vxnomoxz · 2 years
martin rauch in d89>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
song: the neighbourhood - softcore
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weidaoduzun3 · 5 months
ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ -- ABRASAX From a Hermetic Viewpoint.
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To the Gnostics, Abrasax is the great archon who created the whole world. There is quite a bit of nuance considering how Basilides Gnosticism views this deity. Nuance that I am not qualified to go over at the moment. Carl Jung refers to Abrasax as a truly terrible entity that encompasses all evil and all good, in his Red Book. I've seen negative reactions from people on Discord to this entity, but also some positive reactions.
But to the Hermeticist…who and what is this weird rooster head, snake-legged deity that is found all throughout the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM)? Let’s find out? 
In the Discourse of the Ogdoad and Ennead (D89) we are given strings of vowels and nomina Barbara for the Hermetic student, namely Tat as he is being taught by Hermes. To Christian H. Bull in his The Tradition of Hermes Trismégistōs, the string of Greek vowels and nomina Barbara/voces magicae is the totality of the Kosmos. Tat asks to receive the imprint of fullness by ways of hymns of praise to God. Bull seems to agree with Alberto Camplani that the “imprint of Fullness (Pleorma)” is coded within these string of vowels and voces magicae. 
From personal experiences — I have to agree with this, but I had to fuck around and find out for myself as I read this book many months ago when vowels and voces magicae were not big in my praxis. Anyways, here is the full hymn: 
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Great! So how does this tie into ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ and what is this names value to a Hermeticist? For starters — This name, has a numerical value of 365, according to isopsephy. 365, as the majority of you know, is the totality of days our Earth revolves around the Sun. In PGM VIII. 1-63, specifically in lines 45-50… we see a love spell invoking Hermes to which we are given the name of ABRASAX equaling 365 explicitly, and quite possibly a voces magicae for Hermes.
The Sun's importance in Hermeticism is ever-present. Most explicit in my opinion is SH 2a from M. David Litwa’s Hermetica II:
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Also important to note: Thoth. Many believe Thoth is just the god of the Moon, yet Thoth has a Solar form: the Baboon. Baboons and their screeches are believed to be connected to the language of the gods. This is confirmed in the Demotic Book of Thoth. Where a scribe of Thoth’s Scribal College: The House of Life [𓉑], says this about the great teacher, Thoth: "The signs revealed their form. He called to them and they answered to him. He knew the form of speech of the baboons and the ibises." Thoth is also believed to be the creator of not just words and language but also vowels (Philebus 18b-c). For clarity's sake, Thoth is an extremely important figure in Hermeticism. Our teachings are based upon a syncretic god: Hermes & Thoth — Hermēs Trismégistōs. 
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More evidence for the importance of ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ is found in PGM XIII.1-343 — the famed Heptagram Rite, which we can perform more clearly and neatly here. This is a ritual that invokes Aiōn. Aiōn is believed to be the power of the Unknowable, Ineffable Godhead in Corpus Hermeticum XI. In lines 80-89 of PGM XIII, we are given voces magicae to Aiōn in 7 different languages as seen below.
(The voces magicae for Aiōn is continued in 'Falconic' and lastly hieratic languages). Thus, we can see a clear link to baboons and Thoth, the name Abrasax to the baboons, and their "language." We see a connection between Aiōn and Abrasax, and we also saw above in PGM VIII that it could also be used as a voces magicae to Hermes!
But let’s look at the imagery as well. A rooster head with snake legs. The legs, to me, are Chthonic of course, and curl up to shape an Ω, the seventh sphere, Saturn. The connection to Omega is something Christian H. Bill points out. The rooster is also a Solar animal. So to me, we have a beautiful image representing the totality of All Things from the Sun whose an image of Truth, directly subordinate to the One Primal Deity (SH 2a), down to the Du’at/Underworld. Both Hermes and Thoth are connected to the Underworld as well as the Sun. Hermes' planet, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Hermes is also famously known as a psychopomp, a traveler and mediator between Hades and Mount Olympus, Death and Life. Thoth, with His solar connections stated above, is also a key member of the Ancient Egyptian Underworld. In the Ani Papyrus, we see Thoth as the recorder/scribe that lists every heart that is weighed up against the Divine Feather of Truth -- Ma'at.
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Thus what we have here, from a Hermetic standpoint, is that Abrasax is not a malevolent archon or a demon as denoted by the early Catholic Church, but rather a beautiful deity that is worthy of reverence whose name equals our revolution around the Sun, the Image of God. Abrasax — a name that is connected to both Hermes and Thoth, for reasons stated above. A name that also has a connection to Aiōn, an extremely important power/god in Corpus Hermeticum XI.
That is my interpretation, from a Hermetic standpoint. There are many interpretations of this elusive yet captivating deity. Abrasax can be a voces magicae for Hermes, or for Aiōn, it can be what I said, or you can take the Gnostic approach, or Jung, or Catholic approach to Abrasax. Regardless of what you do with the information, I shall continue to raise my voice in jubilation and cry out:
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polyphanes · 1 month
Reading the Hermetica: Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth (NHC VI,6) (part 2)
For this week’s Reading the Hermetica discussion, we’ll read and discuss the sixth tractate of the sixth codex of the Nag Hammadi Codices (NHC VI,6), a text known as the “Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth” (abbreviated D89).  Because of the length of this discussion, we’ll break out this discussion over two weeks, with this second week focusing on the practice and ritual the text…
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hazelnut-u-out · 1 year
i've been neglecting morty in my fics lately, so i tried my hand at writing him again.
just something short and sweet to play around with, plus some effort to explore a few other characters!
anyway, ao3 link here! full text below the cut. :)
'Choosing to Sabotage Your Social Life'
2400 words
Morty tightened his grip on the steering wheel, that familiar vortex pulling at the inside of his ribs and aching his stomach. 
It was budding from annoyance. He had to be honest, he’d been angry since his phone had rang an hour ago, and even angrier when he’d realized Rick had locked the portal gun in his safe. 
There was a whoosh and a slight jolt as the ship entered the asteroid’s artificial atmosphere, marked by a distinctive layer of thick cobalt clouds. 
“Arrived: Asteroid 3-D89,” the ship’s AI said flatly. “If anyone cares, that is.”
“Jeez, man,” Morty huffed, tapping his left foot with irritation. “I’m not Rick. You don’t have to be so harsh.” 
“Try not to take it personally. I’m programmed with a predisposition to conversational flippancy.” She still sounded annoyed, but Morty was beginning to think it was her default. 
“Whatever. Thanks for the directions.”
Morty squinted, trying to get a feel for the parking situation the best he could in the flashing neon haze. 
These sorts of things always made him nervous. He’d only been to this bar one other time, and Rick had been driving. Morty still wasn’t sure why they’d gone there, but he’d chalked it up to some sort of sketchy space drug deal. Most of Rick’s shit was like that– or close enough that he could get an idea of what was going on by picturing that scenario in his head. 
One visit– especially one where he hadn’t driven– wasn’t enough to be comfortable with the location, and his chest swelled with anxiety. There were a lot of variables he couldn’t account for. 
He brought his right thumb to his mouth, gnawing on the edge of the nail. 
Morty thought most people must feel bigger when this far above everyone else. He knew Rick did. He assumed that when everyone looked so tiny and you were already a raging narcissist, it was hard not to feel more important.
Morty felt smaller up there, though— especially when he was alone. 
The asteroid wasn’t anything impressive, literally just a mid-sized building and a parking lot large enough for twenty-five to thirty crafts at most. The horizon was the edge of the bar’s flat roof. It was rosy pink in some parts, and dark violet in others. Probably just peeps of the light mostly obscured from the three-star center of this system this time of their solar cycle. It was nearing the season change for the outer belt. The gas giants were shifting to let those blushing swathes of light reach the outskirts. 
Morty caught a glimpse of two aliens sharing what looked to be something like a cigarette at the far end of the lot. 
Still no space.
His stomach hurt. 
“Oh, thank fuck,” Morty breathed out, finally noticing an empty spot near the front right of the establishment. Relief let his shoulders fall as he pushed his hips forward. 
He positioned the ship above the space, reaching out and pressing his index finger against the auto park button.
He had to admit, it did come in handy.
Morty sighed as the ship began to lower itself slowly, bringing his hands up to cover his face. Finally– a moment to collect himself in silence. 
He sat there, a few long breaths hissing past his tense fingers and warming his cheeks, before shifting to pull out his phone. The lights outside gave a tacky overcast to the whole scene. 
He scrolled, finding his chat thread with Squanchy and typing out a quick message:
‘send him out, thx :)’
Morty stared blankly at the screen. He felt sick. 
He wasn’t ready for whatever drunk Rick was about to do or say.
“Ugh.” He pressed the home button and opened Instagram, scrolling through the explore page numbly. He thought about queuing up a playlist, but he’d probably be too overstimulated to drive and listen to music with Rick in the passenger seat. 
There was a tap at the window. Morty started, turning his head quickly and throwing his phone across the ship as he met Squanchy’s apologetic gaze. 
“Shit,” the teen muttered, plastering on an awkward smile and rolling the window down sheepishly. 
“‘Sup, kiddo?” Squanchy said softly, rubbing his elbow and lowering his eyes. 
“Nothin’ much, man!” Morty replied. “H–Hey, thanks for calling me. I wouldn’t have wanted you guys to be stuck with him.”
“Ah, no worries, buddy.” Squanchy laughed, but reached out and gently placed a warm paw on Morty’s shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Look, I’m really sorry you had to come all the way out here. I know it’s a school night on Earth and all, and you shouldn’t have to be dealing with this sorta shit.” 
Morty didn’t know why, but he felt a lump in his throat. He swallowed it down, leaning into the kind touch a bit. 
“Don’t be silly. My parents hardly notice when I’m gone,” he said, bringing a hand up and resting it on the other’s paw. “Where is the old fart, anyway?”
“Uh…” Squanchy pulled his arm back, that apologetic look creeping onto his expression once again as he rubbed the back of his neck. “He said to tell ya he’d be a minute, and that you could come in and watch him if you wanted. I told him you’d probably say no, and that they don’t let kids in here.”
Morty quirked an eyebrow. “Watch him do what, exactly?”
“Karaoke… Sort of. It’s more squanchin’ at this point.” The words came out with an uncomfortable twinge. 
“Oh,” Morty said, more flatly than he’d meant to. “Just… tell him I’ll be in the car, yeah?” 
“I’ll let ‘em know,” Squanchy said, turning. Morty reached to roll the window back up before his grandfather’s friend turned back around. “Sorry, again. Let me know when you guys make it home, yeah?”
“It’s really no problem, but sure thing, dude.”
Morty rolled the window up the rest of the way. 
It was a few more minutes before a large, burly-looking turquoise alien came out, grasping a flailing Rick at the shoulders with a sturdy set of tentacles. Morty took a breath to steady himself— trying to remind himself how to look normal— and hopped out of the car, his slippers making a gentle sort of ‘clack’ sound on the pavement. 
He was suddenly very aware of his matching yellow pajama set. They probably thought he was ten years old! 
“Over here!” The boy waved one arm over his head, motioning for the creature to deliver his grandfather to where he stood. 
The alien acknowledged him with a kind nod, tucking the old man in on one side and adjusting his trajectory slightly to their left. 
“Thanks for bringing him out, sir,” Morty said bashfully as the creature got close enough to hear. He gestured for him to follow, walking around the ship and opening the passenger side door. “You–You can put him in here if you want.”
