't know: Calida is Dew's kid, with Step Dad Aether!
(CW - lightly Implied abuse and pregnancy from assault, but this is a fluff post!)
While Calida came from cruel touches and heavy hands around Dew's throat, he loves her more than anything in the world. He doesn't regret her, she's his main reason to continue living in fact!
When Aether wanted to claim her since Ifrit didn't, it took Dew a HOT minute to be able to calm down agree. Aether loves her so fucking much bro... He's a girl dad, loves wearing those silly glasses while she's in his chest harness with an identical pair, dressing her up only in the cutest dresses and onesies!
She has this weird thing for teething on her parent's guitar tuning pegs, and has even done it to Rain and Swiss' sjjejd. Also keeps trying to eat Copia's rats. There is no stopping where her teeth go. It has tormented so many tails, fingers, and shoes.
Dewdrop has extreme separation anxiety when it comes to leaving for tour and leaving Calida with Aether for the first time. He's having breakdowns just left and right, asking Copia if he can please just bring his daughter. She was born while he was on tour, he doesn't seem the issue now! He's eventually calmed down and reassured by Aether to just trust him, stay focused on tour, and simply coming back home.
Every morning, before and after shows, and before bed Aether will video call Dewy so he can show Calida. She's just grabbing the phone and pointing. "Mana." Then back to Aether "Daba." (Mama Banana, Daddy Banana)
"Yep! That's Mana!"
Dew loves seeing their daily adventures while he's gone, it helps ease him and his worry. He'll get random pictures through the day of Calida and Aether always doing something silly, her napping, chewing their guitars, or just absolutely covered in lunch/dinner. Sometimes he'll send pictures of her with Sunny, Special, Cowbell, and once even with Mist with the caption; "Auntle Mist to the rescue when someone got fussy."
While Dewdrop is out with the pack and shopping, he always ALWAYS gets Calida something. Usually a new outfit or toy, but sometimes a decoration for her room, a new teether, just anything he thinks she'll like. It's gotten to the point he's had to put some of his stuff in the overhead compartments in the bus they use for a pantry. It's not uncommon to grab a snack and a baby shoe falls out. It happens!
But Copia? That man is worse than Dew and Aether COMBINED. Pop-Pop Copia constantly has gift bags for her, deliveries from online shopping, always taking the chance to hold her- sometimes even during mass if she's being a bit too loud, Papa will just scoop her up and continue the sermon. One time he even let her wear his mitre after mass!
When Papa Terzo was still around and Dew was so secluded with her, Terzo was the only one Dew even let come near her. Just shakily showing off his newborn kit, Terzo just awing over her little fangs and beanies. He constantly prayed over her, letting Dew lay against his side while they both held Calida. He wishes Terzo got to meet her more, but cherishes the bit they did.
And when Dew gets home? That ghoul cannot stop crying even if it was life or death. Just holding Calida so tight while Aether hugs them both. Just scenting all over her (even tho she always smells like Dew), kissing her chubby cheeks and letting her claws touch his cheek.
I keep joking that when her element first made itself known, she had accidentally gotten into Dew's spicy curry and sneezed fire (yes in Dew's bowl) and the entire table just stared before Aether; "She didn't get that from me." And Dew gives him the HARDEST glare like "you know damn well-" snkekd
Calida looks exactly like Dew (a bit more before his transition)! Black hair, his roman nose, and when she smiles her nose scrunches and the right side of her lip will curl up - just like Dew's!
They're honestly a really, really happy family. Sometimes Aether will nuzzle up behind Dew after she's gone to bed, his hands on Dew's waist.
"What do you think about giving Calida a sibling?"
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