“Don’t thank him, you little dick,” Rick slurred with a hiss, spittle flying out when his teeth touched. “Asshole pulled me o–off stage in the middle of an encore.” 
“Morty, right?” The alien asked, ignoring Rick and placing him on the seat. He leaned in and secured the buckle, much to the elder’s physical protest. 
His syntax was sort of clicky and had a rasp to it that Morty found quite pleasant. 
“That’s my name!” Morty said, throwing out a little finger gun in a desperate attempt to seem casual, immediately regretting it. 
“Mooooorty,” Rick whined. “I said do–” 
A tentacle reached out and slammed the door, cutting the old man’s sentence short.
Okay, yeah. Morty really liked this guy. 
“Your grandpa here talks a lot about you. I hear you’re a pretty smart kid,” he said, closing two of his four eyes in what Morty assumed was a rough approximation of a wink. 
“Pffff, nah,” the kid said, waving one hand dismissively. 
“Whatever you say, little guy. Well, have a safe trip home!” The kind stranger trilled, heading back towards the opening of the bar. 
“Yeah, you too!” Morty chirped in response, making a mental note to punch himself for it later. 
“That was real rude of you, Morty ,” Rick snapped when Morty climbed back into the driver’s seat, hissing his grandson’s name as if it were a curse word. 
Morty sighed, clicking his belt buckle into place and twisting the key. 
Angry drunk it was, then. 
“What was?” Morty inquired, lifting the ship from the ground. “Car, could you pull up some directions to get us home, please?”
“Sure, yeah, of course,” the ship replied, displaying a little map with a yellow point to indicate their current position. She spoke slowly, almost as if she’d made a conscious effort to sound pleasant. 
It didn’t work.
“Thank you.” 
Morty made a point to thank her when he remembered to. 
“Not comin’ in t–to watch me perform. You wonder why no one likes you, but… but maybe it’s because you don’t even try,” the elder grumbled, bringing his knees up to hug them and pressing one cheek against the glass.
The ship punched a second hole in that layer of plush clouds and the blur of stars started to lull past them. 
“Oh, yeah. I’m so sorry for coming to pick you up at 3 a.m.” Morty gripped the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. “I have a math test in the morning, you know.”
“I’m jus–just sayin’, buddy. If you wanna have a social life, you’ve gotta make an effort.”
“Yeah, and I’m sure hanging out in some sleazy bar with a bunch of senior citizens would’ve really opened some doors for me in that department. Thanks, Rick.” Morty rolled his eyes.
“Morty, I don’t know a single alien culture as uptight about aging as humans.” 
“Good to know,” Morty said, trying his best to shake off the animosity he held and be amicable. He didn’t feel like spending the whole ride arguing, “Did you have a nice time? It must be nice to see old friends.” 
He thought maybe he tended to expect the worst with these kinds of things, often getting angry before there was much to be angry about. After all, in terms of Rick doing fucked up shit, this was a notably tolerable level of fucked up.
“Yeah, it was nice. You tend to see friends when you’re actually able to make them,” Rick replied, scoffing. Morty flinched. “Can I ask ya something?” 
“Shoot,” Morty said, checking his blind spot.
It was pointless. Space was painfully empty, but Jerry had argued with Rick about it during a lesson once and his brain had latched onto the idea of something being there— not that there was even a need to merge. He just made sure Rick never caught him glancing. 
“Do I have a vibe about me?” 
Morty raised a brow, not able to stop himself from smiling at the humor in the question. “Uh, I’d say yeah. Everyone does. That’s how vibes work.”
“But I… I—I mean, like, a safe vibe that makes people think I’m a good listener,” Rick clarified, looking comically earnest. “Like a, uh… therapist vibe, I guess?”
Morty let out a deep laugh at that one, much to his grandfather’s bewilderment. He abandoned the wheel to clutch his stomach. Wiping away a tear, he wheezed out, “No. I’d— ah… I’d say you’re good on that one. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten the vibe that you wanted to listen to me.”
“Well,” Rick said, pouting and crossing his arms with a huff. “I think all the lonely old drunks in there would’ve disagreed.” 
“Oh, really ?” Morty teased, giggling again. 
“Yes!” Rick said, seeming to miss the sarcasm in Morty’s playful retort. “Had some weird lady come up and tell me her brother died in some accident the other day. I don’t even have any siblings!” He threw his hands in the air for dramatic effect, looking more like a wrinkly child in a disheveled lab coat than a live-in grandpa of two. Morty stifled another laugh. “D—Do I look like a guy that could relate to that? What do you even say to something like that as an only child?!” 
“Maybe you just look like a sad drunk,” Morty offered, shrugging. “Or maybe it was the charming karaoke that made you seem so open-minded and approachable.” 
“Eh.” Rick tried to shrug, but slumped forward too quickly, bouncing his head off the dash. Morty winced on his behalf. “You ruined the whole night, though. Had to tell ‘em I had to go because you—you didn’t wanna come in and spend time with your grandpa. Fu—Fuckin’… family and your generation don’t mix.” 
Morty felt that familiar itch beneath his skin— that incessant irritation begging to bubble out of him and grab Rick by the throat. 
“I dunno why you say these things,” Morty grumbled through clenched teeth, his back straightening. “I just wanted to be helpful. That bar wouldn’t have let me in, anyway. I’m in my pajamas .”
“I mean, think about it,” Rick said mockingly. “At least her brother died in a way she couldn’t control. You left your sister to die. We’re one and the same, buddy— you and me.” The elder threw a hand out on his shoulder, shaking the teen so hard that the ship rocked with them. “Deadbeats.”
Morty didn’t know if the tears were from anger, grief, guilt, or that ever-constant pit in his chest he could never quite fill up, but he let them slip out silently, anyway. 
“What did you say to her?” Morty asked, barely audible, after a bit. 
“Hm?” Rick hummed, now reclined and nearly comatose on his back, wrapped in a tight swaddle he’d clumsily fashioned from his own lab coat. “Who?” 
“The lady whose brother died. What’d you say to her?” 
He didn’t really know why he cared what Rick had said. He thought, maybe, he just wanted to know if he’d have done something different. 
“Oh. I told her to fuck off,” Rick slurred matter-of-factly. “Did her a favor. Ya can’t expect the universe to baby you. We all lose something to it.” 
“Huh,” Morty breathed, feeling a bit lighter. “I would’ve offered her a hug,” He thought out loud. “I would’ve listened.” 
Rick snored. Morty listened.
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domzgloszenie · 9 months
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Residential house D89
click for more
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choeeri · 1 year
pokémon AU ∴ Harry's team
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This is something I can't help but think about. I play Pokémon a bit too much lol
Harry never had a Pokémon before. Not until Piu-Piu, that is.
PIU-PIU is Rotom!
An electric/ghost-type pokémon that:
can invade and control his phone;
can hack other appliances (allegedly);
speaks ~human~;
makes mischief;
but also uses its abilities to help; and
time travels!!!!!!!!!
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And look at that face. I can hear it going wee-woo and annoying Harry all the time...
Apparently you can also customize your Rotom-phone, so Rosé cover to match Piu-Piu's natural colour~
Also, Rotom's basic move is Thunder Shock / Electric Shock. You know, just like Piu-Piu.
But Piu-Piu isn't his. They're just following Harry around. His first actual Pokémon is a goldfish he won in the market (D89, lunch chat).
Poseidon is Seaking!
It'd be potentially funnier as a Magikarp, the most underestimated pokémon of all time, but the thing is: Magikarp can evolve. And they become Gyarados.
Poseidon's a goldfish, which Seaking are based on it;
The last on their evolution line (no, she won't grow);
Literally called the King of the Seas! And in the beta games, originally called "Neptune" - a.k.a. Poseidon. A perfect fit.
I especially like corycatte's artwork for Seakings - which features several variants created through breeding;
To fit pokémon canon, I believe Poseidon's fins and/or horn wouldn't be so well developed, since they're the main reason people catch Seakings. (Not that it matters to Harry, anyway);
I don't think he'd want to keep her in a PokéBall, but if he ever had to, it'd be a luxury ball, obviously.
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(Harry is 100% a swimmer class)
That being said, Harry wouldn't become a trainer, I guess. Battles are a hassle and violent. But maybe he'd use Poseidon's powers to kick people out of his apartment.
Bonus: "furball" is Lillipup!
He doesn't talk much about it (D73, breakfast), so I'm not settling this, but what screams "furball" more than Lillipup??? It's also a quiet, clever dog, so I imagine baby!Harry would like it. If they stayed together, Lillipup would've been a nice companion and fierce defender...
I especially like the idea of a shiny one, that has lighter fur.
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Yamper is second best choice, since it's a dog from Galar (nod to his ancestry). And it likes to follow fast people / things :)
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misswoozi · 2 years
I've updated the Male and Female D's, but there may be inaccuracies as I wasn't sure about some members that had left their group.
All Female D50
Jihyo (TWICE)
Nayeon (TWICE)
Jeongyeon (TWICE)
Momo (TWICE)
Sana (TWICE)
Mina (TWICE)
Dahyun (TWICE)
Chaeyoung (TWICE)
Tzuyu (TWICE)
Sowon (GFriend)
Yerin (GFriend)
Yuju (GFriend)
Eunha (GFriend / VIVIZ)
SinB (GFriend / VIVIZ)
Umji (GFriend / VIVIZ)
Solji (EXID)
Hani (EXID)
Hyelin (EXID)
Jeonghwa (EXID)
Taeyeon (SNSD)
Sunny (SNSD)
Tiffany (SNSD)
Hyoyeon (SNSD)
Yuri (SNSD)
Sooyoung (SNSD)
Yoona (SNSD)
Seohyun (SNSD)
CL (2NE1)
Dara (2NE1)
Park Bom (2NE1)
Minzy (2NE1)
Solar (Mamamoo)
Moonbyul (Mamamoo)
Wheein (Mamamoo)
Hwasa (Mamamoo)
Irene (Red Velvet)
Seulgi (Red Velvet)
Joy (Red Velvet)
Yeri (Red Velvet)
Yeji (ITZY)
Lia (ITZY)
Ryujin (ITZY)
Chaeryeong (ITZY)
Somin (KARD)
Jiwoo (KARD)
All Male D89
Yeonjun (TXT)
Soobin (TXT)
Beomgyu  (TXT)
Jin (BTS)
Suga (BTS)
J-Hope (BTS)
Jimin (BTS)
Jungkook (BTS)
S.coups (Seventeen)
Wonwoo (Seventeen) 
Mingyu (Seventeen)
Vernon (Seventeen)
Woozi (Seventeen)
Jeonghan (Seventeen)
Joshua (Seventeen)
DK (Seventeen)
Seungkwan (Seventeen)
Hoshi (Seventeen)
Jun (Seventeen)
The8 (Seventeen)
Dino (Seventeen)
Taeyong (NCT)
Taeil (NCT)
Johnny (NCT)
Yuta (NCT)
Kun (NCT)
Doyoung (NCT)
Ten (NCT)
Jaehyun (NCT)
WinWin (NCT)
Jungwoo (NCT)
Lucas (NCT)
Mark (NCT)
Xiaojun (NCT)
Hendery (NCT)
Renjun (NCT)
Jeno (NCT)
Haechan (NCT)
Jaemin (NCT)
YangYang (NCT)
Shotaro (NCT)
Sungchan (NCT)
Sungjin (DAY6)
Young K (DAY6)
Wonpil (DAY6)
Dowoon (DAY6)
Suho (EXO)
Xiumin (EXO)
Baekhyun (EXO)
Chen (EXO)
Chanyeol (EXO)
D.O. (EXO)
Kai (EXO)
Sehun (EXO)
Lay (EXO)
Onew (SHINee)
Key (SHINee)
Minho (SHINee)
Taemin (SHINee)
Jonghyun (SHINee)
Eunkwang (BTOB)
Minhyuk (BTOB)
Changsub (BTOB)
Hyunsik (BTOB)
Peniel (BTOB)
Sungjae (BTOB)
G-Dragon (Big Bang)
T.O.P (Big Bang)
Taeyang (Big Bang)
Daesung (Big Bang)
Hongjoong (ATEEZ)
Seonghwa (ATEEZ)
Yunho (ATEEZ)
Yeosang (ATEEZ)
Mingi (ATEEZ)
Wooyoung (ATEEZ)
Jongho (ATEEZ)
Shownu (Monsta X)
Minhyuk (Monsta X)
Kihyun (Monsta X)
Hyungwon (Monsta X)
Joohoney (Monsta X)
I.M. (Monsta X)
J.Seph (KARD)
THIS IS SO COOL AND SO HELPFUL THANK YOU VERY MUCH, I will make it into a graphic when I'm next on the laptop!
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jmmovigs · 2 months
Symphony button mobile price in bangladesh
As of my last update in October 2023, the price of Symphony mobile phones in Bangladesh Samsung Latest Phone in 2024 can vary widely depending on the model and specifications. Generally, Symphony offers a range of smartphones and feature phones, with prices typically starting from around BDT 5,000 for basic models and going up to BDT 20,000 or more for higher-end smartphones.
For the most accurate and current pricing, I recommend checking local retailers, online marketplaces, or the official Samsung Latest Phone in 2024 Symphony website, as prices can fluctuate based on promotions and availability." This article will cover the history, advancements, and future trends in smartphone technology.
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Symphony Button Mobile Price from Low to High
Symphony B69
1150 BDT
Symphony BL96
1230 BDT
Symphony BL120
1240 BDT
Symphony D41
1290 BDT
Symphony D89
1350 BDT
Symphony L33
1350 BDT
Symphony L46
1340 BDT
Symphony L47
1450 BDT
Symphony L135
1490 BDT
Symphony L270
1550 BDT
Symphony button mobile price list
We will make an overview of Symphony Button mobile  phones available in Bangladesh and their key specifications along with their respective prices. Let’s take a look at some of the lists we have made below.
Symphony B69 Price: 1150
Symphony B69 Price in Bangladesh
Display: 1.77″
 SIM: Standby Dual  SIM
Battery: 1000 mAh Li-ion.
Camera: Digital Camera
Symphony B69 is an entry-level button mobile  phone with a compact design and a 1.77″ display. Samsung Latest Phone in 2024 It features a standby dual SIM capability, a 1000 mAh Li-ion battery, and a digital camera for capturing basic photos.
Symphony BL96 Price: 1230
**The Evolution of Smartphones: A Journey Through Technology**
The smartphone has become an indispensable part of modern life, transforming the way we communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. From their humble beginnings as basic mobile phones to the powerful mini-computers we carry in our pockets today, Samsung Latest Phone in 2024 smartphones have undergone a remarkable evolution. This article explores the history of smartphones, their technological advancements, and what the future may hold for these devices.
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**1. The Birth of Mobile Phones**
The journey of smartphones begins with the invention of mobile phones in the early 1980s. The first commercially available mobile phone, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, was released in 1983. It was a bulky device, weighing nearly 2.5 pounds and measuring 10 inches in height. Despite its size, it was revolutionary, allowing users to make calls without being tethered to a landline.
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, mobile phones became more compact and affordable. The introduction of digital cellular technology (2G) marked a significant advancement, enabling better call quality and more efficient use of the radio spectrum. However, these early mobile phones were primarily designed for voice communication, lacking the features that would later define smartphones.
**2. The Emergence of Smartphones**
The term "smartphone" was first coined in the late 1990s. In 1992, IBM introduced the Simon Personal Communicator, which is widely regarded as the first smartphone. The Simon featured a touchscreen interface, email capability, and even a calendar and address book. Although it was ahead of its time, its high price and limited battery life prevented it from achieving widespread adoption.
The real turning point for smartphones came in the early 2000s with the introduction of devices like the BlackBerry and Palm Treo. These devices combined mobile phone functionality with email and internet access, catering to business professionals who needed to stay connected on the go. The BlackBerry, in particular, became synonymous with mobile email, thanks to its physical keyboard and secure messaging capabilities.
**3. The iPhone Revolution**
In 2007, Apple launched the iPhone, a device that would redefine the smartphone landscape. The iPhone combined a sleek design with a user-friendly interface, featuring a multi-touch screen that allowed users to interact with their devices in a completely new way. The introduction of the App Store in 2008 further revolutionized Samsung Latest Phone in 2024 the smartphone experience, enabling third-party developers to create applications that expanded the functionality of the device
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miraridoctor · 5 months
Introduction Inguinal hernia is a condition characterized by the protrusion of abdominal contents through a weak spot in the inguinal canal. It is a common condition that affects both men and women, with men being more prone to developing inguinal h... #Mirari #MirariDoctor #MirariColdPlasma #ColdPlasma
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zed-air · 6 months
CKUA - The Score & Maestri: 2024
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In April 2024 CKUA launched INTERMISSION - a seasonal schedule change to its classical music programming. CKUA host Mark Antonelli has been on extended leave and is expected to return to his radio duties in September 2024. Until then, CKUA introduces five new classical programs presented by four different CKUA hosts, as temporary replacements for Mark's programs Sunday Breakfast and Classic Examples. Two of these programs, The Score (Wednesdays) and Maestri (Thursdays) are hosted by Oskar Zybart.
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The Score is an exploration of new releases and current events in classical music. The program is not era-specific, so baroque and chamber pieces will sit inquisitively against avant-garde and vocal selections, and there may even be occasional deviations into composers with electronic and jazz backgrounds. Not limited to recorded music, we'll also present periodic chats with members from our classical-music community for an inside scoop regarding activity on Albertan concert stages. Theme music: “Franz Schubert” by Kraftwerk.
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Maestri is a deep dive into the life and works of a single significant figure. Each week we profile a composer, or a conductor, or a performer. Sometimes, that individual is all of the above! Part biography, part musical study, Maestri celebrates the various music masters of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
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(01) 2024-04-03 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
F. Schubert: D89 German Dances 1-5 • Daniel Hope • DANCE! • 20:03
F. Tellez: Suite Concertante, Op 2 • Canadian Studio Symphony • TELLEZ: EVOCATIONS • 20:19
Marini: Sonata Quarta Per Il Violin... • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:38
Castello: Sonata Duodecima a 3 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:48
M-A. Hamelin: Toccata on L'homme arme • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NEW PIANO WORKS • 20:59
J. Brahms: 3 Intermezzi, Op. 117 • Helene Grimaud • FOR CLARA • 21:08
K. Weill: Symphony #2 • Ulster Orch; T. Kocsis • VIOLIN CONCERTO... • 21:26
(01) 2024-04-04 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Franz Schubert)
F. Schubert: Overture In D Major, D556 • Prague Sinfonia Orchestra • COMPLETE OVERTURES 2 • 20:01
F. Schubert: Piano Sonata No 13 in A, D664 • Janina Fialkowska • PIANO SONATAS • 20:10
F. Schubert: Trio #1 D898, Op99 • Gryphon Trio • SCHUBERT: COMPLETE PIANO TRIOS • 20:29
F. Schubert: Ave Maria • Grant Cahoon & Lawrence Gee • SERENITY • 21:08
F. Schubert: Mass #2, D167, parts 1, 3, 6 • Bavarian RSO & Choir • SCHUBERT / GOUNOD • 21:15
F. Schubert: Symphony #6 D589 • CBC Vancouver Orchestra • SYMPHONIES 5 & 6 • 21:30
F. Schubert: Scherzi D593: Allegretto... • Marie-Andree Ostiguy • IMPROMPTUS & SCHERZI • 21:56
(02) 2024-04-10 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
>> The full interview with Hank Knox is available to stream on YouTube.
Merula: Canzon #19 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:02
Grillo: Canzon Sestadecima a 4 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:05
Myers: Cavatina • Pablo Sainz-Villegas • THE BLUE ALBUM • 20:09
Satie: Gymnopedie No. 1 • Pablo Sainz-Villegas • THE BLUE ALBUM • 20:13
Candyman Suite • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • SIGNATURE PHILIP GLASS • 20:17
Schubert: Sonata D.958 • Luisa Guembes-Buchanan • C MINOR MOODS • 20:24
N. Rota: Clarinet Sonata in D • G. Gojevic; M. Kenedi • CLARINET SONATA; TRIO • 20:47
G. F. Handel: Ariodante: Con l'ali di • J. Boulianne; L. Beausejour • ALMA OPPRESSA • 21:06
Interview with Hank Knox • Oskar Zybart • CKUA INTERVIEWS • 21:14
G. F. Handel: Ariodante: Qui d'damor n • J. Boulianne; L. Beausejour • ALMA OPPRESSA • 21:19
Interview with Hank Knox • Oskar Zybart • CKUA INTERVIEWS • 21:22
J. S. Bach: Ricercar a3, BWV 1079 • Hank Knox • OEUVRES POUR CLAVIER • 21:26
V. Silvestrov: Maidan 2014 • Kyiv Chamber Choir / M Hobdych • MAIDAN • 21:33
(02) 2024-04-11 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Nino Rota)
N. Rota: Trio for Clarinet, Cello & Piano • G. Gojevic; W. Zelenka; M. Kenedi • CLARINET SONATA • 20:02
N. Rota: Fantasia in G for Piano • Mary Kenedi • CLARINET SONATA • 20:20
N. Rota: Ai Giochi Addio • Alessandra Paonessa • REMEMBERING HEAVEN • 20:37
N. Rota: Il Gattopardo suite • Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie • MASCAGNI / ROTA • 20:42
N. Rota: The Godfather: Love Theme • 2Cellos • SCORE • 21:02
N. Rota: La Strada: Tema • Richard Galliano • NINO ROTA • 21:08
N. Rota: La Strada: La Processione • Richard Galliano • NINO ROTA • 21:11
N. Rota: La Strada: Zampano E La Vedova • Richard Galliano • NINO ROTA • 21:14
N. Rota: Symphony #3 • Filarmonica '900 Del Teatro... • ROTA: SYMPHONY #3 • 21:19
N. Rota: Concerto for Bassoon • CBC Vancouver Orch; C. Millard • CONCERTI ITALIANI • 21:38
N. Rota: La Dolce Vita theme • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • SILENCE ON JOUE • 21:57
(03) 2024-04-17 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score (donor hour)
A. Scriabin: Sonata-Fantasy in G#, Op. 1 • Yoojung Kim • SCRIABIN RECITAL • 20:01
A. Baranowski: Wiosna • Angele Dubeau • PORTRAIT ALEX BARANOWSKI • 20:16
A. Baranowski: Immortal Universal • Angele Dubeau • PORTRAIT ALEX BARANOWSKI • 20:26
A. BAranowski: Don't Quit • Angele Dubeau • PORTRAIT ALEX BARANOWSKI • 20:30
Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in Dm • Natalie Tenenbaum • THE PIANO REIMAGINED • 20:36
C. P. E. Bach: Symphony H. 649, Wq. 174 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • SYMPHONIES: FROM BERLIN TO HAMBURG • 20:46
C. Derksen: Round Dance Instrumental • Cris Derksen • ORCHESTRAL POWWOW • 20:59
Ultestakon (Shaker Lullaby) • Jeremy Dutcher • WOLASTOQIYIK LINTUWAKONAWA • 21:07 ^^
Koselwintuwakon (Love Song) • Jeremy Dutcher • WOLASTOQIYIK LINTUWAKONAWA • 21:11 ^^
J. McMann: Stories of My People, pt 1 • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 21:15
C. Schumann: Trois Romances Op. 11 • Colleen Athparia • RARE ROMANTIC ROMANCES • 21:28
Sakom • Jeremy Dutcher • MOTEWOLONUWOK • 21:43 ^^
Sakomawit (Chief's Installation) • Jeremy Dutcher • WOLASTOQIYIK LINTUWAKONAWA • 21:45 ^^
Variationen In G • Kolner Akademie • VIRTUOSE TROMPETENMUSIK
(03) 2024-04-18 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Ottorino Respighi)
O. Respighi: Serenata P54 • Chamber Orchestra Of New York • THE BIRDS/ GLI UCCELLI • 20:01
O. Respighi: Ancient Airs and Dance • Lucy Humphris & Harry Rylance • OBSCURUS • 20:08
O. Respighi: Violin Concerto In A Major, P49 • Chamber Orchestra Of New York • VIOLIN CONCERTO • 20:23
O. Respighi: Trittico Botticelliano, pt 1-3 • Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra • SONGS OF PARADISE • 20:46
O. Respighi: Nevicata • Luciano Pavarotti • PAVAROTTI 101 • 21:09
O. Respighi: Lauda Per La Nativita • Rundfunkchor Berlin • LAUDA PER LA NATIVITA • 21:13
O. Respighi: Gli Uccelli P154 • Chamber Orchestra Of New York • THE BIRDS/ GLI UCCELLI • 21:40
O. Respighi: Berceuse #1, Sei Pezzi • Rachel Barton Pine • VIOLIN LULLABIES • 21:55
(04) 2024-04-24 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score (fundraiser edition)
I. Stravinsky: Le Sacre Du Printemps: Premier Tapestry • Pentaedre • LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS • 20:02
Bortkiewicz: Lyrica Nova Op 59, #1 & #3 • Zhenni Li-Cohen • BORTKIEWICZ: A LETTER • 20:19
Dall'abaco: Trio 1 ABV54 • Elinor Frey • DALL'ABACO AND THE ART OF VARIATION • 20:30
B. Mangore: Mazurka Apasionata • Lovro Peretic • GUITAR RECITAL • 20:52
Yanjun: Moon's Reflection Upon A Spring • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 20:59
F. Schubert: Nacht und Traume, D827 • Elina Garanca • WHEN NIGHT FALLS… • 21:11
Daunais: Chanson D'amour • Marc Bourdeau & Michel Bellavanc • MELODIES SONGS • 21:15
Miller: Let There Be Peace On Earth • Edmonton Swiss Men's Choir • HEILIGE NACHT • 21:18
Beautiful As A Memory • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 21:24
Before You Go • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 21:28
T. Reiley: In C 1 • Maya Beiser • TERRY RILEY: IN C • 21:38
C. Debussy: Sonata for Cello & Piano • Sophie Shao • CANCAN MACABRE • 21:47
(04) 2024-04-25 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (fundraiser edition)
The Price is Right • John Stetch • TV TRIO • 20:04
The Rabbit Of Seville • Warner Brothers Symphony Orch • BUGS BUNNY ON BROADWAY • 20:12
William Tell Overture • Spike Jones • LAUGH, LAUGH, LAUGH • 20:19
Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 • Orchestre Symphonique De Montreal • RHAPSODY • 20:27
Decomposing Composers • Monty Python • MONTY PYTHON SINGS • 20:42
Fantasie Aus Potpourri G-Moll Op • Stuttgarter Kammerorchester • STUTTGART COMPOSITIONS • 20:45
Bizet's Carmen • Victor Borge • UNSTARTED SYMPHONY • 20:57
The Mighty Hercules • John Stetch • TV TRIO • 21:02
A. Vivaldi: Bassoon Concerto, RV502 • L'Aura Soave Cremona • CONCERTI PER FAGOTTO 3 • 21:10
V. Borge: Happy Birthday Variations (OZ edit) • Victor Borge • COMEDY IN MUSIC • 21:28
I. Stravinsky: Greeting Prelude (Happy Birthday) • Radio Phil Orch • STRAVINSKY • 21:33
F. Zappa: Dog Breath Variations • Ensemble Modern • YELLOW SHARK • 21:39
F. Zappa: Uncle Meat • Ensemble Modern • YELLOW SHARK • 21:42
Interview clip: Hank Knox on Frank Zappa • Oskar Zybart • CKUA INTERVIEWS • 21:46
F. Zappa: G-Spot Tornado • Ensemble Modern • YELLOW SHARK • 21:47
Minute Waltz Routine + Polonaise • Victor Borge • UNSTARTED SYMPHONY • 21:54
(05) 2024-05-01 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
Z. Keating: Snowmelt suite • Zoe Keating • SNOWMELT • 20:03
Price: An Elf on a Moonbeam • Anna Lapwood • LUNA • 20:25
Dreamland • Anna Lapwood • LUNA • 20:29
Z. Preisner: Dawn (Quartet In 4 Movements) • The Warsaw Symphony Orchestra • PREISNER'S MUSIC • 20:39
Z. Preisner: Between Strangers (Theme) • Zbigniew Preisner • BETWEEN STRANGERS • 20:44
Z. Preisner: Sculptures • Zbigniew Preisner • BETWEEN STRANGERS • 20:47
J. Adams: China Gates • Murcof x Wagner • STATEA • 20:51
Grillo: Canzon Sestadecima a 4 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 21:01
G. F. Handel: Water Music Suite #2 • Linde Consort; H-M Linde • HANDEL: WATER MUSIC • 21:07
G. F. Handel: Water Music, Suite #3 • Daniel Hope • DANCE! • 21:17
F. Schubert: Unfinished Symphony 1 • Berlin Phil Orch • HERBERT VON KARAJAN: THE LEGEND • 21:21
J. Adler: Passacaglia • James Adler • HOMAGES & REMEMBRANCES • 21:37
Passacaglia Sopra 'Plusieurs Reg • Dan Laurin & Anna Paradiso • SONGS OF YESTERDAY • 21:42
P.. Glass: Echorus • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • PHILIP GLASS PORTRAIT • 21:49
(05) 2024-05-02 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Antonin Dvorak)
A. Dvorak: Legend In C Major, No4 Op59 • Winnipeg SO • MORAWETZ / DVORAK / TCHAIKOVSKY • 20:02
A. Dvorak: Slavonic Dances Op 46: #1-4 • Wiener Philharmoniker • SLAVONIC DANCES COMPLETE • 20:09
A. Dvorak: Cello Concerto, Op. 104 • Alisa Weilerstein • DVORAK • 20:33
A. Dvorak: Rusalka: Song to Moon • J Kolomyjec / Calgary Phil Orch • SONG TO THE MOON • 21:15
A. Dvorak: Piano Trio #4, Op 90 • Triple Forte • DVORAK: PIANO TRIOS • 21:24
A. Dvorak: Humoresque • Foothills Brass • SATURDAY NIGHT WALTZ • 21:56
(06) 2024-05-08 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
I. Stravinksi: Le Sacre Du Printemps: Second Tableau • Pentaedre • LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS • 20:01
A. Vivaldi: Bassoon Concerto, RV 474 • L'Aura Soave Cremona • CONCERTI PER FAGOTTO • 20:13 ^^
L. V. Beethoven: Symphony #9 • National Symphony Orchestra • SYMPHONY 9 • 20:24
J. Strauss: Radetsky March • Edmonton Symphony Orchestra • GREAT ORCHESTRAL MARCHES • 21:36 ^^
J. Strauss II: Roses From The South • Canadian Chamber Ensemble • WINE WOMEN & SONG • 21:38 ^^
Three Nature Sketches From Japan • Heather MacDonald • THAT PLACE, DARLING • 21:48
(06) 2024-05-09 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Johannes Brahms)
J. Brahms: Academic Festival Overture, Op 80 • Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra • BRAHMS: ABBADO • 20:01
J. Brahms: Rondo Alla Zingarese • collectif9 • VOLKSMOBILES • 20:13
J. Brahms: Sonata for Cello & Piano, Op. 38 • Stephane Tetreault • HAYDN/ SCHUBERT/ BRAHMS • 20:20
J. Brahms: Variations on Themes of Paganini • Jean-Philippe Sylvestre • VIRTUOSITES • 20:50
J. Brahms: Ballade In Dm, Op 10 #1 • Canadian Brass • BRAHMS ON BRASS • 21:07
J. Brahms: Symphony #4, Op 98 • National Arts Centre Orchestra • DOUBLE CONCERTO, SYMPHONY #4 • 21:13
J. Brahms: Hungarian Dance #4 • Charlie Siem • UNDER THE STARS • 21:54
(07) 2024-05-15 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
P. Glass: Opening • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • SIGNATURE PHILIP GLASS • 20:02
P. Glass: Koyaanisquati • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • SIGNATURE PHILIP GLASS • 20:09
M. Richter: Luminous • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • MAX RICHTER: PORTRAIT • 20:13
Haihuai: Racing Horses • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 20:19
I. Stravinsky: The Firebird • Matthias Arfmann & Deutsches Fil • MATTHIAS ARFMANN PRESENTS BALLET • 20:24
I. Stravinsky: Firebird Suite (1911 Ver) pts 01, 06, 19 • Orchestre De Paris • THE RITE OF SPRING & FIREBIRD • 20:29
J. McMann: Otemihin • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 20:44
J. McMann: Kayas-ayiwan • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 20:51
F. Kreisler: Tambourin Chinois • S. Staryk; J. Corwin • STEVEN STARYK RETROSPECTIVE • 20:55
H. MadDonald: Jhula Jhule • Heather MacDonald • THAT PLACE, DARLING • 21:01
Berlioz: The Pearl Fishers: Je Crois Ente • Richard Tucker & Vienna State Opera • ESCAPE THROUGH OPERA • 21:16
C. Debussy: Sonata for Cello & Piano • Sophie Shao • CANCAN MACABRE • 21:21
F. J. Hadyn: Trumpet Concerto in Eb • Alison Balsom • TRUMPET CONCERTOS • 21:33
J. Brahms: Waldesnacht • Vancouver Chamber Choir • FINDING THE STILL POINT • 21:48
J. Brahms: Ave Maria Op 12 • Warsaw Philharmonic Choir & Orch • MUSIC FOR CHORUS & ORCH • 21:52
(07) 2024-05-16 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel)
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Lied In Eb Major • Heather Schmidt • PIANO WORKS • 20:01
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Piano Sonata In Cm • Heather Schmidt • PIANO WORKS • 20:11
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: String Quartet In Eb • Quatuor Ebene • FELIX & FANNY • 20:22
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Overture in C • ROCO • DANCE LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING • 20:52
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Dammrung senkte sich... • Marina Thibeault & Marie-Eve Sca • ELLES • 21:03
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Easter Sonata • Eric Heidsieck • EASTER SONATA • 21:08
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Piano Sonata in Gm • Heather Schmidt • PIANO WORKS • 21:38
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Adagio In Eb Major • Heather Schmidt • PIANO WORKS • 21:55
(08) 2024-05-22 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
Merula: Canzon #19 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:02
L. V. Beethoven: Fur Elise, WoO 59 • Alfred Brendel • FUR ELISE / EROICA • 20:07 ^^
S. Prokofiev: 12 Mvts: Romeo & Juliet, Op64, #01-#06 • M. Argerich; S. Babayan • PROKOFIEV FOR TWO • 20:13 ^^
O. Respighi: Pines Of Rome • Chicago Symphony Orchestra • FANTASIA 2000 (SOUNDTRACK) • 20:29 ^^
G. C. Dall'Abaco: Trio 1 ABV54 • Elinor Frey • DALL'ABACO AND THE ART OF VARIATION • 20:41
Collision Etudes: V. Autumn Leaves • Heather MacDonald • THAT PLACE, DARLING • 21:01
S. Prokofiev: 12 Mvts: Romeo & Juliet, Op64, #07-#12 • M. Argerich; S. Babayan • PROKOFIEV FOR TWO • 21:07 ^^
J. Massenet: Thais: Meditation • Grant Cahoon & Lawrence Gee • SERENITY • 21:32 ^^
S. Bortkiewicz: Ten Preludes Op 33, #7 & #8 • Zhenni Li-Cohen • BORTKIEWICZ: A LETTER • 21:40
S. Bortkiewicz: Ein Roman Op 35 #3 & #7 • Zhenni Li-Cohen • BORTKIEWICZ: A LETTER • 21:48
(08) 2024-05-23 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Brian Eno)
Spring Frost • Roger Eno & Brian Eno • MIXING COLOURS • 20:02
Music for Airports, 1-1 • Bruce Brubaker • ENO PIANO • 20:07
Wind On The Water • Robert Fripp & Brian Eno • THE ESSENTIAL FRIPP AND ENO • 20:27
Evening Star • Robert Fripp & Brian Eno • THE ESSENTIAL FRIPP AND ENO • 20:33
Emerald And Lime • Brian Eno • SMALL CRAFT ON A MILK SEA • 20:43
Emerald And Stone • Brian Eno • SMALL CRAFT ON A MILK SEA • 20:46
Late Anthropocene • Brian Eno • SMALL CRAFT ON A MILK SEA • 20:48
Deep Blue Day • Brian Eno; R. Eno; D. Lanois • APOLLO: ATMOSPHERES & SOUNDTRACKS • 20:58
The End of a Thin Cord • Brian Eno; R. Eno; D. Lanois • APOLLO: ATMOSPHERES & SOUNDTRACKS • 21:06
Weightless • Brian Eno; R. Eno; D. Lanois • APOLLO: ATMOSPHERES & SOUNDTRACK • 21:10
The Pearl • Harold Budd; B. Eno; D. Lanois • THE PEARL • 21:18
Dark-Eyed Sister • Harold Budd; B. Eno; D. Lanois • THE PEARL • 21:21
Still Return • Harold Budd; B. Eno; D. Lanois • THE PEARL • 21:26
Symphony #4 Heroes, mvt. 4 • American Composers Orch / Davies • PHILIP GLASS: HEROES SYMPHONY • 21:31
Coldplay: Life Of Pi: Paradise • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • SILENCE ON JOUE: TAKE 2 • 21:41
Miss Sarajevo • L. Pavarotti; B. Eno; Bono; Edge • PAVAROTTI: THE 50 • 21:45
Point d'ancrage • Flore Laurentienne • 8 TABLEAUX • 21:50
(09) 2024-05-29 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
C. P. E. Bach: Symphony H.660 Wq.1824 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • SYMPHONIES: FROM BERLIN TO HAMBURG • 20:02
L. D'Alberto: Tomorrow • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 20:14
L. D'Alberto: Fireworks • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 20:18
L. D'Alberto: And If You Lose… • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 20:24
A. Louie: Pond Mirrors Bright Sky • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 20:29
A. Louie: Wild Horse Running • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 20:34
O. Messiaen: Turangalila Symphonie • Toronto Symphony Orchestra • TURANGALILA SYMPHONIE • 20:39
(09) 2024-05-30 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
O. Respighi: Violin Sonata in Bm, P110 • F. Saeijs; M. L. V. Buren • VIOLIN SONATAS • 20:02
N. Rota: Divertimento Concertante for Double Bass and Orch • Filarmonica 900 Del Teatro Regio Turin • SYMPHONY #3 • 20:30
N. Rota: Improvviso En Re Minore • L. Kuo; M. Humetska • LOVE • 20:54
J. Brahms: Three Intermezzi, Op.117/1 • Lovro Peretic • GUITAR RECITAL • 21:00
J. Brahms: Clarinet Sonata #1 • J. Summers; R. Turini • SONGS OF THE NIGHTENGALE • 21:06
G. Faure: Nocturnes, Op. 33 #1 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NOCTURNES & BARCAROLLES • 21:32
G. Faure: Nocturnes, Op. 33 #2 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NOCTURNES & BARCAROLLES • 21:39
G. Faure: Nocturnes, Op. 33 #3 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NOCTURNES & BARCAROLLES • 21:44
D. Wijeratne: Portrait of an Imaginary Sibling • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 21:51
(10) 2024-06-05- 20:00-22:00 - The Score
A. Scriabin: Sonata-Fantasy in G#m, Op. 19 • Yoojung Kim • SCRIABIN RECITAL • 20:01
Au Couchant • Flore Laurentienne • 8 TABLEAUX • 20:16
La Nuit Bleue • Flore Laurentienne • 8 TABLEAUX • 20:22
L'ile-aux-Oies • Flore Laurentienne • 8 TABLEAUX • 20:25
G. Dharmoo: Sur Ba Noi • Musicians of Canada's NAC Orchestra • VESTIGES D'UNE FABLE • 20:31
Prairie Sunrise • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 20:35
Kayas-ayiwan • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 20:44
E. Ysaye: Sonata #4 in Em • Karl Stobbe • WORKS FOR SOLO VIOLIN • 20:49
Moonlight In Canada • Emma Rush • A DREAM OF COLOUR • 21:04
B. Eno: Music for Airports, 2 • Bruce Brubaker • ENO PIANO • 21:12
E. LeBel: …Lingering… • UltraViolet Ensemble • … AND THE HIGH LEAVES… • 21:29
F. Couperin: Concert Royal #1 • P. Gallon; M. Boutineau • CONCERTS ROYAUX • 21:46
(10) 2024-06-06 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Carl Maria von Weber)
C. M. V. Weber: Der Freischutz: Overture • Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra • KARAJAN: THE LEGEND • 20:01
C. M. V. Weber: Fantasia • Edmonton Wind Ensemble • CONCERT IN THE PARK • 20:13
C. M. V. Weber: Rondo • Edmonton Wind Ensemble • CONCERT IN THE PARK • 20:18
C. M. V. Weber: Concerto #1, Op. 73 • Benny Goodman & Chicago SO • CLARINET CONCERTOS • 20:26
C. M. V. Weber: Wie Nahte Mir Der Schlummer... • Juliane Banse • PER AMORE: OPERA ARIAS • 20:49
C. M. V. Weber: Aufforderung Zum Tanze • Paul Badura-Skoda • BADURA-SKODA EDITION • 21:01
C. M. V. Weber: Andante E Rondo Ungarese Op35 • Christian Davidsson • THE ROMANTIC BASSOON • 21:10
C. M. V. Weber: Grand Duo Concertante, Op. 48 • Manasse; Nakamatsu; Greensmith • BEETHOVEN / BRAHMS / WEBER • 21:22
C. M. V. Weber: Konzertstuck Op 79: Finale • Quartetto Gelato • TRAVELS THE ORIENT EXPRESS • 21:44
C. M. V. Weber: Seven Variations on a Theme... • J. Campbell; J. York • JAMES CAMPBELL: CLARINET • 21:50
(11) 2024-06-12 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
Jhula Jhule • Heather MacDonald • THAT PLACE, DARLING • 20:01
J. S. Bach: Partita #1 BMV 1002 • Karl Stobbe • WORKS FOR SOLO VIOLIN • 20:15
Symphony H.659 Wq182.3 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • CPE BACH SYMPHONIES • 20:45
J. Pachebel: Canon in D • B&B Project • ______ • 20:54
Six Preludes • Marie-Catherine Girod • REGARDS DE FEMMES • 20:59
Round Dance Instrumental • Cris Derksen • ORCHESTRAL POWWOW • 21:09
Otemihin • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 21:15
Couperin: Concert Royal #2 • P. Gallon; M. Boutineau • CONCERTS ROYAUX • 21:24
F. Danzi: Quintet, Op68 #2 • Soni Ventorum Wind Quintet • WOODWIND QUINTETS • 21:37
(11) 2024-06-13 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Frederick Delius)
F. Delius: On Hearing The First Cuckoo... • Edmonton Youth Orchestra • FRENCH ORCHESTRAL MASTERPIECES • 20:01
F. Delius: Midsummer Song • BBC Singers • BBC MUSIC VOL3 • 20:11
F. Delius: Two Songs To Be Sung Of A Summer • BBC Singers • BBC MUSIC VOL3 • 20:13
F. Delius: Cello Sonata: Allegro Ma Non... • Martin Outram & Julian Rolton • ENGLISH VIOLA SONATAS • 20:17
F. Delius: Orchestral Suite From A Village • London Philharmonic Orchestra • CARL DAVIS: THE LONDON PO • 20:32
F. Delius: To Daffodils • Felicity Lott & Graham Johnson • SUMMERTIME • 20:59
F. Delius: Romance For Cello & Piano • Yo-Yo Ma & Kathryn Stott • SONGS FROM THE ARC OF LIFE • 21:03
F. Delius: Hassan: Serenade • Clare Howick & John Paul Ekins • BRITISH MUSIC FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO • 21:12
F. Delius: Romance • Clare Howick & John Paul Ekins • BRITISH MUSIC FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO • 21:14
F. Delius: Five Piano Pieces #4 • Clare Howick & John Paul Ekins • BRITISH MUSIC FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO • 21:19
F. Delius: A Song Of Summer • London Symphony Orchestra • ENGLISH TONE POEMS • 21:21
F. Delius: Prelude To Irmelin • London Symphony Orchestra • ENGLISH TONE POEMS • 21:33
F. Delius: Aquarelle • James Campbell • STOLEN GEMS • 21:41
F. Delius: Sunset • Julian Lloyd Webber • EVENING SONGS: • 21:46
F. Delius: In The Seraglio Garden • Julian Lloyd Webber • EVENING SONGS • 21:48
F. Delius: Birds In The High Hall Garden • Julian Lloyd Webber • EVENING SONGS • 21:52
(12) 2024-06-19 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
A. Scriabin: Vers la flamme, Op. 72 • Yoojung Kim • SCRIABIN RECITAL • 20:02
G. Dharmoo: Sur Ba Noi • Musicians of Canada's NAC Orchestra • VESTIGES D'UNE FABLE • 20:10
G. Dharmoo: Moondraal Moondru • Musicians of Canada's NAC Orchestra • VESTIGES D'UNE FABLE • 20:14
G. Dharmoo: Sur les rives de • Musicians of Canada's NAC Orchestra • VESTIGES D'UNE FABLE • 20:32
A. Baranowski: Don't Quit • Angele Dubeau • PORTRAIT ALEX BARANOWSKI • 20:41
Thoughts of Home • Angele Dubeau • PORTRAIT ALEX BARANOWSKI • 20:47
Immortal Universal • Angele Dubeau • PORTRAIT ALEX BARANOWSKI • 20:50
Musica Universalis • Angele Dubeau • PORTRAIT ALEX BARANOWSKI • 20:54
T. Riley: In C, Parts 01-10 • Maya Beiser • MAYA BEISER X TERRY RILEY • 21:03
(12) 2024-06-20 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Igor Stravinsky)
I. Stravinsky: L'Oiseau de feu: Berceuse • Nathan Milstein/Leopold Mittman • GREAT MUSICIANS OF UKRAINE • 20:03
I. Stravinsky: Le Sacre Du Printemps: Premier Tableaux • Pentaedre • STRAVINSKI: LE SACRE DU PRINTEMP • 20:09
I. Stravinsky: Le Sacre Du Printemps: Second Tableaux • Pentaedre • STRAVINSKI: LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS • 20:21
I. Stravinsky: Three Movements From Petrushka • Maurizio Pollini • THE ART OF M.P. • 20:34
I. Stravinsky: Mavra - Chanson Russe • Leonidas Kavakos & Enrico Pace • VIRTUOSO • 20:52
I. Stravinsky: Historire Du Soldat Suite • Gabriele Pieranunzi • WEILL / STRAVINSKY • 20:58
I. Stravinsky: Stravinsky: Les Noces Sc. 1-4 • MusicAeterna • TCHAIKOVSKY / STRAVINSKY • 21:13
I. Stravinsky: Symphony Of Psalms: mvt #1 • Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra • STRAVINSKY: SYMPHONIES • 21:40
I. Stravinsky: Concerto in D for Strings • I Musici De Montreal • IN CONCERT • 21:45
(13) 2024-06-26 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
Don't Trust Mirror • Kelly Moran • MOVES IN THE FIELD • 20:01
Sodalis (II) • Kelly Moran • MOVES IN THE FIELD • 20:08
Henze: Royal Winter Music - Shakespeare Pieces 1-3 • Lovro Peretic • GUITAR RECITAL • 20:14
Symphony H.652 Wq177 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • CPE BACH SYMPHONIES • 20:39
Five Pieces for 2 Violins • Jessica McMann • INCANDESCENT TALES • 20:49
V. Ho: Horizon Images 1-3 • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 21:03
Dall'Abaco: Trio #1 ABV54 • Elinor Frey • DALL'ABACO AND THE ART OF VARIATION • 21:17
H. Garfein: The Layers • Sophie Shao • CANCAN MACABRE • 21:36
(13) 2024-06-27 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Georg Philipp Telemann)
G. P. Telemann: Wassermusik Ouverture • Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra • HOUSE OF DREAMS • 20:01
G. P. Telemann: Concerto Polonois • The Alberta Baroque Ensemble • ALBERTA BAROQUE ENSEMBLE • 20:08
G. P. Telemann: Sinfonia in D TWV 52D2 • Freiburger Barockorchester • CONCERTI ALL'ARRABBIATA • 20:19
G. P. Telemann: Sinfonia TWV 501 • Freiburger Barockorchester • CONCERTI ALL'ARRABBIATA • 20:27
G. P. Telemann: Concerto in Em TWV52 • Les Accents • BACH & CO • 20:39
G. P. Telemann: Concerto in C TWV52 • Les Accents • BACH & CO • 20:50
G. P. Telemann: Schmucht Das Frohe Fest Mit Maie... • Bach Children's Chorus • HERE'S TO SONG! • 21:01
G. P. Telemann: Der Herr Lebet TVWV 1.284/2 • Collegium Vocale Siegen... • TELEMANN: FESTIVE CANTATAS • 21:06
G. P. Telemann: Viola Concerto • National Arts Centre Orchestra • BAROQUE TREASURY • 21:14
G. P. Telemann: Sonata C TWV 41:C5 • Mathieu Lussier • SONATAS FOR RECORDER & BASSOON • 21:28
G. P. Telemann: Quixotte Burlesque Suite TWV53 • Fabio Biondi & Europa Galante • TELEMANN: QUIXOTTE • 21:40
G. P. Telemann: Fantasie Pour Violon Seul #8 • Francis Colpron • SIX TRANSCRIPTIONS • 21:57
(14) 2024-07-03 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
F. Couperin: Les barricades mysteri • Pablo Sainz-Villegas • THE BLUE ALBUM • 20:01
The Smile of Maud Lewis • Nikolai Korndorf • THE SMILE OF MAUD LEWIS • 20:06
J. Brahms: Gernan Requiem, Op 45 • Luminous Voices • FIRE-FLOWERS • 20:26
F. Hoefner: Chorus of Wishes #1 & #2 • Iris Trio • PROJECT EARTH: BLUE CHAPTER • 21:37
(14) 2024-07-04 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Astor Piazzolla)
A. Piazzolla: Tanti Anni Prima v1 • Quartetto Gelato • TASTY TUNES • 20:01
A. Piazzolla: Fugata • Ensemble Vivant • IFUGUE, A WORLD OF FUGUES • 20:08
A. Piazzolla: Fuga Y Misterio • Ensemble Vivant • IFUGUE, A WORLD OF FUGUES • 20:13
A. Piazzolla: Two Tangos For String Orchestra • I Musici De Montreal • LATIN IMPRESSIONS • 20:20
A. Piazzolla: Four Seasons Of Buenos Aries #1-4 • Thibaut Garcia • LEYENDAS: WORKS FOR SOLO GUITAR • 20:29
A. Piazzolla: Maria De Buenos Aires: Yo Soy Ma • Elina Garanca • SOL Y VIDA • 20:50
A. Piazzolla: Libertango • Azuline Duo • ROMANZA • 20:55
A. Piazzolla: Tanti Anni Prima v2 • Quartetto Gelato • FAVOURITE FLAVOURS • 21:01
A. Piazzolla: Cuatro Tangos - Libertango • Canadian Brass • MAGIC HORN • 21:09
A. Piazzolla: Cuatro Tangos - Contrabajeando • Canadian Brass • MAGIC HORN • 21:11
A. Piazzolla: Cuatro Tangos - Oblivion • Canadian Brass • MAGIC HORN • 21:15
A. Piazzolla: Cuatro Tangos - Fracanapa • Canadian Brass • MAGIC HORN • 21:18
A. Piazzolla: Suite Troileana • Manhattan Camerata • TANGO FADO PROJECT • 21:24
A. Piazzolla: Le Grand Tango • Tomas Cotik & Tao Lin • PIAZZOLA: TANGO NUEVO • 21:52
(15) 2024-07-10 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
Myers: Cavatina • Pablo Sainz-Villegas • THE BLUE ALBUM • 20:01
W. A. Mozart: Quartet in D, K285 • Aralee Dorough • THE ERGONOMIC FLUTE • 20:07
J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerto #3 • Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra • BEST OF GERMAN BAROQUE • 20:23
F. J. Haydn: Piano Sonata No 47 • Roman Rabinovich • PIANO SONATAS, VOL. 1 • 20:35
Wieniawski: Concerto #2 Romance • S. Staryk; CBC Van. Studio Orch • STEVEN STARYK RETROSPECTIVE • 20:53
Wieniawski: Capriccio-Valse Op 7 • L. Kavakos; E. Pace • VIRTUOSO • 20:59
G. Faure: Barcarolle #01, Op 26 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NOCTURNES & BARCAROLLES • 21:07
G. Faure: Barcarolle #02, Op 41 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NOCTURNES & BARCAROLLES • 21:13
W. Horne: Sonata for Fr. Horn & Piano • M. Pate; X. Yang • CHAMBER MUSIC, VOL. III • Jul 10th 21:21
D. Scarlatti: Sonata K. 99 • Matteo Mela & Lorenzo Micheli • 12 SONATAS • 21:47
D. Scarlatti: Sonata K. 386 • Matteo Mela & Lorenzo Micheli • 12 SONATAS • 21:53
(15) 2024-07-11 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. George Gershwin)
G. Gershwin: Porgy And Bess Medley • Wolak & Donnelly • COMMON GROUND • 20:01
G. Gershwin: Three Preludes • John Roney • PRELUDES • 20:13
G. Gershwin: Rialto Ripples • Ensemble Vivant • AUDIENCE FAVOURITES • 20:30
G. Gershwin: Rhapsody In Blue • Wolak & Donnelly • COMMON GROUND • 20:34
G. Gershwin: My Man's Gone Now • Larry Grenadier • THE GLEANERS • 20:53
G. Gershwin: By Strauss • Measha Brueggergosman • SO MUCH TO TELL • 21:01
G. Gershwin: An American in Paris • Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra • MATHIEU / GERSHWIN • 21:09
G. Gershwin: Sleepless Night • Sara Davis Buechner • ORIGINAL WORKS • 21:28
G. Gershwin: Someone To Watch Over Me • Sara Davis Buechner • ORIGINAL WORKS • 21:41
G. Gershwin: Looking For A Boy • Sara Davis Buechner • ORIGINAL WORKS • 21:46
G. Gershwin: Three Preludes • Gerald Danovitch Saxophone Quartet • GERALD DANOVITCH SAXOPHONE QUARTET • 21:49
G. Gershwin: Promenade • The Verdehr Trio • AMERICAN IMAGES 7 • 21:56
(16) 2024-07-17 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
E. Ysaye: Sonata #4 in Em • Karl Stobbe • WORKS FOR SOLO VIOLIN • 20:02
C. Franck: Piano Quintet, FWV 7 • Trio Wanderer • FRANCK • 20:17
C. Debussy: Danse Bohemienne • Lovro Peretic • GUITAR RECITAL • 20:52
C. Debussy: Mazurka • Lovro Peretic • GUITAR RECITAL • 20:56
C. Czerny: Rondoletto Concertant in F, Op 1 • Kazunori Seo & Makoto Ueno • MUSIC FOR FLUTE & PIANO • 21:00
S. Bortkiewicz: Ein Roman Op 35/3 • Zhenni Li-Cohen • BORTKIEWICZ: A LETTER • 21:14
S. Bortkiewicz: Trois Morceaux Op 24 • Zhenni Li-Cohen • BORTKIEWICZ: A LETTER • 21:18
Ades: Lieux Retrouves • Sophie Shao • CANCAN MACABRE • 21:26
B. Eno: By This River • Bruce Brubaker • ENO PIANO • 21:45
B. Eno: The Chill Air • Bruce Brubaker • ENO PIANO • 21:48
B. Eno: Emerald and Stone • Bruce Brubaker • ENO PIANO • 21:50
K. Keller: The Forgotten Places • Kevin Keller • AMBIENT CHAMBER MUSIC • 21:54
(16) 2024-07-18 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Carl Czerny)
C. Czerny: Overture in E • Edmonton Symphony Orchestra • A REDISCOVERED GENIUS • 20:02
C. Czerny: String Quartet in Em • St. Lawrence String Quartet • A REDISCOVERED GENIUS • 20:09
C. Czerny: Offertorium: Benedicat... • Edmonton Symphony Orchestra • A REDISCOVERED GENIUS • 20:40
C. Czerny: Variations Brillantes… Bellini • Y. Tal; A. Groethuysen; A. Kuert • A REDISCOVERED GENIUS • 20:49
C. Czerny: Grand Overture in Cm, Op 142 • Edmonton Symphony Orchestra • A REDISCOVERED GENIUS • 21:05
C. Czerny: Symphony #5 • Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester • SYMPHONIES NOS 1 & 5 • 21:17
(17) 2024-07-24 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
Beautiful As A Memory • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 20:02
Before You Go • Luca D'Alberto • IN OUR HEARTS • 20:06
Wiancko: Sonata #1 For Cello & Piano • Cheng2 Duo • PORTRAIT • 20:13
F. Hoefner: Bird Island, Audienc • Iris Trio • PROJECT EARTH: BLUE CHAPTER • 20:37
F. Hoefner: Bird Island, Petrel • Iris Trio • PROJECT EARTH: BLUE CHAPTER • 20:44
I. Stravinsky: Greeting Prelude (Happy Birthday) • Radio Philharmonisch Orkest • STRAVINSKY 1955 • 20:49
McMillan: What Is the Feeling • Pro Coro Canada • WE BREATHE IN STARS • 20:50
King: The Heart Of Night • Pro Coro Canada • WE BREATHE IN STARS • 20:54
M-A Hamelin: Chaconne 1-3 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NEW PIANO WORKS • 21:00
Transient Global Amnesia • Echoradia • ECHORADIA • 21:12
Percolation Theory • Echoradia • ECHORADIA • 21:22
Pando • Echoradia • ECHORADIA • 21:28
Echoradia • Bioluminescence • ECHORADIA • 21:34
Unselfing • Echoradia • ECHORADIA • 21:41
G. Faure: Barcarolle #04, Op 44 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NOCTURNES & BARCAROLLES • 21:48
G. Faure: Barcarolle #06, Op 70 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NOCTURNES & BARCAROLLES • 21:52
(17) 2024-07-25 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Maria Szymanowska)
F. Mendelssohn-Hensel: Piano Sonata in Gm • Heather Schmidt • PIANO WORKS • 20:02
C. M. V. Weber: Grand Duo Concertante, Op. 48 • Manasse; Nakamatsu; Greensmith • BEETHOVEN / BRAHMS / WEBER • 20:23
M. Szymanowska: Polonaise in Fm • Martyna Kazmierczak • BROADWOOD PIANO 1805 • 20:48
M. Szymanowska: Prelude in Bb #9 • Regina Smendzianka • ROMANTIC PIANO MUSIC • 20:53
M. Szymanowska: Grand valse in F Maj • Maria Szymanowska Piano Duo • FORGOTTEN POLISH PIANO MUSIC... • 21:02
G. P. Telemann: Mandolin Concerto TWV5 • Alon Sariel & Concerto Foscari • TELEMANDOLIN • 21:08
Concerto for 3 Violins in F • Freiburger Barockorchester • MUSIQUE DE TABLE • 21:16
A. Piazzolla: Histoire Du Tango • Tomas Cotik & Tao Lin • TANGO NUEVO • 21:31
M. Szymanowska: Fantaisie for Piano • Slawomir Dobrzanski • COMPLETE PIANO WORKS • 21:50
(18) 2024-07-31 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
Wadsworth: Fire-Flowers • Luminous Voices • FIRE-FLOWERS • 20:06
Marini: Sonata Quarta Per Il Violino • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:12
Castello: Sonata Decima a 3 • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:22
Taeggio: Rognoni Diminutions • Les Barocudas • BASTA PARLARE ! • 20:28
C. P. E. Bach: Symphony H.661 Wq182.5 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • CPE BACH SYMPHONIES • 20:34
C. P. E. Bach: Symphony H.660 Wq.182.4 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • CPE BACH SYMPHONIES • 20:47
Wadsworth: Battle-Flags • Luminous Voices • FIRE-FLOWERS • 21:01
V. Fung: String Quartet #3 • Jasper String Quartet • INSECTS & MACHINES • 21:12
V. Fung: String Quartet #4 • Jasper String Quartet • INSECTS & MACHINES • 21:23
G. Faure: Barcarolle #05, Op 66 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NOCTURNES & BARCAROLLES • 21:36
G. Faure: Barcarolle #07, Op 90 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • NOCTURNES & BARCAROLLES • 21:43
D. Scarlatti: Sonata K. 466 • Matteo Mela & Lorenzo Micheli • SCARLATTI: 12 SONATAS • 21:47
Scarlatti: Sonata K. 8 • Matteo Mela & Lorenzo Micheli • SCARLATTI: 12 SONATAS • 21:54
(18) 2024-08-01 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Franz Liszt)
F. Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody #6 • Jean-Philippe Sylvestre • VIRTUOSITES • 20:02
F. Liszt: Piano Sonata In Bm • Marc-Andre Hamelin • PIANO SONATA • 20:12
F. Liszt: Liebestraum #3 • Valerie Milot • Orbis • 20:40
F. Liszt: Borge Plays Liebestraum • Victor Borge • PHONETICALLY SPEAKING • 20:52
F. Liszt: Oh! Quand Je Dors • Measha Brueggergosman • NIGHT AND DREAMS • 21:00
F. Liszt: Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody #2 • Orchestre Symphonique De Montreal • RHAPSODY • 21:08
F. Liszt: Var. on Chopin Marzurka... • Mikolaj Warszynski • LISZTOMANIA • 21:21
F. Liszt: Ballade #2 in Bm • Mikolaj Warszynski • LISZTOMANIA • 21:25
F. Liszt: Venezia e Napoli, S162 • Louis Lortie • ANNEE DE PELERINAGE • 21:44
(19) 2024-08-07 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
D. Scarlatti: Sonata K. 386 • Matteo Mela & Lorenzo Micheli • Scarlatti: 12 Sonatas • 20:02
D. Scarlatti: Sonata K. 455 • Matteo Mela & Lorenzo Micheli • Scarlatti: 12 Sonatas • 20:05
N. Korndorf: Triptych 1-3 • Nikolai Korndorf • The Smile of Maud Lewis • 20:10
Palms Upward • Graham Campbell • Palms Upward • 20:32
Between Breaths • Graham Campbell • Palms Upward • 20:39
Elgar: Minuet in Am Op 21 • Daniel Hope • Dance! • 20:46
Gardel: Por una cabeza • Daniel Hope • Dance! • 20:51
Odessa Bulgar • Daniel Hope • Dance! • 20:54
F. Schubert: Sonata D.958. Allegro • Luisa Guembes-Buchanan • C Minor Moods • 21:01
Transient Global Amnesia • Echoradia • Echoradia • 21:25
Percolation Theory • Echoradia • Echoradia • 21:35
Pando • Echoradia • Echoradia • 21:41
Bioluminescence • Echoradia • Echoradia • 21:48
Unselfing • Echoradia • Echoradia • 21:53
(19) 2024-08-08 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Maruizio Pollini)
L. V. Beethoven: Piano Sonata #19, Op 49.1 • Maurizio Pollini • Beethoven: Piano Sonatas • 20:02
F. Chopin: Barcarolle in F# Op 60 • Maurizio Pollini • Chopin: Late Works • 20:11
F. Chopin: 3 Mazurkas Op 59 • Maurizio Pollini • Chopin: Late Works • 20:19
I. Stravinsky: Three Movements From Petrushka • Maurizio Pollini • The Art of Maurizio Pollini • 20:31
L. V. Beethoven: Piano Sonata #20, Op 49.2 • Maurizio Pollini • Beethoven: Piano Sonatas • 20:49
F. Chopin: Polonaise-Fantaisie in Ab • Maurizio Pollini • Chopin: Late Works • 20:58
W. A. Mozart: Piano Concerto No24 In Cm • Maurizio Pollini • The Art of Maurizio Pollini • 21:12
C. Debussy: Preludes, Book 1 • Maurizio Pollini • The Art of Maurizio Pollini • 21:43
A. Webern: Variations For Piano Op27 • Maurizio Pollini • The Art of Maurizio Pollini • 21:57
(20) 2024-08-14 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
N. Korndorf: The Smile of Maud Lewis • Nikolai Korndorf • The Smile of Maud Lewis • 20:02
Traces #01-10 • Tigran Hamasyan & Arve Henriksen • Atmospheres • 20:19
Dall'Abaco: Sonata ABV20: Variazione #1-6 • Elinor Frey • Dall'Abaco and the Art of Variation • 21:34
C. P. E. Bach: Sonata III in Em • Keith Jarrett • Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach • 21:42
S. Baranowski: Constellations • Angele Dubeau • Portrait Alex Baranowski • 21:55
(20) 2024-08-15 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
G. P. Telemann: Sonata De Concert TWV44:1 • Alon Sariel & Concerto Foscari • Telemandolin • 20:02
G. P. Telemann: Suite La Bizarre TWV55:G2 • Alon Sariel & Concerto Foscari • Telemandolin • 20:12
A. Piazzolla: Ave Maria (Tanti Anni Prima) • Quartetto Gelato • Favourite Flavours • 20:18
C. M. V. Weber: Konzertstuck Op 79: Finale • Quartetto Gelato • Favourite Flavours • 20:22
I. Stravinsky: Symphony in C • Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra • Symphonies • 20:27
G. Gershwin: Three Preludes for Piano • Sara Davis Buechner • Original Works And Transcriptions For Solo Piano • 21:00
G. Gershwin: Phantasy in Blue • Alliage Quintett • Phantasy in Blue • 21:08
I. Stravinsky: Petrouchka Tableauxs • Bax & Chung • Stravinsky/ Brahms/ Piazzolla • 21:26
(21) 2024-08-21 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
R. Sakamoto: Solitude • Vanessa Wagner • Mirrored • 20:03
Schubert: Sonata D.958 • Luisa Guembes-Buchanan • C Minor Moods • 20:08
Baranowski: For Then • Angele Dubeau • Portrait Alex Baranowski • 20:32
Baranowski: The Secret Room • Angele Dubeau • Portrait Alex Baranowski • 20:35
Baranowski: Winston and Julia • Angele Dubeau • Portrait Alex Baranowski • 20:38
Baranowski: Futiliti of It All • Angele Dubeau • Portrait Alex Baranowski • 20:43
Baranowski: Windermere Children • Angele Dubeau • Portrait Alex Baranowski • 20:47
C. Debussy: Sonata for Cello & Piano • Sophie Shao • CanCan Macabre • 20:52
F. Chopin: Cello Sonata in Gm, Op65 • Sophie Shao • CanCan Macabre • 21:05
Beethoven: Op.111 • Luisa Guembes-Buchanan • C Minor Moods • 21:11
Palms Upward • Graham Campbell • Palms Upward • 21:38
Between Breaths • Graham Campbell • Palms Upward • 21:44
Snow Rider • Graham Campbell • Palms Upward • 21:50
(21) 2024-08-22 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Ludwig Van Beethoven)
L. V. Beethoven: Bundeslied Op 122 • Cantus Novus Wien; T Holmes • Secular Vocal Works • 20:02
L. V. Beethoven: Symphony #3 • Tafelmusik Baroque Orch • Symphony No3 Eroica • 20:08
L. V. Beethoven: Variations On Mozart • Aralee Dorough • The Ergonomic Flute • 21:01
Discussing Beethoven • L. Bernstein & M. Schell • Bernstein on Beethoven • 21:14
L. V. Beethoven: Symphony #7 • Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra • Symphonies Nos 7 & 8 • 21:17
(22) 2024-08-28 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
Brouwer: Cancion de cuna • Pablo Sainz-Villegas • The Blue Album • 20:01
Weiss: Passacaglia • Pablo Sainz-Villegas • The Blue Album • 20:05
Lost Souvenir • Graham Campbell • Palms Upward • 20:10
Shadows on the Ice • Graham Campbell • Palms Upward • 20:16
Driftless Sea • Graham Campbell • Palms Upward • 20:21
Round Dance Instrumental • Cris Derksen • Orchestral Powwow • 20:25
C. Franck: Piano Trio.#1, Op. 1/1 • Trio Wanderer • Piano Trio & Quintet • 20:35
Fritz Kreisler: Liebesfreud • James Ehnes / Eduard Laurel • Kreisler • 21:05
A. Dvorak: Quartet #13, Adagio… • Dior Quartet • Dior Quartet • 21:11
Interview with Dior Quartet (BISQC 2022) • Oskar Zybart • CKUA Interviews • 21:23
F. Schubert: Quartettsatz in Cm • Dior Quartet • Dior Quartet • 21:35
For Nikawiy… • Jessica McMann • Prairie Dusk • 21:43
Kayasayiwan • Jessica McMann • Prairie Dusk • 21:48
Pekiwewina • Jessica McMann • Prairie Dusk • 21:52
(22) 2024-08-29 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Rebecca Clarke)
R. Clarke: Lullaby • Rachel Barton Pine • Violin Lullabies • 20:01
R. Clarke: Four Songs #1-4 • Antoine Bareil & Sebastien Lepin • Works For Violin & Cello • 20:06
R. Clarke: Morpheus • P. Dukes; S. Rahman • Viola Sonata / Dumka • 20:15
R. Clarke: Prelude, Allegro, and Pastorale • P. McCarty; P. Hadcock • 1941 • 20:25
R. Clarke: Dumka • D. Hope; P. Dukes; S. Rahman • Viola Sonata / Dumka • 20:44
R. Clarke: Poem for String Quartet • Julstrom String Quartet • String Chamber Music • 20:55
R. Clarke: Passacaglia on an Old English Tune • A. Archibald; J. Namkung • Live Session • 21:05
R. Clarke: Viola & Piano Sonata • M. Thibeault; M-E Scarfone • Elles • 21:13
R. Clarke: Midsummer Moon for Violin & Piano • Patricia Wright & Jonathan Rees • The Cloths of Heaven • 21:38
Three English Songs for Voice • Patricia Wright & Jonathan Rees • Clarke: The Cloths of Heaven • 21:45
R. Clarke: The Cherry-Blossom Wand • Patricia Wright & Jonathan Rees • The Cloths of Heaven • 21:52
R. Clarke: June Twilight • Patricia Wright & Jonathan Rees • The Cloths of Heaven • 21:56
(23) 2024-09-04 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
J. S. Bach: Sonata #2, BWV 1003 • Hilary Hahn • Hilary Hahn Plays Bach • 20:01
C. P. E. Bach: Symphony H.659 Wq182.3 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • CPE Bach Symphonies • 20:30
F. Poulenc: Quatre motets... • The Choir Of Trinity College • Durufle / Poulenc • 20:40
N. Paganini: Violin Caprice #24 • Karl Stobbe • Works for Solo Violin • 20:55
G. Faure: Barcarolle #11, Op 105 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • Faure: Nocturnes & Barcarolles • 21:01
G. Faure: Barcarolle #12, Op 106 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • Faure: Nocturnes & Barcarolles • 21:06
P. I. Tchaikovsky: String Sextet in Dm, Op. 70 • The Nash Ensemble • Tchaikovsky & Korngold • 21:13
La Nuit Bleue • Flore Laurentienne • 8 Tableaux • 21:49
Au Couchant • Flore Laurentienne • 8 Tableaux • 21:52
(23) 2024-09-05 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri
R. Clarke: The Cherry-Blossom Wand • Patricia Wright & Jonathan Rees • The Cloths of Heaven • 20:02
J. Cage: In a Landscape • Murcof x Wagner • Statea • 20:06
A. Dvorak: Symphony 9 in Em, Op 95 • Seattle Symphony • New World Symphony • Sep 5th 20:22
S. Prokofiev: 5 Melodies, Op. 35 • James Ehnes • Complete Works For Violin • 21:08
F. Chopin: Piano Concerto #1, Op 11 • Maurizio Pollini • The Art of Maurizio Pollini • 21:24
(24) 2024-09-11 - 20:00-22:00 - The Score
S. Bortkiewicz: Trois Morceaux Op 24/1 • Zhenni Li-Cohen • Bortkiewicz: A Letter • 20:01
Couperin: Concert Royal #4 • P. Gallon; M. Boutineau • Concerts Royaux • 20:10
G. P. Telemann: Concerto Polonois • The Alberta Baroque Ensemble • The Alberta Baroque Ensemble • 20:28
J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerto #4 • English Baroque Soloists • Brandenburg Concertos • 20:37
P. Glass: Etude 2 • Vanessa Wagner • Mirrored • 20:53
P. Glass: Etude 4 • Vanessa Wagner • Mirrored • 21:02
Durufle: Requiem, Op 9 • The Choir Of Trinity College • Durufle / Poulenc • 21:09
G. Faure: Barcarolle #07, Op 90 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • Nocturnes & Barcarolles • 21:49
G. Faure: Barcarolle #08, Op 96 • Marc-Andre Hamelin • Nocturnes & Barcarolles • 21:53
(24) 2024-09-12 - 20:00-22:00 - Maestri (feat. Arvo Part)
A. Part: Spiegel Im Spiegel • Murcof x Wagner • EP Series • 20:02
A. Part: Tabula Rasa • Angele Dubeau & La Pieta • Part: Portrait • 20:13
A. Part: De Profundis (Psalm 130/129) • Theatre of Voices • Arvo Part: Essential Choral Work • 20:42
A. Part: And One of the Pharisees • Theatre of Voices • Arvo Part: Essential Choral Work • 20:50
A. Part: Variations For The Healing of • Murcof x Wagner • Statea • 21:02
A. Part: Symphony #4 'Los Angeles' • Los Angeles Philharmonic • Arvo Part: Symphony No4v • 21:16
A. Part: Magnificat • Daniel Taylor • Ave Maria • 21:52
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>> Explore my playlist history for other dates and programs.
~~ Featured content ^^ Listener recommendations/requests ++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’ / vintage vinyl
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The Score - The world of orchestral music remains as vibrant and active as ever. Fresh recordings and unique interpretations continue to spring from legacy artists and emerging talents alike. New pieces; new releases; new performances. The Score spotlights recent additions to CKUA's classical music library, along with recordings from related genres boasting similarly ambitious arrangements and orchestral originality. Not limited to recorded music, we'll also present periodic chats with members from our classical-music community for an inside scoop regarding activity on Albertan concert stages.
Maestri - The terms 'maestro' and 'maestra' have long been applied to great individuals in music - those with a particular gift for composition, performance, and/or conducting. History is rich with such talents, though some are better known than others. Each week on CKUA, we take a detailed dive into the career and catalogue of a single exceptional subject. Some episodes focus on elements of one's works in isolation, while others might navigate specific themes or compare similar approaches by multiple maestri. From the middle ages to the present day, across boundaries and borders, there's always more to explore.
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polyphanes · 28 days
Reading the Hermetica: Intro to the Asclepius + AH 1—3
For this week’s Reading the Hermetica discussion, we’re starting our reading and discussion of the Perfect Sermon or Asclepius (AH), starting off with introducing the AH as a whole and taking a look at sections 1 through 3 (AH 1—3). Now that we’ve passed through the Corpus Hermeticum (all seventeen treatises, CH I—XVIII) and the Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth (aka D89, NHC VI.6), it’s time we…
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7mobservatoriproces · 9 months
7M – cập nhật tỷ số trực tuyến nhanh nhất cho người xem
Giới thiệu trang thông tin 7M – nơi anh em thỏa mãn niềm đam mê thể thao của mình và cập nhật thêm nhiều tin tức bổ ích Website : https://observatoriproces.cat/ SĐT : 0865545443 Địa chỉ : 212B/D89 Đ. Nguyễn Trãi, Khu phố 1, Quận 1, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam Hastag : #7M #7M.observatoriproces Kênh Social: https://www.facebook.com/7mobservatoriproces/ https://twitter.com/7mobservatoripr https://www.reddit.com/user/7mobservatoriproces/ https://500px.com/p/7mobservatoriproces https://www.linkedin.com/in/7mobservatoriproces/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGoH9lwFuwM4cM0encAcbRQ https://ko-fi.com/7mobservatoriproces https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Profile/7mobservatoriproces https://www.pinterest.com/7mobservatoriproces/ https://issuu.com/7mobservatoriproces https://hackerone.com/7mobservatoriproces https://www.datacamp.com/portfolio/7mobservatoriproces https://unsplash.com/fr/@7mobservatoriproces https://www.awwwards.com/7mobservatoriproces/ https://codepen.io/7mobservatoriproces https://code.datasciencedojo.com/7mobservatoriproces https://vimeo.com/7mobservatoriproces https://www.twitch.tv/7mobservatoriproces https://soundcloud.com/7mobservatoriproces https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=vi&user=rBPHb0UAAAAJ https://www.diigo.com/profile/observatoripro7m https://hub.docker.com/u/7mobservatoriproces https://fliphtml5.com/homepage/vdvyk https://dev.to/7mobservatoripr https://hubpages.com/@observatoriproces7m https://camp-fire.jp/profile/7mobservatoriproces https://my.archdaily.com/us/@7mobservatoriproces https://community.opengroup.org/7mobservatoriproces https://qiita.com/7mobservatoriproces https://anyflip.com/homepage/utnoy https://pubhtml5.com/homepage/oscwt/ http://www.orangepi.org/orangepibbsen/home.php?mod=space&uid=4517457 https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/7mobservatoriproces https://replit.com/@7mobservatoripr https://pantip.com/profile/7894871 https://www.speedrun.com/users/7mobservatoriproces https://os.mbed.com/users/7mobservatoriproces/ https://www.credly.com/users/7mobservatoriproces/badges
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365daysofmjk · 11 months
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D89: GI office with a view
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ambfurniture · 1 year
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***Extended Labor Day Sale Price Active Now This Month***Discounted price when you add to cart.Click Acima Leasing Easy Lease and Application Process at ambfurniture.com(via D89-7PC-BN 7 pc antique dark gray finish wood double pedestal dining table set Gray barn with bench)
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vitinhqtgroup · 1 year
Cài win tại nhà
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szandrah · 1 year
° Opening Prayer
°Classroom Management (Checking of attendance, Checking of Assignment, Review of the past lesson)
°Allow the Learners to Read the (LEARNING COMPETENCIES, OBJECTIVES)
Word Search
°Locate the provided words in the grid either running them horizontally, vertically, or diagonally in one of eight possible ways.
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Role Play
I will be going to divide them into 4 groups;
Group 1: They will act how does predation occur in ecosystems. (predator and prey)
Group 2 : they will act how does mutualism occur in ecosystem. ( Organism 1 and 2 or both are beniffited)
Group 3 : they will act how does commensalism occur in ecosystem ( Organism 1 and 2 Organism it's either beniffited or harm)
Group 4 : they will act how does parasitism occur in ecosystem. ( Organism and a Host)
They will be going to Present it in the class.
°A. Synthesis and Generalization
Encircle the Ecological Relationships that you can see and state their corresponding type, kindly justify your answer why they became type of Ecological relationships in the ecosystem.
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B. Valuing
discover the ecological relationships that occur between Organisms.
🐝+💐 ___________
🦠+ 👱‍♀️_____________
C. Assessment
The area or natural environment which an Organism or population live?
Interaction between two dissimilar Organisms living in a close physical association ?
These are Organisms kill and eat another Organisms one is beniffited and the other is prey?.
One organisOrganism is inhibited or unaffected while the other is harmed?
Organisms fight for food shelter, space?
D. Assignment
In a long bond paper Make an ecological relationships in the ecosystem base in your environment.
E. Closing Prayer
References ;
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